HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6220703_Property Deed_20220810 (2)B3955 - P 716 HARNETT COUNTY TAX IQ # 0/0 099567 0003 BY: S B For Registration Matthew S. Willis Register of Deleds Harnett County, NC Electronically Recorded 2021 Mar 19 09.45 AM NC Rev stamp: $ 130.00 Book: 3955 Page: 716 - 722 Fee: $ 26.00 Instrument Number: 2021006184 GENERAL WARRANTY DEED TITLE NOT EXAMINED OR CERTIFIED 13Y PREPARER REVENUE: PORTION OF PARCEL ID: 9567-11 -4251000 PREPARED BY4 : Hutchens Law Finn LLP 225 Ray Ave Fayetteville, NC 28301 RETURN TO: The Law Office of Jeffrey E. Radford, P.A. 232 Hay Street Fayettev'I'lle, NC 28301 File No.: RAY1308683 This instrument prepared by*. Chris Salyer, licensed North Carolina attorney. Delinquent taxes, if any, to be paid by the closing attorney to the county fax collector upon disbursement of closing prooeeds. NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT THIS DEED made this /b day of z &d"h� , 2021, by and between William Coleman Overton and wife, Kathleen Marole Overton., P.O. Box 2-08, Olivia? NC 28368-0208, hereinafter called Grantor, FOOM14 and whose address is Galt Land Develop nt C, whose address Is SIN,vL tne c D T, + hereinafter called Grantee; The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall Include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. Submitted l r ni call by "The Law i Jeffrey E . Radford" in compliance with Nor Carolina statutes overning recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Harnett county Register of Deeds. 11 B3955 - P 717 W I T N E S S E T H That the grantor, for a valuably consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant., bargain, self and convey unto the Grantee In fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of lend situated in or near the City of Sanford. Hamett Countv, North Carolina and more particularly described a%s follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" The property hereinabove described was acquired by grantor by instrument recorded in aged Book 9063 Page 850 and !]end Book 3561 s Page 73, both of the Harnett County Registry, No Carolina. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all prIvIleges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fie simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to Canvey the same in Fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the tale against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. TItle to the property hereinabove described is subject to the follovAng exceptions; RastricUve covenants, easements and rights of way as may appear of record in the aforesaid registry as well as current year ad valorem taxes. .6 0 0 B3955 - P 718 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and sea[, or if corporate, has caused this instrument to be sioned in the corporate name bv its duty authorized officers and Its seal to be hereunto affixed by authority of its Board of Directors. - The property herein ❑ isIas �4t pn-nciR al residence of the grantors. STATE OF L�LI�1UY1 WIlUam Coleman Overton thleen MarWOverton I certfy that the follovAng person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or site voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capac'4 indicated: VA111arn Coleman Overton This the /$r day a {place notary seal here -w NCGS10B-n37 Notadal appear "near" the nvta!y pursuant to Serf is to s sinnaturel Print Name My Commission Expires: B3955 - P 719 M j STATE OF Noe r� A COUNTY certify that the following person(s) personally appeared me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing datum capacity indicated: Kathleen Maria Overton This the day of before the this day. each acknowledging to ent for the purpose stated therein and In the /&z9 f , 2021 . place notary seat hers � pursuant to NCGS10B-*37 Notarial Seal is to appear "near" the notary's signature) Notary Print Name ( My Commission Expires'..0 i W B3955 - P 720 EXHIBIT A Portion of Overton parcel Portion of PIN 95674 1 m0251000 John nAlle Township Harnett County, North Carolina The fallowing described areas of hand die within the Ponderosa Goff Course known as Tract 2 as recorded In Pfau Cablnet E, Slide 2-B in the Johnsonville Township and being portions of the deeds duly recorded in Died gook 906, Page 850 and Deed Book 3561, Page 73, loth of the Harnett County, North Carolina rah#star, and is more fully descdbed as follows: BEGINNING at an existing 1'j iron pipe on the nnrthem dght-of-away margin of Ponderosa frail, said iron pipe being the eastern cornea of Lot A-1 as recorded in Plat Cabfnet El Slide 85-C of the Harnett County Registry, thence with the northeastern line of said Lot A,l N26*53"004V 244.52 feet to an existing 1/2" iron pipe, said iron pipe being the common rear caner of Lots A-ml and Cm2 as recorded in Plat Cabinet E, Slide 85-C of the Hamett County Registry} thence vM#h the northeastem line of said Lot C-2 N261153'00"W 1 94A 0 feet is an existing pinched 2'0 iron pipe, said iron pipe being the common rear corner of Lots G--2 and C-3 as recorded in Play Cabinet E, Slide 86-C of the Harnett County Registry; thence Wth the narthaastem line of said Lot C-3 N60,012'15"W 312.44 feet to an exisfing 1/2" iron pipe, said iron pipe being the common rear corner of Lots Cw3 and C-4 as recorded in Plat Cabinet E, Slide 85-C of the Harnett County Registry; thence Wth the northeastarn line of said Lot C4 N60*1 2`1 VW 157.64 feet to an existing V Iran pike; thence wish the northwestem dine of said Lot C-4 S36020'59nW 61.62 feet to an existing 1/2"iron pipe, said iron pipe being the common reap oomer of Lots C-4 and C-5 as recorded in Plat cabinet E, Slide 85-C of the Harnett bounty Registry; thence with the no westem line of said Lot Cw5 S36*20'59"'W 168.45 feet to an existing 1/2" bran pipe, said