HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140924 Ver 1_Application_20140825Corps Submittal Cover Sheet Please provide tlie followiug info: 1. Project Name: Replace Bridge No. 11 on SR 1559 (Solomon Jones Road) over Walker Creek 2. Name of Property Owner/Applicaut: Nortl� Carolina Department of Transpoitation (NCDOT) 3. Name of Consultant/Ageut: N/A _ "Agent nuthorization needs to bc �ttnched. 4. Related/Previous Action ID number(s): Site Address: 5. Subdivision N�ine: 6. City: 7. Couuty: 8. Lat: 35.1322 N Long: -82.6331_W (Deciuial Degrces Plense) 9. Quadrangle Name: Standingstone Mountain (35082-BS-TP-024) 10. Waterway: ti�alker Creek (DWR Class: C, Tr) 11. Watershed: French Broad River (HCU: 060101051 l2. Requested Action: X Natiom��ide Permit # 3 General Perinit # Jurisdictional Determiiiation Request Pre-Application Request The follo�ving information will be completed by Corps office: AID: Prepare File Folder Assign namber in ORM Begin Date Authorization: Section 10 Section 404 Project Descriptioi�/ Nature of Activity/ Project Purpose: Site/Waters Name: Keywords: PaT McCRO2v G04ERSOR ��e �'��Yr(�� � �� � =�'� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF 1TZANSPORTATTON August 25, 2014 Ms. Lori Beck���ith, NCDOT Regulatory Project Mlnager U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Aveuue, Room 208 Asl�eville, NC 28801-2714 Subject: Nationwide 3 Permit Application Replace Bridge No. 11 on SR 1559 (Solomou Jones Road) over Walker Creek Transylvania Cowity WBS �leuient No. 17BP.14.R.121 De�r Ms. Beckwith: AN'I'I IOi ll' J. TATA SeCkEL4RS The North Carol'u�a Department of "I'raiisportation (NCDOT) is proposing to replace � fiwctionally obsolete siilgle-span timber bridge witl� a uew 20' W x 4' H� 39' L three-sided bottoniless reinforced concrete culvert with heaciwalls and win�valls. The ciilvert will be on a 91 degree ske��� with a slope of 2.1 %. Aquatic life passage ���ill not be an issue at this site since the cnlvei�t will be constructed along tlie e�istiiig stream grade. No stream mitigation will be required for this project since the structure is "botto�nless". The project will be phased consh�ucted in orcier to maiutain traffic during consU�uction. Some miuor approacl� work will also be required along the eaistiug road�vay. Please lind e��closed a PCN application, Rapanos Jurisdictional Determination P'orm, SFIPO Concurreuce Porms, a vicinity map, a USGS topograpliic map, plan sheets, Bridge Survey Report and photogrlpl�s. The Nortli Carolina Natural Heritage Database was checked for records of tlu•eatened and endangered species. The database lists 47 species for Transylvauia Counry that have federal status. The bog h�rtle (Gl��tenrys muhlenbergii) is listed as tlu�eatened due to similarity of appeara�ice to die listed uorthern bog tui�tle. Eiglit species, Carolina Nortliern Flyiug Squirrel (Glairco�n��s sobrinus colorc�lus), Appalachian elktoe (Alr�smidoiitn rm�e�lelinnn), mouut�iu sweet pitcher plant (Sco�i�nceiain rrrbrn ssp. joiiesri), small whorled pogonia (Isotria nredeoloicles), spreadiug avens (Geunt radrntim�), swamp piiilc (Helonrns btdlnla), Virgiuia spir�ea (Syirnet� rn•gininnn) aud cock gnome licheu (Gymnoder�nn /i��em•e), are listed as either threateued or e�ida�igered. There is �lso a potential for the fedeial listing of die Nortlierii laig-eared bat (A�I��rosis septenh•ion�dis) in the near future. Four�centh Division Office 'Pelephone: (S2S) SS(-2141 253 \Veb+�er Road, Sylva, Nurth Cnrolina 2877) Pa�: (8?S) �SG-d043 Bridge No. 11 P�gc 2 August 25, 2014 Swamp pink and motintain sweet pitchei• plant are species lhat are fow�d iii saturated soils. Tl�e project ��icinij� is liigllly disturbed and wetlands are not associated with the site. There is a ciu�rent record of both swamp pink and mountain sweet pi[cher pla�it oeeurring witliin approlimately 2-miles of the project �rea. Tlie Carolina northern fl}�ing squirrel, the rock gnome lichen, and spreading avens are species that �equire habitat founct at relativel}� high elevation. Although most roek guome liclien populations occiir ncar or above 5,000 feet elev�tion, it does occnr at lower elevations witliin deep river gorges. The elevatioii at the site is approximately 2,900 feet and vertical rock substrate required by the rock gnome lichen is lacking. 'Iherefore, there is no suitable habitat for these species. Tl�e small whorled pogonia generally occurs in open, dty, deciduous woods �vith acid soil according to the U.S. Pish and WildliCe Service. Ho��vever, it is also known to occi�r ui a variery of l�abitats in Nortli Caroliva, iiicluding aloiig streams. Tlie hTbitat at tl�e pi'oject site is floodplain aud maintained road right of �vay. The habitat consists of deciduous trees, sucl� �s black walnut and tulip poplar. The area is also heavily impacted by u�vasive species that include privet, Japaucse honeysiickle, multiflora rose and periwiiilcle. Habitat at tl�e bridge site appears to have a vety low potential to support small whorled pogouia. Records indicate the nearest kno���n occurrence of small whorled pogoiiia is approximately 3.4�4 miles northwest of tl�e project area. The project is limited to the replacement of au e�isting spanuiug structure with a"bottauless" boa culvert on existing locatiou. Erosion and sedimentation control measures will be implemented to fw•ther minimize potential to adversely affect aquatie habitat The eudangered Appalachiau elktoe does uot occur in the Little River Basin witil below Cascade Lake (more than 10 miles cto��vnstream of Bridge No. 11); therefore, we recommend a"no effecP' determivation for aquatic tlueatened aud endangered species. The US Fish aud Wildlife Seivice (USFWS) are considering the listing of tlie nortliern long- eared bat iu the ��viuter/spi•iug of 2015. Northern long-eared bats ai•e known to use trees witli slougliing bark for sununer roosts. Therefore, as prescribed b}� the USFWS, auy h•ee removal at the bridge site will be conducted between October I S aud April 15 (winter clearing) to prevent incidental im�acts to roosting bats. There could be indirect effects due to removal of poteutial coost trces, but the loss of such a sm�ll number of trees in a primarily forested landscape should be iusigniYicant. This project is limited in scope and habitat appeais to be lacking for tenestrial direate�ied aitd endaugered species. For these reasoiis aud tliose discussed lbove, �ve recommend a"no effect" determination for terrestrial tlireatened a��d e��dangered species. This project was reviewed by NCDOT"s Humau Enviromnent Uuit in 2013 for potential affects to historic architecture and archaeology. It was determined that no suraeys wei•e reqt�ired for l�istoric arcliitecture or archaeological resources (see attached forms). Bridgc No. 11 Page 3 Augusl 25, 2014 NCDOT best management practices �vill be used to miuimize and coiitrol sedimentation and erosion on tliis projecL The construction foreman will review aIl erosion and sedimentation control measures daily to ensure erosion and sediuientation is beiiig effectively conh�olled. If the devices are uot functioniug es intended, they will be replaced immediately with better devices. Impacts to Waters of tlie Uuited States Walker Creek (DWQ Class: C, Tr) is shown on the USGS topographic map as a perennial stream. The channel is well defined with a substrate prinlarily composed of bedrock, cobble, gravel and sand/silt aud is appro�;imately 12-18 feet in width. Walker Creek flows approximately 1.5 miles to the Little I2iver, �vhich then tlows 8.8 miles iuto Cascade Lake. "I'he Little River meets the definition of a Traditional Navigable Water. For tliese reasons, we believe Walker Creek is a Relatively Permanent Water and is under thejurisdictiou oftlie U.S. Arnry Corps of Eugineers. In order to construct the project, it will be necessaiy to impact waters of the Uuited States in the French Broad River Basiu (HUC 06010105). Specitically, NCDOT is requesting to replace Bridge No. I 1�vith a"bottomless" box culvert on existu�g location. "1'he itnpacts are listed in the table below. Site No. �sisting Condition Proposed Condition Net Iuipact 18' R� x 20' L 20' W Y 3' II s 39' L 3 Sided — , Site I Timber Bridge `Bottomless" Box Culvert w/Head�valls 39 Site lA Free Flo�ving Streaui impervious Dike and Flow Diversio�i 100' Existing Sheambanks Site 1B Free Flo�sing Stream Riprap Bank Stabilization 30' Existing Strea�nbaiilcs Total Permanent Sh•eau� Impact — Cul��ert 39' Total Pe�vianeut Sh•eam Impact — Bauk Stabilization 30' Total Tempora�y Strcam Impact — Lnpei��ious Dike and Flo�r� Diversimi 100' Periuits Requeste<l NCDOT is herebp requesting authorization wider Section 404 of the CleTn Water Act to proceed with the constructioii project ouUined above. By copy oY this letter to North Carolina Deparhne�it of Environmei�t and Natural Resources (DENR), Division of Water Resources (DWR), I�m iequesting authorization tmder Sectiou 401 of the Clean Water Act. Also by copy of tl�is letter, I am asking Ms. Marla Chambers, Western NCDOT Review Coordinator, of the North Carolina Wildlife Resom�ces Counnission (NCWRC) to conuiient directly to you concerning the 404 Nationwide Permit request. Tn addition, I am asking Ms. Chauibers aud Mr. Beu DeWit, Roadside En��iromuental Field Operations Bugineer (NCDOT), to couunent directly to me concerning diis permit request. If you have any questions or need additioiial iuforulation, please contact me at (828) 586-2141 or Mr. Josl� Deyton, PE, at (828) 488-2131. Your early review and consideration will be greatly appreciated. Bridge No. 11 Page 4 August 25, 2014 Siucerely, ����� izr�i�� Mark S. Davis Divisiou 14 �iiviroiuuental Prograui Super��isor Enclosures cc: Ms. Souia Carillo, Division of Water Resouices, DENR, RTleigli Mr. Kevin Barnett, Division of Water Resources, DBNR, Asheville Mr. Jason Mays, Biologist, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Asheville Ms. Marla Chambers, Westeru NCDOT Review Coordinator, NCWRC, Ablcmarle Mr. Joshua B. Deyton, P�, Division 14 Bridge Ma�iagement Engineer, NCDOT Mr. Ben DeWit, EI, Roadside Enviroiwlental Field Operations Engineer, NCDOT o2oF wnrF9oG � 9 > — o .-.