HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131200 Ver 2_Area 3B - stormwater calcs_20140909,O, J , j' s. S 1, Rational Method Designed By: JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Proiect No.: 13017 The rational formula is: Q = CIA tvhem: C = peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (ch) C = runoff coeff ctent, an empirical coef7aent representing the relationship betueemcainfall rate and nmoff rate I = average intensity ofminfall in inches/hou,, for a stams duration equal to the time of concentration, To A = drainage area in acres The general procetime for determining peak discharge using the rational fomnda is presented beloty and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Drainage Area 1.03 Step I Determine the maeff coefficient, C, for the type of soih'cover in the drainage am (Table 8.03b). If the laud use and soil rata is homogenous ova the drainage area, a C value caa be determined dhadly from Table 8.036. If there are multiple sod cots conditions, a weighted average must be calculated or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 1.03 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.9 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.9 3 4. r Rainfall Intensity, i (Inmf) 0 at Rainfall Intensity, 1(inmr) 8.53 Step 5. Determine peak discharge, Q (cubic feet per smomil, by multiplying the pmiomly determined factors using the mtional formula (Sample Prmblem 0 =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qta Flow lots) 7.9 Rational Method (Reference Data I 811 DWO ODOM ENGINEERING Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 The railroad formua is: Q = CIA where: Q = peaknte of nmoff in rabic feet persecomd (cfs) C = tuuoffcce& dent, an empirical coefficient representing the relationship between rainfall rate and nmuff rate 1 = average urmsity of mmM is inches/hour, fm a storm duration equal to the time of concentration, Te A = dravuge area in arses The general procedure for determining peals discharge using the rational formla is presented below and Mustrated in Sample problem 8.03x. Snap 1. Determine the drainage area in acres- . otal Drainage Area 0.79 Step 2. Determine the nmoff coefficient, C, for the type of soillcover in the drainage area (fable 8.03b). If the land use and sod cover is homogenous micr the drainage area, a C value nn be determined dmecdy finny ('able 8.036. If there are multiple soil cover conditions. a weighted avenge must be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.79 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.9 Runoff Coeffdent Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.9 ti Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 8.53 Step S. Determine peal- discharge, Q (cubic feet per semud), by multiplying the previously determined factors using the rational formula (Sample problem S.03a): Q =CIA Qz Flow (cfs) 0 Qto Flow (cfs) 6.1 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (Cityfrown) tryon CATCH BASIN # 60. She rational forrmda is: Q =CIA where: Q = peak rate of mmoffin cubic feet per second (cfs) C = nmoffcoefficient, an empirical coefficient representing the relationship bemeen minfall rate and ruooffrate I = average intensity ofmiafalt in iucheslhom, for a storm duration equal in the time of concentration. To A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03x. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.7 Step 2. Determine the mnaff coefficient, C, for the type of soillcoter in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the laud use and sod cater is homogenous over the drainage area, a C value can be deter ,tan d directly fiom Sable 8.03b. If there me multiple sod ccntt conditions, a weighted average must be calculated. or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.7 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.25 Runoff coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.25 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) - 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 8.53 Step S. Determine peak discharge, Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the previously determined factors using the rational formula (Sample problem &03a); Q =CIA Qr Flow (cfs) 0 Qua Flow (cfs) 1.5 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: Sf,1812014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (City/Town) Iryon CATCH BASIN # 59 Ibe national fmmmla is: Q = CIA uttere: Q = peak rate ofrmaffim cubic fret per second (c$) C = runoff coefficient, an empirical. coefficient representing the relationship berveen rainfall rate and nmoff rate I = average intensity of rainfall in incluvhouc for a stem duration equal to the time ofcmmmtration, Tc A= drainage area in arm The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample Problem S.03a Step 1. Determine the drayage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 024 Step 2. Detemtim the nmoffcoefficiew. C, for the type of soillcover in the drainage area (fable 8.03b). If die Land use and .sail cover u homogenous over the drainage area, a C value can be determined directly fima Table 8.036. If these are multiple sod cover conditions, a weighted avenge must be calculated, or the atea may be subditided. Subarea A (acres) 0.94 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 025 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.25 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, 1(inlhr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 