HomeMy WebLinkAboutGuilford_Well Abandonment_20220818 (11) NVELL ABANDONMENT_RECORD For Imc mil UW W Y. i 77tis form caa be used for single or multiple wells I.Well t ontradInr Information: RIML ARANDCONMENT DET&M Brian Ewing la.Number of wells being abandoned: 1 wdreounaclorNmme("weiltownerpesorall)aMridanin;utilonhLgflrtptapcny) Far widtrrfe fe{ fmi ar notmi4iter sirplrty OF4011S ONLY Wall MT CMIC enrt:rrnctk�,r:Saha�rr�a�rent iwn cmr,mhrS�it eve Tama. 4240-B we wol Conic termattiun Nmn6tr 71►.Appnrt:innitevolutriL of water"kre Aiding in SAEDACCO inc FOR WATER SUPPLY"HELLS(?XLY: Cdv,VUMr•Name 7p-Type of disinfectant u3ell: 2.Well Construction Permit#: IL•t tr/f ry ,lkx�h welller rPia n':r Cyr+q.Sr�r .try rrrmti.T,y�ci r t:.et-..)IrkimWn 7d.AmottnCof disinfectant used: 3.Well uar(chcd:Well age): Water Supply'Weil: 7c Scaling mataerlals usW(e 60;till that apPIO: ❑ferry lama! ❑mtmtcipavptlblie• Q Nc at Cement.6mut tR 13cr4oriitc Chips or 1'ellt is l7t1catlaerttutt(Ile rtingiC ootina Supply) ❑ltcsidertrial Water Supply'(tingle) ❑Sand Ctntenl Grout ❑Dry C�itit [ Industrial/C nmicrci ra Dltssidential Water Sultpply,(sltrtmd) ❑.Concrete Grou/ ❑ Drill Cuitibgs t3firigation 11 Specialty Grout ❑ Gm%*] Nup-Water sopptp!Nell; 0 13entonite Slurry ©Other( 'pla€n urlder 7g) ❑NINtildting Olecowly injection Well: X For cacti utaterial;:elected above,proside arnotint of tnitetials Wed: ❑Aalttifet Recharge MGnitmiltvrlter Rtutetiaticm ❑Muiler StOme and Ricek et'y ❑Srrlinity Barnet Bentonite.:150lb ,Wtr:gal. ❑Aq)tifer Ted tlStattrttiy stet T1fu tYt�e ❑ExVe imentalTechaolop ❑Subsideme Cbi tall Ir Pitnide r Nw. description of the abAndannimt-procedure: DGeoitremtal(Closed Loop) Mracer Removed DPT Tooling and abandoned boring with hydrated DGeothemtal(li ad Cook Return) 0Odicr(explain under? 1 7 q f bentonite chips. - ;r r 4.Dat0wcJl(s).abandoncd. 06/25/2022 , —P.iSrTy-C�� 52.♦ell hteation: 15'71-Gt7 Iwu. Former Cotton Mill Square Site I DINQr�OG FaciliiSKlcrrtiorNnyatc racM),ITO( agplieiblc) S.Certification: 801 Merritt Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 Brian E1N1 n 8/10/2022 Physical Address.City.and Zip $etit#Irtc7e oP Dme Guilford By soling this foray, I hemby serf ahat the weli tt rafts prere)ahturdaned try Conti}• Parcel Identifki"timiNo.(PIN' tt;Ysdancvwi#rlVA'CAC62C.61 ,0.ur2C.0200fFdll;Ct�atstrtlrtitin.Romkrds ) u and dwt a copy vf'this record lun beew prmided to tire v rll awner. 5b.latitude and Inng,de in degrccstmirtutcil nd ryr docIfim,cl+ recs: (if-kn rield,tyre t:au'Wtgrs aeii) 9.Site diagram or additional,%al;decals: You.may use the back-of this page to p"rdnide additional stell site details or null A' W abandonment details. You may also attach additional pages if necessaq.' CONS CRIXTION I)MAILS OF WEL US)BEING ABANDONED MINIMAL INSTRUCT ANS rl(M rirdl cw4y"awirt rrrxirft)jrovhflaM. 'Fit-m,rlfu,te i*t*e)ri:6)•- swA� IwAs'oAf u-IM firm�ium-c�,:nsGrreeikoar'ahnirckunr�crot�1om r-on A C Mil(ute)b"ir_ 10a,For All W&o: :Submit this hum Within 30 days of completion of well 6a.Well ED CAT-14 obttitdrinmcni to the following: Division of Ulater Re"urces,=Iullormatir n P,rocessntg,Unit, 6b.Tofial ivell depth: 57 (ft.) 1G17 bull Service Gtater,Ralcil#i,1NC 276"-1617 191A For Inle tlon t reps: In additi a to sending die form to the address in Ilia tie Borehole diameter.6 above,also subiltit one =of th s form ittitlkhi 30 days of completion of trell fin') abandonment to the Mowing- rd Water level helms rtrrtnrl surface: Division;of Water Resources�Updergruund Injection Control Program. 1636 Stall Sake 4rrtcr,Ralcigb,NC 276"4636 10Ct tie burnt a:asing Icn (if known): (ft l he. ForeW;aft above. i also M tinn"'1�'c111. in addition to sending i.lye form to t one copy of this form mr tbid Aft dns of completion of well ahandoament to the county health depamnent of the county 6E lnnercasingftnlrittg length(dtyronn): (ft.) vvInre strandoncd. 