HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140903 Ver 1_More Info Received_20140905Homewood, Sue From: Sherman, Sara J. Sent: Friday, September 05, 2014 3:58 PM To: Homewood, Sue Subject: RE: Burch Station 401 application Attachments: BurchStationLeaseFebruary20l3 .pdf, Agent Auth letter surryco.pdf Thanks Sue, Attached are pdf's of the lease and the letter. The lease expires in February 2025. Thanks, Sara From: Homewood, Sue Sent: Friday, September 05, 2014 3:42 PM To: Sherman, Sara J. Subject: RE: Burch Station 401 application Thanks Sara, indicate I didn't realize that the County had a lease with the landowners. Documentation of the lease with the agent ?.uthorization from the County would be sufficient. Can you send me an electronic copy of the lease, or parts of the lease that the two parties and the .. of - E -mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Sherman, Sara I Sent: Friday, September 05, 2014 2:22 PM To: Homewood, Sue Subject: Burch Station 401 application Hi Sue, I wanted to follow up with your voicemail from earlier today concerning your voicemail about completing the Burch Station PCN application. I attached an Agent Authorization letter from the County as they are the leaseholder on the land. Am I correct in understanding that you also need a letter from the owner as well? 1 Thanks, Sara Sara Sherman, PE NC Wildlife Resources Commission Division of Engineering & Lands Management 919-707-0164 Ernail corrpspondpnce to arid ftorn this spndpr is subJpct to thp N.C. Public Records Law and may bp disclospd M H'iird patps. THIS LEASE is made and entered this the day of j U 2013, by and between Patricia K. Colwell and husband Clyde L. Colwell, hereinafter called "Lessor"and County of Surry, hereinafter called "Lessee". W I T N E S S E T H-. In consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties agree as follows: Lessor does hereby demise and lease unto Lessee that portion of Surry County Tax Parcel No. 4972-0043-9605 which lies to the south of the centerline of N. C. Highway 268, ,vs depicted on the copy of Surry County Tax Map attached hereto as Exhibit "A"' and incorporated herein by reference. The premises leased hereby is bounded on the northwest by property of H. Craig Finney (4972-00-84-1276), on the north by N. C. Highway 268 and E Southern Railway rights-of-way, on the east by property of john Thomas Darlington (4972-00- 93-2408), and on the south by the Yadkin River. The initial term of the within lease is for twelve (12) years (144 months), r commencing the `,,, day o0inii 2013 and terminating on the day of ,T ll 2025. Lessee shall have one option to renew the lease for an additional. ten (10) years (1 20 month) term, upon Lessee providing written notice to Lessor of its intent to renew upon the same terms and conditions. Notice of the renewal must be received at least 180 days prior to the expiration of the current term to be effective. The leased premises is being made available to Lessee at no charge, so as to comply with the Landowner Liability requirements of. C. Gen. Stat. g -1 et seq. 4. Use of Leased Premises/Rules and ftulations. Lessee shall use the Leased Premises solely for the erection, maintenance and operation of canoe and fishing access for the general public along the bank of the Yadkin River and ancillary activities and structures necessary or complementary for the operation of Surry County's Parks and Recreation activities. Lessor reserves the night to plant American chestnut hybrid trees on the leased property during the term of this lease or any extension thereof, so long as said plantings are performed *in a sound manner and do not interfere with the fishing and canoe access operations of the Lessee. IN W I I a I # ff. IqIV;kMWW-ik OB is tIM lot 6. AsLsi ent- Sublet. Lessee may assign this Lease or sublet the Leased Premises, in whole or part, to other governmental agencies without Lessor's prior written consent, so long as such sublease or assignment is consistent with the Use provision recited in Paragraph 4 of this Lease and does not interfere with the Limitation of Liability provision of M C. Gen. Scat, §38A-4. No sublease or assignment shall in any way release or relieve Lessee from any of its covenants or undertakings contained in this Lease agreement, and in all cases under this Paragraph, Lessee shall remain liable on this Lease during the original and any renewal term. 7. Utilities. Lessee shall be solely responsible to pay all fuel, electricity and telephone charges/bills related to services at the Leased Premises as the same become due. Lessor shall not be liable for any interruption or failure in the service of any utility to the Leased Premises for any reason whatsoever, or to any failure of any communication or signal not due to Lessor's direct interference. Lessee shall maintain at its own expense, throughout the term, insurance against loss or liability in connection with bodily injury, death, property damage and destruction, W occurring within the Leased Premises or arising out of the use thereof by Lessee, its agents, employees, officers, invitees, visitors and guests under one or more policies of general liability insurance having such limits no less than one Million Dollars combined single limit, and Five Million Dollars general aggregate. Said policy shall name Lessee as the insured party with Lessor designated as an additional insured party. The insurance policy(s) shall provide that coverage shall not be cancelable without at least sixty days (60) written notice to Lessor, and shall be issued by a company with a rating of at least A in the Best key rating guide, which is licensed to do business in the State of North Carolina. The insurance refbrenced in this Paragraph shall cover the Leased Premises depicted on Exhibit "A". Lessee acknowledges that Lessor oftrs no insurance coverage on the Leased Premises and any inventory, machinery, equipment or other personal property that Lessor maintains upon the Leased Premises must be covered, if at all, at the expenses of Lessee. 