HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041337 Ver 3_Fax_20070913SEP 13,2007 09:12P MITCHELL ENVIRONMENTAL 5770875 1V1'itehell Environmental, P,~. Facsimile 'Transmittal Uate: _ _Pages (including 4over gage): 09-13-?OD7 ~ ~ 11 To: Mrs. C~yndi Karoly ~ . UW(~ - 4p1 Oversight tlnit 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Suite 250 Italei h, NC 276U4 _ ___ .~J Fax Number: l~hone {Number: ~~~-csg3 T~~~-178b _..--~ From: ..... _ Scott Mitchell Rc: Harrison Place Subdivision - Reyucsted /ldditional Information Comments: _ Mrs. Karnly, __. _ ._._ _. ... Attached is the response to your request for additional information for H~~rrison Place Subdivision, Lots 9 and 23. Please do not hesitate to call the ifyou havc at~y questions or if you need any additional infonn:~tion, Thanks. 1'U I3ox 311 C)J, f ice.: 915-557-~J(,RZ Fuquuy-Vurirul, North C:'ctrulina 2752b Frrx: 919-557-~fG83 Mnhilcy: yl~-6b1-1132y page 1 SEP-13-2aD7 THU 16:09 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 1 SEP 13,2007 04:13P MITCHELL ENVIRONMENTAL 5770875 Mitchell Er~vi~anrnental F.A. September 1:~. 2007 Mrs. Cvndi 1Caroly 401 Uversight and Express Permits iJnit 2x2] Crabtree kilvd. Suite 250 Ra}eigh, NC: 27604-22GD Re: Harrison Place Sulxli<<isinn -Request for Mure lnl'ormation Fngaay Varina, North Carolina (Wake County- Neuse River Basin) D'VVQ i'roject #U4-.I~37, Version 3 Mrs. I<aruly: This Icuer is in response to your request for more information for Harrison Place Subdivision dated /lugust { 4, 2007. The follc~winl; restates your requests with A response to each below, Please re-sarbntit your site plans or, Jidl plan sheers at a acute of",ro snsAllc+r d,an ~~~=sn~. "Phis permit application is only fir the tvo individual- existing lots illustrated on the previously submitted PCN Application and on the attached BMP design sheets, Impacts far the remainder of the subdiviSi~n were previously permitted through separate F'C:N Applications. 1'er a telephone conversatiim with Mr. Ian Mc;IVIiIlan, the maps as previous}~ submitted should suf•}ice since this application is only fix the two identit"ied }ots. 'These maps err: at a kale no larger than I °'-5U'. 1. Pler~sr indicate tke difJi~se, flow provrcin,: n,~asures on flee site plan and sr~hnrlt diJJitse flow provision measure worksheets and signed and notarized Operations and Maintcaarr_P .ggreetnenL Ruth of these Iots discharge stormwater ntnotf into wide. flat, forested valleys that eotuain no screams or Neuse Riparian Buffcrs.vithin several hundred feet of the proposed homes. We have. NCi)W(~ confirmation that ni, Neuse Riparian Buffer exists dc7wnstream of lot 23 far approximately 2,000-feet (Lctrer ~ Map are Attuc'her.I~. l~dditionally, bush oC these sites are in the upper coastal plain and are covered by coarse gained soils that have; a rclativch~ high permeability. It is reasonable to expect the! a significant portion of stormwatCr runoff frotn the first 1-inch of rainfall will be absonc~~ by the soils in this area. 'i'bis expectation is supported by the fart that no streams currently exist in these va1lc~~s. ~fhe remaining stonmwater t}cat is not absorbed into the soil will travc} as shcctJdiffiise f}ow, a Minimum of severe} hundred feet through the forested vttlley detailed above, before entering any stream or Neuse Riparian Buffer. I~crr these reasons, we believe it is unreasonable to require additional diffuse Clow measures on these properties. P(71iox 3~f h~uyrrav-YQr~11R, R'nrlh (:ur•r~lina 27S?G (Ifjice:9/9-.S,S7-it1f122 Fns:919-557-./6$3 1LluGile: 919-6r59-032y page 2 