HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025461_Engineering Alternatives Analysis_20010417NPDES DOCUMENT 5CANNINO COVER :SHEET NC0025461 Bakersville WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical , ' ' -, Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) Speculative Limits Instream Assessment (67b) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: April 17, 2001 This document is prixted oa reuae paper -ignore any coziteat oa the resterse "oldie ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS MODIFICATION TO NPDES PERMIT #NC0025461 TO INCREASE DAILY PERMITTED FLOW TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT UPGRADE PROJECT Project Lead Agency: Contact Unit: Regional Contact: Co NCDENR — Division of Water Quality NPDES Unit, (919) 733-5038 Mike Parker, Asheville Regional Office (828) 251-6208 SS/•.9 025532� —s�.';GiNeOlco PREPARED BY M°G'��`` '-- ', t'4 -17 - 01 HOBBS, UPCHURCH & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 300 SW BROAD STREET SOUTHERN PINES, NC 28388 (910) 692-5616 / (910) 692-7342 FAX APRIL 2001 Engineering Alternatives Analysis NPDES Permit Modification to Increase Daily Permitted Flow Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project Town of Bakersville, North Carolina NC0025461 1 INTRODUCTION The Town of Bakersville is located in Mitchell County, North Carolina. It is situated along the intersection of NC Highway 226 and 261 approximately 10 miles south of the North Carolina / Tennessee border. Mitchell County is part of the Blue Ridge physiographic province of the Appalachian Highlands west of the Piedmont plateau. Topography of the area is mountainous with elevations ranging from 2,000 to 3,500 feet. Relief in the developed area of the Town limits is within the more moderate range of 2,400 to 2,500 feet above sea level. The climate in this area is temperate and humid, made somewhat cool by the altitude. Summers are relatively short with warm days and cool nights. Winters are long and cool with occasional cold periods. The average annual temperature is 53 degrees Fahrenheit with peak temperatures in August and lowest temperatures generally occurring in January. Annual precipitation averages 50 inches with an average annual snowfall of around 25 inches. The Nolichucky River watershed, part of the French Broad River Basin, drains Bakersville and the rest of Mitchell County. The Nolichucky flows northwest into Tennessee where it joins the French Broad and Pigeon Rivers near the headwaters of the Douglas Reservoir. Water quality is generally high throughout this basin. Many waterways in the French Broad River basin are classified as trout waters and numerous others have been classified as High Quality or Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW). The Town operates 0.075 MGD wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) which discharges to Cane Creek. This Engineering Alternatives Analysis is being done as a part of the NPDES permit modification process to upgrade the existing WWTP and expand the discharge rate to 0.20 MGD. The need for this project stems from numerous NPDES permit violations resulting in $16,000.00 worth of fines issued by the NCDENR-Division of Water Quality (DWQ) since May of 1998. The NCDENR-DWQ has taken the further step of instituting a moratorium on flow additions, effectively freezing development within the Town. This suspension of new connections to the Bakersville sewer system has put two planned development projects, one for construction of low-cost housing and another to build a new Mitchell County Courthouse on hold until these problems are rectified. The referenced NPDES permit violations have been a direct consequence of influent wastewater flows surpassing the 0.075 MGD capacity of the existing treatment works. In an attempt to reduce flow into the wastewater plant, Bakersville has pursued an aggressive program aimed at mitigating inflow and infiltration (I/1) into the collection system. They have taken the further step of contracting with a consultant, Hobbs, Page 1 NPDES Permit Modification for the Town of Bakersville Engineering Alternatives Analysis Upchurch & Associates, P.A., to perform a detailed system analysis aimed at making recommendations for I/I repairs. However, the consensus of opinion of all parties involved, including town officials, consultants and regulatory officials, is that expansion of the existing treatment works is also needed to best serve the long term infrastructure needs of Bakersville. Based upon all of this information, a NPDES permit modification is being requested to expand Bakersville's permitted discharge from 0.075 MGD to 0.20 MGD. h., 2 EXISTING FACILITIES r, 2.1 Wastewater Collection The Town of Bakersville operates a wastewater collection system that serves the entire population within the Town limits. Presently, there are 203 residential connections and 62 others classified as commercial, industrial or institutional. The collection system was originally constructed in 1968 and included 13,970 feet of 8- inch vitrified clay sewer mains, 1,650 feet of 10-inch vitrified clay sewer mains and 82 precast concrete manholes. Since that time, there have been some line replacements and extensions to newly developed areas within the Town limits. Most of these improvements have occurred within the last fifteen years using PVC as the pipe material for sewer mains. The collection system is 100% gravity flow with no pumping stations or force main lines. There are a total of 113 manholes in the collection system, all precast concrete. An inventory of the present wastewater collection system according to line size and material is shown in the following table: BAKERSVILLE SEWER MAINS Size Linear Feet Miles Inch Miles 10"VC Sewer Main 1,650 0.313 3.13 8"VC Sewer Main 13,370 2.532 20.26 8"PVC Sewer Main 4,980 .943 7.54 TOTAL 20,000 3.79 30.93 As previously noted, the Town of Bakersville has dedicated a considerable amount of its available resources, both human and monetary, to an I/I abatement program begun in the summer of 1998. Much of this work has been in the form of smoke testing suspect areas in the collection system. Numerous inflow sources have been identified and repaired since the program was begun. Additionally, the town has recently retained Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. to further study the collection system. The scope of that work, aimed primarily at infiltration analysis, is as follows: • Summarize previous I/1 work Page 2 NPDES Permit Modification for the Town of Bakersville Engineering Alternatives Analysis r1 • Prepare system inventory and base map from information gathered during system GPS location and manhole survey • Monitor flows in individual subbasins using electronic data logging flow meters. • Augment previous smoke testing for inflow sources as needed • Recommend areas for internal video inspection (4,000 feet estimated) • Prepare evaluation of findings and final report Sources of infiltration are typically harder to find and repair than sources of inflow. However, effective repair of infiltration sources can have greater benefits in reduction of flows day in and day out. Repair of inflow sources generally reduces system surcharging and overflows if they exist but have less effect on daily flows. 2.2 Wastewater Treatment Facilities The Bakersville WWTP was constructed concurrently with the collection system in 1968. The plant site is located just south of NC Highway 226 in east Bakersville, directly adjacent to Cane Creek where effluent is discharged. It was originally configured as a 0.05 MGD extended aeration facility consisting of two 25,000 gallon per day package type treatment plants. These components are still in operation. Each of these structures includes an aeration tank, a secondary clarification chamber, airlift pumps for sludge return and wasting, and a sludge holding chamber. Centrifugal type blowers mounted on top of the aeration basins provide aeration. The original plant also included a below ground influent pump station and chlorination facilities. The plant was upgraded to its present permitted capacity of 0.075 MGD in 1985. An additional 0.025 MGD package treatment plant was added along with a new flow control structure and post aeration facilities. The most recent facilities improvements were completed in 1998. That project demolished the original influent flow control structure and influent pump station and FA' made numerous additional improvements. The present plant configuration includes: • Influent equalization structure with screening and duplex submersible ran influent pumps • Flow control structure with four way division and return to equalization • 0.075 MGD extended aeration treatment, clarification and sludge holding • Operations building including laboratory and chemical feed room • Gas chlorine and sulfur dioxide equipment housed in operations building • Chlorine contact chamber and post aeration • On -site emergency power generator set (60 kw) Page 3 NPDES Permit Modification for the Town of Bakersville Engineering Alternatives Analysis Col Furl 3 RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE Based on an evaluation of all available alternatives with regard to the need to increase the permitted flow for the Town of Bakersville, the recommended alternative is to expand and upgrade the existing WWTP. The proposed project for this alternative includes the following • Construct new 0.125 MGD extended aeration package type treatment plant on the existing site to augment existing facilities and expand discharge capacity to 0.20 MGD. • Install new chlorine and sulfur dioxide contact chamber and post aeration facilities. • Install new tertiary filters. • Modify existing plant piping and flow control structures for compatibility with The justification for the additional 0.125 MGD capacity is based on the existing dry weather flows plus allowances for growth (50%), collection system I/1, and reserve capacity (10%). Discharge monitoring reports indicate an average dry weather flow into the treatment plant of 0.067 MGD. The benchmark amount of III considered non -excessive by NCDENR-DWQ is 3,000 gpdim. However, for this calculation we will assume allowable I/I of 2,500 gpdim, which is a reasonable figure for a collection system of this age and material. Therefore, the allowable system I/I is calculated to be: 30.93 inch -miles x 2,500 gpdim = 77,325 gpd The compilation of flows is as follows: Existing Dry Weather Flow 67,000 gpd Allowable Inflow / Infiltration 77,325 gpd System Growth Factor (50%) 33,500 gpd subtotal 177,825 gpd Reserve Capacity (10%) 17,825 gpd Total 195,607 gpd The total estimated cost for this recommended alternative is $770,350.00 Page 4 NPDES Permit Modification for the Town of Bakersville Engineering Alternatives Analysis f1 i tgal Sti 4 ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED As required by NCDENR-DWQ, all environmentally feasible alternatives for wastewater discharge have been evaluated as a part of the Town of Bakersville NPDES permit modification application to increase the discharge rate from 0.075 MGD to 0.20 MGD. These alternatives include the following: 1. Do Nothing 2. Regionalization of Wastewater Treatment by Pumping to Spruce Pine 3. Land Application of Wastewater at 0.20 MGD 4. Land Application of Wastewater at 0.125 MGD 5. 0.125 MGD Onsite Subsurface Wastewater Disposal System 6. Upgrade and Expansion of the Existing WWTP (discussed above) Each of these alternatives has been evaluated with regard to, first, environmental feasibility, and then with regard to capital construction costs. Summaries of the preliminary design, design calculations, and cost estimates are provided for each alternative. 5 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES The previously mentioned alternatives for wastewater disposal have been analyzed in order to determine to most environmentally feasible and cost-effective solution for the Town's need to increase its total daily discharge from 0.075 MG to 0.20 MGD. 5.1 Do Nothing Alternative The "do nothing" alternative was immediately excluded from consideration because the Town has entered into a Special Order by Consent (SOC) with the NCDENR in order to eliminate problems surrounding historical NPDES permit violations that have resulted due to increased flows that exceed the plant's current capacity. Therefore, this alternative is not environmentally feasible nor would it be allowed by NCDENR. Furthermore, due to these violations and the resulting SOC, NCDENR has instituted a moratorium on flow additions, which has stopped planned development within the Town. Two developments in particular (a low income housing project and a new complex for Mitchell County offices) have been put on hold until a solution is in place and the moratorium is lifted. While the SOC has allowed the Town's WWTP to continue to operate without incurring additional monetary fines, it is the opinion of all parties involved, including Town officials, consultants, and regulatory officials, that the plant is undersized and is need of an expansion in order to serve the immediate as well as long term needs of the Town of Bakersville. 5.2 Regionalization of Wastewater Treatment by Pumping to Spruce Pine In an effort to determine if regionalization was the most feasible alternative, based both on environmental and cost concerns, pumping the Town's wastewater to the Page 5 NPDES Permit Modification for the Town of Bakersville Engineering Alternatives Analysis roR 1=1 1=1 rmi nearest public or private treatment plant was evaluated. The closest entity was determined to be the Town of Spruce Pine some nine miles away from Bakersville. In this scenario, the existing Bakersville WWTP would be abandoned in favor of a large transfer pump station to be built at the plant site and construction of a force main line along NC Highway 226 to transport flows from Bakersville to the Spruce Pine WWTP. The Town of Spruce Pine is located approximately nine miles to the southeast of Bakersville. NC Highway 226 offers the most practical route for the force main; however, this or any other route would require considerable blasting of rock in order to install the line. This factor alone increases the cost of this alternative significantly. Another factor with regard to the feasibility of this alternative is the steep terrain between the two municipalities. A transfer pumping system would require three high -head submersible pump stations in order to overcome approximately 500-feet of elevation head in the first 4 miles of the proposed route. One additional pump station would be required at the 7-mile mark to boost the flow all the way to the Spruce Pine WWTP. Finally, a significant amount of additional planning and negotiations aimed at an intergovernmental agreement with Spruce Pine for acceptance of flows from Bakersville would also be required. Taking all of these factors into consideration, the total estimated construction cost of a regionalized wastewater system by pumping to the Town of Spruce Pine is $2,241,441.00. At almost three times the cost of the recommended alternative and plagued with issues concerning the construction of approximately nine miles of wastewater force main within a mountainous region and with the operation and maintenance of four pump stations, the wastewater regionalization alternative was determined to be impractical and, therefore, was not considered further. 5.3 0.20 MGD Land Application Facility The application of treated wastewater on cropped land is normally an option that is considered to be environmentally feasible. This form of wastewater disposal is considered a "non -discharge" alternative and typically includes construction of secondary treatment facilities and storage facilities for systematic disposal of wastewater on land permitted for that use. Land application is generally more expensive than discharge alternatives due to the requirement for up to 90 days storage capacity and the need for large land disposal areas. Regardless, NCDENR-DWQ requires that land application be considered prior to expansion of an existing discharge. Page 6 NPDES Permit Modification for the Town of Bakersville Engineering Alternatives Analysis With regard to the Bakersville area, the terrain and existing use of the land that is in reasonable proximity to the WWTP make the land application of wastewater not as feasible as it would be in other areas of the state. In addition, the Town does not own or have access to any land in the area that could be used for this purpose. USGS topographic maps as well as USDA soil maps were utilized in order to evaluate the areas surrounding the plant for their potential suitability for use as land application sites, should they be available to the Town. Based upon these maps, it was determined that there is not any available land within two miles of the existing WWTP that would be suitable for land application uses; therefore, a conservative distance of two miles was utilized for the force main calculations. Permeability of the soils in this area is another one of the limiting factors in the land application scenario; however, the higher average permeability of 0.2 inches per hour was utilized in this analysis. Weather data from a nearby station was used in the water balance calculations. A typical storage of 30 days was selected for these calculations. In addition, 30 days of treatment were included in the lagoon calculations as is customary for preliminary treatment in a land application scenario. The rate of application selected was 1.75 inches per week. This was determined to be the best rate at which to determine the true cost effectiveness of this alternative. All of these calculations yielded the following results: Pump Station Capacity Force Main to Lagoon Site 30 Day Storage/ 30 Day Treatment Lagoon Land Application Site Required Total Acreage Required (incl. Buffer) Irrigation Header Lateral Piping to Zones 700 gpm 10,5601f 7.16 acres 33 acres 95 acres 6 inch 17,280 if -3 inch The total estimated cost of the land application alternative for 0.20 MGD is $6,760,525.38. The cost of this recommended alternative is truly prohibitive with regard to its feasibility to Bakersville. In addition, there is no available land in the area that is suitable for land application of wastewater. Other issues that make this alternative not feasible are the environmental concerns. The soils within this area are, for the most part, either on steep inclines or within valley areas along rivers and streams that are prone to flooding. Land applying wastewater in these areas would not be permitted. Any acreage that could potentially be suitable for land application around Bakersville is developed and urbanized land on which this type of wastewater disposal would not be desirable or even allowable. For these reasons, the alternative of land applying wastewater at a rate of 0.20 MGD was determined to be impractical and even potentially detrimental to the environment; therefore, it was not considered further. Page 7 NPDES Permit Modification for the Town of Bakersville Engineering Alternatives Analysis r. ANA fz=, 5.4 Utilization of Existing WWTP and 0.125 MGD Land Application Facility This scenario would utilize the existing WWTP facilities with the current 0.075 MGD surface water discharge and a new facility would be constructed to allow for the land application of the additional 0.125 MGD wastewater flow. As stated previously, land application of 100% of Bakersville's wastewater is not considered a viable option due to the expense of finding and acquiring land suitable for that purpose in this area of the state. The same rationale holds true for this option. A considerable amount of land is still needed for the application of up to 125,000 gallons per day of wastewater as well as required storage facilities. These calculations were done using the same rationale as previously discussed for the 0.20 MGD land application scenario with the exception of the amount of wastewater to be applied. These calculations yielded the following results: Pump Station Capacity Force Main to Lagoon Site 30 Day Storage/ 30 Day Treatment Lagoon Land Application Site Required Total Acreage Required (incl. Buffer) Irrigation Header Lateral Piping to Zones 450 gpm 10,560 if 4.36 acres 22 acres 73 acres 6 inch 11,520 if -3 inch The total estimated cost of the land application alternative for the additional flow of 0.125 MGD is $3,814,715.33. The cost of this recommended alternative is also prohibitive with regard to its feasibility to Bakersville. For the reasons previously discussed, the alternative of land applying wastewater at a rate of 0.125 MGD was also determined to be impractical and even potentially detrimental to the environment; therefore, it was not considered further. 5.5 0.125 MGD Onsite Subsurface Wastewater Disposal System Another potentially environmentally feasible option for the Town of Bakersville's wastewater disposal would be to construct an onsite subsurface disposal system. This alternative would discharge the additional 0.125 MGD wastewater flow to a nitrification field through a low pressure piping system following treatment in a septic tank. The system would include a grease trap, pump tank, dual pumps, headers, and laterals arranged in zones with cleanouts and valves to allow for alternate dosing of the fields. Like the land application alternative, the best -case permeability rate of the predominant soil complex in the area was utilized in the design calculations. It was also assumed that there would be sufficient available land nearby to accommodate this alternative. Design criteria as published by NCDENR—Division of Page 8 NPDES Permit Modification for the Town of Bakersville Engineering Alternatives Analysis rAri F=, 12114 fakl Environmental Health Onsite Wastewater Branch and the EPA Design Manual for Onsite Wastewater Treatment were utilized in the preliminary design. State regulations require that the land application rate for low-pressure piping not exceed 0.6 gallons per day per square foot. This resulted in a total trench length of 625,000 feet to properly dissimulate the wastewater. Trench widths of 2 feet, maximum lengths of 100 feet, and 8-foot spacing between laterals are recommended for these systems. This resulted in a nitrification field area of over 114 acres. A reserve area equal to 100% of the design area is required to be set aside for future use. Therefore, a minimum of 228 acres would be required just for the nitrification field. A normal septic tank retention time for systems of this size is 24 hours, resulting in a holding tank volume of 125,000 gallons. The grease trap design was based on 2/3 the total volume of the septic tank. An emergency storage time of 12 hours was used to size the pump tank. These calculations resulted in such large tanks being needed as well as an inordinate amount of acreage required for the lateral trenches and the nitrification field that the alternative for onsite subsurface wastewater disposal for the additional 0.125 MGD was not considered feasible. In addition, the poor suitability of soils discussed with regard to the land application alternatives is also of concern with regard to a septic system, particularly one of this size. Although the size and characteristics of soils in this area removed this alternative from consideration, preliminary construction cost estimates were completed for a final comparison of alternatives. The total estimated cost of the onsite subsurface disposal system is $10,345,562.57. 