HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140938 Ver 1_Application_20140908Corps Siibmittal Cover Sheet Please provide the followiug iufo: l. Project Name: Replace Brid�e No. l62 an SR 1361 (Old NC 280) over Silver Creek 2. Nauie of Yroperty O�viier/Applicaiit:_Nortli Caroliva Departmeut of Transportation (NCDOT) 3. N�ine of Cousultant/Agent: *Agen[ nWhori�ation needs io be at�ached. 4. Related/Previous Actia� ID number(s): Site Address: N/ 5. Subdivision Name: 6. City: Pis alg i For� 7. County: Tr�nsyl, 8. Lat: 35.291420 N Long: -82.687511_W (Decimal Degrees Ylense) 9. Quadraugle Nauie: _Pis�ah Foi'est (35082-C6-TF-024) 10. Water�vay: Sitver Creek (DWR Class: WS-V; B, Ti•) 11. WatershccL• Frettch Broad River (HCU: 06010105) 12. Requested Actiou: X Nationwide Permit # 14 Geueral Permit # _ Jurisdictional Determivation Reqaest Pre-Application Request The followiug information will be couipleted by Corps oftice: AID: Prepare File Foldei• Assigii numbei• in ORM Begin Date Authorization: Section 10 Section 404 Project Descriptio��/ Nature of Activity/ Project Purpose: Site/Waters Name: Keywords: Pnr McCaoar GO\'[RKOR �.,_ ��_ ,�;..n. �,�� �������� :��. �� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AUgIISY 19, 2�14 Ms. Lori Beckwith, NCDOT Regalatoiry Project Manager U. S. Ariiry Corps of Enginecrs 151 Patton Avenue, Room 20S Asl�eville, NC 28801-2714 ANTHONY J. TATA $EClit I AILI' Sttbject: Nationwidel4PermitApplicatiou Replace Bridge No. 162 on SR 1361 (Old NC 280) over Silver Creek Trans}�lvauiT Couutp WI3S �lement No. 17BP.14.R.126 Dear Ms. Beck���itli: The Nortl� Caroli��a Department of Trausportation (NCDOT) is proposing to replace a fuuctionally obsolete 18' W a 14.5' L siugle span timber bridge with a 16' 4" W x S 11" H x 37' L prefabricated aluminum box culvert with heachvalls on an 88 degree skew with a slope of 0.5%. Sills, baffles, and floodplain bettches will be installed to maintaiu stream dimensions and provide aquatic life passage during periods of lo�v flo�v. .�1n off-site detour �vill be used to convey traftic during construction. The project ���ill also include some minor approach work on the existing road��vay. Enclosed are the Pre-Constrnction Notification (PCN) form, Rapanos Jtu'isdictional Porm, �T:P Mitigation Acceptance Letter, SHPO Concurrence Form, viciuiry map, USGS topograpl�ieal map, plan sheets, Culvert Suivey Report and photographs. The North Carolina Natural Heritage (NCNHP) Database was cliecked for records of tlueateiied aud eudangered species. The database lists 47 species for Transylvania Coimty that h�ve federal status. The bag turtle (Gl���ten{1�s miJ�lenbergii) is listed �s tlu�eatened dt�e to similai'ity of appearance to the listed northern bog hirtle. Eight species, Carolina nortliern (lyiug squirrel (Gloucanys snGrinus colornhrs), Appalachian elktoe (Alnsnticlontn rm�eneNmrn), uiouutain sweet pitcher plant (Snrrncei7in ri�G�•n ssp. jonesii), small whorled pogonia (I.sovin �nedeoloirles), spreading avens (Gea�n rodinlu�n), swauip pink (Helo»ins Gu!(a1a), Vi�ginia spiraea (S�iraeo ��rrgrirrmra) �nd rock gnome liclien (G��ntnoderma Ihrenre), are listed as either tln�eatened or eudangered. There is also poteutial for tlie federal listing of tlie Nortliem long-eared bat (il�fylosis septenU�ioilnlis) in the near futnre. Fourteenlh Dirision OtTice Telephone: (32R) SRC-2141 2S3 VVebster Road, Sylva, nbrlh C�u�olioa 23779 Fas: (h28) SS6-4043 Bridge No. 162 — T'r�usylvania Cowity Page 2 August l9, 2014 Appalachian elktoe is found in �vell-osygeuated streams �vitli moderate to fast flowiug water and requires stable relatively silt fi•ee substrate that is gravelly or rock. The Appalachian elktoe records in the area are from relatively large streams, the Prench Broad River, Littic River and Mills Iuver. Thcre are no records for the smaller tributaries of these streams. No Appalachian elktoe �vere oUserved during the field scoping process and records i��dicate tlie neai•est luio�vn occurrence is located approaimately <}.0 miles do�vnstrcam of tlie project in the French Broad River. Virginia spiraea occurs along rocky, flood-scoured riverbanks in gotges or canyoils. Gravel aud rock bars tliat provide habitat for flie Viiginia spiraea are laeking at the project location. Swamp pink and motmtaiu sweet pitcher plant are species that ai'e fottnd in saturated soils. Tlie project vicinity is highly disturbed and wetlands are not associated ��vitl� the site. Small ���horled pogonia genera115� occurs iu open, diy, deciduous �voods �vitli acid soil according to tlie U.S. Fish ancl Wildlife Service. However, it is also la�own to occur in a variery of habitats in Nortl� Caroliva, iucliiding along streauis. 'Tl�e project site is maintained road riglit of way, with forest area consisting of decidt�ous trees surroonding the project. Tliere are also cesidential sh�uctures located to the east and sotitheast of the biidge. The area is impacted by invasive species, such as Chinese privet; Japauese honeysuckle, nniltiflora rose, and periwinkle. The bridge site appeats to have a vei}� lo��� potential of siipporting small whorled pogouia. Records indicate the nearest known occm�re�ice of small whocled pogonia is approtimately 10.4 uiiles soutli oY the prqject area. Carolina northern fl}�ing squiirel, rock gnome lichen, aud spreading avens are species that requirc habitat found at relatively hi�h elevation. Alttiough most rock gnome licheu populations occur near or above 5,000 feet elevation, it does occm- at lo�ver elevations witliiu deep river gorges. 'I'he elevatiai at tlie subject site is approximately 2,200 fcet and vertical rock subshate required by the rock g��ome licheu is lacking uear tlie project site. Tlierefore, there is no suitable ltabitat for these species near Bridge No. 162. 'I'he US Fish aud Wildlife Serviee (USFWS) �re considering the listiug of tlie northern long- eared bat iu the fall/winter of 2014. Northern loug-eared bats are known to use trees with sloughing bark for summer roosts. Thei'efore, as prescribed by the USFWS, any tree re�uoval at tlie bridge site will be conducted bet��veen October 15 and Apcil 15 (wiuter cleariug) to prevent incidental impTCts to roosting bats. There could be indirect effects due to removal of pote�itial roost trees, birt tlie loss of stiich a small �muiber of trees in a primarily forested landscape sliould be insiguiticaut. The pt•oject is limited to the replacement of an eaisting spanning structure �vitli a bo� culvert. Erosion and scd'unentatiou control measures ��vill be iniplemeuted to fiu�ther minimize potential to adversel}� affect aquatic liabitat. No Appalacl�ian elktoe were obse�ved during the tield scoping process and records are lacking for smaller tributaries of the Prench Broad River. Siuce the uearest occupied habitat in the French Broad River is 4.0 miles downstream from the project, ��ve recouimeud a"�io effcet" determinatiou for the Appalachian elktoe. Biidge No. 162 —Trausylvania County Page 3 August I9, 2014 Terresh�ial habitat l�as been 1�ighly disturbed at tlie project site due to i•oad right of �vay and iesidential de��elopinent. The pi•oject is liu�ited iu scope and hTbitat appears to be lacking for terrestri�l threatened and eudingered species. For these reasons and those discussed above, �>�e recommend a"no effecY' determination for terrestrial threatened aud eudaugered species. This project �vas reviewed by NCDOT's Humau Environment Unit in 2013 for potential affects to l�istorical arcliitectuee and archaeology. It was deteruiiued that no survey was required for historical architectt�re. An arcliaeology smve}� ���as co�iducted on October 2 aud 15, 2013, aud it was determiued there would be no effect, and uo further archaeological investigations were necessary for this project (see attached forins). NCDOT best management practices will be used to miuimize and control sedintentation and erosion. The construction foreman �vill review all erosion and sedimentation control ineasnres daily to ensurc erosion aud sedimentation is beiug efYectively controlled. If the devices are not hmctioniug as iuteuded, tl�ey will be replaced innnediately witli better devices. Impacts to Wnters of the United States Silver Creek (DWQ Class: WS-V; B, Tr) is sho�vn on the USGS topograpl�ie map as T pereimial stream. The chanuel is �vell deluied �vith a suUsh•ate primarily composed of cobble, gravel and sand/silt and is approsimatel}� 10 fcet in widtl�. Sil��er Creek flo���s approxirnately 0.6 miles to Turkey Creek. Turkey Creek flo�vs appro�iinately I.0 mile to the Davidson River. Davidson River flo�vs approaimately 2A miles to the French Broad River. The Prench Broad River meets die definition of a Traditional Navigable Water. For these reasons, we believe Silver Creek is a Relatively Permanent Water aud is under the jurisdietion of thc U.S. Ariny Corps of Engineers. In order to construct tlie project, it will be necessary to iuipact waters of the United States in the French Broad Rivei' Basin (IIUC 06010105). Specitically, NCDOT is requesting to i�eplace Bridge No.162 with a prefabricated aluminuui boa culvert. The impacts are listed in tlie table belo�v. Site No. �xisting Condition Proposed Condition Net Iinp:�ct Site1 18'WsL4.5'L 16'4"Wx5'11"H�3TL 37, Tiuiber Bridge Aluminuin BoY Culvert �v/Headwalls Site 1 A Free Flowiug Stream Impeivious Dike and Flow Diversion 100' E�istiug Streambaiilcs Free Flo�viug Stream Install Ploodplain Benches aud Riprap , Site LB E�isting Streambaiilcs Baiilc Stabilization 50 Tot�l Permanent Stream Lupact— Culvert 37' Total Permanent Stream Impact — I+loodplain Benches and Bank Stabilizatim� 50' Total Tempm•ai�� Stream Impact — Impervious Dike aud P'low Di��e�sion 100' Permits Requested NCDOT is hereby requesting authorization under Section 404 of tl�e Cleau Water Act to proceed �vith tlie constractiou project outlined above. By copy of this lettec to North Carolina Deparhnent Bridge No. 162 — Transyh�ania Count}� Page 4 August I 9, 2014 of Enviromuent and NTtural Resources (DENR), Divisiai of Water Resources (DWR), I am �equesting authorizatioii under Section 401 of