�, -� Offce Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Coustruction Noti�cation (PCI� Form A. Applic�ut Informatiai 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: � Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 3 or General Permi[ (GP) number: 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by lhe Corps? ❑ Yes � No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): � 401 Water Quality Certifcation — Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certifcation — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this notification solely for the record For the record only for DWQ 401 For the record only for Corps Permit: because wrilten approval is not required? Cerlification: ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No 1f. Is payment into a mifigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation � Yes � No of impacts? If so, altach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. 1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenly coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h ❑ Yes � No below. 1h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes � No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Replace Bridge No. 11 on SR 1559 over Walker Creek 2b. County: Transylvania 2c. Nearest municipality / town: Cedar Mountain 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or State 17BP.14.R.121 Project No: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: North Carolina Department of Transportation 3b. Deed Book and Page No. N/A 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if Mark S. Davis, Division 14 Environmental Supervisor applicable): 3d. Street address: 253 Webster Road 3e. City, state, zip: Sylva, NC 28779 3f. Telephone no.: 828-586-2141 3g. Fax no.: 828-586-4043 3h. Email address: markdavis@ncdot.gov Page 1 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, specify: 4b. Name: N/A 4c. Business name N/A (if applicable): 4d. Street adciress: N/A 4e. Ciry, state, zip: N/A 4f. Telephone no.: N/A 4g. Fax no.: N/A 4h. Email address: N/A 5. AgenUConsuitant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: N/A 5b. Business name N/A (if applicable): 5c. Street address: N/A 5d. City, state, zip: N/A 5e. Telephone no.: N/A 5f. Fax no.: N/A 5g. Email address: N/A Page 2 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): N/A 1b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Latitude: 35.1322 LongiWde: -82.6331 (DD.DDDDDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) 1c. Property size: N/A acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to Walker Creek proposed projecl: 2b. Water Quality Classificalion of nearest receiving water. C; Tr 2c. River basin: French Broad River (HUC 06010105) 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the exisling conditions on the site and lhe general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this applicalion: The general landscape is roadway and maintained right-of-way, with forested areas to the north and south of the bridge, and residential areas to the east and west. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all exisling wetlands on the property: N/A 3a List lhe total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermitten[ and perennial) on lhe property: 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: The purpose of the project is to replace a functionally obsolete 18.5' W x 21' L single span timber bridge with a new 20' W x 3' H x 39' L three sided "bottomless" reinforced concrete culvert with headwalls on existing location. 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Erosion and sedimentation control measures will be installed. An off-site detour lanes will be utilized during cons[ruclion. The new culvert will be constnicted on the same location. Track hoes, dump tnicks, bulldozers, cranes, paving equipment, water pumps, sandbags, diversion pipe and various hand tools will be used to accomplish the work. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or slream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for lhis property / project (including all prior phases) in lhe past? ❑ Yes � No ❑ Unknown Comments: N/A 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determinalion, what lype of determination was made? ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: N/A Name (if known): N/A Olher: N/A 4d. If yes, list the dales of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. N/A 5. Project History 5a. Have permils or certifications been requested or obtained for � Yes � No ❑ Unknown lhis project (including all prior phases) in lhe past? 5b. If yes, explain in delail according to "help file" instructions. N/A 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes � No 6b. If yes, explain. N/A Page 3 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version C. Proposed Impacts Invenlory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ Wetlands � Streams - tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Welland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, lhen complete this question for each welland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of wetland Foresled (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ — non-404, other) (acres) Tem ora T W1 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A ❑ Yes ❑ Corps N/A ❑ No ❑ DWQ WZ � P� T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Total �vetland impacts N/A 2h. Comments: N/A 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, lhen complete this question for all stream sites impacled. 3a. 3 b. 3 c. 3 d. 3 e. 3f. 3 g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream lenglh Permanent (P) or intermittent DWQ — non-404, Width (linear Temporary (T) (INT)? other) (feet) feet) S1 � P❑ T `Bottomless° Walker Creek � PER � Corps 16-18 39 Concrete Culvert ❑ INT � DWQ S1A � P❑ T Bank Stabilizalion Walker Creek � PER � Corps 16-18 30 ❑ INT � DWQ S1 B❑ P� T Impervious Dike Walker Creek � PER � Corps 16-18 100 and Flow Diversion ❑ INT � DWQ S2 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ 3h. Total Perntanent Sh•eam and Tribufary Impacts — Cidvert 39' Tofnl Perm�nent Slream Impact — Rip Rnp 6anlc Slabilization 30' Total Tempm�ar�• Sfream Impacts — Imperrious Dil<e aud f lo�v Diversion 100' 3i. Comments: N/A Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, Uibutaries, sounds, lhe Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number — (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent(P) or 7em ora T 01 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A N/A N/A 02 ❑P❑T 03 ❑P�T 04 ❑P❑T 4L Total open water impacfs N/A 4g. Comments: N/A 5. Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake construction ro osed, lhen com lete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacts (acres) Slream Impacls (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose of (acres) number pond Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P2 SC Total N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Sg. Camments: N/A 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: N/A 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): N/A 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): N/A 5k. Methad of conslruction: N/A 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, lhen complete the chart below. If yes, lhen individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation, then you MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Other: Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Bufferimpact number— Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) for Slream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) or Tem ora T im act re uired? 61 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A ❑ Nos N!A N/A 62 ❑P�T ❑Yes ❑ No 63 ❑P�T ❑Yes ❑ No 6h. Totnl bidfer imp�cts N/A N/A 6i. Comments: N/A Page 5 of 10 PCN Fonn — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version D. Impact Justification and Miti�ation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe rneasures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. The bridge is beiny replaced with a fhree sided "bottomless" culvert which will maintain lhe natural stream bed and gradient. The minimal length necessary to meet current design standards was also used to minimize stream impacts on the projecl. 1b. Speci�ically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacls lhrough conslruction techniyues. BMPs will be installed to rninimize effects on aquatic habifat. Impervious dikes and flow diversions will be useQ so all work can be conducted in a"dry" work environment. 2. Compensatory Mitic�ation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for ❑ Yes � No - Mitiyation not Required due to impacts to Waters of lhe U.S. or Waters of the State? bottomless" culvert design. 2b. If yes, mitigalion is required by (check aIl that apply): ❑ DWQ ❑ CO�pS ❑ Mitigation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigalion option will be used for this project? ❑ Payment to in-lieu fee program ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitiyation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Miligalion Bank: N/A 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type N/A Quantily N/A 3a Comments: N/A 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval lelter from in-lieu fee program is attached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: N/A linearfeet 4c. If using sUeam mitigation, stream temperature: ❑ wann � cool ❑cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): N/A square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitiyation requested: N/A acres 4h. Comments: N/A 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permiltee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of lhe proposed mitigalion plan. N/A Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires ❑ Yes � No buffer miligation? 