HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG030325_Representative Outfall Status Initial Request_20220815C® PY FOR AGENCY USE ONLY NCG03 _ _— Assigned to: ARO FRO MRO RRO WARD WIRO WSRO Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Lana Quality Section National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Sysaern )0 6030000 Notice of Intent This General Permit covers STORMWATER DISCHARGES associated with activities under the following Standard Industrial Classifications: SIC335 [Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding of Nonferrous Metals], Sic 339fi [Metal*Neat Treating], SIC 34 [Fabricated Metal Products], SIC 35.[industrial and Commercial Machinery], SIC 36 [Electronic and Other Electrical Equipment], SiC 37 [Transportation Equipment], and SiC 38 [Measuring, Analyzing, and Controlling Instruments]. You can find information on the DEMUR Stormwater Program at deq.nc.gov/SW. Directions: Print ortype all entries on this application. Send the original, signed application with all required Items listed In Item (6) below to: NCDEMLR Stormwater Program, 1612 MSC, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612. The submission of this application does notguarantee coverage under the general permit. Prior to coverage underthis General Permit a site inspection will be conducted. 1. Owner/.Operator (to whom all permit correspondence will be mailed): Name of legal organizational entity: Legally responsible person as signed in Item (7) below: Division 5 LLC (dba Structural Steel of Carolina Hickory Facility) Chris Wolf Street address: City: State: Zip Code: 1115 Old Lenoir Road NW Hickory NC 28601 Telephone number: Email address: 828-322-9420 cwolf@steelofcarolina.com Type of Ownership: Government ElCounty federal ElMumcipal El state Non -government EBusiness (if ownership is business, a copy of NCSOS report must be included with this application) CI Individual 2. Industrial Facility (facility being permitted): Facility name., Facility environmental contact: Structural Steel of Carolina Hickory Facility Chris Wolf Street address: City: State: Zip Code: 1115 Old Lenoir Road NW Hickory NC 28601 Parcel Identification Number (PIN): County: 279312857062 Catawba Telephone number: Email address: 828-322-9420 cwolf@steelofcarolina.com 44git SIC code: Facility is: 1 Date operation is to begin or began: 3041 Ij New i] Proposed El Existing Latitude of entrance: Longitude of entrance: 35°44'49.11 "N 81 °21'49.22"W Brief description of the types of industrial activities and products manufactured at this facility: Salem Steel is a regional provider of fabricated structural steel products, manufactured for both Industrial and the commercial industry for sale to the public. (f the storniwater discharges to a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4), name the operator of the IVIS44: 17 N/A Page Iof5 3. Consultant (if applicable): LIM Name of consultant: Consulting firm: Paul Spangenberg Boyer Enterprises Ea8t, LLC Street address: City: state: Zip Code: 127 Red Hill Church Road Dunn NC 28334 Telephone number: Email address: 910.694.1089 paulspangenberg@boyer-enterprises=east,com Outfall(s) (at least one outfall is required to be eligible for coverage): 3-4 digit identifier: Name of receiving water: Classification: 17 This water is impaired. 001 Frye Creek C I ❑ This watershed has a TMDL. Latitude of outfall: Longitude of outfall: 35`44'46.8.1 "N 81 °21'44.26"W Brief description of the industrial activities that drain to this outfall: Storage of scrap metal, waste pallets, used equipment, used oil, hydraulic oil, solvents, and paints, PM from gravel, potential leaks of truck fluids 3-4 digit. identifier: Name of receiving water: Classification: ❑ This water is impaired. I 002 Frye Creels C ❑ This watershed has a TMDL, Latitude of outfall: Longitude of outfall: 35044146.71 "N 81 °21'44.22V Brief description of the industrial activities that drain to this outfall: Storage of Scrap metal, waste pallets, used equipment, used oil, hydraulic oil, solvents, and paints, PM from gravel, potential leaks of truck fluids 3-4 digit identifier: Name of receiving water: Classification: ❑ This water is Impaired. 