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2021 0-1V5
Department of Environmental Quality
127 Cardinal Drive Extension
Wilmington, North Carolina 28405
(910) 796-7215
EP fInfrna
AA ilen .RL�avc1S EMAIL./j
. ey'OCl .10-7-2133
Guidelines for Access: The staff of Wilmington Regional Office is dedicated to making Public records a our custody
readily available to the public for review and copying. We, also have the responsibility to the public to
s -fe sivargning the
records and to carry out our day-to-day program obligations. Please read carefully the following gn g
I. Due to the large public demand for file access, we request that you call at least a day in advance to schedule
an appointment to review the files. Appointments will be scheduled between 9:00am and 3:00pm.
Viewing time ends at 4:45pm. Anyone arriving without an appointment maY view the files to the extent
that time and staff supervision is available.
2. You must specify files you want to review by facility name. The number of files that you may review at one
time will be limited to five.
3. You may make copies of a file when the copier is not in use by the staff and if time permits. Cost per copy is
$.05 cents. Payment may be made by check money order, or cash at the reception desk.
4 FILES MUST BE KEPT IN ORDER YOU FOUND THEM. Files may not be taken from the office. To
remove, alter, deface, mutilate, or destroy material In one of these files is a misdemeanor for which you can
be fined up to $500.00. No briefcases laze totes etc. are ermitted n the file. review area.
5. Necessary large plan copies can be scheduled with Cameron.Wavec@ncdeor.gov 919-796-7475 for a later
date/time at an offsite location at your expense. Large plan copies needed should be attached Onneti f[
f the
file. Allways Graphics can be contacted to set up payment options Written QuestionsY
this complewith
ted form and a staff member, will be in contact with you IF you provide your contact
information. where indicaEed `above:
6. In accordance with General Statue 25-3-512, a $25.00 processing fee will be charged and collected for checks
on which. payment has been refused.
1 ,;,v iS cat
7 - f 3. 21
Signa e az name of irinBusiness Date
Time In Time Out
G.iADM/Shared/File Rewmw Access Form [ev 2018
Permit: SW8040723
County: New Hanover
Region: Wilmington
Compliance Inspection Report
Effective:08/23/04 Expiration:
Owner: MRW Properties, Inc.
Project: Southern Oaks at Bradley Creek
301 Hooker Rd
Wilmington NC 28405
Contact Person: Rodney Williams Title: Phone: 910-279-6359
Directions to Project:
From the intersection of NC 132 & US 76, travel north on NC 132 approx. 1 mile to Wrightsville Ave Travel east approx 2.5 miles to
Hooker Road Travel northwest approx 1500 If. Site is on south side.
Type of Project: State Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond
Drain Areas: 1 - (Bradley Creek) (03-06-24 ) ( SC;HQW:#)
On -Site Representative(s)
Related Permits:
Inspection Date: 04128/2010 Entry Time: 12:45 PM
Primary Inspector: Angela K Hammers
Secondary Inspector(s):
Reason for Inspection: Follow-up
Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater
Facility Status: ■ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant
Question Areas:
0 State Stormwater
(See attachment summary)
Exit Time: 01.15 PM
Inspection Type: Stormwater
Permit: SW8040723 Owner- Project: MRW Properties. Inc.
Inspection Date: 04/28/2010 Inspection Type: Stormwaler
Reason for Visit: Follow-up
Inspection Summary:
This permit was found in compliance with operation and maintenance conditions of the permit. The trees were removed
from the forebay berm and eroded pond slopes were repaired.
It will be important to continue following the items required by the operation and maintenance agreement to keep this
permit in compliance with permit conditions.
oue oe..re...
Is the permit active?
Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file?
Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file?
Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file?
SW Measures
Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans
Are the Inlets located per the approved plans?
Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans?
Comment: Per visual inspection and submitted certification by a PE.
Operation and Maintenance
Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements?
Yes No NA NE
■ ❑ ❑ ❑
■ ❑ ❑ ❑
■ ❑ ❑ ❑
■ ❑ ❑ ❑
Yes No NA NE
Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review.or provided to DWQ ❑ Cl ❑ ■
upon request?
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Beverly Eaves Perdue
March 26, 2010
Mr. Franklin R. Williams
MRW Properties, Inc.
2041A Corporate Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
Division of Water Quality
Coleen H. Sullins
Southern Oaks at Bradley Creek
Permit No. SW8 040723
New Hanover County
Dear Mr. Williams:
Dee Freeman
On March 19, 2010, Angela Hammers of the Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality
(DWQ) inspected Southern Oaks at Bradley Creek in Wilmington, New Hanover County to determine
compliance with Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 040723 issued on August 23, 2004.
DWQ file review and site Inspection revealed that the site is not compliant with the terms and conditions
of this permit. Please find a copy of the completed form entitled "Compliance Inspection Report" attached
to this letter, which summarizes the findings of the recent Inspection.
As Indicated in the attached inspection report, the following deficiencies must be resolved:
1. Trees were observed on the forebay berm of Pond No. 1.
2. Areas of erosion were observed on the main basin side of the forebay berm of Pond No. 1 and in
the southern corner of Pond No. 2.
3. Legal documentation of the transfer of ownership to the Southern Oaks Homeowners Association
has not been received to process the transfer of ownership request.