8!53 Step S. Determine peal- discharge, Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the previously determined factors using the rational formula (Sample problem 8.033): Q =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qta Flow (cfs) 2.0 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: dCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA I Project No.: 13017 Site Location (City/Town) tryon CATCH BASIN # 58 The rational formula is: Q =CIA where: Q = peak rate ofmuoffin cubic feet per second(cf.) C = naoffcoefficient, an empirical coeffiaent representing the relationship betweenramrall rate and runoff rate I = amerage intensity of rainhIl in inches/hour. for a storm duration equal to the time of concentratiom To A = drainage area in arses The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample problem S.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 1.54 Step 2. Determine the runoff coefficient. C. for the type of soil/cover in the drainage area (Table S.03b). If the laud use and sail coyer is homogeaous over the drainage atea, a C value can be determined directly fiwm Table 8.03b. If there are multiple sod cover conditions• a uxighted average most be calculated or the area may be subdisgded. Subarea A (acres) 1.54 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.25 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.25 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 8.53 Step 5. Determine peak d' cha e , O ( cubic feet per second), by multiplying the previauslydetermined factors using the rational fomula (Sample problem 8.033): O =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qtn Flow (cfs) 3.3 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 811 812 01 4 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location(CitylTown) tryon CATCH BASIN # 55 The rational formula is: Q = CIA When: Q = peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (ds) C = runoff coefficient. an empirical coefficient representing the relationship behveea rainfall rate and rmmffrate I = average intensity ofrain£dl in iurhes/lsom. for a stow duration equal to the time of concentration, To A= drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge miag the muonal formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample Problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.45 Step i. Determine the runoff coefficient. C, for the type of soillomer in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the laud use and sod cover is homogenous o%a the drainage area, a C %aloe can be determined directly firma Table 8.03b. If there are multiple sal cover coalitions, a weighted a%aage most be calculated. or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.45 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.9 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.9 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 8.53 Step 5. Determine peak discharge, 0 (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the prevtouslydetermined factors using the rational li mula (Sample Problem 8.03x); 0 =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qra Flow (cfs) 3.5 Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: :8/1812014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Sttte Location (Cityfrown) tryon CATCH BASIN # 54 The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: Q = peak rate of rumuff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = nmoffcoefficient, anempirical coefficient representing the rdaiooship ber een ram6Urate and rmroffrate I = average intensity ofrainfi l in inchmhour. for a stone duration equal to the time of concenaation. Tc A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determiung peak duclharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03x. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.53 Step 2. Determine the wr off coefficient. C, for the type of soil lcover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and sod cover is homogenous over the drainage area, a C value can be determined directly 6-am Table 8.03b. If them are multiple soil cover conditions, a weighted average nuut be calculated or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.53 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.9 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.9 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in)hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 8.53 Step 5. Determine peak discharge, Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying thepreviously determined factors using the rational formula (Sample emblem 8.03a): Q =CIA Qa Flow(cfs) 0 Qta Flow (cfs) 4.1 C�. Rational Method Data JCW DWO ODOM ENGINEERING Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 tryon 65 The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: Q = peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = nwoff coe[icient, an empirical coefficient representing the relationship between rainfall rate and nmeff raw I = average intensity ofrairE'I in inches�how, for a storm duration equal m the time of concentration. Tc A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak darharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample Problem 8.03x_ Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.31 Step 2. Determine the nmoff caefficient, C, far the type of soil/cover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the laud use and soil cover is homogenous over the drainage area, a C value can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil cover condition. a weighted average must be calculated or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.31 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.25 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weiohled Runoff Coefficient 0.25 3. 