HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3220702_Property Deed_20220804BK 7008 PG 0858 FILED UNION COUNTY, NC CRYSTAL CRUMP REGISTER OF DEEDS FILED Sep 05, 2017 AT 02:55 pm BOOK 07008 START PAGE 0858 END PAGE 0872 INSTRUMENT # 26081 EXCISE TAX $4,740.00 JT NORTH CAROLINA SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: $4,740.00 Parcel Nos.: See Exhibit B MaiUBox to: Cx� "` j PA This instrument was prepared by: Alexander Ricks PLLC (Daniel A. Merlin) 4601 Park Road, Suite 580, Charlotte, NC 28209 Brief description for the Index: 29 Lots and approximately 225 acres — Preserve at Forest Creek THIS DEED made this Or day of 2017, by and between GRANTOR REO FUNDING SOLUTIONS III, LLC a Georgia limited liability company 4600 Wells Fargo Center 90 South Seventh Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 GRANTEE WAXHAW VENTURES, LLC a North Carolina limited liability company RoJmJdxxxx ARX WPS 6RWMX)f X)WX 5615 Potter Road Matthews, NC 28104 Enter in appropriate block for each Grantor and Grantee: name, mailing address, and, if appropriate. character of entity, e.g. corporation or partnership. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Union County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows (the "Property"): SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. The Property was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 5906, Page 452. 00276-056/00080637-1 NC Bar Association Form No. 6 O I/1/2010 Printed by Agreement ovith the NC Bar Association BK 7008 PG 0859 A map showing the Property is recorded in Map Book J, Page 843 and Map Book K, Page 028. All or a portion of the Property does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Property unto Grantee, it successors and assigns forever, together with any and all buildings, improvements, rights, liberties, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, in fee simple. AND the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor has done nothing to impair such title as Grantor received, and Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, under or through Grantor, except for the exceptions expressly stated in this deed. Title to the Property is specifically conveyed subject to the following exceptions: (a) the lien of ad valorem real property taxes and assessments that are not yet due and payable for the current year and for subsequent years; (b) all exceptions, if any, to coverage listed in Grantee's owner's policy of title insurance; (c) all matters that would be disclosed by a current, accurate on the ground survey of the Property; and (d) zoning, land use and building laws, regulations and ordinances affecting the Property. The Property is conveyed on an "AS IS, WHERE IS" condition and basis except as otherwise provided in this deed, and Grantor has not made, does not make and specifically negates and disclaims any representations, warranties, promises, covenants, agreements or guaranties of any kind or character whatsoever, whether express or implied, oral or written, past, present, or future, of, as to, concerning or with respect to: (a) the value, nature, quality or condition of the Property, (b) the suitability of the Property for any activities and uses, (c) the habitability, merchantability, marketability, profitability or fitness for a particular purpose of the Property, or (d) any other matter with respect to the Property except Grantor's warranties of title in this deed. Grantee hereby accepts the condition of the Property AS IS, WHERE IS, with all faults except as otherwise provided in this deed. [SIGNATURE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO APPEAR ON FOLLOWING PAGE] 00276-056/00080637-1 2 BK 7008 PG 0860 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. REO FUNDING SOLUTIONS III, LLC r) By: Name: Title: muuy Newell STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN I, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that eUo(y NeWf—1 l personally known to me, personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she/he is the U P of REO FUNDING SOLUTIONS III, LLC, and that she/he, as Ve , being authorized to do so, voluntarily executed the foregoing on behalf of REO FUNDING SOLUTIONS III, LLC for the purposes stated therein. WITNESS my hand and official seal or stamp this Z9 day of 14yo U54- , 2017. NotaryPublic Print Notary Name: My Commission Expires: L /31 /ZZ [OFFICIAL SEAL/STAMP] CIR ASHLEY RAE REQARCHEK Notary Public State