HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0063096_Environmental Assessment_19960209NPDES DOCV BENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0063096 Holy Springs WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Correspondence Owner Name Change Meeting Notes Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) `' Document Date: February 9, 1996 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any ca intent on the reYerse side /t/Cc0 3o9� Town of Holly Springs Februaiy 9, 1996 Mr. David A. Goodrich, Water Quality Chief State of North Carolina DEHNR-DEM P O. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-05 3 5 Re. Proposed Utley Creek WWTP Expansion Dear Mr. Goodrich: Mayor Gerald W. Holleman Commissioners Parrish Womble Ken Martin George Kimble Bob Kapel Edison Perkins Please find the following information in application for a 4.38 mgd wastewater treatment plant expansion for the Town of Holly Springs: Throe copies of an NPI)ES application; * Three copies of an Environmental Assessment, including required Engineering Alteratives Analysis: and A $400.00 permit application processing fee. Thc aappiiCation and suppo titig ir.Formation has been prepared in accordance with !guidance \k hic-n was pio ided by you and your staff F.ubsequent to our initial application in late 1994. The Town of Holly Springs retained the services of The Wooten Company in order to supply The requested Envirnomental Assessment. Holly Springs has experienced very rapid growth over the past four years and is currently in a critical position, needing to expand wastewater treatment facilities as quickly as pnsibie. appreciate your assistance obtaining a p. mit for us as quickly as possible. 128 South Main Street • Post Office Box 8 • Holly Springs, NC 27540 • 919/552-6221 Should you or your staff require any additional information in order to process our application, please contact Stephanie L. Sudano, P.E., Town Engineer at 919-557-3935. Sincere Gerald W. Holleman, Mayor GWH/dh cc: Ford Chambliss, The Wooten Company Stephanie L. Sudano, Town Engineer Steve Tedder, NCDEHNR-DEM ?57 4 641(oz1prehoezi( AllergiteciAlt Altit-1 MC/ •I r t ViArk.ro.b.4 cfrA , • 1,R 1-t iliy, te,KM eTir, frt./ fferric47'11,7 • i /) amder 717`,,Xi 4/11,--10friirlir 71)4vOrtIllext1 , fran:tioff AAA teeki 7'frW$ ient e • r 1. g-co(viric • - a' di... 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THE WOOTEN COMPANY Engineering • Architecture • Planning 120 North Boylan Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 Crt rn en Table of Contents °*"1 1.0 Summary Of Project 1 1.1 Project Overview 1 1.2 Need for Project 1 1.3 Expected Time Frame for Project 1 1.4 Conclusions and Recommendations 2 2.0 Description Of Present Environment 4 2.1 General Overview 4 2.2 Geographic Location & Political Jurisdiction 4 2.3 Land Use 4 2.4 Topography 5 2.5 Climate 5 2.6 Geology, Soils & Agricultural Resources 7 2.6.1 Geology 7 2.6.2 Soils 7 2.6.3 Agricultural Resources 9 2.7 Cultural Resources 10 2.8 Energy Supply 10 2.9 Air Quality 10 2.10 Hydrology 11 2.10.1 Groundwater Resources 11 2.10.2 Surface Water Resources 12 2.10.3 Existing Water Quality 12 Neuse River Subbasin 030403 12 Cape Fear River Subbasin 030607 14 2.11 Vegetation and Wildlife 15 2.12 Conclusion 17 3.0 Alternative Analysis 18 3.1 Overview 18 3.2 Population Projections and Wastewater Flow Projections 18 3.3 Wastewater Treatment And Outfall System Expansion Scenarios ▪ • 22 3.4 Wastewater Treatment Plant Alternatives 23 3.5 Wastewater Outfall System Alternatives 25 3.6 Construction Timing 26 3.7 Cost -Effective Analysis 28 3.8 Land Application 28 3.9 Golf Course Irrigation 29 3.10 Other Beneficial Reuse 30 3.11 Interceptor System Construction 30 3.12 Alternative Interceptor Consideration 37 4.0 Environmental Consequences 41 4.1 Overview 41 4.2 Changes in Land Use 41 4.2.1 Wetlands 41 4.2.2 Prime or Unique Agricultural Lands 41 4.2.3 Public Lands 42 4.2.4 Scenic and Recreational Areas 42 4.2.5 Areas of Archaeological and Historic Value 42 4.3 Air Quality and Noise Levels 42 4.4 Water Quality 42 4.4.1 Groundwater Quality 42 4.4.2 Surface Water Quality 43 4.4.3 Drinking Water Supplies 43 4.5 Wildlife Resources 44 4.6 Introduction of Toxic Substances 44 4.7 Summary 44 5.0 Unavoidable Adverse Impacts and Mitigative Measures 45 5.1 Overview 45 5.2 Mitigation of Primary Impacts 45 5.2.1 Erosion and Sedimentation from Sewerline Construction 45 5.2.2 Construction Inconveniences and Annoyance 45 5.2.3 Wastewater Disposal 45 5.2.4 Sewerline Construction 46 Middle Creek Basin 47 Basal Creek Basin 47 Norris Branch Basin 47 Utley Creek Basin 48 Little Branch Basin 48 5.3 Mitigation of Secondary Impacts 48 5.3.1 Erosion and Sedimentation from Development 48 5.3.2 Water and Air Quality 48 5.4 Summary 48 References 50 ii 1.0 SUMMARY OF PROJECT 1.1 Project Overview Growth, changing regulatory requirements, and the general aging of the Town of Holly Springs' existing wastewater collection and treatment systems will all influence the actions the Town will need to take in the coming years. It will be necessary for the Town to address wastewater collection issues, wastewater treatment needs, and changing regulatory requirements. Growth and regulatory requirements are expected to exert the greatest influence on wastewater treatment needs. Growth alone will require that the Town take an active role in constructing a network of interceptor and outfall sewers to which the collection sewers being built as part of new developments can be connected. The Town may be successful in arranging to have much of the interceptor and outfall network constructed by private developers. The Town will need to take a more direct role in arranging and financing facilities needed for wastewater treatment. 1.2 Need for Project The need for these wastewater system improvement is summarized in the following conclusions that have been reached with regards to the Town of Holly Springs sewer system. A. The Town is the fastest growing community in the area and this growth trend is expected to continue for several years. B. Current wastewater infrastructure is not adequate for dealing with the growth. D. Additional wastewater treatment plant capacity will be necessary within the next 5-8 years, possibly sooner with the addition of any wet industry. E. A master plan for the wastewater interceptor and outfall system is necessary so that sewer infrastructure built as part of individual developments will be compatible with and an integral part of a system that best suits the needs of the Town as a whole. 1.3 Expected Time Frame for Project The implementation of a long-range wastewater plan is expected to be not a single project, but rather a series of publicly and privately funded projects. Interceptor and outfall system improvements are expected to be built as a series of sub -projects tied to the time at which individual land areas are developed. Wastewater treatment improvements are expected to be implemented in fewer projects of greater scope. The most cost effective wastewater treatment plan is for the Town to continue to operate its wastewater treatment plant discharging into Utley Creek. Sometime around the Year 2007 it will be necessary to replace the existing plant with a 1.3 mgd tertiary wastewater treatment system capable of nutrient removal. Prior to that time it would be advisable to 1 construct a pump station and force main to transport wastewater originating in the Middle Creek watershed portion of the Town to the South Cary Wastewater Treatment Plant, subject to the Town of Holly Springs being able to reach an agreement on reasonable terms with the Town of Cary. 1.4 Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions A. The Town should arrange for construction of a network interceptor sewers as described in Section 3.11 of this document. Timing of construction of individual system components can be made dependent on the timing of development of the areas served by those components. Where actual design and construction is undertaken by private developers, the Town should ensure through its development review and approval process that line sizes, capacities, and locations are consistent with those system described in Section 3.11. B . When constructed, the outfall and interceptor system alignments should be developed consistent with the recommendations given in Section 5.2.4 so that adverse environmental impacts resulting from construction can be minimized. C. Alternative interceptor/outfall line arrangements are possible in the Bass Lake and Sunset Lake area. These alternatives are described and compared in Section 3.12. There is no compelling environmental reason to select either one of the two available alternatives over the other. It is suggested that when the time approaches for completing the sewer outfall work in this area that the Town conduct one or more public meetings for the purposes of explaining to the public the trade-offs involved when selecting one alternate over the other, and for the purpose of soliciting the views of the public on their preferences with regards to the available alternatives. D. The Town should pursue making provisions to meet its project 20-year wastewater flow needs of 2.4 MGD. The provisions that would be most cost-effective would include making arrangements with the Town of Cary by which the Town of Cary would agree to accept and treat up to 1.1 MGD of wastewater from the Town of Holley Springs, with the objective of having the required connection in place by 1998. Wastewater from the Middle Creek drainage portion of the Town of Holley Springs would be treated by the Town of Cary, while the Town of Holley Springs would continue to treat and discharge into Utley Creek all other wastewater. The facilities on Utley Creek would need to be expanded to 1.3 MGD. Timing of this expansion would be dependent on growth but it is expected that this expansion will need to begin no later than the year 2007. The facilities required to implement this recommendation are those described as Alternative T-3 (treatment components) and 0-3 (outfall system components) in Section 3.6. E. Negotiations with the Town of Cary may not be successful, or may require a protracted time period to complete. The Town of Holley Springs is presently issuing new residential building permits at a rate of 50 per month. This growth rate if it continues can be expected to increase the Town's wastewater flow by or as much as 162,000 gallons per day per year. At this rate, the Town's 0.500 MGD plant could be fully utilized in little more than 2 years. Industrial growth would result in the plant capacity being consumed even more quickly. Accordingly, it is recommended that the Town, concurrent with entering into negotiations with the Town of Cary, pursue alternative arrangements as described in Alternative T-6 in Section 3.4. This arrangement would consist of applying for an increased discharge permit capacity into Utley Creek. It is recommended that the Town request a permit for the full development, ultimate expected flow from the Town (4.88 MGD) and but plan to expand its facilities, by the addition of a second package treatment unit, by only 0.500 MGD immediately. Should any problems develop in the negotiation with the Town of Cary, or any delays be experienced with the preferred alternative, including delays the Town of Cary may experience in its planned wastewater treatment expansion, or should negotiations with the Town of Cary be unsuccessful, this will position the Town to proceed with construction of an additional 0.500 MGD of treatment capacity in time to prevent any moratorium on new connections being required as a result of limited wastewater treatment plant capacity. Securing a permitted discharge capacity of 4.88 MGD will give the Town assurance of a means for dealing with its projected, full development wastewater flows. The existence of such a permit will also provide some measure of protection against undue pressure being applied to the Town in any negotiations with other governmental entities for joint treatment arrangements. 3 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF PRESENT ENVIRONMENT 2.1 General Overview The environment in and around the Town of Holly Springs is characteristic of many areas in the Piedmont Region of North Carolina. There are two lakes and many creeks and water courses in the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). There are some wooded areas remaining, but much of the land has been developed for residential and commercial use. This section of the report identifies the environmental conditions and resources of the area as they currently exist. Environmental aspects discussed in this section include Geography, Geology, Soils, Air Quality, Hydrology, Wetlands, and Endangered and Threatened Species. 2.2 Geographic Location & Political Jurisdiction Located in southwest Wake County, the Town of Holly Springs is bordered on the north by the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) area of Apex, on the south by the Fuquay-Varina ETJ, and on the west by lands owned by Carolina Power and Light (CP&L). There is a large acreage east of the Town ETJ that is not presently within any municipal planning jurisdiction. The land is expected to eventually be divided between the ETJ's of Holly Springs and the Town of Cary. The political entity of Holly Springs is organized as a governmental unit under the authority of its charter from the State of North Carolina. The Town of Holly Springs is governed by the "mayor -commissioners" type of government; the Mayor and five Commissioners are elected for two-year terms. As a local government in North Carolina it is empowered to perform acts such as levy taxes, borrow money, and pass and enforce local ordinances. Among the powers authorized to the local government is the ability to provide wastewater collection and treatment systems for the residents both within and adjacent to its corporate boundaries and to levy user fees and taxes necessary to support these systems. The Town of Holly Springs has the necessary legal, financial, institutional, and managerial resources to construct, operate, and maintain a wastewater collection and treatment system. 2.3 Land Use The area east of the Holly Springs eastern most ETJ line is expected to eventually fall into the paramunicipal jurisdiction of either Holly Springs or the Town of Cary. The Town is experiencing rapid residential growth, with the largest concentration being on the eastern side of Town, most notably the Sunset Ridge subdivision near Sunset Lake with approximately 615 lots. Areas north and west of Town are considered suitable for predominantly commercial and industrial development, with some residential development. The proposed Wake County Outer Loop will lie approximately three miles north of Town and will likely spur more commercial 4 development in this area. West of Town, the potential growth area extends up to the property owned and controlled by Carolina Power and Light Company which operates the Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant on this property. The land between CP&L property and the Town is a logical and practical area for expansion, especially for industrial customers. South of Town, where the Holly Springs and Fuquay-Vagina ETJ's often share a common boundary line, is an expanding area of single family residences. Collinswood subdivision with 194 lots is the most substantial development planned for this area at present. 2.4 Topography The Holly Springs ETJ lies entirely in Wake County, which is located in the east -central part of the State of North Carolina. The topography of the area in the east section of the ETJ is characterized by steep slopes, especially along water courses. Travelling to the east the slopes become more gradual, but the land may still be considered hilly, with some small areas of level ground. Generally, elevations range from 200 to 550 feet above mean sea level. Figure 1 is a topographic map of the ETJ. 2.5 Climate The Holly Springs area enjoys a temperate climate with cold, but not severe, winters and moderately warm summers. The mean annual temperature and rainfall are approximately 700 F and 47 inches, respectively. The rainfall is typically adequate with respect to agriculture, but is not always well distributed throughout the various growing seasons. Precipitation during an individual storm may also vary quite a bit. Generally, the heaviest rainfalls occur during the summer months. Snowfall is very light and of short duration, posing very few problems. Seasonal temperature and rainfall data obtained from weather stations in Wake County are summarized in Table 1. Table 1 Weather Data Month Average Daily Maximum Average Daily Minimum Average Total Precipitation (inches) Temperature (°F) Temperature (°F) January 51 33 3.3 February 53 34 3.5 March 61 41 3.7 April 71 49 3.8 May 79 58 3.8 June 86 66 3.9 July 88 69 5.9 August 87 68 5.4 September 82 63 4.6 October 72 52 2.8 November 61 42 3.0 December 52 34 3.2 Annual 70 51 46.9 Data taken from the USGS Soil Survey of Wake County, North Carolina. 5 Ed o �- -� t✓ /1 1 11 Y � r JS\ (6‘-' ETJ J 11 ._ `- ' 1 — a,i ..., � ., -fir 5- •``a -__.. r., To Apexr 440• •'1 J5� 1/II 1 \1 • \5 FIGURE 1 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Scale: 1 in.=2000 ft. ')ik To Fuquay-Varina 3 att v -sty° . 1, • 2.6 Geology, Soils & Agricultural Resources 2.6.1 Geology The Holly Springs area is located in a transitional zone between the Piedmont Physiographic Province and the Coastal Plains region of the State. The western region of the area lies in the Durham -Sanford Triassic Basin, with its characteristic U-shaped valleys and wide flood plains. The Raleigh Belt topographic region is located to the north east of Town, and the Sandhills is the prevalent physiographic province to the southeast. Each of these definitive topographic regions comprise about one third of Holly Springs and its Extra Territorial Jurisdiction. According to the Wake County Soil Survey (USDA), there is no existing danger from natural landslides due to the relatively moderate topographic conditions. The nature of the surficial sands and clays often requires that excavations have slopes of less than 6 percent (without erosion control) to prevent slides due to manmade conditions. 2.6.2 Soils Soils have been an important factor in determining the extent of past development and will influence the future growth. Figure 2 shows a general soil map of the Holly Springs Extra Territorial Jurisdiction and Table 2 gives an interpretation of the general soil map. A brief description of the soil associations in the Holly Springs area and their limitations for different types of use, as interpreted from the USDA's Soil Survey of Wake County, are given below. Creedmoor-White Store: This association consists of moderately well drained soils that have a very firm clayey subsoil derived from sandstone, shale and mudstone. The association is made up of 50 percent Creedmoor Soils, 30 percent White Store Soils, and 20 percent minor soils. The Creedmoor Soils are well suited for use in general agricultural, woodlands and pasture, rated severe when used in conjunction with sewage systems, septic tank filter fields, and light industrial development, and rated moderate to severe for recreational development. White Store Soils are well suited for use in general agriculture, woodlands and pasture, rated severe for sewage systems, septic tank filter fields and light industrial development and moderate to severe for recreational development. A small section of Creedmoor-White Store soils may be found in the south western most corner of the ETJ. Because of the limitations of these types of soils with respect to septic tank absorption fields, this area cannot be developed to any degree without central sewer lines. Mayodan-Granville-Creedmoor. This association consists of well drained and moderately well drained soils that have subsoils ranging from friable sandy clay loam to very firm clay that is derived from sandstone, shale and mudstone. The association is made up of 55 percent Mayodan Soils, 15 percent Granville Soils, 15 percent Creedmoor Soils and 15 percent minor soils. The Mayodan Soils are well suited for use in general agriculture, woodlands and pasture, rated moderate to severe for sewage system usage and for use as septic tank filter fields, slight to severe for recreational development and slight to moderate for light industrial development. The Creedmoor Soils are as described above. There is a large grouping of Mayodan- Granville-Creedmoor soils in the north west corridor of the ETJ. 7 Table 2 Soil Associations Map Number Soil Type 1 Creedmoor-White Store; Gently sloping to hilly 2 Mayodan-Granville-Creedmoor; Gently sloping to moderately steep 3 Herndon-Georgeville; Gently sloping to moderately steep 5 Cecil-Appling; Gently sloping to steep 8 Appling; Gently sloping to moderately steep 9 Wagram-Norfolk: Nearly level to sloping Information taken from USGS Soil Survey of Wake County (Issued November 1970). ri . . , / - i _. Jl ( -T.� I 1 \cs\-9 ) kit << - I elp I. / • 1- / 'rnNhr �.� / 111..4• rt�� C \ j r• New 1t1II 111illrtnnn c.v.' 'Cr(' .1 Line ` • i, I r • Z3/41k I ,c`Aavillr Six - Forks ��• 64 iCa G J.rtke .l..l1n+t.nr 111nrrrlr.nln 8 �- J.nL•r tl'b re tI ") emit -crk ( •••r�` Kitttphpr ( ". l F1( I IIIE 2 GENERAL SOILS NMI' Scale: 1 in. = 21120 ft. rr. • � 1 ▪ 7)0 1)Purnrll i 6 f� t•� _ '•.\fit J:rkc 1trrl Fmot y'' W1111nntrt 0 avr.tnrla _-•r::- • 1 v. k� Herndon-Georgeville: This association consists of well drained soils that possess a friable silty clay loam to clay subsoils that are derived from phyllite. The association is made up of 45 percent Herndon Soils, 40 percent Georgeville Soils and 15 percent minor soils. The Herndon Soils are well suited for general agriculture, woodlands and pasture, rated moderate to severe for septic tank filter fields and sewage system usage, slight to severe for recreational development and slight to moderate for industrial development. The Georgeville Soils are well suited for general agriculture, woodlands and pasture, rated moderate for sewage system usage and septic tank filter fields, slight to moderate for recreational development and slight for light industrial development. A grouping of Herndon-Georgeville soils is found in the north central corridor of the ETJ. Cecil-Appling: This association consists of well drained soils that possess a firm clay loam to clay subsoil derived from granite, gneiss and schist. The association is made up of 35 percent Cecil Soils, 30 percent Appling Soils and 35 percent minor soils. The Cecil Soils are well suited for general agriculture, woodlands and pasture, rated moderate to severe for septic tank filter fields, sewage systems and recreational development and rated slight to moderate for industrial development. The Appling Soils are well suited for use in general agriculture, woodlands and pasture, rated moderate for sewage systems and septic tank filter fields and slight to moderate for recreational and industrial developments. Cecil and Appling soils make up the majority of the eastern half of the ETJ. Soils in these areas have been able to support moderate density development without the use of septic tanks. Where more dense development is desired, use of centralized wastewater facilities is still required. Appling: This association consists of well drained soils that have a firm clay loam to clay subsoil derived from granite, gneiss and schist. The association is made up of 70 percent Appling Soils and 30 percent of remaining soils. The Appling Soils are well suited for use in general agriculture, woodlands and pasture, rated moderate for sewage systems and septic tank filter fields and slight to moderate for recreational and industrial developments. Appling soils are abundant in the eastern section of the ETJ. The land in this area is steeply sloped, making land application difficult and impractical. Wagram-Norfolk: This association consists of somewhat excessively drained and well -drained soils that posses a friable sandy loam to sandy clay loam subsoil derived from Coastal Plain sediments. The association is made up of 30 percent Wagram Soils, 25 percent Norfolk soils, and 45 percent minor soils. The Wagram Soils are suited for general agriculture, woodlands and pasture, rated slight for sewage systems, septic tank filter fields and industrial development and slight to moderate for recreational development. The Norfolk Soils are suited for general agriculture, woodlands and pasture, rated slight for sewage systems, septic tank filter fields and industrial development and slight to moderate for recreational development. There are a few small patches of Norfolk soils within the Holly Springs area. The areas have all been either developed or subdivided for development. The use of septic tanks on these soils is technically possible. However, these soils are found in a area where development more dense than that sustainable with on -site systems is desired. Wagram soils were not found within the ETJ. 2.6.3 Agricultural Resources Development pressure has resulted in the loss of much land formerly used for agricultural purposes. Much of the better land, because it was suitable for use with on -site systems, was the first developed in the Holly Springs area. Development is expected to continue to put pressure on the remaining agricultural land. Property values are expected to continue to increase as a result of this development pressure, making it progressively more difficult to justify continuing agricultural land uses. 9 2.7 Cultural Resources Historic and archaeological interests are the sites of past events and structures that are of significance in attracting people wanting to learn and observe their background and heritage. It is necessary for an Environmental Assessment to note any areas of significance that may lie in the path of a project so that the project may be structured to avoid these areas as much as possible. According to Mr. David Brook at the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, there are no properties of architectural, historic or archaeological significance recognized by the State in the proposed project area. No local areas of cultural interest are expected to be adversely impacted by the proposed wastewater facilities. 