6b. If yes, then identify lhe square feet of impact lo each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impact Total impacl Multiplier Required mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 N/A N/A 3(2 for Catawba) N/A Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: N/A 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, disaiss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private miligation bank, permit[ee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in-lieu fee fund). N/A 6h. Comments: N/A Page 7 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Stormwater Manayement and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified � Yes � No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Proteclion Rules? 1 b. If yes, ihen is a diffuse Flow plan included? If no, explain why. Comments: N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? N/A % 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? � Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Manayernent Plan, explain why: N/A 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, lhen provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: The project is covered under the NCDOT General Slorrnwater Permit No. NCS000250. ❑ Cerlified Local Government 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stonnwater Management Plan? ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program � DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is ihis project? N/A ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of lhe following locally-implernented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW apply (check all that apply): ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Review ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a. Which of the following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply � ORW (check all lhat apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑ Other: 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been altached? ❑ Yes � No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan rneet the appropriate requirements? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 8 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Reyuirement) 1a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the � yes ❑ No use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to lhe above, does lhe project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ❑ Yes � No (Norlh Carolina) Environmenlal Policy Act (NEPA/SFPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has lhe document review been finalized by lhe State Clearing House? (If so, atlach a copy of lhe NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: N/A 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is lhe site in violalion of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolaled Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B A200)? 2b. Is this an after-the-fact permit application? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): N/A 3. Cwnulative Impacts (DWQ Reyuirement) 3a. Will lhis project (based on past and reasonably anlicipated future impacts) result in � Yes � No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to fhe above, submit a qualilafive or quantitalive cumulative impac[ analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narralive descriplion. This project consists of lhe replacement of a slructurally deficient bridge. The road infrastruclure is not being upgraded. The secondary and cumulative impacts from this routine maintenance project would be expected to be insignificant. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail lhe ultimate treatment melhods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacily of the subject facilily. N/A Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10. 2008 Version 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirernent) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or � yes ❑ No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with lhe USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act � Yes ❑ No impacts? ❑ Raleigh 5c. If yes, indicate fhe USFWS Field Office you have contacted. � Asheville 5tl. What data sources did you use lo determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Crilical Habitat? North Carolina Natural Heritage Database and a site visit conducted during lhe field scoping process. 6. Essential Fisli Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will lhis project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes � No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? N/A--There are no marine or esturaine habitat within the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation � Yes � No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? The project was reviewed by NCDOT's Human Environment Unit in 2013. It was determined that no surveys were required for historic arohitecture or archaeological resources (see attached forms). 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designateci 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes � No Sb. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: N/A 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain delermination? NC Floodplain Mapping Program Mark S. Davis ������ �� �� �� Di� ision 14 Enviroimiental Supe�visor ✓ j,�� � ApplicanUAgenPs Signature Date AppliCaflVAgOnt's Pfillted Name (AgenCs signature is valid only if an authorization let�er from the applicant is provided.) Page 10 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version R m U � N � � U \ �� 3 ���� � �, �_ � � z ' (�. o � y � � w �,� ,�d � �� J � � \ d� � O � �y ' \ LL a \\ � � . H Q � .. ci W ��- W � � o � Q U 0 �� o � o. _ z (. . � a � �--._ l �. J� � � O w� o4ia . a ¢ � d-- - - - - � _.._. .-.;'— - - - - __ _ � _ .- ��-_-�—. z -� "j ;'� H�Nb'238 a3WGNNfI � j% �: � � ,- > '> Q o� X o `-' w �, H i m a xo J .-i ��_ . u az W W � �L �� � Lv� N UCC~ � �'� � �HC � '^U O �aH �G � _ 1i.L o] � � U o � °}H o + w� �_� � `� �p " O�� I�Ir � L �' Q oo� 7�J�.JI N �:!:� � d��6 \�� i � � �: � ����� I ~ I_ L 1 � W l'J (' I '� O� Q` J 1 � , .. y ." � ... 'r � ._ _. _. (V - ` C - _ _ �.•.•.- _ VJ r � r) , — N i ` ) ..' 1_..._ _ I ^"l J J ___ - �[ � J � , ,-�%� ., / ' -. . � . I O .. 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' ' >�t$ _ . . � .. . �._<�.. ` �'.�• . � . - � � �1 : � .>x.�. � .1 . ..,�..� _ , _ ..:� ° Looking Northe�st , _.:; �,49 . y - ���i .._ =��. t . ,: S� � z ^ } '�:yi_. , s. . ���,r,a+ ��a.i �s ^ _ w�s{ ..,�.!.rai�. .�' ., � �{ �� Looking Soutliwest Bridge No. 11 on SR 1559 (Solomon Jones Ro�d) over Wal►ccr Crcek Transylvania CowitV �I� � I I� Y � . �� � r . . � � ; . _ `:ie i.-i..• R' y F 1 � r.� f\"��y}y�'� f \lVtlH : � :A�', �s � . t�'j� 'ic . ���"�ss'� � �� � ., � s h' °� C x �, r �� � i< < ; ��3 � ,� L � ��t � 1 . ` � f � � . � e� ' �4 _ 'r � d �, 4 �L}� • .� ^cn _ � � ` �� �t! �c, � f�r �± �} .', � , !�' • � �� I<° y � `�� 'f �•��f�s/j;,/ '. i�.i i' t _`� ': . . .��i� �. � i � ��� ±f} <�+, .;.� m,��,.._ '..' ,` '�\ � � � _, .., i�,�r L . 'r � � - - � � � � L A= ;.�C, �1 (.. ;-v � _ ,. -�- _ Looking Upstream i � , r ��� � .�'. '_ . . J � �� � �Y ' ''T_ i : ' ,. � L•A�:� T.:.� r r� ���. � ' � 1. �, ' �, '_. � '�' 1 1't 4�' ��� t /�i � 1� ..�i s / _ytT j�'•� �i B ♦ �� 1 �i y1-` . . � �, 1 ' . '1Q'. i�. � g 1 5� Downstream toward Waterfall Bridge No. 11 on SR 1559 (Solomm� Jones Road) over Wallcer Ci•eelc Tj•�nsylvani;t Com�tp , 1 � , ,�� �+�Yf°� 1,,: .. ' . , ��'i . ' ' r P�4 �p '�� ��l� ����.i . . � � �. r1 �..� �;;� � �i �'I;�'.;; r�a .� .,i ���-' �,'�, . � h i � ��.�i� �� . � �i ��- 71� � .. I ��.�� � , � N •' � ti : .. ��, ;; ; . ,° , �, � � i `. ` I i r . . � •. .. . � , ) � ;- f �� .: �fk�f \ 1 � .- - ' IiS � 'l R ...i �� � :r � �f .i�' � .�� .���� � � °' = �i�� ' l '.i� �;� 2-�K� +K s� �_� a��,��� . ����..,w !` �.. � �.. � �_`�"t����9`� j'--`J �\-,,. �, . 1 _r E �- ' _ f�w/+� .. � �\��r .�( ( J � ..= .-ri •'.�,�- ... ��.;;?,t i P'i:: r� , ! ��..-�. �: -- _ � y;. � � i . �,�� �r �- i"„�:�.� .+; : t"=" - "� o.., �,1(���"�' , �."�''' '' � �",. - � - � � • �w tl °" ' � .�`� ; ; _ °... " . � . �F. ;� �:�. . � ""1��� Looking at Upstrelm Side of Brid�e � � _- .-_�_ __4, t �� , y ,.r �ij � 'i 7%/ / � ♦ 's'"� a�f�� p;�s' � y . � ',' . ' , , r� � ; ��1; i i „� � � r � ' / i +, � i yI �� l �.� ir . '..��i��� . 3 � ,gh � R �� 1 �� / [ �r ?„ " ''y , ��` �r.y -;-� � � � , f.� .. ���b . i .'�� i .� �i . ��...tJ 1 % �,. .fn'�id.�l 'Y � �t �.. '..> , 4 - .'.%r._ - .iiL!„ _.° ^� . -.'r Lookiug at Downstream Side of Bridge APPROVCU JURISDICTIONAL DETCR�llNAT10N FOR�I U.S. Army Corps of Cngineers This form should be completed b�� follo�eing the instructions provided in Section IV of Ihe JD �orm Ins�ruetionnl Guidebook. SECTION L• BACI(GROUND INFORDIATION A. RGPOR"f CODIPLPTION DATE POR APPROVED JURISDICTIOYAL DETER�II�ATION (JD): R. DISTRICT O�f� ICE, FIL� NA�IE, ANU NU�II3PR: C. PROJECT LOCATION AND 6ACICGROUND INfORiAIAT[ON: Bridge I I on SR I>59 Solomon Joncs Rond Stute:NC Counp�/pnrishPoorough: Transylvania Ciq�: Ccdar M1�buntain Cen�er coordinales ofsitc QnUlong in degree dccimal forinat): Lnt. 3�.1322° N. Long. 82.6331° �V Universal Trnnsverse N(emator. Name of nearzst �vatarbody: \Valker Creek (Clnss C Tr) Name ofnenrest Traditionnl Navigable \Vater (TN1V) Into �rhich Ihe aqunlic resource Ilo�vs: Prench Broad River Name oC�cnter,hed or Hydrologic Unii Codz (HUC): 06010IOS010080 � Check if map/diaernm of rzvie�v area and/or potential jurisdictional tireas is/aro arnilnblz upon request. ❑ Check it o�her sites (e.g., otisita mitign�ion sites. disposal siies, ete...) are assoeinted �rith this netion nnd nre recorded on a different JD form. D. RCVIE\\'PER�OR\IGDFORSITCEVALUATION(CHGCI(ALLTHATAPPLI'): � Oflice (Dcsk) Determination. Da�c: Augus� 5, 20I4 � Field Determina�ion. Daie(s): Junc 2, 2014 SECTION IL• SU�IDIARI' OF FINDINGS A. RHA SECTION 10 DETCRDIINATION OT dURISDICT[ON. T6ere Are no "�tavigaLle iraters o( dre U.S." ���ilhin Rivers and Hacbors Act (RI IA) jurisdiction (ns dztined by 33 CFR part 329) in the re��ie�c nrzn. [RequirerlJ ❑\Vaters sulilecl �o �he ebb and Flo�v of ihe �idc. ❑ Nalcrs nre presently used. or hnve been uscd in tlie pas�, or nmy bc susceptible Cor use �o Irnnsport inler,tnte or Coreign commerce. Bsplain: . B. CAVA SECTION 40J DETERMIYATION OF JURISDICTION. Therc Art "�rniers o�dre U. S" �vithin Clcan R�nter Act (CAVA) lurisdiction (as defincd by 33 CFR pad 328) in the review urea. [Requirerl� I. �Vaters of thc U.S. n. Indicate presence oP�vnters of U.S. in revie�r aren (checl< �II that apply): � ❑ "IiJ\Vs, including territorial seas ❑ Wetlmids adjncent to TNWs � Rcln�ively permanent wnters' (RP�Vs) tlin[ Flo�c directly or indirzctly inlo'I'Nll's ❑ �on-RPVVs thnt flo�v directly or indirectly into TNVVs ❑ VVe�lands direetlp abutting RPWs �hat ilo��� directly or indirectly into TNWs ❑ AVcUands �djt�cent io but not directly abutting RPN�s Ihut (lo�v directly or indirecUy into TN\Ys ❑ AVe�lnnds adjacart �o non-RPIVs ihat tlow directly or indircctly into "I�NNs ❑ Impoundincn�s of I��risdictionnl �cnters ❑ Isolated (intcrstnte or intrastatc) �caters, induding isolated �veUands b. Identify (estimate) sizc oSwaters of the U.S. in N�e revie��� m�en: Non-���elland �ralers: I00 linear fee�: 8�vidth (fl) and/or ncres. VVetlnnds: acres. c. Limits (bomulm�ies) ofjw�isdiction based on: Eslablished by OFI��'1L Eleaa�ion ofestablished OHVVn4 (if kno�rn): . 