HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131200 Ver 2_Area 2 - stormwater calcs_20140909Da • ■ L TRYON EQUESTRIAN 8/18/2014 STORMWATER TREATMENT AND RETENTION AREA 2 i Data Total drainage area(Acres) 11.11 483,5161 23250 Impervious drainage (Acres) 6.51 283,140 First Flush depth (in) 1 RUNOFF VOLUME — SIMPLE METHOD Rv = 0.05 + 0.9 *IA Where: Rv= Runoff coefficient [storm runoff (in /storm rainfall (in)), unitless IA= Impervious fraction [impervious portion of drainage area (ac) /drainage area (ac), unitless Rv = 0.58 WATER QUALITY VOLUME DETERMINATION V = 3630 *Rc *Rv *A Where: V = Minimum volume of pond from perm pool to temp pool (ft) 1 RD = Design storm rainfall depth (in) A = Watershed area (ac) RELEASE VOLUME OVER 48 HOURS Flow rate to allow release over 48 hours = Volume /release time Rate (cfs) = 0.13 D = V((4 *Q) /(14*Cd *J(2 *g *H))) Where: Q = Flowrate (cfs). Cd = Coefficient of Discharge = 0.6 g = acceleration of gravity (ft/sec sgrd) = 32.2 H = Headwater (ft) Orifice Dia. (in) = 1.90. Use a 1.75" orifice l i Rational Method Designed By: JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING _ Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 BASIN The rational for m l- is: Q = CIA where: Q = peak rate ofronoff in cubic feer per second (c &) C = nmeff coefficient, an empirical coefficient representing the relationship behveea murfall rate and nnaff raw I =merage intensity of rainfall is inches.hour, for a storm duration equal to the time ofconcmnatiom T. A = drainage arm in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge ming the rational formula is presented below and illmnated in Sample Problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Drainage Area 0.43 Step 2. Determine the mooff coefciew. C, for the type of so&cmw in the dainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land we and soil corer is homogenous over the drainage area. a C talue can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil cover conditions, a weighted average must be calculated, or the area may be sub&-Aed. Subarea A (acres) 0.43 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefticlem Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 3. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 0 10 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inthr) 7.48 Step 5. Determine peak discharge. Q (cubic feet per second). by multiplying the pretiomly determined factom using the national formula (Sample problem SA3a); Q =CIA Qr Flow (cfs) 0 Qta Flow (cfs) 2.3 Rational Method Data 8/1812014 tl By: DWO Date: ly: ODOM ENGINEERING Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 No.: 13017 1 The annual formula is: 0 =CIA uhere: 0 = peak ate of nmoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = nmolf coefficient, an empirical coefficient representing the relationship bmsxeammfall ate and amoffate I = atmae intensity of mrfall in inchevhour, for a storm dilation equal to the time of concentration. Tc A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational for mils is presented below and illusmated in Sample problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.43 Step 2. Determine the ntuoff coefficient. C, for the t}pe of soib'cover in the damage area (fable 8.03b). If the land use and soil rout is homogenous over the drainage acca, a C :slue can be de ermined directly from Table 8.03b. If there arc multiple sail corer conditions. a weighted avenge must: be calculated, or the area may be subdaided. Subarea A (acres) 0.43 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coemcient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 3. Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 7.48 Step 5. Demoniac peal- discharge, Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the previously determined £anon using the rational formula (Sample problem 8.03x); 0 =CIA Flow (cfs) 0 Flow (cfs) 2.3 i C ESTUMTING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/1812014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (City/Town) tryon CATCH BASIN # 19 The rational formuU is: Q = CIA where: 0 = peak rate of nmoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = nmoff coefficient, an empirical coeffideat representing the relationship between rainfall rate and nmoffrate I = average intensity of rainfall is inchesibom. fm a storm, duration equal to the time of concentration. Tc A = thaimage area in aces The general procedure for determining peak discharge ming the rational formula is presented below and illmtmted in Sample Problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage aua in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.16 Step 1. Determine the runoff coefficient. C, for the type of soil+cover in the drainage area (rabic 8.03b). If the land use and soil cover is homogenmu over the drainage area, a C value ran be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil coca conditions. a weighted average must be calculated. or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.16 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, 1 (in /hr) 0 26 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in /hr) 7.48 Step 5. Determine peak discharge. 0 (cubic feet per second), by multi Iving the previously determined factors using the rational formula (Sample problem 8.03a); Q =CIA Q. Flow (cfs) 0 Qaa Flow (cfs) 0.8 Rational Method Data DWO ODOM ENGINEERING Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 13017 11 The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: Q = peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = runoffcoetficear, an empirical coefficient representing the relationship betsseen rainfall rate amt ntaoffrate I = auerageimensityofraintallmi ndresrhour,fora,omaduratioaequA to the time of concCtration. Tc A= drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Drainage Area 0.15 Step 2. Determine the runoff coefficient. C, for the type of soil/cover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil can is homogenous mw the drainage area, a C %vlue can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. lfthere are multiple soil carer conditions. a weighted average must be calculated. or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.15 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coeffielent Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 3. 4. n Rainfall Intensity, i (in /hr) 0 tar Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 7.48 Step 5. Determine peak discharge. Q (cubic fret per second). by multiplying the preciously determined factors using the national formula (Sample Problem 8.03a); Q =CIA IQr Flow (cfs) 0 Qta Flow (cfs) 0.8 Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: W1812014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: _ Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (Cityfrown) tryon CATCH BASIN # 12 The rational formula is: C = CIA avere., 0 = peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per snood (cfs) C = nmoff coe&cient. an empirical coefficient representing the relationship bet%%x rainfall rare and nmoffrate I = arrrage intensity ofmiafall in inchevhour, far a stave duration equal to the time of concentration. T. A = drainage area in acres The general procedure fm determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample Problem 3.03x. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.85 Step 2. Determine the r moll coefficient C, for the type of so1cover in the drainage area (Table 3.03b). If the hW use and soil cover is homogenaus aver the drainage area. a C cable canbe determined directly from Table 8.036. If there are multiple sod caxr conditions. a weighted avenge must be calculated or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.85 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Rural Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, f (In/hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (In/hr) 7.48 Step >. Determine peak discharge. Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the prniously determined factors using the rational formula (Sample problem 8.03a): Q =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qta Flow (cfs) 4.5 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/1812014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (Cityrrown) tryon CATCH BASIN # 20 The rational formula is: Q =CIA where: Q = peak rate ofnmoffin cubic feet per second (cfs) C = nmoff coet5amt, an empirical coefficient representing the relationship between rainfall rate and runoff rate I = average intensity of tamiatl in inclacwhour, for a storm duration equal to die time of concentration. Tc A = drainage area in acres The gesteral procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is preserved below and illustrated in Sample Problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.16 Step 3. Determine the nutoff coefficient. C. for the type of sobcover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil cuts is homogenous over the drainage area, a C valuc cm be determined directly from Table 8.036. If there are multiple sod cocv conditions. a weighted average most be calculated. or the area may be subditided. Subarea A (acres) 0.16 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coetriaent Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inthr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 7.48 Step 5. Determine peak discharge. Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying thepretiously determined factors using the rational formula (Sample problem 8.03x); Q =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qto Flow (cfs) 0.8 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (Cityfrown) tryon CATCH BASIN # 13 The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: Q = peak rate of nmoffin cubic feet per second (cfs) C = runoffcoetTusent. an empirical coefficient representing the relationship between min fall rate and amoffrate 1 = average intmsity of rainfall m inchesthouc. for a storm dtrauon equal to the time of concentration, T. A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03a. Step 1. Deteratioe the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.15 Step 2. Determine the nmoff coefficient, C. for the type of soillcover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the Land use and soil rotor is homogenous mw the drainage area. a C aalue ran be detenffined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple sod cover conditions, a weighted average must be calculated. or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.15 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inthr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (irdhr) 7.48 Step 5. Determine peak discharge, Q (cubic feet per second), by muluplyin¢ the preciously determined factors using the rational formula (Sample problem 8A3a)_ Q =CIA Qr Flow (cfs) 0 Qta Flow (cfs) 0.8 Rational Method Designed By: JCW Date: 8/1812014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: Q = peak rate of mauffin cubic feet per second (cfs) C = runoff coefficient, an empirical coefficient representing the relationship between rainfill rare and runoffrate I = average intensity ofrainfdt in inchesh= for a stoma duration equal to the time econceanation. T. A = drainage area in aces The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample Problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.43 Step 2. Determine the runoff coefficient. C. for the type of soilimver is die drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil cover is homogenous over the drainage am a C valve can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple sod cover conditions, a weighted average must be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.43 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 0 4. r Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 0 at Rainfall Intensity, 1 (in/hr) 7.48 Step 5. Detention, peak discharge, Q (cubic fret per second), by multiplyvig the previously determined factors using the rational formula (Sample Problem Q =CIA Flow (cfs) 0 i Flow (cfs) 2.3 Rational Method Designed By: JCW Date: 8118/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Location (Ci CH BASIN # The mtiooal formula is: Q =CIA Where: Q = peak rate of nmoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = nmoffcoefficient, an empirical coefficient representing the relationship between rainfall rate and nmaff rate I = average intensity of ramfill in iuches!hour. for a storm duration equal to the time of concentration, T. A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational fcrnma is presented Wen, and illustrated in Sample Problem 8.03a. Step L Determine the drainage area in acres. Drainage Area 0.43 Step 2. Determine the runoff coe3tciem, C. for the type of wilicover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the Land use and soil cover is Itonsogenous over the drainage area, a C value can be determined directly from Table 8.036. If there are multiple soil cover conditions, a weighted average most be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.43 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coet0cient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weiahted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 3. 4. r Rainfall Intensity, i (inthr) 0 ar Rainfall Intensity, i (inthr) 7.48 i. Determine peak discharge. Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying reviously determined factors using the mrional foruada (Sample Problem Q =CIA Flow (cfs) Flow (cfs) 0 2.3 Rational Method Designed t3y: JCW Date: Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: — Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 21 The rational formula is: Q = CIA Where: Q = peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = mnoffcoefficient, an empirical coeffaciept representing the relationship between rainfall rate and nmoffore I = average intensity of rainfall in mchestbour. for a storm duration equal to ate time of concentration. Tc A = drainage area m acres The general procedure far det<rmanug peak disdnrge using tL•e irmonal formula is presented belmv and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage a, in acres. otal Drainage Area 0.16 Step 2. Dveca,m the runoff coe5cient. C. for the type of soil cover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the Land use and soil cover is homngenom over the drainage area, a C ;clue can be derermived directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple sod cover conditions, a weighted avenge must be calculated. or the am may be subdivided. 8118/201 Subarea A (acres) 0.16 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 3. Step 4 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (Iri 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (tnthr) 7.48 Step S. Determine peak discharge. Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying theprevimssly detemmiaed factors using the rarkmaillonnula (Sample problem 8.03x): Q =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qts Flow (cfs) 0.8 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/1812014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 _ Project No.: 13017 Site Location (City/Town) tryon CATCH BASIN # 14 The rational formula is: Q = CIA Where: Q = peak rate ofmmffin cubic Peer per second (eG) C = nmoff coefficiew. au empirical coefficient representing the relationship bewveen minGll rate and runoff ram I = average intensity of rainEdl in inchesltour, for a storm duration equal to the time of concentration. Te A = drainage area in saes The general procedure for deteramang peak discharge acing the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03 a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area ht acre. Total Drainage Area 0.14 Step 2. Determine the rumff coefficient. C, for the type of soih'cover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil cover a homogenous over the drainage area, a C value can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil coca canditions. a weighted average must be calculated. or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.14 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coet0ciem Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in /hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inntr) 7.48 Step S. Determine peal- discharge. Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the previously determined factors using the rationalfommla (Sample problem 8.03a); Q =CIA Qi Flow (cfs) 0 Qta Flow (cfs) 0.7 Rational Method JCW Date: 8/1 DWO Date: ODOM ENGINEERING Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: O = peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = nmoffcoefficient. an empirical coefficient represeming the relationship between rainfall rate and nmoffrate I = average intensity of rainfall in inches/hour. for a storm duration equal to the rime of coacentration. Tc A = drainage area in acres The general procedure fa determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated m Sample problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Drainage Area 0.83 Step 2. Determine the runoff coefficient, C. For the type of smiVcover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the laud use and soil cover is homogenous mw the drainage area, a C value can be determned directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil cover conditions, a weighted average rnusr be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.83 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coegldem Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 3. I2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in1hr) 7.48 S. Determine peak discharge. Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying mgously determined factors using the rational fommmla (Sample Problem Flow (cfs) Flow (cfs) Q =CIA 0 4.3 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JGW Date: 811812014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (City/Town) tryon CATCH BASIN # 25 The national formula is: Q = CIA where: 0 = peaknte of nwaff iambic feer per second (efs) C = runoff coefficient, an empirical coefficient representing the relationship bewseen rainfall rate and runoff rate I = aterage intensity of rainfall in inches!hour, for a stoma duration equal to dw time of concentration, T. A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for detenahting peak discharge using tk rational formula is pre ted below and illustrated in Sample Problem 8.03a. Step L Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.18 Step 2. Determne the runoff coefficient. C, for the tape of soil cover in dw drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the Land use and sail cover is homogenous over the drainage area, a C value can W denermined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil cover conditions. a weighted aterage muss be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.18 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in /hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity,1 (In/hr) 7.48 Step S. Deternvne peak discharge, Q (cubic feet per second), by multiphitg the previously detennined factors using the rational formula ( Sample Problem 8.03a); Q =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qte Flow (cis) 0.9 ( Rational Method IReference Data I Designed By: JCW Date: 8118f2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 The rational formulaic Q =CIA where: Q = peakrate ofrnnoffin cubic feet per second (chi) C = nmoff coefficient an empirical coefficient representing the relationship between rainfall rate and runoff rate I = ataage intensity of rainfall m iuchesihour. far a storm durarion equal to the time of concentration T. A = drairuge area in acres The general procedure for detautimag peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample Problem 8.03a- Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.14 Step 3. Determine the maoff coefficient. C. for the type of willcover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil ewer is horuogenous oaer the drainage area, a C ralue can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil emir conditions, a weighted mirage must be calcuLued. or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A(acres) 0.14 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff coetrcient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 3. 4. u Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 0 tar Rainfall Intensity, i (Inlhr) 7.48 Step 5. Determine peak discharge, Q (cubic fret per eecoud), by multiplying the previously determined factors, using the mtioml formula (Sample problem Q =CIA Flow (cfs) 0 ,Flow (cfs) 0.7 Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8118.12014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: : ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (Cityfrown) "Yon CATCH BASIN # 24 The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: Q = peakrate of rrmoffin cubic feet per second (cfs) C = runoff coeffctent, an emphical coefficient representing the relationship between mhrfell rate and tuncffrate I = sv r ge intensity of rainfall in inchevitour. for a storm duration equal to the time of concentration, Tc A= drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample Problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.08 Step 1. Determine the runoff coefficient, C. for the type of wilicoves in the drainage am (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil cover is homogenous over the drainage area. a C value ran be determined directly fam Table &03b. Lrthere are multiple soil cover conditions, a Weighted average Muir be calculated or the area map be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.08 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefflclerd Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Stop 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (In/hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (iNhr) 7.48 Step e. Determine peak discharge. Q (cubic feet per semnd), by multiplying the previously detemriced factors using the rational fonnuli (Sample problem 8.033): Q =CIA Qt Flow (cfs) 0 Qto Flow (cfs) 0.4 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8)18)2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (Cityfrown) tryon CATCH BASIN # 24B The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: Q = peak rate of mnoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = nmoff eoeffraeac, an empirical coefficient representing the relationship bcmee minfdl rate and ntnoffraw I = average intensity ofrairdall in inchesrbour, for a storm duration equal to the time of concentration. Tc A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample Problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.05 Step 3. Determine the nmoff coeff Ginn. C. for the type of wil/cover in dt drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil cover is homogenous ova the drainage area, a C %aloe caabe determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil cores conditions, a weighted average must be calculated, or the area may be subdi%tided. Subarea A (acres) 0.05 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 7.48 Step 5. Determine peak discharge. Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the prmionsly determined factors using the rational funmmla (Sample Problem 8.03a), Q =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Q %s Flow (cfs) 0.3 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (City/Town) tryon CATCH BASIN # 26 The rational formula is Q = CIA where: Q = peak rate of nmoffin cubic feet per second (cfs) C = ruooffcoefficient. an empirical coefficient representing the relationship between rabdzll rate and n taff rare I = mtraae intensity of rainn0 in inch hour. for a Vann duration equal to die time of concentration. T. A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presentedbelosv and illustrated in Sample Problem 8.03a. Step L Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.11 Step 2. Determine the mmoff coefficient, C. for the type of soille"er in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the laud use and soil cover is homogenous over due drainage area, a C value can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. L there are multiple sod cover conditions, a weighted avenge must be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.11 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coef dent Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inRtr) 7.48 Step 5. Deemame peak discharge. Q (cubic fret per second), by multipipag du previously determined factors using the rational formula (Sample Problem 8.031): Q =CIA Qr Flow (cfs) 0 Qta Flow (cfs) 0.6 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 81182014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (City/Town) byon CATCH BASIN # 17 The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: Q = peakrate of runoff in cubic feet per second (efs) C = runoff coeffciem, an empirical coefficient representing the relltianship between rainfall rate and nmoffrate I = average intensity ofraiefall in incltes2hour. for a storm duration equal to the time of concentratiom T. A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.47 Step 2. Determine the nmoff coefficient. C. for the type of soilicover in dae drainage area (Table 8.036). If the Land use and soil coyer is homogenous oter the drainage area, a C tzlue can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil cover conditions, a weighted avenge must be calculated, or the area may be Subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.47 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 7.48 Step S. Determine peak discharge, Q (cubic feet per second), by mulnplying die pmiously determined factors using the rational formula (Sample problem 8.03a): 0 =CIA Qt Flow (cfs) 0 Qta Flow (cfs) 2.5 C ESnMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (Citylrown) Tryon CATCH BASIN # 27 The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: Q = peaknte of nmoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = nmoffcoefErient, an empinal coefficient representing the relationship between rainfall rate and mooffnee I = average intensity of minfall in inches %hour. for a storm duration equal to the time of concentration. Tn A = drainnge area in aces The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula %presented betov and illustrated or Sarple?roblem 8.03a. Step L Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.46 Srep 2. Determine tine nunoff coefficient, C, for the type of soil:cover in the damage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil cover a homogenous over du drahmge area, a C imbue can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there ue multiple soil cover conditions, a weighted average must be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.46 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefridem Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in /hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in /hr) 7.48 Step 5. Determine peak discharge. Q (cubic feet per second). by muluplyiag the poniously determined factor using the rational formula (Sample problem 8.03a); Q =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qta Flow (cfs) 2.4 r Rational Method JCW Date: 8/181201 DWO Date: CDOM ENGINEERING Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 tryon The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: Q = peakrate of runoff in cubic feet per second (c@) C = nmoff coeffictet, an empirical coefficient representing the relationship between rainfa0 rate and nmoffrate I = aterage intensity ofrainfdl inmchevhour. far a storm dumrim equal to the time of concentration. Tc A= drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated to Sample Problem 8.03x, Step 1. Determine the drainage = in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.09 Step?. Determine the mnoff coefficient C. for the type of soilicover in the drainage area (Table 8.036). If the land use and soil cover is homogenous over the drainage are, a C value can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple sod cotes conditions. a we ghtcd average must be calculated, or the are may be subditided. Subarea A (acres) 0.09 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Ruaaa Coemdent Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weiqhted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 i)1 (Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inRu) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inmr) 7.48 Step S' Determine peak discharge. 0 (cubic feet pet second), by mulupl3^ing the previously determined factors using the national formula (Sample problem 8.03x): Q =CIA Flow (cfs) 0 Flow (cfs) 0.5 Rational Method Data 8/1 d By: DWO Date: ly: ODOM ENGINEERING Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 No,: 13017 The mtional formula is: Q =CIA where: Q = peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = runoffcoeBuiew, an empirical coefficient mmetr ing the relatimshipbehvera rainfall ore and rtmoffare I = average intensity ofminill in inches'hour. for a start duration equal to the time of cmceatratim Tm A = damage area in acres The genera procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.12 Step 3. Determine the runoff conLciem. C. for the type of soillcocer in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the Land use and soil rover rs homogenous ova the dmiaaae area, a C tulue can be determined directly from .Table 8.03b. If there are multiple sod rover conditions, a weighted average most be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.12 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 2 (Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i Cnlhr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, 1 (In/hr) 7.48 Step S. Determine peak discharge. Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the preciously deTemi med factors using the rational formula (Sample problem S.03a); Q =CIA Flow (cfs) 0 1 Flow (cfs) 0.6 Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/182014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Pro ect No.: 13017 Site Location (Cityffown) tryon CATCH BASIN # 31 The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: Q = peak rare of nmoffin cubic feet per second (cfs) C = rumff coefficient. an empirical coeffioent representing the relationship between rainfall rate and nmoffrate I = average intensity afraincdl in iuches�hom. fora stomp duration equal to the more of concentration, Tn A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented bekrv, and illustrated in Sample problem 8.032. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.37 Step S. Determine the maoff eoe3eiem. C. for the type of soiltoser in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil miff is homogenous over the drainage an. a C slue can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil cover conditions, a weighted average most be calculated or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A(acres) 0.37 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (In/hr) 7.48 Step 5. Determine peak discharge, Q (cubic feet per second). by multiphing thepuniou ly dete ntiud factors using the rational formula (Sample problem 8.03x); Q =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qra Flow (cfs) 1.9 ESTMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 6/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (CityfTown) tryon CATCH BASIN # 30 The rationat formula is: Q =CIA where: Q = peakate of runoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = runoff coefficient, an empirical coefficient representing the relationsiup bereveen rainfalt rate and nutoff rare I = wage intensity of rainfall in irchevImar. for a storm duration equal to the time of concentration. Tc A = drainage area in ages The genial procedure for determining peak dischvge using the rational formula is presented belmv and illusrcdted in Sample problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.36 Step 2. Detetanine the runuff'coefficient, C, for the type of soilicove: in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil cover is homogenous over due drainage area. a C value can be detemained directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil cover conditions, a weighted average must be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.36 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in /hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 7.48 Step ?. Determine peak d'tschmge. 0 (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the previously determined factors using the rational formula (Sample problem 8.03x); Q =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qto Flow (cfs) 1.9 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (City/Town) Tryon CATCH BASIN # 29 The rational formula is: O = CIA where- 0 = peak rare of runoff in cubic feer per second (cfs) C = rtmoff coefficient. an empirical coefficient representing the relationship behvm rainfall rate and nmaff rate I = avenge intensity of rain£dl in inches,hour. fa a storm duration equal to the time of coacmtration. Tc A= dr;maze arm in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the ntimnal formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample Problem 8.03x. Step 1. Determine tt'e drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.35 Step 2. Determine the mooff coefficient. C. for the type of soil cover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the Land use and ;oil cover is homogenous over the dncage area, a C value can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil cover conditions. a neighted avenge must be calculated or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.35 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Rurwff coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Imensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inthr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (n /hr) 7.48 Step S. Determine peak-- discharge, Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying thepretiomly determined factors using the nuonal formula (Sample problem 8.03a): 0 =CIA Qr Flow (cfs) 0 Qta Flow (cfs) 1.8 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (City/Town) tryon CATCH BASIN # 34 The ratimmal formula is: Q = CIA Where: Q = peak rate of nmoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = runoff coefficient. an empirical coeTnaent representing the relationship between rainfall rate and runoff rate I = avetageintmtity ofrainSLLin iuches:hour. forastomr duration equal to the time of concentration, Tt A =drams an in ayes The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the mtianal formula is presented berms and i0ustrated in Sample problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.15 - Step 2. Deternam, the nmoff coefficient C. for the type of soilcover in the drainage area (Table S.03b). If the Land use and sod cover is homogenous over the drainage area, a C value cart be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there we =triple soil toter conditions, a weighted average must be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.15 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff t:oefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, t (iNhr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (iNhr) 7.48 Step S. Determine peak discharge, Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the previously determined factors using the mtionalformula (Sample problem 8.03a); Q =CIA Q2 Flow (cfs) 0 Qta Flow (cfs) 0.8 Rational Method d By: DWO Date: ly: ODOM ENGINEERING Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 No.: 13017 The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: 0 = peak rate of nmoffin cubic feet persecond (cfs) C = rtmoffcoeffrcient. an empirical coefficient represetmas the relationship between rainfall rate and nmoff rate I = average intensity mf rainhIl in inches /hour. for a storm duration equal to the time of concentration. T. A = dramase area in acres The general procedure for deteamirung peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample Problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Drainage Area 0.23 Step 1. Determine the rsmoffcoefficient, C. for the type of wil/cower in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil corer is homogenous over the drainage area, a C value can be determined directly &ran Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil cower conditions, a weighted average rust be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A(acres) 0.23 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 3. Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 0 r Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 7.48 Step S. Determine peak discharge. Q (cubic feet per second). by multiplying the previously determuned factors using the mtomalformmla (Sample Problem Flow (cfs) Flow (cfs) 0 =CIA 0 1.2 Rational Method Data Designed By: JCW Date: 811812014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Prolect No.: 13017 The taRonal founula is: Q = CIA whete: Q = peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (cis) C = nmoffcoefficiem, an empirical coefficient representing the relarmaship beimeea rainfall rate and runoff rate I = average intensity of taiafa0 in inches -hour, for a storm duration equal to the time of coat utmoom Tc A = drainage am in acres The general procedure fa determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample problem S.03a. Step 1. Determine ke drainage area in acres. 1al Drainage Area 0.07 Step?. Determine the mmoT coefficiem. C. for the type of sodfco%w in the drainage area (Table 3.03b). If the Land use and soil cover is homogenous over the draimaee area. a C cable can be deternuned directly from Table 3.03b. If there are multiple soil coyer cooditions. a weighted avenge must be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.07 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficlerd Subarea IS (acres) Subarea IS Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 4. r Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 0 gar Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 7.48 Step 5. Determine peal discharge, Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the pmsieusly determined factors using the rational formula (Sample problem S.03a); 0 =CIA Flow (cfs) 0 Flow (cfs) 0.4 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (City/Town) tryon CATCH BASIN 0 35 The rational foranda is: Q = CIA where: Q = peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = mmffcoeff dent. an empirical coefficient representing the relationship belnr minHi rate and maoff rate I = average intensity ofminfa0 in iochevhour. for a storm duration equal to the time of concentration, Tr A = drainage area in aces The general procedure for detemvrvug peak discharge using the rannual formula is presented belmv and illustrated in Sample problem 3.03 a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.04 Step 2. Detemine the mnoff coefficient C. for the type of wdreover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and .soil cover is homogenous over the drainage area. a C value can be determined directly from Table 8.036. If there are multiple soil cotta conditions, a weighted average most be calculated. or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.04 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff CoetOdent Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (iNhr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 7.48 Step S. Determine peak discharge. Q (antic feet per second), by multiplying the previously detemumed factors wing the rational formula (Sample problem 8.03a); Q =CIA Qz Flow (cfs) 0 Qta Flow (cfs) 0.2 Rational Method Data JCW Date: 811812014 DWO Date: ODOM ENGINEERING Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 35A The mtioml formula is: 0 = CIA where: 0 =peak rate of ruuoffin cubic feet per second (cfs) C = runoffcoe&cient, an empirical coefficient represeoriug the relationship between rainfall rate and muoffmte I = average intensity of rainfall in incheshour. for a storm dm rion equal m de time of concentration. Tc A= drainage area in acres The general procedure for detemaning peak discharge using the matand formula is presented belmv and illtutrated in Sample problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.36 Step ±. Determine the runoff cocfficimt. C. for the type of soibcover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil cma a homogenous over the drainage area, a C value can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil cover conditions, a weighted average must be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.36 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weiahted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 0 Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 7.48 Step S. Determine peak- discharge. 0 (cubic feet per second), by nailaplying the preciously dnernaned factors using themtionalfommla (Sample problem 8.03x): 0 =CIA Flow (cfs) 0 , Flow (cfs) 1.9 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (City/Town) tryon CATCH BASIN # 41 The rational li mnda is Q = CIA Where: Q = peak rate of ronoffin cubic feu per second (cfs) C = mmoff coefficient, an empirical coedcirnt representin¢ the rehmoasbw between mmfa0 rate and mmoff rate I = average intensity ofraivNl in iochesrbour. for a start duration equal to the ore ofconcenration, T. A= drainage an in acres The general procedure for determining peak diularge using the rational Ramada is premed below and illusimted in Sample problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.3 Step 2. Determine the mmoff coefficient. C. for the type of sm1cover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil cases is hamogenous m'er the drainage area, a C salue can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. if there are multiple soil cover conditions, a weighted averace musr be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.3 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (irdhr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 7.48 Step S. Determine peal- discharge, Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying du presioasly determined factors using the rational formula (Sample problem 8.033): Q =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qto Flow (cfs) 1.6 ESTMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 811812014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (Cityrrown) tryon CATCH BASIN # 42 The ntiunal formula is: Q =CIA where: Q = peak ate of runoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = runoff coefficiem, ao empirical coeiicent representing the relanorslup between mutfill rate and maoff rate I = average intensity ofninfall in mole ehour, for a stem[ duration equal to the time of concentration. Tc A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the ratiorud formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.34 Step ?. Determine the suroff coefficient, C. for the type of sod cover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the Land use and soil cover is homogenous ova the drainage area, a C :slue can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple wit cover conditions. a weighted average must be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.34 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coe07ciem Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 7.48 Step S. Detemvme peak discharge, Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the previously determined factors usingthe national fomula (Sample Problem 8.03x); Q =CIA Qr Flow (cfs) 0 Qto Flow (cfs) 1.8 ESTIMATING Rational Method RUNOFF User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/1812014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (City/Town) tryon CATCH BASIN # 43 The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: 0 = peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = runoff coefficient, an empirical coefficient representing the relationship between. rainfall fate and runoff rate I = average intensity of rainfall in inchesibour, for a starts dufation equal to the time of concentration. Tc A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the fatomal formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03x. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.26 Step 1. Determine the moraHcoefficicn, C. for the type of wibcover us the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil rover is homogeaaus over the drainage area, a C value can be determined directly Extra Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil corer conditions, a weidtted average must be calculated, or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.26 Subarea A Runoff Coefficlent 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 7.46 Step S. Determine peal discharge, Q (cubic feet per word), by multiplying the previously determined factors using the rational formula (Sample problem 8.03x); 0 =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 O10 Flow (cfs) 1.4 Rational Method I Reference Data I JCW DWO ODOM ENGINEERING Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 The rational formula is- ==' 0 = CIA where: 0 = peA rate of mmoff in cubic feet per second(efs) C = nmoff coefficient, an earpincal coefficient representing dv relationship between mwbdl rate and maoffra e I = average incoaty of rainfall tomches;hom, for a stows duration equal to the time of concentration, Tc A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented belmv and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.26 Step 2. Determine the mnorTcoeffuciem. C, for the type of soil/cmer in the drainage arc, (Table 8.03b). If the laud use and soil cover a homogenous over due drainage area, a C talue can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. is diere are multiple soil co%w conditions, a vveighted average most be calculated, of the area may be subdivuled. Subarea A (acres) 0.26 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weiohled Runoff Coefficient 0.7 9 4. r Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 0 ar Rainfall Intensity, I (in/hr) 7.48 Step S. Determine peak discharge, 0 (cubic feet per second). by multiplying the previously determined factors using the rational formula (Sample problem 8.03,): 0 =CIA Flow (cfs) 0 Flow (cfs) 1.4 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Ske Location (Cityrrown) tryon CATCH BASIN # 45 The national formula is: Q = CIA Where: 0 = peak rate of ruuoffin cubic feet per second (cfs) C = r moff coefficient, an empirical coefficient representing the relationsbip between rainfall rate and runoff care I = atromge intensity of min£tll in inchevhom. for a storm duration equal to the time of coacrnrcation. T. A = drayage area in acres The genml procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented belmv and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03a. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.18 Step 3. Determine the nuaff coefficient, C. for the type of soillcover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the laud use and soil cover is houmgenous over die drainage area, a C talue can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil cover conditions, a weighted average must be calculated, or the area may be subditided. Subarea A (acres) 0.18 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, 1 (irdhr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inthr) 7.48 Step S. Determine peak discharge. Q (cubic ieet per second), by multiplying the pm%ioushy determined factors using the rational formula (Sample problem 8.03a); Q =CIA Qt Flow (cfs) 0 Qto Flow (cfs) 0.9 ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8118/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (Cityrrown) tryon CATCH BASIN # 46 The rational formula is: Q = CIA where: Q = peak sate of runoff in cubic feet per second Cells) C = rtmoffcoeffrciem, an empirical coefcieut representing the relationship bemvea minfall rate and runoff rate I = average int ensit y of rainfall in inclics/bour. far a storm duradon equal to to tine of concentration, Tc A = drainage arm in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the rational formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample Problem 8.03x. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.3 Step 2. Determine the runaff coefficient, C, for the type of soibcover in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil weer is homogenous over the drainage area, a C sulue can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple soil cover conditions, a weighted arerage must be calculated or the area may be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.3 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coemcient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Intensity Worksheet Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, 1(Inlhr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (In/hr) 7.48 Step S. Determine: peak discharge, Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the pretiously detemmed fangs using the rational fmtmda (Sample problem 8.03a); Q =CIA Qr Flow (cfs) 0 Qro Flow (cfs) 1.6 l ESTIMATING RUNOFF Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JCW Date: 8/18/2014 Checked By: DWO Date: Company: ODOM ENGINEERING Project Name: Tryon Equestrian AREA 1 Project No.: 13017 Site Location (CitylTown) tryon CATCH BASIN # 47 The rational for andais: Q = CIA ullere- Q = peak rate of maoffin cubic feet per second (cfs) C = runoff coe&cicu. an empirical coefficient representing the relationship between rainfall rate and runoffrate I = avemge intensity ofmincdl in inchmbour. for a storm duration equal to the time of concentration. Tc A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for determining peak discharge using the ratianal formula is presented below and illustrated in Sample problem 8.03a. Step L Determine the drainage area in acres. Total Drainage Area 0.53 Step?. Determine the mooff cceffieient, C. for the type of soilicowr in the drainage area (Table 8.03b). If the land use and soil cover is homogenous over the drainage area, a C sahte canbe determined directly from Table 8.03b. If thee are multiple soil cmef conditions, a weighted avenge most be calculated, or the area my be subdivided. Subarea A (acres) 0.53 Subarea A Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Runoff Coefficient Subarea B (acres) Subarea B Runoff Coefficient Subarea C (acres) Subarea C Runoff Coefficient Subarea D (acres) Subarea D Runoff Coefficient Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.7 Step 3. Go to Imensity Worksheel Step 4. 2 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (iNhr) 0 25 -year Rainfall Intensity, i (inthr) 7.48 Step S. Determine peak discharge. Q (cubic feet per second), by multiplying the previously determined factors using the rationalfommki (Sample Problem 8.03x); Q =CIA Qa Flow (cfs) 0 Qla Flow (cfs) 2.8 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #9 TO CB #10 Circular Highlighted Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Invert Elev (ft) = 893.50 Velocity (ft/s) Slope ( %) = 0.50 Wetted Perim (ft) N -Value = 0.012 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 2.30 Elev (ft) Section 895.00 894.50 893.50 893.00 Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 = 0.60 = 2.300 = 0.59 = 3.93 = 1.92 = 0.61 = 1.25 = 0.84 0 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 CB #10 TO CB #11 Circular Highlighted Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Depth (ft) = 0.96 Q (cfs) = 4.600 Area (sqft) = 1.01 Invert Elev (ft) = 893.00 Velocity (ft/s) = 4.54 Slope ( %) = 0.50 Wetted Perim (ft) = 2.68 N -Value = 0.012 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.87 Top Width (ft) = 1.05 Calculations EGL (ft) = 1.28 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 4.60 Elev (ft) 895.00 894.50 :•� era 893.50 893.00 392.50 Section 0 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3DOD 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 ( CB #19 TO CB #11 Circular Highlighted Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Depth (ft) = 0.34 Q (cfs) = 0.800 Area (sqft) = 0.27 Invert Elev (ft) = 893.00 Velocity (ft/s) = 2.94 Slope ( %) = 0.50 Wetted Perim (ft) = 1.37 N -Value = 0.012 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.35 Top Width (ft) = 1.11 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.47 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.80 Elev (ft) C895.00 894.50 894.00 893.50 893.00 `— 892.50 Section 0 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 31)® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #11 TO CB #12 Q (cfs) Circular Area (sqft) Diameter (ft) = 1.50 Invert Elev (ft) = 892.50 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 6.20 Elev (ft) Section 895.00 894.00 893.00 : GN611I ' 892.00 Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.99 Q (cfs) = 6.200 Area (sqft) = 1.24 Velocity (ft/s) = 5.00 Wetted Perim (ft) = 2.85 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.97 Top Width (ft) = 1.42 EGL (ft) = 1.38 0 1 2 3 4 Reach (ft) Depth (ft) 2.50 2.00 11114111 1.00 0.50 MR -0.50 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #12 TO CB #13 Q (cfs) Circular Area (sqft) Diameter (ft) = 2.