HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025712_Wasteload Allocation_19830121NPDES DOCUHENT SCANNING COVER SFNEET
NPDES Permit:
Hookerton WWTP
Document Type:
Permit Issuance
Wasteload Allocation
Authorize ion fo Construct (AtC)
Permit Modification
Complete File - Historical
Speculative Limits
Instream Assessment (67b)
Environmental Assessment (EA)
Document Date:
January 21, 1983
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a Facility Name • 70%4/ /G4;'-.7t o /L}(�c/ /
v Existing
ea EE''
cs Reference USGS Quad: Zg t (Please attach) Requester. Regional Office .
(Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.)
Permit No.: X7eU/S,257/2:- Pipe No.: U0/
f -
Design Capacity (MGD) : U P OC. Industrial (% of Flow) : Domestic (% of Flow) : /OCR
Receiving Stream: (15-140t/Av- c&..
class: �:_ SwP Sub -Basin' cis - (-) 4 — b 7
Design Temp : Drainage Area: Avg. Streamflow:
7Q10: Winter 7Q10: 30Q2•
Location of D.O.minimum (miles below outfall): Slope.
Velocity (fps): K1 (base e, per day, 200C): K2 (base e, per day, 20°C):
qe 4//
/(0-e, /(?Le s
6 —�
Original Allocation
Revised Allocation
Prepared By:
Date(s) of Revision(s)
(Please attach previous allocation)
Reviewed By: Date:
Form #001'
Facility Name: l400ker4oy wiAtrP
County: 6rrL4.4Ae Sub -basin: 7)3 - 04- - 0-7
Regional. Office: 1b11-aSti,ie‘Requestor: 5. Abd.t.41- �-iagq
Type of Wastewater: Ind strial
Domestic (6D
If industrial, specify type(s) of industry:
Receiving stream: Cl4vea. (Are-QR.- Class: a -5V\%
Other stream(s) affected: Class:
7Q10 flow at point of discharge: 3 1 of s
30Q2 flow at point of discharge:
Natural stream drainage area at discharge point: 7 3 rn 2-
Recommended Effluent Limitations
-boo o
MS go
- e )
This allocation is: / / for a proposed facility
/ / for a new (existing) facility
/ / a revision of existing limitations
Y / a confirmation of existing limitations
Recommended and reviewed by:
/614) Date:
Head, Techncial Services Branch Date:
Reviewed by:
Regional Supervisor Date:
Permits Manager Date:
Approved by:
Division Director Date:
TO: Bill Mills, Supervisor
Engineering and Permits Unit
THROUGH: Jim Mulligan, Regional Supervisor
Washington Regional Office
FROM: Roger K. Thorpe,"aegional Engineer
Water Quality Section-WaRO
SUBJECT: NPDES Permit Renewal #NC0025712
Hookerton Waste Treatment Plant
Greene County
May 24, 1983
MAY 2 71983
NPDES Permit No. NC0025712 expires June 30, 1983. Renewal has been requested and
an inspection was made on May 23, 1983.
The Hookerton waste treatment plant is located as follows: From the Contentnea Creek
Bridge on NCHwy 123 in Greene County, travel north on NC Hwy 123 for approximately
0.3 mile. Turn left (west) onto private dirt road and travel 0.7 mile to treat-
ment facility.
The receiving stream is Contentnea Creek in the Neuse River Basin. Contentnea Creek
is classified Class C-SWP and has a 7-day, 10-year low flow of 31 CFS. The point
of discharge is located at Latitude 350-25'-45" and Longitude 770-35'-35".
The 0.06 MGD facility consists of a bar screen and three cell lagoon. This is a
Class I facility. The current waste load allocation requires secondary treatment.
Disinfection is not required due to the large amount of dilution.
Based on self monitoring data, the facility has produced the following average
effluent quality:
27 mg/1
27 mg/1
It is recommended that a five year permit be issued with Class I monitoring.
ince this facility is a fairly significant discharge in the Neuse River Basin,
it is recommended that Total N and Total P be monitored once during the term of
the permit.
RKT / ekw
AUG 1983
ermy _ No. NC
-ts for Effluent Limitations on Pollutants Attributable to
�t?144luent limitations from this discharger are listed in Part I of this permit.
za�t is apparent that other pollutants attributable to inputs from major
contributing industries using the municipal system may also be present in the
Permittee's discharge. At such time as sufficient information becomes
available to establish limitations for such pollutants, this permit may be
revised to specify effluent limitations for any or all of such other pollutants
''in accordance with best practicable technology or water quality standards.
