HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025526_Instream Assessment_19941108NPDES DOCIMENT !;CANNIN` COVER SHEET AN ilk, AlMly ., ., Adak NPDES Permit: NC0025526 Walnut Cove WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Renewal Application Speculative Limits Instream Assessment (67b) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: November 8, 1994 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the reYerse side North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section / Rapid Assessment Group November 8, 1994 MEMORANDUM To: Steve Mauney From: Farrell Keoug - Through: Carla Sanderson W Ruth Swanek Subject: Summary Instream Assessment Town of Walnut Cove Waste Water Treatment Plant NC0025526 Town Fork Creek [03-02-01] Stokes County Winston-Salem Region An Instream Assessment for the Town of Walnut Cove has been completed by Technical Support. The Winston-Salem Regional Office has requested this assessment due to the facility's inability to meet its NPDES BOD5 and flow limits consistently. An increase of 0.010 mgd and relaxed BOD5 limits were requested. With the addition of 0.010 mgd flow to the yearly average flow of 0.2374 mgd, the plant will reach a flow of 0.2474 mgd. A prated flow limit of 0.300 mgd has been proposed, which is above the current design capacity of 0.192 mgd. The Town of Walnut Cove Waste Water Treatment Plant has had operational problems, due to the lack of process control capabilities of their dual facultative lagoons. With this SOC, the Town requests an increase in domestic flow and an interim BOD5 limit of 60 mg/I. This is the second SOC request within a one year period, but the first requested SOC was never signed, therefore never instituted. A Level-B analysis was performed to assess the impact of the additional flow and relaxed BOD5 limits. The modeling analysis for this assessment indicated that the additional wasteflow under the proposed interim limits will not cause a violation of the EMC 67 (b) criteria; i.e. not causing a dissolved oxygen sag of greater than 0.5 mg/l and not exceeding the dissolved oxygen sag length of greater than 0.5 miles. The Town of Walnut Cove Waste Water Treatment Plant may discharge up to approximately 0.300 mgd, (which should facilitate wet weather conditions) in total flow without violating the 67 (b) criteria. Walnut Cove Waste Water Treatment Plant NC0025526 Stokes County Evaluation & Discussion The Town of Walnut Cove Waste Water Treatment Plant discharges into Town Fork Creek, a class "WS IV" waterbody, which flows into the Dan River in the Roanoke River Basin. Town Fork Creek drains approximately 113 square miles at the discharge site. The USGS estimates the following flows at the discharge site: summer 7010 flow = 8.9 ds winter 7010 flows 20 ds Average flow = 130 cfs The segment of the waterbody where the Walnut Cove Waste Water Treatment Plant discharges is slow moving, with a bed gradient of approximately 4.9 feet per mile for 3.6 miles before discharging into the Dan River. The Town currently has dual facultative lagoons and cannot meet either its BODE or flow limits. The Town has proposed to expand its wastewater capabilities to treat up to 0.500 mgd and install new treatment. To date, the type of treatment selected for this plant is still under