HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0023261_Monitoring - 06-2022_20220731 of.. DWR - NonDischarge Monitoring Report Submittal •4 NORTH CAROLINA Enrlranmenlel QHaffly Monitoring Report Submittal .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Permit Number#* WQ0023261 Name of Facility:* Onslow Water and Sewer Authority-Swansboro WWTF Month:* June Year:* 2022 Report Information Type* Upload Document* NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Swansboro NDMR&NDAR 2.78MB June 2022.pdf PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2,NDMLR,GW-59). Confirmation Email Address:* sjones@onwasa.com Name of Submitter:* Sherry A Jones Signature: Date of submittal: 7/31/2022 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Reviewer: Gerald,Wanda Is the project number correct?* WQ0023261 Is the monitoring report accepted?* - Yes No Regional Office* Wilmington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 8/22/2022 FORM:NDMR 03-12 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(NDMR) Page / of 5 Permit No.: W00023261 Facility Name: Swansboro WWTF County: OnSIOW Month: June Year: 2022 PPI: 001 Flow Measuring Point: 0 influent 0 Effluent El No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: 0 Influent 0 Effluent ID Groundwater Lowering 0 Surface Water Parameter Code --). 6:0.490`Y 00076 464643,P 50060 1;,00,30:< , 31616 0906::'.:::: 00625 '100:40„5.i 00600 :',:‘:i:::(0.006E0: 00530 ,i-,,.-:700:4-2i: 00940 ,_.„.-...,,,,,,--:-.- TO (1) '1:-i•--;if.;,.-g:.' 1;:::,:;::,-, .-":51;',:-P.:'-?:-, --, ,-,t,-:,.:01%-::,,,:q- ',,-,..",:!y-,::: :,:.:4.-.4 :-- ':',';;..i-5:6,1r;.--::: ;,16'4::::;-,: iii-4-:, mu In'TP:I'LsW-', :-- :::::-,!.4;0, 1 :- E ', -Ae„P,-; , . „;-iq.A.f-:- c ,-.'-:;';',„1„- ,.;,.,,,,,,,,, :5 ,,,,.,,F.?:_g,N,,.1:,, ,,,, -E = .E ,,,,,,-„..trsi-s--,,,t-:.,:: To" '- ----,,-:-,'-,:',8$ ,-,-- 70- (s1 6 -...,, -. 5 ,-,,,_,,,..i::: 70- g, -.. ,..=f,(4:11:-..1 -a c 73 ',..,Vr... ,-'-,,,q,,' .= ,:',.'...g',2::'"-•:', >. ;JV:4 :':-:';' .- ---- ;,-_:-:='-';',,-Z-,:',:::' ..- '.x) 6- :•:p'i-:',e14„,,.;:::.-4.-,:::- 0 .9. ,-,',-,'ao';'- '-',', '5, -c) o ''Y.:'-.-Z'-,-,•-2,-,.,-J., „1.,.--. . 0 „..,,,,,-', ..-,4„.,..-y!.. . 0 ...-., ',,,-,: .,,E,,,,, 8 '-'',•,, ,,'111:41- :;'11-,-' e :;,'...1:!;: :::,9*.ZZ,:--;,:-.:, 12 ff,"; .-E. ::.'7,116itit--':,,,, ,-... au. •-e-i ,,,NV.:f ;'-'-':'-.' 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Composite ',.004020.1ffi': Composite Composite Composite Monthly Avg.Limit:,- :64:)0-A00-•':::-„ :',f.'1T-,3'.5,:: ::::'-',:j.:,. :,:;2--. .:1.#..-::'-:.4 14 ,i''',,,,'-:,-':if-14'1'-;,-,'''-': .-, , .';';'il'-:;:;',1 .:.:::[,:',S:1-ct-,- 5 Daily Limit: ,'.,e:':,'''':-g':,:::',":!j-, 10 64,-:9::::::- -'::::':::::15-.,2:-?:,:,,-- 25 '.0.:" ...': '-'''"K',1"'-'1:::1-,'5!::-.:2': 10 • :?:.:::-,---Z-.- -.1,,,,,':;:.:', ,,s.,,,,,,,,,,,,,„.:„ - Sample Frequency: -'Continuous:Continuous,"--t:*-:*Oeti-s:' 5 x week 1,:2-iii:40:, 2 x week ,:,?24,We01.„ 2 x week :„0,xiiii.e1(.. 2 x week .:2*_Weeic.,: 2 x week :„-:.3-X:W4At-:, 3 x year FORM:NDMR 03-12 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(NDMR) i 3 Page of Permit No.: WQ0023261 Facility Name: Swansboro WWTF County: Onslow Month: June Year: 2022 PPI: 002 Flow Measuring Point: 0 Influent 0 Effluent El No flow generated Parameter Monitoring Point: 0 Influent El Effluent 0 Groundwater Lowering El Surface Water .„,_.__, Parameter Code --o- l'",,,,,;099,00;2::::::' 31616 j:-:103*::: 00400 :-096,89: 00940 :-,'.":9W,19,:-,.;,"::, 00620 :99,66,5',,,,,,;, Iii ,-,„:,:,..