003 1 Frye Creek C 1 ❑ This watershed, has a TMDL. Latitude of outfall: Longitude of outfall: 35°44'46,87"N 81 °21'44.30"W Brief description of the Industrial activities that drain to this outfall: Storage of Scrap metal, waste pallets, used equipment, used oil, hydraulic oil, solvents, and paints, PM from gravel, potential leaks of truck fluids 3-4 digit identifier: Name of receiving water: Classification: 13 This water is impaired, This watershed has a TMDL. Latitude of outfall:. Longitude of outfall: Brief description of the industrial activities that drain to this outfall: 3-4 digit identifier: Name of receiving water: Classification: ❑ This water is impaired. Cl This watershed has a TMDL. Latitude of outfall: Longitude of outfall: Brief description of the industrial activities that drain to this outfall All outfalls must be listed. and at least one outfall is required. Additional outfalls may be added in the section "Additional Outfalle found on the last page of this N01. Page 2 of 5 5. Other Facility Conditions (chec( all that apply and explain accordingly): 0 This facility has other NPDES permits. If checked, list the permit numbers for all current NPDES permits: COC NCG030325 0 This facility has Non -Discharge permits (e,g, recycle permit). If checked, list the permit numbers for all current Non -Discharge permits: 0 This facility uses best management practices or structural stormwater control measures. If checked, briefly describe the practices/measures and show on site diagram: Minimize outdoor storage, frequent pick-up of solid waste and scrap metal dumpsters, spill kits, loading/unloading procedures 0 This facility has a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). If checked, please list the date the SWPPP was implemented: July 1999, Current revision February 2022 to include new Outfall 003. ❑ This facility stores hazardous waste in the 100.-year floodplain. If checked, describe how the area is protected from flooding, Ci This facility is a (mark all that apply) M Hazardous Waste Generation Facility ❑ Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility ❑ Hazardous Waste Storage Facility ❑ Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility If checked, indicate. Kilograms of waste generated each month: Type(s) of waste: Less than 1,000 Small Quantity Generator) Spent solvents and paints How material Is stored: Where material is stored: 55 gal drums Inside Number of waste shipments per year: Name of transport/disposal vendor: 2 Boyer Enterprises East, LLC Transport/disposal, vendor EPA ID: Vendor address: NCR000163188 127 Red Hill Church Road, Dunn NC 28334 0 This facility is located on a Brownfield or Superfund site If checked, briefly describe the site conditions 6. Required IteMs (Application will be returned unless all of the following items have been included): V Check for $100 made payable to NCDEQ NA- (Q,V S6— Ao a^, ist wit,. k -tr) AdrJt 0 Copy of most recent Annual Report to the NC Secretary of State (if applicable) * This-caimpleted application and any supporting documentation lZI A site diagram showing, at a minimum, existing and proposed: a) outline of dra.ihage areas b) surface waters c) stormwater management structures d) location of stormwater outfalls corresponding to the drainage areas e) runoff conveyance features f) areas_ where industrial process materials are stored g) impervious areas h) site property lines +R1 Copy of county map or USGS quad sheet with the location of the facility clearly marked Page 3 of 5 7, ,applicant Certification: North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6E (1) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article ... shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000). Under penalty of law, I certify that: El I am the person responsible for the permitted industrial activity, for satisfying the requirements of this permit, and for any civil or criminal penalties incurred due to violations of this permit. 