review. In addition, a subbasin analysis of Town Fork Creek and its tributaries, is currently being reviewed to be included in the Roanoke Basin Management Plan. The Town of Walnut Cove WWTP should keep in contact with both the Region and the Technical Support Branch during this upgrade process to insure that future requirements can be met. Recommendations Due to the inability of the present system at the Walnut Cove Waste Water Treatment Plant to meet the NPDES limits, the Technical Support Branch will concur with the Region's recommendations for relaxed limits until such time as an upgraded system is installed. The modeling analysis indicated that the 67 (b) criteria will be met, but the SOC permitted flow far exceeds the design capacity of the facility. These flow exceedences are probably due to poor flow estimate procedures by the facility rather than actual discharges in amounts which exceed the Permitted levels. Better flow measuring will be one of the areas upgraded during this SOC period. Since the 67 (b) criteria was met under this higher flow, an addition of 0.010 mgd of domestic flow may be added. The following represents the SOC proposed limits: Effluent Characteristics Monthly Average Wasteflow (mgd): 0.300 BOD5 (mg/1): 60 NH3-N (mg/1): 24 DO (mg/I): - TSS (mg/I): 90 Fecal Coliform (/100 mf): 200 pH (SU): 6 - 9 If there are any further questions regarding these recommendations, please feel free to contact me. cc: Dianne Wilburn, Compliance Central Files David Russell, WSRO Walnut Cove Waste Water Treatment Plant NC0025526 Stokes County TABLE 1. lnstream Assessment Summary for the Town of Walnut Cove Waste Water Treatment Plant Wasteflow Assumptions Design Capacity Pre-SOC Wasteflow SOC Flow Requested Pre-SOC + SOC Flow + Wet Weather contingency flow Model Input Summary Headwater Conditions: s7Q10 8.9 cfs Qave 130 cfs Design Temperature 25 c C CBOD 2.0 mg/I NBOD 1.0 mg/I DO 7.44 mg/I Wastewater Inputs: 1st Wasteflow 2nd Wasteflow CBOD (1.5 * BOD5 ) NBOD (4.5 * NH3-N) 0.2374 mgd 0.300 mgd 90 mg/l 108 mg/I Model Output Summary 0.192 mgd 0.2347 mgd 0.0100 mgd 0.300 mgd Qw End DO Net Distance Net (mgd) Minimum Change < 5.0 mg/I Change 0.2374 6.49 rVa rVa n/a Reayested Soc Flow 0.300 6.24 0.25 rVa Na Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Facility Status: Permit Status: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Topo Quad: Existing WLA checked: Staff Report: Topo checked: USGS Flows confirmed: IWC Spreadsheet: Stream Classification: Nutrient Sensitivity: Instream Data: x 1987: no previous WLA's in file. Two reach modeling analysis w/ 30 / 90 limits for 0.192 mgd flow - Limits remained unchanged - 1992: WLA requested with SOC and EA for proposed expansion from 0.192 to 0.500 mgd. Facility chose ammonia limit for current discharge. Facility was having BOD violations during this Permit review period, hence the SOC, excellent modeling notes in file). An SOC memorandum was sent out in January, 1993 for the same problems of meeting BON with a requested flow increase of 0.02 mgd, (making the SOC for 0.1797 mgd, which was below the Permitted discharge). 