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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSteeplechaseA 46F_ NC®ENR - North Carolina Depaffm6nt,of Environment and NaturaL,Resources Pat MCCroy John E. SKYarla,, III Governor Secretary' September 2,,2014 Galaxy NO,'LLC 3,100 S'moketreeCourt; Suite,24O Raleigh, NO 27604 Subject: Surface Water °Determination Letter NBRRO' #'14 -328, Johnston County ,Determination Type: Buffer, Call' Isolated or, EIP Call ®' Neuse (15A NCAC 2B 0233) Located at 1162" Covered,Bridge Road, U4yton -,, Johnston County. Subject; Stream:, ❑ Ephemeral /,Intermlttent/Perennlal' Determination ❑Tar- Pamlico, ( 15A NCAC 2B .0259) AT ** I ❑ `Isolated Wetland Determination ❑ Jordan (15A NCAC 26,.0267) DWQ`flag Project Name: Steeplechase, `Not Subject to Buffer Rules,- Location/Directions: Located at 1162" Covered,Bridge Road, U4yton -,, Johnston County. Subject; Stream:, UT to, Neuw River Determination Date: August,29; 2014 Staff:, Cheng'Zh"ang Feature E/1/P* `Not Subject to Buffer Rules,- Subject to Buffer'Rules- Start@ _ Stop@ Soil Survey USGS To o AT ** I X DWQ`flag A2 *4� I X DWQ,flag A3 ** I X DWQflag B ** I X Culvert Pond K Pond X I X Pond,A Pond X X X C I X Culvert X D IT X Culvert X X E I X X- - - X .F' J X DWQ flag X G I X DWQ,fl'ag X X 1628 MailService Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699=1628 Location 3800IBarrett Drive iRileigh, North,Carolina 27609 Phone 919'-791 -0200,I,FAX,9,19` 1788 -7159 Intemet• www rimaterouality org Am Equal Opportumty.l Affirmative Action Employer 'Steeplechase, Johnston County August'29, 2014 Page12 of 2 Feature E/I/P* Not Subject to Buffer Rules _ Subject to Buffer'Rules Start@ 'Stop@ Soil Survey USGS 'To o H -I X throughout throughout X J h X DWQ flag X ,L **, I X, M I � X DWQ.,,flag X X N I X DWQ fldg,(NI) X X P I X DWQ`flag X Q I X DWQ;flag X R I X DWQ flag X S' I X DQW flag X X 'T E X X *E /UP = Ephemeral /Intermittent /Perennidl, ** Features not depicted on, USGS'Topograpl:ic, rnap or Johnston County,Soil Survey;, therefore, not subject to -Neuse Buffer Rules, but'siill'inaybe considered jurisdicdonal an&subjeci io,401140,4 permitting, Please,refer,td Map.3- for dnnrozimate locadonsW features A1, A2, A3; B, and L: Explanation:, The feature(s)aisted above has or have been'located on the, Soil Survey of VancewCourity, North Carolina,or the,most recent copy of tlie'iTSGS To mapAat,a 1:24,000 scale: Each feature that is checked "NotSubject" has been d'etennined,not,to be a "stream oris notipresent on theproperty. Features that,are checked "Subject" have been located on,ffie property andpossess characteri.stics,that- .qualify it to be °a "stream. There�maybe other streams located on�your property'that do nofish'ow, up on,the maps referednce_d above,but; still may be considered, jurisdictional,according,to the US ,Army Corps cf Engineers,and/or to the 1Div sign of Water Resources (DWR). ' This, on -site Bete" minationr shall expire,fve (5) years from the date of-this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute' a determinafi_on "made bythe DWR,or Delegated Local Authority-may request a determination bythe Director. An appeal ,request must'be madewithin sixty (60) days of date of,this letter orfiom,,the affected party(incl'uding downstream ,and/or adjacent owners) is notified of this letter:, A request fora determination by the, Director, shall be referred toahe Director -tin writingvc /o Karen Higgins, DWR WeBSCaPe Unit, 1650 Mail:Service Cen'ter,, Raleigh;,NC 27699. This determination is final;and Binding uAiess, as detailed. abovej you ask for a,hearing or°appeal within sixty (60) days. 'The.owner/fdture owners should notify-the Division of Water Resou_rces'(including any other Local; State, andFederal Agencies) ofthis decision concerning any future correspondences ,regarding,the�subject property (st_ated „above). This, project may require a Section 404 /401;,Permit'forithe proposed,activity., Any inquiries,should be directed to the,Division of Water Resources (Central'Office) at (919) -807 -6300, and the US Ar._my'Corp of Engineers,(Raleig4 RegulatoryField °Office)tat (910)- 554- 4884. If you have questions regarding this,determination, please feel free to contact: Cheng,Zhang at (9 19) 791 -4200. Respectfully,, Danny Smith Regional Supervisor cc: FAb/S” File�Copy James Spangler, Spangler Environmental, Inc.,, 433& Bland Road; Raleigh,NC,27609 ZE ofi ; r s . CD CD OL �> C p co Ce 0 0 co f J - -- . Gr f co Cr AV �1 �°D r3 - - O -- \ ZE a W co Q .00 k r\" - - - I - - , o I , a9 ci w (D C co j� -TI co tom_, m `J u1 .ca ti a, x.3 >� ^lb a a 4 S ^ " 3 a �sc $g S a 3 6 'i ge 3 g � 4 - 'i rr 0 N N O_ A A It Ct a r� N N 00 9 z O C) 0 z n J O