HomeMy WebLinkAbout100021_IRR Forms_20210601Form IRR-1 Farm: Carolina Bay Sow Facility #: 10-21 Year: 2020 - 2021 Lagoon Pull Date Start End Total Crop Operator Initials Weather Code inspections Initials 1 CP 10/17/2020 7:30AM 9:45AM 135 Small Grain LS C LS 1 CP 10/17/2020 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 60 Small Gram LS C LS 1 26 10/28/2020 9:30 AM 4:30 PM 420 Small Grain LS C LS 1 26 11/5/2020 9:OOAM 4:OOPM 420 Small Grain LS C LS 1 29 11/5/2020 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 420 Small Grain LS C LS 1(Amway) 14,15,17 1/20/2021 10:15 AM 1230 PM 135 Small Grain LS C LS 1(Aerway) 19,21,23,825 1/2012021 2:15 PM 5:30 PM 195 Small Grain LS C LS 1(Aerway) 14,15,17 1/21/2021 12:30 PM 2:OO PM 90 Small Gram LS C LS 1(Aerway) 14,15,17 1/22/2021 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 90 Small Grain LS C LS 1(Aeiway) 28, 29 1/30/2021 8A5 AM 11:45 AM 180 Small Gran LS C LS 1(Aerway) 26 1/30/2021 12:45 PM 2:00 PM 75 Small Grain LS C LS 1(Aerway) 14,15,17 1/30/2021 3:15 PM 6:00 PM 165 Small Grain LS C LS 1(Aerway) 19,21,23.825 2R/2021 2:15 PM 4:15 PM 120 Small Grain LS C LS 1(Aerway) 19,21,23.825 2/3/2021 1:15 PM 6:30 PM 315 Small Grain LS C LS 1(Aarway) 1921,23,825 2/4/2021 1:15 PM 3::00 PM 105 Small Gran LS C LS 1 15 3/2/2021 9:30 AM 1:15 PM 225 Small Gran LS C LS 1 21 3/2/2021 9:30 AM 1:15 PM 225 Small Grain LS C LS 1 21 3/2/2021 1:15 PM 2:00 PM 45 Small Gran LS C LS 1 CP 3/3/2021 11:0,3AM 2:00 PM 180 Small Grain LS C LS 1 14 3/4/2021 11:35AM 3:35 PM 240 Small Gran LS C LS 1 19 3/4/2021 11:35AM 3:35 PM 240 Small Gran LS C LS 1 25 3/5/2021 8:30 AM 12:30 PM 240 Small Grain LS C LS 1 CP 3/5/2021 10:00 AM 3:30 PM 330 Small Grain LS C LS 1 29 3/6/2021 9:30 AM 2:30 PM 300 Small Gran LS C LS 1(Aenvay) CP 3/10/2021 7:00 AM 1200 PM 300 Small Grain LS C LS 1 23 3/12/2021 9:45 AM 12:45 PM 180 Small Grain LS C LS 1 17 3/12/2021 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 120 Small Grain LS C LS 1 22 3/12/2021 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 120 Small Gran LS C LS By signing this form, you certify that all of the information on this form Is true, provided by you, and complete to the best of your knowledge, and that inspections were completed at least every 120 minutes Owner Signature: Operator's Signature: Operators Cert. No.: 0Lt 0/ tf- 20897 FORM IRR-2 Hydrant 11 FIeId Size (wetted acme) a (A: Fun Owner Owners Address Owners Phone a Crop Tree Applic Period 1 CP1 79.7 Field # Flan Rate: 71080 886 Maguire Fann, LLC (Carolina Bay Sow) 1122 Oberlin Road Raleigh, NC 27605 (910) 8654395 Small Grain 10/1 - 3131 4 6 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle e litigation Opantor Imgason Operates Address Operators Phone a From Waste Utilisation Pan Recommended PAN Loading (Ib/aure) a (9) 7 8 Faddy Number 10 21 Leslie L Stutts 608 Midway Rd Se Bolivia, NC 28422 (910) 995-6797 50 9 2020 - 2021 CP1 *"'Nutrient Source Date (nawtldlyr) Miamian Waste Analysis PAN' (1d1000 ga0 PAN Applied (Iblaee) %8) �f rot Ndlogen Balance* OtiBee) IBI-(10) Naas Remaining on Feld inches Per/Ace Remaining Stan Time End Time Total Minutes (31- (2) am Sprhalers Operefing Flow Rate (galAmn) Total Volume (gallons) (6) x (6) x (4) Volume Per Acre (9eyace) (7) f (A) 7000 Eta 50.00 1 10/1712020 7:30 AM 9:45 