of Minnesota My Commission Expires January 31, 2022 00276-056/00080637-1 BK 7008 PG 0861 EXHIBIT A to Special Warranty Deed Legal Description [ see attached ] 00276-056/00080637-1 BK 7008 PG 0862 EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL ONE: TAX PARCEL NUMBERS: 05-117-013 (119.875 acres) 05-117-078 (Lot23) 05-117-065 (Lot10) 05-117-061 (Lot 6) 05-117-076 (Lot 21) 05-117-070 (Lot15) 05-117-013A (5.312 acres) 05-117-067 (Lot 12) 015;1.17_063_(Lot 8}_ 05-117-077 (Lot22) 05-117-075 (Lot 20) 05-117-083 (Lot 52) Being located in Jackson Township, Union County, North Carolina and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a found 2" iron pipe, said pipe being the Southeast comer of Ruth M. Holland property DB 1934, PG, 499 and a point on the rear property line of lot 14 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision Plat Cabinet A, PG. 193-B, said pipe also being located South 73-22-52 East 676.87 feet from a nail set at the center of a Duke Power tower and runs thence from said beginning point South 24-44-32 East 394.21 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe being a common comer of lots 13 and 14 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence South 24-47-55 East 399.82 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe being a common comer of lots 12 and 13 in Waxhaw BK 7008 PG 0863 Fauns subdivision; thence South 24-45-27 East 573.91 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe being a common comer of lots 11 and 12 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; South 24-46-07 East 277.04 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe being the Southwest comer of lot I I in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence North 62-34-30 East 246.33 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe being a common comer of lots 10 and 11 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence North 62-34-23 East 464.59 feet to a found I" iron pipe, said pipe being on the rear property line of lot 10 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence North 61-47-55 East 65.42 feet to a found I" iron pipe being a common corner of lots 9 and 10 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence North 61-45-22 East 385.83 feet to a found I" iron pipe, said pipe being a common corner of lots 8 and 9 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence North 61-46-25 East 437.82 feet to a found 1" iron pipe being a common comer of lots 7 and 8 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence North 61-50-07 East 129.96 feet to a found 1" iron rod, said iron being a comer of lot 7 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence South 22-46-22 East 213.66 feet to a found iron rod, said iron being a corner of lot 7 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence North 78-07-30 East 245.17 feet to a found iron rod, said iron being a common corner of lots 6 and 7 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence North 78-10-47 East 309.94 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe being a common corner of lots 5 and 6 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence South 28-33-16 East 331.66 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe being a common corner of lots 4 and 5 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence South 28-32-54 East 232.56 feet to a found iron rod, said iron being a comer of lot 4 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision and a point in the Northern property line of William R. Tyson Jr. property as described in DB. 283 PG. 297; thence South 82-32-12 West 739.16 feet to a found iron rod, said iron rod being -the Northwest corner of the Tyson property; thence South 15-19-40 West 503.79 to a found iron rod, said iron being the Southwest comer of the Tyson property and a point on the Northdiil ptopettyl'ine of the'Roland-R. Glenn property as -described in DB. 202 PG. 078; thence North 76-53-19 West 655.82 feet to a found iron rod, said iron being the Northern corner of the GIenn property; thence South 58-20-11 West 748.21 feet (passing an found iron rod at 739.94) to a point in a small branch; thence following a small branch (48) calls and distances as follows; (1) North 55-03-12 West 9.27 feet to a point, (2) North 44-30-06 West 20.54 feet to a point, (3) North 51-51-17 West 10.29 feet to a point, (4) South 80-50-14 West 26.91 feet to a point, (5) South 52-52-32 West 20,22 feet to