HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210877 Ver 1_More Info Received_20220808Strickland, Bev From: Michael Brame <mbrame@pilotenviro.com> Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 1:52 PM To: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil; Scott Wallace Cc: Munzer, Olivia; Homewood, Sue Subject: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information: SAW-2022-01175; Northborough / High Point / Guilford County Attachments: GRIDMODELSPACEBLOCKdwg_REV_08-05-22 24x36 - 60 SCALE.pdf; Pg 6-7_Rezoning Amendment.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Responses are in red below. Please let me know if you need anything else in order to process the PCN. Thank -you. Sincerely, Michael T. Brame 336.708-4620 (c) 336.310.4527 (o) PO Box 128 Kernersville, NC 27285 www.pilotenvirc.com mbrame@pilotenviro.com P1LDT PILOT E N V I R O N M E N T A L, I N C From: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil> Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2022 2:07 PM To: Michael Brame <mbrame@pilotenviro.com>; Scott Wallace <SWallace@gokeystone.com> Cc: Munzer, Olivia <olivia.munzer@ncwildlife.org>; Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Request for Additional Information: SAW-2022-01175; Northborough / High Point / Guilford County All, Thank you for the additional information provided via email on 7/5 and 7/7/2022, for the above referenced project. I have reviewed the information and need clarification before proceeding with verifying the use of Nationwide Permit (NWP) 14 (https://saw-reg.usace.army.mil/NWP2021/NWP-14.pdf). Please submit the requested information below (via e-mail is fine) within 30 days of receipt of this Notification, otherwise we may deny verification of the use of the Nationwide Permit or consider your application withdrawn and close the file: 1) The Overall Development Plan (3 sheets) included in the 7/5 submittal do not appear to show the wetland delineation. This information is important due to the proximity of the outfall of Wet Detention Pond #1 to Wetland WA as delineated; The wetland delineation has been added in the revised site plan (attached). 2) The Tract E-1 and E-2 Preliminary plans include a Greenway Trail/Easement Note, and a Greenway easement is also shown along the east side of Stream SA on these plans. Is a greenway proposed within this greenway easement as part of this project? If so, it appears that this greenway would impact Wetland WA; The Greenway Easement Note is a condition that was required in order to rezone the subject property (Zoning Map Amendment Case 20-07 (ZA-20-07) adopted by the City of High Point on August 5, 2020. 1 I've attached pages 6 and 7 of the Rezoning Amendment where it states "the property owner shall dedicate to the City of High Point a greenway easement for the development of a public greenway trail, etc (page 6)" On page 7 there is text concerning Environmental Sensitive Areas, "Any portion of the rezoning site that is within floodway, floodway fringe, steep slope, wetlands or any other environmentally sensitive areas shall be left in its natural state and undisturbed, except to provide access to the common area, greenways, approved utility extensions, etc A greenway trail is not being constructed as part of this project. If and/or when a greenway trail is designed/constructed, it will be necessary to avoid, minimize and permit impacts, should they occur. 