HomeMy WebLinkAboutNPDES 6-27-2022 through 7-3-2022 INtiPEICTION RECORD FOR ACI'11'ITI'ES UNDER S' RtMWATER GENERAL PERMIT NC'G0100011 SELF-INSPE'CI'ION RECORD FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES PEI? Q RESPONSE FOR EROSION CONTROL FORM 1675 I` I'RM ECT LOC'ATI ON US 173114 Bypass"w.+l al RocAHgJmn n1 SR f ro9ro Nulth of SR 13f}4 TI P/N IVS4 H-91-1Is I.tXF.I.11 SUPERVISOR Carlos Gorham �- �--�- i'C)UNTV f3rchrrond Coumy CONTRACTOR Vacallio S Grogan,hw :111 erosion and sedimentation control measures and storinwater discharge outfalls must be inspected once per seven calendar clays AND within 24 hours of a rainfall of 1.0 inch or greater per 24-hour period. Pernrittee must keep a record of inspections. if using on site rain complete daily rainfall measurement. If using Multi Precipitation Estimator(MPE), attach rainfall data for weekly period. —�� I)1n Date Rain Notes Exceptions to standard monitorin:r r-eiruirenients Idle projects: Idle prujccts nttcst IN: iltap�Ctcd olice clerc 14 T calendar days and after 1.0- of rain in a 24-hour peric)d Idle ,�.._-._ :_ - ��.�z•_-���._ lot calendar-���' )lo �c,ty are projects that itaz•c not hc.:n completed c l - i c 'a p' j" but where ttc) -; construction activity uCcurs for 21 calendar days or more AND 4 the eutirc project 1 as been adequately stabilized lvitli temporar}2 _ ©� - s>•.- -- .,Lc - sE3 d _ a t•Cyetatlun pUrsuanN)DI:NILR guidelines l Still L Still- = Completed pr cts: Completed projects are tluise ,i� p ! 1 rcicCts -._-- where work has been completed and you're waiting tur the Phase of Grading permanent vegetation to establisit (i.e. tvaitiug tit,- the �,- ss (t) (Place a check in the box of the current project phase) "r'ow). Contplcted projects must be insl):ctttl once �,�CIS 3tt Installation ofperimeter erosion and sediment control measures calendar days ANDANDwithin 24 hours of-a rain ��Cnt I.tr . Itictl t)r C1Carift�and`rubbing,of existing ground cover "rcater in 24 hourss. The reduc4d monitoring ca11 bc•�rrt ancc Completion of a11v phase of grading of slopes or fill, construction leas been conipfetcd,and erodible slopes 11avc beCrt Installation Ut StOrtll drainage fal'111t1e5 sufficiently stabilized to restrain erosion by .11111it,ttion of Completion of construction or development permanent ground cover varieties anti installation of tent ) y Cstablishnient of permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion _ around cover to include appropriate erosion Control rnittirnti andfor other altprovcd nudl I las all land disturbing activity been completed'?(Y/N)_ _ ct 111;1terl"tl;. i Has the tidal permanent ground cuvcr been completed and established?(N'%N)_ l S. this •mare, I certify(in accordance with fart I1',Section B,G(d)of the NCGOIOOOo permit) T Form should not be signed anti[ the tvc ck is complete-------- that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge: -- — correctivC actions have been contplctcd in the 24 Ihnrr:u1d ,)r 1 2 0 _` c1:1y tithe periods. Cert. Level Super iNcDo'r Cert.Level 11 Representative Ccr•t.