HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Section III A Salinity 2020 PCS Creeks Report_20210701III. ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION OF SUMMARY RESULTS BY PARAMETER A. SALINITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES For summary information on rainfall, other weather related events, and Tar River discharge refer to Sections I-D through I-G. All salinity monitoring locations are associated with South Creek and its tributaries, Pamlico River and its tributaries, or Durham Creek and its tributaries. Both South Creek and Durham Creek are large tributaries to the Pamlico River (the Tar River becomes the Pamlico River at Washington NC, approximately 16.9 miles upstream from Durham Creek). The Pamlico River salinity monitor (PS1) was removed prior to Hurricane Florence in September of 2018 for safety. Due to storm damage to the breakwater and pier, PS1 was not re -deployed until early 2020 when repairs were completed. Data from salinity monitors at HS1 and HS2 have endured the most loss over recent sample years due to damage caused by unstable and dry conditions. Because of this, 2020 will represent the last full year of salinity data for these two stations. Table III -Al shows the 2020 monthly mean, maximum and minimum, and annual salinity for each salinity monitor location; salinity distributions at most locations were the highest in January, September, and October. Appendix C contains a figure showing Tar River discharge for 2020, as well as graphs depicting the semi -continuous salinity and depth data from each Aqua TROLL monitor (Appendices B — I are included only on the CD/DVD that accompanies this report). On the Appendix C graphs, salinity data omitted from analysis, or missing data, have been categorized as one of the following: insufficient water, equipment malfunction, service error, or other. 1.0 Environmental Variables Salinity of coastal streams can be affected by a variety of biotic and abiotic factors. This section will determine how salinity within the monitored creeks was affected by four environmental variables: Tar River discharge, water depth, rainfall, and wind (wind data were supplied by PCS Aurora NOAA Station 6N). a. Salinity and Tar River Discharge Because the Tar River carries mostly freshwater, it is expected that increases in discharge should result in decreases in salinity at all monitored PCS creeks (i.e., they should be negatively correlated). Figure III -Al shows daily Tar River discharge from 1998 to 2020 (with the exception of 2006 when no creeks were monitored per the 1998 plan) and Figure III-A2 shows discharge at impact creeks during pre- and post -Mod Alt L periods. The median and the mean Tar River discharge in 2020 were the second and third highest, respectively, since 1998. As in last year's report, relationships between salinity and Tar River discharge were analyzed using a cross -correlation function which incorporated daily time lags. For example, correlations were computed between salinity on one day and the discharge of Tar River one day prior, two days prior, three days prior, and so on. Discharge and salinity data were log -transformed prior to analyses. Table III-A2 shows the time lag that yielded the strongest negative correlation between discharge and salinity for each Aqua TROLL, as well as the value of Pearson's r, the correlation coefficient used in the analysis (Pearson's r ranges from -1 to 1, where -1 indicates a strong, negative relationship, 0 indicates no relationship, and +1 indicates a strong, positive relationship). All Aqua TROLLs showed weak to strong negative correlations between salinity and Tar River discharge, ranging from -0.176 (SC1S1) to -0.661 III-A-1 (PS1). Regarding Tar River discharge, all but one Aqua TROLL (HS1) had their most significant time lag occur between zero and eight days. Salinity/discharge correlations for impact creeks were similar to those for control creeks, suggesting that mine activities have not altered how salinity in these creeks responds to changes in Tar River discharge. b. Salinity and Water Depth Water depths for 2020 at each Aqua TROLL are displayed in the figures presented in Appendix C. Because both the depth and salinity measurements are taken from the Aqua TROLL, no time lag is expected between these two variables. Thus, a simple correlation between the daily means of salinity and depth was conducted. Only four Aqua TROLLs out of 31 displayed a negative correlation between water depth and salinity ranging from -0.104 (DCS1) to -0.201 (SC1S3) (Table III-A2). The nine significantly positive relationships ranged from +0.126 (LCS2) to +0.405 (SC1S1) (Table III-A2). Since 2015, while most correlations have been significant statistically, the relationship between salinity and water depth was mostly weak to intermediate with a range of significant correlations from —0.61 (DWS2 2018) to +0.67 (DWS1 2017). There does not appear to be any difference between impact and control creeks in how salinity correlated with water depth. c. Salinity and Rainfall Rainfall is summarized in Section I-F (Figure I-F1, Table I-F1, and Table I-F2). Figure III-A3 shows yearly rainfall at all impact creeks with pre- and post -Mod Alt L data. Rainfall is expected to decrease salinity, as the rain introduces freshwater into the creeks. There may also be some temporal lag in the relationship between rainfall and salinity, as it would take time for precipitation on land to filter into the creeks and to the monitor locations. Thus, cross -correlation functions were conducted between daily mean rainfall and daily mean salinity at each Aqua TROLL. For each Aqua TROLL, rainfall data were obtained from the nearest installed rain gauge. Excluding HS1, all Aqua TROLLs showed weak, significant negative correlations between salinity and rainfall in 2020 (Table III-A2). Significant correlations ranged from -0.131 (HS3 and PA2S1) to -0.296 (BSCS2). Significant time lags for salinity/rainfall relationships ranged from one day to 11 days, with 26 of 30 Aqua TROLLs representing one to five day lags. The salinity in both impact and control creeks seems to have responded similarly to changes in rainfall, both in terms of strength of the relationship as well as the time lag with the strongest response. d. Salinity and Wind There are two important components of wind: speed and direction. Salinity in the Pamlico River increases on a gradient from west to east, and strong easterly and northeasterly winds are expected to push more saline waters into the PCS creeks study area. Other factors which interact to some degree include duration of wind event, distance of monitor from mouth of creek, width of mouth of creek, which side of creek/river the tributary occupies, and orientation of creek axis relative to larger water body and to the wind. Summary salinity III-A-2 wind rose graphs for PCS Aurora 6N for 1998 through 2015 were included in the 2015 creeks report and quarterly and annual salinity rose graphs for each Aqua TROLL were included in the 2015-2018 reports. The salinity rose graphs showed some variability in salinity with percent frequency of counts by wind direction but also corroborated the following presumed factors: ■ overall predominant wind direction was northeast or southwest ■ salinity at the most upstream stations was less affected than those closer to mouths of the study creeks ■ salinity variation for the downstream stations was dependent on orientation of creek to the wind and creek mouth proximity to Pamlico River, or South Creek, or Durham Creek. The wind data (direction and speed) were used in the 2020 analysis of correlation as usual but the salinity rose graphs were not prepared for this report due to the long term consistent nature of the predominant winds at this locale. Two sets of correlations were used to quantify the relationship between wind and salinity at the 31 Aqua TROLLs. First, a Pearson's r correlation was found between daily mean salinity and daily mean wind speed (mph). The results of these correlations are given in Table III-A2. Correlations were weakly