2.8 Energy Supply Carolina Power & Light Company supplies electricity to the Holly Springs Extra Territorial Jurisdiction, and Public Service of North Carolina supplies natural gas to the ETJ. The energy resources available are adequate to meet the present and future energy needs of the area. 2.9 Air Quality The State of North Carolina is divided into eight Air Quality Control Regions (AQCR) for the purpose of monitoring the State's compliance with the established State regulations and the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The NAAQS for Particulate Matter (diameter greater than 10 gm), Sulfur Dioxide and Ozone as adopted by the State and Federal Agencies are listed as follows: Table 3 National & State Ambient Air Quality Standards Pollutant Type of Average Standard Level Concentrations Primary Secondaryb NC Regs. PM10 24-Hour AAM1 150 µg/m3 50 µg/m3 150 µg/m3 50 µg/m3 150 µg/m3 50 µg/m3 SO2 3-Hour2 24-Hour2 AAMI N/A 365 µg/m3 80 µg/m3 1300 µg/m3 N/A N/A 1300 µg/m3 365 µg/m3 80 µg/m3 03 Max. Daily 1-Hour Avg. 0.12 ppm 235 µg/m3 0.12 ppm 235 µg/m3 0.12 ppm 235 µg/m3 1 Annual Arithmetic Mean 2 Not to be exceeded more than once per year a Primary Standards are set to protect the public health. b Secondary Standards are set such that they protect the public well-being (ie to prevent damage to crops, ecosystems, materials, etc.). Because there are no monitoring stations in the immediate area of the Town of Holly Springs, the data from monitoring locations in the surrounding area must be used to evaluate the air quality in the Holly Springs area. The recorded ambient air quality data for the years 1992 and 1994 at the Air Quality Monitoring Surveillance Stations in the region are summarized as follows: 10 Table 4 Ambient Air Quality Data Pollutant Location Year Max 24-Hour Max 3-Hour Max 1-Hour AAM 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd SO2 Chatham Co. Moncure Plant 1992 64 µg/m3 48 µg/m3 131 µg/m3 130 µg/m3 293 µg/m3 272 µg/m3 9 µg/m3 Valid Daily 1-Hour Maximum Values Measured > 0.125 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 03 Chatham Co. Moncure Plant 1992 0.085 ppm 0.082 ppm 0.080 ppm 0.075 ppm 0 Wake Co. 201 N Broad 1994 0.117 ppm 0.111 ppm 0.106 ppm 0.101 ppm 0 Maximum Values AAM 1st i 2nd 3rd 4th PM10 Chatham Co. Rt. 4 Box 62 Pittsboro 1994 45 µg/m3 34 µg/m3 34 µg/m3 33 µg/m3 21 µg/m3 Wake Co. Fire Sta. #9 Six Forks Rd. 1994 48 µg/m3 38 µg/m3 37 µg/m3 36 µg/m3 22 µg/m3 It should be noted that the data for Ozone was collected during the annual ozone season of April 1 to October 31. A review of the existing ambient air quality data in the area indicates that the annual mean concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and ozone, as well as the smaller time unit maximums, have not exceeded the established National Ambient Air Quality Standards and are therefore in compliance with the State and Federal regulations. 2.10 Hydrology 2.10.1 Groundwater Resources The Town of Holly Springs currently obtains a portion of its water supply from 2 active wells. The first well (Well #4) is 260 feet deep and produces 40 gallons of water per minute. The second well (Well #5) is 405 feet deep and produces 125 gallons of water per minute. The first five months of 1994 saw an actual average water production of 3,635,060 gallons per month, requiring the wells be pumped on average more than the desirable average of 12 hours per day. This production rate is for January through May. Water usage rate typically increases with temperature. The overall yield from both wells is not always sufficient to meet the demands of the Town, and water must be purchased from the Towns of Fuquay-Varina and Apex. Expected future growth in the region will increase the demand on the water supply, resulting in the need for further supplementation from surrounding towns or the development of other options. A new well (Well #6) is under construction in the Sunset Ridge area, and is expected to produce a maximum of 90 11 gallons per minute. This should help reduce the need to purchase water from outside sources. Groundwater resources alone are not expected to be adequate to meet the long term growth needs of the Town. 2.10.2 Surface Water Resources The waters in the Holly Springs ETJ drain to both the Neuse and Cape Fear Rivers. About 60 percent of the ETJ lies in the Neuse River Basin to the east; the remaining 40 percent lies in the Cape Fear River Basin to the west. The Middle Creek watershed is the major Neuse River sub - basin within the ETJ, while the Cape Fear River Basin portion of the Town consists of the Buckhorn Creek, Utley Creek and Norris Branch watersheds. The major surface waters in the ETJ are summarized as follows (Mangles): Table 5 Surface Waters Stream Segment River Basin Hydrologic Data Drainage Area (sq. mi.) Average Discharge (cfs) 7/10 Low Flow (cfs) Middle Creek at Cary WWTP point of Discharge Neese 32 85 0.3 Headwaters of Utley Creek at Holly Springs Cape Fear 0.73 0.82 0.11 2.10.3 Existing Water Quality The North Carolina Department of Environmental Management -Water Quality Section (NC-DEM) has published Basinwide Water Quality Management Plans for both the Neuse and Cape Fear Rivers. Each river basin is divided into numerous subbasins so that evaluation of current surface water quality, trends, goals and mitigation plans may be localized in an attempt to pinpoint major causes of water quality degradation. The Holly Springs area is in both the Neuse River Subbasin 030403 and the Cape Fear River Subbasin 030607. These subbasins are described as follows: Neuse River Subbasin 030403 This subbasin covers parts of Wake and Johnston Counties and contains Middle Creek and its tributaries. There are 18 permitted dischargers in this subbasin with a total permitted discharge capacity of 16.8691 MGD. The two largest discharges are the Apex WWTP (permitted flow = 3.6 MGD) and Cary South WWTP (permitted flow = 6.4 MGD), having a total design flow of 10.0 MGD (59.3% of the current total design discharge in the entire subbasin). Both of these wastewater treatment plants discharge directly into Middle Creek. The NC-DEM has established an ambient monitoring system to collect data in stream segments. 12 The water quality assessment evaluates the following parameters: dissolved oxygen (DO), DO percent saturation (April through October), conductivity, total phosphorous, total nitrogen, chlorophyll a (April through October), turbidity and salinity,(Neuse River Plan, 4-13),pH, and temperature. The three monitored freshwater segments in the Middle Creek Subbasin have been classified and evaluated as follows: Table 6 Stream Monitoring Data Station Location Classifica- tion Chemical Rating Biological Rating Problem Parameters Use Support Rating Source of Pollution Middle Creek at SR 1374, Wake Co. C NSW Good Fair ST NP,P Middle Creek near Clayton, Hwy 50 Johnston Co. C NSW S Good -Fair Sed ST P Middle Creek at SR 1504 Johnston Co. C NSW G/Ex (Fish) S The classification of C NSW indicates that the best usage for which these waters must be protected includes fish and wildlife propagation, secondary recreation, agriculture, and other uses requiring waters of lower quality. These waters are nutrient sensitive and require limitations on nutrient input (nitrogen and phosphorus). The only segment that was monitored for chemicals was at the Ambient Monitoring Station near Clayton. A chemical rating of S indicates that the stream segment is supporting the vegetation and wildlife living in the stream at the current (1991 data) chemical composition. The Biological Ratings are based on benthic macroinvertebrate sampling, which monitors the number, type, and diversity of organisms that may be sensitive to pollutants, phytoplankton sampling, which may be used as an indicator of eutrophication that may be a result of excess nutrient loading, aquatic toxicity monitoring, and fish tissue analysis, which may serve as an early warning indicator of contaminated sediments and surface waters. These analyses are rated individually and then combined for an overall rating of Poor to Excellent. The only segment that was monitored for problem parameters was again the Ambient Monitoring Station near Clayton. There is a problem with sedimentation in this segment. The Use Support Rating is an evaluation of how well the stream segment is fulfilling its designated use. A rating of ST means that the segment is support -threatened while a rating of S means that the stream is supporting its designated use. The two locations that are closest to the ETJ show a rating of ST. This indicates that these segments are currently supporting the vegetation and 13 wildlife living in them, but an increase in pollution or nutrient loading may decrease the ability of the stream to support life. The source of pollution to a body of water may be either point or nonpoint. Point source pollution is that pollution which is directly discharged into a body of water such as wastewater from a treatment plant. Nonpoint source pollution is that which indirectly enters a body of water, such as runoff from agriculture and urbanization. The Clean Water Act of 1990 requires dischargers to obtain permits before they are allowed to discharge, in an attempt to monitor and maintain water quality. According to the NC-DEM (Neuse River Plan, 6-15), the assimilative capacity of Middle Creek is depleted. Planned mitigation in the Creek will include removal of several small package treatment plants, removal of discharges into Middle Creek "except for the Cary and Fuquay-Varina plants, which will be required to meet advanced tertiary treatment requirements." Due to the current status of the waters in the Middle Creek watershed and subbasin, the Neuse River Water Quality Plan calls for no new permits to be issued for discharge into Middle Creek, except for the case in which an existing permit has decreased discharge limitations upon renewal. Cape Fear River Subbasin 030607 This subbasin is in the Upper Cape Fear River watershed in the segment from the confluence of the Haw and Deep Rivers to Lock and Dam #3. The streams of concern in or near the ETJ are Utley Creek, Little Branch and Norris Branch. Holly Springs wastewater treatment plant discharges into Utley Creek, in which occasional DO levels as low as 4.8 mg/1 have been noted below the plant's point of discharge. This information was obtained from facility self -monitoring data because there are no ambient monitoring stations in the area. The other two streams have not been evaluated by the NC-DEM, however, Buckhorn Creek (near Corinth), into which Utley Creek, Little Branch and Norris Branch flow prior to entering the Cape Fear River itself, has been classified and evaluated as follows: Classification: C Chemical Rating: S Problem Parameter. Sedimentation Overall Use Support: S Explanations for these ratings are the same as have been described above. Prior to expansion of the Holly Springs wastewater treatment plant discharging into Utley Creek, the Cape Fear River Water Quality Plan calls for a survey of the water quality below the point of discharge, due to high instream waste concentrations. 14 2.11 Vegetation and Wildlife A Jurisdictional Wetlands and Protected Species Survey was conducted by Robert J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc (RJG&A) (included as Appendix 1), as a part of this study. There are many areas in the Holly Springs ETJ that have disjunct populations of plants that are typical of both mountain and coastal plain habitats as well as a diverse community of species typical of the Piedmont area. This region may generally be described as a broad floodplain containing high quality mesic hardwood forests of sweetgum, loblolly pine, oaks, beech and tulip poplar trees, with seeps and floodplain pools creating a mosaic of jurisdictional wetland and non wetland areas. Wetlands in the ETJ consist of wooded swamps which cover the low-lying areas bordering the streams and water courses. They serve as a refuge area for a variety of wildlife and are excellent areas for growing certain types of timber. Table 7 Protected Animals and Habitat Availability in Wake Co. Scientific Name Common Name State Federal Protec- Protec- tion tion Status Status Habitat Requirements Habitat Avail- ability in ETJ VERTEBRATES Aimoplula asstivalis Ambystoma tigrinum Coragyps atratus Haliasstus lsucocephalus Hsmidactylium scutatum Lampetra aspyptsra Laaiur ludovicianus Myotis austroriparius Myotis septsntrionalis Necturus lewisii Noturus fusiosur Picoides borealis Vermivora bachmanni INVERTEBRATES Alasmidoxta heterodox Alasmidoxta undulata Elliptio laxcsolata Elliptio roaxoksxsis Fusconaia mason Lampsilis radiata Lasmigora subviridis Spsysria diana Strophitus uxdulatus PLANTS Isostes pisdmontana Bachman'a sparrow Tiger salamander Black vulture Bald Eagle Four -toed salamander Least brook lamprey Loggerhead shrike Southeastern bat Kecn's (n. long-eared) bat Ncusc River waterdog Carolina madtom Red -cockaded woodpecker Badunan's warbler Dwarf wedge mussel Triangle floater Yellow lance Roanoke slabahcll Atlantic pigtoe Eastern lamprs reset Caro= floater Diana &itillary Squawfoot mussel Piedmont quillwort SC C2 T - SC E E sc - SC SC C2 SC C2 SC SC SC - E E E E E E T E C2 T - T C2 SC E C2 - C2 T open, mature pint forest undy forests near vernal pools hollow trees or rock crevices mature trees along rivers & lakes pondcd seeps with mossy logs streams open grassland, fames hollow trees or buildings, near rivers hollow trees or caves, extensive forests streams streams open, extensive, mature pine forests bottomland forests with vine thickets streams streams streams streams streams IMAMS streams mesic and floodplain forests strums T - pools on granite flatrock • 15 Common Name Scientific Name State Federal Habitat Protec- Protec- Avail - Habitat Requirements tion ties ability Status Status in ETJ Momwtropsis odorata Sweet pincsap - C2 Portulaca small Small's portulaca E Rims michauxii Michaux's sumac E E Rusllia humnilis Low wild -petunia T Trilliums pis:iliumss Carolina least trillium E C2 upland hardwood/pine forests sandy/rocky woodland edges dry. open. basic woods calcareous seeps, streambanks E. Endangered; T-Threstased;SC-Special Coaccrn cb1 Categeny 2 Candidate +-Suitable habitat present, species not found in or near ETJ ++:.Suitable habitat present, species occurs in or near E17 --Suitable habitat not present RJG&A, Inc. has surveyed the biological environment along the routes of potential interceptor and outfall lines in the Holly Springs area. The Survey has shown that a portion of Middle Creek supports the federally endangered dwarf wedge mussel as well as four mussel populations protected by the state (triangle floater, yellow lance, Atlantic pigtoe, and squawfoot). Two state protected fish populations (Carolina madtom and least brook lamprey) and a state protected salamander, the Neuse River waterdog, have also been known to live in Middle Creek. The floodplain pools of Middle Creek are also the breeding ground for the state threatened tiger salamander. The adult tiger salamanders are thought to live in the upland forests of the area. The Holly Springs area has also been known to support Didiplis diandra, Nestronia umbellula, Cypripedium calceolus, and Hexastylis lewisii . These four plant species are considered rare, but are unprotected by both the state and federal governments. Table 7 provides a detailed list of candidates and species that may be found in Wake County and are found on either (or both) the state or federal register of protected species. The table also shows habitat requirements and availability in the County for each species. More detailed information may be found in Appendix 1. RJG&A, Inc. identified nine registered species as being found in or near the Holly Springs area. Of these species, only one is considered Federally Endangered - the Dwarf Wedge mussel. There were two other species found that are listed on the Federal Register as Category 2 Candidates. These are the yellow lance and the Atlantic pigtoe. The yellow lance is considered Endangered by the State, while the Atlantic pigtoe, as well as the tiger salamander, triangle floater, and the squawfoot mussel are listed as Threatened by the State. The least brook lamprey, the 16 Neuse River waterdog, and the Carolina madtom are under Special Concern in the State, but are not listed on the Federal Register of Endangered Species. 2.12 Conclusion The Town of Holly Springs, in the Central Piedmont Region of North Carolina, is a growing area for commercial, industrial and residential development. The use of land for agriculture is becoming impractical as land values increase. There are few areas left undeveloped within the ETJ with adequate soils for use with on -site treatment systems, and a central wastewater collection system will be needed to serve nearly all of the area. Air quality conditions are well within the Federally established standards, however water quality in some waters in the area is threatened. The Town of Holly Springs does not currently have a sufficient supply of water to support the projected population, and any growth in the Town will further tax the supply. This situation is remedied with the purchase of water from neighboring Towns, and the development of an additional well. The analysis of vegetation and wildlife in the area did reveal the presence of a federally endangered species, the dwarf wedge mussel. This species was found in Middle Creek, causing concern for the future possibility of discharging treated wastewater effluent into this Creek. Eight additional species of concern were also found within the ETJ. 17 3.O ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS 3.1 Overview Alternative means for meeting the long term wastewater treatment needs of the Town of Holly Springs have been formulated and evaluated. This required identifying expected wastewater flows throughout the planning area, estimating the projected rate of wastewater flow increases over time, and devising alternative means by which the Town could have adequate wastewater treatment capacity available throughout the planning period. The wastewater collection and transportation systems will also have to be expanded to accommodate Town growth. Wastewater interceptors and outfall routes are largely dictated by topography. However, construction of these facilities can also have an impact on the environment and, where appropriate, alternative outfall line routes have been developed. 3.2 Population Projections and Wastewater Flow Projections Identifying the existing and future service area population is a key factor in projecting wastewater flows. The Town's historical population trends provide only limited information in this regard. The Town's population remained relatively stable in the 1960's, 1970's and much of the 1980's. However, beginning in the late 1980's the Town's population began to expand rapidly,and its population as estimated by the North Carolina Department of Administration in 1992 (1,382) was 52% greater than the 1990 population (908). The 1990 population was in turn 32% greater than the 1980 population (688). Growth from 1980 to 1990 proceeded at a compounded annual average rate of 3 percent (roughly 1/2 percentage point lower than Wake County as a whole), while between 1990 and 1992 growth occurred at an annual rate of 23 percent. This rate, if continued, would result in the Town having a population in excess of 90,000 within the next twenty years. However, the Town has a finite geographic area in which it can expand, and this area is simply too small to support such a large population. At any rate, a sustained annual growth rate of 23% per year would be unprecedented in Wake County. The amount of area available for Holly Springs development is finite, and at full development Holly Springs and its current ETJ would be expected to have a population of approximately 25,000 people. Reaching this population within a 20-year planning period would require a sustained average annual growth rate of 16%. If the Town were to sustain the 23% annual growth it experienced between 1990 and 1992 it would reach full development in 13 years (the year 2008). It appears more likely that the Town, while continuing to grow rapidly, will not reach full development in even 20 years. Perhaps the best model by which to predict long-term Holly Springs growth is the experience of the Town of Cary. 18 • PROPER OF 1S SR 1101 Soorthyt RR_ N zjk _ \ k.71 f Its!=�r t_i STUDY AREA (TOWN ETJ) iw) C NORTH FIGURE 3 DRAINA(TE AREA SUB -BASINS Legend rrrr..rrri Sub -Basin Boundary Drainage Flow Path Prepared B. The Wooten Company Enaineertna Planning Architecture Kalden. N.C. 1 ireensnile. 's (' The Town of Cary grew at an average annual rate of 7% during the 1980's, and during the 1970's grew at an even higher 9% per annum. Even allowing for a full percentage point more in growth for Holly Springs than the highest rate experienced in Cary, (i.e. 10%/year versus 9%/year), the Town of Holly Springs would not reach but 50% of its full development population by the year 2015. It would therefore be conservative for long range planning purposes to assume population in the year 2015 of 12,500, and a full development population of 25,000. Design wastewater flow projections account for three types of usage: (1) domestic, (2) commercial, industrial, and institutional, and; (3) infiltration and inflow. Wastewater flow projections are used in planning both collection line improvements and in planning for wastewater treatment facilities. Treatment facilities are typically designed based on 10 to 20 year planning periods, while collection facilities are usually designed for much longer periods (30 to 40 years). Treatment systems are typically designed based on average daily flows. Collection systems must be designed based on peak instantaneous flows. The projected average daily wastewater flows for the Town in the year 2015 (50% development) and at full development are projected as follows: Year 2015 Full Development Domestic Use* 0.875 MGD 1.750 MGD Commercial/Institutional** 1.340 MGD 2.680 MGD Infiltration/Inflow*** 0.135 MGD 0.400 MGD Wake County Landfill**** 0.050 MGD 0.050 MGD Total 2.400 MGD 4.880 MGD Based on average wastewater generation of 70 gals per capita per day, year 2015 population of 12,500, full development population of 25,000. Based on 2000 gallons per acre of development. 670 acres developed in the year 2015, 1,340 acres developed at full development. Projected based on 10 gallons per capita per day for the year 2015, and 15 gallons per capita per day at full development when the average sewer line age will be much greater and leaks more prevalent. The Town of Holly Springs is committed to accepting up to 50,000 gallons per day of leachate from a Wake County landfill. Peak flows at full development will be used to size gravity collection lines and interceptors. Figure 3 shows the Town of Holly Springs divided into drainage areas that would be tributary to particular existing and planned sewer lines. Table 8 shows the expected land uses and peak flows from each of these areas at full development. These flows should be used in planning wastewater collection lines, including interceptor and outfall lines. 20 Table 8 DRAINAGE BASIN LAND USE AND PROJECTED FLOWS (see Figure 3) Drainage Area of # People Average Sub -Basin Zoning Type Sub -Basin per Flow Peak Flow # (Acres) Sub -Basin (gpd) (gpd) 1.1 Commercial/Industrial 70 N/A 140,000 350,000 Residential A41. 2.500 183,101 457.753 Total 711 2,500 323,101 807,753 1.2 Commercial/lndustrial 442 N/A 884,000 2,210,000 Residential 1n fig2 45.125 j12.813 Total 575 602 929,125 2,322,813 1.3 Commercial/Industrial 85 N/A 170,000 425,000 Residential 2$2 1.858 139.336 348.340 Total 367 1,858 309,336 773,340 2.1 Commercial/Industrial 300 N/A 600,000 1,500,000 Residential 4.41 1.759 131.974 329.935 Total 741 1,759 731,974 1,829,935 2.2 Commercial/Industrial 75 N/A 150,000 375,000 Residential 222 .QQ 60.021 150.053 Total 282 800 210,021 525,053 3.1 Commercial/Industrial 212 N/A 424,000 1,060,000 Residential I.94 2.158 161.822 404.555 Total 1,006 2,158 585,822 1,464,555 3.2 Commercial/Industrial 12 N/A 1,944 4,860 Residential 2..l. 2.275 170.667 426.668 Total 963 2,275 172,611 431,528 3.3 Commercial/lndustrial 0 N/A 0 0 Residential ft.6.1 3.214 241.088 602.720 Total 665 3,214 241,088 602,720 3.4 Commercial/Industrial 0 N/A 0 0 Residential$Q $a 63.018 157.545 Total 389 840 63,018 157,545 3.5 Commercial/Industrial 62 N/A 124,000 310,000 Residential 43.1 Eli 70.146 175.365 Total 495 935 194,146 485,365 4.1 Commercial/Industrial 0 N/A 0 0 Residential 552o 2.280 170.975 427.438 Total 520 2,280 170,975 427,438 4.2 Commercial/Industrial 46 N/A 92,000 230,000 21 Residential ft7i 2.602 195.178 487.945 Total 721 2,602 287,178 717,945 4.3 Commercial/Industrial 39 N/A 78,000 195,000 Residential b.2.1 2.126 159.505 398.763 Total 660 2,126 237,505 593,763 4.4 Commercial/Industrial 0 N/A 0 0 Residential 316 211 53.784 134.460 Total 326 717 53,784 134,460 4.6 Commercial/Industrial 0 N/A 0 0 Residential $4 Ilk 10.206 25.515 Total 84 136 10,206 25,515 4.7 Commercial/Industrial 0 N/A 0 0 Residential 112 L91.14.459 36.148 Total 119 193 14,459 36,148 4.8 Commercial/Industrial 0 N/A 0 0 Residential 191 3.12 23.936 59.840 Total 197 319 23,936 59,840 Total Commercial/ Industrial 1,343 N/A 2,663,944 6,659,860 Total Residential 7.478 25.314 1.894.341 4.735.853 Grand Total 8,821 25,314 4,558,285 11,395,713 Landfill Allowance 50.000 TOTAL 8,821 25,314 4,608,285 11,395,713 3.3 Wastewater Treatment And Outfall System Expansion Scenarios In order to determine the probable least life cycle cost wastewater treatment solution, a number of alternatives were evaluated. Water Quality Basin Plans for Neuse River Basin developed by the State of North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NC-DEM) calls for no new discharges into Middle Creek. Informal contacts with NC-DEM staff indicated that this portion of the plan would likely be enforced as long as reasonable alternatives to creating a new discharge into Middle Creek existed. Discharge to a regional system (assuming arrangements for such a discharge could be made at an affordable cost), increasing the permitted capacity of the existing plant discharging into Utley Creek, and, if economical, land application of wastewater would all be considered by the NC-DEM as reasonable alternatives. Given these constraints, three different treatment scenarios exist: Case I: The Town of Holly Springs relies on a single wastewater treatment plant to meet all its projected 20-year needs. Wastewater treatment having a capacity of 2.4 MGD per day is provided. 