6 RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS As with any alternatives analysis, the cost of a project is a critical factor in the decision made by a municipality with regard to infrastructure improvements. The same is true for Bakersville. The Town recognizes that it must complete these improvements not only to allow for the growth of the community but also to eliminate any further NPDES discharge violations thereby protecting the environment. These improvements, however, must be done in a manner that allows for the maximum benefit for the Town and the environment at the most reasonable cost. The following table provides a cost comparison of all the alternatives included in this analysis: ALTERNATIVE ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Upgrade and Expand Existing WWTP $770,350.00 Pump to Spruce Pine $2,241,441.00 0.20 MGD Land Application $6,760,525.38 0.125 MGD Land Application $3,814,715.33 0.125 MGD Onsite Subsurface Disposal $10,345,562.57 Page 9 NPDES Permit Modification for the Town of Bakersville Engineering Alternatives Analysis 1 `=` This comparison illustrates that the upgrade and expansion of the existing WWTP proves to be the most cost-effective alternative for the Town. As stated above, cost is a major concern when evaluating all alternatives for an infrastructure project; however, the environmental concerns must also be weighed such that an alternative that would be more beneficial to the environment is not overlooked simply because of its cost. While many of the alternatives discussed with regard to Bakersville are normally considered to be environmentally feasible, the location and nature of the land in and around the Town must be factored into the overall environmental analysis. As was discussed previously, Bakersville is located in the Blue Ridge Mountains near the North Carolina / Tennessee border. This location means that undeveloped tracts of land with soils that could potentially be used for septic systems and land application are practically non-existent. Much of the available land in the area of Bakersville is severely limiting to these types of alternative wastewater disposal methods due to extremely steep slopes and shallow depth of the soil to bedrock. These factors indicate that these disposal methods are the more environmentally detrimental alternatives in this particular case and should not be considered viable alternatives for the Town of Bakersville. Based on both the cost and environmental evaluations of the available alternatives for the Town of Bakersville to increase their permitted wastewater flow to 0.20 MGD, the final -rz► recommendation is to upgrade and expand the existing WWTP. The existing plant currently meets all NPDES limits with exception of the permitted flow and, therefore, the expansion will not be detrimental to the receiving waters, Cane Creek. In addition, the upgrades to the r=1 plant include new disinfection facilities and tertiary filters that will further increase the wastewater treatment, thereby providing additional protection to Cane Creek. Bakersville's NPDES limits for an expanded discharge are not anticipated to be any more stringent than the existing 30 BOD/ 30 TSS limits. Currently, this equates to 18.8 lbs/day of BOD/TSS allowed. An expanded flow permit to 0.20 MGD will result in an increase to 50 lbs/d of BOD and TSS. Since the 7Q10 of Cane Creek is 2.4 MGD, the IWC of the discharge will increase from 3.12% to 8.32%. This increase is not a significant increase in pollutant loading to this Creek or subbasin. Funding has been secured for this project, and as such, work can begin on this upgrade upon approval by the NCDENR-DWQ. Although this project does not exceed the minimum threshold level of 0.50 MGD of additional flow as outlined in the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act, an Environmental Assessment has been completed for this recommended alternative and is attached for reference. Page 10 NPDES Permit Modification for the Town of Bakersville Engineering Alternatives Analysis TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE 20-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE 20-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FOR WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS Goal Statement The Town of Bakersville seeks to provide water and sewer services to all of their residents, commercial businesses and industries within the Town's city limits and service areas. The water service shall be in accordance with all the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act in order to ensure that the customers have a safe, reliable drinking water supply with capacity to serve the ►�► present and future demands of the citizens. The sewer service shall be extended to all customers, which need public sewer to maintain public health and a clean environment. The sewer shall be treated to a level to maintain compliance with State and Federal regulations to protect the environment of the area. The system shall be managed in an efficient and cost effective manner such that the water and sewer fund shall be self-reliant without undue cost to the users of the system or impacts to the Town of Bakersville general fund accounts. Description of Area Bakersville is situated along the intersection of state highways #226 and #261 approximately 10 miles south of the North Carolina / Tennessee border in central Mitchell County. Mitchell County is part of the Blue Ridge physiographic province of the Appalachian Highlands west of the Piedmont plateau. Topography of the area is mountainous with elevations ranging from 2,000 to 3,500 feet. Relief in the developed area within of town limits is within the more moderate range of 2,400 to 2,500 feet above sea level. The approximate population of Bakersville according to 1990 Census data is 301. The North Carolina Office of State Planning indicates that the 1999 population was 331. Population projections indicate that the 2020 population of Bakersville will be approximately 342. The median household income is $24,658.00. Mitchell County is considered a Tier 2 county in the State of North Carolina rankings. The climate in this area is temperate and humid, made somewhat cool by the altitude. Summers are relatively short with warm days and cool nights. Winters are long and cool with occasional cold periods. The average annual temperature is 53 degrees Fahrenheit with peak temperatures in August and lowest temperatures generally occurring in January. Annual precipitation averages 50 inches with an average annual snowfall of around 25 inches. The Nolichucky River watershed, part of the French Broad River Basin, drains Bakersville and the rest of Mitchell County. The Nolichucky flows northwest into Tennessee where it joins the French Broad and Pigeon Rivers near the headwaters of the Douglas Reservoir. Water quality is generally high throughout this region basin. Many waterways in the French Broad River basin are classified as trout waters and numerous others have been classified as High Quality or Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW). Topography of Area Mitchell County lies entirely within the Mountain physiographic province. Topography is typically deeply dissected mountainous area of numerous steep mountain ridges, intermone basins and tench valleys that intersect at all angles and give the area its rugged mountain 1 character. The Blue Ridge contains the highest elevations and the most rugged topography in the Appalachian Mountain system of eastern North Carolina. Land Use Over half of the land in the area is forested with much of it located within the 1.2 million - acre Pisgah National Forest. Steep slopes limit the land area suitable for development and crop production. Slopes of less than 12% are desirable for development purposes, and, in the absence of public sewer lines, soil depth of three feet or more over bedrock is desirable in order to allow construction of onsite septic systems. It is estimated that just 18% of lands in North Carolina's mountains meet these requirements. Most agricultural and development activities are therefore concentrated in river valleys. Statistics provided by the US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service indicate that cultivated cropland is shrinking as developed lands are increasing. Major industries in the basin include silviculture, agriculture (dairy, livestock, apples, Christmas trees), mining (feldspar, quartz, mica, gem stones and others) and tourism. Forestry Forestry is a major industry in the Bakersville area that has the potential to impact the environment in a number of ways if not properly managed. In mountainous areas, sedimentation is a prime concern. Clear -cutting and improper construction of logging roads and stream crossings can produce damaging sedimentation. In addition, removing riparian vegetation along stream banks can cause water temperature to rise substantially, and improperly applied pesticides can result in toxicity problems. The Pisgah National Forest occurs in Mitchell County. Trees in the forest are maturing from the last major round of cutting earlier this century, so timbering activity is expected to increase. The National Forest Service has been working on revising and updating its 1987 forest management plan aimed, in part, to ensure that harvesting is done in an environmentally sound manner. Clear -cutting, for example, will be all but eliminated, and harvesting on many of the steeper slopes will be minimized. Also, the North Carolina Division of Forest Resources has established voluntary best -management practices for forestry activities on private lands. Mining Mining is another important industry in the area, especially in the Nolichucky watershed area including portions of Yancey, Mitchell and Avery Counties. While stone quarries are common throughout the basin, the Nolichucky watershed is valued as a source of feldspar, mica, olivine and gemstones. Mining operations can produce high localized levels of stream '' sedimentation if not properly treated. Chemicals used in the production of mined materials can also pose a problem such as the use of hydrofluoric acid in the production of feldspar and quartz. These operations have resulted in high fluoride levels in receiving streams that are being addressed through revised NPDES permit limits. Non -point source impacts associated with mining are addressed, in part, through the Mining Act. Best management practices for addressing mining non -point source pollution help with these problems. 2 r=1 `' Wildlife Habitat The type and abundance of wildlife throughout Mitchell County depend largely on the amount and distribution of food, cover, and water. The wildlife habitat can be created or improved by planting appropriate vegetation, by maintaining the existing plant cover, or by promoting the natural establishment of desirable plants. The elements of wildlife habitat are described in the following paragraphs. The habitat for open land wildlife consists of cropland, pasture, meadows, and areas that are overgrown with grasses, herbs, shrubs, and vines. These areas produce grain and seed crops, grasses and legumes, and wild herbaceous plants. The wildlife attracted to these areas includes bobwhite quail, mourning doves, songbirds, cottontail, red fox, and deer. 1 The habitat for woodland wildlife consists of areas of deciduous plants and/or coniferous plants and associated grasses, legumes, and wild herbaceous plants. Wildlife attracted to these areas includes wild turkey, woodpeckers, squirrels, gray fox, raccoon, deer and bear. The habitat for wetland wildlife consists of open, marshy or swampy shallow water or ,=, mountain bog areas. Some of the wildlife attracted to such areas are ducks, geese, herons, redwing blackbirds, muskrat, mink, raccoon, and beaver. Under present conditions, several cover crops and varieties of vegetation are apparent throughout the County. Grain and seed crops are domestic grains and seed -producing herbaceous plants. Examples of the grain and seed crops are corn, wheat, oats, barley, rye, millet, buckwheat, soybeans, cowpeas, and sunflowers. Geology Bakersville is located in the Blue Ridge Belt of the North Carolina Mountain Region physiographic province. This mountainous region is composed of rocks from over one billion to about one-half billion years old. This complex mixture of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock has been squeezed, fractured, faulted and twisted into folds. The Blue Ridge Belt is well known for its deposits of feldspar, mica and quartz basic materials used in the ceramic, paint and electronic industries. Olivine is mined for use as refractory material and foundry molding sand Surface Waters PC't The French Broad River Basin is the ninth largest river basin in the state covering 2,842 square miles. It is located entirely within the southern Appalachian Mountains region of western North Carolina, west of the Eastern Continental Divide. All waters from the French Broad basin drain to the Gulf of Mexico via the Tennessee, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. The basin includes the highest point in the United States east of the Mississippi River located atop Mount Mitchell (elevation 6,684 feet above mean sea level (MSL)). The lowest 'E' elevation in the basin is 1,254 feet MSL where the French Broad River flows into Tennessee. The French Broad Basin in North Carolina is composed of three separate drainage areas that flow northwest into Tennessee and do not join until they reach the headwaters of Douglas Reservoir (a large multi -use impoundment managed by the Tennessee Valley Authority). 3 ftwl They include the Pigeon River, French Broad River and the Nolichucky River watersheds (which includes the North and south Toe Rivers and Cane River). There are 4,113 miles of freshwater streams in the basin and seven lakes, all man-made, greater than eight acres in size. There are 9 counties and 24 municipalities located in whole or in part of the basin. The population of the basin, based on 1990 census data, was estimated to be 358,000. Municipalities with a population of 5,000 or more in the basin include Asheville, Black Mountain, Brevard, Hendersonville and Waynesville. The overall population density of the basin is 93 persons per square mile versus a statewide average of 123 persons per square mile. The percent population growth over the past ten years (1980 to 1990) was 8.7% versus a statewide percentage increase of 12.7%. Water quality is generally high throughout the basin. Trout waters are abundant and many waters have been reclassified as High Quality or Outstanding Resource Waters. The Town of Bakersville discharges to Canes Creek in Subbasin 06, which includes the 1=1 Nolichucky, the North Toe River and the South Toe River. Much of the land in this area is undeveloped and lies within the Pisgah National Forest. The largest town is Spruce Pine and several major dischargers are located near this city, including the Spruce Pine WWTP and 1.1 three mine processors: Feldspar, Unimin and K-T Feldspar. Many of the streams in the subbasin have a supplemental trout water classification. Demographics As outlined above, the population in the Town of Bakersville has remained relatively stable over the last decade. The 1990 Census indicated a population of 301 persons; and the NCOSPL indicated a 1999 population of 331 persons. Population projections indicate that the 2020 population will be approximately 342 persons. The 1990 median household income (MHI) for Mitchell County was $20,554.00. The 1990 MHI for Bakersville was $17,500.00. Both of these incomes are less than the national median household income of $35,945.00. The 1995 poverty rate in Mitchell County was estimated to be 13.9 percent, which exceeds the North Carolina poverty rate of 13 percent. The 1995 child poverty rate for Mitchell County was 19.8 percent. Between 1990 and 1995 the Mitchell County child poverty rate increased by 13.1 percent. Census data from 1990 indicate that the poverty rate in Bakersville is approximately 19.3 percent. The 1999 unemployment rate in Mitchell County was 6.4 percent. Manufacturing jobs account for 25.0 percent of employment. 4 1I ribt F4 ran Description of Existing Facilities Wastewater Collection / Treatment The Town of Bakersville operates a wastewater collection system that serves the entire population within the town limits. Presently, there are 203 residential connections and 62 others classified as commercial, industrial or institutional. The collections system was originally constructed in 1968 and included 13,970 feet of 8-inch vitrified clay sewer mains, 1,650 feet of 10-inch vitrified clay sewer mains and 82 pre -cast concrete manholes. Since that time, there have been some line replacements and extensions to newly developed areas within the town limits. Most of these improvements have occurred within the last fifteen years using PVC as the pipe material for sewer mains. The collection system is 100% gravity flow with no pumping stations or force main lines. There are a total of 113 manholes in the collection system, all pre -cast concrete. An inventory of the present wastewater collection system according to line size and material is shown in Table 1: TABLE 1: SEWER MAINS Size Linear Feet Miles Inch Miles 10" VC Sewer Main 1,650 0.313 3.13 8" VC Sewer Main 13,370 2.532 20.26 8" PVC Sewer Main 4,980 .943 7.54 TOTAL 20,000 3.79 30.93 The Bakersville Wastewater Treatment Plant was constructed concurrently with the collection system in 1968. The plant site is located just south of state highway #226 in east Bakersville, directly adjacent to Cane Creek where effluent is discharged. It was originally configured as a 0.050 mgd extended aeration, facility consisting of two 25,000 gallon per day package type treatment plants. These components are still in operation. Each of these structures includes aeration tank, secondary clarification chamber, airlift pumps for sludge return and wasting, and sludge holding chamber. Centrifugal type blowers mounted on top of the aeration basins provide aeration. The original plant also included a below ground influent pump station, and chlorination facilities. The plant was upgraded in to its present permitted capacity of 0.0750 mgd in1985. An additional 0.0250 mgd package treatment plant was added along with new flow control structure and post aeration facilities. The most recent facilities improvements were completed in 1998. That project demolished the existing influent flow control structure and influent pump station and made numerous additional improvements. The present plant configuration includes: 5 II fun rag > Influent equalization structure with screening and duplex submersible influent pumps > Flow control structure with four way division and return to equalization > 0.0750 mgd extended aeration treatment, clarification and sludge holding > Operations building including laboratory and chemical feed room > Gas chlorine and sulfur dioxide equipment housed in operations building ➢ Chlorine contact chamber and post aeration ➢ On -site emergency power generator set (60 kw) Bakersville's wastewater collection system is in need of rehabilitation due to deterioration of the original vcp pipe system. Excessive inflow / infiltration causes the WWTP to exceed its permitted capacity of 0.0750 mgd and has resulted in fines from NCDENR totaling $16,000.00. Currently the Wastewater Treatment Plant is currently being operated under an SOC agreement with the NCDENR. Grant funds from the N. C. Department of Commerce, Division of Community Assistance CDBG program have been to finance a project expanding the Bakersville Wastewater Treatment Plant. The town's remote location and the surrounding topography and soil conditions make elimination of the existing point source discharge in favor of the alternatives of regionalization with another facility or treatment and reuse extremely difficult. Maintaining the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant and discharge is the likeliest long-term solution for Bakersville's future wastewater needs. The priority projects are expansion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and continuing repair / replacement of the original system sewer mains. Water Supply /Distribution Bakersville's water distribution system was originally constructed in 19?? and consists of approximately 3 miles of distribution main ranging primarily from 2-inch to 8-inch diameter though there are some streets with smaller galvanized mains. The pipe materials are a mixture of galvanized iron, cast iron, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and asbestos -cement. Storage is provided by a 200,000-gallon concrete ground storage tank and a 100,000 gallon steel standpipe tank located on the same site. Storage is charged by three water supply wells located at various points in the system. The Bakersville water system serves the entire population of the town through 294 residential type connections as well as 54 others classified as commercial. The existing water system has old asbestos cement, galvanized and cast iron pipe which needs to be replaced to reduce the amount of water loss in the system and the amount of maintenance by the Town staff The Town needs to replace the small diameter galvanized lines (3/a" to 1 — /2" ) throughout the system. Replacement with new 6" lines in will provide fire protection to all the residents and reduce insurance requirements. The system has pressure problems throughout Town due to the above issues. The Town will need additional storage in the future. The operation of the well system needs to be coordinated with the tank water levels to maintain constant system pressure and back-up power is needed at the well sites to ensure potable water during extended power outages. The original well pumps are ors 6 rmt 1=1 1214 nearing the end of their useful operating life and need to be replaced. A new well and well house is needed to augment existing demand and to meet projected future demand. The existing altitude valve that allows the standpipe to fill needs repair or replacement. Additional chemical treatment may be needed as the more stringent Safe Drinking Water Act regulations are placed into effect. Identified Capital Need Projects ( Projects are listed in order of priority) 2001-2005 > Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements: design and construction to expand permitted treatment capacity from 0.0750 mgd to 0.20 mgd.