4. it Rainfall Intensity, 1(fnthr) 0 !at Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 8.53 Step S. Determine peat: discharge: Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the pmiosulydetemoned faam using the rational formula (Sample problem 8.03a); Q =CIA Qr Flow (Cfs) 0 Qtn Flow (cfs) 0.7 C ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (City/Town) tryon CATCH BASIN # 64 The mtiorml formula a: Q = CIA where- 0 = peak rate of runoff in cubic feer per second (cfs) C = runoffcoeBdeat, an empirical coefficient representing the relationship between rainfall rate and runoff rate I = a%e ge intensity of rainfall in indres'hom.. for a storm duration equal to the time of concearation. To A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the notional forffida is presented below and illustrated in Sample Problem 8.03u Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.41 Step 3. Determine the runoff coefficient, C, for the type of soilicover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and sad cmro is homogenous over the drainage area. a C value can be determined directly from Table 8.036. If there are multiple sod cover conditions, a weighted average must be calculated, or the area may be suldticnded. Subarea A (acres) 0.41 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.25 Runoff Coetrdern Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.25 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (In/hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 8.53 Step S. Determine peak discharge. Q ( cubic feet per second), by multiplying thepm7omly determined factors using the rational formula (Sample problem 8.03x); Q =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qta Flow (cfs) 0.9 ESTIFAATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/1812014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (City/Town) tryon CATCH BASIN # 63 The rational formula is: Q = CIA AdleIG Q = peak ate of nu off to cubic feet per second (cfs) C = wooffcoeffuiem, an empirical coefficiem representing the relationship benceen rainfall rate and nnmff ram 1 = average intensity of mitda0 in urches hour, for a storm duration equal to dm time of concerrcation. Tc A= dainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge mum the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in SuVle problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.18 Step 2. Determine the nmoff coefficient, C, for the type of soilicover in the drainage area (fable 8.036). If the land use and soil covet is homogenous over the drainage area, a C value eau be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple cad cma conditions, a weighted average muse be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.18 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.25 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.25 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, t (inthr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 8.53 Step S. Determine peal- discharge, Q (cubic feet per secmtd), by mulmplymg the previouslydetemuned factors usiag the rational formula (Sample Problem 8.03a); Q =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qto Flow (cfs) 0.4 Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (Cityrrown) Tryon CATCH BASIN # 52 The rational formula is: Q =CIA where: Q = peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = nmoff coe&ciemt an empirical coefficient representing the relationship between rainfall rate and runoff rate I = average intensity of tainfall in inchm1hour, fm a storm duration equal to the time of concentration. Tr A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational forr®la is presented below and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03x. Step 1. Determine the drainage area at acres. Total Drainage Area 1.35 Step 2. Determine the nmoffcoefficient, C, for the type of soil cover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the Land use and soil covxr u homogenous over the drainage area. a C value ran be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil cover conditions, a weighted avenge mast be calculated or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 1.35 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.25 Runoff Coeffldem Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.25 Step 3. go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inthr) 8,53 Step S. Determine peak discharge. Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the previously determined factors using the rational formula (Sample problem S.03a); Q =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Quo Flow (cfs) 2.9 Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/1812014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (City/Town) tryon CATCH BASIN # 51 The rational formula iv Q = CIA where: Q = peakrate ofmooff in eabic fees per second (efs) C = runoff coet8aent an empirical coefficent repmeving the relationship bemeen miufall rate and turi raw I = average int ensity oftainfall in inchesmLouc for a stone duration equal to the time of concentration, To A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula u presented below and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03x. