HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0031046_Wasteload Allocation_19910920NPDES DOCUMENT :MCANNINO COVER :SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0031046 Document Type: Permit Issuance (Waste1oacIA1atio") Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Compliance Speculative Limits Instream Assessment (67b) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: September 20, 1991 This document is printed w .reuse paper - igxiore any content on the reYerse side ORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT September 20, 1991 MEMORANDUM TO: Dale Overcash, Supervisor NPDES Permits Through: Steve Mauney, Supervisor WSRO, WQ F rom: Art Hagstrom 0J0k) Environmental Engineer, WSRO, .WQ SEP 1 4 199i TEi ;.'"7$4 SUPPORT Bk:. ..:fie. Subject: Colonial Pipeline Company's letter dated September 3, 1991, requesting Permit changes, NPDES Permit No. NC0031046, for the Greensboro Tank Farm, Guilford County The WSRO comments follow and are listed in the order shown by Mr. Sisk's letter: Part I.A. Sampling Location 1.We are pleased to hear that they wish to include the on -site lakes as part of their treatment system. Colonial lakes are fed in part by eight(8) other terminal's discharges and surface runoff. Several years ago this Office tried to get Colonial to monitor all parameters at the influent to their upper pond and the effluent from the lower pond(compliance would be determined by differences). They were unwilling to install suitable flow measurement devices because of costs. Merely calling the lakes sediment ponds and the effluent from the lower lake to be representative would not provide information as to which Outfall or Outfalls is/are creating the problem and problems could be blamed on the multitude of upstream contributors. It is our belief that the ponds are for fire protection and major spill control. It is unclear how compliance will be judged. We do not recommend the change. 2. Flow Measurement at Outfall 006 WSRO thought that flow from No.006 would be measured at the tank being tested(staff gage or other gage at the tank). Sampling would also be done at the tank. Other terminals understand the process and follow it. They claim to have hard piping to each tank. 3. Effluent Limitations at Outfall 006. The discharge of hydrostatic test water is controlled by the phenol level(lbs./day). Page 2 of September 20, 1991 Colonial Pipeline Colonial is expected to have phenol results in hand before any discharges are started(each day's discharge is a new situation. Only when the phenol level is < or = 1.0 ug/1 could they dump the test water in at. the rates they suggest. The total site limit is only .001 lbs./day(all discharges). At 2.0 ug/1 they could dump.059 MGD; and at 1.0 ug/1 +, they could dump 0.120 MGD. They don't seem to understand that the Phenol limit controls the daily discharge flow rate not their proposed flow rates. They should not be given flow limits when they may conflict with other limits. The hydrocarbon tests should be per Technical Support's input. Part III.E Oil Terminal Condition 1.Renaming facility in the permit should be done. Part III.F.4 Organics/Lead Testing Requirement 1. We will accept Technical Support's input. Comment: This Office wouldn't object to the combining of Colonial's discharges along with flow measurement and recording, oil/water separation, air stripping, carbon absorption, and with storage and testing done before release. cc: Jule Shanklin Trevor Clements Central Files WS RO -? f kg*: sr PS4044.. Colonial Pi aline Conn C 14$ £t fr4 � paa�ay LENOX TOWERS 3390 PEACHTREE ROAD N.E ATLANTA. GA 30326.110E (404) 261-1470 V.A. YARBOROUGH Director -Engineering Environmental Manager • a September 3, 1991 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Mr. Dale Overcash NCDEHNR coo Division of Environmental Management ? Ca �3 d Permits and Engineering Unit �1.�: 512 North SalisburyStreet ASSIGNED TO •A- �� Raleigh, NC 27611 {.. - 2 3 -DUE WE ... ' T.W. CERVINO Re: Draft NPDES Permit No. NC0031046 Greensboro Junction Tank Farm Guilford County r Dear Mr. Overcash: Colonial Pipeline Company has reviewed the above mentioned draft permit renewal and submits the following comments. Part I.A Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements Sampling Location "During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial numbers 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, and 006. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified..." Comments Since Colonial's main lake acts as a settling basin for suspended particulates in our wastestreams, Colonial considers its main lake to be part of its treatment works. Therefore, Colonial requests that the monitoring point for Total Suspended Solids and Turbidity samples be moved from each individual outfall to a point below the discharge of the main lake. fyr/.g.3.r' `. •.'L J"'.�.r �''? cc,x`/'s any n 6 Mr. Dale Overcash September 3, 1991 Page 2 Flow Measurement at Outfall 006 clA -o "Flow shall be monitored from each outfall during every rainfall event that results in a discharge" Comments Colonial's Outfall 006 is located at the water supply inlet for the facility underground fire protection piping system. Rainfall will not cause a discharge at this outfall. Colonial plans to discharge hydrotest water through this outfall and requests that flow be monitored at this outfall only during the discharge of hydrotest water. Effluent Limitations at Outfall 006 "Permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 006... discharges shall be limited and monitored as specified below. Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Comments 2.3 ug/1 12.0 ug/1 369.0 ug/1 Daily Maximum Daily Maximum Daily Maximum" In Colonial's permit renewal application, an estimate of 0.72 MGD was given for the hydrotest water flow rate. Assuming that the above mentioned limits were established using the 0.72 MGD flow rate, Colonial requests that these limits be increased for hydrotest water discharges of <0.72 MGD. Colonial proposes that a sliding scale be established with effluent limits set for each 0.1 MGD increment up to 0.72 MGD. Part III.E Oil Terminal Condition Comment Colonial requests that the title of this section be changed to read " Oil Terminal and Petroleum Transportation Related Facility" Condition. This change is requested to clarify that pipeline facilities are included in this section. Colonial Pipelisrie Company Mr. Dale Overcash September 3, 1991 Page 3 Part III.F.4 Organics/Lead Testing Requirement "Once per year, monitor for BTEX Compounds... Also monitor for the following compounds using an EPA -approved method: MTBE, EDB, 1,2-dichloroethane, naphthalene, isopropyl -ether, and lead." Comments Lead is no longer a significant constituent of the refined petroleum products transported by Colonial. Therefore, Colonial requests that it along with the lead scavengers EDB and 1,2--dichloroethane be deleted from the monitoring requirements. Colonial also requests that isopropyl -ether be removed from the monitoring requirements. BTEX and MTBE serve as adequate indicator parameters for petroleum contamination. Should you wish to discuss these comments, please contact me at 404/841-2491 or at the mailing address on the letterhead. Sincerely, Perr'' D. Sisk cc: T. W. Cervino H. R. Melendy J. E. Marder W. C. Edwards EsTNPDES WASTE LOAD PERMIT NO.: NC0031046 PERMITTEE NAME: Colonial Pipeline Company / Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: New Greensboro Major Pipe No.: 006 Minor Design Capacity: 0.720 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): Industrial (% of Flow): 100 % Comments: *See attached proposal. STREAM INDEX: 17-2 ak- r . t& oftilyLelfut(tArzs\ 7* RECEIVING STREAM: UT to East Fork Deep River Class: WS-III Sub -Basin: 03-06-08 Reference USGS Quad: C19SW (please attach) County: Guilford Regional Office: Winston-Salem Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 3/31/91 Treatment Plant Class: 1? II? Classification changes within three miles: N/A STREAM INDEX: 17-2 Requested by: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Jule Shanklin -Eat, w w6�t W( Date: Date: Date: Modeler Date Rec. # Elsa 3 l 5 91 Ce L34 I)(ainage Area (mil ) I. D Avg. Streamflow (cfs): i. 0 7Q10 (cfs) b. is Winter 7Q10 (cfs) � a. 0 30Q2 (cfs) p,aD Toxicity Limits: IWC % Acute hronic. flnwva./ Instream Monitoring: Parameters Upstream Location Downstream Location RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT Wasteflow (MGD): Oil and Grease (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): pH (su) : Turbidity (NTU): Phenols (lbs/day): Benzene (ug/1): Toluene (ug/1): Ethylbenzene (ug/1): Mo. Avg. monitor 30 30 LIMITS Daily Max. Min/Max Mon. Freq. (see belc 60 2/month 60 2/month 6-9 2/month. 50 (see come 0.001 * 2/month 2.3 ' Wa 369 Toxicity Testing Req.: acute monitoring for episodic events -Annual COMMENTS The following products are stored: petroleum products. No other products are to be stored without modification of this permit. Discharge is to holding pond which drains to E. Fork Deep River. All volumes of wastewater leaving the facility must be monitored. If continuous monitoring is not feasible, then discharger shall record the approximate times that discharge began and ended, along with the instantaneous flow at the time of effluent sampling. Once per year, monitor for benzene, toulene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes using an EPA approved method to a detection level of 1 ug/1. Also monitor for the following compounds using an EPA approved method: EDB, MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether), 1,2 dichloroethane, napthalene, isoproply ether and lead. Monitoring and toxicity testing should occur on same schedule. Monitoring and toxicity samples should be taken within 24 hrs of the beginning of discharge. A reopener clause should be placed in the permit to allow for limits to be placed on toxicants should the facility's whole effluent toxicity monitoring indicate unacceptable toxic effects. 1.1 In t otkenols sccui, geTybri, au out lls st uil yus•t- exceed .0a 65 y. Comments: 4- .0% rP p1ne„ois --h,,rn_ ec- ii ouu(( sho,zi be ivied ifC1) art+ boy. ;el 111 and lbs(day. 9 • t: •1. C-, r?' 9 ifs- •-• • • 9.91 • • $eyno!ds • / • 1 �. Ralag7) Croe ' • %�• *t • • L • \• • 09' r,7 @ot-oNsAt PIPI.-1 me ComPANy ic; G ti1S b A C11-1 rl ES N P_Dts RierA T ad. Uc 0031 446 :�.. • (.0 bisAct 15)�! 2-y - j �t b j T-, .�. r_' . f J1 s'Arta t 1•� `Co rn(..)S ' F' 1,4T T o .1S''` rz-hE' '9 "S. •r CAPE reAcz- /0 306 05 CENTRAL FILE COPY ; . 1� 47 Gaso/ire e L//i/i/y Tangs oiko ENGINEERING Spray Irriga/i on ;tr 1 I 1 1< Mckr chi/ Area 001* 004a To�n.k 6o/%r27 Eva fcr drain Sys/crr' API OiAWaicr Scpara for 400o BBL. rYo/o/insf Tank API o%ia/cr scpara? oi- Pvnp Acra/coy Lagoon Oi/y Was/e Land Farm Area APr ohy Selo ard�a� 003 I I�VI It ••••.s...r � _I- 40 Hwy v°O� Di Drakeins Re/cnfian d0I i Lakc u 4>>7/\NATo.Sep emot 0oS* 002 17 tsC1 t & 3 j 1 lJ fl-t.tCNT" - flwrnbArtrr� Se?Vao-lcA CRFFA/SR()Rn WA 7FP Oi/ Tank man i ic /d /e/cn 7i on La,, c /Yore; j ,q // pan o/s have un0'er7/ow 400//c/s. 2, 0+01 Ihclubeslns(u.:,n-rloll rttm ,- e,1 cl i “c'r\alloeca, i l o-i \e. . c Propec47 run-rd- l >#✓ 01L wkrert. Sep • } (a<e; AP c 4• *- 061 co,. c-o 1L %4 o f O E a' 1),QA /A/,a r•: A-. PL. A A/ APl of//wa/cr Scpare /ar Tsnk 6o//am Wafer drain SyS /cm COLONIAL PIPELINE COMPANY Proposed Treatment Works for Proposed Hydrostatic Pressure Test Water Discharge Hydrostatic pressure testing is a test conducted to determine the integrity of a storage vessel or pipeline. For pipelines, the test involves the injection of water into an isolated section of the pipeline to achieve the desired test pressure and holding the pipeline at that pressure for a specified time frame. For storage vessels, the test involves filling the vessel with water and allowing it to stand for a specified time frame. These tests are infrequent and do not occur at any specified frequency. Hydrostatic pressure test water discharges are