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GW1-2022-06952_Well Construction - GW1_20220722
Y ; 4 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FprlicentnlUscONLY: Tlris for use m can be d fin single ar maltipk wcUs 1.Well.Contractor lnfortitat(on: =14 1let'CriR'I.ONESS Stefan Smith FROM ITD P"CRIMON Well orwaclorNantc 18.71R. 26 ft. Groundwater 3576 ft- fL NC Well Contractor Ccnifterhtion Namlier tS OUTER CASING tfbe stutii easeil'rie[Is OR LiNER(tf a BcaGk rrto,r To DVAMETER THtcKNsss \rATERrAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 f4 16 ft, 2" ' '1a SCH-40 PVC coatrvtyName 16INNER.CASING ORTUBiNG' eolkerm3E'efnuddoo YROM TO DLL'11ETER TMCKNQSS IIATEML 2,Weil Ganstruction fcfiuit#; WM0301210; 70003022 1-istallrMilliuke wropca`ririts(Le:Coaatty.Stone,Arariamce,Infirdet1 cur.i 3.WOI.Usc(chccliwdl use): 17:sCR1 F N Water Supply WeIL. FROM TO WA.MM. K ,scorst THtCKNtNS MATRRiAt. Clrlgrkultuml CI1M1<ttn[cip;aUPttb9ic 16 R. 26 R. 2" ► i .010 Sclt-40 PVC ®Geothenmi(Heatingtooling Supply) Mestdential Water Supply(single) fL R_ ins ®lndusti(a1lContntercial Olkesideatial Water Supply(spitted) -lS GROUT - - FROM 10. MAT'ER1AL EMPLAC IUM\lEMOD S AAIOUNT ❑hii lion tt. ft. li ' Non_Water Supply W11: ®1Nonitoring Mccot'cry 6• InJectlon}Vest: tt, tt, EJArtuiferReclaatge' 00touMvs-atcrRenicdistion :19:'SANDIGPAtVEL,PACKtif i ilicidife)`" - 'FROM To MATMAL RAM A(:FMENT METHOD [7Agnifcr"Storfgc aixl Rcco�'ct}' 175alinity Harder FROM R. 26 ft. Sand #2 Pour 17Aqu fcrTcst. ❑5tomnr1tef i} 1 . riin�gc ft. Its 17lsxpcdtncnlal Tvchnoto ' 17 ull5idcnCC CoMtol •16.DRILLit1 G LOG(attack additiothl'sheddif wcrosaml hGkodiennul(Closed Loop) OTrater FRO.rl TO DESCRIMON mbr.haMnc++wR'mcktr to walk 1 OGeodiennal(HeatinyCooliug Return) DOdier(explain under 921 Reuad s) 0 ft. 1.2 R, Concrete 1.2 ft:. 13.5 fL Clay iVh 4.Date Wells)Ca'utplcaed: 6-10-2022 We'll ID#TMK=2 t 13.5 ft. 26 tL Silt i, r 5a,Well Uwatinu: tL ft NRP Holdings, LLC N/A t4 ft, )n(ptm sWn ProcawAV UM Facility"PivncrTlame Facilit?IDk(ifapplicable) R. ft, DWQINOU- 3934 Raleigh St., Charlotte, NC, .28206 Plh*ica9,44dccss City_and Zip 21_REMARKS.. Mecklenburg 09107202 3 foot bentonite seal from 11 to 14 feet i Cctuula Marcel IJA:mliftciillonNo,(PIN) 511.1„'ttitnde'and Longitude in de'It"A inutr dk6nds or dccitital d iscs: 22.Certification: (If iieU rleld orte.la(llptig is ttdflckla) j, 35.150496674 N 80.474942107 �`i � i 7/1/2022 Si eYilad{YellCamaof` Date (►.IS(are)the-wCli(gy: ❑PCrrltaltcnt or $I CCmporary' By 411hig lkhe farm,l hereby rerfify tl!i ke oath's%MY(Mains ewrntnrdfed hr..ac dnImiie with)Sit K6W 02C•0100 or 15A a1TAC,Q2C.02M Well t:onstPaer(oar Sraalh rds avid fiku a 7.L+thbia repair toam existing we1L 97Ves or Ntio rcyvyoi(1111, erAnjaiGienprorirtctrb')Wti'rlimcirer, 664s'Is a repdIn fallow Ai vifaa nve1l crnurnrcdara brforowfirm iunf ea(i(ahi the 1wrare of the n/mirardcr8 l remarksserj"carat thn bad-afthh'fprAL 23:Site",r•atn or additional twdl'details: You tuap use(lie back of this page t6 provide additional ic'ell site details-or well S.Nnluherof wells constructed: 1 coustiuctimi deiails: You m4y aism.auach additional pages if necessary. For murrlple lafecr)aVi ar ara i-unrer sitpAr we(lrQNLY idih Me same constricd1on,wu cgn sabmitaviejvrin. SLTBM TTAL WSTUCTi©NS i 4.Totailwell depth befoic land surface 26 (p,) 24a. For All Well..:. Subinit'dais foim within 30 days,of conipletipn of yvell For vnalllivle wells-list aItdeprks ll''dwerani(exampfe-3@209'avid 2@ 1lHf} construction to tlec follow0g; i 10.Static water[evil below top of casing: 18.71 (ft.) Division of Water Resat rrgs,Information Paucessiug Unit, lfituler level i,akov cwfas,vase"+" 1617 Mail Service Ccntcrr Raleigh,vC 27,699-1617 " il,.finrchofc diam 8.25 eter, (tax,) 24b.For IniCCdDrr'WcEta.®NLY: In addition to seudirjg'tire fomt to slue address in 246 a Dot .also submit a copy of tfiisI fonts Avithin_330 days'of completion of wdl.t 12.%N'Cll cottstme-timl method:HSA construction to the following: (Le.augrr.tWar}•.-cable direct panic eta.) Division(i£Water Resources,U d',-'ground Injecllen Control rrograln, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS OLY- 1f636 Moll Ser eicC Ce I te N r,Raleigh,N1C 27699-1636 24c.For Water Su�tlt&Inicetion Welke: 13a.Yield(gpm) \�Ictirad of test: Also subinit one copy Iof this f6id cl:ithin:0,days of coiupletion of I.A.. Minfect(an type:-. Amount:_- __ - - - «'cll.construction to the county hcalth�dcpanmcni of the counly where constructed. Fann GR'-I North Camllna Elepadrt ent of Emdromma wd Nararsl Resources-Division of Water Resmi Revised ALgust_10M