HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0074268_correspondence_19881101_ Lau of O5xstrntii P.O. BOX 1748 Oiastnnia. ?artki TaraUna 281153-174B JEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC WORKS and UTILITIES November 1, 1988 Mr. Greer C. Tidwell Regional Administrator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region IV 345 Courtland Street Atlanta, Georgia 30308 RE: C370744-01-0, Gastonia, North Carolina Dear Mr. Tidwell: The City of Gastonia is pleased to accept the Federal Grant in the amount of $10,866,526 for the construction of the Crowder's Creek Wastewater Treatment facilities. Enclosed are the following: 1. The original and two (2) copies of an executed Grant Agreement, and 2. The original and two (2) copies of a resolution authorizing our acceptance of the offer. We appreciate you and your staff's support throughout the application process. Sincerely, Samuel L. Wilkins, P.E. Director of Public Works & Utilities Enclosure fft/SL WCOR 193 pc: Coy Batten, NCDEM Don Garbirck, J.N. Pease RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, Title II of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (P.L. 92-500, U.S.C. Section 1251 et seq.) authorizes the award of federal grants to aid cities in the construction of wastewater treatment facilities; and WHEREAS, the City has applied for such a grant to aid in the construction of the Crowders Creek Wastewater Treatment Project, Assistance ID No. C370744-01-0; and WHEREAS, the City has been offered a federal grant in the amount of $10,866,526.00 which it wishes to accept. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Gastonia, North Carolina: 1. That the City of Gastonia accepts the offer of a federal grant in the amount of $10,866,526.00 for the construction of the Crowders Creek Wastewater Treatment Project, Assistance ID No. C370744-01-1. 2. That Samuel L. Wilkins, Director of Public Works/Utilities, or successors so titled, is hereby authorized to accept the grant on behalf of the City of Gastonia and to execute any documents as may be required in connection with the grant offer or grant award. Adopted this the 1st day of November, 1988. ATTEST: A;) /f," ary IC Barnhill Deputy City Clerk RES120 es B. Garand, Mayor 1. ASSISTANCE ID NO. U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY EPA ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT/AMENDMENT PART I - ASSISTANCE NOTIFICATION INFORMATION 5. AGREEMENT TYPE Cooperative Agreement Grant Agreement Assistance Amenoment z O z C370 744-01-0 2. LOG NUMBER Li 3. DATE OF AWARD 4. MAILING DATE SEP 3 0 1988 O C T 0 7 1988 6. PAYMENT METHOD ❑ Advance 71 Reimbursement ❑ Letter of Credit Send Payment Request To: EPA Reg. TV Financial Manaaernent Branch 7. TYPE OF ACTION Offer 8. RECIPIENT City of Gastonia P. 0. Box 1748 1300 N. Broad Street Gastonia, NC 28053 EIN NO. 0 z W 0 W CC U z '0 Q to Samuel L. Wilkins Director of Public Works 704/866-6820 N/A FY: 7/1 - 6L30 CONGRESSIONAL DITTRICT loth 9. PAYEE Same as No. 8 10. RECIPIENT TYPE Municipality 11. PROJECT MANAGER AND TELEPHONE NO. 12. CONSULTANT (WWT Construction Grants Only) J. N. Pease Associates P. 0. Box 12725 Charlotte, NC 28205 13. ISSUING OFFICE (City/State) Environmental Protection Agency Water Management Division, Region IV 345 Courtland Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30365 15. EPA CONGRESSIONAL LIAISON & TEL. NO. D�+Sack�r,c 2f 2 /R2-1 84 s - 19. STATUTORY AUTHORITY PL 92-500 As amended Section 201 14. EPA PROJECT/STATE OFFICER AND TELEPHONE NO. Coy M. Batten, Acting Chief (919) 733-6900 Divis ion of Environmental Management - Construction Grants Section N. C. Dept. of Natural Resources & Community Dev., P. 0. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611 16. STATE APPL ID (Clearinghouse) 89-0032 20. REGULATORY AUTHORITY 40 Cr'R 35 Subpart I 17. FIELD OF SCIENCE N/A 18. PROJECT STEP(WWT CG Only) 3 21. STEP 2 + 3 & STEP 3 (WWT Construction Only) a. Treatment Level 6 8 b. Project Type 1 c. Treatment Process 2 d. Sludge Design , 6 22. PROJECT TITLE AND DESCRIPTION (SEE ATTACHMENT) 23. PROJECT LO CATION (Areas Impacted by Project) City/Place Gastonia County Gaston/Cleveland State N. C. 24. ASSISTANCE PROGRAM(CFDA Program No. & Title) 66,418 Cont. Grants WWT Works 28. TOTAL BUDGET PERIOD COST N/A 27. COMMUNITY POPULATION (WWT CC Only) FUNDS FORMER AWARD 30. EPA Amount This Action 31. EPA In -Kind Amount 25. PROJECT PERIOD SEP 3 0 1988- 3/1/92 THIS ACTION 10,866,526 Congressional District 10th 26. BUDGET PERIOD SEP 3 0 1988 - 3/1/92 29. TOTAL PROJECT PERIOD COST 19,757,320 AMENDED TOTAL 32. Unexpended Prior Year Balance 33 '.