3) Also, as noted via email on 7/14/2022 (attached), to enable us to fully evaluate secondary and cumulative impacts for this project as required by the NWP 14 terms and conditions, the western extent of Northborough Road as shown on the preliminary plans should terminate in a hammerhead or cul-de-sac, since a road stub aimed off -property at West Fork Deep River (likely with wetlands in the floodplain) is not necessary for this residential subdivision (which is the purpose and need for the project as presented) to function. If High Point has plans to extend the road in the future, we'll need to know more about their conceptual route to ensure that the proposed terminus location avoids and minimizes future anticipated impacts to maximum extent practicable. Please provide these revisions/information accordingly to enable us to finalize our review. A cul-de-sac has been added to the plans. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Dave Bailey David E. Bailey, PWS Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers CE-SAW-RG-R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Mobile: (919) 817-2436 Office: (919) 554-4884, Ext. 30. Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: https://regulatory.ops.usace.army.mil/customer-service-survey/ Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. From: Michael Brame <mbrame@pilotenviro.com> Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2022 4:12 PM To: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov>; Scott Wallace <SWallace@gokeystone.com> Cc: Munzer, Olivia <olivia.munzer@ncwildlife.org>; Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil> Subject: [URL Verdict: Neutral][Non-DoD Source] RE: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information: SAW-2022- 01175; Northborough / High Point / Guilford County The revised exhibit with an appropriate seed mix is attached. Please let me know if you need anything else in order to process the PCN. Sincerely, 2 Michael T. Brame 336.708-4620 (c) 336.310.4527 (o) PO Box 128 Kernersville, NC 27285 www.pilotenviro.com mbrame@pilotenviro.com PILOTA PILOT ENVIRONMENTAL,INC From: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2022 11:50 AM To: Michael Brame <mbrame@pilotenviro.com>; Scott Wallace <SWallace@gokeystone.com> Cc: Munzer, Olivia <olivia.munzer@ncwildlife.org>; David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil Subject: RE: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information: SAW-2022-01175; Northborough / High Point / Guilford County Good morning Michael, The proposed planting plan for restoration of the utility crossing location in the attached drawing is not a riparian seed mix and contains species we strongly recommend against in riparian areas. Can you provide an alternative riparian seed mix, with a temporary annual grain cover if needed for erosion control purposes) Sue Homewood Division of Water Resources, Winston Salem Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 336 776 9693 office 336 813 1863 mobile Sue.Homewood@ncdenr.gov 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston Salem NC 27105 From: Michael Brame <mbrame@pilotenviro.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2022 7:55 AM To: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil; Scott Wallace <SWallace@gokeystone.com> Cc: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information: SAW-2022-01175; Northborough / High Point / Guilford County CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Thank -you David. Please see responses in red below and referenced attachments. 