HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140394 Ver 1_Meeting Minutes_20140822A Lanny Rhew, PE, (Sty Engineer 1 C OF Matthew G Beckwith, PE, Assistant (Sty Engineer 425 SLexington Ave Burlington, North Carolina 27215 _ KKeN -rClaPA°-_Vr ( 336) 222 -5050 Engineering a.burlington.nc.us PRE CONSTRUCTION C O N F E R E N C E MINUTES 5Pkaj August 22, 2014 1 (; sj 10:00 am I t'rcA1' Cb qj 1 4277 -14 t'ra*'� 42- Inch Haw Inver Interoeptor Replacement - Phase 1 [ ol'P660 Municipal Conferenoe Room Items of Discussion: 1. Welcomed all attendees, had everybody introduce themselves and sign in on Conference Sign -in sheet. The following were in attendance: Name & Representing Mailing Address Tele No. Fax No. Mobile No. Email Address Matt Beckwith PO Box 1358 336.222.5050 336.513.5467 336.516.7502 mbeckwith @ci.burlington.nc.us City of Burlington Burlington, NC 27215 Jeff Isley PO Box 1358 City of Burlington Burlington, NC 27215 336.222.5050 336.513.5467 336.516.6639 jisley @ci.burlington.nc.us Brandon Holt PO Box 1358 336.222.5050 336.513.5467 336.516.7205 bholt @ci.burlington.nc.us City of Burlington Burlington, NC 27215 Lanny Rhew PO Box 1358 336.222.5050 336.513.5467 336.516.5664 lrhew @ci.burlington.nc.us City of Burlington Burlington, NC 27215 Brady Goforth PO Box 1358 336.222.5050 336.513.5467 336.5163427 bgoforth @ci.burlington.nc.us City of Burlington Burlington, NC 27215 Bob Patterson PO Box 1358 City of Burlington Burlington, NC 27215 336.222.5133 336.516.2255 bpatterson @ci.burlington.nc.us Donnie West PO Box 1358 336.222.5140 336.513.5467 336.263.5027 dwest @ci.burlington.nc.us City of Burlington Burlington, NC 27215 Darrin Allred PO Box 1358 336.578 -0515 336.558.8520 dallred @ci.burlington.nc.us City of Burlington Burlington, NC 27215 Quentin Baker PO Box 1358 336.513.5463 336.516.7456 gbaker @ci.burlington.nc.us City of Burlington Burlington, NC 27215 Ken Malonson PO Box 500 Park Constr. of NC, Inc Morrisville, NC 27560 919.319.8801 919.319.88355 919.815.9844 kmalonson @parknc.com Eric Olsen PO Box 500 919.319.8801 919.319.88355 919.369.2236 eolsen @parknc.com Park Constr. of NC, Inc Morrisville, NC 27560 Toby Chamberlain PO Box 500 919.319.8801 919.319.88355 919.812.2615 thamberlain@parknc.com Park Constr. of NC, Inc Morrisville, NC 27560 Tim Williamson PO Box 500 Park Constr. of NC, Inc Morrisville, NC 27560 919.319.8801 919.319.88355 919.812.2306 twilliamson @parknc.com Kevin Carter 1904 Wilton Circle K F Carter En g. Co. Raleigh, NC 27615 919.971.0635 k.£carter @att.net Jeff Wing 3001 Weston Parkway 919 653 -2951 Jef£Wing @kimley- hom.com Kimle -Horn & Assoc. Cary, NC 27513 2. Summary of project Interceptor Replacement Phase 1 - Includes furnishing and installing approximately • 180 -feet of new aerial pipe bridge, bridge structure, and concrete foundations for the support of a new 42 -inch interceptor, • approximately 3,500 feet of 42 -inch interceptor, • 420 feet of 16 -inch interceptor. Preoonstruction Conferenoe Page 1 1 A Lanny Rhew, PE, (Sty Engineer crxy OF Matthew G Beckwith, PE, Assistant (Sty Engineer 425 SLexington Ave Burlington, North Carolina 27215 _ 132UK G D EP, ° Xr ( 336) 222 -5050 Engineering a.burlington.nc.us • Services also shall include, but not limited to, clearing and grubbing, earthwork, access roads, fencing, sedimentation and erosion control, new precast concrete manholes, surface and stream bank restoration, • bypass pumping, • the demolition of the existing 42 -inch and 15 -inch interceptors, existing aerial bridge and structures, and cast -in -place manholes, • all associated appurtenances as described in the Specifications and shown on the Drawings. 3. Coordination of work a. Comments and potential conflicts with the infrastructure of outside attendee's organizations should be discussed. i. Contractor shall contact "NC One - Call" 1- 800 - 632 -4949 to locate existing buried utilities prior to any excavation. The Contractor shall contact any other utility company whose utilities are not located by "NC One - Call" for exact location of its utilities prior to starting construction. ii. Duke Energy — Contact when work is in the vicinity of the overhead high voltage power lines. b. Coordination of work with Water and Sewer Maintenance should be reviewed. i. Water and Sewer Maintenance 1. Any and all SSO's shall be reported immediately to Water and Sewer Maintenance telephone no. 336- 222 -5140 for reporting to the state. ii. East Wastewater Treatment Plant 1. Entering in and out of the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Park Construction Superintendent, will coordinate daily entrance and exit of personnel with Darrin Allred, Chief Plant Operator, East Wastewater Treatment Plant. 