# I 'i%B ) Stornmater Discharge Outfalls )0) Visible Sedimentation,!Stream (Required to list each SDO for each inspection) Turbidity inspection Station Number Corrective Actions Needed Priority* Uarc Uther Sediment stream Date Corrected Pollutants•; Deposited*** C'tarit► STA IDk1SOLI Q STA 127 70 RT + _ s[A1.14 WLT+ - STA 135+-50 Rr+ - sTA 137+;0 Rf - - STA Rf+.- STA 1.37+00 RE+- STA 151+00 RE -- STA 151,20 Rl-+ - STA 151+40 RT- STA 1671-30 LT+ 5 l-A 107+-40 LT+. STA I(,7+;I1 LT+ STA 17;+2;I T+ STA 17S+00 Lf 3 STA 17S+3U LT +. STA I%l Oil I STA IQN1 90 LT+ STA 19'_r70 R1 + - wG v 2 srA'_o;+ut�tT+ o C �• AJ�t ni J tit O SEA 207v3t)RT { . .�.� r' �, r[_ N Sir � a a STA 117+20 LT I - p��� s. ' � � r �� S?S Z STA'l7 r FO LT + STA 217+-55 1 T t SEA 219,10LT � STA 227+60 L r STA'_31+10 t.T+ $TA 23i 4 00 1T SrA233rMI.I i Sr•\'-3445111.T SEA2a.1.20U , o o� L 2 *** ****Is there Risible * It=Routine,needs **Is there es'idence of other pollutants discharging from Is there s isiblc sediment deposited►n a stream, attention within S site such as oil sheen, discoloration,Cement wastes, wetland,buffer or adjacent propertN?(YIN)Contact decrease in stream clarit} Ur ent, sanitary waste, fertilizers,or fuel or chemical storage D\VIt ssithin 24 hours if visible sediment),renter than a 5 (increase turbidity-ctoudN) days; U= leaka"e''(���)**If=)then Pollutants is marked Yes, gallon bucket is deposited in surface slaters or tsetlands, because of a discharge? needs attention a within 21 ht' describe client of discharge and list the corrective actions and D1;NILIt if greater than 5 gallon bucket lost off site. (YA) taken. Report potential illicit discharges to NCDU'r for confirntationlrc lortinR. I^frlr . . r•,„unt es t�� tU,it is il,unagcd that 11"llle h(+trititiai to lulu sCLlunenl an +ll d'ur 1nutauts ul�:Sit4 atad uuu or ,urfat�Watmrs should h ,t e lr.,it"i ,"L'RW control d l" ri%lill Stormwater Discharge Outfalls b ) Visible Sedimentation..,Stream (Required to list each SDO for each inspection) Turbidity Inspection Station Number Date Corrective Actions Needed Priority* Drte other Sediment-7 stream Corrected Pollutants** Deposited* Clariw*** Z STA 2d5+90 RT' + - STA 240 10 RT STA 250tAo RT+.- S 17A257+00 RT+,- STA'_i705RT STA 274150 RT+- S CA 2116+70 RT+,- STA2199 40Rl'+_ SCA 214!(10 RT+.- STA 341 i 110 RT STA 320+00 LT - STA 32l+till RT+ - STA 126 0 RT+ - STA 147�40 1.1 STA 3j2.20 LT �— Y()STA I I+)01.T 1'(,STA 1w40RT Y5 ST.\I0,511 RC Y5ST\ II!IIuRA' - Y5si'AII!70Rf + - l'5 STA'_'_ 1,Rf * - Y5 STA 22 70 R f ' Y5STA;7 00RT Y5 STA'W 10Lr ' SRI SfA 0-30IT Sltl S"fA'- 7u l T SKI SfA 2i-0 LC Slti SIA 42,50 M' SRi SrA_1-,7n Rr 1- SRI SfA­1 .-1011 r G SRI SIA 41-'01.f Q ur - ii- c7-s- N '`y o =- Cc�ct- s 4�Z7j� - * 2=It utille,needs **is there evidence of other pollutants dischar��in�from *** j tv � 1 r Is there r isible scditltcnt deposited in a str•anl *** attention within 5 site such as oil sheen,discoloration,cement r%astes, wetland,buffer or adjacent Proper Is there risible da%%; U=Urgent, sanitar} waste,fertilisers,or fuel or chemical storage D�\'t��rithin Zd hours if r isib{e sediment/greater than a 5 ontact decre.tse in stream clarity needs attention leakage? (Y/N)**If Other Pollutants is