22 Case II: The Town of Holly Springs relies on its existing wastewater treatment plant to continue to provide 0.500 MGD of capacity. Additional wastewater treatment capacity of 1.9 MGD is provided by alternative means. Case III: The Town of Holly Springs makes arrangements for treatment from wastewater originating in the portion of Town within the Cape Fear River watershed separate from the arrangements made for treatment of the portion of Town within the Neuse River portion of Town. This would result in the provision of 1.1 MGD of wastewater treatment plant capacity for the Neuse River watershed portion of the Town and the provision of 1.3 MGD of wastewater treatment plant capacity in the Cape Fear watershed portion of the Town. Alternative treatment system configurations also require alternative outfall line and interceptor configurations. Transporting all of the wastewater to a single point within the Town would be required within the Town with any alternative formulated to satisfy Case I. Case II would require that only 1.9 MGD transport capacity be required, while Case III would require that a transport system capable of handling at least an average data flow of 1.1 mgd be provided on the Neuse River watershed portion of the Town, and that a transport system capable of handling at least 1.3 mgd be added for that part of the Town within the Cape Fear River watershed. A substantial amount of the wastewater originating within the Town must be pumped to a treatment site under any possible scenario. The growth rate within the Town is such that the design flow for any pump station and force main system will be much greater than actual flows expected upon construction completion. In order to avoid excessive retention time within the force main and disproportionately high peak flow to average daily flow ratios during the earlier portions of the design period, it is necessary to provide for phased force main construction. Smaller diameter force mains and lower capacity wastewater pumps would be installed initially. After sufficient growth occurred, second, larger diameter force mains would be installed parallel to the first force mains. Larger capacity pumps would be brought into service, and the smaller diameter force mains would be temporarily removed from service. As growth within the service area continued to increase, the smaller diameter force mains would be brought back into service on a permanent basis. 3.4 Wastewater Treatment Plant Alternatives Five different alternative long-range wastewater treatment systems were developed for dealing with the Case I, Case II, and Case III scenarios. These alternatives are described as follows: Alternative T-1: The Town would construct a 2.4 MGD treatment plant on Utley Creek. This plant would be capable of serving the projected 20-year needs for the entire Town, including that part of the Town within the Neuse River (Middle Creek) watershed.The treatment plant would be 23 designed for biological nutrient removal and would be capable of meeting effluent BOD5 and ammonia limits of 5 mg/L and 2 mg/L, respectively. Alternative T-2: Under this alternative the Town would abandon its existing plant, and convey all of its wastewater to the Town of Cary wastewater treatment plant on Middle Creek. Arrangements would be made to purchase the rights to 2.4 MGD capacity within that plant. Alternative ?-3 : Under this alternative the Town of Holly Springs would make arrangements with the Town of Cary to treat the projected 1.1 MGD 20-year wastewater flows from the portion of the Town within the Neuse River watershed, while constructing a 1.3 MGD treatment plant discharging into Utley Creek to meet the projected 20-year needs for wastewater treatment of that portion of the Town within the Cape Fear River watershed. The 1.3 MGD plant would be capable of biological nutrient removal and of meeting effluent BOD5 and ammonia limits of 5 mg/L and 2 mg/L, respectively. Alternative T-4: Alternative 4 would be identical to Alternative 3 except that rather than constructing a 1.3 mgd treatment plant on Utley Creek, the existing 0.5 MGD package plant would remain in service as a complete treatment system, and would be supplemented by purchase of an additional 0.8 MGD package plant to be installed adjacent to the 0.5 MGD plant. At the time the 0.8 MGD plant was added, provision would be made for chemical removal of phosphorus. Alternative T-5: Alternative 5 would include keeping the existing 0.5 MGD package plant in service indefinitely, while arranging for the remaining 1.9 MGD of the Town's projected 20-year needs to be met by treatment of the Town of Cary's Middle Creek Treatment Plant. Alternative T-6: Alternative T-6 has been developed to position the Town to deal with a possible scenario not directly addressed by other alternatives. The scenario Alternative T-6 is designed to address encompasses two (2) potential developments: (1) Town's growth continues to accelerate, forcing the provision of additional wastewater treatment capacity sometime in 1997 or 1998, and; (2) negotiation with the Town of Cary for treatment of all or a portion of Holley Springs wastewater is either unsuccessful or so protracted that on interim solution must be implemented to avoid a moratorium on new sewer connections. Alternative T-6 would involve the Town installing a second 0.5 MGD package plant similar to the one it recently installed as an interim measure. No provision for nutrient removal would be made at this time. Should negotiations ultimately be successful with the Town of Cary for treating the Middle Creek portion of the Town's wastewater flows, then the 1.0 MGD in treatment capacity would ultimately be expanded by an additional 0.5 MGD, late in the 20-year planning period, allowing the Utley Creek facility to extend its life beyond the 2015 planning period. Should negotiations with the Town of Cary not ultimately prove successful, the two package plants would eventually be replaced with a 24 new wastewater treatment system. This construction would most likely be required around the year 2007 or 2008. It would involve construction of a plant capable of biological nutrient removal and of releasing an effluent with BOD and ammonia levels of 5 mg/L and 2 mg/L respectively. For purposes of this analysis it is assumed the replacement plant would be built to serve the full development needs of the Town, which are projected to be 4.88 MGD. Alternative T-6 then has a single, initial treatment plant cost component, but has two different possible other cost components that would depend on the outcome of negotiations with the Town of Cary. For cost identification purposes, these will be referred to as Alternative T-6A (involving the ultimate treatment of a portion of Holley Springs wastewater by the Town of Cary) and Alternative T-6B (involving the ultimate treatment of all of the Town's wastewater by a plant discharging to Utley Creek). 3.5 Wastewater Outfall System Alternatives The location and sizing of wastewater outfall lines (including pump stations and force mains) will necessarily vary depending on the selected wastewater treatment plant alternative. Accordingly, to allow a complete analysis of long-range wastewater facilities options for the Town, four different outfall system alternatives were formulated. These alternatives are described as follows: Alternative 0-1: This alternative would be used in conjunction with treatment plant Alternative T-1 and possibly, Alternative T-6. A lift station would be constructed on Middle Creek, just downstream of Sunset Lake, to convey all of the wastewater originating within the Neuse River Basin watershed to a gravity line leading to the Utley Creek treatment plant. The pump station would have an initial capacity of 525 gallons per minute (gpm) and would discharge through a 10- inch diameter force main. Later, 1,250 gpm pumps and a second, 12-inch diameter force main would be installed. The existing Utley Creek outfall line would remain in service, but would be paralleled with a 24-inch diameter line. Alternative 0-2: This outfall system alternative would be used with Alternative T-2. Two major lift stations would be constructed, one at the site of the present Utley Creek wastewater treatment plant, and the other on Middle Creek just below Sunset Lake. The Utley Creek lift station would have an initial capacity of 525 gpm and would discharge through a 10-inch diameter force main. As growth occurred with the Town, 1,390 gpm pumps and a 14-inch force main would be added. The Middle Creek pump station would have an initial capacity of 350 gpm and would discharge through an 8-inch force main. As growth in the Town warranted, 1,180 gpm pumps and a second 12-inch diameter force main would be added. The Utley Creek .and Middle Creek force mains would be joined together at the intersection of SR 1301 and SR 1390, and from there wastewater would be conveyed to the Town of Cary Middle Creek wastewater treatment plant. This force main 25 would run along SR 1390, then along Camp Branch Outfall to the Town of Cary plant. Initially, a single, 12-inch force main would carry the flows from the single 10-inch Utley Creek and 8-inch Middle Creek force mains to the Town of Cary plant. When these force mains were paralleled with 14-inch and 12-inch force mains respectively,, a second, 16-inch force main would be added to convey the combined flows to the Cary plant. The existing Utley Creek outfall line would remain in service, but would be paralleled with a 18-inch diameter line. Alternative 0-3: This outfall system alternative would be used with treatment plant alternatives T-3, T-4, and possibly T-6. Under this alternative, a pump station having an initial capacity of 350 gpm would be built on Middle Creek just downstream from Sunset Lake to convey wastewater through an 8-inch force main to the Town of Cary plant. As growth warranted, 1,180 gpm pumps would be added, and a second, 12-inch force main discharging to the Cary plant would be added. The Utley (meek outfall line would eventually be paralleled with an 18-inch diameter line. Alternative 0-4 : This outfall line alternative would be used in conjunction with treatment plant alternative T-5. A pump station would be built on Middle Creek just downstream of Sunset Lake. Initially, 350 gpm pumps discharging through an 8-inch force main to the Town of Cary plant would be installed. Later, a 525 gpm pump discharging through a 10-inch force main would be installed at the Utley Creek treatment plant. The Utley Creek and Middle Creek force mains would be joined together at the intersection of SR 1301 and SR 1390, and a 12-inch force main would convey the combined wastewater flows to the Town of Cary's Middle Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. As growth continued, 1,180 gpm pumps would be added to the Middle Creek pump station and a 12-inch discharge force main would be constructed parallel to the 8-inch force main. At the Utley Creek pump station, 1,380 gpm pumps would be added and a second, 14-inch diameter force main constructed. The 12-inch force main leading from the confluence of the Middle Creek and Utley Creek force mains would be parallel with a 16-inch force main. 3.6 Construction Timing It would be necessary to contract all improvements initially. Based on the projected growth rates, the following is the projected time table for wastewater treatment plant construction improvements. Alternative T-1: Begin construction - 1998 Alternative T-2: Begin construction - 1998 Alternative T-3: Begin construction (tie to Cary) - 1998 Build 1.3 mgd plant on Utley Creek - 2007 Alternative T-4: Begin construction (tie to Cary) - 1998 Buy 0.8 mgd package plant - 2007 Alternative T-5: Begin construction (Middle Creek Basin (tie to Cary) - 1998 Begin construction (Utley Creek Basin tie to Cary) - 2007 Alternative T 6A: Begin construction (2nd 0.5 MGD package Plant) - 1996 Begin construction (Middle Creek Basin (tie to Cary)) - 1998 Begin construction (3rd 0.5 MGD Package Plant) 2012 Alternative T-6B: Begin construction (2nd 0.5 MGD Package Plant) - 1996 Begin construction (4.88 MGD Treatment Plant) - 2007 The projected time table for outfall system improvements is as follows: Alternative 0-1 Construction 525 gpm Pump Station and 10-inch Force Main - 1998 Add 1,180 gpm Pumps and Constructed 12-inch force main - 2007 Alternative 0-2 Construct 350 gpm Middle Creek Pump Station and 8-inch force main - 1998 Construct 525 gpm Utley Creek Pump Station and 10-inch force main. - 1998 Construct 12-inch common force main to Cary treatment plant - 1998 Add 1,390 gpm pumps to Utley Creek pump station and construct 14-inch force main. - 2007 Add 1,180 gpm pumps to Middle Creek pump station, and construct 12-inch Middle Creek and 16-inch common force mains - 2007 Alternative 0-3 Construct 350 gpm Middle Creek Pump Station and 8-inch force main Construct 12-inch outfall line parallel to Utley Creek outfall line. Add 1,180 gpm pumps. Alternative 0-4 Construct 350 gpm Middle Creek pump station and 8-inch force main tie-in to Town of Cary plant. Construct 528 gpm Utley Creek pump station and 10-inch force main tie-in to Town of Cary plant. Add 1,180 gpm pumps to Middle Creek pump station, construct 12-inch Middle Creek force main, and 12-inch common force main to Town of Cary plant. Add 1,380 gpm pumps to Utley Creek pump station and construct 16-inch force main - 1998 - 2007 - 1998 - 2007 - 2007 - 2007 3.7 Cost -Effective Analysis In order to determine the most cost-effective alternative, a 20-year present worth life -cycle cost analysis was prepared for all alternatives. This analysis was prepared using the current Federal Water Quality Council interest rate (7.75%). Costs for alternatives involving tieing into the Town of Cary system used capital charges from the Town of Cary system and projected annual operating charges supplied by the Town of Cary staff. It should be emphasized that these costs are initial projections only, not firm commitments, and could be subject to change during any negotiation. Detailed breakdowns for all life -cycle cost projections may be found in Appendix 2. The results of that analysis are summarized as follows: Alternatives T 1&0-2 T-2 & 0-2 T-3 & 0-3 T-4 & 0-3 T5&0-4 T6A & 0-3 T6B & 0-1 Total Present Worth Cost $11,514,000 $10,794,000 $8,767,000 $9,368,000 $9,795,000 $11,538,386 $11,628,209 The above analysis shows the least life -cycle alternative to be construction of Alternative T-3 and Alternative 0-3. This would result in the Middle Creek basin wastewater being transported to the Town of Cary's wastewater treatment plant located on Middle Creek, while the wastewater originating within the Cape Fear River watershed portion of the Town would be treated by the Town of Holly Springs and discharged into Utley Creek. The tie-in to Cary would be targeted for completion sometime in 1998. The Town would continue to use its existing wastewater treatment plant on Utley Creek until around the year 2007, at which time a new, 1.8 mgd advanced wastewater treatment plant capable of achieving nitrogen and phosphorous removal would be constructed adjacent to the existing plant. The existing plant would at that time be converted to sludge digestion and holding. 3.8 Land Application Land application of wastewater is sometimes a viable alternative to a direct discharge type treatment system. The NC-DEM often requires that this type of system be utilized in lieu of expanding an existing or creating a new point source of treated wastewater. Considering these factors, the costs for constructing land application treatment systems were projected for comparison with surface water discharge plants. Soils within and near the Holly Springs area are 28 not generally conducive to spray irrigation (see description of area soils in Section 2.6.2). The most favorable soils available in any sufficient quantity are the Mayoden and Pinkston soils, present in the Carolina Power and Light property west of Holly Springs. These soils are projected as only having a loading capacity of 0.4 inches per week. Costs for land application are generally prohibitive at this low hydraulic loading rate. However, in order to verify this, costs for land application systems having capacities identical to the various treatment capacities identified as being required in Section 3.3 were projected. These capacities, as outlined in the description of Case I, Case II, and Case III are, in ascending order, 0.800 MGD, 1.1 MGD, 1.3 MGD, 1.9 MGD, and 2.4 MGD. Appendix 2 contains the detailed cost projections and present worth analysis for the land application treatment systems corresponding to each of these design flows. These costs are compared to the present worth cost for the lowest cost alternative surface water treatment plant of the same capacity. Costs of transporting wastewater to the treatment plant are ignored for simplicity's sake in making this comparison. Since transportation costs would in all likelihood be much greater with a land application system (due to the need to have the treatment system spread out because of the large acreage involved) neglecting transportation costs does not materially effect the outcome of the analysis. The analysis also assumes the Town could acquire the land it needs from Carolina Power & Light. This might not be the case. At any rate, in all cases, land application is not only more costly than surface treatment, but more costly by a wide margin. This is demonstrated by the following tabular summary of the least costly land application alternative: Design Flow Construction Cost of Land Application Treatment System Construction Cost of Least Cost Surface Water Discharge Alternative 0.800 mgd 1.100 mgd 1.300 mgd 1.900 mgd 2,400 mgd $ 8,500,000 $ 11,400,000 $ 13,400,000 $ 19,200,000 $ 24,100,000 $ 3,647,000 (Alt. T-4) $ 2,134,000 (Alt. T-4) $ 5,397,000 (Alt. T-3) $ 3,686,000 (Alt. T-5) $ 4,656,000 (Alt. T-2) 3.9 Golf Course Irrigation The NC-DEM has proposed regulations that will expand the opportunities to reuse treated wastewater. The type of treatment systems under consideration by the Town of Holly Springs would provide the requisite treatment to allow the effluent to be used for golf course irrigation with 29 only minimal restrictions under the proposed regulations. However, even under the most favorable conditions, golf course irrigation would not allow the elimination of a discharge. During the warm summer season, a typical 18-hole golf course will have irrigation water demands of around 2 million gallons per week. During much of the year a golf course will require little or no irrigation water. Therefore, golf course irrigation cannot serve as an alternative to a surface discharge. The Town of Holly Springs should, however, consider such potential reuse as a means of reducing potable water demands. Reuse of treated wastewater for some industrial purposes is also a possibility under the proposed new rules. As an aid to understanding the potential cost of implementing a reuse system, a cost projection for installing a system capable of supplying irrigation water to the Sunset Ridge golf course has been developed, (See Appendix 2). This cost is $600,000. 3.10 Other Beneficial Reuse Draft regulations proposed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NC-DEM) will, if adopted, open up new opportunities not only for such things as golf course and residential irrigation, but also opportunities for industrial reuse. Industrial water users often use potable water for purposes where lessor quality water would be sufficient. The existing and planned areas for industrial development are much closer to the Utley Creek plant site than are any golf course sites or major new subdivisions. Should the draft regulations pass, the Town should aggressively pursue opportunities for industrial reuse of treated wastewater. Such a reuse program would allow the discharge to Utley Creek to be reduced, and would reduce the demand on the Town's potable water supply. Actual treatment plant capacity requirements would not, however, be reduced, since the same volume of wastewater would still require treatment. 3.11 Interceptor System Construction The Town's first central wastewater collection and treatment system was completed in 1987. This initial layout covered the downtown Holly Springs area, areas north of Town to the intersection of Highway 55 and Southern Railroad, and western sections within the Holly Springs/New Hill Road area. In 1992 the wastewater collection system underwent improvements with the addition of sewer line extensions and a pump station. These improvements mainly covered areas along Bass Lake Road to the southeast of town. With the addition of new subdivisions, other wastewater collection system components were installed by developers, and tied in with the Town's system through the use of pump stations. A summary of all pump stations within the present collection system can be found in Table 9. The initial system constructed in 1987 consisted of approximately 48,000 linear feet (LF) of 8" gravity collection and interceptor lines, 5,000 LF of 12" outfall line, and four (4) pump stations. 30 The eastern part of town, just south of Holly Springs Road, had its sewer drain into a 250 gpm pump station (PS #1 near Remington subdivision). This pump station has just recently been taken off-line and a new outfall line constructed, which conveys wastewater to PS#10, in the Dogwood Road area. Areas north of Town along Highway 55 are served by gravity sewers which flow to a 110 gpm pump station located at the intersection of Highway 55 and Southern Railroad (PS #4). A 4" force main from this pump station carries wastewater to the 12" gravity line along Holly Springs Road. A small area in southeastern downtown has its sewer drain to a 80 gpm pump station located just off Maple Street (PS #2), which is connected by a 4" force main to the downtown gravity line. Areas along New Hill Road, west of the wastewater treatment plant access road, are served by gravity lines flowing to a 180 gpm pump station (PS #3 at the intersection of New Hill and Apex Road) which is connected by a 4" force main to the gravity line along New Hill/Holly Springs Road. TABLE 9 PUMP STATION INFORMATION PS # Pump Station Name Pump. Station Location Pump Station Capacity (gpm) Pump Station Receives Pump Station Discharges To: 1 Remington PS - Remington Subdivision 250 Residential WW Holly Springs Road gravity line 2 Maple St. PS - In Town Off of Maple Street 80 Residential WW Maple Street gravity line 3 New Hill & Apex PS - Off New Hill Road Near Intersection with NC 1153 (Old Apex) 160 Residential WW New Hill Road gravity line 4 55 & Southern PS - On Highway 55 Just North of Town Near Intersection with Railroad 110 Residential WW and PS#7 (Easton Street) New Hill Road gravity line 5 Industry PS - Industry Pump Station West of Town Near Thomas Mill Pond 210 Meritt Truck Washing, Warp Technology, and Residential WW Directly to WWTP 6 Easton North PS - North end of Easton Acres Off Katha Drive Off Easton Street 97 Residential WW PS#7 (Easton Street) 7 Easton South PS - South end of Easton Street 80 PS#6 (North end of Easton Acres) PS#4 (Hwy 55 & Southern Railroad) 8 Sunset North PS - Sunset Ridge Northwest of Sunset Lake 420 Residential WW and PS#7 (Base Lake Holly Springs Road gravity line 31 PS # Pump Pump Station Pump Pump Station Pump Station Station Location Station Receives Discharges Name Capacity To: (gpm) 9 Sunset - Off Bass Lake Road 210 Residential WW and PS#8 (Sunset South PS Southwest of Sunset Lake PS#10 (Dogwood Ridge) Road) 10 Dogwood PS - Off Dogwood Road (Off 330 Residential WW PS#9 (Bass Lake Bass Lake Road) Road) The Town of Holly Springs collection system is less than 10 years old and thus all pipes meet current regulations and should be in overall good condition. But, there are several other physical conditions that the Town must address. The main problem facing the present collection system is possible system overload due to future flows higher than present line and pump station capacity. The main physical deficiency in this area is the apparent uneven flow pattern of existing pump stations. There are several instances in which lower capacity pump stations are receiving flow from a higher capacity pump station. For example, the Dogwood PS(330 gpm) discharges to the Sunset South PS (210 gpm). As future flows increase, these pump stations, along with associated gravity lines, run the risk of system surcharge. All flows to the east of Highway 55 and south of State Road 1115 could be intercepted by new gravity lines. Construction of such interceptor lines could benefit the Town by eliminating all existing pump stations located in the eastern area. All flow would be directed to one central location in the Middle Creek area for treatment or diversion to a treatment facility. All areas west of Highway 55, up against CP&L property, could be served by another set of proposed interceptor lines. Due to the terrain in this area, the west system can not be arranged to direct all flow to a single location. However, the proposed alignment would eliminate three existing pump stations while adding two pump stations in the remote western side. It is expected that CP&L will allow the Town the right-of-way needed to lay proposed lines. A phased program for construction of the interceptor system needed to handle all future flows is recommended. Construction of the entire system in the three (3) phases is practicable. These phases would be described as follows: Phase One Phase one (Figure 4) will consist of placing lines to accommodate the extensive development in the Sunset Ridge area, as well as laying the outfall lines into which future phases will tie. All flow on east of Highway 55 will be diverted to one central location in the Middle Creek area. 32 Phase One will consist of the following: • Outfall lines will be placed around Sunset and Bass Lakes. These lines will eventually handle all eastern flows below Holly Springs Road, including areas that are presently on septic systems. Due to the limited elevation drop, resulting in deeper line cuts, these outfalls will be the most expensive to build. These lines will allow the Sunset South Pump Station to be eliminated. • An interceptor line will be installed from Stephens Road, south of Town, to the foot of Bass Lake. This line will allow the pump station off Maple Street to be retired. • The downtown interceptor will be constructed from the Dogwood pump station to the middle of Bass Lake. This line will allow the Dogwood pump station to be eliminated. • The last interceptor line is the lower section of Sunset Road Interceptor and will run south of Holly Springs Road to the head of Sunset Lake. This line will allow Sunset North pump station to be retired. • Wake Outfall and Eastern Interceptor will receive wastewater in the Easton Acres area and also areas north of New Hill Road. Wake Outfall discharges into a pump station now under design. This system will allow for the elimination of Easton North and Easton South pump stations. The following Phase I cost estimates are presented in 1995 dollars: Quantity Description Cost 6,000 LF 8" Gravity Sewer $144,000 6,300 LF 10" Gravity Sewer $158,000 2,800 LF 12" Gravity Sewer $100,000 5,000 LF 15" Gravity Sewer $185,000 3,000 LF 18" Gravity Sewer $168,000 13,300 LF 24" Gravity Sewer $798,000 202 EA Manhole $404.000 Sub -Total $1,957,000 Engineering and Contingency (30%) $587,000 Easements ($9.00 per LF) $330,000 Surveying and Miscellaneous $50,000 Land Acquisition $20,000 Legal and Administrative (2%) $39.000 TOTAL PHASE ONE ESTIMATED COST $2,983,000 USE $3,000,000 33 Old Apex Road SR Ili; , . L---, .)J "C„.._,... ,s „0 , . � L may, -, ov Easton 1 -_ -7 f North PSI. Wake Outfall-. _ ; Little ■ Branch PS w' �15 Easton South PS Eastern �r� Interceptor r - of $$ & y_ �% •CCU - Southern PS f����;��11' ,, wort Bass Lake Road • � Bass Take 4 — Dogwood );/-•. _ PS Outfall ;bi " r � .