HomeMy WebLinkAboutIredell_Well Abandonment_20220805 -►�, ,•xMMLL AMM-OlITNYL+M RECORD +I r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTMCATION# 1.WELL CONTRACTOR: 5. WELL DETAILS: a.Total Depth—�Lft. Diameter. h In. Well Contractor(individuaq Name b.Water Level 1 (Below Measuring PolM): It C. a.-J t ��11111e, +�m1ac�-rNt�vrT S , Measuring point Is ft,above and surface, Well Contractor Company Name CR ��'"='ti+_ -A M 1)d. L of S. CAGING: Length Diameter StmetAddress q a � a.Casing Depth pfknown): _ft. In. C�orTown State- Zip Code b.Casing Removed: �_ft. In. Area code Phone number 7. DISINFECTION: lL dam_ 2.WELL INFORMATION: (Amount of 65%759/8 calcium hypochlorite used) SITE WELL ID# (if applicable ®. SEALING MATERIAL: Neat STATE WELL PERMIT# (if applicable) CaMent SaDd.1:emt n Cement Cement__lb. COUNTY WELL PERMIT #(if applicable) ' !p` Water gal. Water dal, DWQ or OTHER PERMIT #fdapplicable) ® ton e!� WELL USE(Check applioeble use)�l Monitoring esiderltlal Bentonite pC�/0A' f Type:❑Slurry ellets /f7 I ❑ M unicipalfPublic ❑ IndustriallCommercial ❑ Agricultural ,'� ater gal, •t d r'� �/ ❑ Recovery i7 Injection LI Irrigation y"`�, `� Other 0 Other gist use) 2022 Type materialG�i� a.WELL LOCH N Intcramzat+-�i'r'"'gig UAcunt L;`3 y� l COON CI QUADRANGiE NAME NEAREST TOWN: 9. EXPLAIN"METHOD OF EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL: - (Street/Raad Name,Number,Community,Subdivlelon,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) � . .. TOPOGRAPNC/LAND SNG: G Slope 0 Valley flat 0 Ridge❑Other (Check appropriate setting) 10. WELL DIAGRAM Drat a detal!ed sk * ,����� .c.c�r o,4,.�>!ar,�e�cle afthis LATrI,UDE 6 form showind total depth,depth and diameter of screens of any)remaining DMS OR 3X.XXXXXXXXlOp In the well,gravel interval,Intervals of casing perforations,and depths and LONGITUDES'p r �MS OR 7X.XXXX=tM_=D Was of fill materfalsmsed Latitudefiongitude source: ffirps propographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andefteched to 11. DATE WELL ABANDONED this fbnn if not using GPS) 100 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS VVELL WAS ABANDO IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 20,WELLCONSVRN�CTI N STANDARDS.AND THAT A COPY OF 48.FACILITY-The name of the business where the well is located.Complete 4e o THIS R H S Bl: PRVID 0 E LL OWNER(if a residential we@,skip 4s;complete 4b,well owner information only.) FACILITY ID#(if applicable) NAME OF FACILITY i A URE.F CERTIFIED ELL ONTRACTOR STREET ADDRESS UNATURE OF PRIVATE WELL OWNER ABANDONING THE WELL DATE City or Town State Zip Code (The private well owner rust be an lndlviduat u @BamUpbandons his/her maidedet well 4b.CONTACT PER5SO DWELL OWNER: /,fA in accordance with 16A NCAC 2C.0113.) NAME !�_I/lj� PRINTED NAME OF PERSON ABANDONING THE WE LL STREET ADDRESS ' 5�ew w' Submit a copy to the owner and the original tag:nild, ton o ater 4taallty-Information(Processing, Form GW-30 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699.1617,Phone:(919)1307.0300 Rev.5/10 G JA s , E EIN c \ ch a�i N R d 3 Oo O G J L s c in C � ai cc w n ID CL U 'mr mpin CL CO a co E J CM LLI d _0 ++ p N .t' w L LL 5 'O a, O 'O a0+ Q cod W w C7 O Z s —y' m Q t d N > LO m — O W a)3 s 3 Z a z `o f0 {D N s ° 00 m e Ln a ;) o` m m o `� n y CL Q o O� y m v O Q coim ~ 3 H N i C M J L O •V� � E 61 Q a O 7 l y E z y _m d E m '0 U M 2 te L m a Z tD CD w = 0y ° = w _ J LO O W Z S W n. in O `-' U EZ � p ❑ 00 m CC0 W p W a.. co mC7 � U ❑ 0 v=i E O w N J J Of n n N s 'Jo aEi m � W O CA O U �.,., Q W ca Um a O O Ln a. Ilk' = Q Z W o co-,O Z > .y` N � o 0 -. � S V +• oU U O U LL W S N W CD U � Q .t c o m o '0 0 E W a N O_ I9 j c O W E O C m 1° ig U Q Ofx 3 WLLJ cYa co o = O z � 0 ZQ o C.) > o ■� Z a w � � z � d > W C Z W O O g .�- CO ON W L: CDa UC z Q z c Q aoc zo L) pLU k v a 0 N W m � = U J a od) 0 3 Lu cc-) E r U CO Q