1994 (SOC info): Staff Report indicates that modified SOC was signed by Town Manager on 6 / 8 / 93, but not yet signed off by State. This Staff Report covers the many issues involved with this SOC very well and will not be re -addressed here. The engineer working on this Permit, (Alvarez) has recently informed me that the Town's consultants are planning on installing a constructed wetlands for treatment. Alvarez's judgment is that the soils, groundwater elevations, and types of waste will be well treated by this system. Also, the designer of this system is a consultant who has designed, installed, and dealt with constructed wetlands for twenty years. SOC is for inability to meet BOD5 of 30 mg/l, (average over last year was 30.41 mg/). Average flow over last year was 0.2374 mgd, (per SOC request form) Current SOC request 0.01 mgd Total Post - SOC flow 0.247 mgd Requested BOD5 = 60 mg/1 Model runs: (1) w/ requested Limits BODs 60 mg/I and NH3N 24 mg/I for pre-SOC flow of 0.2374 mgd (2) w/ requested Limits BODs 60 mg/I and NH3-N 24 mg/l for post-SOC flow of 0.2474 mgd Dissolved Oxygen sag occurs in Reach 3: Total A DO sag = 6.46(1) - 6.21(2) a 0.25 mg/1 (for an SOC flow of 0.3 mgd) Total A Dissolved Oxygen sag length Total A DO sag length = 0.38(2) - 0.38(1) a 0.0 miles This conforms to the 67(b) criteria: < 0.5 mg/l A Dissolved Oxygen sag < 0.5 mg/1 A Dissolved Oxygen sag length Walnut Cove WWTP NC0025526 100 % Domestic Existing SOC Town Fork Creek C 03-02-01 Stokes Winston - Salem David Russell WSRO 26 October, 1994 B 18 SW Request # SOC Stream Characteristic, USGS # Date: 1992 Drainage Area (mi2): 113 Summer 7010 (cfs): 8.9 Winter 7010 (cis): 20 Average Flow (cfs): 130 3002 (cfs): 21 IWC (%): Existing Limitsz x x 1994 x during basin modeling analysis x nr x WS IV Wasteflow (MGD): BOD5 (mg/1): NH3N (mg/I): DO (mg/I): TSS (mg/l): Fecal Col. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (µg/l): Oil & Grease (mg/1): TP (mg/I): TN (mg/I): There shall be no discharge Upstream Location: Downstream Location: Parameters: Monthly Averages Summer Winter 0.192 30 24 90 200 6-9 monitor monitor monitor 30 monitor 90 200 6-9 monitor monitor monitor Monthly Averages Summer Winter 0.500 30 10 30 30 200 200 6-9 6-9 28 28 30 monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. at least 100' above discharge at most convenient point - 2 miles below confluence w/ Lick Creek on temperature, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, conductivity WO or EL 'Low, *- pot, c tiV6Rb14400 �l P*vrp Ru5seL tW5ES) rlc -tk,c uScsd o& d0") -fk cA tue EAczck.,.tcr� ... iv . 4/peob3bLz9 CIO - Town Fork Cre ie/ 1�� IS, but- `f h2 POkla eik (OA- pit. 5o k`,t` 4►' 'L s ) a kc - .j bqE �xcctct l - . MODEL RESULTS Discharger : WALNUT COVE WWTP Receiving Stream : TOWN FORK CREEK SUMMER POST SOC MONTHLY AVERAGE FLOW SOC REQUESTED LIMITS The End D.O. is 6.45 mg/1. The End CBOD is 3.96 mg/l. The End NBOD is 3.10 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flo (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mgd) Segment 1 7.03 0.20 1 Reach 1 90.00 108.00 0.00 0.247400 Segment 2 6.79 0.10 1 Reach 1 45.00 49.50 0.00 0.050000 Segment 3 6.42 2.72 1 Reach 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 0 Wr Mur Cove- tiUTTPP Q Gosk0,3,1- "Tzste..SVRDtViz orq NC00Z895y.3 5AVF.o as = wPLaO t-BDATR-LS WAWur ctkr, L flyT-j a. v Tcku N a y�� Wvr -Rc 34.;5b s,e-t 9.el-(8+ty O.