�: -- e. 1899 - Maple St. PS.L.-Fete- 10" J 'T. • T.. Downtown . —. t — "' Tntercentor �� NORTH FIGURE 4 PROPOSED PHASE ONE IMPROVEMENTS Leeend_ • Existing Pump Station Q Proposed Pump Station O. Proposed Gravity Line Line Size Change • Manhole unli Existing VVWTP Outfall Direction of Flow Prepared By: The Wooten Company Engineering Planning Architecture flreth,ille. N.C. Phase Two The last sections east of Highway 55 and an area zoned mostly industrial are covered by the improvements in Phase Two (Figure 5). This phase consists of the following: • The upper section (north of Holly Springs Road) of Sunset Road Interceptor is completed. This line placement will allow the pump station at the intersection Highway 55 and Southern Railroad to be eliminated. • East Sunset Interceptor will run just south of Holly Springs Road to the present location of the of Sunset South pump station. This line will discharge to the Sunset Lake Outfall. • The longest line in this phase is the Basal Creek Outfall. Although this line runs south of the Town's ETJ it will only collect wastewater from the southeastern area of the Town zoning, just below SR 1115. • The final line in this phase is the Utley Creek Outfall which will serve a mostly zoned -industrial section east of the existing wastewater treatment plant (bordering CP&L). This line will allow for industry buildup in this area. Since this is a remote area draining toward the west, a pump station must be built. A 6" force main will run parallel to the gravity line and will run cross-country to the existing wastewater treatment plant outfall. The following Phase II cost estimates are presented in 1995 dollars: Quantity Description Extended Cost 28,800 LF 8" Gravity Sewer $691,000 2,200 LF 10" Gravity Sewer $55,000 2,700 LF 12" Gravity Sewer $97,000 5,200 LF 15" Gravity Sewer $192,000 235 EA Manhole $360,000 1 EA Pump Station $100,000 9,600 LF 6" Force Main $96,000 Sub -Total $1,591,000 Engineering and Contingenc (30%) $477,000 Easements ($9.00 per LF) $350,000 Surveying and Miscellaneous $25,000 Land Acquisition $20,000 Legal and Administrative (2%) $32,000 TOTAL PHASE 2 ESTIMATED COST $2.495,300 USE $2,500,000 35 Branch PS • •-• ..\C - •- ;AT, •,."N • • • -`7:„.,;:•:, Utley / Creek PS -F lIC " I/ ,......., A \....... -•-re7 7:-•\_._.-i::,-fr,-• PROPERTY OF CAROLINA It?' .POWER & LIGHT SR 1116 r 55 • S.••••••,.._ • North PS •,-"5:, ••• • ..»A • - 15'4 Stialtg:a Late k_--7.> .,: 1.,,04":11.--7, ..177:7,11....1:111)te'ns'r:-etplitoo'ra-jd ,....,,,-. 7 U....., IL---.‘":" r;Ldflt...1-7±,-:,t,. ) -- e • -' ...:••-^ il. )1 . . .V.....j \ e.' k.....':,..•/r,...01.1:1-1.....,. „- -0 JSprings IF Road . t"--""-----., ) . i ,-.....„..-.!‘ %sr' - .c.I.,.-._:_,..::, . . . Southern PS 3-:-•••'Ic-' \.\-1S(7• la .'7'.- T---------:-. • /;;' ..4-/7 . ..... .- • .... - wi - • — - • 6. m. ..4v -••••. North PS .. <1, • • •-• 'k • . I • - '—' 4 A. •1 — /ay S 4-- ourthern RR Basal Creek - ,. ; •r - %. _ e( /1/4 Outfall fr. i"'• if %. r\\ _ -t. - ititef•-• •77 SR 111S NORTH 1111 FIGURE 5 PROPOSED PHASE TWO IMPROVEMENTS D 0-0 • mr Leeend Existing Pump Station Proposed Pump Station Previous Phase Gravity Line Proposed Gravity Line Line Size Change Manhole Existing WWTP Outfall This Phase Force Main Direction of Flow Prepared By: The Wooten Company Engineering Planning Architecture N t" lieenviile. N. Phase Three The final phase of construction (Figure 6) will serve areas west of Town. This phase will consist of the following: • Norris Branch Outfall, which will serve the extreme southwestern corner of the study area. This line will be able to accommodate industry as well as residential areas such as Avent Ferry Road subdivision and proposed housing around the Shelba airport. Again, due to westward slopes a pump station will be located on CP&L property. A 6" force main will be installed from this pump station, up SR 1115 to a gravity line in Town. • The next system section is in the northwestern part of the study area. Draw Interceptor and the southern part of Little Branch Outfall collect wastewater for the area immediately north of New Hill and Old Apex Roads and will allow for the retirement of the New Hill and Apex pump station. The upper portion of Little Branch Outfall will discharge into a pump station on Wake County land which is presently in the design stage. The following Phase III cost estimates are presented in 1995 dollars: Quantity Description Extended Cost 11,700 LF 8" Gravity Sewer $281,000 3,600 LF 10" Gravity Sewer $90,000 3,300 LF 12" Gravity Sewer $119,000 73 EA Manhole $131,000 1 EA Pump station $100,000 17,500 LF 6" Force Main $175.000 Sub -Total $896,000 Engineering and Contingency (30%) $270,000 Easements ($9.00 per LF) $168,000 Surveying and Miscellaneous $15,000 Land Acquisition $20,000 Legal and Administrative (2%) $18,000 TOTAL PHASE THREE ESTIMATED COST $1,387,000 USE $1,400,000 3.12 Alternative Interceptor Consideration Interceptor routes alignments are largely directed by topography, and use of gravity sewer interceptors to eliminate or minimize the number of wastewater pumping stations is accepted as sound engineering practice. Gravity sewers require less maintenance than pump stations, and are less prone to failures that could result in the discharge of raw wastewater to the environment. However, in the case of the Sunset Lake outfall described in the Phase I improvements it is anticipated that there will be some members of the public that will prefer the risk of pump station 37 12"\ Little " Branch PS ram Little Branch Outfall Utley !Creek PS PROPERTY OF } j CAROLINA 7, ;POWER & LIGHT =. art - In Mr Mt NORTH FIGURE r� PROPOSED PHASE THREE IMPROVEMENTS Leend ® Existing Pump Station O Proposed Pump Station 0--0 Previous Phase Gravity Line 41.0 Proposed Gravity Line • Line Size Change ID Manhole Existing WWTP Outfall This Phase Force Main — Previous Phase Force Main �••—� Direction of Flow Prepared By: The Wooten Company Engineering Planning Architecture i • tireenvilfe. N.C;. failure to the impacts of interceptor system construction. Bass Lake is a nature preserve overseen by The Nature Conservancy and a non-profit organization of local residents. These groups are concerned about the potential disruption of the existing environment that would be caused by construction of the segment of the outfall line that would skirt the perimeter of Bass Lake. Property owners along the southern perimeter of Sunset Lake may object to the installation of the line around the southern edge of Sunset Lake. Alternative arrangements that would avoid the potentially controversial interceptor sections has been formulated. These alternative arrangements would require the construction of two new pump stations and result in the existing Dogwood pump station remaining in service. Therefore, from a reliability and annual operation and maintenance cost standpoint, theses arrangements would be undesirable. However, the use of such arrangements would avoid a potential controversy, and avoid disturbing the high quality mesic hardwood forest bordering the southern shore of Sunset Lake. Cost projections for both a gravity sewer line the entire route, as is shown in Figure 4, and for alternate arrangements involving pump stations and force mains as is shown in Figure 7 have been prepared. Either alternative would have an initial cost of approximately $2,000,000. V Subset Lake lead •1)ri • ikaii.. • . - �~ JY Springs _ • tt p. .g.n' • ' i Road ~• Cu• . • .Southern PS ��Y�'f 4�`�•� r„.• - N.` :r�ilww • ..: Remin go2.2 ' p—s-1/.:.. BasistoaLakd e it,::1:...........:, — • f ,� Li. .... \ Sunset Lake `Nem .•. Sunset . North PS Legend ■ Existing Pump Station Q Proposed Pump Station 1'1''11 Proposed Gravity Line y Line Size Change • Manhole Sunset South PS 1 �J� Bass Lake PS �1liill, rr FIGURE 7 ALTERNATE CONFIGURATION SUNSET LAKE OUTFALL Prepared By: The Wooten Company Engineering Planning Architecture t' C ireenviiie. V (. 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES 4.1 Overview The availability of adequate wastewater treatment facilities in the Town of Holly Springs is projected to encourage planned residential, commercial and industrial development in the area. The proposed wastewater treatment system and collection improvements, and the resulting growth and development must be addressed. The consequences of development include changes in land use, increased air pollution and noise levels, possible water quality degradation, impacts on wildlife, and the possible introduction of toxic substances to the surrounding environment. However, these impacts will have both beneficial and adverse, primary and secondary affects on the environment. Primary impacts are a direct result of the construction of a project. Secondary impacts are indirect or induced changes in the patterns of land use and population growth and other environmental effects resulting from changes in land use and population growth. Once the primary and secondary adverse impacts have been identified it is necessary to recognize the mitigative measures that must be taken so as to minimize the impacts of the proposed project and development to the environment. 4.2 Changes in Land Use 4.2.1 Wetlands Both primary and secondary adverse impacts on the area's mosaic of wetlands will result from construction of the proposed project and development in the area. The construction of the proposed collection system expansion in wetland areas will result in a short-term adverse impact on water quality in the form of increased siltation and turbidity, a result of erosion during and immediately following construction. However, this is only a temporary problem; the wetlands will have a chance to restore themselves once the sewerlines are in place and the vegetation and water courses return to normal. The same impacts will be seen during construction of houses, office buildings, shopping centers, etc., however these impacts will have a more lasting effect on the environment. The growth and development of Holly Springs will alter the natural water flow patterns, and therefore diminish the functioning wetlands in the area. 4.2.2 Prime or Unique Agricultural Lands As the Town of Holly Springs attracts an ever growing number of residents, the value of the land becomes too great for use in agriculture. Also, construction and development of the land has adverse secondary impacts on the soil that carry over to become water quality issues. Soils exposed during and after construction of sewerlines will be subject to erosion. This loss of top soil is not only a waste of valuable natural resources, but it will also create an undesirable sediment 41 deposition in the stream beds. The increased sedimentation will affect the water -carrying capacity of stream channels and will also result in increased flood stages. 4.2.3 Public Lands • The total acreage of public lands in the Holly Springs area will increase as the demand for parks and recreational facilities grows with the population. 4.2.4 Scenic and Recreational Areas An increase in the development of scenic and recreational areas will be seen with the growth of this community. More public parks and recreational facilities, such as basketball courts, soccer fields, etc., will be planned and developed for the residents. 4.2.5 Areas of Archaeological and Historic Value These areas are more likely to be preserved and restored as the growing population will bring concern for the attractiveness of such sites in their Town. The wastewater collection system expansion will not disrupt any sites of archaeological or historic value. 4.3 Air Quality and Noise Levels The construction of the proposed sewerlines will result in short-term impacts on air quality as construction equipment and other traffic increase the pollutant levels in the area. Development in the area will increase the traffic volume which may increase the concentration of pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and particulate matter in the ambient air. Inconveniences from increased noise levels from use of construction equipment will be an additional short-term adverse impact. The inconvenience of noise pollution will also increase during the construction phase of development. Noise levels will decrease after construction in the area has diminished, but will remain higher than the current level as more people, with their cars, lawn mowers, etc., migrate to the Holly Springs area. 4.4 Water Quality 4.4.1 Groundwater Quality The impacts on groundwater due to development are minimal. Lawn fertilization at residences and parks may affect the quality of the surficial groundwater, but the concentration of this pollution is so small, it may be disregarded. The long-term secondary impact of wastewater collection system expansion is actually beneficial. The present and future septic tank operations in the area, which could be considered as a significant source of pollution problems if the tanks are malfunctioning and not properly maintained, may be eliminated as the collection system expansions reach new parts of the area. 42 4.4.2 Surface Water Quality A secondary long-term adverse impact on the quality of surface waters from the development of the "own will be the decreased water quality as increased urbanization leads to an increased amount of runoff. The urban runoff from built up areas is comprised primarily of soluble and suspended matter which come from the degradation of asphaltic and concrete pavements, various contributions from automobiles, fallout from the atmosphere, vegetation, litter, spills and other sources. The oxygen demanding constituents of urban runoff may lower the dissolved oxygen contents of streams by adding oxygen demanding materials to the waters, and inhibit the biological activities in streams by adding high concentrations of heavy metals to the waters. The Neuse River Water Quality Basin Plan calls for no new discharges into Middle Creek as a water quality protection measure, and all alternatives have been formulated to be consistent with this requirement. Some increase of treated wastewater to Utley Creek can be expected, and, under the preferred alternative, there will also be some increases in treated discharges to Middle Creek. The Middle Creek discharges would occur through the Town of Cary Middle Creek wastewater plant, and the discharge of the treated wastewater would not result in any increase in the permitted capacity of that plant considered in development of the Neuse River Water Quality Basin Plan. Increased discharges of wastewater to Utley Creek will be mitigated by treating wastewater to the standards required by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management through the NPDES permitting program. In projecting alternative costs, it was assumed that all plants of any capacity discharging into Utley Creek would be required to achieve an effluent BOD5 of 5 mg/L or less, and an effluent ammonia of 2 mg/L or less. It is hoped that negotiations 'rith the Town of Cary will be successful, and that discharge into Utley Creek can be limited over the next 20 years to not more than 1.3 MGD. If, however, these negotiations are not successful, it is expected that it will ultimately be necessary to construct a 4.88 MGD plant discharging into Utley Creek. Such a plant would not likely be needed before the year 2007. If required, the plant would be designed to achieve biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal and to release an effluent meeting BOD5 and ammonia limits of 5 mg/L and 2 mg/L respectively. Should proposed NC-DEM regulations be adopted, a program for reusing as much of the wastewater treated at the Utley Creek facility as is possible will be pursued. If successful, this program would reduce the actual volume of wastewater discharged to Utley Creek to a level lower than the treatment plant capacities discussed in this document. 4.4.3 Drinking Water Supplies Neither the construction of the proposed sewerlines nor the development should have any significant impact on the quality of the Town's drinking water supply. There will be additional stress on the drinking water supply due to the increase in new customers. As a result of this stress, additional drinking water sources should be located. 43 4.5 Wildlife Resources Disruption to the soil and water from erosion and turbidity due to construction may adversely affect the biological species in the area. For example, increased turbidity in streams may inhibit the photosynthetic activity of aquatic flora and fauna and significantly change the established predator -prey relationships. Development of the Town of Holly Springs will also disrupt wildlife habitats as land is cleared and water courses rerouted to allow for construction. 4.6 Introduction of Toxic Substances The introduction of toxic substances to the surrounding environment would be from the use of pesticides and other household cleaners. However, the amount of toxic substances that would actually reach the environment in measurable amounts is small, and the impact from such concentrations is negligible. 4.7 Summary The impacts that may result from the proposed wastewater collection system expansion and development in the Town of Holly Springs may be seen in all aspects of the environment. Although the majority of these impacts are negative, the benefits to the Town are incalculable. For example, the collection system expansion will bring adequate wastewater treatment service to a larger number of individuals, and the subsequent growth and development of the Town will result in more capital income for the community. Some of the impacts to the environment may be avoided, and those which cannot may be minimized through the implementation of certain mitigative measures. 44 5.0 UNAVOIDABLE ADVERSE IMPACTS AND MITIGATIVE MEASURES 5.1 Overview There are some unavoidable adverse disturbances of the environment that will result from construction of the proposed project and development of Holly Springs. The primary impacts which cannot be avoided are erosion and sedimentation from sewerline construction, construction inconvenience and wastewater disposal. The secondary impacts which cannot be avoided are erosion and sedimentation from developmental activities in the Town and changes in water and air quality. Even though these consequences are inevitable, there are certain measures which may be taken to reduce the magnitude of the impacts. 5.2 Mitigation of Primary Impacts 5.2.1 Erosion and Sedimentation from Sewerline Construction General mitigation measures that may minimize unavoidable primary impacts due to erosion and sedimentation are provided by the State of North Carolina's "Rules and Regulations for Erosion and Sediment Control." The provision of a sufficient vegetative buffer between the edge of the construction site and stream banks in accordance with the "Rules", should adequately mitigate the major affects during construction. Special, site specific erosion control efforts may be required for stream crossings, steep banks, and other cases which require disturbance of natural stream banks. 5.2.2 Construction Inconveniences and Annoyance Primary inconveniences during construction due to disruption of traffic flow can be minimized by proper planning of construction activities. The noise effect during construction can be minimized by operating equipment during daylight hours and installing muffler systems on all machinery. 5.2.3 Wastewater Disposal Disposal of effluents into the receiving streams is not expected to have a significant primary impact on the receiving streams as treatment plants will be designed to meet effluent limits formulated by the State of North Carolina to protect water quality. Creation of another point source discharge on Middle Creek will be avoided as a means to protect that stream. Under the preferred alternatives (Alternative T-3 and 0-3) and under the fallback alternatives (Alternative T-6, either T- 6A or T-6B) treated wastewater discharges would be increased to Utley Creek and Middle Creek both. The increased discharges to Middle Creek would be made through the Town of Cary plant without increasing the permitted capacity of that plant. The potential impacts on water quality of increased discharges into the Middle Creek plant therefore have already been taken into account during the permitting of the Town of Cary plant. The Utley Creek plants would be designed, as is 45 the existing 0.5 MGD facility, to achieve an effluent BOD5 of 5 mg/L and an effluent ammonia of 2 mg/L tp help protect water quality in that creek. Ultraviolet disinfection is used, and would continue to be used, to avoid the aquatic toxicity problems sometimes associated with chlorine. Alternative T-6B, which would be employed only if satisfactory long-term arrangements could not be reached with the Town of Cary, would involve the eventual construction of a 4.88 MGD plant on Utley Creek, probably around the year 2007. If required, this plant would be designed to achieve biological nitrogen and phosphorus removals in addition to meeting stringent BOD5 and ammonia limits. The 0.500 MGD plant expansion that would be installed initially under alternative T-6A or T-6B would not be designed for nutrient removal, since there is no present indication that the Cape Fear River Basin is nutrient sensitive. If draft regulations governing reuse of treated wastewater are adopted, another potential additional avenue for mitigating the effects of the increased discharge will be created. Industrial development, both existing and planned, is located in relatively close proximity to the Utley Creek plant. A separate, industrial reuse water system that would allow the volume of wastewater discharged to Utley Creek system to be reduced may, under the proposed regulations, prove practicle. Implementation of such a system would be dependent not only on cost but also on the adoption of the proposed regulations by the State and acceptance of a reuse program by the Town's industries. The existing industrial base provides only a limited potential reuse base, and, without some industrial growth, the amount of water which could be recycled would be small. Industrial reuse is therefore only a potential mitigation measure. If a wastewater treatment plant should become inoperational due to power or major mechanical system failure, it might, depending on stream flows at the time of the failure, significantly affect the water quality of the receiving streams for a short time period. Provision of standby power and the use of multiple units will mitigate this potential problem. 5.2.4 Sewerline Construction Biologists with the firm Robert J. Goldstein and Associates (RJG&A) have evaluated the proposed path of the sewerlines and provided their recommendations for routing the sewerlines along the path of least impact. In making these recommendations RJG&A have incorporated guidelines established by the Wildlife Resource Commission and the North Carolina Department of Environmental Management for minimizing adverse impacts to the environment. These guidelines include avoiding protected jurisdictional wetlands, crossing bodies of water at narrow points perpendicular to the channel, maintaining forested buffers along streams, avoiding mature forests and high quality natural communities, and avoiding fragmentation of large habitat areas. The following is a summary of the preferred routes, as suggested by RJG&A, for placing sewerlines and pump stations in the proposed project area so as to incur the least impact to the surrounding environment. 