3 Sincerely, Michael T. Brame 336.708-4620 (c) 336.310.4527 (o) PO Box 128 Kernersville, NC 27285 www.pilotenviro.com mbrame@pilotenviro.com PlL®T A PILOT E N V I R O N M E N T A L, I N C From: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil> Sent: Friday, June 17, 2022 10:11 AM To: Michael Brame <mbrame@pilotenviro.com>; Scott Wallace <SWallace@gokeystone.com> Cc: Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Request for Additional Information: SAW-2022-01175; Northborough / High Point / Guilford County All, Thank you for your PCN, dated 5/20/2022, for the above referenced project. I have reviewed the information and need clarification before proceeding with verifying the use of Nationwide Permit (NWP) 29 (https://saw- reR.usace.army.mil/NWP2021/NWP29.pdf). Please submit the requested information below (via e-mail is fine) within 30 days of receipt of this Notification, otherwise we may deny verification of the use of the Nationwide Permit or consider your application withdrawn and close the file: 1) NWP 29 Regional Condition C.b states that discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the U.S., including wetlands, within the floodway or mapped FEMA 100-year floodplain resulting in permanent above -grade fills are not authorized by this NWP. As such, NWP 29 cannot be used to authorize the proposed discharge of fill material in Stream SA. NWP 14 (https://saw-reg.usace.army.mil/NWP2021/NWP-14.pdf) has no such restriction; please notify us if you would like the proposed project to be evaluated for use of NWP 14; Please evaluate the proposed project under a NWP 14. 2) Thank you for your delineation map and supporting information. To further support your delineation, please provide data forms and pictures from the following locations: a. Just west of the proposed crossing, at lat/lon: 36.076503, -80.022251; b. An area on the west side of Stream SA, near the edge of the FEMA floodplain, at lat/lon: 36.078148, - 80.022540; c. An area in the southwestern corner of the property, just east of West Fork Deep River, at lat/lon: 36.074511, -80.024109. If any changes to your delineation are warranted, please prove the updated delineation map; Pilot returned to the site on June 29, 2022. The additional Data Forms and Photos from the specified lat/lon are attached. There are no changes to the delineation. 3) Plan Sheets C-3A, C-3B, and "Preliminary Sketch Plan" (no Sheet number included) contain inconsistencies and do not show the entirety of the overall Northborough development. Please provide a cohesive plan sheet showing the entirety of the overall Northborough development to enable our review of this development for indirect and secondary impacts, including the following: a. All portions of the proposed development, including the southwestern quadrant of the development; Attached b. Grading limits, roads, lots, utilities, and the wetland/stream delineation (including any changes made per item 2 above); Attached c. Correct inconsistencies shown on the current plan sheets, such as stormwater facilities shown on the "Preliminary Sketch Plan" but not on plan sheet C-3A, etc. Attached 4) The PCN proposes a sewer line crossing involving the temporary discharge of fill material into 0.012 acre (30 linear feet) of stream channel. However, this crossing does not appear on the plan sheets provided. Please 4 provide a plan sheet clearly shown the location, plan and profile views, and dewatering strategy for this crossing. Provide also the revegetation plan (live stakes and/or appropriate riparian seed mix specifications) to stabilize the stream banks upon completion of sewer installation. Attached Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Dave Bailey David E. Bailey, PWS Regulatory Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers CE-SAW-RG-R 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Mobile: (919) 817-2436 Office: (919) 554-4884, Ext. 30. Fax: (919) 562-0421 Email: David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: https://regulatory.ops.usace.army.mil/customer-service-survey/ Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. From: RaleighNCREG <RaleighNCREG@usace.army.mil> Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 1:51 PM To: Michael Brame <mbrame@pilotenviro.com> Cc: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA)<David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil> Subject: SAW-2022-01175 (205 Model Farm Road / High Point NC / Guilford County) Good Afternoon, Your Pre -construction Notification (PCN) NWP with JD request has been received, assigned action ID SAW-2022-01175. Please refer to the action ID in all correspondence. Dave- docs forwarded in your folder Thank you, Josephine Schaffer From: Michael Brame <mbrame@pilotenviro.com> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2022 3:14 PM To: RaleighNCREG <RaleighNCREG@usace.army.mil> Cc: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <David.E.Bailey2@usace.army.mil>; Homewood, Sue <sue.homewood@ncdenr.gov>; Heather LaGamba <hlagamba@pilotenviro.com> Subject: [URL Verdict: Neutral][Non-DoD Source] Pilot Project 6139.2 - Northborough Subdivision - PCN Application with JD request 5 The application is also being uploaded to the NCDEQ-DWR portal. Please let me know if you need additional information. Sincerely, Michael T. Brame 336.708-4620 (c) 336.310.4527 (o) PO Box 128 Kernersville, NC 27285 www.pilotenviro.com mbrame@pilotenviro.com 6 GARBAGE DISPOSAL NOTE: GARBAGE PICK UP BY CITY OF HIGH POINT USING ROLLOUT GARBAGE CANS. ENDIGOTT RD F:\Projects\1390-15-GRID\DWG\GRIDMODELSPACEBLOCKdwg_REV_08-05-22.dwg, 24x36 - 60 SCALE, 8/5/2022 3:25:01 PM, 1:1 8561_550YI,STON RD 1 " ) / / - L• r' \/ c1 - \ /CD -AM JO PH DER rdK I / / - 885q BOYLSTON RD PATRIGJAJMARIE DERjRICK /�\��� /\ JAMC�DONNIE SHIELDS " `PARCEL NO 1 b8Z140 ,_�\ ` / ^ J r �U�JAN E. SHIELDS PARCEL NO.: 1601016' D-B 548 #6. $SI _ . PIN: 651471I102 - F.B 87, PG. 64 r / J \ / 1 v "D:B•1285q, PG 341 1 c` US(1 4 ZONING: AG__-_-_\� //p_(v,_ ff`J---) e Z :'AG (\ ,, _ ` 5 ��1. /� -// lr Sir/ 1� ' VIPs ` -� l SIP r ' `k941-1 4IIE`_. _1 r--- J f f-1 _L ) ' • or / J u r } p C ) r } - (3 •,./ ems\ 11 /l ) / t) i ,•1 v I) ,> a c ` I // III �` I,_.2 T> Ir` r>\r (—Jo 1(�\11 �" / Io854(SFLL tr ) I I 4 / Q� 1 // / 1n / J (\ J l — ° , 1) / ��( 11j1(l\` )/ I/ // - / I 1p8q SF ~I �) , \ \6 21' • 7 40' ��.� r c s2' 71 iirk �11, I/ )\\ (/�/)//~ / /i ( a )/\ 1\`-� may. 1 0 N. 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WATER LI _ /J • IS-1\1\\�\ !) / r ✓�, �Sl t \ ° \ 1 J;'\--lf,6)) � v l ( 1 � ( m~ �7,858`SF , , �,U7�SF 1 tr < � / )/ ▪ , ---1. � u r J / I) ) lS \I 0 / // r r14.� / (o \( 0 r nl) Cj= - L -,-41- J. o s' \J -)"1\ '- f� �° (1 1 L) \ } SJ< o \ \ �\ f 3 1 )7 11 PIN: 65146011115 A /1 Uli— /o / \� tvttt-5� f ti, �a t\ / `r ) �\\ yr �190 Y AR FLJQQ�4 \ FIRM PANEL 37106139 ,00k' . DATED �3,/16/09 c \ 1 (\, ) I 60 0 G IJ 1\i1AT GRAPHIC SCALE 30 60 120 ,1, 1 V!' -I fo°". 8" x 6" TEE\ - GATE VALVE } . I - FIRE HYDRANT . /I !8")GAS VALVE �, 7,141 SF (j�) 4C LJ� /1 /1 PROP.�PN TOP: OP 1548555 t \---' 885'h 11\ JAb47ES, . 1 - - ` _, - --ELJ Z/AB GH ( l P EL NO.: IC7g0r� ) 1 )� 1 � �.. J �P 6 441GT q70 \ \ (•.. D.B. 27' 7, P. 615 1 1 �` � `� P.B. 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ESM'T. \ \� 1 l I i Imo \ /� \11 ( I I\ 1\ 11 \:., � 1 1 \I Il 1 \ ► 1�a1 /)�P rs( La 11 �* 1 j5 h /,• , L (1 (71 1 1 f.- � r S SC- M ACCESS & \ 11) 1 t <y1 r MAINTENANCE ESMT. 1 I l 1 1` 1 L 1�T 1 ) I I � � I \ �` �� � //„/ I I, \I ° �� ` l `\ �\1`` . �M`\ f• / ` 1` ^ \ \ _ , 1, 1 I \ \ ` \�� I, - \\ \ Iv 1 r rs AccEssal\ �f401 \ \ \ ► i -./ L '> \ -, WANT mrt - 2 0 j PRb Lr 1 \ IJ < _,) 1 ( ° ) t' �I \1 I\ I J I ) c rl I/ J1f{�d SFJ f / // I \ I / -n I 1 rX� > \{ _ I \ I % L� I (/ ° )33 S� Si- J ' / J( +(I I I • l�Jf,Q/t/) \,fX'1� )°° _��G l �1 ` Q � ( �3 1 lI ) I�' J (J rt f \° /' 10 I _/J y 1 l /,- 1 /r from sF 11 / I wJv 1 /J__ f' / c /) /-l I /� II) i I 1 y�_fii, ! i�1 )/ ) cJ /y / I I < > r 1 / 240 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 60 ft. / I <J / /'JCOMM N ARE6.A- ) EA- / /rl !I /f /-r� 2p, / t£CtBUFF r / f/ r / .1V . ✓J 50' / `/ /v FLOOD PLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NOTE: A FLOOD PLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF HIGH POINT SHOULD DEVELOPMENT OR DISTURBANCE TAKE PLACE WITHIN THE 100 YEAR FLOOD ZONE. Know what's below. Call before you dig. ' \ M b 7- RO S ) � J 1 '-J 'J 8,618 S: -> \ ( q5 PP. $" z 8" TEE / \� 2 - 8" $ATE VALVES 5`- 1l/ - ex 6" REDUER x') 1T� - g,270 S 01,645 SF t ( ( (� J r PROP. 8" x b" °TEE I - b" GATE VAIVE- 11/4 I - FIRE HYDRANT \ 1 ``Sic , 125' o )• V ‘-) C / 10'x7o)EIGH /• ) h DIST<Q?'T \ I .r/ ‘7$, J SIDEWALK ESN'T.17 1' BEHIND WALK Sp64c-F 140 ROUNDABOUT NOTES: - HOA WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF GREEN AREA IN CENTER OF ROUNDABOUT. - ANY LANDSCAPING INSTALLED IN THE CENTER OF ROUNDABOUT MUST MEET NCDOT REQUIREMENTS FOR PLANTINGS IN R/W. GREENWAY TRAIL / ESM'T. NOTE: GRADING IN THE GREENWAY EASEMENT SHALL BE DONE TO MAINTAIN ADA COMPLIANT GRADES ALONG THE EASEMENT AND GRADED TO PROVIDE ACCESS AT STREET LEVEL. ----1,0:113-FPFz08"::.'5_41,"_3):,4AJLVT: ! 451:9,,76.5 ,k,), ...r....04..Disi.coi.iss:iTk: -- VARIES 5' MIN. 8" ABC 1-0" BCSC TYPE SFc1.5A 4 AA Seif • por),VThy 17:7-Dq:,ilv 3/1-6 --/— / ''---,C4*--T>7.-N : l :1-...-- ,''kor.11y. 1 , - - ) J 1 WEST FOR Flap TYPICAL PUBLIC STREET SECTION N.T.S. • -41 IBUTARY NO. 1" • • oi 5' GONG. SIDEWALK 1 RI NOTE: - ALL THE NECESSARY APPROVALS HAVE BEEN/ VV1LL BE OBTAINED FROM THE STATE/ CORPS FOR STREAM CROSSING/ DISTURBANCE AND WILL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY OF HIGH POINT ONCE IT'S RECEIVED *SIDEWALK NOTE: SIDF_HALK ADJACENT TO CIES SHALL BE HIDE. 22/ ?E\SIDEN AL • 7 BUNKER HILL FOREST !aim 444 • • 08-05-22 rk OWNER/DEVELOPER: KEYSTONE GROUP, INC. 3708 ALLIANCE DRIVE GREENSBORO, NC 27407 SCOTT WALLACE, PRESIDENT E-MAIL: swallace@gokeystone.com PHONE: (336) 856-0111 FAX: (336)369-1336 SOUTHWOOD DR IDOL C.OX RD SWEET MEADOW RD SAME RD N1 MOCIV3W HIV VICINITY MAP Airport Overlay District Notice This property is located within the City of High Point Airport Overlay District and is subject to aircraft overflights and to aircraft noise that may be objectionable dependent upon the use and location of the property. Please refer to the city's Airport Overlay District regulations and the City of High Point Department of Planning & Development for more information on potential noise impacts. The owner(s) of this subdivision are required to provide notification that this property is within the Airport Overlay District to all prospective lot purchasers, by means of a written disclosure statement. N.T.S. 6)2 del dWVO J.ONVG 73 PROTECTED DRAINAGE EASEMENTS (PDEs) THE FOLLOWING RESTRICTIONS SHALL APPLY TO ALL PROTECTED DRAINAGE EASEMENTS (PDE5) I. NO PILL, BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES, EXCEPT FOR HATER DEPENDENT STRUCTURES, GREENWAY5, UTILITY SUBSTATIONS, UTILITIES, ROADS OR OTHER RELATED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE PLACED OR CONSTRUCTED WITHIN PROTEGTF_D DRAINAGE EASEMENTS A5 PROVIDED IN THE CITY OP HIGH POINT STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM MANUAL. II. DRIVES, PARKING AREAS, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 5HALL BE GON5TRUGTED NO CLOSER THAN TWO (2) I LLT HORIZONTALLY FROM THE TOP OP ANY 5LOPE ALONG ANY OPEN WATERCOURSE. PARKING AREA5 AND ASSOCIATED DRIVES MAY BE GON5TRUCTED OVER ENCLOSED SUBSURFACE DRAINS. III. IT SHALL BE THE OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN ALL WATER- GOUR5E5 ON PRIVATE PROPERTY WHETHER ENCLOSED A5 SUBSURFACE DRAINS OR REMAINING A5 OPEN GHANNEL5. IV. THE CITY DOE5 NOT ACCEPT RESPON5IBILTY TO MAINTAIN ANY DRAINAGE EASEMENT OR STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, EXCEPT FOR THO5E WITHIN A PUBLIC 5TREET RIGHT-OF-WAY OR