HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140800 Ver 1_20140523 Stormwater Impact Analysis_20140729STORMWATER IMPACT ANALYSIS & PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES THE EDGE RAV -13000 CHAPEL HILL, NC DATE: JANUARY 2014 REVISED: MAY 2014 PREPARED FOR: NORTHWOOD RAVIN 4819 EMPEROR BOULEVARD, SUITE 320 DURHAM, NC 27703 McADAMS Raleigh /Durham ■ 2905 Meridian Parkway ■ Durham, NC 27713 Charlotte ■ 11301 Carmel Commons Blvd ■ Suite 111 ■ Charlotte, NC 28226 McAdamsCo.com Designing Tomorrow's Infrastructure & Communities THE EDGE CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA STORMWATER IMPACT ANALYSIS & PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES PROJECT NUMBER: DESIGNED BY: DATE: REVISED: 'J RAV -13000 D. AMOS CLARK, PE JON ALDRIDGE, PE JAMES EASON, EI JANUARY 2014 MAY 2014 MCADATAS 2905 MERIDIAN PARKWAY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27713 NC Lic. # C -0293 the EDGE Stormwater Impact Analysis and Preliminary Design of Stormwater Management Facilities General Description & Background Located on Eubanks Road, just west of its intersection with Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard on the north edge of Chapel Hill, N.C., is the site for the proposed development, the Edge. This proposed site will be a mixed use development containing commercial and residential development with associated streets, parking areas, utility improvements, and stormwater management improvements. At build -out, the Edge development is anticipated to be a 54 acre mixed use development containing 430 multi- family units, a hotel, 126,000 square feet of retail space, and 96,000 square feet of office space. The proposed development is located within the Cape Fear River basin, inside of the Town of Chapel Hill Watershed Protection District, with stormwater runoff from the proposed development draining directly into Old Field Creek. According to the N.C. Division of Water Quality BasinWide Information Management System (BIMS), Old Field Creek (Stream Index #16- 41 -1 -7) is classified as WS -V;NSW at this location. Development on this site is subject to requirements set forth in the Chapel Hill Land Use Management Ordinance. These are as follows: 5.4.6. General Performance Criteria for Stormwater Management The following are required stormwater management performance criteria: (a) Stormwater treatment shall be designed to achieve average annual eighty -five (85) percent total suspended solids (TSS) removal and must apply to the volume of post- development runoff resulting from the first one -inch of precipitation. Alternative treatment methods to achieve eighty -five (85) percent average annual TSS removal may be acceptable. The eighty -five (85) percent requirement applies to eighty -five (85) percent of the additional suspended solids that are the result of the new development. (Ord. No. 2004 -02- 2310 -2) (b) The stormwater runoff volume leaving the site post- development shall not exceed the stormwater runoff volume leaving the site pre - development (existing conditions) for the local 2 -year frequency, 24 -hour duration storm event for all development except single-family and two-family dwellings on lots existing as of January 27, 2003, or on lots pursuant to a preliminary plat that was approved by the town council prior to January 27, 2003. This may be achieved by hydrologic abstraction, recycling and /or reuse, or any other accepted scientific method. (c) The stormwater runoff rate leaving the site post- development shall not exceed the stormwater runoff rate leaving the site pre - development (existing conditions) for the local 1 -year, 2 -year, and 25 -year 24 -hour storm events. (d) Land disturbance within the stream channel of any ephemeral stream shall be minimized, and prohibited unless explicitly authorized by issuance of a zoning compliance permit after demonstration of the necessity for the disturbance. 5.19.7. Design and Performance Standards for Stormwater Management (a) Nitrogen and phosphorus loading (1) Stormwater systems shall be designed to control and treat the runoff generated from all surfaces by one inch of rainfall. The treatment volume shall be drawn down pursuant to standards specific to each practice as provided in the State Design Manual. (2) The nitrogen load contributed by the proposed development shall not exceed 2.2 pounds per acre per year. (3) The phosphorus load contributed by the proposed development shall not exceed 0.82 pound per acre per year. (4) Notwithstanding 15A NCAC 2B. 104(q), redevelopment subject to this Section that would replace or expand existing structures or improvements and would result in a net increase in built -upon area shall have the option of either meeting the loading standards identified in subsections 5.19.7(a)(2) and (3) above, or achieve 35 percent and S percent reduction for nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively, compared to