0 The information submitted in this NOI is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete based. on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information. I will abide by all conditions of the NCG030000 permit. I understand that coverage under this permit will constitute the permit requirements for the discharge(s) and is enforceable in the same manner as an individual permit. El I hereby request coverage under the NCG030000 General Permit, Printed Name of Applicant: Chris Wolf Title: HR Director 3/f / zz- (Signature of Applicant) U (Date Signed) Mail the entire.package to: DEMLR—Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Page 4 of 5 a i ' LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ANNUAL REPORT 1012017 NAME OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: Division 5 LLC Fictitious Name, if any, used in North Carolina: Division 5 Structural Steel LLC FilingOfllmUseOnly E - Filed Annual SECRETARY OF STATE ID NUMBER: 2014749 STATE OF FORMATION: GA Report 2014749 REPORT FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR: 2021 ❑Changes SECTION A: REGISTERED AGENT'S INFORMATION 1. NAME OF REGISTERED AGENT: CT Corporation 2. SIGNATURE OF THE NEW REGISTERED AGENT: SIGNATURE CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE APPOINTMENT 3. REGISTERED AGENT OFFICE STREET ADDRESS & COUNTY 4. REGISTERED AGENT OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS 160 Mine Lake Ct Ste 200 160 Mine Lake Ct Ste 200 Raleigh, NC 27615 Wake County Raleigh, NC 27615 SECTION B: PRINCIPAL OFFICE INFORMATION 1. DESCRIPTION OF NATURE OF BUSINESS: Structural Steel fabrication 2. PRINCIPAL OFFICE PHONE NUMBER: (770) 577-0355 3. PRINCIPAL OFFICE EMAIL: Privacy Redaction 4. PRINCIPAL OFFICE STREET ADDRESS 5. PRINCIPAL OFFICE MAILING ADDRESS 300 Brickstone Square, Suite 301 300 Brickstone Square, Suite 301 Andover, MA 01810 Andover, MA 01810 6. Select one of the following if applicable. (optional see instructions) ❑ The company is a veteran -owned small business ❑ The company is a service-dlsabled veteran -owned small business SECTION C: COMPANY OFFICIALS (Enter additional company officials in Section E.) NAME: Rob Fiore NAME: TITLE: Secretary TITLE: ADDRESS: 300 Brickstone Square ADDRESS: Suite 201 NAME: TITLE: ADDRESS: Andover, MA 01810 SECTION D: CERTIFICATION OF ANNUAL REPORT. Section D must be completed in its entirety by a person/business entity, Rob Fiore SIGNATURE Form must be signed by a Company Official listed under Section C of This form. Rob Fiore 4/9/2021 Secretary DATE Print or Type Name of Company Official Print or Type Title of Company Official This Annual Report has been filed electronically. MAIL TO: Secretary of State, Business Registration Division, Post Office Box 29525. Raleigh, NC 27626-0525 SdVN1 31DOOD 'simmnooa 1NIOd83MOd 1331S MOADIH 3DN3a3A3 Z ON 9M0 03AOHddv VNIlOaVD H1aON 'A80N01H 00-01196Z-1O # OVO HD3ND N33NI'JN3 MN OVOa a101V31 Ol0 41 11 allDVA AWADIH D 11'lse3 suslidialug Woo r� ZO ON 80f d)113HO ZAR ONIIAvda VNnoaVO jo i331s immonals 1i dVil 311S za0z AaVntJa33 31V0 SMd MU a s# Ra Nab fig' p� N wyy O z J o ? N u a a ®Odd®00 z 5 o$ lmuull No01eswo _ t _ Geospatiai �'� hShXlll4.11t'IIIC nf,5cn. I{lfofr'flatlOn SerVlces oo 1` \i 'r ,1 v Ana'' 1. •w •:r• I Reel Estate Search N 1 in=200ft W+E S Parcel: 279312857062, 1115 OLD LENOIR RD NW HICKORY, 28601 Owners: DIVISION 5 LLC, Owner Address: 1720 VARGRAVE ST Values - Building(s): $258,900, Land: $127,600, Total $386,500 This map/report product was prepared from the Catawba County, NC Geospatial Information Services, Catawba County has made substantial efforts to ensure the accuracy of location and labeling information contained on this map or data on this report, Catawba County promotes and recommends the independent verification of any data contained on this map/report product by the user. The County of Catawba, Its employees, agents, and personnel, disclaim, and shall not be held liable for any and all damages, loss or liability, whether direct, indirect or consequential which arises or may arise from this map/report product or the use thereof by Copy erson fir ght noCatawba County NC nnra �r�nnn 0 40 �1-0 � {jam'^-.