SEP-13-2007 THU 16:09 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 2 SEP 13,2007 04:13P MITCHELL ENVIRONMENTAL 5770875 In the event that you maintain your requirement. for diffiise flow nyeasures. I have alGiched proposed BMP designs for each lot. The Attached basin designs will capture the runc~('f frnm the first. inch of rainfall and release it tftrcwgh ttn undcrdrain that will pramote pCrcolation into the sail ~•~hile reducing the instantaneous flowrate from this f- inch raintiall event.. No BMP warksheets i~r ()pcraliorrs and Maintenance A}?rccrnents are attached hewause we hope that upon your review of die +uppartin~* information. yuu will agree that diffuse flu~v mc8sures are; not warranted on these~lats. Thank you far your time spent reviewing these responses. lh, nut hesitate to call me if you have an) questions ar cancerns about this project or if you need an}- additional information to prgecss this application. Sincerely, / ~. ''~ Scott Mitcl~eli, PF., i.SS page 3 SEP-13-2007 THU 16:09 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 3 SEP 13,2007 04:13P MITCHELL ENVIRONMENTAL 5770875 ~` D~O~ W A r~~~ Michael F. Easley, (Jovernor (r William G. Rosy Jr., 5ocretary Vj Y North (:arnlina Ueparimrnt tir F,nvironmrnt and Natural Resources r > ~ ~ ~ Culaen N. Sullins, Director Divi6i0r1 of W!<Irr (tuality July 13, 2007 DWQ EXP# Q7-1184 Wake County Mr. Douglas Ba11 1401 Aversboro Road, Suite 20b (}arner, NC 27529 5ubjvct Property: Fred Holleman Tract On~Site Determinatian far Applicability to the 11Teuse Riparian Area Protection Rules (ISA NCAC 2B .4233}EXPRESS REVIII!;W PROGRAM pn July 13, 2007, at the request of Mr- Scutt Mitchell of Miteflell Environmental, P.A,, an on-site determination was conducted to review five stream features located on the subject property for applicability to the Neuse Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0233). The features are labeled as "A" through "E" on the attached map, initialed by h,ia Myott on July 13, 2007. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has determined that the following: • 1=cature "A" is subject to the Ner~se Bu~'er Rule on the proprrrty at the flag labeled by DWQ as "A 1 ". Feature A is an intermittent stream. Feature `B" is subject to the Neuse Bu„~er Rule from the tlag labclt:~d "131" to the flag labeled "$2" (isolated stream). At the DWQ flag labeled "B3", the feature again becomes an intermittent stream and is therefore subject to the Neuse Buffer Rule. • Feature "C" is subject to lire Neuse Bugr Rule on the property at the flag labeled "C I ". The stream was determined to be intermittent at "Cl". • Feature "D" is subject to the Neuse Bu,~"er Rule on the property from the flag labeled "D6" to "DT' and from Flag "D$" to "D9" (isolated interrrtittent streams). Downstream from flag "Dti" tht: future becomes a wetland and ifi therefore riot subject to the Neuse t3uffer Rule, • Feature "E" is a wetland with no stream features and is therefore not subject to the Neuse Buffer Rule. This on-sift: determination Shall expir4• five (5) years from the date of this letter. This letter only addtCSses the irltermitttnt/perennial status of the stream features IiStc;d above according to current DWQ standards and does not approve any activity within the streams or address features that were not observed during the site visit. Nor does this letter approve any activity within Wafers of the ldni[ed Sta[CS or Waters of the State. if you have any questions, please contact Lia Myatt at 914.733.9502. / Since ly, -~ r, y Coleen E[. Sullins, Director NC Division of