HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140894 Ver 1_Application_20140819Coi•ps Submittal Cover Sheet Please provide the following iufo: 1. Yroject Name: Replace Brid�e No. 163 on SR 1568 (Cox Road) 2. Name of Property Ownei�/Applicant: North Carolin� Denartmeut of Transuortation 3. Name of Co�isultant/Agent: N/A `Agent autlioriza�ion needs to be ntlnchcd. 4. Related/Previous Action ID number(s): N/A 5. Site Address: N/A 6. SuUdivision Nafue: N/A 7. City: _Brevard 8. County: Transybania 9. Lat: _ 35.273147°N Long: -82.673194°W (Approx. Project Center) 10. Quadrangle Name: PisQ�h Forest 1 I. Waterway: North Prong Glade Creek (DWR Class: C Tr) l2. Watershed: Freiich Broad Ri��ei• (HUC 06010105) 13. Rec�uested Action: X Natioinvide Yennit # 14 General Permit # Jtu�isdictional Determination Request Pre-Application Request Tl�e follo�ti�ing information �vill be completed by Corps oftice: AID: Prepare Pile Polder Assigu number iu ORM Begin Date Authorization: Section LO Section 404 Project Descriptioi�/ Nature of Activity/ Project Purpose: Sile/Waters Name: Key�vords: �'"�°^w 3 � ��� � � �� �� �, 3 'l.. c..t�= : STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPAR"1`MENT OF "1`IZANSPORTATION PnrMCC2oav covek�ac f�UgllSi �9, 201� Ms. Lori Beckw�ith NCDOT Regulatoiy Project Mauager U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Aslieville, NC 28801-2714 ANTHONI' J. TATi\ Secaernar Subject: Nation�vide 1�4 Permit Applicatiou Replace Bridge No. 163 on SR 1568 (Cos Road) over North Prong Gl�de Creek Transylvauia County WBS Elmncnt No. 17BP.14.R120 Dear Ms. Beck�vith: The North Carolina Department of Transportatiou (NCDOT) is proposing to repl�ce tl�e subject bridge �vith a culvert. The esisting lunctiooally obsolete timber biidge is a single span, 20' W s 16.5' L structure on tiuiber joists witl� timber posts and sills. The new struchire will be a 21' W s 6' H a 41' L prefabricated aluivinum bos culvert ���itli liead�a�alls on a 70 degree ske�a�. The project will be phased constructed iu order to maintain traftic on this dead end road duriug consU uction. The project �vill also inchide some minor approach ���ork on tlie e.cisting roadway. The cuh�crt �vill be buried one foot belo�a� tl�e etisti�ig stre�mbed elevation and sills and baftles will be iustalled in tlie culvert to provide aquatic life pass�ge during periods of lo��v tlow. 'I7ie cuh�ert is relativately flat and will be consh�ucted on a 0.5% slope, �vliich should not impede aquatic life passage. I am enclosiug the Pre-Construction NotificTtion (PCN) application lorm, SHPO Concurrence Forms, L'�P Mitigatiou Acceptance Letter, vicinity map, USGS topographical ui�p, plan sheets, culvert surve}� report Tnd pliotographs. "Che Nordi Carolina Natural Heritage (NCNHP) Database was cheeked for records of threatened aud endangered species. The database lists 63 species for Transylvania Counry diat have tederal status. The bog turtle (Gl��plenq�s mtJrlenbergii) is listed as threatened due to similarity of appeara�ice to die listed nortliern bog turtle. Eight species, Cai•olina Northeru Flying Squirrel (Glnaicoii�ys snbrinr�s colornlr�s), Appalaehiau elktoe (Alns�nrrloi7fn rnvene/im�o), mountaiu sweet pitcher plant (Snrrtrcenin rt�brn .rsp. jaaesir), small whorled pogonia (Isoh•in nrerleoloi�les), spreading avens (Ge�mr rodrnlinn), swamp pink (Helonias bi�Rntr�), Virginia spir�ea (Spiroea i�irgi�iiman) and rock guome licl�eu (Gynmodermn Irnenre), are listed as either threatened or Rour�eenlh Dicision Oflice Tcicphonc (32S) SSC-2141 2S3 \Vcbstcr Road, Sylva. No�h Caroliva 23779 Fiu: (823) >86-40�3 Bridge No. 163 — Transylvania Counry Page 2 August 19, 20 L4 endaugered. Tl�ere is also potential for die federal listing of the Northern long-eared bat (dl��losis se�lenh�iontdis) in the near fulure. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Se�l�ice, Appalachiau elktoe is known to occur within two miles of tlie project area. Tl�e Appalachian elktoe is fouud in ���ell-oxygenated streams witli moderate to fast flo��viug water with stable, mixed subsh�ates of silt, sand, gravel, aud/or cobble. The Appalachian elkroe records in the are� are fiom relativelp large streams; the Prench Broad Rivcr, Little River, aud Mills River. Tliere are no records of oceurrence in the smaller tributaries of these slreams. No Ap}�alachian elktoe were observed during the field scoping process aud records indicate the nearest known occurreuce is located appro�imately 3.8 rivei miles do���nstream of tlie project in the Frencl� Broad River. Virginia spiraea oecurs along rocky, flood-scoured riverbanks in gorges or caupons. Graval and rock bars that provide habitat for the Virginia spiraea are lacking at the project locatiai. Swamp pink aud iuouutain sweet pitcher plant are species that are found iu saturated soils. The project vicinity is highly disturbed and �vetla�ids are not associated with tl�e site. The Carolii�a northeru flying squirrel, the rock gnome lichen, and spreadiug avens are species tliat require habitat found at relatively high elevation. Althouglt most rock gnome lichen populations occur near or above 5,000 feet elevation, it does occw �t low�er elevations �vithin deep river gorges. The ele��ation at the site is appro�imately 2,100 feet aud vertical rock substrate re�uired by tlte rock guome liclten is lacking. Therefore, tlterc is no suitable liabitat for these species. The small whorled pogonia generally occurs in opcn, dry, deciduous woods witli acid soil according to the U.S. Pisl� aud Wildlife Service. However, it is also kuown to occur in a variety of habitats in North Caroliva, iucluding along streams. The liabitat at the project site is maintaiued road rig{�t of way. The habitat consists of deciduous trees, such as black walnut and tulip poplar. Tlie are� is also lieavily impacted by iiivasive specics that include privet, Japa�iese honeysuckle, multiflora rose �nd periwinkle. Habitat at the bridge site appeais to have a veiy low potential to support small wliorled pogouia. Records indicate the nearest kno��vn occurrence of small whorled pogoiva is appro�iinately 9 miles soutli of the project Trea. The US Fish and Wildlile Service (USFWS) are consideriug the listing of tl�e uortltern long- eared bat iu the fall/���iuter of 2014. Nortliern long-eared bats are ktiowu to use trees with sloughing bark for suminer roosts. Therefore, as prescribed by the USFWS, auy tree removal at tl�e bridge site will Ue condueted between October 15 and April I S(wii�ter clearing) to prevent incideutal impacts lo roosting bats. There could Ue indirect effects due to removal of potential roost trees, but the loss of such a small nuuiber of trees in a primarily forested landscape should be insignificant. "1'l�e project is limited to tlie replaceinent of an eYistiilg spauning struchire witli a prefabricated ah�minum bos culvert with lieadwalls. Erosion aud sedimentation control measures will be implemented to furdier miuiinize potential to Tdversely affect aquatic li�bitat. No Appalachian elktoe were obseived during the field scopiug process aud records are ]acking for smaller Bridge No. 163 — Trausylvania County Page 3 August 19, 2014 tributaries of the Prench Broad River. Since the ne�rest occapied habitat iu the Freilch Broad River is 3.8 niiles downstrea�u from the project, we reco�ume�id a"no effect" deterinivation for the Appalachiau elktoe. Terrestrial habitat has been highly disturbed at the project site due to road right of way and residential use of surroundii�g land. The project is limited in scope �nd habitat appears to be l�ckiug for terrestrial tl�reatened and endangered species. For these re�sous and tliose discussed above, �ve recommend a"uo effect" detennination for terrestrial threatened and endangered species. This project �a�as reviewed by NCDOT's Huutau Enviromuent Unit in 2013 for potential affects to historie arcliitectm�e and archaeolog}�. It was determined tltat no sui��eys �vere required lor historic arcliitectare or archaeology and it �vas deteruiiued there �vonld be no efYect (see attached lorms). NCDOT best mauagement practices will be used to muiimize and control sediuientation and erosiou on this project Tl�e construction foreman ���ill revie�v all erosion and sedimentation control measures daily to ensure erosion and sedimentatiou is beiug effectively coutrolled. If tl�e devices are not functiouing as intended, the}' �+�ill be replaced inunediately witlt better devices. Lnpacts to Waters of the Unitcd States Nortl� Prong Glade Creek (DWQ Class: C, Tr) is sliown on the USGS topogr�phic map as a perennial streant. 