AM 135 1 850 114,750 1,440 1.28 1.84 48.16 58.79 1.39 1 10/172020 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 80 1 850 51,000 640 1.28 0.82 47.34 57.79 1.36 1 3/32021 11:00 AM a00 PM 180 1 850 153,000 1,920 1.33 2.55 44.78 52.62 1.24 1 3/52021 10:00 AM 3:30 PM 330 1 850 280,500 3,519 1.33 4.68 40.10 47.12 1.11 1 (Aerway) 3/102021 7:00 AM 12:00 PM 300 1 1000 300.000 3,764 1.33 5.01 35.10 35.05 0.97 Owners Signature Certified Opemb r (Print) 899,250 Operas Signature Operators CerlYrcation No. 14.90 I — d . AWA 20897 • NCDA Waste Anaylsis a Equivalent At a minimum, waste analysis is required within 60 days of land application events. Entw the value received by subtracting column (10) from (B). Continue subtracting column (10) from column (11) following each irrigation even. ***Enter nutrient source (ie. Lagoon/Storage Pond ID, commerical fertilizer, dry litter, etc.) IRR4 Awn agd012 CP1 Carolina Bay Sow - (Small Grain) 2020 - 2021 1 of 13 PORN IRR-2 Hydrant# Field Size (welled weal*: (A) Farm Owner Owners Address Owners Plane e Crop Type Applb. Period 1 14 5.44 Field a Flow Rale: 3075 128 Maguire Farm, LLC (Caroline Bay Sow) 1122 Oberlin Road Raleigh, NC 27605 (910) 886.4395 Small Grain 10/1 -3/31 3) 4 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle Irrigation Operator Irrigation Operaors Address Operators Phone a From Waste Utilization Plan Recommended PAN Loading (Ibraera) _ (8) 8 Fiscally Number 10 21 Leslie L. Studs 608 Midway Rd Se Bolivia. NC 28422 (910) 995-6797 50 (10) 2020 - 2021 14 -*Nutrient Bourne Date (ntny�ydMinuloa Imitation Waste Analysis PAN. (511000 gel) PAN Applied Ob/�) fin x (9) NOmgen Balance* Odacre) (0) - (t0) Hours Remaining an Feld incrust PerlAae Remaining SIaM1 Tina End Time Total (3)- (2) 0 of Sprinklers OpemBna Row Rate (aayMn) Total Volume (galbns) (8) x (5) x (4) V01uma peraco (gal/acre) (7)/(A) 1000 B= 50.00 1(Aerway) 14,15,17 1/20/2021 10:15 AM 12:30 PM 135 0.34 1000 46,131 8,480 1.28 10.85 39.15 8.11 1.13 1 (Aerwey) 14,15,17 1 212021 12:30 PM 2:00 PM 90 0.34 1000 30,754 5,653 1.28 7.24 31.91 6.61 0.92 1 (Amway) 14,15,17 1/22/2021 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 90 0.34 1000 30,754 5,653 1.28 7.24 24.67 1.75 0.71 1 (Aerway) 14,15,17 1/30/2021 3:15 PM 5:00 PM 165 0.34 1000 56,382 10,364 1.28 13.27 11.41 0.81 0.33 1 3/42021 11:35 AM 3:35 PM 240 1.00 128 30,720 5,647 1.33 7.51 3.90 2.08 0.11 Owners Signature Certified Operator (Prim) 194,740 Operators Signature Operators Certification No. a 46.10 t If . � .OJTGTwJ1ii AWA 20897 • NCDA Waste Anaylsis or Equivalent. At a minimum, waste analysis is required within 60 days of land application events. •• Enter the value received by subtracting column (10) from (B). Continue subtracting column (10) from Column (11) folbwing each inigaton event. •••Enter nutrient source (ie. Lagaon/Storage Pond ID, commerical fertilizer, dry litter, etc.) IRR.2 Form 54R0t7 14 Carolina Bay Sow - (Small Grain) 2020 - 2021 2of13 FORM IRR-2 Hydrant d Field Ste (wetted acres) =(AI Farm Owner Owners Address Owners Phoned Crop Type Appfic Period 15 5.21 Field Pow Rate: 3075 128 Maguire Farm, LLC (Carolina Bay Sow) 1122 Oberlin Road Raleigh. NC 27605 (910) 888.4395 Small Grain 10/1 - 3/31 3 4 5 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle 6 Irrigation Operator