46 Middle Creek Basin Impacts on the unnamed tributary of Middle Creek that lies between NC 55 and Middle Creek may be minimized by placing the sewerlines along the NC 55 right-of-way (ROW) northward to the abandoned railroad ROW. As the tributary turns eastward, the waterway is bordered on both sides by high quality habitat. The alternative of least impact is to place the sewerlines on the south side of the tributary midway between the base of the slopes and the streambank. The north bank of Middle Creek from SR 1152 to Sunset Lake is the preferred route of the sewerline because it is bordered by a broad floodplain that will allow for a wide forested buffer. There is also a golf course nearby that may be bordered to further minimize impacts to wetlands and protected species in the corridor. In the section of Middle Creek below Sunset Lake, a wide forested buffer should be maintained along Middle Creek and the pump station should be located on the south side of the creek as close as possible to SR 1301. Providing sewer service to the areas immediately south of Sunset Lake could be accomplished by running a gravity sewer along the lakes southern shore. In order for such a line to be economically feasible, it will be necessary for the upstream end of the line to be laid along the ground slope above the lake shore and for the line to be constructed so that it is progressively lower on the slope as it progresses in an easterly direction. This construction would involve disturbing a portion of the high quality mesic hardwood forest now present on the slope. This would be an adverse environmental impact. Basal Creek Basin The northwestern bank of Basal Creek in the corridor from SR 1393 to Sunset Lake is the preferred route for laying the sewerlines because these areas have been previously developed. However, impacts along the southeastern shores can be minimized by routing the sewerline along the edge of the floodplain to preserve a forested buffer whenever it may be necessary to install the sewerline on the southeastern shore of the Creek. The corridor along the Basal Creek Tributary north of Bass Lake is traversed by a golf course and therefore contains almost none of its natural vegetation. It is suggested that the sewerline be constructed as close as possible to the perimeter of the golf course to minimize the impact on any remaining natural vegetation. There is an overhead powerline ROW along the section of Basal Creek between Bass Lake Dam and SR 1393 which may be followed to minimize impact to this area. The sewerline should be routed through mowed areas of the Bass Lake shoreline so as to preserve the forested fringe along the lake. Impacts on the northern tributary west of Bass Lake may be minimized by routing the sewerlines along the north side of the stream as far upslope as possible. The recommended project alignment is to place the sewerline as far upstream as possible from the north side of the southern tributary to Bass Lake. The section of Basal Creek that stretches from NC 55 to Bass Lake is home to a very large population of the rare plant species Hexastylis Lewisii. The preferred mute begins on the west side of the creek, crosses to the east side approximately 2000 feet northeast of NC 55, and crosses back to the west side near the backwaters of Bass Lake. The north side of Basal Creek in the lower section of the corridor that stretches from SR 1115 to NC 55 is the preferred route because it is the most disturbed. In the upper section of the same corridor either side of the Creek is suitable. Norris Branch Basin The Norris Branch Basin is in the Cape Fear River watershed portion of the planning area. Norris Branch from SR 1115 to about 1500 feet upstream is bordered on the east bank by a field, which is the least impacting location for the pump station and sewerline route. Farther upstream both banks are suitable for sewerline installation, however the west bank is more accommodating for a wide forested buffer. The proposed site for the force main along SR 1115 poses very little danger of disrupting the environment. 47 Utley Creek Basin The pump station and sewerline along Utley Creek from the proposed pump station site to Pond Dam should be located as far north as possible, with the suggested path for the sewerline along an existing property line. Following the pond shoreline, the route of least impact upstream from the dam is on the north side of the pond. There is an existing sewerline ROW in this area which may also be used. There are two acceptable routes along the force main corridor from Irving Parkway to the wastewater treatment plant. The first route crosses on an east -west upland route from the Parkway to Treatment Plant Road. The other route follows the upland ridge from the Parkway southward, and then turns southeastward to the wastewater treatment plant. Little Branch Basin The segment of Little Branch west of SR 1153 would be impacted the least if the sewerlines were constructed 100 to 400 feet from the bank. The lower 1500 feet of the tributary west of SR 1153 would be least impacted if the sewerline were routed along the northeastern side. However, the remaining section of the tributary would feel the Least impact with the sewerlines constructed on the southwestern side. Wide buffers should also be provided to minimize impact to the surrounding environment. The route of least impact in the corridor of Little Branch east of SR 1153 is along the north side of the stream because this area has been previously disturbed, there is ample floodplain available to provide a wide forested buffer, and there are existing sewerlines. The southern tributary is least impacted when the sewerlines are routed along the west side of the stream, thus avoiding fragmentation of the natural habitat. 5.3 Mitigation of Secondary Impacts 5.3.1 Erosion and Sedimentation from Development Mitigation of secondary impacts due to expansion and sedimentation should include the preparation of erosion control plans for any new development and construction activities. 5.3.2 Water and Air Quality Urbanization of the watersheds will contribute pollutants to water courses. The implementation of nonpoint source pollution control programs as well as drainage and sedimentation control ordinances may be necessary in the future to reduce the impacts of non point sources of pollution by surface runoff. The secondary impacts on air quality are a result of increased traffic flow. The effects of this impact are negligible. 5.4 Summary Any type of development will impact the natural environment in some way. However, it is important to understand the degree of impact, and whether the benefits from the proposed project outweigh the negative aspects. With the aid of the mitigation measures described above, the impacts may be minimized in such a way that the benefits of a dependable wastewater treatment and collection system sufficiently large enough to treat projected wastewater flows are far greater than any impacts. Some short term impacts are unavoidable, but the long term improvements to the environment are more valuable to the community. The increased treatment of wastewater actually 48 lessens adverse impacts to the surface waters and wildlife in the long run, and the improved treatment and increased capacity will reduce health risks associated with improper treatment. 49 REFERENCES rook, David. Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer, North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Division of Archives and History. Correspondence, July 11, 1995. Cornelius, Wayne L., Ph.D. North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Air Quality Section. 1994 Quick Look Reports and Table of Standards. Mangles, Juan. North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, Water Modeling Section. Personal Correspondence. August 8, 1995. North Carolina Division of Environmental Management -Water Quality Section. Cape Fear River Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan (DRAFT). Raleigh, NC: May 15 1995. North Carolina Division of Environmental Management -Water Quality Section. Neuse River Basinwide Water Quality Management Plan. Raleigh, NC: March, 1993. Robert J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. Jurisdictional Wetlands and Protected Species Survey - Holly Springs, NC. 12 July 1995. United States Department of Agriculture. Soil Survey -Wake County North Carolina. Issued November, 1970. The Wooten Company. Preliminary Engineering Study. Long Range Wastewater System Improvements -Holly Springs, NC. August 1994. 50 APPENDIX I Environmental Surveys LY, JURISDICTIONAL WETLANDS AND PROTECTED SPECIES SURVEY HOLLY SPRINGS SEWER SYSTEM WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA RJG&A Project Number 94014 Report To: Mr. Ford Chambliss The Wooten Company 120 North Boylan Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 12 July 1995 Robert J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNERS & CONSULTANTS 8480 Garvey Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Tel: (919) 872-1174 FAX: (919) 872-9214 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0. INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF STUDY 4 2.0. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT AREA 4 3.0. SURVEY METHODS 5 3.1. Jurisdictional Wetlands ... 5 3.2. Protected Species and Natural Areas 5 4.0. SURVEY RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6 4.1. General Recommendations for Minimizing Adverse Impacts 6 4.2. Middle Creek Basin Below Bass Lake Dam 6 4.2.1. Middle Creek Below Sunset Lake 6 4.2.2. Sunset Lake Shoreline 7 4.2.3. Basal Creek from Bass Lake Dam to Head of Sunset Lake 7 4.2.4. Basal Creek Tributary North of Bass Lake 7 4.2.5. Middle Creek from SR 1 152 to Sunset Lake 7 4.2.6. Middle Creek from SR 1 152 to Unnamed Tributary 8 4.2.7. Middle Creek Tributary from NC 55 to Middle Creek 8 4.3. Basal Creek Basin Above Bass Lake Dam 8 4.3.1. Shoreline of Bass Lake 8 4.3.2. Northern Tributary West of Bass Lake 9 4.3.3. Southern Tributary West of Bass Lake 9 4.3.4. Basal Creek from NC-55 to Bass Lake 9 4.3.5. Basal Creek from SR 1 115 to NC-55 9 4.4. Little Branch Basin 10 4.4.1. Little Branch and Tributary West of SR 1 153 10 4.4.2. Little Branch ar d Tributaries East of SR 1 153 10 4.5. Utley Creek Basin 10 4.5.1. Utley Creek from Proposed Pump Station to Pond Dam 11 4.5.2. Pond Shoreline and Tributary Upstream to Irving Parkway . 11 4.5.3. Force Main Corridor from Irving Parkway to WWTP 11 4.6. Norris Branch Basin 11 4.6.1. Norris Branch 11 4.6.2. Force Main Along SR 1 115 11 5.0. CONCLUSIONS 12 5.1. Jurisdictional Wetlands 12 5.2. Rare and Protected Species 12 6.0. LITERATURE CITED 13 2 TABLES AND FIGURES Table 1. Federally protected, state protected, and federal candidate species reported from Wake County, N.C. 15 Table 2. Habitat requirements of protected species known from Wake County, N.C. 16 Figure 1. Holly Springs sewerline project area, showing service area (ETJ), pump stations, and WWTP location 17 Figure 2. Wetlands, rare species sites, high quality habitats, and recommended project corridor in the Holly Springs sewerline project area - Middle Creek basin 18 Figure 3. Wetlands, rare species sites, high quality habitats, and recommended project corridor in the Holly Springs sewerline project area - Buckhorn Creek basin 19 3 1.0. INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF STUDY. The extraterritorial planning jurisdiction (ETJ) of the Town of Holly Springs, in southwestern Wake County, North Carolina, contains numerous residential subdivisions each with a privately installed wastewater pump station. The pump stations and force mains convey the wastewater to the Town's wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) on Utley Creek, 1.0 mile west of Holly Springs (Figure 1). The existing facilities provide wastewater service to only a small portion of the ETJ, which encompasses about 18 square miles. To accommodate future development and support progressive annexation, the Town proposes to construct a system of gravity outfalls, force mains, and pump stations throughout the ETJ. The project will reduce the number of pump stations to four (one for each major drainage basin), and provide sewer access to nearly all of the ETJ. Wastewater treatment options under consideration include 1) expansion of the Utley Creek WWTP; 2) construction of a new municipal WWTP on Middle Creek; or 3) treatment at the Town of Cary's existing WWTP on Middle Creek. The Town's consulting engineers, The Wooten Company, contracted Robert J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. (RJG&A) to conduct an environmental reconnaissance of the project area to identify sites that may be of concern to regulatory agencies reviewing the project plans. RJG&A ecologists surveyed the proposed construction corridors to locate major areas of jurisdictional wetlands, populations of protected species, and high quality natural areas. The approximate boundaries of environmentally sensitive sites were mapped on USGS 7.5-minute topographic quadrangles and submitted to The Wooten Company so that project plans could be altered to avoid these areas to the extent practicable. Environmentally preferable sewerline alternatives apparent in the field are recommended on the maps in this report. 2.0. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT AREA. Holly Springs lies at the junctur3 of three major geologic regions; the Durham -Sanford Triassic Basin to the northwest, the Raleigh Belt to the northeast, and the Sandhills to the south (N.C. Division of Land Resources, 1984). Each of these geologic regions comprises approximately one-third of the ETJ. A diabase dike lies diagonally (northwest -southeast) across the northern half of the ETJ, and mafic amphibolite intrusions occur in the northeast. Several rare species known from Wake County are associated with these geologic formations. Holly Springs also lies on the topographic divide between two major river basins, the Neuse River to the east and the Cape Fear River to the west. The Middle Creek watershed, which comprises 60% of the ETJ, flows eastward to the Neuse River (Figure 2). The two major impoundments in this portion of the service area are Sunset Lake and Bass Lake. The proposed pump station site for the Middle Creek basin is downstream of Sunset Lake. Middle Creek is designated nutrient -sensitive waters (NSW) by The N.C. Division of Environmental Management (DEM), and is also known to contain populations of federally and state protected aquatic animals. The remaining three pump stations will be Guilt on Little Branch, Utley Creek, and Norris Branch (Figure 3). These streams drain the western 40% of the ETJ, and flow westward to Buckhorn Creek, which was impounded in 1983 by Carolina Power & Light 4 Company (CP&L) to create Harris Lake. Buckhorn Creek, a tributary of the Cape Fear River, is not designated NSW, nor is it known to contain protected species upstream of Harris Lake dam. The project area contains commercial, industrial, res. -,gricultural, and forested land. Commercial and industrial uses are concentrated U+Li.y 4i: 55. Residential use is expanding throughout the ETJ, and agricultural use is declining. The CP&L land immediately west of the proposed Utley Creek pump station site is managed as Wildlife Game Lands by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC). 3.0. SURVEY METHODS. 3.1. Jurisdictional Wetlands. Jurisdictional wetlands and mosE ics of wetlands and non -wetlands were determined in accordance with the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory, 1987). The hydrophytic indicator status of wetland vegetation was based on Reed (1988). The approximate boundaries of jurisdictional wetlands or mosaics were mapped on USGS topographic quadrangles, and illustrated (W) in Figures 2 and 3. 3.2. Protected Species and Natural Areas. RJG&A consulted with U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) and the N.C. Natural Heritage Program (NHP) for information on protected plant and animal species and rare natural communities likely to occur in the project area. Sixty rare species have been recorded from Wake County, of which five are federally protected (E, T, PE, or PT) and another 23 are state protected (E,T, or SC) or federal candidate (C2) species. These 28 species include 13 vertebrates, 9 invertebrates, and 6 plants (Table 1). Diagnostic features of each protected or federal candidate species, its habitat requirements, locations of previous sightings near the project area, and flowering and fruiting seasons (plants) or breeding seasons (animals) were compiled from LeGrand (1987), LeGrand and Hall (1995), Radford et al. (1968), Amoroso and Weakley (1995), Schafale and Weakley (1990), Hooper et al. (1980), Martof et al. (1980), Adams et al. (1990), Potter et al. (1980), Webster et al. (1985), Rohde et al (1994), NHP records, and personal communication with agency biologists. Habitat requirements are summarized in Table 2. RJG&A ecologists Gerald Pottern, Michael Crocker, and Patrick MacMillan surveyed the project area for protected species and high quality natural habitats during late April through June, 1995. Potentially suitable habitats for protected species were identified from soil maps, topographic maps, aerial photographs, and field inspection. For many of the species, no suitable habitat was present in the proposed construction corridors. For species unlikely to be detected except by long-term surveys or trapping (e.g., certain birds and mammals), habitat quantity and quality were assessed, records previous sightings reviewed, and a professional judgment made of the probability of occurrence of these species in the project area. Several strearn-dwel!ina protected species have already been documented from Middle Creek, and the project must include provisions to protect these species. 5 Locations of rare species (numbers) and high quality natural habitats (H) are mapped in Figures 2 and 3. High quality natural habitats may contain protected species, rare but unprotected species (federal 3C; state C, SR, or Watch List), regionally disjunct populations of species that are secure elsewhere in the North Carolina, unusual geologic features, or unusually diverse, mature, and well preserved communities of common species. 4.0. SURVEY RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. 4.1. General Recommendations for Minimizing Adverse Impacts. WRC and DEM offer the following guidelines in design of wastewater facilities to minimize adverse impacts on water quality and wildlife habitat. These agencies may deny concurrence with a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) if the guidelines have not been incorporated. 1) avoid jurisdictional wetlands, and cross at narrow points 2) minimize stream crossings, and cross perpendicular to channel 3) preserve forested buffers along streams (100 feet where possible) 4) avoid mature forests and other high -quality natural communities 5) avoid fragmentation of large habitat areas The following sub -sections describe the important natural features of each segment of the project corridor, and recommend a route of least impact incorporating WRC and DEM guidelines above. 4.2. Middle Creek Basin Below Bass Lake Dam. This portion of the project are 3 includes Middle Creek below Sunset Lake dam, the shoreline of Sunset Lake, Middle Cree < and its unnamed tributary northwest of Sunset Lake, and Basal Creek and its unnamed tributary between Bass Lake darn and the head of Sunset Lake. 4.2.1. Middle Creek Below Sunset Lake. The floodplain and adjacent slopes along Middle Creek below Sunset Lake (east of SR 1301) has been designated a significant natural area by NHP (LeGrand, 1987). This area contains disjunct populations of plants typical of both mountain and coastal plain habitats, and a diverse community of typical Piedmont species. The Neuse River waterdog and several state protected mussels occur in this segment of Middle Creek, and the federally endangered dwarf wedge mussel occurs downstream. The state threatened tiger salamander breeds in seasonally ponded depressions at the edge of the floodplain, and adults live in the adjacent forested uplands. Two rare but unprotected plants in this area are nestronia (Nestronia umbellula) and Lewis's heartleaf (HexasiTl.'s Adverse impacts en the raturai are: and its protected species can be minimized by preserving a wide forested buffer along Ir,..liddle Creek and siting the pump station south of the creek as close as possible to SR 1 ?01 . 6 4.2.2. Sunset Lake Shoreline. The southeast shoreline of Sunset Lake contains steep north facing slopes with high quality mesic hardwood forest, and yellow lady slipper (Cypripedium calceolus), rare in the Piedmont. The western shore of the lake is predominantly developed and would be a preferable route alternative. If the southeast shore must be followed, impacts can be minimized by siting the sewerline in the shallow edge of the lake, rather than on the sl -:e. The short-term impact of this alternative includes more wetland disturbance than if the ne were installed on the slope, but marsh vegetation recovers more quickly than forested slc:.)es, and long-term impacts will be Tess severe. Corridor maintenance (mowing) will be unnecessary if the line is installed in the marsh. The northern shoreline of Sunset Lake is predominantly developed, and no significant impacts are anticipated along this segment. The line should be routed through existing mowed areas to avoid the narrow band of natural vegetation along the lake shore. 4.2.3. Basal Creek from Bass Lake Dam to Head of Sunset Lake. Between Bass Lake dam and SR 1393 is a small but high quality bottomland forest containing seeps and floodplain pools. Several jurisdictional wetlands 200 square feet or smaller occur in this area. Impacts will be minimized by routing the construction corridor to the west of this forest, and utilizing the existing overhead powerline right-of-way (ROW). From SR 1393 to the head of Sunset Lake is a broad forested floodplain containing a mosaic of jurisdictional wetland and non -wetland. This segment of Basal Creek has no perceptible gradient, and broadens into a marsh approximately 800 feet downstream of SR 1393. The northwestern bank of the stream/lake is more developed and is preferable for minimizing habitat impacts. If the project requires placement along the southeastern bank, then the line should be routed near the edge of the floodplain to preserve a forested buffer. 4.2.4. Basal Creek Tributary North of Bass Lake. This segment traverses a golf course. Virtually all the natural vegetation has been removed. No jurisdictional wetlands, high quality habitats, or rare species remain in this area. 4.2.5. Middle Creek from SR 1 152 to Sunset Lake. The north bank of Middle Creek is bordered by a broad floodplain, whereas "e south bank has steep slopes. The north bank is preferred for sewerline construction, • it will accommodate a wider forested buffer. The north bank floodplain is mostly non-wetl;. 1 near SR 1152; wetlands are more frequent and larger closer to Sunset Lake. This s -nent contains young alluvial hardwood forest with pocls that may support the state protect tiger salamander. One tiger salamander larva was collec-- 'lc •plain pool up. eam of SR 1152. Adverse impacts on wetlands and prctectea species will be minimized by N. Jting the sewerline as far north as possible, preferrably along the edge of the adjacent golf course and other non -forested areas. 7 4.2.6. Middle Creek from SR 1152 to Unnamed Tributary. The upper portion of this segment of Middle Creek, approximately midway between NC 55 and SR 1152, contains Didiplis diandra, a significantly rare aquatic pant that had not been observed in North Carolina for at least 20 years (Amoroso and Weakley, 1995). The remainder of this segment of Middle Creek contains broad forested floodplains on both sides, with numerous floodplain pools. One tiger salamander larva was collected and released on 8 May 1995 in a pool 1,300 feet west of SR 1 152 on the north side of the stream. 4.2.7. Middle Creek Tributary from NC 55 to Middle Creek. An unnamed tributary of Middle Creek arises in a forested headwater seep wetland on the east side of NC 55 just north of SR 1152. Impacts on this wetland can be avoided by routing the sewerline along the NC 55 ROW northward to the abandoned railroad ROW. From this point, the recommended alignment i., adjacent to the railroad bed for approximately 3,400 feet, and then turns eastward, crossing the tributary 500 to 600 feet east of the railroad bed. East of this point, high quality habitat occurs on both sides of the stream, but the route of least impact is on the south side, midway between the base of the slopes and the streambank. A man-made impoundment colonized and altered by beavers is located just above the confluence of this tributary with Middle Creek. Both banks are forested, and an extensive shrub/sapling wetland has developed. Smaller wetlands occur in poorly -drained floodplain depressions and seeps at the base of north -facing slopes upstream and downstream of the pond. An alternative route that would minimize impacts is along the powerline ROW north of the pond. 4.3. Basal Creek Basin Above Bass Lake Dam. This portion of the project area includes the shoreline of Bass Lake, nasal Creek above Bass Lake, and two unnamed tributaries west of Bass Lake. 4.3.1. Shoreline of Bass Lake. The shoreline of Bass Lake is protected under a conservation easement. Prior to the present survey, The Nature Conservancy had no records of rare species this preserve. Most of the western shoreline is developed, and natural vegetation F.!ong the northern half is limited to a 30 to 75 foot wide band of young mesic slope forest 'mostly sweetgurn and loblolly pine) and a narrow fringe of marsh herbs and shrubs along the edge of the water. Both the marsh and slope forest are wider along the southern half of the sr;,reline. Upstream of the southernmost tributary, the western shoreline at the head of the i=_ke supports high quality mesic forest containing the rare iexastylis lew:sli. The sewerline should be routed through mowed areas. preserving the forested fringe a'cng the lake. 8 4.3.2. Northern Tributary West of Bass Lake. From its confluence with Bass Lake to approximately 1 ,500 feet upstream, this tributary meanders across a b::,ad floodplain with numerous pools and small wetlands. The slopes along the southern edge of the floodplain support mesic mixed hardwoods. Those along the northern edge are more disturbed, and support predominantly yuung ....veetgum and lobiolly pine. Residential development occupies the upper slopes. The environmentally preferred route is along the north side of the stream, as far upslope as possible. The south bank of this tributary contains the oldest mesic forest of the project area. Many of the oaks, beech, and tulip poplar exceed 24 inches dbh. The diversity of understory trees, shrubs, flowering herbs, and ferns is unusually high. 4.3.3. Southern Tributary West of Bas:> Lake. The lowermost 2,000 feet of this tributary includes a wide floodplain containing jurisdictional wetlands. The south side of the stream is bordered by high quality mesic hardwood slopes. The recommended project alignment is along the north side of the stream, as far upslope as possible. Upstream of this segment, no wetlands, rare species, or high quality habitats occur, and either side of the stream is suitable. 