>tr,er Federal Funds 34. Recipient Contribution 35. State Contribution 8,890,794 36. Local Contribution 37. Other Contribution 38. Allowable Project Cost. Program Element GTAW80 19,757,320 FY 88 Appropriation 68X0103.L Doc. Control No. N40002 Account Number 8GTA046006 Object Class 41.11 Obligation/Deoblig. Amount 10,866,526 EPA Form 5700-20A (Rev. 5-82) Replaces previous editions and EPA Forms 5700-1A, B, C, and D, all of which are obsolete. PART II -APPROVED BUDGET ASSISTANCE IDENTIFICATION NO. r37) 744-01-0 • TABLE A - OBJECT CLASS CATEGORY (Non -construction) TOTAL APPROVED ALLOWABLE BUDGET PERIOD COST 1. PERSONNEL 2. FRINGE BENEFITS 3. TRAVEL 4, EQUIPMENT S. SUPPLIES 6. CONTRACTUAL 7. CONSTRUCTION / , _:rJ B. OTHER 9. TOTAL DIRECT CHARGES 10. INDIRECT COSTS: RATE X BASE 11., TOTAL (Share: Recipient; 7. Federal 7.) 1z. TOTAL APPROVED ASSISTANCE AMOUNT . S TABLE B - PROGRAM ELEMENT CLASSIFICATION . (Non -construction) t. 2. 3. 4. r 5. 6. 7. 8. '' LT 9. .�ri 10. 11. -- 12. TOTAL (Share: Recipient 7. Federal 7.) 13. TOTAL APPROVED ASSISTANCE AMOUNT S TABLE C - PROGRAM ELEMENT CLASSIFICATION (Constructic,n) Total RCCR = .7078 1. ADMINISTRATION EXPENSE 13,857 9,809 2. PRELIMINARY EXPENSE 3. LAND STRUCTURES, RIGHT-OF-WAY 4, ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING BASIC FEES / Allowance 1,108,488 784 ,676 5. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING -FEES 6. PROJECT INSPECTION FEES 2,518,152 1,782,549 7. LAND DEVELOPMENT • 8. RELOCATION EXPENSES 9. RELOCATION PAYMENTS TO INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESSES 10. DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL 11. CONSTRUCTION AND PROJECT IMPROVEMENT 22,063,639 15,618,445 12. EQUIPMENT 13. MISCELLANEOUS 14. TOTAL (Lines 1 thru 13) 25,704,136 18,195,479 15. ESTIMATED INCOME (1f applicable) 16. NET PROJECT AMOUNT (Line 14 minus 15) 25,704,136 18 ,195,479 17. LESS: INELIGIBLE EXCLUSIONS 18. ADD: CONTINGENCIES 2,206,364 1,561,841 45 55 19 TOTAL (Share: Recipient 7. Federal o) 27,910,500 19,757,320 eta � 9,ti 2o.TOTAL APPROVED ASSISTANCE AMOUNT S 10,866,526 EPA Form 5700-20A ( Rev. 5-8 2 ) g• PART III —AWARD CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS C370744-01-0 The recipient covenants and agrees that it will expeditiously initiate and timely complete the project work for which assistance has been awarded under this agreement, in accordance with all applicable provisions of 40 CFR Chapter I, Subpar B. Therecipient warrants, represents, and agrees that it, and its contractors, subcontractors, employees and representatives, will comply with: (1) all applicable provisions of 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter 3, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO the provisions of Appendix A to 40 CFP Part 30, and :2) any special conditions set forth in this assistance agreement or any assistance amendment pursuant to 40 CFR 30.425. b. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: (For cooperative agreements include identification or summarization of EPA responsibilities that reflect or contribute to substantial involvement.) 1. The grantee is cautioned that all standard conditions must be satisfied as applicable. Payments, approvals and potential subsequent grant award actions will be withheld pending compliance with all special and standard conditions. 2. The grantee must begin submitting status reports on a periodic (not to exceed 90 days) basis, as a minimum (special reports should be submitted as appropriate) . The reports for all of your grants may be combined in a single letter format, provided the comments relating to each grant are identified and listed separately. The type of information to be included is as follows: a. Compliance with grant conditions (each active grant) b. Outstanding correspondence c. Outstanding change orders d. Actions (to be) taken as a result of inspection reports e. Status of planning, design or construction projects, including major milestones, significant problems, and schedule slippages f. Tentative actions, action dates, action offices, e.g., submittals, projected funding dates, inspection requests, etc. Revised project/budget periods h. Revised payments schedules i. Final construction estimates J• PFIL (Prerequisite to Final Inspection) k. Projected date of next report Failure to submit these reports may jeopardize your future grants payments. (Special Grant Conditions Continued — See Attachment) EPA Form 5700-20A (Rev. -5-82) PAGE 3 OF 4 a r.. SPEC. CJND'TIONS /Conrmuea) PAYMENT SCHEDULE: Fiscal Year 1992: 3,000 3,000 Fiscal Year 1989: First Quarter $ 200,000 Second Quarter 200,000 Third Quarter 1,500,000 Fourth Quarter 1,500,000 Fiscal Year 1990: First Quarter Second Quarter 110866526 First Quarter 1,200,000 Second Quarter 1,200,000 Third Quarter 1,300,000 Fourth Quarter 1,300,000 Fiscal Year 1991: First Quarter 1,200,000 Second Quarter 1,254,526 Third Quarter 3,000 Fourth Quarter 3,000 PART IV NOTE: The Agreement must be