HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140912 Ver 1_Application_20140821Cot�ps Submittal Cover Sheet Please provide the following info: I. Project Name: Replace Bridge No. 106 ou SR 1502 (Kin� Road) over Bovlston Creek 2. NTUie of Property Owner/Applicant _North Caroliva Dep�rtment of Ti•anspoi�tation (NCDOT) 3. Naute of ConsiiltandAgent: N/A 'Agent authorization necds to be attached. 4. Related/Yrevious Action ID number(s): Site Address: 5. Subdivision Name: 6. City: 7. County: Trans h�� 8. Lat: 35.310111 N Long: -82.663104 W (Decimal Degrees Plense) 9. Quadraugle Name: Piseah Forest (35082-C6-TF-024) 10. Waterway: Bovlsto�i Creek (DWQ Class: C) 1 1. Watershed: Frenclt Broad River (HCU: 06010105) 12. Requested Aetion: X Nationw�ide Permit # 14 General Pemiit # Jurisdictional Detennination Request Pre-Application Request The following information will be completed by Corps ofYice: AID: Prep�re File Folder Assign number iu ORM Begin Date Autliorization: Section 10 Seetion 404 Project Descriptioi�/ Nature of Activity/ Project Purpose: Site/Waters Name: Keywords: Pn'r MCC�toitv GOVER,COR � .n�= ��� � ��F�� � �� _���� STATE OF NORTII CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AUgUSI 21, ZOI4 Ms. Lori Beckw�itli, NCDOT Regulatoty Project Manager U. S. Anny Corps of Eugineers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-2714 ANTHONl' J. TATA SECaEr.�rzv Subject: Nationwide 14 Permit Application Repl�ce Bridge No. 106 on SR 1502 (King Road) over Boylsron Creek Transylvania Count}� WBS �lemeut No. 17BP1d.R.127 Dear Ms. I3eckwitl�: Tl�e North Carolina Department of Trausport�tion (NCDOT) is proposing to replace a fiinctionally obsolete 18' W� 16.0' L single spau tiuiber bridge �vitli a 22. P W s 6.5' H x 49' L prcfabricated aluminum bot culvert witl� headwalls ou �n 81 degree skew with a slope of 0.5%. Sills, baffles, and floodplaiu beuches ��vill be installed to inaintaiu stream dimensioiis �nd provide aquatic life passage diu•ing periods of low flo��v. An off-site detom- ��vill be used to convey h�afYic during construction. Tl�e project �vill Tlso include soine minor approach work on the existing road�vay. Enclosed are tl�e Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Forui, EEP Mitigation Acceptauce Letter, SHPO Concurrence Forms, viciuity map, USGS topographical map, Culvert Suil�ey Report, plan sheets, aud photograplis. Tl�e Norlh CTrolin� Natural Heritage Database was checked for records of tlneateued aud endaugered species. Tlie databTSe lists 47 species for Transylvania County that l�ave federal status. The bog turtle (Gly�/einys miJ�ler7bergii) is listed as tl�reatened due to similarit�� of appearauce to tlie listed northern bog turtle. �iglll species, Carolina nortlieru ilying squirrel (Glouco�iq�s sabrinris colorrdas), Appalacliian elktoe (Alasmido�7ta �•ai�eneliru�n), mouutaui sweet pitcher plaut (Snrrncenin rubrn ss�. jonesrr), sivall whorled pogonia (I,soh•io me�leoloides), spreading avens (Geant rnclio/tm�), swamp pi�ilc (Helonins bullnin), Virginia spiraea (Spirnen i�irginrnnn) aud rock gnome lichen (Gynmo�ler»rn linenre), are listed as ei[her du�eatened or endangered. There is also a potential for the federal listiug of the northeru long-eared bat (illytosis sep�enlrionnlis) in tl�e near future. FourteeNh Dirision Otliee Telephnne: (R28) 586-21d1 253 lVebsler Ruad. Sylvai. Norlh Caroline 28779 Fa�: (R28) 58G4043 Bridge No. 106 — Transylvauia Count}� Page 2 August 21, 2014 The Appalacl�ian elktoe is found iu well-oxygenated streams witl� moderate to fast flowiug water aud requires stable relatively silt free substrate that is gravelly or rock. Tl�e Appalachian elktoe records iu the are� are from relatively large streams, the Freuch Broad River, Little River and Mills River. Tl�ere are no r�ecords for tlie smaller tributarics of Qiese streams. No Appalachian elktoe were oUserved duriug the field scopiug process and records indicate the uearest luio�n�n occurrence is located approxiulatelp 22 river miles from the project area iu tlie Freuch Broad River. Carolina northern flying squirrel, rock gnome licheu, aud spre�cting avens are species that require habitat foi�ud at relatively higli elevation. Although most rock gnane lichen populations occur near or above 5,000 feei elevation, it does occur at lo�ver elevations witliin deep river gorges. Tl�e elevation at the site is appro�imately 2,200 feet �nd vertical rock substrate requireci by the rock gnonie lichen is lacking near tlie project site. Small �vhorled poga�ia generall}� occurs in open, di}�, deeidiioiis ��voods witli acid soil accordiug to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Ho���ever, it is also knowu to occur iu a v�riety of liabitats in Nortl� Carolina, including along sh�eams. The project site is maiutaiued roacl right of way, with some forest area consisting of deciduous trees. The �rea is also heavily impactcd by invTSive species that inclade Chiuese privet, Japauese honeysuckle, multiflora rose and periwinkle. The site l��s veiy low potential to support small whoi•led pogonia. Records indicate the uearest knowu occurreuce of small whorled pogonia is appiosimately I 1 miles east of the project area. Virginia spiraea occurs along roek}�, flood-seoured riverbanks in gorges or canyons. Gravel and rock bais tl�1t providc habitat for Virginia spiraea arc lackiug �t the project site. S��v�nip pink and mountain s���eet pitcher plaut are species tl�at �re found ii� satnrated soils. The project viciniry is higlily disturbed and wetlands are not associated ��vith the site. The US Fish and Wildlife Se�vice (USFWS) are considering the listing oftlie nortl�eri� long- eared bat iu tlie wiuter/spring of 2015. Northern long-eared bats are known to use trees with sloughiug bark for summer roosts. Tlierefore, as prescribed by the USFWS, airy tree removal at the bridge site ��vill be conclacted between October 15 and April 15 (�vinter cleariug) to preveut incidental impacls to roosting bats. There coulci be indirect effects due to removal of potential roost trees, but the loss of such a small numUer of trees in a primarily forested landscape sl�ould be insignificant. The project is liuiited to tl�c replacemeiit of an e�isting spaiv�uig structure with a boY ctilvert. Erosion aud sediment�tion coutrol nieasiu•es w�ill be implemeuted to fiu•tlier minimize potential to adversely affect aquatic habitat. No Appalachiau elktoe were observed daring tlie field scopiug process �nd records are lackiug for smaller tributaries of the Preucl� Broad River. Since the nearest occupied habitat in tl�e Prench Broad River is approximately 12 miles upstream of the confluence of Bo}�Iston Creek, we recommend a"uo effect" determivation for the Appalachian elktoe. Bridge No. 106 — Transylvaiiia Coimry Page 3 August 21, 2014 Terrestrial l�abitat has been higlily dishubed at the project site due to road right of way and reside�ilial development. The projecl is liuiited in scope aiid li�bitat appears to be lacking loi• terrestrial du•eatened aud endangercd species. For these reasons �nd tl�ose discussed above, we recommeuc( 1"no effect" determination lor terresh•ial tlueatened 1ud eiidangered species. This �noject was revie�a�ed Uy NCDOT's Huivan rnvironmeut Unit in 2013 for potential affects to historical ai•chitecture �nd arcliaeology. It �a�as deter�uined that no survey �v�s required for historic arcl�itecture. An archaeological survey w�s conducted on October 4, 2013, and it was determined tliere would be no effect, and no further arcl�aeological investigations �vere necessa�y for tliis project (see attached forms). NCDOT best manage�nent practices will be iised to minimize aud coutrol sedimentation and erosion on this project. The construction foreman will review all erosion and sedimentation control measures daily to ensure erosion aud sedimeutation is being effectively controlled. If the devices are not functioning as iutended, tliey ���ill be replaced innnediately with better devices. Impacts to W:�ters of the Uuited States Boylston Creek (DWR Class: C) is shown on the USGS topographic map as a perenuial stream. The chamiel is ���ell detiued ���itli a substrate primarily composed of cobble, gravel �nd sand/silt and is approaimately IS feet in widtli. Boylston Creek flo��vs ap}�ro�imately 10 miles to thc French BroTd River. The Fi•eiich Broad River meets the definition of a Traditional Navigable Waler. For these reasons, ���e believe Boylston Creek is a Relatively Perinanent Water and is uuder the jurisdictioii of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In orcler to construct the project, it will be necessary to impact �vaters of the Uilited States in the French Broad River Basin (HUC 06010105). Specifically, NCDOT is requesting to replace Bridge No.106 �vith a prefaUricated aluminum boa culvert. Tl�e impacts are listed in the table below. Site No. Existiug Cm�dition Proposed Cmiditim� Net Imp�ct Site 1 18' W s 16' L 22' 1" W s 6' 6" H s 49' L Aluminum �9, Timber Bcidge Box Cuh�ert w�/Headwalls Site IA Free Flo�ving Stream J��lpervious Dike and Flow Diversion 100' Existiug Streainbanks Site IB Free Flo��viiig Stream L�stall i'loodplain Benches and Riprap 35' Esistin Streambaiilcs Bank Stabilizalion i ot:u rci•u�anenr �n•eam impact — L�urvert 4y� Total Permanent Strcam liupact — I+loodplain Benclies and Baiilc St�bilization 35' Total Tempor��y Stream Impact — Lnpei�-ious Dilce aud Tlow Diversion 100' Permits Requested NCDOT is hereby requesting authorization under Section 404 of the Cleau Water Act to proceed with the construction project outlined above. By copp of tliis letter to North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Division of Water Resources (DWR), I am requestiug authorization uuder Section 401 of tlie Clean Water Act. Bridge No. 106 — Tr�nsph�ania Count}' Page 4 August 21, 2014 Also by copy of tliis letter, I am asking Ms. Marla Cliambers, Western NCDOT Review Coordivator, oY the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) to comment directly to you coucerniug the 404 Natioin��ide Permit request. ln additioii, I am asking Ms. Cliambets and Mr. Beii DeWit, Roadside Environmeiital Field Operations Eugineer (NCDOT), to coinment directlp to me coucerning tliis permit reqiiest. Ifyou have any questions or need additioiial information, please contact me at (828) 586-2141 or Mr. Josh Deyton, PE, at (828) 488-2131. Your early review and eonsideration will be greatlp lppreciated. Sincerel}� /J /l ���!'v��y � /�/l,�vv�� Mark S. Davis Division 14 Environmental Program Supervisor Ettclosures cc: Ms. Amy Chapman, Division of Water Resources — DENR, Raleigh Mr. Kevin Barnett, Division of Water Resom•ces — DENR, Asl�eville Mr. .T�son Mays, Biologist, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Asheville Ms. Marla Cl�ambers, Western NCDOT Review Coordinator, NCWRC, Ablemarle Mr. Joshua B. DeSrton, YE, Division 14 Bridge Management Engineer, NCDOT Mr. Ben DeWit, EI, Roadside Enviromuental Field Operatious Eugineer, NCDOT O�pFWaTF9�G 9 4l r > y O .