significant for 16 Aqua TROLLs, only two of which were negative (DKCS1 and HS1). Positive correlation values ranged from 0.110 (JS2) to 0.237 (PS1). The second set of correlations involved daily mean salinity and daily mean wind direction. Because wind is a circular variable (i.e., values range from 1 to 360 and the numerical distance between 360 and 1 is the same as the distance between 1 and 2), vector averaging (Jammalamadaka and Lund 2006) was used to obtain daily mean wind direction. Then, the correlation between salinity and wind direction was calculated using Mardia's r statistic (Mardia 1976, and further described in Jammalamadaka and Lund 2006). This statistic ranges from 0 to 1, in which 0 indicates no relationship and 1 indicates a strong relationship between the two variables (Pewsey et al. 2013). Significance of Mardia's r was determined using a randomization test outlined in Pewsey et al. (2013). Fourteen Aqua TROLLs exhibited a significant relationship between daily mean salinity and daily mean wind direction in 2020 (Table III-A2). Mardia's r correlations ranged from 0.145 (JCBS1) to 0.369 (SC1S2). Since 2015 the majority of the correlations have been significant although all have been weak with a range of 0.134 (LOCS2 in 2016) to 0.448 (JBS1 in 2018). Salinity within the creeks in the PCS study seems to be driven by both freshwater inputs (e.g., Tar River discharge and rainfall) and saline inputs (e.g., east winds move more saline water from lower in the Pamlico estuary into the study area). Of these, Tar River discharge showed the strongest relationships with salinity: salinity decreased with greater Tar River discharge. There did not seem to be any apparent effect of mine activities on the relationships between salinity and the examined environmental variables. Salinity within post - Mod Alt L creeks (Jacks, Jacobs, Drinkwater, Tooley, Huddles Cut, Porter, and DCUT11) showed similar relationships with all environmental variables as the control and pre -Mod Alt L periods. Thus, it does not seem that mine activity has affected how creek salinity is altered by external environmental factors unrelated to the mine. III-A-3 2.0 Interannual and/or Monthly Comparisons Annual salinity for each Aqua TROLL in the eight impact creeks, medians for pre - and post -Mod Alt L years, and annual salinity for nearby control creeks are shown in boxplots (Figure III-A4 through Figure III-A10). Figure III-A11 through Figure III-A13 display box plots of monthly salinity at each impact creek Aqua TROLL with data combined into pre -Mod Alt L, post - Mod Alt L, and 2020 year categories. Figure III-A14 and Figure III-A15 display box plots of monthly salinity at each control creek Aqua TROLL for all years combined and for 2020. These data and figures are discussed in more detail below for each creek. The majority of the Aqua TROLLS in 2020 had a median salinity level that was higher than in 2019. Exclusions included SCSI , SCS2, BSCS1, DKCS1, HS2, and LCS1. In 2020 despite high Tar River discharge and rainfall totals, median salinity appeared to be higher in most months when compared to previous years; however, November and December 2020 represented lower median months for most stations. a. Broomfield Swamp Creek and SCUT1 (control) The second year of pre -Mod Alt L salinity and depth data was collected in 2020 from three Aqua TROLLs in Broomfield Swamp Creek at the locations shown in Figure I- B1 and from three Aqua TROLLs in SCUT1 (control) as shown in Figure I-B2. The two creeks are the most upstream tributaries to South Creek in the study and the Aqua TROLL locations are the most distant from the Pamlico River in the study. Monthly and annual summary data for 2020 are shown in Table III-A1. Although less saline, these creeks followed a similar seasonal trend to the other creeks in 2020 with increased salinity distributions in January and the summer to early fall months (Table III-A1). Salinity in Broomfield Swamp Creek in 2020 ranged from 0.0 to 15.2 and from 0.0 to 16.6 in SCUT1. Mean salinity in Broomfield Swamp Creek at the three monitors ranged from 1.4 to 3.8 while the SCUT1 mean ranged from 0.5 to 3.9 (Table III-A1). All six stations across both creeks in 2019 displayed similar trends to those in 2020 as both years represented low salinity distributions with little variation between years (Figure III-A4). 3.0 Pre -/Post- Mod Alt L Comparisons Two statistical tests were used to determine potential effects of Mod Alt L activities on impact creeks. Welch's t-tests determined if mean post -Mod Alt L salinity significantly differed than mean pre -Mod Alt L salinity. Concordance correlations determined if the similarity in salinity between impact and control creeks significantly differed after Mod -Alt L activities. A concordance correlation is similar to a normal correlation, but examines the similarity in values between two variables, instead of the presence of a linear trend (Lin 1989). The concordance correlation coefficient, r, ranges from -1 to +1, in which -1 indicates no similarity between the variables and +1 indicates the two variables are identical. For each impact creek, two concordance correlations were conducted: one between salinity values of the impact and control creek for all samples taken in pre -Mod Alt L years (and the corresponding years for the control creek) and one for the post -Mod Alt L years. If Mod Alt L activities affected salinity, the concordance correlation between impact and control should be lower for the post - Mod Alt L years than the pre -Mod Alt L years (i.e., salinity in the impacted creek should be less similar to the control creek). For some impacted creeks, multiple control creeks were used. mean ± 1 SD. Salinity measurements for pre- and post -Mod Alt L time periods are reported as III-A-4 a. Jacks Creek There are two Aqua TROLLs located in Jacks Creek-JS2 approximately 400 feet upstream of the mouth and JS1 approximately 2,475 feet (0.46 mile) upstream of the mouth where the main channel divides into two narrower channels (Figure I-B3). Monitors were re -installed 20 July 2011 after CAMA-approved pier construction was completed. The first post - Mod Alt L year was 2015. The historic 645-acre drainage basin was reduced over many years to approximately 317 acres pre -Mod Alt L and then to 150 acres by Mod- Alt L at the end of 2015; no further Mod -Alt L drainage basin reduction is permitted to occur in Jacks Creek. In preparation of this report, it was noted that JS1 and JS2 salinity data from several early Jacks Creek years (2003-2005) had not been included in pre- and post -Mod Alt L analyses for the past several years; the data gap appears to have occurred when analysis switched from Sigma Plot to R. Archived raw data were used where retrievable and measures taken from the Appendix C salinity graphs or the monthly min/max/avg values taken from the tables in the 2003-2005 reports were used for periods of absent or corrupted archive data. The JS1 and JS2 Aqua TROLLs showed a pattern of increased yearly salinity distributions (2000-2002) before distributions decreased in 2003 (Figure III-A5). Salinity distributions steadily decreased annually from 2011 to 2016 at both JS1 and JS2 (Figure III-A5). Despite the third highest mean Tar River discharge and the second highest rainfall total at Jacks Creek (Figure III -Al and Figure III-A3), the salinity distributions were higher than all post -Mod Alt L years except 2017 (Figure III-A5). Pre -Mod Alt L monthly salinity means and medians were generally higher than post -Mod Alt L means and medians for both Jacks Creek monitors. Monthly salinity means and medians for 2020 were higher than all post -Mod Alt L values except for November and December for both Aqua TROLLs and in August for JS2 (Figure III -Al 1). Salinity at Jacks Creek was compared to both SS1 (a nearby control Aqua TROLL in South Creek with data from 1999) and Little Creek (LCS1 and LCS2), the nearest control creek with two monitors since 2011 (Figure III-A5). At JS1, pre -Mod Alt L salinity (8.02 ± 4.29 psu) was significantly higher than post -Mod Alt L