Irrigation Operators Address Operators Plane 0 From Waste Utilization Plan Recommended PAN Loading (Ibfacrs) a (B) 7 Facility Number 10 21 Leslie L. Studs 608 Midway Rd Se Bolivia, NC 28422 (910) 995-6797 50 (10) 2020 - 2021 15 •^NWiem Source �e (mMddlyO Irrigation Wars Analysis PAN• (IW1000 gal) PAN Applied (mare) g11xr91 Mogen �., (mare) (B) • (10) Hours Remaining on Field Inches PedAve Remaining Seen Time End Time Total Minutes 13) - (2) 0 of SprinMms Operating Flow Rate (gal/Mn) Total Volume (gations) (6) x (51 x (4) Volume per Aae (galrecre) (ar(A) 1000 So 5000 1 (Airway) 14,15,17 1202021 10:15 AM 12:30 PM 135 0.33 1000 44,180 8,480 1.28 10,85 39.15 8.11 1.13 1 (Panay) 14,15,17 1212021 1230 PM 2:00 PM 90 0.33 1000 29,454 5,653 1,28 7.24 31.91 6.61 0.92 1 (Aarway) 14,15,17 1222021 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 90 0.33 1000 29,454 5,653 1.28 7.24 24.67 1.67 0.71 1 (Aerway) 14,15,17 1/30/2021 3:15 PM 6:00 PM 165 0.33 1000 53,998 10,364 1.28 13.27 11.41 0.77 0.33 1 322021 9:30 AM 1:15 PM 225 1.00 128 28,800 5,528 1.33 7.35 4.06 2.07 0.11 Owners Signature Certified Operator (Print) Crop Cycle Totals 185.885 Ile L. Studs Operators Signature Operators Certification No. 45.94 oar AWA 20897 • NCDA Waste Anaylsis or Equivalent. At a minimum, waste analysis is required within 60 days of land application events. •• Enter the value received by subtracting column (10) from (8). Continue subtracting column (10) from column (11) following each irrigation event. "'Enter nutrient source (ie. Lagoon/Storage Pond ID, commerical fertilizer, dry litter, etc.) IRR4 Form M12012 15 Carolina Bay Sow - (Small Grain) 2020 - 2021 3 of 13 FORM IRR-2 Hydrant g Field Sim (wetted acres) =IA) Farm Owner Owners Address Owners Phone 0 Crop Type Appllo Period 1 17 5.27 Field g Flow Rate: 3075 128 Maguire Farm, LLC (Carolina Bay Saw) 1122 Oberlin Road Raleigh, NC 27605 (910) 866-4395 Small Grain 1011 •3/31 (3) (4) (5) Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle Irrigation Operator Irrigation Operator's Address Operators Phone From Waste Utilization Mari Recommended PAN Loading (0faas) _ (B) (5) (7) Facility Number 10 r 21 Leslie L Stutts 608 Midway Rd Se Bolivia, NC 28422 (910) 995-6797 50 110) 11 2020 - 2021 17 -Nutrient Source Date tiny ) Irrigation Waste Analysis PAN' (0y1000 gal) PAN Applied (Ibhue) (81x fe) Nitrogen 8� ) (B) -(10) Hours • Remaining on Field Inches PadAae Remaining Start Start TimeTime(3) End End Total Minutes - (2) aof Spdnlders Operating Flow Rale (gWWMn) Total Volume (gaIons) (8) x (5) x (4) Volume Per (gabaae) (7)1 (A) 1000 Be 50.00 1 (Aerway) 14,15,17 1/20/2021 10:15 AM 1210 PM 135 0.33 1000 44,689 8,480 1.28 10.85 39.15 8.11 1.13 1 (Aerway) 14,15,17 1212021 12:30 PM 2:00 PM 90 0.33 1000 29,793 5,653 1.28 7.24 31.91 6.61 0.92 1 (Aetway) 14,15,17 1222021 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 90 0.33 1000 29,793 5.653 1.28 7.24 24.67 1.69 0.71 1 (Agway) 14,15,17 1/302021 3:15 PM 6:00 PM 165 0.33 1000 54,620 10,364 1.28 13.27 11.41 0.78 0.33 1 3/12/2021 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 120 1.00 128 15,360 2,915 1.33 3.88 7.53 3.89 0.21 Owners Signature Certified Operator (Print) Crop Cycle Totals 174,254 Ile L. Studs Operators Signature Operators Certification No. 42.47 l •OJitzer AWA 