=�=- ' Y .` ` _ Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Consh•uctiou Notificatiou PCN I+orm A. A � licaut Liformation 1. Processinc� 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from fhe Corps: � Seclion 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or General Permit (GP) number: 1c. Has ihe NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ❑ Yes � No 1 d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): � 401 Water Qualiry Certifcation — Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdiclional General Permit ❑ 401 Waler Qualily Cerlification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this nofifcation solely for lhe record For the record only for DWQ 401 For the record only for Corps Perinit: because wrilten approval is not required? Certi(ication: ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No 1f. Is payment into a miligation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigafion � yes ❑ No of impacts? If so, altach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) 1 g. Is lhe project localed in any of NCs lwenly coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h ❑ Yes � No below. 1h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concem (AEC)? ❑ Yes � No 2. Project Information 2a. Narne of projecl: Replace Bridge No. 106 on SR 1502 (King Road) over Boylston Creek 2b. County: Transylvania 2c. Nearest municipalily / town: Pisgah Forest 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or State 17BP.14.R.127 Project No: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: North Carolina Deparfinent of Transportation 3b. Deed Book and Page No. N/A 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if Mark S. Davis, Division 14 Environmental Supervisor applicable): 3d. Slreet address: 253 Webster Rd. 3e. City, state, zip: Sylva, NC 28779 3f. Telephone no.: 828-586-2141 3g. Fax no.: 828-586-4043 3h. Email address: markdavisCa�ncdot.qov Page 1 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, specify: 4b. Name: N/A 4c. Business name N/A (if applicable): 4d. Streetaddress: N/A 4e. Cily, state, zip: N/A 4f. Telephone no.: N/A 4g. Fax no.: N/A 4h. Email address: N/A 5. AgenUConsultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: N/A 5b. Business name N/A (if applicable): 5a Street address: N/A 5d. City, state, zip: N/A 5e. Telephone no.: N/A 5f. Fax no.: N/A 5g. Email address: N/A Page 2 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 Decernber 10. 2008 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): N/A 1b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Latitude 35.310111 Longitude: -82.663104 (DD.DDDDDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) tc. Property size: N/A acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to goylston Creek proposed project: 2b. Water Qualiry Classification of nearest receiving water: DWR Class: C 2c. River basin: French Broad River (HUC 06010105) 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the exisling conditions on lhe sile and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at lhe lime of this application: The general landscape cover is rural residential and agricullure, with some forest cover lo the south of Bridge 106 and open (ields in the immediate viciniry of the bridge. 3b. List lhe total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: N/A 3a List lhe total estimaled linear feet of all existing sireams (intermiltent and perenniaq on the property: N/A 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: To replace a structurally deficient and functionally obsolete 18' W x 16.0' L single span timber bridge with a 22' W x 6.5' H x 49' L prefabricated aluminum box culvert with headwalls. 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the lype of equipment to be used: Traffc will be deloured off-site. Erosion and sedimentation control measures will be installed Water will be diverted around the conslruction area. The old bridge will be removed. The new culvert will be constnicted on lhe same location. Track hoes, dump trucks, bulldozers, cranes, paving equipment, water pumps, sand bags, diversion pipe and various hand tools will be used to accomplish lhe work. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wefland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / project (including all prior phases) in the pasl? ❑ Yes � No ❑ Unknown Comments: N/A 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type of determination was made? ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final 4c. If yes, who delineated lhe jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: N/A Name (if known): N/A Olher: N/A 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or Slate determinalions and alfach documentation. N/A 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certificalions been requested or obtained for � Yes � No ❑ Unknown lhis project (including all prior phases) in lhe past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" insVuctions. N/A Page 3 of 11 PCN Farm — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes � No 6b. If yes, explain. N/A Page 4 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Swnmary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ Wetlands � Streams - lributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Constniction 2. Wetland Impacts If lhere are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this queslion for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of weiland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ — non-404, other) (acres) Tem ora T W1 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A ❑ Yes ❑ Corps N/A ❑ No ❑ DWQ WZ � P 0 T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ Na ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Total wetland impnets N/A 2h. Comments: N/A 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3 b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Slream impact Type of impact Slream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream length Permanent (P) or intennittent DWQ — non-404, �.'��dth (linear Temporary (T) (INT)? other) (feet) feet) S1 � P❑ T Aluminum Box goylston Creek � PER � Corps �5 49 Culvert ❑ INT � DWQ S1A ❑ P� T Impervious Dike and goYlston Creek � PER � Corps 15 100 Flow Diversion ❑ INT � DWQ Floodplain Benches � PER � Corps S2A � P❑ T and Riprap Bank Boylston Creek 15 35 Stabilization ❑ INT � DWQ S3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ 3h. Tot�l Permanent Strenm �nd Tributar,y Impncts — Culvert 49' Totnl Permanent Strenm Imp�cfs for P'loodpinin Benches and Riprap 6anit St�biliz�tion 35' Totnl Tempornry Stre�m Imp�cfs fm� hupervious Dilce aud rlo��� Uiversion 100' 3i. Comments: N/A Page 5 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tribularies, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Naine of walerbody impact number — (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent(P) or Tern ora T 01 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A N/A N/A 02 ❑P�T 03 ❑P�T 04 ❑P❑T 4C Totalopen �rntcrimpacts N/A 4g. Comments: No open water impacls 5. Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake constniction ro osed, then com lete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacls (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose of (acres) number pond Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P2 5C Tofnl N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5g. Comments: N/A 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: N/A 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): N/A 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): N/A 5k. Method of conslruction: N!A 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protecled riparian buffer, ihen complete ihe chart below. If yes, lhen individually list all buffer impacts below. If an impacts re uire miti ation, then ou MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Other: Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randlernan 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Buffer impact number— Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) for Stream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) or Tem ora T im act re uired? B1 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A ❑ Nos N/A N/A 62 ❑POT ❑Yes ❑ No B3 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No 6h. Totnl buffer impncts N/A N/A 6i. Comments: N/A Page 6 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version D. Impact Justification and Mitiyation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. The minimuin length culvert to meet secondary road standards was designed for this site. The culvert will be buried 1 foot below the existing streambed elevation and sills and baffles will be installed. Floodplain benches will be installed at lhe inlet and outlet ends of the culvert to help maintain channel dimensions and aquatic life passage especially during periods of low flow. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or ininiinize fhe proposed impacts through construction techniques. [rosion and sedimentation BMPs will be installed prior lo construclion. Water will be diverted around lhe work area during culvert installation in order to prevent sedimenlalion of downstream aquatic resources. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for � Yes ❑ No impacts to Waters of lhe U.S. or Waters of the State? 