HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201354 Ver 2_More Info Received_20220823Strickland, Bev From: Hales, Jason C. <halesjc@cdmsmith.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 3:52 PM To: Homewood, Sue Subject: RE: [External] Support pier protection - City of High Point - Richland Creek Aerial Sewer Pipe Replacement, Guilford County; SAW-2020-01802; DWR # 20201354 Attachments: Richland Creek culvert modification figues and plans_8_23_2022_updated.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Thanks Sue. Let me know if this works. I kept the buffer impacts within the LOD and calculated them as if the potential stream loss went to the LOD. The culvert will not go that far, just enough to get past the pier support. Since they are planning rip rap bank protection downstream of the culvert extension that may go to the LOD, I just included it all. The area will continue to be maintained as tall grasses. Pdf pg 6. Thank you. i Significant scour and erosion around the base of the concrete pier. a� ea C� R n 7- -- TCE/LOD TCE/LOD COLLAR PUE EY:: 733.34' 'IPE SUPPORT 'OP ELEV' 730.41 TCE:4 rCE)60 1 . ' I I I jo CONC PILLAR TOP ELEV 727.54' c ONG PIL OP ELEV 7 57' Perm Buffer Impact Zone 1 - 1,353 sgft TCE/LOD 2"IPTBM =799558.56 =1725321.22 V=717.28 T Perm Buffer Impact Zone 2 - 869 sgft Jason Hales, PWS Coastal Wetland Scientist CDM Smith 15400 Glenwood Ave., Suite 400 I Raleigh, NC 27612 t: 919.325.3588 lc: 910.520.1832 halesjc@cdmsmith.com Sheet DM-4, Stream SL, Impact S� '' ��^C\r ry rry n CONC PILLAR OP ELEV: 27.57 Extend culvert out another 12' or so to get past support pier. EXISTING 206' OF AERIAL 48" WSP TCE/[.OD ICON EXI: REAM pie VL( PUI PIPE SUPPORT OP ELEV: 730.71 " CE/LOD TCE/LOD - �.-.(VThr) (M Y1 ACTOR PERMITTED TO USE ING CULVERT TO ACCESS RK AREA. LOCATION OF ULVERT IS APPROXIMATE. \\ '1)/O � ^ryry ry"� tryv IN ^rye �ry�g 4)Q 20' IZONE 2 1 NOW OR FORMALLY ROBERT L. & MARY LOU CASHATT PARCEL NO: 161471 R.B. 1867, PG 174 ICE -LOLL rcklLoo From: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 11:36 AM To: Hales, Jason C. <halesjc@cdmsmith.com> Subject: RE: [External] Support pier protection - City of High Point - Richland Creek Aerial Sewer Pipe Replacement, Guilford County; SAW-2020-01802; DWR # 20201354 Sorry, I stepped away from my desk for a minute. See if this helps and if not then call me back. 2 Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 336 776 9693 office 336 813 1863 mobile Sue.Homewood@ncdenr.gov 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem NC 27105 From: Hales, Jason C. <halesjc@cdmsmith.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 10:53 AM To: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Support pier protection - City of High Point - Richland Creek Aerial Sewer Pipe Replacement, Guilford County; SAW-2020-01802; DWR # 20201354 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good morning Sue. Thanks. Zone 1 buffer impacts 585.1 sqft. No impacts to Zone 2. I'm over estimating too make sure. Please see pdf page 6 of the updated figures. Please, let me know if you need anything else. Thank you. Jason Hales, PWS Coastal Wetland Scientist CDM Smith 15400 Glenwood Ave., Suite 400 I Raleigh, NC 27612 t: 919.325.3588 I c: 910.520.1832 I halesjc@cdmsmith.com From: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2022 