(CDBG Infrastructure Grant Project). $770,350 > Design and construction to replace / rehabilitate 5,000 if of sanitary sewer collection system. (applied for through NC Rural Economic Development Center Supplemental Grant) $410,600 > Design and construction of additional water supply well. (NC Rural Center Supplemental Grant Project) $85,000 > Design and procurement of improvements to 100,000-gallon standpipe storage tank: repaint interior and exterior plus replacement of existing altitude valve. $35,000 > Inspection report and recommendation for repairs to concrete ground storage tank $25,000 > Design and construction for installation of new 6-inch water main along Baker Lane between S. Mitchell Ave. and Ridgeview Lane. $30,000 > Replacement of existing 3/4", 1" and 1 — /2" galvanized and cast iron water mains in the �► distribution system with minimum 2" PVC (AWWA C-900) for elimination of leakage and areas of low pressure. New water mains will facilitate meeting requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act Requirements for compliance with lead and copper regulations. The town will replace 5001f per year. $10,000 > Replace existing fire hydrant at N. Mitchell and Hemlock with breakaway type. $1,500 PNR 0111 7 IVR > Procurement of computer system dedicated to Internet access and water and sewer system automation. $3,000 > Procurement and installation of radio communication equipment on all town vehicles. $1,000 2006 — 2010 > Design and construction to replace / rehabilitate final 2,000 if of original sanitary sewer collection system (grant financed project). $410,600 ➢ Design and construction of additional 100,000-gallon steel reservoir type storage tank. $150,000 > Replacement of existing 3/4", 1" and 1 — 'A" galvanized and cast iron water mains in the distribution system with minimum 2" PVC (AWWA C-900) for elimination of leakage and areas of low pressure. New water mains will facilitate meeting requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act Requirements for compliance with lead and copper regulations. The town will replace 500 if per year $10,000 > Design and construction for installation of new 4-inch water main along White Oak Road to replace existing 1-inch diameter galvanized line. $12,500 ➢ Design and construction for installation of new 2-inch water main along Morgan Lane to replace existing 1-inch diameter galvanized line. $4,000 ➢ Procurement of 1,000-gallon tank for transport of reuse effluent from WWTP. $1,500 2011-2015 > Procurement and installation of emergency power generator at Modem Globe well site. $20,000 > Procurement of confined space entry equipment. $2,500 > Install traffic guards at all exposed fire hydrant locations. $15,000 ➢ Design and construction for installation of new 4-inch water main along Redwood Road to replace existing 1-inch diameter galvanized line. $12,500 8 reel i=a MEM > Procurement of 3" solids handling pump for WWTP and general maintenance of sanitary sewer system. $2,500 2016-2020 > Procurement of truck mounted jitter type cleaning unit for general maintenance of sanitary sewer system. $15,000 > Procurement of closed-circuit television monitoring equipment for internal inspection of sewer mains, water supply wells, etc. $15,000 ➢ Procurement of combination Rubber Tire Loader / Backhoe $75,000 9 TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE SEWER SYSTEM LAYOUT N Treatment Plant Legend • 10" VCP Sewer Main • 8" VCP Sewer Main • 8" PVC Sewer Main /1\v,/ Creek Building i')o•J,4 \IA) am) Qv) \4 Town of Bakersville Mitchell County, North Carolina Sanitary Sewer System Layout F / CREEK o' TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE USDA SOIL SURVEY INFORMATION U 0 L4ZD • ► s 3S2 • ' t 392'. SL \ .r 6 F 35L • •� fir. *11 FtrjC t.•;r !FIC-b; .r a ;ilk • ,, .v. �,. v : { CC LP it. \r 1wn USDA, NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION SERVICE MITCHELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SOIL IDENTIFICATION LEGEND * AS OF 02/21/97 ** ADVANCE COPY -- SUBJECT TO CHANGE FIELD MAP PUBLICATION MAP UNIT NAME UNIT SYMBOL SYMBOL AND PERCENT SLOPE rgn 700E, 700G AcF mn 199D, 199E BaD 199F, 199G BaE n 43, 82, 262, 40 BdA 65 BmA 393D, 393E BtD mn ,,n 393F BtE mm 393G, 493G BtF 1l ASHE-CLEVELAND-ROCK OUTCROP COMPLEX, 30 TO 95 PERCENT SLOPES, VERY BOULDERY T=2 K= . 24 BALSAM, SANDY LOAM, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, EXTREMELY BOULDERY T=5 K=.10 BALSAM FINE SANDY LOAM, 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES, EXTREMELY BOULDERY T=5 K=.10 BANDANA SANDY LOAM 0 TO 3 PERCENT SLOPES, OCCASIONALLY FLOODED T=3 K=.28 BILTMORE SAND, 0 TO 3 PERCENT SLOPES, FREQUENTLY FLOODED T=5 K=.15 BULADEAN-CHESTNUT COMPLEX, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=3 K=.20 BULADEAN-CHESTNUT!' COMPLEX, 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=3 K=.20 BULADEAN-CHESTNUT COMPLEX, 50 TO 95 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=3 K=.20 F�1 h=l 933D, 933E, 911B ByC BURTON-CRAGGY COMPLEX, 911D, 911E WINDSWEPT, 8 TO 15 PERCENT `R SLOPES, EXTREMELY BOULDERY T=2 K=.15 P, 721E, 721D 721F rag ram+ 721G tI 722B rani PRI r, 722D 722E 722F 722G, 361G 712D, 712E CaD CaE CaF CdB CdC CeD CeE CeF CfD CASHIERS SANDY LOAM, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=4 K= . 2 8 CASHIERS SANDY LOAM, 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=4 K=.28 CASHIERS SANDY LOAM, 50 TO 95 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=4 K=.28 CHANDLER LOAM, 2 TO 8 PERCENT SLOPES T=3 K=:32 CHANDLER LOAM, 8 TO 15 PERCENT SLOPES T=3 K=.32 CHANDLER-MICAVILLE COMPLEX, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=3 K=.32 CHANDLER-MICAVILLE COMPLEX, 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES STONY T=3 K= . 3 2 . CHANDLER-MICAVILLE COMPLEX, 50 TO 95 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=3 K=.32 CHEOAH CHANNERY LOAM, WINDSWEPT, 10 TO 35 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=2 K=.17 r-, 712F ChE CHEOAH CHANNERY LOAM, 35 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=2 K=.17 712G ChF CHEOAH CHANNERY LOAM, 50 TO 95 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY mg, T=2 K=.17 313B, 313D, 313D2 CnC2 CLIFTON CLAY LOAM, mq 330C, 330D 8 TO 15 PERCENT SLOPES, ERODED T=4 K=.17 313E, 313E2, CnD2 CLIFTON CLAY LOAM, 315E, 330E 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, ERODED MR T=4 K= . 17 313F, 313F2, 313G CnE2 315F, 315G CLIFTON CLAY LOAM, 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES, ERODED T=4 K=.17 FT, 99, 99D, 99E, CsD CULLASAJA COBBLY FINE SANDY 99F, 99G LOAM, 8 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, VERY BOULDERY T=5 K=.10 r-� 14 DeA DELLWOOD-REDDIES COMPLEX, 0 TO 3 PERCENT SLOPES, OCCASIONALLY FLOODED T=2 K=.10 253B, 243B, 252B2, 242B 253D, 243D, 242D DoB DrC 253E, 253F, 243E, DrD 242E 201D DsC DILLSBORO CLAY LOAM, 2 TO 8 PERCENT SLOPES T=5 K=.20 DILLSBORO CLAY LOAM, 8 TO 15 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=5 K=.20 DILLSBORO CLAY LOAM, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=5 K=.20 DILLSBORO CLAY LOAM, 8 TO 15 PERCENT SLOPES, RARELY FLOODED T=5 K=.20 104 337D 337E 337F mq 337G, 352G mm 352D, 352D2 - 352E, 352E2 m, 352F 311D, 311E fI 1 311F 737D, 737E 737F EcC EcD EdE EdF FeC2 FeD2 FeE2 HaD HaE HnD HuE EVARD-COWEE COMPLEX, 8 TO 15 PERCENT SLOPES T=5 K=.24 EVARD-COWEE COMPLEX, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES T=5 K=.24 EVARD-COWEE COMPLEX, 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=5 K=.24 EVARD-COWEE COMPLEX, 50 TO 95 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=5 K=.24 FANNIN SANDY CLAY LOAM, 8 TO 15 PERCENT SLOPES T=3 K=.32 FANNIN SANDY CLAY LOAM, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES T=3 K= . 32 FANNIN SANDY CLAY LOAM, 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES T=3 K=.32 HARMILLER-SHINBONE COMPLEX, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=2 K=.24 HARMILLER-SHINBONE COMPLEX, 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=2 K=.24 HUNTDALE SILTY CLAY LOAM, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=2 K=.20 HUNTDALE SILTY CLAY LOAM, 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES, VERY STONY T=2 K= . 2 0 fin . 737G HuF HUNTDALE SILTY CLAY LOAM, ram, 50 TO 95 PERCENT SLOPES, VERY STONY T=2 K=.20 171D, 171E, 171F KcD KEENER-LOSTCOVE COMPLEX, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, VERY STONY ram T=5 K=:24 n 493E PeD PIGEONROOST-EDNEYTOWN COMPLEX, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=2 K=.20 493F PeE PIGEONROOST-EDNEYTOWN COMPLEX, 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=2 K=.20 r� 761D, 761E 761F 761G !=1 PtD PtE PtF PLOTT LOAM, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=4 K=.24 PLOTT LOAM. 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=4 K=.24 PLOTT LOAM, 50 TO 90 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=4 K=.24 11 RoA ROSMAN FINE SANDY LOAM, 0 TO 3 PERCENT SLOPES, OCCASIONALLY FLOODED T=5 K=.28 121B, 123B, SaB SAUNOOK SILT LOAM, 2 TO 8 201A, 201B PERCENT SLOPES T=5 K=.24 121D, 122D, 123D2 ScC 123D, 124D 121E, 122E, 123E2 SdD 123E, 124E SAUNOOK SILT LOAM, 8 TO 15 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=5 K=.24 SAUNOOK-THUNDER COMPLEX, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=5 K=.24 rAirl 121F SdE SAUNOOK-THUNDER COMPLEX, m+ 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=5 K=.24 r=1 799G SrF SYLCO-ROCK OUTCROP COMPLEX, 50 TO 95 PERCENT SLOPES T=2 K=.20 711E 711F 711G mm 190D, 190E cm, 190F, 190G rZt 101B, 181B rm 101D, 181D ram, mm 101E, 181E n 101F, 181F PR MR SsD StE StF TbD TbE TsB TsC TsD TsE SYLCO-SOLO COMPLEX, 10 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=2 K=.20 SOCO-STECOAH COMPLEX, 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES, VERY STONY T=2 K=.15 SOCO-STECOAH COMPLEX, 50 TO 95 PERCENT SLOPES, VERY STONY T=2 K=.15 TANASEE-BALSAM COMPLEX, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, VERY BOULDERY T=5 K=.15 TANASEE-BALSAM COMPLEX, 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES, VERY BOULDERY T=5 K=.15 THUNDER-SAUNOOK COMPLEX, 2 TO 8 PERCENT SLOPES, VERY BOULDERY T=5 K=.05 THUNDER-SAUNOOK COMPLEX, 8 TO 15 PERCENT SLOPES, VERY BOULDERY T=5 K=.05 THUNDER-SAUNOOK COMPLEX, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, VERY BOULDERY T=5 K=.05 THUNDER-SAUNOOK COMPLEX, 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES, VERY BOULDERY T=5 K=.05 • 5 Ud UDORTHENTS, LOAMY T=5 K=.28 Pt, Qu Un UDORTHENTS, STONY T=5 K=.28 Ur Ur URBAN LAND �► T=5 K=.26 361D WgC WATAUGA SANDY LOAM, 8 TO 15 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=3 K=.24 riq 361E Mel WgD WATAUGA SANDY LOAM, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=3 K=.24 361F WgE WATAUGA SANDY LOAM, 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=3 K=.24 961D WhC WAYAH LOAM, WINDSWEPT 8 TO 15 PERCENT SLOPES, STONY T=3 K=.24 961E WhD WAYAH LOAM, WINDSWEPT, 15 TO 30 PERCENT SLOPES, 't' STONY T=3 K=.15 ri 961F, 933F, 911F WyE WAYAH LOAM, WINDSWEPT, 30 TO 50 PERCENT SLOPES, VERY STONY ram► T=3 K=.24 961G, 933G WyF WAYAH LOAM, WINDSWEPT, 50 TO 95 PERCENT SLOPES, ma VERY STONY T=3 K=.24 TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE TOPOGRAPHY MAPS i 3-D TopoQuads Copyrigbt 0 1999 DeLorsie Yarmouth, MS O4096_ Source Data: OSSS [----------1500 ft Scale: 1 : 12,800 Detail: 13-0 Datma: 16666 TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE WWTP DMR DATA Cal rat Owl OEN n PR roel CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED n Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 2953S RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO. Nc. o o as-46 1 DISCHARGE NO. o 0 1 MONTH .1 n YEAR "a000 FACILITY NAME Tow") o Zaitc.-inso t tlt v-' - z P CLASS 3t COUNTY mt Ae.A.e.1 j OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Gi • l • S o �soGRADE� PHONE �S"s)8- oe CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1) wa,,l-c• Q 4.4. Ay tc.r v t€ .S (2) 4•1.• Jo+,...so., PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES (SIGNATURE OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BFST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. re-128 00 DATE Operator Arrival Time: 2400 Clock Operator Time On Site a = p ki 0 _ 50050 00010 00400 50060 00310 00610 00530 31616 00300 00600 00665 I I I FLOW 1 $El@. .... Pi.) a A la p U aallono AMMONIA NITROGEN TOTAL SUSPENDED RESIDUE FECAL COLIFORM (Geometric Mean) DISSOLVED OXYGEN TOTAL NITROGEN TOTAL PHOSPHOROUS N ABOVF NAME ND UNITS BELOW EFF Er 1NF ❑ ,, IP Ag O MG/L HRS HRS Y/N MGD °C UNITS B"UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L ^#/100ML MG/L MG/L MG/L 2 IFS N ,o5S 4 oar. S- i , os s /3.3 1.. t1a Re 3• $ , 6 44.3c aZ Y . 0S.$ 1. I. 4.t.5 a R •? 0.9s" 3 .3"3.7 yy • 8 Ss co p . 0 82 y, 4y4:lGY:•1 a to s i, -J�. i:a y�e�. R+c: 4, 10 os.3o 4 Y , o 82 to.' 4.1,1 to . - . '111 . , • . t1.aa1:3a <q:1;.. y> :t-: - •'WaW : : q '7 14'4 'jot. _ • '/ G. 4s0 12c'S30 2 Y ,1vb to.1 ii,.y11 Ze 4,1. 14as3o .:. 3 Y .oS3L � , 1. ,4.•5� ,Po tif2 11 a7. • ��j/44 16ss 0 N ,bli .. :MO 1 C r s•? t .'2 tc •»t s•° < •. E,+C i„Y:^. 1 ,.' .. 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O o t MONTH cc. b YEAR 000 FACILITY NAME 'Town o 4' BAkaFasu :11 I CLASS - COUNTY V'`Act-4 1 I OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) G . L. S othien GRADOL PHONE (8a.N3) o 8$-0i CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1) w r Qmeat oLy Se r v 1 c.Qs (2) CIIECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED n PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES G. • 1-• S o Lnso., Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 x gIkrep /\2obe(SIATUR F OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) UAT BY THIS SIGNATURE, 1 CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 0 Operator Arrival Time: 2400 Clock Operator Time On Site ORC On Site? 50050 00010 00400 50060 00310- 00610 00530 31616 00300 00600 00665 I I I FLOW TEMPERATURE CELSIUS a :4 iV �1 pb� A 6 .� 0 Oc aqN AMMONIA NITROGEN TOTAL SUSPENDED RESIDUE ^ Q .a V�V � VV DISSOLVED OXYGEN TOTAL NITROGEN TOTAL PHOSPHOROUS ENTER PARAMETER CODE ABOVE NAME AND UNITS BELOW EFF 3 INFO w l'"E-� Q O MG/L HRS HRS YIN MGD 'C UNITS IT UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L 1/100ML MG/L MG/L MG/L 5 2 �asAc 2 y .07y 7. 1. 1..yy at 41.A '3 :I. � >V : .sxy >L' - �i ".T'r tsw`7JY ;.s#o,.' . ��- •�... .y . 4 t4q 2 Y .0/0 $. 3 1.. s1 10 3,11 L.$ '01 #fi, 4` t 'A fy F.'l:s•+• Yy.r. '^z �,t ')tidSK, tP•; > �.• yf ;v Sy:-: :i'• � i 6AC to N ,0.79 "}R? .?u "'fC.6: ya .. A '+ ppa a _.++; gyp., � 2f,.Z ,4 n y e w • 8 eir.30 5/ Y 14e' 6.2. e. Y I. .,73 .2a 4, 7 y i.1, si.S ,0 tigitgo, 6Vititi ,... a ,4.,-olin-iic, -ig-i-:4.14,-,-...44-0:11-• iiiisn'cc,7,:741.1.1...,;.; .1.-.,,c,,,,;;Ik,,,,- ..!,e,i*. ' ; ; „ ,. r ......., . - . ; .. 10 oust% , Y fii.e ' 13..1- (:. 9:iii /0 . 7.R 11 f. • r t : ,. 9' 4: • ,.31). • • . . • B. q 12093C a Y 812:0$ 14 es- s o $ !mil L•As- 0 3• q 16ciS3o (o Y "IS3 9.9 4.71 ass Jtit . 4' 3.8 t 1 �.;;I:-.,:,.:. l :. �• lily A w. JW Y ::'..?:2?S 1. ;;,• �•>: b a ~' F IA •<t' 26 <.i5 Yk' .�i)i;•u < a , . , y i '' 1 € £f�2 <� vt > T . N •4 • F, '...).,•:,,,+? } av:.; # .'. 18D 3o + Y ,.// 2. . I0.1- L.+!3 (o v.a l'�t9 ii 5.,. l' 4s. t�ti c`s 'E-''kie. {,t.2 3 - .b. .,.# 2 t°'�n< .r t Y .♦�' 2'' .p ` � e' -> - :. ..i�-�. #:p;.1;Z.eY .�i-.. _ ',5zi,c- {.. .: >l e f ?: .o . ' r: d `Y'a2 ...... .. -,: �.. .. . E a -6:•3::: .. 20 S 0 N +/ o !i - . y:1''.1. j %z ¢ s x �' •>'t;Y .>r15:` K s sf �i• • • •.,• < •Jf'ST 22 c,c7tm 3 y Ito_<93 ?. 8 6.I. I 3 0 io.s 11 190 41. / •� Vfsf4< lal) WI xr ' j '+ t •.' <<'jj ?jQj � <<aa'''����''��''���jj`A < Qy1,!,!ttttr g i : tt��tt s k. ' /r • _ '. ; 'ti 3 24 4 c 2 .10 8 i. 10.3 (,. So, 2 0 i <e:11 -.7!! a� s a t � , � t eN p�-+ �� `Y +��� ;i�•t r� � at/ .R �IM.�Y >. 7 o- q a.: f •' yt TY $ i>q �✓•.�. _Al _ `Y. o:. � ... _ > , � �:: s . ''*'• 4 <- - < .4 . -'' 1 - .0 0 to •..0-)I.. "/276 yy Q,yt( 28 Gee x Y •b7 o 0. L. (..?1 /D 3rS' - 29 #:0 ` ,s j 24:s, ii 4 t(Sal d.. `.Z� 1 ... Y,$ . 30 31 ... . {. <3: ;sS: :.(`;(1...f . ti' s>;*;;Wi:' > b .' < ',I .;• .' '' . .: • !•.; :'..A '' f . , AVERAGE ..- 9.y _ I e. V io.' 1.'.I g... pi. 1. I. 0 • MAXIMUM . 1 ''' < ! ". 1114!. 1i.9 I •''10;-:.igz -1. y 8'• • lb ` 4. S- MINIMUMJy(y��. , b 7'1 7. i L.23 A •i /, 3 1 3. `i Co.. co'liv! (C'/ C`b.(G / . ' 4l` M./� f t• . -• Lc. L0 3 14' '! t.c. r ::G' . : vs•• .• • Monthly Limit . O7.S iu/J. &id:, b 44 30 #J/L. _WC. b .%. O N/A. DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) N a o oo.S 4• L ,/ EFFLUENT I4PDES PERMIT NO. S/iK. SOc W011 - 0 b 8 DISCHARGE NO. o01 MONTH M'►a l'N YEAR 2.ob D FACILITY NAME ` u., U o4 a Mcoa.e.su t L w wTP CLASS Sr COUNTY r+ l7cm e L L P`')PERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) 441,1t tNsea GRADE a PHONE 45).b) `08- 00-1 1 jERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1) 1+4trr ca a? (t. I.+-ry s eau +cePS (2) CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED El PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES 4. L. So ttsa fail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: A TN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ratHNR a. BOX 29535 NALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 (SIGNATURF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) ATE BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT LS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. Z- 7 oea Operator Arrival Time: 2400 Clock Operator Time On Site I ORC On Site? • 50050 00010 00400 S0060 003101 00610 00530 31616 1 00300I00600I00665 j I I FLOW TEMPERATURE CELSIUS o. ..-4. El()mo .n AMMONIA NITROGEN TOTAL SUSPENDED RESIDUE ,-., ,,,,a OG , i vI53 DISSOLVED OXYGEN TOTAL NITROGEN TOTAL PHOSPHOROUS F.NTER PARAMETER CODE A13()VF: NAME AND UNITS BELOW EFF E' �INF �CO Q OMWL HRS HRS Y/N MGD ' C UNITS B' UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L 1//100ML MG/L 1NG/L MG/L 1 f . Y .•'C . $ 6',#/r ` .11 .1.: 4.''74 :'Z Q Ai. 2 c#30 ,?, �1 , 672 i2.,5f 6. sb X 0 3. 4 as 0 N . co..s ` 4 io3:•h<,cx-i3��-•• ?."hl. �•• <• :a{;a - f • w; •. 1. .. asap R Y . e 6s' 11. 7 1.• s. Atu 3$ 4. 1 ' " tiiVlik iiv ` #9 f> 0 K . 2424.� 6. - 1. : a. q;- :.•' 8ot3o Y .oi.1. II.4 4•y3 .20 3,7 v""C'^LI; T.+3 .4-cK w1''y .7.+n:.Iit;` £ . ... •vt•:..,• < x ,..� +c s' " - ' 3 .4' ... .. ' ) css30 £1 Y , e.4s i Rye, `t 1.. I.3 s'o 3 , 4,. - .. ... . ... 1 12SI 0 N Ap72 ' ti. I g53o 3 y t o 4.s- 9, b 6. 43 .20 Y.1 At: 42, Pit g, fk% }.i<:h-. !(, S ii 6, s t .L f •; Q < ... - • '� d4 1 Y , OV b u, 7 y. 8 ,,Zb .3. V r.. gy . •.4, ` <i� j�j���ii 5 f ''i j >4 : n'< - W. i - f : Y .l t"1If S (, i x 18 SS 0 ov ,o{.al b I. Ss Y.3- -' A' >•'d'.`t Y '� y } P .. ..F • .� 4. .af` P.3 , F'3{ J 6yf'.3 '<°� ;I; •f , ;;:0' )4 'c S r Y >-U `t!t , `, jjam.. S 4': }•<• •Y� <. � •S. • '^r£�� •yt ;.< -•,- t ', _ qcb ii o`a► /2.4 1.• 33 0 3,5 ``"1 yA ,4.,N,, -,--,-. .4.40..,<, ,e1,,,,iik-i, :: * -, -4.4,-,k,.,; ,,,,,F,: „-' ,., , 21i4.: . , : - . - , ,.... , . , , :.I;- ... "‘.:.'4:,2'- 22 4s3b .2 Y ..%/a` t1.S 4.s7 .?0 A.I, o.ls- to S- _7 0 '.'1. < ` r R �144 (3- s- t.r • z "- < ft.'\ ..gig : rf • , • . Y .l1S '.2.1 4•41! ,Zo 3,g �. <..Jii :. L ?,^4 <litp g;Y $II 1 . ,., -z' y'7 w •'t:w'Yt ^i 7?, jSPt_:•:Sf E Y'�St` +t. ii ; lt' e� 1ftaY . %Z , ., - }y' :.: »x SS 10 I" ,D93 _28 Oe3d A /. b 58 i/. 9 (.114 st 0 2.1 7 1 3. `i' . 04 _ iiiii0 Ci• ' iim Arge.:4,..u. If. 49.g, 6,...f2,2.. ':: , , h',$,:.,' F ••1.;,... . . - j, . • • !s• ': • r. • • . - • •• - • , us-30 f Y .os l .2.3 4.6q 30 3. 7 YF.T Fi*i• ° C• - . •f ,`,..:,:--,.1. ^k• ;' • -..£'i-4 R i y f, ` t AVERAGE 0137 11,? �.Z1.3 ,21� 1,18 7.8 1$ MAXIMUM' , {. , 1 `. . .3.8 MINIMUM ♦OyS. '.al 4433 O ,1 1 /',/.S (0 1 3,2. Camp. (C)/ G,*b (G) i, '. •t►` t. .'.(. 4 4 •L • C.• .. C. • . , Lfuo Monthly Limit Coas0 Ad/ Id/ _ N11. _ Srs L14. iits / 0e. NA. _ DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) rX1 r�1 Mgr cocas 4t. EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO.e'i . Soc w 99 - 0 08 DISCHARGE NO. Do l MONTH A ?t 1 t, YEAR a< 000 FACILITY NAME T eaw o of Zw k ee►as u , erW W T ? CLASS f' COUNTY lh'+4...Le 11 OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) 4 .L, Se LOIS* n GRADE 1 PHONE ex b) lose- Oe1.1 1 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1) WA-rmli Qtaine.,-ry 6a&V1cES (2) CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED El PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Co. L . .. 04. NLes N Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 2953S RALEIGH, NC 27626-053S x /_4 (S GNAT E OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) BY THIS SIGNATURE, 1 CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. /*2 ZOo 0 DA'I E Operator Arrival Time: 2400 Clock Operator Time On Site * 2 US 04 O 50050 00010 00400 50060 00310 00610 00530 31616 00300 00600-00665 I I I FLOW 1 S2 69 0 Ti. 4 $ a 0 A V 0 u 4 w Z 5 TOTAL SUSPENDED RESIDUE FECAL COLIFORM (Geometric Mean) DISSOLVED OXYGEN TOTAL NITROGEN TOTAL PHOSPHOROUS . ABOVE NAME AND UNITS ENTER PARAMETER � BELOW EFF Qj INF ❑ 1>4g A O MG/L HRS HRS YIN MGD 'C UNITS fl UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L II/100ML MG/L MG/L MG/L q .� ;(a I* ix';".F is .Y .•�'F.: ,i a ,".. ': . .. • • - •'< : . -. „�- °t;a* 2ss e, N ,p7,7 . '.3 iiihji*2 ?l , ' ficat' (. .� x> ° >•?3a''a: 'A ',:;,tj'+ ''fy :.'ti' ga- 1 » T , <t: "A • • Y cei x< '.'. 4ex33o 2 Y .1el sa,l 6.sy 0 3 19 1. /,Aob 3.7 3E �iw of fr ia. 4 i'!' .M .v., T � Y 3 <yf ■ � b ..�, . 6 0s3o A# Y , 8 j ct.si 6. et Re. _ 14.2. Ms,• 4. i�.r.ii r ` i> i'"�rlfrl,. yy �����. .7 �I... .�+d :. t. ?. , •,s �• _ . - • 3. - - .• 8 SS o N• ,ofi �� i Y�<e.L �. "�k'E � s� � tz ak 2 Y '< k a < orb. • S„ a s � f'i a:. ,T.. -i,� �. .`�.x to os30 e y • , o' el r,2. l 1..49 30 • • • , 9.0 a • 66 Y . W,�+r .f% 'i'L, - :! A ice: F- i •.g=•rya >' S� -,2 4 : n . it !:. y �5..;/ °,': �s.-,i •iy:;4, o.°�t1 , `• • ..; 3.. •�. 12pS30 .r y eel I ,o `.70 'j0 3.S „elf�y �� � ra k�'.['_ : .i^•� • L :'? 'SIon y�,j /r7 �•, •-}, "T T� , Ets �(`�� }l: %.- ! .Sk i, '��,lw :5•. �•: � . - 'w�f i. �i''v:}n. jC ���y �'S`1 '. tf i`�-.v o �; .A ;. t.. : iz - - :. y." 'ivY3'}. f� �' ' 't4. si .�.`� i v ' t{. ~w`� '.�i• ..0 ..• 14 pc 7Q 4 . p 8 % �3 ,3 L. 3 l e! 0 3.3 s. 16 55 0 A , /at 1 l ,il Vi# WiLitk : i l E3 4b - P : Y 3.s.-:ty 9.- . yx J>'ao: a a. • ! h �-t 18o5301 ,/l o ♦V° 7.00 D 2,4 11 ?Y 3.S AliA, . a -.f e !. V•."FY• :tS4:_v . ;?�0iti g1wS `ok Yk .kR `:.1:F.fik' iv<.n y '.„T.., , 44 : 20 s3o 't Y ,D94 ts.O 4.77 4v 3.I S14i o }AO V. :SJ4g �:f w l.i i �.o '1 �• • • • V• =l i F .5. 22 ss O N ,oly . '.1F�F;yyyy lt OVA' wfilliA 2 3C}. ' Y.* 0,�, 'i"Si: 4(�Wi :. *11.�01 1^C •'. } _ « '.' ,, 'i` :` f tj .. 24 Ho4. O Ij 79' - --,. . 7,,,,tv yt .4§,4,5x#: _0 1* .-,:fiiii.ek: .„,:w.iie---•!. :-., . IT ,. s,...F,..,:.: „ .-. •,•,.,,.. .,-,..1i.)... ; , .,--,,,- .-. ... _ .. .:... 26 ,s3o S' Y • D sag '4/ /,.. 7 V o 3.0 S 113. %t7g. (► A V _ _ - `29 os-30 "f y , on 1. "�1, l 3'� 7. 1 128 ;Og :,Y '' ?�'. .,1,ai •xy+y'�r ,1..e8 ii2 `1.i �' ' k j-<'42 3 -76. 'a? y�p.,y .f'-P.-- v .o.