2. At the end of the day Contractor's superintendent will lock gate to access. c. State regulatory requirements — Erosion and Sediment Control i. NCDENR Land Quality Section Project ID ALAMA- 2009 -032 1. Copy of Certificate of Approval shall be kept on -site. 2. Erosion Control devices shall be established prior to or concurrent with clearing operations in a given area. Where such practice is not feasible, the erosion control device(s) shall be established immediately following completion of the clearing operation. Preoonstruction Conferenoe Page 12 A Lanny Rhew, PE, (Sty Engineer 1 C OF Matthew G Beckwith, PE, Assistant (Sty Engineer 425 SLexington Ave Burlington, North Carolina 27215 _ -132UK c D EP, ° Xr ( 336) 222 -5050 Engineering a.burlington.nc.us 3. Maintenance shall be scheduled as required for a particular device(s) to maintain the removal efficiency and intent of the device(s). ii. NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit NCGO10000 1. A rain gauge shall be installed on site and maintained. 2. Daily rainfall amounts recorded, retained on site and available upon request. 3. Erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be inspected and inspections recorded on NCGO1 Monitoring Form Rev 08012013. Provided to the Contractor. 4. The record keeping and self - inspections as required by the Permit is the responsibility of the Contractor. The City will make periodic checks of the project site for compliance. iii. NCDENR Div. of Water Resources - Water Quality Program 1. Tree Protection Fence / Flagging at stream Sta 14 +00 +/- Sue Homewood with Div. of Water Resources - Water Quality Program, 585 Waughtown St., Winston - Salem, NC 27107 Voice: (336) 771 -4964 FAX: (336) 771 -4630 will need to approve the fence staking / flagging in a preconstruction on -site meeting. 4. General Comments relating to Construction Documents and Contract a. Notice to proceed: August 25, 2014 b. Anticipated project start date: August 25, 2014 c. Project completion date: Substantial Completion — April 22, 2015 Final Completion — May 22, 2015 d. Contract and insurance approval: Contracts have been delivered and Insurance approved. e. Liquidated damages: $500.00 per calendar day f. Shop drawings: Contractor will provide a list of shop drawing submittals and projected submission date. Shop Drawings shall be submitted for the following: i. Draft written notification to Citizens of the initiation of work (Section 1 paragraph 1.42) ii. Pipes and joints (all sizes and materials) (Section 4 Paragraphs 4.03 and 4.05) Preoonstruction Conferenoe Page 1 3 A Lanny Rhew, PE, (Sty Engineer C OF Matthew G Beckwith, PE, Assistant (Sty Engineer 425 SLexington Ave Burlington, North Carolina 27215 _ 132UK G D EP, ° Xr ( 336) 222 -5050 Engineering a.burlington.nc.us iii. All reinforced concrete structures and manholes (including frames and covers) (Section 11) iv. Aerial creek crossing (Section 10) v. Stone, silt fence, ditch linings and filter fabrics (Section 9) vi. Bypass pumping equipment and procedures( Section 5) g. Subcontractors and Material Suppliers: List of Material Suppliers and Subcontractors shall be submitted with the first shop drawing h. Right -of -way, easement, access, storage, etc. i. The Contractor shall video the entire route utilizing a high quality DVD format. The original video media shall be turned over to the Owner prior to beginning construction activities. The video shall clearly identify existing site conditions prior to construction. ii. Contractor shall be responsible for the preservation and protection of property adjacent to the Work site against damage or injury as a result of its operations under this Contract. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, sustain in their places and protect from direct or indirect injury all pipes, poles, conduits, walls, buildings and other structures, utilities and property in the vicinity of its Work. Such sustaining and supporting shall be carefully done by the Contractor as required by the Company or party owning the structure or Agency controlling it. The Contractor shall take all risks attending the presence or proximity of pipes, poles, conduits, walls, buildings and other structures, utilities and property in the vicinity of its Work and he shall be responsible for all damage caused by its Work, to any of them, or to any person of property by reason of injury to them whether such structures are or are not shown on the Drawings. Any damage or injury occurring on account of any act, omission or negligence on the part of the Contractor shall be restored in a proper and satisfactory manner or replaced by and at the expense of the Contractor to an equal or superior condition than previously existed. i. OSHA requirements i. Contractor shall comply with all OSHA safety requirements including but not limited to Confined Space, Trenching / Excavation, and Hoisting. ii. Contractor shall comply with MUTCD while working within the roadway and right -of -way, high - visibility vest shall be worn while working on this proj ect. iii. Contractor should have a checklist /permitting system in place for starting each day verifying all safety measures are in place. Preoonstruction Conferenoe Page 14 A Lanny Rhew, PE, (Sty Engineer 1 crxy OF Matthew G Beckwith, PE, Assistant (Sty Engineer 425 SLexington Ave Burlington, North Carolina 27215 _ 132UK G D EP, ° Xr ( 336) 222 -5050 Engineering a.burlington.nc.us iv. Contractor shall have a "competent person" on -site at all times when work is being performed. SPCC Plan — The SPCC plan shall include spill prevention and countermeasure plans for spills from aboveground and certain underground storage tanks. k. Hazardous Chemicals - submit to the Owner a current Safety Data Sheet ( "SDS ") formerly Material Safety Data Sheet ( "MSDS ") for each such hazardous chemical, which SDS shall comply with the requirements of 29 CFR §1910.1200 (revised 2012). For all "hazardous chemicals" that the Contractor or its subcontractors know, prior to commencement of the work and operations hereunder, will be used in such work and operations, the SDS shall be submitted prior to commencement of any work or operations 1. Emergencies — The Contractor submitted a detailed Emergency Action Plan specifically established for this project, in accordance with Section 1, paragraph 1.39. See Attachment. i. Life safety emergencies shall be acted on as situation requires and City of Burlington Engineering Department notified. ii. All other emergencies, not life threatening, the City Engineering Department shall be contacted for direction. m. Contractor's superintendent will coordinate with City of Burlington Fire Department in reference to the project site and confined space. n. Blasting Permit — will be required, Contractor shall obtain a blasting permit from the City Fire Department. Contact Deputy Chief Michael Willets at 229 -3560. In addition all blasting shall meet the requirements of Section 1, paragraph 1.33. o. Change Orders — Contractor shall provide a cost and have approved either unit price or lump sum prior to starting any work that is not within the contract proposal. p. Sales Tax Reports — Shall be submitted with application for payment. Form can be provided to the Contractor. q. Payment Schedule — Cut off day will be the 25th of the month. Contractor shall coordinate with the City Inspector and agree on quantities prior to submitting application for payment. Preoonstruction Conferenoe Page 1 5 A Lanny Rhew, PE, (Sty Engineer 1 crxy OF Matthew G Beckwith, PE, Assistant (Sty Engineer 425 SLexington Ave Burlington, North Carolina 27215 _ 132UK G D EP, ° Xr ( 336) 222 -5050 Engineering a.burlington.nc.us ii. Final payment will be made upon submission of Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims; Affidavit of Release of Liens; Consent of Surety to Final Payment and Record Drawings. r. Substantial Completion / Final Inspection and Warranty Period. i. Upon completion of the work a substantial completion inspection will be conducted with the City, and the Engineer a punchlist will be generated of items requiring completion. ii. Upon completion of the Substantial completion punchlist the City will conduct a Final Inspection. If all work is completed on the substantial completion punchlist and no further work is identified the 1 -yr warranty period will begin. Otherwise a new Final Inspection will be scheduled. iii. Prior to the end of the 1 -year Warranty Period the City will conduct a warranty inspection. Should there be no defective issues the City will issue a letter to the contractor indicating the City will be taking over maintenance of the work. 