1�he cliTmiel is ���ell defined ���itli a substrate primarily composed of cobble, gravel, and sand/silt and is appro�imately 10-12 teet in �vidth. Nortli Prong Glade Creek tlows approxiinately 0.75 mile to Glad Creek, whidi then flo�vs a��other 0.8 iniles to the Prencli Broad River. The Freoch Broad River meets Uie detinitioii of a Traditional Navigable Water. For these reasous, ���e believe North Prong Glade Cieek is a Relatively Permanent Water a�id is u�ider tl�e jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Euguieers. [n order to construct tlic project, it will be ueeessai}� to impact waters of tlie United States in the Prench Broad River Basiu (HUC 06010105). Specitically, NCDOT is requesting to replace Bridge No.163 with an altuuinum box culvert. The impacts are listed in die table below. Site No. ���sting Conditio❑ Proposed Cm�ditimi Net Station Ln �acts Site 1 16.5' L x 20' W Single 1 a, 2P W� 6' H� 41' L ��, Span Timber Bridge Prefabricated Aluminum Bo� Culvert Site lA Free Flo���ing Stream Impervious Dike aud Flow diversion 120' Esisting Chamiel and E�cavate Channel and Adjaceut Area Site 1B Adjacent Riparian Area Co�tstriict Floodplaiu Bencli at Inlet and 25' Inlet Eiid Riprap Bank Stabilizatioit - Iulet Existing Channel and Excavate Channel �nd Adjacent Area Site I C Adjacent Riparian Area Construct Fioodplain Bench at Inlet and 15' Outlet End Riprap Bank Stabilization - Outlet Bridge No. L63 —Trausplvaiiia Counh� Page 4 August 19, 2014 Total Permanent Strcam Impact fm• Cnlvert Total Pe��ntanent Sh•e�m Lnpact Rloodplain Beiiches aud Banlc Stabilizatioit Total Tempm�a�y Lupacts for Cmistruction aud Flow Diversimi Permits Requested ai� 40' 120' NCDOT is hereby requesting auUiorization under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act to proceed with the constraction project outlined above. B}' eop}� of this letter to the North Carolina Department of Euviromnent and Natural Resources (DENR), Division of Water Resoiu�ees (DWR), I am reqaesting authorization u�ider Section 40 L of the Cleau Water Act. Also by copy of this lettec, T aiu askiug Ms. Marla Chambers, Western NCDOT Revie��� Coordinator, of tl�e North Carolina Wildlife Resources Coiiunission (NCWRC) to commeut directly to you concerniug the 404 Nationwide Permit request. in addition, l Tm asking Ms. Cl�ainbers and Mr. I3eti DeWit, Roac(side Environmental Field Operatioi�s Sugineer (NCDOT), to comment directly to me concerning this permit request. If you h�ve any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (828) 586-2 L41 or Mr. Josh De}�ton, PE, at (828) 488-213 L Your early review and eonsideration �vill be greaUy lppreciated. Sincerely, ��+�/ . � /���/ii�/ Mark S. Davis Division 14 Enviroiunental Program Supervisor Enclosures cc: Ms. Amy Cl�apman, Division of Water Resources, DENR, Raleigh Mr. Keviu Barnett, Divisio�i of Water Resources, DENR, Asheville Mr. Jason Mays, Biologist, US Fish and Wildlife Se�vice, Aslieville Ms. Marla Cl�auibers, Western NCD01' Revie�v Coordivator, NCWRC, Albeivarle Mr. Joshua B. Deyton, PL, Division l4 Bridge Manageinent Engiueer, NCDOT Mr. Ben DeWit, LI, Roadside Euviroumental Field Operatiot�s Engineer, NCDOT o�oF wnrFyp� o � r� Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Fonn Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Foru� A. Applicant Information 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: � Section 404 Permit ❑ Seclion 10 Permit 1b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or General Permit (GP) number: 1c. Has lhe NWP or GP number been verified by lhe Corps? ❑ Yes � No 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): � 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Waler Quality Certification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1 e. Is this notification solely for lhe record For the record only for DWQ 401 For lhe record only for Corps Permit: because written approval is not required? Certification: ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No 1f. Is payrnent into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation � Yes ❑ No of impacts? If so, altach the acceptance lelter from miligation bank or in-lieu fee program. NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) 1g. Is the project localed in any of NCs lwenly coastal counlies. If yes, answer 1h ❑ Yes � No below. 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concem (AEC)? ❑ Yes � No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Replace Bridge No. 163 on SR 1568 over North Prong Glade Creek 2b. County: Transylvania 2c. Nearest rnunicipalily / town: Pisgah Forest 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or State 17BP.14.R.120 Project No: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: North Carolina Department of Transportation 3b. Deed Book and Page No. N/A 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if Mark S. Davis, Division 14 Environmental Supervisor applicable): 3d. Street address: 253 Webster Rd. 3e. City, state, zip: Sylva, NC 28779 3f. Telephone no.: 828-586-2141 3g. Fax no.: 828-586-4043 3h. Email address: markdavis(a�ncdot.qov Page 1 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, specify: 4b. Name: N/A 4c. Business name N/A (if applicable): 4d. SUeet address: N/A 4e. Cily, state, zip: N/A 4f. Telephone no.: N/A 4g. Fax no.: N/A 4h. Email address: N/A 5. Ac�enUConsultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: N/A 5b. Business name N/A (if applicable): 5a Slreet address: N/A 5d. City, state, zip: N/A 5e. Telephone no.: N/A 5f. Fax no.: N/A 5g. Email address: N/A Page 2 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): N/A 1b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Latitude 35.273147 Longitude: -82.673199 (DD.DDDDDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) 1 c. Property size: N/A acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearesl body of waler (stream, river, etc.) to North Prong Glade Creek proposed project: 2b. Water Qualily Classification of nearest receiving water: C, Tr 2c. River basin: French Broad River (HUC 06010105) 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the exisling conditions on lhe site and the general land use in the vicinity of lhe project at lhe lime of this application: The general landscape cover is maintained road right of way, residential, and forest. The land use is priinarily rural residential. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the properiy: N/A 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all exisling sireams (intermitlent and perennial) on the property: N/A 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: To replace a structurally deficient and functionally obsolete timber bridge. 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the lype of equipment to be used: The projec[ will be phased constructed. Traffic will be deloured on-site. Erosion and sedimentation conlrol measures will be installed. The old bridge will be removed and will be replaced with a 21' W x 6 H x 41' L prefabricated aluminum box culvert with headwalls. Equipment to be used includes a track hoe, dump trucks, cranes, paving equipment, pumps, and various hand tools. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinalions by lhe Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / project (including all prior phases) in the past? ❑ Yes � No ❑ Unknown Comments: N/A 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, whal type of determination was made? ❑ Preliininary ❑ Final 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: N/A Name (if known): N/A Olher: N/A 4d. If yes, list lhe dates of the Corps jurisdiclional determinations or Slate determinations and atlach documentalion. N/A 5. Project History 5a. Have permils or certifications been requested or obtained for � Yes � No ❑ Unknown ihis project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help fle" instructions. N/A 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes � No 6b. If yes, explain. N/A Page 3 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ Wetlands � Streams - lributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each weUand area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Welland impact Type of jurisdiclion number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ — non-404, other) (acres) Tem ora T W1 ❑ P � T N/A N/A ❑ Yes ❑ Corps N/A ❑ No ❑ DWQ WZ � P� T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ Wq � P� T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ WS ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Total wetlnnd impncts N/A 2h. Comments: N/A 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or inlermiltent stream impacls (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this queslion for all stream siles impacted. 3 a. 3 b. 3 c. 3d. 3 e. 3 f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream length Permanent (P) or intermiltent DWQ — non-404, widlh (linear Temporary (T) (INT)? other) (feet) feet) S1 � P � T Aluminum box N. Prong Glade � PER � Corps �0-12 41 culvert Creek ❑ INT � DWQ S1A � P❑ T Impervious Dike N. Prong Glade � PER � Corps �0-12 120 and Flow Diversion Creek ❑ INT � DWQ Floodplain Bench N. Prong Glade � PER � Corps S1 B ❑ P� T and Riprap Bank Creek ❑ INT � DWQ 10-12 25 Stabilization Floodplain Bench N. Prong Glade � PER � Corps S1C ❑ P❑ T and Riprap Bank Creek ❑ INT � DWQ 10-12 15 Stabilization S5 ❑ P � T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ S6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ 3h. Total Permanent Slream and Tributnry Impacts—Culvert 41' Total Permnnent Stream [mp�ct Por C'loodpinin I3enches and Rip Rap Banl<Stabilization 40' Total Temporary Stream Impacts for Impervious Dike nnd Flow Dirersion 120' 3i. Comments: N/A Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Allanlic Ocean, or any other open water of lhe U.S. lhen individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number — (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent(P) or Tem ora T 01 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A N/A N/A 02 ❑P❑T 03 ❑P❑T 04 ❑P❑T 4C Totnl open wntcr impacts N/A 4g. Comments: N/A 5. Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake consVuclion ro osed, then com lete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Welland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feel) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose of (acres) number po��{ Flooded Filled Excavaled Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P2 Sf. Tot�l N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit reyuired? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: N/A 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): N/A 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): N/A 5k. Method of construction: N/A 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation, lhen you MUST fill out Section D of lhis form. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Other: Project is in which prolected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Bufferimpact number — Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) for Slream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) or Tem ora T im act re uired? 61 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A O Nas N/A N/A B2 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No B3 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No 6h. Tot�l bufPer impacts N/A N/A 6i. Commenls: N/A Page 5 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version D. Irnpact Justification and Mitiyation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoicl or miniinize lhe proposed impacts in designing project. The bridge is being replacecl on the existing localion with a prefabricated aluminum box culvert with headwalls. The culvert is on a 0.5% slope and will be buried 1-foot below lhe existing stream bed elevation. Silis, baffles, and floodplain benches will be inslalled to provide aquatic life passage, especially during periods of low flow. A culvert at this site is more cost effective than a bridge structure. 1 b. Specifically describe measures laken to avoid or minimize ihe proposed impacls through construction techniyues. Erosion and sedimentation BMPs will be inslalled prior to constniction. An impervious dike and flow diversion will be installed to provide a dry work area and prevent sedirnentation of downstream aquatic resources. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Miligation for � Yes ❑ No impacts to Waters of lhe U.S. or Waters of the State? 26. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all Ihat apply): ❑ DWQ ❑ Co�ps ❑ Mitigalion bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this project? � Payment to in-lieu fee program (NCEEP) ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Miligation Bank: N/A 3b. Credits Purchased (altach receipt and letter) Type N/A Quantily N/A 3c. Comments: N/A 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Proc�ram 4a. Approval letter from in-lieu fee program is atlached. � Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requesled: 41 linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperalure: ❑ warm ❑ cool �cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): N/A square feel 4e. Riparian wetland mitigalion requesled: N/A acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4h. Comments: N/A 5. Complete if Using a Permiltee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposeQ mitigation plan. N/A Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a prolected riparian buffer that reyuires ❑ Yes � No buffer mitigalion? 6b. If yes, lhen identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires miligation. Calculate lhe amount of miligation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impacl Total impact Multiplier Required miligation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 N/A N/A 3(2 for Catawba) N/A Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation reyuired: N/A 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of miligation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in-lieu fee fimd). N/A 6h. Comments: N/A Page 7 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Stormwater Manayement and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identi(ied � yes � No within one of lhe NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. Commenls: N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? N/A % 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Manageinent Plan? � Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stonnwater Management Plan, explain why: 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: Projecl is covered by individual NPDES Permit No. NCS000250 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Slormwater Management Plan? ❑ Certified Local Governrnent NCDOT ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program � DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is this projecl? N/A ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of the following locally-implernenled stormwater management programs ❑ NSW apply (check all that apply): ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other. 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan wilh proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No altached? 0.. DWQ Stormwater Program Review ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a. Which of the following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply � ORW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑ Other: 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been attached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 8 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the � Yes ❑ No use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" lo the above, does the project reyuire preparation of an environmental document pursuant to lhe requirements of the National or State ❑ Yes � No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by ihe State Clearing House? Qf so, altach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA fnal approval letter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: N/A 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Welland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .0200)? 2b. Is this an after-lhe-fact permit applicalion? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of lhe above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will lhis project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) resull in � Yes � No additional developinent, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to lhe above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. This project is limited in scope and involves the replacement of an obsolete timber bridge. The project will neither influence nearby land uses nor stimulate growth. Therefore, a detailed indirect or cumulative effects study will not be necessary. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail �he ultimate freatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater yenerated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. N/A Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 5. Enciangered Species and Desiynated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or � Yes � No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act � Yes ❑ No impacts? ❑ Raleigh 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have conlacted. � Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? North Carolina Natural Heritage Dalabase Program and onsite investigalion. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes � No 6b. What data sources did you use lo determine whether your site would impact Essen�ial Fish Habital? N/A-There are no marine or estuarine communities wilhin the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area �hat the state, federal or lribal governments have designated as having hisloric or cultural preservation � Yes � No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designalion or properiies significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impac[ historic or archeological resources? The project was submitted to the NCDOT's Human Environment Unit for review in 2013. It was determined that no surveys were required for historic architecture or archaeological resources (see altached documents). 8. Flood Zone Desiynation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes � No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: N/A Sc. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain delermination? North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program Mark S. Davis, % Division 14 I:tiviramnental Sttpervisor '�/ ,� . / _� ' � _ � � � � / ApplicanUAgenPs Signature Date ApplicanUAgent'S Pfinted Name (AgenCs signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 10 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 Deceinber 10, 2008 Version .;�, ' �; ; ; , f�lor(ii Carolina UoparUncni of �Lnvii�onnie��ii -uul Naiural I;e"����.�rcr;s I�:,! 1:4cGrrn;� hAir,�P�a31 �Ilr�,o;i, Uu2civr �_.OV[;IilUl � �i�';S�C:!II �-�,�iful(:ClllBll� ��fC)�l'llli ��iy zs, zoia n-t�. ����: s. �����5 NCDOT Division 14 Eirviromnenlal Supervisor North Carolina Departmeut ofTransportntion 253 Webster Road Sylva, Norih Carolina 2R779 J�hn E Skvarla. III Sr;CiGltu)' �������� JUL � 9 2014 Dear Mr. Duvis: �i���lOf� �4 SublecC EEP Mi[ignliou Acceplance Lct[cr: Division 14 Projecl, Replace Bridge 163 over Norlh Prong Glade Creek on SR I S(3 (Cpx Road), Transylvnni� Counly; R�BS Elemeut 17BP.14.R.120 The purpose of tltis lelter is to notify you lhat the Lcosyslem Fnhancemem Yrogram (EEP) �vill provide (he compensatory s�ream mitigation for �he subjec� projecL Based on the information received on July 23, 2014, the impncis are locatcd in CU 06010105 of the Frencl� Broad River basin in the Southem Piedmont (SP) Eco-2cgion, aud arc �s follows: Prench T3road Stream Wetlands Buffer (Sq. Pc) 0605P105 Cold Cool \Vami Riparian �on- Coaslal "Lone 1 Zone 2 Riparian n9nrsh Impac�s (feeUacres) 41.