- • . Q 30 55 0 /J . f o S . < `�Y<. 1' AAA,. ..: i`l�•i �ti>Y$<.. k�. > a'�>..r i',.yt`�Y Xf '.. ) :.Y �j'��.�>�T y'T `�'_. %'Si}• -C �.+'�. + }^ .. g , Y�_R !T•>vt i s.. i i'n' 1�'.7,! '• '�f 1r 0. 4 i .:Y .. AVERAGE , ,IOW 4.4 3 a ,,Lig ,. fs 7 13.3 3 S No/ O. y 1 '3'_ MAXIMUM'' •.. MJ e; . 9, 7'1I '' '` 1 ;" . 4, ' 1/- �`r: 'I.DYa q.% Nf. Vi o•e(1 _ MINIMUM . o7 a (a. i I„10 0 A _ j' 'i ! J 3 ii. 4 o. el I Drerigt s 1Y of l`7 h .Y Y.{ (' , ti +4 A .',' . Monthly Lin+It O, ISO MIL. C49 Nil. Is A/& I.- / 00 Pit. _N/A. Ao- DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) EFFLUENT ,,r� NPDES PERMIT NO. DISCHARGE NO. MONTH /' `( YEAR -23°C) r� FACILITY NAME CLASS COUNTY OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) GRADE PHONE CERTIFIED LABORATORIES (1) CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES c=r1 DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-053S mit1 (2) (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I Operator Arrival Time: 2400 Clock Operator Time On Site ORC On Site? '" 50050 00010 00400 50060 00310 00610 00530 31616 00300 006001 00665 FLOW a QO18 OX. U ° g'A S Z !Et 0 001E TOTAL SUSPENDED RESIDUE it 4C0t 0 8 � DISSOLVED OXYGEN W (-,O TOTAL PHOSPHOROUS ENTER PARAMETER CODE ABOVE NAMEAND UNITS EFF 0 Ow INF ❑ g 2 - adE� Q� g Si 0 O MG/L HRS HRS YIN 'C ! MGD °C UNITS OKUG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L 11/100ML it' r�'� ..7 t`< f' �: �V. „ � t ` S 1.6: . f4A �.. � :f � k,.. 4 _��Fs�}A �s k �^i 1 • i `:`::.' `t w t �. -S ,tom 4' . #vi%, - < . �' ,t;Iifk' 26 k YYe K h v�i''H4i 4gik 'Y. .. > i�: Y» r B •, 'i .. r k . }' I` . {,• TY � ,�,f� �j Mom' , <: osa- o9 I s (...7 GO >�f ::: x:, �.^ - •ot14 <� TA". f. �M,..�i's.. it�k :t' �,F���..c : % � 1w. �� sk 5 r '� nt �"?�� sus xrt£... .. k.:.. <• y,, k ?f .,. C .<, . k ��.i`\M„ L. y •P; r'S. 4 ,:...., YS RM .ff. �1� .t- ���`¢ .: �s,���• '� L'�•: . 0 4 .7. 0 `f ;+ • YC E:-f..:: t .:7ii ^'". k • y4c'.'t :'ii . k :� Rtib < . '+'+1 �p>^ - A.- "'_;..'-.!. ,>�Jy '�3 iitftt$i +�yp,$,^/$, 4.,' . ' . Y >�Q p >j �.,.' 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'"' ,.- C :�� �2. v,S�}---t *.i: �yi� �`�� SfSf' k a:11y`3 73 L �'Z{ff i . :Yr }� w5'> L. 4 ���.�. L28 S S , o� le F) 2' j 41 ,Y : f,:k`,'yy <..t+t6• i �C - ,:itmaa' 'Y y-'': lYM> .., g•��33�f'.'tYf'A' ti3 .. •'>F _.y. �< L�"%tC w x<, h s Yf•. .�.+ , , <k1v: .'•�'f a ,. 'Y.....}3ik'4 At t :;fy�e t ' o f� tii �3' •.� i G x '• T t C .,'�`� < :: '.*, .,}. ti _30, a Z. ,Di i ' I -•�^ /� 8. .. d f' ''cM„'tS' .. "5`(R((�44{�#y .3u ?-~ ' '/rut- - a. 'Y .. T'-,q. :. .:. r:`T .3 t:..�• :.. :.. 0�, - ' .,.. • f7 k . .,e .$ , r i. L y F,. � -T'�' ' :;, yykk 14: - ,., r volt ,b� �'f ,".>�S' .. i.R S-k', .. Y T+- -'S: .:.rt AVERAGE a ' k>. .... X1MUM f s .:?,4;,;.{fxz4' ;:r. ,4,.. .>,'Y *g5jk� l:r b1c,`v .s •ss� . }o •t•'s Ry#,ig �.0 x ''�' i .!s#' k',l'.<X r -,y.. g, MINIMUM ��y��} . ."ii'Qyxy...'•iY -/.: t( x . i ... .''l' .. , '.>... '!••j.✓.�.�' .. ,�z' F 4' ....s..�� 1,41i.. . . f:`S' r E Y°`�rj�,. $ - _ •m �.:�: ir<*s. :!' yy {y f_3 ;y,' Y ;.. :'h b.-' ��>1`9 >g�•'S'' [}%fi= ,.;� x f. T•j_, ' ,i `�'& .?yi. Sy > t y". . �T .t�: �<¢ JT >if. .5. S _ ��- Monthly Limit 1' DEM Form MR -I (12/93) EFFLUENT mck NPDES PERMIT NO NC00254611 DISCHARGE NO 001 FACILITY NAME TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE MONTH DUNE YEAR 2000 OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE ORC CLASS 11 COUNT MITCHELL CERTIFIED LABORATORIES #1 Water Qua ServicesRRY CARVER GRADE 111 PHONE 704-765-5708 r' s CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED � ® PERSON NJ COLLECTING SAMPLES STAFF Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL, FILES WI DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0635 HRS E YIN 1 .1740 2_ Y 2, 1730 1.5 Y twl , 3 r= FLOW EFF INF 0 MOD 0.085 0.091 0.082 4 0.082 5 1800 2 Y 0.082. 6 53O. 2„ Y 0.07 7 ::1800 .2 , Y 0.087 8 1700 1.5. Y 9 1730 2 Y ram+, 10 11 12 530 3 Y 13 530 2.5, Y rAir; 14 1815 :3 . Y f 15 .1740 16 1710 17 2` .Y 0.075 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.059 0.087 0.075` Y 0.073 18 19, 730::Z5 Y 20 746' .;:3:: Y 21 - 805. 2.5 Y. _ . 22 ..700 12.5 23� . 650'; 2.5, Y 24 25 26, 730 4.5 Y _27 730 Y 28 .600 5 Y 29 500 5.5 Y L30.635:..2 • Y 1 0.065: 0.065 0.065. 0.075':. 0.0' 0.077' 0.084 009. <: 0.0:1 0.09 0.089 0.1 0.184 0.191, 18.4 20 23 23 22 21 22 21.6 VERAGE MAXIMUM NIMUM )mp.(C)IGrab (Gj I....mthiy Limit cal 0.1 0.191 0.1 OEM Form MR -I (12/93) 21 23 18.4 a.. UNITS 6.9. 7.3 7.3 7.6 7.4 6.9 . 40 7.8 7.2. 1111 7.8 6.9 RATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) THIS SIGNATURE,1 CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 6.3 20 , ‹ 2 60 26.25 4.60 7 )► 1200 2.4 } 1200 360 2 2.5 1.9 1.5 1.6 2.2 2.2 , 2S-- o c) DATE 71900 UGIL 60 7.7 7.3 0 . 2 6.8 5.00 9 2 151 1200 1 2.04 2.5 1.5 #DIVIO! 0 0 #DIV/01 0 0 0 0 G 0.0 IS LESS THAN 100 UG/Ls EFFLUENT n tst fat t�s t=1 faal fan Pal t=l rya NPDES PERMIT NO NC00254611 DISCHARGE NO 001 MONTH JULY YEAR 2000 FACILITY NAME TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE CLASS 11 COUNT MITCHELL OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) LARRY CARVER GRADE 111 PHONE 704-765-5708 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES #1 Water Quality Services #2 CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED ® PERSON (s] COLLECTING SAMPLES STAFF Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DN. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 1 RE t3fi OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) BY THIS SIGNATURE, 1 CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DATE a 0 o� 60050 00010 00400 60060 00310 00610 00630 31616 00300 00600 00666 00095 01027 71900 FLOW .. EFF INF 0 ak 0 gg 1. W 0 2 g I 0 TOTAL NITROGEN 0 MERCURY HRS to YMI MOD 0 UNITS UGIL MCA. MGIL MOIL 91100ML MG& MG& MGGL UMHOS uGGL UG/L 1 N 1 0.114 2 N ( 0.114 3 815 1.5 Y. I: 0.114.. 4 5 730 730 2 2 Y � . o.099: Y 1 . 0.074 23.8 21' 7.4 0 _ 4.6 0 2.7. 4 270 2 2.2 6 800: 0.085: 7 730:. 0.079 8 N I ` ` 0.071 9 10 730 2. N I 0.071 .:0.071 1 ••_ 800 2.. 0.082': :'21.5 6.8: 20 10.3 8 20 2.5 12 810 2 0.079 21 0 2.2 13 14 15 16 800 1550.- 1 2. Y 1 0.071 0,104-..! N'I ' 0.083 N_► 0.083 17 800 0.083 - 18 19 730 20 21 730 800 1 t. . 2.5 Y f : 0 084 0.074 21.8 40'. 20.5 4.4 , ' 27 1200 0.+ 0.071`` •21,• 22 0.088 • 23 N 1 0.088 24 6.5 0.066' 21.5� 7.1 2 25 26 730 745. 5. 2 Y;1 : 0.203 Y1 0.104`' .20.. 10. ' 38 31 >1200 2 - 27 800 2. 0.097 28 29 30 830. 1700 2. 2 Y I 0.092 Y [, 0.072 N 1 0.072` 31 730 2 Y 1 0.072 AVERAGE 1 0.1 MAXIMUM 1 0.203 MINIMUM 1 0.1 21 23.8 20 18.75 18.35 7.4 60 38 6.5 0 4.6 4 17.50 95 4.4 ' 31 1200 2.7 4 1 2.11 2.5 2 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIVIO! 0 0 0 0 Comp. (C) ! Grab (G) Monthly Llmtt G G C C C G DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) 0.0 IS LESS THAN 100 UGJLs EFFLUENT von NPDES PERMIT NO NC00254611 DISCHARGE NO 001 FACILITY NAME TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE CLASS OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) LARRY CARVER CERTIFIED LABORATORIES #1 Water Quality Services CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED ® PERSON [s] COLLECTING SAMPLES Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL. FILES r=1 DN. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29635 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0635 tact evt tOot a¢► Fni i x (SEOPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE MONTH JULY YEAR 2000 11 COUNT MITCHELL GRADE 111 PHONE 704-765-5708 #2 STAFF DATE a 1 00010 00400 60060 60060 FLOW EFF ■ INF 0 00310 0 a 00610 00630 31616 a b 5 n 14 gi 00300 } 0q 00600 8 00666 00096 CONDUCTIVITY 01027 i 4. 71900 cc HRS YIN MOD 2 N 0.114 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 815. 730 0 C UNITS UGIL MGAJ MGA. MGA- 9J100ML MG1L MGA.. MGII. UMHOS uo& LIGA. 0.114 ,1.5 .Y >•0.114 2 Y 0.099 730 800 730 2 Y 0.074 1 Y 0.085 23.8 7.4 21 0 :CO 6 2.2:: 2 Y 0.079 10 11 12 13 14 15 730 800 810 800 1550 2 N 0.071 N 0.071 0.071 2 Y .0. 2 Y 0.079 :'0.071*. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 800 730' 84 730 800: 0.104 21.5 6.8 20 21 0 :. A . 410.3 • • 8,.• 2.5 •2.2 0.083 0.083 2 Y 0.083• 2 ` Y. 0.084 Y 0.074 • 2.5 Y 0.082 •Y OQ71: N• ;':0.066' . • 21.8 8.5 4 1 4. y. 20.5 4.4 .. :: ' { •1200 . 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 800' 730 745 800 830 1700 A8.5 5 0.203: 2 Y 0.104 2 Y 0.097 215' 20 2. 10<.• 1.1 2 Y 0.092•' 2 Y 0.072 0.072 2 Y 0.072' • AVERAGE 0.1 31 730 MAXIMUM 0.203 MINIMUM 0.1 Comp. (C)1Grab (G) Monthly Limit I DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) • 21 - 18.75 23.8 7.4 60 20 6.5 0 G G G 18.35 4.6 4 17.50 95 4.4 31 1200 2.7 0.0 IS LESS THAN 100 UG/Ls 4 1 2.11 2.5 2 G #DIVro! 0 0 #DIVIOI 0 0 0 0 t1 EFFLUENT NPDES PERMIT NO NC00254611 DISCHARGE NO 001 MONTH AUGUST YEAR 2000 FACILITY NAME TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE CLASS OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORQ LARRY CARVER CERTIFIED LABORATORIES #1 Water Qudit" Services CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED ® PERSON [s] COLLECTING SAMPLES Mall ORIGINAL and ONE COPY lo: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES DN. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29636 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0636 MRS YM 1 745 2 Y; 2 800: 4 Y 11 815 3 • Y 1 11 COUNT MITCHELL GRADE 111 PHONE 704-765-5708 #2 STAFF OF TOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) BY THIS SIGNATURE, 1 CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT 13 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE 60060 00010 01400 60010 00310 00610 MGD 0107 0.244 0.24 013'f • • `0:08 0.076' • • .0.083 • 0.089 28 810 3 Y 0.068 21.5 29 730. 3 Y 0.078 21 30 830 3 Y 0.074 31 800- 3 ° Y 0.083 AVERAGE , 1 b 0.1 21 MAXIMUM . 0.244 22.5 MINIMUM •C0 i 0.1 19 Comp. (C)1 Grab (G) Monthly Llmtt 22.73 7.5 40 8.8 10 O G 4.72 9.7 2 C 2 2.3 1.15 C 0.0 IS LESS THAN 100 UG/Ls W100ML MGIL 80 1.67 : #DIV/0l 0 c.0 DATE #DIV/0I DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) lei 'pet CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED ® PERSON (sJ COLLECTING SAMPLES STAFF Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN: CENTRAL FILES amt DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR P.O. BOX 29635 RALEIGH. NC 27626-0635 Fon l�1 Pk; rat Pan rat 121114 EFFLUENT rin NPDES PERMIT NO NC00254611 DISCHARGE NO 001 MONTH SEPTEMBER YEAR 2000 FACILITY NAME TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE CLASS 11 COUNT MITCHELL OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) LARRY CARVER GRADE 111 PHONE 704-765-5708 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES #1 Water Quality Services #2 NA rr OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) BY THIS SIGNATURE.1 CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DATE IN 1 60050 00010 00400 1Isi 60060 00310 00610 •'00630 31616 00300 00600 00666 00096 01027 71900 FLOW 1 g GB 1 Cc a Q 0 p i I ; 6 i I � 6 .. r INF ii HRS I YIN MGD G C UNITS UGIL MGA. PAWL I MIL W100ML MG1L MGR. MO WA. UGIL 1 815 3 Y 0.068 2 0.068 ' ' 3 0.086 1 4 900 2 Y 0.063 - I... 5 845. 3 Y 0.066 22 6.9 30 3.2 0.33 • 6 4 2 6 815 3 Y 0.07 20 20 1.9 7 815 3 Y 0.08 8 800 4 Y 0.056 9 0.084 • 10 0.064 _ r 11 815 3 Y 0.064 12 730 3 Y 0.067 21.5 8.7 60 8.8 5 > 1200 2 13 815 3 Y 0.077 _ 21 20 • 2 14 800 3 , Y . 0.066 15 1100 4 Y 0.072 16 0.083 17 _ 0.063 - 18 815 3 Y 0.0634 _ 19 815 4 _ Y 0.087 19 6.9 20 2.4 0.18'4 20 2.1 20 830 3 Y • 0.065 19 40 2 21 700 3 Y 0.083' " • 22 815 3 Y 0.073 • A . 23 0.067 24 0.067 25 845 3 Y 0.08T ' 20.5 - 6.6 , . . 20 - 2.8 - 26 845 3 Y 0.078 19 _ ' 40 ' 3.6 0.51- - • 2 • 80 2.4 , 27 830_ 3 Y 0.071 , • 28 830 3 Y 0.067 . ' 29 730 4 Y 0.073 w 30 , . 31_ AVERAGE . t • 7 0.1 20 31.25 4.00 0 4.25 49 2.13 #DIV/0! #13IV/0! :: MAXIMUM 0.078 22 , 8.9 , 60 8.8 0.51 8 1200 • 2.6 0 0 0 MINIMUM • I • ' 0.1 19 6.6 20 _ 2.4 0.18 r 2 4 , 1.9 0 0 0 Comp. (C) l Grab (G] G G G C C• C G G C , C G Monthly Limit _ DEM Form MR-1 (12/93) 0.0 IS LESS THAN 100 UG/Ls • )ES PERMIT 1 NC00254611-WQ99-088 DISCHARGE NO 001 MONTH October 2000 .ILITY NAME TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE ERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Jadd Brewer :ERTIFIED LABORATORIES #1 Water Quality Services .HECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED C9l PERSON (sj COLLECTING SAMPLES it ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: . IN: CENTRAL FILES :)ivision of Water Quality I7 Mall Service Center Ielgh, NC 27899-1617 w CLASS 11 COUNTY MITCHELL GRADE 111 PHONE 828-898-6277 #2 Jadd Brewer / — coo (SIGNA OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE BY T SIGNATURE,1 CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. ', , . , -.1 ' .. co E 4 h.. l a F in Z Oo- 0 p.. a 0 60060 00010 00400 500601 00310 00610 [ 1005301 1 31616 ( 003001 00600 l 00665 00095 01027 71900 FLOW g ; V a W RESIDUAL CHLORINE 0 AMMONIA NITROGEN TOTAL SUSPENDED RESIDUE ..... O h $. DISSOLVED OXYGEN TOTAL NITROGEN TOTAL PHOSPHOROUS CONDUCTIVITY 1 CADMIUM V tia x EFT ■ INF O g r it MGD 0 C UNITS, UG/l. MQJL MG/1. M011 a1t1100ML MOIL. Moll. MQJL , vs UGC/L UGlL '3 :08;20:�;:3: ;:0;07;3: ::1e:: :� :6 : :20: '• :Z : :.2;....;�.; • . •0:10;:� ;:•'•�'' :8:::� $ ' ' ' ' ',�.: .::II;�I :l0.48;';' .�. .•'f9:':' .:•, :. ....•. ce! 0: :4: ;Y: Y ... :•' .. ..... ... . 6 : :bi3i d: :•:-: :0 dBd: .......... . •. •�r-.•IP''�.•.-+'A"�►�'�• • . • . . ,• . . • . , . . . . . . . . • . . • r_.•r . • . . .. 1'T^: , :07.230: :•3: •Y::-:0:059:...:•15•:...:•6:4•:...:-o :•:• •.....•37:. ..::.•OA8•::... ..:•2:•:•: •:.4• ...:•!:•:•:•: .:-:a 6:-:-: • . i . .... . :t::' .t;:�;: ... . 11 . : - •,:•:•: ' : .... ::%:13:: .. .. b dd 7 yy j, 0 J. .1:3i.. .... . •:07.00' •:2: • 01i8' �.:• :4a:•' :. ....•••H:1•:•:• •..•`:•:•:•::•:•:•: C•:•'• ' •:t6•:•: •?• ..:4200•:•: •..•3.05':•: •......... . . . . . . . .:::0 t9 ....:00...:2: Y: '-0i �• ..:.�::: .•.•r 4... :.;:•. ..... ... •.0 dd6.•.•I:.. Y:::d:bi16: .:it:: :6:2i3::' :0:'•'' ... .• 1 .. ...•••.. .. ••• ... : ... . :6 oo: :•3: Y..::o:083 :• •.•.............. •...... ......•••••.. ..........::•:•:• •......: .•. .:ol • so :OR:bQ:..:?::Y:::4:Q87:. •..=i>Ir:•':'• _ ..:P:'•' �... .. .. �•2 dx:::' .. .. . ..•.•. ... 3t ::2::y: :b�ddd: :::::0::::: .:B:i�:' :afii: • .:> ::':' •9.00 .....:ira :':' ••5.74 ............. ..•.�C :::: • : •....:I:':::' :.:1:80::•: • •........ . AVERAGE .:b7!=00: 0.064 17 0.12 8.60 4 2.08 10.48 1.90 ODIV/OI : AXIII UM 0087: :1o: ..... ..•...:44:•:• .6.28 •.• .� • 8:_'_' '•a8� •: '?I• ..:4200 :•:• •.. 0.4:•' •...soAs•'•' • -t}:90 _' •-.".:o:•:•'•_ • . - - - - INIMUM _ • 0.054 _ 15 0 < -:RO.:••; 2 <• 0.10 2 < 1 1.05 10.48 1.90 0 • :..::(::; :: ..:;::: ;::; : •.0::•:' . .:::::AC:':•:::.::9::': ::..::•:::' ::q•:•::' ...:a:;':• ....: : ;: 'cold;:iC):i:0ritr(t3>::... Monthly Limit j .:::.•:G:::::: .:..::'•:.:.. 0.0 IS LESS THAN 100 UG/Ls JE§ PERMIT NO NC00264811 WQ 99-088 DISCHARGE NO ^, fb NAME TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE 001 MONTH November 2000 E. TOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) Jadd Brewer RTIFIED LABORATORIES 81 Water Quality Services CLASS 11 COUNTY MITCHELL GRADE 111 PHONE 02 ECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON [=j COLLECTING SAMPLES M )RIGLNAL and ONE COPY to: N: vrNTRAL FILES Of Water Quality • 191414endosOuter q rn 14817 i 100.0 00010 FLOW • EFF■ INF 0 8 0 4 I4i rr :Goy 11: • c IOUd I r. ~ 813EME BVE 1 .t1 . �/y rr��l i p;�1�G�r7M1..71�� rti ' 1 IO'9iKil K!gh •t 3b !� BEM Ea KO KCEaM t7�: ILtiI I ME OE .:c. .r.•;• .:I.�__ .• ... .. X. 1 i •.i IDS 1 t.X .1, .. 1. • 1- • W py91 gt101 I : 7 1 el] PEE Bgel GE 9 Nta1UM •ttp4 r4 r mb: nvoly Unit ':11•:: ....•• . . 0.054 15 • 0.048 'r) 1 11 c 6.58 ..: S :. 0.00 0 (M▪ ONATU OPERATOR tN SY THIS TORE, I CERTIFY THAT Tin REPORT a ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE UST OF MY KNOINLEDQE. Jadd Brewer 00310 00610 u DO 88� X. X. X. 5 •.::1• .:: •i*Ir. 31.10 t M1.041L COME BEEMEESI NE MR= UMW MON ...8.50.. X. 118 6: 4 X. 3 ■ CI 1 CJ 1111111.11111111 0.0 IS LESS THAN 100 UGILs . i f • i�1 a 0 r; DATE 01027 71.00 NEM 11=66 MEN 0 IDN101 0 StESSES EMIR 622011 VPDES PERMIT NO NC00254611 WQ99-088 DISCHARGE NO FP ILITI NAME TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE D :RATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) 001 MONTH December 2000 Jadd Brewer Crt;TIFIED LABORATORIES #1 Water QuafitY Servbes CHECK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON (sj rim Ail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: At .._: CENTRAL FILES DPI. OF Wier Cwillr 1A1T M I sank. Cantor NC VSW-1I17 10040 00010 FLOW �■ 8 INF o g YM } 11• 'j'. .• MINNi1 { { 1 J: IBL ETAS 1 CLASS 11 COUNTY MITCHELL GRADE 111 PHONE CTING SAMPLES Jadd Brewer (S▪ IGNATURE OF TOR CHARGE) DATE YY TIMs SIGNA I CIRTMY THAT THIS REPORT Is ACCURATE AND COIEM.lTIE TO THE UST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 00400 C UNITS U . ENEFI 00H10 10110 � �� T��p� �y� MAN p� p� Q Epp l Di' lPO[�1a7 70G=Ll C :3 1100i'. JWr: MAN Et 88 C :AG ME :.....• BSkEB 3 i8888883 ' E IIR 30 38�' :F El MIS Fi Fin 8g Ea nSEM w eet ....::.' 31414 i 01027 71*00 MCA• NG I. MOM.TOIL N0i+1. trG+t MHOS UOIL uvn ISIMMENNICOM MEM ':Q.� ;VIr�C W 1 , I 3Es8 i I» OREM•'JJ�' •. :•H•: 28 :•:• :. i i i i { I • ...1 �Tg Q•�' ' �ii Ca1WYW 'ter INIMUM 4• .ilipttetty umlt 0.052 / 0.04 1 ••••••. .6 4 c EVEITE • MISMS 181 0.00 0 i'lti.M itaSOgi 12a 0.33 .. 0.39 0.38 • • 0.0 IS LESS THAN 100 UGILs :: :::::: 3215• 3 881*S131 SEEM 13 ......:::• • 1 eoIvm 0 0 8DIY101 0 • #DNAI 0 PpSPERMIT NO NC00254811 WQ 99-088 A( _ITN NAME TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE ,P _ tATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC) DISCHARGE NO 001 MONTH January 2001 CLASS 11 COUNTY MITCHELL GRADE 111 PHONE 82 Jadd Brewer ERTIFIED LABORATORIES 61 Water Quallty Services *ILK BOX IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON Is) COLLECTING SAMPLES A ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: TTNk CENTRAL FILES N. OF WMsr Googly Hliztsti So** Gear NC 2TSN4617 r• 8 60010 00010 FLOW EFF ■ INF 0 MOO 1 ,..1 11BEI na llfa 4 8 98I00 11 t: 12 13 1• 11 •••w•:. to ;AZ116 7 :t 26 2 .46 f 1 Jadd Brewer t23.rteAdAi TOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COIEPLET1i TO THE KEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. .•:a:•. ars MR f 1 BEITAI ME REM MEN ..• .040:•. •'1 1 ;.. .. '038:. I8 I Ii:338t t j 1 TI gogo f • (.108••• •' •IJ'• digg Wit Mar IV�Y'RRM� 30 :t 1 : 1-1 • ::•:Y: !RAGE .1..:1- MI M ►; rob. Mihaly Limit .061•:•. • . 0.0871 4 0.045 0010 u 00010 31010 00096 01027 71900 MGA. MGIL MGA. 6/100ML MNt. MaII. MOII. IIMHOS UWL 1 • BEWagICI ..•:,:•:•i•.•. KO•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:. :: • : • :: •:•:•:•:.:•:•:•:•:• :•:•:•:•:•:•:•:- :•:•:•:•:•:•:•:-: '•:•:•:•:•:•:•: :•:•:•:•:•:•: •:•:•:•:•:•:•: •:•:•:•:•:•:• BE Wag ICI FICEE3S1 •••••••••••%::..{83 EMBERfil BEINE 1111=81 MEM WM MIR 11362 ::'.f::::::-:::::".• ::::::::::::'.::::: :::::::::::::::::::: MMEME1 ::::::: •::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::- ::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: en •.+ • . ...•. • .•.•. 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PERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE BY THIS SIG . TURE,1 CERTIFY THAT TI{IS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 4 g 60050 00010 00400 60010 00310 110.00 00630 31616 00300 00600 00666 00006 01027 71100 FLOW w 3 1 a. il P • NFFO �3 g o a YM NOD 0 C U1UT8 UGIL MOIL MOIL MOIL M100NL MOIL MWL gK 0MHOS 0GIL UQII.. • 11RS 1:•01 at :1 ::0:+ 1 :::: :.. •......: ......:• .•. •....... ........... ...•......:: .... ....: :•:• ..:: .... ....... • ....... ....... ...... :0.1. . .• • ::: :' .:ii.dgcl:....... a =:::; ::' : •:::::=.:= >;:::4:::_::= =;=::- < , =; :fl:05�: :: j I10;Q0 . i . ; ...... ... /A-%- is i�:a.:>�' :wi: .....•. • : ij'__ett-- / : ///// i ///// -•. ......... ..•...... ........• .......• ....... •....... sam .......... :::::: ::: ....... ... ............... ....... ...... .:o;o56::. .:.'::::::; MIMI ........ gignag .............. mgess Nogg .... 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ANIIMU rya I� �C)/Gp$b )• �„o _ .G VO�._ •: _:Cs :D'''' ': ' -- '''d :::••.• ... onthly unit 0.0 IS LESS THAN 100 UGILs TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE EXISTING WWTP SCHEMATIC WITH PROPOSED UPGRADES EXISTING EFFLUENT DISCHARGE LINE PROPOSED CHAIN LINK FENCE PROPOSED POST AERATION BASIN PROPOSED CHLORINE H CONTACT BASIN PROPOSED TERTIARY FILTER BEDS PROPOSED 0.125 MGD _.._. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN PHET ) 1 Inch — 10 ft PROPOSED MANHOLE EXISTING CHLORINE CONTACT BASIN (TO BE DEMOLISHED) EXISTING CHAIN UNK FENCE. • (TO BE DEMOLISHED)' EXISTING EFFLUENT SAMPLER (TO BE RELOCATED) EXISTING STILLING WELL (TO BE DEMOLISHED) EXISTING EMERGENCY GENERATOR EXISTING SPUTTER BOX EXISTING VALVE VAULT fhhk„_ k.