HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140864 Ver 1_More Info Requested_20140819Mel A KA NCDENR North Carolina Depaqment of Environment ani Donna S. Andrews / Michele D.Wilkerson 526636^^ Street Drive NE Hickory, WC20601 Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 5266]6m Street Drive NE, Lake Hickory Dear Ms. Andrews and Ms. Wilkerson, FILE COPY John E.SkV@rla'III Secretary On August 11, 2014, the Division of Water Resources (DNision) received an application requesting a 401 Water Quality Certification and Catawba Buffer Authorization from the Division for the subject project. The Division has determined that the application is incomplete and cannot be processed at this time. The application is on-hold until the following items are addressed: 2. Owners are listed ao Donna S.Andrews and Michele Ci Wilkerson in the application. Please provide documentation sn this can beconfirmed. For example, this can be shown with a printout listing the owners or the deed book and page number from the County GIS website. 2. Please send in a vicinity map and site plans as required in the application. 3. b appears that the application was signed bv the agent, Michael Miller ofLakeshore Landscapes. When the applicant does not have title to the property, documentation must be provided that the applicant has been authorized by the owner to apply for a certification. This can be accomplished with an agent authorization form signed by the owner(s) and agent. Please send in a completed agent authorization form or an updated shoreline stabilization application signed bvtheuvvoer(s). An example agent authorization form can be found online at: htto://uvvvvx.yavv.usace.arnnv.rmii/Porta|s/59/docs/rep,w|ano4/regdocs/Penmits/SA&4PLE AGENT AUTHORIZATION,_ FO.RMp_df. Please send 8n Agent Authorization Form signed by the Agent and Owners or send an updated application signed by the Owners. b. A blank shoreline stabilization form and help document can be found at: 4. Please provide photographs Df the shoreline todemonstrate that stabilization isneeded. These can be mailed to the below or emailed to Shelton Sullivan at the below. Division of Water Resources -401& Buffer Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 2780V1617 Location: 512N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Cardinal 27604 Phone: S1&-807-630O\ FAX �910-8U7-6494 |nternetvmmwoovmatemquuMty.ong An Equal Opportunity � Affirmative Action Employer — Made in pad by recycled paper DWR # 14-0864 Request for Additional Information Page 2 of 3 5. Please provide the length and width of shoreline proposed for stabilization. DWR needs the length and width of shoreline above and below the normal lake level from an overhead perspective. DWR understands that this measurement may vary along the shoreline but please provide these so the impacts can be properly documented and permitted. See the following example or the Shoreline Stabilization Help Document on the web at: htt.p:ljportal.ncdenr,org/web/wq/swp/ws/401/certsandt)ermits/aDolv/forms. a. In the following example, the shoreline is 150 ft. in length and there are 4 ft. of impacts above the full pond water level and 3 ft, below the normal water level, measuring horizontally from the top of the slope but not down the slope. Lake Existing (At FW Perk! Normal VAtor L") Dock 30 ft a 7 ft 3 ft X150 ft Below full Dow NWL =31. I I.-It 2 ft. additional clearing 3 ft. below ful I pond 4 ft, above full pondwater *if necessary* water level level A A 2 ft. additional clearing 3 ft. below ful I pond 4 ft, above full pondwater *if necessary* water level level ovvn#zq-0ao4 Request for Additional Information Page 3of3 Please send the information requested above within 30 calendar days of your receipt of this letter to Shelton Sullivan at Shelton.sullivan@ncdenr.Ro-v or to the below: If sending via US Postal Service if sending via delivery service (UPS,FedEx,etc) DWR-40l& Buffer Permitting Unit D\NR-4018, Buffer Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center 512N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, N[27G99-1617 Raleigh, NCZ76Q4 Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC 02H .0502(e), the applicant shall furnish all of the above requested information for the proper consideration of the application, |f all of the requested information iSnot received in writing within 30 calendar days uf your receipt ufthis letter, the Division will be unable to process the application and it will be returned. The return of this project will necessitate reapplication to the Division for approval, including complete application package and the appropriate fee. Please be aware that there is no authorization under the Section 401 of the Clean Water Act for this activity and any work done within waters of the state or within any riparian buffers may bea violation ofNorth, Carolina General Statutes and Administrative Code. Please contact Shelton Sul ri =�Q 6360 if you have any questions or concerns. cc Michael Miller, Lakeshore Landscapes, 52 Highlander Drive, Tavhzrsv|le,N[2868l US4CE Asheville Regulatory Field Office Alan Johnson, DVVRMRO— email copy DVVR4010' Buffer Permitting Unit — file copy Filename: I4O8844mdrevvsVVi|kersOn52563Gth5tDrNE(Catavvba) ReQuestFodNmng/mfo