HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025461_Wasteload Allocation_19940505NPDES DOCIMENT SCANNIN`i COVER SHEET NC0025461 Bakersville WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocations Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Special Order by Consent (SOC) Speculative Limits Instream Assessment (67b) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: May 5, 1994 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the resrersse side NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC0025461 PERMI1"I'BE NAME: FACILITY NAME: Town of Bakersville Town of Bakersville Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Major Minor Pipe No.: 001 Design Capacity: 0.075 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): 100 % Industrial (% of Flow): Comments: RECEIVING STREAM: Cane Creels Class: C-Trout Sub -Basin: 04-03-06 Reference USGS Quad: C10SW (please attach) County: Mitchell Regional Office: Asheville Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 5/31/94 Treatment Plant Class: II Classification changes within three miles: No change within three miles. Requested by: Mack Wiggins Date: 1/20/94 Prepared by: 2 G,`it Date: S/ 3/q 4 Reviewed by: Q Date: ,�/G�L�y/`I/'`/ Modeler rM� ,,,d1 Date Rec. 777-1/ Drainage Area (mi2 ) 7 7, 4 Avg. Streamflow (cfs): " O 7Q10 (cfs) to Winter 7Q10 (cfs) �', D 30Q2 (cfs) 81.0 Toxicity Limits: IWC Instream Monitoring: Parameters Acute,Chronrc Upstream Location Downstream Location Effluent Characteristics Summer Winter BOD5 (mg/1) 30 NH3-N (rng/1) _ D.O. (mg/1) TSS (mg/1) 30 F. Col. (/100 ml) ,7 pH (SU) G , g pLoTT , ,, Comments: / we /;0- ;-F A did 1y rrta xi urvt — ytest r Mini ,'� c1� pw (I S cm p r eAi;cvs D{ !`/it �i ) • Gocer a r„ ROAD CLASSIFICATION PRIMARY HIGHWAY LIGHT -DUTY ROAD, HARD OR HARD SURFACE IMPROVED SURFACE SECONDARY HIGHWAY HARD SURFACE 1 1 UNIMPROVED ROAD Latitude 36°00'50" Map # C10SW Stream Class Discharge Class Receiving Stream Sub -basin 04-03-06 C-Trout Cane Creek Design Q 0,075 MGD Permit expires:12/31/01 O i 395 NORMANVILLE 5. 0 mil i TE N N. 3 140 000 FEEL SPRUCE PINE II MI. SCALE 1:24 000 1 MILE 7000 FEET xzs�.r<cgxoar,�oc s�„.rnz.� 1 KILOMETER CONTOUR INTERVAL 40 FEET Town of Bakersville NC0025461 Mitchell County WWTP FACT SHEET FOR WAS'I'ELOAD ALLOCATION Request # 7724 Facility Name: Town of Bakersville NPDES No.: NC0025461 Type of Waste: Domestic - 100% Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Receiving Stream: Cane Creek Stream Classification: C-Trout Subbasin:. 04-03-06 County: Mitchell Stream Characteristic: Regional Office: Asheville Regional Office USGS # 0346365105 Requestor: Mack Wiggins Date: 4/4/89 Date of Request: 1/20/94 Drainage Area (mi2): 22.4 Topo Quad: Bakersville C 10 SW Summer 7Q10 (cfs): 3.6 Winter 7Q10 (cfs): 5.0 Average Flow (cfs): 34.0 30Q2 (cfs): 8.0 IWC (%): 3.1 Wasteload Allocation Summary Facility is requesting renewal of existing NPDES permit. The regional office recommends removing the whole effluent toxicity testing. Reviewed existing WLA notes, compliance evaluation analysis reports, and toxicity test results. Noted two failed toxicity tests (4/92, 1/93). Spoke with lab and regional personnel who stated that the toxicity failures were due to chlorine. Mike Parker in the Asheville regional office . said the region was planning to work with the facility to add dechlorination. Based on this input and the fact that the wastewater is 100% domestic and the IWC is only 3.1%, decided to remove the whole effluent toxicity testing requirement. Maintained TRC limits at 64 µg/1(acute c5' is currently 28 µg/1) since this is only a permit renewal and the region has plans for dechlorination. Maintained all other existing limits, except fecal coliforms, which now has a standard of 200/100 ml. Special Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: of rv� .5 ou /1 We. g»t TAG /i mf < f j//ir/'07 yCr ircK/- �715? Recommended by: LIZkoc r Date: 4/1341_ Reviewed by Instream Assessment: Regional Permits & Engi eering: RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: Date: f* �Date.. 3,_LS1 SWHETRIPE REG;KWIC E 2 CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Existing Limits: Monthly Average Summer Winter Wasteflow (MGD): 0.075 BOD5 (mg/1): 30 NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): 30 Fecal Col. (/100 ml): 1000 pH (SU): 6-9 Residual Chlorine (µg/1): 64 Oil & Grease (mg/1): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Recommended Limits: Monthly Average Summer Winter WQ or EL Wasteflow (MGD): 0.075 BOD5 (mg/1): 30 EL NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): - TSS (mg/1): 30 EL Fecal Col. (/100 ml): 200 EL pH (SU): 6-9 EL Residual Chlorine (µg/1): 64 EL Oil & Grease (mg/1): TP (mg/1): IN (mg/1): LIMIT CHANGES DUE TO: Parameter 1. Fecal Colifonms 2. 3. 4. Changes due to - . New standards Parameter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. OR X No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. 