salinity (6.50 ± 3.61 psu; t = 14.12, P < 0.001). At SS1, salinity levels were significantly higher during corresponding pre - Mod Alt L years (8.79 ± 4.38 psu) and decreased during post -Mod Alt L years (7.03 ± 3.60 psu; t = 17.09, P < 0 .001). At LCS1, salinity during corresponding pre -Mod Alt L years (5.44 ± 4.06 psu) was also significantly higher than salinity during post -Mod Alt L years (2.88 ± 3.58 psu; t = 18.80, P < 0.001). The concordance correlation analysis between JS1 and SS1 showed that salinity values were closely associated post -Mod Alt L (pre rr = 0.87 and post rr = 0.95). The concordance correlation between JS1 and LCS1 showed that salinity values did not differ post - Mod Alt L (pre rr = -0.16 and post rr = 0.47) (Table III-A2). At JS2, pre -Mod Alt L salinity (8.62 ± 3.81 psu) was significantly higher than post Mod Alt L salinity (7.12 ± 3.66 psu; t = 14.747, P < 0.001). Corresponding pre- and post -Mod Alt L statistics for SS1 are given above. At LCS2, salinity during corresponding pre - Mod Alt L years (10.18 ± 3.35 psu) was also significantly higher than salinity during post -Mod Alt L (6.56 ± 3.73 psu; t = 29.42, P < 0.001) (Table III-A2). The concordance correlation analysis between JS2 and SS1 showed that salinity values were more similar post -Mod Alt L (pre rr = 0.92 and post rr = 0.98); values between JS2 and LCS2 did not differ post -Mod Alt L (pre rr = -0.26 and post rr = 0.92) (Table III- A2). III-A-5 b. South Creek (SS1) (control) The South Creek Aqua TROLL is located approximately 2,600 feet (0.5 mile) downstream from the mouth of Jacks Creek on the north bank of South Creek (Figure I- B4). As noted for Jacks Creek, some SS1 salinity data (2004 only in this case) also had been inadvertently omitted in the recent pre- and post -Mod Alt L analyses; the same approach was used for SS1 data recovery as was done for Jacks Creek data (raw archived data where possible, otherwise values from 2004 report Appendix C graphs, or min/max/avg values from 2004 report table). Salinity at SS1 was variable from the study years 1999-2002, with an increase in salinity distributions between 2003 and 2008 and then a decrease in salinity distributions from 2012 to 2016. Salinity distributions fluctuated in the last four years with 2020 representing another increase. In 2020, the median salinity at SS1 was slightly below the median for 1999-2014 (includes Jacks Creek pre -Mod Alt L years. (Figure III-A5), slightly further below the 2011-2013 median (Jacobs Creek pre -Mod Alt years. Figure III-A6), several psu below the 2011-2012 median (Drinkwater Creek pre -Mod Alt L years; Figure III-A7), and also below the 1999-2002/2010-2011 median (Tooley Creek pre -Mod Alt L years; Figure III-A8). Similarly to most stations at other creeks, SS1 saw peaks in salinity distributions in January and late summer to early fall (Figure III-A14). c. Little Creek (control) There are two Aqua TROLLs located in Little Creek, which drains into South Creek from the south and has a large mostly agricultural drainage basin (- 1,822 acres). The downstream Aqua TROLL, LCS2, is approximately 1,000 feet upstream from the mouth and LCS1 is approximately 4,800 feet (0.9 mile) upstream from the mouth (Figure I-B5). Aqua TROLLs were installed 22 June 2011 after CAMA-approved pier construction was completed. The salinity distribution for 2020 was slightly lower than the distribution in 2019 at LCS1 and continued the up one year and down the next trend apparent since 2016, while LCS2 saw its first increase since 2017 (Figure III-A5, Figure III-A6, and Figure III-A7). Salinities at both Aqua TROLLs in 2020 saw similar trends to other creeks with peaks in January, October, and November (Figure III-A14). d. Jacobs Creek There are two Aqua TROLLs in Jacobs Creek, which is located on the northwest side of South Creek. The downstream Aqua TROLL, JCBS2, is approximately 400 feet upstream from the mouth and JCBS1 is approximately 3,306 feet (0.6 mile) upstream of the mouth (Figure I-B6). Monitors were installed 20 July 2011 after CAMA-approved pier construction was completed. The first post -Mod Alt L year was 2014. The historic 751-acre drainage basin was reduced over many years to approximately 393 acres by the end of 2014; no further drainage basin reduction from Mod Alt L is permitted in Jacobs Creek. The salinity distribution, in 2020, at both Aqua TROLLs increased for the first time since 2017 (Figure III-A6) even though 2020 Tar River discharge and rainfall totals at all rain gauges were some of the highest throughout the study (Figure III -Al and Figure III-A3). The two Aqua TROLLs have similar monthly salinity distributions over the years, with JCBS2 distributions usually slightly higher than the more variable upstream JCBS1 (Figure III -Al 1). Excluding September, all post -Mod -Alt L monthly means and medians were lower than pre -Mod Alt L values at both Aqua TROLLs. III-A-6 Jacobs Creek was compared to four nearby control creeks (SS1, PA2, Little, and Long) to determine potential post -Mod Alt L differences. At JCBS1, pre -Mod Alt L salinity (11.18 ± 2.84 psu) was significantly higher than post -Mod Alt L salinity (7.31 ± 3.53 psu; t = 32.45, P < 0.001). At all four control creeks, salinity during corresponding pre -Mod Alt L years was also significantly higher than during corresponding post -Mod Alt L years (SS1 - pre: 11.81 ± 2.30 psu, post: 7.09 ± 3.43 psu, t = 48.52, P < 0 .001; PA2S1 - pre: 12.70 ± 2.11 psu, post: 7.85 ± 3.35 psu, t = 50.23, P < 0.001; LCS1 - pre: 6.52 ± 4.10 psu, post: 2.88 ± 3.47 psu, t = 23.70, P < 0.001; LOCS1 - pre: 12.76 ± 2.00 psu, post: 7.84 ± 3.43 psu, t = 51.45, P < 0.001). The concordance correlation analysis showed that salinity values between JCBS1 and the four controls (LCS1, SS1, PA2S1, and LOCS1) were similar to each other (comparison with LCS1: pre rr = 0.25 and post rr = 0.33; comparison with SS1: pre rr = 0.73 and post rr = 0.90; comparison with PA2S1: pre rr = 0.63 and post rr = 0.94; comparison with LOCS1: pre rr = 0.57 and post rr = 0.91) (Table III-A2). At JCBS2, pre -Mod Alt L salinity (12.73 ± 2.27 psu) was also significantly higher than post -Mod Alt L salinity (7.85 ± 3.39 psu, t = 48.12, P < 0.001). At all four control creeks, salinity during corresponding pre -Mod Alt L years was also significantly higher than salinity during corresponding post -Mod Alt L years (SS1 and PA2S1 given above; LCS2 - pre: 11.58 ± 2.70, post: 6.58 ± 3.55 psu, t = 43.99, P < 0.001; LOCS2 - pre: 12.91 ± 2.10 psu, post: 8.05 ± 3.35 psu, t = 50.27, P < 0.001) (Table III-A2). The concordance correlation analysis showed that salinity values between JCBS2 and all four control creeks did not significantly differ post -Mod Alt L (comparison with PA2S1: pre rr = 0.95 and post rr = 0.98; comparison with LOCS2: pre rr = 0.95 and post rr = 0.97; comparison with LCS2: pre rr = 0.74 and post rr = 0.84; comparison with SS1: pre rr = 0.89 and post rr = 0.94) (Table III-A2). e. PA2 (control) The small man-made creek and marsh PA2 drains into South Creek from the northwest and has the smallest drainage basin (-22 acres) in the study. One Aqua TROLL (PA2S1) is located near the middle of PA2, approximately 800 feet from the mouth; there is no downstream salinity monitor in PA2 itself, but the downstream salinity monitor for Drinkwater Creek is within 200 feet of the mouth of PA2 and is used for comparison/analysis (Figure I-B7). The PA2 monitor was installed 13 July 2011 after CAMA-approved pier construction was completed. Salinity at this location followed similar pattern to that shown in South Creek, Little Creek downstream, and Long Creek. The median salinity in 2020 was higher than the median for post -years in both Jacobs and Drinkwater creeks. Like many of the creeks in the study, the salinity distribution in 2016 at PA2S1 was the lowest in the study years thus far (Figure III-A5, or Figure III-A6); in 2016, Tar River discharge was slightly above the mean (Figure III-A1) and rainfall was slightly above the mean (Figure III-A3 and Table I-F2). Salinity distributions in 2020 were very similar to those