HomeMy WebLinkAboutVicksboro Rdi NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of'W,ater Resources Pat (McCrory Governor `Max H. and Frances Faye Wilson - 1'90'Water Front Drive Henderson,, NC 27537 John E, Skvarla, III .Secretary, August 29„ 2014 Subje_ct: Surface Water Determination Letter TPRR0#14=294 Vance, County Determination Type.Buffer Buffer Call Isolated or EIP Call Neuse (15A NCAC,2B, .0233) ❑ Ephemeral /Intermittent/Perennial � Tar Pamlico (15A NCAC �' Determination ,2B,.0259) ❑ Isolated °Wetlan_d Determination, ❑ Jordan, (15A NCAC 2B .0267) Proj'ect,Name: ViAsboro Rd Location/Directions: Subject property is aprivate.land; consultant requestedaa buffer,dete`rniinatiori of the-property for the owner. Subject U,T eTar -Pam 'Stream: 'Determination, Rate: '8%27/2014 Staff: AutumnAoman' No`1e Carolina Natuz,O North Carolina,Division,of Water Resources 1628 Mad, Service`Center Raleigh, NC�27699 -1628 Phone,(91,9) 791-4200 Internet www ncwateroualitv.org ;Location 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Fax (919),788!7,1,59 An Equal Opportunity /Affirrmative Action Employer'— 50 %o.Recycled1109% Post Consumer Paper Vicksboro,Rd' Vance County, 08/27/2014 Page 2 o'f,3 Feature VIM, Not Subject Start@ Stop@. Soil_ VSGS, * Subject S_ u_ rve -_ To o A E X Throughout Property X line B E X Throughout Property X line C, Pond, X Throughout Property Not Not fine ma ped mapped D Pond Not Not Throughout° Property Not Not evaluated evaluated line ma ped mapped *E /IIP Ephemeral /Intermittent %Perennial :Ekplanation: The feature(".) listed above, has or have been'located,on the Soil' Survey, of Vance, County, North Carolina or the most recent copy of'the USGS Topographic map at, a 1:24;000 scale. Each feature that is checked "Not Subject "' has been determined not, to be ,a stream or, is not present ,on ,the property. Features that are checked ``-`-Subject" have `been located, on the property and possess characteristics that qualify it to be a stream. There may be other streams 'located' on youi property'that do not 'showrup on the maps referenced above, but, still may be, •consid'ered,juni dictional,according °to the US Army. Corps�of Engineers and /or to the Division of 'Water Resources (D)MR). `This on site determination shall expire, five. (5) years from the date of this ,letter. Landowners or affected parties that Jispute -a determination made by the, DWR or Delegated Local Authority may request a determination by, the Director. An appeal °request must be made, within sixty (60) days of date of this, letter or from the date the affected, party (including- downstream and/or adjacent owners) is notified of this letter: A request for a determination by the Director shall,be referred to the Director in writing c/o -Karen Higgins, DWR WeBSCaPe Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center;, Raleigh, NC 27699. 'This determination pis finff and'binditng'unles's,, as detailed above, ,you ask for a hearing or appeal Within sixty '(60) days: The,owner %future owners should notify the Division of Water Resources (including.aity other Local, State ;.and Federal, Agencies) of'this decision concerning,any futumvorrespondences regarding`the:subject property (stated, above). This project may require a Section, 404401 Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries,should be directed' to the - Division of Water- Resources (Ceritisal Office) at,(919)- 807 - 63.00, and the VS; Army Corp, of :Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field' Office) at'(919) -554 -4884. Vicksboro Rd Vance County 08/27/2014 Page 3 of 3 .If you,have questions - regarding this determination, please feel free to contact Autumn Romanski at (94 ;9)- 791-4255: espe tf i fly, Danny S " ith `Regiona Supervisor ,cc:- RRO /SWP Fide Copy. ec: Cory Darnell;. cdarnell e,ecslimited.com ACME Mapper 2.1 - 6.4 km E of Henderson NC —1-29 / ��j http: / /mapper.acme.com/ 1� ----I � � v l • • —F'• b °4ra • +mod• ` �°�• f, �' �.���. i� `1 loft IN 0 ih 1 ZIP IP 200 m 053 daDol 8/29/2014 7:15 AM ►ate w L4 �y LoB eD , LOB w weD weO APB APO FUSDA APB LEGEND oximate Location of Site Boundary SOURCE: FIGURE 2 USDA -NRCS SOIL MAP urvey of Vance County Map Sheet Number: 12 Vicksboro Road Farm Vicksboro Road le: 1" = 1,000' Henderson, Vance County, NC ECS Project #: 06:21759 _. 46 ConnectGIS Feature Report iI Page 1 of 1 '��'��� '7 '7 n nom / SPCONNECTGIS 0 WEB HOSTING F lou Ln ka nom; "'W' --T F. ariiii , J t/ CK v ., Vance t Printed August 29, 2014 See Below for Disclaimer Aunty Boundary City Limit Lines Henderson rttrell ETJ Middlebixg Primary Roads Roads <all othervalues> HWY Parcels Railroads <all othervalues> CSX RR Streams Lake Kerr Businesses Churches NC Counties ❑ <all other values,- ❑ VANCE VA Counties '•4 S 1 .738 Feet maps prepared for this website are generated from recorded deeds, plats, and other public records. Users of these maps are hereby notified that the informatior ided herein should be verified. Vance County assumes no legal responsibilities for any of the information contained on this site. Users are advised that the use of any its information is at their own risk. vv"150nj AqdX /VG y� http:// vance. connectgis. com /DownloadFile.ashx ?i= _ags_map 186f687c97d04a79ab82ffd 19... 8/29/2014