3 INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Upstream Location: - Downstream Location: - Parameters: Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS AdeQuacy of Existing Treatment Has the facility demonstrated the ability to meet the proposed new limits with existing treatment facilities? Yes . X No If no, which parameters cannot be met? Would a "phasing in" of the new limits be appropriate? Yes No If yes, please provide a schedule (and basis for that schedule) with the regional office recommendations: If no, why not? Special Instructions or Conditions Wasteload sent to EPA? (Major) N (Y or N) (If yes, then attach updated evaluation of facility, including toxics spreadsheet, modeling analysis if modeled at renewal, and description of how it fits into basinwide plan.) Additional Information attached? Y (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. Whole effluent toxicity results attached. haOtt- &z._ 41_1Y Neoo2u H wv 224, s z Dk?n -=oi -DA; Z0, 4 n1-1. z cl'S 570i0- 3(e4s 1J76?ro = ©c{5 3c61-X.Ocis 1 t;4 J44tc, ,e4CIA AiPoa--s ) eAfpu, et/no) c.L. A zkL&4L I1_72€.41-erzil•-t) _ t,) /co e1,1tij lio7a4L4t _ 75.1_4 .4,da< el _Ikot'ex (//' 0 2) _a -I at /PC 4 .13J 51)644 ?la A ziLizfaLs_(-5_Zi 56) _ _ _a60-1)4 44/0,_ 00-1a;et ic& -t(f_ _aitt 4- Ci a/kte)itOlLtA eki _kale Spo kk /IL 4124_ lek-• 'IL 1. (.zi S I 9 hi) AtiPA _Att" 691/tiniAtda 717 414... diacze _ write , 0 4A do 54 17‘r 4.3 r ria_14 tat, ' )24._ JQ .64 ti'd Iftect- 44. #4-leovr_cii.4.1,1 Ldi; it:1 41,0 Zrat._ ;1yiJ1 4LJt±_fa;‘,.• • 2 a __.(z-ct I) Pitx. (A-0214,m5 eP44d ' / _1 _ ' _ 5/1.i7L tuge yi 4-5 /1) lit .411‘1.eit444_ -.../ . 2.C2_W_ riZepy _4217 ii.' _iti.,•4 . ;4t A4/./7../71 Z.,: ,-,? L i , • .,J-g co 141 .-f/t a ,u,w Zoo / too eA-1 • e Z2 1/4,5 Wz20 ha-4t. 0710d _S1/241(114 _ 6.4,u 61-ziAtrie,A17/Ca V-101) At5/ oade • cSi/iLt. _ 14 A iYA ivt i"( Ate! .6-041 T ccd on DM g siunu /Id iv49 L_fzEkt$ . mner, ,tch 1,40eft.k. anal/ i410_11 • id/ _ poz, i') -/it Aw‘s 4477;‘, to•ri,e. 4I_ r • •• -1=3 4d-7( • 1-1 - Lvov Id WI IDLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY TESTING 0]SELF-MONITORING SUMMARY] Wed. Mar 16, 1994 I'A(71.1IY RI, RIIREM 1N'f YEAR lA FEB M It A' MAY Jl1 nil. AIII i +P (>(- NIA, 90 FAILI FAILI FAILmy 61.21 bt PASSI PASSI nkC1113t DANIELS MIDLAND COlW I I'L'kM: 241Ik AC MUNff LC50 (I'171D OR MYSIU) 91 PASS' PASSI NI - >501 NONE! N N00027065/001 Begin:8l1193 Frequency: Q OCT JAN APR JUL NonComp: 921 f•A 79.21 - 33.01 - >to01 >1001 County:BRUNSWICK Region: WIRO Suhhasin: Cl'FI7 >1001 >100! >SD.01 Special 93 >1001 - ---'- 7QIOEs9z 94 <1001 7Q1@'nUAI. IWC(%):0.03 tlyder 90 pA Nei FAIL N7 t•R FAIL MI nil FAIL Mil Nil t4i ARI ENE. HOSIERY MILL PERM CIIR LIM: 8.0% hq - - FAIL NR t4a FAIL NC0007927/001 Begin:8/1/89 Frequency: Q 1'!F A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp: 91 NR FAIL PASS PASS - -•- _-. - - FAIL Cou92 NA 1411 PASS PASS PASS -P1:0t0:75 Region: ARO Subhasin:C17332 93 FAIL NR FAIL,PASS -- - H --- PASS --PASS PE: 0.0015 Special 7Q10: 0.13 IWC(%):8.19 Onlcr: 94 - - 90 - FAIL PASS --- - PASS PASS FAIL ASIIIsDUkU W WIP PERM CIIR I.IM."JO% Y - - PASS Press 91 PASS FAIL PASS PASS NC0026123J001 Begin:9/1/93 Frequency: Q Pm A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp:SINGLE FAIL PASS PASS PASS l Sulthasin:CPF09 02 --- - PASS County:RANIX)LIMI Region: _--- ••• Pace .-_ -.. PASS 01 03 ... 1'1':6.0 Special 94 FAIL 7QI0 0.00 IWC(%):100.00 Order: ut• Ati1'kOI.INIiCURI'. PERM:48 IIR AC MONI II:PIS 90 --- 83.2 et - - - N0007I463/001 Begin:5/15/89 Frequency: 5 OWD NonComp: --. Caunty:GUIUX)RD Region: WSRU Subbasin: CP1,02 Special 93 - PF: 94 - 7Q10: 0.00 AI&I' PERM CI IR I.IM!90% 90 - - NC0080053i00I Begin:1/9/92 Frequency: Q I'/F A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp:Single 9192 - - - - - - H County:IJRSYI71 kegitm: WSRO Subbasin: YADO4 93 - - H H - - H - H I'F 01010 Special 94 -. 7Q10: (1.((5 IWC0•1'00. 12 ttnkc AURORA W WIT PIiRM AC I.IM:N() AC (MID) Q WE 90 NC0021521/001 Bcgin:2/1/9I Frequency: Q PA, A MAR JUN SEP DEC NonComp: 91 County: 01m114)R7' Region: WARD Suhhnsltt: TAR07 92 Special J(X:: 5/7/90.9/I/94 NC) TOX RIIQ 93 I'I°: 0.12 94 7Q 10: 0.0 IWC(%):100.0 Order. R(tICI:RSVII.Ui W►VI'ps PERM CIIR LIM: 3.1% to N('0025461/00I Degm:7/1/89 Frequency: Q PAP A JAN APR JIJI. OCT NonComp: County:MI1CIIIJJ. Region: ARO Subbasin:FR1306 PI:: 0.075 Special 7QI0: 3.6 IWC(%):3.12 order: BANDAG. INC. PP 241IR AC LIM (Pao) 90 <30' 68.1' 33.3' 25.7' >100% >100% N'7 NONE' 42.5' 58.42' 12.43' 11.4' NC.000I00017�(>/0(Il Begin:9lll93 Frequency: Q r/V n+ a FEB MAY AUGAUNOV NonComp:SINGI.I: 91 12.2' 18.3' 23.6' 17.3' I0.87' NONE' 04.42' 74.52- NONE' >100' 4.69' 10.51' (:ounly:(iRANVILLI; Region: k6O 9uhhasin:TARO! 92 7.064' 2.67' >100' >100' 40.61' >100' 28.72' 70.71' 22.53' 12.04' 10.51' >100' Special 93 12,07' 85.58' Ni 20.31' 17.60' 72.01' >100' >100' PASSISIG FAILI PASSI PE: VAR 94 - 90 - --• --- - - - --- .-. - _ LATE bl PASS - --- PASS -- FAIL PASS 91PASS PASS - - FAIL,FAIL FAIL 922 -- LATE PASS - PASS - --- PASS - - 93 PASS PASS •-• - PASS --- - PASS - PASS - 94 -- 7010: 0.00 IWC(%): 100.00 Omer 90 PASS - - NR PASS PASS - - PASS 91 PASS - -- bl DA PASS PASS - PASS 92 PASS - - FAIL PASS .-- PASS --- - PASS 93 FAIL PASS - PASS --- PASS --- - PASS 94 PASS BAST; PERM CIIR I.IM:21%. NC0000299/001 Begin:10/1/90 Frequency: Q PA; A FEB MAY AUG NOV NonComp: County: BUNCOMBE Region: ARO Subbasin:l•7tB02 PF: 4.0 Special 7Q10: 23.0 IWC(%):21.20 Order: PASS --- bt PA DARTER IIIJ%I:I'1(CARECORP. PERM C11R I.IM:9.4% 91 _.. PASS .