Water Quality CHS/cbk/lem Attachrrtents: NRCS Soil Survey Map, USGS Topo Quad Map 401 Ovetsigttt! Express Raview Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Caroline 27699-1650 2321 Crabtrrr Bouiward, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Cttrolina 27(104 Phone: 419.733-17861 FAJ{ 919-733.6893! Intcrrret: htto://h2o.anr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands An Equal Opportunity/Afrimutlivr Actaa F.mployet - SO% Rrcycltd/ l (19'• Post Consumrr P~+u SEP-13-2DD7 THU 16:09 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS N/U4x rally page 4 P. 4 SEP 13,2007 04:13P MITCHELL ENVIRONMENTAL 5770875 Page 5 Frcd HoliCnan l Tact Pagc 2 of 2 July 13, 2007 cc: Scott Mitchell Mitchell Environmental P.A., 602 bast Academy Street, Suite I05, Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 DWQ Raleigh Rtgional Of~Fce File Copy Central Files SEP-13-2007 THU 16:09 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 5 SEP 13,2007 04:13P MITCHELL ENVIRONMENTAL 5770875 p~~7~ 6 rti.~ - ';,_ • 3 .-~• ~ ter'",:; ~+~'""~ ~,~ ._ ~ ~' .~ rfi ' ~ ~ ~ R ~t• _ ~%j ~ ~ ~ {~A~rtfon G~*9 "`e.~'+~irrv>:,'81"~~ac`.~Z"4,nd ~`",~3~. play c ~.. , •_ -~ _ . , .. ~ ~ ~ _. ~~`~; ~ ' "~ ;~ . i e ` i- ~ •. _ era ~,~ ~ -'`~ r . 9'.rA-~G { `• ...~ tit k ~G r -.. -•~~ ~•~..-,. . ~~~ 17]]ii~ ~ _ _ ~~~ ~; _ fit.. ~~ `+ • I r ; . ~' . , + . ~~ ; Corn ,~ I v q /r I+ler~ CAM £~wk~xmen~i .. .~ - ~ ~ - ~~ •r .. ,- i y5 : yp2 ~ • . a . ~ 1 `~~ SEP-13-2007 THU 16:10 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 6 SEP 13,2007 09:14P MITCHELL ENVIRONMENTAL 5770875 ~z ~~ 4~ ~'~'7 ;...':m ~L.:~ _ `b_, `? _ ."'~ page 7 ~V C w~~ f SEP-13-2887 THU 16:18 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 7 SEP 13,2007 04:14P MITCHELL ENVIRONMENTAL 5770875 page 8 L)WE~ Project #: Roof Area: Ttesultar-t t"Runoff Volume: ltcquired BMP Area L 1' Depth: Supplied BMP Arca (ir3 1' Depth: BMP lJnderdrdin: Recommended BMP Vcgcittti(m: 1'ropusea IiMI' ~ fa• ,z' 10 1 o ~ ~ ~ N 10. a c+~ ~ L. [}4-]337, Version 3 ?,827 ft2 236 ft3 236132 24U ft2 4" Slotlcd 1-1DPF, w/ Sock grass ~ - .T---- ~ ti>~rcauns ea>NO~wv f . `~ ~ ' - I o ~ w , roo vA. - FLtK1D LINF w PAOPDSED i!l)t1SE ~ . ! ~ '~/ I~ ~'`- 72.7' ~ ~ ... , ~ • BWAL r~ ~ ~ 1 - .- ~....~ - - :.. - - --r r ~ ~ . 20' t7RAItrAGfe' 2n ~ ~ , ~ EASEtffNT ~ 2t)' 1 ~ ~ ! I I 20 ~ 1___. 1__ __' ~a ~ :~a ° w 155.00 NORTH HARRISONPLACE LANE -~-~-" ~ (50' PUBLIC P/M) - All roof drainage shall be collected grid ttiverted to proposed LIMN through the use of a standard roof gutter syslcm in combination with a 4-inch PVC piping system. PVC. piping system shalt be installed underground to the maximum extent practie~hle, while maintaining adequate fa11 to thr BMP from all gutter downspouts. ~- rtTCxBr.~ e,~~nr~-~~r= P!. °~~ F°~ «w~tr ~ ~~ ~~, ~ HAI~I~I S ON PLACE S'/D P.D. Box 941 r~r vaiw, roc z752~ FUQtlAY VARlNA, NC ,E7u,2B FUQU,4Y VARINA, NC - iIaICF CQUNTY CA1E3eptdneer 13, ~SIO SCAIfr 1" + 30' OFFICE: 918-557~4BB~2 LOT 9 ~- BMP I1L+~'S"ICrN PdX: 9f 9-567-x$88 ott~+ow~o+rK saDtnsT ooNtM:r: a.,~w~~earo.artHn~.,-~c ~0n ""~ ~ `~ SHEET 1 DF ~ SEP-13-2007 THU 16:10 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 8 SEP 13,2007 09:14P MITCHELL ENVIRONMENTAL 5770875 page 9 flan View of Proposed BMP liatie of R Install small berm around upslopc hc7r~ters of BMP to prevent additional ru-toff from entering and overloading the fiMP. Line bottom, sides, berms and 2-fcxit perimeter around entire BMP with sod upon completion of grading, PV(' pipe installation ar~d undcrdrain installation. Cross-Section View of