at the downstream salinity monitor for Drinkwater Creek (DWS2) as would be expected due to proximity. In 2020, like in most other creeks, salinity distributions were the highest in January, September, and October (Figure III-A15; Table III-A1). III-A-7 f. Drinkwater Creek There are two Aqua TROLLs located in Drinkwater Creek, which is also on the northwest side of South Creek. The downstream Aqua TROLL, DWS2, is located approximately 400 feet upstream from the mouth and DWS1 is located approximately 3,520 feet (0.7 mile) upstream from the mouth and just upstream of the out -of -use railroad crossing of the creek (Figure I-B8). Monitors were installed 30 June 2011 after CAMA-approved pier construction was completed. The first year of post -Mod Alt L data was 2013. The historic 605- acre drainage basin was reduced over many years to approximately 152 acres by the end of 2014 and no further basin reduction from Mod Alt L is permitted. For all years, the downstream Aqua TROLL has had higher salinity distributions than the upstream Aqua TROLL by about 2-3 psu (Figure III-A7). Salinity distributions for both stations in 2020 was the second highest of all post -Mod Alt L years. Drinkwater Creek was compared to four nearby control creeks (South Creek, PA2, Little, and Long) to determine potential post -Mod Alt L differences. At DWS1, pre - Mod Alt L salinity (10.40 ± 3.66 psu) was significantly higher than post -Mod Alt L salinity (6.52 ± 3.74 psu, t = 22.84, P < 0.001). At all four control creeks, salinity during corresponding pre -Mod Alt L years was also significantly higher than salinity during corresponding post -Mod Alt L years (SS1 - pre: 12.01 ± 2.51 psu, post: 7.62 ± 3.57 psu, t = 38.49, P < 0 .001; PA2S1 - pre: 13.14 ± 2.38 psu, post: 8.37 ± 3.46 psu, t = 39.33, P < 0.001; LCS1 - pre: 7.58 ± 4.14 psu, post: 3.60 ± 3.16 psu, t = 22.72, P < 0.001; LOCS1 - pre: 13.28 ± 2.12 psu, post: 8.37± 3.54 psu, t = 43.30, P<0.001). The concordance correlation analysis showed that salinity values at DWS1 was similar to the four controls (SS1, PA2S1, LCS1, and LOCS1) (comparison with SS1: pre rr = 0.55 and post rr = 0.82; comparison with PA2S1: pre rr = 0.43 and post rr = 0.76; comparison with LCS1: pre rr = 0.59 and post rr = 0.50; comparison with LOCS1: pre rr = 0.35 and post rr = 0.75) (Table III-A2). At DWS2, pre -Mod Alt L salinity (13.22 ± 2.42 psu) was significantly higher than post -Mod Alt L salinity (8.51 ± 3.51 psu, t = 38.58, P < 0.001). At all four control creeks, salinity during corresponding pre -Mod Alt L years was also significantly higher than salinity during corresponding post -Mod Alt L years (SS1 and PA2S1 given above; LCS2 - pre: 12.21 ± 2.84, post: 7.07 ± 3.67 psu, t = 36.45, P < 0.001; LOCS2 - pre: 13.38 ± 2.34 psu, post: 8.58 ± 3.46 psu, t = 40.07, P < 0.001) (Table III-A2). The concordance correlation analysis showed that post -Mod Alt L salinity values between DWS2 and all four control creeks did not significantly differ (comparison with PA2S1: pre rr = 0.96 and post rr = 0.99; comparison with LOCS2: pre rr = 0.96 and post rr = 0.98; comparison with SS1: pre rr = 0.90 and post rr = 0.93) (Table III-A2). g. Long Creek (control) There are two Aqua TROLLs located in Long Creek, which is on the southeast side of South Creek opposite Tooley Creek. The downstream Aqua TROLL, LOCS2, is approximately 500 feet upstream from the mouth and LOCS1 is approximately 2,000 feet (0.4 mile) upstream from the mouth (Figure I-B9). The historic -630-acre basin of Long Creek was reduced decades ago to -223 acres by previous mine reclamation activities. Units were installed 13 July 2011 after CAMA-approved pier construction was completed. III-A-8 Salinity distributions in Long Creek at the two monitors have followed similar patterns over their sample years (Figures III-A5, III-A6, or III-A7). The salinity distribution in 2020 represented the first increase in three years (Figures III-A5, III-A6, or III-A7). In 2020, at both Aqua TROLLs, distributions were the lowest late in the year and the highest in January and October (Figure III-A14, Table III-A1). h. Tooley Creek There are two Aqua TROLLs located in Tooley Creek, which is on the northwest side of South Creek, close to where South Creek joins Pamlico River. The downstream Aqua TROLL, TS2, is approximately 336 feet upstream of the mouth and TS1 is approximately 2,468 feet (0.46 mile) upstream of the mouth (Figure I-B10). Monitors were re- installed in 2010 and the first year of post -Mod Alt L data was 2012. Mod -Alt L mine activities in the Tooley Creek drainage basin, most of which occurred in 2012, reduced the basin to approximately 257 acres from the approximately 571-acre pre -Mod Alt L basin. Mod -Alt L activities in Tooley Creek were completed by the end of 2013 and no further basin reductions are permitted. The two Aqua TROLLs have had similar salinity distributions since 1999; both fluctuating alongside yearly discharge and rainfall (Figure III -Al and Figure III-A3). For both Tooley Creek Aqua TROLLs, the 2020 salinity distribution was higher than either the pre - or the post -Mod Alt L monthly values in January, March -May, July and September, while November and December represented the two lowest months for 2020 (Figure III-Al2). The salinity distribution for 2020 was nearly the same at both stations and slightly above the post - Mod Alt L median (Table III -Al and Figure III-A8). To determine potential post -Mod Alt L differences, Tooley Creek was compared to one control creek monitor (SS1; Long Creek is a control creek closer to Tooley but only has data from 2011 forward and therefore includes only one Tooley Creek pre -Mod Alt L year). At TS1, pre -Mod Alt L salinity (9.53 ± 3.48 psu) was significantly higher than post -Mod Alt L salinity (9.08 ± 3.61 psu; t = 4.20, P < 0.001). At SS1, salinity during corresponding pre - Mod Alt L years (10.16 ± 4.36 psu) was also significantly higher than salinity during corresponding post -Mod Alt L years (8.15 ± 3.76 psu; t = 12.19, P = < 0.001). The concordance correlation analysis between TS1 and SS1 showed that salinity values were more similar post -Mod Alt L (pre rr = 0.87 and post rr = 0.91) (Table III-A2). At TS2, pre -Mod Alt L salinity (10.25 ± 3.47 psu) was significantly higher than post -Mod Alt L salinity (9.31 ± 3.60 psu; t = 8.75, P < 0.001). Corresponding pre- and post - Mod Alt L statistics for SS1 are given above (Table III-A2). The concordance correlation analysis between TS2 and SS1 showed that salinity values were more similar post -Mod Alt L (pre rr = 0.84 and post rr = 0.91) (Table III-A2). i. Pamlico River (PS1) (control) The Pamlico River Aqua TROLL is located on the south shore of the river more or less equidistant (approximately 1.7 miles) between the mouths of Huddles Cut and South Creek (Figure I-B12). Salinity distributions at PS1 declined every year from 2012-2016, and the median salinity in 2016 was half as much as in 2012; the 2018 salinity distribution was similar to 2001, 2007, and 2017. Due to damage from Hurricane Florence to the infrastructure to which the Aqua TROLL was mounted, there were no salinity data for PS1 from mid- III-A-9 September 2018 through entire 2019. Once reinstalled in 2020, salinity slightly decreased compared to 2018 (Figure III-A9). j. Huddles Cut There are three Aqua TROLLs located in Huddles Cut, which is on the south side of Pamlico River. The downstream Aqua TROLL, HS3, is at the mouth just upstream of the bridge across SR306 at the Bayview-Aurora ferry landing, HS1 is approximately 3,020 feet (0.6 mile) upstream of the mouth on the main prong, and HS2 is approximately 1,800 feet (0.3 mile) upstream of the mouth on the west prong (Figure I-B13). Direct mine impacts to the Huddles Cut watershed ended in 2011 and approximately 289 acres remain out of the approximately 552-acre pre -Mod Alt L basin. No further reductions are permitted. Salinity distributions at HS3 have been higher than either HS1 or HS2 for almost every year, except 2015 when HS2 had a slightly higher distribution (Figure III-A9). Despite high rainfall and discharge in 