-. PnSS NC0006564/001 Begin:6/1/89 Ft quency: Q ' A 1.1 11 MAY A(>G NOV NonComp: 92 - PASS PASS County:MCIX)WELL Region: ARO Subhasin:CIL30 93 - PASS --- - PASS 1'1':1.20 Special 94 - 7QI0: 18.0 IWr04•0.35 Onkr: PASS PASS - PASS PASS - - PASS PASS , -- -- PASS PASS »- -- PASS 0 2 nntsreUliVe (ailnns = 'doll -limit• Ilium; Y I'n• I'Mtl Dula Available LEGEND: I'IiRM = Permit Requirement I.E.I. = Administrative Leiter •Target Frequency = Monitoring frequency: qucy:n Q. Qua tomonthlyupon single fBimonthMoStl Se testing ly; Annnoccuuallox OAN,APRyU when di ha NonConDis Discontinued monitoring ng Requirement requirement; IS- Conducting independent study Begin = First month requirml 7Q1(I = Receiving stream low flow criterion (cfs) A = quarterly monitoring gg PE= Pemtittcd flow (MGD) IWC:%= Instreant waste concentration P/P = I nos/Fall chronic ter( AC = Acute CIIR = Chronic Data Notation: f - Fathead Minnow:' • Ceritdanhnia sn.: my - Mvsid Annul: CIIV - Chronic value: P - Mortality of stated percentaee at Wettest concentration: itt - Performed by DIiM AO 'fox Groom hi - Bad lest kcponing Notation: -- = Data not required; Nk - Not reported; ( ) - Beginning of Quarter Facility Activity Status: I - Inactive, N - Newly Issucd(fo construct);11- Active but not discharging; t-More data available for month in question SIG =ORC signature needed SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: Yes No X IF YES, SOC NUMBER TO: PERMITS AND ENGINEERING UN&T WATER QUALITY SECTION ATTENTION: Mack Wiggins DATE: January 10, 1994 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION COUNTY Mitchell PERMIT NUMBER NC0025461 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: Town of Bakersville Post Office Box 53 Bakersville, North Carolina 28705 2. Date of Investigation: June 16, 1993 3. Report Prepared By: Michael R. Parker 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Lou Metcalf 704/688-2113 5. Directions to Site: The wastewater treatment plant is located six hundred feet east of the intersection of North Carolina Highway 226 and North Carolina Secondary Road 1278. 6. Discharge Point(s), List for all discharge points: Latitude: 360 00'49" Longitude: 820 09'53" Attach a USGS map extract and indicate treatment facility site and discharge point on map. U.S.G.S. Quad No. C10SW U.S.G.S. Quad Name Bakersville, N.C. 7. Site size and expansion area consistent with application? X_ Yes No If No, explain: 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included): Plant is located adjacent to Cane Creek and is 6-8 feet above stream level. It could probably be flooded in extreme flood conditions. Page 1 9. Location of nearest dwelling: 350 feet to the south. 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: Cane Creek a. Classification: C-trout b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: FBR 06 c. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: fishing, wading, fish and wildlife propagation and irrigation. PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. a. Volume of wastewater to be permitted 0.075MGD (Ultimate Design Capacity) b. What is the current permitted capacity of the Wastewater Treatment facility? 0.075 MGD c. Actual treatment capacity of the current facility (current design capacity 0.075 MGD d. Date(s) and construction activities allowed by previous Authorizations to Construct issued in the previous two years: e. Please provide a description of existing or substantially constructed wastewater treatment facilities: The existing wastewater treatment facilities consist of an influent pump station, bar screen, flow splitter box, three, 0.025 MGD extended aeration package plants, operated in parallel, each with clarifier and sludge return facilities, two of the units have sludge holding tanks. These units are followed by effluent chlorination facilities, post aeration and flow measuring and totalizing equipment. f. Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment facilities: g• Possible toxic impacts to surface waters: Chlorine h. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): in development should be required approved not needed 2. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: Land application. a. If residuals are being land applied, please specify DEM Permit Number WQ0006024 Residuals Contractor Telephone Number b. Residuals stabilization: PSRP X PFRP OTHER Page 2 c. Landfill: d. Other disposal/utilization scheme (Specify): 3. Treatment plant classification (attach completed rating sheet): Class II 4. SIC Codes(s): 4952 Wastewater Code(s) of actual wastewater, not particular facilities i.e., non -contact cooling water discharge from a metal plating company would be 14, not 56. Primary 01 Secondary Main Treatment Unit Code: 06003 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grant Funds or are any public monies involved. (municipals only)? 