tlie Cleau Water Act. Also b3� copy of this letter, I am asking Ms. Marla Cl�ambers, Western NCDOT Review Coordinator, of tlie North Carolina WilclliYe Resources Commission (NCWRC) to conmtent directly to you concemi�ig the 404 Natiom��ide Perinit requcst. In addition, I am asking Ms. Cl�ambers and Mr. Beu DeWit, Roadside Eu��iranneutal Field Operations Engineer (NCDOT), to conmient directl}� to me concerning this permit request. If yott have any qaestions or ueed additioual iuforination, please contact ine at (828) 586-2141 or Mr. Josl� De}�ton, PE, at (328) �l83-2131. Your early review and consideration �vill be greatly appreciated. Sincerely ✓ /D%f✓ �� v'/ Mark S. D�vis Division 14 Environmental Program Supeivisor Enclosures cc: Ms. Amy Chapman, Division of Water Resources, DENR, Raleigh Ivtr. Kevitt Barnett, Divisio�i of Water Resoarces, DENR, Aslieville Mr. Jason Mays, Biologist, US P'ish and Wildlife Service, Asheville Ms. Marla Chambers, Western NCDOT Review Coordinator, NCWRC, Ablcmarle Mr. Joshua B. De}�ton; PE, Divisiou 14 Bridge M�u�gcment Eugineer, NCDOT Mr. Ben DeWit, 6I, Roadside Enviromnental Field Operations Engineer, NCDOT o�o//F w��arF9oc ��//���■����■/�'�y� >�✓�� . O � "`." `�.. ' Y Offce Use Only: Corps aclion ID no. DWQ projecl no. Fonn Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Consh�uctiou Notificatiou (PCN) P'orm A. Ap >licant Lifm•mation 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: � Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1b. Specify Nationwide Perinit (NWP) number: 14 or General Permit (GP) number: 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by lhe Corps? ❑ Yes � No 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all lhat apply): � 401 Water Quality Certifcalion — Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Pennit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certificalion — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this notificalion solely for fhe record For the record only for DWQ 401 For the record only for Corps Permit: because written approval is not required? Certificafion: ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No 1f. Is paymenl into a miligation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation � yes ❑ No of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. NC Ecosystem Enhancement Proc�rarn (EEP) 1 g. Is the project located in any of NCs twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h ❑ Yes � No below. 1h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes � No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Replace Bridge No. 162 on SR 1361(Old NC 280) over Silver Creek 2b. County: Transylvania 2c. Nearest municipalily / lown: Pisgah Forest 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or State 176P.14.R.126 Project No: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: North Carolina Department of Transportation 3b. Deed Book and Page No. N/A 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if Mark S. Davis, Division 14 Environmental Supervisor applica6le): 3d. Street address: 253 Webster Rd. 3e. City, state, zip: Sylva, NC 28779 3f. Telephone no.: 828-586-2141 3g. Fax no.: 828-586-4043 3h. Email address: markdavis anncdot.qov Page 1 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, speci(y: 4b. Name: N/A 4c. Business name N/A (if applicable): 4d. Street address: N/A 4e. City, state, zip: N/A 4f. Telephone no.: N/A 4g. Fax no.: N/A 4h. Email address: N/A 5. AyenUConsultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: N/A 5b. Business name N/A (if applicable): 5c. Street address: N/A 5d. City, state, zip: N/A 5e. Telephone no.: N/A 5f. Fax no.: N/A 5g. Email address: N/A Page 2 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): N/A 1b. Site coordinates (in decimal deyrees): Latitude 35.291420 Longitude: -82.687511 (DD.DDDDDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) 1 c. Properiy size: N/A acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to Silver Creek proposed project: 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: WS-V; B; Tr 2c. River basin: French Broad (HUC 06010105) 3. Praject Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on fhe site and the general land use in the vicinity of lhe project at the time of lhis application: The general landscape cover is forest wilh residential structures in the immediate vicinity of the bridge. The land use is prirnarily rural residential and forested. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on fhe properly: N/A 3c. List lhe total eslimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the properly: N/A 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: To replace a strucWrally defcient and functionally obsolete timber bridge with a new 16'-4" W x 5'-11" H x 37' L prefabricated aluininum box culvert with headwalls on existing location. 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including lhe lype of equipment to be used: Traffc will be detoured off-site. Erosion and sedimentation control measures will be installed. Water will be diverted around the construction area in order to install the culvert in the "dry". The old bridge will be removed. The new culvert will be installed on the same location as the previous bridge. Track hoes, dump trucks, bulldozers, cranes, graders, paving equipment, water pumps, sand bags, diversion pipe, and various hanQ tools will be used to accomplish the work. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream delerminalions by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / � yes � No ❑ Unknown project (including all prior phases) in the past? Comments: N/A 4b. If ihe Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what lype of determination was made? ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: N/A Name (if known): N/A Olher: N/A 4d. If yes, list the dates of �he Corps jurisdiclional determinations or Slate determinations and attach documentation. N/A 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or ceAifications been requested or obtained for � Yes � No ❑ Unknown this project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help fle" instructions. N/A Page 3 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes � No 6b. If yes, explain. N/A Page 4 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your projec[ (check all that apply): ❑ Wetlands � Streams - tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are welland impacts proposed on the site, lhen complete lhis question for each weUand area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. WeUand impact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ — non-404, olher) (acres) Tem orar T W1 ❑ P � T N/A N/A ❑ Yes ❑ Corps N/A ❑ No ❑ DWQ WZ � P� T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ WS ❑ P � T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Totnl welland impncts N/A 2h. Comments: N/A 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete lhis question for all strearn sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream length Permanent (P) or intermittent DWQ — non-404, width (linear Temporary (T) (INT)? other) (feet) feet) S1 � P❑ T Prefabricated Silver Creek � PER � Corps 10 37 Aluminum Box Culvert ❑ INT � DWQ S1A ❑ P� T Impervious Dike and Silver Creek � PER � Corps 10 100 Flow Diversion ❑ INT � DWQ Install Floodplain � pER � Corps S1 B� P❑ T Benches and Riprap Silver Creek 10 50 Bank Sta6ilization ❑ INT � DWQ S2 ❑ P❑ T � PER � Corps ❑ INT � DWQ S3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ 3h. Total Permanent Sh•eam and Tributary Impacts — Culvert 37' Tot�l Permanen� SG�enm Impnct (or Floodplain Benches and Riprap I3an1<Stabilization 50' Total Temporary Strenm Impnct for Impervious llil<e aud �low Diversion 100' 3i. Comments: N/A Page 5 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Open Water Irnpacts If lhere are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, lributaries, sounds, the Allantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number (if applicable) Type of impacl Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) — Permanent (P) or Tem ora 01 ❑ P � T N/A N/A N/A N/A 02 ❑P❑T 03 ❑P❑T 04 ❑P❑T 4C Totnl open water impacts N/A 4g. Comments: N/A 5. Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake conslniction ro osed, then com lete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose of (acres) number pond Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P2 SC Total N/A N/A N/A N!A N/A N/A N/A 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: N/A 5i. Expected poncl surface area (acres): N/A 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): N/A 5k. Method of construction: N/A Page 6 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete lhe chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If an im acts re uire miti ation, then ou MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Other: Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Bufferimpact n�nnber — Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanenl (P) for Stream name mitigation (square feel) (square feet) or Temporary impact reyuired? T 61 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A ❑ Nos N/A N/A 82 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No B3 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No 6h. Tot;,i i�urre�� ��» �acts N/A N/A 6i. Comments: N/A D. Impact Justification and Mitiyation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1 a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or ininimize the proposed impacts in designing project. The tninimum lenglh culvert to meet secondary road standards was designed for this site. The culvert will be buried 1 foot below the existing streambed elevation and sills and baffles will be installed. Floodplain benches will be installed at the inlet and outlet ends of the culvert to help maintain channel dimensions and aquatic life passage. 1b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. Erosion and sedimentation BMPs will be installed prior to consUuction. Wa[er will be diverted around the work area during culvert installation in order to prevent sedimentation of downstream aqua[ic resources. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for � Yes ❑ No impacts lo Waters of the U.S. or Walers of lhe State? 2b. If yes, miligation is required by (check nll ihat apply): ❑ DWQ � Corps ❑ Mitigation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigalion option will be used for this project? � Payment to in-lieu fee program (NCEEP) ❑ Permiltee Responsible Miligation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: N/A 3b. Credits Purchased (allach receipt and letter) Type N/A Quantiry N/A Page 7 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 3c. Comments: N/A 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Proc�ram 4a. Approval let[er from in-lieu fee program is attached. � Yes 4b. Stream miligation requested: 37 linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: ❑ warm ❑ cool �cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): N/A square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4h. Comments: N/A 5. Cornplete if Usinc� a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible initigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. N/A 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Rec�ulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires ❑ Yes � No buffer miligation? 6b. If yes, then identify ihe square feet of impact to each zone of lhe riparian buffer that requires mitigalion. Calculate lhe amount of mitigalion required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impact Total impact Multiplier Required miligation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 N/A N/A 3(2 for Calawba) N/A Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitic�ation required: N/A 6g. If buffer mitigafion is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permillee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment inlo an approved in-lieu fee fund). N/A 6h. Comments: N/A Page 8 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Pian (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the projecl include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified � Yes � No within one of lhe NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1b. If yes, lhen is a diffuse ilow plan included? If no, explain why. ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: N/A 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is lhe overall percent imperviousness of lhis project? N/A % 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? � Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: Project is covered by individual NPDES Permit No. NCS000250. ❑ Certifed Local Govemment 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of ihe Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program � DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is this project? ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of the following locally-implemented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW apply (check all that apply): ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other. 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Review ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a. Which of the following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply � ORW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑ Other. 4b. Has lhe approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been altached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does lhe Stormwater Management Plan meet lhe appropriate requirements? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submitlal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 9 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the � Yes ❑ No use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the Nalional or State ❑ Yes � No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" lo lhe above, has the document review been finalized by lhe State Clearing House? pf so, attach a copy of lhe NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ SurFace Waler or Welland Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 26 .0200)? 2b. Is this an after-the-fact permit application? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or bolh of the above questions, provide an explanalion of the violalion(s): 3. Cumulative hnpacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this projec[ (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in � yes � No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumttlative impact analysis in accordance wilh lhe most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. This project is limited in scope and involves the replacement of an obsolete timber bridge with a new prefabricated aluminum box culvert on existing location. The project will neither influence nearby land uses nor stimulate growth. Therefore, a delailed indirect or cumulative effects sludy will not be necessary. 4. Sewaye Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from ihe proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. N/A Page ] 0 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 5. Endanyered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area wilh federally protected species or � Yes � No habitat? 5b. Have you checked wilh lhe USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act � Yes ❑ No impacts? ❑ Raleigh 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field O�ce you have contacted. � Asheville 5d. Whal data sources did you use to determine whelher your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Crilical Habitat? North Carolina Natural Heritage Database and onsite investigation. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essenlial fish habitat? ❑ Yes � No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whelher your site would impacf Essential Fish Habitat? N/A-There are no marine or estuarine communities within lhe Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will lhis project occur in or near an area that lhe stale, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or culWral preservation � yes � No stalus (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in Norlh Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? The project was submitted to NCDOT's Human Environment Unit for review in 2013. It was deterrnined that no survey was required for historic architecture. A survey was performed for archaeology and it was determined the project would have no effect on archaeological resources (see altached documents). 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes � No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: 8a What source(s) did you use to make lhe floodplain determination? North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program M�rk S. Davis, � j/% i2 O Division 14 Environmental Su�ervisor , ,/ � ����" �- /�" /< ' ApplicanUAgenfs Signature Date ApplicanUAgenPs Pfinted Name (AgenCs signaWre is valid only it an authorization letter (rom the applicant is provided.) Page 11 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version ���\, , _ � f: '-^' i . -`'t. �: � . _. _ _� ,. . . ._ . _i. �;i". I\orlh Carolina Deparin�ieni of Envirorun�nl and f�lafura.l I�esc�urces Pai f�AcCiory hnichacl Fllison, I)iieclor �ohn E Skvarla, III Governor Fcos��gtein f:nl��nceinsnf Program Secreieiy August(,2014 Mr. Mark S. Davis NCDOT Division 14 Enviro�unental Supcivisor North Carolina Department ofTranaportnlion 253 \\'ebstzr Road Sylva, Norlh Caroliva 25779 ����m���°y��? ���Ofi2014 Dear btr. Dari�: ����,y�a��� �, f�. SuUlecl: EEP Mitigation Acceplance Letler. Division 14 Project, Replace Bridge 162 over Silver Creek un SR 1361 (Old NC 2S0), Transylvania County; \1BS Plement I7BP.14.R.126 The purpo,e of Ihis letrer is lo notify you lhat the Ecosystem Enh�ncement Yrogram (EEY) will provide the eompensatory stream mitigation for the subject project. Bnsed on �he infonnation received on August 5, 2014, �lie impact� nre located in CU 06010105 of the French Broad River basin in Ihe Southem Mountains (SM) Lco-Region, and �re as follaws: Preuch 13road Stream Wetlands Bidfer (Sq. Pt.) 06010105 Non- Coastal SNI Cold Cool \Vann Riparian Zone I Zone 2 Ripnrian Ma�slt Impacts (feeUacrzs) 37.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 This impact and associated mitigation ueed were under projected by the NCDOT in [he 2014 impact d�ta. EEP will conmiit to implemcut suCficient compensatory strenm mitigation credils to oCCsat lhe impncts associa[ed with Ihis project as dete�n�ined by the regulntory agencies using the delivery tiiucline lis[ed in Section F.7.c.iii of tha N.C. Departiuent of Em-ironment and Nanual Resources' Ecosys[em Enhancement Program In-Licu Fee Instniment dated July 28, 2010. [f ihe above referenced impact amounts are revised, �hen this mitigation acceptance Ict[er will uo loneer be valid and a ne�v mitigation acceptance lelter will be required lirom EEP. If you have any qvestions or need addilional informalion, plense conlact Ms. Beth Harmon �t 919-707-A420. Sincerely, i � �� `�.Q � i `� -� � i Jamer�B. tanfill E[P Abs�t D9anngement Supervisor cc: Ms. Lori Beckwith, USACE - Asheville Regulatory Field Office \1r. Josh Deyton, P.E., NCDO'P - Division 14 Bridge Program Engineer Ms. Linda Fitzpalrick, NCDOT- PDF,A Pile: SR 1361 - Dridge 162 - Division 14 1669PAaI�Snim Ccnloi.Rali �� f!odfiC[nCi_ '7f,99-1(;�2 Piione�. 91S-707-f19;G1 In!c:n J�. r.r�iv ncdcni r�c,�i n,i �._-�:.�..-. ...._ ., , �.._ i. �.�,�,_ � �o D � � � d � \ Q� � o � � M i , �� � `�J 1.�1 J �� �� � I r� bp. � O � �� o ` r- = . 1 � - '� � et j�� �' °{ �c p , �C,r� ) N. � � � n q; '--' v ��)\ -�f N� ' � �' � I � � I' I� � � ;' ' " .- : 4 �I. `� � '_ I � � � ; �G� �' 1 : � � � ' 'irv� �� L � ,�; osa ,� �1 w� ._' �� �i� � b Q � � � � -_. � Y w u, J � n _ ! 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I erepzree Pw. ��,�, The �O Coteno —`� ��ow � -- - `. � �, ,,.•�o ,�s9Al, �sr� � Bridge Number 162 over Silver Creek on SR 1361 WBS Number 17BP.14.R.126 TransyNania County, NoAh Carolina a,Pr�i 2o�a z o �oa sao Fee� �,� "� m3 gZ- C6 �TI' 'O�� Figure 1 � I - �.. �' g . ���,y�'+ ' �� ; � � . r r `� �. t����' ~ .