9. Waiver of Subrogation. If either party hereto is paid proceeds under any policy of insurance naming such party as an insured, on account of any loss, damage or liability, then such party hereby releases the other party hereto, to and only to the extent of the amount of such proceeds, from any and all liability for such loss, damage or liability which may arise out of the negligent or intentional tortuous action or omission of the other party, its agents, employees, invitees or guests; provided, that such release shall be effective only with respect to loss or damage occurring during such term as the appropriate policy of insurance of the releasing party provides and that such release shall not impair the effectiveness of such policy or the insured's ability to recover thereunder. Each party shall use reasonable efforts to have a clause to such effect included in its policies, and shall promptly notify the other in writing if such clause cannot be included in any insurance policy. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Lessee shall hold harmless and indemnify Lessor from any uninsured liability it faces as a result of an act or omission by Lessee, its employees, agents, contractors, invitees or guests. 10. Taxes and Assessments. Lessee shall reimburse the Lessor for any real property taxes associated with the Leased Premises. Further, Lessee shall be responsible for any personal property tax liability on personal property, fixtures, equipment or inventory located on the Leased Premises. 11. Failure of Performance by Lessee De&ult -and Remedies. Event of Default means any defliult 'in the observance or performance or any of the conditions, representations, warranties, covenants or agreemeMs set fo-t.h iT t t 9--fl t, C1616TOUVA fltr 2 IF AWL from the non-defaulting party or parties. There shall be a Default under this Agreement only if a party fails to cure an Event of Default within thirty (3 0) days after written notice and demand, unless the failure is of such a character as to require more than thirty (30) days to cure, in which event the failure to proceed diligently to cure such failure shall constitute a Default. 12. Remedies in Default; Lessor's Remedies. In the event of any uncured default • breach by Lessee, Lessor may at any ti thereafter, in the sole discret with or without notice or demand and without limiting Lessor the exercise of a night or remedy which Lessor may have by reason of such defhult or breac, enforce the performance of this Lease in any manner provided by law, including, but not limit t to the following. i. Terminate this Lease at once, including any interest of Lessee hereunder, and immediately re-enter and take possession of the Leased Premises by any lawful means. In such event Lessor shall be entitled to recover from Lessee all damages incurred by Lessor by reason of Lessee's default; or H. In addition to all rights of Lessor specified herein, Lessor shall be entitled to all other rights provided in law or equity, including ejectment, specific performance, and attorney's fees and costs. V. The liability of each Lessee or approved sublessee is individual, joint and several. Lessor may exercise its remedies against each or any Lessee or sublessee singly, independently, successively or collectively. a. Cumulative Remedies, It is farther agreed that the rights and remedies given to Lessor in this Lease are distinct, separate and cumulative remedies, and that no one of them, whether or not exercised by Lessor, shall be deemed to be in exclusion of any of the others. b. Lessor's Right to Cure. In the event of any breach of this Lease by Lessee, Lessor may (but shall not be obligated to at any time, after 30 days' written notice, cure such breach for the account and at the expense of Lessee. If Lessor at any time so elects or is compelled by any other person to cure such breach or is compelled to incur any other expense arising out of such breach by Lessee (including without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and disbursements in instituting, prosecuting or defending any suits, actions or proceedings to enforce Lessor's rights under this or any other Paragraph of this Lease or otherwise) the sum or sums so paid by Lessor, with all interest, costs and damages, shall be paid by Lessee to Lessor within five (5) days following written demand. Such expenses may be recovered in the same action or proceeding forming the basis of default. C. No Counterclaims. Lessee hereby waives its right to plead any counterclaim unrelated to this Lease or Lessee's occupancy of the Leased Premises, or offset, in any action or proceeding brought by Lessor against Lessee for default hereunder. This shall not, however, be construed as a waiver of Lessee's right to assert any claim in a separate action brought by Lessee. d. In the event Lessee shall fail to perform any obligation imposed upon it under the terms hereof within thirty (30) days after written notice other than emergencies, requiring only such notice as the circumstances then require, then Lessor may pursue its remedies under the Lease or available at law or equity under the lease to collect damages from Lessee for non- payment of rent or otherwise. Termination of this Lease under this Paragraph shall be at the option of Lessor. 