2. Special monitoring or limitations (including toxicity) requests: 3. Important SOC, JOC, or Compliance Schedule dates: (Please indicate) Submission of Plans and Specifications Begin Construction Complete Construction Date 4. Alternative Analysis Evaluation: Has the facility evaluated all of the non -discharge options available. Please provide regional perspective for each option evaluated. NA Spray Irrigation: Connection to Regional Sewer System: Subsurface: Other disposal options: 5. Other Special Items: Page 3 Dat PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Town of Bakersville has requested renewal of NPDES Permit No. NC0025461. The facility is receiving an average daily flow of approximately 0.031 MGD and according to the monthly monitoring reports is complying with courrent NPDES Permit limits. Since the Town has no industry and the wastewater is only domestic it is recommended that the requirements for toxicity be removed. It is recommended that the permit be issued. ature of Report Preparer • �� ,�✓ •.ram fi��(/ ater QLality Regional Supervisor d4kaitiLi- /2 (99¢ Page 4 RATING SCALE FOR CLASSIFICATION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEMS Name of Facility: 7w,..) 4..e 34 keisso i / (2- Owner or Contact Person: C A•t r t),* es i / 1i 4. Mailing Address: 49.4 -1 S3 73.1/c.c JO;/ 4/ c eXF 0f County: i`tc.1�.// Telephone: e:7o - 68 - /,L3 y J1�r p s� � o� Present Classification: New Facility Existing Facility L NPDES Per. No. NC00.7S 94 / Nondisc. Per. No.WQ Health Dept.Per No. Rated by: /'yip c,iA-01 E2.• �A�-, Telephone:7oy/ZS/ Zdi Date: Reviewed by: Health Dept. Regional Office Central Office ORC: Grade: Check Classification(s): Subsurface Spray Irrigation Wastewater Classification: (Circle One) 1 II III IV Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Land Application Total Points:.78 IN -PLANT PROCESSES AND RELATED CONTROL EQUIPMENT WHICH ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED WASTE TREATMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF CLASSIFiCATION. ALSO SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS CONSISTING ONLY OF SEPTIC TAM AND GRAVITY NITRIFICATION LINES ARE EXEMPT FROM CLASSIFICATION. SUBSURFACE CLASSIFICATION (check all units that apply) 1. septic tanks 2. pump tanks 3, siphon or pump -dosing systems 4. sand filters 5. grease trapinterceptor 6 oil/water separators 7._ gravity subsurface treatment and disposal: 8. pressure subsurface treatment and disposal: SPRAY IRRIGATION CLASSIFICATION (check all units that apply) 1. preliminary treatment (definition no. 32 ) 2. lagoons 3. septic tanks 4 pump tanks 5. pumps 6. sand filters 7. grease trap/interceptor 8. oil/water separators 9. disinfection 10. chemical addition for nutrient/algae control 11. spray irrigation of wastewater In addition to the above classifications, pretreatment of wastewater in excess of these components shall be rated using the point rating system and will require an operator with an appropriate dual certification. LAND APPLICATION/RESIDUALS CLASSIFICATION (Applies only to permit holder) 1. Land application of biosolids, residuals or contaminated soils on a designated site. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY CLASSIFICATION The following systems shall be assigned a Class 1 classification, unless the flow is of a significant quantity or the technology is unusually complex. to require consideration by the Commission on a case -by -case basis: (Check if Appropriate) 1. Oil/water Separator Systems consisting only of physical separation, pumps and disposal; 2. Septic Tank/Sand Fitter Systems consisting only of septic tanks. dosing apparatus, pumps,sand filters, disinfection and direct discharge; 3. Lagoon Systems consisting only of preliminary treatment, lagoons, pumps, disinfedion, necessary chemical treatment for algae or nutrient control, and direct discharge; 4. Closed -loop Recycle Systems; 5. Groundwater Remediation Systems consisting only of oil/water separators, pumps, air -stripping, carbon adsorption, disinfection and disposal; 6. Aquaculture operations with discharge to surface waters; 7. Water Plant sludge handling and back -wash water treatment; 8. Seafood processing consisting of screening and disposal. 9. Single-family discharging systems, with the exception of Aerobic Treatment Units, will be dassified if permitted after July 1, 1993 or ii upon inspection by the Division, it is found that the system is not being adequately operated or maintained. Such systems will be notified of the classification or reclassification by the Commission, in writing. • K 9 The following scale is used for rating wastewater treatment facilities: (circle appropriate points) ITEM POINTS (1) industrial Pretreatment Units or Industrial Pretreatment Program (see definition No. 33) 4 (2) DESIGN FLOW OF PLANT IN gpd [not applicable to non -contaminated cooling waters. sludge handling facilities for water purification plants. totally closed cycle systems(see definition No. 11). and facilities consisting only of item (4)(d) or items (4)(d) and (11)(d)) 0 - 20.000 1 20.001 . - 50.000 50.001 - 100.000 100.001 - 250.000 250,001 - 500.000 .5 500,001 - 1,000,000 .8 1.000.001 - 2,000,000 10 2.000.001 (and up) rate 1 point additional for each 200.000 gpd capacity up to a maximum of 30 Design Row (gpd) (3) PREUMINARY UN TS/PROCESSES (see definition No.32) (a) Bar Screens .6 or (b) Mechanical Screens. Static Screens or Comminuting Devices 2 (c) Grit Removal 1 or (d) Mechanical or Aerated Grit Removal 2 (e) Fbw Measuring Device 1 or (I) instrumented Flow