9:21 AM To: Hales, Jason C. <halesjc@cdmsmith.com> Subject: RE: [External] Support pier protection - City of High Point - Richland Creek Aerial Sewer Pipe Replacement, Guilford County; SAW-2020-01802; DWR # 20201354 Good morning Jason, I was reviewing this permit modification request and realized that we didn't discuss buffer impacts. The original impacts were all covered under "existing uses" because they were temporary vegetation impacts to within the existing maintained corridor, however this culvert extension doesn't fit in that same category because technically some buffer is completely lost. I can authorize this under "protection of existing structures" but I will have to issue a formal buffer authorization to do so. The maps you sent show the buffer, can you just provide me with a calculation of square feet of Z1 and Z2 that will be "lost" adjacent to the extended culvert please. Thanks. 3 Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 336 776 9693 office 336 813 1863 mobile Sue.Homewood@ncdenr.gov 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem NC 27105 From: Hales, Jason C. <halesjc@cdmsmith.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2022 10:32 AM To: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil; Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Support pier protection - City of High Point - Richland Creek Aerial Sewer Pipe Replacement, Guilford County; SAW-2020-01802; DWR # 20201354 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Hi David and Sue. The contractors doing the aerial pipe replacement work at Richland Creek came across a piling for the 48-inch sewer line that is experiencing erosion from the adjacent stream (intermittent stream SL). We would like to stabilize this piling for the aerial sewer infrastructure. To ensure there will not be future erosion we're proposing a culvert extension past the piling vs. just fill and rip rap on the stream bank next to the piling. Some figures and plans with notes are attached. Hoping we can modify the existing approvals for this project to include this work. This area is currently designated as temporary stream impact S7. I'm not sure the exact length of culvert needed but just enough to get it past the pier. The extension shown on the attached plans is —12 feet. We would want to add some riprap and filter fabric to the stream bank at the culvert outlet for protection. The total permanent impacts would potentially go to the LOD shown and would be a maximum of 23 feet, matching the length of the current temporary impact S7. The proposed work is within the currently maintained easement. Impact S7 is 0.003 acres. If you would, please let me know how best to proceed. Thank you. Impact Number Impact Type Stream Name Stream Type Impact Reason Average Stream Width (feet) Impact Length (If) (48- inch Tine/30- inch line) Impact Size (sqft) S7 Temporary SL Intermittent Construction access, 48-inch line 6 23 120 4 Photo 1: View north/upstream of intermittent stream SL from within 48-inch sewer line easement. Photo 2: View south/downstream of intermittent stream SL from north of 48-inch sewer line easement. 