4.3.4. Basal Creek from NC-55 to Bass Lake. This segment of Basal Creek is bordered by mature mesic hardwood forest in many areas, and contains a very large population of the rare Hexastylis lewisii. Most known populations of this plant in North Carolina are clones that reproduce vegetatively and do not flower. The Basal Creek population is one of very few that reproduces sexually as well as vegetatively. Wetlands occur in the Basal Creek floodplain immediately downstream of NC 55 and in the backwaters of Bass Lake, where an extensive herb/shrub marsh has developed. The recommended route indicated on Figure 2 avoids and minimizes impacts on wetlands and Hexastylis lewisii. It begins on the west side, switches to the east side approximately 2,000 feet northeast of NC 55, and crosses back to the west side near the backwaters of Bass Lake. 4.3.5. Basal Creek from SR 1 ' 15 to NC-55. The lowermost 4,000 feet of this stream segment is similar to Basal Creek downstream of NC 55. Wetlands and high cuality mesic forest containing Hexastylis lewisii occur on both sides of the stream. The nor:7 side is more disturbed, and the environmentally preferred route. Upstream of this point. .either side of Easai Creek is suitable. 9 4.4. Little Branch Basin. This portion of the project area includes Little Branch and three unnamed tributaries northwest of Holly Springs. 4.4.1. Little Branch and Tributary West of SR 1153. Immediately west of SR 1153, the Little Branch floodplain is widest on the south side of the stream, and contains mature mesic hardwood forest. We recommend locating the sewerline along the 260-foot contour on the south side of the stream, 100 to 400 feet from the streambank. Some floodplain depressions and an old streambed channel in this section contain jurisdictional wetlands, although most of the floodplain is not wetland. The floodplain narrows 1,800 feet downstream of the bridge, where the northwestward -flowing tributary paralleling SR 1153 empties into Little Branch. Along the lower 1,500 feet of the tributary, the sewerline should be routed along the northeastern side. From this point southeastward to the head of the tributary, the sewer should be routed along the southwestern side. It is important to locate the corridor far enough away from the stream to avoid multiple crossings of extensive meanders. The tributary originates on the BFI Holly Springs landfill property, where the channel is shallow and braided. Hexastylis lewisii is common in this area. Impacts to this rare plant can be minimized by routing the sewerline to provide a wide buffer along the stream. 4.4.2. Little Branch and Tributaries East of SR 1153. South of Little Branch is a large forested tract containing high quality alluvial forest, mesic slopes, upland forests, and the rare Nestronia umbellula. The floodplain is wider on the north bank, and a wider forested buff€ r can be provided if the sewerline is routed on this side of the stream. Previously disturbed areas and an existing sewerline are located on the north side of Little Branch along the upstream portion of this segment, making this the preferred route. No large wetlands occur on either side of the stream. The southern tributary parallel to SR 1 153 is bordered by high quality mesic forest on both banks. Bedrock sills across the stream and several lateral seeps support fish -free vernal pools that provide high quality amphibian habitat. Adverse impacts will be less if the sewerline is routed along the west side of the stream, avoiding fragmentation of the habitat between this tributary and Little Branch. 4.5. Utley Creek Basin. This portion of the project area includes Utley Creek, its unnamed tributary, and a proposed force main corridor from the head of the tributary to the existing Utley Creek WWTP. 10 4.5.1. Utley Creek from Proposed Pump Station to Pond Dam. The floodplain along this segment of Utley Creek supports a mixture of alluvi vI and mesic hardwood forest of moderate age with a virtually closed canopy. Steep bluffs loin the floodplain on the south side; the slope is gradual on the north side. The pump stati and sewerline should be located as far north (away from the stream) as possible. An r sting property boundary (trees painted with red bands) along this segment is the recom ,ded location for the sewerline. 4.5.2. Pond Shoreline and Tributary Upstream to Irving Parkway. Upstream of the pond dam, the preferred route is on the north side of the pond. An existing sewerline right-of-way should be used from the head of the pond upstream to Irving Parkway. 4.5.3. Force Main Corridor from Irving Parkway to WWTP. From Irving Parkway, the sewerline should be located along uplands. Two alternate routes are acceptable. The preferred route would cross over on an east -west upland route from Irving Parkway to Treatment Plant Road, then follow the shoulder of Treatment Plant Road to the WWTP. The other alternative is to follow the upland ridge from Irving Parkway southward, then head southeastward to the WWTP. 4.6. Norris Branch Basin. This portion of the project area includes Norris Branch and the proposed force main corridor along SR 1115 from the proposed Norris Branch pump station to the existing gravity outfall in Holly Springs. 4.6.1. Norris Branch. Norris Branch from SR 1 1 15 to approximately 1,500 feet upstream is forested on the west bank and bordered by a field on the east bank. The field is the environmentally preferred pump station site and sewerline route. Upstream of this point, both banks are forested, but the west bank has a wider floodplain and will accommodate a wider forested buffer for stream protection. High quality mafic bluffs containing chalk maple (Acer leucoderme, and other plants endemic to this habitat type occur on the east bank. Upstream of the bi fs (5,000 feet upstream of SR ' 1 15), land on either side of the stream has been recently c: _ cut, and either side is acceptaole for the sewerline. 4.6.2. Force Main Along SR 1 1 15. No wetlands, rare species, or high quality habitats occur along this segment. 11 5.0. CONCLUSIONS. (1‘""5.1. Jurisdictional Wetlands. f's' Approximate jurisdictional wetlands in the project area are mapped in Figures 2 and 3. The largest wetlands are associated with the backwaters and fringes of ponds and lakes, dominated by typical marsh herbs and shrubs. Sewerline installation in marsh wetlands creates only temporary impacts (provided the lines do not leak), as the vegetation quickly recovers and maintenance mowing is unnecessary. Impacts of sewerline construction in forested floodplain and seep wetlands are permanent if maintenance corridors must be periodically mowed or bush -hogged. The recommended project routes mapped in Figures 2 and 3 were selected to minimize clearing in forested wetlands and to preserve wide forested buffers along streams where practicable. 5.2. Rare and Protected Species. Middle Creek downstream of SR 1301 contains one federally protected mussel (dwarf wedge mussel), four additional state protected mussels (triangle floater, yellow lance, Atlantic pigtoe, and squawfoot), two state protected fish (Carolina madtom and least brook lamprey) and one state protected salamander (Neuse River waterdog). This unusually high concentration of rare stream dwelling animals is of concern to federal and state regulatory agencies, which are likely to request that stream protection measures such as wide forested buffers be incorporated into the project design. One terrestrial protected species was found in the proposed construction area during the field reconnaissance. The state threatened tiger salamander breeds in floodplain pools along Middle Creek upstream of SR 1 152, and adults probably reside in the adjacent upland forests. The Wake County population of this animal has declined over the past two decades as breeding pools near Holly Springs have been drained or filled and upland forests cleared for development. The recommended route should minimize direct impacts on the tiger salamander. Secondary impacts of induced development may be more significant than direct construction impacts. No other protected species is known to occur in the proposed wastewater service area (NHP records), and none was encountered along the proposed construction corridors during this field reconnaissance. Four non -protected rare plant species occur in the proposed construction area, based on NHP records and our field survey; Didiplis diandra, IVestronia umbellula, Cypripedium calceolus, and Hexastylis lewisii. The high quality habitats in which these species occur are identified in Figures 2 and 3, and project alignments have been recommended to avoid or minimize impacts on these areas. ;educed development may have significantly greater impact on these species than will sewer!:ee construction and operation. 12 6.0. LITERATURE CITED. Adams, W.F., J.M. Alderman, R.G. Biggins, A.G. Gerberisch, E.P. Keferl, H.J. Porter, and A.S. VanDevender. 1990. A report on the conservation status of North Carolina's freshwater and terrrestrial molluscan fauna. The Scientific Counr" ^n Freshwater and Terrestrial Mollusks, Raleigh, N.C. 246 pp. Amoroso, Jame L. and A.S. Weakley. 1995. Natural Heritage Program list of the rare plant species of North Carolina. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation. N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. 79 pp. Burr, B.M. and D.S. Lee. 1985. A final report on the status survey of the Carolina madtom, Noturus furiosus. Memorandum Agreement No. 14-16-0004-84-932 between U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service and N.C. State Museum of Natural History. 36 pp. Clark, M.K. 1987. Endangered, threatened, and rare fauna of North Carolina. Part I. A re-evaluation of the mammals. Occasional Papers of the N.C. Biological Survey, N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, N.C. 52 pp. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss. 100 pp. + appendices. Fernald, M.L. 1950. Gray's Manual of Botany. Dioscorides Press, Portland, Oregon. 1632 pp. Hooper, R.G., A.F. Robinson, Jr., and J.A. Jackson. 1980. The red -cockaded woodpecker: notes on life history and management. U.S. Forest Service, Atlanta, GA. 8 pp. Lee, D.S., J.B. Funderburg, Jr. and M.K. Clark. 1982. A distributional survey of North Carolina mammals. Occasional F'apers of the N.C. Biological Survey, N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, N.C. 72 pp. LeGrand, H.E. Jr. 1987. Inventory of the Natural Areas of Wake County. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation. N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. 161 pp. LeGrand, H.E. Jr. and S.P. Hall. 1995. Natural Heritage Program list of the rare animal species of North Carolina. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation. N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. 67 pp. Martof, B.S., W.M. Palmer, J.R. Bailey, and J.R. Harrison III. 1980. Amphibians and reptiles of the Carolinas and Virginia. University of North Carolina Press. Chapel Hill, N.C. 264 pp. Moser, G.A. 1991. Dwarf ....,edge :russei recover' Fisn and Wildlife Service, Annapolis Field Office. Annapolis. '.'arylanc. 22 pp. Potter, E.F., J.F. Parnell, and H.P. Teul ngs. 7980. Eii ds of the Carolinas. University of North Carolina Press. Chapel Hill, N.C. 403 pp. Radford, A.E., H.E. Hales, and C.R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. University of North Carolina Press. Chapel Hill, N.C. 1,183 pp. Reed, Porter B. Jr. 1988. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: North Carolina. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, St. Petersburg, FL. (NERC-88/18.33) Rohde, Fred C., R.G. Arndt, D.G. Lindquist, and J.F. Parnell. 1994. Freshwater Fishes of the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, N.C. 222 pp. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina - Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, NC DEHNR, Raleigh, N.C., 325 pp. Webster, W.D., J.F. Parnell, and W.C. Biggs, Jr. 1985. Mammals of the Carolinas, Virginia, and Maryland. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, N.C. 255 pp. 14 Table 1. Federally protected, state protected. and federal candidate species reported from Wake County, N.C. Scientific name Common name State star: -,rinr^r ctatUs VERTEBRATES Aimophila aestivalis Ambystoma tigrinum Coragyps a tra tus Haliaeetus leucocephalus Hemidactylium scutatum Lampetra aepyptera Lanius ludovicianus Myotis austroriparius Myotis sep ten trionalis Necturus lewisii Noturus furiosus Picoides borealis Vermivora bachmanni INVERTEBRATES Alasmidonta heterodon Alasmidonta undulata Elliptio lanceolate Elliptio roanokensis Fusconaia masoni Lampsilis radiata Lasmigona subviridis Speyeria diana Strophitus undulatus PLANTS lsoetes piedmontana Monotropsis odorata Portulaca smallii Rhus michauxii Ruellia humilis Trillium pusillum Bachman's sparrow Tiger salamander BlacK vulture Bald eagle Four -toed salamander Least brook lamprey Loggerhead shrike Soutneastern bat Keen's (N. long-eared} bat Neuse River waterdog Carc:ina madtom Red -cockaded woodpecker Bachrnan's warbler Dwarf wedge mussel Triangle floater Yellow lance Roanoke slabshell Atlantic pigtoe Eastern Iamprrmussel Green floater Diana fritillary Squa•. foot mussel Pier.: "ant quillwort Swee: pinesap Sma portulaca Mic.7a.Jx's sumac Lc•.•. ....,id -petunia Car: _a least trillium SC T SC E SC SC SC SC SC SC SC E E E T E T T SC E E T C2 C2 C2 E C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 E = Endangered; T = Threaten :t; c = Epeciai Concern; C2 = Category 2 Candidate 15 Table 2. Habitat requirements of protected species known from Wake County, N.C. Scientific Name Habitat Requirements Habitat Present in Project Area ANIMALS Aimophila aestivalis Ambystoma tigrinum Coragyps atratus Haliaeetus leucocephalus Hemidactylium scutatum Lampetra aepyptera Lanius ludovicianus Myotis austroriparius Myotis sep ten trionalis Necturus le wisii No torus furiosus Picoides borealis Vermivora bachmanni INVERTEBRATES Alasmidonta heterodon Alasmidonta undulate ( Elliptio lanceolate Elliptio roanokensis Fusconaia masoni Lampsilis radiata Lasmigona subviridis Speyeria diana Strophitus undula tus PLANTS Isoetes piedmontana Monotropsis odorata Portulaca smallii Rhus michauxii Ruellia humilis Trillium pusillum open, mature pine forest sandy forests near vernal pools hollow trees or rock crevices mature trees along rivers & lakes ponded seeps with mossy logs streams open grassland, farms hollow trees or buildings, near rivers hollow trees or caves, extensive forests streams streams open, extensive, mature pine forests bottomland forests with vine thickets streams streams streams streams streams streams streams mesic and floodplain forests streams pools on granite flatrock upland hardwood/pine forests granite flatrock outcrops sandy/rocky woodland edges dry, open, basic woods calcareous seeps, streambanks - suitable habitat present, species r ot found in or near project area - + suitable habitat present, species occurs in or near project area suitable habitat not prese-: /p • i 1 • \/ .7II Figure 1. Holly Springs Sewerline Project Area, Showing Service Area (ETJ), Pump Stations, and WWTP Location. Robert J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 8480 Garvey Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 (1115,7 460 p - 114, yr., F :' . aa • 3kadioT ..WAKS `- 7>;n n lHei¢hld_'1'� ---._ 1�� •�l ..,� 13S ,_00, .� ((:3T1) 1 i . •/// L • • LEGEND Recommend Project Line H High Quality Habitat W Wetlands Rare Species: 1 Hexastylis lewisii 2 Cypripedium pubescens 3 Nestronia umbellula 4 Didiplis diandra 5 Ambystoma tigrinum SCALE: 1 Inch = 2,000 Feet Figure 2. '• .,' • J (\\-300 , �-`��- • Q Wetlands, Rare Species Sites, High Quality Habitats, and Recommended Project Corridor in the Holly Springs Sewerline Project Area - Middle Creek Basin. Robert J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 8480 Garvey Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 7 .)" • -'" ---0- t . • A/ (( \ .; • ( ( 05—.-• - -‘• ffH) ) H - • •-•;:: I • • 1.P-1 • 'S./ I • ‘) )729 • • I -••••• / \ j • - • Li5r\ _ •.E• ' ) I • = \‘\ • . :••••r• • . ' _ • ;•-•'' 5 .• m I 459 ‘‘. LEGEND Recommend Project Line H High Quality Habitat W Wetlands Rare Species: 1 Hexastylis lewisll 2 Cypripedium pubescens 3 Nestronia umbellula 4 Didiplis diandra 5 Ambystoma tigrinum SCALE: 1 Inch = 2,000 Feet • - • \\--:•A" J '• Figure 3. Wetlands, Rare Species Sites, High Quality Habitats, and Recommended Project Corridor in the Holly Springs Sewerline Project Area - Buckhorn Creek Basin. Robert J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 8480 Garvey Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 APPENDIX 2 Engineering Calculations and Cost Projections Description of 2.4 MGD Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade (Alternative T-1) The principal components of this alternative are given as follows: 1. Provide a mechanical screen, with 3/8-inch openings and a manually cleaned bypass screen with 5/8-inch openings, to handle the design peak flow of 6.0 mgd. 2. Provide a new influent pump station equipped with three (3) submersible, non -clog centrifugal pumps each rated at 2200 gpm capacity. The pumps will be equipped with variable speed drives and controls. 3. Provide a grit removal system designed to handle a peak flow of 6.0 mgd. The grit removal unit will be equipped with a screw classifier for grit dewatering. 4. Provide dual oxidation ditch type aeration basins equipped with mechanical turbine aeration. The oxidation ditch system will be partitioned such that anaerobic, first stage anoxic, second stage anoxic and oxic zones can be created for biological nutrient removal process operation. The design solids retention time for the system will be approximately 20 days. The design hydraulic retention time for the system will be approximately 30 hours. 5. Provide two 70-ft diameter clarifiers with 15-ft sidewater depth. The design surface overflow rate, weir overflow rate, and hydraulic retention time at average daily flow are 312 gpd/sq ft, 5460 gpd/lin.ft and 8.0 hrs, respectively. 6. Provide a sludge recirculation/waste pump station that will include two sludge recirculation pumps, each rated at 1700 gpm; two waste sludge pumps each rated at 300 gpm; and two scum pumps each rated at 150 gpm. The pumps will be provided with necessary controls and piping. 7. Provide back-up chemical feed facilities for phosphorous removal. The chemical feed facilities will consist of alum or ferrous sulfate and polymer feed systems. The alum/ferrous sulfate feed system will consist of a bulk storage tank, two metering pumps, flow pacing and necessary piping, controls, spill containment and housing. The polymer feed system will consist of a dry feeder, mixing tank, aging tank, two metering pumps and necessary piping, controls, polymer storage area and housing. 8. Provide a lime feed system designed to supplement alkalinity for nitrification and to add adequate lime for sludge stabilization and production of Class B sludge that can be disposed of by land application. 9. Provide a tertiary filtration system. The design filtration rates at average daily flow (2.4 mgd) and maximum daily flow (4.8 mgd) will be approximately 2.0 gpm/sq ft and 4.0 gpm/sq ft. 10. Provide a UV disinfection system to comply with the effluent Fecal Coliform Limit. 11. Provide a cascade type post aeration facility designed to comply with the effluent Dissolved Oxygen Limit. 12. Convert the existing 500,000 gpd package plant to aerobic sludge digestion facilities equipped with diffused aeration system and decanting equipment. Utilize the existing tri- plex blower system for air supply. Provide a sludge transfer pump station to transfer stabilized sludge to sludge holding facilities. 13. Convert the existing 250,000 gpd package plant to sludge holding facilities utilizing the existing aeration system for mixing requirements. The sludge holding facilities shall be used for lime stabilization as required. 14. Dispose the aerobically stabilized or lime stabilized sludges by land application, using a contracting firm engaged in sludge disposal. 15. Provide a new laboratory/administrative building. ALTERNATIVE T-1 Town of Holly Springs Preliminary Cost Estimate 2.4 MGD Wastewater Treatment Facility DESCRIPTION COST INFLUENT PUMP STATION $175,000 HEADWORKS $180,000 GRIT CHAMBER $145,000 OXIDATION DITCHES $2,300,000 FINAL CLARIFIERS $570,000 RAS/WAS PUMP STATION $165,000 TERTIARY FILTERS $370,000 UV DISINFECTION $225,000 CASCADE AERATION $30,000 CHEMICAL FEED BUILDING $95,000 LIME STABILIZATION $165,000 SLUDGE DIGESTION $175,000 INSTRUMENTATION $100,000 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING $150,000 SLUDGE LOADING $50,000 SITEWORK $783,200 ELECTRICAL (8% of Sub less Site) $391,600 SUB -TOTAL $6,069,800 Contingency,Engineering & Inspection (30%) $1,820,940 Legal & Admin. (2%) $121,396 Survey & Misc. $25.000 PROJECT TOTAL $8,037,136 USE $8,037,000 (ah ALTERNATIVE T-1 PRESENT WORTH COST /''"L'N O&M Costs Annual O&M Costs Exisiting System Average Annual O&M Costs Proposed System Salaries Electrical Chemicals Maintenance & Misc. Sludge Disposal Sub -Total Annual O&M Costs Present Worth Costs Interest Rate Planning Period PW of Exisiting Plant O&M Costs PW of New Plant O&M Costs Salvage Value Salvage Value of Exisiting Plant Salvage Value of New Plant PW of Exisiting Plant's Salvage Value PW of New Plant's Salavge Value Total Present Worth PW of New Plant Plus PW of O&M for Existing Plant Plus PW of O&M for New Plant Less Salvage Value for PW of Existing Plant Less Salvage Value for PW of New Plant Total Present Worth $208,500 $97,000 $161,000 $5,000 $25,000 $215.000 $503,000 7.75% 20 Years $539,757.84 $3,729,625.03 $500,000 $3,482,700 ($399,685) ($782,655) $6,424,541 $539,757.84 $3,729,625.03 ($399,685) ($782.655) $9,511,584 Description of 1.3 MGD Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade (Alternative T-3) The principal components of this alternative are given as follows: 1. Provide a mechanical screen, with 3/8-inch openings and a manually cleaned bypass screen with 5/8-inch openings, to handle the design peak flow of 3.25 mgd. 2. Provide a new influent pump station equipped with three (3) submersible, non -clog centrifugal pumps each rated at 1150 gpm capacity. The pumps will be equipped with variable speed drives and controls. 3. Provide a grit removal system designed to handle a peak flow of 3.25 mgd. The grit removal unit will be equipped with a screw classifier for grit dewatering. 4. Provide dual oxidation ditch type aeration basins equipped with mechanical turbine aeration. The oxidation ditch system will be partitioned such that anaerobic, first stage anoxic, second stage anoxic and oxic zones can be created for biological nutrient removal process operation. The design solids retention time for the system will be approximately 20 days. The design hydraulic retention time for the system will be approximately 30 hours. 5. Provide two 50-ft diameter clarifiers with 15-ft sidewater depth. The design surface overflow rate, weir overflow rate, and hydraulic retention time at average daily flow are 330 gpd/sq ft, 4138 gpd/lin.ft and 8.0 hrs, respectively. 6. Provide a sludge recirculation/waste pump station that will include two sludge recirculation pumps, each rated at 950 gpm; two waste sludge pumps each rated at 300 gpm; and two scum pumps each rated at 150 gpm. The pumps will be provided with necessary controls and piping. 7. Provide back-up chemical feed facilities for phosphorous removal. The chemical feed facilities will consist of alum or ferrous sulfate and polymer feed systems. The alum/ferrous sulfate feed system will consist of a bulk storage tank, two metering pumps, flow pacing and necessary piping, controls, spill containment and housing. The polymer feed system will consist of a dry feeder, mixing tank, aging tank, two metering pumps and necessary piping, controls, polymer storage area and housing. 8. Provide a lime feed system designed to supplement alkalinity for nitrification and to add adequate lime for sludge stabilization and production of Class B sludge that can be disposed of by land application. 9. Provide a tertiary filtration system. The design filtration rates at average daily flow (1.3 mgd) and maximum daily flow (2.4 mgd) will be approximately 2.0 gpm/sq ft and 4.0 gpm/sq ft. 10. Provide a UV disinfection system to comply with the effluent Fecal Coliform Limit. 11. Provide a cascade type post aeration facility designed to comply with the effluent Dissolved Oxygen Limit. 12. Convert the existing 500,000 gpd package plant to aerobic sludge digestion facilities equipped with diffused aeration system and decanting equipment. Utilize the existing tri- plex blower system for air supply. Provide a sludge transfer pump station to transfer stabilized sludge to sludge holding facilities. 13. Convert the existing 250,000 gpd package plant to sludge holding facilities utilizing the existing aeration system for mixing requirements. The sludge holding facilities shall be used for lime stabilization as required. 14. Dispose the aerobically stabilized or lime stabilized sludges by land application, using a contracting firm engaged in sludge disposal. 