HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221070 Ver 1_AIP Deed_20220809FOR REGISTRATION REGISTER OF DEEDS Jennifer Leggett Whitehurst Beaufort County, NC February 03, 2022 02;35:07 PM Book 2093 Page 661-660 FEE: $26.00 INSTRUMENT # 2022000582 BEAUFORT COi fry R Land Records official ' Dato Q1W BX20O3PG65 NO REAL ESTATE TAX PAID Beaufort County Tax Collectors #'cation Tax Collector' Official a Date 1 II' I I 1 I II NCI i IUSTRUEPJI # 2822O 582 Prepared by: Harvell and Collins, P.A. 1107 Bridges Street, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BEAUFORT QUIT -CLAIM DEED PARCEL ID: 6565-56-6484 NO STAMPS THIS QUIT -CLAIM DEED made and entered into this December, 2021, by and between: 13`h day MARY GILFORD THOMPSON (a/k/a MARY G. THOMPSON) AND SPOUSE, MAX FOREST THOMPSON, JR. (a/k/a MAX F. THOMPSON, JR.) Retains a Life Estate 820 Vineyard Drive New Bern, North Carolina 28562 (hereinafter GRANTOR) and MAX FOREST THOMPSON, JR., AS TRUSTEE UNDER THE MAX FOREST THOMPSON, III, AND MATTHEW HILL THOMPSON REVOCABLE TRUST DATED THE 13Th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2021 A 99.99% Tenants in Common Remainder Interest 820 Vineyard Drive New Bern, North Carolina 28562 (hereinafter GRANTEE) The designation GRANTOR and GRANTEE as used include said parties, their heirs, successors, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine, required by context. W I T N E S S E T H: of herein shall assigns, and or neuter as That the GRANTOR, Retains a Life Estate in that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land situated in Richlands Township, Beaufort County, North Carolina, and more particularly described in Exhibit BK2093PS652 "A" attached hereto, and for a valuable consideration paid by the GRANTEE, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has remised and released and by these presents, does remise, release, and forever quit -claim a remainder interest of said GRANTOR in and to that certain lot, tract, or parcel of land situated in Richlands Township, Beaufort County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO. NO TITLE SEARCH REQUESTED NOR RENDERED BY THIS OFFICE. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 105-317.2, Grantor certifies the property described herein doesvinclude the Grantor's primary residence. NOT Title to the property conveyed herein is subject to all restrictive covenants, easements, conditions and rights -of -way of record. The GRANTEE herein takes the property subject to any deed of trust, equity -line, or encumbrance of record. The purpose of this deed is to transfer a remainder interest in the property to the GRANTEE and for the GRANTOR to retain a life estate in said property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD a remainder interest in the aforesaid lot, tract, or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, to the said GRANTEE, its heirs and assigns, free and discharged from all right, title, claim, or interest of the said GRANTOR, or anyone claiming by, through, or under it upon vesting of GRANTEE'S remainder interest. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GRANTOR has executed this instrument and has adopted the. typewritten word "SEAL" after its name as its official seal on the day and year first above , ritten. X MA GILFORD T"• PSON (a/k/a MARY G. HOMPSON), by MAX F. THOMPS, JR., Agent MAX FOREST THOMPSuN, JR. (as to spousal int rest) (SEAL) (SEAL) BK2093PG653 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CARTERET T, Mallory G. Byrd , a Notary Public for the aforesaid County and State, do hereby certify that MAX F. THOMPSON, JR., (a/k/a MAX FOREST THOMPSON, JR.) Agent for MARY G. THOMPSON, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed for and in behalf of the said MARY G. THOMPSON, as Grantor, and that his authority to execute and acknowledge said instrument is contained in an instrument duly executed, acknowledged, and dated March 6, 2018, recorded on November 2, 2021, in Book 3697, Page 1986, in the office of the Craven County Register of Deeds, and that this instrument was executed under and by virtue of the authority duly given by said instrument granting MAX F. THOMPSON, JR., power as Agent. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this the 13th day of December , 2021. (SEAL) Not My Commission Expires: ,`�``� Y u�G+ %,,�','4 O 02/28/2026 Q OAR Ug STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ai,RETmG,iiiimiti�OJ��``� COUNTY OF CARTERET Mallory G. Byrd , a Notary Public for said County and State, do hereby certify that MAX FOREST THOMPSON, JR., as to spousal interest, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this the Dpcpmhpr , 2021. 02/28/2026 own N My Commission Expires: ?'oTAR ?� � pU BOG g77 i lJfflllRlllO 13th day of (SEAL) BK2093PG654 EXHIBIT "A" Any and all real property located in Beaufort County, North Carolina, including but not limited to the following: TRACT ONE: North Carolina, the lands of B. Bonner heirs, follows: A certain tract or parcel of land situate in Beaufort County, Richland Township, adjoining B. Thomson. T. R. Thompson. et ux. R. L. M. Rodman, more particularly described as BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of that certain tract of land now owned by T. R. Thompson et ux, which said tract was conveyed to the said T. R. Thompson et ux by deed executed by B. B. Thompson et ux and dated September 17, 1936, and running thence South 87 1/2 East 466 1/2 feet, thence South 2 1/2 West 1450 feet, thence North 87 1/2 West 466 1/2 feet, thence North 2 1/2 East 1450 feet -to the point of beginning, containing acres, it being, the Eastern portion of that certain tract .of land conveyed to B. B. Thompson by deed executed by W. H. Hooker and wife, Bennie E. Hooker and dated April , 1918. of the Beaufort County Registry Book 202 at page 359, and it being the intent of this instrument to convey unto N. F. Thompson and wife, Dorothy Thompson so much of the same es has, not heretofore been conveyed to T. R. Thompson et ux by deed executed by B. B. Thompson and wife, Hattie Thompson. FURTHER reference is made to that deed dated the 24th day of July, 1937, of record in Book 31B, Page 254, Beaufort County Registry for a more complete and accurate description of this) property. 8K2093PG655 TRACT TWO: Al]. that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in Richland Township, Beaufort County, forth Carolina, and more particularly described as follows; FIRS? „TRACT BEGINNING at a point where the centerline of North Carolina State Road 1002 is intersected by North Carolina State Road 1924 and running Thence along and with the centerline of North Carolina. State Road 10.02, South h degrees 54 minutes. West 334.9 feet to a point in the centerline of North Carolina State Road 1002, the point of beginning. running thence from said point of beginning North 82 degrees 44 minutes West 324..0 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 3 degrees 41 minutes Nest 175.8 feet to an •iron pipe; thence South e4 degrees 28 minutes .East 309.2 feetto a point in the centerline of North Carolina State Road 1002; thence North 8 degrees 27 minutes East 1i6.3 feet to a point in the centerline of North Carolina State Road 1002; the ,point of beginning. THIS parcel or tract of land is all of Tract •A" as shown or that map of record in Map Book 22, Page 52, Beaufort Count) Registry, and further reference is male to said tap for a more complete and accurate description of this property b5 metes and bounds. Said map is incorporated herein bb reference to give a more accurate dencription of this tract of land. FURTHER reference it; k.made to- that deed of record in Bock 339. Page 2774 Beau€ort. County Registry. FURTHER reference is also made to that deed dated the 29t)f day of December,, 197X, of record -in Book 676, Page 1B, Beaufort County Registry for a more complete and accurate description of this property. B 2O93PG656 TRACT THREE: THOSE two certain tracts or .parcels of lam in Beaufort County, North Carolina, Richland Township particularly described as follows: FIRST_Tl C7 Beginning at a point on the East aide of a far road, said point being the Southeast Corner of Nrs.. W. A Holidia's lend andthe North line of the Bell 'land, rennin thence North 2 degrees 30 minntsn East 758 feet to 1-point the East side, of said, larut road; thence South 87 degrees minutes East 658 feet to a point: thence South 2 degrees. '3! minutes Meet 758 feet to, a .point in the R. A. Thompson' North line; thence Worth 87 do:green 30minutes West 653 feel to the place endpoint of beginning; containing 12.1 acres o land, being