a point, (6) North 83-30-23 West 23,65 feet to a point, (7) North 49-43-21 West 17.03 feet to a point, (8) North 64-02-08 West 9.66 feet to a point, (9) North 77-26-29 West 34.18 feet to a point, (10) South 56-32-34 West 11.53 feet to a point, (11) North 68-44-52 West 12.34 feet to a point, (12) North 48-47-46 West 23.33 feet to a point, (13) South 86-33-14 West 22.73 feet to a point, (14) North 49-21-36 West 21.84 feet to a point, (15) North 51-49-40 West 16.09 feet to a point, (16) BK 7008 PG 0864 North 77-35-35 West 14,97 feet to a point, (17) South 65-59-50 West 12.19 feet to a point, (18) South 25-37-21 East 20.48 feet to a point, (19) North 79-37-41 West 29.62 feet to a point, (20) South 76-22-10 West 13.96 feet to a point, (21) South 69-11-13 West 22,67 feet to a point, (22) North 16-29-26 West 21.87 feet to a point, (23) South 89-01-06 West 23.64 feet to a point, (24) South 82-03-15 West 11.30 feet to a point, (25) North 59-28-37 Wes` 27.70 feet to a point, (26) North 79-18-51 West 32.69 feet to a point, (27) South 88-25-17 West 23.63 feet to a point, (28) South 76-41-40 West 16.74 feet to a point, (29) South 05-01-04 West 16.65 feet to a point, (30) South 55-21-51 West 24.09 feet to a point, (31) South 62-50-02 West 9.19 feet to a point, (32) North 58-07-25 West 30,52 feet to a point, (33) North 72-20-56 West 24.24 feet to a point, (34) North 8-48-18 West 22.70 feet to a point, (35) North 51-12-21 West 40.82 feet to a point, (36) North 34-7-18 West 29.20 feet to a point, (37) North 17-50- 57 West 15.50 feet to a point, (38) North 12-24-26 West 17.51 feet to a point, (39) North 23-16-31 West 37.88 feet to a point, (40) North 14-4-54 East 1.12 feet to a point, (4 1 ) North 49-47-22 West 5.87 feet to a point, (42) South 74-11-32 West 9.75 feet to a point, (43) North 58-51-25 West 26.89 feet to a point, (44) North 64-52-59 West 29.46 feet to a point, (45) North 60-34-41 West 27.80 feet to a point, (46) North 53-12-41 West 16.70 feet to a point, (47) North 37-27-39 West 20.58 feet to a point, (48) North 68-29-13 West 29.61 feet to a point located South 61-49-11 West 5.82 feet from a found 2" iron pipe; thence leaving said branch South 61- 49-11 West 602,55 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe is a comer in the Northern property line of the Vann Morrison Bigham property as described in DB, 119 PG. 225; thence South 76-52-11 West 253.38 feet to a found l" iron pipe, said pipe being the Northwest corner of the Bigham property; -thence South 10-18-47 -East 61.76 to a point in -the Western - property line of Bigham; thence South 80-47-53 West 1289.72 feet to a found 2" iron pipe; said pipe is on the bank of Billue Spring Branch; ti ence with the Billue Spring Branch the following (47) courses and distances: (1) North 17-10-40 West 187,00 feet to a point, (2) North 47- 11-02 East 3.79 feet to a point, (3) North 89-18-09 East 32.72 feet to a point, (4) North 5-39-02 West 22.06 feet to a point, (5) North 0-59-16 West 26.52 feet to a point, (6) North 5-0-49 West 21.96 feet to a point, (7) North 21-55-32 West 37.09 feet to a point, (8) North 45-33-58 West 21,60 feet to a point, (9) North 36-41-43 West 17.51 feet to a point, (10) North 71-36-35 West 13.28 feet to a point, (11) North 27-45-42 East 24.09 feet to a point, (12) North 4-41-07 East 41.23 feet to a point, (13) North 6-42- 08 West 27.70 feet to a point, (14) North 24-30-04 East 30.00 feet to a point, (15) North .44-28-36 East 13.75 feet to a point, (16) North 1443-14 East 16.85 feet to a point, (17) North 7-48-10 West 21.28 feet to a point, (18) North 29-44-04 West 20.12 feet to apoint, (19) North 11-08-26 West 20.72 feet to a point, (20) North 22-50-52 West 26.92 feet to a point, (21) North 43-13-31 West 17,74 feet to a point, (22) North 20-11-34 West BK 7008 PG 0865 31.67 feet to a point, (23) North 15-37-37 West 52.35 feet to a point, (24) North 0-56-35 East 40.66 feet to a point, (25) North 28-29-56 West 39.03 feet to a point, (26) North 23-41-01 East 22.69 feet to a point, (27) North 52-06-29 East 27.06 feet to a point, (28) North 15-33-36 West 36.04 feet to a point, (29) North 72-53-42 West 23.74 feet to a point, (30) North 6- 55-49 East 32.41 feet to a point, (31) North 5-16-55 West 40.98 feet to a point, (32) North 47-22-08 West 37.40 feet to a point, (33) North 30-56-15 West 26.13 feet to a point, (34) North 33-43-44 West 22.71 feet to a point, (35) North 0-36-19 West 27.67 feet to a point, (36) North 27-56-21 West 21.50 feet