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 This impnct and associated miliga(ion need �vere under projec�ed by the NCDOT in (he 2014 impact data. HEP �vill commit �o implement sufficient compensatory stream mitigation credils to offse� �he impacts associated with this praject �s detennined by Ihe reguln�ory ngeucies using Ihe delivery timeline li,ted in Section P3.c.iii of �he N.C. Depnrtmeut of Lnvironment and Nalural Resources' Ecosystem Enhancement Program In-Lieu Fee hts�rument dated July 2S, 2010. If �he above refcre��ced impact amonnls are revised, lhen lhis miligation accep[nnee letter will uo longer be valid and � new mitiga�ion acceplance Iztter u�ill be required 1}om EEY. If you hnve any ques�ions or nezd addilional information, please contact Ms. 13eth H�vmou nt 919-707-5420. Sincerely, � < �j � i �_ .�r,1�-�), (�`��, James 6..St�n�ill EEP A�ael Managemen� Supervisor cc: Ms. Lori 6eck�vith, USACE — Ashe��ille Regulatory Field Office Mr. Josh De�non, P.E., NCDOT— Division 14 Bridge Progrnm Engineer Ms. Linda Pitzpntrick, NCDOT — PDEA File: SR I i68 — Bridge 163 — Division 14 7G5ltl i15:,� , e�.�'.;I i� �,e� i-7r;'��fC'�' f � r:OC �U "�I 71��7ii � �� I� d. ::N:V nC ?Oi G]: i�� , �'�I�.. , �.i:-. . 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'� � �y ,' 7 . � . i� . , , .. � • '- �� �� � . . ` . .,• • �' � z i Bridge No. 1G3 on SR ] 568 over Nortl� Proug Glade Creek Tr�nsyh�ania Count�, �'��, � q ��� '� -�- - . � � ;fr �_::�,�- ; � �: _�.�.:�.�-__ � _.:. #� , , ,, �-��- - ' - ; --�,�.. .�-- -., �. - — �.�'�,� •�1 � .. , .. � ., ..4 -____ 4:� +° .�'ri'--!'.�� '� �}:_aS'F� , _ • � �.--y � `-'.`- �a� � "-� . _ � . . i s t v .'r ' �. . . �a �C: , � c�— � Looking Upstream 1t Bridge ' .;� / : � � 'i ��-� ,,� -� r� R��; _- � � , � . .� �: �; a f i � �;E �` � � 1 � �� ���� sa rr �f:l .yl+ . I . _I 1 i ,l � ;7. U 1 I p ' l .YqAI � �'.��r-' � � 1 � . il IV "ti. � • I ��ti,� I � � ' . . ' .I ,.i li ! � � rj ;J : . �„� �'� Lookiug Do�vnstream at Bridge I3ridge No. 163 m� SR 1568 over Nm•tii Proug Glade Creelc Trans)'Ivani�i Count,y � .;c:�Ji,.�r ,s�i.rse.ws�-- f �� ' �� '�k q' +!,�••I (�;" � ,� �� , � _� �_.�:r.��, i�_. . l� #� � .� _ " , . L : � I 1� t .'. I � I 4�- `.`ftF -' t' I � � . . 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StiC"CION I: RACI<GROUND INFORDIATION A. REP02T COAIPLETION DATE COR APPROYLD JURISDICTIONAL DETCR�IINATION (JD): B. DISTRIC'1' OFCICC, CIL� NA�IC, AND NU�IBER: C. PROJGCT LOCA'1'ION AND BACI<GROUND INFORV[ATION: Bridgc 163 on SR I�68 Stntc:NC County/pnrish/bomugh: Trans}�Irm�in Ciq�: f3nvnrd Cen�er coordinates of si�c (Int/long in Jegree decimal formnQ: I.n�. 3�273147° N. Long. -82.673194° �l'. Universal Trmisversc Nlercalor. Nanre olliearest ��°a�crbody: North Prong GIaAc Crcck (C "I'r) Nmne of nearesl Traditional Nnvigable Water (TNIV) Into �chich the equatic resource (lo�vs: Prench Broad Ri�•cr Nnine of �vatershed or Hydrologic Unil Code (HUC): 0601010�0100�0 � Cheek if mnp/Aingrnm of revie�c area and/or potentinl jurisdiciional areas is/are availnble upon request. ❑ Chcck if other sites (e.g._ ol'Csitc mitigation sites, disposal si�es. etc... ) nre nssociated �sith this nc�ion and are recorded on a diticrcn� 1D fonn. D. RCVIG�V PERC'OR�ICD �OR SITC CVALUA'fION (CHEC[C ALL THAT APPLI'): � Ofticc (Desk) Determinmion. Dntc: Jidy 22, 201d � CicIA Detennineiion. Date(s): Jidy 31. 2013 SECTION IL• SUBIDIARI' OP FIYDINCS A. RIIA SEC'P70N 10 DETER�IINA"PION OP JURISDICTION. Therz Are no "imrignGle irn�ers oJ die U.S." �vithin 2ivcrs nnd I Inrbors r\ct (RHA) jurisdiction (as de�ined by 33 CfR pnrt 329) in Oie revie�ti' area �Reqtrire�l� ❑VVeten subjen to tho ebb nnd Flo�c of the tide. ❑\Vaters are presaitlp used, or h�ive bezn used in the past. or map be suscep�i6le I'or use m trnnspon interstnte or forcign commerce. Gxplain: B. CR'A SECTION d04 DE"CERDIINATION OC' JURISDICTION. There Are "�ra�er.c ojUre U.S." wi�liin Clean Water Act (CR'A) jurisAiction (as defined by 33 CFR part 328) in the revie�v area. (Req��i��erl� L R'nters ofthe U.S. a. Indicnte presence of �r�ters of U.S. iu revic��� mra (check all that npply): � ❑ TNWs, incluAing terri�oriel seas ❑ VVetlnnds udjacent to TNR's � Relatively peunnnent �vnters' (RPAVs) that tlo�v dircctly or indirecUp inm'iNVVs ❑ Non-RP�Vs thnt Flo�v �irectly or indinctly into "I'MVs ❑ AVctlnnds direclly uhuuing RPNs Ihat Flo�v directly or indirectly in�o TI�Ns ❑ A5�ellands adacen� lo but not directly iibutting RPAVs �hat tlo��� dimetly or indirecUy into'f�1Vs ❑ Netlands adjnecnl to non-RP1Vs tliat llo�e directly or indirectiv in�o TN\Vs ❑ ImpounAmentsoFjurisdictional�vatcrs ❑ Isolnted (interslnte or intraslate) wnters. includin� isolated �vetlands b. Identify (esfimnte) size of waters of the U.S. in the review area: Non-���ctlnnd �vNers: 200 linear feec I3 �vidth (ft) nnd/or acres. \Vctlands: ncres. c. Limits (boundnries) of jurisdiction based on: Establisl�ed by OIIR'i�l. Elevatiou ofcstnblished 01I1V�1 (iCkno�vn): . 2. Non-regulntedwaters/�retlnnds(checl<iSapplicable):' ❑ No�eniiallyjurisdie�ionnl wnters nnd/or �vetlanAs �acre nssessed �vithin the revie�s area and determined to be no�jurisdictionnl. Gxpinin: � 6o�es checAed belo��� shall he supported by cmnpleting �he apprupriate seelions in Section III below. � For purposes ol'this fomi, an RPN is defined as n Iributap' Ihnl is no[ n"I �\V nnd Ihnt Ippically ilo��� �earvround or has conliuuous tlo�c nt lensl'sensonally'� (e.g., I��picallY 3 monlhs). ' Supportine documenlaliou is presanted in Seclion III.�. s�c rio� i�i: cw,a ��n�n�vs�s A. TN�1's ANU R'ETLANDS ADJACCNT l'O TN«'s The ngencies will nssert jurisdiction over'fYR's and wetlnnds ndjncent to TN�Vs. I(Ihe ;iquatic resource is n TN\V, rompletc Section III.A.1 nud Secfion III.D.I, only; if ihe nquntic resom�ce is a weUand adjncent to n TN�V, complete Seclions III.AJ end 2 nnd Section III.D.I.; other���ise, scc Section ]ILB below. 1. T\R' Identit}� "I1i'�14 s. Summarize rn�ionide supporting d�tenninn�ion: 2, R'etland ndjnccnt to TN\1' Sumnmrize rntion�le supporting conclusion �hnt �vetlnnd is "a<Ijacent': B. CIIARAC'I'ERISTICS OP' TRII3UTARY (CHAT IS NOT A T\1V) AND ITS ADJACI:N'I' R'E'fLANUS QF ANl'): This section summnrizes inPormation regordiug chm�ncteristics of the tributary and its adjacent wellands, if nny, nnd it helps determine ���hcthcr or not the stond�rds Por jm�isdiction established under Rnpnuos hnve been met. The agencies �rill asserl jw�isdicfion orer non-uavignblc h�ibutnrics of TN\1's where the iributaries nre "relntively permnnent �roters" (RPA1's), i.e. tributaries that h�picnllp Oo�r year-round or hare mntinuous Ilow nt lenst sensonnlly (c.g., h•picnlly 3 monfhs). A wetland that directly nbuts mi RP1V is also jurisdictionnl. lf the nquntic resource is not n'1'M\', but has ye�r-row�d (perennial) Ilow, skip to Section [II.D.2. I( the nquatic resource is n weflmid directly' nbutting a[ributory a�iH� perenninl Ilow, sl<ip to Section III.DA. A wetlnnd Hiat is adjarent to buf Ihnt does not directly nbid nn RPA�' requires n significant nexus eraluation. Cm�ps disiricfs nnA EPA regimis will include iu the record aiq� nvnilnble information that documents the e�istence of n significnnt necus bchveen a rel:itively permnnent tributar}� th�t is nol perenninl (nnd its adjacent wetlnnds iPnuy) and n lrnditionnl nnvignble wnter, even though n signifirint ne�us finding is not required ns a mniter oPlnw. If ihe o�nferbodi' is no[ an RPR', m� n wcUnnd direcHy abutting nn 2P�V, n JD will rcquire ndditionnl dntn fo determine if t6e wnterbody has a significant ne�us witli n TNR'. If the lributm�y hns ndjncent wetlnnds, the significant nezus eraluation must consider the tributnry in combination �rith all oPits ndjncent �reflnnds. "t'his significnnt ne�us evnluntion thnt cambines, for nnalyticnl pw�poses, the tribu[:u�y nnd nll of its ndjacent wetlonds is used whether the reriew nren identified in the JD request is tlic tributary, or its ndjacenl wetlnnds, a� both. If ihe JD covers n tributnry witl� adjacent wetlands, complete Seetion III.f3.l for the tributnry, Section III.f3.2 fm� an}� onsite �retlnnds, and Section III.l3.3 fm� all �veHnuds ndjncent to thnt fributnry, both onsite nnd o(Psite. "I'he determinntion �shetlier n significant nexus esists is defrrmined in Section IILC below. l. Chnrncteristics of non-TNV1's that ilow directly or indirectly into'I'NVA' (i) Genernl Area ConAitions: \Vamrshcd sizr. Pick List Drain�ec aren: I'ick List Avernge annuul rainl'all: inches Averaee annual snowfall: inches (ii) Pliysicnl Characteristics: (n) Relationship �vith TNlA4 ❑ Tributary tlo�vs directly in�o TVAP. ❑ Tributnn� Flo�cs Ihrough Piek List tributnries before en�ering TNIV. Prolzct �caterrs are Piele List river miles Gom T'NN. Project ���aters are Pick I,ist river miles (rom RPN. Projeet �ca�ers nre Picic List aerial (str�ight) miles from'INVV. Prol�c� waters nre Picic List aerial (s�rnight) miles from KPIV. Prqject ���uters cross or sen�e ns s[�le boundaries. Esplain: Idcntitp tlo�r rou�e to'PN\V`: Tribulary strcnm orAer, if kno���n: ' Note thnl thc Instructianal Guideboak conlains adJitionnl informn[ion rcgarding s�mles, ditdies. ���ashes, vid eeosionnl fentures eenemllp nnd in lhe arid R'cst. ' Flow route enn be dese�ibed by iAenti(ping e.g-. IribWnp� a, o�hich Oo�cs lhmugh Ihe revie�c ama, tn Ilo�v into 1�ibutnry b. �chich tlren Flo�cs into TNN. (b) General Tributarv Characteristics (elieck nll thnt appl� Tributnry is: ❑ Nn�ural ❑ Artit'icinl (mnn-mnde). 