20897 • NCOA Waste Anaylsis or Equivalent. At a minimum, waste analysis Is required within 60 days of land application events. Enter the value received by subtracting column (10) from (B). Continue subtracting column (10) from column (11) following each irrigation event. "'Enter nutrient source (ie. Lagoon/Storage Pond ID, commerical fertilizer, dry litter, et) IRR.2 Form aU312e12 17 Carolina Bay Sow - (Small Grain) 2020 - 2021 4 of 13 FORM IRR-2 Hydrant a Field Size (wetted aces) _ (A) Ferro O rme Owners Address Owners Phase 0 Crop Type Apollo. Period (1) 19 5.46 Field a Flow Rate 3075 128 Maguire Farm, LLC (Carolina Bay Sow) 1122 Cberfm Road Raleigh. NC 27805 (910) 886.4395 Small Grain 1011 - 3/31 (3) 4 5 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Fleur per Crop Cycle 6 InigaBan Operator irrigation Operators Address Operators Phone From Waste Utilization Plan Recommended PAN Loading (taracre)= (B) n 6 Facility Number 10 21 Leslie L Stutts 808 Midway Rd Se Bolivia, NC 28422 (910) 99543797 50 10 11 2020 - 2021 19 -Nutrient Source Date (mnyddlyO Imyatbn Waste Analysis Pam. gb/1000 gag PAN Applied (b/aca)°•• ff8811::�� Nitrogen (Ibieca) Ill)•(10) Hours Remaining on Field Intros Per/Awe Remaining Sari Time Eno nme Total Mbaes (3)-(2) aof SgtrlkWs Operating Flow Rafe (gat/Inin) Total Volume (gallons) (6)x(5)x(4) Volume per Acre (gal/acre) (7)/(Al Ear 50.00 1 (Aenvay) 19,21,2325 1/20/2021 2:15 PM 5:30 PM 195 0.23 1000 44,848 8,214 1.28 10.51 39.49 12.21 1.14 1(Aeraay) 19,21,23,25 2/2/2021 2:15 PM 4:15 PM 120 0.23 1000 27,599 5,055 1.28 6.47 33.02 10.21 0.95 1 (Amway) 19,21,23,25 2/3/2021 1:15 PM 6:30 PM 315 0.23 1000 72,447 13,269 1.28 16.98 16.03 1.14 0.46 1 (Aemay) 19,2123,25 2/42021 1:15 PM 3:00 PM 105 0.23 1000 24,149 4,423 1.28 5.88 10,37 0.74 0.30 1 3/4/2021 11:35 AM 3:35 PM 240 1.00 128 30.720 5,626 1.33 7.48 2.89 1.54 0.08 Owners Signature Certified Operator (Prim) 199,764 operators Signature Operators Certification No. 47.11 tor AWA 20897 • NCDA Waste Anayais or Equivalent At a minimum, waste analysis is required within 60 days of and application events. Enter the value received by subtracting column (10) from (B). Continue subtracting column (10) from column (11) following each irrigation event. "'Enter nutrient source (le. Lagoon/Storage Pond ID, canmerical fert8¢er. dry alter, etc) IRR-2 Form 50,2012 19 Carolina Bay Sow - (Small Grain) 2020 - 2021 5 of 13 FORM IRR-2 Hydrant # Field Size (wetted aces) a (A) Farm Owner OwnersAddres Owners Phone # Crop Type Apollo. Period 21 5.72 Field # Flow Rate 3076 128 Maguire Farm, LLC (Caroline Bay Sow) 1122 Oberlin Road Raleigh, NC 27605 (910) 888-4395 Small Gmin 10/1 •3131 (1) Lagoon Liquid Inigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle Irrigation Operator irrigation °potatoes Address Operators Phone # From Waste Utilization Plan Recommended PAN Loading (have) _ (B) Fetltly Number 10 21 Leslie L. Stutts 808 Midway Rd Se Bolivia, NC 28422 (910) 995-6797 50 1101 2020 - 2021 21 *"'Nutrient Sauce Date ( ) Itr�alion Waste Analysis PAN. (ID/10009a1) P(Ibhce) AN Applied Nitrogen Bahna^ (3)- (10)1 IBI- Hours on rlald on Field Mates Per/Acre Remaining Start Time End Time Trial Minutes (3)•(2) # of Sprinklers Operating Flow Rate (9Wmin) Total Volume (9e8aro) (e)x(5)x(4) Vole per (9CLI ) ��+ B= 