intermittent and theThe duration of these discharges will depend upon one or more of following: the length and diameter of the pipeline segment tested the terrain along the pipeline segment to be tested the volume of the storage vessel tested the volume of water which requires treatment the size of the treatment work selected operational and storage constraints Water samples will be collected during the initial line fill of the segment being tested to determine the treatment requirements for the test the water ext prior of discharge. These samples are then analyzed or tests determine that the water contamination. If no contamination is observedthen the water will be will meet effluent limitations set by the state, t is required, the water will discharged without further treatment. If treat 1 location of the carbon unit be treated with a activated carbon unit. The act is unknown at this time and will be presented in a authorization to construct application prior to construction. Hydrotest water requiring treatment will be temporarily s then tored in eithe sent at r an existing tank(s) and/or a containment area. The water a specified flow rate to the activated carbon unit for treatmentThe ttreaatedd t hydrotest water will then be discharged at an existing discharge point separate discharge point. Influent and effluent samples will be collected and i analyzed at a specified frequency to ensure that the carbon oral tof stopeerating properly. When carbon vessels need to been replaced, p contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons will be handled by the carbon supplier. For a hydrostatic pressure test of the 32" diameter pipeline frof Grewatensbroro, North Carolina to Columbia, Virginia, an estimated 850,000 bblsld be required. If all the water used in this test required treatment, it would would take 50 days using a 500 gallon per minute activated carbo day,dunit. This ithat ld result in an average daily flow rate of 720,000 gallons per g day period. The actual rate and duration of flow will vary based upon ntthe Since ze of the carbon unit selected and the amount requiring the 720,000 gpd flow this information cannot be obtained prior to the testing, rate was used for this permit application. Page 1 of 2 COLONIAL PIPELINE COMPANY The amount of water required for hydrostatic pressure testing of a storage vessel is dependent upon the vessel's storage capacity. Water samples would be collected from the vessel to determine if treatment is required prior to discharge. SCHEMATIC Hydrostatic Pressure Test Water Requiring Treatment 8 TEMPORARY STORAGE UNIT Y PARTICLE FILTER ACTIVATED CARBON UNIT DISCHARGE Concluding Remark * Upon selection, the actual size and location of the activated carbon unit will be presented in an authorization to construct application. TJK 11/13/90 Page 2 of 2 -1- Facility Name NPDES No. Type of Waste Facility Status Permit Status Receiving Stream Stream Classification Subbasin County Regional Office Requester Date of Request Topo Quad FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATIONS OUTFALL 006 :Colonial Pipeline Co. - Greensboro :NCO031046 :Tank Farm Runoff :Existing :Renewal :UT to East Fork Deep River :WS-III :03-06-08 :Guilford :Winston-Salem :Jule Shanklin :3/14/91 :C19SW Wasteload Allocation Summary 40,34 Request No. 6133 RECEIVED N.C. Dept. NRCD Stream Characteristics: USGS # Date Drainage Area: 1.0 sq.mi. Summer 7Q10: 0.15 cfs Winter 7Q10: 0.20 cfs Average Flow: 1.0 cfs 30Q2: 0.20 cfs MAY 3 1991 Winston-Salem Regional Office Outfall 006; Hydrostatic test water from a gasoline tank farm. Testing and discharge will be infrequent. Treatment is by carbon absorption. Discharge is to a holding pond which drains to E. Fork Deep River. Standard permit limits for petroleum storage apply. Since the discharge is to a water supply, a phenols limit of 0.001 lbs/day is required of the facility. * The total phenols discharge from all 6 outfalls (including the hydrostatic test water) shall not exceed 0.001 lbs/day. ADDITIONAL REVIEWER COMMENTS: Node: Q) w e-► of Sum dC .?ktAnIS F�aM j (-'rE f,lak e✓cc 04T4 l .61(0A l Lc. k1 sollettoAtV't cn aAk 62,S Naiv1) WASTELOAD SENT TO EPA?(Major) _N_ (Y or N) (if yes, then attach schematic, toxics spreadsheet, copy of model, or if not modeled, then old assumptions that were made, and description of how fits into basinwide plan) Recommended by: Reviewed by Instream Assessment: Regional Supervisor: Permits & Engineering: RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: MAY 10 1391 Date: y/1/y/ Date: Date: 8 Date: /734 Q. urq -2- Request No. 6133 Recommended Limits: CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Monthly Daily Monitoring Average Maximum Frequency Wasteflow (MGD): monitor (see below) TSS (mg/1) : 30 60 2/month pH (SU) : 6-9 2/month Oil & Grease (mg/1): 30 60 2/month Turbidity (NTU): monitor (see comment), Phenols (lbs/day): 0.001 * 2/month Benzene (ug/1): 2.3 Toluene (ug/1) : 12 Ethyl Benzene (ug/1): 369 The discharge shall not cause the turbidity of the receiving water to exceed 50 NTU. TOXICS Toxicity Limit: Acute Monitoring for Episodic Events - Annually SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR CONDITIONS 'The following products are stored: petroleum products No other products are to be stored without modification of this permit. All volumes of wastewater leaving the facility must be monitored. If continuous monitoring is not feasible, then the discharger shall record the approximate times that the discharge began and ended, along with the instantaneous flow at the time of the effluent sampling. Once per year, monitor for benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes using an EPA approved method to a detection level of 1 ug/l. Also monitor for the following compounds using an EPA approved method: MTBE, EDB, 1,2, dichloroethane, napthalene, isopropyl ether, and lead. SCHEDULE REQUIREMENTS: Monitoring and toxicity testing should be done on the same schedule. Monitoring and toxicity samples should be taken within 