�Sc$S�1E s�Q11D Zt0 3,6 =• ,,uiQtQ R1 1- 5 #2) 3 • 6 = 0.5 C3-5/t*►t QAiJ -jD 1bt-(lb *13N)/3.6 z �-t c�5f mtl 5,2-t - , S R t_- o.z D. t 3.9 4.1 5.Z 4.9 0 0 0. 2.5 0 0 D•5 0 0 3.1 °to .. 1-i 5 to8 99-S 0.3 0.05 *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger : WALNUT COVE WWTP Subbasin : 0302 Receiving Stream : TOWN FORK CREEK Stream Class: C Summer 7Q10 : 8.9 Winter 7Q10 : 20.0 Design Temperature: 25.0 (LENGTH) SLOPE) VELOCITY I DEPTH( Kd 1 Kd I Ka I Ka I KN 1 KN I KNR I KNR I SOD I SOD 1 mile I ft/mil fps 1 ft 'design l @20 Idesign' @20 'design l @20 'design' @20 Idesignl @20 I I Segment 1 1 0.201 4.901 0.190 1 1.80 1 0.27 1 0.22 1 1.87 1 1.681 0.44 1 0.30 10.44 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 Reach 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Segment 2 1 0.101 5.201 0.100 1 0.85 1 0.27 1 0.22 1 1.04 1 0.941 0.44 1 0.30 1 0.44 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 Reach 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I Segment 3 1 3.401 4.901 0.202 1 1. 89 1 0.27 1 0. 22 1 1.43 1 1.291 0.44 1 0.30 1 0.44 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0. 00 Reach 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Flow 1 CBOD 1 NBOD 1 D.O. I 1 cfs 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 I Segment 1 Reach 1 Waste I 0.383 1 90.000 1108.000 1 0.000 Headwaters i 8.900 I 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Tributary 1 0.000 I 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 2 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.077 1 45.000 149.500 I 0.000 Headwaters) 1.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff I 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 Headwaters) 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 Tributary 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff 1 0.250 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff flow is in cfs/mile SUMMER POST SOC MONTHLY AVERAGE FLOW SOC REQUESTED LIMITS I Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CBOD I NBOD I Flow I 1 1 0.00 7.13 5.63 5.42 9.28 1 1 0.02 7.12 5.63 5.40 9.28 1 1 0.04 7.11 5.62 5.39 9.28 1 1 0.06 7.10 5.61 5.37 9.28 1 1 0.08 7.09 5.60 5.36 9.28 1 1 0.10 7.08 5.59 5.34 9.28 1 1 0.12 7.07 5.58 5.33 9.28 1 1 0.14 7.06 5.57 5.31 9.28 1 1 0.16 7.05 5.56 5.30 9.28 1 1 0.18 7.04 5.55 5.28 9.28 1 1 0.20 7.03 5.54 5.27 9.28 2 1 0.00 6.90 5.09 4.49 1.08 2 1 0.01 6.89 5.08 4.48 1.08 2 1 0.02 6.88 5.08 4.46 1.08 2 1 0.03 6.87 5.07 4.45 1.08 2 1 0.04 6.86 5.06 4.44 1.08 2 1 0.05 6.85 5.05 4.43 1.08 2 1 0.06 6.84 5.04 4.42 1.08 2 1 0.07 6.82 5.03 4.40 1.08 2 1 0.08 6.81 5.02 4.39 1.08 2 1 0.09 6.80 5.02 4.38 1.08 2 1 0.10 6.79 5.01 4.37 1.08 3 1 0.00 7.00 5.48 5.18 10.36 3 1 0.34 6.83 5.30 4.91 10.45 3 1 0.68 6.69 5.13 4.67 10.53 3 1 1.02 6.59 4.97 4.43 10.62 3 1 1.36 6.52 4.81 4.21 10.70 3 1 1.70 6.47 4.65 4.00 10.79 3 1 2.04 6.44 4.50 3.80 10.87 3 1 12.38 6.42 4.36 3.61 10.96 3 1 12.72 6.42 4.22 3.43 11.04 3 1 3.06 6.43 4.09 3.26 11.13 3 1 3.40 6.45 3.96 3.10 11.21 I Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CBOD I NBOD I Flow I MODEL RESULTS Discharger : WALNUT COVE WWTP Receiving Stream : TOWN FORK CREEK SUMMER PRIOR SOC MONTHLY AVERAGE FLOW SOC REQUESTED LIMITS The End D.O. is 6.49 mg/l. The End CBOD is 3.87 mg/l. The End NBOD is 3.01 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flo (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) .