2. Non-regulnted �vnters/wetlnnds (ched< if applicnble):' ❑ Po�cntinlly juris�ictional �cn[ers nnd/or wetlands �rere nssessed �vithin the revie��� area and determined lo be not jurisdictionnl. Bxpinin: � Boses checAed belo�v shall bz supported by completin� �he appropeiNe sections in Sec�ion III 6elo�r. � Por purposea oCt6is fonn, an RP\\' is dcfined ns a Iribu(aq� tha� is no[ a'INR' and thnt Iypicnlly Flo��s yenrvround or has continuous Ilo�c at Iens1 "scesonally'� (e.g., f}Tically 3 monli�s). ' Suppotling dncumentnlion is presented in Seclion III.F. SECTION IIL• C1VA ANALYSIS A. TN�Vs AND R'ETLANDS ADJACENT TO TN�Vs The agencies will nssert jw�isdicfion over TM1's nnd wetlnnds ndjacent to TN�1's. I(the nquntic resow�ce is a'Pi��V, complefe Sectiou III.A.I nnd Section III.D.1. only; iFthe aquatic resource is a weH�nd adjacent tu a TNR', complete Sections III.A.1 and 2 :ind Section III.D.1.; otherwisq sce Secfion III.B below. I. TN�V Identih� �IN 1V: Summnrize rationtile supporting detenuination: 2. R'etlnnd ndjncent lo TN�V Summnrizc r�tionnlc supporting condusion lhat �celland is "adjacenC': B. CHAIL\CTERISTICS OP TRI6UTARY (TIIAT IS NOT A"PNR') AND ITS ADJACF,NT �VETLANDS (II' A�l'): This sectiou swmm�rizes informntion regnrding chnrneterisfics of the tributnry nnd its �djacent �retlnnds, iPnny�, and it helps determine whethcr or not fhe stnndards fm� jw�isdictiou estnblished under Rapnnos hare been met. The agencies will nssertjurisdiction ovcr nmi-nnvignble tributaries of TN�Vs where the tributaries nre "relatively prrmanent wnters" (RP�A's), i.e. h�ibutnrics thnt h�pically tlow yenr-irow�d m� hnve emrtinuous Flo�v nt least sensonnlly (e.g., typically 3 months)..\ wetland that directly abuts �in RP\V is nlsojurisdictionnl. If the nquntic resow�ce is not n TN1V, but hns yem�-round (perenninl) ilow, skip to Section III.D1. If lhe nquntic resource is n wetland directly nbutting n lribufnry �ritli perenninl Oow, sl<ip to Section IILD.4. A wetland H�at is adj�cent to but thnt does not direc�ly nbut nn RP�V requires n significnnt necus evnlunfion. Corps districts nnd EPA regions will include in thc recm�d nny nvnilnble inforrontion ihat documents the esistence of a significant nesus behreen a relntively permnnenf tributnr�'thnt is iwt perennial (and its adjacent �retlonds iCany) nnd a tr�ditional narigable �rater, ecen fhough n significant ne�us finding is not required ns m m�ttcr of Inw. If tl�e wnterbod}a is not nn RPAV, or a n�etinnd directly nbutling nn RPR', n SD will require ndditionnl dntn to determine iCthe wnterbody hns n signifieant ne�us w�ith a TN�V. If the tributnry hns ndjncent �reflnnds, tlie siguilicnnt necus evnhintion nuisl mnsider the tributnry in eombinntimi with nll oPits ndjacent wetlands. This signifcnnt necus evnlu�tion thnt combines, Por minlyticnl pm�poses, the tributniy nnd nll of its ndjaeen[ weHnnds is used �rhether the revie�v aren i�entified in the JD request is the tribufory, or its adjacent wetlnnds, m� both. If ihe JD covers n tributnrp ��•ifh ndjncent wetlnnds, completc Section 111.6.1 fm� the tributnry, Sectimi III.I3.2 for mp• onsite wefiands, and Section II1.B.3 for all wetlnnds ndjacent to Hmt h�ibutary, both onsite nnd offsite. The defermination wheH�er a significnut nexus esisis is determined iu Section IILC below. L Chnracteristics of non-TN\\'s thnt ilow direcflr or indirectly info TN�V (i) Generol Aren Conditions: 1Vatershed size: Pick List Drainage area: Pick List A��crngc nnnunl rninfnll: inches A��erege anntu�l sno�cfall: inches (ii) Plp�sicnl Chnrnctcristics: (a) Rcla�ionship with "INV1': ❑'I'ributnry Flo�rs directly into 71VR�. ❑ Tributaq� flo�r�s throueh Pick List tribularies before entering'I'N\V. Projce� wa�crs nre Pick List river miles from TA'V1'. Projec� ���n�ers arz Pick List river miles (rom RPN. Prqject ���alers are Pick List aerinl (strnight) miles Gom "INN. Projec� ���a(ers are Pick Lisf aerinl (s[rnight) miles Gom RP\V. Projec� ���alers cross or sen�e ns state 6oundaries. Esplain: Iden�ifi• Flo�r route to TNIV`: 'fributi�ry slre.un order, iCkno�vn: '\'ote tha( tlie Instruclional Guidebook contains ndditional infornm�ion reearding s�cales, ditches, �cashes, anA emsional (ealureo generallq and in Ihe arid \Vcsl. ' Plow route can he described by idantifying, e.g_. tribumry� n. n�hich �o��� �hmugh thz rerie�c nrea, lo �ow into tribu�nq� b. �c6ich [hen Flo�ss into'fNIV. (b) Generail'fributnn�Chnracteristics(checkall�hatnpply): Tributary is: ❑ \atural ❑ ArtiGcial (man-madc). Bspinin: ❑ Manipulntcd Qnnn-nitered). Expinin: Tributary Proponics �vith respect �o lop of bank (eslimt�te): A��erage ���iAth: feet Averngcdcp�h: feet Average side slopes: Piek List. Primen� tribulop� substra�e composilion (check all (hat apply): ❑ Sills ❑ Sands ❑ Concretc ❑ Cobbles ❑ Gra��zl ❑ �-0uck ❑ Bcdrock ❑ Vegelation. Type/%cover: ❑ Olhec Gspinin: . 'I'ributary condilion/stability [e.g., highly croding. sloughing banks]. Hxpinin: Presence o(nut/rillle/pool complcxcs. E�pinin: . Trihwan' geometq�: Yiel: List Tribulaq� grndient (approsimn�e nverage slope): % (c) Flo�r: "I7ibWap� provides t'oc Pick List Estinmte arerage numbcr of tlo�v events in revie��� arezdyeur. Pick List Describe Flo�e regime: . Olher inConnatiun on duralion and volumc: . Surtacc �lo��� is: Picl< LisL Characteristics: Subsur(ace flo���: Picic LisL Gxpinin tindings: ❑ Dye (or olher) test performcd: . Tributaq� has (check all that apply): ❑ Bcd and banks ❑ OI IAVAdb (check all indicators tha� apply): ❑ clear. n�turnl line impressed on Ihc bnnk ❑ changes in thc chnracter of soil ❑ shel��ing ❑ vegemtion nmtted do�rn, bcnt, or absent ❑ leaf litter distucbed or �cnshed n�any ❑ scdimcnt deposition ❑ �cnler slaining ❑ othcr (list): ❑ Discontinuous OHVVn4.' Gxplain: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ �hc prescncc of littcr nnd debris destruction of terres(rial vege�n�ion the presenca of�vr.ick line sediment sorting scour nwliiple obsen�ed or predic�ed ilo�v events nbnipt changc in plant commm�iq� Lf fnetors o�her �han �he OHVV�4 �sere use� to determine laterul eslenl of CIVA jurisdiction (check all thnt npply): ❑ High Tide Line inAic�ted by: ❑ Menn High AVater Adark indicuted by: ❑ oil or scum line along shore objec�s ❑ sun�ep to arailable datum; � ❑ fine shell or debris deposits (foreshore) ❑ phesicnl mnrkings; ❑ physical markings/chnrncterislics ❑��egelation lines/changes in regetation q�pes. ❑ lidal gaugcs ❑ other (list): (iii) Chemicnl Cimrncfcristics: Charac�ecize tri6ulaq' (e.g.. �vamr color is eleac discolored, oily tilm; �cnter qunliq�: genernl �vntzrshed ehnrne[zristics, e[c.). Cspinin: Identify specific pollutants, if knon�n: . °A nalural or mnn-innde discontinuity in the OH\\'til does' no( necessarily sever I�irisdiction (eg., �vhert �he stream temporarily Ilo��� undeeeround, or whem �hr OI I\Vbl hns been remored b}' decelopment or aa�icultuml pmctices). \Vhere �hecz is n brenA in �lie OI IIVM Ihnt is unczlmzd to �he �rnterbody's Flow regime (e.a-, iluw orer a rock outerop or tlirou�� n culvzn), the aezncies �rill look for indic;LLOrs of ilo�c abore, nd belos� Ihe bre, k. 'IbiA. (iv) Biological Chnrocteristics. Chnnnel supporfs (checic oll [hat opply): ❑ Riparian corridor. Characteris�ics (type, avemge �cidth): . ❑ AVetland (rinee. Chacacteris�ics: . ❑ Habila� (or: ❑ Pcdcrally Listcd spccics. Csplain tindines: . ❑ Pish/spmcn mm�s. 6�pinin tindines: . ❑ Other eneironmentally-sensitive species. h;spinin findings: ❑ Aquntidwildlife diversity. Explzin findings: . 2. Chnrncteristirs of �retlnnds ndjncent to non-TN1V tl�nt ilow directly or indirectly into'PN1Y (i) Plq�sicnl Chm�nctcristics: (a) Gmicrnl \Vc�lnnd Charnctcris�ics: Propertics: 11'etlnnd size: atcres \Vetlnnd type. F,�plain: . VVetlmid yuality. Expinin: . Project �vetlanAs cross or sen�e as stata boundaries. Esplain: (b) Gcncrnl Clo�v Rcla�ionshiu with Non-TNR4 Plo�c is: Pick List. R�plain: . Sudacc �low is: Picic Lisf Characteristics: Subsurface Flo�v: Picic List E�plain lindings: ❑ Dyc (or o�hcr) tos� perfonncd: . (c) AVeU�nd Adjacencv Determinntion �ci�h Non= INVA': ❑ Direc�ly abutting ❑ Not directly abutting ❑ Discrctc �vctlnnA hydrologic conncction. 8xplain: ❑ Ecological conneclion. Esplaint . ❑ Sepamted by berndbarrice 8xpinin: . (d) Pro.�imit�� (Relationshiul w TA'lV Project �setlanAs are Piek List river miles liom TNIV. Project �cater nr< Pick List neri�l (straight) miles tiom TNN. Flo�r is from: Yicl< List. Gstimatc approsinmtc locn�ion of �cctl�nd as �vi�hin tlie Pick List Ooodplain. (ii) Chemicnl Characteristics: Chaeacterize �setland spstziu (e.g.. a�a�er color is clear, bro���n. oil f Im on surfnce; �vnter qunlih•; general �ratershed charncteristics; ctc.). F.xpinin: . Iden�ih� specific pollu�ants. if kno�cn: . (iii) [iiologicnl Chm�nctcristics. AVetlnnd supports (chccic nll ihnt npply): ❑ Riparian butTec Charneteristics (type. nvernge �eidth): . ❑ Veeetntion type/percent covec F.�pinin: . ❑ Habitat for: ❑ Pcdcrally Listed spccics. Bspinin t'mdines: . ❑ Pish/spmvn arens. F,xplain tindings: . ❑ Other environment�lly-sensitive speeies. F,�pinin findin�s: ❑ Ayuatic/�cildlife Jiversily. E�plain findings: . 