to a point, (37) North 7-10-29 East 56.45 feet to a point, (38) North 18-01-26 West 63.47 feet to a point, (39) North 55-18-45 West 25.74 feet to a point, (40) North 74-39-11 West 29.32 feet to a point, (41) North 28-48-47 West 7.99 feet to a point, (42) North 20-18-04 East 32.48 feet to a point, (43) South 77-03-22 West 37.11 feet to a point, (44) North 60.32-23 West 46.40 feet to a point, (45) North 12-01-21 West 24,28 feet to a point, (46) North 33-49.38 West 21.23 feet to a point, (47) North 12- 27-26 East 21.50 feet to a point, (48) North 24-49-25 East 29.86 feet to a point, North 13-01-12 West 82.81 feet to a found iron pipe; thence North 7-58-08 West 151.77 feet to a found iron pipe, said pipe is the common corner of the Roger D. Myers and Sandra Parker property as described in DB. 1829 PG. 58, the Jakie Dewayne Evans property as described in DB. 240 PG. 059, and the Tommy L. Hagler property as described in DB. 315 PG. 1 t4; thence North 9-28-2I West 123.47 feet to a found angle iron; thence North 14-02-51 West 99.05 feet to a found iron rod; thence North 14-56-11 West 502.28 feet (passing an iron rod set at 415.14 feet) to a point within the 60 foot right-of-way of Rehoboth Road; thence within the right-of-way of the aforesaid Rehoboth Road the following (2) courses and distances. (1) North 6-19-34 East 165.04 feet to a point and (2) North 13-- 14-43 East 100.00 feet to a point; thence leaving Rebobeth Road North 83- 48-44 East 114.27 feet (passing an iron rod set at 35.52 feet) to an iron rod set, said iron-be'usg'a cominob corner with the-Ruth-M. Holland -property as described in'DB. 1934 PG. 499; thence North 73-04-34 East 510.53 feet to an iron rod set; said iron being a common corner with said Holland property; thence South 26-03-47 East 988.33 feet a found 1" iron pipe, said iron being a common corner with said Holland property; thence North 61-52-54 East 1447.48 feet to the point of beginning, containing 153.53 acres, more or less, and being all of Tract 1 as shown on a map entitled "ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey of the Vojet, LTD. Property" dated May 20, 2005 as prepared by McKim and Creed, P.A, BK 7008 PG 0866 PARCEL TWO Tax Parcel Number: 05-144-005 BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of Rehobetn Road (SR# 1107) evidenced by a new nail, the southwest comer of J. L. Godfrey's one acre lot (Book 194, Page 520 Union County Registry), and running thence from the beginning with the centerline of the road, S. 04-15-09 E. 198.20 feet to another point in the centerline of the road evidenced by a new nail, the northwest corner of D. C. Williams' parcel (Book 350, Page 741); thence with two lines of the Williams' parcel: (1) S. 71-22-07 E. (passing an old iron in the eastern edge of the road at 33.58 feet) a total distance of 202.77 feet to a point evidenced by an old iron; and (2) S 89-36-09 E. 166.76 feet to a point evidenced by another old iron, a common corner with the Williams' parcel and the Waxhaw Plantation Partners' 218.893 acre tract (Book 506, Page 651); thence with a boundary line of the 218.893 acre tract N. 79-36-20 E. 1,640.03 feet crossing the Sims Spring Branch to a point on the east bank of the Branch evidenced by an old iron; thence with the Branch and a line of the 218,893 acre tract, N. 18-22-51 W 187.00 feet to a point in the centerline of the Branch; thence with the centerline of the Branch and the 218.893 acre tract fourteen calls as follows: (1) N 82-09-09 E 34.00 feet (2) N, 06-36-51 W. 100,00 feet; (3) N. 43-18-51 W. 58,00 feet (4) N. 14-24-09 E 120.00 feet; (5) N. 15-08-51 W. 208.00 feet; (6) N. 09-09-51 W. 85.00 feet; (7) N. 28-00-09 E. 45.00 feet, (8) N. 21-32-51 W. 230.00 feet; (9) N. 13-06-51 W. 117.00 feet; (10) N. 44-37-51 W. 40.00 feet; (11) N. 60-34-09 E. 60.00 feet; (12) S. 88-19-09 W. 75.00 feet; (13) N. 45-54-51 W. 90.00 feet, and (14) N. 16-59-09 E. 55 feet to another point in the centerline of the Branch; thence with the Branch and another line of the 218,893 acre tract N. 11-28-12 W. 82.81 feet to another point on the east bank of the Branch; thence with a line of E. S. Parker's property (Book 318, Page 684), lines of Roger Myers' properties (Book 443, Page 514), a line of G. T. Faulk's property (Book 333, Page 135) and J. W. Braswell's property (Book 474, Page 692), S. 26-25-21 W. with a fence (passing an old iron at 334.16 feet) a total distance of 1,315.00 feet to a point evidenced by an old iron, a common corner with the J.W. Braswell property, thence with another boundary line of the Braswell property, N. 83-23-51 W.675.04 feet to a point evidenced by another old - iron; thence with two lines of the Thelma Gordon property (Book 131, Page 301); (1) S. 04-42-14 W. 246.41 feet to point evidenced by an old Hro and (2) N. 65-04-10 W.