(mgd) Segment 1 7.04 0.20 1 Reach 1 90.00 108.00 0.00 0.23740 Segment 2 6.79 0.10 1 Reach 1 45.00 49.50 0.00 0.05000 Segment 3 6.46 2.38 1 Reach 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger : WALNUT COVE WWTP Subbasin : 0302 Receiving Stream : TOWN FORK CREEK Stream Class: C Summer 7Q10 : 8.9 Winter 7Q10 : 20.0 Design Temperature: 25.0 ILENGTHI SLOPE' VELOCITY 1 DEPTHI Kd I Kd 1 Ka I Ka I KN 1 KN I KNR I KNR I SOD 1 SOD 1 mile 1 ft/mil fps 1 ft 'design' @20 Idesign' @20 'design l @20 'design' @20 (design) @20 I I i I I I I I I Segment 1 1 0.201 4.901 0.190 1 1.80 10.27 1 0.22 1 1.87 1 1.681 0.44 1 0.30 1 0.44 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 Reach 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I Segment 2 I 0.101 5.201 0.100 10.85 10.27 10.22 1 1.04 I 0.941 0.44 1 0.30 i 0.44 10.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 Reach 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Segment 3 1 3.401 4.901 0.202 1 1.89 1 0.27 1 0.22 1 1.43 1 1.290.44 1 0.30 10.4 4 1 0.00 1 0.00 10.00 Reach 1 1 I I I I I I I I I l I I I Flow 1 CBOD 1 NBOD 1 D.O. I I cfs 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 I mg/1 I Segment 1 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.368 190.000 1108.000 1 0.000 Headwaters) 8.900 1 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 Tributary 1 0.000 I 2.000 I 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 Segment 2 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.077 1 45.000 1 49.500 1 0.000 Headwaters) 1.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 Tributary 1 0.000 I 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff 1 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.000 I 0.000 I 0.000 I 0.000 Headwaters) 0.000 I 2.000 I 1.000 1 7.440 Tributary I 0.000 1 2.000 I 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff 1 0.250 1 2.000 I 1.000 1 7.440 * Runoff flow is in cfs/mile SUMMER PRIOR SOC MONTHLY AVERAGE FLOW SOC REQUESTED LIMITS I Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. 1 CBOD 1 NBOD I Flow I 1 1 0.00 7.14 5.49 5.25 9.27 1 1 0.02 7.13 5.48 5.23 9.27 1 1 0.04 7.12 5.47 5.22 9.27 1 1 0.06 7.11 5.47 5.20 9.27 1 1 0.08 7.10 5.46 5.19 9.27 1 1 0.10 7.09 5.45 5.17 9.27 1 1 0.12 7.08 5.44 5.16 9.27 1 1 0.14 7.07 5.43 5.15 9.27 1 1 0.16 7.06 5.42 5.13 9.27 1 1 0.18 7.05 5.41 5.12 9.27 1 1 0.20 7.04 5.40 5.10 9.27 2 1 0.00 6.90 5.09 4.49 1.08 2 1 0.01 6.89 5.08 4.48 1.08 2 1 0.02 6.88 5.08 4.46 1.08 2 1 0.03 6.87 5.07 4.45 1.08 2 1 0.04 6.86 5.06 4.44 1.08 2 1 0.05 6.85 5.05 4.43 1.08 2 1 0.06 6.84 5.04 4.42 1.08 2 1 0.07 6.82 5.03 4.40 1.08 2 1 0.08 6.81 5.02 4.39 1.08 2 1 0.09 6.80 5.02 4.38 1.08 2 1 0.10 6.79 5.01 4.37 1.08 3 1 0.00 7.02 5.36 5.03 10.35 3 1 0.34 6.85 5.18 4.77 10.43 3 1 0.68 6.72 5.02 4.53 10.52 3 1 1.02 6.62 4.85 4.30 10.60 3 1 1.36 6.55 4.70 4.09 10.69 3 1 1.70 6.50 4.55 3.88 10.77 3 1 2.04 6.48 4.40 3.69 10.86 3 1 12.38 6.461 4.26 3.50 10.94 3 1 12.72 6.46 4.13 3.33 11.03 3 1 3.06 6.47 4.00 3.17 11.11 3 1 3.40 6.49 3.87 3.01 11.20 1 Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CBOD I NBOD I Flow 1 MODEL RESULTS Discharger : WALNUT COVE WWTP Receiving Stream : TOWN FORK CREEK SUMMER POST SOC MONTHLY AVERAGE FLOW SOC