Under no circumstances shall the permittee allow introduction of the following
wastes into the waste treatment system:
a. Wastes which create a fire or explosion hazard in the treatment works.
b. Wastes which will cause corrosive structural damage to treatment works.
c. Solid or viscous substances in amounts which cause obstructions to the
flow in sewers or interference with the proper operation of the treatment
d. Wastewaters at a flow rate and/or pollutant discharge rate which is
excessive over relatively short time periods so as to cause a loss of
treatment efficiency.
e Heat in amounts which will inhibit biological activity in the treatment
works resulting in interference but in no case heat in such quantities
that the temperature at the treatment works influent exceeds 40°C (104°F)
unless the works are designed to accomodate such heat. (After August 25, 1981)
3. With regard to the effluent requirements listed in Part I of this permit,
it may be necessary for the permittee to supplement the requirements of the
Federal Pretreatment Standards (40 CFR, Part 403) to ensure compliance by
the permittee with all applicable effluent limitations. Such actions by
the permittee may be necessary regarding some or all of the major contri-
buting industries discharging to the municipal system.
The permittee shall require each major contributing industry subject to
pre-treatment standards or any other applicable requirements promulgated
pursuant to Section 307 of the Act to submit to the permittee periodic
notice (at intervals not to exceed 9 months) regarding specific actions taken
to achieve full compliance with the requirements of Section 307. Starting
on the permittee shall submit semi-annually to the permit
issuing authority a report summarizing the progress of all known major
contributing industries subject to the requirements of Section 307_owards
full compliance with such requirements. Such report shall include at
least the following information:
M 13
Permit No. NC
a. A narrative summary of actions taken by the permittee to ensure
that all major contributing industries comply with the requirements
of Section 307.
b. The number of major contributing industries using the treatment
works, divided into SIC group categories.
c. The number of major contributing industries in full compliance
with the requirements of Section 307, or not subject to these
requirements (e.g., discharge only compatible pollutants).
d. A list identifying by name those major contributing industries
presently in violation of the requirements of Section 307.
4. Immediately upon issuance of this permit, the permittee shall establish
and implement a procedure to obtain from all major contributing indus-
tries specific information on the quality and quantity of effluents intro-
duced by such industrial users. The following information shall be
reported to the permitting agency on a quarterly basis beginning
; quarterly reports reflecting no change from the previous quarter
may simply relate this fact, without submitting repetitive data.
a. Section IV, Standard Form A shall be completed and submitted for
each major contributing industry.
b. Information on the municipal facility as a whole is to be reported
on the monthly Monitoring Report Form (DEM - No. MR 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and
Once the specific nature of industrial contributions has been identified,
data collection and reporting requirements may be levied for other -
parameters in addition to those included on Form (DEM No. 1.0, 1.1,
1.2, and 1.3).
5. Based on the information regarding industrial inputs reported by the
permittee pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the permittee will be
notified by the permitting authority of the availability of industrial
effluent guidelines on which to calculate allowable inputs of incompatible
pollutants based on BPT for each industry group. Copies of guidelines
will be provided as appropriate. Not later than 120 days following
receipt of this information, the permittee shall submit to the permitting
authority calculations reflecting allowable inputs from each major con-
tributing industry. The permittee shall also require all such major
contributing industries to implement necessary pre-treatment requirements
(as provided for in 40 CFR, Part 4o3), providing the permitting authority
with notifications of specific actions taken in this regard. At that time,
the permit may be amended to reflect the municipal facility's efflueAt!!L
requirements for incompatible pollutants. -
{V I A .a �r
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PART iii
Permit No. NC-c- 12
Previous Permits
All prev'bus State water quality permits issued to this facility,
whether for construction or operation or discharge, are hereby revoked
by issuance of this permit. The conditions, requirements, terms, and
provisions of this permit authorizing discharge under the National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System governs discharges from this
C. Construction
No construction of wastewater treatment facilities or additions thereto
shall be begun until Final Plans and Specifications have been submitted
to the Division of Environmental Management and written approval and
Authorization to Construct has been issued. If no objections to Final
Plans and Specifications has been made by the DEM after 30 days following
receipt of the plans or issuance of this permit, whichever is latter, the
plans may be considered approved and construction authorized.
D. Certified Operator
Pursuant to Chapter 90A of North Carolina General Statutes, the permittee
shall employ a certified wastewater treatment plant operator in responsible
charge of the wastewater treatment facilities. Such operator must hold a
certification of the grade equivalent to the classification assigned to
the wastewater treatment facilities.
E. Special Conditions
In the event tnat violations of the fecal colifor:i requirements of the
North Carolina water quality standards occur as a result of this discharge,
disinfection will be immediately required and the permit amended to establish
a coiiform limit.
M 15 & I 12