50.00 1 (Aerway) 1202021 2:15 PM 5:30 PM 195 0.24 1000 46,984 8,214 1.28 10.51 39.49 12.21 1.14 1 (Aerway) 19,21,23,25 222021 2:15 PM 4:15 PM 120 0.24 1000 28,913 5,055 1.28 6.47 33.02 10.21 0.95 1 (Aerway) 19,21,23,25 2/3)2021 1:15 PM 6:30 PM 315 0.24 1000 75,897 13,269 1.28 16.98 18.03 1.19 0.46 1 (Aerway) 19,21,23,25 2/42021 1:15 PM 3:00 PM 105 0.24 1000 25,299 4,423 1.28 5.66 10.37 0.77 0.30 1 3/22021 9:30 AM 1:15 PM 225 1.00 128 28,800 5,035 1.33 8.70 3.67 2.06 0.10 1 322021 1:15 PM 2:00 PM 45 1 128 5,760 1,007 1.33 1.34 2.33 1.31 0.08 211,654 Operators Signature Operators Certification No. • 47.87 AWA 20897 • NCDA Waste Aneylsis or Equivalent. At a minimum, waste analysis is required within 60 days of land application events. Enter the value received by subtracting column (10) from (B). Continue subtracting column (10) from column (11) following each Irrigation event. "'Enter nutrient source (ie. Lagoon/Storage Pond ID, commerical &Rizer. dry litter, etc.) WW2 Fan er3ge12 21 Carolina Bay Sow - (Small Grain) 2020 - 2021 6 of 13 FOR. IRR-2 Hydrant # Field Site (wetted awes) a (A) Fenn Owner Owner's Address Owner's Phone # Crop Type App&. Perloe (1) Fib.# 2.46 FlowRate: 3075 128 Maguire Fann, LLC (Caroline Bay Sow) 1122 Oberlin Road Raleigh, NC 27605 (910) 866-4395 Small Grain 1011 - 3131 2 3 a 8 Lagoon Liquid Inigatlon Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle 8 Irrigation Operator Irdgatbn Operator's Address Operator's Phase a From Waste thilintion Plan Recommended PAN Loadlag ( ) = (0) a Faddy Number 10 21 Leslie L. Stott!' 608 Midway Rd Se Bolivia, NC 28422 (910)995.8797 50 9 1 11 2020 - 2021 22 ***Nutrient Source Date (mMddyO Irljatbn Waste Analysis PAN' (Ox1000 gall Applied (Ib/aae) t4 1 Nit/oPAN Balance** � acte 0)-(1(lbeicre) (� • (10) Fiarre RaAcing con FbN Inches Per/Acre Remaining Start Tit a End Time Total Minutes (3). (2) # of Sprinklers Op.atln# Flow Rote (gaWlmal) Total Volume (gallons) (6) x (6) x (4) Volume Pe<Aae (Baia) (n/(A) "^^' a= sg.00 1 3/12/2021 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 120 1.00 128 15,360 8,244 1.33 8.30 41.70 10.04 1.15 Owner's Signature Certified Operator (PdM) 15,360 Operator's Signature Operettas Certification No. • AWA 20897 • NCDA Waste Maylsis or Equivalent At a minimum, waste analysis is required within 60 days of land application events. Enter the value received by subtracting column (10) from (B). Continue subtracting column (10) from column (11) following each irrigation event. "'Enter nutrient source (ie. LsgooniStorage Pond ID, commerical fertilizer, dry Otter, etc.) Imi.2 Fame 812012 22 Carolina Bay Sow - (Small Grain) 2020 - 2021 7 of 13 FORM IRR-2 Hydrant* Fk d Size (welted aces) n (A) Fann Owner Owners Address Owners Phone # Crop Type AppOa Period n) 23 Field 6.33 Firm RaW 3075 128 Maguire Farm, LLC (Carolina Bay Sow) 1122 Oberlin Road Raleigh, NC 27805 (910) 886-4395 Small Grain 1011 - 331 2 (4) 5 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle krigetion Operator Imgation Operator's Addmss Operators Phone # From Waste Ulilleatlon Pan Recommended PAN Loading (Co/acre) _ (B) 8 Fe8By Number 10 21 Leslie L. Stuns 608 Midway Rd Se Salvia, NC 28422 (910) 995-6797 50 10 1 2020 - 2021 23 -Nutrient Source Date ( /dd/n) Irrigation Waste Analysis PAN' (a1100pga0 PAN (misoe) l�: �1 Nitrogen lalarnte) QWaca) (B)-(t% Neat Remaining on Field ImMu PoNAce Remaining San The End Tore Total Minutes (3)-(2) a of Sprinklers Operating Flow Rate (gavmlu) Total Volume (gallons) (8)x(5)x(4) Volume Per Ace (gal/acre) (7) / (A) WI 8m 50.00 1 (Aerway)1921.23,25 1/20/2021 2:15 PM 5:30 PM 195 0.27 1000 51,995 8,214 1.28 10.51 39.49 12.21 1.14 1 (Aerway) 19,21,23,25 2/2/2021 2:15 PM 4:15 PM 120 027 1000 31,997 5,055 128 8.47 33.02 10.21 0.95 1 (Aerway) 19,21,23,25 23/2021 1:15 PM 6:30 PM 315 0.27 1000 83.991 13,268 1.28 16.98 16.03 1.32 0,48 1 (Amway) 19.21,23,25 2/4/2021 1:15 PM 3:00 PM 105 0.27 1000 27.997 4,423 1.28 5.86 10.37 0.85 0.30 1 3/1212021 9:45 AM 12:45 PM 180 1.00 128 23,040 3,640 1.33 4.84 5.53 3.43 0.15 Owners Signature Certified Operator (NM) 219,019 Operators Signature Operators Certification No. 44.• AWA 20897 • NCDA Waste Maylsis or Equivalent At a minimum. waste analysis is required within 60 days of land application events. Enter the value received by subtracting column (10) from (B). Continue subtracting column (10) from column (11) following each irrigation event --Enter nutrient source (ie. Lagoon/Storage Pond ID, commerical fertilizer. dry gter, eta) [RA.2 Form ee12e2 23 Carolina Bay Sow - (small Grain) 2020 - 2021 8 of 13 FORM IRR-2 Hydrant a Flew She (vetted acres). (A) Fann Owner OvmersAddress Owners Pilot*" Cop Type Applic Period 1 55 new 623 Flow Rmx 3075 128 Maguire Famy MC (Carolina Bay Sow) 1122 Oberlin Road Raleigh, NC 27605 (910) 866-4395 Small Grain 10/1 •3/31 2 3 A) 5 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Fonn for Each Field per Crop Cycle 6 Irrigation Operator litigation °paralees Address Operators Pram 0 From Waste Utilization Plan Recommended PAN Loading (Ib/aae) n (6) 7 6 Fatllay Number 10 21 Leslie L. Stotts 608 Midway Rd Se Bolivia, NC 28422 (910) 995.6797 50 (10) 11 2020.2021 25 'Nutrient Seurat Date Date (mMtldM) Irrigelwn Waste fl y s PAN' (w11000 gal) PAN Applied 0b acre) f4).i(41 Nitrogen Balance - tea$ MI- (10) Remaining on Field Indies Per/Acre Remaining Stan Tlma End Time Total Minutes (3) - (2) 8 of Spbixlen Operettng Flow Raw (gatnen) Total Volume (gallos) (6) x (5) z (4) Volume per Acre (gal/acre) (7)/(A) 1000 8- 50.00 1 (Aerway) 19,21,23,25 120/2021 2:15 PM 5:30 PM 195 0.26 1000 51,173 8,214 1.28 10.51 39.49 12.21 1.14 1 (Aerway) 19,21,23,25 2/22021 2:15 PM 4:15 PM 120 0.26 1000 31,491 5,055 1.28 6.47 33.02 10.21 0.95 1 (Aemrey) 19,21,2325 2/32021 1:15 PM 6:30 PM 315 0.26 1000 82,684 13,269 1.28 16.98 16.03 1.30 0.46 1 (Aerway) 19,21,23,25 2142021 1:15 PM 3:00 PM 105 026 1000 27,555 4,423 1.28 5.66 10.37 0.84 0.30 1 3/5/2021 8:30 AM 12:30 PM 240 1.00 128 30,720 4,931 1.33 6.56 3.81 2.33 0.11 Owners Signature Certified Operator (Paint) Capp Cycle Totals 223,603 Ito L. Stutts Operelets Signature Operate?, Certification No. 48.19 AWA 20897 NCDA Waste Anay4is or Equivalent At a minimum, waste analysis is required within 60 days of land application events. Enter the value received by subtracting column (10) from (B). Continue subtracting column (10) ham column (11) following each irrigation event. "'Enter nutrient source (ie. Legoon/Storage Pond ID, commerical fertilizer, dry titer, etc.) In .2 Fan snow 25 Carolina Bay Sow - (Small Grain) 2020 - 2021 9 of 13 FORM IRR-2 