5 Photo 3: View north/ upstream of intermittent stream SL from south of 48-inch sewer line easement. Jason Hales, PWS Coastal Wetland Scientist CDM Smith 1 5400 Glenwood Ave., Suite 400 1 Raleigh, NC 27612 t: 919.325.3588 I c: 910.520.18321 halesjc@cdmsmith.com �• Significant scour and 1 l• erosion around the base off (N I I the concrete pier. I I IN p rn 03 N - TCE/LOD TCE/LOD \r CONC PILLAR TOP ELEV: 727.54' .OLLAR PUE EV: 733.34' *Mr PU' CONC PILLAR TOP ELEV: 727.50' 1+00 'IPE SUPPORT OP ELEV: 730.41 P TZ3 /L A .M7.Th .(1' .• TCE/ 1 rct/L i 0/VG /'/L •K TOP ELEV: 7 57' TCE/LOD i \ 2" IP TBM =799558.56 =1725321.22 EV=717.28 Perm Buffer Impact Zone 1 - 1,353 sqft t./ wu Sheet DM-4, Stream SL, Impact S7 CONC PILLAR OP ELEV: 727.57 rThrmcCoN EXI: W vi 1 Perm Buffer Impact Zone 2 - 869 sqft 1 1 Extend culvert out another 12' or so to get past support pier. 1 EXISTING 206 OF AERIAL 48" WSP U A Pug ELEV: 27.65' / (CE/LOD ACTOR PERMITTED TO USE ING CULVERT TO ACCESS RK AREA. LOCATION OF ULVERT IS APPROXIMATE. ^�.°'^cy��ry``^ryryryryryryrye ^^^^ry^^^�0 ! 20, ZONE 2 NOW OR FORMALLY ROBERT L. & MARY LOU C PIPE SUPPORT OP ELEV:730.71 " to co :/LOD PUE TCE/LOD BUFFER PARCEL NO: 161471 SHATT D.B. 1867, PG. 174 0 rt______/ • . . . it ------ • rCE/L00 • T •�• roE/• Lo 0 0 CONC TOP E Smith 0 625 1,250 2,500 Feet Figure 6. Preliminary Wetland Boundary Map Richland Creek Aerial Sewer Pipe Replacement Guilford County, North Carolina CDM Project No. 243812 L .DP-WH-Up Legend Project Study Area Wetland Intermittent Stream o Wetland Data Point o Upland Data Point Stream SL Smith 0 25 50 100 Feet Figure 6i. Preliminary Wetland Boundary Map Richland Creek Aerial Sewer Pipe Replacement Guilford County, North Carolina CDM Project No. 243812 Legend Project Study Area nLimits of Disturbance Wetland Perennial Stream 177 Intermittent Stream I'/I Impacts S20, S21 and B11 (Figure 7c) Pigs Impact S19 (Figure 7d) Impacts W14, W15, S18 and B10 (Figure 7e) Impacts W16, S22, -• Impacts S23 and B12 W13, S14, S15, S16, (Figure 7b) 4 S17, B8 and B9 (Figure 7f) Impacts S10, S11 and B6 (Figure 7h) Impacts W10, W11, W12, S12, S13 and B7 (Figure 7g) Impacts W7, S5 and B3 (Figure 7j) RSLSS 'WS S'r Impact S7 4 Impacts Impacts W8, W9, S6, S7, W3, W4, W5, S1, Impacts S8, S9, B4 and B5 S2, S3, B1 and B2 W1 and W2 (Figure 7i) - ti (Figure 71) (Figure 7m) f 7 TIP A Smith 0 625 1,250 2,500 Feet Figure 7. Proposed Impacts Map Richland Creek Aerial Sewer Pipe Replacement Guilford County, North Carolina CDM Project No. 243812 Legend Project Study Area Limits of Disturbance Wetland Perennial Stream 1772 Intermittent Stream — Stream Buffers Temporary Wetland Impacts Forested Emergent Temporary Stream Impacts MI Perennial Intermittent Temporary Buffer Impacts AU Zone 1 1 I Zone 2 Existing Buffer Impacts Zone 1 Zone 2 f /1 1 1 Smith 0 25 50 100 Feet Figure 7i. Proposed Impacts Map Richland Creek Aerial Sewer Pipe Replacement Guilford County, North Carolina CDM Project No. 243812 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3ACFAD64-6E31 -4B E2-8EB1 -83A009F98053 A \B/ \c/ v v General\10 CADD\0002SYMB.dwg o w • > o cE o w 1 J � Q z z ui 0 U (/) w i w N 0 V) CE 0_ _ ›- 0 0 LJ 0 - 0 > O 0 0_ N z 0_� w 4- j z Q o No z ow Cl-w E >o 0 0 no T w� n N cE W E c 1w °H�__ E o F- z Q CE w I J� - 0 N J I- dl-zo Qz I) Q N w N z O = NI 1 ~ 3 cn T- (Ao E cno o �uEoo 0 -0 v U w w • CE X J Q • CE atm firito r.1"" /PI Ir-. ir m rain Elea _ =_ IIIJ • C - 1 6 7 111111111 wf,4.