3. Characteristics o(�II wetlnnds adjncent to tl�e h•ibut�iy (if nny) All �vctlnnd(s) bcing considcrcd in thc cumuln�ive nnnlysis: Pick List Approsima�ely ( ) acrcs in tutal are being considered in the eumula�ive anaLysis. For euch �cetland, specil}� the folloo�ing: Dirccth� abWS? (T/Nl Sizc (in acresl Directh� nbuts? (1'M Sizc (in ncresl Summarize overill biologicaL dieinical and physical Cunc�ions being pertomied: . C. SICNI�ICANT NCYUS DCTERVIINA'1'ION A significant necus mialysis will nssess the Ilo��� chnrncteristics nnd functions of the tributnry itself:ind tl�e f�metions perfm�roed by any �vetlnnds ndjnceut to fhe fributm�y lo determi�ie if thep significnntly n(fect the chemicnl, phvsicnl, nnd biologicnl integrity of n TNR'. �m� esch of the following situntions, n significmrt necus cxists iPthe tributnr}�, in combinntion with �II af its ndjncent wetlnnds, hns mare thnn n speculntive or insubstantial effect on the chemical, physicnl nnd/m� biologicnl integrity oPn TMV. Considerntions �rhen evnhmting significant ne�us include, but m�e not limited to the volume, duration, and frequency of the ilow of �rnfer in the h'ibutsry nnd its pro�imity to a TN�S', nnd the Punctions perfm�med by the iributary nnd nll its ndjncent wetlnnds. It is not appropriate to determine significnnt nesus bnsed solely on nny specific ihreshold of distance (e.g. bet�veen a tribut:u'y nnd its ndjncent wellnnd or behveen n tributnry mid tlic TMV). Similnrly, the fnct nn ndjaceN weUnnd lies within a� outside of n iloodpinin is not solcly detcrminative of significant nexus. Drn�r connections behveen the Ceatures doeumented nnd the eCfecfs an the TN�V, ns identi(ied in the 2npnnos Guidnnce nnd diseussed in the Insiructionnl Cuidebool<. �nctors to consider include, for c�nmple: • Does Ihe tribu�aq�. in combinntion �cith its a�jacent �cetlands (if any), have the capaciq• to carp� pollutan�s or tlood ��°aler, lo TN\Vs, or to reduce the nmoimt of pollulun�s or (lood �caters re�ching a TNIV? • Does tlie tribwnry, in combinntion ��•ith its n�lncent �cetlands (if an}°), provide habitat nnd lifecyele support fimetions for tish and other specics, such as tceAine. ncstine, spmvning. or rearing roun�. for species �hat are present in the"INVA'? . Does tlre tribumn�. in combination �cith i�s adjnccnt ���c�lnnds (if nny), hnrc thc cnpnci[v lo franstcr nutricn�s and org�nic carbon Ihnt support do�rnstrenm food�vebs? • Does Oie tributaq�, in combination with its adjncent �cetlanAs (il any), have other rolationships to Ihe physical, chemical, or biological intcgrity ot thc TI�'N? Note: the nbove list of considerntia�s is not inclusive nnA other functions observed or I<nown to occur sho�dd be documented belo�r: I. Significant nezus lindings for nm�-RP�V that hns no ndjncent �retlmids nnd ilows directly m� indirectly into TM\'s. Gsplain fmdings of presence or absence of signiticant ncxus below, bnscA on the �ri6W�q� itsclt. Uien go to Scciion III.D: . 2. Significant nesus findings fm� non-RP\V nud ifs ndjncent wetlmids, where the non-RP\V ilows directly m� indirectly into T�'R's. Esplain �indings of prescncc or nbsence of significaiit news belo�v, bnsed on �ire tributaq� in combinntion �eith nll of its adjacent �retlands. Ihen go �o Section III.D: . 3. Signifcont nesus fudings Cor wellnnds adjncent to nn RPAA' but ihnt do not direcfly nbut fhe RP�V. Esplain findines ot presencc or abscncc ot signiticnN nc�us below, bnsed on lhe tributaq� in combination with nll of its ndlncenf �ceUnnds, then go to Section III.D: . D. DLT6R�IINATIO\SOI'JURISDICI'IONALFINDINGS.THESUDdECTR'ATERSAVE'I'LANUS�ViE(CHECI<ALL THAT APPI,1'): I. TNVVs and Adjaeent �Vetlands Check all that applp and proridc sizc estimates in revicw area: ❑ TN1Vs: linear tcet �vidth (fl). Or, ncres. ❑ VVetlands adjacent to TNNs: neres. 2. I2P�1's tha[ ilow direcHy m� indirectly into TN\Vs. � Tribwaries oCTD]\Vs ���hcre tributarics [ypically Flow ycnrvround nrzjurisAic�ionnl. Providcdnta �nd rntionnic indicnting thnt tributaq� is perennial: AValker Creek is 8 fcc� in �vidth, hns � defined bcd nnd bnnks, nnd is sho���n on �hc USGS map as percnnial. ❑"Pribularies of'PNIV �vhere VibWaries have continuous Oo�r "seasonally" (e.g., iypicully tliree monlhs each year) are jurisdictional. Dnta supponing �his wnclusion is provided nt Scction III.Ei. Pro��idc rationnlc indicaling �liat tribWan� tlo���s seasonally: . Pro��idc cstimetes for lurisdictional �vaters in Ihe revie��� nrea (chcck nll �hnt npply): �'I�ribuluq• ���aters: 100 linear tcet 8 width (ft). ❑ O�hernon-�ce�lund �caier,: neres. Identify lype(s) ol waters: . 3. NomRP�Vse thnt Oo�r direcfly or indirectly into TNR's. ❑VVaterbody Ihat is not n iNVA' or an RNW, bu� Oo��s directly or indirectly into a TNIV, and it has n signiticnn� nc�us �viih a 'I-�'1V isjurisdictional. Dnta supporting �his condusion is provided a� Section IILC. Proride estimntcs for lurisdic�ional waters �cithin thc rcricw nren (chcck nll thnt npply): ❑ Tributary �ca�ers: linear fect �vidth (ft). ❑ Olher non-�eetland �saters: ncrzs. Idenlify q�pe(s) ol wate�s: . 4. �Vetlmids directl�� abufting nn RP\V Ihnt ilo�r directly or indirectly into TN1Vs. ❑ Netlands directly nbW RPW an� thus arejurisdic�ionnl as ndjacent �vctlands. ❑ Netl�nds directly abuuing an 2PlV where Iribu�nries typically Flow yem�-round. Provicle Jala and rationale indic.uing tha( Iribulnry is perenninl in Seclion III.D2, above. Provide raiionale indicating tha� ���elland is direclh• abuttine an RP�V: . ❑ Netlnnds direc�ly abutting an RPR' where �ributaries tvpicnllr Flo�v "seasonally.'� Pro��ide dn�a indiculing Ihat tribumq� is seasonal in Sec�ion ILI.B and mtionnle in Sec�ion III.D2, ijbove. Provide raiionale indicming that �vetland is direc�ly abuttine nn RPN: . Provide acrenee estimn�es Corjurisdictional �ce�lands in fhe revie�v nren: ncres. 5. �5'e�lmids ndjncent to but not directly nbidfing nn RP�V �hnt Ilow directlp or indirectly into'1'NVVs. ❑�Vetlai�ds tha� du not directly abut nn RPAV, but �shen considered in combinntion �ciih the tributaq� to �vhich U�ep are adjacent an� ���ith similarly si�u�ted ncijncenl �cetlands, have a significant nesus ���itli a TNN arejurisidictional. Datn supporting this conclusion is provided at Section IILC. Provide acrea�e es�iumtcs for jurisdictionel �retlunds in the revie�v area: acres. 6. AVetlands ndjncent to non-RP�Vs thnt Ilow directly m� indirectly into TMVs. ❑ lVe�lands adjnecnl to such �vnters, and have �vhen considored in combinn�ion �cith the �ributnry to �chich ther nre adjncent mid �si�h similnrlr situated adjacenl ���etlands. have n significant ne�us �cith i�'I�NVV are lunsdictional. Dala supporting Ihis conclusion is proriAcd nt Scction IILC. Proride cstimntes for lurisdictional �vetlands in thc rcview �ren: neres. 7. Impmmdmcnts oPjw�isdictional waters.' As n genernl rule, Ihe impoundment o(a jurisdictional tribu�nry remninsjurisdictionul. ❑ Dzmonstrale �ha� impoundment �vas c�ca�ed from "�vnters of the U.S.," or ❑ Demonstra�e tha� �vater meets the cri�eria For one of the categories presented above ( L6), or ❑ Demonstrnle thnt �cnter is isulated �cith a nexus �o conmicree (sce B bclo�v). E. ISOLATED �INTERSTATE OR INTRA-STATE� �VATERS, INCLUDINC ISOLATGD 1VCTLANDS, THE USC, DCCRADATION OR DES"fRUCTIOY OP R'HICII COULD AFFCCT I�ITERSTATC CO\IiUERCI:, WCLUUING ANY SUCII �VATG.RS (CHECK ALL THAT APPLI'):10 ❑�ehich are or could be used l» - inters(ate or foreign travclers for recrcntionnl or other purposes. ❑ from whidi f sh or shellfish are or could be �nken nnd sold in in�ersttlla or foreign commerce. ❑�chich are or could be used tor industrinl purposes by industries in interstate conmicree. ❑ Intcrstato isolntzd ���nters. Explain: . ❑ Other factors. B�pinin: . "Sec Footnatc N 3. "1 o complete the an:d�sis rGCr to �hz key in Sec�ion III.D.6 ofthe Inslructional Guide600k. 10 Prim� to assrrling or Jeclining C1Ye\ jm�isdiclion bascd snlclp nn Ihis ciucgnry, Corps Dislricls n�iil elernle ihe :aclion to Corps nnd EP.1 IfQ for reciew cnnsistrni ��ilh Ihe pracess described in Ihe Cnrps/CPA b/emnrmuhrmRewirding CII'd ArlJurisdielion Follau�irig Nnprtnns. Identify wntcr body nnd summnrize rationale suppm�fing dctcrminatimi: Provide eslimates lorjurisdictional �vatcrs in the review area (check all that apply): ❑ 'fributaq� �catcrs: lincnr fce� �vidth (R). ❑ Other nan-���etlnnd wn[ers: ncres. Iden�it}� lypc(s) of �vntus: . ❑ \Ve�lands: acres. f. NON-dURISDICTIONAL \VAT�RS, INCLUUING R'CTLANDS (CHECK ALL THAT APPLI'): ❑ If potential ���e�lands ���ero assassed �si�hin the re��ie�v area, these areas did nol �ueel �he criteria in �hc 1987 Corps ot 6ngineers VVetland Dolinca�ion Mnnunl nnd/or nppropriate Regionnl Suppleincnts. ❑ Revie�c �nn included isola�ed �caters ���ith no subs�antinl nexus to inters�nle (or foreign) commerce. ❑ Prior �o Ihc Inn 2001 Suprzine Couri decision in "SII�IA'CC;' �he rcvic«� arcn �vould hnve been regulnted based solelY on ihe "bligrntory 13ird Rule'� (��1B2). ❑AVnters do nol meet the "Signiticant Ne�us" stnndard, �vhera such a finding is required forjurisdiction. Gxplain: . ❑ Other. (e�plain, if not covercd abovc): . Provide acrcage estimntes for non-I��risdictional �vaters in thc revie�r nrea, �vhere Ihe sole potenti�l basis of I��risdiction is the �4BR (netors (i.e.. presence of migratoq� hirds, presenee ofendangerzd species, use of water for in�igated agriculture), usine best prolessional judgment (check all that apply): ❑ Non-�cetlund �vaters (i.e., rirers, strcams): linear feet �vidtli (ft). ❑ Lakes/ponds: ncres. ❑ Other non-���eU�nd ���aters: acres. Lis� [ype of nquatic resource: . ❑ VVetlands: acres. Proeide acrca@c cstimntes for non-jurisdictional �raters in ihc reric��° nren �hat do not meet the °Significanl Nexus" s(andazd. �vhere such a iindine is reyuired forjurisdictiun (check all that �ppl��); ❑ Von-���elland �calers (i.c.. rivers, s�remns): linear lee�. �cidth (ft). ❑ L�ikes�ponds: ncres. ❑ O�her non-�eetlnnd �vtilers: acrzs. Lis� tppe of nquntic resource: . ❑ A1'etlands: acres. SECTION IV: DATA SOURCES. A. SUPPORTING DATA. Data reriewed fm-JD (check nll thnt apply - checked items sh�ll be included in case �lle and, ���here chceked nnd reyues�ed, appropciatcly retirence sourczs belo�e): � iA-0aps, plans, plo�s or pint submitted by or on behal(ol �hc npplicanUconsultnnt . ❑ Da�n sheets prepnred/submi�led by or on behnit ofthe npplicnnt/consultan(. ❑ Offce concurs with datn shcctsldcline�lion rtpon. ❑ Oltice docs not concur ���ith dntn sheel�/delineation report. ❑ Data shects prepnred by the Corps: . ❑ Corps nnvigable �cater` study: . ❑ U.S. Geological Suracy Hydrologic A�Ins: . ❑ USGS NHD d�ta. ❑ USGS 8 nnA 12 dieit I IUC mups. � U.S. Geologicul Survey map(s). Cite scnlc �@ qund neme:l24k S�andingsmne btowuain. ❑ USDA Naiurol Resourees Consen�n[ion Service Soil Survey. Citntion: . ❑ Nationnl wctlnnds invzntory mnp(s). Cite name: . ❑ State/Local �ectl�nd inventoq� innp(s): . ❑ P6NIA/FIRM meps: . ❑ 100-year �loodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Da�um of 1929) � Photoeraphs: ❑ Acrial (Nnme �@ Date): . or � Othcr (Nnme fi Dnte):Bridee site visits June 2. 