completed in duplicate and the Original returned to the Grants Administration Division for Headquarters awards and to the appropriate Grants Administrations Office for State and local awards within 3 calendar weeks after receipt or within any extension of time as may be granted by EPA. Receipt of a written refusal or failure to return the properly executed document within the prescribed time, may result in the withdrawal of the offer by the Agency. Any change to the Agreement by the recipient subsequent to the document being signed by the EPA Award Official which the Award Official determines to materially alter the Agreement shall void the Agreement. • OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE The United States of America, actin by and through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), hereby offers assurance/amendment to the City of Gastonia akor S5 % of all approved costs incurred up to and not exceeding effort described in August 24, 1988 A E c i P I t N r U R G A N I Z A T..N S 10,866,526 ' for the support of approved budget period for Construction Grants Dated application (including all application included modrfic3tions) herein by reference. 7,dT'� ♦n+_ 7 7L� ISSUING OFFICE !Grants Administration Office) AWARD APPROVAL OFFICE ORGANIZATION/ADDRESS Regional Admi_ni s trato r Environmental Protection Agency, Region TV 345 Courtland Street, N. E. Atlanta, GA 30365 ORGANIZATION/ ADDRESS Environmental Protection Agency Water Management Division, Region IV 345 Courtland Street, N. E. Atlanta, GA 30365 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY THE U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY SIGNATURE OF AWARD OFFICIAL 5-."-- �►_1_�4 �. TYPED NAME AND TITLE Greer C. Tidwell, Regional Administrator . EP 3 0 1Q L , This Agreement is subject to applicable U.S. Environmental Protection Agency statutory provisions and assistance regulations. In accepting t. is award or amendment and any payments made pursuant thereto, (1) the undersigned represents that he is duly authorized to act on behalf of the recipient organization, and (2, the recipient agrees '(a) that the award is subject to the applicable provisions of 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter B and of the provisions of this agreement (Parts I thru IV), and (b) that acceptance of any payments constitutes an agreement by the payee that the amounts, if any found by EPA to have been overpaid will be refunded or credited in full to EPA. BY AND ON BEHALF OF THE DESIGNATED RECIPIENT ORGANIZATION SIGN TURF TYPED NAME AND TITLE Samuel L. Wilkins, Dir. of Public Works DATE L/—/—fo EPA F 5700_2oA (Rev. 5-82) A SPECIAL GRANT CONDITIONS CONT. C370744-01-0 City of Gastonia, NC 3. The recipient agrees to submit to the award official a completed EPA Form 6005-1 within thirty (30) days of the date the recipient begins building the project (see 40 CFR 35.2202). This 6005-1 will contain the information on subagreement awards to minority and women's busi- nesses used during the design phase of the project. The recipient further agrees to submit to the award official a complet- ed Form 6005-1 within fifteen (15) days of the end of each Federal fis- cal quarter during which the recipient or its contractors award any sub - agreements for building and building -related services and supplies. 4. Project Schedule: a. Receive bids on or before 03-01-89 b. Begin construction on or before 05-01-89 c. Complete construction on or before 03-01-91 d. Complete start-up services on or before 03-01-92 Failure to adhere to the above schedule may result in grant withdrawal or a portion of the construction costs being determined ineligible for Federal grant participation if deemed to be a result of inflation due to unnecessary project delays. 5. No portion of this award may be used for lobbying or propaganda pur- poses as prohibited by 18 U.S.C. Section 606(a) of Public Law 96-7. 6. No payment for engineering services for the construction phase of the project may be paid until the A/E agreement is submitted, nor more than 30% of the contract amount paid until the A/E agreement is approved. 7. In accordance with 40 CFR 33.290, the recipient agrees without prior State/EPA review of the procurement action to conduct and document an adequate cost analysis and negotiation for all change orders in excess of $10,000 and not exceeding $100,000. Such documentation must be sub- mitted with the executed change order for review and approval. For change orders expected to exceed $100,000, the recipient agrees to sub- mit all supporting documentation including contractor's cost and pric- ing data, the recipient's cost and analysis documentation of negotia- tions and a copy of the proposed change order (contract amendment) to the State/EPA for review prior to change order execution. This condi- tion does not relieve the recipient from obtaining State/EPA approval for all change orders. 