2020, salinity distributions were high at all three Aqua TROLLS (Figure III-A1, Figure III-A3, and Figure III-A9). HS1 and HS2 represent two of the five Aqua TROLLs in which salinity distributions increased in post -Mod Alt L years. In 2020, all three monitors recorded the highest salinity distributions in the summer and the lowest in spring (Figure III-A13 and Table III-A1). To determine potential Mod Alt L differences, Huddles Cut was compared to the Pamlico River monitor (PS1) for all years and the Duck Creek monitors (DKCS1 and DKCS2) only for the years 2011-2020 (Figure III-A9). PS1 has been monitored since 1999, almost the same amount of years as Huddles; however, PS1 was not monitored during the year of 2019 due to infrastructure damage from Hurricane Florence. There were no pre -Mod Alt L monitoring years coinciding with Huddles Cut from Duck Creek so these monitors were used to reference patterns in upstream and downstream Huddles monitors from 2011-2020. Both sets of upstream and downstream monitors from Duck Creek and Huddles Cut followed a similar but not identical fluctuating trend throughout matching sample years (Figure III-A9). At HS1, pre - Mod Alt L salinity (4.89 ± 3.43 psu) was significantly lower than post -Mod Alt L salinity (6.31 ± 3.60 psu; t = -15.611, P < 0.001). At PS1, salinity was significantly higher during corresponding pre -Mod Alt L years (11.39 ± 6.17 psu) and decreased by 17 percent during post -Mod Alt L years (9.48 ± 3.66 psu; t = 13.17, P < 0.001). The concordance correlation analysis between HS1 and PS1 showed that salinity values were more similar post -Mod Alt L (pre rr = 0.05 and post rr = 0.50) (Table III-A2). At HS2, pre -Mod Alt L salinity (4.87 ± 3.63 psu) was significantly lower than post -Mod Alt L salinity (6.57 ± 3.48 psu; t = -19.234, P < 0.001). Corresponding pre- and post -Mod Alt L statistics for PS1 are given above (Table III-A2). Like HS1, the concordance correlation analysis between HS2 and PS1 showed that salinity values were more similar post -Mod Alt L (pre rr = 0.07 and post rr = 0.52) (Table III-A2). At HS3, pre -Mod Alt L salinity (8.62 ± 4.47 psu) was significantly higher than post -Mod Alt L salinity (8.22 ± 3.67 psu; t = 3.23, P = 0.001). Corresponding pre- and post - Mod Alt L statistics for PS1 are given above (Table III-A2). The concordance correlation analysis between HS3 and PS1 showed that salinity values were more similar post -Mod Alt L (pre rr = 0.36 and post rr = 0.87) (Table III-A2). III-A-10 k. Porter Creek There are two Aqua TROLLs located in Porter Creek, which is on the south side of Pamlico River upstream from Aurora and the PCS main facility. The downstream Aqua TROLL, PCS2, is approximately 2,377 feet (0.45 mile) upstream from the mouth, at the outer edge of a broad expanse of the creek and PCS1 is approximately 8,600 feet (1.6 miles) upstream from the mouth in the middle of a narrow, deep channel (Figure I-B14). Monitors were installed 19 and 27 July 2011. The first year of post -Mod Alt L data was 2016. The estimated historic 3,745-acre drainage basin was reduced to approximately 1,154 acres by the end of 2016 (reductions include all mine activities, not only Mod Alt L). In 2017 the 1,154-acre Porter Creek drainage basin was reduced by an additional 314 acres to roughly 840 acres; no additional reduction is permitted. While overall behavior was the same, the salinity distribution at PCS2 was higher than PCS1 every year. Both Aqua TROLLs experienced a steady decline in their distributions from 2011-2015 then fluctuating in the years after (Figure III-A10). 2020 represents the first increase in median yearly salinity since 2017 and was above the post -Mod Alt L median (Figure III-A10). In 2020, like other creeks, PCS1 and PCS2 showed the highest salinity distribution in January, August, and September while November and December represented the lowest months (Figure III-A13 and Table III-A1). Salinity at Porter Creek was compared to nearby control Aqua TROLLs, one in Durham Creek (DCS1), one in a small tributary DCUT19 (DC19S1), and two in Duck Creek (DKCS1 and DKCS2), a control creek across the Pamlico River. At PCS1, pre -Mod Alt L salinity (6.28 ± 4.06 psu) was significantly higher than post -Mod Alt L salinity (5.62 ± 3.79 psu; t = 4.91, P < 0.001). At DC19S1, salinity during corresponding pre -Mod Alt L years (6.34 ± 3.28 psu) was not significantly different than salinity during corresponding post -Mod Alt L years (6.10 ± 3.80 psu; t = 1.88, P = 0.061). At DKCS1, salinity during corresponding pre -Mod Alt L years (5.48 ± 4.25 psu) was significantly higher than salinity during corresponding post -Mod Alt L years (4.06 ± 3.58 psu; t = 13.876, P < 0.001) (Table III-A2). The concordance correlation analysis between PCS1 and DC19S1 showed that salinity values were more closely associated post -Mod Alt L (pre rr = 0.75 and post rr = 0.94). This was not the case between PCS1 and DKCS1, which showed that salinity values were statistically less similar post -Mod Alt L (pre rr = 0.70 and post rr = 0.67) (Table III-A2). At PCS2, pre -Mod Alt L salinity (8.06 ± 3.73 psu) was significantly higher than post -Mod Alt I salinity (6.49 ± 3.69 psu; t = 12.43, P < 0.001). At DCS1, salinity during corresponding pre -Mod Alt L years (6.39 ± 3.24 psu) was also significantly higher than salinity during post -Mod Alt L years (5.99 ± 3.80 psu; t = 2.98, P = 0.002). At DKCS2, salinity during corresponding pre -Mod Alt L years (8.02 ± 4.25 psu) was also significantly higher than salinity during post -Mod Alt L years (5.89 ± 3.93 psu; t = 12.23, P < 0.001) (Table III-A2). The concordance correlation analysis between PCS2 and DCS1 showed that salinity values were more closely associated post -Mod Alt L (pre rr = 0.95 and post rr = 0.96). The concordance correlation between PCS2 and DKCS2 showed that salinity values did not statistically differ post -Mod Alt L (pre rr = 0.71 and post rr = 0.87) (Table III-A2). III-A-11 I. Durham Creek DCS1 (control), DCUT11, and DCUT19 (control) In 2013, three Aqua TROLLs were installed in Durham Creek basin, one approximately 13,717 feet (2.6 miles) upstream of the mouth of Durham Creek (DCS1, a control, Figure I-B15) one in an unnamed tributary to Durham Creek on its east side, approximately 365 feet upstream from where it drains into Durham Creek, DCUT11 (DC11S1, Figure I-B16), and one in a second unnamed tributary to Durham Creek on its west side approximately 341 feet upstream from where it drains into Durham Creek, DCUT19 (DC19S1, a control, Figure I-B17). Durham Creek drains into the south side of Pamlico River. The entire Durham Creek drainage basin totals 31,051 acres and encompasses three of the study creeks: Porter Creek (2,728 acres), DCUT11 (166 acres), and DCUT19 (119 acres). The first post -Mod Alt L year for DCUT11 was 2018 when 84.50 acres were removed from the basin; no further impacts to DCUT11 are permitted. All three Aqua TROLLs had very similar salinity distributions in 2020 as well as in the other years with a few slight exceptions (Figure III-A10). Salinity distributions at all three Aqua TROLLs decreased since 2013, particularly between 2013 and 2014, until a rise in 2017 followed by another downwards trend in the next two years until it increased again in 2020 (Figure III-A10). In 2020, the salinity distribution at DC11S1 was greater than the post -Mod Alt L distributions in the first seven months of the year and lower in the last five (Figure III-A13; Table III-A1). DCS1 and DC19S1 salinity distributions in January and September 2020 represented the two highest months at both stations (Figure III-A15 and Table III-A1). Salinity at DC11S1 was compared to two nearby control Aqua TROLLs, DCS1 and DC19S1. At DC11S1, pre -Mod Alt L salinity (5.22 ± 3.59 psu) was not significantly different than post -Mod Alt L salinity (5.40 ± 3.97 psu; t = -1.23, P = 0.218). At DC19S1, salinity during corresponding pre -Mod Alt L years (5.97 ± 3.49 psu) was significantly lower than salinity during corresponding post -Mod Alt L years (6.37 ± 3.81 psu; t = -2.85, P = 0.004). At DCS1, salinity during