� .r 4SAy AST A gRk/ivc qR� J.Glii 0 >gx„x,juk DEMOLITION EXISTING EQUAUZATION AND INFLUENT PUMP STATION EXISTING 48" RCP z 0 rn z 0 4 COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA AND PIPING are MARCH, 1999 DESIGNED: JVM DRAWN: EV CHECKED: MCW SCALE NTS SLEET NO. Of: 1 1 TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE: WWTP UPGRADE DESIGN CALCULATIONS AND COST ESTIMATES Mal WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION FOR THE TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE Apr-01 Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate 1. New 0.125 mgd Package Treatment Plant $400,000.00 2. New Chlorine / Sulfur Dioxide Contact Basin $35,000.00 3. New Tertiary Filters $100,000.00 4. New Post Aeration Facility $25,000.00 7. Modifications to Existing Flow Splitter $35,000.00 8. Plant Piping Modifications $22,500.00 9. Chemical Feed Modifications $15,000.00 10. Demolition and Site Work $20.000.00 Total Estimated Construction $652,500.00 Total Project Capital Budget ,=, Estimated Construction $652,500.00 Construction Contingency (5%) $32,625.00 Engineering Planning and Design (8.10%) $52,852.50 'w' Construction Inspection (4.90%) $31,972.50 Permits $400.00 Estimated Total Project Cost $770,350.00 I1 119 Project: Bakersville WWTP Improvements - Preliminary Design ▪ HUA No.: BA9902 WASTEWATER FLOWS and DESIGN CONDITIONS Peak Flow ✓ Design Flow Start-up Flow BOD(5) TSS TKN NH3-N Max. Temp. Site Elevation Temperature Correction Theta Saturation D.O. @ Temp., Elev. Cst. fort DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS MLSS Start-up MLSS RAS / WAS Conc. Transfer Alpha Value Transfer Beta Value MCRT Operating D.O. (Co) `aq lb BOD(5)/1,000cf Aeration Vol. Sludge Yield (lb TSS/lb BOD5 destroyed) Volatile SS Fraction (MLVSS/MLSS) furl RATE COEFFICIENTS fa" lb Oxygen/lb BOD(5) applied lb Oxygen/lb NH3-N applied HP COEFFICIENTS lb 02/BHP-Hr. rs+ BHP/ 1,000 CF FORMULAS • Sludge Age (days) mffl MLSS (mg/1) r=, MCRT (days) f=, Food to Microorganism Ratio #1a mgd mgd 1< mgd Suspended Solids in Aeration Suspended Solids to Aeration 4/11/01 Influent Effluent Desired Suspended Solids in Aeration Weight of Water in Aeration Suspended Solids in Aeration SS in WAS + SS in Effluent BOD to Aeration MLVSS in Aeration fan Pal CALCULATED PARAMETERS 1. BOD (5) Destroyed @ Peak Flow @ Design Flow @ Start-up Flow 2. NH3 N Destroyed AERATION BASIN SIZING = MGD x (8.341b/gal.) (Influent BOD (mg/1) - Effluent BOD (mg/1)) 212.67 lb./day 283.56 lb./day 158.79 lb./day = MGD x (8.341b/gal.) (Influent TKN (mg/1) - Effluent NH3-N (mg/1)) ,a, @ Peak Flow — 0.00 lb./day @ Design Flow = 0.00 lb./day @ Start-up Flow = 0.00 lb./day 3. Actual 02 Transfer Rate = (1.50 x BOD(d)) + (4.60 x NH3-N(d)) @ Peak Flow = 319.01 lb./day r-, @ Design Flow = 425.34 lb./day @ Start-up Flow = 238.19 lb./day 4. Standard 02 Transfer Rate = AOTR x Theta^(Tw-20) Alpha x (Transfer Beta x C(st)) - Co) C(20) @ Peak Flow = 517.43 lb./day @ Design Flow = 689.91 lb./day • Start-up Flow = 386.35 lb./day 5. Aeration Volume (@ 121b. BOD(5) / 1,000 cf) = BOD(d)*(1,000 cf /151b BOD(d))*(7.48 gal./cf) @ Peak Flow = 132,564 gal. M, @ Design Flow = 176,752 gal. @ Startup Flow = 98,981 gal. Detention Time = Aeration Volume / Design Flow x (24 hrs. / day) @ Design Flow = 21.21 hrs. _ 6. System Mass = BOD(d) x MCRT x (lb TSS / lb BOD(d)) 3686.28 lb. ron 7. Aeration Volume @ System Mass = System Mass / (8.34 lb. / gal.) MLSS 196,444 gal. r+� Detention Time = Aeration Volume / Design Flow x (24 hrs. / day) ® Design Flow SELECTED REACTOR BASIN VOLUME 23.57 hrs. Detention Time = Aeration Volume / Design Flow x (24 hrs. / day) @ Design Flow r = 24.00 hrs. Pri 8. Horsepower Required = SOTR / (lb 02 / BHP-hr) / 24 hrs. @ Design Flow = 11.50 hp 9. Food / Mass Ratio = BOD(d) / (MLSS x 0.65 x (8.34 lb. / gal.) x Aeration Volume) @ Design Flow = 0.12 10 WAS Rate = SS in Aeration - Effluent SS WAS conc. x MCRT (Aer. Vol. x MLSS conc. x (8.34 lb/gal.)) - (WW Flow x Effluent SS conc. x (8.34 lb./gal). x MCRT) @ Design Flow @ Start-up Flow WAS conc. x (8.34 lb./gal.) x MCRT 2,063 gal./day = 2,393 gal./day 11 Basin Layout Use Dual Aeration Basins tt1 CI r=1 15 ft. channel width 12 ft. sidewater depth Length = Aeration Volume / 2 (7.48 gal. / CF) x Channel Width x Sidewater Depth = 74 ft. SP, CLARIFIER EVALUATION DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS Design Flow Peak Design Sludge Return Rate mgd Design Flow MLSS x mg/1 # of Units • Sidewater Depth ft. Design Surface Loading Rate gpd/sf Design Solids Loading Rate 1b/da /sf lb/ day/sf /s f ................... Design Weir Overflow Rate gpd/sf Design Detention Time hrs. sma CALCULATED PARAMETERS 1. Diameter Required a. Surface Loading Basis: Area = Design Flow / Surface Loading Rate / 2units 250 sf `m' Dia. = Square root of ((Area / Pi) x 4) 17.85 ft. fag b. Solids Loading Basis: Area = (Design Flow x MLSS x( 8.34 lb./gal.)) / (30 lb./day/sf) / 2units 62.55 sf Dia. = Square root of ((Area / Pi) x 4) 8.93 ft. 's' c.Weir Overflow Basis Weir Length = Design Flow / Weir Overflow Rate / 2 units Dia.= Weir Length / Pi 10 ft. 3.18 ft. `w' d. Detention Time Basis Area = Design Flow x Detention Time (7.48 gal./cf) x SWD x 2 units furl Rol 222.82 Dia. = Square root of ((Area / Pi) x 4) = 16.85 ft. SELECTED CLARIFIER DIAMETER ' 2. Surface Loading Rates • Peak Flow @ Design Flow 'or' ® Start-up Flow = Flow / Area / # Units 238.85 gpd/sf 318.47 gpd/sf 178.34 gpd/sf ral 3. Solids Loading Rates = (Flow x MLSS x (8.34 lb./gal.)) / Area / Units @ Peak Flow = 4.48 lb/day/sf _, @ Design Flow + RAS = 11.95 lb/day/sf ® Start-up Flow + RAS = 9.32 lb/day/sf 4. Weir Overflow Rate = Flow / Weir Length / # Units ran @ Peak Flow = 1194.27 gpd/lf ® Design Flow = 1592.36 gpd/lf r, @ Start-up Flow = 891.72 gpd/lf 5. Detention Time = Area x SWD x (7.48 gal./cf) x (24 hrs./day) x # Units Flow (gpd) mkn @ Peak Flow = 7.52 hrs. @ Design Flow = 5.64 hrs. @ Start-up Flow = 10.07 hrs. SLUDGE DIGESTION and STORAGE ra, DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS WAS Rate (@ Design Flow) 2,063 gal./day ton WAS Rate (@ Start-up Flow) 2,393 gal./day Target % Solids :� :::::.r ::.::.:•.> Target Decant Solids mg/1 CALCULATED PARAMETERS 1. Lbs. of Solids per Day = WAS Rate (mgd) x WAS/RAS conc. x (8.34 lb./gal.) @ Design Flow = 137.61 lb./day ® Startup Flow = 159.63 lb./day 2. Thickened Sludge Volume = (Lbs. Solids/Day) / (% Solids - Decant Solids) x 8.34 lb./gal. ® Design Flow = 737 gpd rim ® Start-up Flow = 854 gpd 3. Aerobic Digestion and Storage rgri a. Volume Required @ 20 degrees C: (40 days storage) @ Design Flow ® Start-up Flow 29,464 gal. 34,179 gal. b. Volume Required @ 15 degrees C: (60 days storage) ® Design Flow ® Start-up Flow 44,196 gal. 51,268 gal. • Thickened Sludge Volume x 40 days Thickened Sludge Volume x 60 days TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE REGIONALIZATION ALTERNATIVE: DESIGN CALCULATIONS AND COST ESTIMATES Ma,P a, PtiJ i i Bakersville WWTP PROPOSED 8" FORCE MAIN ■ WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY A DISCHARGE POINT COLLECTION SYSTEM A/ ROADS HYDRO CITY LIMITS BAKERSVILLE SPRUCE PINE MITCHELL COUNTY PS #1 Elev: 2440' PS #2 Elev: 2625' t Hwy 226 u High Point on Route Elev: 2935' Spruce Pine WWTf�- 0 6000 TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE WASTEWATER REGIONALIZATION ALTERNATIVE APRIL 2001 PS #4 Elev: 2715' 12000 Feet ti t�1 fain ram, tan BAKERSVILLE WASTEWATER PUMPING SYSTEM Apr-01 Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate Pay Item 1. Duplex Non -Clog Pump Station (50 HP) 2. Duplex Non -Clog Pump Station (20 HP) 3. Flow Metering Station (Parshall Flume) 4. 8" PVC (C-900, DR 18) Force Main 5. 8" D.I.P. (Pressure Class 350) Force Main 6. 12" Steel Casing Pipe (bored and jacked) (W' 7. Mechanical Joint Fittings 8. Air / Vacuum Release Valve Assembly 9. Solid Rock Excavation 10. Site Work Allowance 11. Temporary Erosion Control Measures ,", 12. Permanent Seeding Total Estimated Construction Project Capital Budget Estimated Construction Contingency on Construction (5%) Engineering Design (7.00%) Construction Management and Inspection (3.60%) Land and Rights of Way Permits Total Estimated Project Est. Est. Quantity Unit Unit -Cost 3 ea. $150,000.00 1 $115,000.00 1 $50,000.00 45,000 lf $12.00 5,000 lf $18.00 750 if $125.00 8,000 lb. $2.00 30 ea. $2,500.00 7,500 cy $45.00 Lump Sum Lump Sum 15 ac. $2,500.00 Extension $450,000.00 $115,000.00 $50,000.00 $540,000.00 $90,000.00 $93,750.00 $16,000.00 $75,000.00 $337,500.00 $50,000.00 $75,000.00 $37,500.00 $1,929,750.00 $1,929,750.00 $96,487.50 $135,082.50 $69,471.00 $10,000.00 $650.00 $2,241,441.00 niMin PRE! IMINARY PUMP STATION / FORCE MAIN DESIGN CALCULATIQNS. PROJECT: PUMP STATION DESIGN: A. WASTEWATER FLOWS BAKERSVILLE NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: APRIL-01 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS - REGIONALIZATION DESIGN TRANSFER PUMPING SYSTEM FOR CONVEYANCE OF WASTWATER FLOWS FROM THE TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE TO THE TOWN OF SPRUCE PINE WWTP; APPROXIMATELY 91/2 MILES TOTAL DISTANCE WITH 495-FEET OF ELEVATION HEAD. BASE PRELIMINARY SYSTEM DESIGN ON MULTIPLE DUPLEX CONFIGURED PUMP STATIONS AND FORCE MAINS LOCATED ALONG HIGHWAY #226 BETWEEN BAKERSVILLE AND SPRUCE PINE. AN ESTIMATED THREE STATIONS WITH HIGH -HEAD SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS ARE REQUIRED TO TRANSPORT FLOWS PAST HIGH POINT LOCATED AT THE 4.12 MILE MARK ALONG THE ROUTE. PRELIMINARY DESIGN CALCULATIONS FOR PUMP STATION #I LOCATED AT THE EXISTING BAKERSVILLE WWTP SITE ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1 DESIGN FLOWS DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORTS FROM THE BAKERSVILLE WWTP INDICATE A PRESENT AVERAGE WASTEWATER FLOW RATE OF 85,000 GALLONS PER DAY. 85,000 GPD 2. PEAK FLOW 85,000 GPD X 2.50' = 212,500 GPD 10 YR. Q, PEAK = 147.57 GPM 3. TARGET PUMPING RATE USE 8-INCH DIAMTER FORCE MAIN TO MINIMIZE HEADLOSS DUE TO FRICTION AND OFFSET EXTREMELY HIGH STATIC ELEVATION HEAD. SET TARGET PUMPING RATE TO ACHIEVE MINIMUM 2.50 FPS VELOCITY IN 8-INCH DIAMTER FORCE MAIN. THEREFORE, USE 400 . : GPM FOR INITIAL TARGET PUMPING RATE plINT 1.61 1.4 B. PUMP STATION / FORCE MAIN DESIGN CRITERION I. PIPING A. STATION PIPING B. FORCE MAIN PIPING PUMP DISCHARGE PIPING: '? HEADER PIPING: H-W FRICTION COEFFICIENTS: H-W FRICTION COEFFICIENTS: C. TOTAL FORCE MAIN LENGTH D. TARGET PUMPING RATE VELOCITY IN FORCE MAIN AT TARGET PUMPING RATE HEADLOSS IN FM PER 1,000 FT. (C=I30) 2. WET WELL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I . J. K. L. M. INSIDE DIMENSIONS, AREA (SF) PUMP STATION RIM ELEVATION INVERT OF INFLUENT LINE HIGH LEVEL ALARM LAG PUMP ON LEAD PUMP ON PUMP OFF Low LEVEL ALARM BOTTOM WET WELL DETENTION VOLUME FORCE MAIN HIGH POINT FORCE MAIN DISCHARGE ELEVATION CYCLE TIME : PUMP ON TIME _ PUMP OFF TIME PUMPING CYCLE 3. STATIC HEAD; YR.,: 2011 b 00 FT. DIA. 2,440.00 FT. MSL 2,430.00 FT. MSL .................:. 2,430.00 FT. MSL 2,429.50 FT. MSL 2,429.00 FT. MSL 2,426.50 FT. MSL 2,426.00 FT. MSL 2,425.00; FT. MSL 528.46 GAL. 2630.00FT. MSL 2,630.00: FT. MSL FORCE MAIN MAX. ELEV. 2625.00 FT. PUMP OFF ELEV. 2426.50 FT. TOTAL STATIC LIFT 198.50 FT. 1.55 MIN. 8 95 MIN. 10.50 MIN. 4"D.I.P. 6"D.I.P. C= 125 C=100 8"PVC 6,600 FT. 400 GPM 28.26 SF (INITIAL SERVICE) (END OF SERVICE) C= 130 (INITIAL SERVICE) C= 110 (END OF SERVICE) 2.55 FPS 3.38 FT. 4. ERICTION LQSsES• A. PUMP STATION PIPING NOMINAL DIAMETER FITTING / VALVE DESCRIPTION # EQUIVALENT LENGTH PER FITTING / VALVE (FT. / EA.) TOTAL EQUIVALENT LENGTH (FT.) 4-INCH STRAIGHT PIPE (D.I.P.) - - 25.00 La -INCH GATE VALVES 1 2.50 2.50 4-INCH SWING CHECK VALVE 1 25.00 25.00 4-INCH 90 DEGREE BEND 3 11.00 33.00 SUBTOTAL 4" DIA. PIPE 85.50 6-INCH STRAIGHT PIPE (D.I.P.) - - 6 6-INCH RUN OF STD. TEE I 13.40 13.40 SUBTOTAL 6" DIA. PIPE 19.40 B. FORCE MAIN PIPING: NOMINAL DIAMETER FITTING / VALVE DESCRIPTION # EQUIVALENT LENGTH PER FITTING / VALVE (FT. / EA.) TOTAL EQUIVALENT LENGTH (FT.) 8-INCH STRAIGHT PIPE (PVC) - - 6,400.00 * SUBTOTAL 8" DIA. PIPE 6720.00 * ADD 5% EQUIVALENT LENGTH OF FORCE MAIN PIPING FOR HEADLOSS DUE TO FITTINGS, ETC. 3. PROJECTED SYSTEM CURVES FLOW (Q) STATIC HEAD LOSS FRICTION HEADLOSS VELOCITY HEADLOSS TOTAL HEAD (BEGIN SERVICE) TOTAL HEAD (END SERVICE) FLUID HORSEPOWER (INITIAL) PUMP STATION (BEGIN SERVICE) FORCE MAIN (BEGIN SERVICE) PUMP STATION (END SERVICE) FORCE MAIN (END SERVICE) (GPM) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (60% EFF.) 0 198.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 198.50 198.50 0.00 50 198.50 0.19 0.52 0.25 0.79 0.00 199.21 199.54 4.19 100 198.50 0.67 1.88 0.91 2.84 0.01 201.06 202.26 8.46 150 198.50 1.42 3.98 1.94 6.02 0.01 203.92 206.47 12.87 200 198.50 2.42 6.78 3.30 10.25 0.03 207.73 212.07 17.49 250 198.50 3.66 10.25 4.98 15.48 0.04 212.44 219.00 22.35 300 198.50 5.12 14.36 6.98 21.69 0.06 218.04 227.23 27.53 350 198.50 6.81 19.09 9.28 28.85 0.08 224.48 236.71 33.07 400 198.50 8.72 24.44 11.88 36.93 0.10 231.77 247.42 39.02 450 198.50 10.85 30.39 14.78 45.93 0.13 239.87 259.33 45.43 500 198.50 13.18 36.93 17.96 55.81 0.16 248.78 272.42 52.35 550 198.50 15.72 44.06 21.42 66.57 0.19 258.47 286.68 59.83 600 198.50 18.47 51.75 25.16 78.20 0.23 268.95 302.09 67.92 650 198.50 21.42 60.01 29.18 90.68 0.27 280.20 318.62 76.65 700 198.50 24.57 68.83 33.46 104.00 0.31 292.20 336.28 86.09 750 198.50 27.91 78.20 38.02 118.16 0.36 304.97 355.04 96.26 800 198.50 31.45 88.12 42.84 133.15 0.41 318.47 374.89 107.23 D PUMP SEI FCTION 1. DUPLEX NON-( ost3 ilitiFi2staL.E_SEINAciafunas A. SELECTED PUMP B. PUMP DISCHARGE C. MOTOR HORSEPOWER D. MOTOR SPEED E. ELECTRICAL SERVICE F. IMPELLER DIAMETER G. SOLIDS H. TARGET Q V. HD.: EBARA I00DLF640 4 INCHES 50 HP 1800 RPM 460 VOLT 3 PHASE 360 MM 3 INCHES 400 GPM @ 231.77 FT. TDH 2. ESTIMATED PUMPING RATE (ONE PUMP RUNNING) PUMP CAPACITY: GPM @ FT. TDH 3 ESTIMATED PUMPING RATE (TWO PUMPS RUNNING) PUMP CAPACITY: 280 004 270 110 260 250 240 w 230 a 0 1- 220 210 200 190 180 GPM/EA. FT. TDH PUMP CURVE (Q) FLOW (GPM) 2(Q) FLOW (GPM) TOTAL HD. (FT.) 0 0 255.00 200 400 245.00 400 800 235.00 600 1200 223.00 800 1600 211.00 560 520 - 480 - 440 - 400 - 360 - 320 280 - 240 200 160 120 - 80 GALLONS / MINUTE 40 0 HORSEPOWER @ 60% EFF. HYDROMATIC MODEL S6A: 0 - HEAD SYSTEM CURVE (INITIAL) TWO PUMPS IN PARALLEL HORSEPOWER @ 60% EFF. PRELIMINARY PUMP STATION / FQIRCE_MAIN_DESLGlLCAC-ULAZLONS PROJECT: BAKERSVILLE NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: APRIL-01 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS - REGIONALIZATION PUMP STATION DESIGN: A. WASTEWATER FLOWS DESIGN TRANSFER PUMPING SYSTEM FOR CONVEYANCE OF WASTWATER FLOWS FROM THE TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE TO THE TOWN OF SPRUCE PINE WWTP; APPROXIMATELY 91/2 MILES TOTAL DISTANCE WITH 495-FEET OF ELEVATION HEAD. BASE PRELIMINARY SYSTEM DESIGN ON MULTIPLE DUPLEX CONFIGURED PUMP STATIONS AND FORCE MAINS LOCATED ALONG HIGHWAY #226 BETWEEN BAKERSVILLE AND SPRUCE PINE. AN ESTIMATED THREE STATIONS WITH HIGH -HEAD SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS ARE REQUIRED TO TRANSPORT FLOWS PAST HIGH POINT LOCATED AT THE 4.12 MILE MARK ALONG THE ROUTE. PRELIMINARY DESIGN CALCULATIONS FOR PUMP STATION #2 LOCATED AT AT THE 1.20 MILE MARK ARE AS FOLLOWS: I. DESIGN Fi OWS DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORTS FROM THE BAKERSVILLE WWTP INDICATE A PRESENT AVERAGE WASTEWATER FLOW RATE OF 85,000 GALLONS PER DAY. 85,000 GPD 2. PEAK FLOW 85,000 GPD X 250: = 212,500 GPD 10 YR. Q, PEAK = 147.57 GPM 3. TARGET PUMPING RATE USE 8-INCH DIAMTER FORCE MAIN TO MINIMIZE HEADLOSS DUE TO FRICTION AND OFFSET EXTREMELY HIGH STATIC ELEVATION HEAD. SET TARGET PUMPING RATE TO ACHIEVE MINIMUM 2.50 FPS VELOCITY IN 8-INCH DIAMTER FORCE MAIN. THEREFORE, USE 400 GPM FOR INITIAL TARGET PUMPING RATE MINA B. PUMP STATION / FORCE MAIN DESIGN CRITERION I. PIPING A. STATION PIPING B. FORCE MAIN P►PING PUMP DISCHARGE PIPING: HEADER PIPING: H-W FRICTION COEFFICIENTS: H-W FRICTION COEFFICIENTS: C. TOTAL FORCE MAIN LENGTH D. TARGET PUMPING RATE VELOCITY IN FORCE MAIN AT TARGET PUMPING RATE HEADLOSS IN FM PER 1,000 FT. (C=I30) .., 2. WET WELL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. J. K. L. M. INSIDE DIMENSIONS, AREA (SF) PUMP STATION RIM ELEVATION INVERT OF INFLUENT LINE HIGH LEVEL ALARM LAG PUMP ON LEAD PUMP ON PUMP OFF Low LEVEL ALARM BOTTOM WET WELL DETENTION VOLUME FORCE MAIN HIGH POINT FORCE MAIN DISCHARGE ELEVATION CYCLE TIME PUMP ON TIME _ PUMP OFF TIME _ PUMPING CYCLE 3. STATIC HEAD: YR._- 2011 6.00 FT. DIA. 2,625.00: FT. MSL 2,620.00 FT. MSL 2,620.00 FT. MSL 2,619.50 FT. MSL 2,619.00 FT. MSL 2,616 50 FT. MSL 2,616.00 FT. MSL 2,615.00 FT. MSL 528.46 GAL. 2,820.00 FT. MSL 2,825.00 FT. MSL FORCE MAIN MAX. ELEV. 2820.00 FT. PUMP OFF ELEV. 2616.50 FT. TOTAL STATIC LIFT 203.50 FT. 1.55 MIN. 8.95 MIN. 10.50 MIN. 8,,PVC 6,600 FT. 400 GPM 28.26 SF C=.125 C='100 C= ;►30, C=110 2.55 FPS 3.38 FT. (INITIAL SERVICE) (END OF SERVICE) (INITIAL SERVICE) (END OF SERVICE) 4. ERLCTIO.LLLOSSES• A. PUMP STATION PIPING NOMINAL DIAMETER FITTING / VALVE DESCRIPTION # EQUIVALENT LENGTH PER FITTING / VALVE (FT. / EA.) TOTAL EQUIVALENT LENGTH (FT.) 4-INCH STRAIGHT PIPE (D.I.P.) - - 25.00 4-INCH GATE VALVES 1 2.50 2.50 4-INCH SWING CHECK VALVE 1 25.00 25.00 4-INCH 90 DEGREE BEND 3 11.00 33.00 SUBTOTAL 4" DIA. PIPE 85.50 6-INCH STRAIGHT PIPE (D.I.P.) - - 6 6-INCH RUN OF STD. TEE 1 13.40 13.40 SUBTOTAL 6" DIA. PIPE 19.40 B. FORCE MAIN PIPING: NOMINAL DIAMETER FITTING / VALVE DESCRIPTION # EQUIVALENT LENGTH PER FITTING / VALVE (FT. / EA.) TOTAL EQUIVALENT LENGTH (FT.) 8-INCH STRAIGHT PIPE (PVC) - - 5,280.00 SUBTOTAL 8" DIA. PIPE 5544.00 * ADD 5% EQUIVALENT LENGTH OF FORCE MAIN PIPING FOR HEADLOSS DUE TO FITTINGS, ETC. 3. PROJECTED SYSTEM CURVES FLOW (0) STATIC HEADLOSS FRICTION HEADLOSS VELOCITY HEADLOSS TOTAL HEAD (BEGIN SERVICE) TOTAL HEAD (END SERVICE) FLUID HORSEPOWER (INITIAL) PUMP STATION (BEGIN SERVICE) FORCE MAIN (BEGIN SERVICE) PUMP STATION (END SERVICE) FORCE MAIN (END SERVICE) (GPM) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (60% EFF.) 0 203.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 203.50 203.50 0.00 50 203.50 0.19 0.43 0.25 0.65 0.00 204.12 204.41 4.30 100 203.50 0.67 1.55 0.91 2.34 0.01 205.73 206.77 8.66 150 203.50 1.42 3.29 1.94 4.96 0.01 208.22 210.41 13.15 200 203.50 2.42 5.59 3.30 8.45 0.03 211.54 215.27 17.81 250 203.50 3.66 8.45 4.98 12.77 0.04 215.65 221.29 22.69 300 203.50 5.12 11.84 6.98 17.90 0.06 220.52 228.43 27.84 350 203.50 6.81 15.75 9.28 23.80 0.08 226.14 236.66 33.31 400 203.50 8.72 20.17 11.88 30.47 0.10 232.49 245.96 39.14 450 203.50 10.85 25.07 14.78 37.89 0.13 239.55 256.29 45.37 500 203.50 13.18 30.47 17.96 46.04 0.16 247.31 267.66 52.04 550 203.50 15.72 36.35 21.42 54.92 0.19 255.76 280.03 59.20 600 203.50 18.47 42.69 25.16 64.51 0.23 264.89 293.40 66.89 650 203.50 21.42 49.51 29.18 74.81 0.27 274.69 307.75 75.15 700 203.50 24.57 56.78 33.46 85.80 0.31 285.16 323.08 84.01 750 203.50 27.91 64.51 38.02 97.48 0.36 296.28 339.36 93.52 800 203.50 31.45 72.70 42.84 109.85 0.41 308.05 356.59 103.72 D PUMP SELECTION I. DUPLEX NON -CLOG SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE PUMPS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. SELECTED PUMP PUMP DISCHARGE MOTOR HORSEPOWER MOTOR SPEED ELECTRICAL SERVICE IMPELLER DIAMETER SOLIDS TARGET Q V. HD.: 2 FSTIMATFD PUMPING RATE (ONE PUMP RUNNING) PUMP CAPACITY: GPM 3. ESTIMATED PUMPING RATE (TWO PUMPS RUNNING) PUMP CAPACITY: 280 270 260 250 240 a w 230 a 1- 0 1- 220 210 200 190 EBARAI00DLF640 4 INCHES 50 HP 1800 RPM 460 VOLT 360 MM 3 INCHES 400 GPM @ 232.49 FT. TDH FT. TDH GPM/EA. @ FT. TDH PHASE PUMP CURVE (Q) FLOW 2(Q) FLOW TOTAL Ho. (GPM) (GPM) (FT.) 0 0 255.00 200 400 245.00 400 800 235.00 600 1200 223.00 800 1600 211.00 560 — 520 — 480 — 440 — 400 — 360 — 320 280 — 240 — 200 — - 160 — 120 — 80 180 • r — 40 GALLONS / MINUTE 0 HORSEPOWER @ 60% EFF. HYDROMATIC MODEL S6A: Q - HEAD SYSTEM CURVE (INITIAL) Two PUMPS IN PARALLEL HORSEPOWER @ 6O% EFF. PS #3 OMMIN .1101 PREI IMINARY PUMP STATION / FORCE MAIN DESIGN CALC_ULATI_ONS PROJECT: BAKERSVILLE NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: APRIL-01 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS - REGIONALIZATION PUMP STATION DESIGN: A WASTEWATER FLOWS DESIGN TRANSFER PUMPING SYSTEM FOR CONVEYANCE OF WASTWATER FLOWS FROM THE TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE TO THE TOWN OF SPRUCE PINE WWTP; APPROXIMATELY 91/2 MILES TOTAL DISTANCE WITH 495-FEET OF ELEVATION HEAD. BASE PRELIMINARY SYSTEM DESIGN ON MULTIPLE DUPLEX CONFIGURED PUMP STATIONS AND FORCE MAINS LOCATED ALONG HIGHWAY #226 BETWEEN BAKERSVILLE AND SPRUCE PINE. AN ESTIMATED THREE STATIONS WITH HIGH -HEAD SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS ARE REQUIRED TO TRANSPORT FLOWS PAST HIGH POINT LOCATED AT THE 4.12 MILE MARK ALONG THE ROUTE. PRELIMINARY DESIGN CALCULATIONS FOR PUMP STATION #3 LOCATED AT AT THE 2.20 MILE MARK ARE AS FOLLOWS: I. DESIGN FLOWS DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORTS FROM THE BAKERSVILLE WWTP INDICATE A PRESENT AVERAGE WASTEWATER FLOW RATE OF 85,000 GALLONS PER DAY. 85,000 GPD 2. PEAK FLOW 85,000 GPD X 2.50 = 212,500 GPD 10 YR. Q, PEAK = 147.57 GPM 3. TARGET PUMPING RATE USE 8-INCH DIAMTER FORCE MAIN TO MINIMIZE HEADLOSS DUE TO FRICTION AND OFFSET EXTREMELY HIGH STATIC ELEVATION HEAD. SET TARGET PUMPING RATE TO ACHIEVE MINIMUM 2.50 FPS VELOCITY IN 8-INCH DIAMTER FORCE MAIN. THEREFORE, USE 400 GPM FOR INITIAL TARGET PUMPING RATE Page 1 PS #3 B. PUMP STATION/FORCE MAIN DESIGN CR1_T.ERI.ON I. PIPING A. STATION PIPING B. FORCE MAIN PIPING PUMP DISCHARGE PIPING: HEADER PIPING: H-W FRICTION COEFFICIENTS: H-W FRICTION COEFFICIENTS: C. TOTAL FORCE MAIN LENGTH D. TARGET PUMPING RATE VELOCITY IN FORCE MAIN AT TARGET PUMPING RATE HEADLOSS IN FM PER 1,000 FT. (C=130) 2. WET WELL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I . J. K. L. M. INSIDE DIMENSIONS, AREA (SF) PUMP STATION RIM ELEVATION INVERT OF INFLUENT LINE HIGH LEVEL ALARM LAG PUMP ON LEAD PUMP ON PUMP OFF LOW LEVEL ALARM BOTTOM WET WELL DETENTION VOLUME FORCE MAIN HIGH POINT FORCE MAIN DISCHARGE ELEVATION CYCLE TIME : PUMP ON TIME = PUMP OFF TIME _ PUMPING CYCLE 3. STATIC HEAD' YR. - 2011 6.00 FT. DIA. 2820.00 FT. MSL 2,815.00 FT. MSL 2,815.00 FT. MSL 2,814.50 FT. MSL 2,814.00 FT. MSL 2,811.50 FT. MSL 2,811.00 FT. MSL 2,810.00 FT. MSL 528.46 GAL. 2,935.00 FT. MSL 2,720.00 FT. MSL FORCE MAIN MAX. ELEV. 2935.00 FT. PUMP OFF ELEV. 2811.50 FT. TOTAL STATIC LIFT 123.50 FT. 1.55 MIN. 8.95 MIN. 10.50 MIN. 4"D.I.P. 6 " D.I.P. C= 125 C=100 8"PVC 6,6.00- FT. 400 GPM 28.26 SF C= 130 C= 110 2.55 FPS 3.38 FT. (INITIAL SERVICE) (END OF SERVICE) (INITIAL SERVICE) (END OF SERVICE) Page 2 PS #3 rM1 rirq rz, 4. FRICTION LOSSES: A. PUMP STATION PIPING NOMINAL DIAMETER FITTING /VALVE DESCRIPTION # EQUIVALENT LENGTH PER FITTING / VALVE (FT. / EA.) TOTAL EQUIVALENT LENGTH (FT.) tG -1I- Di P~ - - oOL I E `C = € g`tt . _ , - _ ..Wilyfasgt. 2.50 ittill `C R EG fr or ayall= EN: ..WNSMI ° 25.00 'w -Mi Wi ► -:,:ilgt 41. g`"`: [$"` =s +.:-W.:. 33.00 SUBTOTAL 4" DIA. PIPE 85.50 WateA2 FirgirrMIraPlidfda ° a - - R Iltite a . �L .__ _ o -1D X. - . :, .' _ 0 . 13.40 SUBTOTAL 6" DIA. PIPE 19.40 B. FORCE MAIN PIPING: NOMINAL DIAMETER FITTING / VALVE DESCRIPTION # EQUIVALENT LENGTH PER FITTING / VALVE (FT. / EA.) TOTAL EQUIVALENT LENGTH (FT.) j r: 1.1.s _ q-j�-a rt - - o 01.,V 0 iMiti * SUBTOTAL 8" DIA. PIPE 28297.50 * ADD 5% EQUIVALENT LENGTH OF FORCE MAIN PIPING FOR HEADLOSS DUE TO FITTINGS, ETC. 3. PROJECTED SYSTEM CURVES FLow (Q) STATIC HEADLOSS FRICTION HEADLOSS VELOCITY HEADLOSS TOTAL HEAD (BEGIN SERVICE) TOTAL HEAD (END SERVICE) FLUID HORSEPOWER (INITIAL) PUMP STATION (BEGIN SERVICE) FORCE MAIN (BEGIN SERVICE) PUMP STATION (END SERVICE) FORCE MAIN (END SERVICE) (GPM) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (60% EFF.) 0 123.