HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-06981_Well Construction - GW1_20220725 82&B22 7?.�4'i p.t
Feb 1619 06:43p GleatwaterWglf Drilling
.,X For Internal Uqa Ot►iy:
WE�.L GC»w�'rltrr�T
1.Well C>lntractorinfortmatto : �~
U+ WjG N W T�T.oN86 CH
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fill Cinxraclot Name �—_-
ICWalcontpaucenlficntt N�vntKr / t.0UTI3RC tas
$ING tt►d f 6A= tAL
P, to
Cnmlvtny Nmm� _ "6. I3R CA91lYf;t3R n tlgewt t
hn'I �fKlToin.
2..Well conxtruction Permit�:,Q1i�,G3 C �
rdrrali al,plteabla t,clf cansrntmktr1wrmtra p.0 fIIC CatmrJ..Sfa�F��a'f�•.clr ,..... � �
3.1Ydl i1.1c(efte l well usc): 17.8c >v tort so eau
Wat'el-supplylwell: 0
Agricultural QMttnicipai/Pubila la
to Laidendal Water'Supply(singic) it. [t
Cteabermal(ticepng/Confin$supply) ,,,,
initustrintlCommerolal Rnsidr�uiat Water SupP1Y 19hattxl) OiPT A r1 y KI 84 A
NOR-Wntcr supply Weill.-
Injection Well.,
AqulFer Reebat�c QCrmtndwatcrlicmcdiatitm >I N tBLFAt+ It ,h6 i t0 TMtet'►ton
Aquif.-rStgnlgrrtgid cravcfy QSalinityBatrier p n :---
AcptiterTctt Q3mttnwaterDrninagc p.
L"xperimental TccilnttUfBy Q Control �
Geothermal(clawed I-p) DRacra o � Y�----
t7entEtcnnnl He li Rcn+ml Olber ainuttderff2l Remarks) it
A.tlatfiyt'dl(s)L"tmeplettul:�� � Well lll?lf rd..
So.Weft LacMton: Tz R. n• � —
pac(lihltracrNmtsc . Faelli►Y@NC+faTPllcatdr.) R .,^r /1 F� n ��(� v
7r, - 11l-e [1/1 1 ell s� f4 R
PhXs'.nI Addr=N City,and Zip M. AR 4
[:,muy pnreni tdantiIIcntiPn No.(PINI)
Sb.Ualtada and Ionjotade in degl'ees MltnttcVsecondsordecimnl degrcas: - C tioh:
ONV01 rich!,ane 180600 in sntiPntcnt) d er
;U aor0tttliatt7Vc11ContmattnO
6.k(are)the well(a} A'et maneat or 1ITeMPO"ry ldv vxnlaS rGls iorT,,,!hr.,+e1 v cwflh,Ihaz,Vie�W j tmc&Am)ee wmlrnd in 4emr-Muce
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7.1:t tlds a repalrtu amodxtiog weJl: Q c.,pgnfrlrtr r kl ylpar7,�f prak�dad lnfl,<w��(1 nwtrer.
lf'fliricorePo/%J111mrE,tow++,r�taawnutlnnirtn%rWllogi! ptaiu zheer++umnjzhu
ngwr under 62f ramarkc=11an nrna flu:bar*of fhtsfom• 13.Site fUupram or nddMam:l well'kMlla:
l4Vellx hnvingtha same 1'ou may Ilse like itttck of thispeEW to provide additkol wci)3ita derails ere well
Ged11m ma
8.For GeonrnheMPT or Clgwd4-QnP Ytiu MAY 8180 attttt haddltitmel paw if tlOCC83ikty
,*nslnict(cn,only 1 GW-t is needed. 1'ndiewc TOTAL
rrN��UM13ER aF"+Ols
.71otTtavofldeptAt>clmvinndSprJMcp: (tX•T � , a'�r s J�a Submit thhl 1brM whIlin 30 days of completion of vvcl!
f rtr mnlNplc wells ifx►rtli d.!ptlis frl%�'er tut(etampk'-3(r�,+1Rf1'ond i�rOR7 c(uimwtiou 10 thefoumvh*:
10.Walk W001`1041 MOW top of taAingc,._ <t<? Divi1617�ft SBN �����b"NGrinifflon 27M_16t7 iffs Unit,
11'aRfCI'ftirClLPltlllRCf�fSff1 t!!/Nn''I
lS� �C1�_(in.) ygd,yF,_■�i.. Li addition co rending tl�fbtm W the addtmts in 24n
1 i.ROMItaledlametcr, of this form within 30 days Of complcdltm of Well
ahnvc,tM submtt one ropy
12,1V211ConttnletlonMatbodt, n----- —T ctat>stcat�iontotltefatiowin[�
(i c.anger,wtnry.ca$k,Orcct(kaeit,cta.) l)lvisian ofWaftr Reeo mes.Underground Injection COMM)Program,
rG36 Molt SerulnnCcrktrr,RAft1pG.NC 1:7(p4•R636
14[Cthotl of lest: / ice•, u• • cwct.fv submit
oa Ong
cO in uddidan to sanding the tams to
[3a.Yicld(�PM) _ tlla ailcimsx(cs) abitvtL also suhlnn and copy of this form within 30 days nF
Atrtotmt: mmptction of,vdl corbuncdon to the county health ilcpluunent of the county
t3b.Dlsinfectlon type: al,nrecanattatseB.
i+zmn CW-1 Narfy Qunlinn Dapmtmonc ar'r:nvirriom��,nt Qnartty-F>ivisrnn oPLYatcr ftmJoiuees� tteulREll�-�2 IOt F
Cox �+ .�.� r�aVell:_.-
j hem by ae�t ytW ft atMx+e&MOW weavmf;rauuwj is appexm=in�a vvit
all Co=tIrwell XUIM.
Cluing qo
I�'lttre�7wa:. —