corresponding pre -Mod Alt L years (6.06 ± 3.43 psu) was not significantly different than salinity during post -Mod Alt L years (6.28 ± 3.90 psu; t = -1.58, P = 0.115). The concordance correlation analysis between DC11S1 and DCS1 showed that salinity values were less similar post -Mod Alt L (pre rr = 0.94 and post rr = 0.92). The concordance correlation between DC11S1 and DC19S1 showed that salinity values were as similar in post -Mod Alt L years as they were in pre -Mod Alt L (pre rr = 0.90 and post rr = 0.90) (Table III-A2). m. Duck Creek (control) There are two Aqua TROLLs in Duck Creek, a tributary to Pamlico River with a confluence on the north side west of the town of Bath. The downstream Aqua TROLL, DKS2, is approximately 1,400 feet (0.27 mile) upstream from the mouth and DKS1 is approximately 7,780 feet (1.5 miles) upstream from the mouth (Figure I-B18). Much of the —3,118 acre drainage basin is either in agriculture or silviculture. Aqua TROLLs were installed 26 July 2011 after the CAMA-approved pier construction was completed. Salinity distributions declined since 2011 at DKCS1 and since 2012 at DKCS2 until 2017 when salinity increased at both Aqua TROLLs and has fluctuated in years since (Figure III-A9 or III-A10). With the exception of 2011 when it was slightly higher, median salinity at DKCS1 was always lower than at DKCS2; in most years it was 2-4 psu lower. In 2020, the salinity median at both Aqua TROLLs was near the median of the 10 sample years (Figure III-A9 and III-A10). III-A-12 4.0 Summary and Conclusions Salinity steadily declined in the Pamlico River and tributaries from 2011-2016 (or 2012-2016 for some creeks) until a rise in salinity in 2017 and fluctuation in years after. This short-term trend has been observed at every Aqua TROLL regardless of location (upstream or downstream), creek basin (within South, Durham, Porter, or Duck creeks or Pamlico River drainages), creek type (impact or control), or size of drainage basin. In 2020, most Aqua TROLLS saw an increase in salinity levels, except for LCS1, HS2, both Duck Aqua TROLLs, and all three SCUT1 Aqua TROLLs. Correlations with environmental factors showed that salinity was most strongly associated with Tar River discharge; each Aqua TROLL showed a weak to strong negative correlation between salinity and discharge. Water depth had weak positive correlations in nine of the 31 Aqua TROLLs and four weak negative correlations. Rainfall and wind speed were only weakly correlated with salinity; every station except one (HS1) had a significant negative correlation with rainfall and 16 were significant for wind speed with only two of those being negatively correlated. Thus, salinity within the study creeks declined mostly with increased Tar River discharge and, to a lesser extent, increased rainfall and decreased wind speed, while increased water depths tended to increase salinity. Tar River discharge has fluctuated throughout sample years with 2020 representing one of the highest years recorded (Figure III - Al ). Total rainfall for across all sample years has also seen fluctuations with 2020 representing the highest total ever recorded for almost every creek (Figure III-A3). Since annual salinity distributions declined at all creeks for roughly five years until all creeks increased in 2017 followed by a decrease in 2019 and another increase in 2020, there is little evidence to suggest that Mod Alt L activities have impacted creek salinity. Instead, salinity seems to be more influenced by regional and climatic factors such as Tar River discharge, precipitation, and wind. These large-scale factors, as well as others such as drought (which is a function of precipitation), are known to be important determinants of the salinity of the Tar/Pamlico estuary (Stanley and Nixon 1992, Kimmel 2016). Because salinity has decreased in every Aqua TROLL since 2011 or 2012 with a respectively high salinity year only in 2017 and 2020, it is not surprising that the creeks recently impacted by Mod Alt L activity (Jacks, Drinkwater, Jacobs, Porter, and Tooley) had lower salinities during post -Mod Alt L than pre -Mod Alt L. The control creeks for those five impact creeks also showed the same pattern in their corresponding pre- and post -Mod Alt L years. The concordance correlations showed that the similarity in salinity between impact and control creeks was not greatly affected by Mod Alt L activities. If Mod Alt L activities did affect salinity, it would be expected that salinity in impact and control creeks would become less similar after a creek is considered post -Mod Alt L; however, salinity at most of the Aqua TROLLs in impact creeks became more similar to salinity in control creeks after Mod Alt L activities. For those Aqua TROLLs that became less similar, the concordance correlations were still very high and significantly greater than zero, indicators of a sustained, close resemblance to the control creeks. Therefore, the similar salinities observed at all Aqua TROLLs regardless of mine impact, the t- tests which showed significant declines in salinity at most impact and control creeks, and the concordance correlations which showed that salinity between impact and control creeks was similar even post -Mod Alt L, all suggest that mine activities have had little impact on study creek salinity. III-A-13 coS ®ooco (Tomo F 1 f F F 7o F ®F 1- F F F GYF csml- H 1 l 1 00004 004 (mess 6o1 uo) oast} oigns 'Amu IIie❑ 1 III-A-14 me ®e mom m mew m mono oomoam - mo mom* moos oomeml, mo �F caM- me� am000 F coo �rt moos oemeell.- 1- a i 1 1 a a ad- aoF F ��y�y I�� � i m0000 I- --I m0 m 0 F IIILj 11=J- F--4=1=- H L�� mn co o me F meee eemomF 1 a a 00001 001 (ale.Js 60l uo) uosig oigno 'mol j AIlea - lsod L L1 OO - aJd Llama - lsod JalJod — aid J81 0d - lsod saIPPnH Did saIPPnH - lsod RaIOal aJd +Col0al - 1S0d Sg00er Did scion(' lsod Jelem)Iu!Ja 2Jd Jalenqu!Q lsod sef aJd sloes - aid W00J8 — OZOZ - 610Z - 8LOZ — LLOZ W - 910Z - SLOZ - PLOZ - £LOZ - ZLOZ - LLOZ 010Z 600Z 000e LOOZ 900Z 900Z r00Z £00Z Z00Z LOOZ 000Z 6661 8661 N a) L.L Ln 0) cn 0 0 c a) E a) c D a) 0 D c ci3 D a) cn a) X O III-A-15 - Pre - Po91 Jacks iwai Annual Rainfall fin) 0 10 30 50 70 Drinkwater 1999 2001 2003 2005 2013 2015 2017 2019 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Jacobs 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2016 2019 2020 Huddles 1 1 1 Tooley 1999 2001 2010 2012 2014 2016 2016 2020 Porter 1999 2001 2007 2009 201 2013 2018 2017 2019 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2018 2017 2018 2019 2020 DCUT11 1 i 1 1 2013 201a 2015 .201E 2011 2010 2010 Figure III-A3. Total annual rainfall at four long-term rain gauges over the years of the PCS creeks study (early years used the PCS NOAA Station Aurora 6N for all creeks; rain gauges in each creek were installed in 2011; Jacks, Drinkwater, and Jacobs creeks share the PA2 rain gauge; Porter and DCUT11 share a rain gauge) ). If a particular site was missing data, data from the closest rain gauge was used (including Aurora 6N). Black line is mean pre -Mod Alt L total annual rainfall, violet is mean post -Mod Alt L total annual rainfall. III-A-16 0 - Pre - Freer 1 2019 2020 5C51 20'0 2020 65C52 2019 2020 0 0 BSCS3 2019 2020 Figure III-A4. Salinity boxplots for Broomfield Swamp Creek stations (BSCS1, BSCS2 and BSCS3) compared to SCUT1 stations (SCSI, SCS2, and SCS3) on annual basis with both years representing Broomfield Swamp Creek pre -Mod Alt L years. Solid lines indicate median salinity for pre -Mod Alt L years (black). (Dots=5t"/95t" outliers, upper/lower whiskers=90t"/10t" percentiles, upper/lower box edges=75t"/25t" percentiles, solid line in boxes=median). III-A-17 • F F T J n� lei DE 9Z OZ 5L PI 5 0 9E 5Z DE 91 OL (nsdl ZI Jes Owl) AW!IlS 1- I 0 0E 9E 9E 51 0L 5 0 00 -F T I a -R 4 -I -�• - [__Fp- 4 i A — - l5 OP SZ OZ SL 01 S 0 0£ SZ 0Z S1 01 S. 0 (nsd) ADUIIes (nsd) Wuneg (nsd) limes 00 SZ 0Z 91 0L S 0 Once .ulle$ 2012 2013 2010 _1 _A A A _A y-+ O L :I) co a) cLE, 2 as °,O E "= O C 02 co a)' o c� •c c J c E - .s II O - N 2 a) X 0 o 92 0 O - - a) a) U co •— L N U 7 a) to a) O 0 0 Rio Q a) 0 