6F Sit length(if!corm): 00 1 Fomr GW-:tb Non hCamilm Departnrcgl of Emiromnent and Natural Re mas es-Dltlston of Water Resoarces ReAsed Agasi 20t3 i WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD Far tnienail lase ONLY: Tbis foim can be used far silt k ormultiple nmells 1.Well Contractor Information: 3&ELL ABANDONMENT AEfiA1LS l Brian Ewing 7'.Number of wells being;abandoned: 1 %VNI' 'owneforNamc(ar wmllownm pcisarutly..iliardoning well on hLatlkrpr"y). Fcu• w1rh ote Nve0rair or mml-ilWer sigph, wells' ONLY wilts .11m x0it scH,*rrncnrn,,4�!�rnrrh�rr!tnru,�rinr�rs<vlx!Flr+xiefrrrnr, 4240-B 1 NG 7b.Apparxinomte%volume of watir:remitining to Wctl t'onir<7aor Canifi�iiair Nmrfra I SAEDACCO Inc )Olt WATER SUPPLY NVELLS"ONI1:Y: Cdnq+mriyNamc le.T-*Vr of disinfectant used: E 2.Wdt Construction:permit 4: LG.q 01 milhAtte wei1p raml6(� 1 Cu n tv,StmM;Pei riam1e,1)rf ioP,eft--'trkltowM 7il Amount of disinfectant u : 3.Well uk(rhetl-Wdl u:xc): WaterSupphyWell: 7c.Scaling materials used(eh Pill that apply): OA irkijkumI ptvtnnieipxl/Pnblie Nrtot Cement ut IR I)crttonilc Chips or Pcllpts 170mothctmnl(llcating Cooling Supply) ❑j7csidential Watc,Supp4,(single) ❑Said Ctnteni Grout ❑firy Clay ❑Indusitisil/Commctsial ❑RcOdcndal Water Supply(sliv1) ❑ Canetete Gtoul 0 l7rill Gittdtigs olrri tiort ❑ Specialty Giotto ❑Gratrel Nion-,water Sn�Well: 0 13erttotute Slurry 0 Other(ex;plain under 7g) ❑Monitorirle . ❑Reco� 111joction Well: 7f.For each.n_iaterial selected above,proside amount of ntatcriais'psed; ❑Atluifer itecharge OGroundwaler Retuddiatimi t7Aquifet Stoup and Reeovetir ❑WinitV Barrier 0Ayuifet Tt-st I7ratnage Bentonite.:150lb ,Wtr:gal. ❑Experinteotel Teeltnotoirt ❑Subs3det5ce i''ti►Mtt51 7g.Novi&r.Irritf 6cription of the abandonment prpmdum. OGeolherinal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer Removed DPT Tooling and abandoned boring with hydrated CGeothenwl(HeatitkgCooling Return) ❑0tkTtea lainnrrder7 ) bentonite chips. _ #.Date arelt(s)ah,7ndr�ncds 06/25/2022r - Sa Well location: p,jr_, 2022 Former Fm:,1ftyA)"-r0rNton> Mill Square Site Fasilih,ITO(Vappli:61cl Itlr�f�' `� r'f C , s? Un! tl.Certification, c • 801 Merritt Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 B_ri a f' E r1 8/10/2022 PWsicml Address.City,srrd.2ip r Ltd ec tirr iivied vL:tl Cnuer rnr; r'.11 OhvMt 11,44 Guilford fat .ai'VZtrrg this fa7j,.I hemby certify that dw trellfs)urax(irevr)a'h andoned in Gourtiy' J)Wod ld€ntlfiti"Wo.(AINr ratc�t lchW►vfth PV X 4C 62 ?010l or-2r .(t1.00 Pc11Cons ruetiov Awkirds cmd thai a cgpy of iris record lrrar beevr ptrnvded fo dre m-ell awner. h.11&ttQrcicartd longitude in dcgr+ealrninutca/secondsordecimal dcgre . (tfwell Earci,ove 1:urkgtg is S10151 cup 9.Site diagram or additional well desalts: You may use the bade of this page to pfoAde additknial%ell site details or i%Vll abandomuent de'wits. You may also attach additional pages d iiecessaty.` CONSTRUCTION bfi't AILS OF WLLUSl BRING ADANDONIr D SUBh117TAL INSTRUCTIONS ,fliLth,nrll er,rzrA7rcfttt rrr.vi,d(t)I(Ovajwk- :Proiturltip/e byerrtr!r ,r,a�n.>rueer it alti UW&ONLV u-Ith the aranm-rotryr!wrriolc>'anrtirekervr!rnu.;inn ea�r,sar6mli wte kmrc 10a. For All Well t Submit this form ti•itl in 30 d; s of eompletimn of well 62.Well 16l7"CAT-15 aban4onmcnt to'the,follotving; Division of WaterRespurrrs,Information Processing Unit, 6b.Total aeIl depth: 47 1617 Mail Seiyitx Center,Raleigh,NC 276'19=1617 (ft.) itlb.For Inicstt n.31r Ils: Li adttltion to sending the tome to the address its IN 6c Borehole diameter,6 above,also sabiitit one topaz of this form tAthln 30 days of completion of av:11 (lu') abandonment to the follinving: Diaislan) c 163E t1�l R Iinderfiraatad IttJclon Corttrol'Program., fd Rater dad hclrnr grna<nd surface:. ( C trter,Raleigh,NC 276"4636 e address(es)M5ilaelaalso sub' n MIA: In addition to sending the form to 6e 0utcrcasing length(if laton nj: (ft) 5t done copy- of this fomt afrithin No days of completion of aireil abando,nncnt io'the couidy heuith dcpanmcnr of the county ,whcrc abandoncd. 61%Inner casin hnbing kmgth(if lmown): (ft.) I 6g.Sawn lettgdt(if Itnuwt): (ft.) Famt G1V-10 North Camlim Deparlmctb of Emd o0ownt and N:uuml Resounes DIs isboa of WaL-r Rchom ms RcAsed Amiss-V l3