HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070982 Ver 1_Conservation Easements_20070917Subject: [Fwd: conservation areas, this time with the attachment (this time it really does have the attachment)]
From: Joanne Steenhuis <Joanne.Steenhuis@ncmail.neU
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 10:07:45 -0400
To: Bev Strickland <bev.strickland@ncmail.net>
Also for 070982
Subject: conservation areas, this time with the attachment (this time it really does have the attachment)
From: "david despeaux" <davidd@dldengineering.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 15:53:39 -0400
To: "'Joanne Steenhuis"' <Joanne.Steenhuis@ncmail.net>, <david.l.timpy@saw02.usace.army.mil>
CC: "'tomoppold"' <tomoppold@bellsouth.neb, "Steve Morrison" <sorrison@lmgroup.net>, <Jason.Dail@ncmail.net>
Hi Joanne,
Signed and notarized, for your review.
David Despeaux, PE
DLD Engineering, Inc.
Also note that the original should arrive to you tomorrow.
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conservation areas, this time with the attachment (this time it really does have the attachment)'.
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''conservation c and r.pdf ',
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SEP-11-200T 09:36
COpserVafian A e
"1"he areas shown on the plaz o£Tidewater az Ocean Isle as coaservatiaa arras shall be
maintained in perpetuity is their natural or mitigated condition. No pc-rson or earity shall
perform any of the following activities on such conservation area
Fill grade, cavaze or perform any other land disnrrbing activives_
b_ Cut, mow, bum, remove, ar harm any vegetarion.
c_ Cons-tract or place y roads, trails walkways buildings, mobile homes, signs, utility
poles or towers, or any other permaueai or temporary stmctrrres, with the exception
that elevated boardwalks and velvcular bridges supported by pilings wild be allowed.
It is also auader>-tood that terrrporary impac-fs to conservation arras will occur during
coastrrtction o£improvements located immediazely adja.cea[ to coxrsavation areas and
durivg -on o£aay elevazecl boardwalks or velair;ular bridges_ Such temporary
impacts are to be - - - t-rt with a ltigh level o£care which will include logging maz_s
placed over any conservation areas which must be - °~' by heavy equipment
d_ il.-~:~ or otherwise disrupt or alter the hydrology or drainage ways o£ the corrservatioa
Dramp or store soil, irasb~ other waste
Grate or water r+~++~~ls~ or use for y agricultarrat or Lortir:ultural purpose
This covenant is intended to ensure continued compliance with tlae mitigation cendition o£ a
Chart Water Act author-~atioa issued by the U~ted States of America, U_S_ Army Corps o£
Etrgiaeers, ~lmirrgUOa District, Action ID 2005010'78 and therefore may be enforced. by tkre
Uttited States of AmP^ca_ This cov t is to ram with the land, and shall be bindivg on the
Owaer~ and all parties clai ~ g under it.
T Ile text o£ this secrion vtlecl, Conservation Areas carurot be amended wittrout tlae express
wr=nxea coa_c®t oFtlre U_S_ Army Corps o£Eagssaeers, Wilmiragtna DisaicG
1, Tom Oppold, agree to Pie Tyre above text into the covenants and res-triction_s to be recorded
for Tidewater at ceaa Isle_
//JJ' ~'I~/O~o~
Tom,~yOppald `~ Data /~
I, % // - ~ ~ 5 N c-~-l- a Nolary Public of Ma SYate of SoutM1 Carolina, Chari¢ston County,
tr.~re~y r'Qrtify iM1at Tom Oppold personally appPar¢6 befor2 ma Hiis day and exec:aitcd tM1is document
by above certiflmHOn.
wtrtess y band antl onto - 1, LM1is day of Montlay, September 1 O, 2007
N ferry public Oa[a
My evmm:ss:on expir'PS: My Commisaioa
Expries: a/t8fzot4
Total P.O1