Measurement ...2' (g) Preaeratton (h) influent Flow Equalization 2 (I) Grease or Oil Separators - Gravity 2 Mechanical .3 Dissolved Air Flotation .8 (1) Prechlortnation .5 (4) PRIMARY TREATMENT UYfrSfPROCESSES (a) Septic Tank (see definition No. 43) 2 (b) Imhoff Tank .5 (c) Primary Clarifiers 5 (d) Settling Ponds or Settling Tanks for Inorganic Non -toxic Materials (sludge handling facilities for water purification plants, sand. gravel. stone. and other mining operations except recreational activities such as gem or gold mining) 2 (5) SECONDARYTREATMENT Uric/PROCESSES (a) Carbonaceous Stage (i) Aeration -High Purity Oxygen System Diffused Air System ..10 Mechanical Air System (fixed. floating or rotor) Separate Sludge Reaeraiton .3 (ii) Tridding Filter High Rate 7 Standard Rate --•5 Packed Tower •-.•.5 (III) Biological Aerated Filter or Aerated Biological Fitter............................».»..»..............._.10 (iv) Aerated Lagoons »-10 (v) Rotating Biological Contactors 10 (vi) Sand Filters -intermittent biological ....2 Recirculating biological 3 (vim) Stabttization Lagoons (vtii) Clarifier (Ix) Single stage system for combhed carbonaceous removal of B00 and nitrogenous removal by nitrification (see definition No. 12)(Points for this hem have to be in addition to hems (5)(a)(i) through (5)(a)(viii), utilizing the extended aeration process (see definition No.3a) .2 utilizing other than the extended aeration process. ._...8 (x) Nutrient additions to enhance BOD removal .»•••5 (xi) Biological Culture ('Super Bugs')addition ».-..5 (b) Nitrogenous Stage (I) Aeration - High Purity Oxygen System -.20 Diffused Air System 10 Mechanical Alr System (fixed. floating or rotor) ................... .»...8 Separate Sludge Reperation .3 (11) Tridding Filter -High Rate ......7 Standard Rate »...5 Packed Tower »»•5 (mil) Biological Aerated Filter or Aerated Biological Filter....... .... »..»...........................................10 (iv) Rotating Biological Contactors ._.10 (v) Sand Fitter - Intermittent biological »---2 Recirculating biological .....3 (v1) Ciart'ier .5 (6) TERTIARY OR ADVANCED TREATMENT IR4ITS,PROCESSES (a) Activated Carbon Beds - without carbon regeneration .....5 with carbon regeneration ....15 (b) Powdered or Granular Activated Carbon Feed - without carbon regeneration »-•.5 with carbon regeneration »»15 (c) Air stripping ...5 (d) Denitrtfication Process 10 (o) Eiectrodialysis ....5 (f) Foam Separation. ....5 (g) ton Exchange ....5 (h) Land Application of Treated Effluent (see definition No. 22b) (not applicable for sand. gravel. stone and other similar mining operations) by high rate infiltration.-___—....-----__ ............. -...—...-...-—A (I) Microscreens 5 (1) Phosphorous Removal by Biological Processes (See definition No. 26) 20 (k) Polishing Ponds - without aeration »..2 with aeration ....5 • (15) Electrodlalysls. Process for removing Ionized salts from water through the use of lon-setective lon-exchange membranes; (16) Filter Press. A process operated mechanically for partially dewaterfrg sludge; (17) Foam Separation. The planned frothing of wastewater or wastewater effluent as a means of removing excessive amounts of detergent materials through the introduction of air in the form of fine bubbles; also called foam fractionation; (18) Grtt Removal. The process of removing grit and other heavy mineral matter from wastewater; (19) Imhoff Tank. A deep two story wastewater tank consisting of an upper sedimentation chamber and a lower sludge digestion chamber. (20) Instrumented Flow Measurement. A device which indicates and records rate of flow; (21) ion Exchange. A chemical process in which ions from two different molecules are exchanged; (22) Land application: (a) Sludge Disposal. A final sludge disposal method by which wet sludge may be applied to land either by spraying on the surface or by subsurface injection (i.e.. chisel plow); (not applicable for types of sludge described in (11) of this Rule]; (b) Treated Effluent. The process of spraying treated wastewater onto a land area or other methods of application of wastewater onto a land area as a means of final disposal or treatment; (23) Mlcroscreen. A low speed. continuously back -washed, rotating drum filter operating under gravity conditions as a polishing method for removing suspended solids from effluent; (24) Nitrification Process. The biochemical conversion of unoxidized nitrogen (ammonia and organic nitrogen) to oxidized nitrogen (usually nitrate); (25) Nitrogenous Stage. A separate stage of wastewater treatment designed for the specific purpose of converting ammonia nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen; (26) Phosphate Removal. Biological. The removal of phosphorus from wastewater by an cock/anoxic process designed to enhance luxury uptake of phosphorus by the microorganisms; (27) Polishing Pond. A holding pond following secondary treatment with sufficient detention time to allow settling of finely suspended solids; (28) Post Aeration. Aeration following conventional secondary treatment units to increase effluent 0.0. or for any other purpose; (29) Post Aeration. (Cascade) A polishing method by which dissolved oxygen is added to the effluent by a nonmechanical. gravity means