2b. Ifyes, mitigntion is required by (check all Ihal apply): ❑ DWQ � Co�ps ❑ Miligation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation oplion will be used for this project? � Payment to in-lieu fee program (NCEEP) ❑ Permiltee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Miligation Bank: N/A 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and lelter) Type N/A Quantity N/A 3c. Comments: N/A 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in-lieu fee program is allached. � Yes 4b. Stream miligation requested: 49 linear feet 4c. If using sUeam mitigalion, sUeam temperature: ❑ warm ❑ cool �cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): N/A square feet 4e. Riparian welland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4g. Coastal (fidal) wetland rnitigation requested: N/A acres 4h. Comments: N/A 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permiltee responsible mitigalion plan, provide a description of lhe proposed mitigation plan. N/A Page 7 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10. 2008 Version 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Rec�ulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impac[ within a protected riparian buffer that requires ❑ Yes � No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate lhe amount of miligation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impact Total impact Mulliplier Required mitigalion (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 N/A N/A 3(2 for Catawba) N/A Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitic�ation reyuired: N/A 6g. If buffer miligation is required, discuss what lype of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private miligation bank, permiltee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in-lieu fee fund). N/A 6h. Comments: N/A Page 8 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Storrnwater Mana�ement and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified � Yes � No within one of lhe NC Riparian Buffer Proleclion Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. Commenls: N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? N/A % 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? � Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: Project is covered by individual NPDES Permit No. NCS000250 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ Certified Local Government NCDOT ❑ DWQ Stonnwater Program � DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local governmenPs jurisdiction is this project? ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of the following locally-implemented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW apply (check all that apply): ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: 3c. Has lhe approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Review ❑ Coastal counlies ❑ HQW 4a. Which of lhe following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply � ORW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑ Other. 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan wilh proof of approval been attached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meel the appropriate requirements? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submitlal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 9 of 11 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Docurnentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does the project involve an expendilure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the � Yes ❑ No use of public (federal/state) land? 1b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of lhe National or State ❑ Yes � No (Norfh Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, altach a copy of ihe NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is lhis an afler-the-fact permit application? ❑ Yes � No 2a If you answered "yes" to one or both of lhe above questions, provide an explanation of the violalion(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will ihis project (based on past and reasonably anticipated ftdure impacts) result in � Yes � No addilional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narralive description. This project is limited in scope and involves the replacement of an obsolete bridge with a culvert. The road infraslructure is not being upgraded. The secondary and cumulative impacts from this roufine maintenance project should be insignificant. 4, Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail lhe ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacily of the subject facility. N/A Page 10 of 11 PCN Fonn — Version 1.3 December 10. 2008 Version 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or � yes � No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act � Yes ❑ No impacts? ❑ Raleigh 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. � Asheville Sd. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? North Carolina NaWral Heritage Database and onsite investigalion. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes � No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habilat? N/A-There are no marine or estuarine communities wilhin lhe Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will ihis project occur in or near an area lhat the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation � Yes � No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? The project was reviewed by NCDOT's Human Environment Unit in 2013. It was detennined that no survey was required for historic architecture. A survey was performed for archaeology and it was determined the project would have no effect on archaeological resources (see attached documents). 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will lhis project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes � No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain delermination? North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program Mark S. Davis, Division 14 Environmental Supei��isor � � � � — �-�i- ApplicanUAgenPs Signature Date AppIICBnUAgenPs Printed Name (AgenCs signature is valid only if an aWhorization letter from Ihe applicant is provided.) Page 11 of 11 PCN Farin — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version �\ . / rv V��1�� i� �\. �i l �.Y` � I ��I1� � `�'',`�I' �''�'-�I , y . k � j''��I�•.,. IVorih Carolina Departiiieiii of Enviroi�inrnl and Nalural 13esouices f'al fdicGrory 64icha.el Ellison, �iieclor Gode�nor Fcosyslem C.nhancemenl Prograiit August 6, 2014 Mr. n4nrk S. Dnvis NCDOT Division 14 Environmental Supervisor North Cnrolina Departmenl of Transpo�lalion 253 \Vebs�cr Road Sylva, North Carolina 2N779 Dear \9r. Davis: SubjceC EEP Miligation Acceptance Lelter: John E. Sla�ula, III S2Cretaty ������°it;,(;,�, AUG 0 6 7.014 �f������ �d,�� Division I4 Project, Repl�ce Bridge 106 over Boylston Creek on SR 1502 (King Road), Transyh�ania County; N6S Elemen[ 176P.14.R.127 Tlie purpose of this Ictter is to notify you tliat the Ecosystem Pnhancement Program (LGP) will provide �he compensatory strzam mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information rzceived on August 4, 2014, the impncls arz located in CU 06010105 of Ihe Frenclt [3road River basin in Ihe Southem Mounlains (S�I) 6co-Region, �nd are as follows: French Broad Stream \Vetlands Buffer (Sq. Ft.) 06010105 Non- Coastal SD�I Cold Cool Narni Riparian N. . �� � Zone l "Lone 2 Impac�s (feedaeres) 49.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 This impnct and associated mitiga�iun need ��-ere under projected by Ihe NCDOT in �he 2014 impact data. EEP �vill comnti[ lo implement sufficient compensatory stream mi�igation credits �o oftset Ihz impacts �ssocinted with this project as determined by the regulntory agencies using the delivery timeline listed in Seetion F3.c.iii oCthe N.C. Department oY �nvironinent and Natur2l Resources' Ecosystem Enhancement Program Li-Lieu Fee Inshument dated July 28, 2010. lf Ihe above referenced impact nmounts are revised, then (his miligntion acceptance letter will no longer be valid and a new mitigation 2cceptance letter will be required Gom FEP. If you have �ny questions or need additioual information, please contact Ms. Beth Harmon at 919-707-5420. Sincerely, � �"�� � �- �� �am��s . s�m,r�� EEP Asset Manegement Supervisor ce: A9s. Lori Beckwith, USACF. — Asheville Rcgulatory Field Office Mc Josh Deyton, P.E., NCDOT — Division 14 Bridge Program Engi�ieer Ms. Linda Filzpatrick, NCDOT—PDEA Pile: SR 1502—Bridge 106—Division 14 1652 6fe�l S:.�y��.e Cc=,,,lc�, fialz��g:i, tJu�lh O�diu'.iq�_� 7765�-1u"52 Phr ne'. 219�767-097G i In�eu ial'. 'd�r;..ucUeni. gi rv �; r� �, i ;.�', r. .. i�.,.. i� - �. , Od�* �0 d� `Qti ♦ 7/ r W � � 0/ � �� } W J O O X Q � C 0 v a :C � 1 :C '� 7 C a L u � n � � s N _� . — � c� 0 0 ;.'J3y7 l;OlSlr'.G? } w J O° x Q � �I I1 �� � � � � I > -�.r��'�`','r -- '----- -��IL I � w= ow—, (V� c_ �v`_ �, � u n � Z� o r- � w LJ � �, � _ w:= c�. �,,., � �r —:fu �� ..i f� J � � O �, o: c� � i� � P, i I fl I I �' ��i I ii I I li = ti W � � �w u � � N � O , I I� ` ��JW I �' � U' �� `1 � , O _ __ � _ I`__- I Vl _ _ __� - - °I ` i � J� I I rl I I I� I� il� � U -I '—_ W � c� 4 tt U 0 � <� X � a 2 � � �^'�'�- 1 v n� 1� �� �� � � � V 1z : a � , � o O Q ,�i i o�: ��`t�'`� � , �� J , ,?r?� -x ."t�'S ^`; �� �` N � � m n �. � \�. ° � �� � ��� �� % � ' �A: �, � i /i � W� ' \ ' � � j�� , � ��> � i - � ��\�;���. �' � - �-, � I w '1 °'t � C o � `� \4, � I � � � o =. � tv � G Ai E � fK _ la ¢ , �� � ? o, in J6 O ; . � y � �., o � f ' I ui � � v J u_ �_ -/ ` I } _ �l' _ _L � y� W N �j \ I O V \ _ ,� a0 �� � � w �� , � � �� Wj � I o IK> `i I I I � � � I" I . �'_ iV JI � W i� � v I I L(I � --� � v � t I z � U i � N �" � z 0 � Y N N � U c 0 .. 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J: r o vU �7 ,� .r `,.. o .� �. �s�,'° �:� : ejk, % � •- � � ._.} ..4 .�. S # 4 . > - , _ ; �.�- o ��, ' . ,� � � � . . e ` ,- , . y • . 2 ,�.,a c � � '�� ' +! � d a- � '�,.� � N -'`� 1�' +�. . �r . . . � CO ~ " .,! � � � � � *.° p "• i o � •'l'i �;e,f • ' �' � � T Ui � a i m 4' ' �' _ �� . .. ' ' �.hi, - Y . � �j'. 1 1� !•'.-. .� ^s,�. . , . ��• �l .. ��. `i '� . . � ; ` , . . � . .•.