6xplain: ❑ Manipulated (mun-iiltered). E�pinin: 'I'ributm�r proper�ies �cith respecf lo lop of6ank (estimate): Average �vidth: feet Averige depth: leet Averaee side slopes: Pick List. Prinmry tribumq� subsva�c composition (check nll that applp): ❑ Silts ❑ Sands ❑ Concrotc ❑ Cobbles ❑ Gravel ❑ Muck ❑ I3edrock ❑ Vegetation. Type/%cover: ❑ Other. Explain: . Tributan� condition/stnbilit}� [c.g.. highly eroding. sloughine bnnks]. Gsplain: Prescnec of run/ritile/pool comple.�es. Explain: . Tributary geomctn�: Pick List "fributarv eradient (upprosimate average slope): % (c) Clo�v: TribWary proriAcs for: Pick List Fstimale a��erage number of (lo�v events in revie�v azea/year: Picle List Describe Ilo�v reoime: . Othcr infonnntion on durntion and volume: . Surface ilo�v is Pirk List Cimractcris�ics: Subsurf�ce flo�c: Pick List Expluin llndings: ❑ Dye (or other) test perl'omied: . "I'ributnry h�s (check nll thnt apply): ❑ Bed and banks ❑ OHIVbI� (chcck nll indicntors thnt apply): ❑ cicnr, nntural linz impresred on tlie bnnk ❑ changes in ihe character ol soil ❑ shch�ine ❑ vegeta�ion nuitte� do�vn. 6enl, or absen� ❑ leuf litter distur6ed or �vashed away ❑ sediment deposi�ion ❑ «�aters�nining ❑ other (list): ❑ Discontinuous OI I1VAd.' Esplain: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ the presence of litter nnd debris destruction of terrzstri�il vegetation thc prescncc of�vmck line sedimenl sorting scour mul�iple obsen�ed or predicted flo�v events nbnipt chan�e in plant coinmunip• IC factorss otlier than the OHVVA4 were used �o determine Imeral estent oCCIVA jurisdiction (check nll that npply): ❑ Hieh Tide Line indica�cd bp: ❑ bLean Hieh Water M�rk indicated by: ❑ oil or scum linc nlone shorz objects ❑ survc}' ro nvnil�blc datum; ❑ fine shell or debris deposits (foreshore) ❑ physical markings; ❑ physical markines/charac�cristics ❑ vegetation lines/changes in regetation types. ❑ tidal gauges ❑ othcr(list): (iii) Chemicnl Ch�rncteristics: Characterize tribulan� (e.g.. water color is elear, discolored, oily Illm: �vater qualiq�: general �vutershed chnrncteristics, ete.). Cxplain: Identifi� spccitic pollutmi�s, if kno�cn: . r,A nntural or man-made Aiscontinui[y in 1hz OFI\V�I Aoes no� nece+sarily serer I��risdiction (e.g.. �chere tlie s�rznm lempororilv �o�cs undereround. or where Ihe OHNhI h;ic boen reinoved bq derelopment or agricullural practices). Nhe�z tlrem is n break in the OHR'\�I �hnt is unrela�ed l01he �ca�erbodp's Flo�c rzgimc (ee., Oo�c orer u rock oulerop or throu�h n culvert), �he nezncizs will look Coe indicAlor of Ilo�v a6ovz and 6clo�c tlic break. Ibid. (iv) Biological Characferistics. Ch�nnel supporfs (checl< nll ihnt apply): ❑ Ripnrinn corridor. Charac�eristics (type, avemge �cidth): . ❑ AVeUtmd Ginge. Characteristics: . ❑ I labi�n� for: ❑ Federalip Lisled species. Gspinin tindings: . ❑ Fisli/spa�rn arcas. Gxpinin findings: . ❑ Othcr cm�ironincn�nll}�-sensitive species. Explain findings: ❑ Aquatichvildlitc diccrsiq�. Fapluin findings: . 2. Chnracferisfics of wetlands ndjncent to non-TN\1'thnt �ow directly or indirectl}� into TN\1' (i) Physical Chnracteristics: (a) General A1'etland Chacacteris�ics: Propertics: lVetlnnd size: ncres lVc�l�nd q�pc. B�plain: . lVeUnnd qualily. F.splain: . Prqlect �ceUands cross or sen�e as state boundarics. Bxplain: (b) General Flo�c 2elationshiu ��'ilh I�on= INVV: �lo�s is: Picic I.ist F;xpinin: . Surface Flo�v is: Pick List Clmracreristics: Subsurface Flo�c: Pick List Esplain Ondines: ❑ Dye (or othcr) tcst performcd: . (c) lA'cdand Adjncencr Determinetion �vith Non-7T'lV: ❑ Directlq abuttine ❑ No� dircctly nbutting ❑ Disere�e �cetlnnd hydrologic connection. Esplain: ❑ F.mlogical connection. P,�plain: . ❑ Sepamted by berm/bnrricr. I;spinin: . (d) Pro�imih' (Relationshiul �o'IT'lV Project o�etlands nrc Pick List rivcr miles from TN\Y. Projcct �cnters nre Picl< List ueriul (s�ruight) miles Gom TNIV. Flo�c is Gom: Picic List. Estinmte approximate loention of �cetlnnd as �cithin ihe Piel: List IlooJplein. (ii) Chemical Characteristics: Chameterize �cetland system (eg., �cater eolor is clear. brnn�n. oil tihn on sur(ncz; wnter qualih�: geoeml �catershed chnrnctcristics: etc.). h:splain: . IdcNity spccific pollWnn(s. if kno�cn: . (iii) Biologicnl Chnrncteristics. �\'eHand suppm�ts (checl<oll that apply): ❑ Ripnrian buffer. Characteristics (q•pe, average �vid�h): . ❑ Vege�ntion t}'pe/percent cover. Esplain: . ❑ Habitat for: ❑ Pederally Lis[ed specics. f;�pinin findings: . ❑ Pish/sp��vn areas-. E�plain findin�s: . ❑ Othcr environmentally-sensi�ive species. E�plain lindings: ❑ Aquatichcildlife di��ersity. Explain tindines: . 3. Chnrnctcristics of oll �reHsnds ndjncent to the tributnry (if nnp) All �cetlnnd(s) beine considered in the ewnulati��e analysis: Piel< List Approsimalely ( ) acres in toml are beino considcred in thc cumulntivc analysis. For each �seUand, specity tl�c follo�cine: Dirce�h� abuts'? (1'M) Size (in acres) Directh� nbWS? (Y/A') Size (in neresl Summarize overall biobeical. eheinict�l und physicul fiincliuns being perfnrmed: . C. SICNI�ICA�T NE�US DETERD[IYATION A signifieant ne�us annlysis will nssess the flow characteristics aud fimetions of the tributnry i1selPnnd ihe f�mctions perParmed by nny wetlnnds ndjncen� to the tributary to determine if they significnntly n(fect the chemicnl, phpsicnl, nnd biologicnl integrity of a TN\V. �or ench of the followin� situations, a significaut necus esisis iPtlie iributary, in combinntion wilh nll of its ndjncent wellnnds, hns mare Ihmi n speculative m� insubstantinl effect on the chemicnl, physicnl nnd/or biobgicnl integrih� of n'I'N�1'. Considerntions �r�l�en evalus�ing significant ne�us include, but are uot limited to the volume, durotion, and frequene�� of Nie Ilo�r� of water in the tributary nnd its pro�imity to n'll\'\V, and the Pimctim�s perfm�iued by the iributnry and nll ifs ndjacent wetlands. It is not approprinte to determine signi(icant necus bnsed solel�� mi :ury� speeifie tlu�eshold oPdisinnce (e.g. bet�reen n tributnry nnd its ndjncenf wefinnd or hehveen a tribulnry nnd ihe TNW). Similnrly, ihe Pnct nn ndjncent wetlnnd lies within or outsidc of n iloodpinin is not solely determinntive of siguificnnt nexus. Draw connections behreen the fendurs documenfed and the effects on the TM\', as identified in H�e Rrq�onos Cuidnnce aud discussed in We Insirucfionnl Guideboolc. �actors to consider iuchide, for esnmple: • Does �he tributan•. in combinntion �vith its ndl�eent �ceUands (if any). have (he cupacitr to carn� pollutan�s or Ilood �catere to 1lT\1's, or to reduce Oie mnount o1 pollWnnts or Flood o-ater, reaching a�I1T11'? • Docs �he tributnq�. in combination �rith its adaeem �cctlnnAs (if nny). provide hnbitnt and lifecycle support timc�ions for f sh amd o�her specics. such �s feeding. nestine, spmening. or renring young for species that nre present in �he TNVV? • Does the Iributan�. in eombinntion ��ilh i�s adacent ��rtlmids (ifany), ha��c tlie eapncity to trnnsfer nutrien�s nnd orgnnic enrbon thnt support don�ns�ream f'ood���ebs? • Does the tributan�. iu combinnlion �sith its u�l<«ent wetlands (if any). hare o�her relationships to �he physical, chemiwl, or biologicnl intzgrity of the'I N\V'? Note: the nbove list of considerntions is no[ inclusire �ind other fuucfimis observed m� knoo�n �o occw� sliould bc documented bclow: L Significnnt ne�us findiugs fm� non-RP\V that has no adjacent wetlands nnd flows direclly m� indirectly into TN�Vs. [;xpinin f ndines of prescncc or nbsence of significnnt nexiu bclo�c, bascd on tho �ributan° i�sclt. Ihcn go ro Sce�ion III.D: . 2. Significmit nesus findings (or non-ILPR' and ifs ndjncent wetlnnds, �vhere �he nmi-RP�V �o�cs directly m� indirectly into TNVVs. Bspinin findings of pres-ence or absence of sienifiennt nesus belo�v. based on the �ributaq� in combinntion ��•ith nll of its adjnccnt �vctlnnds, then go Io Section III.D: . 3. Significant uecus findings for wetlands adjacent to �n RP�1' but Uint do not directly nbut the RPR'. Gsplain findings of presznce or nbsei�ce ofsignifican� nesus belo���, based on the tributnq� in combinntion �vi�h all of ils a�jacenl �cetlands-. then go m Scc�ion IILD: . D. DET�R\IINA7'IOYS O� JURISDICTIONAL f INDI�GS.'PHE SUBJECT \\'ATE2SAVETLANDS ARC (CHECI{ ALL THA"P APPLI'): L TA'�Ps nnd Adjncent R'e�lnnds. Check all that apply and provide size estima�es in rcvia�c arcn: ❑ 7iJ\Vs: linenr feet �cidth (Li), Oc ncres. ❑ \Ve[Innds nAjacent to �fN\Vs: acres. 2. RP�Vs ihnt Ilow dirccfly or indirectly into TY\Vs. � Tributnries ot "I�NVVs �chere trihwaries typically Ilow ycnr-round are jurisAictionnl. Provide dnta� nnd rntionnle indict�ting that tributnq� is perennial: Nurih Prong Creek has a dctincd bed �nd bnnks �vith no vcgetntionnnd is sho�cn on the USGS map. ❑�I'ributeries of"fN1l' o�here tributarics hnec continuous Flo�c`seusnnalk' (e.g.. lypically three muntlis each year) are jurisdic�ional. Data supportine �his condusion is provided at Section III.B. Pmride rationale inAica�iug that tributaq� Flo�es scasonalle: . ProriAc estiinntes forjurisdictionnl �cnters in �hc rerie�v area (check all tha� npply): �"fribulary a'nter: 200 linenr fcet 13 wiAth (ft). ❑ Olher non-��'etland �vaters: ttcres. Ideotify type(s) of�cnters: . 3. Non-RPAVss thnt tlo�v directly or indirectly into TN�Vs. ❑ R'aterbud�� tha� is not a TN1V or an I2P1V, but Ilo�rs direcU�� or indircctly inlo n'[NVA', and it has f� sienificnnt nc�us ���ith n "I'VAA' isjurisdie�ional. Data suppoding tliis condusion is provided nt Section IILC. Proride estimates TorjurisAictional ���aters wi�hin thc re��iew area (check all that �pply): ❑ "I'ributnrr �vntcrs: lincar tcct �cidth (ft). ❑ O�her non-�cetland �ca�ers: acres. Iden�ifi� t}�pe(s) of �calers: . d. R'cUnnds directly nbutting nu RPA1'thnt ilow directly or indirectly into TNVA's. ❑V1'etlnnds directly nbu� RPAV nnd thus are jurisdictionnl ns adjacent ���etlands. ❑ Nc�lands dircetlp nbW�ing an RPA1' �chcrc tributaries typicallq Ilo��� yeao-round. Provide d�ta and rationale intiicnting (hnt tribut�ry is perenninl in Sec�ion III.D:?. above. Pro��ide rationale inJicatine �hnt ��etl�nd is directly abuttine an RP1V: . ❑\Vc�lnnds directly abuuing an RPVA' �shere tributaries q-pictdly Flo�c.seasonnlly.'