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HomeMy WebLinkAbout209 Glenbuckley RoadA� �® NCDENR. North,,Carolih,-a Department ofEnvironroent and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor Augusi.12, 2014 Barbara,McTighe 209 Glenbuckley Road Cary, NC 27511' .John E. Skvarla, III, Secretary Subject: Surface Water Determination Letter 'NBRRO #14 -298 Wake,TCounty Determination Type-- Buffer Call Isolated'or EIP Call ® Neuse'(15A NCAC 2& 0233) .Start @; Q T4r- Pairlic6°(15A NCAC 26 0259) E EphemeraUlntermittenVPerennial [Determination USES 0 Isolated Wetland Deterrriihatioh ❑ Jordan (1'5A NCAC 26,.0267) to Buffers Project Name: Location/Directions: Subject Stream: `209,G1enbuckley,Road, Cary_ Subj'ectproperty'is a'privately owned lot located' of project address; UTto Williams Creek Determination Dater 8/1.1/2014' Staff. Sara Knies Stream/ E/I%P* Not Subject Siiliject .Start @; ;Stop@ Soil USES Feat- to Buffers to Survey Topo, Buffers' A E X' X *E111P =- Ephemeral /Intermittent /Perennial, Explanation: The'feature(s) listed,above,has,or have been located, on the So_'iUSur-ve - of Wake Counry;,North Carolina or the,most recent copykofthe US'GS Topographic map,at -a 1:- 24,000 scale.- Each feature that`i's checked `-`Not,Subject" has been'determined °not to be a stream or ismotoresent•on theproperty. Features =that are.checked "Subject " .have been located on the property and possess characteristics that qualify pit to be a stream. There maybe other streams located'.om your property That do nof,show up on the maps'referenced' above but; still ma-b e considered• jurisdictionaf,accordinmto the US Army Corps of,[Engineers and/or to,the Di "vision of Water Resources (DWR)• This on -site determination shall expire five,(5) years from the °date of this letter. Landowners or,affected parties that dispute,a determination made by the DWR or Delegated Local Authority may request a determination by the Director. An`appeal, request mustIbe made within sixty ,(6%,days of date of this letter or from the affected party (including downstream and /or adjacent owners)•is notified,of this letter. .A requesUfor a determination by the lone Carolina - - �tura!!y- 'Nbrth)Carolina Division of.Water Resources 1628 Mad Service Center Raleigh, NC,27699,1628 Phone (919) 791 -4200 Internet www ncwateraualitviorg Location 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh,, NC 27609 Fax (919) 788 -71'59 An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative'Action , Employer - 50%' Recycled110 %Post`Consumer'Paper 209 Gl'enbuckley °Road `8/12/201'4' Page 2 of;2 Director shall bexeferred to the Director in writing c/o Karen Higgins; DWR WeBSCaPe Unit,1650:Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27,699. This determination is final and binding;unless, a`s,detailed,aboye, you ask; fof�a,hearingbi@ appeal withihMx_ty (60) days. The owner /futureownees should notify,the,Division of Water Resources (including any other'Loc'al, State „a_nd Federat Agencies) of this decision concerning any future cori;esporidences r-egardiiig,the subject property (stated above):. This project-may,require a Sectionr404 %401 Pe_fthitIor°the proposed - activity: Any inquiries�sh6ald be directed, to the Division of Water Resources ,(central Office) at (919.)