5. Specific comments related to project a. Project Manager: Matt Beckwith O 336- 222 -5050 Cell 336 -516 -7502 b. Project Inspector: Jeff Isley O 336- 222 -5050 Cell 336 -516 -6639 Stanley Parrish O 336- 222 -5050 Cell 336- 264 -3483 c. Site Superintendent Jerry Staggs 919- 632 -8908 Name Office phone Cell Phone d. "Competent Person" Jerry Staggs 919- 632 -8908 Name Office phone Cell Phone e. 2nd "Competent To be announced at a later date Person" Name Office phone Cell Phone f. Communication Route— Contractor shall communicate through City Inspector on- site to the City's Project Manager and Engineer. g. Progress Schedule and Meetings A monthly progress meeting will be scheduled on 1" Tuesday of every month. Contractor shall provide an updated copy of the progress schedule in accordance with Section 1, paragraph 1.11. The first meeting will be September 2, 2014 at 10:00 am on site at the discharge point. h. Work Schedule — weekends, nights, holidays i. Unless otherwise specifically permitted, Work shall generally be done between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, Preoonstruction Conferenoe Page 1 6 A Lanny Rhew, PE, (Sty Engineer 1 crxy OF Matthew G Beckwith, PE, Assistant (Sty Engineer 425 SLexington Ave Burlington, North Carolina 27215 _ 132UK C D EP, ° Xr ( 336) 222 -5050 Engineering a.burlington.naus and not on Saturdays or Sundays, except as necessary, for the proper care and protection of Work already performed ii. During the Contract period the City has 9 holidays: Sept. l; Nov 27 & 28; Dec 24, 25 & 26; Jan. 1 & 19; and April 3. iii. If it shall become imperative to perform Work at night, weekend, or holiday the Owner and Engineer shall be informed at least two (2) weeks in advance of the beginning of such Work. Temporary lighting and all other necessary facilities for performing and inspecting the Work shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor. i. Accessibility to abutting property owners. Prior to starting Work, the Contractor shall provide a one -week advanced written Notice to all individuals, homeowners, business owners, utilities, and others who may be affected by any aspect of the Project. j. City Inspector will approve seedbed prior to seeding and mulching. 6. Contractor Comments: a. All visitors to the project site shall have Hard hat, Safety Vest and Safety Glasses b. All visitors to the project site shall check in with the Contractor's superintendent. With no further comments or question the conference was concluded. This is a summary of discussion at the Preconstruction Conference, if I have misquoted or inadvertently left something out please contact me for revision. Regards, Matthew C. Beckwith, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Copy to all attendees cc Ms. Sue White, Assistant Regional Engineer, NCDENR, Land Quality Section Ms. Sue Homewood, NCDENR Water Quality, Winston -Salem Regional Office Attachments provided at meeting Contractor's Contact List and Major Subcontractor /Suppliers Preliminary Schedule Contractor's Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Preoonstruction Conferenoe Page 1 7 42-inoh Haw River Interceptor Replacement Phase Burlington, NO ����$�RUCTKON OF NC` INC. Owner: City mf Burlington, NC, 4Q9S. Lexington Awm, Burlington, NC 27215 Assistant City Engineer Matthew C. Beckwith, P£ 336-222-5050 (0) Inspector Engineer: Kimley-Hom&Associates Project Engineer: Jeffrey Wing, P.E. 919-677-2000 (0) 919-200-1982 (M) Park Construction oY NC, Inc. *� Vice President: K*nKXo|onuun 91Q-815-9844(M) 4u kmalonsQn@_parkpc.corn 919-319-8801 (0) n� �— PpojectK8uvagor/Enimatnr: Eric E. Olsen, PE 919-369-2236 (M) -!t Project Manager: Toby Chamberlain 919-812-2615 (M) Qenanm|8upehnkondon1: Timothy Williamson 919-812-2308(K4) Project Superintendent: JnrryStmggo 819-032-8V08(M) ' Safety Officer: Chris Humbert 919-812-1841 (M) Major Subcontractors and Suppliers UG Pipe &Foundry Byron Sanders Ductile Iron Pipe Godwin Pumps (Xy|am) Philip Morris Bypass Pumps Jones Chipping &Clearing David Jones Clearing TPT.|nu. Ronnie Padgett K8HCooUng Kelly's Erosion Control Tucker Williamson Erosion Control silt fence HD Supply, Inc. Mike Driskill K4ioo�VY&Qmaterials Tindall Corp Ma88nodnor Precast YWH'a.piers Central Carolina Concrete Greg Johnson Concrete Thompson &Assoc. Rodney Morris Surveying/Layout Ms. 8ybU'mSeeding 8haneRaMa|d\'Gmdh Seed &Mulch " Post Office Box 50O Morrisville, NC27580 Phone(S18)310'8801 Fox(018)310-8835 ���� (UP