� Provide data indicuting �hal tribWan� is seasonal in Section III.I3 nnd rotionnle in Sec�ion [II.D.2. abo��e. Provide ra�ionale indicnting tha� �vctland is directly abuttine an RP\V: . Provide acrenge es�ima�es lor jurisdictional a�etlands in the revie�c area: acres. 5. AYetlandsadjncent to buf iwt directip nbutting nn RPVV thnt ilow directly m� indireetly into "CNVA's. ❑VA'etlnnAs thnt do not direc�ly abut an RPAV. but ���hen considered in combination �cith the tribumq� to which ihe�� are adjacen� and o�itli similarly situnted ucljncent ���etlands, have a signif ennt ne�us �cith a TNVA' arejurisidictionnl. Dnta suppoitinfl �his conclusion is prorided at Section I7LC. Nrovide acrcaee zstimates tbr I��risdictionnl �cetlnnds in Ihe revic�c arca: acres. G. \Vetlnnds ndjncent to non-RPR's ti�at (low direclly m� indirecHy into'PN\\'s. ❑ Wetlmids adjacent to such �ca�ers. mid hare �chen considered in combinntion �cith tlie tributary to �chich Ihey nre ndlncent nnd �vith similnrly si�untcd nAjnccn� �actlands. havc n significnn� nexus �ciih a TNVV ere lurisdictionnl. Dala supporiing this conclusiun is provided at Seclion III.C. Providc cstiinntes lorjurisdictional �re�lands iu Ihe rcaie��� area acres. 7. Impoundments ofjw�isdielionnl wnters.' As n sencral rulc �hc impoundmcnt of n I�irisdictionnl Iribufnrv rcmainsjurisdictional. ❑ Demonstmle Lha� impoundment �vas crea�ed from "�et�(ers of thc U.S..° or ❑ Demonstra�e iha� ���uter ineels Ihe criterin for one of the cntegories presented above ( I-6), or ❑ Demonstrnte that �rater is isolated ���ith a ne�us �o conmierce (see k�' belo�e). E. ISOLATED �INTERSTATC OR INT[iA-STATC� AVATERS, IYCLUDING ISOLATED �VCTI.AYDS, THE USE, DBGRADATION OR DESTRUCTIOY OP VVHICfI COULD APFECT ]NTERS7'tYl'E CODIAICRCC, IIYCLUDING ANY SUCH �VATERS (CHGCI<.1LL "I'HAT APPLI'):10 ❑�rhich are or could bt ustd by interstnte or foreien �nivtlers for recrentionnl or o�her purposes. ❑ Fmm �chich fish or shellfish are or could be �nken und sold in intertate or forcign commerce. ❑�rhich are or eould be used for indus�rial purposes b�� industries in intersta�z commerce. ❑ Inters�nte isolnted ���ntcrs. Cxplain: . ❑ Olher faclors. F.spl,iin: . [dentify u•ater body nnd summorize rationale supporting determinntion: "Sez Foo�no�c d 3_ '�I�o complz�z Ihe nnal��sis ezfer m the key in Sec�ion III.D.6 of Ihc Inslruc�ioual Ciuidcbook. "' Prior lo asserling or decliuin�, CR'A jurisdiclion basrd sulelr m� this cnic�!m�p, Co�ps Dislric�s �cill clrc:Ve tlie aclian lo Corps:md EPA HQ for rerie�c consislenf �citli the proeess describrd in Ihe Cm�pcqiPA Ateinorvrndmu Reg�vdi� ; CI(:I Ac! Jurisdiclinn Follorvi�w Rnpmms. Provide estimates for I���isdictional �st�ters in Ihe rcvie�c area (check all tliut npplv): ❑ Tribwan' ��°nters: linem� 1'eel ��-id�h (li). ❑ Other non-�retland �vn�crs: acas. Iclen�ih� type(s) of �nrters: . ❑ \4etlands: acres. NON-JURISDICTIO\4\L �VATCRS, INCLUDI\G �VCTLANUS (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ II potentinl �cetlnnds ���ere assessed �cifhin the rerie�c aren, thcse arens did not meet �he critcria in ihe 1957 Coq�s of F,ngincers \Vctland Delineation btmival and/or approprintc Re�ional Supplcments. ❑ Recie�v nma inclucled isoln�ed ���aters �ci�h no subs�nntial nesus to iNers�ate (or fomign) commeme. ❑ Prior to Ihe Jan 2001 Supreme Couri �ecisiun in "SIi�IA'CC," �hc revia�c aren v°ould have been regulaled bnsed solelt un the "��ligrn�orp Bird Rule� (\46R). ❑ lYa�ers do not meet �he "Significant Nesus" st.mdard. ��here such a findine is required forjurisdiction. Bsplain: . ❑ O�her. (explain, if not covered abore): . ProriAe acreaee estimntcs for non-jurisdiclionnl �vntcrs in �he revie�v area, �chere thc sole pnten�inl basis of jurisdiction is �he ti16R factorrs (i.e., prescnce of migmtoq� birds, piesence of enAnngered species. use of�va�er for irrigated ngricullure), using best professional judgmenl (eheck nll that apply): ❑ 1�'on-���etland �criters (i.c, rivers. streams): linear fez� ���idtli (R). ❑ Lakcs/ponds: acres. ❑ Olhzr non-���etland �cuters: acres. List type of nquatic resourcr. . ❑ \\'etlands: acres. Provide acrcaee estimales for non-jurisdiclionnl �vn�cr in the revie�v arca Oiat do no� meet �he "Sienillcant Ae�us' simidard �vhcre sucli a finding is requi�ed torjurisdic�ion (eheck all Ihutnppl��): ❑ Non-���etland �snters (i.c., rivers. strenms): linear feet. u�id�h (ft). ❑ Lakes/ponds: acres. ❑ Olher non-���etland wu�ers: acres. List type of aquatic resource: . ❑ VVetlands: acres. SECTION IY: DATA SOURCCS. A. SUPPOR'PING DATA. llatn reviewed fm� JD (checl: nll thnt npply - checked items shnll 6e included in case file nnd. �rhere checked nnd aqucsted. approprin�d�� re@rence sources bdo���): - � �4nps. plmis. plo�s or pint submitted br or on bchnlf o(Oie applicanVconsuhent: . ❑ Dntn shects prepared/submitted by or on hehalf of the applicant/cmisultant. ❑ Olfice concurs �vith daia shee�s/dclineation repoit. ❑ Othee does- not coneur ���ith da�a sheetvdelinca�ion report. ❑ Daia shee�s propared by the Corps: . ❑ Cor�>s nsicignble ���atzrs' s�udy: . ❑ U.S. Gcologicnl Sun�cy Hydrologic A�I�s: . ❑ USGS NHD data. ❑ USGS 8 nnd L2 dieit I IUC mnps. � U.S. Geulogicnl Sun�ey map(s). Citc scale R yuad n�me: L2dk Pisgnh �orest. ❑ USDA Nawral Resourees Consen�ntion Scn�ice Soil Survey. Citation: . ❑ Nntionnl �cetlands incentoq� mnp(s). Cile nnmr. . ❑ State/Local �cetlm�d inventorr in�p(s): . ❑ FEMNFIRM maps: . ❑ 100-year Floodpinin Glevation is-: (National Geodectic VeRical Dntum ot I929) � Photoernphs: ❑ Aerial (n'mne C Dute): . or � Other (A'ame & Date):S�renm Site Scoping \deeling July 3I, 2013. ❑ Prerious detcnninution(s). Filc no. and date of responsc letter: . ❑ Appficable/suppor[in,casela�c: . ❑ Applicnble/supporting scicnli�lc literature: . ❑ Oiher informa�ion (please specit}�): . 6. ADDITIOYAL CO\I�iCNTS TO SUPPORT JD: ,� �-�t� ,� ' �+, � ; Pioj�.f "Pra�kir+gNo. (fnfeinnl U.re� 13-08-0056 HISTORIC ARCHITGCTURE AND LANDSCAP�S NO SURVCY I2�QUII2ED FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architectw�e and Landscapes for this p�roject. [t is not valid for Archaeological Resowces. You must consult separately with the Arcliaeology Group. PROJ�CT INFORMATION ProjectNo: N/A Corrnty�: Transylvania iVI3S No.: 17BP.14.R.120 Dacnsient MCC Type: FerL Aid No: N/A Fu�t�ling: � State ❑ Pederal Te�(ernl � Yes ❑ No Periitil NWP 14, 401 Ceit, TVA Pertnit s : Type(s : Proiect Desci•iuJiou: Replace Bridgc No. 870163 over N. Prong Glad Creek on SR 1509 (Cox Road). SUMMARY OT HISTORIC ARCHIT�CTUR� AND LANDSCAP�S 12�VI�W Review of HPO quad maps, HPO GIS information, historic designntions roster, and iudexes was undertaken on August 29, 2013. B�sed on this review, there �re no existing NR, SL, LD, llE, or SS properties in tl�e Area of Potential �ffects, WI11CI1 IS %S' from the centerline each way and 300' from each end of the bridge. There are sevei.�I one-story homes within the APE aud vicinity of the bridge. Transylv�nia GIS/7'ax information indicltes thnt the houses were built from the 1970s to the 1990s. 7'I�ere is one property over fifty years of age within the APE, 30 Pearl Drive (built 1951). The one story frame house is unremnrkable and not eligible for National Register listing. Bridge No. 163, a timber bridge built 1956, is not eligible for NR listing. Tl�ere are no Na[ional Rcgister listed or eligible properties within d�e AYL and no survcy is required. If design plaus chnnge, �dditional review will be reqiiired. YV/tv !/te nvnilnble iilfa�u�ntion urovirJes n re/iab(e bnsis far rensa�nblv ureilic/iup 1Gnt ll�ere are �io ,,,,,,�e,,,,re�r SrQ„rr��,tr i�;sror;� nrcLiteclr�rnl or lnndscnUe resaurces iit 1Ge prolect aren: HPO quad maps and G[S information recording NR, SL, LD, DE, nnd SS properties for �he Trausylvania County survey, Transylvania County GIS/f�s Infom�ation, and Google Maps are considered valid for �he purposes of determining Ihe likelihood of hislm�ic resources beu�g present. Therc are no Natioual Register listed or eligible urouerties within �he APE and no survey is required. SUPPORT DOCUM�NTATION �Map(s) ❑Previous Survey L�fo. ❑Photos ❑Correspondeuce ❑Design Plans FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHIT�CTURAL HISTORIAN Historic Architecture and Landscapes -- NO SURVEY REQUIRED NCDOT Architectural Historiau llate H/vmic Ard�ifet/uie nnAlanAseapes A'O SU/1Vfi YRGQU/R/iU/orni for Sflnor 7Ynnspnmliau Prajrots nc QunbfirJ in tlre 7007 Rogmunnnlle Agreemenl. P�ge 1 of 3 �� �' Q C� G •C U � , M <O � .0 , � > N C' � I"' O N < � V d m ti ', r, �? �,,, G � ��� � .KRd , � > 6 �. �n� n,y � e y ' v,rq 'r .H. ,`, � � ,'_ � . �; �cy�i,y��l rti��q � �� � � -s�� ti �. � �� ��i,�,�.� � ,, 6 ,. 1�,AO �,a � �'? "' � o. � .' :� �) �/`/' (4 � Il���aN �y) i\" K�nvi.n ,:, ,,,�. J �i '9n q ��A f.;PNi �1ep {,1 u11 uaVlol! '• �i � u •r, � Q° k I �� n. r � �.t � �A I li�'�) i ��. ,� nr�. � 1'r. °' �S �� �,. <�� rr�t' � S ��''lll�vi�1 (�� r. > O r � Lf c 0 k e� r a x ��i`,', PL clan�fl � n, .� t: .T W J h � iYl ca <1 ,� f�F� � ti �h i� `r;� � �c � �� c>j� I{ � ���� � �� t���� � � I�ll � �� e '��.