- 807-6300, and the L7SArrriy Co rpof Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field Offce),at (919) - 554=4884. If you have questions regarding this determination,eplease feel free to contact,sara,Kriies,at (919) 7914258u ISi cer y, Danny Smith_ ;supervisor, ater 'QualityKegionalOperations "Center cc: RRO'DWRfile Copy c, FH CAROLINA - SHEET NUMBER 66 c C GeB2 GeC2 m e� I GeC2 oGeL "L C CeD / . CG( i CrB2 N1Y � N 2y 41 CtC MyD CtB GeC2 m' P (37 GeC7 GeB2 CgC �% CeC2 - f' r2 CeD a c- myc MyC �; ( CeD `CgC2 CgC2 ! r CeD Ce t eB CeB 1 • - -�' • CeC2 i. 1 GeB' a Cm GeD2 G er. �� Qua - E WtB —\` A GeB GeD2 ApB2 AsB GeC - ApB2 aaC 6 Cam' Asc Wy I1rD2 GeB G GeC2 fie+.: eW �. t3 AgB2 C` 9° SG AsB2 I, AB. �C r, fin, ��Op Cet- HrC2 Wo HrC2 - -- Cm CeD C C2 1 AgC2 _ - -. . - m GeD2 Ag GeD2 N ApB2 CeC2 Au \ GeD2 AfA Au WWI CSC / 4 �H rB2 \ yl Gea2�� GeC GeC2 o� / cm HrD2 0� ; HrE' GeD2 Hr 2 V GeD2 GeD GeC2 GeC2 rC GeC2 / Ca GeD2 i ( p n GeC �' �• GeD2 GeB2 Hr( GeB2 GeC2 GeB HLC2^� HrC, HrD2 % l / rE f 7 HrC2 HrB2 1 HrC2 iHrD2 GeB2 HrC HrD'2 GeB 'HrB2 '� HrD2 HrC2 HrC HrB ►.:: :• . v r c> I GeB2 H E — ��y.. H rE Hrc H r B cc' HrC2 t;rc c HrD2 r HrE HrB2 -c�v . " - NOT- 9 140f+fs) I--, I V1 14 Sv4 C 209 Glenbuckley Drive, Cary PIN 0/52595115 OW Real Estate ID. 0177553 Map Name 0752 07 Owner MCTIGHE. BARBARA D Mailing Address 1. 209 GLENBUCKLEY RD Mailing Address 2: CARY NC 27511 -5262 Deed Book 014784 Deed Page 01738 Deed Date 05130/2012 Deeded Acreage 0 39 Assessed Building Value $2/8,03/ Assessed Land Value $126,000 Total Assessed Value 5404,031 Billing Class Individual Property Description. LO44 PICARDY POINTE PH1 SE1 BUPART B BM1989 -00561 Heated Area. 2745 Site Address 209 GLENBUCKLEY RD City: CARY Township Cary Year Built 1989 Total Sale Price $330.000 Sale Date 05/30/2012 type and Use SINGLFAM Design Style. Conventional Lard Class RES 10 AC Old Parcel Number. 598 -00000 -0388 N A 0 25 50 100 Feet 1 1 1 1 inch = 50 feet 'Maps maaas every short TO prpdeCe and puGisn pro .psi danant and atGU2re mtormeWn p—bie "—ver. the maps are ppd—d (w rnrprmat- pwooses and art NOT $Vnmys. Nd wansnpas, expressed of mptied .am provded W the data Memm . Is rase. or its mterpretatan. 40 uie� LAX 419 Al Y r it * � i -:rte ` ��•' =. `r. � ��j �- `,. v� ��� ♦ .sill �,�`iasy � •�i��_ gal AMP MR Jk r. t Mill Fv low, r survey complies,with the No V NEW IRON PIPE COT611na Standards'orftcticdtor �urvc�mj (kiction, '1600) fiir clossA.s�urvevs'dnd that colcu'l jxre�istonAkf&e adjustmentsji -to, "'ruj de uildag 'P- PORCH. 3 =STOOP, SH=SHED, C 660 4- th�rin f I t;' 9­ sho-ii dre primary control 'n ion,fibrthe feestablishment,of,,pTo FENCE, R penv:cqrRq s, in the absehae61' RADIUS grid.m' m6sidd other suQ' This survey, is-no-'v t6 .iWrei:orded'wi;ou1 � the,iiitteu vqnu - i y corners - I I C.AEEK'(APFROX LOCATION] dfintion orthe surveyor. This a --g- =OVTRHEADELECTRlC LINE, - 1h, � . 06*tyof�qs4rve vin L this � lbuio fhe, pe'rson(s) shown on u a, LP-- LIGHT POUE.-PP zi POWER POLE PK'= --'MANHOLE .'ProfeSsioh9I'Uand Surveyor urvexpr LOCATION BY SCALE C = CHIMNEY 9=,ELECT.*ANSFORMER 1 "Notes:' J) \orfh arrow is referinced7io "q. 1 above unlesAderioled othwi,� L=AR _C LENGTH. CH =CHORD, LENGTH 2) Hou*tics are radiii'ta pr6pe i#4� Fqlfts sbu�'rtbervvffe. Yl -YARD INLET, Dl'='DROP INLET pips if;� "Itb this suk-ey. D =. DECK- EH =, FIRE,HYDRANT I 3)Vnderground, pespotlac- W 4�Alll arias are computed bycoordioatcs tg =m'NOW.OR FORMERLY sj plain ;l2ii'ment a- ed -sepi�ritdy, if q.CStCd,-1nd not P2 Flood , i _ - DU,= DESTINATION UNKNOWN ,6 llislprWrty may, be subject tofife Nedsj River Boger. OU,= OWNERSHIP UNKNOWN nAft 6 I I 1 45 -'N Ch'10 7.747 -6LENBUCKLEY ROAD 50' P0,V, SVR\f,,EYf0R. BARBARA JANE MCTI'GIHE V6 �'l C' 1 —0 � VVI %wor (243) �10