Q H � O L Z O- . O i € a) aco .O CL LL E 5 Q III-A-18 JCB51 M. M 2 MU M. Mt M00 MI! MO MO NM W�+ mn N* W. 20* 29* W, 20 0 M4 SOW Figure III-A6. Salinity box plots for Jacobs Creek stations compared to Long Creek, Little Creek, South Creek, and PA2 stations on annual basis with control creek data arranged to match pre - and post -Mod Alt L years for Jacobs Creek. Solid lines indicate median salinity for pre -Mod Alt L years (black) and post -Mod Alt L years (violet). NOTE: SS1 graph includes years when Jacobs Creek was not monitored. (Dots=5t"/95t" outliers, upper/lower whiskers=90t"/10t" percentiles, upper/lower box edges=75t"/25t" percentiles, solid line in boxes=median). III-A-19 2011 2c12 2013 2014 0010 2016 2017 1010 2019 2020 2011 2012 2312 M. 2O13 1010 2011 2011 1010 2010 2p11 2312 201E M. 201E 201E 1011 2011 2013 1020 PA291 2011 2313 7013 2014 2303 2016 2017 2313 2010 2020 Figure III-A7. Salinity box plots for Drinkwater Creek stations compared to Long Creek, Little Creek, South Creek, and PA2 stations on annual basis with control creek data arranged to match pre- and post -Mod Alt L years for Drinkwater Creek. Solid lines indicate median salinity for pre -Mod Alt L years (black) and post -Mod Alt L years (violet). NOTE: SS1 graph includes years when Drinkwater Creek was not monitored. (Dots=5t"/95th outliers, upper/lower whiskers=90t"/10t" percentiles, upper/lower box edges=75t"/25t" percentiles, solid line in boxes=median). III-A-20 Lill ! I NEI F - 1 i A QE St OL sl OI s o ass,11 Ames 4 1 OE SL OL Si 06 osvtll wain s o — 1 1 1 �— F +» sz o¢ s Os Insdy+lueeeg ----F F 1 I F i • ve sz or sk Ok medy suyeg F 4 1 I 1 I III --+ OE 42 OL SS 0, S 0 Insn] q.o.ieg control creek A -a Y U c0 ' L c EL)> T N N J = N 4—, 0 Q as O 0) c ) 11 Q ct c L O O O 0 c O CO 0 C N c CO - c 0 "a a) E a) U o c cn c°)Co - w U c O a) -YcU= cD= >.7 U 7 N O �W o fn O N O O N a) _ �U TLQ co a) -; > EoN O - U L N in N >, aii a� c"Jn c N NJ- O -< D). >,ow o ( L 1- N , 0_ o 0 Q- z .(1; O ,a_.) a O O-•O U 5 a) Q 73 0 0 Q cs)Q u - O L a2Y O N N ILa Q - III-A-21 R R R —f L L! +- OD i of sE OE St Oi mw4 Wanes 10-H -+ 11-i F -L VO Oi (d! Woin 4 7 i - li 4 i 1l -ED IIi SL OE St Pt (nsd)Ry�pe$ DS se (ce) 1uuo.5 s SL OL St OL ice) kom5 4 4 ..1. F ss Da St Dw 044 Aimee Q U 0 o 92 c L Co N u_ 0 Co - CO Q- c 0 0 -0 CO c .0 a) Co c/) a) �c a. U 0 = C CO O E 0 0 L L 0 L o_ 0 CO a) _c a) D) b J E CV N CO = . < lf) o co 2 0 0) c 2 c o_ N a) cts 0 o c 0 N .- c c o o cn c -0 -) a) a) .� U E aoi as 0 U OU ()vi o 'a c o ,� a) a) 2� 2 a) a) J a) L c J D- O- -0 0 = —Qo 0 0 o U) Co C = c7O) o 0 Q u -a C =� N oL y— a) 0 L CO a) L p _ as L a) L >1 >1 0 o "= Q = 0Q� x00)L 0 2 En N c 0 0 a) Z ctl = wC o cts aY ai a) p : L Q.5 a)�u 9 a) aE >, o IL °. upper/lower III-A-22 11] a 0) Pre PCS1 — Post T 1 t - 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 PCS2 T 1 1 1 1 I f I 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 DC11 S1 T 1 T 1 1 2013 2015 2017 2019 a m DKCS1 to 1 1 DC19S1 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 i i 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2013 2015 2017 2019 DKCS2 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 DC19S1 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2013 2015 2017 2019 A DCS1 2013 2015 2017 2019 Figure III-A10. Salinity boxplots for Porter Creek stations (PCS1 and PCS2) and the DCUT11 station (DC11S1) compared to Durham Creek stations (DC19S1 and DCS1 for DCUT11) and Duck Creek stations (DKCS1 and DKCS2 for Porter Creek) on annual basis with control creek data arranged to match pre- and post -Mod Alt L years. Solid lines indicate median salinity for pre -Mod Alt L years (black) and post -Mod Alt L years (violet). (Dots=5th/95th outliers, upper/lower whiskers=90th/10th percentiles, upper/lower box edges=75th/25th percentiles, solid line in boxes=median). III -A-23 Salinity (PSU) Salinity (PSU) Jacks Creek - JS1 Jacobs Creek - JCBS1 0 0 - 0 Jan Feb Mar T I 1 I I 1 Apr 1 4 D May June i July 14 8 R1 I Aug T 1 Sep Oct Nov a e r Dec IT 9 1 1 1 Drinkwater Creek - DWS1 0_ D IL1 0 - Jan Feb T frl I I 1 r 1 T Mar 8 8 0 0 T I T I I I I I 1 1 J. I 1 Apr j 1 May 1 June T J. T J. July T ■ Aug i 1 Sep T r 1 B Ir Oct Nov Dec Salinity (PSU) Salinity (PSU) Jacks Creek - JS2 Jacobs Creek - JCBS2 0 0 0_ 4i - Jan T T. g1 1 1 I 1 6 i Feb Mar Apr T 4 1 T 1 T May June July r s 1 II 1 I 1 I T Aug T 1 Sep Oct 1 1 1 Nov I 1 1 Dec 0 — Drinkwater Creek - DWS2 M — 0 N 0 0 — Jan Feb Q 7 Mar T Apr May I I June T T I I I July I 1 i Aug T 1 1 I 1 Sep Oct T T I B 111 1 0 Nov T L41I 1 1 T Dec Figure III-A11. Monthly salinities at non -control Aqua TROLLs: Jacks Creek, Jacobs Creek, and Drinkwater Creek. (Dots=5t"/95t" outliers, upper/lower whiskers=90t"/10t" percentiles, upper/lower box edges=75th/25th percentiles, solid line in boxes=median). III-A-24 Tooley Creek - TS1 Salinity (PSU) Tooley Creek - TS2 Salinity (PSU) Figure III-Al2. Monthly salinities at non -control Aqua TROLLs: Tooley Creek. (Dots=5th/95th outliers, upper/lower whiskers=90th/10th percentiles, upper/lower box edges=75th/25th percentiles, solid line in boxes=median, dotted line=mean). III-A-25 N a cts Salinity (PSU) In N r Huddles Cut - HS1 Jan PRE POST 2020 Ti - Feb Mar r 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 Apr May jII June 1 I I I '- 1 J. 0 July aI 1 I I I 1 1 1 Aug Huddles Cut - HS2 I T 1^ L Sep Oct 8 1 0 t a 0 Nov 0 1 Dec T MEP Jan Feb r Mar 0 T I I T I 1 Apr T. May 0 T June T 1 r Aug I I 1 1 Sep 1 1 I 1 1 , 1 1 Oct g T 1 T Nov 7 1 1 1 1 I I I I T tI 1 1 1 r Dec L Huddles Cut - HS3 Salinity (PSU) Salinity (PSU) 447 Porter Creek - PCS1 1 ID - In Ir1 c c LL7 Jan r T T 1 T Feb i T T Mar T Apr T May T June T 1 1 T J. July Aug T T I 0 1 • Sep Oct T Nov Dec T T T Porter Creek - PCS2 Jan r T T , Feb Mar Apr T 1 • ;� May 1 1 1 T 11 June T. T July T 1 1 Aug Sep Oct Nov T T T Dec DCUT11 - DC11S1 Jan T 1 Feb T Mar Apr T. 1 May r I T T 1 June 0 T 1T I I 1 1 T July a 11 B 1 Aug • • • T I a 1 1 T 1 • Sep • n8 O T 1 1 1 1 Oct T 1 Nov T I Dec Figure III-A13. Monthly salinities at non -control Aqua TROLLs: Huddles Cut, Porter Creek, and DCUT11 (DC11S1). (Dots=5t"/95t" outliers, upper/lower whiskers=90t"/10t" percentiles, upper/lower box edges=75t"/25t" percentiles, solid line in boxes=median). III-A-26 Jan ALL 2020 i 4l - T Feb Mar Apr Little Creek - LCS1 May T, June Go July 1 South Creek - SS1 Aug Long Creek - LOCS1 8 Sep T • T Oct Nov Dec i 1 ry 0 a Io Jan Feb T L. Mar 1 Apr T Little Creek - LCS2 May June July 8 T Aug Sep T 1 Oct Nov Dec PA2 - PA2S1 Long Creek - LOCS2 Figure III-A14. Monthly salinities at control Aqua TROLLs: Little Creek, PA2, Long Creek, and South Creek (SS1) (Dots=5th&95th outliers, upper/lower whiskers=90th&10th percentiles, upper/lower box edges=75th&25th percentiles, solid line in boxes=median). III-A-27 Duck Creek - DKCS1 Jan 2oza Salinity (PSU) Feb 1 ■ I I Mar T Apr 1. 11 May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov T Dec T Durham Creek - DCS1 Pamlico River - PS1 0) a co Salinity (PSU) c, O N c Duck Creek - DKCS2 Jan Feb Mar Apr -r May 1- June Aug Sep July r Oct 8 T -8- Nov T 1 T Dec DCUT19 - DC19S1 Figure III-A15. Monthly salinities at control Aqua TROLLs: Duck Creek, Durham Creek, DCUT19, and Pamlico River (PS1) (Dots=5t"&95t" outliers, upper/lower whiskers=90t"&10t" percentiles, upper/lower box edges=75"&25t" percentiles, solid line in boxes=median). III-A-28 I O J J u a)Uct J 2 0 H OU o U Q as J 0 s U ^ ( ca QU).o a) L O (1) - NO N 0 o - c T N (/) o _ - a c (B C O NniCE > < ^� C • 0 >'U) Y iI Yas E c U L O E L o a) a) = (j E c U • c 0 E a) i1i c U s as 00 U :� a) 0 L co '- U ^ E U U) _ O c° (/) L ) r OU = (D as Q ca U a) - v) (1) a) _a)-0a) _0 (U0 a) C2 0 V a) 0 Cam.) 0 n N 7 T (C L 0. a aS a) L as m C. o 0 0 0 (0 M C7 C7 0 0 0 co co v o CO N D 10 N co. C7 Q o c� N D W tic0vrn (io.4 N7 co N C7 CV D N N co N 1� C7 a 4 (3 ((7 N- N CO cO 4aio° (4 x a) as .c EEE co (0 M N v C N: c; ti -4 co ai o .4 a) a) v ni-4oa) co 10 N c co c7 M CO 6 N co co W nitiv� cotiv� aio? N�?om cri (C) N LO D V onion rn v v LO d7 M M CO (f7 N 6 a) CV 1O. M c) a)La. v� o 7 7 CO CO La. N C7 co co (f) vv CO (f) v�v(-v ti o (f) [p a) co 1-: " N a) m c .c a) EEE M 0) 0 (1) m (n .n.n ou7 o ti o ca ti Lo CO r` o v v ((7 ti o co. D. D. E N C7 CO C7 c C7 .4 F a) N CO d N v (4 x c E EE 0) L) 0) (n 1� 6. L7 CO 0 0 o v (f) N CO - (0 coa)vv D N C) CO id c7 °M° (f7 10 co a7 - o(iv� C (4 x E E E m rn.ou7 (`7 co 6 00 (0 CO a) v co CV CO v N: (f) CO CO v (f) 1� C N CO v N 7 c0 CO C7 (f) p a) c m .O a) E E E c 0) L) 0) Cr) 0„;co6 00, (0 a7 ( ) M co o r ti O co r � v � co. 2 co 0.)ci M M — v 47 a7 N C4 co M (() co co o 4 c° c° N cr.? CO c° - N co - N: d7 N a) c m .O a) E E E c 0) m 1� . N M c •• co Lo N LO 10 N id co ti CV idai�� CV D. CO CO C7 N ti rn N 4a) 00 N M CO co. NtiL2 N (f) CO v CO a) f CO N CO N CV c° 8 c° a) CO -4 CO c° E co ai co N W N •• Lo a) m .c a) EEE 0) III-A-29 N N 7 Z 0 Q. as cs) a a LL Table III -Al (continued). 