- 223.81 feet to a point evidenced by an old iron; thence with two lines of the J. L. Godfrey lot: (1) S. 01-19-50 W. 209.61 feet to a point evidenced by a new iron; and (2) N. 65-04-10 W. (Passing an old iron at 176.57 feet) a total distance of 200.85 feet to the BEGINNING, and containing 27.080 acres, more or less, according to an October 12, 1993 survey and plat by Yarbrough -Williams & Associates, NCRLS, BK 7008 PG 0867 PARCEL THREE: TAX PARCEL NUMBERS: 05-117-012 (72.757 ac) 05-117-082 (Lot51) 05-11.7-037 (Lot 28) 05-117-040 (Lot 31) 05-117-059 (common) 05-117-045 (Lot 36) 05-117-048 (Lot 39) 05-11.7-052 (Lot 43) 05-117-080 (Lot 25) 05-117-055 (Lot 46) 05-117-038 (Lot29) 05-117-042 (Lot 33) 05-117-060 (common) 05-117-046 (Lot37) 05-117-050 (Lot 41) 05-117-081 (Lot50) 05-117-035 (Lot26) 05-117-039 (Lot30) 05-117-043 (Lot 34) 05_117_Q444 (Lot 3.5). 05-117-047 (Lot 38) 05-117-051 (Lot 42) Being located in Jackson Township, Union County, North Carolina and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a found 2" iron pipe, said pipe being the Southeast corner of Ruth M. Holland property DB 1934, PG. 499 and a point on the rear property line of lot 14 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision Plat Cabinet A, PG. 193-13, said pipe also being located South 73-22-52 East 676.87 feet from a nail set at the center of a Duke Power tower and runs thence from said beginning point South 24-44-32 East 394,21 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe being a common corner of lots 13 and 14 in Waxhaw Fanns subdivision; thence South 24-47-55 East 399.82 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe being a corrunon corner of lots 12 and 13 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence South 24-45-27 East 573.91 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe being a common corner of lots 11 and 12 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; South 24-46-07 East 277.04 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe being the Southwest corner of lot 11 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence North 62-34-30 East 246.33 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe being a common corner of lots 10 and 11 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence North 62-34-23 East 464.59 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe being on the rear property line of lot 10 in Waxhaw Forms subdivision; thence North 61-47-55 East 65.42 feet to a found I" iron pipe being a common comer of lots 9 and 10 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence North 61-45-22 East 385.83 feet to a found I" iron pipe, said pipe being a common comer of lots 8 and 9 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence North 61-46-25 East 437.82 feet to a found 1" iron pipe being a common corner of lots 7 and 8 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence North 61-50-07 East 129.96 feet to a found 1" iron rod, said iron being a corner of lot 7 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence South 22-46-22 East 213.66 feet to a found iron rod, said iron being a corner of lot 7 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence North 78-07-30 East 245.17 feet to a found iron rod, said iron being a common comer of lots 6 and 7 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence North 78-10-47 East 309.94 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe being a common corner of lots 5 and 6 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence South 28-33-16 East 331.66 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe being a common comer of lots 4 and 5 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision; thence South 28-32-54 East 232.56 feet to a found iron rod, said iron being a comer of lot 4 in Waxhaw Farms subdivision and a point in the Northern property line of William R. Tyson Jr. property as described in DB,.283 PG. 29.7; thence South 82-32-12 West 739,16 feet to a found iron rod, said iron rod being the Northwest corner of the Tyson property; thence South 15-19-40 West 503,79 to a found iron rod, said iron being the