��. rd� ��� . \ i�4 ��. -1'. , :�� ��4 . � � g �" y��! . � �r�� F��,, L, '` : �'r>�A�� ,�, . ,�. . ' - � A �`.. �, •� ";: L � .. �� �� • �F �� � � •/ l � �;� °'� ,,� � a`� 'ti " ��'� . '' • � � � F , f '�'� ,, i: ... c` � �' =.'�._ _ � �*�',_: � s �if._ '+�„�,.— � o �o � . � ,.y--�,,4 ' - (6 f � U . ' . � � ' ' _ . , . . _ N ._c-, .� � ... - � � . T o � y�� •:,,. . m K� �ry,�„`2.. � z ♦ �� �'- �' � � +�,_�_'� \ �' Y. q�, . L � • a �'. p ♦ �> . . �+�+ d . A•• ` . •�'�+ \ .. '�._. �.�.,' . I 7 "b•�7 , � sd.' -Fi�.� � ( j ` +.�'C� �" 4 �'�t: , , �. i l t � ����. � .m � ,'�.r� � ; �i �. '. 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N O, .U�, Z, o° �i ,. o � �� k ,�s o i � Bridge No. 162 on SR 1361 (Old NC 280) over Silver Creek Transyh�ania Cotutty Lookiug Southwest Looking Northeast Bi•idge No. 162 on SR 1361 (Old NC 280) over Sih-er Crcelc Trans,ylvania County i � I I ^�� ���� I , ?l � � �a � � s j Rv] . � � ' � ���ti °/G � $, `�"* ,,.. +� �.�' ,.ii . �7a�#i.i �, � _ t , � � � � � � .� �r1 �,�'Vl � �,e, ��l !..',t � �'O'�t�� ��i � ,• �� �.�iiA � '°�' ��� A� � �`�' � '::�_ . , < � i " ���� � �- r ' .. ,.i a .;�. °' . � � ' .r I \ �' �- i 1� i u .� ,� A`� �i��-i, ..o. \��� :: t!�, ' .. . ..-� . :�' - � i: i � , �i �' - ��� r� � . �b. ' � . . 1 . � � � � -:.. . . � _..��- , �� Upstream Side of Bridge �� 'I �������ry�l��� �'" ��r _�:.:` •ti , �� , , �� r � �; _ - � �.�;. ,_-,���i � ��'� � Y�t�s"�x� 'r. ,`.�' . . '` :,.� ,� A � � _4#�: � � .� - - , � . .. .. �_ � �- . �'�>� y - - :�. ��� � ' • . :' :�� Downstream Side of Bridge APPROVCD JURISDICTIONAL DETBRi�IINATION �ORI11 U.S. Army Cm�ps of Gnginecrs This form should be completed bp follo�ving the instructions provided in Section IV of the ]D Fomi Instnictional Guidebook. SCCTION I: BACI(GROUND INFOR�IATION A. RGPORT COiUI'LE'1'ION UATE rOR APPROVED JURISDICTIO\AL DCTCRi�I INATION (JD): B. DIS"I'RICT OFPICE, PILC YA\IF„ AND NU\I6GR: C. PROJEC'I' LOCATION AND 6ACKCROUND INC'OR�IA'I'ION: Bridge No. 162 on SR 1361 (Old NC 280) over Sih�er Creek State: NC Counq�/pnrish/borough: 'I'runsylvania City: Pisgah Forest Cemer coordina�es ot site QaUlong in degree decimal formaQ: Lat. 35.291d20° N. Lone. -82.687� I1° \l'. Universal Tcansverse Mercntor. Name of ncnres[ wntzrbody: Silver Creek Name oCnearest Trnditionnl Nnvigable 1Vater (TNIV) lnto �vhich the aqun�ic resource tlo���s: Prench 6rond Rircr Vame of �vatershcd or HyArologic Unit Code (I-IUC): 06010105I0070 � Check if mnp/diagram oFrzview area and/or poteNialjurisAictionnl nrens is/nrc nvailnble upon rz9uest. ❑ Check if olher sites (e.e., oftsita mitigation sites, disposnl si�es. etc...) nre nssociated �eith �his action and arz rtcorded on a diR�ertn� JU form. D. RE\'IC\V PERRORDIEU POR SIT� �VALUATION (CHECI< ALL THAT APPLI'): � Oftice (Desk) Determination. Date: Au�us� �, 201d � Field Determina�ion. Date(s): Jidy 31, 2013 SECTION II: SUi�iD1ARY OF PINDINCS A. RHA SECTIOY f0 DCTCRVIINATION OF JURISDICTION. "fhere Piek List "imvignble ira�ers �>(dte U.S." �vithin Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) jurisdic[ion (ns defincd bv 33 CP2 pnrt 329) in the reric�v nrea. �ReqniredJ ❑AVaters subjcci to Ihc cbb anA flo�c of �he tide. ❑ 11'aters are presen�ly used, or hnve been used in the past, or may be susceptible [or usc to iransport in�crstate or torci�n commcme. Bxpinin: 6. CtiVA SECTION 40� DETERI[INATION OP JURISDICTION. There Are "iraler�s o% Uie US." �vithin Clcan \\'ntcr Ac� (C\VA)jurisdictiun (as defined by 33 CFR part 328) in the rzvia��� area. [Re�r�ireAJ I. Waters of the U.S. n. Indicnte prescnce of wnters of U.S. in revie�v nren (checl< nll thnt npply): � ❑ TI�AVs, ineluAing territorinl sens ❑ \VeU�nds- adjacent m TNVl's � Relatively pennancnl �vatcrs� (RPAVs) Ihat flow directly or indirectly inro'I'�AVs ❑ Non-RPAVs thnt Flo�v direclly or indirectly in�o TT]AVs ❑ AVe11�nAs directly abulting 2P1Vs that llo�c directly or indircctlp into "INNs ❑ AVetlnnds adjacent to but nol di�cetly nbutting RPVVs thut Flo�v directly or indirectly into TN1Vs ❑ AVeilands adjaccnt to non-RPWs Ihal floa� directly or indirectly into TNVVs ❑ Impoundmen�s of jurisdictional waters ❑ Isolnted (in[entnte or intrastate) waters, including isolatcd ���e�lands b. Identify (estimntc) size o( wnters of H�e LLS. in ihe review nren: Non-wetland w�ters: 200 linear feeC 10 width (tt) and/or neres. \Vctlands: acres. c Limits (bowidaries) oPjurisdicfion bnsed on: Pick List Ele��a�ion ofestablished OIIAV�4 (if kno���i): . 2. Non-regidated �vnters/�retlnnds (check iPnpplicnble):' ❑ Potentially jurisdictional waters and/or �cetlands were assessed �vithin the revie�r area and detennined to be no� jurisdie�ional. Gsplain: ' I3uses checked belo�c shall he supported by complztin� Ihe appropria�e sectioos in Section III below. ' For purposes of Ihis fiimi, an RPN is dcfined ns n tributaq� th.i� is not a TNVV and that t��icnlly Iloe� yrar-round or has conlinuous Oo�v ut lea�t "sensonnlly" (c.g, t��ically 3 monllu). ' Suppotling documcnlalion is prescntcd in Scction III.P. SCCTION IIL• C�VA ANALYSIS A. TMVs AND �VCTLANDS ADJAC�NT TO'I'N�Vs The ngencies ���ill nssert jm�isdiction over'I'MVs ancl wetlands adj�cent to'1'�\1's. If tlie aquntic resource is n TNR', completc Section III.A.I nnd Sectimi III.D.1, only; if tlie ncpiatie resow�ee is a�vetlnnd ndjacent to a TYN, complete Seetions IILA.I nnd 2 nnd Section III.DJ.; otherwise, see Section III.B below. I. 'I'N\1' Ideittifi' "ITIV: Summorize rxtionale supponing determination: 2. �Vctlnnd ndjacent to TNVV Summarize rntionale supporti�g conclusion that �velland is "adjacenC: B. CHAR�.CTCRISTICS OI' TRII3UTARl' (THA7' IS NO"f A"fN\Y) AND 1'I'S ADJACCNT R'CTLANDS (I� ANY): Tliis secfion summm�izes informntion regarding characteristics of the tributary and its ndjncent wetlands, i(�ny, nnd it helps determine whether or nat the stondords fm� jw�isdicfion esfnblished wider Rapavos have been met. Tlie ngeucies will nssert jw�isdiction over non-navignble tribut�ries of TN�Vs where the tributaries nre "relatirely permnnent wnfers" (RP\\'s), i.e. tribufnries ihat typicnlly Ilo��� yenr-iround or hnve continuous Oow at lenst seasonnlly (e.g., typicolly J mont6s). A�retlnnd that directly nbuts nn RP\1' is nlso jw�isdictionnl. If the nquntic resomre is �w[ n TNR', but hns yenr-romid (perenninl) llow, sl<ip to Section III.D.2. If the nquntic resource is n�vetlnnd directly nbufting n h�ibutnry witli perenninl Oow, skip fo Scction III.D.J. A weHnnd thnt is ndjncent to but thnt docs not directly abut an RP�A' requires a significent necus evnluntion. Corps districts mid [:PA regions will include in tl�e record airy�:�vailnble infm�mntim� ihnt documenis the esistenee of o signific:u�t nexus behreen a rclntivcly permnnent tributa�y that is not perenninl (nnd its ndjnrent wetlnnds if nny) nnd n trnditim�al nnvigable water, eren tliough a significant ne�us finding is nof rcquired ns n matter of Imv. If the waterbod�� is imt an RPR', or n���ellnnd directly nbutting nn RP\V, n JD will require ndditionnl dnin ro determine iPtl�e waterbody has a significant ne�us with n TN\V. If the tributnry h�s ndjncent wetlnnds, tl�e significnnt nesus evnluntion must consider tlie tributnr}� in combination with oll of its adjnceut wetlands. This significant ne�us evaluation that combines, for nnnlytical purposes, [he tributnry and nll of its ndjncent wetlnnds is usecl whether the review nren identified in the JD requesl is the tributnry, ar ils ndjncent �vetlnnds, m� bofh. If the JD corers a tributary �rith ndjncent wetlnnds, coinplete Section III.B.1 for ihe h�ibutnry, Section III.6.2 for aiq• onsite �vetlands, nnd Section III.B.3 for all wetlnnds ndjncent to tl��t h�ibutnry, both onsite and oPfsite. The determiimtion whether n significnnt necus ecists is dctermined in Section III.0 below. 1. Chnrncferistics of nmi-TNR's Uiat ilow directly or indirectly into TMV (i) Cenernl Aren Conditions: \Vntcrshcd sizc: Pick List Drninngc nrca: Pick List Average unnual rainl'all: inches Averaee annual sno�cfall: inches (ii) Piq�sical Charncteristics: (tt) Relationship �rith T7VN: ❑ Tribumry Flo�vs dircctly into "I'NP�. ❑ Tributnry Flo���s Ihrough Pick List tributaries bel'ore entering TN\1'. Prqlect �valers are Pick List river miles tiom TN1V. Projec� �caters are Pick List river miles from RP11'. Projcct �catcrs nre Pick List aerial (s�rai�ht) miles from TNN. Projcct ��-ntcrs nre Pick List nerinl (straighQ miles &om 2PAV. Prolect n�nters cross or sen�e as stnte boundarics. Explain: Ldcntit}� tlo�c routc �o'INVA'`: TribWap� strcam ordcr, if kno�cn: ' Note that Ihe Inslnic�ional Guidebook contnins addilional infomullion reeardine swnles, ditches, �cashes, and crosional tiatu�es genemlly and in Uie arid \Vest. ' Flo�r route cnn 6e Aescri6zd by ideNifj�ing, e.g., trihulaq- a, �chich Iloos throueh thc rerie�e nrni, to Ilmr inlo tribulaq� b, �chicii then ilo��s into TN\V. (b) Gcner�l'fribu�nn� Chnracteristics (check all �hat nuah�): Tributary is: ❑ \atural ❑ Ariificial (man-made). Bxplain: ❑ Manipulatcd (inan-nitered). Bxplain: Tributnry propehics �vith respect lo lop of bank (estimate): Avecage �ridth: feet Avange depth: feel Avernge side slopes: Pick List. Primnn� tributap� substrate composilion (chcck nll that apply): ❑ Sil�c ❑ Snnds ❑ Concrctc ❑ Cobbles ❑ Grn��el ❑ \4uck ❑ Bcdrock ❑ Vegetalion. Type/%corzr: ❑ Othee Hxpl�in: . 17ibutnp� condition/stabili�y [e.g., highly croding, sloughine banksJ. Ctipinin: Presence of mi�/rilile/paol wmplexes. 