24 hours of the beginning of the discharge. A reopener clause should be placed in the permit to allow for limits to be placed on toxicants should the facility's whole effluent toxicity monitoring indicate toxic effects. Uyc rbsfufic Test— 41 7/90 Facility Name GAOL I Piitelliti " zits istsvo Permit # 11G40 3 ACUTE TOXICITY TESTING REQUIREMENT Fathead Minnow 24 hr - Monitoring (Annual) The permittee shall conduct annual acute toxicity tests using protocols defined as definitive in E.P.A. Document 600/4-85/013 entitled "The Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms". The monitoring shall be performed as a Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) 24 hour static test, using effluent collected as a single grab sample. Effluent samples for self -monitoring purposes must be obtained below all waste treatment. Sampling and subsequent testing will occur during the first discrete discharge event after the effective date of this permit. The permittee will conduct one test annually, with the annual period beginning in January of the next calendar year. The annual test requirement must be performed and reported by September 30. If no discharge occurs by September 30, notification will be made to the Division by this date. Toxicity testing will be performed on the next discharge event for the annual test requirement. The parameter code for this test is TAE6C. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the appropriate parameter code. Additionally, DEM Form. AT-1. (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. r +, Should any test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test. Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 d.(C cfs Permitted Flow vaAaiet MGD IWC% Basin & Sub -Basin 0Y - oG, Receiving Stream utr easi-qw rbeef 1214c- - - - Coun ty y Gcua rd Date 5 /49 q/ **Acute Toxicity(Fathead Minnow 24 hr) Monitoring, ANNUAL, See Part, Condition 0- . Recommended by: nn LC1`_ Ea54"_ 4r,.-k eft ) b Q7t-.4GL er,UCo £4-j 3// 5 / 63-062 - 08 'Prof 0.5 � cti sc�ci�� o� hclroS tE' f c,c4r - -ci" L( ) - l c- CO VdZi.vvvi na.`-mod fy-Ecc � ck._ G-6s6rp.t` art - cLs kc e e .- ,„%t 11. be_ -) evc-e-.ry u-a...s — \„a w w.-cr�e5. 0, "7 Pi\ Y 7505 = '0. G2P1- = 1 C.3 1, b9 - (, oUf �wU5 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Winston-Salem Regional MEMORANDUM TO: THROUGH: FROM: SUBJECT: November 5, 1990 Dale Overcash, Supervisor NPDES Permitting Group, WQ fice M. Steven Mauney, Supervisor Arthur R. Hagstrom Environmental Engineer, WQ, WSRO NPDES Permit No. NC0031046 Renewal and Change Request by Colonial Pipeline Company received by Permits and Engineering on October 8, 1990, Guilford County Nov 0 8 1990 These requests as received on October 19th and 26th, 1990, by the WSRO are incomplete and the WSRO is hereby returning the information to your group until the requests are properly submitted by Colonial including separate requests for each type of project covered. They appear to be wanting to dump all wastestreams, whenever they desire,as though the wastewater comes from the same process. We believe that they will require Permits as described in the following: 1. The presently permitted surface rain water run-off via oil/water separators 001, 002, 003, 004 and 005 plus upstream and downstream monitoring. WSRO has no objection to this NPDES Permit No. NC0031046 renewal. 2. Each groundwater remediation event should have a separate combined GWQ and WQ Permit. These projects could be caused by gasoline, oil, both, or other products and a blanket Permit is not appropriate. 3. Treated tank bottom water from oil or gasoline tanks may or may not be able to be discharged; but if discharged, it should be under separate permits. Colonial has decided that the current treatment and spray irrigation operations, Permit No. 4205R2, can no longer be used. They want to put this wastewater, after only carbon treatment into a water supply stream rather than on the ground. Dale Overcash Page 2 November 5, 1990 4. Hydrostatic pressure water could probably be discharged using a special NPDES Permit. It might also be discharged through the current oil/water separators, provided that the test water source is City water (not lake or groundwater), and that it is discharged within the NPDES limits for the rain water run-off. Both Perry D. Sisk and Tom Kelly (404-841-2491 with Colonial Pipeline have been contacted in their Atlanta Office and they apparently are merely wanting us to give them a multiple use permit. After the Permit, they'll figure out what to do next. I verbally told them they need to file a complete permit package for each type of discharge. Jule Shanklin has also asked for multiple Permits and data. I was told that Colonial has ceased their spray irrigation operations, because of new EPA toxics requirement. GWQ may have been notified but WQ may not have been notified. They plan on continuing to land farm oil tank bottoms using Permit No. 7923R2. Bottoms from gasoline tanks are considered toxic and will continue to be handled differently. After Colonial has made proper applications for the needed permits, please send this Office copies of all applications and the in-depth information regarding the operation so that we may prepare needed Staff Reports. ARH/vm Attachment to Dale Overcash (returned acknowledgement letter, application, and Colonial's letter) cc: Carolyn McCaskill Technical Support WSRO - GWQ WSRO - WQ rE ufc.t.,,,- ; ES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC0031046 PERMITTEE NAME: Colonial Pipeline Company / Greensboro Facility Status: Existing Fa. cat Permit Status: Renewal Major Minor Pipe No.: * Design Capacity: ** `'IGD Domestic (% of Flow): Industrial (% of Flow): 100 % Comments: * 001 thru 005: suggest use of existing limits (assigned after considerable negotiation). ** episodic flow. STREAM INDEX: 17-2 RECEIVING STREAM: UT to East Fork Deep River Class: WS-III Sub -Basin: 03-06-08 Reference USGS Quad: C19SW County: Guilford Regional Office: Winston-Salem Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 3/31/91 _ Treatment Plant Class: I Classification changes within three miles: NA y STREAM INDEX: 17-2 Requested by: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Du_ WC��CL wQ (please attach) Date: 57/4/7/ Date: 5116 itt 9 Modeler Date Rec. # EA'S ZI(51AI 6o(33 Drainage Area (mi2 ) 1. 