� :4 r' �. LL r1 . �� ' � . ��. fi�� �1 •�4. � . �• - � _ - � i... ,. � .�ar. �.'-:�. ..�. i�" . ' �:.. _ .', ... � ..)? ' �� ' , =' r r . . � !� � � � �+"� • . � ' �- ' . . '�. � � .. , ' f, d�:.- �r r z i I3ridge No. 106 on SR 1502 ovci• Bo}�lstm� Ci•eelc T�•ansylvanin Com�t}� Looking �ast r ; i � Looking I�, i E . i � West Bridge No. 106 on SR 1502 over Boylston Creek Trnnsylvauia Cotu�ty I� � A'. ;^•:_ � -,,r�rv���s� Looking Upstream fi � -si°�r-r�-�y�1 - i +�� M . .-.- , � , �j 14 5 t � r ���� � �b��, �t �r.� yy� , '„';','• (er' � ' � � � � + :ti !� . � � rp � i r���� ���+� M `IF� !`�vP���� '� , � '� '!%! r :,��,'! � • � ��j �;. � � 1 `� �s ..�1�r �1 '� , 7 vA�' � tA' ' � r. � . { � +��' � � ; �H ��;T �,. . ' �7 . �y,�, Af�+ r � !�� 1 �J 1}' ,,��jj . CkalL��.-^:..�5'�Y�.i�*,'�.. Lookiug Downstream �� '' i .APPROVGD JURISDICTIO�YAL DE'C6RDIINATION FOR�I U.S. Army Corps oT Cngineers This Corm should be eoinpleted by lollo�aing the ins�ructions provided in Secliun I V of �he JD Form Ins�ruc�ional Guidebook. SCCTION l: BACKG200ND IYROR�IATION A. REPORT CO\IPLCTION DATE �OR APPROYED JURiSDICTIONAL DETER\II�ATIOY (JD): B. DIS'fRICT OP�ICC, FILE NAAIE, AND NU�IBCR: C. PROJCCT LOCATION AND BACI<GROUND INPOR�IATION: 13ridgc No. 106 on SR 1502 (King Rond) over 13oylsron Crzek S�ate: NC County/parish/borough: 'frnnsyh�nnia Cily: Pisgtih Forzst Center coor�iinates ofsilc Qat/long in degree decimnl format): Lnt. 353101 I I° N, I.one. -82.663104° �5!. Unirersal Transverse Mercator. Name of nearest waterbody: Boyls�on Creek Name of netvest'I'rnditionnl Nacigable AVater (TN1V) lnto �vhich (hc aquatic resource flo�vs: French Brond River Name of �ca�ersheA or Hydrologic Unit Code QiUC): 0601010520015 � Check if mup/diagram ofrevie��� area mid/or potznlial jurisdiciional nreas i�/arz avail�blc upon request. ❑ Check if other sites (e.g., ot3site mitigalion sites, disposal si�es. etc...) are associaled with this ae�ion and are recorded on a diffcrent JD form. D. REVIC�V PERROR�ICD !'OR SITC EVALUATIOY (CHECI< ALL THAT APYLI'): � Oftice (Desk) Detenninn�ion. Dntr. Augusl 4, 2014 � f icld Detenninmion. Dnte(s): July 31, 2013 SCCTION IL• SU�IDIARI' OI' �INDIYCS A. RHA SCCTION 10 DETERDtINA"f10N Of JURISDICTIOY. Therz Piek List `navignble irnters o% Ure US.'� �cilhin Rivers and Hnrbors Act QZI IA) jurisdiction (as de�ned by 33 CF2 part 329) in the rcvic�v area. [Require�fJ ❑ Naters subjcet to the ebb and ilow of the tidc. ❑\Vaters are presently used, or have been used in thc pnst, or ma�� be susceptiblc for use to �ransport in�erstata or foreign commeroe. Gsplain: B. CAA'A SECTION 400. DETERDIINAT[ON OP JURISDIC'I'10�. Therc Are "�rn�ers oJ'the U.S.'� �vi�hin Glenn lVater Act (CNA) jurisdiclion (as defined by 33 CFR pnrt 328) in the rtvie�c area �RequiredJ I. 1Vnters of the U.S. o. Indicnfe presence of waters of U.S. in revie�v nren (checic all H�at appl,y): � ❑ 'It�\Vs, including territorinl sens ❑ \Yetlnnds ndjacent ro TN\Vs � Relatively pennnnent �vntecs' (RPAA's) that ilo�v direcUy or indimetly into "fN\Ys ❑ Non-RPNs iha� Ilo��� directly or indirectly inro TNNs ❑ VVctlands directly abutting KP�Vs that Flo�r dircctly or indireclly inro'IT\Vs ❑ 1Vetlnnds ndjnccnl to but not directly ubuqing RP\Vs thnt tlo�r dirzctly or indirectly into TN\Vs ❑ \Vetlands a�jncenl to non-RPR's �hat tlo�v Airecil�� or indiree�ly into TNVVs ❑ Impoundments ol;juris-diclioonl �vnters ❑ Isolated (intzrstate or intr�islale) �vnters, including isolated �cetlnnds b. Identify (esfimnte) size o( wnters of the U.S. in ihc revie�v area: Non-�cetland �vaters: 200 linear feet: I S�vid�h (R) and/or acres. Netlnnds: acres. c. Limits (boundarics) ofjurisdiction based on: Pick Lis� Elcvnlion of established OI�I�VNI (if kno�vn): . 2. Non-regulnted �vatcrs/���etlmids (check if npplicable):' ❑ Poten(iidly I��risdic[ional ���alers and/or ���ellands were nssessed �cithin tlie review area and determined to bc notjurisdictional. Esplain: � Bo.ms checked belo�c shnll be supported by comple�ing Ihe nppropriate sec�ions in Seclion IlI belo�c. ' Por pur��oses of �his fonn, nn RP1V is defined as a t�ibutaq� thal is nol a TN\V and [hnt [ppic�lly ilo��a yearrowid or has conlinuoirs Flo�c nt leust `sr.tsonall} ° (e.�., lypically 3 manths). ' Supporling dncumenlnlion is presentcd in Section III.F. SECTION IIL• C\\'A ANALI'SIS A. 7'N\Vs ANU \\'ETLANDS ADJACENT TO TN\\'s '1'he agencies �vill assert jurisdicfion orer TN\Vs nnd wctlnnds adjncent to TN�Vs. If tl�c �quntic resom�ce is n TN�V, completc Section III.A.1 ond Section III.D.1. only; if ihe nquntic resource is n wetlnnd adjncent to n TN�V, complete Sec[ions IILA.1 nnd 2 nnd Section III.D.1.; otherwise, see Secfion III.I3 below. 1. TN�V Identitj' TNIV: Sunvnarizc rationale supporting determinn�ion: 2. Netland ndjarent to TNVV Summarize ra�ionale supporting conelusion Ihnt �vetlnnd is "acijneenP': B. CIIARACTCRISTICS OF'I'RIBUPARI' (THAT IS NOT A TNR') AND ITS ADJAC�NT \VETLAYDS (IP ANl'): This section summarizes inforroation regnrAing chnrncterisfics of fhe tribufnry nnd ifs ndjncent wetlnnds, if nny, nnd it helps determine whether or not H�e simidnrds Pm� jw�isdiction estnblished under Rapanos hnvc bcen met. The ngencics will nssertjurisdiction over non-nnrignble tribidnries of TMVs where the tributnries are "relntively perronnent �vaters" (RPVVs), i.e. h�ibutaries tlint t}�picnlly ilow ycnr-round or hnve confinuous ilow nt Ienst sensonnlly (e.g., t}�picnlly 3 monihs). A wetlnnd thnt direcfly nbuts nn RPR' is �Isojurisdictional. If the aquatic resource is imt a'fN11', but hns year-round (perenninl) Oo�r, slcip to Section III.D.2. If the aquatie resource is a�retland tlirectly abutting n h�ibutory �vith perennial tlo�v, skip to Section III.DA. A�vetlnnd thnf is ndjncent to but th�t does not directly abut nn RP�V requires a signifcant ne�us evaluation. Corps districts nnd CPA regions will include in [he recm�d any arnilable inPa�mntion thnt documents the ecisfence of n significant uesus behveen n relativelY permanent h�ibutnry that is not peremiinl (nnd its nAjncenf wetlnnds if nny) mid n h�ndi�ionnl nnvignble wnter, even though n signi(icnnt nexus linding is iwt required as a ma[ter of law. If the �rnterbod,v' is not an RPVV, m� n wetlnnd directly nbutting nn RP�V, n JD will require ndditionnl dntn to determinc if the wnterbody hns n significant nesus �vith n TNR'. If the tributary has adjncent wetlnnds, the significant nezus evnluntion musf cmisider the tributary in cmnbinntion with nll of its ndjaeent �retlnnds. This signifieant nesus evnluntion that corobines, fm� an�lytical purposes, H�e tributary nnd all af its ndjncenf wetinnds is used whether the review m�ca identified in tl�e JD requesf is the tribulnry, or its ndjncent wetlnnds, or both. If H�e JD covers o tributary with adjncent wetlands, complete Section III.B.1 for thc h�ibutnry, Section 111.13.2 fm• any onsite �vetlnnds, nnd Section IILB.3 fm� nll wetlnnds ndjncent to tiint tributnry, both ansite and offsite. The determinntion whether n significnnt nesus eaists is determined in Section III.0 below. 1. Chnrncteristics of non-TM1's thnt ilo�r directiv or indirectl�� inlo T\1V (i) Cenernl Aren Canditions: \Vatcrshcd sizr. Pick Lisf Drainnec nrcn: Pick Lisl Averngeannunlreinfall: inches Average annual sno�vfall: inchcs (ii) Plq�sicnl Chnrncteristics: (a) Rela�ionship �vilh TN\V: ❑ Tributaq� Ilo�vs directly inro 7�i!AV. ❑ Tribulnry Flo�rs through Pick Lis[ tribwaries before entering TNN. Prolect wnters are Pick List rieer miles from TNVA'. Project �vaters are Pick List river miles from RPN. Project �vaters arc Pick List neri�l (slraight) miles from TNVV. Project ���aters are Pick List nerinl (strnight) miles from RP1V. Project wa[crs cross or serve as s�ate boundaries. Esplain: I�enlily ilo��� route to TN�V`: Tributaq• s�ream order, if kno�vn: ' Nme fhat Ihe h�slruclionnl Guidebook coNains nddilionnl intixmation �egardin� s�cales, di�ches, �caehes, and erosional lealures' generally and in �he arid R'est. ` Flo�c roule can be dese�ibzd by identiCying, e.e., tributary �, which Ilo«s through Ihe rt�•ie�r area. to Oo�r inlo tributary b, �chich Ihen Flo�cs inlo TN\V. (b) Gcncrnl'I'ributan� Charac�eristics (chcck all �hat nppl� Tribut�ry is: ❑ Nnturol ❑ Ani�icial (mnn-made). Explain: ❑ Manipulnted (mon-aillered). Explain: Tributnry properties e•ith respect �o lop of bank (eslinmte): Averoea �cidth: feel Averagc depth: feet Avernge side slopes: Piek List,. Primnq� Iributary substrate composition (chcck all thnt npply): ❑ Sil�s ❑ Snnds ❑ Concrete ❑ Cobbles ❑ Grnvel ❑ bluck ❑ Bedrock ❑ Vege�a�iun. Type/%cover. ❑ Othec Gxplain: . Tributnq° condition/s�ability [e.g., highly croding, sloughing bnnks�. E�plain: Presence of rw�/rifile/pool compleses. E�plain: . 'I'ributary geometry: Picle Lisf TribWaq• gcadien� (�ppro�iinnte nvenage slope): % (c) Clo«°: Tribu�nry prorides for: Pick List ' Estinmte arerage number of flo��� events in rzvie�v are:ilyear: Pick List Deseribe Flow regime: . Othcr informa�ion on duration and volume: . Sudace Ilo�v is: Pick LisL Chxrac�eris�ics: Subsurtiue flo�c: Pick List. �xpinin tindings: ❑ Dye (or olher) test perfonned: . Tributap� hes (check all that apply): ❑ Bed and bmiks ❑ OH\1'�-16 (check all indicators tha[ apply): ❑ clenr, na(ural line imprcsscd on tlie 6nnk ❑ changes in thc chnrneter of soil ❑ shclring ❑ vegetation nmtteA do���n, bent, or nbsent ❑ leaClitter distucbed or �vnshed a�vny ❑ sedimcnt dcposi�ion ❑ «•nter sluining ❑ other Qis�): ❑ DiscontinuousOHWM.' Gaplain: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ the presence of litter and debris destmction ol terrestrial vegetntion [he presence of wrack line sediment soning sCOUr mulliplc obscrvcd or prcdicicd tlo�c cvcnts abrupt chnnge in pinnt commm�it�. If factor: other than the OHIVM were used to detemiine lateral ex�ent ol CAVAjurisdiction (check all that npply): ❑ High Tide Linc indirn�ed by: ❑ Mean High \Vater b]ark indicaled by: ❑ oil or scum line nlong shorz o�jec�s ❑ survey to nvnilnblc dahim; ❑ fine shell or debris deposits (foreshore) ❑ physical markings; ❑ physical nmekings/chnrncteris(ics ❑ vegetation lines/dianees in vege�ation types. ❑ lidal gm��es ❑ otl�cr(list): (iii) Chemicsl Chnrneteristics: Chnrneterize [ribu�arv (e.g., water eolor is elear, discolored, oily f Im; �vater qualit}; geneeal �vatershed characteristics, eteJ. Esplain: Iden�il'y specitic pollut�nts, if kno���i: . `A nnturnl or mnn-inade discontinuity in the Ol I\VM does not necessa�ily scvcr I���isdiction (eg., �vhecz Ihz strenm tzmpomcily tlo�vs underground, or �chere �he OHN\�1 has becn rmovzd by development or ae�icullurol pmc�ices). \1'here there is a breaA in �he OHRT11ha� is imrelated �o �he �cate�bndy's Ilow re�ime (e.e., llow over n rocA ou�crop or Ihrou�li u culvcn), (he aaencies will IooA li�r indicaton of Oo�r above and bclmr Ihe break. 