10 CO co (0 - 6 C 1 CO M ( C) CO cvnocno ( n a) N C7 n L7 N co coC!00 N 4 ti co c° o (0 n C' n m E co 0)M ( n C O CQ co co ( n o cv a`n, I� ai M rn co ai co 4 ( n n LC) .171) co a) .n ( n M n (C) I` CV d (C) (0 4 CO O tV C3 C N N ._ EEE C a) LC) N CO c0 co - 6 M CO 0) N C) u� n�� CO 6. (0 N N Cl CO LC) a) ti M V CC] N P.- CO C L7 ca N n co O In OD O co Ln N LC] N- N C7Lo LC] n (n co ai N n CO c ti N- ( N 4 CC] o a EEE u) m v 'O oCO a) CD CO LC) V C) a) N co a) c v o 0 C7 ('7 cfl C7 N c() N CO CO C] (6 4 6 co CO 7 coincoin a)�n� a) Co Co C) co CO .n .n 4 co in o rn 10 N CO io a)a)C❑F LC) cc; oo0) co m a) co o cv • .n co in CO V CO al N LO (n CO CO V (.6 CO co CO cv Co • inoa) n CO. n Crj C . CV N CO a) n Lo 10 ( rn rn n 7 oCD. coc92 • (n (fl CO N cc o (ri CO 7 10 oz;o 10 (-U 1` in 09 ai ai co f ai• oo a) CO N coa)a) 4 in ti CO (n I� - C7 n no1-CO co d in N co CO co c) o CO (0• n L7 L7 N co CO CO 6 ( 4 • op co o ▪ 4 v n o n Cr) a) Co r M ri r� c co CO co co coM6 ( n co Co (0 O) M in CO co co • n x M n ic) CV 6 xr- C7 (C] "Zr N C E E E C LC"4- `Cr al Lfl •• CO ( C) N. CO V CC] co ai cri in m o co CO CO CC] co C7 ai 4 (S) Cr). cO (Ca Ln Ln a) N 1C) 92 ai c) in co co L) . CO CO o 2ic CU CO CO c, 6) 6) (O t Cr). r Co aioma) LC) Q N co CO N (n C▪ . CO cri - o co_ CC] CO C) N Cn0)oo N CO 6 co N N (0 c coc)oco N C7 N. N Cr 6 V Cfl co. CC) CO D p CO N n 6 co N n t 0) co - co • oal ( n M N (Q CO 4 c7 V N c EEE CO U J C7 . N ate) co LO o 0 10 CO CO N Co r CO N m C7 LC • Co V • Cr Ca. o CO ••In V CO Ln CO N- CO N " rn .n n m LCDCOo1 N CO co n m co o I. CA CA C7 n a) CV �ti ] M n a) C [n1 a] N Cy CO CO LO • M (4 ( c EEE (C) CO V c CO CO C7 a• a) C) N CA a) ci 4 o co CJ 7 N (C) a)1n� rn• cvn6�� o m (n o 4 c47- CO a) M ocoa)cr,O. 6) a) cc 4 io (n LO M aio(ri� N a. CO co (C7 0�0 LM iz 6iC.C) 'CO ( C) V n C) N (.6 CO M CO a) 1- C) o a) N (n (C) • N CO N CO f CO (0 rn▪ 4cc; CO ▪ (0 92 (n n C o in T c000(o co 0 0 N- .(in aiocoa) CO 7 C) Co N ( j III-A-30 0 0 U 0 sz a) N a a L a) LL Table III -Al (continued). 6 Co co Ln I— p N co (0 co Co . D p p • Co C• S) 4 N • . c) N CD Ca 6 M u7 co 'CO a) ii o u7 LL7 ti co 4 c4 o N CO 6 p N a p p 6 CO c4 co . Lo a CO N u7 tir-- 6 N • 111 Lc? ti p cF co 6) co C N x a) m .c E E E c C0 co co co Lf) co 0) N- 00 c0 C+) CO N p L7 N 6i 4 CJ C7 6 M V o co coC. C0 a) (o LC7 Co V CO © 6 Co 6 CA 6) N C0 CO 6) 6 p 0) p c) CO co ti p p p CO L0 co. N -4 p 6 4 C N Cx4 .6 E E E = u7 N 0) N ti 10 co M co c7 L Li7 0 0) D. co co p 6 6) h 6) p Co Liz (7l [0 . ▪ t CO 6) co LC) F u7 0) RI I` Co 6 6 V L0 . 6 M rn rn 0 6 co L0 N C0 6 I— N C` r-- 6 - o CO p p L8 ) ti Ld) N MI .6 E E E = in 2 - ti N 6 p L7 CD r CO p p CO o M ~ cu (0 co p I— N CO o 6 N p co. o 6 Co 4 co . [0 u7 LC7 N CAp (Ca ti Ca - V 0) ti N ti C7 CO Co ID c4 V V CO co 6 6) x V ti o co 6 N Co o C0 4 Co N r C0 r 3 CO CO 43 6) ti u7 co C (13 Cx4 .6 E E E = N in 2 0) • 0) (7) o copo� • co 6) p C0 N L7 ✓ - � co ID CO r- . LC7 L0 Co co 4 a) 10 Li. CO 'CO - . 0) M C7 N CO LC) . ▪ N C0 6 O CU 0 c‘io V• co •c0 N [ . r C0 co M CO ? CO (D CO r CO co. 6) co Lci N CV .6 E E E = 10 in 2 CO (IDLC) C7 (0 N 6 CO CO CT) . N (0 prcoo co V CC1 . LC7 N O co LC7 Co p c) o r 6 r` - "4— co p 6 Ca N CO L0 r 6) p r- i N CO — C0 p 6 M h ID C6 C4 x a) m .c E E E a in d p co N LL7 v co o o N C7 4Cooc C7 C7 N (0 C` 0) V r` d o co RI 0,7 0) . ▪ LC7 (0 6 N 6 a) C0 C0 10 CO 0) r N CA C7 CO l0 o c4 LC) N V co LCi ti ID v rn C) u7 I� r CO C7) CO C0 LCi I� ID C4 a) m .c E E E a Cn 0 10 M'cr ti M Co L C) o 4 6 o N N CO (0 I- 0) CO ti rn co o M Co 6) CO LC7 L0 CO L6 C0 co co 0 10 0) V CO o r C7 t (0 10 N CA N LC7 (O N- tTr I: Co 6 CO V V C0 I- 6i u7 L L7 h co 6 C r D. 'Cr. r CO ✓ ^ CO ✓ r C C3 a) CC44 .6 E E E N N 0 a 10 0) M o u7o°D LC) a7 v ti o C` CO M cicoov L7 CV CO c,1 CO CO co 0 M Co CO r 0) (0 CO f� M N CO C0 0) CO ti 0) V ti 4 10 C` CO CO u7 N- Fj)V 0 0 10 co Co 10 07 CO r- 0i CO V ▪ r- co 0) 6 N O `r r 117 � M r r � C C4 a) m .c EEE (I) 0 N o a) • N 10 a7 r C7 ci Co o CV CO c-i a v 6 6 Ca 10 M LC) co ti N 6J N L C) C2 p ti 10 C co O ca I 6 c4- (-a N co co u 7 I- ID N C0 N- V o co N- M ca co a co p M CO O q NI V • CO III-A-31 � 0 0 2 0 3 \ _ L Table III -Al (concluded). G a m r ¥ 6 6 \ o m r a d $ G o = ¥ ¥ a 6 (42 00 o co co w % r G n o = A a 6 ‘.,T- .o 1- 0 = co / / & % a)§ .c E E E c / 0 0 0 r ¥ r r g a 6 $ o CO o = ¥ % 6 \ CO CO CO a a a 6 $ ¥ o a o a / d $ CO o a m ▪ 2 6 $ o a o w e 6 7 G o G / W R 6 t o G G w e 6 7 m 2 1- 1- % / & a)§ .c E E E c / 0 c \ ni \ 2 0 ¥ o 6 / 6 7 \ co - 7 @- -32 Table III-A2. Correlations between 2020 salinity and several climatic variables: Tar River discharge, water depth, rainfall, wind speed and wind direction. White = Pre -Mod Alt, Gray = Post - Mod Alt L, and Blue = Control. Bold values indicate significant correlation. Station Sample Size (# of days) Pearson's r correlation Mardia's r correlation Wind Direction Discharge Water Depth Rainfall Wind Speed Broomfield Swamp Creek BSCS1 341 -0.226 (lag: 0 days) +0.128 -0.186 (lag: 1 day) -0.019 0.212 BSCS2 340 -0.284 (lag: 0 days) -0.065 -0.296 (lag: 2 days) +0.096 0.118 BSCS3 340 -0.281 (lag: 0 days) +0.139 -0.265 (lag: 3 day) +0.091 0.101 SCUTI SC1S1 366 -0.176 (lag: 0 days) +0.405 -0.134 (lag: 1 days) -0.096 0.198 SC1S2 362 -0.269 (lag: 0 days) +0.159 -0.181 (lag: 2 day) +0.043 0.294 SC1S3 366 -0.365 (lag: 0 days) -0.201 -0.243 (lag: 2 day) +0.083 0.162 Jacks Creek JS1 366 -0.263 (lag: 0 days) +0.007 -0.188 (lag: 4 days) -0.006 0.094 JS2 366 -0.281 (lag: 0 days) -0.122 -0.171 (lag: 4 days) +0.110 0.045 South Creek SS1 352 -0.305 (lag: 0 days) +0.133 -0.200 (lag: 4 days) +0.151 0.103 Little Creek LCS1 337 -0.253 (lag: 0 days) +0.169 -0.258 (lag: 1 day) _0_065 0.369 LCS2 364 -0.364 (lag: 0 days) -0.058 -0.289 (lag: 1 day) _0.068 0.145 Jacobs Creek JCBS1 356 -0.248 (lag: 6 days) +0.016 -0.175 (lag: 5 days) +0.057 0.061 JCBS2 366 -0.321 (lag: 7 days) -0.062 -0.169 (lag: 4 days) +0.163 0.033 PA2 Creek PA2S1 351 -0.268 (lag: 8 days) +0.034 -0.131 (lag: 4 days) +0.067 0.032 Drinkwater Creek DWS1 366 -0.254 (lag: 0 days) +0.038 -0.179 (lag: 1 day) _0_052 0.152 DWS2 366 -0.330 (lag: 7 days) -0.116 -0.160 (lag: 4 days) +0.116 0.038 Long Creek LDCS1 366 -0.387 (lag: 7 days) -0.063 -0.143 (lag: 5 days) +0.143 0.089 LDCS2 366 -0.389 (lag: 7 days) -0.073 -0.147 (lag: 5 days) +0.168 0.064 Tooley Creek TS1 340 -0.345 (lag: 7 days) +0.043 -0.152 (lag: 4 days) +0.123 0.068 TS2 366 -0.362 (lag: 7 days) +0.003 -0.146 (lag: 4 days) +0.156 0.030 Pamlico River PS1 346 -0.661 (lag: 4 days) +0.001 -0.180 (lag: 10 days) +0.237 0.108 Huddles Cut HS1 345 -0.254 (lag: 35 days) +0.241 +0.100 (lag: 27 days) -0.115 0.264 HS2 366 -0.380 (lag: 0 days) +0.344 -0.134 (lag: 1 days) -0.056 0.199 HS3 339 -0.518 (lag: 5 days) -0.082 -0.131 (lag: 1 day) +0.161 0.120 Porter Creek PCS1 366 -0.379 (lag: 6 days) +0.002 -0.172 (lag: 1 day) +0.028 0.129 PCS2 366 -0.539 (lag: 5 days) -0.082 -0.134 (lag: 11 days) +0.196 0.198 Durham Creek DCS1 366 -0.441 (lag: 3 days) -0.104 -0.163 (lag: 3 days) +0.190 0.268 DC19S1 366 -0.458 (lag: 4 days) -0.083 -0.151 (lag: 11 days) +0.142 0.149 DC11S1 366 -0.336 (lag: 0 days) +0.009 -0.153 (lag: 1 days) +0.119 0.220 Duck Creek DKCS1 353 -0.276 (lag: 0 days) +0.334 -0.224 (lag: 1 day) -0.155 0.188 DKCS2 366 -0.465 (lag: 3 days) +0.126 -0.194 (lag: 7 day) +0.042 0.102 III -A-33