8�pinin: . Tribulaq� geome�pe Piek List Tribulaq�gr�dicnt(approsinmtenverageslope): % (c) Flu«�: "Pributarp provides for: Pick List Estimate a�•erngc mnnber of flo�v eren�s in revie�v nren/yetv: Pick Lisf Dzscri6e flo�c rzeime: . Other informntion on duration nnd volume: . Surfacc flo�r is: Pick List Ch�nicteris-tics: Subsudace Ilo�v: Pick Lisf. 6�pinin findines: ❑ Dpe (or othcr) Icst performed: . Tributaq� has (check all that apply): ❑ Eicd nnd bnnks ❑ OHIVMb (check all indicators th�t npply): ❑ clear, natuml linc impresscd on �hc bnnk ❑ chnnges in �he chnracter of soil ❑ shelving ❑ regetntiom m�ttcd do�vn, bent, or absenl ❑ Icaf liticr disturbcd or mnshed .nrq� ❑ sediment depos-ition ❑ wate� staining ❑ othcrQist): ❑ Discon�inuous OHNbt.' Cxpinin: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ the presence of litter nnd debris destruction oC ten esirial vegetat ion thc prescncc ot �vrnck linc sediment sorting scour multiple observed or predicted Oo�r events abrup� chnngz in plant community It factors othcr than �he 01I\V�bl ���ere used to determine lateral estent of CAl'Ajurisdiction (check all that apply): ❑ High'I'ide I.ine indicnted by: ❑ btean High \Vater ��lark indicated by: ❑ oil or scum line alone shore o�l�cts ❑ survcy to nvailnble dntum; ❑ tuie shell or debris Acposits (foreshorz) ❑ physical markings: ❑ physicol markin@s/chartic�eristics ❑ vegetation lines/changes in vege�a�ion types. ❑ tidnl gauges ❑ otherQisQ: (iii) Chcmicnl Chnrncferistics: Cliameterize tributaq� (c.g., �vnter eolor is clear. discolore�d, uily lilm: �cater quality; general �calershed characteristics, ete.). 6spinin: Identify specific poltutants, il I��o�vn: . °A nnturnl or mnn-�nadz discontinui(y in Ihe OHR'bl Joes not necessnril}'severjurisdiction (e.g., ���here the s�renm �emporaril}' Flo�cs undereround, or �chere �he OHlS'\�1 hac heen removed by devclopnrent or necicul�urnl practices). \19ierz there is a break in Ihe OH\\'\�1 tl�at is unrelated ln �he �calerbody's Oo��� reoime (e.a.. Ilo�r over n mck outcrop or throueh n culvert), the ugcncics �rill look for indica�ocs of Ilo�e n6nec and bdo�c the b�caA. 'IbiA. (iv) Biologicnl Chnrncleristics. Chnnncl supports (checl<nll Ihat nPP�>')� ❑ Riparian corridor. Chamctaristics Qypc, nveroge �vidth): . ❑ lVc[land Gingc. Charnctcris�ics: . ❑ Habilat lor. ❑ �edcrnlly Listed species. G�pinin findings: . ❑ Fish/spnwn nreas. hapinin findings: . ❑ OOier environmentally-sensitire species. Esplain findings: ❑ Aqua�ichvildlife diversily. E�plain �indines: . 2. Chnrncteristics af wetlnnds ndjncent to nmi-TNR' thnt Oo�r directly or indirecHy into "fN�V (i) Physicnl Chm�ncteristics: (n) Gencral \Vctlnnd Chnrnc�cris�ics: Vroperties: VVetland size: acrts 1Vetland t}'pe. Esplain: . VVetland quality. E�plain: . Projcm �ve(lands cross or scn�c ns stntc boundarics. Bxplain: (6) Genernl Clo�v Relntionship �cith Non=l`NVV: Flo�c is: Pick List. F.zplain: . Surfecc tlo�e is: Pick List Charnc�cristics: Subsurlace Ilo���: Picic LisL 8splain tindings: ❑ Dve (or o�her) test performed: . (c) AVetlan� Adi�cenci� Determination aith Non-T� 11V: ❑ Directly abuttine ❑ Not directly nbuttiog ❑ Discrete �cetlnnd h}'drologic connec�ion. F:�pl�in: ❑ Ewlogical connec�ion. Bxplain: . ❑ Separnted b}� berm/bnrrier. F,�pl�in: . (d) Proximih� (Rcla�ionshiul to TNVV Projcct �vctlnnds nre Pick List ri��cr miles ffom 7`NV1'. Prolect �saters ure Pick List aerial (straieht) miles Gom TNVV. Flo�v is liom: Pirk List. F,stimnte approsimnte loca�ion of �cetlnnd as n�ithin �he Pielc List tloodplain. (ii) Chcinicnl Chnrncteristics: Chnrncteriu �cetland sys[em (e.g.. �cn�er color is clenr, bro�en, oil tilm on surl'ace; �veter quality; genernl «�ntersheA chantcteristics: etc.). Esplain: . IdenliCy specilic pollutunts, if kno�tin: . (iii) I3iological Characteristics. AA'etl:ind supports (check all that npply): ❑ 2iparian buffer. Charac�eris�ics (type, average ���idth): . ❑ Vegetu(iun g�pe/percent corer. Esplain: . ❑ Habitat 1'or. ❑ Federnllr Listed species. F,splain findines: . ❑ Fish/spawn ereas. Esplain lindings: . ❑ O�her environmentally-sensitive species. Explain findings: ❑ Aqua�icA��ildlite diversity. 8xplain findin�s: . 3. Charncteristies of all �retlands adjncent to the tribufnry (if any) All �veUond(s) 6eing coosidered in the cumulati��e ansilysis: Piek List Appmsimately ( ) acres in total are beiue considered in �he cunmlative nnnlysis. Por each wetlnnd, specifq the follo�sing: Directh� abuLs? (\'/�) Size (in acres) Uirecth� ebWS? (1'/N) Sizc (in neresl Summnrizc orcrnll biologicaL chemicnl and physicnl hinctions bcing pertonncd: . C. SIGNIFICANT NCXUS DCTGRVIINATION A significnnt neaus nnnlysis will assess the ilow characteris[ics and funcfions oPtl�e tributnry i�self nnd the fimetions performed by nn,y wetlands adjaeent to the tributnry to determine if they significsnHy affeet the ehemical, physicnl, nnd biologicnl integrih� oPn TVAY. I�or each of the following situations, a signi�cant nesus esists i(the tribut�ry, in combinntion wifh nll oPits nAjncrnt wetlands, hns more thnu :i speculntive m� insubstanfinl efPect on tl�e cheroicnl, pl�ysical and/or biological integrity oPn TNR'. Cousiderntions �shen rvnlunting significnnt nesus include, but nre not liinited to the volume, duratiun, and frequenep of the ilow of wnter in the tributnr�� nnd its p�rozimity to n 7'N1V, ond the fuuctions perfm�med bp the tribidnry nnd nll its adjncent wefinnds. It is not npproprinte to determine significant necus bnsed solclp on nnyspecific tlu�eshold of distnnce (e.g. between a tributnry and its adjaeent wetiand or behveen n tributnry nnd the TN�I'). Similarly, the Cacf nn ndjncent wetlmid lies within or outsiAe of a floodpinin is not solely determinntivc of signi�c�nt ne�us. Drn�v cannecfions bchveen the fentures documented and the effects on fhe TN�V, ns identified in the Rnpaiios Guidance and discussed in the Insh�uctional Guidebook. Foctms to consider include, for e�ample: • Does �he �ributarr, in combina�ion �cith i�s aAjncen� �cetlnnAs (ifnny). havc Ihe capaci�q to wrry pollulants or flood �ca(ers io TNR's. or �o reduee Ihc nmount ot pollutnNS or tlood �vnters renchine n TNVV? • Uoes ihe tributan�, in combination �sith its adjacent ���etlnnds (ifmiy). provide habitat and lifecyde support fiinctions for fish and o�her species. such as (eedine. nesting. sp.m�ning. or rearing young for species �hat are pretent in the "I'N\V? • Does �he tributaq�, in combination �vith its adjacent ���e�lands (if any), have the capacity to tmnsfer nutricnts and orgnnic cacbon �hn� support do���nstrcam tood�vcbs? • Does the tribut�ry, in combinntion �cith its acllxcent �cetlands (if uny). h�ve other rel�tionships to the physieal. cheiuical, or biological integrity ol the TNII'? Notr. the abore list of considerations is not inclusive �ind other funetions observed or known to occm� shoidd be docwnented below: 1. Significnnf necus findings (or non-RP\V that has no adjacent �retlands nnd flo�rs directly or indirectly into TY�\'s. Gspinin findines of presence or ahsence of significnn� ne�us below, based on �he tributary itselF, then go to Section III.D: . 2. Significant ne�us findings for non-RPR' and its adjncen[ �vetlnnds, where the non-RPR' Oows direcflp or indirectip info 9'N\Vs. E�plain Gndings of przsence or nbsence of signillcant nesus below, based on the iributary in combinntion with nll ot its a�ljacent ���etlands, then go io Section [[I.D: . 3. Significnnt ne�us findings for wetlands adjacent to an RPR' but that do not directly nbut the RPR'. Gxplain tlndings of presence or absence of signillcant nesus below, based on Ihe Iribulaq� in combination �sith all of ils ndjacent �cetlnnds, �hen go to Section III.D: . D. DETERDIINATIONSO�JURISDICTIONAL�INDINGS.THESUBJP:CT\VATERS/�1'ETLANDSARE(CHECKALL THAT APPLI'): 1. TN�A's mid Adjncent VVeUauds. Check aJl Ihnt apply and provide size estimates in rerie�v nren: ❑ TNVVs: linear Ceet �ridth (It). Oe acres. ❑ R�etlands adacent to TNl1's: acres. 2. RP�Vs thnt ilow directh� or indirecHV in[o TNR's. � TribWaries of TNVVs ���here �ribwaries typically Ilo��� year-round arejurisdictional. Provide da�n nnd rntionnle indicnting thn� tributan' is perennial: Sih�er Creek is marked as a blue line stream on a OSGS topographicul mnp nnd hns 1��-ell detmed bed and bmik �vith percnninl flo�v. ❑ Tributaries of "I'i 1\\' �chere tributaries hm�e continuous ilo�v `sensonally" (e.g., q�pically �hree months each year) are jurisdictional. Data supporting Ihis conclusion is pro��ided at Section ILI.6. Provide rntionnle indicnting th�t Iributnq° Flo��-s scasonal ly: . Provide estimates lorjurisdictionnl �vnters in the revie�v nrzn (chcck nll [ha� apply): � Tributaq� �raters: 200 linenr feet 10 �ridlh (it). ❑ Other no��-���etlnnd �rnters: acres. Identi(}� lype(s) oi�cnters: . 3. Non-RP\1'sa tlmt ilo�r directly or indireclly into TN�Vs. ❑VVaterbody (hnt is not n'I'NV1' or an RPR', but �lo�rs directly or indirectly into a TIVIV, and it has a significant ne�us �eitli a 'INVV is I�irisdictional. Data suppor�ing this conclusion is provided a� Seclion IILC. Provide estinmtes forjurisdic�ional �vatcrs ���i�hin �he revic�c nrcn (chcck nll thnt npplq): ❑ Tributary ���atcrs: linznr feet �ridth (il). ❑ O�her non-�rctland �cnters: acres. Ldentify tppc(s) of �enters: . 4. R'etlnnds directly nbulting mi RPR' thnt ilo�r directl�� or indirectly into TiV�S's. ❑VVetlands direc�ly abut RPR' and thus nmjurisdictionnl ns ndjaca�l �sc�lnnds. ❑\Vetlmids dircetly abul�ing nn RP\V �shere tribu�aries h�picnlly flo��� year-round. Provide A�t� �nd rn�ionnlc indicnting thnt tributmy is perennial in Section [II.D2 abo��e. Pro��ide rationale indicating �hat �vetland is dirtcU}� i�hulling an RPAV: . ❑ lVetlands directly abWting an RPA1' �shere tribmaries q�picolly flo�v "scnsonnll}�." Provide dnta inAicating thn� �ributnq� is sensonnl in Section III.I3 and ra�ionale in Section III.D2, above. Provicle rationale indicuting thnt ���e�land is directly nbWline an RP\V: . Provide acreaee estimates for jurisdietionnl �cellnnds in the rzvie�c nrea: neres. 5. \Vetlaudsndjncenl to but not directly nbufting an RP�V thnt ilow directly or indirectl}� into TMVs. ❑AVetlands tha� do not direetly abu� an RPAV, but �chen considercd in combination wi�h the tributnry �o �vhich Ihe}� are ndjncent and �vith similarly situated adacent ���e�lands, hnec a sieniflemit nesus �vith a TNIV arejurisidictional. Data supporting this cunclusion is provided at Scc[ion IILC. Provide �cre�ge estimntes f'or jurisdictional �vetlands in [he revie�v area: acres. 6. �Yetlmidsadjacent to non-RP\\'s Hiat Ilow directlp m� indirecfly into TN�Vs. ❑\Vetlands adjacent m such ��mters. nnd havc �vhcn considcrcd in combinntion �cith thc tributary �o ���hich they aro adacent and with similndy si�unted adjncent ���eUands, have a significant ne.