-Adifj 1 IIIk tA4,41, 4-3 r.mi 6= i1111411111441 ���: ma[1:=7 Wig Rtifee. 11%.\6 �111�sp, NW, 11111 / I lei IMIL Mat DM-16 DM-10 DM-16 DM-10 '/z" 1P TBM D DM-17 C-106 %4 N=800993.28 E=1713424.26 ELEV=753.28 ■ • • #t • w••• 01. ses aiss 8/1 Nee lea aft ass 4:1 ■ C-106 I/► UNIZI DM-16 j F- 4111 411111111 NAIL - TBM N=801968.89 E=1718301.16 ELEV=732.08 DM-15 C-14 p/A41,A6:WA:i C-15 DM-9 %" IP TBM N=801414.40 E=1717315.82 ELEV=728.92 • t0i ftql 411a4j14 ANY DM-9 %" IP TBM N=802049.63 E=1718441.87 ELEV=745.79 Qv C -13 pS,+ NAIL - TBM N=801691.46 E=1718887.99 ELEV=734.00 Y2" IP TBM N=801654.11 E=1718950.15 ELEV=747.41 C-12 C-1 1 INSTA M�NH❑LE P (EXISTING APPR❑XI BELOW GR • ft I 1 C-105 DM L D❑ R BYPSIN PIPE IN ERT ATELY 10 FT. UND SURFACE) 7 i • pjt H E DM-7 2 z TBM N=800968.92 E=1720934.21 ELEV=723.90 C-10 Y2" IP TBM N=800599.09 E=1723037.94 ELEV=741.65 .6) C-104 DM -6, C-8 C-103 INSTALL DOGHOUSE MANHOLE FOR BYPASSING (EXISTING PIPE INVERT APPR❑XIMATELY 8 FT. BELOW GROUND SURFACE) INTERSTATE 1-74 TBM 112 PIPE N=800801.08 E=1722837.64 ELEV=741.89 DM-14 C-7 DM-5 • aw‘ VINO Wafts 11411111 lase 414 2 '/z" 1P TBM N=800027.38 E=1723541.78 ELEV=736.95 %" IP TBM N=799474.85 - E=1725117.44 ELEV=732.06 DM-13 C C 4114, Iasi CPSHPTr RD DM-12 6 C-5 DM- 103 %" IP TBM N=799315.22 E=1724185.44 ELEV=733.88 %" IP TBM N=799558.56 E=1725321.22 ELEV=717.28 %" IP TBM N=799717.35 E=1725785.98 ELEV=735.05 DM-11 -4A DM-3 C-102- '/z" 1P TBM N=799191.34 E=1727219.86 ELEV=733.06 C-2B 14‘1°41 4 DM-2A Sheet DM-4, Stream SL, Impact S7 %" IP TBM N=799336.08 E=1727983.38 ELEV=724.35 C-101 DM-11 Vc-2 DM-2 C-2A '/z" IP TBM N=798791.52 E=1729835.09 ELEV=716.80 DM - TA" IP TBM N=798786.22 E=1729711.41 ELEV=716.80 C-101 REV. NO. DATE DRWN CHKD REMARKS DESIGNED BY. DRAWN BY - SHEET CHK'D BY. CROSS CHK'D BY. APPROVED BY- DATE- E. DUDLEY J. CROOK M. POLLARD APRIL 2021 CDIVISith 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27612 Tel: (919) 325-3500 CITY OF HIGH POINT RICHLAND CREEK SEWER OUTFALL - AERIAL SEWER PIPE REPLACEMENT KEY PLAN DATE: MICHAEL A. POLLARD JR. PE NO. 045468 PROJECT NO. 119145-243812 FILE NAME: G003KYPL.DWG SHEET NO. G-3 N N FOR CONSTRUCTION DocuSign Envelope ID: 3ACFAD64-6E31-4BE2-8EB1-83A009F98053 \A/ \B/ \c/ \D/ \E/ \F/ \G/ \H/ General\10 CADD\G002SYMB.dwg o w / 0 0 o D' o (w �I J � Q z z 0 U (/) L Li Q.) 0 (1) 1/ o_ >- c% CO 0 W 0 0 N - o_ u-) w - r-) rn 0 - - 0 z r�iQ o 1- I z r7 IXo W = 0 w 0 T UJ W Q) H = 0 ~ z W I (:(5 z O Q J Z h7 N Q N z o I —0 "2o >0 .• W Ct 0 • 3 2 w X J Q . G✓ N E 0 W Lu Lu (/) STA 4+00 MATCHLINE aaaaaaaaa '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1w, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa \......\ ::;;.:: ::;•';•; 0aaaaaaaaaa • aaaaaaaaaa yob (TYP.) CONC PILLAR TOP ELEV 7 D LOD �osi c TCE/LOD P E JNC PILLAR CONC PILLAR 6.43 • • aaaaa, ; • • • • TOP EL aaaaaaa. 726.51 ' TOP ELEV: 726.55' - 5+00 T E/LOD — - 703 704 I EX. 24" CMP CULVERT I • � �LC1 CONC PILLAR TOP ELEV: 726.47' TC --� 26 ONE 2 L 50 0 (TIP.) 0 rn TCE/LOD „ A J• TYP.) I PUE TCE/LOD CONC PILLAR TOP ELEV: 726.62' -\ TCE/LOD TscE/LOD HILLTOP HOLDINGS 111, LLC PARCEL NO: 161460 D.B. 8379, PG. 2163 TCE/LOD TCE/LOD TCE/LOD TCE/LOD 0 O EXISTING 344' OF AERIAL 48" WSP TCE/LO ,PUE PUE PUE - PUE CONC PILLAR CONC PILLAR CONC PILLAR CONC PILLAR TOP ELEV.' 726.69' -As00 TO ELEV: 726.71' TOP ELEV: 726.84' -TOP ELEV 726.86' 7 30' EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT (PER DMP PROJECT NUMBER 120033; DATED: SEPT. 2012) NICE/LOD TCE/LoD \ 708-08 o` • .i--; - . .