15. Provide a new laboratory/administrative building. ALTERNATIVE T-3 Town of Holly Springs Preliminary Cost Estimate 13 MGD Wastewater Treatment Facility DESCRIPTION COST INFLUENT PUMP STATION $100,000 HEADWORKS $110,000 GRIT CHAMBER $120,000 OXIDATION DITCHES $1,360,000 FINAL CLARIFIERS $470,000 RAS/WAS PUMP STATION $150,000 TERTIARY FILTERS $188,000 UV DISINFECTION $90,000 CASCADE AERATION $30,000 CHEMICAL FEED BUILDING $95,000 LIME STABILIZATION $135,000 SLUDGE DIGESTION $150,000 INSTRUMENTATION $90,000 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING $150,000 SLUDGE LOADING $50,000 SITEWORK $526,080 ELECTRICAL (8% of Sub less Site) $263,040 SUB -TOTAL $4,077,120 Contingency,Engineering & Inspection $ 1,223,136 Legal & Admin. (2%) $ 81,542 Survey & Misc. $ 15,000 PROJECT TOTAL $5,396,798 USE $5,397,000 Expected Capital Charge from Town Of Cary $2,133,867 ALTERNATIVE T-3 PRESENT WORTH COST O&M Costs Annual O&M Costs Exisiting System Average Annual O&M Costs Proposed System Salaries Electrical Chemicals Maintenance & Misc. Sludge Disposal Sub -Total Annual O&M Costs Present Worth Costs Interest Rate Planning Period PW of Exisiting Plant O&M Costs PW of New Plant O&M Costs Salvage Value Salvage Value of Exisiting Plant Salvage Value of New Plant PW of Exisiting Plant's Salvage Value PW of New Plant's Salavge Value Total Present Worth PW of New Plant Plus PW of O&M for Existing Plant Plus PW of O&M for New Plant Less Salvage Value for PW of Existing Plant Less Salvage Value for PW of New Plant Total Present Worth -Holley Springs WWTP Total Present Worth of Tie to Cary WWTP Total Present Worth of Alternative T-3 $208,500 $65,500 $117,000 $9,500 $15,000 $117.000 $324,000 7.75% 20 Years $1,591,830.30 $767,507.55 $250,000 $3,957,800 ($102,078) ($889,423) $2,203,662 $1,591,830.30 $767,507.55 ($102,078) ($889.423) $3,571,499 $3,381,127 $6,952,627 Description of .8 MGD Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade (Alternative T-4) The principal components of this alternative are given as follows: 1. Provide a mechanical screen, with 3/8-inch openings and a manually cleaned bypass screen with 5/8-inch openings, to handle the design peak flow of 3.25 mgd. 2. Provide a new influent pump station equipped with three (3) submersible, non -clog centrifugal pumps each rated at 600 gpm capacity. The pumps will be equipped with variable speed drives and controls. 3. Provide a grit removal system designed to handle a peak flow of 3.25 mgd. The grit removal unit will be equipped with a screw classifier for grit dewatering. 4. Provide an 800,000 gpd dual -path, extended aeration package plant with diffused aeration. The plant will contain two aeration basins, two secondary clarifiers, sludge digester and sludge holding tank. The design solids retention time for the system will be approximately 20 days. The design hydraulic retention time for the system will be approximately 24 hours. 5. Provide back-up chemical feed facilities for phosphorous removal. The chemical feed facilities will consist of alum or ferrous sulfate and polymer feed systems. The alum/ferrous sulfate feed system will consist of a bulk storage tank, two metering pumps, flow pacing and necessary piping, controls, spill containment and housing. The polymer feed system will consist of a dry feeder, mixing tank, aging tank, two metering pumps and necessary piping, controls, polymer storage area and housing. 6. Provide a lime feed system designed to supplement alkalinity for nitrification and to add adequate lime for sludge stabilization and production of Class B sludge that can be disposed of by land application. 9. Provide an additional tertiary filtration system. The design filtration rates at average daily flow (.8 mgd) will be approximately 2.0 gpm/sq ft. 10. Provide an additional UV disinfection system to comply with the effluent Fecal Coliform Limit. 11. Provide a cascade type post aeration facility designed to comply with the effluent Dissolved Oxygen Limit. 12. Dispose the aerobically stabilized or lime stabilized sludges by land application, using a contracting firm engaged in sludge disposal. 13. Provide a new laboratory/administrative building. ALTERNATIVE T-4 Town of Holly Springs Preliminary Cost Estimate 0.8 MGD Wastewater Treatment Facility DESCRIPTION COST INFLUENT PUMP STATION $75,000 HEADWORKS $110,000 GRIT CHAMBER $120,000 .8 MGD PACKAGE PLANT $1,006,000 TRIPLEX BLOWERS $125,000 TERTIARY FILTERS $133,000 UV DISINFECTION $90,000 CASCADE AERATION $30,000 CHEMICAL FEED BUILDING $95,000 LIME STABILIZATION $135,000 INSTRUMENTATION $50,000 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING $150,000 SLUDGE TRANSFER/HOLDING $100,000 SITEWORK $355,040 ELECTRICAL (8% of Sub less Site) $177,520 SUB -TOTAL $2,751,560 Contingency,Engineering & Inspection (30%) $825,468 Legal & Admin. (2%) $55,031 Survey & Misc. $15,000 PROJECT TOTAL $3,647,059 USE $3,647,000 Expected Capital Charge from Town Of Cary $2,133,867 ALTERNATIVE T-4 PRESENT WORTH COST O&M Costs Annual O&M Costs Exisiting System Average Annual O&M Costs Proposed System Salaries Electrical Chemicals Maintenance & Misc. Sludge Disposal Sub -Total Annual O&M Costs Non -Annual O&M Costs Paint Existing System in 2004 Present Worth Costs Interest Rate Planning Period PW of Exisiting Plant O&M Costs PW of New Plant O&M Costs PW of 2004 Paint Cost Salvage Value Salvage Value of Exisiting Plant Salvage Value of New Plant PW of Exisiting Plant's Salvage Value PW of New Plant's Salvage Value Total Present Worth Calculation PW of New Plant Plus PW of O&M for Existing Plant Plus PW of O&M for New Plant PLus PW of Cost of Painitng Existing Plant Less Salvage Value for PW of Existing Plant Less Salvage Value for PW of New Plant Total Present Worth of Holley Springs WWTP Total Present Worth of Tie to Cary WWTP Total Present Worth of Alternative T-4 $208,500 $65,500 $126,500 $40,000 $25,000 $130.000 $387,000 $140,000 7.75% 20 Years $2,157,247 $916,745 $71,511 $0 $2,059,002 $0 ($462,712) $1,489,116 $2,157,246.56 $916,745.12 $71,511 $0 ($462.712) $4,171,906 $3,381,127 $7,553,033 Alternative T-5 Present Worth of Continuing to Operate Existing 0.500 MGD WWTP O&M Costs Annual O&M Costs Exisiting System Salary $60,000 Electrical $89,500 Chemicals $2,000 Maintenance&Miscellaneous $7,000 Sludge Disposal $50.000 Total O&M Costs Exisiting System $208,500 Non -Annual O&M Costs Paint Existing System in 2004 $140,000 Present Worth Costs Interest Rate 7.75% Planning Period 20 Years PW of Exisiting Plant O&M Costs $2,157,247 PW of 2004 Paint Cost $71,511 Salvage Value Salvage Value of Exisiting Plant $0 Total Present Worth Calculation Plus PW of O&M for Existing Plant $2,157,247 PLus PW of Cost of Painitng Existing Plant $71,511 Total Present Worth - Holley Springs 0.50 mgd Package Plant $2,228,758 Present Worth of Tie to Cary WWTP $5.195.279 Total Present Worth Alternative T-5 $7,424,037 Year Year 1 1996 2 1997 3 1998 4 1999 5 2000 6 2001 7 2002 8 2003 9 2004 10 2005 11 2006 12 2007 13 2008 14 2009 15 2010 16 2011 17 2012 18 2013 19 2014 20 2015 Assumed Town of Cary Treatment Charge per 1000 gals= $1.40 Expected Total Average Daily Wastewater Flow 0.19 MGD 0.22 MGD 0.25 MGD 0.29 MGD 0.33 MGD 0.38 MGD 0.43 MGD 0.49 MGD 0.56 MGD 0.64 MGD 0.73 MGD 0.83 MGD 0.95 MGD 1.08 MGD 1.24 MGD 1.41 MGD 1.61 MGD 1.84 MGD 2.10 MGD 2.40 MGD PW Costs for Tie to Cary Interest Rate= 7.75% Present Worth Present of Alternative Worth of Alternatives T- Alternatives T- Alternative Expected Q - T-2 Alternative T- 3 & T-4 3 & T-4 Expected Q - Cape Fear Treatment 2 Treatment Treatment Treatment Middle Creek Watershed Charge Charge Charges Charges 0.09 MGD 0.11 MGD $0 $0 $0 $0 0.10 MGD 0.12 MGD $0 $0 $0 $0 0.12 MGD 0.14 MGD $0 $0 $0 $0 0.13 MGD 0.16 MGD $147,452 $109,391 $67,582 $50,138 0.15 MGD 0.18 MGD $168,316 $115,888 $77,145 $53,116 0.17 MGD 0.20 MGD $192,133 $122,772 $88,061 $56,270 0.20 MGD 0.23 MGD $219,320 $130,064 $100,522 $59,613 0.22 MGD 0.27 MGD $250,354 $137,789 $114,745 $63,153 0.26 MGD 0.30 MGD $285,779 $145,974 $130,982 $66,905 0.29 MGD 0.35 MGD $326,216 $154,644 $149,516 $70,879 0.33 MGD 0.39 MGD $372,376 $163,829 $170,672 $75,088 0.38 MGD 0.45 MGD $425,067 $173,560 $194,823 $79,548 0.44 MGD 0.51 MGD $485,214 $183,869 $222,390 $84,273 0.50 MGD 0.59 MGD $553,872 $194,790 $253,858 $89,279 0.57 MGD 0.67 MGD $632,245 $206,360 $289,779 $94,582 0.65 MGD 0.77 MGD $721,708 $218,617 $330,783 $100,200 0.74 MGD 0.87 MGD $823,829 $231,603 $377,588 $106,151 0.84 MGD 1.00 MGD $940,401 $245,359 $431,017 $112,456 0.96 MGD 1.14 MGD $1,073,468 $259,933 $492,006 $119,136 1.10 MGD 1.30 MGD $1,226,400 $275.605 $562,100 $126.319 $3,070,048 $1,407,105 Present Worth of Alternative T-5 T-5 Treatment Treatment Charge Charge $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $67,582 $50,138 $77,145 $53,116 $88,061 $56,270 $100,522 $59,613 $114,745 $63,153 $130,982 $66,905 $149,516 $70,879 $170,672 $75,088 $194,823 $79,548 $229,714 $87,049 $298,372 $104,934 $376,745 $122,967 $466,208 $141,222 $568,329 $159,774 $684,901 $178,697 $817,968 $198,065 $970,900 $218.187 $1,785,605 PW Costs for Tie to Cary Present Worth Alternative T-2 Capital Charges from the Town of Cary $4,655,711 Present Worth of O&M Costs $3,070,048 Less Present Worth of Salvage Value ($348,754) Total Present Worth $7,377,005 Present Worth Alternative T-3 & T-4 Capital Charges from the Town of Cary $2,133,867 Present Worth of O&M Costs $1,407,105 Less Present Worth of Salvage Value ($159.846) Total Present Worth $3,381,127 Present Worth Alternative T-5 Capital Charges from the Town of Cary $3,685,771 Present Worth of O&M Costs $1,785,605 Less Present Worth of Salvage Value ($276.097) Total Present Worth $5,195,279 ALTERNATIVE T-6A Town of Holly Springs Preliminary Cost Estimate 0.5 MGD Wastewater Facility Expansion DESCRIPTION INFLUENT PUMP STATION HEADWORKS GRIT CHAMBER .5 MGD PACKAGE PLANT BLOWERS TERTIARY FILTERS UV DISINFECTION CASCADE AERATION INSTRUMENTATION MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING FACILITY STANDBY POWER SrrEWORK ELECTRICAL SUB -TOTAL Contingency,Engineering & Inspection (30%) Legal & Admin. (2%) Survey & Misc. PROJECT TOTAL USE Treatment COST $75,000 $110,000 $120,000 $738,000 $90,000 $95,000 $70,000 $30,000 $35,000 $25,000 $75,000 $247,080 $111,040 $1,821,120 $546,336 $36,422 $15,000 $2,418,878 $2,419,000 ALTERNATIVE T-6A PRESENT WORTH O&M Costs Annual O&M Costs Exisiting System Average Annual O&M Costs Proposed System Salaries Electrical Chemicals Maintenance & Misc. Sludge Disposal Sub -Total Annual O&M Costs Projected O&M Costs for 2012 Expansion Non -Annual O&M Costs Paint Existing System in 2004 Paint New System in 2007 Present Worth Costs Interest Rate Planning Period PW of Exisiting Plant O&M Costs PW of New Plant O&M Costs PW of 2012 Plant O&M Costs PW of 2012 Plant Expansion PW of 2004 Paint Cost PW of 2007 Paint Cost Salvage Value Salvage Value of Exisiting Plant Salvage Value of New Plant Slavage Value of 2012 Plant PW of Exisiting Plant's Salvage Value PW of New Plant's Salvage Value PW of 2012 Plant's Salvage Value Total Present Worth Calculation PW of New Plant PW of 2012 Plant Expansion Plus PW of O&M for Existing Plant Plus PW of O&M for New Plant Plus PW of O&M for 2012 Plant Plus PW of Cost of Painting Existing Plant Plus PW of Cost of Painting New Plant Less Salvage Value for PW of Existing Plant Less Salvage Value for PW of New Plant Less Salvage Value for PW of 2012 Plant Total Present Worth of Holley Springs WWTP Total Present Worth of Tie to Cary WWTP Total Present Worth of Alternative T-6A COST $208,500 $40,938 $79,063 $1,000 $8,000 $78.000 $207,000 $186,300 $140,000 $140,000 7.75% 20 Years $2,085,736 $1,700,325 $135,585 $820,617 $71,511 $57,164 $0 $241,900 $2,481,150 $0 ($54,361) ($557,580) $2,083,537 $820,617 $2,085,735.61 $1,700,325.34 $135,585.12 $71,511 $57,164 $0 ($54,361) ($557.580) $6,342,533 $3,381,127 $9,723,660 ALTERNATIVE T-6B Town of Holly Springs Preliminary Cost Estimate 0.5 MGD Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion DESCRIPTION COST INFLUENT PUMP STATION $75,000 HEADWORKS $110,000 GRIT CHAMBER $120,000 .5 MGD PACKAGE PLANT $738,000 BLOWERS $90,000 TERTIARY FILTERS $95,000 UV DISINFECTION $70,000 CASCADE AERATION $30,000 INSTRUMENTATION $35,000 MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING FACILITY $25,000 STANDBY POWER $75,000 SITEWORK $247,080 ELECTRICAL $111,040 SUB -TOTAL $1,821,120 Contingency,Engineering & Inspection (30%) $546,336 Legal & Admin. (2%) $36,422 Survey & Misc. $15,000 PROJECT TOTAL $2,418,878 USE $2,419,000 ALTERNATIVE T-6B PRESENT WORTH O&M Costs Annual O&M Costs Exisiting System Average Annual O&M Costs Proposed System Salaries Electrical Chemicals Maintenance & Misc. Sludge Disposal Sub -Total Annual O&M Costs Projected O&M Costs for 2007 Expansion Non -Annual O&M Costs Paint Existing System in 2004 Present Worth Costs Interest Rate Planning Period PW of Exisiting Plant O&M Costs PW of New Plant O&M Costs PW of 2007 Plant Expansion PW of 2007 Plant O&M Costs PW of 2004 Paint Cost Salvage Value Salvage Value of Exisiting Plant Salvage Value of New Plant Slavage Value of 2007 Plant PW of Exisiting Plant's Salvage Value PW of New Plant's Salvage Value PW of 2007 Plant's Salvage Value Total Present Worth Calculation PW of New Plant PW of 2007 Plant Expansion Plus PW of O&M for Existing Plant Plus PW of O&M for New Plant Plus PW of O&M for 2007 Plant Plus PW of Cost of Painting Existing Plant Less Salvage Value for PW of Existing Plant Less Salvage Value for PW of New Plant Less Salvage Value for PW of 2012 Plant Total Present Worth of Holley Springs WWTP Total Present Worth of Tie to Cary WWTP Total Present Worth of Alternative T-6A COST $208,500 $40,938 $79,063 $1,000 $8,000 $78 000 $207,000 $668,990 $140,000 7.75% 20 Years $1,591,830 $1,209,973 $5,998,794 $1,584,737 $71,511 $0 $1,209,500 $10,773,894 $0 ($493,854) ($2,421,180) $2,083,537 $5,998,794 $1,591,830.30 $1,209,973.30 $1,584,737.26 $71,511 $0 ($493,854) ($2.421.180) $9,625,349 $0 $9,625,349 Phase 1 Quantity 7700 LF 39 EA 18500 LF 1EA Phase 2 Quantity 4800 LF 24EA 18500 LF 2 EA ALTERNATIVE 0-1 Description 24" Gravity Sewer Manholes 10" Forcemain Pump Station (Middle Creek) Sub -Total Engineering & Contingency (30%) Easements ($9.00 per LF) Surveying and Miscellaneous Land Aquisition Legal & Administrative (2%) Total Estimated Cost USE Description 24" Gravity Sewer Manholes 12" Force Main Pumps Sub -Total Engineering & Contingency (30%) Surveying and Miscellaneous Legal & Administrative (2%) TOTAL ESTIMATED COST USE Extended Cost $462,000 $78,000 $407,000 $425.000 $1,372,000 $411,600 $69,300 $5,000 $20,000 S27.440 $1,905,340 $1,905,000 Extended Cost $288,000 $48,000 $518,000 $90.000 $944,000 $283,200 $1,000 $18.880 $1,247,080 $1,247,000 Present Worth Analysis Alternative 0-1 Phase 1 Gravity Sewer O&M Costs $729 Phase 2 Gravity Sewer O&M Costs $455 Phase 1 Force Main O&M Costs $876 Phase 2 Force Main O&M Costs $876 Pump Station O&M Costs Salary $5,000 Electricity $28,000 Maintenance $3,500 Odor Control $12.000 Total Pump Station Maintenance $48,500 Total Phase 1 O&M Costs $50,105 Value of Phase 1 O&M Costs as of Year 3 $464,762 Total Phase 2 O&M Costs $1,330 Value of Phase 2 O&M Costs as of Year 11 $8,399 Salvage Value at 2015 Phase I Construction $1,017,104 Phase 2 Construction $957.650 Total Salvage Value $1,974,754 Present Worth Calculation Present Worth of Phase 1 Construction $1,522,801 Present Worth of Phase 2 Consruction $548,626 Present Worth of Phase 1 O&M $371,517 Present Worth of Phase 2 O&M $3,695 Less Present Worth of Salvage Value ($443.780) Total Present Worth $2,002,860 Phase 1 Quantity 7700 LF 39 EA 4800 LF 20400 LF 8000 LF 1EA 1EA Phase 2 Quantity 4800 LF 24EA 4800 LF 20400 LF 8000 LF 2 EA 2 EA 2 EA ALTERNATIVE 0-2 Description 24" Gravity Sewer Manholes 8" Forcemain 10" Forcemain 12" Force Main Pump Station (Utley Creek) Pump Station (Middle Creek) Sub -Total Engineering & Contingency (30%) Easements ($9.00 per LF) Surveying and Miscellaneous Land Aquisition Legal & Administrative (2%) Total Estimated Cost USE Description 18" Gravity Sewer Manholes 12" Force Main 14" Force Main 16" Force Main Generators Pumps Pumps Sub -Total Engineering & Contingency (30%) Surveying and Miscellaneous Legal & Administrative (2%) TOTAL ESTIMATED COST USE Extended Cost $462,000 $78,000 $86,400 $448,800 $224,000 $450,000 $425.000 $2,174,200 $652,260 $69,300 $5,000 $20,000 $43.484 $2,964,244 $2,964,000 Extended Cost $264,000 $48,000 $134,400 $652,800 $288,000 $200,000 $90,000 $100.000 $1,777,200 $533,160 $1,000 $35.544 $2,346,904 $2,347,000 Present Worth Analysis Alternative 0-2 Phase 1 Gravity Sewer O&M Costs $729 Phase 2 Gravity Sewer O&M Costs $455 Phase 1 Force Main O&M Costs $1,572 Phase 2 Force Main O&M Costs $1,572 Pump Station O&M Costs Salary $10,000 Electricity $60,000 Maintenance $7,000 Odor Control $24,000 Total Pump Station Maintenance $101,000 Total Phase 1 O&M Costs $103,301 Value of Phase 1 O&M Costs as of Year 3 $958,195 Total Phase 2 O&M Costs $2,027 Value of Phase 2 O&M Costs as of Year 11 $12,792 Salvage Value at 2015 Phase I Construction $1,543,154 Phase 2 Construction $1,800,400 Total Salvage Value $3,343,554 Present Worth Calculation Present Worth of Phase 1 Construction $2,369,334 Present Worth of Phase 2 Consruction $1,032,578 Present Worth of Phase 1 O&M $765,953 Present Worth of Phase 2 O&M $5,628 Less Present Worth of Salvage Value ($751.385) Total Present Worth $3,422,109 ALTERNATIVE 0-3 Ph Quantity Description 7700 LF 24" Gravity Sewer 39 EA Manholes 12800 LF 8" Forcemain 1 EA Pump Station (Middle Creek) Sub -Total Engineering & Contingency (30%) Easements ($9.00 per LF) Surveying and Miscellaneous Land Aquisition Legal & Administrative (2%) Total Estimated Cost USE Phase 2 Quantity Description 4800 LF 18" Gravity Sewer 24 EA Manholes 12800 LF 12" Force Main 1 EA Generator 2 EA Pumps Sub -Total Engineering & Contingency (30%) Surveying and Miscellaneous Legal & Administrative (2%) TOTAL ESTIMATED COST USE Extended Cost $462,000 $78,000 $230,400 $425.000 $1,195,400 $358,620 $69,300 $5,000 $20,000 $23.908 $1,672,228 $1,672,000 Extended Cost $264,000 $48,000 $358,400 $100,000 $90.000 $860,400 $258,120 $1,000 $17.208 $1,136,728 $1,137,000 Present Worth Analysis Alternative 0-3 Phase 1 Gravity Sewer O&M Costs $729 Phase 2 Gravity Sewer O&M Costs $455 Phase 1 Force Main O&M Costs $606 Phase 2 Force Main O&M Costs $606 Pump Station O&M Costs Salary $5,000 Electricity $28,000 Maintenance $3,500 Odor Control $12.000 Total Phase 1 Pump Station Maintenance $48,500 Total Phase 1 O&M Costs $49,835 Value of Phase 1 O&M Costs as of Year 3 $462,259 Total Phase 2 O&M Costs $1,061 Value of Phase 2 O&M Costs as of Year 11 $6,695 Salvage Value at 2015 Phase 1 Construction $883,129 Phase 2 Construction $872.400 Total Salvage Value $1,755,529 Present Worth Calculation Present Worth of Phase 1 Construction $1,336,548 Present Worth of Phase 2 Construction $500,231 Present Worth of Phase 1 O&M $369,516 Present Worth of Phase 2 O&M $2,945 Less Present Worth of Salvage Value ($394514) Total Present Worth $1,814,726 (2111' Phase 1 Quantity 7700 LF 39 EA 12800 LF 1EA fs1h Phase 2 Quantity 4800 LF 24EA 4800 LF 20400 LF 8000 LF 1EA 2 EA 1 EA ALTERNATIVE 0-4 Description 24" Gravity Sewer Manholes 8" Forcemain Pump Station (Middle Creek) Sub -Total Engineering & Contingency (30%) Easements ($9.00 per LF) Surveying and Miscellaneous Land Aquisition Legal & Administrative (2%) Total Estimated Cost USE Description 18" Gravity Sewer Manholes 12" Force Main 14" Force Main 16" Force Main Generators Pumps Pump Station (Utley Creek) Sub -Total Engineering & Contingency (30%) Surveying and Miscellaneous Legal & Administrative (2%) TOTAL ESTIMATED COST USE Extended Cost $462,000 $78,000 $230,400 $425.000 $1,195,400 $358,620 $69,300 $5,000 $20,000 $23,908 $1,672,228 $1,672,000 Extended Cost $264,000 $48,000 $134,400 $652,800 $288,000 $100,000 $90,000 $450,000 $2,027,200 $608,160 $1,000 $40,544 $2,676,904 $2,677,000 Present Worth Analysis Alternative 0-4 Phase 1 Gravity Sewer O&M Costs $729 Phase 2 Gravity Sewer O&M Costs $455 Phase 1 Force Main O&M Costs $606 Phase 2 Force Main O&M Costs $1,572 Phase One Pump Station O&M Costs Salary $5,000 Electricity $28,000 Maintenance $3,500 Odor Control $12.000 Total Phase 1 Pump Station Maintenance $48,500 Total Phase 1 O&M Costs $49,835 Value of Phase 1 O&M Costs as of Year 3 $462,259 Phase Two Pump Station O&M Costs Salary $5,000 Electricity $28,000 Maintenance $3,500 Odor Control $12.000 Total Phase 2 Pump Station Maintenance $48,500 Total Phase 2 O&M Costs $50,527 Value of Phase 2 O&M Costs as of Year 11 $318,941 Salvage Value at 2015 Phase I Construction $883,129 Phase 2 Construction $2.022.025 Total Salvage Value $2,905,154 Present Worth Calculation Present Worth of Phase 1 Construction $1,336,548 Presen Worth of Phase 2 Construction $1,177,764 Present Worth of Phase 1 O&M $369,516 Present Worth of Phase 2 O&M $140,320 Less Present Worth of Salvage Value ($652.865) Total Present Worth $2,371,283 Spray Irrigation Present Worth (PW) Analysis Assume: 1) O&M is paid at the end of the year Case 1 (2.4 mod) Interest Rate (i) = 7.75% Present Year = 1995 Construction Cost = $24,100,000 Construction Year = 1998 Salvage Value = $14,300,000 Salvage Year = 2015 O&M Cost (Annual) = $139,400 Year O&M Starts = 1999 Year O&M Ends = 2016 Construction PW = Salvage PW = O&M PW in Year O&M Starts = $1,293,040 O&M PW = TOTAL PRESENT WORTH = Case 2 (1.9 mgd) Interest Rate (i) Present Year Construction Cost Construction Year Salvage Value Salvage Year O&M Cost (Annual) Year O&M Starts Year O&M Ends = 7.75% = 1995 = $19,200,000 = 2003 = $13,700,000 = 2015 = $110,300 = 2004 = 2016 USE = $19,264,831 ($3,213,590) $959.274 $17,010,515 $17,000,000 Construction PW = $10,567,275 Salvage PW = ($3,078,754) O&M PW in Year O&M Starts = $842,105 O&M PW = $430.141 TOTAL PRESENT WORTH = $7,918,662 USE = $7,900,000 Spray Irrigation Present Worth (PW) Analysis Assume: 1) O&M is paid at the end of the year Case 3 (1.3 mgd) Interest Rate (i) Present Year Construction Cost Construction Year Salvage Value Salvage Year O&M Cost (Annual) Year O&M Starts Year O&M Ends = 7.75% = 1995 = $13,400,000 = 2007 = $10,800,000 = 2015 = $75,500 = 2008 = 2016 Construction PW = $5,471,387 Salvage PW = ($2,427,047) O&M PW in Year O&M Starts = $438,018 O&M PW = $165.984 TOTAL PRESENT WORTH = $3,210,325 Case 4 (1.1 mgd) Interest Rate (i) Present Year Construction Cost Construction Year Salvage Value Salvage Year O&M Cost (Annual) Year O&M Starts Year O&M Ends = 7.75% = 1995 = $11,400,000 = 1998 = $6,700,000 = 2015 = $63,900 = 1999 = 2016 USE= $3,200,000 Construction PW = $9,112,825 Salvage PW = ($1,505,668) O&M PW in Year O&M Starts = $592,720 O&M PW = $439.725 TOTAL PRESENT WORTH = $8,046,881 USE= $8,000,000 Spray Irrigation Present Worth (PW) Analysis Assume: 1) O&M is paid at the end of the year Case 5 (0.8 mgd) Interest Rate (i) Present Year Construction Cost Construction Year Salvage Value Salvage Year O&M Cost (Annual) Year O&M Starts Year O&M Ends = 7.75% = 1995 = $8,500,000 = 2007 = $6,800,000 = 2015 = $46,500 = 2008 = 2016 Construction PW = $3,470,656 Salvage PW = ($1,528,141) O&M PW in Year O&M Starts = $269,773 O&M PW = $102,229 TOTAL PRESENT WORTH = $2,044,744 USE = $2,000,000 Spray Irrigation Salvage Values Assume: 1) All salvages in year 2015 2) 30 year life for all equipment 3) Land does not depreciate or appreciate Case 1 (2.4 mgd) Year built = 1998 Salvage Year = 2015 Item Original Cost Total Plant $24,100,000 All Land $6.882.000 Difference = $17,218,000 Total Salvage Value USE_ Case 2 (1.9 mad) Year built = 2003 Salvage Year = 2015 Item Original Cost Total Plant $19,200,000 All Land $5.448.000 Difference = $13,752,000 Total Salvage Value = USE = Case 3 (1.3 mgd) Year built = 2007 Salvage Year = 2015 Item Original Cost Total Plant $13,400,000 All Land $3.729.000 Difference = $9,671,000 Total Salvage Value = USE = Remaining Service Years = 13 Salvage Value $6,882,000 $7.461.133 $14,343,133 $14,300,000 Remaining Service Years = 18 Salvage Value $5,448,000 $8.251.200 $13,699,200 $13,700,000 Remaining Service Years = 22 Salvage Value $3,729,000 $7.092.067 $10,821,067 $10,800,000 Spray Irrigation Salvage Values Assume: 1) All salvages in year 2015 2) 30 year life for all equipment 3) Land does not depreciate or appreciate Case 4 (1.1 mad) Year built = 1998 Salvage Year = 2015 Item Original Cost Total Plant $11,400,000 All Land $3.156.000 Difference = $8,244,000 Total Salvage Value = USE_ Case 5 (0.8 mad) Year built = 2007 Salvage Year = 2015 Item Original Cost Total Plant $8,500,000 All Land $2.298.000 Difference = $6,202,000 Total Salvage Value = USE Remaining Service Years = 13 Salvage Value $3,156,000 $3.572.400 $6,728,400 $6,700,000 Remaining Service Years = 22 Salvage Value $2,298,000 $4.548.133 $6,846,133 $6,800,000 Case 1 Total Flow goes to Spray Irrigation Flow Rate, Q = 2.4 mgd 2400000 gal Available Loading Rate = 1.73 ft/yr Effective Spray Area cu = 1551 ac (1) Month Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 2 3 4 =(2)+(3 5 WATER BALANCE: Holly Spripgg; 6)=(4)-(5) (7)Svrav Area*(6 8 9 EvapoTrans. (inches) (') Drainage (inches) (a) Total Uptake (inches) Precip' (inches) (') Available Irrigation Capacity (inches) Available Irrigation Capad (gals) Influent Wastewater Flow (gals) Actual Wastewater Irrigated (gals) Delta Storage (gals) 2.17 3.28 5.45 4.10 1.35 56,831,779 74,400,000 56,831,779 17,568,221 1.50 3.28 4.78 4.63 0.15 6,318,099 72,000,000 6,318,099 65,681,901 0.93 3.28 4.21 4.04 0.18 7,399,048 74,400,000 7,399,048 67,000,952 0.93 3.28 4.21 4.37 0.00 0 74,400,000 0 74,400,000 1.68 3.28 4.96 3.57 1.39 58,494,503 67,200,000 58,494,503 8,705,497 2.79 3.28 6.07 3.97 2.10 88,516,282 74,400,000 88,516,282 -14,116,282 3.60 3.28 6.88 3.57 3.31 139,351,256 72,000,000 139,351,256 -67,351,256 4.65 3.28 7.93 4.17 3.76 158,484,496 74,400,000 158,484,496 -84,084,496 5.10 3.28 8.38 5.29 3.09 130,051,959 72,000,000 130,051,959 -58,051,959 4.96 3.28 8.24 6.62 1.62 68,411,050 74,400,000 68,411,050 5,988,950 4.34 3.28 7.62 6.42 1.20 50,662,823 74,400,000 50,662,823 23,737,177 3.60 3.28 6.88 4,2A 2.65 111.478.704 72.000,000 111.478304 -39.478.704, Totals: 75.65 55.00 20.80 876,000,000 (a) Evapo. for tree cover, Drainage for Mayodan (My) soils; Precip. data from Wake County Soil Survey (1) Spray Area is a function of the Flowrate and the Available Irrigation Capacity. 