Eroposed BMP '~ i\ r,~ 1/XlStin~ (iround (Approximate) -Foote t ti Earthen F3erm (if Required to Aelticv4 I-Foot BMT' I)cpth) 4-Inch Slotted HDPE w/ Sock and f)aylight Outlet 'f'c~p of Hnl't? underdrtin shall be installed betweetT 4 and 6-inches below bottom of E3MP and covered with clean sand to finished grade, Ensure positive drainage. to prevent extended ponding of collected runnff. ~"~° `°~ " ~ ~~ ~~• I~'ARRIS'ON' PLACE S'/D ~` P.0. BOX 3~I Fuquay vamp. NC 2751s ~ FUgUAY !'ARlNA, 1VC x7528 FUQUAY VARINA, NC - 1-AIC1~ COUN7'1' u~>E.swt«~« ra soon scuF: N,s L0T 9 -- IMP D,~S'1GN OFFIC.~'_ 919--667-~BBP FHNRONYbIrK SGTF]r71ST OONTACr: FAX:9i9-667-4583 t~n~e.~.m.~eQa,--er-ct+~.,r.t scorn Praia,.- ~ tss SHEET 2 OF 2 SEP-13-2807 THU 16:11 TEL: 9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 9 SEP 13,2007 09:14P MITCHELL ENVIRONMENTAL 5770875 page 10 DWQ Project #: Rcxr [~ A rcx: Resultant I" Runoff Volurnc: Required BMP Area (r~ I' Depth; Supplied t:3Ml' Arca (r),, t' Ch:pih: BMP lJnderdrain: KeCutnmcndcd BMP Vegetation: 04- I ;337, Version 3 x,414 ft? 20 t R.3 2(ll tt:Z 2?0 ft2 ~" Slc~ttrd HT)Pf w/ Sock Grass N of°z7'4Q'E 180.78' BOO YR- FLOOD LINE-- ~` ` ~ ~ ~. ... 1 _~ r~ ~ ~ - a~ ~ 20' i1AAINAGF ~as~Nr .I. ~~ 700 YR. FLOOD LINE 25 All roof drainage shall he collected atld diverted to proposed I3MP through the use trf a standard roof gutter system in cambinatian with a 4-inch PVC piping systcrn. PV(; pipin}; system shall be instsllec9 Trnderground to the rnaximum extent practicable, while maint<~ining adequate i`all W the BMP from all gutter downspouts. ~. ~ ~ ~ v1` ' O ~ ~ I~ • ~,- W\ ~,\ ~ ., ~ o l ~ ~` ~ ~` '. \ ~Gu ~ l ~ ~\ ~ m Pro~xired BMP • ~~ f'OSBD I ~ I O ~ ~ ~ PRO FK)!!SE + ~ r~ ~\ ye ta , r ~` I \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ ~ { ~' ~ PP~ C~ ~~K __~~ _ ~.,~ $ ~ 21 P~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~A ~ BI'~~ ~- -' ~ ~~~~~ lam. p ~- + J - ~0~ ~~+~~ ~~~ ~,. YITCH1l~LL ~iNYIRONYE~~` ~"'~d Faa. ~ ~, ~, ~~5 ~A~~I SON FLA CE S/JJ ropwr v NG z7S2G P.d. 90X 34f FUQUAY VARINA, NC - ~YAJIt'E COUNTY FUQUAY YARINA. NC ,27528 ~~~~ ~y ~7 SCE; 1• _ 54. OFFICE: aye- u47 ~s~~ .. __ LOT ,23 -BMP DESIGN FAX: 9r9-S57-f683 ENNRIr11~NTAL SdbItIST COkTACL• 6m+er-vironmet-fatAearlhfink.~-et ~~ y~T~' ~' L~ SHEET 1 OF ,2 SEP-13-2@@7 THU 16:11 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 1@ SEP 13,2007 09:15P MITCHELL ENVIRr~NMENTAL 5770875 page 11 Klan View of Proposc;d I3MP ~-Inch 5fotted IIGYL wi dock snd I)aylitllt Gullet install small berm around upsiope borders of BMP io prevent additional runoff from entcrin}; and overloading the BMP. Line bottom, sides, berms and 2-foot perimeter around entire BMP with sod upgn completion of grating, PVC pipe installation and underdrain installation. Crass-Section View of Plroposed BMP 1-F~~ot ~~~ l:.nrthcn Bcrm (if Kcgirired to Achieve I -Foot BMP r)cpth) Existing (;round (Approximate) 4-Inch SlottCd HDPF w/ Sock and Daylight Uutlct Top of HDPE underdrain shall he installed betwCen 4and b-inches below twttom of BMP and covered with clean sand to finished grade. Ensure positive drainage to prevent. extended ponding of-collected runoff. y,. YfTClfa~t4 EXVIRONY~YVTdL. F.d. ~~ ~ F~~w ~~g~l~te~215 HAR.R I,S QN PLACE S/D f'.0. BOX s4r 1~'UQUAY FARINA. JVC - II'AXl£ COUNTY ,~'UQUAY VARIXA, NC ,275.26 t1atE:sp-~nnQ t~, T00~ Nr5 -- flFFICE: sus-ccr-sex ~ --~.,._ LOT ,23 - BMA' 17~',5'IC.N ~,ur: arg--ss~-46as °1AR01"~'T~~" ~ ,S'HEET 2 DF ,2 e.--~e~avti,~o,a~,~-w,taldQartAkut..~e: SEP-13-2DD7 THU 16:11 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 11