8. No grant payment will be made on the construction portion of the pro- ject until all required (unqualified) site certificates are submitted. 9. In accordance with 40 CFR 35.2218, the grantee will notify the NCDEM in writing of the actual date of initiation of operation of the treatment facilities. SPECIAL GRANT CONDITIONS CONT. C370744-01-0 City of Gastonia, NC The grantee agrees to construct the collection system necessary to accommodate the flow from unsewered areas which are included in the existing needs calculated for this project and to initiate the con- struction no later than the date of initiation of operation. 11. The grantee agrees, pursuant to 40 CFR 35.2123(d)(6), to protect the federal government from any claim of the costs of construction neces- sary to provide capacity in excess of the existing needs described in and funded by this grant. 12. The recipient agrees that it will comply with the provisions of OMB Circular A-128 governing the audit of State and local government and Indian tribe federal assistance recipients for fiscal years that begin after December 31, 1984. (This requirement replaces 40 CFR 30.540(b) which is based on OMB Circular A-102, Attachment P.) 13. Based on CAPDET, the cost of upgrading the wastewater treatment fa- cility eligible for 55 percent grant participation will be determined at 70.8 percent of the total eligible project cost. This percentage is based on current capacity and does not include any ineligible items. Seventy and eight tenths (70.8) percent of the cost of the outfall portion will be eligible for 55 percent grant participation. 14. The grantee and the Environmental Protection Agency agree, pursuant to Section 203(a)(2) of the Clean Water Act, that only those items speci- fied in the project description (scope) portion of the grant agreement and the State's approval letter dated September 15, 1988 are eligible for Federal participation in accordance with 40 CFR 35.2250 (determination of allowable costs). It is clearly understood that this agreement addresses eligibility only. Except for the funds that are obligated in the grant, there is no actual or implied commitment on the part of EPA to fund any cost increases, bid overruns or claims associated with the project. 15. The recipient agrees that no subagreement (contract or subcontract) for construction, alteration, or repair of a public building or public work will be awarded to 1) a Japanese citizen or national; 2) a firm controlled directly or indirectly by Japanese citizens or nationals; or 3) a supplier of any product if more than 50% of the total cost of the product is allocable to production or manufacture in Japan. The recipient further agrees that no subagreement for architect, engineering, or other services directly related to the preparation for or performance of such construction, alteration, or repair will be awarded to a Japanese citizen or national or a firm controlled directly or indirectly by Japanese citizens or nationals. r SPECIAL GRANT CONDITIONS CONT. C370744-01-0 City of Gastonia, NC All public notices requesting proposals or bids must state that bids or proposals from such firms or suppliers shall be deemed nonreponsive and rejected. The recipient may request EPA to waive this condition where the recipient believes such a waiver to be in the public interest. 16. Project performance standards for the purposes of performance certification shall be as follows: a. Summer Winter BOD5 13 mg/1 13 mg/1 NH3 as N 2 mg/1 10 mg/1 TSS 30 mg/1 30 mg/1 Fecal Coliform ml ml pH (range) DO 6 mg/1 6 mg/1 Flow 6 mgd 6 mgd Phosphorus 2 mg/1 2 mg/1 b. The plans and specifications approved by the NCDEM. 17. Coordination with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service must be made to incorporate measures for avoiding and minimizing impacts to wetland habitats in the project area into the project plan. To the extent possible, wetland and stream crossings should be avoided. In those areas where wetland and stream crossings cannot be avoided, measures must be taken to minimize adverse environmental impacts. Mitigative measures must also be undertaken for outfall, force main, and/or interceptor line rights -of -way maintenance. 18. As a result of the Advanced Treatment review the following have not been justified and are ineligible for EPA funding: a. Stabilization pond and aeration b. Two of the proposed six aeration tanks c. Final Clarifiers: reduction in eligibility from 125 ft diameter to 100 ft. d. Associated site work, excavation, electrical, yard piping, controls and instrumentation, engineering and contingencies. The final grant amount will be adjusted by the state after bids are received.