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 891.20 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 10.70 Elev 894.00 893.50 893.00 892.50 1 *1#41IH 891.50 891.00 890.50 ft) Section Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 1.14 Q (cfs) = 10.70 Area (sqft) = 1.86 Velocity (ft/s) = 5.76 Wetted Perim (ft) = 3.43 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 1.17 Top Width (ft) = 1.98 EGL (ft) = 1.66 0 1 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Depth (ft) 2.80 2.30 1.80 1.30 0.80 0.30 -0.20 -0.70 Channel Report Hydrafiow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Aulodesk, Inc. CB #20 TO CB #13 Wednesday, Aug 272014 Circular Highlighted Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Depth (ft) = 0.34 Q (cfs) = 0.800 Area (sqft) = 0.27 Invert Elev (ft) = 891.20 Velocity (ft/s) = 2.94 Slope ( %) = 0.50 Wetted Perim (ft) = 1.37 N -Value = 0.012 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.35 Top Width (ft) = 1.11 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.47 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.80 Elev (ft) C893.00 892.50 892.00 891.50 FISM ( 890.50 Section 0 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydrallow Express Extension for AUtoCAO® Civil 3D9) 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #13 TO CB #14 Circular Diameter (ft) = 2.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 890.90 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 12.30 Elev (ft) Section 893.00 c 892.50 'sI:YI�I�7 891.50 Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (fUs) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 = 1.25 = 12.30 = 2.07 = 5.95 = 3.65 = 1.26 = 1.94 = 1.80 0 1 2 3 4 Reach (ft) Depth (ft) 2.10 1.60 1.10 M 0.10 -0.40 U111:U1 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 300 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #23 TO CB #22 Circular Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Invert Elev (ft) = 893.80 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 2.30 Elev (ft) Section 896.00 895.50 895.00 894.50 893.50 (�- 893.00 Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (ft/s) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) D 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 = 0.60 = 2.300 = 0.59 = 3.93 = 1.92 = 0.61 = 1.25 = 0.84 Depth (ft) 2.20 M11 1.20 0.70 0.20 -0.30 ' -080 4 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3130 2013 by Aulodesk, Inc. CB #22 TO CB #21 Circular Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Invert Elev (ft) = 893.20 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 4.60 Elev (ft) 895.00 894.50 893.50 893.00 MON611l Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.96 Q (cfs) = 4.600 Area (sqft) = 1.01 Velocity (ft/s) = 4.54 Wetted Perim (ft) = 2.68 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.87 Top Width (ft) = 1.05 EGL (ft) = 1.28 Section 0 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D@2013 by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 CB #21TO CB #14 Circular Highlighted Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Depth (ft) = 0.51 Q (cfs) = 5.400 Area (sqft) = 0.47 Invert Elev (ft) = 893.20 Velocity (ft/s) = 11.40 Slope ( %) = 4.89 Wetted Perim (ft) = 1.74 N -Value = 0.012 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.95 Top Width (ft) = 1.23 Calculations EGL (ft) = 2.53 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 5.40 Elev (ft) 895.00 E:k1•91I41 893.50 r3*111PI 892.50 Section 0 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D@2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #14 TO CB #15 Q (Cfs) Circular Area (sqft) Diameter (ft) = 2.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 893.20 Slope ( %) = 0.60 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 18.40 Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 1.59 Q (Cfs) = 18.40 Area (sqft) = 2.68 Velocity (ft/s) = 6.86 Wetted Perim (ft) = 4.41 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 1.55 Top Width (ft) = 1.61 EGL (ft) = 2.32 Elev (ft) Section Depth (ft) 896.00 895.50 2.80 2.30 895.00 1.80 894.50 1.30 894.00 - 0.80 893.50 893.00 0.30 -0.20 892.50 -0.70 0 1 2 3 4 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCADQ9 Civil 313920113 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #15 TO CB #24B Q (cfs) Circular Area (sqft) Diameter (ft) = 2.50 Invert Elev (ft) = 889.10 Slope ( %) = 0.60 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 22.70 Elev 892.00 l 891.50 891.00 890.50 890.00 889.50 889.00 888.50 ft) Section /0001� Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 1.48 Q (cfs) = 22.70 Area (sqft) = 3.04 Velocity (ft/s) = 7.47 Wetted Perim (ft) = 4.40 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 1.62 Top Width (ft) = 2.46 EGL (ft) = 2.35 0 1 2 3 4 5 Reach (ft) Depth 2.90 2.40 1.90 1.40 0.90 0.40 -0.10 -0.60 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3130 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #25 TO CB #24A Circular Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Invert Elev (ft) = 892.80 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.90 Elev (ft) 895.00 � 894.50 E:ieL98111 893.50 892.50 892.00 it 1 1 Section 2 Reach (ft) Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area(sgft) Velocity (fUs) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 3 Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 = 0.36 = 0.900 = 0.29 = 3.06 = 1.42 = 0.37 = 1.13 = 0.51 Depth (ft) 2.20 1.70 1.20 M11 0.20 -0.30 L -0.80 4 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #24A TO CB #24 Circular Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Invert Elev (ft) = 892.30 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 1.60 Elev (ft) 894.00 1344 4111 :irx16I11 892.50 ':3. ➢Z0I1] 891.50 Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.49 Q (cfs) = 1.600 Area (sqft) = 0.45 Velocity (ft/s) = 3.57 Wetted Perim (ft) = 1.69 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.51 Top Width (ft) = 1.22 EGL (ft) = 0.69 Section 0 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3138 2013 by Aulodesk, Inc. ( CB #24 TO CB #24B Circular Highlighted Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Invert Elev (ft) = 889.10 Velocity (fUs) Slope ( %) = 4.00 Wetted Perim (ft) N -Value = 0.012 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 2.00 Elev (ft) Section C891.00 - 890.50 889.50 (' 888.50 0 1 2 Reach (ft) Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 3 = 0.32 = 2.000 = 0.25 = 7.99 = 1.33 = 0.57 = 1.09 = 1.31 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D@2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #26 TO CB #27 Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 888.10 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 25.60 Elev (ft) 892.00 01&1111 rNMIM, ::: W, 887.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (ft/s) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 3 Reach (ft) J Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 3.90 2.90 1.90 ME 111MR, -1.10 5 = 1.50 = 25.60 = 3.55 = 7.20 = 4.72 = 1.63 = 3.00 = 2.31 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3DG 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 CB #17 TO CB #27 Circular Highlighted Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Depth (ft) = 0.63 Q (Cfs) = 2.500 Area (sqft) = 0.62 Invert Elev (ft) = 888.10 Velocity (fUs) = 4.03 Slope ( %) = 0.50 Wetted Perim (ft) = 1.97 N -Value = 0.012 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.64 Top Width (ft) = 1.25 Calculations EGL (ft) = 0.88 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 2.50 Elev (ft) 890.00 889.50 888.50 887.50 Section 0 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydrallow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3002013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #27 TO CB #28 Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 887.80 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 30.50 Elev (ft) 891.00 2.:1;:x1111 886.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (Cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (fUs) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 3.20 2.20 1.20 0.20 199Y -1.80 5 = 1.67 = 30.50 = 4.05 = 7.54 = 5.05 = 1.79 = 2.98 = 2.55 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCADd) Civil 310 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #28TO CI #2 Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 887.10 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 31.00 Elev (ft) 891.00 E:1:ISM141 :I:I:x1I61 887.00 � 886.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (ft/s) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 3 Reach (ft) El Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 3.90 2.90 1.90 M -0.10 -1.10 5 = 1.69 = 31.00 = 4.11 = 7.54 = 5.10 = 1.81 = 2.97 = 2.57 Channel Report HydraFlow Express Extension for AutoCAD@ Civil 3D@ 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CI #2 TO CB #29 Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 886.20 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 31.60 Elev (ft) 890.00 ( 885.