Southwest corner of the Tyson property and a point on the Nortbein propeftyline of the Roland-R. Glenn property as described in DB. 202 PG. 078; thence North 76-53-19 West 655.82 feet to a found iron rod, said iron being the Northern comer of the Glenn property; thence South 58-20-11 West 748,21 feet (passing an found iron rod at 739,94) to a point in a small branch; thence following a small branch (48) calls and distances as follows: (1) North 55-03-12 West 9.27 feet to a point, (2) North 44-30-06 West 20.54 feet to a point, (3) North 51-51-17 West 10.29 feet to a point, (4) South 80-50-14 West 26.91 feet to a point, (5) South 52-52-32 West 20.22 feet to a point, (6) North 83-30-23 West 23.65 feet to a point, (7) North 49-43-21 West 17.03 feet to a point, (8) North 64-02-08 West 9,66 feet to a point, (9) North 77-26-29 West 34.18 feet to a point, (10) South 56-32-34 West 11,53 feet to a point, (11) North 68-44-52 West 12.34 feet to a point, (12) North 48-47-46 West 23.33 feet to a point, (13) South 86-33-14 West 22,73 feet to a point, (14) North 49-21.36 West 21.84 feet to a point, (15) North 51-49-40 West 16.09 feet to a point, (16) BK 7008 PG 0869 North 77-35-35 West 14.97 feet to a point, (17) South 65-59-50 West 12.19 feet to a point, (18) South 25-37-21 East 20.48 feet to a point, (19) North 79-37-41 West 29.62 feet to a point, (20) South 76-22-10 West 13.96 feet to a point, (21) South 69-11-13 West 22.67 feet to a point, (22) North 16-29-26 West 21,87 feet to a point, (23) South 89-01-06 West 23.64 feet to a point, (24) South 82-03-15 Nest 11.30 feet to a point, (25) North 59-28-37 West 27.70 feet to a point, (26) North 79-18-51 West 32.69 feet to a point, (27) South 88-25-17 West 23.63 feet to a point, (28) South 76-41-40 West 16.74 feet to a point, (29) South 05-01-04 West 16.65 feet to a point, (30) South 55-21-51 West 24.09 feet to a point, (31) South 62-50-02 West 9.19 feet to a point, (32) North 58-07-25 West 30.52 feet to a point, (33) North 72-20-56 West 24.24 feet to a point, (34) North 8-48-18 West 22.70 feet to a point, (35) North 51-12-21 West 40.82 feet to a point, (36) North 34-7-18 West 29.20 feet to a point, (37) North 17-50- 57 West 15.50 feet to a point, (38) North 12-24-26 West 17.51 feet to a point, (39) North 23-16-31 West 37.88 feet to a point, (40) North 14-4-54 East 1.12 feet to a point, (41) North 49-47-22 West 5.87 feet to a point, (42) South 74-11-32 West 9.75 feet to a point, (43) North 58-51-25 West 26.89 feet to a point, (44) North 64-52-59 West 29.46 feet to a point, (45) North 60-34-41 West 27.80 feet to a point, (46) North 53-12-41 West 16,70 feet to a point, (47) North 37-27-39 West 20.58 feet to a point, (48) North 68-29-13 West 29.61 feet to a point located South 61-49-11 West 5.82 feet from a found 2" iron pipe; thence leaving said branch South 61- 49-11 West 602.55 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe is a comer in the Northern property line of the Vann Morrison Bigham property as described in DB. 119 PG. 225; thence South 76-52-11 West 253.38 feet to a found 1" iron pipe, said pipe being the Northwest corner of the Bigharn property; thence South 10-18-47 East 61.76 to the -Point of Beginning. Thence from the Point of beginning South 10-18-47 East 2003.70 feet (passing an iron rod set'at 1973.45'feet)'*to a point within the 60 foot right- of-way of Sims Road; thence within the aforesaid 60 foot right-of-way of Sims Road the following six courses and distances: (1) South 71-33-11 West 81.86 feet to a point (2) South 68-07-55 West 100.00 feet to a point, (3) South 57-11-54 West 100.00 feet to a point; (4) South 51-35-44 West 100.00 feet to a point, (5) South 48-59-56 West 100.00 feet to a point (6) South 35-44-09 West 100.00 feet to a point; thence leaving said road North 33-22-42 West 606.60 feet (passing an iron rod set at 33.82 feet) to a found %z" iron pipe, said pipe being the Northeast comer of the Harvey Clay Nesbit as described in DB. 224 PG. 547; thence South 80-11-52 West 220.63 feet to a found ''/z" iron pipe said iron being a common comer of the Nesbit property and the Northeast comer of the Jeanine C. Devaney property as described in DB. 1826 PG. 193; thence South 80-04-47 West 1261.36 feet to a found #4 iron rod, said iron being a point on the Northern property line of Jeanine C. Devaney property as described in DB, 1976 PG. 661 and the Southeast corner of the Arnold Carter Sims property as described in DB. 880 PG. 391; thence