�us �rilh t+"INVV f�re jurisdictionnl. Dala supporting this eonclusion is provided at Section [II.C. Pruride estiinates 1'orjurisAictionnl ���etlands in �he revie�c area: ncres. 7. Impoundmenls ofjw�isAictionnl wntcrs.' As a generol rule, the impoundment of n jurisdiclional tributaq� remains jurisdiction�l. ❑ Demons�u�[e Ih��t impoundmen[ wns creE�ted Crom "�caters of �he U.S.,° or ❑ Demons�rnte thnt �vater meets �he cri�eria Cor one of Ihe categories presented a6ove ( I-6), or ❑ Demonstratz tliat �vater is isola�cA ���itl� n nexus to coinmerec (sce 8 bclo���). C. ISOLA'1'EU �INTERSTATE OR INTRA-STATB� \1'ATI:RS, INCLUDINC ISOLATCD \VCTLANDS, THE USE, DEGRADATION OR DESTRUCTION Of A1'HICH COULD AFI� EC7' INTERSTATE CO�IAIERCC, Il'CLUDING ANl' SUCH �VATf RS (CIIGCI< ALL THA'f APPLl');�o ❑ which are or could 6c used bp in�crstNe or foreign Iravelers for recrentional or other purposes. ❑[rom �chich fish or shellfish nre or could be taken and sold in inters�ate or Coreign comnierce. ❑���hich are or could be used fbr industrial purposes by industries in interst�te connneroe. ❑ h�terstate isolated �vaters. G�plain: . ❑ Other factors. Explain: . � "See Foutnme N 3. "I�o complete tlie annl}'sis refer N lhe key in Sectiun IIID.6 of the Ins�mctimial Guide600k. '" Prim� fo asscrting m� Jeclinin� CR'A juricJielion bnsed solely on Ihis calegor��, Cm�ps Uislricls rcill elerale thr aclion to Cm�ps and EPA HQ for recic�c rnnsistrnf ��ilh ihe prneess described in Ihe Corps/GP.\ JlenmrmuGun RegnrAin� CII:I.I c�JmisAic�ion /'ollau�ing Rnpnnns. Identif�' �r�ter body and summarize rationale suppm�ting detcrminntion: Pro��ide estimn�cs forjurisdictionnl waters in the revie�v area (check all that npply): ❑ �fributnry �ruters: linenr feet width (d). ❑ Olher non-�cetl�md �enters acres. Identify lype(s) of �vnter: . ❑ Netlands: acres. NO�-JURISDICTIONAI., �VATERS, INCLUDINC \\'CTLANDS (CHECI< ALL TI1AT APPL\'): ❑ Ifpotentinl �cctlands �rcrc nsscsscd �vithin �hc revic�r nrea, �hese areas did not meet Ihc criteria in tlie 19R7 Corps of F.nginecrs \Vetl�md Delinention \4anunl nnd/or npproprin�c Rcgionnl Supplements. ❑ Revie�v area included isolated �vaters with no subs�nntial ne�us to imersmte (or forei�n) commerce. ❑ Prior to Ihe Ian 2001 Suprznre Coun decision in "SII�IA'CC:" Ihz ceriew area �could hnve been regulaled bnsed sulzly on the "D4i:ratoq� Bird Rule" (bIf3R). ❑VVa�crs do not med the "Signi�icant Ne�us" standard, ahere such n finding is required forjurisdiction. E�pinin: . ❑ Other.(ezpinin,ifnoteorered nbove): . Provide acrcuee estimates for non-jurisdictionnl w�lers in �he revie��� area, �vhere �he sole po�entinl bnsis ofjurisdiction is �he \dBR lac�ors (i.e., presence ol migratoq� birds, presence of endnngered specizs, use of�vatzr Cor irriea�ed agriculture), usine besl protessional juAgmcm (check nll Ihnt apply): ❑ Non-�vetlnnd �vnters (i.c.. ri��crs. strcams): linenr feet �vidth (ft). ❑ Le�kes/punds: ncres. ❑ Other non-�vetland �caters acres. List type of aquatic resource: . ❑ �\'etlnnds: ncres. Provide acreage es�imate, for nonyurisdictionnl �caters in the revie«° nrca Ihat do not meet �he "Signi'icnnt Nexus" standard, o�hera such a tinding is rcquircd forjurisdic�ion (checkall ihat apply): ❑ Non-�vetlnnd waters (i.e.. rirers. streams): linenr fec�. �eidlh (ft). ❑ Lakes/ponds: ecres. ❑ O�her non-�retland �vaters: acres. List type of aquatic resource: . ❑ VVetlnnds: ncres. SCC'I'ION IV: UA'f.\ SOURCES. A. SUPPORTING DATA. Dntn reviewed for JD (check nll tl�at �pply - checked items shnll be induded in cuse file and, �chcrc checked nnd requested. �pproprialely reference sourccs bclo�v): � �4eps, plims. plo�s or pint submitteA br or on beh�lf of the npplieanUconsultane . ❑ Data shee�s prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the applicanUconsultmit. ❑ Ofhce concurs ���ith dntn shee�s/dclinention report. ❑ O(lice does not concur �cilh da�a shee�s/delinea�ion report. ❑ Dam shezts prepared by the Corps: . ❑ Corps nnvieablc �ca�crs' study: . ❑ U.S Geological Sun�ey I Iydrologic A�Ins: . ❑ USGS NHD data. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. � U.S Gcological Swvcy map(s). Cile scale & quad name: 12A,000; Pisgnh Forest. ❑ USDA Netural Resources Conserrntion Scrvice Soil Surre��. Citation: . ❑ Nmional �ee�lands inven�ory map(s). Cile name: . ❑ Stnte/Local �cetland inrentoq- map(s): . ❑ PGMrVPl2\4 umps: . ❑ 100-pear Floodpinin I;levation is: (Nn�ional Gcodectic Venical Datum of 1929) � Photographs: � Aerial (Name �@ Da�e): . or � Other (Name R Dnte): luly 31, 2013. ❑ Prerious detennination(s). �ile no. and date of response letter. . ❑ Applicnble/supportingcnscla�v: . ❑ r\pplicable/suppurtingscientificlitemture: . ❑ Other inCormation (please speciFy): . B. ADDITIONALCONi\ICNTSTOSUPPORTJD: _ .T�.-r.� r�^`� � �1A�^t�t�°A►�� .�,`�'. ,�.',� . ���,'�,� ,� --� . �.� 1 Pmjrc( Trn�king No. (Ldnn�d Uae) 13-08-0062 HISTORIC ARCIIIT�CTOR� AND LANDSCAP�S NO SURVCY RGQUII2�D TORM This form only per[ains to Historic Architecture and La��dscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJ�CT INFORMATION Project No: N/A Cously: Transylvania {VBS No.: l7BP.14.R.126 Doctu�te�tl MCC Type: Ferl. Aid Na: N/A Tniuling: St�te ❑ Federal Tedernl � Yes ❑ No Permit NWP l4, 401 Cert., TVA Pe�•mir s : T �e(.s : Proied Descriution: Replace Bridge No. 8701 G2 over Silver Creek on SR 1361 (Old NC 280). SUMMARY OT HISTOR[C AI2CHIT�CTUl2E AND LANllSCAPGS RI�.VII:W Descriurion ofrevie�v ncriv;ries, residls, nnr! co�rdusious: Review of HPO quTd m�ps, HPO GIS information, historic designations roster, nnd indexes wns undeitaken on August 29, 2013. B�sed on this review, there are no existing NR, SL, LD, DF,, or SS properties iu the Aren of Potentinl Lffecis, which is 75' from the centerliue e�ch wny and 300' from each end of the bridge. East of the bridge is a hvo-stoiy house Game house built 1950 based on Tr�nsylv�uia County G[S/Tax inform�tiou. Based on image�y, thc house is unremarkable and not eligible for National Register listing. HPO GIS indicates that tliere is n Survey Site within the vicinity of the project aren (TV426) and GIS inform�tion shows tBnt there is T house built 1880 on the parcel stretching north �nd south of tl�e bridge, however ihe 1880 house coul<I not be located on aerinl imagery or Bird's eye view. A mobile home siis ai the pnrcel. Bridge No. 162, a timber bridge built 1957, is not eligible for NR lisling. 'I'here are no N�tionnl Register listed or eligible properties within the APE and no survey is required. If design plaus ch�nge, ndditional review will be required. Whv lke «vni/nb/e infar»tnliat u�'ovides a re/inb(e bnsis !or rensoiiablv urerlictiiip t/rn! lhere nre no uuirlenliftet! sreniTrnnl lristoric m�cGilectrrrn! or Inudscnue resonrces iu 1Ge proiect «ren: HPO qund mnps nnd G1S infonnation recording NR, SL, Lq DE, and SS properlics fm� ihc Transylvenia County survey, Trensylvani� County GIS/Tnx Infom�atiou, TnA Google Maps ere considered valid for Ihe purposes of delennining Ihc likelihood of hisloric resources being present. Therc are no N�tional Register listed or eligible properties wilhin ihe APF, and no survey is required. SUPPORT DOCUMGNTATION �Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. ❑Pl�oros ❑Correspondence ❑Design Plans rINDING BY NCDOT ARCHIT�CTURAL HISTORIAN NCDOT Architectural Historia�i Dnte Hirtwic Ard�ilr�lurr nuAlnnAsnp�s A'O SU/il'/i I' /7GQUlRYUJmm for,1 /innr Trampminumi /YoJxls ac Qunlifi.Ain Ilie 100] Piaginrnrnnlic ARrcrurcnl. Page 1 of 2 V,�� �F Q C� C i �C U i N <O e- N .� i � N c L� r � N - � '' � d m n ; � � � �' ��a 0 � � f/ 0 Iv7� " ; ;. `i i�� i '%i. p i i,��� �{. �.�1n -<� .71.y!':�� � / .�i i�� I 1�% `Y >{ �$1 (,I '.S �� �. µ�l�� � 1� /l�� ,/` '� , Ff'l%/ �� 11�1 � i .��'' � E �n!� uavF,�� � ry f5 � �, , ���� f� ��F�?� . , IlP €f'� � .1 J �1 � ( -. ��lo /p, � � ,) �.�,�°'� � , I, i< L hT i� � y�v F � '� � 1' �41 �!I HPO GIS. Bing Maps Birds Eye Vicw. ltl�lo�tc Ardiilralurt nnd Imu[irnp: r A'O SURI%iY R!.'QU/RF.D/urn�(orAlinor Truneryrtmion ProJeaB nx (]unlifieAiu Ihr 100JYrogrnnmrmic Ag�.rniew. Pnge 2 of 2 Pr ojee! Trneking �\'o.: 13-08-0062 NO NATIONAL RCGIST�12 OR HISTORIC PLACI�.S �`���y� CLIGIBL� OR LIST�D ARCHA�OLOGICAL SIT�S ;�����+'b� ,� �r� 9° ;",�j PRCSPNT 012 AFFCCZ'Ell FORM „�I `�� '%�.�> �hj This form only per�nins lo ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for Ihis projec�. Il is nol •: 5.,��'E" � o� �y} ��i'.,,r�'��..•G� ��,'Q� vadid far Historic Architecture and LnnAscepes. Yo�i must consult sep�rnlely wilh �he J.� ��/ I�lisloric ArchiteGUre nnd Lnndsenpes Group. �� �� �p ��. � !9 � D PROJCCT INI'OI2MA'1'ION Projecr No. 1�65 No: Ba�ucr,162 176P.14.R.126 Comil��: Doc�n�ie�il: TrTUSylvaui� MCS UFC 1 1 2013 !'il. No n/n !'roirlirig: � State ❑ Pederal �����Gy���� .�.� I'edernlPerniilRcqurrer!? � Yes ❑ No PcnnilType: NWPId-401Cerl-TVA Pro%ec! Descrij�(ion: "I'his project is �n intensive archecologicnl siu'vey m�d evaluation for Ihe replacement of I3ridge No. 162 on SR 1361 (Old NC280) over Silver Creek (\V[3S No. 17f3P.I�1.R.126; PA No. 13-OA-0062) in Ti.visylvania County, Norih C�rolina. As specified by the NCDOT, the swvey corridor (Are� of Potenti�l I?ffec�s [i1PE]) for arch�eology extends 300 feet (9L44 m) uorihenst end 300 feet (9L44 m) soulhwesl .ilong SR13G1 fi'om the ends of I3ridge No. 162.'I'he corridor is approximately � 50 feet (45.73 m) wide, extending 75 fee� (22.86 m) on either side of SR1361 from ifs preseut center. SUMMARY Or AIiCIIA�OLOGICAL PINDINGS Tlie A'a•!l� Cru�oli�in De�u�rlr�reiil of Trausporinlion (NCDOT) Arclineology Ci•or�p reviciver! Nte subjec! projecl nn�l ileteruiiited: � `I'hcre arc no N�tionnl Register listed ARCHAEOLOG[CAL SITCS within the project's area of potenlial effecls. ❑ No subsurface archaeological invesligations are required for this project. ❑ Subsurf�ce invcstig�tions did not reveal lhe presence of any nrchaeologic�l resow�ces. � Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presencc of any archaeological resources considered eligible for the Nation�l Register. ❑ All identificd archaeologicnl sites located witliin the APB Imvc been considered nnd all complinnce for nrchaeological resomces with Section l06 of the National Flistoric Vreservntion Act nnd GS 121-12(n) h�s bcen completed For this project. � There �re no National Register Cligible or Listed ARCHAEOLOGICAL SI"I'ES present or affccted by this project. (itltach m�y noles or rl�ctuuerils ns neede� .SYO NAT/O,VAL /t[ifi/1TRR IiLIG/BLli OR /lS/Cn d/(C/7NlOLOGICdL S➢!