0 Avg. Streamflow (cfs): I. 7Q10 (cfs) 0. cS Winter 7Q10 (cfs) o. Zo 30Q2 (cfs) 6, a0 Toxicity Limits: IWC % AcutChronic iko Instream Monitoring:vo"`1 Parameters RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS Wasteflow (MGD): Oil and Grease (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): pH (su) : Turbidity (NTU): Phenols (lbs/day): Mo. Avg. monitor 30 30 Daily Max. Min/Max Mon. Freq. (see below) 60 2/month 60 2/month 6-9 2/month 50 (see comment) 0.001 • IF) Q 2/month Toxicity Testing Req.: acute monitoring for episodic events/ 4.t% & . COMMENTS The following products are stored: petroleum products. No other products are to be stored without modification of this permit. Discharge is to holding pond which drains to E. Fork Deep River. All volumes of wastewater leaving the facility must be monitored. If continuous monitoring is not feasible, then discharger shall record the approximate times that discharge began and ended, along with the instantaneous flow at the time of effluent sampling. Monitor for benzene, toulene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes using an EPA approved method to a detection level of 1 ug/1. Also monitor for the following compounds using an EPA approved method: EDB (dibromoethane), MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether), 1,2 dichloroethane, napthalene, isoproply ether and lead. Monitoring should occur on same schedule as the toxicity testing, i.e., annually. Monitoring and toxicity samples should be taken at the same time within 24 hrs of the beginning of discharge. A reopener clause should be placed in the permit to allow for limits to be placed on toxicants should the facility's whole effluent toxicity monitoring indicate unacceptable toxic effects. Comments:41\E v,%,t s d«scl arJa a (?,A-P-4 s otl-oo6) sLii( - excepa 0. oot lbs/sic . t'heaols s(.,c,St be_ re foAed ;n b vc� r� and lbs/d4Y on st)MYs • / tX ;Cali- , 39 jl T f • - 1 it 93/ M. -cc • , %, Col-oN(At_ PIPELINE CoMPANy A.. G tisg z FgCTLyn ES • N e_Dc_ j P ?mrr aa. IdC 003 l d4(, r... Cbiscl,oks) j R`.G-t T\ %o � tom, .,� E 1 To �'1�Et'"i�¶9$`J : CAPE FEAkz./0306 v • CENTRAL FILE COPY "/, ��g `3 .< • Permit No. NC0031046 . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PERMIT To DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In complianc e with the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated .anwterpPollution theby ControlAct, as North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Wa amended, • Colonial, Pipeline Company is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at Greensboro Terminal 411 Gallimore Dairy Road Guilford County designated as an unnamed tributary to the East Fork Deep River to receiving waters� in the Cape Fear River Basin with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other in accordance wl conditions set forth in Parts I, II, and III hereof. This permit shall become effective April 1, 1990 authorization to discharge shall expire. at midnight on March This permit and the 31, 1991 Signed this day March 12, 1990 Charles Wakild, Acting Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission 44* Permit No. NC0031046 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET Colonial Pipeline Company is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue to operate oil/water separators located at the Greensboro Terminal at 411 Gallimore Dairy Road in Guilford County (See Part III of this Permit), and 2. Discharge from said treatment works into an unnamed tributary to the East Fork Deep River which is classified "WS-III" waters in the Cape Fear River Basin. APR A. (). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL Permit No. NC0031046 During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial numbers 001, 002, 003, 004, and 005. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements 1 Lbs/day Units (specify) Measurement Sample *Sample Mon. Avg, Daily Max Mon. Ayg, Daily Max, Frequency Type Location Flow Instantaneous E ' Oil and Grease 30.0 mg/I 60.0 mg/I 2/Month Grab. E Turbidity*' 2/Month Grab E cute Toxicity*** * * * * Grab E Benzene * * * * Grab E Toluene * * * * Grab E Xylene * * * * Grab E Phenols 0.001 2/Month Grab E Total Suspended Solids 30.0 mg/I 60.0 mg/I 2/Month Grab E *Sample Locations: E - Effluent Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): the nearest accessible point after final treatment but prior to actual discharge to or mixing with the receiving waters. Monitoring will be conducted during normal work hours. The facility shall record the approximate time the discharge begins and stops during a discharge period. This Permit imposes no limitation of the discharge of storm water runoff uncontaminated by any industrial or commercial activity and not di cs�.l arged through any oil/water separator or other treatment equipment or facility. 2• * 'i:\ discharge shall not cause the turbidity of the receiving water to exceed 50 NTU. If the turbidity exceeds these levels due to natural b • • • and conditions, the discharge level cannot cause any increase in the turbidity in the receiving water. �. ro .1 ,�, ** g hte Toxicity (Daphnid 48 hour) Monitoring, Episodic, See Part III, Condition G. s-- 0c) *onitoring shall be conducted during the first five discrete discharge events after the effective date of this Permit, and then on an annual ereafter, with the annual period beginning January of the next calendar year. The annual test must be performed and reported by June 15hf no discharge occurs by Jne 30, notification must be made to the Division by this date, and monitoring must be performed on the next arge event for the annual monitoring requirement. A. ( ). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL Permit No. NC0031046 During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial numbers 001, 002, 003, 004, and 005. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements J,.bs/day Units (specify) Measurement Sample *Sample Mon. Avg. Daily Max Mon. Avg. Daily Max. Frequency Tvpe jation *Sample locations: E - Effluent *****Flow shall be monitored from each outfall during every rainfall event that results in a discharge. ******This limitation is the site allowable for the five discharges. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units and shall be monitored 2/month at the effluent by grab sample. Thy all be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. 47 Gasoline Tasks Gesso/'„c Tn,F Mani/o/d 71ank % nc Sfiojers tint ........,i...a ..tI.. LAIa cr Tank boi/ om Lvov fe,- dre71/2 SySfcm A PI of /3�vaicr Scpara foe C'":iiil 1 J Cf NcE RI%u `t1 Area bickr Ouf Area • 0 \N0 004* RA I NACCG Mom 9 oniaa. So u.RCgz .f, I Z-¢o Hwy. Ref en Non Lake • vin vow Dike Drains 3 v 0 voisaSep-Ono' Tgul ao2 2S Fu c / Oil 7;7/7 s Di/ Tank Man; f'o T a4c lilt sAne+r;s" 1"--1 APr oi//wa�cr Scpare /or 7snk &Wain a'aicr drain . W .sysen, 4 aao BBL. Ho/ding Tank AP.I oi//byaf cr Scpara for Pvn?p . Acra/col Lagoon 0 Oily Wa s/e Land farm Arc a Meier In Area r- 's . - D%sc4FT(e 1 1 IQ flueNT" • r owmtuyti o- ec v a nek d.t cicQ. i y tLL • �rR o F-oRp i of oEc P Al V Q CRF'.C•NSE Pr wArc' P l)P,4/A/d,- RL A Ai API ovfy seloardior die/en/ion La,Ec /Yoke; /• ,9// pan cis At /9. -s have under/Yaw ot"/c/s, 2. 001 IhcitxainSiGkerliriQfl tww► �-e4 d i cs: c9es, i I Prope 47 rwn 0 I L WfvThrz See • kid. COLONIAL PIPELINE COMPANY Flow Rate Estimations for Greensboro Junction Tank Farm Storm Water Runoff Available measure effluent flow rates (4/90 - 8/90) were used to estimate the maximum daily stormwater runoff flow rates for Effluents 001-005. The maximum daily flow rate observed was for the month of April 1990. Effluent Flow (gal/day) 001 19,488 002 2,462 003 1,281 004 11,712 005 2.858 Total 37,801 Pressure Test Water (50, 1741-1-1 Maximum flow rate estimates for this proposed discharge were based upon the following assumptions: - hydrostatic pressure test of 32" diameter pipeline from Greensboro, North Carolina to Columbia, Virginia - water required for testing: 850,000 bbls treatment required for all pressure test water - 500 gallon per minute activated carbon treatment unit The proposed pressure test water discharge will be infrequent and intermittent. Based upon the assumptions listed above, the 550 gal/min activated carbon unit would have a discharge rate of 720,000 gal/day. The duration of the discharge of pressure test water at this rate would be approximately 50 days. The actual rate and duration of flow will vary based upon the size of the carbon unit selected, the percentage of test water requiring treatment, and other operational constraints (see attachment). Since this information cannot be obtained prior to testing, the 720,000 gal/day flow rate was used for this permit application. Total Maximum Flow Rate per Day Total Maximum Flow Rate - Stormwater Runoff + Pressure Test (gat/Discharge (gal/day) (gal/day) day) - 37,801 gal/day + 720,000* gal/day = 757 , 801* gal/day * indicates maximum discharge with intermittent flow included Page 1 of 1 -1- Facility Name NPDES No. Type of Waste Facility Status Permit Status Receiving Stream FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATIONS OUTFALLS 001, 002, 003, 004, AND 005 :Colonial Pipeline Co. - Greensboro :NC0031046 :Tank Farm :Existing :Renewal :UT to East Fork Stream Classification:WS-III Subbasin County Regional Office Requestor Date of Request Topo Quad Runoff :03-06-08 :Guilford :Winston-Salem :Jule Shanklin :3/14/91 :C19SW Wasteload Allocation Summary Deep River Stream Characteristics: USGS # Date Drainage Area: 1.0 sq.mi. Summer 7Q10: 0.15 cfs Winter 7Q10: 0.20 cfs Average Flow: 1.0 cfs 30Q2: 0.20 cfs Request No. 6133 MAY 1 RECEIVED N.U. Dept. NRCD 1991 APR 2 2 1991 Winston-Salem L- ..,."t""."-lie io al Office Stormwater runoff from a gasoline tank farm. Outfalls 001, 002, 003, 004, and 005. Treatment at each outfall is by oil/water separator. Discharge is to a drainage channel to a storm drain which drains to E. Fork Deep River. Standard permit limits for petroleum storage apply. Since the discharge is to a water supply, a phenols limit of 0.001 lbs/day is required of the facility. * The phenols discharge from all 6 (including outfall 006) shall not exceed 0.001 lbs/day. ADDITIONAL REVIEWER COMMENTS: S4M c?� �1110i4 1 rJM 34,Lt iSCll.(fr. a+n 1lSAAA A �1�SG�a.rgec 64. ✓bl-c on D 1i . aMlr i e PM i i re ciAmp., ,-i VI•10.1 1a w) 4-0.4 -}e,tdEk dui S j 1 cQ i s C . • Q „_k 1- .. - 1 S EL, _2 lrie lit( ehck o -i .� N .�� . 44 / R) [2n.�1 - S �� d yy� MRSs, WASTELOAD SENT TO EPA?(Major) _N (Y or N) (if yes, then attach schematic, toxics spreadsheet, copy of model, or if not modeled, then old assumptions that were made, and description of how fits into basinwide plan) Recommended by: Reviewed by Instream Assessment: Regional Supervisor: Permits & Engineering: RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: 1). MAY 1 0 1991 Date: /cf/? Date: Date: 9--25-�!