-�V�n�/ ALEXANDER CALDWELL d' BURKE CATAWBA — - 1-I-----=' AREASHOWN r: CONTOUR INTERVAL = 20 FEET 1 WITHIN CATAWBA COUNTY REFERENCES: 1. HICKORY, NC DIGITAL RASTER GRAPHIC, LISGS. SCANNED FROM SCALE: 1:6,000 1:24,000-SCP,LE HICKORY, NC TOPOGRAPHIC MAP, PUBLISHED 2013, USGS. 2. INSET MAP DIGITAL DATA FROM 2002 NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION ATLAS, Feet BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS, WASHINGTON, D.C. 0 500 1,000 3, PROPERTY BOUNDARY DATA FROM CATAWBA COUNTY GIS. TOPOGRAPHIC SITE MAP DRAWN BY: RDC DATE: February2022 DRAFT �I"^' CHECK: VV JOB NO: Boyer Enterprises East, LLC STRUCTURAL STEEL OF CAROLINA HICKORY STEEL CHECK: GIS NO: 1" 1115 OLD LENOIR ROAD, NW HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA APPROVAL: PV FIGURE 1 f: DivisioiR of Energy, Mineral & Land Resources 5torlawater Program f� �J National Pollutant )Discharge Elimination System Environmental EEPRESENTATIV E OUTI+AiLL STATUS (ROS) FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Date Received 1'car hlondi Day `uurray ItEQUms'I' I"ORtyi if a facility is required to sample multiple discharge locations with very similar stormwater discharges, the permittee may petition the Director for Representative Outfall Status (ROS). DEQ may grant Representative outfall Status if stormvvater discharges from a single outfall are representative of discharges from multiple outfalls. Approved ROS milli reduce the number of outfalls where analytical sampling requirements apply. if Representative outfall Status is granted, ALL outfalls are still subject to the qualitative monitoring requirements of the facility's permit —unless otherwise allowed by the permit (such as IU00020000) and DEQ approval, The approval letter from DEQ must be kept on site with the facility's Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan, The facility must notify DEQ in writing if any changes affect representative status, For questions, please contact the DECK Regional Office for your area (see page 3). (Please print or type) 1) Enter the permit number to which this ROS request applies: Individual Permit (or) Certificate of Coverage N I C I S N 0 0 0 3 0 3 2 5 2) Facility Information: Owner/Facility Name Division 5, LLC, (dba Structural Steel of Carolina) Hickory Steel Facility Contact Chris Wolf Street Address 11" 15 Old Lenoir Road, NW City HickoryState NC County Catawba E-mail Address Telephone No, a28 322-9a2o Fax: 828 ZIP Code 28601 rwolf@steelofcaroilna.com 322-2867 3) List the representative outfall(s) information (attach additional sheets if necessary): Outfall(s) 3 is representative of Outfall(s) 2 outfalls' drainage areas have the same or similar activities? outfalls' drainage areas contain the same or similar materials? outfalls have similar monitoring results? Outfall(s) is representative of Outfall(s) Outfalls' drainage areas have the same or similar activities? outfalls' drainage areas.contain the same or similar materials? outfalls have similar monitoring results? Outfall(s) is representative of Outfall(s) outfalls' drainage areas have the same or similar activities? outfalls' drainage areas contain the same or similar materials? outfalls have similar monitoring results? x Yes ❑ No x Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No x No data* ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ No data* ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes q No ❑ No data* *Non-compliance with analytical monitoring prior to this request may prevent ROS approval. Specific circumstances will be considered by the Regional Office responsible for review. Page 1 of 3 SWU-ROS-2009 Last revised 12/30/2009 Rep rose nr eaiive Oudi_- ii SteAflM ReciMsl 4) Detailed explanation about why the outfalls above should be granted Representative Status: (Or, attach a letter or narrative to discuss this information.) For example, describe how activities and/or materials.are similar. out(all 3 has been newly added and displaced 99% of the water from oulfall 2 to outfall 3. See attached site map. Analytical monlloring will be conducted during 4uatter 1 of 2022. s) Certification: North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 B(f) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification In any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article; or who knowingly makes a false statement of a material fact in a rulemaking proceeding or -contested case under this Article; .or who falsifies; tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under this Article or rules of the [Environmental Management] Commission implementing this Article shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000). 