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 1.34 Step 2. Determine the narmff coefficient, C, for the type of soillcover in the dminage area (Table 8.03b). If the Land me and soil cover is homogenous over the drainage area, a C value cm be determined directly from Table 8.036. If there are multiple soil cover conditions. a weighted average most be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 1.34 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.25 Runoff cosi Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.25 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in#tr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (irt/hr) 8.53 Step S. Determine peak discharge, Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying du previouslydetemrined factors using the mtioml formula (Sample probler 8.033): Q =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qto Flow (cfs) 2.9 Rational Method Value Designed fay: JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: 0 = peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = runoff coeffrciem, an empirical coefficient representing the relationship between rsmfall we and runoff tare I = average intensity of rainfall in inrltestfiour. for a stone duration equal to the time of concentration, To A= drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Drainage Area 0.42 Step 3. Determine the nuroff coefficient, C, for the type of soiUcover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil cots ts homogenous user the drainage area, a C value can be determined directly from Table 8A3b. If there are multiple soil co%w comlitions, a weighted avenge must be calculated or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.42 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.9 Runoff Coefflclent Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.9 4. r Rainfall Intensity, i (inthr) 0 at Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 8.53 5. Determine peal- discharge, Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying an iously determined faciars using the rational formula (Sample problem 0 =CIA Flow (cfs) , Flow Ids) 0 3.2 C ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING _ Project Name:. Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (Cityrrown) tryon CATCH BASIN # 67 The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: Q = peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = rmoff coefficient an empuial coeHiaeut representing the relationship between ramR11 rate and nmoffrate I = aaenge intensity ofrainfall in inc& —Aom, for a storm duration equal to the time of concentration Tc A= drainage am in acres The general procedure for detenuoung peak discharge using the national faamla n presented below and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03x. Shp 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.72 Step 2. Detn®ine the nmoff coefficient C, for the type of soilicover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). rf the land me and sod cover is homogenous over the drainage area a C lalue cm be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil cosec conditions. a weighted avenge must be calculated. or the area may be subdivided Subarea A (acres) 0.72 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.25 Rune coecicleM Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.25 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, 1 (in/hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 8.53 Step 5. Determine peak discharge. Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the previously determined factors using the rational fonnula.(Sample Problem 8.03a); Q =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qty Flow (cfs) 1.5 Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: : JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (City/Town) Tryon CATCH BASIN # 57 The rational fora ila is: Q =CIA where: Q = peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = nmoff coef6ciemS an empincal coefficient repmentutg the relationship between minfaLL rate and rmtoff rate I = average imensity of rain ll in incheslow. for a storm duration equal w the time of concentration, Tc A= drainage area in acres The general procedure for determirvng peak discharge using the rational femnila is presented below and illustrated in Sample Problem 8.032. Step 1. Determine the dainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.86 Step 2. Determine the nmoff coefficient. C, for the type of soillcover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil cover is homogenous over the drainage area, a C aalue can be determined directly rim Table 8.03b. If there are multiple sod cots conditions, a weighted average must be calculated, or the area may be subdtided. Subarea A (acres) 0.86 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.9 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0,9 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, t (in/hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 8.53 Step 5. Determine peak discharge, Q (cubic feet per second), by multiply* the previomlydetemvned factors using the rational formula (Sample problem 8.03a); Q =CIA Qr Flow (cfs) 0 Qte Flaw (cfs) 6.6 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD@ Civil 3D@2013 by Aulodesk, Inc. ( CB #62 TO CB #61 Q (cfs) Circular Area (sqft) Diameter (ft) = 1.75 Invert Elev (ft) = 879.40 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 7.90 Elev (ft) s82.00 881.50 881.00 880.50 880.00 14(.11469 879.00 ( t378.50 0 Section Friday, Aug 22 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 1.03 Q (cfs) = 7.900 Area (sqft) = 1.47 Velocity (fUs) = 5.36 Wetted Perim (ft) = 3.06 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 1.04 Top Width (ft) = 1.72 EGL (ft) = 1.48 1 2 Reach (ft) Depth (ft) 2.60 2.10 1.60 1.10 0.60 0.10 -0.40 -0.90 4 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD(9) Civil 3D@2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #61 TO CB #60 Q (cfs) Circular Area (sqft) Diameter (ft) = 2.