HomeMy WebLinkAboutRE MDI project (U-5204)Strickland, Bev From: Slaughter, Johnathan H Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2014 7:49 AM To: Wanucha, Dave Subject: RE: MDI project (U-5204) � I vvould �xp�ct that basins vvould only b� r�mov�d in ar�as vvh�r� p�rman�nt v�g�tation has alr�ady b��n �stablish�d. I will r�lay your conc�rns today whil� I am out th�r�. From: Wanucha, Dave Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2014 4:37 PM To: Slaughter, Johnathan H Subject: RE: MDI project (U-5204) P�I�ath, I m�t with J�ff Winkl�r and JT Russ�ll at th� jobsit� trail�r last Friday (Jun� 27) to r�vi�w NPDES r�cords and follow-up with obs�rvations of th� condition of skimm�r basins and oth�r �MPs throughout th� proj�ct. �oth Mr. Winkl�r and Russ�ll w�r� most h�lpful and took th� tim� to r�vi�w th� plans and d�scrib� th� proj�ct and maint�nanc� work r�lat�d to �rosion control m�asur�s. J�ff indicat�d DOT may b� r�moving som� of th� skimm�r basins in th� n�ar futur�. I suppos� this is in lin� vvith DOT°s standard practic�s but it may b� too soon to b� thinking along thos� lin�s giv�n that w�°r� in hurrican� s�ason? Oth�r than this on� conc�rn, all r�cords and �rosion control m�asur�s w�r� judg�d to b� in vvorking ord�r and compliant. I hav� �nt�r�d th� insp�ctions in our databas�. If you n��d a formal I�tt�r to docum�nt th� insp�ctions (similar to what Mik� Park�r was providing) pl�as� I�t m� know. Oth�rwis�, th�s� �mail corr�spond�nc�s will b� plac�d in th� proj�ct fil� and archiv�d for th� r�cord. Thanks. L��� I�ave Wanucha TTC I7ivision of Water Resources Transportation Permitting Unit 585 VVaughtown Street WinstonmSalem, TTC 27107 Voice: (336) 771m4951 FAX: (336) 771m4630 I�ave.VVanuchan,ncdenr. _�ov E-mail corr�spond�nc� to and from this addr�ss may b� subj�ct to th� North Carolina Public R�cords Lavv and may b� disclos�d to third parti�s. From: Slaughter, Johnathan H Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 3:42 PM To: Wanucha, Dave Subject: RE: MDI project (U-5204) i , � , ��� � � � � .�� ��. .�� � . � . i I do not hav� an �I�ctronic copy of th� plans. You should probably ch�ck with th� Ash�vill� R�gional Offic� sinc� Mik� Park�r was looking aft�r this job. Ch�ck with Land Ci.uality and Wat�r R�sourc�s. If you can°t locat� what you ar� looking for, I�t m� know and I°II try to track som�thing down. I just look at th� plans in th� fi�ld offic� on-sit� if I hav� qu�stions whil� I°m th�r�. From: Wanucha, Dave Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 3:00 PM To: Slaughter, Johnathan H Subject: RE: MDI project (U-5204) P�I�ath, W� visit�d th� sit� last vv��k on Friday and obs�rv�d vvh�r� a skimm�r basin adjac�nt to th� bridg� had b��n ov�rvvh�lm�d. A thin lay�r of s�dim�nt had accumulat�d in th� vv�tland but do�s not n��d to b� r�mov�d. Th� v�g�tation is thick and mor� damag� vvould occur to th� vv�tland vvhil� att�mpting to r�mov� th� s�dim�nt. It app�ars that most of th� s�dim�nt vvas captur�d by th� basin. . �. . � �. . +� Our offic� do�s not hav� a copy of th� stormwat�r and �rosion manag�m�nt control plans for this proj�ct. Pl�as� s�nd an �I�ctronic copy if on� is availabl�. � I�ave Wanucha TTC I7ivision of Water Resources Transportation Permitting Unit 585 VVaughtown Street WinstonmSalem, TTC 27107 Voice: (336) 771m4951 FAX: (336) 771m4630 I�ave.VVanuchan,ncdenr. _�ov E-mail corr�spond�nc� to and from this addr�ss may b� subj�ct to th� North Carolina Public R�cords Lavv and may b� disclos�d to third parti�s. � From: Slaughter, Johnathan H Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 3:38 PM To: Wanucha, Dave Cc: Poindexter, David A; Tetzlaff, Douglas J; Beaver, G Trent; Freeman, R. Mark; Puckett, Lester L; Trivette, Neil; Elmore, Bethany Subject: RE: MDI project (U-5204) � It°s a v�ry long story but th�r� is no p�rmit on this on�. This is a n�w alignm�nt roadway with 2 str�am crossings that vv�r� bridg�d high ground to high ground. Silt �nt�r�d a str�am and vv�tland n�ar th� bridg� at station 37+00 It. on th� L-lin�. I hav� instruct�d th� buck�t brigad� to b�gin r�cov�ring what w� can from floodplain ar�as along th� cr��k for about 800 lin�ar f��t. Th� silt is r�ally not thick �nough to r�cov�r from th� flowing wat�r. All w� would do is stir it up and it would wash off of th� shov�ls b�for� w� got it out of th� wat�r. From: Wanucha, Dave Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 2:44 PM To: Slaughter, Johnathan H Subject: RE: MDI project (U-5204) H�y H�ath, Could you b� a littl� mor� sp�cific with th� p�rmit No. Mik� Park�r conduct�d insp�ctions out th�r� last y�ar I cannot s��m to find on� in our fil�s, although I did s�� wh�r� Thanks. f�� I�ave VVanucha TTC I7ivision of Water Resources Transportation Permitting Unit 585 VVaughtown Street WinstonmSalem, TTC 27107 Voice: (336) 771m4951 FAX: (336) 771m4630 I�ave.VVanuchan,ncdenr. _�ov E-mail corr�spond�nc� to and from this addr�ss may b� subj�ct to th� North Carolina Public R�cords Lavv and may b� disclos�d to third parti�s. From: Slaughter, Johnathan H Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 9:04 AM To: Wanucha, Dave Subject: MDI project (U-5204) Dave, I have been advised that sediment was lost into a stream on the subject route during recent heavy thunderstorms. A rock lined ditch was damaged and EC measures were overwhelmed. There are 2 bridges on this project and I'm not sure exactly where the issue is at this time but we will direct our contractor to recover any sediment that is recoverable. I rr�7all �:urrc,�l�ui�dci��;e, �C�u ai�d ��rurr�7 �U•ii� �e,i�dcr i� �ul�j��;� �u �C�h•ie, I"J � I�'�"ul�li�; I ta�:ur�:;� I..aw ai�d ir�7ay I�c rli��;lu�e,rl �u �C�h•ih�rl I�artie,�,