� A I " � , � , e �,��:.; , � �.t � iaf �:'�,��' <.': �fi }� x r '.' ���,� s•� � / � ` '���*' �►.... �� �j�j� � ♦ �• r 4f W �r `5' . t:r__ . w�e-'. -1M1.� � �� A. , f . � .F7 ZF � i� i ., �i � ir ' h � � ./� � Y � �°rn , �. .� � � S� ♦ '��p-.,.. -'+��< `. .`.: ` � ! . �r f . �.. e . , �'o: � i yar°;h'k.e�,,, � ! . . '�"'4S � . � A � 1 . ;f� '� �� q _ T '� � . � �.' t � . � �� ; 5 i� . i. �x�y � y� � . �� �� � � ,' 'W � ��. � '�'�li xt� }1 yc � . a �. � � � �' �'•.� td Z ' � �- *�- . ` t a • � ��, +� �.t � {�� .Z.� c . '�.� �r i�31'�: .3i 4 ��. ��� �_ /�v.. . �`-� ���1'l�.f ��1.�,.v'17Z. !'� . � . $���, � ° � � � x . ; �!�°r, ' , �'rs'_�ih� _ � � � f? � , �t Z � �� fF . j �� ` o_ , ;��,� ��: �r u � � A r � , k l.e t l��;l �% \�i '? �X n . � r � '�'r k�:�-. 'M i �� � � �� � `� ,.4 � � .�y � �_ .r �t �. � � 1,� ` �� , '. � * } � ,�: , �i . . , x � � ; .. .�� ♦'.....�y� . �4�7[, !;1 9� i �e tp;� 1 �' � . �: ie �f� ' �' ' �',' • ° s � 4 �r , r. ;r� �� ..:y.n�; �t��. . 1 s . . . :� 1 p ��� tE F4 ' �i .v�. :' � A � 5 �! _ � ' .� . �. �YA�s��. nro., .. , i►' t� h R � � � . i !�. [`�f � V i 1 / IJ`yF-- , i �. � -,��,�:j. / � ,�,.. ? N t 30 Penrl llrivc, 1'J51, not cligiblc. Hiqo�io iLd�iltchnt m�d /.nnd�mpn h'O 5UR19i Y RFQU/!!/iOJuiu�/orAfiimr 7nu�rporinlion Yral�'�IS n� Qun(ileAin IGe 1007 Progrnrmm�lic Agr: enirnl. Page 3 of 3 13-08-0056 � iy��� NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED I'ORM ,�i3<.��\ u���� �.�,;j This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for tl�is project. II is not f7 ��= I�i ool ; o,o p��� valid for Hisloric Archilecturc and L�udscapes. You must considt separalely wilh �he .��;� :'A� '� �. �?.C4�j Hisloric Architeclure nnd Lnndseapes Group. `��F:(j� PROd�CT 1NRORMATION P�•ojecr No: Bridge l63 YVDS Na: 17BP.14.R.120 Com�ty.. Daan»ent: TPAtISY�VflI11A MCS F.�. No.• n/a Pm�ding: � S�ate ❑ Pederal I%erlern! Permrt Req��ii•erl? � Yes ❑ No Per�nit Type: NWP14 — 401Ccrt - TVA P�•oject Descri�lion: T/ris project proposes m repince Bridge No. 163, ivhich cnrries SRI509 (Cox Rd) aver NorNr Pvang Glade Cree/r iu Trnn.sylvanin Co�inty, No�•Nt Crtrolinn. Accorrli�ig tn !he envii•o�uuentnl iupul rer�rrest, the rrnder/nking iievolves d�e i�i Nlnce rep/ncement of Nie sl�uc(nre n(ong !he exislL�g r�lrgnmenl, diereGy �i�i�iin�iz���g polen(inl srrrfece nud suGsnrfnce dislrrrGnnces nt lhis locnlion. An off-sile demrn� ronle is �uNici��nlerl. Tl�e «rchneologicrd Arem of Polentinl Lffecfs (APL') is centere�/ rrpan Bridge 163 nnr! �nensur•es 600ft in /engUi (300ft fi•oni ersch Grirlge e�iA�oi�el) n�rd I SOft in ividlh (75ft fi�ou� ench side af llre SRI509 ce�der-line). SUMMARY OI' CULTURAL R�SOURC�S REVICW Brief Aescription of revieiv nctivitice, resrrUs ofrevie�v, nnrl co�iclusious: The project area is located in the east-central por[ion of Transylvania, north of Brevard within the small Pisgah Forest community. North Prong Glade Geek, included within the French Broad River Drainage Basin, consti[utes a first order sVeam (lowing north to south through the p�oject area. It empties into Glade Creek a shor[ distance away, which in turn empties into the French Broad River roughly a mile southeast of the project location. This section of Transylvania is characterized by excellent drainage and large, level iloodplain expanses surrounded by hilly terrein. The APE consists largely o( disturbed/altered areas bordered by 30% to 50% sloping ground surFaces. A map review and site file search was conducted at the Offce of State Archaeology (OSA) on Thursday, August 29, 2013. At least twent-five (25) archaeological sites have been documented �vithin a one mile radius of the current APE. The majority of these resources are located in (loodplain topographic contexts associated with the Davidson and French Broad Rivers to the north and wesL Late Archaic lithic artifacts and prehistoric ceramic sherds demonstrative of Woodland stage temporal/cultural occupations characterize the site assemblages at most of these resources. Predicated on the high density of archaeologital sites in the immediate vicinity, the Bridge No. 163 APE allows a prominent potential for documenting similar prehistoric site components in non-disturbed subsurface contexts. An inspection o( National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), S[ate Study listed (SL), Locally Designated (LD), Determined Eligible (DE�, and Surveyed Site (55) properties employing resources available on the NCSHPO website concluded that none of the above designated properry types were located within or adjacent to the project area. This review did illustrate lhe location of numerous surveyed site properties and two study-listed properties, to the east/southeast, suggesting a long and enduring historic presence here. Historic maps of Transylvania Cowity and the APE were appraised for evidence oF fonner structure locations, land use pattems, or other confinnation of historic occupation at this locale and archaeological/historical reference materials were inspected as well. In general, the historical review established an absence of NftHP listed proper[ies, archaeological sites, or cemeteries within the APE, but determined the project study area contains an amplified potential for the documentation of such. "No dRG/A£OLOGYSURV4Y REQUIREU"f mi Jor ldinor' T nnspamliou Piojratr nv Qunlified in IGe 1007 Progiamxrnlic Agnemenl. I of 2 In addition, [opographic, geologic, environmental, and NRCS soil survey maps (Tn, TaF) were referenced to evaluate ecological, geomorphological, hydrological, pedeological and other elements that may have residted in pas[ oaupation a[ this location. Construction design data was examined for determining the potentlal impacts to the APE ground surfaces, and aerial photographs (NCDOT Spa[ial Data Viewer) and the Google Street View map application (when amenable) were examined/utilized for gaining a vir[ual, first-hand perspec[ive of the overall study area and For assessing disturbances, both natural and human induced, which compromise the integrity of archaeological sites/deposits. BrrefE��l�o�ntio�i of rvliy I/ie nvailnble rnfornenlion provides rs relinble Gnsis far renso�reb/y predicling !hn! lhere r�re rin unir/e�itrfred his(oric properlies in !he f1PL: The project APE contains no NRHP listed his[oric properties, previously documen[ed archaeological si[es, or cemeteries. According to topographic mapping, aerial imagery, and the Google Street View map applica[ion, the APE encompasses a T-junction of two roads. As a result, the eastern quadrants consis[ wholly of impacted roadway blacktop bordered by 30% to 50% hillside slope. The western quadrants are distinguished by landscape alteration and home consVuction. In particular, the southwestem quadrant exhibits a deeply channelized ditch-line induding tons of rip-rap stone/boulders. Despite the abundance of documented prehistoric activity in the general vicinity, the pro(use impacts desuibed above would have irradicated any intact archaeological deposits in the APE. Since the bridge replacement is diminutive in scope, state-funded, and proposes no alteration of undisturbed ground areas beyond the existing ditch-lines, meaning(ul archaeological sitesJdeposits are unlikely to be af/ected by the proJect. No (urther archaeological input or work will be necessary for this NCDOT Division 14 bridge replacement project. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See att�ched: � M�p(s) � Previous Survey Info � Photos ❑Correspondence ❑ Photocopy of County Survey Notes Other. TINDING BY NCDOT ARCHA�OI.OGIS'P ' IJO ARCIIAGOLOGY SURVCY RCQU/RCD, � �-._., _-. "No dRCHAFOLOGYSURVEY HEQUIXGD"jam fm' bfiimr isansporinlim� N oJertr ns Q�mlifiMW IAr700] Progrnnminli<Agr. enrn�l. 2 of 2 �� �i a N � Y C � C�i � � C � � � C I`0 F-� O N r � � n/�/:� W n � r,L��y � � '��Y �' yli�l �,15 Co ri> �5/ �i y, . %ll e � 3. n `�//� ]. � "Y' ��t� �c'yA � N�li;� p�' z � �irp�.,. ,! J�.�ftG `�J � ��1 : y � !j :� :) p o/.�,� � L�nuaN �'v� �_. µJNIn ,., -.,�. .��.� ;,� �in cr�'o: �� rlr'}1 P7l IIJVI'1If Y3 � .� u �4 �I � V ��. P���{ (:,!� 0 i- ` ( ��: I�L Y, / t�� 4� 1 S i�, (�i�. � � ' 4+b y 6i � p � t' � j. t y "en11�uO .i ti � � O � � � r ,s� 1l „ � r �� �. ,; ,��� Vll clail) � n�, f; ii h Y i�� �, c�� :� � G �1 N � f� � `� �c �� r t� `I Z � � ���� ,{qv � tl� �,��� � I � � Pll. � V � � 1� I .. � i � � ��1 � � �j �� ,}�� 9: / ( � . � ,�'�j i q, �/AJ'//l � . 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T (I-r-- �•; i �.,±rY i; iI�E�,�ti+ y ;,��� --'. � � 'i � . � ; �, \I � i ; ' �P,;; .,. ,. . - - -_ : . � '����li �� � r �. �'�:�. � , •• s � - 1I 1 � i '�I ' • (711C` • i'� ` / �� / • ))) ( � ( �� k } ,%�� � i ' . � / �,1 • . r , (/ l f � � � . � � � � � (' �� � - � lQ :o I� U /� � �� • l ( ' '• �'. � ��� '� � i i� (�M � ' � � r.-�l � 1(�j. ; _. , , .�,j c,; ��J r c ,, ;' i � � ...�' i' �_.� I �`��� i'ti � � -i� �I �h " �i' ��� t�h� ��. . � �I � � Tn—Toxaway loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes, freyuently flooded Map Unit Setting • Elevalion: 1,850 to 2,050 feet • Mean annual precipifotlon: 45 to 70 inches • Mean nnnuol aii temperamre: 46 ta 57 degrees F • FrosbJree peilod: 116 to 170 days Map Unit Composition • Toxaway, frequenUyJlooded, ond similorsoils: 95 percent • Toxoway, undrained, ondsimilarsoils: 5 percent Descrfption of Toxaway, Frequently Flooded Setting • LondJorm: Depressions on (lood plains • Down-slope shope: Linear, concave • Anoss-s/opeshape:COncave • Parentmateriol:Loamyalluvium Properties and qualitles • Slope: 0 to 2 percent • Depth [o �estrictive%atuie: More than 80 inches � D�oino9edoss:Verypoorlydrained . • Capocity of the most limiting layei to frnnsmi[ woter (KSa[f: Moderately hlgh to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) • oepth to water table: About 0 to 12 inches • Frequenty oJJlooding: None, frequent • Fiequencyo/ponding:None • Avoiloble viotercapacity: Moderate (about 8.1 inches) Interpretive groups • Farmland dassiJication: Prime farmland if dralned and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season • Lpnd capnbility (nonirrigo[edJ.