Please inform this Office in writing before April 27, 2010, of the specific actions that will be undertaken
and the time frame that will be required to correct the deficiencies Failure to provide the requested
information, when required, may initiate enforcement action Including the assessment of civil penalties of
up to $25,000 per day. If a written plan of action is not submitted to this office by April 27, 2010 then
DWQ staff will re -inspect the site and issue a Notice of Violation if the listed deficiencies have not been
addressed. If you have any questions please contact me at the Wilmington Regional Office, telephone
number (910) 796-7215
Angela Hammers
Environmental Specialist
Enclosure: Compliance Inspection Report
CC' City of Wilmington Development Services; WiRO Files, DWQ Central Files
Wilmington Regional Office
127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 One
Phone910-796-72151 FAX. 910-350-2004 1 Customer Service' 1-877-623-6748 NorthCarofina
Internet' www.nmaterquallty.org �/ V 'j atyrry//y
An Equal Opponunity l Affi native Acton Employer K"
Compliance Inspection Report
Permit: SW8040723 Effective: 08/23/04 Expiration:
County: New Hanover
Region: Wilmington
Contact Person: Rodney Williams Title:
Owner: MRW Properties, Inc
Project: Southern Oaks at Bradley Creek
301 Hooker Rd
Wilmington NC 28405
Directions to Project:
From the intersection of NC 132 & US 76, travel north on NC 132 approx. 1 mile to Wrightsville Ave Travel east approx 2.5 miles to
Hooker Road. Travel northwest approx'1500 If. Site is on south side. -
Type of Project: State Stormwater - HD - Detention Pond
Drain Areas: 1 - (Bradley Creek) (03-06-24 ) (SC;HQW:#)
On -Site Representative(s):
Related Permits:
Inspection Date: 0311912010 Entry Time: 01:30 PM
Primary Inspector: Angela K Hammers
Secondary Inspector(s):
Reason for Inspection: Other
Permit Inspection Type: State Stormwater
Facility Status: I] Compliant ■ Not Compliant
Question Areas:
® State Stormwater
(See attachment summary)
Exit Time: 02:00 PM
Phone: 919-796-7215
Inspection Type: Stormwater
Permit: SW8040723 Owner • Project: MRW Properties, Inc
Inspection Date: 0311912010 Inspection Type: Stormwater Reason for Visit: Other
Inspection Summary:
The following deficiencies were noted during the inspection:
1. Trees were observed on the forebay berm of Pond No. 1
2. Pond slopes on the southern corner of Pond No. 2 and the main basin slope of Pond No. 1 had eroded.
To bring this system into compliance, the following must be completed:
1. Cut the trees from the forebay berm.
2. Repair and re -vegetate as necessary the eroded slope areas at
Pond No. 1 & 2.
3. To consider the transfer of ownership request, please submit legal documentation of the transfer of ownership to this
Please call with any questions, 910-796-7215.
File Review
Is the permit active?
Signed copy of the Engineer's certification is in the file?
Signed copy of the Operation & Maintenance Agreement is in the file?
Copy of the recorded deed restrictions is in the file?
SW Measures
Are the SW measures constructed as per the approved plans?
Are the inlets located per the approved plans?
Are the outlet structures located per the approved plans?
Comment: SW measures constructed as per the approved plans via inspection
observation and PE dated 07-30-2009.
Operation and Maintenance
Are the SW measures being maintained and operated as per the permit requirements?
Yes No NA NE
■ ❑ ❑ ❑
■ ❑ ❑ ❑
■ ❑ ❑ ❑
■ ❑ ❑ ❑
Yes No NA NE
® ❑ ❑ ❑
Yes No NA NE
Are the SW BMP inspection and maintenance records complete and available for review or provided to DWQ ❑ ❑ ❑
upon request?
Comment: Willow trees (3) were observed on the forebay berm of Pond No. 1. A
section of the pond slope at the main basin of Pond No. 1 had eroded. The south corner
of Pond No. 2 pond slope has eroded.
Other Permit Conditions Yes No NA NE
Is the site compliant with other conditions of the permit? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Comment: To complete the transfer request, legal documentation of the transfer of
ownership of this project to Southern Oaks Homeowners Association must be submitted
to DWQ.
Page: 2
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
WIRO Regional Office
NAME -5 /7/GC/%%/ yJREPRESENTINGA/ v✓� �s
Guidelines for Access: The staff of the Regional Office is dedicated to making public records in
our custody readily available to the public for review and copying. We also have the responsibility
to the public to safeguard these records and to carry out our day-to-day program obligations.
Please read carefully the following before signing the form.
1. Due to the large public demand for file access, we request that you call at least a day in
advance to schedule an appointment for file review so you can be accommodated.
Appointments are scheduled between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Viewing time ends at 4:45
p.m. Anyone arriving without an appointment may view the files to the extent that time and
staff supervision are available.
2. You must specify files you want to review by facility name or incident number, as
appropriate. The number of files that you may review at one appointment will be limited to
3. You may make copies of a file when the copier is not in use by the staff and if time permits.
Cost per copy is 2.5 cents for ALL copies if you make more than 25 copies: there is no
_charge for 25 or less copies. Payment is to be made by check, money order, or cash in the
administrative offices.
4. Files must be kept in the order you received them. Files may not be taken from the office.
No briefcases, large totes, etc. are permitted in the file review area. To remove, alter,
deface, mutilate, or destroy material in public files is a misdemeanor for which you can be
fined up to $500.00.
5. In accordance with GS 25-3-512, a $25.00 processing fee will be charged and collected for
checks on which payment has been refused.
6. The customer must present a photo ID, sign -in, and receive a visitor sticker prior to
reviewing files.
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Signature/Name of Firm or Business Date Time In Time Out
(Please attach business card to form if available)
# Copes: 'V, l Amt. Pd: