HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-06954_Well Construction - GW1_20220722 1 ' i ! WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FarintcpwluscONLY: Ths form can be used for single or multiple ivclls 1.Well.Cdntractnp Ittformatlow.. \Vd21:R ZONES- Stefan Smith FROM TO DRSCRIPtION )tc)lcontrsctorNam 16.77R, 27 R. Groundwiater 3576 ft. th NC Well CorumclorCcnifrcntionNutdtcr 15.OUTEFfCASING'rbasuitli isedR'cTlsORIrNERltf:a"fkabk)'< FROM 'TO DFAIDIF.TER. Tt1ICKMM NIATERiAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 (L 17 (L 2" ta. SCH-40 PVC Coirgrury Nanrc '16 1NNER CASING OR77IBING "eoibermat chase 46e' :._ FROM I TO DL+Itt1ETER. TIUMNNESS MATERIAL 2.MeVI Comtruction No tait A,: WM0301210; 70003022 R, ft: 1.4t,41 applicable iedf pr mits 0 c.co-op,stt w..Varialr,fly-oIcn c ) R. rL ir.• 3,NVdI S0(check;wrj.l usc): 11:5Ctt>EN WaterSnpplg WcIL - FROM TO I MA\TvTriR 8t.0TSt7T: TNIMOSS I MATRRIAL CIAglirultutal: QmunkipctU•Prlblic 17 ft. 27 R. 2" 16 010 SCH-40 PVC Meotheimat(HeatinglCooling Suppty) ®Residential Water Supply(single) (L ff. fill ®hldustfiallConmtercial ©Residential Water Supply(shared) 18'"GRQ trr FROM TO ALITERLtL EAPLACEStENT]tMMODSAMOM ElkriOmtian lean-Water SupptY��ci6: ®1v4onitoring Mccoi.cry Injection%Veit: MAquifertic6irgc Olbnot idRutcrltemcdiation 319.'SAND1GRAVElrrAcxTir' rtllcyti[rl ilAintifcr-StoTagcaitdltsco�'cry' C]SalinityHaiiicf FRONT To atATHRwr. RaTat.ACMVNTwtatian 15 R. 27 R. Sand #2 Pour CIA i ifcrTest 175tonnnatci i?r t n.9�c ft. ff. 1 ❑Exptimcutal Technotogy Mubsidcncc Cowrol s'20 DR1LC1l1G:IAG:7>itlacb:sddlliorinl stieel3if necessan) dGeoiltgmml(Closed Loop) '13%Cer FRONT- .70 119SCRIPMN h»br,t,anlneci eoR'nrcRtr rimdr.T DGeothemial(ITeatinti Caofiug Return) Roder(explain udder 921-.Remarks) 0 M 0.7 R,, Conciete 0.7 ft... 6.5 (L Clay d.Date WeU(s)C0 plctcd: 6-10-2022 Well jD#TMW-4. 6.5 R, 27 (t Silt J. ia.Well I.ITCattMH (L i NRP Holdings, LLC N/P; UMFactlit},bunc[Nama Factliq•IDkGfappli abbij R. ft. ��� 3934 Raleigh St., Charlotte., "NC, 28206 ft. fL Ptoiicul.Address city.and Zip =.21:REMARKS' Mecklenburg 09107202 3 foot bentonite seal from 12 to 15 feet Gcmuiy Nrcel hkiiiifecailou No,(PIN) Sk l<atitirtie and Longitude in tle9Mcs/mirtuteslaccondS or decimal dc$T•ees: 22,Certification: (IrwAl field,air Ia47oi+S 1s SurtiCicid) 35.150566952 T 80.474850645 NV .[J'� 7/1/2022 Sigmcleificd t4'c1t Cannactor! Date 6.Is(are)thewell(s)t DPe nnanent -or zTempordry ' Ll}•afgrtuig char form,l herrb}•certify dear the ivrMs•1 vnas(}aiicJ tvnrrtruttevl iii.arranlmicr retch I5A NCAC 02C NO or.ISA NCiIC OIC•(1200 Well Constrrmerloir Srandanfs a,ul alxir a 7.Lc this A Repair to an esi tiair rich: Mee or NNo ropy bfd1h rtroitl has. ri pmvirled ro ihr'vrl!muner. lJO Is,o repdin fill ankrroiivi hell con anrerlon bifpgiwdwt aril explain die rurrare ofilia ' 1, ' repairwrder6»1,rrrnunCr srctraii ar an the bark of rldr jnrnr 23.Site dtty;ro m or additional wCtl dC(alli: You may-use the bact of this page to prmide additional well site dulls or well 8.Number.of wells co''nstrueted: 1 eoustiuctiorl details: You utay also attach udditionrtd pages if amessaty. For nrnlalpJ'e 1i0'oral�in or nrNr-wirer sapplr rvrlls.ONLY mldr(fie:srate cunstr+rirloar,,ve�r cvtn sabu«twiefami. SCl13AfI7'TALiN57'UCTiONS I, 9.Total itcitileptb below land surfuc�. 27 (It.) 24a. Far AIL Well Submit this fpnn ttdtbin 30 days of eomptelion of Ttietl FoPtunttlplawcllrllsraBdc7ulrslJd{(rice'nt(erarnyle-J�20O'aaud26ifO(+�' con51nictionto tile fo{[on�og: 1(1.Static Hater level below(op of casings 16.77 (R.) Divisian of Water Recouixes Inrormatiun Ptocessin;Unit, i/water legal h,above oddlig,ate"+" Id17 Mai[Serf ice teuter,Raleigh,NC 27699-I617 11.BmcholCdiamcfcr:8.25" (in) 24b.Ln � on WCt1a.ONLY, )n addition to sending the fort to the addtess in 24a abo'Ve.also submit a copy of i its fanu within 30-da}'s of completion of well 12,Well construction method:HSA cousametiontotltefallotviug: `f (i.e.augcm raim):'cable�direct push etc:) Division-of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:' 1636 Afail Service k eIater,Raleigh,NC 27699.1636 13a.Vied(g(tm) Mahod"of test: 24c.For Water S�IIIc&LIP Cettnn WCRs: Also submit one copy of this fami within 330.days of completion of 131T.DisinFixkian type: Amount:-- _ WCtI CQn51r1rCI[piI to ti1C CotmtY I .Ith dcpanment of tlu county xvhcra - - Constructed. Farm G%V-.t NorthCara]Lma Resources-DivWonor%%121crReS0uCr s Revisrd August-2013