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 123.50 123.50 0.00 50 123.50 0.19 2.20 0.25 3.32 0.00 125.88 127.07 2.65 100 123.50 0.67 7.92 0.91 11.97 0.01 132.10 136.39 5.56 150 123.50 1.42 16.77 1.94 25.34 0.01 141.70 150.79 8.95 200 123.50 2.42 28.55 3.30 43.14 0.03 154.50 169.96 13.00 250 123.50 3.66 43.14 4.98 65.19 0.04 170.34 193.71 17.92 300 123.50 5.12 60.45 6.98 91.34 0.06 189.13 221.88 23.88 350 123.50 6.81 80.40 9.28 121.49 0.08 210.79 254.35 31.05 400 123.50 8.72 102.93 11.88 155.53 0.10 235.25 291.01 39.60 450 123.50 10.85 127.98 14.78 193.39 0.13 262.46 331.80 49.71 500 123.50 13.18 155.53 17.96 235.01 0.16 292.37 376.63 61.53 550 123.50 15.72 185.52 21.42 280.33 0.19 324.93 425.44 75.22 600 123.50 18.47 217.92 25.16 329.29 0.23 360.12 478.18 90.94 650 123.50 21.42 252.70 29.18 381.85 0.27 397.89 534.79 108.85 700 123.50 24.57 289.83 33.46 437.96 0.31 438.21 595.23 129.10 750 123.50 27.91 329.29 38.02 497.58 0.36 481.06 659.45 151.85 800 123.50 31.45 371.05 42.84 560.68 0.41 _ 526.40 727.42 177.24 Page 3 PS #3 D. PUMP SELECTION I. DUPLEX NON -CI OG SURMERSJBJ F_,SFWAGF2i MPS A. SELECTED PUMP B. PUMP DISCHARGE C. MOTOR HORSEPOWER D. MOTOR SPEED E. ELECTRICAL SERVICE F. IMPELLER DIAMETER G. SOLIDS H. TARGET Q V. HD.: EBARA I00DLF640 4 INCHES 50 HP 1800 RPM 460 VOLT 3 PHASE 360 MM 3 INCHES 400 GPM @ 235.25 FT. TDH 2. FSTIMATFD PUMPING RATE (ONE PUMP RUNNING) PUMP CAPACITY: GPM @ FT. TDH 3. FSTIMATFD PUMPING RATE (TWO PUMPS RUNNING) TOTAL HEAD PUMP CAPACITY: 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 GPM/EA. @ FT. TDH PUMP CURVE (0) FLOW (GPM) 2(Q) FLOW (GPM) TOTAL HD. (FT.) 0 0 255.00 200 400 245.00 400 800 235.00 600 1200 223.00 800 1600 211.00 GALLONS / MINUTE 640 600 560 520 480 440 400 360 320 280 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 HORSEPOWER @ 60% EFF. HYDROMATIC MODEL S6A: Q - HEAD SYSTEM CURVE (INITIAL) Two PUMPS IN PARALLEL HORSEPOWER @ 6O% EFF. Page 4 PS#4 • MOM PRELIMINARY PUMP STATION / FORCE MAIN DFSIGN CALCULATIONS PROJECT: BAKERSVILLE NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: APRIL-01 ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS - REGIONALIZATION PUMP STATION DESIGN: A WASTEWATER FLOWS DESIGN TRANSFER PUMPING SYSTEM FOR CONVEYANCE OF WASTWATER FLOWS FROM THE TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE TO THE TOWN OF SPRUCE PINE WWTP; APPROXIMATELY 91/2 MILES TOTAL DISTANCE WITH 495-FEET OF ELEVATION HEAD. BASE PRELIMINARY SYSTEM DESIGN ON MULTIPLE DUPLEX CONFIGURED PUMP STATIONS AND FORCE MAINS LOCATED ALONG HIGHWAY #226 BETWEEN BAKERSVILLE AND SPRUCE PINE. AN ESTIMATED THREE STATIONS WITH HIGH -HEAD SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS ARE REQUIRED TO TRANSPORT FLOWS PAST HIGH POINT LOCATED AT THE 4.12 MILE MARK ALONG THE ROUTE. PRELIMINARY DESIGN CALCULATIONS FOR PUMP STATION #4 LOCATED AT AT THE 7.30 MILE MARK ARE AS FOLLOWS: I. DESIGN FLOWS DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORTS FROM THE BAKERSVILLE WWTP INDICATE A PRESENT AVERAGE WASTEWATER FLOW RATE OF 85,000 GALLONS PER DAY. 85,000 GPD 2. PEAK FLOW 85,000 GPD X 2:50 = 212,500 GPD 10 YR. Q, PEAK = 147.57 GPM 3. TARGET PUMPING RATE USE 8-INCH DIAMTER FORCE MAIN TO MINIMIZE HEADLOSS DUE TO FRICTION AND OFFSET EXTREMELY HIGH STATIC ELEVATION HEAD. SET TARGET PUMPING RATE TO ACHIEVE MINIMUM 2.50 FPS VELOCITY IN 8-INCH DIAMTER FORCE MAIN. THEREFORE, USE 400 GPM FOR INITIAL TARGET PUMPING RATE Page 1 PS#4 rrn B. PUMP STATION / FORCE MAIN DESIGN CRITERION I. PIPING A. STATION PIPING B. FORCE MAIN PIPING PUMP DISCHARGE PIPING: HEADER PIPING: H-W FRICTION COEFFICIENTS: H-W FRICTION COEFFICIENTS: C. TOTAL FORCE MAIN LENGTH D. TARGET PUMPING RATE VELOCITY IN FORCE MAIN AT TARGET PUMPING RATE HEADLOSS IN FM PER 1,000 FT. (C=130) 2. WET WELL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I . J. K. L. M. INSIDE DIMENSIONS, AREA (SF) PUMP STATION RIM ELEVATION INVERT OF INFLUENT LINE HIGH LEVEL ALARM LAG PUMP ON LEAD PUMP ON PUMP OFF Low LEVEL ALARM BOTTOM WET WELL DETENTION VOLUME FORCE MAIN HIGH POINT FORCE MAIN DISCHARGE ELEVATION CYCLE TIME : PUMP ON TIME PUMP OFF TIME PUMPING CYCLE 3. STATIC HEAD- YR. - 2011 6.00 FT. DIA. 2,715.00FT. MSL 2,710.00 FT. MSL 2,710.00 FT. MSL 2,709.50 FT. MSL 2,709.00 FT. MSL 2,706.50 FT. MSL 2,706.00 FT. MSL 2,705.00, FT. MSL 528.46 GAL. 2,750.00 FT. MSL 2,720.00 FT. MSL FORCE MAIN MAX. ELEV. 2750.00 FT. PUMP OFF ELEV. 2706.50 FT. TOTAL STATIC LIFT 43.50 FT. 1.55 MIN. 8.95 MIN. 10.50 MIN. 4"D.I.P. 6" D.I.P. C= 125 C= 100 8"PVC 6,600 FT. 400 GPM 28.26 SF C=130 C= 110 2.55 FPS 3.38 FT. (INITIAL SERVICE) (END OF SERVICE) (INITIAL SERVICE) (END OF SERVICE) Page 2 PS#4 4. FRICTION LASSES' A. PUMP STATION PIPING NOMINAL DIAMETER FITTING / VALVE DESCRIPTION # EQUIVALENT LENGTH PER FITTING / VALVE (FT. / EA.) TOTAL EQUIVALENT LENGTH (FT.) 4-INCH STRAIGHT PIPE (D.I.P.) - - 25.00 4-INCH GATE VALVES I 2.50 2.50 4-INCH SWING CHECK VALVE I 25.00 25.00 4-INCH 90 DEGREE BEND 3 11.00 33.00 SUBTOTAL 4" DIA. PIPE 85.50 6-INCH STRAIGHT PIPE (D.I.P.) - - 6 6-NCH RUN OF STD. TEE I 13.40 13.40 SUBTOTAL 6" DIA. PIPE 19.40 B. FORCE MAIN PIPING: NOMINAL DIAMETER FITTING / VALVE DESCRIPTION # EQUIVALENT LENGTH PER FITTING / VALVE (FT. / EA.) TOTAL EQUIVALENT LENGTH (FT.) 8-INCH STRAIGHT PIPE (PVC) - - 11,620.00 * SUBTOTAL 8" DIA. PIPE 12201.00 * ADD 5% EQUIVALENT LENGTH OF FORCE MAIN PIPING FOR HEADLOSS DUE TO FITTINGS, ETC. 3. PROJECTED SYSTEM CURVES C3 0 J L STATIC HEADLOSS FRICTION HEADLOSS VELOCITY HEADLOSS TOTAL HEAD (BEGIN SERVICE) TOTAL HEAD (END SERVICE) FLUID HORSEPOWER (INITIAL) PUMP STATION (BEGIN SERVICE) FORCE MAIN (BEGIN SERVICE) PUMP STATION (END SERVICE) FORCE MAIN (END SERVICE) (GPM) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) (60% EFF.) 0 43.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.50 43.50 0.00 50 43.50 0.19 0.95 0.25 1.43 0.00 44.64 45.19 0.94 100 43.50 0.67 3.41 0.91 5.16 0.01 47.59 49.58 2.00 150 43.50 1.42 7.23 1.94 10.92 0.01 52.17 56.38 3.29 200 43.50 2.42 12.31 3.30 18.60 0.03 58.26 65.42 4.90 250 43.50 3.66 18.60 4.98 28.11 0.04 65.80 76.63 6.92 300 43.50 5.12 26.06 6.98 39.38 0.06 74.74 89.92 9.44 350 43.50 6.81 34.66 9.28 52.38 0.08 85.06 105.24 12.53 400 43.50 8.72 44.38 11.88 67.06 0.10 96.70 122.54 16.28 450 43.50 10.85 55.18 14.78 83.39 0.13 109.66 141.79 20.77 500 43.50 13.18 67.06 17.96 101.33 0.16 123.90 162.95 26.07 550 43.50 15.72 79.99 21.42 120.87 0.19 139.41 185.98 32.27 600 43.50 18.47 93.96 25.16 141.98 0.23 156.16 210.87 39.43 650 43.50 21.42 108.96 29.18 164.64 0.27 174.14 237.58 47.64 700 43.50 24.57 124.97 33.46 188.83 0.31 193.34 266.11 56.96 750 43.50 27.91 141.98 38.02 214.54 0.36 213.75 296.41 67.47 800 43.50 31.45 159.98 42.84 241.75 0.41 235.34 328.49 79.24 Page 3 PS #4 D PUMP SELFCTIQtL I. DUPLEX NON -CLOG SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE PUMPS A. SELECTED PUMP EBARA 100DLMF622 B. PUMP DISCHARGE 4 INCHES C. MOTOR HORSEPOWER 30 HP D. MOTOR SPEED 1800. RPM E. ELECTRICAL SERVICE 460 VOLT 3 PHASE F. IMPELLER DIAMETER 293 MM G. SOLIDS 3 INCHES H. TARGET Q V. HD.: 400 GPM @ 96.70 FT. TDH 2. ESTIMATED PUMPING RATE (ONE PUMP RUNNING) PUMP CAPACITY: GPM @ FT. TDH 3. ESTIMATED PUMPING RATE (TWO PUMPS RUNNING) PUMP CAPACITY: 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 W 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 GPM/EA. FT. TDH GALLONS / MINUTE PUMP CURVE (Q) FLOW (GPM) 2(Q) FLOW (GPM) TOTAL HD. (FT.) 0 0 121.00 200 400 111.00 400 800 98.00 600 1200 78.00 800 1600 - 640 - 600 560 520 480 440 400 360 320 280 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 HORSEPOWER @ 60% EFF. HYDROMATIC MODEL S6A: Q - HEAD SYSTEM CURVE (INITIAL) TWO PUMPS IN PARALLEL HORSEPOWER @ 60% EFF. Page 4 TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE 0.20 MGD LAND APPLICATION ALTERNATIVE: DESIGN CALCULATIONS AND COST ESTIMATES Sheetl HOBBS , UPCHURCH AND ASSOCIATES, P.A. SOUTHERN PINES, NC BAKERSVILLE WVVfP Apr-01 LAND APPLICATION COST ANALYSIS - 0.20 MGD ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CRITERIA FLOW 200,000 GPD WETTED ACRES 35 AC LAGOON STORAGE 30 DAYS TREATMENT 30 DAYS TOTAL LAGOON VOLUME 19912877 GALLONS 2662149.3 CF TOTAL LAGOON AREA 7.16 AC LENGTH 684 FT TYPE OF LINER CLAY WIDTH 456 FT THICKNESS OF LINER 1 FT DEPTH 9.5 FT AREA OF LINER 377545 SQFT VOLUME OF LINER 13983.15 NOZZLES 240 SPRAY PIPE 3" pvc IN LF 17280 IRRIGATION PUMP STATION 700 FORCE M 6" pvc IN LF 10560 COST ESTIMATES Item Qty Unit $/unit Total General -Bonds, Ins. 1 Is $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Land acquistion 95 acres $ 2,500.00 $ 237,500.00 Land clearing,grading 35 acres $ 4,500.00 $ 157,500.00 Crop planting 35 acres $ 2,000.00 $ 70,000.00 barbed wire fencing 5339 If $ 2.50 $ 13,347.50 spraypipe 3" pvc 17280 If $ 3.50 $ 60,480.00 nozzles 1/4" 240 ea $ 200.00 $ 48,000.00 valves 3" pvc 10 ea $ 175.00 $ 1,750.00 3" pipe excavation 1600 cy $ 45.00 $ 72,000.00 lagoon excavation 98598.12339 cy $ 45.00 $ 4,436,915.55 lagoon liner 13983.14815 cy $ 5.00 $ 69,915.74 lagoon effluent box 1 ea $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 influent 6 " dip 50 ft $ 20.00 $ 1,000.00 woven wire fence 2340 ft $ 4.50 $ 10,530.00 pump stat 700gpm 1 lump sum $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 force main 6" pvc 10560 ft $ 6.50 $ 68,640.00 6" fm excavation 2054 cy $ 45.00 $ 92,430.00 irrigation pump sta 1 Is $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 header 6" pvc 500 ft $ 6.50 $ 3,250.00 tractor 50hp 1 ea $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 mower 1 ea $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 rake 1 ea $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 baler 1 ea $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 monitoring wells 4 ea $ 5,000.00 $ 20,000.00 subtotal $ 5,729,258.79 Construction Contingency 5% $ 286,462.94 Engineering 8.10% $ 464,069.96 Inspection 4.90% $ 280,733.68 Total estimated construction cost $ 6,760,525.38 Page 1 farl Sheetl 1214 PRI r=► 12141 1011 ra, HOBBS, UPCHURCH & ASSOCIATES, P.A. SOUTHERN PINES, NC l Bakersville Land Application - 0.2 MGD Alternative WATER BALANCE WATER STORAGE MONTH DAYS PRECIP ET ET -PR PERM D<32DEG PERC HYDRLD FLOW CHANGE CUMULT D>.5" PR STORAGE Jan 31 2.73 1 -1.73 0.2 4 5.184 3.454 7.113014 3.659014 3.659014 2 Feb 28 2.93 2 -0.93 0.2 2 4.992 4.062 6.424658 2.362658 6.021671 2 March 31 4.34 3 -1.34 0.2 1 5.76 4.42 7.113014 2.693014 8.714685 3 April 30 3.36 4 0.64 0.2 0 5.76 6.4 6.883562 0.483562 9.198247 2 May 31 3.31 5 1.69 0.2 0 5.952 7.642 7.113014 -0.528986 8.66926 2 June 30 3.27 5 1.73 0.2 0 5.76 7.49 6.883562 -0.606438 8.062822 2 July 31 2.91 5 2.09 0.2 0 5.952 8.042 7.113014 -0.928986 7.133836 2 August 31 3.76 5 1.24 0.2 0 5.952 7.192 7.113014 -0.078986 7.054849 2 Sept 30 3.53 4 0.47 0.2 0 5.76 6.23 6.883562 0.653562 7.708411 2 Oct 31 2.72 3 0.28 0.2 0 5.952 6.232 7.113014 0.881014 8.589425 2 Nov 30 2.71 2 -0.71 0.2 0 5.76 5.05 6.883562 1.833562 10.42299 2 Dec 31 2.79 1 -1.79 0.2 2 5.568 3.778 7.113014 3.335014 13.758 2 Annual 365 38.36 40 1.64 0.2 9 68.352 69.992 83.75 13.758 25 Average 3.196667 3.333333 0.136667 0.2 0.75 5.696 5.832667 6.979167 1.1465 2.083333 ET PR+PERC=MAX HYDRAULIC LOADING PERC=.04 ( PERMEABILITY) X 24 HRS X DAYS - FREEZING DAYS) STORAGE = AVAILABLE WASTEWATER - HYDRAULIC LOADING OR STORAGE = NONSPRAY DAYS selected storage 30 days I DESIGN FLOW 200,000 GPD APPLICATION RATE 1.75 INIWK DAYS MEEK 5 OPERATION CYCLE 5 ZONES ONCE PER WEEK EA. NONSPRAY DAYS 30 I APPL PERIORD 239.2857 365 days minus nonspray days x days/4/7 APPL FLOW 305074.6 GPD 1525373IGALMK 1 ACRES REQD 32.09994 ACRES=FLOW/ ( 27154 X APPLICATION RATE) I I I mil Page 1 ral Sheetl r=1 rya r�1 r-r 1 ( Sprinkler selected Senniger application rate=96xflow/spacing x spacing pressure ( 50 psi application rate ( 0.2407411in/hr nozzle size 0.25 in time of operation = daily app rate/hourly flow 13 gpm 1 7.269231(hrs/d diameter 125 # nozzles = flow/flow per nozzle overlap selected 50 % 53.80505 sparing ( 62.5 ft diameter x % overlap selected spacing 72 ft actual overlap 57.6 % number zones 5 nozzles per zone 16 total nozzles site 80 number of rows 4 number nozzles per row 4 length of pipe per row ( 288 ft total length of pipe per zone 1152 ft total field pipe 5760 ft selected diameter ( 3 inch I. wetted area=2xradius + no. rows-1 x spacing x 2xradius+nozzles per row-1 minus diameter squared- pi(radius)"2/4) x 4 + nozzles per row-1 x rows-1/2 109142.3 sq.ft. 2.505563 acres/zone 12.52782 acres select 35 acres Pump station calculations flow/(hrs of operation x 60) flow applied per day 305074.6 gpd hrs/day applied 7.269231 pump size( 699.4656 gpm length force main 10560 pump selected 700 gpm force main selected 6 inch ( Lagoon requirements required volume volume ( (fiats) (ct) sludge zone depth 2 ft treatment days 30 depth 3 ft treatment 6000000 802139 storage days 30 depth 3 ft storage 6000000 802139 25 yr/24hr storm 0.5 ft trt + strge 12000000 1604278 freeboard 1 ft total 9.5 ft rag" Page 2 Sheetl rya Pal rI MCI rAci berm side slope 3 horizontal 1 vertical length to width 1.5 length 1 width trt+storage depth 6 ft selected length 675 ft water surface width j 450 ft water surface water surface area 6.97314 acres trt + strge volume ck 1702944 cf 12738021 gallons l top of berm length 684 bottom of berm length 627 top of berm width 456 bottom of berm width 418 total area 311904 sq ft 7.160331 acres total volume to top of berm 2662149 cf 19912877 gallons estimated excavation 98598.13 cy type of liner clay thickness required 1 ft area of liner 377545 sq ft volume 377545 cf 13983.15 cy woven wire fence 2340 If barbed wire 5338.988 If buffer area 400 If outside wetted area (c100)"2x4)+4xc100)x(wetted area sq.ft.)".5) buffer 2815595 sq ft 60.0458 acre total=buffer+wetted 95.0458 acre rAwl Page 3 TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE 0.125 MGD LAND APPLICATION ALTERNATIVE: DESIGN CALCULATIONS AND COST ESTIMATES Sheetl HOBBS , UPCHURCH AND ASSOCIATES, P.A. SOUTHERN PINES, NC BAKERSVILLE WWTP Apr-01 LAND APPLICATION COST ANALYSIS - .125 MGD ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CRITERIA FLOW 125,000 GPD WETTED ACRES 22 AC LAGOON STORAGE 30 DAYS TREATMENT 30 DAYS TOTAL LAGOON VOLUME 11764972 GALLONS 1572857.2 CF TOTAL LAGOON AREA 4.36 AC LENGTH 534 FT TYPE OF LINER CLAY WIDTH 356 FT THICKNESS OF LINER 1 FT DEPTH 9.5 FT AREA OF LINER 240724 SQFT VOLUME OF LINER 8915.704 NOZZLES 160 SPRAY PIPE 3" pvc IN LF 11520 IRRIGATION PUMP STATION 450 FORCE M 6" pvc IN LF 10560 COST ESTIMATES Item Qty Unit $/unit Total General -Bonds, Ins. 1 Is $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Land acquistion 73 acres $ 2,500.00 $ 182,500.00 Land clearing,grading 22 acres $ 4,500.00 $ 99,000.00 Crop planting, coastal 22 acres $ 2,000.00 $ 44,000.00 barbed wire fencing 4316 If $ 2.50 $ 10,790.00 spraypipe 3" pvc 11520 If $ 3.50 $ 40,320.00 3" pipe excavation 1067 cy • $ 45.00 $ 48,015.00 nozzles 1/4" 160 ea $ 200.00 $ 32,000.00 valves 3" pvc 10 ea $ 175.00 $ 1,750.00 lagoon excavation 58253.97108 cy $ 45.00 $ 2,621,428.70 lagoon liner 8915.703704 cy $ 5.00 $ 44,578.52 lagoon effluent box 1 ea $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 influent 6 " dip 50 ft $ 20.00 $ 1,000.00 woven wire fence 1840 ft $ 4.00 $ 7,360.00 pump stat 450gpm 1 lump sum $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 force main 6" pvc 10560 ft $ 6.50 $ 68,640.00 6" fm excavation 2054 cy $ 45.00 $ 92,430.00 irrigation pump sta 1 Is $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 header 6" pvc 500 ft $ 6.50 $ 3,250.00 tractor 50hp 1 ea $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 mower 1 ea $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 rake 1 ea $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 baler 1 ea $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 monitoring wells 4 ea $ 5,000.00 $ 20,000.00 subtotal $ 3,633,062.22 Construction Contingency 5% $ 181,653.11 Engineering 8.10% $ 294,278.04 Inspection 4.90% $ 178,020.05 Total estimated construction cost $ 3,814,715.33 I Page 1 Sheetl r1 1411 raq n r=, t1 HOBBS, UPCHURCH & ASSOCIATES, P.A. SOUTHERN PINES, N.C. I I Bakersville Land Application - 0.125 MGD Alternative WATER BALANCE WATER STORAGE MONTH DAYS PRECIP ET ET -PR PERM D<32DEG PERC HYDRLD FLOW CHANGE CUMULT D>.5" PR STORAGE Jan 31 2.73 1 -1.73 0.2 4 5.184 3.454 7.113014 3.659014 3.659014 2 Feb 28 2.93 2 -0.93 0.2 2 4.992 4.062 6.424658 2.362658 6.021671 2 March 31 4.34 3 -1.34 0.2 1 5.76 4.42 7.113014 2.693014 8.714685 3 April 30 3.36 4 0.64 0.2 0 5.76 6.4 6.883562 0.483562 9.198247 2 May 31 3.31 5 1.69 0.2 0 5.952 7.642 7.113014 -0.528988 8.66926 2 June 30 3.27 5 1.73 0.2 0 5.76 7.49 6.883562 -0.606438 8.062822 2 July 31 2.91 5 2.09 0.2 0 5.952 8.042 7.113014 -0.928986 7.133836 2 August 31 3.76 5 1.24 0.2 0 5.952 7.192 7.113014 -0.078986 7.054849 2 Sept 30 3.53 4 0.47 0.2 0 5.76 6.23 6.883582 0.653562 7.708411 2 Oct 31 2.72 3 0.28 0.2 0 5.952 6.232 7.113014 0.881014 8.589425 2 Nov 30 2.71 2 -0.71 0.2 0 5.76 5.05 6.883562 1.833562 10.42299 2 Dec 31 2.79 1 -1.79 0.2 2 5.568 3.778 7.113014 3.335014 13.758 2 Annual 365 38.36 40 1.64 0.2 9 68.352 69.992 83.75 13.758 25 Average 3.196667 3.333333 0.136667 0.2 0.75 5.696 5.832667 6.979167 1.1465 2.083333 ET PR+PERC=MAX HYDRAUUC LOADING PERC=.04 ( PERMEABILITY) X 24 HRS X DAYS - FREEZING DAYS) STORAGE = AVAILABLE WASTEWATER - HYDRAULIC LOADING OR STORAGE = NONSPRAY DAYS selected storage 30 days I DESIGN FLOW 125,000 GPD APPLICATION RATE 1.75 INIWK DAYS /WEEK 5 OPERATION CYCLE 5 ZONES ONCE PER WEEK EA. NONSPRAY DAYS 30 APPL PERIORD 239.2857 365 days minus nonspray days x days/wkl7 APPL FLOW 190671.6 GPD 953358. JGAL/WK I ACRES REQD 20.06246 ACRES=FLOW/ (27154 X APPLICATION RATE) I I I Page 1 Sheetl 1 raP r r=1 n Mai I I I 1 Sprinkler selected Senniger application rate=96xfl0w/spacing x spacing pressure I 50 psi application rate 10.240741 Iin/hr nozzle size 0.25 in time of operation = daily app rate/hourly flow 13 gpm 17.269231Ihrs/d diameter 125 # nozzles = flow/flow per nozzle overlap selected 50 % 33.62816 spacing I 62.5 ft diameter x % overlap selected spacing 72 ft actual overlap 57.6 % number zones 5 nozzles per zone 16 total nozzles site 80 number of rows 4 number nozzles per row 4 length of pipe per row 288 ft total length of pipe per zone 1152 ft total field p pe 5760 ft selected diameter I 3 inch I wetted area=2xradius + no. rows-1 x spacing x 2xradius+nozzles per row-1 minus diameter squared- pl(radius)"2/4 ) x 4 + nozzles per row-1 x rows-1/2 109142.3 sq.ft. 2.505563 acres/zone 12.52782 acres select 22 acres Pump station calculations flow/(hrs of operation x 60) flow applied per day 190671.6 gpd hrs/day applied 7.269231 pump size 437.166 gpm length force main 10560 pump selected 450 gpm force main selected 6 inch I Lagoon requirements required volume volume I (gals) (cf) sludge zone depth 2 ft treatment days 30 depth 3 ft treatment 3750000 501336.9 storage days 30 depth 3 ft storage 3750000 501336.9 25 yr/24hr storm 0.5 ft trt + strge 7500000 1002674 freeboard 1 ft total 9.5 ft Page 2 rFq Sheetl AMA r=1 Asti sal Mgt fsSAI berm side slope 3 horizontal 1 vertical length to width 1.5 length 1 width trt+storage depth 6 ft selected length 525 ft water surface width I 350 ft water surface water surface area 4.21832 acres trt + strge volume ck 1009944 cf 7554381 gallons top of berm length 534 bottom of berm length 477 top of berm width 356 bottom of berm width 318 total area 190104 sq ft 4.364187 acres total volume to top of berm 1572737 cf 11764072 gallons estimated excavation 58249.51 cy type of liner clay thickness required 1 ft area of liner 240724.2 sq ft volume 240724.2 cf 8915.71 cy woven wire fence 1840 If barbed wire 4315.753 If buffer area 400 If outside wetted area (c100y2x4)+4xc100)x(wetted area sq.ft.)".5) buffer 2206301 sq ft 50.6497 acre total=buffer+wetted 72.6497 acre I iaA Page 3 TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE 0.125 MGD ONSITE DISPOSAL ALTERNATIVE: DESIGN CALCULATIONS AND COST ESTIMATES Sheetl fort ra+ pal 0114 cM r= PIM I HOBBS, UPCHURCH& ASSOCIATES, P.A. SOUTHERN PINES, NC I Bakersville WWTP Apr-01 Preliminary Cost Estimate Onsite Disposal 125,000gpd Item Description Quantity unit Cost/unit Total 1 General -Bonds , Insurance 1 LS 30,000 $ 30,000.00 2 Land Acquisition 229.5684 Acres 2,500 $ 573,921.00 3 Clearing , Grading 229.5684 Acres 4,500 $ 1,033,057.85 4 Grassing 229.5684 Acres 1000 $ 229,568.41 5 Lateral Piping 625000 If 2.5 $ 1,562,500.00 6 Manifold Piping 50000 If 3 $ 150,000.00 7 Dual 220 GPM Pumps 2 each 40,000 $ 80,000.00 8 Grease Trap 1 each 7500 $ 7,500.00 9 Pump Tank 1 each 18800 $ 18,800.00 10 Septic Tank 1 each 28350 $ 28,350.00 11 Lateral Cleanouts 6250 each 400 $ 2,500,000.00 12 Manifold Cleanouts 2 each 400 $ 800.00 13 Gate Valves 313 each 250 $ 78,125.00 14 Excavation -piping 44151.23 cy 45 $ 1,986,805.56 14 Excavation - tanks 1371.481 cy 45 $ 61,716.67 15 Stone bedding- piping 38595.68 cy 10 $ 385,956.79 16 Stone bedding- tanks 82.46296 cy 10 $ 824.63 17 Installation - tanks 3 each 5000 $ 15,000.00 18 Electrical 1 LS 5000 $ 5,000.00 19 Force Main 2500 If 6 $ 15,000.00 20 Monitoring Wells 3 each 1500 $ 4,500.00 Subtotal $ 8,767,425.90 21 Construction Contingency 5% $ 438,371.30 22 Engineering 8.10% $ 710,161.50 23 Inspection 4.90% $ 429,603.87 $ 10,345,562.57 Page 4 Sheetl HOBBS, UPCHURCH AND ASSOCIATES, P.A. SOUTHERN PINES, NC Bakersville Onsite Wastewater Disposal System Alternative Flow 125,000 gpd Design 125,000 gpd Soils Permeability Percolation rate Infiltration rate Recommended Dillsboro 0.2 in/hr 0.008 in/hr 0.1196871 gpd/ftA2 0.1 gpd/ftA2 Adsorption area required= Flow / infiltration rate 1250000 sq.ft. reserve 1250000 Trench width 2 ft Total Trench length=Adsorption area/trench width 625000 ft Individual Trench Length selected 100 ft Required Number of Trenches 6250 Spacing center to center 8 ft Total Nitrification Field Area= # of laterals x length of laterals x spacing reserve 5000000 sq ft 5000000 sq ft 114.78421 acres 114.7842057 acres perforation diameter 0.25 in in line h 2 ft pipe dia" 2 perforation spacing 4 ft length 625000 perforation discharge 1.042099 gpm Q=11.79d"211`0.5 # of perforations 25 lateral lateral discharge 26.05247 gpm velocity 2.6570502 manifold type center length of manifold total 50000 length = # of laterals X spacing flow in manifold peak 125000 gpd 87 gpm pipe diameter 4 velocity 2.218248 9.46 ft pump station peaking factor 2.5 ADF 312500 gpd 217.0138889 gpm septic tank detention time 24 hrs volume required 125000 gallons 16711.22995 cf length/width ratio 3 depth 10 ft area 1671.123 length 70.80515 width 23.60172 select 72 24 grease tank LC=D X GL ST X HR/2 X LF D=seats dining room GL=gailons/meal 2.5 ST=storage cap fact 2.5 HR= hours in operation 6 LF=loading factor 1 LC=grease trap capacity required 83750 gallons 11196.52406 cf 2/3 Septic Tank Vol depth 6 ft area 1866.087 length/width ratio 3 length 74.821535 width 24.94051152 select 75 25 Page 1 +dR Sheetl r' Moo r=s F41 Pump Tank emergency volume required 12 hrs 62500 gallons 8355.614973 cf diameter of wetwell selected 12 ft area of wetwell selected 113.256 sq.ft. depth to hwl alarm 73.77636 depth of pump tank selected 10 ft area 835.5614973 length/width ratio 3 length 50.0668 width 16.68893343 select 50 17 trench width 2 ft trench length 100 ft trench depth 1.5 ft stone bedding depth 0.833666667 ft volume of stone bedding 166.7333 cf/trench number of trenches 6250 total volume stone 1042083 cf 38595.679 cy , volume of excavation=trench width x trench length x trench depth volume 166.7333 cf/trench 1042083 cf laterals total volume of excavation manifold = trench width x trench depth x manifold length volume 150000 cf 6" stone 1851.852 cy total piping excavation=laterals plus manifold 1192083.3 cf 44151.23457 cy I tank excavation=tank width x tank depth x tank length septic tank 17280 cf 640 cy 6" stone 32 cy pump tank 8500 cf 314.8148 cy 6" stone 15.74074074 cy grease trap 11250 cf 416.6667 cy 6"stone 34.72222222 cy total 37030 cf 1371.481 cy total 82.46296296 cy concrete costs tanks septic tank wall height 10 ft wall thickness 8 inches 0.666667 ft tank length 72 ft tank width 24 ft slab thickness 12 inches 1 ft top thickness 12 inches 1 ft baffle height 6 ft volume of concrete walls (2 x wht x wt x tl) +(2 x wht x wt x tw) +(bht x wt x tw) walls 1376 cf 50.96296 cy