of flowing down a series of steps or weirs; The flow occurring across the steps or weirs moves In a fairly thin layer and the operation of the cascade requires no operator adjustment; thus. zero points are assigned even though this Is an essential step to meeting the tlmtts of the discharge permit; (30) Powdered to Granular Activated Carbon Feed. A btcphyslcal carbon process that utilizes biological activity and organic absorption by ustng powdered or granular activated carbon; Virgin or regenerated carbon is feed controlled Into the system; (31) Preaeratton. A tank constructed to provide aeration prior to primary treatment; (32) Preliminary Units. Unit operations in the treatment process. such as screening and comminution. that prepare the liquor for subsequent major operatiors; (33) Industrial Pretreatment. (a) Pre-treatment Unit, Industrial. The conditioning of a waste at its source before discharge. to remove or to neutralize substances injurious to sewers and treatment processes or to effect a partial reduction in load on the treatment process which is operated by the same governing body as the wastewater treatment plant being rated; b) Pre-treatment Program. Industrial - must be a State or EPA required program to receive points on the rating sheet; (34) Primary Clarifiers. The first settling tanks through which wastewater is passed to a treatment works for the purpose of removing settleable and suspended solids and 800 which is associated'wlth the solids; (35) Pumps. Ail influent. effluent and in -plant pumps; (36) Radiation. Disinfection or sterilization process utilizing devices emitting ultraviolet or gamma rays; (37) Reverse Osmosis. A treatment process to which a heavy contaminated liquid is pressurized through a membrane forming nearly pure liquid tree from suspended solids; (38) Rotating Biological Contractors. A fixed biological growth process in which wastewater flows through tanks In which a series of partially submerged circular surfaces are rotated; (39) Sand Filters: (a) Intermittent Btobgtcal. Filtration of effluent following septic tanks, lagoons. or some other treatment process in which further blodecomposltlon is expected to produce desired effluents; Hydraulic loading rates on these filters are computed in gpd/ac and have a resulting low gpm/st (less than one); b) Recirculating biological - the same type of sand fitter as defined in Subparagraph (39) (a) of this Rule with the added capability to recycle effluent back through the sand fitter (40) Sand or Mixed -Media Filters. A polishing process by which effluent limits are achieved through a further reduction of suspended solids; (a) low rate — gravity. hydraulically loaded filter with loading rates in the one to throe gpm/sf range; (b) high rate — a pressure. hydraulically loaded fitter with baring rates in the five gpm/sf range; At any rate. the loading rate will exceed three gpm►sf; (41) Secondary Clarifiers. A tank which follows the biological unit of treatment plant and which has the purpose of removing sludges associated with the biological treatment units; (42) Separate Sludge Reaeration. A part of the contact stabilization process where the activated sludge is transferred to a tank and aerated before returning it to the contact basin; (43) Septic Tank. A single -story settling tank In which settled sludge is in contact with the wastewater flowing through the tank; shall not be applicable for septic tank systems serving single family residences having capacity of 2.000 gallons or less which discharge to a nitrification field; (44) Sludge Digestion. The process by which organic or volatile matter and sludge is gasified, liquefied. mineralized or converted into more stable organic matter through the activity of living organisms. which Includes aerated holding tanks; (45) Sludge Drying Beds. An area comprising natural or artiiiclal layers of porous materials upon which digested sewage sludge is dried by drainage and evaporation; (46) Sludge Etutriation. A process of sludge conditioning in which certain constituents are removed by successive washings with fresh water or plant effluent; (47) Sludge Gas Utilization. The process of using sewage gas for the purpose of heating buildings. driving engines, etc.; (48) Sludge Holding Tank (Aerated and Nonaerated). A tank utilized for small wastewater treatment plants not containing a digester In which sludge may be kept fresh. and supernatant wlthdrawn prior to a drying method (Le. sludge drying beds); This may be done by adding a small amount of alr simply to keep the sludge fresh. but not necessarily an amount that would be required to achieve stabilization of organic matter. A nonaerated tank would simply be used to decant sludge prior to dewatering and would not aibw long periods (several days of detention) without resulting odor problems; (49) Sludge Incinerators. A furnace designed to bum sludge and to remove all moisture and combustible materials and reduce the sludge to a sterile ash; (50) Sludge Stabilization (Chemical or Thermal). A process to make treated sludge less odorous and putrescble. and to reduce the pathogenic organism content; This may be done by pH adjustment. chlorine dosing, or by heat treatment; (51) Sludge Thickener. A type of sedimentation tank to which the sludge is permitted to settle and thicken through agitation and gravity; (52) Stabilization Lagoon. A type of oxidation lagoon in which biological oxidation of organic matter is effected by natural transfer of oxygen to the water from air (not a polishing pond); (53) Stand -By Power Supply. On site or portable electrical generating equipment; (54) Static Screens. A stationary screen designed to remove solids, including non-btodegradabte particulate (floatabte solids. suspended solids and BOD reduction) from municipal and Industrial wastewater treatment systems; (55) Tertiary Treatment. A stage of treatment following secondary which Is primarily for the purpose of effluent polishing; A settling lagoon or sand or coal filter might be employed for this purpose; (56) Thermal Pollution Control Device. A device providing for the transfer of heat from a fluid flowing in tubes to another fluid outside the tubes, or vice versa; or other means of regulating liquid temperatures; (57) Thermal Sludge Conditioner. A conditioning process by which heat is added for a protracted period of time to Improve the dewaterability of sludge by the sotubilizing and hydrautiztng of the smaller and more flighty hydrated sludge panic ins; (58) Toxic Materials. Those wastes or combtnatbns 01 wastes. lncludlrng disease -causing agents which after discharge and upon exposure. ingestion. tnhalatlo n or assimilation into any organism. either directly from the environment or indirectly by ingestion through food chains. will cause death. disease, behavioral abnormalities. cancer, genetic mutations. physiological malfunctions (including malfunctions in reproduction) or physical deformations. In such organisms or their Ooffspring; Toxic polychiarf materials b�hude sby Pway of and illustration and not limitation: lead. cadmium. chromium. mercury. vanadium. arsenic. zinc, ortho-nlro .chlorobenzene ( } ip y (PCBs) rodlphenyl trtchtoroelhane (DDT); and any other materials that have or may hereafter be determ[ned to have toxic properties; (59) Trickling Filter. A biological treatment unit consisting of a material such as broken stone or rock over which wastewater is distributed; A high rate trickling filter is one which operated at between 10 and 30 mgd per acre. A low rate trickling filter is one which is designed to operate at one to four rngd per acre; (80) Trickling Filter (Packed Tower). A plug flow type of operation in which wastewater flows down through successive layers of media or filtrate material;; Organic material Is removed continually by the active biological fixed growth to each successive layer. This method may produce'secondarf quality effluent. or may be adapted to produce a nitrified effluent; (61) Vacuum Fitter. Centrifuges. or Filter Presses. Devices which are designed to remove excess water from either digested or undigested sludge prior to disposal or further treatment. • 4 • (I) Post Aeration - cascade 0 diffused or mechanical (m) Reverse Osmosis (n) Sand or Mixed -Media Fitters - low rate 2 high rate 5 (o) Treatment processes for removal of metal or cyanide 15 (p) treatment processes for removal of toxic materials other than metal or cyanide 15 (7) SLUDGETREATMENT (a) Sludge Digestion Tank - Heated (anaerobic) !Q Aerobic ...5) Unheated (anaerobic) (b) Sludge Stabilization (chemical or thermal) .5 (c) Sludge Drying Beds - Gravity 2 Vacuum Assisted 5 (d) Sludge Elutrtation 5 (e) Sludge Conditioner (chemical or thermal) .5 (f) Sludge Thickener (gravity) 5 (g) Dissolved Air Flotation Unit (not applicable to a unit rated as (3)(i)] 8 (h) Sludge Gas Utilization (including gas storage) 2 (I) Sludge Holding Tank - Aerated .5 Non -aerated - 2 (j) Sludge Incinerator (not including activated carbon regeneration) 10 (k) Vacuum Fitter, Centrifuge. or Filter Press or other similar dewatering devices 10 (8) RESIDUALS UTILIZATION/DISPOSAL (including incinerated ash) (a) Lagoons 4 2 (b) Land Application (surface and subsurface) (see definition 22a) by contracting to a land application operator or landfill operator who holds the land application permit or landfill permit(47 (c) Dedicated Landfill(burial) by the permlttee of the wastewater treatment facility (9) DISTFECTasl (a) Chlorination CP (b) Dechlorination .5 (c) Ozone 5 (d) Radiation .5 (10) CHEMICAL ADDITION SYSTEM(S) ( see definition No. 9) [not applicable to chemical additions rated as item (3)(0. (5)(a)(xi). (6)(a), (6)(b), (7)(b), (7)(e). (9a), (9)(b) or (9)(c) 5 points each: List .5 .5 .5 .5 (11) MISCELLANEOUS UNTTS/PROCESSPC (a) Holding Ponds. Holding Tanks or Settling Ponds for Organic or Toxic Materials Including wastes from mining operations containing nitrogen or phosphorus compounds In amounts significantly greater than is common for domestic wastewater A (b) Effluent Flow Equalization (not applicable to storage basins which are inherent In land application systems)..