/iSYRfJIiM'Ok A/•F/CC!/iD fuunJo�Aflnnr Trumpnnmrnn l'nrje�c m�nnl frAn� �L: 100) PioGiniju:nneAF�:unon. lofll /'rojeo! ��nrAiag �\'o: 13-08-00G2 /lrief rlescripliair afre��ierv nc/i��r�ies, resr�lis of revieiv, �uid concGrsiaiis; An archawlogicnl survey and evaluation for repl�cemenl of Bridge No. I G2 on SR I361 over Silver Creek in Trmsylvania County w�s conducted on October 2 and I5, 2013, by Michael Nelson, Bclinda Cox, aud I3rendn Magouirk-Nclson of "I'RC Environmental Corporation ("fRC). Dwing Ihe course of the survey, one previously unidentified archaeological site (31TV 1074) w�s located �vilhin the project APE.'I'he archneologic�l resowce is recommended not eligible f'or �he NRHP, and no fwther archleological investigntions �re needed for this projecl. SUPPORT DOCUM�NTA1'ION See �ttached: � M�p(s) ❑ Previous Sm vey ]nfo Other: Cidhu•al Revicw Signed � Photos ❑Correspondence ..n�o n�.�uu,v,�i, iutr.�snuz ¢i iam.0 oa tia�nrn,u�c •unr��cocivic sin:sret�se;v�oaaiaarc �rzr� /�,,,�� .er,,,o, r,���.y��,��„m,� r. �.��. �. g���,i f.�d r„ ���, zoo� N.�.c,,,<�,.�,r,� nx..,,,,.�,��. z ot I I ProjeclTrnrking�l'o.: 13-08-0062 SUMMAI2Y OR CUL'1'URAL RESOURCI�;S RCVI�W 6rrefdescriplion of review aclivilies, res�dls of rcvieiv, nnd co��dusio�rs: 1RC hns conducfed an intensive arch�eological survey and evTluntion for Ihe replacemenl of I3ridge No. 162 on SR1361 (Olcl NC 280) over Silver Creek in Transylvanin Counly, Nor�h Carolina (Figares I and 2). As specified by the NCDOT, the survey corridor (Area of Poten[i�l Cffecls [APC)) for archaeology extends 300 feet (9 L44 m) northe�st and 300 feet (91 A4 m) southwest along SR 1361 fiom either end of Bridge No. I62.'fhe corridor is approximately I50 feet (45.73 m) �vide extending 75 feet (22.RC m) on either side of SR 1361 from its present center. A map review amd site files scarch �vas conducted by Belinda Cox oF7'RC nl Ihe Office of Statc Archaeology (OSA) �Vestern Ar�nch on Sep�ember 26, 2013, supplementing n previous NCDOT review. This review identified no nrchaeologicnl sitcs �vithin or adjacent to thc APE. A singlc sitc hns bcen recorded wilhin � one-mile radius (31'I'V205). As recorded, Ihat site consisred of � ielnlively modern overturned outhouse aud n portion of an olcl road bed (Dernh�rdl 1979). 9'opographic maps, United St�tes Dep�rlment of Agricullure (USDA) soil survey m�ps, and other historic maps were ex�inined for informalion on natnral or cullwnl varinbles �hnl mighl hnve affccted si�e bcations. 'I'he Price and Strolher mnp (1808) shows nearby "Boirydslones° Creek and lributaries, along wi�h � rond crossing "E3ouydstones" Creek, but no other de�nil in the arca. 'fhe MacR�e map (1833) depicis Boylslous Creek, �long �vith soine of i�s Iribul�ries, nnd n rond �hrough the valley but no other deiail in the nrea. 'I'he Kerr mnp (1882) also depicls Boyls�on Creek Tnd n ro�d in the are�, but no detail in lhe project area. The more delailed 1906 USGS Pisg�h qu�drangle depicls Sih�er and Boylston crecks and a road in �he approsim�te Old NC 280 locatiun, along wi�h a ro�d mm�ing na�lh nloug �he west side of Silver Creek. One sU'ucture appears to be nem �he north�vestern project limits, while another �ppe�rs to be norlh of the nortl�western portion of Ihe APG. The struclure depicled nenrest �he APE mny be tlic Jos6na and Juli� Orr house (TV0426). The 1906 soil survey m�p does not depict any slruclures in �he projecl vicinily Qlearn and MacNider1906). The 1935 Pisg�h �oresl USGS quadrangle (USGS 1935) depiGS a rond in Ihe locntion of OIA NC 280, along wi�h lhe more recent NC 280. A rottd is shown rwining nor(h aloug Silver Creek, �nd looping mound b�ck to Old NC 280; �he hvo structures depicled on ihe 1906 map appe�r to also be sho�vn on the 1935 map, along �vith nt least six oNier structures in ihe project vicinity; Ihree of ihese �re ne�r the project are� .ilong Olcl NC 280. One appcars to be �vithiu or adjlcent to the south�vestern por�ion of the APG, while fhe other hvo are fiu�lher fi�om �he project limits and outsiAe of Ihe APE. The soathern structure depicted probnbly represents ihe Joshua and Julia Orr house (TV042G), which is still standing (bul hns been detenninecl not eligible for the NRHP). On-line soils dat� indicntc ih�t three soil types, �annin fine sandy loam, IS-30°/o slopes, Tate llne s�ndy lo�m, 8—I S% slopes, and Cullowhee-Ela complex, 0-3% slopes, occasionally flooded (NRCS 2013) are �vilhin tlie project nrea. Thc archaeologic�l field swvcy included � system�tic wnikover of Ihe APE to search for abovo-ground fe�tures and the excnv��ion of 20 shovel tes�s in areas lacking st�nding waler, �vcllanA soils, or signs of severe distnrbance. The shovel �ests measured 30 cm in diame[er and +vere excavnted to subsoil or �l lenst 75 cm belo�v surface (cmbs); all soils Ihat were not obvious fill were dry-screened Ihrough '/a-inch mesh. The northeastern portion of the projecl area is steeply sloped and was not suitlble for shovel testing (figure 3). \Uilhin Ihe southweslern �nd soulheastern qundranls, surFace evidence of �n old road was notecl, bul no subsurface �rfifacts were founcl within the shovel tests excavaled in these areas (STs 9-15). This appears to be an oldcr �lignment of Old NC 280; laige sec�ions of concrete (some displ�ced), rock, .1YUNA'UO,YdL Ifl:'(il5'//;ft li! l(i/Hl li OR LL141iD ARC{IAEOLIXi!(>IL.II/lid' PRhBL,VTOR AF/�%CJEU /„��/ ,n�mo, r �,����an�r,�,� raq,.�� ,�, ����if.•n;,, �n.- zam r.�,A.���,����m�..ts.� �„�.,,�. Jo(II ProjeelAn�Fing A'o.: 13-08-0062 and asphall as well as surface piles of inodern debris (c.g., glnss anA plaslic boules, caus, light bulbs) were no[ed in this area bu� nol collected (Pigure 4). The slruchue depicted on lhe 1935 USGS quad�.vigle (USGS 1935) tha� appeTred to be wilhin or adjacenl to �he soulhwestern portion of ihe APE would have been situated on the south side of the old ro�d nlignment, no evidence of tl�at structure was found during ihe cmrenl work, �nd it was presumably oulside of the APE. 'I'he sin vey discovered one arcliaeologic�l site, 3I'I'V 1074, in the norlhwestern quadrant of the projecl are� (see Figure 2; T�ble I). Site 31'f V 1074 is loc�ted rloug a woodeA terrace, soutlnvest of n small unnamed drainage, wcst of Silver Creek (figwc S). Soils at the site are relatively consislent nnd coiisist of a 20-30 cm thick dark yellowish bro�vn Q OYR 3/�I) lo�m A or Ap horizon, alop a dark yellowish brown ( IOYR 4/6) snndy lonm to sandy clay loam [3 horizon. Dark brown ( I OYR 3/3) s�ndy clay loam wilh cleiise pebbles and cobbles �vns encountered at a depth of 45-53 cin belo�v surface (cmbs) (�igures 6 and 7). 'fhe present landowner indicated ihe land used to be a livestock field, but hacl not been used as such for nt lenst 60 ye�rs. Si� shovel tests cont�ined cidlurnl mnterial, and n single I x I m �est unit tvas excavated lo g�ther roore inFormation on soils and components preseN (Tables 2 �nd 3). A total of67 �rtiFacts wcre recovered including 63 lithic artifncts, Iwo sherds, �nd lwo pieces of inetal. Eighteen of the 65 prehistoric nrlif�cts were recovered liom shovel tests, �rtil;�c� density r�nged from one to seven ariifacts per lesL ArtifTCls were recovered froin bo�h the A/Ap tind F3 horizons �o depths up l0 50 embs, .dlhuugh mosl nr�ifacls �vere recoverecl finm Ihe upper 35 cmbs.'I'he reinainder or the nrtifacts were recovered from the test unil, .dmost exclusively Gom the plowzone. The hvo prehistoric shercls hnve unidentified surface decorations and cannot be assigned to auy specific time period. The li�hic �rtit�ds include one non-diaguoslic projeclile poinUkuife (pp/k) Gagment, four bif�ce or prcform frngments, 46 pieces of debilage (including fl�kes nnd shTtter), and I2 pieces of fire- cracked rock (f CR). The chipped stone raw m�terials consist of chert (n=20), quar�z (u=17), and qu�rtzile Qi=14). Both of the met�l �rtit;�cts ere hcavily corroded, but are probable fragmcnts of �vire n�ils; �hese are not lhought to represent a significant hisforic component �f the sile. 31 TV 1074 ahnost certninly continues nordi outside Ihe cw�renl project APE; Ihe I�ndform rises in �hnt direction nnd con�ains a rclatively broad, (la� area. As defined witliin fl�e curreul APG, however, the site is relatively Iow densiq� nnd is unlikely to contein intact cultur�l fe�tures nnd well slratitied deposits. Site 31"f V 1074 is recommended ineligible for the N�tionnl Register of Historic Places (NRIiP) �vithin �he APE. Based ou thc resulls of ihe backgrouud research and (ield smvey, there is no evidence thnt NIZHP-eligible arcli�eologicnl resources me situated wilhin the Bridge 162 APE. Consequenlly, no additionnl mchacological inves�igalions nre recommended for �his project as currenlly defincd. \f 11r� IL�i�i.<� 'Pasha Benyshek Senior Archaeologisl/Assistant Program M�nnger, Ashevillc TRC F,nviianmeninl Corporntion ' A'O N.17/P9.IL R/iGIST/eR lillG/N/.GO[t LIJ/GU ARC//.IhOLO(il('A[.5[TGSP/(@SI:N/'O/t AL%�F.CI h'O Jnnn/orAilno�'f.uupannrlm� I'ral•.rz ov Q�mll.Ain Os 2WJ PioAran�armlo Agrcmirenr. 4of1I PrajeclDncking A'a : 13-08-00G2 Tnble 1. ArchaeoloKicnl Sites Identifieil by the I3ridge No. 162 Swvey. Shovrl Tcsls Arlifacts (incluJing from TU) SifeN Cmnponenl(s) '1'olal' Prch. FfisL Lilhic Ccr;�mic Ilisloric Tolnl Rccommendfllion 31TVI074 Unknorm 10 6 I 63 2 2 67 No1F,ligible Prehisloric ' Includes all shuvel tasla wilhin 30 m of posilive lcsfs Tnblc 2. Sitc 31TV1074 Shavcl Tcsl Artifnct Uag Pror Sha� Dep�h Qty I S'fl VII IS-35(ApB) I I STI VII (5-35 (Ap/D) I I S"fl I/II IS-35(Ap/6) I 2 ST3 1 0—IS(Ap) I 2 S"P3 1 �IS(Ap) I 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 10 10 10 II S7'4 ST�1 STA ST4 STIR 51'18 ST20 ST17 S'P I7 SI'17 ST17 I/I I I/I I/I I mi I I I I I ! ❑ 0-50 (Ap/I3) 0-50 (Ap/I3) 0-50 (Ap/[3) o-so p�viu� 10-20 (Ap) zo an �n� 0-27 (Ap) 0-28 (Ap) �28 (AP) 0-28 (An) I 3 2 i I I I I I I Tnblc 3. 