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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2820 Green Lane Drive12= AAFA - DENR North Carolina Departm nt of Environrnent,and Natural iResources Divis-ion, ofWater �Res,ources Water Quality Programs Pat McCrory, Governor James Stovall PoTiox 1386 Roxboro, NC'.27573 September 16, 2014 John E. Skvarla, III Secretary I< Subject: Sarface`Water Determination Letter NBRRO# 14 -345 Durham County Determination Type Buffer Call Isolated or'EIP'Call' Z Neuse (1'5A,NCAC,2B'1-10233) 'Start@ R Tar - Pamlico (15A NCAC 2B .0259) ❑ Ephemeral /Intermittent/Perennial Determination USGS' To o _ 0 Isolated Wet Determination ' QJordan (15A NCAC 2B 0267) -land Project Name: 2820 Green, Lane- Drive, Durham ,Locaiion/Difections Subject property is a private undevel'oped,lot ai'project address Subject :Stream: • UT',to Eno,lUver' Determination Date: September 16, 2014 Staff: Sara,Knies! Feature E /1%P* Not Subject Subject 'Start@ Stop@ Soil Sury6y USGS' To o _ ,A_ E' X X *E /1 /P' = Ephemeral llntermittent /Perennial, .Explanation: The feature(s),listed above has or,have been located,on,the Soil Survey of DurhamCounty, North Carolina,ortthe most - recent copy of the USGS at a 1:24,000 scale Each feature;that is,checked "Not Subject" has,been determined,notto be a,stroam or`is rfot present on the +property,. Features thavare checked "Subject" have been Located on the property grid; posse" sschdractetistics,thafqualify- it to lie a stream., There may be other streams located on your property that do not shoal, p on,the maps referenced above,but, still may be considered juri's_dictiorial accotding to,the US Army Coi=ps of Engineer`s and%or to thefDivision ofWater Resources (D WR). D4o ikarolina - �Vaturd!!� North Carolina Divisioh;of Watet'Resources 1628 MW,Sernce.Center 'Raleigh, NC 27699 -1628 Ph6nej(919) 791 =4200 Internet - www ncwatergualk org Location 3800barrett Dave Raleigh„ NC 27609 Fax 1(919) 788 -7158 'An E4ual Opportunity /Affirmative Action; Employer - 50% Recycled /10% Post Consume, Paper 2820✓Green Larie.D_r-ive Durham County September 16,2014 Page,'-2,, of 2 This on -site determination shaWexpire five (5),years from the date,of this letter: Landowners ;or affected parties that di°spu'te,a determination made by,the DWkor Delegated Local Authority may request a determination by the Director. An appeal�request must -!be made °withiq, sixty,(60) days of'dateiof,this letter or from the date'the affected party (including downstream and %or adjacent owners);is notified,ofthis fetter. A request;for•a,determination by the Director shall be�referred to,the Director in ;writing.c%o Karen'Higg_ins, DWR WeBSCaPeUni t,1650. Mail, Service Center; Raleigh, NC 27699. This determination is -final' and binding.unless,,as detalled,above, youa§k;for,,a hearing,or appeal withiwsixty (60)' days. The owner /,future owners, should' notify the•Diyision of Water Resources (including any other- Local', State, and Federal,Agencies) of this decision concerning any future 'correspondences regarding'the,subject property ('stated above). Thig projectzmay require- a Sectid -n 404/401 Per mitIfor,the proposed :activity. Any inquiries should be, directed to the Division of Water esources (Central Office),at °(91'9)- 807 =6300; and the US Army-Corp of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) at,(919) -554 -4884. If you have questions regarding:this determination, please feel freelo, contact.Sara Knies at (91'9) 791 4200. 1 Respect lly, , j i'12 V ' Danny-.Srnith cc. RRO /SWP File.Copy 2820 Green Lane Drive, Durham # W F Su, Ail& 140 r4 kbift q- icy -ly st aDurham_CND Streams_and_ Ditches : DITCH RIVER STREAM UNKNOWN NHighways OParcels Soils . /NA - M Sp wCc Cfe . CIC CIE Ch CP Cr8 CIC DaB DaC GoB GeC . G.0 GIE GIF Gr8 GIC G. HeB :t � r`¢ � 'y�{ -e• -.?:Y.c�?•:- :'a4,.;` %�' - c: .+a,i'L��';t'p;(ry c,>.• 3 - - ';;Rr+w: • �``,`,.. •tie,'..` ,•r •!'+�p"•ii �wlj i� n.: - At•., lA sk t.f _ f ' �•Ft ^' " F,J1 ' ,. �.•' -.ct• - -- x. - S..k:`: •,: .mow +. +S T �(�'- �;: eeJo- i:,Y �. 0.'4 ;"•l.�`�t,'- ,;.^�r24. -_'-1, r'�.r> .? "!.� 1r�+ - r� • ya�s:,:'y ,t�,.� �i, :qr�..�{i ° pry. U' �;'n' -���:+ - ,' ..', .•., rr, i' ;, •P � � -S , i pl,;. t, s" �. d�,}fi, r•a_, �!S.; RS . e!' ' '•r ' '> r •_ �s.-, ' r " Mt`..R `*•: :.,- ?: . r ?s,• l:ti�:i v`i'a et,i�: - ^�`, _ ! _ •, 1H ra,71� tr• �.. r _ � Yil ":r"'"'r i!Y:J• q...'.°a -+i, Sy "`tea •� Frill Ge.D ,< ?alp•,'. r, >- RAUB ki GIIE ! -' ;� ✓yCi No NI GeC +r8 _ b, - it � }� i; �81 •! 0 5 "GeC - 1 'GeC ` •f�� � .J,✓ �'.,`...� Ta F•thd ry � - - -_ __i 1 � �r � 4 FF J ail r �► i� • o„ 9 -Ils Ik SACO.., �1 y r1, 9/11/2014 3:01 PM