HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140886 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20140905A �7 'NC®ENR North-tarolha Department, of Envirorirnent and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor September 5, 201.4 Kerineth Lye 21 Jersey`Lane 'Wake �Forest,,�NC'27587 SM'Developmen't Co. LLC Attn- Robert'Neeb ,8120 Diazit Drive, Wake iPorest,,,NC 27587 John E. Skvarla, III Secretary DWR'# 14 -0886 'Wake County Subject: APPROVAL OFF401, WATER QUALITY CERTWICAA614 WITH ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS AUTHORIZATION CERTIF ,KATE PER`THE MUSE RIVER`BASIN RIPARIAN BUFFER PROTECTION RULES (1SA,NCAC 02B.0233) WITH ADDITIONALCONDITIONS Jackson Manor Dear Messrs. Lye' and' Neeb: You have out,approval for °the, impacts listed below'for- the, p,urpose. described, in your application dated August,15, 2014 and received by the Division- of Water Resources (Division) on August 15, 2014. These impacts are covered "6,y ",'tlie attached`Wabi r Cluality`General Certification Number 3890 and the,conditions listed below. This,cer,,tification is associated`withithe use of',Nationwide Permit Number 29 once it is,issuedto you: by the U..S.,Arm,y Corps of Engineers: Please,notetliat you should get any other federal, state ,or local jpprmits before proceed -ing with your'proj'ect, `including,those required,by'(butpot'limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non'=Discharge, and' Water Supply Watershed regulation's., This approval requires you to-follbwthe'conditionsslisted in`the enclosed certification and the following,additional conditions: 1. The foillowing'impacts�are hereby approved; provided that all of'the other specific and general conditions of the Certification,, Genera I Permit and /or Buffer Rules are met. No other impacts are approved; including,incidental impacts. ,NoMhCarol Aatura! North Carolina Division of Water Resources '1628 Mad Service Center Raleigh, NC 2769M'628 -Phone (919) 7,91 -4200. Customer Service Internet` www ncwaterquality org Location ,3800 Barrett D'nve Raleigh, NC 27609 Fax (919),788 -7159 1- 877 - 623 -6748 An Equal OpportunitylAffirmat-we Action Employer— 50 %Recycled1.10 %'Post'Consumer Paper, Jackson Manor DWR# 14''0886 461 'AND BUFFER APPROVAL Page 2,of,4 Type of Impact Amount Approved (units) Permanent Amount Approved (units) Temporary Wetland 0:005 ,(acres) b (acres) Stream 138 (linear feet) 10 '(linear, feet), Buffers —Zone 1 5;574 (square feet) .0 (square feet) Buffers —Zone 2 2,361 (square feet) 0 (square feet), Stormwater_ Manaeement Plan BIVIP) Approval from Local Community Required You arerequired'to provide,one copy (hard copy or digital) of the approved SIVIP, including, plan details on full -sized plan sheets, with proof'of Wake'County's approval. The, approved' SMP °shall be subrriitted.to the DWR Webscape Unit (161`7 Mail'Service Gerite"r,, Raleigh, NC 27699=1617) before any impacts authoriie'd in.thi"s certification occur•. After 'it 'is approved and submitted to'the Division, the SMP may not be modified without`prior written,authorization from Wake,County. If the'SIVIP is rnodified'in the future,.then you shall provi'd'e one modified, SIVIPlwith proof_ of- approVallio the DWR Webscape UnitpHorto thetommencement of`the modifications'. 3. Diffuse ,FIoW 'All stormwater shali,be'directed and maintained asdiffusefloW'at.non- erosive velocities 'through the;protected'stream,bu'ffers such`that it'Wn ill' n'ot re- concentrate before discharging into,a stream., .A'review of diffuse stormwater flow was not conducted byihe Division as.a, part of'the,,proj'ect review and authorization.