TRAVERSING Girt -OWNED LAND. Adequate Drainage for Building Pads (standard note) All new construction sites shall provide adequate drainage from the building foundation. For residential construction the grades shall slope a minimum of 6 inches within the first 10 feet from the foundation as referenced in NC State Building Code. Adequate drainage shall also be provided for new commercial construction in compliance with the NC State Building Code. Replacement of sidewalks and curb and gutter (standard note) -1) Any unused curb openings/ driveways will be closed with standard curb and gutter on curb and gutter streets. On ribbon paved streets the driveway and any pipe shall be removed. 2) Damage to existing sidewalk shall be repaired to meet current City sidewalk standards. ZONE 2 UNDISTU1RBED AREA OF VEGETATION BEGINNING AT THE OUTER EDGE OF ZONE I AND EXTENDING LANDHARD A MINIMUM OF 20 FEET. EXCEPTIONS MUST BE APP1ROVED BY THE COMMITTEE (VIRG) PER SEG OtlE AN UNDISTURBED AREA OF VEGETATION EXTENDING A MINIMUM OF 30 FEET FROM THE TOP OF BANK OR MEAN HIGH WATER LEVEL OF OTHE HATER BOD I ES. STREAM CROSSING NOTE: ALL OF THE NECESSARY APPROVALS HAVE BEEN (WILL BE) OBTAINED FROM THE STATE & CORPS. FOR ANY WETLAND & STREAM CROSSING DISTURBANCE. SITE INFORMATION: TOP OF BANK Ct_ OF STREAM PERENNIAL STREAM HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT Not to Scale 1. SITE STREET ADDRESS: 8813 BOYLSTON RD 2. PARCEL NUMBER: 168988 3. PIN: 6894881430 4. DEED REF.: D.B. 7895, PG. 252 5. PLAT REF.: P.B. 197, PG.92, P.B. 198, PG. 007 & P.B. 201, PG. 004 7. ZONING: CZ PDR #(20-07) (TRACT E-1 & E-2) 8. A PORTION OF THIS SITE IS LOCATED IN A 100 YR. FLOOD PLAIN AREA AS DETERMINED BY FIRM, NORTH CAROLINA, MAP NUMBER 3710689400K, EFFECTIVE DATE 3-16-2009. 9. THIS SITE IS LOCATED IN THE OAK HOLLOW LAKE GENERAL WATERSHED. 10. NO. OF LOTS: 89 LOTS TOTAL (R-5 STANDARDS) 11. LINEAR FEET OF PUBLIC STREETS TOTAL - El & E2: 3,700'± 12. R/W DEDICATION AREA: 4.368 ACRES± 13. OPEN SPACE REQUIRED: 435 SF / LOT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 5 ACRES OR MORE 14. OPEN SPACE PROVIDED: 38,812 SF (0.891 ACRES±) 15. PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE 4 OF THE AIRPORT OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT. OPEN SPACE NOTE: OPEN SPACE AREA(S) SHALL BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE HOME OWNER'S OR PROPERTY OWNER'S ASSOCIATION. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY NOTES: - CORNER CLEARANCE: 50' MIN. ** - SIDE CLEARANCE: 3' MIN. - WIDTH: 12' MIN. - 20' MAX. - APPROACH ANGLE: 90° - RADIUS/FLARE: 1' MIN. - 3' MAX. ** SEE CORNER LOTS 543 & 589. R-5 ZONING DISTRICT DIMENS. REQUIREMENTS: - MIN. LOT WIDTH: 50' CORNER LOT WIDTH: 60' - MIN. STREET SETBACK (FRONT): 25' (SIDE): 15' - MIN. SIDE SETBACK: 5' - MIN. REAR SETBACK: 20' - MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT: 50' ENGINEER: CPT ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, INC. 4400 TYNING STREET HIGH POINT, NC 27265 CONTACT: CHARLES P. TRUBY, JR. PE PLS E-MAIL: chuckt@cptengineering.com REV. 06-27-22, USACE COMMENTS FAX: (336) 812-8780 REV. 12-21-21, COHP COMMENTS LEGEND: ... DENOTES REQUIRED OPEN 5PAGE AREAS ... DENOTES FLOODWAY AREA PROPO5F_D FIRE HYDRANT WITH TEE AND GATE VALVE5 ... PROPOSED WATER LINE PLUG PROPO5F_D WATER LINE • PROPOSF_D SANITARY 5EINER MANHOLE PROPOSED STORM CURB INLET PIPE 0 PROPO5F_D5TORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURE LABEL ffi ... PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE PIPE LABEL VEGETATIVE BUFFER 50' MEASURED FROM THE LIMITS OF ZONE 2 WHICH SHALL HAVE NO IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA STREAM BUFFER SECTION DETAIL: ZONE 1 - UNDISTURBED AREA OF VEGETATION EXTENDING A MINIMUM OF 30 FEET FROM TOP OF STREAM BANK (SEC. 9-7-6(D)). ZONE 2 - UNDISTURBED AREA OF VEGETATION BEGINNING AT THE OUTER EDGE OF ZONE 1 AND EXTENDING LANDWARD A MINIMUM OF 20 FEET. EXCEPTIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE WATERSHED REVIEW COMMITTEE (VVRC) PER SEC. 9-7-6(D)(3)B. VEGETATIVE BUFFER - VEGETATIVE AREA EXTENDING 50 FEET LANDWARD FROM THE RIPARIAN STREAM BUFFER (ZONE 1 AND 2). NO BUILT UPON AREA EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SEC. 9-7-6(D)(3)C. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION INFORMATION 1. TRACT E-1: RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY-5 (R-5) AREA: 13.470 ACRE& TOTAL LOTS AREA: 8.781 ACRE& TOTAL COMMON AREA: 3.330 ACRES± TOTAL TRACT E-2: RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY-5 (R-5) AREA: 24.009 ACRE& TOTAL LOTS AREA: 9.237 ACRE& TOTAL REQUIRED OPEN SPACE AREA: 1.000 ACRE& TOTAL TEMP. TURNAROUND AREA 0.016 ACRE& TOTAL COMMON AREA: 12.112 ACRE& TOTAL 2. NO. OF LOTS: 42 (TRACT E-1), 47 (TRACT E-2) (89 LOTS TOTAL) 3. MAIL KIOSK AT THE CLUBHOUSE TO SERVE THE ENTIRE DEVELOPMENT. SECTION 2 PART 1. USES: E. TRACT E-1: 1. ONLY SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED DWELLING UNITS AS ALLOWED IN THE RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY - 5 (R-5) DISTRICT AND THEIR CUSTOMARY ACCESSORY USES SHALL BE PERMITTED, SUBJECT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AND DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE, AND THE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS LISTED IN THIS ORDINANCE. 3. THE TRACT SHALL BE DEVELOPED IN ITS ENTIRETY AS EITHER A SINGLE FAMILY SUBDMSION (WITH SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS); OR AS A TOWNHOMETWIN HOME SUBDIVISION. THERE SHALL BE NO MIXTURE OF DWELLING TYPES. F. TRACT E-2: 1. ONLY SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED DWELLING UNITS AS ALLOWED IN THE RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY - 5 (R-5) DISTRICT AND THEIR CUSTOMARY ACCESSORY USES SHALL BE PERMITTED, SUBJECT TO THE DEVELOPMENT AND DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE, AND THE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS LISTED IN THIS ORDINANCE. 2. THE TRACT SHALL BE DEVELOPED IN ITS ENTIRETY AS EITHER A SINGLE FAMILY SUBDMSION (WITH SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS); OR AS A TOWNHOMEITWIN HOME SUBDIVISION. THERE SHALL BE NO MIXTURE OF DWELLING TYPES. PART II. CONDITIONS: A. DEVELOPMENT, DIMENSIONAL & DENSITY STANDARDS: 1. A MAXIMUM OF 402 DWELLING UNITS SHALL BE PERMITTED. DEVELOPMENT INTENSITY WITHIN EACH TRACT SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: E: TRACT E-1 AND E-2: 1) A COMBINED MAXIMUM OF ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY (160) RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS SHALL BE PERMITTED. TRACT E-1 & E-2 PRELIMINARY PLAN NORTI-1501ROUG1-1 DEEP RIVER TOWNSHIP - GUILFORD COUNTY -NORTH CAROLINA GPT ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING, ING. LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING HIGH POINT, NG 21265 PLAN PP-1 Ordinance#7621/20-37 Zoning Map Amendment 20-07 E. Lot Combination. All parcels within the rezoning site shall be combined into one (1) lot prior to any development. F, Exterior Lighting: All exterior common area lighting shall be directed away from adjacent properties to avoid spillover lighting. G. Transportation 1. Vehicular Access: a. One point of vehicular access shall be provided to Boylston Road. This access shall extend through the zoning site providing access to the various tracts as generally depicted on the PUD Maser Plan. b. Construction Entrance/Traffic - Construction traffic to and from the site shall use an approved construction entrance on Boylston Road. c. One point of vehicular