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4F 1 1% City of Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Inspections Dilvi ion
i W9 1 Oil L Fl"r st Street, Suite 328, Winston-Salem. N ( 271 [11
Financial ResponsibilitylO +nelship Forrn
Erosion Control Ordinance
N o person may in i 1i ante any land-di,�tu rbi ng etc t i vity exrccdin g }(l,NX) xy ua re J eet for a Sits ale -fain i l Y d welling or 10,((}U square
f et�t for an v cal he r V ar se_ he We this fig rm a rid an acice ble -erosion and sed i rlwnat ion contra l p] are have been complet-ed a.rld
approved by the F.rcwi Gn Cu ntri i I Sc:c tiirn t)f th v C i I y of W in sion-Sai cni Furs yth County ry Inspections Division. Please type or
print. if ,� gtj ion is not applicable, please place "NA" in the hi an k �pav :.
rroject -Name; hipotle Peters r k p Perini, # 1 -351._.._............_.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..__..._
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1AWA600 of Land-IhAurbing Aciivit .
LxIiIudc 36" 245,19"N
1051 outhpark Blvd., Winston-Salem, N 27127
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Lanai I u& 80' 15'33.45r
.Appro%ilriale Dale to Coromance Land- Dim rhing Acti013-:
Pu rpaw of GradinK. Cuin rri�r ri nt
9 Ot11er tNo dvti6opnienI propo-.0)
08115120 2
9 Residential Nl u Iti-fa mile
9 Res idVIN11a.1 Sine Fami1� 101
9 Residential' np.Ie FarrAh Suhdivislon
Total She Acries-r: 0-7-5 r :� t� ire hi? D1%turbriL 1.40 AC f t-r-mir F.L•;::
Parson to -con lact s1wuld cros%on and sedintenI carllrA ksrw� arriw during Iand-.01,Iui IPiult acili it%
Namt Michael , LaRue E-mail addrng ,.,!A!AA g� Iqruedevel, !Y.}�9t,Pqrrl_.
Teleph-orlr cell #
I .:m odau-ner 4vf Reford (use blank page i* fig add11lonal aw ners)t
C L O. Inc.
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Name -nerx phon-e 4
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Sir W Add r sVr.c . Una
C i r�; State?Z i p C M a Cityl.9ta reiZi p Cade
'Iwi Block H: Tax I.ot #: 682-77-99-DO ;rnnin: GI3- .._. _. _....... ZAniag Appro;-al: -3519
Ciurlruelor Informatirprr li equirrd Prior tri Piwriri linvani•
+rrh 'ar�ili�Fa #�rrr f.a+�� rc �rr� r r rrrr�r'rr;•f�� ti err �rrsrd rtirp��r�S� na +guar +w rt� a 3 + �r+ad Argher,
.411 caturarra r•s mum pia tie a C kv of Winwrut-Nah+m crm rrarjor '.1v IDP, avaifahfe ar ito eosr fhrrngh rh e Cizy '.k Reveii me Offlce.
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Vatut of CrAdIng Contract
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erotic lemma ' i lea v i m r Phone h u m her
_ Perti 8) ur fiml(sI who are fill anuall� responsible fDr Ihis land -d isl orb Ln g acIivity f use bLan k pageI-D IV I addilior6ul pm m� rx firam).
Contractom are nul carts ide r fi micial I y ms ponsib le for properl v w Mind er I hci r ow ncmh Lp.
R & M Development Services. LL
Nonw of inn ar Firm
Aquavriew Drier
St rev l Add rewfF.O. Box
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Name of I w Repkiered Agent ciryl%A-111 /Ip COde
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i If Ihc naix: ia] I e a r. n�ibl� pgrlY i s u r arUWF6h ip. g i vC flIV 11aine M1 , # .�. !; L�! b9 a rtik page to list �tdi itio11 a 1
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N zm a 4Fr the fcaerail Ira rta r Nvk me of th a Gc ri-eral Part ner
940 j uaview Drive
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Street AddresyR.O. flex
E ernl.&rs�_iII..�.._......N .27 5
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Da vtl rem •f,Dl&p hang 0 Daytirri-P Tek ph on c 4
Tie a wt i nfbi-ni al ion is true and correcl to The keatl cif my knowledge anti hel ief and was prrwidcd by me undcr oa I hr. [Th ir, formal must be
sign by th a f na nci &I ly rcxriomsil bi c perm 1 f a n individU91 0 r hi s ativrncy - ill- fi.L' I ur if Tiol Sul lath %.-i dual b} an v M cu, J (rector, p 3 rl M-r W
T—q ixWMA HUL:n t W1Ilk -a Lil Nil ity to execs le insi ruinvi1Is for the f i nano is Ily re',p,, ns iblc perq, n.; I agree to prov id c earrecied I nfanrLai 1 rm
shuu Id there be any change in the i nfonmta nri prc-r ided herein.
I.cI . ................_._._._._.. went ..............................................
T *Wpit a r Pri' Title or.A r
h ri
torei ■;� Date
. _ ....� .�.. ............ . a Notary. Pubiiv ikf aw comity of ........ ............ .......................................
51il-: of North Cawlina� du hereby ccrtdt that ------ �_., ..� �. ------- LO__r_u_--e .......................
appeared per.%onai l I y be I ore me Iris day and 'hei ng July %worn ac k nowiedge d i hm the above form wa_s ex ecutcd by him.
W UMSM my hand and n marial Kcal. (his d a V or 2
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