HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-07016_Well Construction - GW1_20220725 --Z
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I-A 's '� 3..«.. �''"C�'`w t llrtntFot•ln
�u tote12F� 12D(GW I)'; Por7atcrnnl+Use91 ,
I Wr1t Contractor[aforuwilons` w -
Cameron Bazfn 14 WATER ZONES - l
. .. - FROM TO _"mcarmon-
Well Cartuuetar Namc 017 R - ! j
t NC WellCnntroetarCenifjmtienN�anber .-15.OU7'ERCA.SING rar�cnia acdirrn�ORMNER Ilmlitc p -
Aqua Drill.Inc. LnoM m o TIIICENRS9 MA1ExvL }
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coropnayxame _ ..
:16.INNERCASDIG.OR'CUHING Ihe�itloii3dolt s,Aly�vAL-� � 3
2:WellGonstractioaperadt#: Faonl To'. nueaerm TatC61YFS4 '
- Lirt alloppllmble urllcanstnrilnnpermltr(L'efAG Cmmh:SlalC.YaiiarrcK'rle.J D-
a.Well Usc(chedcwell use): R R. 1a 'A
I !Voter Supply Well: `v
! _ FnaM .To. _ Drnm6�ER starstzE Mtn MATEDUL
s j Agdctd u ul unrc�peBPublic - .R
' Geotherrow(Heating/Co-H g supply) Remdendal Water Supply(single)
'htdustaal/Counner j l OResidendal Water Supply( -ed 1&GROUT)
Nan-Water Supply Well: (� R '�,r3 R f i
Monitor,ng. Recovery R : 2
Aquif fAccharge ElCaoandwatcrRemtdiaSoa
AquiferStma eared 19:SAND/GRAYL'CPACIC rft 11e ble -
g Recovery E3Salmity1lauier FROM T E nFATERDIL FL7PId�CEblENT'ESEfaOD � i,'..
9quiferTest OStartriwaterDraivage R R r
lv ai icnial Twhaology Sohsidmce Gontral ft it
GeDth ca'ennal(Closed Loop) E3Tra t 20-D1tlLLING LOG attach additional sheets irueces
Geothermal:(getdiag/CootingRetum Odrer(expl
aim under#21Remarks) FRord To nPscale[-Uri mrortmr�o�®w�«x a etrs a�1 a
fL Y S. o'
4.Dare WeIl(s)Completed: Wea ID9 S .0 tt t
Sa WeIl-Location: $: R.'
J1IL� l7171,4 8. R • r f
Pacrlityl0waerName racnityII) (ifappncable) D" ft "14 n roC
Cornmty •Parcel7deatifiptiaallo:(PI[� >_.``.'e.
5b.Latitude and longhudein degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: }.j
IfwzpAtl onglit/lo is rr
( d; � ) 22 Cel�tidicaHon:
6J5(are0h6*eN(S)` erW=ear or Z3Temporaty SigoanueofCeitified Well Comraemr
Sy.signhrg ilitsfaim,!hereby certify tharthe i%Vl(s)was(were)constructed in accordance
7 Fs tflis:a repair fo an esis[ing well 'IYes or �3Vo tvlth-15A NCAC 01C:0100 or I5 4 NCAC 026.0200 Well-.ConstructionStandards and that a
ljUlu,'ra repau fJl out litmsm lvvll cousbuction informatiai�Gird eap(ain the nature ofthe copy ofthis record has been provided to the rie!(owaer.
repalrrmder#Zl remdr/asecfianaron01ebacicaff/rirJvrm.
23.Site diagram or additionalwell details- 11_
8.For Geoprobe/DPTnr Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells,having the same
You may use the back of this.page to provide additional well site details or well d
t oDsfiuct on,only 1 Cr W-I:is needed Lldieate TOTAL-NUMBER of wells constmctiondetails.You may also attachaddltiaualpages if aecessaty.
9 Total well depth below land surface; 32.5 - (ft-) 24a,For All Wells: Submit Ibis form.VAthni'30 days of completion of well
�armaltfglewrllsli'stalldeptllsrfd+fjerert[erainple-3�00'and2Q100) con5ttuctioIItolliefpIlowing
Ili.Stafic-wate levabelow top of-sing. �r� (ft•) Division of Water:Resourees,information processing-Unit,
r,tuft-level&abaPeccsirrg.1cre'+ 1617' 'h7ail Service Center,Rateigh;NC 27699-1617
12.B'oreholeAi inleter. 011.) 246.For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a
above,also,Submit one copy of this f&M within 30 days.of completion of well
n W&COnstrDCtlon method: e�1�`� construction to the following:
mtary,catiTe dimctpastr,etc
Division of Water Resources;Underground Injection Control Program,
FOR WATER 8[IPTLY WELLS ONLY: 1536'NIail Service CCnter,A216gh,NC 27699-163fi
,13a,Reid(gpmj Method of test: 24r.For Water Supplv-&Wj&tion tiVeU.S. In addiition_W sending the form W
the address(ec) above,also submit one copy of this foiin within 30 days of
13k Disinfeclian type lY Amount: completion of well construction to tale county health deparituent of the county
FomGW-1 NorthCarolina DepartrawofEnvimnt ullQuality=Division ofWaterResounes ReVisCd.Z-2 g01(