HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-07451_Well Construction - GW1_20220810 RECENED Jan. 29. 241E 10:58AM Env. Heald .jjra 120.2022i No. 6711 P. 1 �;� WELL CQNST UMQN REC�RD�1� ?10160 ; Forintemet Use only: 1.7,1'4r) cadmcw IDfo don: — n m NCw CcP=«mCcniere6mtt M*w FROM I TO 7S.S MATERIAL - - UL IL L wen coIDmuuton Perm. moat TO nt 11433RI r lttrrailoptcr+ ,erltemuuuenm perMr+At Co,m3:3iarsYaBoac�e:c1" n R. to. 3,well ilae(ebectttrefl use): -n tt m. waterSapptyNett: To swrsaE. Agtieuttoml tic 0 t►. to Geadcmul(13ratind0wingSUppiy) idedwwaterstwply(sbrgie) - h:dmtriellCommeneial DResidmtiet Wate SgWy(�mtod)on to SupplyW�: RJec en: >ti a _ Aquin:rRechargo dGmuadwet�Remedistiaa - :� lGilSatB[dPA AqufdcrStotagcandReeovery j3SalinityB&der FROii TO MATERIAL ENKNOURM _AquirtrTcs dsttmnvraterthaimp n tt TarpetimeatetT�hnalogy Qsnr>st�econuot o: � Cwhrsinel(classed 1nap) MTwer -- Geattramel(Aeotiag/Cooling Rettao OOter ttodu l Remelts TIMM TO aFSCAR�Y ata eviao�aathect 06 rr . tt J.Date Welt(s)Completed: /6t WOW- J-4 ell sa.well Lane= Raerlitylowaert�Ume PacrTip 1D41if5�Tvebb) IL a fL cmw pmceltdemiEauinatda(PIIr) sb.TA tude and 1obgfta&1u degteahmiontesixeconds or deeltnat degrees:Vw0fid d.oeatadlangis r) L 2L C tiow O� Spa 09 r �- 6.Ia(are)lbewell(s) leramnent or ElTempormy Si�anaeof edWettCaouretm Due Bp soft LWj&t I ken*cm.*dw dm wgW var(was)a now d a,ewm%= 7.IsYhisarepatrtoaDe�dstiDgwe4 J]Yes or Die .i+hLlfdlUCtCO2C.0100arlJ�lMGfCO2C_O10Q6'i/iCmauneaanadoxitaad�ara ;/:ldrfsargnl�JHfombmemxdlmum,bgbuaarfa:audatpiaAerha:maoeafdx teF1MdgtMec:d/mbrmulro�axdloroKl rqLarmderVj rmwrlr.aeaao Groff the ladgfftfam, 23.Site diaeeam ar addilion9l well,details: L For ceopmborr or closed-Loop Geoumml WcIIs tmvins the same You assay va dtc but of tins'ptrge to.pmvide add:noaat well site loafs or veil ,mt:swctiogaDtyilr'W-lisDeed� lMieate'f07'a4NUM99RofWrtts camoxtiondeWs.Youmayalsoattechwditimelpegesifaxessety. �� St78Ml1TAL lNbTRUCITtL ' 9.Total well depth belowland so>zf /Ll (R.) 24L For All Weft Submit ills form wWa 30 days of tw ulelion of well For sadaykvdtstutaIdo alAffc-A-VAs-J@W'-d2&W) commuctionta OR:followMA:j 10.Stifle water level Mewtopoftminb: � G PL) DivateaofWaterReaoural.bbtmallmProeesttagUn% tJvarer Ind tfebmern eSw+" M7,BaliSa"ce,Cater,RAld^&C27699-1617 11.Borehole diemetu: XM•) 2Qb.per�ten Wear: fn iddiria�to seafiwg the harm m the addrees in its IZ.WeIl conslrnatfoit ttrethod: a i above,aim submitt wa copy'of this 1b�vwi0k 30 dabs of completion of well (is.smff-O ry.UNC.&mdPudLd&) svroDuWonit►tlxfolloiaa _ Dmilon ofwater ResaareM Unda rormd injection Control t3 asmM. FOR WATER SUPPLYWZ SOMY: 160waservieat'entet.Bateigh,Ncro-4-wfi L c 13a.Meld W ta) �C/ Mdhod o1'le9c ` �" For Water 3dVDly&Inw, oa W 1n addidan to sending dm tom to me.w0co(e+)above,alm!submit one copy of Ibis tbmt wAie 30 days of 131L Mdafecdon type: Autoatt� t��G twmplelia of vtm ooil ncjjon to the cotnttlr health dquatmeot of the cou ay Wd=acoshucted 'F=GB►4 If�hfitio6asD meatsfEaDaoamraniQ�tiry=DiviSaaoflV�erResomas Reviaed2222016