31TV1074 Tcsf Onit t Artifnct Depth Levcl (cmbs) Strnf. I 0-18 I 2 IS-2d I/il 3 24-34 ll 4 34�4 Il 5 d4-54 II/III dcbifagc debitage mc�nl debilage biCacc/prc(orm fcag Acbitagc de6i�agu debifagc bifnce/p�efonn fmg de�i(ngc debiingc dehifage debilage YPK fragmcnl FCR Ap (IOYR 3/4) loam I Ap ( I OYR 3/4) loam I B(IOYR 4/G) sandy lonm to sandy clny loam B( I OY2 4/6) snndy clay loam to sm�dy cley loam (10]'2 3/3) seudy day loam 34 10 I Chcrt flokc Quanz Corroded (likely �mil) Chert Oake I.anceolate binde w/ smnll conlrneting slem started Quar�z Quatlzile Ched Oakc AppareN dislal end Quariz Quatlzi�c (or FCR) Quohzite (nr naluml) Chetl �lake Quartz disl.d G:ig Qunrizi�c ..,vo;����o;�ai. ru;r,isire r:ucini.r: oa usn:� nac�r,icor ocicac sucs raese�vroa,�ri�rcrr:n �omi Jor ALnor "lSaurponmlmr Aoleu� nr QunlifieAb� tlie 100)Yiagio m:niir Ag�e rr., m. Sofll Diagnostic Figwe I. Project �rea shotving [3ridge No. 1G2 AP6. j.- '�"`� � �: � � �" � j'r� ���� � z � �� �� � � �� il 'p � � \\ � �\, �� � ,�/��,-i, `II� �I �\\ !� I� . � - I , jl �1 � ' "i` I. � t � �a' * � '1 \ �,'I � �...,��:,� . ..-��.i'°�' ' .a��� �. � � �� i ,E . y�, �.. pgl�� � � `� A �~� �` ' { *��, �� � I � 'w. � � � � '� 1 .� , ,aL �� � �� . ;. `�'� \!\ e}I��,� \ 1' y . �::� ��`A vOrZ^ �? . _ @ �� .� � � + � y� � � � :�i 3 � \ � �.(l . � i7�+i ,� � �..� � ,�:� , <, �r �� : .�y � , �► ,... �� , . , �r. o� ������ �,l": ��'� ',��� � � �Y . �� � � � -�vl ( � ��� \ �� �� � ��`��: � n �, � � �:��y���yD n ' , �►� �ir_ � ��1� I��,, ° `�,1 ���1; it �`,�\,;\ ', �'��;_ 1i � � �'� _ � 1,� C ��� ��,� il � ���� ,� �', � 1' r�, -, , , �, , , �'� ;,�,, )� ,��,�)� ,� ,� �i� � � �, .. , .� � � ��,, ;,�,%1�,1��� �� �;��' ��=�i_ �,i�>��� `: `� � 1)�� . � �1,, �1,7�� ,��, �, l ����//�. �//� � �,/�l ,; a o„�:�0' �;%°��� _ l/ .� t y�� ' ' // /f� /i i �` � 'Im � ��� � . .� :a. � s? .�: ,��i�'/= , . :'i ��c� S � �,` .. I lr � �4., § �- % i/���_ �A"�_ � fi � � � � \\... �� i.. �� ���-� :� �� 1� f�t � i �/ � �\ dL- �` `' � �f �9`�:, �u . !�'.)�,. `�: \u7 . � �'� i� . .�►L , . _. ��.._..c� _§ � �` �� i �I �= � � ��,,���.,: �� , � ;� y . on . �, >y.;. -' :d C � ��. �� � � ..��'` �; M v .�. � 0 � . ':����� .J��� o Q � { o m ���.. `9 ��,I � `� �'o,• v �� �i4 .. . � � � `�\ o �� o 3�._. � >-df-�° �. �:. � I a �J.. ,: ., � . , � i �`° t� � � o �k'�``, ,: � o I�L .� Q ��-�i EI�v 3�� � ¢ :�;��, y�� ��, � �?�':� �,... � o �� � - �. --' - . _,.- L �w �; '���,< � '�. l3f��. � Aojeal%)nekiig A'o.: 13-08-0062 ��,, tii,•, ��il ,' � ��., . '!i i . 4i 1 �' � ,'��� . , � . ..'.� ,a qF! c ; � �'� , "' v ',,, � f�,�j �•� ,,.r:;,_�,.��l:'.. �. . . .. .., I�igwe 3. View of slope in ihe northcaslern portion of [3ridge No. 162 APE, vie�v to southwesl. .,..;:idtt�' i :.�ak`ili:lS?'�''T/'� • `� `1 i . . .�� ���:�i�.:� �j'� �.. . .�.li ��� . . ..n I . I� �l �igw'e 4. View along Ihe sloped iroacl bank in Ihe soulhenslern por�ion of flie I3ridge No. 162 APE; nole asphalt �nd concrele, view �o norlhe�st. ..,co,v.� nunai. et.uismn et�eieu; on usrc��,vccri,icotordt'ai, sirns vra:serirun,u�i�i:crr.0 /wm JvAlGwr'6eneponmG�n Pi%a�tr m Quol�zAiu iGr 1001 Yrogn»iromlcAgr.arueur_ Sofll Prajen Trnekiug i\'o.: 13-08-0062 { a'�� ��yC' '4vµ��';`i ' , i � ' . ' '.�' t -q, ati( �� ! � Ys�� 4r., j� t ..f� � �. 5 t- � � � ; �(�� � � � � � I ! � � �/ � � � rir� y i 1� � f.� I � �i a ° �?'43+,�. iu ' { i .:; / � �. �< �./ � � "' �� d/��"+¢44 ��-� �:�.:,�,li i _% e� a� .� ' +I;, i � 1J ' � �� '� �. "�'� r � � ' . a � ', r � �.. . ,.. ! �IP �. .• i � �l �� . � �� fs� [ � ` i . �t �.�i �� �. f ����� 1 � < T����i 1 7 J 4 r� ( : �� �� � � � �t � 1 r�'��� � � i� � ���'i � i� � � / � � 1 . '.i a I ��'� ( f�,.,L`��r tir't�d'f� � ��i( . .ri4 ��� "'i:- �A Y ' /�� _5 .d; ' � � � �� �.' �, ; � (I� Aig���a r � ��',�� � � �����\ � ,.`� � � � ,: �i {�`�,�{S�'i�I �J: � �� i ,_. �� . . � .. � t ` i 11X�hMll 7��. : I � ����. )f A��� � �� � 1�� � °�I Y i � .� � '.� ' � ` . �� � ti� � r', ) i � � ii� r ro � 1 �� �, ��i i' t � _ i `-� '!i ( � ��i �'' ��' :�� ' I�'^ !�1 `( � ` .� ir � y p ;I �L��I�E 'i '� ). 1� � �fr � < � ; �i a> .� , � r '1'� �`� i tf 1 � � ��� �,J �i 4 11 � ) /)'L 1 � l f� i :�/ rTt ] r - n . i ( = i [ `� ��ali. 'i � ��� �} .4 � �� /� � /� � 1': tlN��� ��1 � ' � ! � �r l � P e { 1 i 1�(5 � A , l� ). \ I:}�:1�� � '�I I�igm�e 5. �Vic�v of ST I �l sitc 31 TV 107A within �he northwestern por�ion of Bridgc No.162 APE, vicw north. ' 1 �> :� y l iA� y� .' � � i f� „' t 1 ��. �'.: � ! i !� r f n --' Z�1,.� ` � �.rl� J. ,,l . � �r�/,: y N f l � � �! \ .�. 1t u .. ,. i i'�( ' , ���, ,;^. �'��r,� � ,z Qi�.�/.N'r� 'u�, '._ _ . _ . ;,,,: �, . r� :.� � � � , . ., c r}`?�"�•; � r/ . �' � �) �;i �,.`c'�'t}r ce �� �I i7ioTi � � �3` �}� ' �1.�`: II�ALE:I�HII�< i�_ �� rb: i . s� �v.y': � IhlS! � � ! ��,� 1d�5. . _.., t . ' � � �:,. t r,'. �� � �I iolli�P' . i... �.� f,.:l..i<i � i � i _. . � ��11 _. . , �� FSgure 6. Site 3(TV 107d TU I South Prolilc. ; � r+ f � " n, 1� ' 1 � ` t ' (, { � \ �I �i � �y � �-.�� I � }I� 1 I 1 , �, ; 1 ��'� 1 �?'1`� II<:t� i�? —_ ..KO A'A7709A1. FE(3/tiTIiR LiL[Ci/ll/Ji ON [l,SIGO A2fl/AliOLO(i/fA/.5[JCSYIUi 5/Jp]'pRAh'FEC]GD � �„�� .nr,�o. ir�nnpo,��r,o�, r.���, i� �� �,���rr/,.d i„ n�r z�a� r.oF��,,,��,��r.� n,c..-.�„�r„�_ 9ofll —_I 'fU 1 Soulh Profile levtl line SL'.I[L' 0 C�ii-rclm !0 Figure 7. 31"fVI074 Tesl Unit I south profile. L AP: U�vk yxllon�ish bm��n QOYR i/1) Gnc smidy lanm o i�� maiz 11. 6: Sveng brmw io d.vk �ellowisL bmnn (9.51'R 4/6 io I OYR A/6) sandy leam m rmidy day lomn niih p.bbl.�<, cubblr>. and AemniPO�inF rozA III. Dark brown �o darA yalimcish bro��n ( IOYft 3/31u 3N) Immy sand (�aQ PrajecrTrnrking No.: 13-0�-0062 RI�;FP;RENCES CITCD Bcrnhardt, Jnck E., Jnun Kellar, G. Ishmael Willinms, mid Lynda Morgnn 1979 A CulRU�nl Re,roarces S�u�vey Prnposed lnrprovenienls dJaig NC 280 TrnndYlvaniu nnrl Heiide��sar Cbunlies, A'm7li Cnrolirm. Report submitled by Eahh Systems Division, Soil Syslems, Inc. Mariet�a, GA . Henrn, I:dwnrA \V, mid G.M. MacNidcr 1906 Soi! Stu�veY �I�"1'rans�dvanin Coi�nty, Nor!l� Ca�olinn. U.S. Govemntc�ri Prinling Of(ice, \Vashington, D.C. Kerr, �V.C. 1882 �1-lnp ojNa1lt Cnrolinn. On file, Norlh Carolina State Archives, Raleigh. MacRae, Jolin � 1833 A New Mnp of �he Sla�c of Alorih Cnrolinn. Johu MncRae, Fayelteville, and I I.S.'C�nner, Philadelphia. National Resources Cunservalion Service (NRCS) 2013 Nnturnl Resnurces Conservation Service, United Si2les Departmenl o( Agricullure �Veb Soil Survey. Avnilnble online at http:0�vebsoilsurvey.iu�cs.usAn.gov/ nccessed November, 2013. Price, Jon nnd lohn Slro�her 1803 The �irst Actual Swvey of Ihe Slntc of iVorlh Cnrolinn. Plate IX in A'ordr Carolinn in hlops, cdi�ed by \V. R Cummiug, 196(. Stole Depnrlmcut of Arcliives and Histury, Raleigh. U.S. Geologieal Survey (USGS) 1906 Pisgah, N.C, topographic map (125,000). 1935 Pisgah Forest, N.C, 7.5-minute pl�nimelric nmp (L•24,000). "A'O NAT[ONAL RIiGISTli2 fiL/GIOLGOR LlS76D ARCHAd'OLOG/C.I/. SlTR.4YRlSlNT 02 ARFECTfiO fnnn� rdlinor Tranvparmlrou /0 J+� lz �i i)+��1 f:d Li iAe 100]Y�oyiar ncnilcAgmmm��. Ilufll f � H a: � e�'i z V 0 H"is e w,.� ;�.>y s�z ����a i/ (��W "'�n �� a �aHu FF m�e; � �i � �; � 'r .. � � � O� O � A � U � � O V Sae 51��� FA �cr Cn�e,c of Sr,zets GRAPHIC SCALES 50 25 0 50 100 PLANS 50 25 0 50 100 PROFILE jHORIZONTAL) �` ffl i �� PROFILE (VERTICAL) DESlGN DAT.9 ADT 2009 = 400 T = b % V = 35 MPH FUNC CLASS = LOCAL SUBREGIONAL ���11�'� �� ��� � ]���� � l���Q�I,11�A� DI��I5Ic0�� c�T� ]�[IC��I�1'��11r5 TRAI�SYLVAI�IA COUI�TY LOCATION: BRIDGE No.162 ON SR 1361 (OLD NC 280) OVER SILVER CREEIC TYPE OT WORK: GRADIIVG, DRAItYAGE, PAVII�IG AND STRUCTURE —�— SI�RFf�GE V✓,4T�R I�v1Pl��TS P�ftMd�' — _ � SITE 1 PROJECT LENGTH LENGTH ROADWAY = 0.054 MILES LENGTH STRUCTURE = 0.003 MILES TOTAL LENGTH = 0.057 MILES R� /510 SOUI/1 BDULEI"dRD, SUITE 200 CHARLOI'PE, A'C 2810) )OV-l52-O610 FG4 iHE GGVTH CASpCl�/A dPA4I4�'!i OF IR2'iSPOFTATfG'i zn�e sra.voaw secnrtuno,vs JENNIFER FARINO PE RIGXT OF IVAY DATE: PRmccr esc�xeta LETTLYG DATE: CHARLES YOUNG, EI YRO/£Q OFSlG.C£R JOSH DEYTON, PE SCPO! CO.\'!AC! �'• 17BP.14.R.126 � ,...� �,o,.o � ..,,w.� i � a.�., 2a� /' FIi'DIW UL(CS ROADI{A1' D&: ENGIYEER PERMIT DRAWINC SHEET 1 OF 4 /i /v; t ��� � ,�o ' z�P PRELI?fINdR}' PLANS 0 kl1LLlL/ o:r�mes i .rncn I'! $URFRCE \IAIER t �on�oies re�•roraer I 1PTC15 I`1 SIIIfACE V/ATfM iiTiiin pivvav 111 I I (I FOR CULVERT PLAIJS.SEE SHEET C-ITNRU C-?? SITE 1 �/ crn cu v ar a.l + Pl P. l =L- )a / + ! fifSl(S .�bi� �� �- o�w -� co.00 �sro �. _ - F`. .. zsm'ir :o.� u ��xu I - N 53 O' CO.d E ° x , �` _ _ - �- _ VK _ — -� , - � . . _ �_ i �F W. _ I' . � woo _ zseo ar . --- ` �isr r .. _i- .zoco __ � i5 W PI i S] CO Ai \_ OPFOFOSED 16'-4'x 5-lGJ PLW,IlNU1�� 80X WLVERi 10 11 ' BRIDGE N0.162 �� � � �oo� o- �oo- GR0.°HC SLA�E � ��'� � .. II � ' -L- PC S�o 11+66�7�- - �'?`�. - @OCUCVE T � � -- o.l+ E- Pi S�a 13=3639 i � O�' . I -i- o000 ,-� - /'Or 3/0.13/4395 ��P zst� �r i «ono� � �/ so:co.�� aswii � � � . � / Eisrvv I �, 4V / � `,;_ � t - . G '. 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P301ECi 0.FSUlTS IN !�O V.'➢ARS IO UPSIRFNA SiPUCNPEi IUIIVE NAiERV.L CO`lSISiS OF A�Af0.A iHAI IS E%UVALED FRO.N _THE SiPF/JA BEO ��__ AT LHE f0.01EQ SRE �ORR1G NtVFAi CONSfRUCf10� NA}iVE AV.RR4115 51161ECf i0 MVSOVAL BY RIE ENGINEER PNO MAT EE SUB)ECI TO FEPAlI CONDIIlO`15. �_�. ___ rvEC .0 r,�uv�rvura eox cu�nxr Effeerrve nnqw co+rruunoe+s ACNAL NLVERi ARFA OF IE'-1'. 511 ACC iftOAl CM0.Qi 85i�S0 R ..... .�. i1565PAN PATIO 0]8 OSE CHAIi I6 HOiS� 90 HEADWqL USE SCP1E 9 EiFECIrvE A¢FA ACNAL CUIVERi PPfF BIOCIUGE AGFA EffERM14A¢FA BSI408fi 1&a�GEFAfA=Q601') (1515+]625jj0571 20BFT) 6�A_FY EQUrv.LLFM ¢O% 5¢E IN MK�AS Q BURIf�) 64 4I6 ❑ 9 Ff. ...._.__ __.____... .__._ . ..... ...._._ ._.._... HISfORIGI Mi0 MA YJICHP! HAS SFEi! E0.1pGE pYE0.TOiFED Of:CE V! 1Hf lASi 10 TFA45. SITE oATA oei so.u�. �m� waas� oeur:ureo uses snuusuls e uou onrn Drdno9� Mrn _...._ ............................ 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