HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG080620_Monitoring Report_20220324Discharge Monitoring Report Checklist
(Updated 9/23/21)
1) Location/Facility: _Charlotte Roadway Shop_ Permit No. NCG080620
2) Monthly ❑; Quarterly N; Bi-annual ❑; Annual ❑: Check all that apply
Are all items in compliance with the permit? Yes N No ❑
When is this DMR due to the agency? _3/27/22___
Permit Type: NPDES N; NPDES Individual ❑; or POTW ❑
% "i
Submittal: Electronic ❑, Mail ❑ ,or Both N
7) Provide DMR limits: Provided on DMR Form N; incl. below ❑; or attached ❑
8) If the answer to Item 3 is "NO", or if any parameter is nearly the limit, complete page 2 of
this checklist in its entirety, identifying root cause and your corrective action. Any
exception should also be discussed in a cover letter, or on the DMR form or appropriate
eDMR comment block.
9) If the checklist/ DMR is being submitted less than 3 business days from the date due, specify
10) Add distribution information and any specific instructions in the "Distribution List" below
or attached separately.
I reviewed the attached DMR and I certify it to be accurate and complete.
1. _3/22/22_
Manager Environmental Operations Date
3 jz2(Zt,
System Manager Env Operations Date
Distribution List (Including Name, Title, email, and Complete Address (if mailed):
1. Chris Clary, Shop Superintendent, Christopher.Clary@nscorp.com
2. Leonard Stogner, Operator, Stogner3@vnet.net
3. Upload a copy of the DMR to https://edocs.deq.nc,gov/Forms/SW-DMR
4. Mail a copy of DMR to: NC Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources
610 East Center Avenue - Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115.
Norfolk Southern Corporation
Safety and Environmental Department
650 W. Peachtree St. NE — Box 13
Atlanta, GA 30308
Telephone (678) 772-0998
March 22, 2022
North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
610 East Center Avenue
Suite 301
Mooresville, NC 28115
Attention: Central Files
RE: Norfolk Southern Railway Company
Charlotte Roadway Shop
Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
Certificate of Coverage No. NCG080620
Dear Sir or Ma'am:
Bryan Naranjo
System Manager
Environmental Operations
Enclosed is the 2022 first quarter Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) for the above referenced facility.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Adam Motsinger at 704-578-
1835 or by email at Adam.Motsinger@nscorp.com.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bryan Naranjo
System Manager Environmental Operations
NCDEQ Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Ilk
Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Form for NCG081WQ0' �%
Transit and Transportation o��jP2'Q
Click here for instructions
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Complete, sign, scan and submit the DMR via the ; r , 1; ,, rmit Data Monitoring Report (DMR) UploXd form within
30 days of receiving sampling results. Mail the original, signed hard copy of the DMR to the appropriate DEMLR Regional Office.
Certificate of Coverage No. NCG08 0620
Person Collecting Samples: j. Thurman Horne, P. E.
Facility Name: Norfolk Southern Railway- Charlotte Roadway Shol
Laboratory Name: K & W Laboratories
Facility County: Mecklenburg
Laboratory Cert. No.: 559
Discharge during this period:0✓ Yes No (if no, skip to signature and date)
Has your facility implemented mandatory Tier response actions this sample period for any benchmark exceedances? 0 Yes [.,]No
If so, which Tier (I, II, or III)?
A copy of this DMR has been uploaded electronically via ✓ Yes []No
Date Uploaded:
Analytical Monitoring Requirements for Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance Areas —Benchmarks in
Receiving Stream Class
Date Sample Collected MM/DD/YYYY
24-Hour Rainfall in inches
TSS in mg/L (100 or 50*)
Non -Polar Oil & Grease in mg/L (15)
pH in standard units (6.0 — 9.0 FW,
Estimated New Motor/Hydraulic Oil
Usage in gal/month
Outfalls to Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HQW), Trout Waters (Tr) and Primary Nursery Areas (PNA)
have a benchmark TSS limit of 1. All other water classifications have a benchmark of 100 mg/L
(Freshwater) (Saltwater)
Notes (optional):
"I certify by my signature below, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in
accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my
inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information
submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting
false information, incluftg-ta possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations."
Signature of Permiittee or ffelegated Authorized Individual
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Email Address
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Phone Number