201d. ❑ Prcvious dzterminntion(s). File no. and date of response letlzr: . ❑ Applicable/supportine case la�v: . ❑ Applicable/supporting scicNific litemture: . ❑ Other info�ination (plcnsc spccify): . 6. ADDITIONAL CO➢IDIENTS TO SUPPORT JD: ��. ( G�+�'r��� ���� -;r Pi•oject No: {VBS No.: Pmjrd Tr�e�king No. (lnlernn( O�tf 13-08-0057 HISTORIC ARCHICTECTUI2� AND LANDSCAP�S NO SURV�Y R�QUIIt�D FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architectw�e and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INPORMATION Cotutty: Transylvania 17BP.14.R.121 DOC(IU72/1j � MCC Perl. AidNo: � NPHF-117-I(57) � Trrnding: I� State U Fecleral Federa! � Yes U No Perwit NWP 3& TVA Perir�it(s): 7'ype(s): Proiect Desci•iutioit: Repllce IIridge No 1 1 on SR 1559 (Solomon Jones R<I) over Walker Creek. SUMMARY OF HISTORIC LANllSCAP�S R�VICW Descrh�liat o(revieiv nclivilies, restdls, mrd co��clrrsiai�s: Review of 1IPO qu�d maps, relevant backgrow�d reports, historic designations rostcr, nnd indexes wns underteken on September 10, 2013. Based on this review there Tre no NR, DF., LL, SL, or SS iu Nie projec[ �ren. There is once house greater than 50 years of age in the project are�. According to N�e Transylv�nia GIS T�x data website the house was constructed in 1900. "The house is clearly visiUle front Google Street View and appears to be heavily �Itered and would not meet the minitnutn criteria for Natioual Register Listing. There are no otlter propeitics in the APG of this ro'ecl whicl� �re N�tional Rc ister eli ible. Whv Nre r�vni(n6le iitfoi•uinlio�i pravirles n re/i�ble bnsis for rensounblv u�'edicli�ie N�at //tere rn•e i10 unirle�rliTerl sipnificnnl /tistoric nrclti�ecturnl or lnndscnue resortrces i�i I/re nroiect m•ea: Using HPO GIS website �nd the Transylvania County GIS Tax Dnta website provides reli�ble informntion reg�rding the structures in the APE. These combined utilities are considered valid for Ihe purposes of determining the likelihood of his[oric resources being present. SUYPORT DOCUMCNTATION �Map(s) ❑Previous Suivey Info. ❑Photos ❑Correspondence �Design Plans TINDING I3Y NCDOT ARCHITGCTURAL HISTORIAN Historic Architectm•e �nd L�iidscapes -- NO SURVEY REQUIRED Hiela�ic ArdiileUine nnAl.andemy:s A'O SUqVlil' 2GQU/R1iD/orm JarAliimr Tinmpmhniuu Projec�e m Qua(ifiivl in tlie 1007 Pingrnnunulia Agnrmev. PTge 1 of 3 � � '�`� 4r�;z •, 1 � ,� , .. � �" ;'3� � -i � •�.� .k'" i „ v. .: . : ''2� � � `�iPt i.: �:2��:� .. r' i ag i � bt =��, . .'-- . y . �i, �� �,LL���' :� 4`^:' �� ; ��� tl ' "il F � , .*r. y •'e'��<s- �H �. . J -{'� Y `� yr�.� f"' °'y � Y ,'`'�i . <. � r �_! . � . . f� ° � � I, a . ' � '- � �� �� , . � -� � � � � .� - � - . , -w i � ? �;'(i � f p� .. / �... .M.. - _ ' J Y ♦ �: . P` �� :R JV � r`[r.�._i ; / �• 4 ,r,, '�-;h' � � . ;� T s 3 � y '�� i ' � �% N . 1�. �. l+.sr .: - ` . , �rr,. , n ,L .. n. �:i, i.. : ... ,>.� . .. . ' .J�1 �S-���..�. .9�. �. �a. �•1.. ♦,� . , . : J .. '_� �r:,'�E:�„ _•r�' �4, 4N7 ���r' �� ��, � � ` '`� .t . ..�: '` � .,y:pj � �..� �, ' - �p- •'+•.- .-±,. ��. ,7�. y 9''- , . . . ! �Yi .� Yy . � A YT ; :�. �'1 .� �..� ��' ;w ., , �. � � `". � .y.V�,�7� . .. Y�� �. • t Y p�. � T{ I i �'pN J �. ;r � � � Y � �i'� h a � `�, u .�,., �4 ' �'<;� �? ' � � •ss,a .`'1r..,Y +�-y.�n ' ...� .. � , . • _ -_" ' ^�� -�,�r � � _ .= :�' �. . « y . . y .. , . ;. � -� �dk: .,,ir�:� . '- � - �. .a ��1�rhi�• :.<t �.-�if ♦ Y� ��•. � . . . .. . .. 's�� w..M . . . Y .. ' _ . b�' � � � .. _ , .."�5: ' '- .. - ..� .�. .�� . . -.. . � . ' .f � 1 Y•�: �� ♦•. � _ . � I . � . _-t4. a.. . - -. '�;q -r�' _�•• _ . . �' . _s .k . . . ,i�^!- . . . . - ,,,',�, �� , �"z�,� � .� �- .� � � .�� � t , " �"y � _ �' � •_ 1 :� ' _.. .�. � � �;� wetsr .,�a - ��_ W6tda�4iJHMltl . � _ 43ew�w4omla-yp..aw.ua c. 1900 lioiise /!ielwic Ardrilecnvr mid (undrmpts NO.tiURI'!iY RIiQUllOID fam/v'Afiuor7rau.pormliou Proje�le u� Qnnli�rJln IAe 100] l'rogrnzmnlia dgr. emenl. Page 3 of 3 �f �i a �a � � c .� > �a .� > N c � �"' � r � i (�' � �,� � � aM �; W 4. � ,S 1 t i <�, „ �: ui 0 tr. ';y , M1�. 11 ` —._.. '� �. f.� v 5 4� `Y `� I(I 'I � � i� �+.� �� c. � r, � �3i F1 � t� � � � � , ����� � ����� ;:�� 11 � � r � t� ��� //. A � �� .1 ' �..� n � , �` � V��> . � \;� ��.._. `\,).:. I _ - 13-08-0057 �- v- -- /'���� NO ARCHA�OLOGICAL SURV�Y REQUIR�D 1+ORM ,,��.�}'Qb}� �� =�t's9�4 � This form only yer�nins [o A1tCHAEOLOGICAL R�SOiJRCES for Ihis projecL It is �iot �� ��I.�� �; p�� j valid for Historic Flrchiteclure and Landscepes. You must consult separately wilh the ��p '6+ o �- A�q.o,� ���:, �!� Hisroric Architeclure and Landscepes Group. �*�,`J�� ��� PROJF.C'C INrORMATION Projec! No: Briclge 11 WBS No: 17BP14.R12I Counly: Doc�nuerit. 'PrTUSylvani� MCS RA. No: u/� Funrliug: � State ❑ Federal !'eder•nl Permil Reqnirerl? � Yes ❑ No Peruiil Type.• NWP3 - TVA Pr ojec[ Descrrplia�: '1'Gis projcc[ p�•opose,s lo repince Britlge No. 11, ivlrich enrries SR1559 (Solomo�i Jones Rrl) over {Vniker Creek in Trnnsy/vmirn Cnunty, Nor7/i C�ro/inn. Accordri�g to tl�e environ�ue�dn/ inprrt reqrresl, (he m�derinking iitvolves die in vlace repincenteut of Ilie slruclru•e nlong /!te e.ris/ing n(igiuue�d, thereby mrnbitiziiig pntentinl sruface a�id s��bsu�fnce r(ishn•bniices nt Uiis locnlio�i. An off-site rletour rnn�c is nn�icipnte�l. Tlie nrcliaeolagicn[ Aren of Potenlia! Effects (APL') is ce�itered upon Bridge ]] nnd n+ensrrres 600ft iii (englh (300ft fro�n ench bridge endpoint) mnl 150f( in ividtli (75ft from ench srde of lhe SRI559 center-lbie). SUMNiARY Or CULTUItAL R�SOURC�S REVIEW I3rief rJescriptinn of revieiv nctiviHes, resulls of revie�v, mul couc6�sio�rs: The project area is loca[ed in the southeas[em-most portion of Transylvania, just nor[h of Greenville County, South Carolina and just west of the Henderson County border. Walker Creek, included within the French Broad River Drainage Basin, constitutes a second order stream flowing south to nor[h through the project area. This section of Transylvania is characterized by excellent drainage and a rolling, hilly topography often broken by portions of steeper, inter-mountain terrain. For the most part, the APE consists of marginal, occasionally flooded areas bordered by 15% to 30% sloping ground surfaces distinguislied by some ersion and rock outcropping at the surface. A map review and site file search was conducted at Ihe O(fice o( State Archaeology (OSA) on Thursday, August 29, 2013. Two archaeological sites (31TV136 & 31N137) are lo[ated a short distance to the wes[ of the current APE (Holden 1966). Little information can be discerned (rom the North Carolina archaeological site form or (rom the report entry regarding these resources. The 1966 report states, °T� 136... there ore two small sifes in !he Cleor Creek section south of Cedar Mountain. Moterial from Tr136 consists of one Monow Mounlain poinf, one Guilford point, one stemrned point, and n number of poin[ frngments. Tr 137... see also Tr136. Mn[eria! from this si[e consists of ane Early Triangtda� point one Connestee Cord-markersherd, and one Connestee Fabrirmarked sherd." Clearly, this data illusVates [he ocwpation or visi[a[ion of this propinquiry during Middie Archaic and Middle Woodland stages. Based on this information, the potential of documenting evidence of past prehistoric activiry in the vicinity of the Bridge Il APE is considered moderate. An inspection of National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), State Study Lis[ed (SL), Locally Designated (LD), Determined Eligible (DE), and Surveyed Site (SS) properties employing resources available on the NCSHPO website concluded that none of the above designated proper[y types were located within or adjacent to the projec[ area. Historic maps of Transylvania County and the APE were appraised for evidence of fonner structure locations, land use patterns, or other con(irmation of historic occupation at this locale and archaeological/historical reference materials were inspected as well. hi general, the historical review established an absence of NRHP listed properties, archaeological sites, or cemeteries within the APE, but determined the projett study area contains an am�lified potential for the documentation of prehistoric resources. "A'a ARC{/AEOI.OGYSURI'El' REQUIRED"Jorwlm dliimr Tmv�POr(nlion Projrals ns Qunlifird in Me 7007 PruR��nmialic Agreenienl. I o(2 In addition, topographic, geologic, environmental, and NRCS soil survey maps (To, ChE) were referenced to evaluate, geomorphological, hydrological, pedeological and other elements that may have resul[ed in past oceupation at this location. Construction design data was examined for determining the potential impacts to the APE groimd surfaces, and aerial photogrephs (NCDOT Spatial Data Viewer) and the Google Street View map applica[ion (when amenable) were examined/utilized for gaining a virtual, first-hand perspective of the overall study area and for assessing disturbances, both natural and human induced, which compromise the integrity of archaeological sites/deposits. BriefC.