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (ft/s) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 3 Reach (ft) 13 Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 3.80 2.80 11 M-4 -0.20 1.20 5 = 1.71 = 31.60 = 4.18 = 7.56 = 5.14 = 1.82 = 2.97 = 2.60 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Aulodesk, Inc. C13I #31 TO CB #30 Circular Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Invert Elev (ft) = 893.40 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 1.90 Elev (ft) 895.00 894.50 894.00 893.50 893.00 892.50 Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.54 Q (cfs) = 1.900 Area (sqft) = 0.51 Velocity (ft /s) = 3.74 Wetted Perim (ft) = 1.79 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.55 Top Width (ft) = 1.24 EGL (ft) = 0.76 Section 0 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 CBI #30 TO CB #29 Circular Highlighted Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Depth (ft) = 0.35 Q (cfs) = 3.800 Area (sqft) = 0.28 Invert Elev (ft) = 893.40 Velocity (ft/s) = 13.37 Slope ( %) = 10.58 Wetted Perim (ft) = 1.40 N -Value = 0.012 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.79 Top Width (ft) = 1.13 Calculations EGL (ft) = 3.13 Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 3.80 Elev (ft) 895.00 E:kL•�Y�: E :I'L' 1111 893.50 892.50 Section 0 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3138 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CBI #29 TO CB #32 Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 885.90 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 37.20 Elev (ft) 889.00 ( . �k AMMi] 1 ;M- 1ID] :: IN 884.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (fUs) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 3.10 VAN 1.10 0.10 e •k = 1.90 = 37.20 = 4.74 = 7.85 = 5.53 = 1.98 = 2.89 = 2.86 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. ( CBI #34TO CB #33 Circular Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Invert Elev (ft) = 893.80 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 0.80 Elev (ft) Section 896.00 895.50 895.00 894.50 894.00 893.50 �- _ 893.00 Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (ft/s) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 = 0.34 = 0.800 = 0.27 = 2.94 = 1.37 = 0.35 = 0.47 0 1 2 3 4 Reach (ft) Depth (ft) 2.20 1.70 1.20 0.70 0.20 -0.30 M Channel Report HydraFlow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Aulodesk, Inc. CBI #33 TO CB #32 Q (cfs) Circular Area (sqft) Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Invert Elev (ft) = 885.90 Slope ( %) = 12.74 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations EGL (ft) Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 2.00 Elev (ft) Section 888.00 r E:I773i7 886.50 885.50 I Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) = 0.24 Q (cfs) = 2.000 Area (sqft) = 0.17 Velocity (ft/s) = 12.03 Wetted Perim (ft) = 1.44 Crit Depth, Yc (ft) = 0.57 Top Width (ft) = 0.99 EGL (ft) = 2.49 Depth (ft) 2.10 1.60 1.10 NVIr1 0.10 •o, -0.90 0 1 2 3 4 Reach (ft) Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CBI #32 TO CB #35 Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 885.70 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 39.60 Elev (ft) 889.00 887.00 884.00 0 Section Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (fUs) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) Depth (ft) 3.30 1 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 2.30 1.30 0.30 -0.70 -1.70 5 = 1.98 = 39.60 = 4.96 = 7.98 = 5.70 = 2.05 = 2.84 = 2.97 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. C113I #35 TO CB #35A Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 885.00 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 39.80 Elev (ft) 889.00 887.00 885.00 884.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (ft/s) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 3 Reach (ft) Ir Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 4.00 3.00 r M 1.00 M -1.00 5 = 1.99 = 39.80 = 4.98 = 7.99 = 5.71 = 2.05 = 2.83 = 2.98 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CBI #35A TO CB #40 Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 883.80 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 41.70 Elev (ft) 887.00 l E:IMII11 :Ib`x1I11 883.00 882.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (fUs) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 3 4 Reach (ft) Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 3.20 2.20 1.20 0.20 -0.80 -1.80 5 = 2.06 = 41.70 = 5.18 = 8.05 = 5.86 = 2.11 = 2.78 = 3.07 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCADS Civil 3D9 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CBI #40 TO CB #41 Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 883.00 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 44.30 Elev (ft) C_ 887.00 885.00 882.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area(sgft) Velocity (fUs) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Wednesday, Aug 272014 Depth (ft) 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 in Me 1.00 5 = 2.16 = 44.30 = 5.46 = 8.11 = 6.09 = 2.17 = 2.69 = 3.18 Channel Report HydraOow Express Extension for AutoCADdl Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #41 TO CB #42 Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 invert Elev (ft) = 882.20 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 45.90 Elev (ft) 886.00 r Rf44XIIQ I- i[II17 :: 11 882.00 881.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (Cfs) Area(sgft) Velocity (ft/s) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 3 4 Reach (ft) Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 3.80 M-11I 11 MA -0.20 1.20 5 = 2.22 = 45.90 = 5.62 = 8.17 = 6.23 = 2.21 = 2.63 = 3.26 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D@2013 by Autodesk, Inc. ( CB#42 TO CB #43 Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 881.70 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 47.70 Elev (ft) 885.00 884.00 882.00 881.00 880.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (fUs) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 3 4 Reach (ft) Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 3.30 2.30 1.30 0.30 -0.70 —1.70 5 = 2.30 = 47.70 = 5.82 = 8.20 = 6.41 = 2.25 = 2.54 = 3.34 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #43 TO CB #44 Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 881.70 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 49.40 Elev (ft) 885.00 882.00 881.00 680.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (ft/s) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) L7 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 3.30 2.30 1.30 0.30 -0.70 1.70 5 = 2.38 = 49.40 = 6.02 = 8.21 = 6.60 = 2.29 = 2.43 = 3.43 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D02013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #44 TO CB #45 Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 880.70 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 50.50 Elev (ft) 884.00 883.00 379.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (Cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (ft/s) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 3.30 2.30 1.30 0.30 -0.70 -1.70 5 = 2.43 = 50.50 = 6.13 = 8.23 = 6.72 = 2.31 = 2.35 = 3.48 Channel Report HydraFlow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #45 TO CB #46 Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 880.00 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 50.50 Elev (ft) 884.00 883.00 882.00 881.00 1 879.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (ft/s) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 AM -1.00 5 = 2.43 = 50.50 = 6.13 = 8.23 = 6.72 = 2.31 = 2.35 = 3.48 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCADID Civil 3D@ 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB #46 TO DIVERTER Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 879.70 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 52.10 Elev (ft) 883.00 882.00 881.00 :I:I117101111 • MI 878.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (ft/s) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Ye (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 3 Reach (ft) M Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 3.30 2.30 1.30 0.30 -0.70 -1.70 5 = 2.52 = 52.10 = 6.34 = 8.21 = 6.96 = 2.35 = 2.20 = 3.57 Channel Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 30® 2013 by Aulodesk, Inc. DIVERTER TO CB47 Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 879.10 Slope ( %) = 0.50 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 54.90 Elev (ft) 883.00 882.00 881.00 -- � 879.00 C__878.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (ft/s) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 1 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 3.90 2.90 1.90 wo -0.10 -1.10 5 = 2.78 = 54.90 = 6.84 = 8.03 = 7.79 = 2.41 = 1.56 = 3.78 Channel Report HydraFlow Express Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 by Autodesk, Inc. CB47 TO JB #57A Circular Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Invert Elev (ft) = 874.50 Slope ( %) = 20.91 N -Value = 0.012 Calculations Compute by: Known Q Known Q (cfs) = 54.90 Elev (ft) 878.00 877.00 876.00 875.00 874.00 873.00 0 Section Highlighted Depth (ft) Q (cfs) Area (sqft) Velocity (ft/s) Wetted Perim (ft) Crit Depth, Yc (ft) Top Width (ft) EGL (ft) 2 3 Reach (ft) 4 Wednesday, Aug 27 2014 Depth (ft) 3.50 Mif 1.50 [ 71111 -0.50 1.50 5 = 0.83 = 54.90 = 1.60 = 34.28 = 3.33 = 2.41 = 2.69 = 19.10