-:,,'„,!;:,,",;,,, ,;,,,:: !,'":4.,,;;',-,":;;;:;;;,,',,:;:f.::: ;":";;":;'''',::-_,":',: ::,;::::,•:;" E ,;',,,,0;4:::::„.,.,' „,;" :,:::::::,5,4,:::::a::::::-", , :!" ,... 2 rl.: tie;,..":,::::- . a E /— (1) ,,;';r;:,:'1i,,,,,, , (-) r- Vk;1*,ir-'''-::! 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Sample Frequency: ::: '''::"': 3 x Year 3 x Year, 3 x Year :3:)tlieer 3 x Year 3 X Year, 3 x Year 3xYear FORM:NDMR 03-12 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(NDMR) Page 3 of; Sampling Person(s) Certified Laboratories Name: Mark Young Name: Onwasa Laboratory Cert#539 Name: Tina Norman, Zach Dail Name: Envirochem Cert#94 Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? El Compliant ❑Non-Compliant If the facility is non-compliant,please explain in the space below the reason(s)the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s)of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken.Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge(ORC)Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Mark Young Permittee: Onslow Water and Sewer Authority Certification No.: WW4: 1001105 Signing Official: Dave Mohr Grade: 4 Phone Number: 910-545-6877 Signing Official's Title: Chief Operations Officer Has the ORC hanged since the previous NDMR? ❑Yes O No Phone Number: 910 937 7521 Permit Expiration: 10/31/2026 ii7 6W (7c (7.-- 7 Sig�iture Date Signature I ateb By this signat r ,I certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Z. I certify,under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under mydirection or supervision in P accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete,I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM:NDAR-2 10-13 NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT(NDAR-2) Page r of Z Permit No.: WQ0023261 1 Facility Name: Swansboro WWTF I County: Onslow Month: June Year: 2022 Did infiltration occur at ReName 1 Site Name: 2A S e lanne `.` �;. Site Name: 3 this facility?• : At pfOres 5 ... Area(acres): 2.88 ,Area 7(e 3 88, Area(acres): 3.48 O YES ❑NO e{GPD/f 1 it 9044, Rate(GPD/ft2): 0.9044 Ram SPD/fe 0 9044 Rate(GPD/ft2): 0.9044 Weather Freeboard Sitelntiltrattid - I XES ❑, b Site Infiltrated? El 0 NO stele,,t►a ed4 _ _1�t.---,- Site Infiltrated? p YES 0 NO a E H .°. � g c >' ° 8 rn ay 3 ° ii 1-'•E 10 a v .92 0.) T 'a ` u a. ,,' ° a Ew .ss Er is ac ° o E ,, a v •cp a o , � a ; 00 ` ° 0 inR ° NNm 90 > # .. 'c - va > < c >'s 1 > Q c .- °F in ft ft '*sill, mitt.- ,;GPt' ,ft .. gal min GPD/ft2 ft 1;= .. mN't,_,.. Pt� >ft gal min GPDIft2 ft 1 C 72 0 2.9 '?81,879 :44t 0. 47,180 1440 0.38 fa3,65,8t: ,.1'440 0.38 ,, ?. 56,916 1440 0.38 2 C 76 0 2.9 7.80,722_ 144f3 : 7 , 46,514 1440 0.37 , ,7 7 , .-1440:.5 0.37 _ 56,112 1440 0.37 3 R 77 0.78 2.9 ;87,535: 1440 0 4t1. 50,440 1440 0.40 .88, '8-f' '14440 ' t 40 60,848 1440 0.40 4 CL 69 0 2.9 :t0 t , .1446 0. 43,851 1440 0.35 59,184,„ 1440,, (13 52,899 1440 0.35 5 C 70 0 3 e 75,364.' w1440; ;01: 5... 43,426 1440 0.35 8,50t, ;.1440 ;.';0;;35 52,387 1440 0.35 6 C 64 0 3 73128 J440 _`.,0.35 _ 45,019 1440 0.36 60;74b "1'440t.,.°0;36 ; 54,308 1440 0.36 7 C 73 0 3.1 76 431 1440.2 0 85_ ;8.80 44,044 1440 0.35 7.80 `v59,425 440 1s35 :,7.80;:. 53,133 1440 0.35 10.20 8 R 75 0.03 3.1 67,218 1440 ,;0,31< ` 38,733 1440 0.31 'S2;258-,` 14 0 ;031 46,725 1440 0.31 9 R 78 0.34 3.1 ;;;62,237. 1440. 0.29 ':'- 35,862 1440 0.29 '48,385 1440? ,.:0,29 . 43,262 1440 0.29 10 R 70 0.01 3.1 52063 1440 0,24 30,000 1440 0.24 �40,47 ';;---14 ,:'_,;0.24, 36,190 1440 0.24 11 CL 69 0 3.1 - 50746'. 1440;< 10.2 i 29,241 1440 0.23 452 -1440 `-,0:.229 _,:. 