���lrmnlion af ivGy the rrvniln�le infor�untion Nrovides n relrnG(e Gnsis for renso�rnbly prerlieting Ilint Ihere nre iro nnirlenlifred Jiistoric�n•oper(ies i�i dre APG: The project APE con[ains no NRHP listed historic properties, previously documented archaeological sites, or cemeteries. According to topographic mapping, aerial imagery, soil data and the Google Street View map application, the eas[ern quadrants encompass a relatively low-lying, marginal area dis[inguished by occasionally ilooded and somewhat poorly drained soils. The northwestem quadrant is typi(ied by past grading activity associated with the SR1559 road consVUCtion/maintenance and a private driveway. Further, below ground utility installations, and a sloping/cut hillside diminish any potential archaeological site documen[ation at this location. The southwestem quadrant contains a modern home site wi[h a landscaped lawn exhibiting erosion and rock outcroppings at the groimd sur(ace. All of the above noted disturbantes and past impacts to the project area would have dismantled and invalidated any intact archaeological deposits in the APE. Since [he bridge replacement is diminutive in scope, sta[e-funded, and proposes no alteration of undisturbed ground areas beyond [he existing ditch-lines, meaningful archaeological sites/deposits are unlikely to be affec[ed by the project. No further archaeologiwl input or work will be necessary for this NCDOT Division 14 bridge replacement project. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See aUaclied: � M�p(s) � Previous Survey Info ❑ Photocopy of County Survey Notes TINDING BY NCDOT ARCIIAGOLOGIST �, NO ARCfIACOLOGY SURVGY REOUIRED� NCDOT � Photos ❑Correspondcncc Other: � "A'o ARC//AEOf,OGY SUftVt.'Y REQUTAt,'D "Jam�/or hlirmr Tmnrparinliai P�ojroh ru Q�mli/irAin Ihe 1007 Pioginuuimlie Agiermer�l. 2 0(2 I °' IC c .0 � � N C > � � `� r � N � 'd' n: m � T �� �� ti V `�D �b{ I c�! �. t. ,: i ., � ( ,1 1 1 �'� 0 K. f �i �qry��,� l�\4 o ""'4 r„uo . �!i 'b i% � �o ��� �' "S ... � ' � �..-.. .... ..�. �l �/'/.. `/ /.,.. 1� }; a�i `�) n 1'.' �.f��,� `A � f•��' I �.��.. ..i � . :�� i r�1 /.. I �/ !• i i �� _..� ��t . J�, — . .. �.. a L� Lp �. 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To—Cullowhee-Ela complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes, occasionally ilooded Map UnR Setting • Elevaffon:1,270to3,250fee[ • Meon annual precipitation: 60 to R inches • Mean annuol a!r femperamie: 46 to 57 degrees F • Fros!-Jree period: 116 to 170 days Map Unit Composition • Cullowhee,otcasionnllyJlodded,ondsimilarsoils:50percent • Ela, occasionallyJlooded, andsimllaisofls:40 percent • Minormmponents:lOpercent Description of Cullowhee, Occasionally Flodded Setting • Lond/orm: Flood plains on valleys • Land/onn position (thiee-dimensionaQ: Mountalnbase • Down-slopeshape:Linear • Aaoss-slopeshope:Concave • Porenhnaterial:Loamyalluviumovergravellyandcob6lysandyalluvlum Propertles and qua�ities • Slope: 0 to 3 percen[ • Depth ro restnttive Jeature: 20 to 40 inches to strongly contrasting textural streti(ication • Dioinn9edass:Somewha[poorlydrained • Capacity oJ fhe mosf limiting layer to trantmi! wnter (Ksat�: High (1.98 to 5.95 in/hr) • Depth to water table: A6out 18 to 24 inches • FrequenryoJJlooding:OCCasional • F�equencyoJponding:None • Avoilable water capocity: Low (about 3.6 inches) Interpretive groups • Faimland dossiJication: Farmland of local importance • Land cnpabiliry (noninigatedJ: 3w • Hydiologic5oil Group: A/D 7ypical pro(ile • 0 to 13 inches: Fine sandy loam • 13to23inches:Loamysand • 23 to35 inches: Loamy sand • 35to80inchez:Extremelygravellysand Description of Ela, Occaslonally Flooded Setting • LnndJorm: Depressions on flood plains • Landform position ([hiee-dimensionol/: Moim[alnbase � Dmvn-slope shope: Linear, concave • Across-slopesbope:Concave • Poient mnterioC Loamy alluviwn over sandy and gravelly allirvium Properties and qualities • Slope: 0 to 3 percent • Depth to resfricfive Jeoture.� 20 to AO inches to abrupt [extural change • Droinoge doss: Very poorly drained • Capncity of tiie most limifing Inyer to transmit wa[er (KsafJ: High (1.98 to 5.95 in/hr) • Dep[h to water tn61e: About 0 inches • FrequencyoJJloodin9:OCCasional • FrequencyoJpondin9:None • Available �votercopocity: Low (about 41 inches) Interpretive groups • Fnrmland dossiJicofion: Farmland of local Importance • Land capnbiliry (noninigatedJ: 6�v • Hydralogic Soil Group.� A/D Typlcal pro(ile • 0 to 15 inches: Silt loam • 15 to28inches: Gravellyfine sandy loam • 28 to 80inches: Extremely cobbly sandy loam Minor Components Reddies, occassionally flooded • Percento/mopunit:3percent • LondJomi: Flood plains on valleys • Londformposition (three-dimensionalJ: Mountainbase • Down-slope shope: Linear • Across-slopeshape:Convex Dillard, rarely flooded • Percen[ oJmap unit: 3 percent • Lnndform: Siream terraces • LandJorm position (two-dimensianolJ: Toeslope • LondJomt posifion (three-dimensionolJ: Base slope • Down-slopesbope:Concave • Across-slopeshnpe: Llnear Dellwood, occassionally flooded • Percenf of map unih 2 percent • LondJorm: Flood plains on valleys • LandJorm posifion (three-dimensionaQ: Moun[ainbase • Do�in�slopeshope:Linear • Aaoss-slopeshape: Convex Thurmont • Percen[ o/map unit 2 percen[ • (andfonn: Drainageways, mves • Land/orm positinn (tvio-dimensionolJ: Toeslope • Land/oim positron (three�dimensionolJ: Mountain6ase, base slope • Down-slope shope: Concave • Across-slooeshnue:Linear ChE—Evard loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes, stony Map Unit Setting • Elevntian: 2,220 to 4,150 feet • Mean unnunl precipitntian: 40 to 80 inches • Menn nnnuol nir tempe�nfure.• 46 to 57 degrees F • Frost-Jree period: 124 to 176 days Map Unit Composition • Evaid, stony, and similorsails: 80 percent Descrlptlon of Evard, Stony Setting • LondJoim: Mountain slopes, ridges • LandJorm position (t�vo-dimensional): Summit • LandJorm position (thiee�dimensionalJ: Mountaintop, crest • Dov�n-slopeshope:Convex • Acioss-slopeshape:Convex • Paren[ mote�iol: Residuum weathered from igneous and metamorphic rock P�operties and qualities • Slope: 15 to 30 percent • Sur/ace nrea covered viith mbbles, srones ar bouldeis: 0.1 percent • Oepth to resfrictive Jenture: More than 80 inches • Drainage dass: Well dralned • Copocity of the mos[ limiting loyer toVmrsmif viate� (Ksn[/: Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.981n/hr) • Depfh [o watei table: More than 80 inches • FrequencyoJJlaading:NOne • FrequenryoJponding�NOne • Avoilable waler mpocity: Moderate (about 8.2 inches) Interpretive groups • Fnrminnd dossiJitation: Farmland of local importance • Lnndcnpability(noniniga[edJ:4e • HydrologicSoilGroup:6 Typical profile • 0 fo 5 inches: Loam • 5 fo 32 inches: Clay loam • 32 fo 45 inches: Loam • 45 lo 80 inches: Sandy loam TeD—Tate (ine sandy loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting • flevnfion: 2,050 to 3,200 feet • Mean annual precipitofion: 42 to 50 inches • Mean annual air temperoture: 46 to 57 degrees F • Fiost-/ree period: 124 to 170 days Map Unit Composition • Tnteondsimilarsoils:95percent Descriptlon of Tate Setting • LondJoim: Coves, fans, drainageways • Down-s/opeshnpe:Concave • Across-slopeshope:Concave • Paren[ mote�ial: Colluvium derived from igneous and metamorphic rock Properties and qualities • Slope: 8 to IS percent • Depth ro restrictive feoture: More than 80 inches • Drninogedoss: Welldrained • Capocity of the most limiting Inye� to tinnsmit watei (Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) • Depth to wn[er Inble: More than 80 inches • Frequencyo/Jlooding:NOne • Frequenry of pondin9: None • Avniloble wolermpocity: High (about 10.2 inches) Interpretive groups • Farmlond clnssificotion: Farmland of statewide importance • Land cnpa6ility (nonirrignted): 3e • Hydrolagic 5oil Group: B Typical pro(Ile • Oto7inches: Loam a 7 to 46 inches: Clay loam • 46 to 80 inches: Cobblv loam ,` i � i _ L. r. r` -. , (((, \ ,' , - .. . fl / 1 �� � � . • ' �' ./ - �', , � ' � ti�V�nt ` • - � � ' � ' / r.�: � . � � .(Ntiunt�in;; � v: � ! � . � � . y:; - . . � . : �- �1.: � � � � � ��W'�- . �� � . . o �' i / , ?: � ' ' � 4:;; � 7 � ,�'�r��� . . 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I I -�� 10 11 12 13 14 15 + FO,R t11IL11Y 1 ��02 b,�, �hCg �dN BE�CHN�ARY. �1; i�A1L Ii� BASE OF 30"POPI AR 48.24' LT. OF -L- STA, 12+6`,,98 FI .'1903.52' I f b'�'ORAftY SFIORI,`.'G IROA019AV PA1' Ii�>.' 2 OEIAILI ti � — � ) �Z� �' y�., � �� �r —f�� L - ��� :'�f ���r�� . BRAkCH- ' �, GOES tl/G \ + �': =1� SEE UIILITY aRECnST oa C4Si-IN-PIACE -CONSi.Ji. 4_ADIiAL� / n HEP�CIALL 20 _� 0 _cns � u�u? i �AST-zN-P�a�E . cw_vERT Faorruc� _ AR�H ALTERNATE � i a„ c�-. J � � ��' ``�. �� ��� `�pL 91°-00'-00" / ( I Ai\'. 10 CURVtJ �Y 4IP HAP �� IiYPJ � � PROPOSE� 3°'-0'x 20'-0"x 3'�0 3-SS9ED PRECPSi 90X CULVERi 1 LENLi�{ -�� SiA.12-O9.00 -D _� PROPOSED GunR�]RnIL I �+ ��(ROAD'CiAY Pif( 1T^A 1 2. �EiAiU (iVP.) �� ` � � � � � � r LOCATION SKETCH acasr oa zN-a�nce co�us�.�r. iiEAO'Jdtl C� HEA049ALL � 20'-0" 0 LFR�casr u�u[r ��sT-r�-P���E _ cui vf.ar rooTiNC� _ o" �� z ���iGiG{ o z T i�<Z/Y/i /� /iGi:<�e i�i\TUi ��PiJI i ^ � i i FLAT T�PPFD ALTERNATE RIGHT ANGLE SECTION OF PRECAST CONCPETE THREE-SIDED `!1N. HE�L1iRE0 VYAiERYlAY 1.1I�AL019 CHOIiD ELEV,= 2° CH4'i�`a 9Y : . 'dAL . DdiE : Oi/2014 ai CK�o ev : TRP p�,rp ; OB/2014 N1�VG = le Sa.FI. � �vo oF cu��vtRr z � a, a a z z i � ii TOTAL STRUCTURE OUAIJTTTTES CLA55 A CONCRETE S�AGE I _______________________________________i°.7 C.Y. STAG`_ 11 _"'_ ' _______________________________i0 ° C.V. TOiAL ____________________ __ ______________30.6 GY. FOUNDATIDN EXCNIAl10N STaGE I _________________ '___________________ �3 C.'!. SIAGFTi _______________________________"_.____ 2° C.Y. rora� ---- io.z c.r. 4IP RAP, CLASS I SiAGE ? _________________________________. 12 TONS __ SiAGE IT .. ___________________________________42 TONS rorai- ------------------- �-------------------- sa ion�s cEOTExT?�E Foa oRaznacE s,ncE i ,o sa.rus. sT�,cE ii __________________se so. ros. Torr�� --------------------------------- -----ae sa. ros. aereova� or siaucruae nT s1n. tz+ya.00 -o- w��,P surn PRECAST RcINFORCE� C0�'CRtiE IHHEE-SIDFf) CL1lVFRT fJ STl�.12+98.00 -L_ ____________ _"..I.LI`1P SIJl' assur.�.EO �_vE �ono= ni.-es oR n�Tear.arc �oaoiNC. cuiveeT zs To oe o�sicNEO F�oia n r.+tNn�uv Fr�_� oFPTr. oF o.�s Fr.nn�o a r�nxi��.ur.� ��u oEr�i�i oF �so Fr. cas�-r�-P�acE coracRtrE sriAU ae aouaeo i�u rne FOLL01'iING OR�JER: L CIJLVEFT FOOTINGS A�'� V4ING FOOTINGS. 