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 878.90 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 14.00 Elev (ft) 881.00 - 880.50 :1[0)611] I -YU M 1 Section 2 Reach (ft) Friday, Aug 22 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 1.37 Q (cfs) = 14.00 Area (sqft) = 2.29 Velocity (ft/s) = 6.10 Wetted Perim (ft) = 3.90 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 1.35 Top Width (ft) = 1.86 EGL (ft) = 1.95 3 Depth (ft) 2.10 1.60 1.10 M 0.10 -0.40 1 - -0.90 4 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3138 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #60 TO CB #59 Circular Diameter (ft) = 2.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 878.10 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 15.50 Elev (ft) 881.00 C_ 880.50 879.50 878.50 :MM4l1 877.50 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (Cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (ft/s) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) L 2 Reach (ft) 3 Friday, Aug 22 2014 = 1.48 = 15.50 = 2.50 = 6.20 = 4.15 = 1.42 = 1.75 = 2.08 Depth (ft) 2.90 PX1ril 1.90 1.40 M 0.40 -0.10 -0.60 4 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3130 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #59 TO CB #58 Q (cfs) Circular Area (sqft) Diameter (ft) = 2.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 876.80 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 17.50 Elev (ft) Section i 879.00 878.50 878.00 877.50 877.00 876.50 876.00 Friday, Aug 22 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 1.66 Q (cfs) = 17.50 Area (sqft) = 2.79 Velocity (fUs) = 6.27 Wetted Perim (ft) = 4.59 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 1.51 Top Width (ft) = 1.50 EGL (ft) = 2.27 D 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Depth (ft) 2.20 1.70 1.20 0.70 0.20 115416141 ' -080 4 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3CO2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #58 TO CB #67 Q (cfs) Circular Area (sqft) Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 876.20 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 20.80 Elev (ft) C_ _ 880.00 879.00 878.00 I:}'1AIR 876.00 875.00 0 Section Friday, Aug 22 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 1.33 Q (cfs) = 20.80 Area (sqft) = 3.04 Velocity (ft/s) = 6.85 Wetted Perim (ft) = 4.38 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 1.47 Top Width (ft) = 2.98 EGL (ft) = 2.06 1. 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Depth (ft) 3.80 MR, 1.80 r :s -0.20 1.20 5 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3139 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. FrWay, Aug 22 2014 CB #55 TO CB #54 Circular Highlighted Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Depth (ft) = 0.78 Q (cfs) = 3.500 Area (sqft) = 0.81 Invert Elev (ft) = 895.20 Velocity (ft/s) = 4.33 Slope ( %) = 0.50 Wetted Perim (ft) = 2.28 N -Value = 0.012 Crit Depth, Ye (ft) = 0.76 Top Width (ft) = 1.21 Calculations EGL (ft) = 1.07 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 3.50 Elev (ft) 897.00 t:I I:Mil .- 1I E 101&1111 � 894.50 Section 0 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3102013 by Aulodesk, Inc. CB #54 TO CB #53 Q (cfs) Circular Area (sqft) Diameter (ft) = 1.75 Invert Elev (ft) = 883.60 Slope ( %) = 7.34 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 7.60 Elev (ft) Section 886.00 885.50 *141117 884.50 IZ 883.50 (-883.00 FrWay, Aug 22 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.48 Q (cfs) = 7.600 Area (sqft) = 0.54 Velocity (fUs) = 14.11 Wetted Perim (ft) = 1.93 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 1.02 Top Width (ft) = 1.56 EGL (ft) = 3.57 Depth (ft) 2.40 1.90 1.40 M [O1<[r; -0.10 0 1 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #65 TO CB #64 Circular Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Invert Elev (ft) = 886.30 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.70 Elev (ft) 888.00 887.50 887.00 M; M 11: :- e 885.50 Friday, Aug 22 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.32 Q (cfs) = 0.700 Area (sqft) = 0.25 Velocity (ft/s) = 2.79 Wetted Perim (ft) = 1.33 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.33 Top Width (ft) = 1.09 EGL (ft) = 0.44 Section 0 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Aulodesk, Inc. CB #64 TO CB #63 Circular Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Invert Elev (ft) = 885.40 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 1.60 Elev (ft) 88.00 E:IY:>tM] 885.50 E:I Mllif Friday, Aug 22 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.49 Q (cfs) = 1.600 Area (sqft) = 0.45 Velocity (ft/s) = 3.57 Wetted Perim (ft) = 1.69 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.51 Top Width (ft) = 1.22 EGL (ft) = 0.69 Section 0 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #63 TO CB #51 Q (cfs) Circular