marked Yes, gallon bucket is deposited in surface slaters or Wetlands, ril cause of a cli�cl ar�udr) isithin 24 hrs. describe extent of discharge and list the corrective actions and DE111,11 if greater than S gallon bucket lost off site. taken.Report potential illicit discharges to NCDOT for confirmationlre ortino. I n J r +• 1 1" ,'/ ` �O{�; :filly l'Clhlllll l'Ullttlrl ilU%we tbat is dalll:i4,d lilll I1.15 tlh lltt'1111:11 tU I111�\Ct1lI11Cnt alltl UC�1U11Lllallt�111tif1U dlltl Of Int!>>41t;ICC tt.11il s11.,fJ.l b�Ir�.ucJ.Iti'1'12(,1 N 1 - 0 U O % Stormwater Discharge Outfalls (r 7) l'isible Sedimentation . Stream (Required to list each SDO for each inspection) Turbidity inspection Station]Number Corrective Actions Needed Priority* DatCorrected Other Sediment Stream 0, Corrected Pollutants"* Deposited*** Clarity*•** Date a 'r a o N o J ID ^V o �► a� 2 C� tA3 C y: 2 * R=Routine,needs Is there evidence of other pollutants discharging from *** attention within 5 site such as oil sheen,discoloration,cement wastes, Is there visible sediment deposited in a stream **** days; U=Urgent, sanitary waste,fertilizers,or fuel or chemical storage wetland,buffer or adjacent propert-? (y[,yy Contact Is there s isible needs attention leakage:'(1IN3**If Other Pollutants is rnarked Ve� DWR alton Within 24 hours if,.rsible sedintcnt greater decrease in stroity elytiti; a united in surface waters or l%tlands 5 b , within 24 hrs. describe extent of discharge and list the corrective actions p (increase turbidity-elutrd+) and Df�lt,lt if greater than 5 gallon bucket lost off site. 4CNU,� p�'r'ii.ch:rr�e: taken. Report potential illicit discharges to NCDUT for lti confirmation/re orting. (1�`1 J I NOTE: An} erosion cuntrui&%ice that is dama_sM that has the potential to lose srdunent andror pullu[ant,a!•f'site and or into;auf:,« ,�,irc+,;h„uhr J,,+r.•.,r�•�r.,, •r v.,.r '.r _ , ,ll�\!ill Erosion & Sedimenta, t - Control Devices (Required to inspection Station Number list all devices that need maintenance) Date Corrective Actions Needed P�; tty� D;jte Corrected ioo d`'f(c z �z Z 3fl f7 Mill ��� OG J e, 124 j 2 Sir LC) it Ill c. 1110,111 J U 2 !K-1 � c wtc� � a o.rL. Z - 7 i 2 j[ U-Urgent,needs attention within 24!tours. *R—Routine,needs�attention within S.days;...._.• ,,., ...,-,�;iiiti control dot ice that is elama:.ea that has the Njontial to,lose tic uncut an -or P o lutant;o-if.�`and u"into surface watcrs should he as'•U RU1=\!• RESPONSE FOR ERuSiu\ C'O\'[liul �sl•1':r'r'olz's 1)AILI REPORT S E SIIIILIURM 167. 1 t Standard/llctric Unit - -- — rrantitY Vil 'ti ltl t'on�ni` 1� !,t NI II'ritr N A1 Ali �,'ilt�`_ktticlt' „- ` _ _ Ct1'I\ 1_f',M - --- --._. _..__�—__-_ _. - - • -- I.ti — i _TN N- - 1 i t� tt E ilituttCunttol` _o i � tit , �_v• �; -, __ _..- . . tt1�lt1�, 1.1: .1 I ! tit�tl�l I 3 Lf• � � -- IZ LB TN L13 A(i k �t�tlti k tt I` - -- -- — -- - - r �4�.r- � E��ItEl:�,t��tti;t('unir:rl [�.•1 t�r'\ - -I--- - _ I NNv it llr;tt lltts ;`;C• hL lt�i ti+rmc.i. l\'�aLr«(hat tltia unrh%%a,I,rrli�rnt�J 1 U I ltuhrescrtl.un - -TtC'I7Of Rrhresrntat%k -1'rinw f�uhrv�crrratit-�� ' - - - - - - 1).1i 1'niri�R�pawll ;tliv'� - - -