Hydrant Field Size (wetted acres) = (A) Farm Owner Owners Address Owners Phone # Crop Type App)to. Period 2e 6 Field 0 Flaw Rate: 3076 128 Maguire Farm, LLC (Carolina Bay Sow) 1122 Oberlin Road Raleigh, NC 27605 (910) 866-4395 Small Grain 10/1 - 3/31 2 3 4 5 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle IMgation Operator Inigatton Operators Address Operators Phone # From Waste U6tiratIon Plan Recommended PAN Loading (Wacre) = (8) 7 8 Facility Number 10 21 Leslie L. Stutts 608 Midway Rd Se Bolivia, NC 28422 (910) 995-6797 50 2020 - 2021 26 •••NuMeM Source Date (mmydd/yr) • ' Waste Analysis PAN* (Dy1000 Ball PAN Applied Otyacre) (a) x (91 Nitrogen (pxacre) fsl • (10) Hours Remaining on Field Inches Per/Acre Remaining Start Time End Time Total Minute (J) • (2) tlof SpMldsra Operating row Rate (gawnin) Total Volume (gasonsl 18) x (8) x (4) er Acre (9avaaa) (7)/IA) 1000 8= 50.00 1 1028/2020 9:30 AM 4:30 PM 420 1.00 128 53,760 8,980 1.28 11.47 38.53 23.52 1.11 1 11/5/2020 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 420 1.00 128 53,760 8,960 1.28 11.47 27.06 16.52 0.78 1 (Amway) 1/30/2021 12:45 PM 2.00 PM 75 1.00 1000 75,000 12,500 1.28 16.00 11.06 0.86 0.32 Owners Signature Certified Operator (Print) 182,520 Operators Signature Operators Certification No. 38.94 AWA 20897 ' NCOA Waste Anaylsis a Equivalent At a minimum, waste analysis is required within 60 days of land application events. •' Enter the value received by subtracting column (10) from (a). Continue subtracting column (10) from column (11) following each irrigation event. • 'Enter nutrient source (ie. Lagoon/Storage Pond ID, commerical fertilizer, dry litter, etc.) 1RR.2 Form 0112012 26 Carolina Bay Sow - (Small Grain) 2020 - 2021 10 of 13 FORM IRR-2 Hytlrant e Field Size (wetted acres) a (A) Fenn Owner Owners Address Owners Phone a Crap Type Apple. Period 1 27 288 Frets 0 SOW Rate: 3075 128 Maguire Farm, LLC (Carolina Bay Sow) 1122 Oberlin Road Raleigh, NC 27605 (910) 8664395 Small Grain 10/1 - 3/31 3 a 5 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One ram for Each Field per Crop Cycle 6 Irrigation Operator Irrigation Operators Address Operators Phone a From Waste Utlllzatlon Plan Recommended PAN Loading (OYaae) _ (El) (m Facility Number 10 21 Leslie L Stutts 608 Midway Rd Se Bolivia, NC 28422 (910) 995-6797 50 2020-2021 27 "'Ruffian! Source Dery (mwtlNyd . *iron WasteAnalysis (Ib/1000 gag PAN Applied ) Jlg1x�((Bl 1000 Raman 0� �) (B)-(101 Hours Rameirrinp on Field Inches Per/Ate Remaining Start Time End Time Total Minutes (3)-(2) If of Spdnldere Operating Flow Rere (gal/min) Total (gallons)Per (6)x(5)x(4) _ Acre (gal/acre) (7)/(A) Be 50.00 Operators Signature Operators Certification No. f . d -frzor AWA 20897 • NCDA Waste Anaylsis or Equivalent At a minimum, waste analysis is required within 60 days of IBM application events. •' Enter the value received by subtracting column (10) from 03). Continue subtracting column (10) from column (11) following each irrigation event. "'Enter nutrient source (ie. LagoonlStorage Pond ID, commerical fertilizer, dry litter, etc.) IRR-2 Fem 8/3ae12 27 Carolina Bay Sow - (Small Grain) 2020 - 2021 11of13 FORM IRR-2 Hydrant # Field SUS (wetted aces)= (A) Fain Owner Owners Address Owners Phone Crop Type Apollo Period f1) 28 Field 6.16 Flux