876,000,000 876,000,000 0 Cumulative Stora a als 17,568,221 83,250,122 150,251,074 224,651,074 233,356,571 219,240,289 151,889,033 67,804,537 9,752,577 15,741,527 39,478,704 0 Case 2 Total Flow less Existing Flow goes to Spray Irrigation Flow Rate, Q = 1.9 mgd 1900000 gal Available Loading Rate = 1.73 ft/yr Effective Spray Area (1) = 1228 ac (1) (2) Month Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep (3) (4)=(2)+(3) WATER BALANCE: Holly Sprl� (5) (6p(4)-(5) (7)=Spray Area*(6) (8) (9) (10) (11) EvapoTrans. (inches) (4) Drainage (inches) (') Total (inches) Precip. (inches) 6%) Available Irrigation Capacity (inches) Available Irrigation Capacity (gals) Influent Wastewater Flow (gals) Actual Wastewater Irrigated (gals) Delta Storage (gals) 2.17 3.28 5.45 4.10 1.35 44,991,825 58,900,000 44,991,825 13,908,175 1.50 3.28 4.78 4.63 0.15 5,001,829 57,000,000 5,001,829 51,998,171 0.93 3.28 4.21 4.04 0.18 5,857,579 58,900,000 5,857,579 53,042,421 0.93 3.28 4.21 4.37 0.00 0 58,900,000 0 58,900,000 1.68 3.28 4.96 3.57 1.39 46,308,148 53,200,000 46,308,148 6,891,852 2.79 3.28 6.07 3.97 2.10 70,075,390 58,900,000 70,075,390 -11,175,390 3.60 3.28 6.88 3.57 3.31 110,319,744 57,000,000 110,319,744 -53,319,744 4.65 3.28 7.93 4.17 3.76 125,466,893 58,900,000 125,466,893 -66,566,893 5.10 3.28 8.38 5.29 3.09 102,957,801 57,000,000 102,957,801 -45,957,801 4.96 3.28 8.24 6.62 1.62 54,158,748 58,900,000 54,158,748 4,741,252 4.34 3.28 7.62 6.42 1.20 40,108,068 58,900,000 40,108,068 18,791,932 3.60 3.28 6.88 4.24 2.65 88,253,974 57,000,000 88,253,974 -31,253,974 Totals: 75.65 55.00 20.80 (a) Evapo. for tree cover; Drainage for Mayodan (My) soils; Precip. data from Wake County Soil Survey (1) Spray Area is a function of the Flowrate and the Available Irrigation Capacity. 693,500,000 693,500,000 Cumulative Stara : e (: als) 13,908,175 65,906,346 118,948,767 177,848,767 184,740,619 173,565,229 120,245,484 53,678,591 7,720,790 12,462,042 31,253,974 0 Case 3 Total Flow from Utley Creek side goes to Spray Irrigation Flow Rate, Q = 1.3 mgd 1300000 gal Available Loading Rate = 1.73 ft/yr Effective Spray Area (')= 840 ac (1) Month Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep (2) (3) (4)=(2)+(3) (5) WATER BALANCE: Ho1laprings (6p(4)-(5) (7)Spray Area*(6) (8) (9) (10) (11) EvapoTrans. (inches) 4) Drainage (inches) 4) Total Uptake (inches) Precip. (inches) (a) Available Irrigation Capacity (inches) Available Irrigation Capacity (gals) Influent Wastewater Flow (gals) Actual Wastewater Irrigated (gals) Delta Storage (gals) 2.17 3.28 5.45 4.10 1.35 30,783,880 40,300,000 30,783,880 9,516,120 1.50 3.28 4.78 4.63 0.15 3,422,304 39,000,000 3,422,304 35,577,696 0.93 3.28 4.21 4.04 0.18 4,007,817 40,300,000 4,007,817 36,292,183 0.93 3.28 4.21 4.37 0.00 0 40,300,000 0 40,300,000 1.68 3.28 4.96 3.57 1.39 31,684,523 36,400,000 31,684,523 4,715,477 2.79 3.28 6.07 3.97 2.10 47,946,320 40,300,000 47,946,320 -7,646,320 3.60 3.28 6.88 3.57 3.31 75,481,930 39,000,000 75,481,930 -36,481,930 4.65 3.28 7.93 4.17 3.76 85,845,769 40,300,000 85,845,769 -45,545,769 5.10 3.28 8.38 5.29 3.09 70,444,811 39,000,000 70,444,811 -31,444,811 4.96 3.28 8.24 6.62 1.62 37,055,986 40,300,000 37,055,986 3,244,014 4.34 3.28 7.62 6.42 1.20 27,442,362 40,300,000 27,442,362 12,857,638 3.60 3.28 6.88 4,24 2.65 60,384,298 39.000.000 60.384.298 -21.384,298 Totals: 75.65 55.00 20.80 (a) Evapo. for tree cover; Drainage for Mayodan (My) soils; Precip. data from Wake County Soil Survey (1) Spray Area is a function of the Flowrate and the Available Irrigation Capacity. 474,500,000 474,500,000 0 Cumulative Stora: a (: als) 9,516,120 45,093,816 81,385,999 121,685,999 126,401,476 118,755,156 82,273,226 36,727,457 5,282,646 8,526,660 21,384,298 0 WATER BALANCE: Holly Spring Case 4 Total Flow from Middle Creek side goes to Spray Irrigation Flow Rate, Q = 1.1 mgd 1100000 gal Available Loading Rate = 1.73 ft/yr Effective Spray Area (')= 711 ac (1) Month Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep (2) (3) (4)=(2)+(3) (5) (6)=(4)-(5) (7)Spray Area*(6) (8) (9) (10) (11) EvapoTrans. (inches) 4) Drainage (inches) 4) Total Uptake (inches) Precip. (inches) 4) Available Irrigation Capacity (inches) Available Irrigation Capacity (gals) Influent Wastewater Flow (gals) Actual Wastewater Irrigated (gals) Delta Storage (gals) 2.17 3.28 5.45 4.10 1.35 26,047,899 34,100,000 26,047,899 8,052,101 1.50 3.28 4.78 4.63 0.15 2,895,796 33,000,000 2,895,796 30,104,204 0.93 3.28 4.21 4.04 0.18 3,391,230 34,100,000 3,391,230 30,708,770 0.93 3.28 4.21 4.37 0.00 0 34,100,000 0 34,100,000 1.68 3.28 4.96 3.57 1.39 26,809,981 30,800,000 26,809,981 3,990,019 2.79 3.28 6.07 3.97 2.10 40,569,963 34,100,000 40,569,963 -6,469,963 3.60 3.28 6.88 3.57 3.31 63,869,326 33,000,000 63,869,326 -30,869,326 4.65 3.28 7.93 4.17 3.76 72,638,727 34,100,000 72,638,727 -38,538,727 5.10 3.28 8.38 5.29 3.09 59,607,148 33,000,000 59,607,148 -26,607,148 4.96 3.28 8.24 6.62 1.62 31,355,065 34,100,000 31,355,065 2,744,935 4.34 3.28 7.62 6.42 1.20 23,220,460 34,100,000 23,220,460 10,879,540 3.60 3.28 6.88 4.:.M 2.65 51,094,406 33.000.000 51.094.406 -18.094.406 Totals: 75.65 55.00 20.80 401,500,000 401,500,000 (a) Evapo. for tree cover; Drainage for Mayodan (My) soils; Precip. data from Wake County Soil Survey (1) Spray Area is a function of the Flowrate and the Available Irrigation Capacity. 0 Cumulative Stora: a (; als) 8,052,101 38,156,306 68,865,076 102,965,076 106,955,095 100,485,132 69,615,807 31,077,079 4,469,931 7,214,867 18,094,406 0 ) WATER BALANCE: Holly Springs Case 5 Total Flow from Utley Creek less existing discharge goes to Spray Irrigation Flow Rate, Q = 0.8 mgd Available Loading Rate = 1.73 ft/yr Effective Spray Area (')= 517 ac (1) Month Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 2 3 800000 gal (4)=(2)+(3) (5) (6)=(4)-(5) (7)=Spray Area*(6) (8) (9) (10) (11) EvapoTrans. (inches) (a) Drainage (inches) (a) Total (inches) Precip. (inches) (') Available Irrigation Capacity (inches) Available Irrigation Capacity (gals) Influent Wastewater Flow (gals) Actual Wastewater Irrigated (gals) Delta Storage (gals) 2.17 3.28 5.45 4.10 1.35 18,943,926 24,800,000 18,943,926 5,856,074 1.50 3.28 4.78 4.63 0.15 2,106,033 24,000,000 2,106,033 21,893,967 0.93 3.28 4.21 4.04 0.18 2,466,349 24,800,000 2,466,349 22,333,651 0.93 3.28 4.21 4.37 0.00 0 24,800,000 0 24,800,000 1.68 3.28 4.96 3.57 1.39 19,498,168 22,400,000 19,498,168 2,901,832 2.79 3.28 6.07 3.97 2.10 29,505,427 24,800,000 29,505,427 -4,705,427 3.60 3.28 6.88 3.57 3.31 46,450,419 24,000,000 46,450,419 -22,450,419 4.65 3.28 7.93 4.17 3.76 52,828,165 24,800,000 52,828,165 -28,028,165 5.10 3.28 8.38 5.29 3.09 43,350,653 24,000,000 43,350,653 -19,350,653 4.96 3.28 8.24 6.62 1.62 22,803,683 24,800,000 22,803,683 1,996,317 4.34 3.28 7.62 6.42 1.20 16,887,608 24,800,000 16,887,608 7,912,392 3.60 3.28 6.88 4.24 2.65 37,159,568 24.000.000 37.159.568 -13.159,568 Totals: 75.65 55.00 20.80 292,000,000 292,000,000 (a) Evapo. for tree cover; Drainage for Mayodan (My) soils; Precip. data from Wake County Soil Survey (1) Spray Area is a function of the Flowrate and the Available Irrigation Capacity. 0 Cumulative Stora a (_ als) 5,856,074 27,750,041 50,083,691 74,883,691 77,785,524 73,080,096 50,629,678 22,601,512 3,250,859 5,247,176 13,159,568 0 The Wooten Company Holly Springs - Storage and Treatment Lagoons Case 1: Treatment Lagoon Variables Flow rate = Q := 2.4.106. Sl day Detention Time = T d := 30. day Side Slope = S := 2 Liquid Depth = D :=10• ft Freeboard Depth = D tb := 3• ft Total Depth = Dt:=D+Dtb Dt=13'ft Width to Length ratio = r := 1 2 Depth of Excavation = D e :=1.71• ft Dike Width = W k :=10• ft Depth of Dike= Dk:=Dt—De Dk= 11•ft CMG 11/20/95 Dimensions Liquid Volume (Top of Liquid Depth): Average Area: V:=Q•Td A:=v D Length: V = 72000000 *gal V = 9625000 •ft3 A = 962500 • ft2 L (4•r•A— 6•r•(S•D)2 + 2•(S•D)2)•5 + S•D•(1+ r) 2•r L = 1417 'ft Base of Lagoon: Lb :=L-2•D•S Wb :=W-2•D•S Lfb .,,, L L Lb Wb W Width: W.=L•r W=709'ft Wfb L b = 1377 'ft W b = 669 •ft Top of Lagoon (with 3 ft freeboard): L fb := L + 2• D fb• S L fb = 1429 'ft W fb := W+ 2•D fb•S Wfb=721'ft Lagoon Volume V 1 :=Lb•Wb•Dt V2:=2• 2•Dt (S•Dt)•Wfb V3._21ZDt(SDt)Lfb1 Total Lagoon Volume: V 1 = 11972103 'ft3 V 2 = 243580 'ft3 V 3 = 483103 'ft3 Vt:=V1+V2+V3 V t = 12698786'ft3 Excavation Volume of Cut: Lc :=Lb+2•DeS We :=Wb+2•DeS Lc= 1384'ft W c = 675'ft V cl := I"b• W b• D e V cl = 1574792 •ft3 Vc2:=2• 12•De(S•De)•Wc+ 12•De(S•De)•Lc Vct:=Vc1-1+Vc2 Volume of Fill: V ct = 1586837 'ft3 V c2 = 12045 'ft3 V fi := 2.( W k• D k• L fb + W k• D k• W fb) V fl = 485459 'ft3 V@=2'1L2'2'Dg'(S'Dg)'V✓fb'F 2'2Dk'(S'Dg)'LtyJ Vim= 1096165'ft3 Vft:=Vfl+VP2 V ft = 1581624 •ft3 Surface Area (for Slope Protection) Base of Lagoon: Ab:=Lb•wb Length of Side Walls: A b = 779512'ft2 LW := Dt24-(S•Dt)2 LW = 29'ft Wall along Length of Lagoon: Al :=((Lb.LW)+2.0.5•Lw (Lw S))•2 Wall along Width of Lagoon: A :=((wb.LW)+2.0.5•LW•(Lw S))•2 Total Surface Area of Lagoon: At:=Ab+A1•i-AW A t = 895754 'ft2 A t = 21 are A 1 = 77143 'ft2 A W = 39099 'ft2 The Wooten Company Holly Springs - Storage and Treatment Lagoons Case 1: Storage Lagoon Variables Flow rate = Q := 2.4.106 y Max Cumulative Storage = Stor := 233356571• gal Side Slope = S := 2 Liquid Depth = D :=10• ft Freeboard Depth = D fb := 3• ft Total Depth = Dt:=D+Dfb D t = 13 •ft Width to Length ratio = r := 1 2 Depth of Excavation = D e :=1.77• ft Dike Width = W k :=10• ft Depth of Dike = Dk:=Dt—De Number of Lagoons = N := 4 Dk= 11•23'ft CMG 11/20/95 Dimensions Liquid Volume (Top of Liquid Depth): Average Area: V Stor + Q. 14• day N A :=— V D V = 66739143 *gal 3 A = 892173 •ft2 V = 8921726'ft Length: ,5 Width: L :_ (4•r-A— 6•r•(S•D)2+2•(S•D)2) +S•D•(1+ r) W :=L•r 2•r W = 683 ' ft L = 1366 It Lfb Base of Lagoon: Lb :=L-2•D•S Wb :=W-2•D•S L b = 1326•ft W b = 643'ft -,, L L Lb Wb W Wfb Top of Lagoon (with 3 ft freeboard): Lfb :=L+2•Dth•S Wfb :=W+2•Dfb•S Lfb=1378'ft Wfb=695'ft Lagoon Volume V 1 :=Lb•Wb•Dt V 1 = 11077992'ft3 V2 :=2• 1•Dt (S•Dt)•Wfbi V2 = 234850'ft3 2 V 3 :=2• 2•D t (S•D t)•L fb V 3 = 465644'ft3 Total Lagoon Volume: Vt:=V1+V2+V3 V t = 11778486'ft3 Excavation Volume of Cut: L c :=L b + 2•D e•S L c = 1333 'ft We :=Wb-i-2•De S Wc= 650'ft Vcl :=Lb•Wb•De Vcl = 1508311'ft3 V c2 :z212•D a (S•D e)•W c+ 2•D e•(S•D e)•L c V ct V cl '♦' V c2 V ct = 1520734 'ft3 Volume of Fill: Vfl :=2•(Wk•Dk•L fb+Wk•Dk•Wfb) Vim:=2•�2.2•Dk•(S•Dk)•W�t 2.2Dk(S•Dk)•L�J Vft:=V f+Vf2 V ft = 1510935'ft3 12423 'ft3 V c2 = V fi = 465476 ' ft3 V f2 = 1045459 'ft3 Surface Area (for Slope Protection) Base of Lagoon: A b :=Lb•Wb A b = 920931 •ft2 Length of Side Walls: LW := Dt2+ (S•Dt)2 Lw = 29•ft Wall along Length of Lagoon: Al ((Lb.LW)+2.0.5•Lw (Lw S))•2 Wall along Width of Lagoon: A :=((Wb•LW)+2.0.5•LW(Lw S))•2 Total Surface Area of each Lagoon: At :=Ab+A1+Aa, A t = 1046638 •ft2 A t = 24 •aae A l = 83453 •ft2 A w = 42254 •ft2 The Wooten Company Holly Springs - Storage and Treatment Lagoons Case 2: Treatment Lagoon Variables Flow rate = Q:=1.9.106gl day Detention Time = T d := 30• day Side Slope = S := 2 Liquid Depth = D :=10• ft Freeboard Depth = D fb := 3• ft Total Depth = Dt :=D+D fb D t = 13•ftk Width to Length ratio = r .=— 1-�.► 2 Depth of Excavation = D e :=1.89• ft Dike Width = W k :=10• ft Depth of Dike= Dk:=Dt—De Dk= 11•ft CMG 11/20/95 Dimensions Liquid Volume (Top of Liquid Depth): V:=Q•Td V = 57000000 'gal V = 7619792 •ft3 Length: Average Area: A•—V D A = 761979 • ft2 Lfb L L+ Wb W Lb Width: _ (4•rA— 6•r•(S•D)2+2•(S•D)2)•5+S•D•( 1+r) •_ L W.—L•r 2•r W = 632'ft L = 1264 'ft /411DN Base of Lagoon: Lb :=L-2•D•S Wb :=W— 2•D•S L b = 1224 'ft W b = 592 'ft Top of Lagoon (with 3 ft freeboard): Lfb :=L+2•Dtb•S L fb = 1276 • ft Wfb :=W+2•Dth•S Wfb = 644 • ft Lagoon Volume 3 V 1 :=Lb•Wb•Dt V 1 = 9424993'ft V2:=2• 12•Dt(S•Dt)•Wfb V2=217727'ft3 V3 :=2• 1•Dt (S•Dt)•Lt V3 = 431398'ft3 2 Total Lagoon Volume: Vt:=V1+V2+V3 V t = 10074117'ft3 Excavation Volume of Cut: Lc:=Lb+2•DeS Wc:=Wb+2•De0 Lc= 1232'ft Wc= 600•ft V cl :=Lb•Wb•De Vc1 = 1370249•ft3 Vc2:=2• 1•De(S•De)•Wc-i- 1•De(S•De)•Lc Vc2= 13085'ft3 2 2 Vct :=Vc1+ Vc2 Volume of Fill: V a= 1383334 •ft3 V f1 :=2•(Wk•Dk•Lfb+Wk•Dk•W fb) Vf1 = 426732'ft3 Vf2:=2. 2.2•Dk•(S•Dk)•Wth'f' 1.2•Dk•(S•Dk)•Li V12=948199•ft3 2 Vft:=Vf1+Vf2 V ft = 1374932 •ft3 Surface Area (for Slope Protection) Base of Lagoon: A b :=Lb•Wb A b = 724999•ft2 Length of Side Walls: Lw:= Dt2+(S•Dt)2 Wall along Length of Lagoon: Lw = 29•ft Al :=((Lb•Lw) + 2.0.5•Lw (Lw•S ))•2 Wall along Width of Lagoon: A ((Wb.LW)+2.0.5•Lw•(LwS))•2 Total Surface Area of each Lagoon: At :=Ab+ A1+ Aw A t = 837366 •ft2 A t = 19 'acre Al = 74560 •ft2 A w = 37807 'ft2 The Wooten Company Holly Springs - Storage and Treatment Lagoons Case 2: Storage Lagoon Variables Flow rate = Q :=1.9.106• l day Max Cumulative Storage = Stor := 184740619• gal Side Slope = S := 2 Liquid Depth = D :=10• ft Freeboard Depth = D tb := 3• ft Total Depth = D t := D + D fb D t = 13 'ft Width to Length ratio = ,_ 1 r .-- 2 Depth of Excavation = D e :=1.73• ft Dike Width = W k :=10•ft Depth of Dike = D k :=Dt—De Number of Lagoons = N := 3 Wk tDk Dk= 11.27•ft De Lfb CMG 11/20/95 Dfb Dimensions Liquid Volume (Top of Liquid Depth): Average Area: V Stor -!- Q. 14• day V N A :=— D Length: V = 70446873 'gal V = 9417377 'ft3 A = 941738 •ft2 L (4•rA— 6•r•(S•D)2 -I- 2•(S•D)2 )•5 -}- S•D•( 1 + r) 2•r L = 1402 •ft Base of Lagoon: Lb :=L-2•D•S Wb .=W-2•D•S L b = 1362 •ft W b = 661 •ft Width: W .=L•r W=701•ft Lfb L.' Lb Wb W Wfb Top of Lagoon (with 3 ft freeboard): Lfb :=L-I-2•Dth•S Lfb = 1414'ft Wfb :=W+2•Dfb•S Wfb=713'ft Lagoon Volume V l := L b• W b• D t V 1= 11708062 'ft3 V2:=2• 1•Dt (S•Dt)•W fb V2 = 241037'ft3 2 V3 :=2• 1•Dt (S•Dt)•L fb V3 = 478017'ft3 2 Total Lagoon Volume: Vt:=Vli-V2-I-V3 V t = 12427116 'ft3 Excavation Volume of Cut: Lc :=Lb+2•De•S We :=Wb+2•Des L c = 1369•ft Wc= 668•ft V cl := L b• W b• D e V cl = 1558073 'ft3 Vc2:=2112•De(8•De)•Wc+ 12•De(S•De)•Lc vct :=Vc1i' Vc2 Volume of Fill: V ct = 1570267 •ft3 Vfl :=2•(Wk•Dk•Ltb+Wk•Dk•Wth) V f2 •_212.2•D k•(S•D k)•W fb+ —22•D k'(S•D k).L tb Vft:=vfl+Vf2 V ft = 1560329 •ft3 V c2 = 12194 'ft 3 V fl = 479511 ' ft3 V f2 = 1080818 'ft3 Surface Area (for Slope Protection) Base of Lagoon: Ab :Lb•Wb Length of Side Walls: A b = 900620 •ft2 Lw:= Dt2-i-(S•Dt)2 Lw=29'ft Wall along Length of Lagoon: Al :=((Lb•Lw)+2.0.5•Lw (Lw•S))•2 Wall along Width of Lagoon: A :=((Wb•LW)+2.0.5•LW(Lw S))•2 Total Surface Area of each Lagoon: At :=Ab+ Al+ Aa, A t = 1025015 'ft2 A t = 24 •awe A l = 82578 • ft2 Aw=41816'ft2 The Wooten Company Holly Springs - Storage and Treatment Lagoons Case 3: Treatment Lagoon Variables Flow rate = Q :=1.3.106• y Detention Time = T d := 30• day Side Slope = S := 2 Liquid Depth = D :=10• ft Freeboard Depth = D fb := 3• ft Total Depth = Dt:=D+Dfb D t = 13'ft Wk Width to Length ratio = r := 1 411-111 2 tDk Depth of Excavation = D e := 2.2• ft Dike Width = W k :=10• ft Depth of Dike= Dk:=Dt—De Dk= 11*ft CMG 11/20/95 Dimensions Liquid Volume (Top of Liquid Depth): Average Area: Length: V •= Q. T d V = 39000000 'gal V = 5213542'ft3 A:=V D A = 521354'ft2 Lfb oks Lb Wb W ,_(4•rA-6•r•(S•D)2+2•(S•D)2) 5+S•D•( 1+r) L .— 2•r L=1051'ft Base of Lagoon: Lb :=L— 2•D•S Wb :=W-2•D•S Lb=1011'ft Wb=485'ft Width: W :=L•r W = 525 'ft Top of Lagoon (with 3 ft freeboard): L fb :=L+ 2•D fb•S L fb = 1063 'ft Wfb := W+ 2•D fb•S W fb = 537 'ft Lagoon Volume V 1 := L b• W b• D t V2 :2. 2'Dt (S-Dt).Wtb V3 :=2. 2•D t (S•D t).L fb Total Lagoon Volume: V 1 = 6380090 •ft3 V 2 = 181664 'ft3 V 3 = 359272 •ft3 Vt:=V1+V2+V3 V t = 6921026 'ft3 Excavation Volume of Cut: Lc :=Lb-f'2•DeS We :=Wb+2•D0 L c = 1020'ft Wc= 494•ft v c1 :=L b•W b•D e V c1 = 1079707'ft3 1 1 Vc2 :-212•De(S•De)•Wc+ 2•De(S•De)•Lc Vc2= 14656'ft3 Vct:=Vc1+Vc2 Volume of Fill: V ct = 1094363 'ft3 V(1 :=2'(WkDk'LfytWk•Dk•Wfb) V @ :=2•�2�•Dk (S•Dk)•W fb+ 2•Z•Dk•($•Dk)•L fbl Vft:=V f1+Vf2 V ft = 1092371 'ft3 V fl = 345687 'ft3 V f2 = 746684 'ft3 Surface Area (for Slope Protection) Base of Lagoon: Ab :Lb•Wb Length of Side Walls: LW Dt2+(S•Dt)2 Wall along Length of Lagoon: A b = 490776 'ft2 LW=29'ft Al ((Lb•L W)+2.0.5•Lw (L W S))•2 Wall along Width of Lagoon: A :=((Wb•LW)+2.0.5•LW(LWS))•2 Total Surface Area of Lagoon: At :=Ab+A1+AW A t = 584534 'ft2 A t = 13 'acre A 1 = 62154 'ft2 A W = 31604'ft2 The Wooten Company Holly Springs - Storage and Treatment Lagoons Case 3: Storage Lagoon Variables Flow rate = Q :=1.3.106 al day Max Cumulative Storage = Stor :=126401476• gal Side Slope = S := 2 Liquid Depth = D :=10• ft Freeboard Depth = D fb := 3• ft Total Depth = Dt:=D+Dfb Dt= 13'ft Width to Length ratio = 1 r.=- 2 Depth of Excavation = D e :=1.71• ft Dike Width = W k :=10• ft Depth of Dike = D k := Di —De Number of Lagoons = N := 2 Dk= 11•ft Wk r Lfb -L CMG 11/20/95 De S ID Lv Df6 .41---Lb-411, Dimensions Liquid Volume (Top of Liquid Depth): Average Area: Stor + Q. 14• day V := V N A := — • D Length: V = 72300738 'gal V = 9665203 ' ft3 A = 966520 •ft2 L (4•rA— 6•r•(S•D)2 + 2•(S•D)2 )•5 + S•D•(1 + r) 2• r L = 1420 •ft Base of Lagoon: L b :=L— 2•D•S W b := W— 2•D•S L b = 1380 •ft W b = 670 •ft Width: W .= L• r W=710'ft Lfb L L,W.-' Lb Wb W Wfb Top of Lagoon (with 3 ft freeboard): Ltb:=L+2•Dfb•S Lfb= 1432•ft Wfb W+2•Dfb•S Wfb=722*ft Lagoon Volume V 1 :=Lb•Wb•Dt V2:=2' 1•Dt (S•Dt)•Wfb 2 V3:=2- 12•Dt (S•Dt)'Ltb Total Lagoon Volume: Vt:=V1+V2+V3 V 1 = 12023238 'ft3 V 2 = 244069 'ft3 V 3 = 484082 •ft3 V t = 12751389 'ft3 Excavation Volume of Cut: Lc :=Lb+2•De•S L c = 1387'ft Vc1:=Lb•Wb•De We :=Wb+2•DeS W c = 677 It Vc1= 1581518'ft3 Vc2:=2. 1•De(S•De).Wc+ 1•De(S•De)•Lc Vc2= 12071'ft3 2 2 Vct:=Vc1+Vc2 Volume of Fill: V ct = 1593589'ft3 VP1 :=2•(Wg•Dk•Ltb-F WkDk•Wt-b) V�:=2•�2.2•Dk•(S•Dk)•W�t �•2•Dk•(S•pk)•Lfb Vft:=Vf1+V f2 V ft = 1584818 'ft3 V f1 = 486439 'ft3 V f2 = 1098379 'ft3 Surface Area (for Slope Protection) Base of Lagoon: A b := L b• W b A b= 924864 •ft2 Length of Side Walls: LW:--j-------- Dt2+(S•Dt)2 Wall along Length of Lagoon: LW = 29'ft Al :=((Lb•L W)+2.0.5•Lw (LWS)).2 Wall along Width of Lagoon: Aw :=((Wb•LW)+2.0.5•LW(Lw S))•2 Total Surface Area of each Lagoon: At :=Ab+ A1+ AW A t = 1050824 'ft2 A t = 24 'acre A 1 = 83621 •ft2 A W = 42338 'ft2 The Wooten Company Holly Springs - Storage and Treatment Lagoons Case 4: Treatment Lagoon Variables Flow rate = Detention Time = Q:=1.1.106 gal day Td:=30.day Side Slope = S := 2 Liquid Depth = D :=10• ft Freeboard Depth = D fb := 3• ft Total Depth= Dt:=D+Dfb D t = 13•ft Wk Width to Length ratio = r := 1 -4- 2 Depth of Excavation = D e := 2.35• ft Dike Width = W k :=10• ft Depth of Dike= Dk:=Dt—De D k = 11•ft CMG 11 /20/95 Dimensions Liquid Volume (Top of Liquid Depth): V:=Q•Td V = 33000000 *gal Length: V = 4411458 •ft3 Average Area: A:=V D A = 441146 • ft2 Lfb ,,, L Lye-, --,-- Lb Wb W .5 Width: L (4•r•A— 6•r•(S•D)2 + 2•(S•D)2) + S•D•(1+ r) 2•r W := L•r W=485'ft L = 969 'ft Base of Lagoon: Lb :=L-2•D.S Wb :=W-2•D•S Lb=929'ft Wb=445'ft Wfb Top of Lagoon (with 3 ft freeboard): L fb :=L + 2•D fb•S Lfb= 981*ft Wfb :=W+2•D fb•S Wft) =497•ft Lagoon Volume 1 V2 3 :=Lb•Wb•D t :=2• 2•D t (S•D t)•W fb —2• 1•Dt (S•Dt)•Lfb 2 Total Lagoon Volume: V 1 = 5369300 'ft3 V 2 = 167832 •ft3 V3 = 331609•ft3 Vt:=V1+V2+V3 V t = 5868742 •ft3 Excavation Volume of Cut: Lc :=Lb+2•D0 We :=Wb+2•De S Lc=938'ft Wc=454•ft V cl := L b• W b• D e V cl = 970604'ft3 Vc2:=2• 2•De(S'De)•Wc+ 2•De(S•De)•Lc Vc2= 15379'ft3 Vct:=Vc1+Vc2 Volume of Fill: V ct = 985984 •ft3 V fl :=2•(W k•D k•L fb - W k•D k•W fb) V@._2I22Dk(SDk)W�i-22Dk(SDk)L�J L Vft:=Vfl+V@ V ft = 985125'ft3 V fi = 314737 'ft3 V f2 = 670389 'ft3 Surface Area (for Slope Protection) Base of Lagoon: Ab:=Lb•wb A b = 413023 'ft2 Length of Side Walls: Lw:= Dt2-1-(S•Dt)2 Lw=29'ft Wall along Length of Lagoon: Al :=((Lb•Lw)+2.0.5•Lw (Lw•S))•2 Wall along Width of Lagoon: Aw :=((Wb•Lw)+2.0.5•Lw•(Lw S))•2 Total Surface Area of Lagoon: At :=Abe- Ai+ Aw A t = 499643 • ft2 A t = 11 'acre Al = 57395 • ft2 A w = 29225 'ft2 The Wooten Company Holly Springs - Storage and Treatment Lagoons Case 4: Storage Lagoon Variables Flow rate = Q := 1.1.106 gal day Max Cumulative Storage = Stor :=106955095• gal Side Slope = S := 2 Liquid Depth = D :=10• ft Freeboard Depth = D fb := 3• ft Total Depth = D t := D + D fb D t = 13 'ft Width to Length ratio = r := 1 2 Wk tDk Depth of Excavation = D e:=1.83• ft x rcuru Dike Width = W k :=10• ft — Depth of Dike= Dk:=Dt—De D k = 11•ft Number of Lagoons = N := 2 - Lfb L CMG 11/20/95 —41>)\—Th\lif Dfb ID List Dimensions Liquid Volume (Top of Liquid Depth): Average Area: V , _ Stor + Q. 14• day V N A.=D Length: V = 61177548 *gal A = 817825 ' ft2 V = 8178249 • ft3 L :_ (4•r•A— 6•r(S•D)2+2•(S•D)2)•5+ S•D•( 1+r) 2•r L = 1309 'ft Base of Lagoon: Lb :=L— 2•D•S Wb :=W— 2•D•S L b = 1269 'ft W b = 614 'ft Width: w:=L•r W=654'ft Lfb -„ L Ly' .„-----` Lb Wb W Top of Lagoon (with 3 ft freeboard): Ltb :=L-f-2•Dth•S Ltb=1321'ft Wfb : = W -1- 2• D tb• S W fb = 666 'ft Lagoon Volume V 1 :=Lb•Wb•Dt V 2 :=211•D t (S•D t}•W tb 2 V 3 :=2. 1•Dt (S•Dt�•Lfb 2 Total Lagoon Volume: V 1 = 10133653 'ft3 V 2 = 225238 'ft3 V 3 = 446420 'ft3 Vt:=V1+V2+V3 V t = 10805311•ft3 Excavation Volume of Cut: Lc :=Lb+ 2•DeS We :=Wb+ 2•De S L c = 1276 'ft W c = 622 'ft V el := L b• W b• D e V cl = 1426507 'ft3 V c2 :=212•De (S•De}•Wc+12•De(S•De)•Lc Vct:=Vc1+Vc2 Volume of Fill: 1439218 'ft V ct =3 Vfl :=2•(Wk•Dk•Lfb+Wk•Dk•Wft)) y@ ._2 r22 Dk (S•Dk) W �2t 2•Dk (S•Dk) L �l L J Vft:=Vfl+V12 V ft = 1435670 'ft3 V c2 = 12711 'ft3 V f1 = 443930 'ft3 Vf2=991740'ft3 Surface Area (for Slope Protection) Base of Lagoon: Ab := L b• W b A b= 779512 •ft2 Length of Side Walls: Lw := Dt2+(7Dt)2 Lw = 29'ft Wall along Length of Lagoon: Al :=((Lb•L W)+2.0.5•Lw•(Lw'S))•2 Wall along Width of Lagoon: A :=((Wb.LW)+2.0.5•Lw•(Lw S))•2 Total Surface Area of Lagoon: At :=Ab+ A1+ Aw A t = 895754 'ft2 A t = 21 'acre A 1 = 77143 'ft2 A w = 39099 • ft2 The Wooten Company Holly Springs - Storage and Treatment Lagoons Case 5: Treatment Lagoon Variables Flow rate= Q :=0.8.106• gal y Detention Time = T d := 30• day Side Slope = S := 2 Liquid Depth = D := 10. ft Freeboard Depth = D fb := 3• ft Total Depth= Dt:=D+Dfb D t = 13•ftk Width to Length ratio = r := 1 I Lfb 2 J L tErk CMG 11/20/95 !?e Depth of Excavation = D e := 2.66• ft V' If x le1 '4---L b- Dike Width = Wk :=10• ft Depth of Dike= Dk:=Dt—De Dk= 10*ft Dfb Dimensions Liquid Volume (Top of Liquid Depth): V :=Q•Td Length: V = 24000000 'gal V = 3208333 • ft3 Average Area: A:=V D A = 320833 •ft2 Lfb L L-' Lb Wb W Width: L:=(4•rA-6•r•(S•D)2+2•(S.D)2).5+S•D•(1+r) W :=L•r 2•r W = 415 'ft L = 831 'ft Base of Lagoon: L b := L— 2• D• S W b := W— 2• D• S L b = 791 'ft W b = 375 'ft Wfb Top of Lagoon (with 3 ft freeboard): L fb :=L+ 2•D fb•S L fb = 843 It Wfb :=W+2•D fb•S W fb = 427 'ft Lagoon Volume V 1 := L b• W b• D t v2._2 f 2 n� �s•n`)w�,i V3:=2• 1•Dt(S•Dt)•Lfb 2 Total Lagoon Volume: V 1 = 3859175 'ft3 V 2 = 144460 ' ft3 V 3 = 284863 'ft3 V t := V 1+ V 2+ V 3 V t= 4288498 'ft3 Excavation Volume of Cut: Lc:=Lb+2•DeS Wc:=Wb+2•DeS Lc= 801'ft W c = 386'ft V cl := L b• W b• D e V el = 789647 'ft3 Vc2:=2. 12•De(S•De)•Wc+12•De(S•De)•Lc Vct:=Vcl+Vc2 Vct=806451'ft3 Volume of Fill: V c2 = 16804 'ft3 V f1 := 2• (W k• D k• L fb + W k• D k• W fb) V f1 = 262675 'ft3 Vf2 :=2• 2•--•Dk•(S•Dk)•W fb+ 2.2•Dk•(S•Dk)•Lfb Vi2= 543211•ft3 Vft:=Vfl+Vf2 V ft = 805886'ft3 Surface Area (for Slope Protection) Base of Lagoon: A :=Lb•wb A = 296860•ft2 Length of Side Walls: Lw :_ D t2+ (s.D t)2 Wall along Length of Lagoon: L w = 29 'ft Al :=((Lb.Lw)+2.0.5•Lw (Lw S))•2 Wall along Width of Lagoon: Aw :=((Wb•LW)-I-2.0.5•Lw•(Lw S))•2 Total Surface Area of each Lagoon: At :=Ab+ A1+ Aw A t = 371419 'ft2 A t = 9 'ale A 1 = 49355 'ft2 A w = 25205 'ft2 The Wooten Company Holly Springs - Storage and Treatment Lagoons Case 5: Storage Lagoon Variables Flow rate = Q := 0. 8.106 • l day Max Cumulative Storage = Stor := 77785524• gal Side Slope = S := 2 Liquid Depth = D :=10•ft Freeboard Depth = D ib := 3• ft Total Depth= Dt :=D+Dtb Dt= 13'ft Wk Width to Length ratio = r := 1 2 Depth of Excavation = D e :=1.96• ft Dike Width = W k :=10• ft Depth of Dike = D k := D t— De Number of Lagoons = N := 2 D k = 11•04'ft CMG 11/20/95 Dimensions Liquid Volume (Top of Liquid Depth): Average Area: Stor + Q. 14• day N A Length: V = 44492762 *gal A = 594782 •ft2 V = 5947817 • ft3 L (4•rA-6•r•(S•D)2+2•(S•D)2) 5+S•D•(1+r) 2•r L=1120'ft Lfb Base of Lagoon: Lb :=L-2•D•S Wb :=W-2•D•S L b = 1080'ft W b = 520 •ft Width: W .— L•r W = 560'ft L Lam, Lb Wb W Top of Lagoon (with 3 ft freeboard): Lfb :=L+2•Dfb•S Wtb :=W+2•Dfb•S L fb = 1132'ft W tb = 572'ft Lagoon Volume V 1 :=Lb•Wb•Dt V2 211.Dt (S•Dt)'Wfb V3:=2' 1•Dt (S•Dt)•Lfb 2 Total Lagoon Volume: V 1 = 7307522 'ft3 V 2 = 193418 'ft3 V 3 = 382781 •ft3 Vt:=V1+V2+V3 V t = 7883721 'ft3 Excavation Volume of Cut: Lc:=Lb+2•DeS Wc:=Wb+2•DeS L c = 1088'ft W c = 528•ft Vcl :=Lb•Wb•De Vcl = 1101749'ft3 Vc2:=2• 1•De(S•De)•Wc+ 1•De(S•De)•Lc Vc2= 12419 'ft3 2 2 Vct:=Vcl+Vc2 Volume of Fill: 1114169 'ft V ct =3 V fi :=2•(W k Dk•L tbt V✓k•Dk•V✓tb) Vf2 •-2 [2 2 Dk (S Dk) Wfyt 2 2Dk($•Dk) LtbJ Vft:=Vfl+Vf V ft = 1207506'ft3 V fi = 376405 'ft3 V12= 831102'ft3 Surface Area (for Slope Protection) Base of Lagoon: Ab :=Lb•Wb A = 562117'ft2 Length of Side Walls: LW:= Dt2- (S•Dt)2 LW=29'ft Wall along Length of Lagoon: Al ((Lb.LW)+2.0.5•LW.(LW'S)).2 Wall along Width of Lagoon: AW :=((Wb.LW)+2.0.5.LW.(LWS)).2 Total Surface Area of each Lagoon: At :=Abe- A1+ AW A t = 661940 'ft2 A t = 15 'acre A 1 = 66197 'ft2 A W = 33626 'ft2 TOWN of HOLLY SPRINGS GOLF COURSE IRRIGATION Quantity Description Cost 14400 LF 8" Force Main $260,000 1 LS Pump Station $100,000 1 LS Storage Lagoon $64,000 1230 LF Chain -link Fence $16,000 Sub -Total $440,000 Engineering & Contingency (30%) $132,000 Easements ($ 9.00 per LF) $2,000 Surveying and Miscellaneous $15,000 Legal and Administrative (2%) $9,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $598,000 USE $600,000 WASTEWATER OUTFALL LINE ALIGNMENTS BASS LAKE /SUNSET LAKE OUTFALL CONFIGURATION Quantity Description Cost 6200 LF 8" Gravity Sewer $174,000 4300 LF 10" Gravity Sewer $146,000 3400 LF 15" Gravity Sewer $153,000 3000 LF 18" Gravity Sewer $168,000 7800 LF 24" Gravity Sewer $468,000 124 EA Manholes $248,000 Quantity Sub -Total $1,357,000 Engineering & Contingency (30%) $407,000 Easements ($9.00 per LF) $222,000 Environmental Assessment $25,000 Surveying & Miscellaneous $40,000 Legal & Administrative (2%) $27,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $2,078,000 USE $2,100,000 ALTERNATE CONFIGURATION Description Cost 6200 LF 8" Gravity Sewer $174,000 1700 LF 10" Gravity Sewer $58,000 1100 LF 15" Gravity Sewer $50,000 3200 LF 18" Gravity Sewer $179,000 5400 LF 6" Forcemain $54,000 1 EA Pump Station (Bass Lake) $100,000 14600 8" Force Main $263,000 1 EA Pump Station (Sunset Lake) $225,000 61 EA Manholes $122,000 Sub -Total $1,225,000 Engineering & Contingency (30%) $362,000 Easements ($9.00 per LF) $281,000 Environmental Assessment $25,000 Surveying & Miscellaneous $40,000 Legal & Administrative (2%) $24,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $1,957,000 USE $2,000,000