REQUESTED LIMITS (0.3 MGD) The End D.O. is 6.24 mg/l. The End CBOD is 4.42 mg/1. The End NBOD is 3.57 mg/l. WLA WLA WLA DO Min CBOD NBOD DO Waste Flo (mg/1) Milepoint Reach # (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mgd) Segment 1 6.94 0.20 1 Reach 1 90.00 108.00 0.00 0.30000 Segment 2 6.79 0.10 1 Reach 1 45.00 49.50 0.00 0.05000 Segment 3 6.21 2.72 1 Reach 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00000 *** MODEL SUMMARY DATA *** Discharger : WALNUT COVE WWTP Subbasin : 0302 Receiving Stream : TOWN FORK CREEK Stream Class: C Summer 7Q10 : 8.9 Winter 7Q10 : 20.0 Design Temperature: 25.0 ILENGTHI SLOPE' VELOCITY I DEPTHI Kd I Kd I Ka I Ka I KN I KN I KNR 1 KNR I SOD I SOD 1 mile I ft/mil fps I ft Idesign' @20 'design l @20 'design' @20 Idesign l @20 'design l @20 Segment 1 I 0.201 4.901 0.192 11.81 10.27 1 0.22 11.88 I 1.691 0.44 10.30 10.44 10.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 Reach 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I Segment 2 I 0.101 5.20) 0.100 10.85 10.27 10.22 11.04 I 0.941 0.44 10.30 10.44 10.00 10.00 10.00 Reach 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I Segment 3 I 3.401 4.90) 0.203 11.89 10.27 10.22 11.44 I 1.291 0.44 1 0.30 1 0.44 1 0.00 10.00 10.00 Reach 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Flow I CBOD I NBOD I D.O. I 1 cfs I mg/1 1 mg/1 1 mg/1 I Segment 1 Reach 1 Waste I 0.465 190.000 1108.000 I 0.000 Headwaters) 8.900 ) 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 Tributary 1 0.000 I 2.000 I 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff I 0.000 1 2.000 I 1.000 I 7.440 Segment 2 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.077 1 45.000 149.500 I 0.000 Headwaters) 1.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 I 7.440 Tributary I 0.000 I 2.000 I 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff I 0.000 I 2.000 I 1.000 I 7.440 Segment 3 Reach 1 Waste 1 0.000 I 0.000 1 0.000 I 0.000 Headwaters) 0.000 1 2.000 1 1.000 1 7.440 Tributary ) 0.000 I 2.000 I 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff 1 0.250 1 2.000 I 1.000 I 7.440 * Runoff flow is in cfs/mile I Seg # I Reach # 1 Seg Mi I D.O. I CBOD 1 1 0.00 7.07 6.37 1 1 0.02 7.06 6.36 1 1 0.04 7.04 6.35 1 1 0.06 7.03 6.34 1 1 0.08 7.01 6.33 1 1 0.10 7.00 6.31 1 1 0.12 6.99 6.30 1 1 0.14 6.97 6.29 1 1 0.16 6.96 6.28 1 1 0.18 6.95 6.27 1 1 0.20 6.94 6.26 2 1 0.00 6.90 5.09 2 1 0.01 6.89 5.08 2 1 0.02 6.88 5.08 2 1 0.03 6.87 5.07 2 1 0.04 6.86 5.06 2 1 0.05 6.85 5.05 2 1 0.06 6.84 5.04 2 1 0.07 6.82 5.03 2 1 0.08 6.81 5.02 2 1 0.09 6.80 5.02 2 1 0.10 6.79 5.01 3 1 0.00 6.92 6.13 3 1 0.34 6.71 5.93 3 1 0.68 6.55 5.74 3 1 1.02 6.43 5.55 3 1 1.36 6.34 5.37 3 1 1.70 6.27 5.20 3 1 2.04 6.23 5.03 3 1 12.38 6.21 4.87 3 1 J2.72 6.21 4.72 3 1 3.06 6.22 4.57 3 1 3.40 6.24 4.42 I Seg # I Reach # I Seg Mi I D.O. I CBOD I I SUMMER POST SOC MONTHLY AVERAGE FLOW SOC REQUESTED LIMITS (0.3 MGD) NBOD I Flow I 6.31 9.37 6.30 9.37 6.28 9.37 6.26 9.37 6.24 9.37 6.22 9.37 6.21 9.37 6.19 9.37 6.17 9.37 6.16 9.37 6.14 9.37 4.49 1.08 4.48 1.08 4.46 1.08 4.45 1.08 4.44 1.08 4.43 1.08 4.42 1.08 4.40 1.08 4.39 1.08 4.38 1.08 4.37 1.08 5.96 10.44 5.65 10.53 5.37 10.61 5.10 10.70 4.84 10.78 4.60 10.87 4.37 10.95 4.15 11.04 3.95 11.12 3.75 11.21 3.57 11.29 NBOD 1 Flow NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEMORANDUM • October 26, 1994 TO: Carla Sanderson Rapid Assessment Group THROUGH: Steve Mauney 'P\ Water Quality Supervisor FROM: David Russell D Environmental Specialist, WSRO SUBJECT: Instream Assessment for Town of Walnut Cove WWTP NPDES No. NC0025526 Stokes County OCT 2 1994 T�Cili ti�n� SU&ORt. BRANCH The Town of Walnut Cove is requesting a SOC. In 1992 the Town also requested a SOC, but for various reasons, the SOC was never signed. An instream assessment was prepared for the 1992 request and a copy of your section's comments are attached. Please review the latest instream assessment and provide our office with your comments. Should you have questions, contact our office. Request Form for In -stream Assessment for 67B NAME OF FACILITYJL.d/1 076N,1 '/lf1.6V( itia.r7-7 9y/0z5 SUBBASIN ?3 OZ-- 0/ COUNTY makes REGION fJ5/eO DESIGN FLOW j%,1' 2_ /yj614 RECEIVING STREAM -Z1)/U BACKGROUND DATA : A. Why is SOC needed? (Facility is out of compliance with which Yb effluent limits?)� � AA: Die'�4� ��,4/C��f7/�'� /& . 1k (k evl e c �s/) L A 6 i /," W6 u/ ties- f G �/7dC i �i ( (Mo� VD p'�La /200 Poiv G.+ /�M,� iS :.t Ivy h.ef_ '�'ilr�.evr •7c/0 i5 J „<[ ,'L' �: d � R.o•�d`a!/ PAS p4�u /yuL,f)- S'{ /tE..+2,`; r % S ,A. 1 s 17 i..vIh/-2 . B. History of SOC requests: SPC 62-e s14. n4.4 f�o�Q �„ /'5 a %f Joc 4„0.s- Newic 5:5Nec 1. Monthly Average waste flow prior to any SOC 0,23'V mgd Time period averaged S /5'5'3 thru ,4 ,5 59& /! 5./ 2. Previously approved SOC's: Pox)e_ Date: flow: mgd Date: flow: mgd total of previously approved SOC flow: mgd 3. Flows lost from plant flow: U mgd (facilities that have gone off line) 4. Current SOC request 5. Total plant flow post-SOC (sum of original flow and SOC flow minus losses) flow: f%. o/ mgd flow: ©• - i 7 mgd 6. Is this an accurate flow balance for plant? Why/whynot? 1ZL retie /�Ile.2 �� O c.4 ;jpIvt M fri-` s biz -CM - 6frset o.J Sri . / "e P—kf L °o CI ' "�'✓S ,As�� t.�ES(� i JN /2 . �` � S r� i.v , /Ltir.r!!i,e2 lA / <, /GVCR/eiest'f ,e2e.0-17/5 S C. Please attach DMR summary for past year for all permitted parame- ters. If possible, include reports from previous years if facility has been under SOC for more than a year. bhla Su.r►hi,uti CURRENT SOC REQUEST : A. Request is for domestic or industrial waste? If it is a combin- ation, please specify percentages. y (ties %S' !t Pi 600 y,QJ e04' 66,45.9`i c 1:44s94,-,41.eit p? eAhli4 7�t <owNo4, 74,R c7N Res Ile G�or,�asTic �c� v�zc�n- .Gr.si�vpsl��f 2�c. B. What type of industry? Please attach any pertinent data. l7 w 4S .'v .,vclus C. The region proposes the following SOC limits: BOD5 iC O mg/1 (91) NH3 mg/1 (1-)21 DO mg/1 TSS /v mg/1 fecal coliform #/100m1 / pH u>0"`% U SU other parameters ?ow 30 cQ, D. What is the basis for !these limits? ti 30D 64Se c „le( f a,Jsis/leg er-e /,r;;4' offC�° h�1 P � l.� a 7P S/.• rre 1'L � .� N �� � �f /-c pz°w /ir►i�U o f J is h/as °N Se�- r,.oN�l'd�iN�' jd/a. -% -171 ,AAA AA S 6Qeiu_- ASu.ce4 .fey a .A...Gali S' ea", 12aN "tis .e 7-4 o�2aPaae� 0 {,, d� Aoa $ �1� e 640-li/i d�u2i,7 Gaef- aye - P"orr#S // rrw.v(r� of f 11 / �f. P2 ftLow �UTh 1 C� 04'" ` { oQ�I lo- 0.1 ly.s o d0yra5tJc LA-5�7/%' ADC, Aesrca ll A tiotC J1; sc%on.7e& w; II 2e.+.A.;a As 7� 0, 30 1,1ct 0.9e.J- L orb., A.e h pltio da