� 4w • HydrologicSoilGroup:O/D Typical profile • Oro26inches:Loam • 26 to BDinches: Siratified sandy day loam to sand DescAption of Toxaway, UnArained Setting • LandJorm: Depresslons on flood plains • Oown-slope shape: Concave, linear • Across-slopeshape: Conwve • Poien[mnterinl:LOamyalluvium Properties and qualities • Slape: 0 to 2 percen[ • Depth to resvicfive fenture: More than 80 inches • o�ninagecloss:Verypoorlydiained • Copocity o/the mos[ limitinp loyer to tmnsmit woter (KsotJ: Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) • Depth to wnlei tn61e: About 0 m 12 inches • FrequencyofJlooding:None,Frequent • Frequency of ponding: None • Avoiloble wotercopacity: Moderate (a6out 8.1 inches) Interpretive graups • Forminnd dassiJiro[ion: Prime farmland if dralned and ei[her protected from fiooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season • Landmpability(noninigoted):6w • HydrologicSoil6ioup: B/D Typical profile • 0 to 26 inches Loam • 26 to 80 inches Stratified sandy clay loam to sand FfE—��asstown-lunaluska complex, 15 to 30 percent slopes Map Unit Setting • Elevntion: 1,380 to 4,520 feet • Mean annuol precipifation: 50 to 60 inches • Menn annual air [emperature: 46 to 57 degrees F • Fros[-free period: 124 to ll6 days Map Unit Composition • Brass[ownandsimilarsails:45percent • /unaluskaandsimilarsoils:40percent Descriptlon of Bresstown Setting • �andJarm: Ridges • landform position (two-dimensionalJ: Summit shoulder • LondJoimposition (thiee-dimensionol�: Mountaintop • Down-slopeshnpe: Linear • Acioss-slopeshape: Convex • Porent moteriol: Residuum vieathered from phyllite and/or meta sandstone Properties and qualities • Slope: 15 to 30 percent • Depth to restrictive%ature: 40 to 60 inches to paralithic bedrock • Draino9e c/oss: Well drained • CopncityoJ[hemosllimitinglnyer[otrarrsmitwote�/Ksat).�MOderatelyhigh(010to0.57in/hr) • Depth to wo[er toble: More than 80 inches • FrequencyaJJlooding: None • Hequenryofponding:None • Avoilnble �vnter capocity: Moderate (abou[ 7.3 inches) Interpretive groups • Fnrmlond dassi/irntion: Farmland o( local importance • Lnndcapobility(nonirrigatedJ:4e • Hydrologic5oil Group: B Typical profile • 0 to 4 inches: Channery (ine sandy loam • 4to45inches:Channerysandydayloam • 45[oSOinches:Channeryfinesandyloam • SOto80indies:Weatheredbedrock Description of lunaluska Setting • Lond/am: Ridges • Land/orm position (two-dimensionnlJ: Summit, shoulder • Landform posi[ion (three�dinrensionaQ: Interfluve • Dovm-slopeshape:Linear • Across-slopeshnpe: Convex • Po�ent moteriol: Residuum weathered from phyilite and/or meta sandstone Properties and qualities • Slope: 15 to 30 percent • Depth to restrictive feo[u�e: 20 to 40 inches to paralithic bedrock • Orainoge clnss: Well drained • Copacity oJthe most limiting loyer to [ronsmit viater (KSaf): Moderately high (010 to 0.57 in/hr) • Depth fo water tnble: More than 80 inches • frequenryoJ/looding:None • Frequency of ponding: None • Avoiloble vioter mpocityr Low (about 5.0 inches) Interpretive groups • Formlond dassiJicotion: Fannland of local importance • Londcapobility(nanirrigatedJ:4e • Hydrologic Soil Group: C Typical profile • OtoSinclies:finesandyloain • 5 to 21 inches: Sandy day loam • 21 to 36 inches: Fine sandy loam • 36roB0inches:Weatheredbedrock 7aF—lunaluska-TSali complex, 30 to 50 percent slopes Map Unit Setting • Elevofion: 1,200 [o A,310 feet • Mean nnnuol precipitotion: 52 to 68lnches • Mean onnval air temperntuie: 46 to 57 degrees F • Frost-Jree period: 100 to 176 days Map Unit Composition • lunalutkaandsimilarsolls:65percent • Tsoliandsimila�soils:25percent • Minarcamponenfs:l0percent Descrlption of Junaluska Setting • Lond/orm: Mountain slopes, hillslopes • LondJorm position (tvio-dimensionnQ: �ackslope • LondJorm position (lhree-dimensional): Mountainflank, side slope • Oown-slopeshope:Convez • Across�slopeshope: Linear • Porent moteiiol: Residuum weathered from phyllite and/or slate that is aHected by soil creep In the upper solum Properties and qualities • Slape: 30 to 50 percent • Depth [o iesVictive Jeoture: 20 to 40 inches to paralithic 6edrock • D�olnogednss: Welldrained • Capnciry of the most limiting loyer to tronsmi[ water (KsatJ: Moderately high (0.20 to 0.57 in/hr) • Depth to wotei toble: More than 80 inches • Frequency of Jlaoding: None • Hequencyo/pondin�:None • Avoiloble wo[eicopacity: Lovi (about 5.0 in<hes) Interpretive groups • Farrnland dossificotion: Not prime farmland • Landcnpnbility(nonini9ntedJ:6e • HyA�ologic Soil Group: C Typical pro(ile • OtoSincAes:Finesandyloam • 5 to 21 inches: Sandy clay loam • 21 to 36 inches: StreUfied fine sandy loam to sandy clay loam • 36 to BO inches: Weathered bedrock Description of 7sali Setting • Londform: Hillslopes, mountain slopes • Land/am�position (two-dimensionalJ: �ackslope • LandJorm position (three-dimensionolJ: Mountainflank, side slope • Down-slope shope: Convex • Across-slopeshape: Linear • Porent mo[eriol: Residuum �veathered from phyllite and/or slate that is affected by soil creep in the upper solum Prope�lies and qualities • 5lope: 30 to 50 percent • Depth to restrictive Jeoture: 10 to 20 inches to paralithlc bedrock • Droina9e clnss: Well drained • Capncity o/fhe most limiting loyei to [ransmi! woter(KSOt/: Moderately high (OZO to 0.57 in/hr) • Depth to water toble: More than 80 inches • FrequenryoJJlooding: None • Frequencyo/ponding:None • Avoiloble viotercopacity: Very low (a6out 2.6 inches) Interpretive groups • Fa�mlond dossiJicationr Not prime farmland • Landmpobilify(nonirri9afedJ:7s • Hydrolo9ic Soil Group: D Typical profile • OtoBinches:Channeryloam • 8 to 13 inches: Channery loam • 13 to 18 inches: Channery loam • IS to 80inches: Weathered bedwck I L `k � .� ) � > �:_ '� t . � � ', f ^:., l /: �' � �� J J � ��� � . i () � ` 4 � ..i � too r+ � l + _• f �:y � �: l / ' � n � •� / ` � � ,�/ : � �� � r' J� I C��� , i � S,� � � l� �/ � ' . i�-tiLL� ♦ � j l r I ��I y � t{ � � C^\l� (/ \.�� 1? ` '.i�)11 '" '�, � t � 'c /� �' /�' /�Lit e. 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' sre.vruxc� z 0 i -L- CUf7✓E DATA Pl Sto //+39.76 � = T27'21PlLTl D = 6 49' 26.4' L = llObl' T = 55J8 R=850IXY V = l5 GIPH SE = 02 -Y- CURVE OATA Pl Slo lO+S290 Pl Sfo I1+59.38 Pl 90 /2+579 p= 916'00.0'lLTI 0= 27'02'00.0'!LT) �= Il5b'03.8'2T7 o= is ar oo.a D= 35' 00 �.7 0= zs oa oo.a L= 6178' L= 7724' L= 4787' T= 30°6' T= 39.35' T= 24.02' R= 38/97' R= 1637d R= 229J8' SE = EXIST. SE = EX157. SE = EXIST. �DENOTE$ TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE \'IATER �DENOTE$ IMPACT$ IN SURFACE WATER r; C1A55 I RIP RAP IFOR CULVERT PLCNS.SEE SHEET C—ITHRU C—?? 2130 2120 13 u�t NU. 163 l� 02 6 �� 06 ti vxoiea aeveaeuce �:o. sneer no. neP.iaR.i2o 4 v.w mee* r.o. FOM'1/pY �FSIGI! HID)AVtICS f::GIGFf4 &:Gfl'EEf PRELIDiIN R5' PLA�S RS�1 PERMIT DRAWINC, SHEET 2 OF 5 �oo o �oo GenPH.0 SCnLE 2130 � � -L- CURVE OATA Pl Slo //+39.76 0 = 7' 27' 2U' (Ul D = 6 44' 26.4' L = IlObl' T = 5538' R = 85000 V = l5 /.IPH SE = 02 -Y- CURVE DATA Pl Sta 10+6290 Pl Slo I1+5938 Pl Slo /2+5727 �= 5/6'00.0'(LTl 0= 27b2'�.0'(LTl �_ ll'S8'03%lLTI D= l5' 00' 00.0' D= 35' 00' OO.C! 0= 25' 00' 00.0' L= 6178' L= 7724' L= 4787' T= 3096' T= 3935' T= 24.02' R= 38197' R= 1637d R= 229J6' SE = EXlST. SE = EXIST. SE = EXISr. �DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACT$ W $URFACE \'/ATER �DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER �� C1A55 I RIP RAP IFOR CULVERT PLP!lS.SEE SHEE7 C-ITHRU C-?? 2120 E 13 . , � • (l Or �cT� 06 ti fnOlECi REFEP£N[E n0_ $HE� AO- (IBP.l4R.I20 4 AYI SMEEf f:0. 0.0MVIAY �f51GN HlDiAWCS F:tGINEfi F::GINEER �ItELIN[N ItY'*PLANS RSsH PERM17 L7RAWING SHEET 3 OF 5 �oo o �ao LRAPH C 5[ALE 2130 z � �� ' /� T 1 /l -- = G�-3 UNN�I�IE� cB� — --_� ^^ �AXLE II1lJ 1 J Ilfl'G �f%CI;'f};,I;I{;, CLASS I RIP RAP ,�„�,1,�., ��,�, 'I, " DENOTES IMPACTS IN � SURFACE WATER �DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER � v� � . ' p �O� �1��� � RI P R��� (TY�.) BRIDGE N0.163 0 ��� C�� l� 02 ��� 06 ti � \\ ��� �� �!� ` � � `��r �� , � �S v.�:i sNen �:o. o:vnr oenen rcrorewc fNGINff0. ENGINEER PIiELI�llNF1RY PLANS w.o � i�o. a.�„o. RS�H PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 4 OF 5 �oa• o• �oa caepnc sc«e 9;:f ,�°� PHASE I DE7AIL .; y.>. � TNSTALL WOfiK ZONE ADVANCE WANNYNG SIGNS AS SHOWN ON HOAi1WAY STANDAIIO DfiAWIHG N0. 1101.01 AN� GEHEpAL NOTE I THE LOCATION OF TEh1POAAHY SHOIIING IS APPHO%IMA7E, AND WILL BE FIELO ADJUSTED. \ e4� ��o�� � PHASE II DETAIL �o . . i � i � i O�, i � �"90 i STAGE I OF THE PFOPOSED CULVEflT �� �Ar,�. ti�0�d8 r/► / m / o P y r ry � yQw J Q - �Q U FflONT OF TNE TENP011AIiV SHOHING i i v' � . IHSTA66 WOHK ZONE ADVAHCE WAHNING SIGNS AS SHOWN ON fl0A0WAY STAlIDAPO OpAW111G H0. 1101.01 ANO GENEAAL NOTE I THE LOCATION OF TEMPOHMY SHOPINC YS APPNOXIMATE� AHO WILL BE FIEID A�JUSTED. � I� A lC =,311Lb1039953 ����15IX3 O3 FLI�IOYi 53RYA 3dOj58 � �I � Ol .131YJ5'1M36 N�d A� ��, � ' AS b�.= 311U31039'IS3 Ol.1151X3 Ol lL 1�Obi S30YA 3iO1S8 I I , f I�' ii � SKOl EE dVtl dPo I SSY1J'153 I' � I ..OS t 3R05 21YOH SNOl LY '= dYd !ftl I SStlU lS3 � I .. 1J 91 NOI1tlAYJ%3 153 NOLLVAYJX3T3NW1D �r� . 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