'Ibid. (iv) Biologicnl Clmrncteristics. Chnm�el suppm�ts (cl�eck nll ihnt npply): ❑ Riparian corridoc Chnrr�cterislics (iype, arerage �vidtl�): . ❑ \VeUand fi�iiige. Characteristics: . ❑ Flnbitnt for: ❑ Fedemlly Lisled species. Explain findings: . ❑ Fish/spa�vn a�eas. Bxplain tindines: . ❑ Oiher enrironmenlally-sensiti��e spzcies. Hxplain tindings: ❑ Aqualidwildlile dircrsity. Gxpinin findings: . 2. Chm•ncteristics of wetlnnds adjacent to non-TNR' thnt Ilow directly or indirectly into TN\1' (i) Physicnl Clmracteristics: (a) Genernl AVeUund Characteristics: PrOperties: \1'e�land size: acres VPetland lype. Esplain: . VA'etland qualily. Gxpinin: . Projec[ �cetlands cross or sarve as slate 6oundacies. Explain: (b) Genernl Flow Relntionship a-itli Non-7T\V: Flo�c is: Pick List. Explain: . Surfnce flo�v is: Pick List Chnr�cteristics: Subsurl'ace Ilo�r: Pick Lisf. Expl�in findings: ❑ Dye (or o�her) test performed: . (c) AVetland Adiacencv Determiimtion �vith Non=RJAV: ❑ Dircctly nbu��ing ❑ Not directly abWtin� ❑ Discrele weiland hyArologic conncc[ion. C�pinin: ❑ Ecoloeical conncc[ion. �xpinin: . ❑ Sepnrnted by bermA�arrier. E�plain: . (d) Proximih° (Rclationship) to �INVV Projce� �cctlands are Pich List river miles from TNN. Prolec� �cnters are Piek List aerial (stcaight) miles from TiJIV. 1=1o�v is tiom: Pick Lisf. Es�ima�e npprosimNe loc��ion of �ceiland as wi�hin [he Piele List, Iloodplain. (ii) Chemicnl Chnrnctcristics: Characterize we8nnd system (e.g., waler color is clear, bm���i, oil tilm on surface; �cater qualiq; general �vatershed chorac�eristics; ete.). Esplain: . Identifi� specific pollutanis, if kno�vn: . (iii) Biologicnl Chnracteristics. 1VeHand suppm�fs (checic nll thnt nppiy): ❑ Ripnrinn bufler. Characteristics (lype, nvernge �vidth): . ❑ Vegelation q�pe/percent covec 8xplain: . ❑ Habimt lor. ❑ Ccdernlly Listed species. Esplain findings: . ❑ Fish/spawn areas. Explaiii findings: . ❑ O�her envirunmenlally-sensitive specics. Gspinin findings: ❑ Aqua�ic/�sildliCe diversity. Gxplain findings: . 3. Characteristics of all wetlnnds ndjacent to the tributary (if nny) AII «�etlnnd(s) being considered in tlre cumulative analysis: Piek List Approsimately ( ) acres in total arc bcing considercd in the cumulativc nnalysis. For etich ���etland, specify thc follo�ving: Directlr abuts? (1'/�l Size (in acres) DirccUv abuts'? (1'M) Size (in acres) Summorize overall biological, chcmicnl nnd physicel functions 6eing performed: . C. SIGNIFICANT NCXUS DE'1'ER\IINATION A significnnt ne�us annlysis will assess the ilo��� characteristics and fimetions of the iribulm}� ifself nnd the functions per(m�med by nny n'eUands ndjncent to the h�ibutn�y to determine if they signifcnntly nPfect the chemicnl, physical, and biological integrit}' of n TNR'. �or each of tl�e following situntions, n significant ne�us exists if Uie tributary, in combinntion with nll of its ndjncenf wetinnds, hns iuore thnn n specWntice m� insubstantinl efPect on fhe chemicnl, physicnl nnd/or biological integrih� of a TMV. Considerntions when evnluating significant uexus iuclude, but nre not limited fo the rolume, duration, nnd Crequency of ihe Oow of wnter in the tributary and its proiimity to n TNR', and the fimetions perfm�roed by the iributm}• nnd all its ndjncenl wetlnnds. It is not npproprinte to determinc significnnt nesus based solely on any specific ihreshold of distnnce (e.g. behveen n tributnry and its ndjacent �vetlnnd or bet�vecu n h'ibutnry and U�e TN�V). Similnrly, the fnct mi ndjncent wetlmid lics �ritl�in or outside oPa Ooodplain is nof solely determinati�•e of significnn� nesus. Drmv connec�ions behreen the fentures documented nnd the ef(ects on the'fYVV, as identified in U�e Rnpm�os Guidnnce nnd Aiscussed in the Instrue[ionnl Guideboolc. C'nctors to eonsider include, fm� exnmple: • Does the tribWnq�. in eombination �+'ith its adjaecn[ �eetlands (if nnv), hnve the capacity to curry pollutants or Oood ���a�ers to TN Ws, or to reduee �he amoimt of pollutants or tlood wa�crs rznching a'IN\1"? • Does- �he tributaq�, in eombinalion �vith its a�lacent �retlands (i(any). providc hnbitnt nnA lifecyele support fimctions for fis-h and other species, such ns fceding. nes�ing, spawning, or rearine poung for specics [hat nrz present in �he'I1V1\"? • Does the �ributaq�, in combina�ion with its adjacenl �cetlands (if any), ha��e the capacity to transfer nutricnts and organie carbon thal support doa�ns�rcnm food�vebs? • Docs �he tributary, in combination �vilh ils ndjlcent �ceUunds (if any), have other ralationships to the physical, cheinicnl, or bioloeical integriq� of thc TNVV'? Note: the nbove list of considerntions is not inclusive nnd other funetions observed or known ro occur shoidd be documented below: l. Significnnt ne�us findings fm� nmi-RPR' tl�nt hns no ndj�cent wetlands nnd ilo�rs direcfly m� indirectly into TN�1's. Gxpinin tinAings of presence or absence of signit�enn[ ne�us below, based on Ihe tribwaq� itsel�; Ihen go to Sec�ion III.D: . 2. Significnnt necus findings for non-RP\V nnd ifs ndjacent �reNands, where t6e nm�-RP\5' ilo�rs directly m� indirec�ly into TNV1's. Explain findines ol presenee or absence of signifcanl nexus below, bnsed on �he tribu�ary in eombinntion �cith nll of its 2djacen� �vetlands, Ihen go to Section III.D: . 3. Signilicnnt necus findings fm� wetlnnds nAjncent to nn RP�V bu� that do not directly nbut the RP��'. Esplain tinAings of presence or absence ol signiticnn[ nesus belo�r, bnsed on the tributaq� in eombinntioii �cith nll of iis �djncenl ���etlands, then go to Section III.D: . D. DE'PCRDI[NATIO\S OI' JURISDIC'I'IONAL TINDINCS. THC SUBJCCT �VATCRSl�VF.TLANDS.\RE (CHECI{ ALL THAT APPLY): l. TnR's miA AAjncent VVetlands. Check all that npply nnd provide size eslimates in reriew area: ❑ "INVVs: linear feet ���idtl� (ft), Or, acres. ❑ �Vetlnnds ndjacent to "I'V\Vs: acres. 2. RP\\'s ihnt ilow directh� or indirectiv infa TMVs. � Tributaries of "f�lVs �vhere tributarics q�picnlly Flow year-round are I����sdiciional. Provide dn�n and ra�ionnle indienting Ihnl tributary is perennial: Boylston Crcck is mnrked as a blue line sireum on a USGS lopographical nmp and hns n ��-cll defined bed and bank �vith perennial flo�v. ❑ Tributarics ofT[�\V �vhere tribu�aries have con�inuous flo�c "sensonnlly" (e.g., q�pically Ihree months each year) are jurisdictionnl. Dnta suppoding this conclusion is provided n� Section III.F3. Provide cationale indicating Ihat t�ibWary flows seasonally: . Provide esliinntes for I�irisdictionnl �ctllers in O�e re��ie��� area (check all that apply): ❑ Tribulary �rnters: 200 line.v feel 15 �sidlh (ft). � Other non-�vc�land �Ynters: ecres. Identif}� �ype(s) of ���aters: . 3. �on-RP\Vse tliat ilo�v direcNy or indirectly into TN�1's. ❑ 1V�terbody thnt is not a TIVN or an RPlA', but Flo�cs dircetly or indirectly into a'ITVV, nnd it hns a significnnt nezus �vilh a 7T7�A' is jurisdictional. Du�e supporiing Ihis conclusion is providcd a� Scc�ion IILC. Provide estimates for jurisdictional �vaters �cithin �he revie�v ��rea (check oll that apply): ❑ Tributary �vn(crs: linenr feet �vidih (it). ❑ O�her non-�vetland waters: acres. Identit}� lype(s) of �vaters: . A. NeHnuds directly nbulting nn RPAV thnt ilow dB'ectiy or indireetly into TMVs. ❑ Wetlands directl�� abW RPAV and thus nrejurisdic�ional ns adjncent «°etlnnds. ❑ R'etlands directly abutting nn RP�V �chero tribwaries q�pically (lu�s year-round Provide data and rationnle indicating Ihat Iributary is perennial in Section III.D.2. above. Proride rationale indicating Ihat �vetlnnd is direclly abutting an RPN: . ❑ lVetlands direc(ly abu[ting an RPW ���here tributaries typically Flo�c..seasona�ll�:" Provide data indicating that Uibutary is seasonnl in Scction III.f3 nnd rntionule in Seclion IILD2, above. Provide rationale indicating Ihat wetland is direclly nbutting nn RPAV: . Provide acreage eslimates (orjurisdic�ionnl «�etlands in the revie�e area: ucres. 5, �VeHands ndjncent to but not directly nbutting an RPR' tlist (lo�v directl�• or indirectly into TN�Vs. ❑ Netlands tlmt do no� direetly nbut an RPW, bul �chen considered in combinaiion with the tributary to �vhich they are adjacent nnd �vith similarlq situnled ndjacent �vetlands, hnvc a signitican[ ne�us wilh n"[NlV amjurisidietionnl. Dn�a supporting Ihis conchuion is provided at Seetion IILC. Provide nemnge estimates for lurisdictional ���etlands in �he rzvie�v area: acres. G. �5'etlnnds ndjacent to non-RP�Vs tl�at ilo�v directly or indirectly into TN�1's. ❑ Wetinnds ndjacent to such �vaters, and have ���hcn consiAered in combinntion �vith the tributap� to �rhich �hey are ndjncent nnd �ciih similarly situated adjacent ��-etinnds, hnve a significant nexus n�ith a TNVV nre lurisdictional. Data suppor�ing this conclusion is provided nt Section III.C. Provide eslimates forjurisdictional �ve(la�ids in Ihz revie�c nren: acres. 7. Impoundments ofjurisdictionnl �vnfers.9 As i� general rule, �he impoundmen� oCajurisdictionel �ributaq� remuins jurisdictional. ❑ Demons��ate that impoundment �vas crented from °wnters of �he U.S.,'� or ❑ Demonslui�c that �vnter mee�s �he criteria for one of the categories presented above (1-6), or ❑ Demons�rate thnt �cater is isolated �vith a ne�us to commercc (see 8 bclo�r). E. ISOLATCD �INTERSTATG OR IN'I'IL4STATE� \VATERS, INCLUDING ISOLATCD �VF,TLANDS, TIIE USE, DCGRADA'fION OR DESTRUCTION OI' �\'111Cll COULD A�fECT IN"PERSTATC CO\Ii�1CRCE, I�CLUDING ANl' SUCH �VATERS (CHECK ALL TkIAT APPLI'):10 ❑���hich ere or coidd be used by imers�ate or toreign travelers for recrentionnl or other purposes. ❑ from �vhich lish or shell'ish ara or eould be �nken �nd sold in interstate or foreign commecce. ❑�rhich acc or could be used for industrinl purposes by industries in inlers[ale commerec. ❑ Intzrst�te isolated waters. E�plain: . ❑ O�her fnctors. E�plain: . "Scc Poo�no�e q 3. ' To complcte tlic a�ialy5is rcfcr lo Ihe keq in Sectim� III.D.6 of the Inslnictional Guidcbook. 