2 HEA01'IAI_IS,PIING 1'IALLS. A THREE FOOI STRIP OF F1LiER FABRIC SHAtI. HE ATTACHED TO THE FILL FAC� OF THE 1'IING COVFRING IHE ENTIf2E LENGIH OF THE EXPANS10i� JOIRT. iHE RESIDEM ENGINEER SHALL CHECY, iHE LE�GTH OF CIIWFgT OEFORE SlA'I,i�G IT Ol1T TO HAKE CEFTASN THAT IT YIILL PFOPERLY iAKE CARE OF THE FLL. rOF PRECPSi REINFORCED CONCREIE THREE-SIDE� Cl1LVERi,SEE SPECIAL PROVISSONS. ALL IAATERIALS SHALL IdEEi illf Rf_OIJIFE^'ENTS OF TH� NC�01 SiAtJ�AR� SPECIFICA110NS FCR ROA�S AAD STRIICTURES �AiED JANUARY 2012. TFE DETAILS SHOJlN dRf FOR GENEP,AL LAYOt1T ONLY.iHE Sl1PPLIER SHALL PFOV1[]E �ESIGNS Ai�D �ETAILS FOft FEVIEI9 AN� APPROVAL THAT 1!cEl IHE PEOl1IFBdENIS OF AASH(0 LRF� HRI�GE �E51GN SPECIFICATIONS.SECiIDiJ 12,ANU 4RE SEALED �Y A NORTH CAROLIP:A RWISTERED PROFFSSIO�lAL ENGINEER. GuAR�RAIL POS1 LOCA7IOiu5 SHALL 9E �FTERMSNE� IN THE FIEL� BY THE ENGSNGER 10 EP:SIIRF A�EOl1ATt COVEft F0�4 INSiALLAl10;1. AFTEf2 SFRIilG AS A TEIP�RARY SiRIICTl13t i° E%15i1:G Sii2ilClLk�� COASTSiiNC OF 1 SPAN olII'-7'. i1.�dEH rL00R 0A I'II'BER ,.OISTS,E�J 9E�TS 0, ll LR C-� � D i1.'3�4 POSIS 2 4LLS a/ RIOUS CiS S'IAiL HE RPIOVFD. IFE E%i5i1V'G BR 9Gt 1S RR SE �1 YOi POSTE� FOR LOACI LLILSHOII-0 i4E SiRUCiURAL If,�EGR�iY OF iFE 34i�G �EiERip4 iE �UR1�VG CONSTRIICItOA OF THE PROPOSE� �RIOGE,A LOAf7 LIHIT "nf aF POSiE� �6D .'AY 6E ftE�UCED AS FOUND t:LCF55ARY �IJRING iHE LIFE OF THE PROJECT. RB.IOVAL C� THE EXISTIIdG 5R1�GE SHALL 9E PFRFOR`1ED SO AS NOT TO ALL014 f]EBRIS TO FALL ICTO THE YlATER. i:lE CO?1TftACTOR SHAI L RBdOVE IHC 6RIDGE Ai�� SUB!dI5 PLANS FOR OE1,!OLITIOH IN ACCOR�A1lCE IVITF AFTSCIE �02-2 OF iHE STA':�nR� SPECi�ICATI0��5. THE SIJHS712lICTLIRE OF THE E%ISTING BFI�GE IN�ICAiE7 01: TIIE PLPiA'S IS FRO!d THE B-ST TNFOF!dATION AVA71.AR16,51NCE THIS I�A'FORCIATION IS SHOVYPI FOR THE CO�WF.NiENCE OF T4E CO.VTRACTOR.inF_ CO�TRACIOR SHALL HAVE NO CLAI`,'. 14HATSOEVER AGAINSi iHE �EPARTI.1ENi OF TRANSPOkTATIDk FOR ANV f]FLAYS OA AD�ITIONAL COST INCURFE� BASE� ON �IFFERENCES BFI'1lE6`! IHE EXISTIkG �FIOGE SUBSTRUCTURE SHOV4N 0�`1 THE PLANS AN� THE ACiUAL CONOIiIONS AT Te= PROJtCT SITE. THE SCOL;R CRLTICAL ELEVATIDN IS THE BOTTO`d OF THE FOOiItJG ELEVATIOY.SCOl1R CR1iICAt ELEVATIONS ARE t1SE� TO l.IONITOR POSSIBLE SC011ft PROB-F��.S OIJRING iHE LIFETII.lE OF THE STRIJCit1RE. TaF SPRFpO POOTI�VGS AFE �FSIGNFf] FOR �1 FACTORE� RESISTA��CE OF 9.0 iSF.C;IECN FIEL� con�ozTio�us FoR �NE REauaiEU aESisTn�ucF c.� a.s Ts; �usi oEFOaE ��ac?uc con�c�ETF. KEY IN SPREA� FOOTIkGS Ai LEAST 12 !P;C4ES INTO i1FhT11FRE0 ROCK 0�4 AT �FAST 6 INCHES I�TO ROCK V7IiH IdINIM.l11A THICY.NESS SH019N ON illE' PLANS. FOR EROSIO`� CO�iROL IAE4Sl1RES, CIILVtBT ONERSIOH �ETAILS AN� PAY ITE`."„ SEE EP.OSIOiA' CONTfiOL PLPNS. FOR NOTFS C0�ATINl1E�. SEE S4EEi 2 Of' 4. �, _ �� 23._5.. � 9,_7, e._B. II(� �_ �__ ��_ __ � � _ L L — } I � \ �EL.28°o3! C"�� � ��-��" - `EL 289u.2! E6. 2890.1= � Ei . aess.r e�. 2aso.i - EL 2890.1 *- PROFILE ALONG �� CULVERT GRADF DATA GRAOE POI;JT ELEV. [d STA.12=°8.00 -P = 2°OZ97 BED ELFV. = 2895J9 aonm�rnr s�oaes = za ToP or rooTtnc ��ev. = zaes.rs r HYDRAULIC DATA � oES�cri o?scrir,acE = seo c�s Fawu�ncr oF oeszcu F�000 = zs vas oESZCN NzcY r,areH t�evAUO�u = ze�9.s oaazNnce aaEn = a.a� so. ��.i, BASE OISCHARGE (0100) _ �00 Cf5 BASE IiiGll 1'IAiEP ELFVAiIOiJ = 290I,38 OVERTOPPING FLOOD DATA OVFRTOPPING DISCHA�GE = 780 CFS FREOUEHCY OF OVERTOP°IRG FLOC� = 100 YRS+ OVERTOPPING f100� ELEVATION = 2°029 RS�1 PROJECT N0. R BP�14eR,121 TRANSYLVANIA CouNrv sTArzoN: 12+98,00 -L- - _ �..a�r a:o.n:, DEPARTIdENT OF TRANSPORTATION •.F«i '� NGLE 20'-0" X 3'-0" 3-SIDED PRECAST BOX CULVERT FOR BRIDGE OVER 19ALKER CREEK ON SR 1559 BETVJEEN SR 1578 AND US 276 kEVISI0N5 9�EL1 B�:�� 51.�I ��� �, � ° i '� I i I II i, ND"Id °�!, �; '�� I I' � I I i' � :°i � AS Ol 3iLLY31W9 �33 :� I !. I � I �� . � AS BC 3111X31039 153 I b I'' � � �� 5p�01 ZI =� dPo I SMJ A53 9� 1151�9 Ol l2� ��,NOYf 53MtlA�3JOl k / y I 9H115([0 L l Z VOb3 531cYA 3dOli4 � �I r I I �-� - � R�/ { I SM1Oli> =dVe'dlHl'StlIJ153 I� � °� - S I 4 II I i I IJ f° IIKOI1tlAtlJ%3 �153 . I I .i I . I _ i �il I f / � I I . I. I �,, I .. I � � S�i NoI1VAYJ}3 �� � p � ,.� - � i I Ilms oi ta+l � � 3 I l�ms .oi ioul � '� - �, � i �-e e{oiux ' I . . �i I. , i I ti �� / r`% ` i '. I � . � . r�r e:ou�as I �I I � � �I I �', $ g sNl I �n� ao au3 �toea wxqsve � r � r - � �� I li �_ _ _ I � '�-�r I �� � � �£� / / �� ��..� I a �II� i I . � in3 o-iixa;o�. aN3 vwle u3e _ � .II.; �aiux3ii? I! 8 � � _ �� ia3li � � '�� nsnrvs� � o � � � i �� I I � � � 3111C3L�3 � 3111%31039 I � z Sy � � ,� � i nvnouni_. � n4xor��i� � � � � ] � %��� I _ � I_ � ' I i I . me� � � I I� ,�. � l0 . itl � I I �Qy ��� � I '� �.' l�l / � /�ti/ �� � �j I . i I I i�R L I I - I %� yI :_ /i i � � 7 � j. .� �."�i �� � I '.�.� I i i � J nvei�nu��i �G �v�% �.. � I i � _ I . I� . ��usip . _ __' �' ; I � ��- ; � �':� i,� d; .� � � I��. ��- reiL ���� � _ � ��. � U3e ��v3a��, I I _,, xaren. -- � �'� I I ^'� , i � °�� . ,� � i ` a�vv3na ii i I rh i � . I�f>w � � �r '��'� / S' �� ,, .. i Y i.i �. �� II � � t �/\_�., n�p I I �tiu � vo�l �� �� �� � � i �� � -�}� � °� ' �� �� � �s /`� V I I � I�I � � � I � � � i � j I�� I I_ I I( I I I�`� I� ir I� ��t \,.� j I � � � _ -I I I I.,, �I !�' � � II ; I I � I � � I I I � . i I ({' �+i I � + i o � N{� � g� i I � I I � I l�i»sloiiou� � I l i I.I I .. t���� .� I' I�\ �'�, lI '_i � i . �.� i'o � I, % � m I.. ��a °�i ' I o;a �va�� i orldsrc�� �i li I .. `. i� II . i. . I �'.� /` 1 I� � �`� I I �',�I I I I__ I I . �. � 0 v � I�� I� ��� � � ' __ � _ �� � __'� ' I' I � ��roioa3 v.�, � �� � � . � � ���� � � � � _- -_ _ z � > '��� , � . li �� � .. i ' 1 �� _ r�o oaa a o . , � ,.� a�r �i� '. I I �� � � . �_ i � � . E � y '1 N . tm�e:in .f — I I II I�. .�I o•.iooi o-i a3e r,vaus I � _��� I i i II I I I m��a I m I o u i,ri � � i Gin i I � . � I 9`]LLSR3 I � \_ - j� i � 5 � , n � � p� � I� i� , � ��\ _�p � i�� �� � � ", L I �� rc eot tirerc � �A \ :� _ i i t I i � i s-e ��,usua ( ' � C � � I -', 1 -'� I � I .o�j— `f � i -� � , I� � ' ' ���.� \ \ i _ �� � i' �I . � � 1 \ , I , f � , ��I I � I . -�{s �; - � � I �� ���� V � ' ,nA '-- ' � r I �. � � � . ' I �. __.i I ���..�' . . , o, f� �. '. i i� i i � I I .. . �. i. .I \ � I, � �� �i I .I .o��` �. � .. i. � � �I � � � �I , : _. _!_._ . � -.. , . S I ' �� 01 I _� _1_. �_- r "i ..- i. � _..-� I,�l�}.. r .�.��i dB ' � �� I £ m I- .ii� _+ i _�ili _�i il . i �� . �'� � \� ' �. �o L. �� ���'_i� � �� . nio �� I I I 1-'� � � I� iA- —I .Ez �'._a �i�.7� �i, �_ i I - ',.Ij� � I/i':�� � �u� I i . I ___. � eoi un � \ _ I �Niisb f i T I-_ � I �� I,�� s� ' � �,-� ��T�I ' .�i ... . i � . o•�usna i � � ��-'_' � li �, � " ��\ �b � 11'I I i r i I i 3`J�IY(iO3Jtl110Y3L301 . T I rfCOtJ�� � I . I � I15iY3- I TI ., � �. . � �.- t��.ro+v�__♦ � �i � 0' 6 Z 666BZ 6668L U 00 I ._. � 801 d ;�'{� II_ ___ P 11H91Y W6[ {I �� '. � I..'li' r � I. O I S.�p o I el SY KOIU329 I �- - � z �� .�f10t So-ll II � I I i a � 1 li - 1IY Id\MOS i0 31tl0 �` . 9'960L �. l3 LAN I I� � �� O � �I I�� . EIOL 8'006 3S d Yd � � f O1SIL... I . I�NAYLLdSe� II III.� i � I i 1-�...II I� �I' �a � I� I tl �` - �' 6L'W6Z 0"OOdL 9'�66Bi 1'668L 1VYNVN ,' ITi.� . I _.. ,,.�;8f1U6t 3SE� . _.-..- �016Z I � . � .__ O i � r e ¢I .. I bOZ06L OZ06L 0'106L 5660Z q;ILL51ti I I:_ I I I I � I I'� I i �� ooi �✓os ss � oi �. i 'naooi i I . 'o 0 .�rano3'm I � I i< r�r � u r� . . � . . � : � � ��° �� � 319tl1 3>NM'![03Y3d � I I'�� � . l f.l II Z � i I I � � •. I �� i�� � � � . I I�� �I b�� I I � ioa�t� � li�. - �� _._ i..i>Irini I :os� .i�m�sirzoN .I � I �i� I� � "$m� _ - . - � . . - - . - �inlooi ialos ��n'.os n'ooi . _ . — — �� lu � I �_ i- - � -- -' - -- I � I � � - --f � - � _ __ _i� -�I� !°-- � -- -- - SITE DATA ADDITIONAL INFORMATION_AND COMPUTATIONS g! Ommag° /uea OBI Sp M1J �p ��i �RINEAiEO USGS SAEA�6iAi5 .� �-I Ncooreu.wcw.ar�zoo�,cxooz u.o zaae p,.�,q�,� pneNCn exonn u.,,�n:, ru�u ^�'� CULVERT SURVEY & HYDRAULIC DESIGN REPORT � I° ..... ._.._. __._' _...__._ ._ ......_.. . . __. _...... ......... p I --- - „„ N. C. DEPARTIAENI OF TRANSPORTA➢ON H1'OSOtOGIC CONiOUi 8 �<HART C100] fO0.1PAlEYIVANW CO:1 Skaom ClouACCnon �S..a os imu�, NgA puolP� Wa�er, sY� . S!%35 C 1R ,,,,,,_„ i.�, OMSION OF HWMYAYS HYOAAUpCS UNR pvFA OF V/AIEVSXED (0;811�640� Sle.d Ia: Doio m Ennng Aa�n�ra 1 SPN! p IB'-) j R oER fL00R ON N�9fR IOIStS, FBiS iLK9E0. UFS �'�. RRfIGH, N. C. N.BFR POSTS 6 SILLS p VnP. CFNifRi NEIGFR CFO'/M i0 0EU =) f1. �; — LENGIH OF WAiEASHE� 10115 _._ pzbri4 Po'e I�, lom.A_NOd=rCa A�ph .. .. .__._ _.___ . ..... _ SHAPE PAPM.fifR /. /t'- _(�518 � b560�tOR5'�= 011 _ pala on SM1WUres Up ond Darvn Srcam _,_ US SiftUCNFE._ fFNATE �iIVEY!AY,I SPAN (, IS'__ 3 I D. No SF-O$00��_.. Piq<ANo .... ����� Rltl Pmp S!m:on __ -� �� 9BC0 _ .._ .... ..._ . SHA➢E CO0.GfC➢O`! FAROR =_9 (CH4RT QW.�) CON<fiTf SU9 HEIGHI CROIVN i0 6E0 d 5 R. o. �ovnry iPANSYLYMIA __ Shcam_._ �YAI%fR CiEEK ____ Strv No �5 AiUCfURE 8)0133 - lt 5E4 iL002 ON L¢FAM 1[� 16'-8 ---��- . ..... ._ ..... .... ._._... _ .... ....._. ........ ... ........ ..._. tfA PuM olRxaNs !.A �� On H9h^aY SR IS$9.___ __._ B-fn�xn S$_I;IB_, _ Gan 5!0( No __.__ . . ..... ._..)-u. �; __. ontl ........ US1],6......._..___ ..... _._._ _.___ _...__. _...._ _. ....__. _ ._ . .. ._ ___ __ __ _.__. ._....__ .. ?�`7 ........... ......_...._. ._.._._._ F'uc �isclwr9e . I�A....... _.._.cCs Doe iiA.. ._ .._ ._ Rs9•�enq M1A ____. dt Rewmm.rd:d Srvanra ....._ 40-0' % 3-0' }SIOEO CULVfki......_. _...._._......_.... 410 . __SiO. x 0:53 r 9 . .163. As ......_. 7fA..!fi.____ _____ _-_ °� .... ..__..__. ____._ -____ ___._. __ _ _ . .._..___. ---- Hisiori<al F�ood Info�molion SFE PD�I110KLL L`IiOWlAiIO� PllD C0113UTAi�ONS Qi5 550 x0)6 9 ])d � 0¢0 A. P- d af o! Ycaomm•MW WdM1 olROOd.o� 26[-0'_$HOUIOFk P{ i0_}�{OULUSV Y�,. S�e ._ . 5 __.. . ..... . ___ _ _ __ .... _ ...... �alu _._ flc .. ... N.FeI Fre .. -'� 904Sn ...._. q ... )r. Sw <e /'A CU1VI QYANGES Kn d9a_ O50 $SOp.:9 �95 ah____ 500 ds _ __,____ ___ 519 SOLO:;O� PD .-... -F d c! m�� PemmmeM<d Laa�on u �UpOBU� Shwm ham Fiir 9 G .g.AT.,E,)ISiIYG IOUTON.._. -__ __ PYa ._. FI _ ._hb1 i e9 )c So e ___ __ . Kr dg _ )a _ a��� � tl S�ae daic. ❑ Y.egi ITxr ❑ Sob-0.p�� IT � QI00 SSO.x.l�l a 9 599 6 _._ 600 d__.... .__. ..... ..... q.ovvb!a HV/ fl •�90i,d9_FYJSi p100 VISEL.0 1318IF. 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