Area (sgft) Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Invert Elev (ft) = 884.90 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 2.00 Elev (ft) 887.00 — [1-1-1-11081111 f '.:I :b' 1111 I ` 884.00 Section Friday, Aug 22 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.56 Q (cfs) = 2.000 Area (sgft) = 0.54 Velocity (ft/s) = 3.74 Wetted Perim (ft) = 1.84 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.57 Top Width (ft) = 1.24 EGL (ft) = 0.78 Depth (ft) 2.10 1.60 1.10 e -le 0.10 Q1M1(11 -0.90 0 1 2 3 4 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 31)8 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #52 TO CB #51 Q (cfs) Circular Area (sqft) Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Invert Elev (ft) = 884.90 Slope ( %) = 0.80 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 2.90 Elev (ft) Section 887.00 886.50 E:II:1111112 885.50 Friday, Aug 22 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.60 Q (cfs) = 2.900 Area (sqft) = 0.59 Velocity (ft/s) = 4.95 Wetted Perim (ft) = 1.92 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.69 Top Width (ft) = 1.25 EGL (ft) = 0.98 Depth (ft) 2.10 1.60 1.10 .� 0.10 -0.40 ' I I -0 90 J 1 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 31302013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #51 TO JB #50 Circular Diameter (ft) = 2.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 884.30 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 7.80 Elev (ft) C 887.00 886.50 885.50 M -M—Y17 884.00 `- 883.50 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (fUs) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 Reach (ft) 9 Riley, Aug 22 2014 = 0.94 = 7.800 = 1.46 = 5.34 = 3.03 = 0.99 = 2.00 = 1.38 Depth (ft) 2.70 2.20 1.70 1.20 0.70 0.20 -0.30 -0.80 4 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. JB #50 TO JB #66 Q (cfs) Circular Area (sqft) Diameter (ft) = 2.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 884.10 Slope (%) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 7.80 Elev (ft) ( 887.00 886.50 886.00 885.50 885.00 884.50 &I'L91II] 883.50 0 Section Friday, Aug 22 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.94 Q (cfs) = 7.800 Area (sqft) = 1.46 Velocity (ft/s) = 5.34 Wetted Perim (ft) = 3.03 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.99 Top Width (ft) = 2.00 EGL (ft) = 1.38 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Depth (ft) 2.90 2.40 1.90 1.40 0.90 Ux[C -0.10 -0.60 4 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutOCADO Civil 3136 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. JB #66 TO CB #53 Q (cfs) Circular Area (sgft) Diameter (ft) = 2.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 883.60 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 7.80 Elev (ft) Section 886.00 884.50 GI:UMM 883.50 883.00 FrAay, Aug 22 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.94 Q (cfs) = 7.800 Area (sgft) = 1.46 Velocity (ft/s) = 5.34 Wetted Perim (ft) = 3.03 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.99 Top Width (ft) = 2.00 EGL (ft) = 1.38 Depth (ft) 2.40 1.90 fIIE[1I M limit" -0.10 ] 1 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD@ Civil 3D@2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #53 TO CB #67 Q (cfs) Circular Area (sqft) Diameter (ft) = 2.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 876.20 Slope ( %) = 8.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 18.60 Elev 879.00 878.50 878.00 1:YOA.111 877.00 876.50 876.00 875.50 ft) Section — 77 Friday, Aug 22 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.70 Q (cfs) = 18.60 Area (sqft) = 0.99 Velocity (ft/s) = 18.84 Wetted Perim (ft) = 2.54 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 1.56 Top Width (ft) = 1.91 EGL (ft) = 6.22 Depth (ft) 2.80 2.30 1.80 1.30 0.80 0.30 -0.20 0 1 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AuloCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #67 TO CB #57 Q (cfs) Circular Area (sqft) Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 875.60 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 40.90 Elev (ft) 879.00 878.00 877.00 875.00 874.00 0 Section Friday, Aug 22 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 2.03 Q (cfs) = 40.90 Area (sqft) = 5.10 Velocity (ft/s) = 8.02 Wetted Perim (ft) = 5.80 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 2.09 Top Width (ft) = 2.80 EGL (ft) = 3.03 i 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Depth (ft) 3.40 2.40 1.40 0.40 M.0 -160 5 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3138 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. :;B #57 TO NEW JB #57 Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 875.30 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 47.50 Elev (ft) 879.00 878.00 877.00 876.00 875.00 874.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (ft/s) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 3.70 2.70 1.70 0.70 11119I111 -1.30 5 = 2.29 = 47.50 = 5.80 = 8.18 = 6.39 = 2.25 = 2.54 = 3.33 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD0 Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. NEW JB #57 TO NEW JB 57A Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 874.40 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 47.50 Elev (ft) (, s7s.00 877.00 875.00 873.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (ft/s) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 3.60 2.60 1.60 W M -0.40 -140 5 = 2.29 = 47.50 = 5.80 = 8.18 = 6.39 = 2.25 = 2.54 = 3.33