• "--7A \\ 4 c'S(2: :::::: 41\ :::::::::::::::::::: : ::: :.: :::: 444÷!t7:77777777':":" "' \ \ TCE/LOD TCE/LCI) Yr r\ r\ \ •\ / ' \ \ \ \ TCE/LOD TCE/LOD/� TCl£/LOD \ / / TC�, OD 1- / I / / ./ , // o N ^, h .` �� ^`�' �ry ,�`� ry A� AI' Ary N PU(TYP. ) TCE/LOD 126 121 12 •� PIPE SUPPOR TOP ELEV: 729.89 HILLTOP HOLDINGS /11, LLC PARCEL NO: 161460 D.B. 8379, PG. 2163 48" WSP AERIAL SEGMENT 4 SCALE: 1 " = 20' i PUE CONC COLLAR . TOPOELEV 732.76 j TCE/LOD PUE EX. 48" RCr TCE/LOD PUE 8+00 C!) Qom .0 (,) 18 8 p1 -1 IZ I = 0 Z C T > O ION Z O Z7 1" = 20' 10 0 20 c 0 Z 0 O Q I U Z w O W U) 0 W EX. 48" RCP POE 001 o� ca w O aoi 0+00 PUE NOW OR FORMALLY ROBERT L. & MARY LOU CASHATT PARCEL NO: 161471 D.B. 1867, PG. 174 • TC /LO •T E/� TCE/LOD \ • O r7 TCE/Lob 0 eh TCE/LOD CO N EXISTING ABANDONED 30' TCE/Loci C/ AERIAL SEWER PIPE TCE/LOD TCE/L00 TCEADD Significant scour and • erosion around the base of\ the concrete pier. ' r\ r\ TCE/LODE cfl r TCE/LOD CONC PILLAR TOP ELEV: 727.50' 1+00 PIPE SUPPORT TOP ELEV: 730.41 N rck-/tD • • ('' Sheet DM-4, Stream SL, Impact S7 CONC PILLAR OP ELEV: Extend culvert out another 12' or so to get past support pier. EXISTING 206' OF AERIAL 4 ../. .. Arr ._ ,,,7, .„,,...7_ ._ Aie,,,,..,,,,,„ AgOlir Perm Buffer Impact =1725321.22 EV=717.28 Perm Buffer Impact 48" WSP AERIAL SEGMENT 5 REAM BUFFER EX PIPE SUPPORT ACTOR PERMITTED TO USE TING CULVERT TO ACCESS z RK AREA. LOCATION OF ULVERT IS APPROXIMATE. ZONE 2 ROBERT L. & MARY LOU CASHATT NOW OR FORMALLY PARCEL NO: 161471 SEE SHEET C-103 FOR LOD CONTINUATION xin SEWER EASEMENT (PER DMP PROJECT NUMBER 120033; DATED: SEPT. 2012) TCE/LOD CONC COLLAR dr al 3+00'—\ 733 735 3+22 (36 735 7.34 TCE/LOD z 0 Nfi 1" = 20' 20 NOTES: 1. ALL CONCRETE PIERS FOR THE 48" WSP SHALL REMAIN. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR MINOR REPAIRS. 2. EXISTING KNEE BRACES SHALL BE REMOVED. REFER TO PLAN AND PROFILES FOR LOCATIONS. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HANDLING AND DISPOSAL OF ANY PIPE RESIDUAL ENCOUNTERED DURING DEMOLITION IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. 48" WSP DEMOLITION LEGEND: REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE COLLAR AND STEEL/RCP ADAPTER. REMOVE PIPE STRAP AND CUT ANCHOR BOLTS FLUSH WITH TOP OF CONCRETE PIER. REMOVE TWO SEGMENTS OF 48" RCP TO THE NEAREST JOINT. REMOVE TRANSITION COUPLINGS. EACH CONCRETE PIER HAS A RING GIRDER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. REMOVE THE RING GIRDER AND CUT ANCHOR BOLTS FLUSH WITH THE TOP OF THE PIER. SEE NOTE 1. REMOVE EXISTING KNEE BRACES. REMOVE EXISTING 48" WSP INCLUDING ACCESS MANWAYS. LEGEND LIMITS OF DEMOLITION WETLANDS / 716;s::;1 D46.0. .p DATE: MICHAEL A. POLLARD PE NO. 045468 JR. REV. NO DATE DRWN CHKD REMARKS DESIGNED BY - E. DUDLEY DRAWN BY - SHEET CHK'D BY. CROSS CHK'D BY. APPROVED BY- DATE- W. BEELER M. POLLARD APRIL 2021 Smith 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27612 Tel: (919) 325-3500 CITY OF HIGH POINT RICHLAND CREEK SEWER OUTFALL - AERIAL SEWER PIPE REPLACEMENT DEMOLITION PLAN 48" WSP AERIAL SEGMENTS 4 AND 5 PROJECT NO. 1 19145-243812 FILE NAME: CDM4STDM.DWG SHEET NO. DM-4 FOR CONSTRUCTION