-2 (c) Stage Discharge (not applicable to storage basins Inherent in land application systems)................... ...............5 d) (e) Stand -By Power Supply q..) (f ). Thermal Pollution Control Device 2 TOTAL POINTS 3ff. CLASSIFICATION Class I.. 5-25 Points Class II 26-50 Points Class III 51-65 Points Class IV 66-Up Points Facilities having a rating of one through four points. inclusive, do not require a certified operator. Facilities having an activated sludge process will be assigned a minimum classification of Class 1L Facilities having treatment processes for the removal of metal or cyanide will be assigned a minimum classification of Class II. Facilities having treatment processes for the biological removal of phosphorus will be assigned a minimum classification of Class III. .0004 DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply throughout this Subchapter. (1) Activated Carbon Beds. A physical/chemical method for reducing soluble organic material from wastewater effluent; The column -type beds used in this method will have a flow rate varying from two to eight gallons per minute per square foot and may be either upfiow or downflow carbon beds. Carbon may or may not be regenerated on the wastewater treatment plant she; (2) Aerated Lagoons. A basin in which all solids are maintained in suspension and by which bioiogical oxidation or organic matter Is reduced through artificially accelerated transfer of oxygen on a flow -through basis; (3) Aeration. A process of bringing about intimate contact between air or high purity oxygen In a liquid by spraying. agitation or diffuston;(3a) Extended Aeration. An activated sludge process utilizing a minimum hydraulic detention time of 18 hours. (4) Agriculturally managed site. Any site on which a crop is produced, managed. and harvested (Crop includes grasses, grains. trees. etc.); (5) Air Stripping. A process by which the ammonium ion Is first converted to dissolved ammonia (pH adjustment) with the ammonia then released to the atmosphere by physical means; or other similar processes which remove petroleum products such as benzene. toluene. and xylene; (6) Carbon Regeneration. The regeneration of exhausted carbon by the use of a furnace to provide extremely high temperatures which volatilize and oxidize the absorbed impurities; (7) Carbonaceous Stage. A sage of wastewater treatment designed to achieve "secondary" effluent limits; (8) Centrifuge. A mechanical device in which centrifugal force Is used to separate solids from liquids or to separate Liquids of different densrias; (9) Chemical Addition Systems- The addition of chem!cal(s) to wastewater at an application point for purposes of improving solids removal, pH adjustment, alkalinity control. etc.; the capability to experiment with different chemicals and different application points to achieve a specific result will be considered one system; the capability to add chemical(s) to dual units will be rated as one system; capability to add a chemical at a different application points for different purposes will result In the systems being rated as separate systems; (10) Chemical Sludge Conditioning. The addition of a chemical compound such as lime, ferric chloride. or a polymer to wet sludge to coalesce the mass prior to Its application to a dewatering device; (11) Closed Cycle Systems. Use of holding ponds or holding tanks for containment of wastewater containing inorganic. non -toxic materials from sand. gravel. crushed stone or other similar operations. Such systems shall carry a maximum of two points regardless of pumping facilities or any other appurtenances; (12) Combined Removal of Carbonaceous BOO and Nitrogenous Removal by Nitrification- A single stage system required to achieve permit effluent limits on BOD and ammonia nitrogen within the same biological reactor (13) Dechlorination. The partial or complete reduction of residual chlorine In a liquid by any chemical or physical process; (14) Denitrificatlon Process. The conversion of nitrate -nitrogen to nitrogen gas; LIST OF 100% DOMESTIC FACILITIES WHICH ARE RENEWING WITHOUT MODIFICATION RECEIVED 12/93 Permit # Facility Stream Sub -basin County Region MOD Comments 23191 SEVEN CEDARS MHP 24821 NCDOT/I-85 WELCOME CENTER #001 25461 BAKERSVILLE WWTP, TOWN OF 28606 NCDOT/IREDELL COUNTY I-77 REST 34762 GOOSE CREEK UTILITY COMPANY 38580 EASTMAN HIGH SCHOOL 44181 STOKES CO COMMUNITY SERVICES 59749 HOWELL'S CHILD CARE CENTER 60283 RIDGEVIEW ACRES MHP 76082 BEAR WALLOW VALLEY MHP 80675 NCDOT/I-85 WELCOME CENTER #002 THIRD CREEK KINGS CREEK CANE CREEK CAMEL BRANCH GOOSE CREEK UT FISHING CREEK SCOTTBRANCH CALDWELL CREEK UT SMITH MILL CREEK UT CLEAR CREEK UT DIXON BRANCH KEYS TO COMMENTS: 0a. No policy given. Alternatives analysis should be required. Ob. Facility must meet 5 & 1 (by date given in parenthesis). 0c. Alternatives analysis requested. 0d. Alternatives analysis submitted. 0e. Facility will connect to POTW. 1. Phased permit. 2. Documented instream water quality problems. 3. Facility is requesting modification. 4. WLA should be done per basinwide permitting schedule. 030706 IREDELL MRO MMW 030805 CLEVELAND MRO JMN 040306 MITCHELL ARO JMN Facility has Tox Test WLA needed 030706 IREDELL MRO MMW 030712 UNION MRO MMW heavily impacted area 030304 HALIFAX RRO JCD 4 & Oc 030201 STOKES WSRO FK 030711 CABARRUS MRO MMW 040302 BUNCOMBE ARO JMN 4 & 0a 040302 HENDERSON ARO JMN 4 & WLA may be needed -letters from citizens lo• 030805 CLEVELAND MRO JMN Oa Refer : Basinwide / Streamline WLA File Completed By Permits & Engineering At Front Of Subbasin