10 Prim� fo asserling or declining C\P�1 jw�isdiclion bascd snlcly nn Ihis categorp, Co�ps Districls ���ill clernle Ihe nclion lu Corps nnd EPA HQ for rerierv consislenl �vilh Ihe pramss dcscribcd in the Cnrps/EP�\ �VemomuAnm 2rgrtrAing Cllil Ar( JnrisAie/rou Follou•ing 2npmios. Identif}� �vntcr body nnd swumnrize rntionnle suppm�ting determination: Proride es�imates for jurisdictionnl ��°nters in the revie�v �ren (check all thal apply): ❑ Tri6utap� �vaters: linear feel �cid�h (ft). ❑ Other non-�relland o�mers: acres. [dentify type(s) of�vaters: . ❑ VA'etl�nds acres. NON-JURISUICI'IONAL \1'ATERS, INCLUDING �\'ETI,ANDS (CHCCIC ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ If po�ential �vetlands �cere nssesstd wi�hin the rcvie�c nrea, Ihese areas did not mezt Ihe criterin in the 1987 Corps of Engineers lVetland Delinealion �limual and/or approprinte Regionnl Supplcmcnts. ❑ Re��ie�v area induded isolated «�a�ers �vith no subs�antial ne�us ro in�ers�nte (or foreign) commerce. ❑ Prior to Ihe Jan 2001 Supremz Court decision in "SIPdNCC." �hc rcvie��� area «�ould hava been regulaled bnsed so�c�r on Ihe "bligratory Bird Rulz' (NfBR). ❑VVnters do not mcet �hc °Si�ni�icnnt Nexus° standard, �vhere such a finding is required forjurisdiction. Explain: . ❑ Other. (e�plain, if not covered nbore): . Provide acreage estima�es for nunyurisdic�ionnl wnlers in Uie revie�c nren, �vhere the sale potemial basis of jurisdiction is the �dBR faclors (i.c., presence o( miecatory birds. presence ol'endnngered species, use of wnter for irri��ted agricul�ure), using best professional judgmen� (cheek nll Ihnt apply): ❑ Non-�ce�lnnd ���ntcrs (i.c., rircrs, stre�ms): linenr Icel �vidlh (11). ❑ Lake.ciponds: acrts. ❑ Othar non-�setland waters: acres. List type of aqua�ic rtsource: . ❑ \Veilands: acres. Provide acreage estimales for non.jurisdiciion�il �ci�ters in �he review nren thn[ do not meet Ihe "Significanl News" stnndnrd, ���herz such a t'mding is rcquircd (orjurisdiction (check all Ihat apply): ❑ Nun-�ceUund �cnters (i.e., rirers, strenms): linenr fect, �vid�h (ft). ❑ Lakes/ponds: ncres. ❑ Other non-�vetland waters: acres. List type oCaquatic resource: . ❑ WeUands: acres. SECPION IV; DATA SOURCES. A. SUPPORTINC DATA. Datn reviewed for JD (cheek all thnt apply - checked iteins shnll be included in case file and, �rhere checkzd and reques�ed, approprintelq referenee sources belo�v): � Maps, pl�ns, plo�s or pint submitted by or on bchnlf of thc npplicanVconsultanC . ❑ Dam sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consul�nnt. ❑ Officc concurs �vith dnt� shcc�c/dclincation report. ❑ O(tice does nol concur ���ith da�a sheets/delinention report. ❑ Daia sheets prepured by the Corps: . ❑ Corps navienble �va�zrs` swdy: . ❑ U.S. Geologicnl Survcy Hydrolo�ic Atlas: . ❑ USGS NHD dma. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit I IUC maps. � U.S. Ccological Surrey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: 124,000; Pisgnh Forzst. ❑ USDA �nturnl Rcsourccs Conscrvation Scrvicc Soil Survey. Ci�ation: . ❑ Natiunal wetlands inven�ory map(s). Cite nnme: . ❑ Slate/Local �cetland inventoq� mnp(s): . ❑ PG\9NFIR\4 maps: . ❑ 100-yenr f loodplain Glera�ion is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) � Nhotographs: � Aerinl (Nnine R. Dnte): . or � O�her (Nnme �@ Dnte): July 31, 2013. ❑ Previous �etznnination(s). File no. und dnte of response letter: . ❑ Applicablc/supporting case la���: . ❑ Applicnble/supporting seientific literaturo: . ❑ Other informntion (plcnsc spccif}�): . 6. ADDITIONAL CODIDICNTS TO SUPPORT .ID: '^'._^� %�� � �3���a��,;?) '1 ��� �' � , , �t ProjeclNa: {f�BS No.: Ferl. Air! Na Png'<d'I7ar6ing \'u. (Lduvnl Unf 13-08-0063 HISTORIC ARCHITLCTOR� ANll LANDSCAP�S NO SURV�Y RCQUIR�ll FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architectw•e and Landscapes For this project [t is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJ�CT INrORMA N/A 17BP.14.R. l27 N/A Conirty; Transyh Docnr�teiit MCC Ty �e: Tu�lding: St1te Tedera! I�J' Yes U No Pei��nit NWP ]4, 401 Cert.,'CVA Perinit(s): Type(s): Proiect Descriutio�r. Replace Bridge No. 870106 over Boylston Creek on SR 1502 (King Roacl). OP' HISTORIC ARCHIT�CTUI2� A P�S R�VICW Descriulion ofrevieiv ncJivilies. resrdts, and conclusio�is: Review of HPO qu�d maps, I-IPO GIS informntiou, historic designations roster, and indexes was undeit�ken on August 29, 2013. Dnsed on this review, there �re no existing NR, SL, LD, DE, a SS properties in the Area of Potential Eff'ecls, which is 75' fiom the centerline e1cl� w1y and 300' from each eud of the bridge. There are Ihree homes within �he APE, hvo are under fifty yenrs of age b�sed on Tr�nsylv�nil County GIS/I'�x information nnd oue is over fifly years of nge. 9] King Rd., built 1955, is a one story frnme house northwest of ihe bridge; it is unremark:�ble and not eligible for Nntion�l Register listing. Bridge No. 106 is n timber bridge built 1955, it is not eligible for NR listing. 'Chere nre no Nationel Register listed or eligible properties within the APE and no survey is required. ff desigu plans change, �dditional review will be required. 1f'/rv 1/re nvni/nble i�ifornin(io» nf'ovi�fes n relinble bnsis fov rensautblv U�•ediclir�p 1/�nt //lere are i�o «�lidentired sipniTcnitt hislo��ic nrchitect�u•n! or lnnrlscnne resoru•ces iir 1/re nroiec! nrerr. HPO qund maps nnd GIS informntio�� recording NR, SL, LD, DG, �nd SS properties for �he Transylvnnin County survey, Tr�nsylvania County GIS/Tnx infomintion, mid Google Maps �re considered valid for �he purposes of detennining Ihe likelihood of hista�ic resources being presenl. There �re no National Register lisled or eligible properties within the APE aiid no survey is required. SUPPORT DOCUMCNTATION �Map(s) ❑Previous Snivey L�fo. ❑Photos ❑Correspondence FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHITGCTURAL HISTORIAN NCDOT Acchitectural Historian NO SURV�Y RGQUIRED L` Date ❑Design Pl�us Hb/orie Arzpltenurr nnJ /.m�d�in�xa A'O SUAV/iY R/iQl/72/iU funu/uM/lnnr I'imi7rovnllon Pn jrrli ns Cl��alifirJ In Ihe 1007YmRmrunmGC AgrrrnrtvV. Page 1 of 2 YI� �i I ,V `, i�/� 'o.,,,, . '"o.. ti �'.�� o � }' "v "� �1�qi.,Hb���� y..i Y � ( ll�l y t^ �A � .�t•�� y� 4; �� � , �. � r l � � `vl' `j C ,��. � I' (� � ' .xV��Vd�.il0� �O �Y p '�:i �,., u,,�,� r f0 I '' '� 1 �� �i � I � T ' C!i , "t. � �`'.i,,,i � •."�f,y ,:;. � ��tl N �I�'. �� r � '��.,,, .�� ;,. � ° d u<n � P a I °V. m I 1 � r . • 'l „� �i y ,,, �� , uM `I `iY.r .' � "s q •0�.�6� �i) � ��� I1.f �\�' tt h � ��n+ t` �� . � er/i � :+ V r i� , � � �11` 6:. nnc-.eu� .n � id �,t'�� ';•, � �.�� C �Y� � '� a [?; �Z M � 1 b :I � � .� � � A ( l 1� t' �� `'t,•• � � "' n id��� ����s, rP�' �{{1,f �tl�f� `� P9 I� � � � � � � � �', 1�t, y. 7"� � :,a �;G .; .. o"� � ,i g o ,,�s, '. r�� ` '� I HPO GIS. c..[� i. ��,r,.Y;.. . �1 u,r� �:z � `�'� �� ,° � , .y r.� � ,< � �> � t,, !..�, .., . '?`� 'z�' �iy,�r ',..;.t' .. - $E ' t,�5 ,.f ' +�t '�;��Lt � _ .. i�2 ����. .,�,�� . � _ �` ti .s��. �,., r; f � -: r:. f -- e� ". .. � _ � '. . � .-(� ... .. ..va�. ,� „e#1 .i�' � %� ;yu{y��`+ .:: . � � .:s;.-� � � - l3ing Meps Birds Eye Vic�v. �-.-.r.� ,� t ' a. � '�.� S �;iy =: . His�o�ic Ard�i�e� no'e nndl.nndnnprs A'O SURI'!iY I7GQUl12/iD fwm/arFllnor 7Ymi qwNnlion Projrili ns [biali�rAin Ihe 5007 /Togrnimm�HC AR��•rmml. Page 2 of 2 Projec!'!'ineking A'o.: 13-08-0063 NO NATIONAL REGIST�R OR IIISTORIC PLACES `�o `��;� �LIG[BL� OR LIS'1'ED ARCHA�OLOGICAL SITLS r��sc��y � U� ,�,;r +; PRESCNT OR AI+PGCTCD P'ORM ,� ��Q �o� %� � �;i 7'his Conn only perlains to ARCIIAGOLOGICAL RBSOURCES Cor Ihis projecL Il is not u< ` ���� �"; � 1i valiA for Hisloric Arcliileclure �nd Landsc�pes. You musl consal� sepamlely wilh Ihe �x�,?,_L"�,�.� Hisloric Archileclure �nd L�ndsc� �es Grou � � � . �E 1• ,. `, a�9�t�a�r PROJGCT INRORMATION Pi ojec[ No: !V/3S No: Bridge 106 17BP.14.12.127 Co��n[y.. Docmuent: Transylvnnin MCS DEL' 1 1 2013 RA. No: u/� P'umling: � Stnte Federal � a ❑ ��������t� .�s�: !'edernl Peruti! Reqaired? � Ycs ❑ No Pe�ir:r( 7'ype.� N�VPl4-401 Ccrt-TVA Project Descriplioit: %7�is prnjecl is mi i�ile�isire rn•chneo(ogicn( snrvey neu! evnl�rrdio�i for tlie reNlnce�nen! of Brirlge No. 106 o�i SRI502 (Kii�g Rd) over BoyLstou Creek (I3rirlge IOG; {VI3S No. I713P19.R127; PA Na. 13-08-OOh3) in Trnusyh�miin Connty, NorNi Crn•nlinn, ils sNecifted Gy U�e NCUO%; tlic siu�vey nren n�id �Iren of Pnlentinl Lffecis (APL') for m•chneo(a�� extends 300ft (91.44ui) nor/hcnst n�id 300ft (91.44n�) snntlnves! nloug SRI502 fi•oui ei!lier end of Uridge No. IOG. T'he corridor rs npNr�.riinruely ISOft (45.73i�r) rvide eete�idriig 75 feel (22,86m) ou eiUier side ofSRI502 fi•am ila �resc�il ceii�er. � SUMMARY OR ARCHA�OLOGICAL rINDINGS 7hc Nor/h C�a�olina Departiuent of Trnus�o�?nlion (NCDOT) A�•chnenlogy Grorrp revieiverl !he suLject project ai�d dete�vni�terl: � 'I'liere nre �io Nation�l Register Iisted ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES within tl�e project's �re� of potential effects. ❑ No subsurface arcl�aeological investigations are required for this project. ❑ Subsnrface iirvestigalio»s did not reveal the presence of;my arch�eological resources. � Subsurflce investigations did not reveal the pcesei�ce of a��y archaeological resourccs cousidcred eligible for the National Register. ❑ All identified arcli�eological sites loc�ted within tlic APE have been considered eud nll complinuce for archneological resources wilh Section 106 of lhe Nation�l Historic Preservntion Act and GS 121-12(a) h�s been completed for this project. � There is �io Natio�ial Register Eligible or Listcd ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES present or affected by tliis project. (Attach �ury notes or docu�ner�ts as neederl) "A'O NdTlONdL REGLS]ER ELIGIIILb'OR LlSTF,D ARCl/A6'OLOGIC'AL SITt.'S PR£.SEN]'OR.IFFGCTED fonnlor Alivar TimuYOr(nlion Pi o%rrh ne QmdifrrAin Ihe lOW Pro.4rnnmmlic ASrramrnl. I nf 3 Projecl7i'<rckiiig �\'o.: 13-08-0063 Brief descrip(iau �f re��ie�v aclivities, residls of revieiv, n�id coiiclrrsious: An arch�eological survey nnd evnluntion for repl�cement of Bridge No. l06 on SR 1502 over I3oyls[on Creck in Tr�nsylv�nia Counly was conducted on Oclober h, 2013, by T�sha Benyshek, Michael Nelson, E3clindl Cox, and Brenda Magouirk-Nelson of TRC Gnvironmentel Corporation (7'RC). During the wwse of the survey, oue previously tmiden�itied archaeologic�l site (3I TV 1073) was located within thc project APC. The nrchneological resource is recammended not eligible for Ihe NRHP, �nA no further nrch�eologicnl inveslig�lions are needed for this project. SUPPORT DOCUMCNTA'CION See �ttached: � Mep(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info Other: Cidtw•al Review Signed NCDOT AI2CHACOLOGIST � Photos �� ❑Correspondence te .',\'O N.ITIO,VAL /UfGISIIiR /:L!