� Date: tri%, i 1 Existing Limits: -2- Request No. 6133 CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Monthly Daily Monitoring Average Maximum Frequency Wasteflow (MGD): monitor (see below) pH (SU): 6-9 2/month Oil & Grease (mg/1) : 30 60 2/month Phenols (lbs/day): .001 * 2/month Turbidity (NTU): monitor 2/month TSS (mg/1) : 30 60 2/month Acute toxicity testing + monitoring for BTEX, first 5 events and then annually. Recommended Limits: Monthly Daily Monitoring Average Maximum Frequency Wasteflow (MGD): monitor (see below) pH (SU) : 6-9 2/month Oil & Grease (mg/1): 30 60 2/month TSS (mg/1)..: 30 60 2/month Turbidity (NTU): monitor (see comment) Phenols (lbs/day): 0.001 * 2/month The discharge shall not cause the turbidity of the receiving water to exceed 50' NTU. TOXICS Toxicity Limit,: Acute Monitoring for Episodic Events - Annually SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR CONDITIONS The following products are stored: petroleum products No other products are to be stored without modification of this permit. All volumes of wastewater leaving the facility must be monitored. If continuous monitoring is not feasible, then the discharger shall record the approximate times that the discharge began and ended, along with the instantaneous flow at the time of the effluent sampling. Once per year, monitor for benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes using an EPA approved method to a detection level of 1 ug/1. Also monitor for the following compounds using an EPA approved method: MTBE, EDB, 1,2, dichloroethane, napthalene, isopropyl ether, and lead. SCHEDULE REQUIREMENTS: Monitoring and toxicity testing should be done on the same schedule (once per year). Monitoring and toxicity samples should be taken within 24 hours of the beginning of the discharge. A reopener clause should be placed in the permit to allow for limits to be placed on toxicants should the facility's 'whole effluent toxicity monitoring indicate toxic effects. o 0 • 7/90 'Tank Fa o-t Facility Name alopa.l I` °tii� P - brlfttls 601, bb Z, 04 S Permit # IOC 00 310 �o t 00 , and OD S" ACUTE TOXICITY TESTING REQUIREMENT Fathead Minnow 24 hr - Monitoring (Annual) The permittee shall conduct annual acute toxicity tests using protocols defined as definitive in E.P.A. Document 600/4-85/013 entitled "The Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms". The monitoring shall be performed as a Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) 24 hour static test, using effluent collected as a single grab sample. Effluent samples for self -monitoring purposes must be obtained below all waste treatment. Sampling and subsequent testing will occur during the first discrete discharge event after the effective date of this permit. The permittee will conduct one test annually, with the annual period beginning in January of the next calendar year. The annual test requirement must be performed and reported by September 30. If no discharge occurs by September 30, notification will be made to the Division by this date. Toxicity testing will be performed on the next discharge event for the annual test requirement. The parameter code for this test is TAE6C. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Form (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the appropriate parameter code. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in association with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxicity sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any test data from either these monitoring requirements or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to include alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test. Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 0•IS cfs Permitted Flow voioviolve MGD IWC% v2 Basin & Sub -Basin 07-06 --OS_ Receiving Stream (Jr Easy- i k deer 2;vet. County asuaerd Recommended by: Date Jprtli **Acute Toxicity(Fathead Minnow 24 hr) Monitoring, ANNUAL, See Part .1 , Condition . 111 T 571- ,.3-k eit/:v, 14 I' }} 1!{�Dl41►i6G/ (��e�in 'jS ��Ylt G G- CAL e Dr Ja / p4. k .T ,_,:I,,s7 IliIli ;� G(.�i /-‘,—CJ _4 u /J 7 . - f .�'/ d .S r4 5 G 4Q I s' r,,, _ 4/ G..-74, r rc.c /, G .11iii Ili 4..- aIV-LvC,.."-A.r Se a---ek-YS. 0n,mo1.--7 'TX 15 rc�reel as 7.5 (ems :ZIT) a he,-+01 S /`m�r� s''C, 4ha c4:.3- 4e 6-eS 74 Ac fix; c ��I - d �l �' k►-� =a /-�cw C - � �I a ., 1 c s ✓e i a a./ ci_,^ c1r2,- • a sv re `t.e w / _rc_ ec/ LQ - 1 V f�1C,E' : '�i e /i'•, a., e 'ern; 2 / �� re pte u.„ / w Cc S 4/5 71 i- ,5S c ee( 401/7 1 � 7 0 , l `C re Pe,c) �,► �-e e Yels-A .7.5 v c(5 FA' o is r / /of t y !„.% t 4 l 64,4? 7464 ��� a per. eiltk )42,f) seecut", Y2'41`kt " 46 L6d.„qr.,,k, — (cr1-je( r i')1 Co (o',t c1l -eye t, v)e- +ork teee Ve✓t 45-1- n b �t1 t Rt_ pw.-�- - 13 ' 1 1 1990 3ov, LI.T\3 - tvtb `NO �or eQ� liver dvc�cna�e �rovs-- Gisci.,�.�� �f (1.4 1.);L tc SC�mPiltS w, --kt3k;C`��1 vnoh,`fonnC 1 S" 7, 5oj`- erut lrex a.cleco6,0 he e+tu, ( p+IkcJct4e ij 11[ i rdctc,:icttR ?3, 19.90 fr1r3( - bizio ce-ex,,;4 Y %.9It S r7 5t1o�Jt.c�. �a.�t-4 QN GtC1c�.l�ovlw` 512,1 v,0 . -.1} 7 �(v lohitToU ONLY 37. 1'1 "j S o�fbw �iwc 2 3� pD aacS. e., 0 008 MG p , \WL - 7,(, /y/ /L Yn O K o,J g a( rotas I o f 3' , OI 2 (, b oZ `t /, 0003 opv EFFICIENCY LINE• 22-203 003 (411b cos— -A- Ta �� 3 4/6 S jo <10 410 4,o <14 4/0 <to <10 vg 1 . T X 4/0 4.10 410 4.4* <t0 «D 410 40 <1C7 <6(5 <pa 410 < 10 10 <10 <10 790 5 '90 Pit 90 A_ <to 9v 5 410 79O /41 410 >it I 4.10 410 423 c tel �1v <10 < 10 >gp <1D 410 c 14 44 a- 13, ,X,� J. \)we. '0 e -ksfs ly �&y WOO \A L.cc� �� • d4C.tc ct ' • ri t wew �..r..:f E cc: Permits and Engineering Technical Support Branch Guilford County Emergency Central Files WSRO ?y i hr {°t „s SAC El i/E 4PR 1 0 199i Management TrCIIN)CAL SUPPORT BRA is NPDES STAFF REPORT County NPDES Permit Date Page April 4, 1991 1 of 5 AND RECOMMENDATIONS Guilford No. NC0031046 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION (Permit Renewal with revisions) 1. Facility and Address: Colonial Pipeline Company, Site discharge facilities, 411 Gallimore Dairy Road, Greensboro,N.C. (South of I-40). Mailing Address: Mr. T. H. Norris, Vice President - Operations, 411 Gallimore Dairy Road, Greensboro, N.C. 27409 or P. 0. Box 0855, Atlanta, Georgia 30326-0855 2. Date of Investigation: February 12, 1991; revised information received March 8, 1991, from Colonial and March 13, 1991 from NPDES Group 3. Report Prepared by: Arthur R. Hagstrom, Environmental Engineer, DEM, WSRO, WQ 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: William C. Edwards, Operating Supervisor J. E. Marder, Area Manger David V. Pearson, Engineer Tom W. Cervino, P.E. 919 292-0416 919-292-7779 404-261-1470 404-261-1470 5. Directions to Site: From the junction of Burnt Poplar Road and Gallimore Dairy Road go south (over I-40) and the site is on the east side at 411 Gallimore Dairy Road. 6. There are currently six (2) on -site lakes. discharge points into the two Discharge Points are in an area bounded by: Latitude: 36 03' 57" to 36 04' 15" Longitude: 79 56' 05" to 79 56' 20" Elevation: 825" to 850" +/- Attach a USGS Map Extract and indicated treatment plant site and discharge point on map. April 4, 1991 NCO031046 Page 2 of 5 USGS Quad No. C14SW or USGS Quad Name Guilford, N.C. 7. Size (land available for expansion and upgrading): Approximately 320 acres that is fenced. There is room for expansion. 