x $ 450/cy $ 22,933.33 volume of concrete slab ((2*e92)+c93)*((2*e92)+c94)*c95/27 slab 68.80658 cy x $ 250/cy $ 17,201.65 top 68.80658 cy x $ 250/cy $ 17,201.65 Total $ 57,336.63 Page 2 Sheetl pump tank wall height 10 ft wall thickness 8 inches 0.666667 ft tank length 50 ft tank width 17 ft slab thickness 12 inches 1 ft top thickness 12 inches 1 ft baffle height 6 ft volume of concrete walls (2 x wht x wt x tl) +(2 x wht x wt x tw) +( bht x wt x tw) walls 961.3333 cf 35.60494 cy x $ 450/cy $ 16,022.22 volume of concrete slab ((2*e92)+c93)*((2*e92)+c94)*c95/27 slab 34.85597 cy x $ 250/cy $ 8,713.99 top 34.85597 cy x $ 250/cy $ 8,713.99 Total $ 33,450.21 grease trap wall height 6 ft wall thickness 8 inches 0.666667 ft tank length 75 ft tank width 25 ft slab thickness 12 inches 1 ft top thickness 12 inches 1 ft baffle height 3.6 ft volume of concrete walls (2 x wht x wt x tl) +(2 x wht x wt x tw) +( bht x wt x tw) walls 860 cf 31.85185 cy x $ 450/cy $ 14,333.33 volume of concrete slab ((2*e92)+c93)*((2*e92)+c94)*c95/27 slab 74.44856 cy x $ 250/cy $ 18,612.14 top 74.44856 cy x $ 250/cy $ 18,612.14 Total $ 51,557.61 number of zones= number of Iaterals/20 laterals per zone maximum 313 number of valves on manifold 313 number of cleanouts on laterals 1 per lateral total 6250 number of cleanouts on manifold 2 Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT MODIFICATION TO NPDES PERMIT #NC0025461 TO INCREASE DAILY PERMITTED FLOW TOWN OF BAKERSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT UPGRADE PROJECT PREPARED BY HOBBS, UPCHURCH & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 300 SW BROAD STREET SOUTHERN PINES, NC 28388 (910) 692-5616 / (910) 692-7342 FAX APRIL 2001 rzak Environmental Assessment NPDES Permit Modification to Increase Daily Permitted Flow Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project Town of Bakersville, North Carolina NC0025461 1 PROJECT SUMMARY AND NEED 1.1 Introduction The purpose of this Environmental Assessment is to provide information regarding the possible environmental impacts of the proposed wastewater treatment system improvements in Bakersville, North Carolina. The needed wastewater treatment system improvements include the expansion of the existing 0.075 MGD wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to 0.20 MGD by the addition of new 0.125 MGD extended aeration package type treatment plant, new chlorine and sulfur dioxide contact chamber and post aeration facilities, and new tertiary filters to be constructed on the existing WWTP site. 1.2 Background The primary beneficiaries of this project will be the citizens of the Town of Bakersville. The approximate population according to 1990 Census data is 332. The projected year 2000 population is 360 based on the previous ten-year population growth of between 8% and 10 %. The median household income is $24,658.00. Bakersville is situated along the intersection of NC Highway 226 and 261 approximately 10 miles south of the North Carolina / Tennessee border in central Mitchell County. Mitchell County is part of the Blue Ridge physiographic province of the Appalachian Highlands west of the Piedmont plateau. Topography of the area is mountainous with elevations ranging from 2,000 to 3,500 feet. Relief in the developed area within of town limits is within the more moderate range of 2,400 to 2,500 feet above sea level. The climate in this area is temperate and humid, made somewhat cool by the altitude. Summers are relatively short with warm days and cool nights. Winters are long and cool with occasional cold periods. The average annual temperature is 53 degrees Fahrenheit with peak temperatures in August and lowest temperatures generally occurring in January. Annual precipitation averages 50 inches with an average annual snowfall of around 25 inches. 1.3 Wastewater Collection System The Town of Bakersville operates a wastewater collection system that serves the entire population within the town limits. Presently, there are 203 residential Environmental Assessment — Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project FA, Bakersville, North Carolina Page 1 AV, f SOZA filaP connections and 62 others classified as commercial, industrial or institutional. The collections system was originally constructed in 1968 and included 13,970 feet of 8-inch vitrified clay sewer mains, 1,650 feet of 10-inch vitrified clay sewer mains and 82 precast concrete manholes. Since that time, there have been some line replacements and extensions to newly developed areas within the town limits. Most of these improvements have occurred within the last fifteen years using PVC as the pipe material for sewer mains. The collection system is 100% gravity flow with no pumping stations or force main lines. There are a total of 113 manholes in the collection system, all precast concrete. An inventory of the present wastewater collection system according to line size and material is shown below: SEWER MAINS Size Linear Feet Miles Inch Miles 10"VC Sewer Main 1,650 0.313 3.13 8" VC Sewer Main 13,370 2.532 20.26 8" PVC Sewer Main 4,980 .943 7.54 TOTAL 20,000 3.79 30.93 As previously noted, the Town of Bakersville has dedicated a considerable amount of its available resources, both human and monetary, to an I/1 abatement program begun in the summer of 1998. Much of this work has been in the form of smoke testing suspect areas in the collection system. Numerous inflow sources have been identified and repaired since the program was begun. Additionally, the Town has recently retained Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. to further study the collection system. The scope of that work, aimed primarily at infiltration analysis, is as follows: • Summarize previous I/1 work • Prepare system inventory and base map from information gathered during system GPS location and manhole survey • Monitor flows in individual subbasins using electronic data logging flow meters. • Augment previous smoke testing for inflow sources as needed • Recommend areas for internal video inspection (4,000 feet estimated) • Prepare an evaluation of findings and final report Sources of infiltration are typically harder to find and repair than sources of inflow. However, effective repair of infiltration sources can have greater benefits in reduction of flows day in and day out. Repair of inflow sources generally reduces system surcharging and overflows if they exist but have less effect on daily flows. Environmental Assessment — Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project Bakersville, North Carolina Page 2 gni rati Ato 1 tcga 1 1.4 Wastewater Treatment Facilities The Bakersville Wastewater Plant was constructed concurrently with the collection system in the in1968. The plant site is located just south of NC Highway 226 in east Bakersville, directly adjacent to Cane Creek where effluent is discharged. It was originally configured as a 0.050 MGD extended aeration, facility consisting of two 25,000 gallon per day package type treatment plants. These components are still in operation. Each of these structures includes an aeration tank, a secondary clarification chamber, airlift pumps for sludge return and wasting, and a sludge holding chamber. Centrifugal type blowers mounted on top of the aeration basins provide aeration. The original plant also included a below ground influent pump station and chlorination facilities. The plant was upgraded to its present permitted capacity of 0.0750 MGD in 1985. An additional 0.025 MGD package treatment plant was added along with new flow control structure and post aeration facilities. The most recent facilities improvements were completed in 1998. That project demolished the original influent flow control structure and influent pump station and made numerous additional improvements. The present plant configuration includes: • Influent equalization structure with screening and duplex submersible influent pumps • Flow control structure with four way division and return to equalization • 0.0750 MGD extended aeration treatment, clarification and sludge holding • Operations building including laboratory and chemical feed room • Gas chlorine and sulfur dioxide equipment housed in operations building • Chlorine contact chamber and post aeration • On -site emergency power generator set (60 kw) Town of Bakersville NPDES Discharge Requirements Effluent Characteristics Requirements for April 1— October 31 Requirements for November 1— March 31 Monthly Avg. Daily Max. Monthly Avg. Daily Max. Flow 0.0750 MGD 0.0750 MGD BOD 30.0 mg/1 45.0 mg/1 30.0 mg/1 45.0 mg/1 TSS 30.0 mg/1 45.0 mg/1 30.0 mg/1 45.0 mg/1 Residual Cl 64.0 ug/1 64.0 ug/1 Fecal Coliform 200.0 / 100m1 400.0 / 100m1 200.0 / 100m1 400.0 / 100m1 Environmental Assessment — Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project Bakersville, North Carolina Page 3 RIR rota 17111 MO_ Town of Bakersville Wastewater Treatment Plant Flow Data Flow Average Flow (MGD) Max. Daily Flow (MGD) Min. Daily Flow (MGD) Jan-00 0.083 0.216 0.055 Feb-00 0.110 0.208 0.074 Mar-00 0.087 0.295 0.045 Apr-00 0.106 0.314 0.076 May-00 0.085 0.246 0.063 Jun-00 0.086 0.191 0.065 Ju1-00 0.087 0.203 0.066 Aug-00 0.096 0.244 0.063 Sep-00 0.067 0.078 0.060 Oct-00 0.064 0.087 0.054 Nov-00 0.054 0.069 0.046 Dec-00 0.052 0.068 0.042 Jan-01 0.087 0.093 0.045 Feb-01 0.060 0.080 0.048 Average 0.081 0.171 0.057 1.5 Project Summary The Town of Bakersville WWTP is approximately 30 years old and has operated continuously with minimal upgrades and improvements since construction. To improve the operational effectiveness of the treatment plant, thereby eliminating the discharge limit violations, the following work items are proposed: • Construct new 0.125 MGD extended aeration package type treatment plant on the existing site to augment existing facilities and expand discharge capacity to 0.20 MGD. • Install new chlorine and sulfur dioxide contact chamber and post aeration facilities. • Install new tertiary filters. • Modify existing plant piping and flow control structures for compatibility with additional treatment and effluent structures. • Maintain an operational wastewater plant and discharge during construction. These improvements will help insure effective treatment and operation, which will protect the surrounding environment and allow continued growth and development for the Town of Bakersville. The justification for the additional 0.125 MGD capacity is based on the existing dry weather flows plus allowances for growth (50%), collection system I/1, and Environmental Assessment - Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project Bakersville, North Carolina Page 4 ram reserve capacity (10%). Discharge monitoring reports from recent months indicate an average dry weather flow into the treatment plant of 0.067 MGD. The benchmark amount of I/I considered non -excessive by NCDENR-DWQ is 3,000 gpdim. However, for this calculation we will assume allowable I/I of 2,500 gpdim, which is a reasonable figure for a collection system of this age and material. Therefore allowable system I/1 is calculated to be: 30.93 inch -miles x 2,500 gpdim = 77,325 gpd The compilation of flows is as follows: Existing Dry Weather Flow 67,000 gpd Allowable Inflow / Infiltration 77,325 gpd System Growth Factor (50%) 33,500 gpd subtotal 177,825 gpd Reserve Capacity (10%) 17,825 gpd Total 195,607 gpd 1.6 Project Need The need for this project stems from numerous NPDES permit violations resulting in $16,000.00 worth of fines issued by the NCDENR-Division of Water Quality (DWQ) since May of 1998. The NCDENR-DWQ has taken the further step of instituting a moratorium on flow additions, effectively freezing development within the Town. This suspension of new connections to the Bakersville sewer system has put two planned development projects, one for construction of low- cost housing and another to build a new Mitchell County Courthouse on hold until these problems are rectified. The referenced NPDES permit violations have been a direct consequence of influent wastewater flows surpassing the 0.075 MGD capacity of the existing treatment works. In an attempt to reduce flow into the wastewater plant, Bakersville has pursued an aggressive program aimed at mitigating inflow and infiltration (I/I) into the collection system. They have taken the further step of contracting with a consultant, Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. to perform a detailed system analysis aimed at making recommendations for I/I repairs. However, the consensus of opinion of all parties involved, including town officials, consultants and regulatory officials, is that expansion of the existing treatment works is also needed to best serve the long term infrastructure needs of Bakersville. Based upon all of this information, a NPDES permit modification is being requested to expand Bakersville's permitted discharge from 0.075 MGD to 0.20 MGD. Environmental Assessment — Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project Bakersville, North Carolina Page 5 i*1 �► 2 EXISTING ENVIRONMENT This section provides an overview of the current environmental conditions of Mitchell County, the Town of Bakersville, and the proposed project area. The discussions are intended to outline the historic and current conditions, however general information regarding the potential impacts of the proposed project is also included. More detailed information about the expected impacts of the project is provided in Section 3 — Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Project. 1.1 2.1 Background FaaTt tovi Bakersville is situated along the intersection of NC Highway 226 and 261 approximately 10 miles south of the North Carolina / Tennessee border in central Mitchell County. Mitchell County is part of the Blue Ridge physiographic province of the Appalachian Highlands west of the Piedmont plateau. Topography of the area is mountainous with elevations ranging from 2,000 to 3,500 feet. Relief in the developed area within of town limits is within the more moderate range of 2,400 to 2,500 feet above sea level. The climate in this area is temperate and humid, made somewhat cool by the altitude. Summers are relatively short with warm days and cool nights. Winters are long and cool with occasional cold periods. The average annual temperature is 53 degrees Fahrenheit with peak temperatures in August and lowest temperatures generally occurring in January. Annual precipitation averages 50 inches with an average annual snowfall of around 25 inches. 2.2 Topography of Area Mitchell County lies entirely within the Mountain physiographic province. Topography is typically deeply dissected mountainous area of numerous steep mountain ridges, intermone basins and trench valleys that intersect at all angles and give the area its rugged mountain character. The Blue Ridge contains the highest elevations and the most rugged topography in the Appalachian Mountain system of eastern North Carolina. The proposed project is located at the existing site along Cane Creek near intersection of NC Highway 226 and 1278, west of Town. The existing site has space available for the proposed construction with some clearing and grading necessary. The site is limited by the existing topography. 2.3 Land Use Over half of the land in the Bakersville area is forested with much of it located within the 1.2 million -acre Pisgah National Forest. Steep slopes limit the land area suitable for development and crop production. Slopes of less than 12% are raN desirable for development purposes, and, in the absence of public sewer lines, soil depth of three feet or more over bedrock is desirable in order to allow construction of onsite septic systems. It is estimated that just 18% of lands in North Carolina's mountains meet these requirements. Most agricultural and Environmental Assessment — Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project dkg, Bakersville, North Carolina Page 6 061 PIP 4211 development activities are therefore concentrated in river valleys. Statistics provided by the US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service indicate that cultivated cropland is shrinking as developed lands are increasing. Major industries in the basin include silviculture, agriculture (dairy, livestock, apples, Christmas trees), mining (feldspar, quartz, mica, gem stones and others), and tourism. 2.4 Forestry Forestry is a major industry in the Bakersville area that has the potential to impact the environment in a number of ways if not properly managed. In mountainous areas, sedimentation is a prime concern. Clear -cutting and improper construction of logging roads and stream crossings can produce damaging sedimentation. In addition, removing riparian vegetation along stream banks can cause water temperature to rise substantially, and improperly applied pesticides can result in toxicity problems. The Pisgah National Forest occurs in Mitchell County. Trees in the forest are maturing from the last major round of cutting earlier this century, so timbering activity is expected to increase. The National Forest Service has been working on revising and updating its 1987 forest management plan aimed, in part, to ensure that harvesting is done in an environmentally sound manner. Clear -cutting, for example, will be all but eliminated, and harvesting on many of the steeper slopes will be minimized. Also, the North Carolina Division of Forest Resources has established voluntary best -management practices for forestry activities on private lands. 2.5 Mining Mining is another important industry in the area, especially in the Nolichucky watershed area including portions of Yancey, Mitchell, and Avery Counties. While stone quarries are common throughout the basin, the Nolichucky watershed is valued as a source of feldspar, mica, olivine and gemstones. Mining operations can produce localized high levels of stream sedimentation if not properly treated. Chemicals used in the production of mined materials can also pose a problem such as the use of hydrofluoric acid in the production of feldspar and quartz. These operations have resulted in high fluoride levels in receiving streams that are being addressed through revised NPDES permit limits. Nonpoint source impacts associated with mining are addressed, in part, through the Mining Act. Best management practices for addressing mining nonpoint source pollution help with these problems. 2.6 Wildlife Habitat The type and abundance of wildlife throughout Mitchell County depend largely on the amount and distribution of food, cover, and water. The wildlife habitat can be created or improved by planting appropriate vegetation, by maintaining the Environmental Assessment — Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project Bakersville, North Carolina Page 7 existing plant cover, or by promoting the natural establishment of desirable plants. The elements of wildlife habitat are described in the following paragraphs. The habitat for openland wildlife consists of cropland, pasture, meadows, and areas that are overgrown with grasses, herbs, shrubs, and vines. These areas produce grain and seed crops, grasses and legumes, and wild herbaceous plants. The wildlife attracted to these areas includes bobwhite quail, mourning doves, songbirds, cottontail, red fox, and deer. The habitat for woodland wildlife consists of areas of deciduous plants and/or coniferous plants and associated grasses, legumes, and wild herbaceous plants. Wildlife attracted to these areas includes wild turkey, woodpeckers, squirrels, gray fox, raccoon, deer and bear. The habitat for wetland wildlife consists of open, marshy or swampy shallow water or mountain bog areas. Some of the wildlife attracted to such areas are ducks, geese, herons, redwing blackbirds, muskrat, mink, raccoon, and beaver. Under present conditions, several cover crops and varieties of vegetation are apparent throughout the County. Grain and seed crops are domestic grains and seed -producing herbaceous plants. Examples of the grain and seed crops are corn, wheat, oats, barley, rye, millet, buckwheat, soybeans, cowpeas, and sunflowers. Grasses and legumes are domestic perennial grasses and herbaceous legumes. Examples of grasses and legumes are fescue, lovegrass, switchgrass, clover, bahiagrass, trefoil, and crownvetch. Wild herbaceous plants are native or naturally established grasses and forbs, including weeds. Examples of wild herbaceous plants are goldenrod, beggarweed, partridgepea, and pokeweed. Hardwood trees and woody understory produce nuts or other fruit, buds, catkins, twigs, bark, and foliage. Examples of these trees are oak, poplar, sweetgum, dogwood, hickory, blackberry, and blueberry. Examples of fruit -producing shrubs that are suitable for planting on soils rated good are Russian -olive, autumn -olive, and crabapple. Coniferous plants furnish browse and seeds. Examples of coniferous plants are pine and cedar. Wetland plants are annual and perennial, wild herbaceous plants that grow on moist or wet sites. Examples of wetland plants are smartweed, wild millet, rushes, sedges, cutgrass, cattail, and reeds. The food and habitat requirements of the major kinds of wildlife in the Mitchell County area are discussed in the following paragraphs. Environmental Assessment — Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project tax,Bakersville, North Carolina Page 8 a. Beaver: Beavers eat plant foods only, mostly bark, roots, tender twigs, and green plants. Their choice food is the tender bark, or cambium, of alder, ash, birch, cottonwood, hornbeam, maple, pine, sweetgum, and willow. Beaver also eat the tender shoots of elder, honeysuckle, grass, and weeds. Acorns and corn are also choice foods. The chief feeding areas are within 150 feet of water. b. Bobwhite: Bobwhites eat acorns, beechnuts, blackberries, browntop millet, wild black cherries, corn, cowpeas, dewberries, annual and shrub lespedezas, milo, mulberries, panicgrass, pecans, common ragweed, soybeans, pine seeds, and the fruit of flowering dogwood and sweetgum. They also eat many insects. Their food must be close to sheltering vegetation. c. Deer: Deer eat acorns, clover, cowpeas, greenbrier, honeysuckle, annual and shrub lespedezas, oats, rescue -grass, rye, ryegrass, soybeans, and wheat. They need an adequate supply of surface water for drinking, and wood areas, 500 acres or more in size, for cover. d. Dove: Doves eat browntop millet, corn, Japanese millet, pokeberry seeds, common ragweed, grain sorghum, the seeds of pine and sweetgum, and other kinds of seeds. Doves do not eat insects, green leaves, or fruits. They drink water daily. c. Duck: Ducks eat acorns, beechnuts, browntop millet, corn, Japanese millet, and the seeds of smartweed. These foods must be covered by water to be readily available to ducks. Occasionally, ducks feed on acorns and esti grains on dry land. d. Otter: Otters are primarily carnivorous. Their principle food is fish, ellsh mainly the coarse, undesirable species. They also each crayfish, water beetles, water birds, clams, and, occasionally, water -loving mammals. Swamps, rivers, streams, and lakes are the habitat of otters. fan e. Rabbit: Rabbits eat clover, winter grasses, and other succulent vegetation. They also eat waste grain, bark, and twigs. They especially need cover, such as blackberry or plum thickets or honeysuckle patches. f. Raccoon: Raccoons eat a wide variety of foods. Among their favorite vegetable foods are acorns, chufa, greenbrier, grapes, persimmons, pokeberries, corn, hollyberries, and pecans. Favorite animal foods are frogs, crayfish, grasshoppers, insects, and small mammals. Raccoons inhabit bottom lands and swamps where den trees are plentiful. g. Squirrel: Fox squirrels are restricted mainly to the Sandhills area, but gray squirrels are plentiful throughout the county. Their choice foods are acorns, beechnuts, black cherries, corn, hickory nuts, mulberries, pecans, pine mast, and the fruit of blackgum and flowering dogwood. Environmental Assessment — Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project Bakersville, North Carolina Page 9 tzar h. Turkey: Turkeys thrive only in large blocks of woodland, generally 1,000 acres or more in size. They need surface water daily for drinking. They often roost over water in the overhanging branches of large trees. Their choice foods are insects, acorns, beechnuts, blackberries, browntop millet, chufa, clover, corn, cowpeas, wild grapes, hackberries, mulberries, oats, paspalum seeds, pecans, pine mast, rescuegrass, rye, wheat, and the fruit of blackgum and flowering dogwood. As previously discussed, the proposed project area is located on property that was previously cleared for the existing wastewater treatment facility. The existing site has limited value as wildlife habitat. Because the project area has previously been developed, construction of plant improvements is not expected to impact wildlife or wildlife habitat. 