iron pipe being the common rear corner of Lots C-5 and C-6 as recorded In Plat Cabinet E, Slide 85-C 4f the Harnett County Registry; thence vAth the northwastern line of said Lot C-6 S36020259"W 111.36 feet to an existing 1/2" iron pipe, said iron pipe being the common rear corner of Lots CO-6 and C-7 as recorded in Plat Cabinet E, Slide 85-mC of the Harnett County Registry; thence with the northwestern line of said Lot C-47 S36*20'519"W 116A3 feet to an existing pinched V iron pipe; thence continuing with the northwestem line of said Lot C-7 S36'20559'RW 24.96 feet to an existing 1/2" iron pipe, said �ron pipe being the common rear corner of Leta C-7 and A-4 as recordedin Plat Cabinet E, Slide 85-C of the Harnett County Registry; thence with a new line the follovVing two coils: N53*39'01 "VIA 75.00 feet to a set 1/2'j rebar; V2* �henc� N�8a�9'�1"W �5�.35 feet t� � set tabor; said rebar being a southern corner of Lot 1 as recorded in Plat Book 2016, Page 193 of the Harnett County Registry; thence with the southern 11ne of said Lot I the following three calls: N73* I 4'08*'E 100.00 feet to an eAsUng 112" iron pips inside of an existing I " iron pike; thence S68"48'05"E 952-92 fast to an exis#ing 'I" iron pipe; thence 826*59r4l"'E 526,04 feet to an existing V Iran pipe an the northem right-of-way margin of Ponderosa Trail; thence nth a non tangent curve as R curves to the right raving a radius of1,023.35 feet and an arc distance of'I93.48 feet, chord bearing and distance of 877056'54"'W 193.20 feet to i I B3955 - P 721 I. the POINT OF BEGINNING, said tract of land containing 318,392 square feel (7.31 acres), more or less. TOGHER WITH a temporary turnaround easement In the area described as follows (the "Easement Tracr): I COMMENCING at an existing I 1Z' Iron pipe, said Iron pipe being the common rear corner of Lots C-7 and A4 as recorded in Plat Cabinet E, Slide 85-C of the Harnett County Registry; thence N 6r39601 11W 75.00 feet to a set 117' robot, thence N080291 I "W 198.20 feet to a set 112" re bar, the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence with anon-tangent curvy as it curves to the right haying a radius of 50.00 fret and an arc distance of 157.08 feet, chord bearing and distance of N08"29111"W 10100 feet to a set 1/2"rebar; thence S08*29"11"E 100.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said tract of land containing 3,927 square feet (0..09 acres), more or less. Grantee is henceforth vested with the right and easement to grade, pave, improve (With gravel, crush and gun or other materials), repaIr and/or maintain the Easement Tract upon grantee's intended development of Area I as a residential subdiAsiQn, it being agreed that once improved, the Easement Tract shall be used as a temporary turnaround area for vehicular trafficif and when grantee constructs the subdivision — and easement tights are hereby vested for such use. Upon constuction of the subdivision, grantee shall cause vne street In the sUbdivislon to be stubbed to the boundary dine of Grantor's remainder property (at the lorntion of the Easement Tract); and utilities shall be stubbed in the Immediate vicinity thereof' such that Grantor can connect with hand extend) said ut1lities to his remainder property upon its future development. If the grantor further extends the stubbed street Upon Grantot's remainder property at any time in the future, such that the temporary turnaround is no longer" required by the Hamett County Planning Department, NCDOT, or any other government agency having jurisdiction thereover, then the temporary turnaround easement shall automatically terminate. Grantee agrees that the streets in the residential subdivision, if and when built, shall be constructed to NCDOT standards and shall be ded[cated as public rights of w$y. Grantor shall be nested with the right and easement of vehicular and pedestrian access over said subdivision streets, once constructed, so that the Grantor's remaining property shall have across to and from Ponderosa Trail. Pdor to the time that grantee develops Area 'i, Grantor shall be vested with vehicular and pedestrian access over Area I , so as to allow access to and from Ponderosa Trail via a temporary dive fin a location to be mutually agreed upon by the paffies), Grantee shall have the right to relocate said temporary drive, as reasonably necessary, upon Grantee's development of area i. once Grantee has constructed and stubbed the:subdivision street to Grantoes remaining temporary drive shill terminate. Area 2 property, then the right to use any such BEGINNING at an existing CIS" rebar inside an existing iron pips, sold point being the northernmost corner of the tract of land recorded in Plat hook 2020, Page SOB of the Hamett County Regis", thence uAth a new line N23*13'53"E 98.40 feet to a set 112" rebar in the southern line of Lot 1 as dP recorded In Plat Book 2016, Page 193 of the Harnett County Registry; thence with the southern fine of said Lai 1 S70'22"20"E 656.59 feet to a sit 11,21' rebar; thence leam'ing said southern line vrith a new Itne the following two calls: 553"04'49"W 104a63 feet to a set 1/2" Debar; thence S46057"IV2W 10OY43 feet to a set I IZ' mbar in the northern line of the Carolina Seasons Property Owners Association, Inc. 0 B3955 - P 722 parcel as recorded in Deed Book 947, Page 53:3 of the Harnett County Registry; thence with said northern fine N58154048"'W 80953 fast to an existing 1/2" iron rod, thence with the northern 11ne of the tract of land recorded in Plat Book 2020, Page 206 of the Harnett County Registry the following two calls: N66002'48'*W 13OA4 feat to an existing 2" iron pipe; thence N65131'05"W 354.96 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said tract of land containing 79,890 square feet (11 .83 acres), more or fess,. J