Rate: 3075 128 Maguire Farm, LLC (Carolina Bay Sow) 1122 Oberlin Road Raleigh, NC 27605 (910) 886.4395 Small Grain 10/1 - 3/31 2 3 4 5 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle 8 Irrigation Operator Irrigation Operators Address Operators Phone # From Waste Utilization Plan Recommended PAN Loading ph/acre) = (B) 8 Facility Number L 10 21 Leslie L. Stutts 608 Midway Rd Se Bolivia. NC 28422 (910) 995-6797 50 2020 - 2021 28 •^NNriert Source Date ( d Ini08tlon PAN' (IN10009a0 PAN Applied At)1( ) %0 Nitrogen Balance's (INace) (B)-(10) Hours Remaining on Fete oField Inches Per/Acre RemelMng Sian Time Endper Time Total Minutes (3)- (2) # of Sprinklers Operating Row Rate (gal/min) Total (gallons) (6) x (5) x (4) Volume Acre Acre ((7)/( el (7)/(A) 11100 9= 50.00 1 (Aerway) 28,29 1/30/2021 8:45 AM 11:45 AM 180 0.47 1000 84.448 13,709 1.28 17.55 32.45 5.55 0.93 Crop Cycle Totals 84,448 Owners Signature Canted Operator (Pent) Luelle L. Statts Operator's Signature Operators Cedlfication No. 0.4 177 1- AWA 20897 • NCDA Waste Anaylsis or Equivalent. At a minimum, waste analysis is required within 60 days of land application events. •• Enter the value received by subtracting column (10) from (B). Continue subtracting column (10) from column (11) following each irrigation event. • 'Enter nutrient source (ie. Lagoon/Storage Pond ID, commerical fertilizer, dry litter, eta) IRR-2 Form 2r3/2012 28 Carolina Bay Sow - (Small Grain) 2020 - 2021 12 of 13 FOWe IRR-2 Hydrae a mew Size (wetted acres) a (A) Farm Owner Owner's Address Owner's Phone 5 Crop Type Appiec Period f11 28 Field a 6.97 Flow Rate: 3075 128 Maguire Farm, LLC (Carolina Bay Sow) 1122 Oberlin Road Raleigh, NC 27605 (910) 866-4395 Small Grain 10/1 - 3/31 (3) 4 5 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle 6 Ieigaton Operator Irrigation Operator's Address Operators Phone a From Waste Ut0lzadon Plan Recommended PAN Loading (lb/acre) _ (B) 7 8 Facility Number 10 21 Leslie L. Stotts 608 Midway Rd Se Bolivia, NC 28422 (910) 995-6797 50 9 10 1 2020-2021 29 —Nubiem Source Date (mMdrltyr) Irrigation Waste Analysis PAN• Owi000 gal) PAN Applied (to/are) (8)A�((el Nitrogen Balarnm• (Mime) (B)"(10) Hours Remaining on Field Inches Per/Ace Remaining '� Time End Time Total Minutes (31-(21 0 of Slanders Operating Flow Rate (gasntln) Total Volume (gallons) (8)z(5)z(4) _ Volume per Aae (gWarze) (7) / (A) 1000 6= 50.00 1 11/5/2020 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 420 1.00 128 53,760 7,713 1.28 9.87 40.13 28.45 _ 1.16 1 (Aerway) 28,29 1/30/2021 8:45 AM 11:45 AM 180 0.53 1000 95,552 13,709 1.28 17.55 22.58 3.86 0.65 1 3/6/2021 9:30 AM 2:30 PM 300 1.00 128 38,400 5,509 1.33 7.33 15.25 10.41 0.42 Owners Signature / Certified Operator (Print) Corp Cycle Totals le L. Stutts 187,712 Operator's Signature Operators Certification No. 34.75 l — • •OJTL`T 1F^ AWA 20897 • NCDA Waste Anaylsis or Equivalent. At a Mnimum, waste analysis is required within 60 days of land application events. •• Enter the value received by subtracting column (10) from (B). Continue subtracting column (10) from column (11) following each irrigation event ***Enter nutrient source (ie. Lagoon/Storage Pond ID, commerical fertilizer, dry litter, etc.) IRR 2 Form 0.302012 29 Carolina Bay Sow - (Small Grain) 2020 - 2021 13of13