access shall be provided to Quail Meadow Lane consisting of an extension of this public street as generally depicted on the PUD Master Plan. This access shall be installed with the development of Tract B. d. One point of vehicular access shall be provided to Sweetmeadow Drive consisting of an extension of this public street as generally depicted on the PUD Master Plan. This access shall be installed with the development of Tract B. e. Individual tract with more than 50 dwelling units shall provide at least two point of access to said tract. f. The location and number of stub streets to the western portions of the site (from Tract El & E2) shall be determined and approved by the Technical Review Committee (TRC) at the time of Preliminary PIan approval for Tract E. 2. Pedestrian Access: a. A pedestrian access system shall be provided so as to provide safe and convenient pedestrian access to open space/common for all dwelling units. b. A pedestrian access plan shall be submitted as part of the Preliminary Plat approval for each tract. The location of all sidewalks shall be indicated on plans submitted for approval. c. The property owner shall dedicate to the City of High Point a greenway easement for the development of a public greenway trail. Said easement shall be a minimum of fifty (50) feet in width, be a minimum of thirty (30) feet from the top of bank of the streams running through the site. The dedicated area shall also be depicted on the approved development plats for the site. d. Internal pedestrian access shall be provided to the Greenway. Page 6 of 8 Ordinance#7621/20-37 Zoning Map Amendment 20-07 3. Roadway and Intersection Improvements a. Boylston Road at Site Access Point: The developer or property owners shall install a westbound left turn lane with a minimum of one hundred (100) feet of storage and appropriate bay taper. b. All roadway and intersection improvements shall be completed and approved by the City of High Point prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy 4, The City of High Point Director of Transportation and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) shall approve all construction and improvements. H) Signage: The location of signage on the rezoning site shall conform to the approved Common Signage Plan. An overall Common Signage Plan shall be submitted and approved prior to approval of the first preliminary plat approval for this development. I) Environmental Sensitive Areas: 1. Any portion of the rezoning site that is within a floodway, floodway fringe, steep slope, wetlands or any other environmentally sensitive areas shall be left in its natural state and undisturbed, except to provide access to the common area, greenways, approved utility extensions, erosion control and stormwater control devices. 2. Any portion of the site within the 100-year flood plain area, and required stream buffers shall remain as undisturbed areas. However, required water quality devices may be permitted within that portion of the 100-year flood plain area lying outside any stream buffers, subject to the watershed regulations. J) Owners Association: An owners' association shall be established, in accordance with Section 7.3 of the Development Ordinance, prior to the recording of any final plat(s) and shall be responsible for the common areas of the development. K) Relationship of Permit to Development Ordinance: The use and development of this site shall be subject to the uses and conditions within this Conditional Zoning Ordinance. The City of High Point Development Ordinance shall govern issues not addressed within this Conditional Zoning Ordinance. L) Construction Entrance: Construction Entrance and construction traffic to be restricted to utilizing the Boylston Road Access Point to the site. Page 7 of 8