13. Eminent Domain. If any or all of the Leased Premises are taken by the exercise of any power of eminent domain, Lessor shall be entitled to collect from the condemning authority thereunder the entire amount of any award made as consideration for such taking, without deduction therefrom for any leasehold or other interest held by Lessee. Lessee assigns to Lessor all of its right, title and interest in and to such award- However Lessee ma 4 seek in a seDarate iroceedine, a t This Lease shall terminate on the date upon which possession through condemnation occurs if (1) all of the Leased Premises are covered by condemnation, or (2) if any part of the Leased Premises is covered by condemnation and the remainder thereof is insufficient for the reasonable operation therein of Lessee's use of property. If there is condemnation, the Lessor shall have no liability to Lessee on account of interruption of the Lessee's business upon the Leased Premises, diminution of the Lessee's ability to use the Leased Premises, or other injury or damage sustained by Lessee as a result of such condemnation. Termination. All other leases, options, subleases, contracts or agreements between Lessor and predecessors in interest, and Lessee are hereby and hereup terminated without any liability therefor. All subleases and agreements of Lessee in or affecting the Leased Premises are hereby terminated. Lessee shall indemnify Lessor for any damages, loss or injury arising from or by termination of such subleases or other agreements. 14. Lessor. M!1111 i � � rd The parties to this Lease agree that all of the provisions shall bind and 'inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns. 16. Applicable Law. This Lease agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina.. Wherever used, the singular number shall include the plural, the singular, and the use of any gender shall include all other genders. 17. Notices. Wherever in this Lease it shall be required or permitted that notice or demand be given or served by either party to this Lease to the other, such notices or demand, including rental payments, shall be given or served and shall not be deemed to have been given or served unless in writing and forwarded by first class, registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: To Lessors: Patricia K- Colwell Clyde L. Colwell P. 0. Box 7 Elkin, NC 28621 To Lessee: County Manager 118 Hamby Road Dobson, NC 27017 18. This agreement may be signed in counterparts and constitutes the entire agreement between Lessor and Lessee relative to the Leased Premises bereinabove described, and this agreement may be altered, amended or revoked only by *instrument in writing signed by both Lessor and Lessee. Lessee and Lessor hereby mutually agree that all prior or contemporaneous oral agreements relative to the (easing of the Leased Premises described hereinabove are merged in or revoked by this agreement. If the provision or paragraph of this Agreement shall be stricken, deleted or abandoned by the parties, either formally or infonnally or by a court of law, such law shall not affect the remaining paragraphs and provisions of this Lease agreement which shall remain in full force and effect. 19. By executing the within Lease agreement, the parties agree to reasonably execute and record in the Office of the Register of Deeds a Memorandum of Lease with regard to the term and renewal term of Lease. Further, by executing the within Lease agreement, the parties agree, acknowledge and consent that leases relating, to the Leased Premises currently in effect between the parties or their successors in interest are of no further force and effect and the parties shall be bound by and inure to the terms and provisions of the within Lease. 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, or have caused this instrument to signed and sealed by the proper officers, the day and year first above written. --Signatures on following pages 0 By-. Patricia K. Colwell, Lessor By: (SEAL) Clyde L. Colwell, Lessor STATE OF COUNTY OF I certify that the following person personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Patricia K. Colwell STATE OF V "J j COUNTY OF I certify that the following person personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: I h : onchita Atkins III Clerk to the Board 1, K '. k' , , I ' . �L , I - , "t'ry public for said County and state, certify that Conchita Atkin�, Clerk to the Surry County Board of Commissioners, personally appeared r certified me and that the foregoing 'instrument was executed in the name of Surry County by i - Board of Commissioners, and that she, Conchita Atkins, Clerk to ' Board, did attest to said execution and did affix the Surry County said on behalf of ! of Corninissioners Witness my hand and official seal, this day of t l . My Commission Expires; or � Q1 ota:ry public W" 144 tk �