(i/OL6Ulf /JSI l:O ARCf/.Il:LLOIilCAI. Sl/!S'YFlSI%NTOH AFFL'CiG'U �,,.,���. er„o, r.�,�,��o.mr,o,� rR���.i� �. q„�d/�.•d„� rn.� mm r.o8.��,;,n��r� ns.�z,���,�i. 2 0(9 Projee! 7inrd'ing Na.: 13-08-0063 SiJMMARY OI�' CULTURAL 12ESOURC�S RGVII�;W IJrrefrlesa�ipliat ofrcview nclivilics, restJLc ofrcvieiv, nnd ca�chtsrous: TRC has conducted an intensive �rchaeological sw vey �nd evala��ion for ihe replacement of E3ridge No. IOC on SR 1502 (King Rond) over Boylston Creek in Ti.�nsylvani� County, Nor�h Carolina (figw�es I and 2). As specifiecl by the NCDOT, Ihe survey area and Are1 of Polentinl F.ffects (APE) for archaeology eslends 300 feet (91.44 m) norlhcast nnd 300 fcet (91.44 m) soulhwest along SR1502 fiom eitlier end of Bridge No. 106.'I'he corridor is npproximately I50 fect (45.73 m) �vide extending 75 feel (22.86 m) on either side of SR1502 from i�s preseu[ cenler. A m�p review �nd site files search wns conducted by I3elinda Cox of TRC at thc Office of State Archaeology (OSA) Western [3r�nch on September 26, 2013, which supplemenled a previous NCDOT review. Eight sites are locnted wi�hin n mile radius of ihe project area, including 31 TV IO2, which is recorded �vithin or directly adjncent to the project APE. Holden (1966) initi�lly recorded 31TV 102 �nd fouud a Woodland triangulnr pp/k; the site was recorded as being uoiih of Boylston Creek mid jusl easl of Long I3r�nch in a small sloping lield.'Phis description is consistent wi�h condilions immediately to �he north of thc cwrent APE. \Vetmore later revisiteA a Middle Woodland site she recorded as 31'f V 102.'I'he site fonn indicates ihat the site was located in a fallo�v field �hnt was to be developed, �ud includes ihe description "IndustriaP' on Ihe sile condition portion of �he form.'fhe industrial set�ing Wetmore describes fits ihe surrounding �rea to the west of the APL. Wetmore's map of shovel test locntious shows 31"PV102 wesl of Sutto�ilLong E3rnnch (Wehnore I993:126), nnd based on this map is I80 m west of the etu'rent APE, well outside ihe current survey �re�. 'fhe Holden and Wetmore 31TV 102 bcations are likely differeut sites, nnd it is possible that 1Netmorc revisiled 31TV 101 rnlher fhan 31TV 102, as 31TV 101 is localed west of Sutton Creek. Regardless, Holden's 31TV 102 is likely closcr to ncarby NC 280 to the nnrih of ihc projecl area, within the �gricultur�l fields in thnt direction.'I'he uorihern portion of the cwrent APE consists of a residenti�l men, and Ihe I�ndforms are modified in this location. Only one of fhe tliree residen�ial slruchires within the APE are depicted on �he 1965 USGS map (USGS 1965) (anly 2 of 3 nre on recent 1997 USGS mnp �USGS 1997]), however, so it is possible th�t 31TV 102 was located iu wli�t is no�v a developed nre�. Site 31TV 102 was not rediscovered during the cinrent survey Topogr�phic maps, United States Department of Agricidhue (USDA) soil survey maps, �nd historic maps were examined for information on nnfural or cultural variables Ihat might have affected site locations. "fhe Price nnd SUn�her map (1808) shows "Bouydstones" Crcek and iributaries, �long with 1 ro�d crossing "Bouydstones" Creek, but no other detail in the area. The MacRae map (1833) depicis Boylstons Creek, along �vitli some of i�s �ributaries, �nd � ro�d �hrough fhe valley bul no o�her detail in lhe �rea. The Kerr map (1882) also depicis Doylston Creek mid a road in ihe are�, but no detail in Ihe project area ci�her. The 1906 Pisgah quadrangle contains much more detail and shows Boylston Q�eek, nloi�g with Sutton Creek and Long D�.�nch, al�hough Long Branch is not labeled. NC 280 is shown iu its �pproximate currenl locatio�i, as is a ro�d in the SR 1502 location along with the creek crossing in or near its current locntion. No sh uctwes are depicled wilhin N�e APE, �I�hough several nre shown further to the soudteast (USGS 1906). Simil.irly, the 1935 and 1945 Pisgah Poresl USGS quadr�ngles do not show �ny structures wilhin the APL-; (USGS 1935, 1945). As mentioned nbove, a single structw�e appears on ihe 1965 quadrnngle, in the northwestern portion of the APE (USGS 1965). [3y �he time ihc 1965 map �vas photorevised, hvo houses are presenl, wi[h ihe addition of one in ihe soull»veslern quadrnnt of the APE (USGS 1978). On-line soils data show hvo soil types �vithin ihe project area (NRCS 2013). Mos� of Ihe area is mapped as Rosman fine sandy loam, 0-2% slopes, Gequently Flooded. These soils occur in tloodplains. Most of the residenli;�l nrea is classified as Bi<�ddock loam, 2-8% slopes �nd consist of siream Icrrnces comprised of old ;tlluvium (NRCS 2013). ••h'O il.i]/011AL R/i4/SlIJf F/lG/U/.601f //5//iU Alt(7lAbYl/d]GlCA/.57/!iS P1USS/iNT U2.1/�(�G( 9f:D /„n,/ >nam, 9ron,pwmr,on r.,y: n� n. Qual�e��Li ine zon� r,�og�o,�ninur ng.oa,narir. 3 ot9 17ojeel Tincking No.: 13-08-00G3 'fhc archneological field swvey included a systematic �valkover of the APE to search for �bove-ground fentures and �he excnvtllion of 21 shovel �esls (T�ble I) in areas I�cking stn�iding water, weNanA soils, or signs of severe dislurbance. AII qundrants of tl�c APE were found suilable for sliovel testing. The shovel tests measumd 30 cin in diameter nnd were excavated to subsoil or at least 75 cin belo�v sm face (cmbs); all soils ihnt were not obvious fill werc dry-screened ihrough '/a-inch mesh. Limited augering was conducted at tl�c bases of select shovel tesls to further assess the potential for buriecl sites and to find ihe depth lo basal gravels. The western por�ions of �he APF, nre tvi�hin a resideNial area, and landfonns appeared largely modified (�igwes 3 and 4), �Ithough S'fs 4 and 6 encountered intnct �Iluvial soils nearest ihe crcck. No nrtif�cts were rccovered in that area. The eastern part of the APF cousists of �griculturnl fields Hint �vere planted in corn at ihe time of sw vey (�igure 5). Sm f�ce visibility was approximntely SO%. No artifncts werc recovered from shovcl tesls ro the south of SR I 502, nor were any observed on Ihe surFlce. One very low density sile w�s ne�vly discovered (31TV1073) in the northeastern quadraN of the APE (see Figures 2 and 5). Ten shovel tests were excavated in the site area. Soils all consisled of loamy alhrvium, buf were variable, wilh some shovel tesis (e.g., ST7) appcaring to encounter swales �vhile others contained n more clear A over B soil sequence. Some shovel �esls contained mottlecl, hydric soils at ihe b�ses. Only three artifecls were recovered, consisting of � piece of quar�z debitage and l�vo sherds. The sherds �re bo sinall end eroded to allow component identificatimi. No artifacts were observed on Ihc surfnce. The si�c may coutinue to the north oulside of ihe APE, slthough � cursory look at the surface in that direclion did not revenl any �rtifacts. The landform rises in ihat direction and �hat area m�y havc been iuore nth�active for prehistoric occupation, as it would have been less frequenNy flooded. Due to tite very low density, sile 31"I'V 1073 is recommende<I not eligible within the sw�vey area. [3ased on tlie results of ihe backgrouncl research nnd field survey, ihere is no evidence that NRHP-eligible archaeologic�l resources are situaled within the Bridge 10( APG. Consequently, no additionnl archacological investigations are recommended for this projecl as cunenlly defined. Sinccrely, �F;,/ /��,�,1�,( Tasha E3enyshek Senior Archaeologist/Assistant Program Manager, Asheville TRC Environment�l Corpor�tion .�xa N�ivo,v.v. xrtcisuua utrc;mut oa usreo.uzcr»,�cruomrdi..ein:srm_se�rvroa,���i�i,� �nru /�,,,,/�.nm,�. r.�„„��on.�m» � r,��<.n �� {�,�„�,/„�r„ n�r zao� v.��X.�,,..,�„n� d�,.,��,�,�c 4 ot9 Projee( 7rnakiiig A'o.: 13-08-0063 RGFLRGNCCS CITED Ilearn, Edwarcl �V., and G.M. M�eNider 1906 S'oilSSuvey o("I'roi�sylrnnin Coanly, NoiiL Cnro/inn. U.S. Government Printing Office, \Veshinglon, D.C. Kerr, W.C. 1882 ,blop ojNa7/� Cnroli�io. On file, Norih Cnrolina State Archives, Raleig6. MacRne, John 1833 A New Map of ihe Slale of Norih C�rolina. lohn MncRac, Fayctleville, and H.S.'Panner, Philadelphia. Nalional Ilesources Conservation Service (NRCS) 2013 Nnlural Resources Conservatiou Scrvice, Uniled Sletes Depndment of Agricultivc \Veb Soil Survey. Avnilable online nt htip://websoilsmvey.nres.usdagov/ nccessed September, 2013. Price, Jon and John SlroUier 1 SOS The �irst Aclunl Survey oFflic Sfnfe of Norih Carolinn. Plnte IX in A�or!!� Carolinn in �6/nps, edited by 1V. P. Cwnming, 196G. Sl�le Depnrtmenl of Archives nnA Hisiory, Rnleigh. U.S. Geologicnl Survey (USGS) 1906 Pisgah, N.C, �opogr�phic mnp ( L'25,000). 1935 Pisg�ih �orest, N.C, 7.5-minule topographic map (124,000). 1945 Pisgnh I%orest, N.C, 7.5-minule �opogr�phic ntnp (L•24,000). � 965 Pisgoh Foresl, N.C, 7.5-miuute topogrophic mnp (124,000). 1978 Pisg�h Porest, N.C., 7.5-minute topugraphic mep (124,000>. 1997 Pisgah Fores�, N.C., 7.5-minute lopographic map (124,000). T�ble 1. Archoicological Sites Idmitificd in thc Brid�c 106 Sw�vcy. Shm�cl'1'csls Arlifac�s Sife N Componenl(s) "Potnl* Pre6. klisl. I.ilhic Cernmic Ilisloric 'I'ol�l Recommend•��i� 31TV1073 UnknownPrchistoric 10 3 0 I 2 0 3 NufEligiblc ` Includcs all shovcl Icsls wilhin 30 m of positivc tesls T�blc 2. Sife 31TV1073 Arfif�ct rrov o�rn� Lfplll i(rv enuac� uescri ST7 I 40-GO I Debiingc quatlz S"I'17 1 25-35 I ShcrJ croJeJ S'C20 1 0-37 I Shcrd residu: ,.xa N.ruo�v,�i. �urci.sn:it ircir,mi.r ors i.is�rru nrsonicoi.a;u>m sirzn� rtu�se�,vron sr�rcr�u / un/ar,ihnor Tsuny�onunon !'rolrnr m Qunh/uJ In tliz 100] Piagm..maiic Agnuurni. $of9 � z < �» �� � ���� '� � ��-. � � , }� �ji. � :;; � ���;� r"� - -�..