apart of the Thougeon land. See deed book 270. at page 497, -in the office of the Register of- Deeds fog Beaufort County, North Caroline.. MONDTRACT1 A certain parcel, or tract ,of lard ad joi nicl the lands of .G. C. Hollowell of ,els, lying and being :en 04 East aide of South Creek, Richland Township. Beaufort County, and on the East aside of Gum Swamp Road, beginning at G. C. Hollowaell's Northeast corner, it :being T. 8: Allen'e Southeast corner: sunning thence Worth 3-1/2- .dagrses Bait with A1llesi's line 1450 feet to Allen•e Northeast corner; thence South 87 1(2 degrees -Nast 1550 feet to a stake; thence South 2 1/2 degrees west 1450 feet to. a stake; thence North 87 i/a degrees West to the beginning, containing S2 acres, more or lima, and being the western half of the 104 acre tract conveyed by W. Z. Rodman and others to B. H: Thomson and also the sane tract of bend conveyed by R. L. M. Sonner and wife, N. H.. Hooker. and wife. to it. B. Bennett March Btu. 1918. and being .the Oame property conveyed by Milliaeo ;Itumle3i and vife, to. ;Isaac N. Holidia and .wife, dated November 5th. 1934, nee deed -book 361, at page 438, all in the office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County. North Carolina. THE two shove .described tracts of lend being a part' of t property conveyed to W. A. Broome and wife, Sarah Broome 1. W. Holidia and wife, by deed dated November 16. 1945, o record in the .Register`s Office of Beaufort County in 361, Page 415. FURTHER reference :is made to that deed dated the 29th day of December 1948. of record in Book .364. Page 490-. Beaufort County Registry for a more complete and accurate description of this property. BK2093PG65 TRACT FOUR: Those two certain tracts of land in North Carolina, Beaufort County, in Richland Township. more particularly described as follows: '1RST TRACT: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of State Road No. 1002 and the center line of State Road No. 1924; thence with the center line of State Road No. 1924, South 84 degrees 41 minutee west 1545.9 feet to the run of South Creek thence with the run of South Creek, the following coureee and distances: South 25 degreee 24 minutee West 66.4 feet; South 51 degrees 6 minutes West 99.3 feet South 44 degrees 23 minutes West 286 feet; South 30 degree° 30 minutes West 90.4 feet; South 20 degrees 13 minutes West 270.2 feet; and South 28 degrees 1 minute Nest 79.4 feet to a corner; thence South 84 degrees 3 minutes East and crossing an iron pipe 20 feet from the last mentioned corner 1913.5 feet to the center of State Road No. 1002; thence with the center of maid Road North 8 degrees 27 minutes East 137.4 feet and the same course continued 153 feet; thence North 84 degrees 28 minutes West 309.2 feet to en iron pipe; thence North 3 degrees 41 minutes East 175.E feet to an iron pipe; thence South 82 degrees 44 minutes East 324 feet to the center line of State Road 1002, thence with the center of said road North 8 degrees 54 minutes East 334.9 feet to the point of beginning, containing 30.47 acres and being Tract No. 1 as shown on map by W. C. Rodman, R. S. CQijQ TRACTi Beginning in the center of State Road No. 1002; thence South 86 degrees 4 minutes Seat and crossing an iron pipe in the Eastern edge of said road 1522.9 feet to en iron pipe; thence North 3 degrees 6 minutes feast 368.6 feat to an iron pipe; thence North 85 degrees 13 minutes: West i487.4 feet to the center of State Road No. 1002; thence with the center of said road South 8 degrees 27 minutes West 392.1 feat to the point of beginning, containing 13.12 acres, and being Tract No. 2 as shown on map by W. C. Rodman, R. S. FURTHER reference is made to that deed dated September 9, 1968, of record in Book 632, Page 138, Beaufort County Registry for a more complete and accurate description of this ProPertY BK2093PG653 TRACT FIVE: All that certain lot or parcel of land! lyingand being, in Richland Township; Beaufort County, .Nort! Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a point where the centerline of North Carolina State Road 1002 is intersected by Nora Carolina State Road 1924 and running thence along and with the centerline of North Carolina State Road 1002, South S degrees 54 minutes West 334.9 feet, thence South 8 degrees 21 minute° West 319.3 feet elong and with the centerline of North Carolina State Road 1002,•thence South 95 degrees 13 minutes East 1487.4 ,feet to IND iron pipe, the point of beginning. thence from °arid beginning point South 86 degrees 9 minutes East 4i2.4 test to an, iron pipe, thence South 4 degrees 2B minutes West 376.6 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 86 degrees 4 minutes West 403.3 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 3 degrees 6 minutes Past 376.2. feet to an iron pipe; the point of beginning_ This tract or parcel of land is the 3.52 acre tract designated W. B. Thompson to Georrg� Fisher on that map of record in Hap Book 22, Page 52, Beaufort County Registry. Said map is incorporated herein by reference and reference is hereby made to said map for a more complete and accurate description of this property by mete* and bounds. FURTHER reference is made to that deed of record in Book. 500,, Page 339. Beaufort County Registry. FORTNER reference is made to the; deed dated the 29th day, of December 1, 1971, of record- in Book 676, Page 18, Beaufort County Registry for a more complete and accurate description of this property. N2093PG559 TRACT SIX: That certain lot or parcel of land in the Town of Aurora. Richland Township, Beaufort county, North Carolina, more- particularly descried: as follows: BEGINNING at an iron marker in the Southern side line of N. C. Highway No. 33; thence from said beginning point South 5 degrees 15 minutes West 192.36 feet to any iron marker, a corner; thence South B5 degrees 30 minutes East 3o feet to an bon tnirker, a corner; thence North 5 degrees 15 minutea Eat :92.26 toot to an iron marker in the Southern side line of N. C, Highway No. 33; thence with the Southern aide line of N. . Highway 33 North 8S degrees 26 minutes went 30 feet to the point of beginning. and being a portion of the abandoned wash ngton and Vendemere Railroad right of way, and being shown, on map entitled "Property of George H'. Fischer and w te. Dorothy A. Fischer" by V C. Rodman and L. E. Waters dated July 26, 1977, of record in Book 754, Page 689. Beaufort County Registry. REFERENCE is made to Report of Comr+isaio iers in that proceeding entitled "Thomas Sparrow Cherry and Cora morrow Cherry vs Claude E. Cherry', of record in Book 2$4, page 540 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Beaufort County. FURTHFR reference is made to that deed dated August 17. 1977. of record, in Book 754, Page 6$8, Beaufort County .Registry for a more complete and accurate description of this property. BK2093PG660 TRACT SEVEN: All that certain lot or parcel of land lying • and being in Richland Township, Beaufort county, North Carolina. and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point where the centerline of Chapin Street is intersected by the centerline of Seventh Street and running thence North 85 degrees 22 minutes West 166.5 feet along Chapin Street to a point, thence South 4 degrees 5 minutes west 343.85 feet to an iron pipe located in the Weaterp boundary of the W. 8. Thompson hameplacee; thence North REDS degrees 44 minutes west 331.3 feet to an iron pipe; the point of beginning; thence from 'said point of beginning North 85 degrees 44 minutes west 793.8 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 4 degrees 1 minute West 46 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 85 degrees 44 minutes East 793.8 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 4 degrees 1 minute Beat 46 feet to en iron pipe; the point of beginning. It being that parcel of land designated as °W. B. Thompson to George Fischer° and containing 0.84 acres as shown on that map of record in Map Book 32, Page 51, Beaufort County Registry. Said map is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this deed for the purpose of a more complete and accurate description by metes and bounds. FURTHER reference is made to that deed of record in Book 514, Page 460, Beaufort County Registry. FURTHER reference is made to that deed dated the 29th day of December, 1972, of record is Book 676, Page 16, Beaufort County Registry for a more complete and accurate description of this property. The above -described tracts being a part of the same property conveyed to Grantor herein by deed of record in Book 1134, Page 467, Beaufort County Registry. fla,g-// y co /r,,7s ��y