- Riparian,Buffer,R`ules require that diffuse stormwater floW,be maintained through7the riparian ;buffer-. For the project,depicted,in this application,, diffuse stormwater flow,per the'Neuse °Riparian Buffer RUles (15A- NCAC'02B _.0233`)1s.a, requirement o,f, the, adrnini'strative.code and is also -a condition of this, certification, 4. No Waste,.Sooil,'Solids; or'Fill'of'Any Kind No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind sha [occur'in wetland's, waters, or riparian,areas beyond't he, footprint of the impacts depicted in the Pre- Construction' Notification-. All construction activities, inciuding the design, 'installation, operation,,and maintenance of sediment and'Oosion control BestManagem`ent Practices, shall be performedwAhat no 'Viol'ations of state'water quality standards; statutes, ,or rules occur. S. Protective Fencing The outside,buff&, Wetland,orm(ofer boundary',and along�'the construction•corridor within these'boundaries approved' under this authorization shall be cl'earlytmarked with orange warning,fencing -(or similar high, visibility material) for --the -areas that have been approved, to infringe within the buffer, Wetland or`W,ater pri'or-to any Jand disturbing',activities to ensure lcompliance'with 15'NCAC,02H :.0500. Jackson Manor Dw,R# 14 -0886 401 AND B_ UFFER,APPROLVA - Page,lof 4, 6. This approval is for the purpose and design described in your application. The plans and specifications for this project -are;incorpotated by reference` as part of the Certification and -Buffer Authorization: If you tch'ange your project,,,you must notify the Division and you may be required,to,submita new application,package with 'the appropriate „fee. If the property is sold, the nevv ownermustbegiven a copy of this app,rova`I fetter and General Certification and, is responsible for compl;ying,,w,ith all conditions. 7. `This approval and' its conditions arse final and binding unless contested. This Certification and Buffer Authorization can be;contested as provided in Articles 3 and 4 of General Statute 150B by filinga written petition for an administrative hearing to the Office,of' Administrative Hearings,(hereby'known , as OAH). A,petition form maybe obtained from the OAR at http: / /www.ncoah ,.com/ or'by calling'the-OAH,Clerk's;Office at�(919) 431-3000,for information, Within ,thirty (;W) calendar days of receipt of this notice, a petition, must be filed With the OAH. A petition, is considered filed' When the or=iginal and, one (1) copy, along with ,any applica'bl'e, OAH filing, fee is received in the OAH during normal,office hours (Monday through Friday,between 8:00am, and 5:00pm, excluding official state holidays). The petition may be faxed Ito the OAH at (919),431 -3100, provided the original and one copy of the petition along with any applicable OAH,fili'ng fee,is received by -the OAH,wiihin five (5) business days following the faxed transmission. Mailing address.for,the OAW If sending by First,Class'Mdt1 via the US 'Postal Service: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center,, Raleigh, NC'2 -7699 -6714 If sending via delivery service (e.g. UPS, FedEx):, Office of Administrative Hearings 1711 New Hope Church Road Raleigh, NC 27609 -6285 One (1),copy ofthe petition must,also be serveclAo DENR: Lacy Presnell, General' Counsel - Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, INC 27699 -1601 Please send,one (1) copy'of the petition to DVWR°: If sending by First Class Mail If sending ,via,deT very service ]adoP Vand-r ' 0NR#14-0886 l}UFFtRAPPR[VV\L 'pa&4of4 via the, USPosha/Serv/ce�' (e. g�L/PS, Karen Higgi.ns. Karen Hi' 'ns NC0G R—VV6b- —eUnit NC DEN R`[80R—Vyebsca-peUn.it' ' 1617K0ai|'-ServiceCenter '5I2N.0 ��sb Street Raleigh, Raleigh, NC276O4 This,letterconlp|etestherevevv�f'theDivision un4er section 4O1,of the Clean Water Act an the JUeuseRiparian8mfferRu|esas'describedin15ANCA[O28.O233. Please, contact Ch&riSinffkat -791-4251 if you have any quest|mnsorconcern/�. 0),'. - Tir Supe ,Danny 'sor, ^ Water QuR|ityReukona|�Omerat ons Section ' Endomure: GCj cc; U.S. ArmVtorps of 'h inber_s;Rjleigh Regulatory Field 33-31 Heritage Trade, Drive,'$I 105�Wak&Fc_rest-, N[27597 0 borah Shirley; Soil & Envinpnrnent'a|ConsU|tahƒs; 8413 Falls dfNeuse|Rd, Ste. 104� Raleigh, NCJ7G1 ' ]arnes Adanqs LL0,1Q18S. VVhite Si.;\K/ake Forest N[ 37587 O\mRRRO4O1 'Files ' ' , ' � n '