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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDowntown Cary ParkA&4V� HC®ENR .North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor August' 13,,2014 'Kyle.Hubert Town of Cary 316 North Academy Street. Cary, NC+275'13 John "E. Skvarla; 'III Secretary Subject: Surface Water Determination Letter Nt3RRO #,14 -286 WaketCounty Determination,Type`. Buffer Call Isolated or EIP Call ® Neuse'(15A NCAC 2R.0233) Start@ ❑ Tar = Pamlico (15A,NCAG'2B 0259) ❑i Ephemeral %lhtermittent/P,eirennial Determination '❑ Jordan (15A NCAC 2B 02677) ; ❑ Isolated Wetland Determination Project,Nafe: Downtown Cary Park, Location/Directions: Downtown Cary where,Walnut Street :ends at Kildaire.Farm Road. The entire block surrounded "by WalnutStreet, S.,WalkerStreet, E. Park Street, S. Academy Street; and Kildaire Farm Road Subject Stream: UT:to Walnut•Creek Determination Date -- 8/1212014 Staff: Cheng Zhang Stream 'E/I/ ,,Not Subject Subject to Start@ Stop@ Soil USES ' P* to Buffers _ Buffers _ Survev To o Pond ** X X A * ** I, X Culvert on, X east side'of S. WalkeriStreet *E /UP = Ephe'm'eral /Lntermittent /Perennial * *Pond was,depicted;on S, iH Survey Map but no longer exists; * * *The,origin of thefifature is off the project area. Explanation:,, The feature(s) listed-above has;or have'been located',on the Soil SurveyTof Wake,County-, North Carolihh,or thezmost "recent copy of'the'USGS Topographic,nr qp at a 1:24,000 scaje: Each.feature•tliat is,checked "Not'.Subject " has'been determined not to be•a stream or is not present oil the property: Features,thatare checked "Subject-" hkve'been located on °the property, and possess characteristics that qualify it to,be aistream. There may be otkier streams locate&on your property that do: not show up owthe,maps.referenced "above but, still may be Noni thCarolina �Vatura!!� North, CaroliinaDivision of Water Resources 1628 Mad Service Center `Raleigh, NC 27699- 1628�Rhone (919) 791'-420& Internet .wWW ncwatercivality orcI Location 3800IBar(ett'Dnve ,Raleigh;, NC 27609 Fax (919);788-,7159 An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Acton Employer'- 50 %';Recycled110 %,Post;C6nsumef Papelf Downtown Cary Park Wake' County 8/11/2014 Page 2 60 considered jurisdictionaLaccording -to the US Army Corps of Engineers and/or toathe Division of Water Resources (DWR). This on -site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this'letter. Landowners or,.affected parties that dispute,a.determination made by "the.DWR or Delegated' Local Authority may request a determination by the Director. An appeal:request must be made within -- ,,sixty (60) days of d'ate;of this letter or from the date ,the,affected party (including downstream -and /or adjacent owners)'is notified,of this letter. A request for a determination by the Director shall' be referred to -the Director in writing c/o Karen Higgins; DWR WeBSCaPe Unit, 1650 Mail Service. Center, Raleigh,. 'NC 27699. This determination and binding unless, as detailed above; you ask for a hearing or�appeal within sixty (60) days. The owner` %future owners-should �notify-the Division;of Water`Resources,(including;any other Local, State, and Federal Agencies) of4his decision concerning any future correspondences regarding the,subjectproperty (stated above). This project may require,a,Section 404/401 Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries should be directed to the Division of Water Resources,(Central'Office)`at (919)- 807- 6300;'and the,US Army Corp of.Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) at (919) -554 -4884. If You, have, this. eroiinatidn, please, feel free to,.contact,Cheng.Zhang at (9119),7-91-4259. �n Vi 1 If S ith Supervisor-, Water Quality Regional Operations Center. cc: RRO DWR File Copy C e D P., -11111111111111111111illillillillillillilliillillilillillillilill111111111111 i L s �_ mss"• ��, .rte .. as •i I r •< L LAJ Z -0 Ln ceu S cC Q ::k \ o EL�Or,'- v ` r �� I WALDO, ST mom FAl B-YRV" Iso