1 hereby request Representative Outfall Status for my NPDES Permit. I understand that ALL outfalls are still subject to the qualitative monitoring requirements of the permit, unless otherwise allowed by the permit and regional office approval. I must notify DEQ in writing if any changes -to the facility or its operations take place after ROS is granted that may affect th is- status : If ROS no longer applies, I understand I must resume monitoring of all outfalls as specified in my NPDES permit. I.certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. Printed Name of Person Signing: chdswolf Title: DireetorofHR (Signature of Applicant) (Rate Signed) Please note: This application for Representative Outfall Status is subject to approval by the NCDEQ Regional Office. The. Regional Office may inspect your facility for compliance with the conditions of the permit prior to that approval. Final Checklist for ROS Reauest This application should include the following items: t9 This completed form. io Letter or narrative elaborating on the reasons why specified outfalls should be granted representative status, unless all information can be included in Question 4. k4 Two (2) copies of a site map of the facility with the location of all outfalls clearly marked, including the drainage areas, industrial activities, and raw materials/finished products within each drainage area. ❑ Summary of results from monitoring conducted at the outfalls listed in Question 3. ❑ Any other supporting documentation.. Page 2 of 3 SWU-ROS-2009 Last revised 12/30/2009 SdVW 310060 'S1N3 000 1NIOdH3,MOd 1331S A?IOMOIH :33N383338 z :ON 0A10 ! omouddV VNIlOHVO HAON 'AHOADIH 00—01196z—►0# OYO Ko3Ha a33Niari3 MN OV08 NION31 010 VIII Alil[0VJ ANDA01H 011'Isc3 sos11d101U31od06 G� ZO :ON GOP SW Iio3H5 9,1j Na VNIlo21V0 3o 1331S IM110MIS H M 311S zeo.e aVflwu �31VO SMd Nh1 Ae a: NY QYN y�� V I o' �Atis O N N I � ® N ^I z oI oo®O(0®® l H /off o tE y II K \ rc / s III ��01�OOo te o 121N 3IR AN1€MY 8 u I E£i z I SdVN! 319009 'S1N3Wf1000 1NIOddTAOd 1331S kUO>IOIH :30N383.338 Z :ON 9MO MAQW& VNIIOUV0 HMON 'ANO>IOIH O 00-01Lg6Z-10 # 0V0 No3HD 833N19M MN OVOU I N31 (110 4LLL 0111f519saspAiolugWon IJ�J ZO :ON 90f SMd)I03HO j9NLLAY+kd kg VNIIOUV9 d0 13315 w8ruofl s H ZZOLAf1�183 NVd :31V0 SMd Nh1Vao dVW 311S e� g 0 $ 5 RI, O Chris Wolf From: kathyboyer@boyer-enterprises-east.com Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 1:40 PM To: Chris Wolf Cc: 'Paul Spangenberg' Subject: Correction on DEQ Address Hi Chris, I apologize, but the packet should be mailed to the regional office and not the main office. That address is: DEQ Mooresville Regional Office Attention: DEMLR Stormwater Program 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Kathy Boyer, M.E.M. Regulatory Compliance Manager Boyer Enterprises East, LLC Office: 910.694.3189 x1005 Mobile: 919.971.389 Fax: 910.252.9373 Physical & Mailing Address: 127 Red Hill Church Rd Dunn, NC 28334 Chris Wolf From: kathyboyer@boyer-enterprises-east.com Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2022 1:31 PM To: Chris Wolf Cc: 'Paul Spangenberg' Subject: Notice of Intent for Outfall 3 Attachments: Hickory Steel Outfall 3 NOI_ROS.pdf Hi Chris, I am attaching a PDF that has 1) the Notice of Intent; 2) the required supporting documents for the NO]; 3) the Representative Outfall Status request form; and 4) Supporting documentation for the ROS. Please review this packet carefully and let me know if you have any changes. If you would like, I can overnight a hard copy with an addressed envelope. Otherwise, please print the packet and sign on pages 4 and 11. Mail the entire packet to the following address: DEM LR - Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Also, we are in the process of updating your stormwater plan to reflect the new Outfall 3. Paul can bring that to you during his next site visit. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you! Best Regards, Kathy Boyer, M.E.M. Regulatory Compliance Manager Boyer Enterprises East, LLC Office: 910.694.3189 x1005 Mobile: 919.971.3869 Fax: 910.252.9373 Physical & Mailing Address: 127 Red Hill Church Rd Dunn, NC 28334 1