�!', �j1'�'.�i', . ,,y , / ., o �,� ,: �: � �► � I� ` ^� A � �. `� �,. � , . sy � �� i ' al� " _, zc: i � � ��� �� 8 I w v m '� � j � � p q � f'" 7, a° U° u f �° O Gi !p 1 I � � s � � �� � ���� ��.�������� ���iA`���� � � ��POZCZ,� � ��� � ' �� \A� � �� � v,i �� V1����. � \ � �� ��V���_� ? �' '2soo�t�" � � � �� � � � - .,y. �: � \\\ � I \ \ ob.,\�� �,izaeo,¢t �.; � �� � :, ��� � �� � \, 1 � , ;« ��, :1��� ,� ,, ,, � , , . ` ` \\ \. �, , \`�` � '''i� ��\ �` � ��� � �, � � ���'� � > V�`\\�\�:� :� � �: �. �� � 0 z`Iro I'C I� b � ia � , � - => „ : � a �:s_ v � I� ►;�� x� . �� � ;�i ' ° ,� � ,' �� — � o v ; �a � I, / % f � o ' � � . i^ �� � o . . � , rc ��-.; a � (' �°o � :/. I � / ' Q �' . N `�� ; `' ,,i � � � , � .°;���_ � ��i�. ProJetl Tinrkirig No.: 13-08-0063 i . . " .N� . . . � � � � ,'f I . " - � " - . ' � I � . � . . . � . � I - - ' .. '. ., . � . ' ; ; . � . ... � . � � � Figure 3. View of the uorthwesteru porlion of the E3ridge No. 106 APE nnd cxtant siructurq view nm theast. �igme 4. View of the sou�investern portion of tlie 6ridge No. 106 APC and extant slrucitn'e, vie�v south. "h'O NA7/ONAL N�G/SIA%t A%.!C/lJ/,llOR 1J57ED MC//dI,YJl.OGICdL S[ZGSPIiIlJ6Nl'Olt AFPfC]/iU /onn f rdlino� Trmupunmim� Pr jea�s nr QunllrRie �Ar 100] Progia.mnNe Agrenirm 8 of9 Po�oJectTrnrking Nn.: 13-08-0063 --,::::�— �k¢��,.�. -- =— ==t Pigure 5. Vic�v of Ihe eastern portion of �he Dridge No. 106 APE, Site 3 I'f V 1073 on righl, view uorthwest. ••A'O NA//ONAL R/:GL1TliR /:LG/0/,7i OR L!S(l1D ARCHAGOLO(:/CAL Sl]BSYRfiSh'NTOR Ah%�TC7/iD J m� forA7i�mr Tiampormriai Pio/rrn m[lursl f:d in �Ae 10011'rogrmm�;nrie Agnemeu�. 9of9 N � � � � � ti . � � � O� O � m A H i �� � U � �� � � 5 Z � �`� � s( ; � SE� �t>� O r-.z fw �,�� V ao,� fiN i�eo See Si�ef 1-A Po� Index o� Stez/s See Slxet 1-B Por Comienilanol5ymbols �-- ro Nc-zao BEGIN PROJECT -L- STA.10+85.00 GRAPHIC SCAL&S DESIGN DATA 50 25 0 50 100 ADT 2011 = 600 �J PLANS 50 25 0 50 � 0 7 = 6 % ������ V = 35 MPH PROFILE �HORIZONTAL) l0 5 0 l+ � FUNC CIASS = MINOR COLLECTOR ������ I PROFILE IVERTICALI $UBREGIONAL TIER S'1T'.A\'T'T', (OO1F �t(01��1��I C.P\RCOT.,I11��� �I S�ISI(��� ({�F' ��T'�I Z��r�,�1'�S TRAI�SYLVAI�IA COUI�TY LOCATIOI�I: BRIDGE #106 OPI SR 1502 (KIPIG ROAD) OVER BOYLSTON CREEIC TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING AND STRUCTURE � "�llR�lA+�E WATER IMP/-�(: fS PFRMIT �SITE 1 -L- STA.12+86.82 PROJECT LENGTH LENGTH ROADWAY = 0.081 MILES LENGTH STRUCTURE = 0.004 MILES TOTAL LENGTH = 0.085 MILES -L- STA.l3t09.18 R/�� �■ 1520 SOO'IHftIO�Ar 51 i 610 8203,TE 100 \> N r V� ■ Ia¢5lAYO.iAU SPfCIF(G/(O.YS RIGHT OF 1{'AY DATG:I JENNIFER FARINO PE rxo�ccr cxc�.rr�a LET7LYG DATE: I DREW MORROW PE rrta/eu uESir..r cvcisr�A �• 176P.14.R.127 1 END PROJECT -L- STA.15+35.00 PRGLIDIINARY PLANS - a cTIOV NSDRr7ULIC5 GNGINEGR ROdDII'AY DES/GN cn�oivcc'rs PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 5 i O > -�- wmc uniH Pl Slo 13+Z0J4 PI Slo /5+45.03 Pl Sfo l6i79.00 �= U3d00.0'(Rrl �_ l5'44'31.0'!CT) �= 5851'15b'fLTI o= Q3a�a o= z�3aoo.a o= 3�oroaz L= 100.�' L= 7322' L=(I771' T= 50.G17 T= 36b4' 7= 9759' R= 11,459J6' R= 266.49' R=/73.(,17 SE = NC SE = EXIST. SE = EXIST. Por sro. s+�oo ,. �oeaores ueracrs w SVPSACE WAIE4 o[::orES �E�nroxnei 1/� � I�.PACfS Itl $VRFACE VIAIER Ilflilllil PIPYAP FOR WLVERT PLANS.SEE SHEET C-ITHRU C-77 � � �� � �_�. ���: � ��.. ��� ����� oe��� o���� �� �� O e,, •iE��v-zx�e_o� -R1- SiP. B�lt]0 2'0.0]' �l e�a sc,ec �: o^sE c= as �czusr �_.•� Niean..•: GIii=H see oer:�.� r, ni. s=_a 'ROJEC7 ��ex iOriEr T STA10+85.� � s,'__, S�-E '� '�, t � >� , �°'`� � '�, �� ; �. , 'F�, ��. P � �. �� � o ,,�:= =�� — -- - - :] _I �1��.(i � �a�r �� �—r F FUE I PUE `__-. rF'�� E� P E� ,_-�l _f1 tJ O i�TUE ���,`C. ;�_ �-� , , i �N:i 5 � m�o EY e.'� \\ �";� O .5i[ [ � �.�. ���f �on.� PC Sta. 12+7014 CIICr1 C'�i_ __ '_i BEGIN CULVERr -L- POC STA12+861 SITE 1 ioo� o' ioo� ��� � i BRIDGE NO. 106 c�aFhc sceir N ((O� PC S�o.15i0819 y EIID PROJECT � —L— POC STA15+35.00 �6� unx ��.ne:�cv ry OPCC 5io. 15+81,4/ / I END CULVERT � / I _... �. �,..,. \ s ,, ,- �- -- � , �, � �� _ _ ` 3 \ � � � �� 'T � � � � �.� . �PUE I � J — I ePOE-� � EPUF �YT'�—�iPUc� � -�,., �.a�ef ' i � � -,_ _"i _-,.-_, , yII I L � � � 1 � � I�E% II.IiOPCEY �J� nr j� �' l i 'I ORCH O - Oci�l I l :��5 c1:cFf � PT Sfa. 13+70J4 DEfAIL A DEi I. 6 S cdCH _cCL I CIRII - Lili.-� ORCYI ---' ' s=EO[* �,emis�s�ezr �v. `_, r' ., � ' I �! T 1 I. ., n `�a I� �. � _ . _['!='"2%2.�1' - -P 5 � 9'.i92>�i>I ai I=oN s Il �ie sL.l 411 F.��A�SGAO 1610 siA.l]iso�?G aie s � e. _ cr �r, i r aa�E t.o�n � n�„ x, e___ �m � norn s.:. i- -o sr.. =._n r.n � F-,�.. >� ,_ ? n> ,�_ �,-- �.d 0.':l SHFff NO. OV/AY OESIGN HI�?AVIIC. fNGINffR E1:GINEfR IGLININf�RY PLANS W \Oi L i [O.\sT0.L'iTD.\ i��w�nrr �RnwiNG SHEET 2 OF 5 RSa1�1 ��mvi`:"':i'�� _ WV9��YY����IC7�GG��Y�--Ii7/PY�31f��r.r��� sG�i�Y_��m�a��i ����i� - .. : , ' � : : . : . �0������������'s� _ , � ���������11����� �����3-- �s���__���������� ���i : . _ '��6'.��I� °J�� �o—���m--- ' ����������� ;� ' �� ��� ��I =- � • - � � .." � �=��������� i�;• � ��'e� �' � �� ���I:_ . ` . ,��' ��c ac � Y�tofri� , • . � �°_�-�_��_ ��: "g�_ --������ : � ����I���� � . �i� ����� ���v ,r ..,—, -- ��� ,-• � . - ������������ -.� � _� - � ������ ���������I���a � �I� �� ��� ,,°, ���� . .. .��������0�'e�������������o����v � � ��i�������� F ���9�� �gv���������������� � s�������� �� � s�°°�° dtl������m� �s��� �� �v J I �����'�fi� /: • ��� �� ����a����s -ayv�r`��.m���:��+������ �� ���������� � �%i���6��dC�ttl! � ������������������i � = s • =��v��A °° ' -�i�+� momm � � �� � � � � ������"8l������q� ��� �o ��� ���a_���� a� �r �d e.e @ . i i; � ��C������� � � I ���vi . _►� p m�, _ r • � ��������� � d v - •n - , ' ' � m�m�m �������������l�.l■����������J����1�����'� . � ' ' ������������5 so o� �o �. .v a v�\��Q o v ��������� �' . _. ������������1����� � ' -�i ����� ������ ������ ������ � „ � .��� ��-- � �������� ������� , . . �i�����i ���, : '����o ���o��--��� ���������� ��� ���� --���-. �� ' � I� l��� " ����������� �i�����i� _����� �� ���������� C���� � �����°���v����� o� ���g� ��� ���������������������� „ -- ���� "���������� �������� z O PI Slo /3+p0J4 Pl Sta 15+q5.03 PI Sfa 16+791J0 0° 0'30'00.0'lRTI �_/5'44'3/.UlLTI �= 5851'l5b'lLTI 0= 0'30'00.0' 0- 2f3d000' D= 3T07'082' t iooar � �s2r � = n�.�r T= 50.00' T= 36B4' T= 9759' R=//,459J6' R= 266.49' R= l73IXY SE = IIC SE = EXIST. SE = EXIST. POT 5/o.9i00.W �O �oer�mes u�.raas w SU0.FqCE vlqifi PT.�TJ oenores rernrorne� {ll�L�L I'1PAR5 Itl SORfACE \'/AIFR � I I I I I I I I pl] FPP Ifll�ll�ll FOR CULVERT PLANS,SEE SHEET C-ITHRU C-?? ���� ���� ��� �__� 67 t � i e ro=zza �. -FL 5 a.'LR` E.'Lr na � E na �-�- 3 i�c,-- � . : r. � _��_� _ ,i..�. O �inx e,nOetEx _ ,_ /,( �t � �i��IX5;,, `,':3� �s \c, r1����'�/ �� e_ _� � � � F�E � - � — — '— � JON!1 5 A fH0':EY _ I ,. O_ �. �."S.:'.. r�-L UIE .. � LiICH .. � 1. _ . I I� "I _i GIN COLVERT _ pM CTAl�J1AGS SITE 1 loo' o' loD' BRIDGE N0.106 GFAPH C SCAIE � in �lp PC Sla. 15+08J9 r 6 ENO PROJECi � -L- POC STA/5+35.00 �6� UA% H.Yi09LEV O3 / Pcc sm. is+ai.a� � � -==-�==sc�=`� I "�:.; l,P�E =e �� � , � �— `"�_ ; � r � � `-\��' �, ; '� � �. ��;�` �� � I � � V 1�� , ,, � � �: r_�i �,A � � Kp% t FOnLEY '� l NIOf� l C _ ��� !\ -L-�R F �� �HEEi P7 S�o.13+7014 �Ef?IL A DEiFIL B '.LL vCdCrl ppC+ F- ,91�in L.1 �:��C 1 1 H"-f �lid:. �.- J I � 9�fr. d 10 i' LAV =L P Fv=[222.°r 5 = i. SI�_11-:0 i0 -�A Il- .. 1�1 i�.� Si� II'.16ri0[SIAll+50 IRI� PiF c � G. . - v .� 5 t I1 6S 1p $I%. IE -� I��1 � �. 5!+_ 11-�� IO Si:.12�9] I'.i. .. �.. Si}.13-`.0 TO 5lR. If � b> I�� rxoiECr aEFEae:cE e:o. sr��n r:o. I7BPJ9RJ27 9 vw snerr r:o. FOPDYIpY �FSIGN HfDi.4U11C5 [::cn:[[v e;cir:eex PRELIDIIN RP PI.AnS I'ERMII �R/�WINC�� SHEET 3 OF � RS�1 �����""mg�m ����Yi9 :_ "_ ��� ��a .�/.�'• .•i. ���� m�i�� � j, � �� • ' ! o � ' � i' � i 5���� ������ �� " �� � ������� _���C " �� : : � - ������� ���o���� �� o�� ����� .. . � ���������� _ �������� '�� ����'��i' ' , . .._ ' .. �,4� ������� _ �� � ���I�_�' ������� _ ������� �I:: . : ,� " �i� �_���������:��� - ���������:o���_ °���i��� _ .�-�- I� �� �� ����__� . . 9� - �����=3 �, -.,,, �������I��� �� �I� ���������� �� �, � ��� � " ����iS��������������� ���� ����������°����� -��i� ■������ - ° - -. ,��� �°��-��°����i��l� ���������� � � - ' ����`� . .•.. �.����� �����-°�������� _ �a. ,� ��� � _ ___ _ �� � ������C��� - . 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I SHEEi NO- El.GINEE4 ENGINFER PRGI.IAtINXRS'T PLA: �o .m , . , ro. .«,o. I'LIZMI`f' C�RAWING SHE��I' � (�F .'� RSa�N o- so L'i?FFC [CPLf ;�� �� F — --- ------- ___ —i ro _ -- 1-� �� _ � _ —_ � � -----�'� --- -- -- -- -- - —Er,�`s� � � -E ; ---- O O �� � ��M1 I U� 0 �U.-y I \ ;;��p� -� CDRN FI�LD � I I MAX W. NJORLEY O / dL 3 � 5o N�PEi11: =;�-� � / 502 I I � � I I '' � I � � i A��RIONAL MFORAi4ilON AND COAIPUTAlIONS OSGS 510. 3009 5158 (REGION l BWE RIOGE) . . ... . ... ._... ___- ____ O. V UGE PRG }.IA $Q.I.'1 _ ._._ ....... ......... .. .... � y __.. O. 120 �OAI ]BB p]q 600 ak � . ........ o �. -- �n. ._ _._ ..__....... . .._._.. ......... O� ]9d �OOf 998 12��41 ^ 950 A ...___ e '.__. '[n _.... . ......... ......... _......... 0y.= �]9 101� � 4I9 l� ]d! 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HEC-GAS AlU I U 1 BO% NLVE0.i EFFEQIVE A4FA <O SUIl�110NS ...... .._ ACNN NIVERi ARG 04 ]i'-1 6b AEC fAON CMA¢i ➢9 d SQ R _ RISESPAN PAllO 01d USE CH4Pi 16 HD�S 90' HFAD\IRl�USE SCAIE 9 EFFEQIVE A4FA ACiUAI NIVERi AfFA BIOCKALE A4EA EffERVE,ARFA 118 416 6 50_F(�BLOCK4GEAPG i]09 dN'.=Pbb50.RJ= 91850.R. EQUNALENL_BO% SI2E I J HK?AS �l ¢UPIE�� 91 E53 1] ] R. ,� _ _... ._ .... ..... .... ..... nisroucu r.+w: ns. sveves nas seeu me aono ovcaror rvnce i� io .- renas ..... ....... .._.... . ...... ... .. ..... . .... ESIS➢\G 9L�GE \IAiEiVAY OPFHI 1G IS )1 Sp. R SITE DATA D�aino3' a ���d 50.1.!1 OEII::GIFO USGS SIiFA�ASIAIS ..... ..... Si ..._. ..... ....... Ri.eePnsn ilElCH 6i0>0 ..._ Ch otl.r N2e� .._.. __ Srrxam Clossfim "m �SOCM1 o� imur. MigM1 Ov I � v�=r, m� � � Dufo on E•'s'�g 51�uc\��e 1 SGA -19' I',RV. Ei ROOi O�! P_�!EF0. XJISiS �,._., _,_,_. 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