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included): Graded for storage tanks and diked areas, buildings, piping, and roads. Generally the land slopes towards the two (2) on -site lakes and UT. Slopes vary from 2% to 10%. 9. Location of nearest dwelling: Over 1000 feet. 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: UT to East Fork Deep River a. Classification: WS-III b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: Cape Fear/03-06-08 c. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: Downstream flows through variable areas including residential, industrial, rural, to High Point Lake (water supply). PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. Type of wastewater: 0% Domestic 100% Industrial (Tank Farm Run -Off) a. Volume of Wastewater: Variable, generally stormwater generated. b. Types and quantities of industrial wastewater: Dike run-off, spills, and hydrostatic tank test water. c. Prevalent toxic constituents in wastewater: Petroleum products d. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): N/A in development should be required approved not needed April 4, 1991 NC0030146 Page 3 of 5 2. Production rates (industrial discharges only) in pounds: N/A a. highest month in the last 12 months b. highest year in last 5 years 3. Description of industrial process (for industries only) and applicable CFR Part and Subpart: 4. Type of treatment (specify whether proposed or existing): Discharges 001 through 005 are exiting and 006 is new. Five (5) oil/water separation systems with some consisting of dikes, valves, separators, holding tanks• pumps and small ponds that discharge to two (2) retention lakes. An additional discharge from pump system installed for fire protection and now used for hydrostatic tank tests. Any free product -recovered by the separators is returned to Colonial's storage systems. The discharges are listed below: 001 An oil/water separator treats underground spring water and storm water which collects in the fuel oil tank area. 002 An oil water separator treats storm water collected in the subsurface drainage system in the oil tank manifold area. 003 An oil/water separator treats storm water collected in the subsurface drainage system and water from the wash down slabs in the pump area. 004 An oil/water separator treats storm water collected in the subsurface drainage system and water from the wash down slabs in the meter out area. A second oil/water separator treats storm water collected in the manifold yard subsurface drainage system storm water which falls in the gasoline tank area, and underground spring water which flows in the gasoline tank area. 005 An oil/water separator treats storm water which falls on the landfarm, storm water collected in the meter in area's subsurface drainage system, and water from the wash down slabs in the meter in area. April 4, 1991 NC0031046 Page 4 of 5 006 Hydrostatic tank test water pumped from larger lake using fire protection piping for charging and discharging tanks to the lake at the fire pump structure. 5. Sludge handling and disposal scheme: Tank bottom sludges are collected and land applied per DEM non -discharge Permit No. 7923R2. Hazardous wastes are picked up and properly handled by contractors. 6. Treatment plant classification: Class I 7. SIC Code 5171 Wastewater Code(s) 37 and 39 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grants Funds (municipals only)? No 2. Special monitoring requests: The total phenol daily discharge limits of .001 lbs/day may be applied to any one discharge point or to the sum of all points discharging on a given day. Hydrostatic test waters shall be analyzed before and after tank testing and the test water must be discharged within Permit limits. 3. Additional effluent limits requests: Colonial should continue to report phenol concentration in ug/1 and in lbs./day. 4. Other: At this point, the only discharges that should be covered by a new NPDES Permit are the Discharge Points 001 through 006. The waters discharged should only include the waters described in Par + II, 4. Hydrostatic test waters from pipeline tests, tank bottom waters, spill remediation waters, or other wastewaters should not be discharged at this location until suitable permit changes and treatment systems are approved and constructed. April 4, 1991 NCO031046 Page 5 of 5 PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The WSRO recommends the reissuance of a Permit to include the intermittent stormwater discharge discharges, natural subsurface drainages, and tank hydrostatic test water. If Colonial wants to add new treatment systems and additions to the Permit, the Permit should go to public notice. DHS and the City of High Point should be allowed to comment on the changes and a full DEM review should be done. 4-2(Arl1;? Signature of report pr rer I 1-40 Hwy 47 . Gas o/ine- vfi//Jy rf�s eco Gaso/.r7 T„,e kianifo/oi 7bn,l: % nc steinders y,,Vv..y•.,,,y• tttt i W ... Amp Art a o; 1/w.z•tr Ste:WO tar o►� skintm4f Tana bo//orn o'* wa I drain systcm A Pr of /wa/cr Scpara for .. 000 BBL. Hording Tank AP1.. Dll/wa/cr scpara for Pimp /kra/cd Lagoon Meier In Arca API o4.y Oily l / W cS/C ePara�o� L a ri o� Farn, ;- f= i•- 111 Apr z /wafc- . Separe for Tang oahlo rr. ilia/cc drain y+ sysfcm Dike Drains 0 DOZ 2S Ft" c / Oi/ 754s Oi/ 7an,� Mon; As /cd T.rkliZc s/in'ev fie/cn / on Lac Aioi'e; A// p on ds . /acs have uno'cr//oal ocn//c/s, Rae: t+y STAf i C .res r 5y5-r. r4