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GW1-2022-07179_Well Construction - GW1_20220729
-` -- -- 828-622-7241 p,1 Feb 1519 05:43p GlearWater Well Drilling -^ WEX_L.CON$' LJCTION ,C�iRn tGW a.l j For Internal L)se Onty; t. dlCnntraetnrinformatE 14.W ZONESWE) no� o Well ContracuxName ft. ft � ry' ft. for maTB-eased wells OR LMI� K a e !..Well Cnntnctvr CedifioMion N++mter ^ 1 1 ', "S.pt1TF.R Cm41WA DTA 6R nttt�ctrnas ntATtsatwL I i[�V j1 ,rROM G ._ 1 tr. ft. 1 in. 6.INNER CASING OR TIrBING rlwrmal etesed 1 MATrt11AL CnrnpnnyNnmr. r•� 4 I � atAMErSa TAtCKNUS t-V' '"PRL)yt TO H. ft. In. 2.4Yc11 Construction Permit M. .�..— -- i.lw all applicable wellemsrnfWanlarmirt 0.e.rJlr:,C.orerNy,Sla1c,Variance,ef...1 ft• in. n. 3.NVdl Tlsc(check well list): "17.S=C nIA STh1t. St4T9v.6 TNrCrrIrHSS MATidR1A1. Water SupplyNVOI: atlt>titrt TO ft. in AgriculturalMtmicfpal/Puhiic O ft Geothermal(1•IeatirtgfCooling Supply) Residentiat Water Snpply(single) ft. rndustrinllCommercinl Residential Water Supply(shared) t&C. OUTA rtsttt 5;ic CBMCKr?taTRon AMOUNT FRpitt TO irrigation -i ru fa ikon Nvnter Supply Well.- �4onitoring Recovery _ lnjcation Wdl: ft. R' Aquifer Recharge 0t�•�(-,roun RAVBLPAeK ifsdwater Remediatinn Tri1TrLACEMENT NXTnon G�1 r14,SA[3f1/G V We Aquifer S1prr1FC and lZCCAVcr}' !.-•1` ((;;""'';;Salinity Barrier PROM 7` MAT IAL . Smrmwa ter Drainage llquiter Test [)' fY. r- ts a, Experimental Tcchnoingy k.-t' idence Control zp,pRlT.T.TNG rllw N t rsee Geothemal(Closed Loop) Color. rc, Gcothernial(i{catin ao[ing Rcn�eU Other(ex lain under fi2.1 Remarks) ft. ft - WclllDtl t,DatcWelils)Com feted: _ — rt - 5+1.Welll,nratlnn: ft. n. G:+eiltt)![laa+erlfMe .. n �yyFacility[Do(if applicalrlr.) _ E__ t P_..lf�1t11yc nI ArAres,City and 7ip MARKS Unit C 1++++tv parcel idcntiitcation No.(PiN) DW0/80C3 !it).latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ie%vell field,one lat%ng is sufneicnt} C 2 recation: b.ls(arc)the welt(s)b'ermnnent or ©1Tetnpnrary Sittr+Mur nrcatlrLd c I rnrtrncta Iry er�mm,rhtx.lirrm,I6rerehv c�ertffy Thal the+wdl(,)war M'�)rrxrorrrcred h'r acchrdnncr 7.is this a repair to an existing Well: ovas or 00 vlrh lS.t.�f`Ar..'o7.C.0101)or 1SA Y('AC 02C.f1200 Well C"11S1n+cr(on Sloadarrtr mvl char e ennp r�fdtlr rrrnrrl has hem pmpideed it)dw well mmex. l"rNs.i..)repair.fill nftrktrawa nvll.ronsrracnan i,lformailan coed explain the.ann're nrlhc i "..pair tinder+af remarkx section or an lln:hark of rhtx jarnr• L3_Gite diagram or Additional Well 41101111s: R.Far Geoprobe/i1PT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same )'ou may use the back.of this page to provide additional well gild dt�Ails or wet] mnsinictinn,only I GW1 is needed. 1'ndicefo TOTAI-NLIMBER or-,vrlls construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necrM111y. drilled:__,.___ ) MITTAI NS INSTRUCTIO SLIF 9.Total well depth lxlow land surface: us (R•) 249. for ni! Wells: submit this form within 30 days of completion of%hell For roiduplc wells uAt Ali d tprin ifdrfferew(rxmnnle-J0200'and 1001 comintetion to the follotring: 10.Static wittier level below top of rasing: (ft.) Division ofWarer Resources,information Processing Unit, 1fmnlerlcrrlLroVeveCP.ring,free •" 1617himil Service Ceuter,Rateigh.NC276"-t617 11.RorchotedinmeMr- tY'` Crn•) 24b.For(piection Welts+ b)addition to Sending the form to the oddrom in 248 above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completltm of well 12.Well construction method: Y� cr+nstructioo to the following: (i C.mrg ,rotary.silk,direst push,dc,) r Division of Water Resources;Underground injection Control Program. POR WATER 1qt:PP1_N'W.F,I.LS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Centrr,Raleigh,NC 27�9-163ti 13%.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 1t^ 2itc, For Water Conpls&Talection Wells: In addition too sanding the form to ""— the addresses) above; also submit`one copy of this form within 30 deys of 13h.Disinfecrion type:_- _ _ Amount: completion of well construction t 'the cotmty health department of the county where oxmsttncted. I+orn+cm'.t North Cnmlinnt?cpnnmentof lim4rdnmcnnl Quality-Divis+onof Water RaWourc i ; Revised2-22 2of 6 i