2.7 Agricultural Prime farmland is one of several kinds of important farmland defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). It is of major importance in meeting the nation's short- and long-range needs for food and fiber. The acreage of high - quality farmland is limited, and the USDA recognizes that government at local, state, and federal levels, as well as individuals, must encourage and facilitate the wise use of our nation's prime farmland. Prime farmland soils, as defined by the USDA, are soils that are best suited to producing food, feed, forage, fiber, and oilseed crops. Such soils have properties that are favorable for the economic production of sustained high yields of crops. The soils need only to be treated and managed using acceptable farming methods. The moisture supply, of course, must be adequate, and the growing season has to be sufficiently long. Prime farmland soils produce the highest yields with minimal inputs of energy and economic resources. Farming these soils results in the least damage to the environment. Prime farmland soils may presently be in use as cropland, pasture, or woodland, or they may be in other uses. They are used for producing food or fiber or are available for these uses. Urban or built-up land, public land, and water areas cannot be considered prime farmland. Urban or built-up land is any contiguous unit of land 10 acres or more in size that is used for such purposes as housing, industrial, and commercial sites, sites for institutions or public buildings, small 4.4 parks, golf courses, cemeteries, railroad yards, airports, sanitary landfills, sewage treatment plants, and water control structures. Public land is land not available for farming in national forests, national parks, military reservations, and state parks. Prime farmland soils usually get an adequate and dependable supply of moisture �► from precipitation or irrigation. The temperature and growing season are favorable. The acidity level of the soils is acceptable. The soils have few or no rocks and are permeable to water and air. They are not excessively erodible or ra4 Environmental Assessment — Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project Bakersville, North Carolina Page 10 saturated with water for long periods and are not subject to frequent flooding during the growing season. The slope ranges mainly from 0 to 6 percent. The recommended project is not located within areas identified as prime farmland In addition, construction of the project is not expected to impact any land that is currently used for agricultural purposes. 2.8 Wetlands and Floodplains Wetlands are areas that are covered by water or have waterlogged soils for long periods during the growing season. Plants growing in wetlands are capable of living in saturated soil conditions for at least part of the growing season. Wetlands such as swamps and marshes are often obvious, but some wetlands are not easily recognized because they are dry during part of the year. Some of these wetlands include bottomland forests, pocosins, pine savannas, bogs, wet meadows, potholes, and wet tundra. Wetlands provide a variety of functions and values that are important to environmental protection and enhancement. Historically, wetlands have been considered unimportant or worthless. Much of the time they were considered useful only when drained or filled. During the last 20 to 30 years, scientists and policy makers have become more aware of the values of wetlands to landowners and the general public. These values include water storage for flood protection, bank/shore line stabilization to prevent erosion, pollutant removal through settling and filtration, wildlife habitat enhancement by habitat and travel corridor areas, aquatic life breeding grounds, and recreation/education value for hunting/fishing or ecological studies. The increased awareness of value of wetlands has resulted in a number of wetland regulations and programs designed to protect wetlands and the benefits they provide. Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972 provides the primary legislative authority behind Federal efforts to regulate the use of wetlands. This section requires that a permit be obtained from the Corps of Engineers prior to undertaking any activity that will result in the discharge of dredged or fill materials into waters of the United States, including wetlands. Section 401 of the Clean Water Act requires that the States insure that any issued Federal permits comply with State Water Quality Standards. Therefore, the State of North Carolina must issue a certification for each Corps of Engineer 404 permitted activity. These certifications by the State are primarily concerned with the importance of wetlands to the protection of water quality. Therefore, the State has taken a proactive role in this certification program by evaluating each wetland project based on the values and uses of the impacted wetland. The previously mentioned values associated with wetlands are rated for each specific site and an overall rating of the wetland is determined. Also, the project itself will be evaluated. Whenever possible, wetland disturbance will be avoided, minimized, or mitigated by the restoration or creation of disturbed or new wetland areas. Environmental Assessment — Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project Bakersville, North Carolina Page 11 Because the proposed project is being constructed on the existing wastewater treatment plant site, it will not disturb nearby wetlands. The project will require an erosion control plan that must be approved by the North Carolina Land Quality Section. In addition, the project will be constructed in compliance with sound engineering and management practices. 2.9 Geology Bakersville is located in the Blue Ridge Belt of the North Carolina Mountain Region physiographic province. This mountainous region is composed of rocks v" from over one billion to about one-half billion years old. This complex mixture of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock has been squeezed, fractured, faulted and twisted into folds. The Blue Ridge Belt is well known for its deposits of feldspar, mica and quartz basic materials used in the ceramic, paint and electronic industries. Olivine is mined for use as refractory material and foundry molding sand. r• efin 2.10 Surface Waters The French Broad River Basin is the ninth largest river basin in the state covering 2,842 square miles. It is located entirely within the southern Appalachian Mountains region of western North Carolina (Figure 2.1), west of the Eastern Continental Divide. All waters from the French Broad basin drain to the Gulf of Mexico via the Tennessee, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. The basin includes the highest point in the United States east of the Mississippi River located atop Mount Mitchell (elevation 6,684 feet above mean sea level (MSL)). The lowest elevation in the basin is 1,254 feet MSL where the French Broad River flows into Tennessee. The French Broad Basin in North Carolina is composed of three separate drainages, which flow northwest into Tennessee and do not join until they reach the headwaters of Douglas Reservoir (a large multi -use impoundment managed by the Tennessee Valley Authority) (Figure 2.2). They include the Pigeon River, French Broad River, and the Nolichucky River watersheds (which includes the North and south Toe Rivers and Cane River). There are 4,113 miles of freshwater streams in the basin and seven lakes, all man-made, greater than eight acres in size. There are 9 counties and 24 municipalities located in whole or in part of the basin (Figure 2.3). The population of the basin, based on 1990 census data, was estimated to be 358,000. Municipalities with a population of 5,000 or more in the basin include Asheville, Black Mountain, Brevard, Hendersonville and Waynesville. The overall population density of the basin is 93 persons per square mile versus a statewide average of 123 persons per square mile. The percent population growth over the past ten years (1980 to 1990) was 8.7% versus a statewide percentage increase of 12.7%. Environmental Assessment — Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project Bakersville, North Carolina Page 12 war MEP Water quality is generally high throughout the basin. Trout waters are abundant and many waters have been reclassified as High Quality or Outstanding Resource Waters. The Town of Bakersville discharges to Cane Creek in Subbasin 06, which includes the Nolichucky, the North Toe River, and the South Toe River. Much of the land in this area is undeveloped and lies within the Pisgah National Forest. The largest town is Spruce Pine and several major dischargers are located near this city, including the Spruce Pine WWTP and three mine processors: Feldspar, Unimin and K-T Feldspar. Many of the streams in the subbasin have a supplemental trout water classification. 2.10.1 Overview of Water Quality Water chemistry data is available from two sites on the North Toe river (bracketing the Spruce Pine area), two sites on the South Toe River, and a single site on the Nolichucky River. Low pH values (<6.0) have been observed at the South Toe River sites since 1991, with some values of less than 5.0 during fall and winter months. Long term records suggest a steady decline in pH at the South Toe River near Celo. The North Toe River at Penland (below the Spruce Pine dischargers) shows elevated conductivity values, as well as elevated fluoride values. The South Toe River sites appear to be the least affected sites, consistently having low conductivities and lower concentrations of nutrients and solids. Benthos collections have indicated Good or Excellent water quality in most streams, but some problems are associated with dischargers in the North Toe River near Spruce Pine. Degraded areas include the North Toe River at . Penland (Fair or Good -Fair), Little Bear Creek (Poor), and Brushy Creek (Good -Fair). Some improvement has been observed at the Penland site, going from Fair in 1985-1987 to Good -Fair in 1989 and 1992. The proposed endangered mussel Alasmodonta raveleniana has been found in the Nolichucky and North Toe Rivers. Most of the South Toe River watershed has been designated as Outstanding Resource Waters, but the upper North Toe River and the Nolichucky River both appear to have some problems with sedimentation. Fisheries information suggested that the South Toe ORW section might be extended to include the lower seven miles, and benthos collections suggested that Big Rock Creek may qualify for ORW or HQW classification. Two specimens of the blotched logperch, Percina burtoni, were collected in the lower portion of the South Toe River which is currently classified C-Tr. All of the South Toe River upstream of US-19E is classified ORW. Only the lower seven miles of this river are not. The South Toe River is the only known location of the blotched logperch in North Carolina. The Environmental Assessment — Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project Bakersville, North Carolina Page 13 Ogg n site where this species was collected also received an Excellent ecological health rating. Any construction work associated with the plant improvement project is not expected to create surface water quality problems in the nearby streams and swamps. All proposed work will include proper erosion and sedimentation control practices that may be needed to protect surface waters. Project construction will be completed using best management practices. The plant NPDES expansion is not of significant percent of the stream flow to have great impact. 2.11 Groundwater Impacts on the groundwater related to construction of the proposed project are expected to be moderate and short term. Some lowering of the water table during any trench dewatering and installation operations may be required, but should not result in significant adverse impacts. 3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT This section provides a detailed evaluation of the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project. 3.1 Changes in Land Use The line work associated with the proposed project will be constructed within the boundaries of the existing wastewater treatment plant. Because construction will primarily be limited to previously cleared property, there should not be any direct change in any land use due to project construction. 3.2 Public Lands — Scenic and Recreational Areas Initial evaluation indicates that the recommended project, which is designed to upgrade the existing wastewater treatment plant, will not have adverse affects on local scenic or recreational areas. All construction work will be restricted to the existing site. No parks or scenic areas are located on the subject property. Construction of the project alternatives will require an approved Sedimentation and Erosion Control Permit. The approved erosion control measures will be implemented and maintained during construction to prevent run-off to the nearby waters. 3.3 Areas of Archaeological or Historical Significance The proposed project area is located west of town on the existing wastewater treatment plant site. The construction associated with the proposed project will not disturb the historic buildings that are located in downtown Bakersville. 3.4 Wildlife and Their Habitats As previously discussed, the proposed project area is located on property that was previously cleared for the existing wastewater treatment facility. The existing site Environmental Assessment — Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project Bakersville, North Carolina Page 14 n has limited value as wildlife habitat. Because the project area has previously been developed, construction of plant improvements is not expected to impact wildlife or wildlife habitat. 3.5 Prime or Unique Agricultural Lands Some of these soils may be located within the project area; however, the site has been developed for the existing wastewater treatment plant and is not identified as prime farmland. Project construction will not impact designated prime farmlands. In addition, there are no unique agricultural lands found in the project area. 3.6 Wetlands and Floodplains Wetland areas in Bakersville are located along creeks or bogs. Because the proposed project is being constructed on the existing wastewater treatment plant site, it will not disturb nearby wetlands. The project will require an erosion control plan that must be approved by the North Carolina Land Quality Section. In addition, the project will be constructed in compliance with sound engineering and management practices. 3.7 Impact on Receiving Waters Any construction work associated with the proposed plant improvement project is not expected to create surface water quality problems in the nearby streams. All proposed work will include proper erosion and sedimentation control practices that may be needed to protect surface waters. Project construction will be completed using best management practices. Bakersvilles NPDES limits for an expanded discharge are not anticipated to be tan any more stringent than the existing 30 BOD/ 30 TSS limits. Currently this equates to 18.8 lbs/day of BOD/TSS allowed. An expanded flow permit to 0.20 MGD will result in an increase to 50 lbs/d of BOD and TSS. Since the 7Q10 of Cane Creek is 2.4 MGD, the IWC of the discharge will increase from 3.12% to 8.32%. This increase is not a significant increase in pollutant loading to this Creek or subbasin. 3.8 Groundwater Quality Construction related impacts on the groundwater will be moderate and short term. Some lowering of the water table during any trench dewatering and installation operations may be required, but should not have significant adverse impacts. Currently, no adverse effects on groundwater quality can be identified. 3.9 Air Quality Air quality in the immediate project area will be temporarily affected by the construction activities. There may be some occurrences of dust or fumes from some of the construction equipment, however these impacts will be temporary. "" The contractors will be required to follow the open burning laws regulated by the Division of Air Quality and open burning laws of the Town of Bakersville. Environmental Assessment — Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project Bakersville, North Carolina Page 15 1 r ftiR No indirect impacts on air quality are anticipated. The proposed utility lines will be located underground and will not be emitting any odors to the atmosphere. The project area is not densely populated and vehicle traffic, while potentially increasing, should not be a significant factor. Therefore, this project will have little or no impact on the existing air quality. 3.10 Nuisance Conditions Construction of the recommended project will be accompanied by some temporary noise pollution caused by the construction equipment. However, these nuisance conditions will be a part of any construction activity. To minimize the impact of additional noise contractors will be required to work reasonable hours and will proceed as quickly as possible through each residential block. The construction operations of all the alternatives is normally limited to 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, except during special construction that requires work to be performed at low flows and for emergency situations. This workday schedule will keep any negative impacts by construction operations to a minimal. The number of people who will be negatively impacted by construction nuisance conditions will be kept to a minimum. 3.11 Indirect Impacts The construction of the recommended project will likely result in some indirect environmental impacts. During construction, there will be an increase in noise, atmospheric emissions, nuisance odors and temporary changes in land use to varying degrees; but because of majority of proposed work is in previously disturbed lands, there should not be any negative secondary impacts. 4 MITIGATIVE MEASURES Construction of the recommended project will result in some adverse environmental impacts that cannot be avoided. There will be some use of fossil fuels and building materials, which will be permanent in nature. Some temporary noise pollution and reduction in air quality will occur during the construction period. A certain amount of soil erosion may occur, though proper erosion control techniques and some existing natural barriers to erosion should minimize erosion problems. The approved permitted contract documents for the project construction will require the contractor(s) to meet or exceed the provisions of the North Carolina Sedimentation Control Act, North Carolina Open Burning Laws, NCDOT Encroachment Agreements, and will require contractors to fully comply with any Corps of Engineer's Nationwide Permits. The Contractor(s) will also be required to control dust on the respective sites, to dispose of construction materials properly, to operate during normal working hours, and encourage the use of recycled materials. The proposed utility alignments will be chosen to minimize negative environmental impacts. With access to existing roads and the work proposed in already disturbed and cleared areas the disturbance of wildlife habitat will be minimized. Environmental Assessment — Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project Bakersville, North Carolina Page 16 5 SUMMARY The Town of Bakersville operates a 0.750 MGD package wastewater treatment plant discharging to Cane Creek in the French Broad River Basin. The facility is overloaded with influent flow and faces continuing penalties and moratoriums without taking necessary actions to increase the capacity of the wastewater treatment plant. Past I/I projects have not revealed significant areas where reductions can be effective. Even dry month base flows are over 80% of the WWTP capacity. The following represent alternatives evaluated for Bakersville: Do Nothing: This is not a feasible option. The existing plant is inadequate to handle the current flows. Regional System: The closest other NPDES permittee is the Town of Spruce Pines. The nine -mile distance through mountainous terrain rules out the possibility of a cost- effective non -discharge option. Land Application: The area topography and climate do not make this a feasible option. The variable seasonal flows and rainfall would require large amounts of storage and available land. Underlying geology is not conducive to percolation on spray fields. Increase NPDES permitted discharge: This is the recommended option. The existing site can be expanded to 0.020 MGD with minimum disturbance to the surrounding countryside or to Canes Creek. These improvements will help insure effective treatment and operation, which will protect the surrounding environment and allow continued growth and development for the Town of Bakersville. The proposed scope of work will be contained on the existing wastewater treatment plant site and should not have long-term impacts on the surrounding environment. 07, gim Environmental Assessment — Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project Bakersville, North Carolina Page 17