North 19-53-11 West 550.14 feet to a found 2" iron rod, said iron being a common corner of the Sims property and Iris Cochrell Davis as described in DB. 350 PG. 743; thence North 43- 12-46 West 196.41 feet to a iron rod found, said iron being a point in the Eastern property line of the Davis property; thence North 43-21-16 West 290.29 feet to a found #10 iron rod, said iron being a common corner of the Davis property and the Dorothy Cochrell Williams property as described in DB. 1255 PG. 705; thence North 43-17-29 West 898.73 feet to a found I" iron pipe, said point being a common corner of the Williams property and the Zane E. Eargle property as described in DB. 669 PG, 046; thence North 89-44-12 East 156.37 feet to a found t" iron pipe, said pipe being a comer of the Fargle property; thence North 78-59-18 East 1639.55 feet to a found 2" iron pipe; said pipe is on the bank of Billue Spring Branch; thence North 80-47-53 East 1289.72 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 106.00 acres, more or less, and being all of Tract 2 as shown on a map entitled "ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey of the Voiat, LTD Property" dated May 20, 2005 as prepared by McKim and Creed, P.A. LESS AND EXCEPT FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED THREE (3) PARCELS, THE FOLLOWING: 1) Lot 47, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet J, File 843, North Carolina General Warranty Deed recorded July 7, 2009 in Book 5168, Page 558 of the Union County Registry; 2) Lot 44, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet J, File 843, North Carolina General Warranty Deed recorded April 16, 2008 in Book 4868, Page 822 of the Union County Registry; 3) Lot 49, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet J, File 843, North Carolina General Warranty Deed recorded April 14, 2008, in Book 4865, Page 556 of the Union County Registry; 4) Lot 48, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet J, File 843, North Carolina General -Warranty-Deed-recorded December -11, 2007 in Book 475%-Page 542 of the Union County Registry; 5) Lot 27, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet J, File 843, North Carolina General Warranty Deed recorded October 11, 2007 in Book 4709, Page 133 of the Union County Registry; 6) Lots 7 and 14, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet K, File 28, North Carolina General Warranty Deed recorded January 7, 2009 in Book 5028, Page 112 and Release recorded April 2, 2009 in Book 5091, Page 789 of the Union County Registry; and Lots 32, 40 & 45, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet J, File 84.3, recorded January 7, 2009 in Bock 5028, Page 112, of the Union County Registry; 7) Lot 13, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet K, File 28, Release recorded August 25, 2008 in Book 4963, Page 40 of the Union County Registry; 8) Lot 24, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet K, Fite 28, Release recorded August 28, 2009 in Book 5203, Page 519 of the Union County Registry; 9) Lot 19, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet K, File 28, Release recorded July 15, 2008, in Book 4937, Page 276 of the Union. County Registry; 10)Lots 11 & 18, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet K, File 28, Release recorded Febn:ary 23, 2009 in Book 5058, Page 264 of the Union County Registry; 11)Lot 17, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet K, File 28, Release r6cordcd February 23, 2009 in Book 5058, lhge 266 of the Union County Registry; 12) Lots 7 and 14, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet K, File 28, Release recorded April 2, 2009 in Book 5091, Page 789 of the Union County Regish.y; and Lots 32, 40 & 48, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet J, File 843, recorded April 2, 2009 in Book 5091, Page 789, of the Union County Registry; 13) Lot 13, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet K, File 28, Release recorded August 25, 2008 in Book 4963, Page 40 of the Union County Registry; 14) Lot 24, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet K, File 28, Release recorded August 28, 2009 in Bonk 5203, Rge 519 of the Union County Registry; 15) Lot 16, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet K, File 28, Release recorded August 25, 2008 in Look 4963, Rage 38 of the Union County Registry; 16) Lot 9, The Preserve at Forest Creek, Plat Cabinet J, File 843, Union County Registry BK 7008 PG 0872