35,275 1440 0.23 12 R 74 0.11 3.1 51,045 1440 <;0,23 29,413 1440 0.23 $9,884 1.1440 0.23' ..,, ': " 35,483 1440 0.23 13 CL 77 0 3.2 62,920:: w .14" , 0,-2/c 36,255 1440 0.29 48,9'`6 .1440 :.,0,29 ' ; 43,737 1440 0.29 14 PC 79 0 3.2 ;=57,289„ 1440" 0.26: ::9.00.; 33,011 1440 0.26 7.60 44,539 ,i':1440 -02f , ,.T S0,._ 39,823 1440 . 0.26 10.00 15 C 75 0 3.2 '59, 1:: 14, 0,2 � 34,361 - 1440 0.27 48,380 , '1440 0,2T _ ,� T; 41,451 1440 0.27 16 C 75 0 3.2 71,502,,E 1440', 11.35'. . 41,201 1440 0.33 55,589 1440 0.33 49,703 1440 0.33 17 R 74 0.12 3.3 ? . .9,87 :� 1440< 0;22, 40,146 1440 0.32 $4:166 1. ;0,32., 48,430 1440 0.32 18 C 73 0 3.3 ` 66 568=- '1440- 0.31 - 38,358 1440 0.31 81,,753 .4440 081,, . , : 46,273 1440 0.31 19 C 64 0 3.3 83,595, 144Q: .(3 9 :. 36,645 1440 0.29 49441 1440 0. 9 44,206 1440 0.29 20 C 61 0 3.4 " 66,727 "1440' 0.31 - 38,449 1440 0.31 51 78 '1440 0, 1 ` 46,383 1440 0.31 • 21 C 63 0 3.4 69 330 -, 1440 ':0.32 , 39,949 1440 0.32 53,900 ;-11440;';, 0.32 48,193 , 1440 0.32 22 R 70 0.15 3.4 89,975.=� 1440G (0,4V.: =:9.60.::..t 50,117 1440 0.40 7.40 67818 1440 0.40 "'.50,. 60,458 1440 0.40 10.00 23 CL 73 0 4.5 ?=f8,490;-,:>,' 1440„ J:31,: , 39,465 1440 0.31 5 ,247 144tt ,{1:32_, 47,609 1440 0.31 24 C 69 0 4.5 ,!r89,558r,: 1.440.' =, 411` 51,605 1440 0.41 ''69,826`' ' 1440 :0,41 62,254 1440 0.41 25 C 72 0 4.6 60,558;- >1440'� ',,•,0,2#1 34,895 1440 0.28 '47, ;i'1440- .28 - -- 42,095 1440 0.28 26 C 73 0 4.7 6017,C,;..'.„14440-.' 0 28 34,676 1440 0.28 46,786 .4440= 0,28., 41,832 1440 0.28 27 C 74 0 4.7 70,467:;; ' -1440_ - 0,322" 40,604 1440 0.32 '.54,1 3;-'.::-1440,.'-"0,32 . 48,983 1440 0.32 28 R 74 0.07 4.7 '',:'''5s,220 ' 1440. , 0.27 ,;9.00: 33,548 1440 0.27 7.80 „.;45263 __ 1440 ,:0.27',. `...7.80.,:_: 40,470 1440 0.27 10.20 29 R 74 0.25 4.8 62,7544-,t;14443 0.29, 36,160 1440 0.29 J.48 787 :144f3 '-0.29 .,, 43,622 1440 0.29 30 C 74 0 4.8 .61,121_ :1440; .; .8. , 35,219 1440 0.28 477,517 ;_1440.�`';::fl28 42,486 1440 0.28 31 Monthly Loading(GPD/ft2) r � ,: = ice - � 4 e N �� fix' �' a ate. ^. _�;&��. �,.�''� s "�s � 1`�s 13. Year to Date Loadin• GPD/ft2 "' IF 1" ~: .,. :.' %c, .x,.�'.e». e'er FORM:NDAR-2 10-13 NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT(NDAR-2) Page t of Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? El Compliant ❑Non-Compliant If not a basin, were the sites kept free of vegetation and raked? ElCompliant ❑Non-Compliant If not a basin, were there any instances of effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? i l Compliant 0 Non-Compliant If a basin, were there any instances of breakout from the berms? I]Compliant 0 Non-Compliant Was the onsite automatically activated standby power source tested and operational? D Compliant ❑Non-Compliant If the facility is non-compliant,please explain in the space below the reason(s)the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s)of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s)taken.Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge(ORC)Certification Permittee Certification ORC: Mark Young Permittee: Onslow Water and Sewer Authority Certification No.: WW4: 1001105 Signing Official: Dave Mohr Grade: 4 Phone Number: 910-545-6877 Signing Official's Title: Chief Operations Officer Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-2? El Yes O No Phone Number: 910-937-7521 Permit Exp.: 10/31/26 e. 1.1Z -7//.8k ! pc.- 71751"Z Z Si ure ate Signature Date By this signature certify that this report is accurrate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify,under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of tines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617