the existing development. (5) The applicant shall determine the need for and shall design structural best management practices to meet these loading rate targets by using the approved accounting tool. (b) Nitrogen and phosphorus standards are supplemental. The nitrogen and phosphorus loading standards in this Section are supplemental to, not replacements for, stormwater standards otherwise required by Section 5.4 of the town's Land Use Management Ordinance. (c) Partial offset of nutrient control requirements. Before using offsite offset options, a development subject to this Section shall attain a maximum nitrogen loading rate onsite of six pounds per acre per year for single-family, single-family with accessory apartment, and duplex residential development and ten pounds per acre per year for other development, including multi family residential, commercial and industrial and shall meet all requirements for structural best management practices otherwise imposed by this Section. A person subject to this Section may achieve the additional reductions in nitrogen and phosphorus loadings by making offset payments to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (Program) contingent upon acceptance of payments by that Program. An applicant may propose other offset measures, including providing his or her own offsite offset or utilizing a private seller. All offset measures permitted by this ordinance shall meet the requirements of 15A NCAC 02B.0273 (2) through (4) and 15A NCAC 02B. 0240. (d) Structural best management practices that are designed, constructed, and maintained in accordance with the criteria and specifications in the design manuals and the approved accounting tool will be presumed to meet the minimum water quality performance standards of this Section. To address the requirements listed above for the Edge, multiple stormwater management facilities with level spreaders are proposed for use on this site. The proposed stormwater management facilities are designed in accordance with the N.C. Stormwater Best Management Practices manual (NCDENR). This report contains calculations detailing the expected stormwater impacts as a result of the proposed development, along with the preliminary design calculations for the proposed 2 stormwater management facilities that will be used to mitigate the impacts. Please refer to the appropriate sections of this report for additional information. Calculation Methodolo ➢ Rainfall data for the Chapel Hill, NC region is from Town of Chapel Hill Design Manual. The 1- year /24 -hour rainfall depth is 2.98 inches, the 2- year /24 -hour rainfall depth is 3.60 inches, the 25- Year /24 -hour rainfall depth is 6.41 inches, and the 100 - year /24 -hour rainfall depth is 8.00 inches. All of these storms were modeled within PondPack assuming a center weighted storm computation based on the complied results. Please reference the precipitation information section within this report for additional information. ➢ Using maps contained within the Orange County Soil Survey, the on -site soils were determined to range from hydrologic soil group (HSG) `B' soils to (HSG) `D' soils. Since the method chosen to compute both pre- and post - development peak flow rates and runoff volumes is dependent upon the soil type, care was taken when selecting the appropriate Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS CN). Within each sub - basin, an approximate proportion of each soil group was determined using NRCS Soil Survey Maps. Once an approximate proportion was determined, a composite SCS CN was computed for each cover condition. For example, the pre - development condition of Sub -basin #2 consists of approximately 74% HSG `B' soils and 26% HSG `D' soils. Therefore, for the open area cover condition, the composite SCS CN is computed as follows (assuming good condition): Composite Open SCS CN = (74% x 61) + (26% x 80) = 66 ➢ A composite SCS Curve Number was calculated for both the pre- and post - development condition for each subbasin using SCS curve numbers and land cover conditions. Land cover conditions for the pre- development condition were taken from a combination of field survey information and Town of Chapel Hill GIS. Land cover conditions for the post - development condition were taken from the proposed development plan. ➢ The time of concentration was calculated using SCS TR -55 (Segmental Approach, 1986). The Tc flow path was divided into three segments: overland flow, concentrated flow, and channel flow. The travel time was then computed for each segment, from which the overall time of concentration was determined by taking the sum of each segmental time. ➢ The post - development time of concentration to the proposed stormwater management facilities was assumed to be 5 minutes. ➢ PondPack, Version V8i, by Haestad Methods, was used in determining the pre- & post - development peak flow rates for the 1 -, 2 -, 25 -, and 100 -year storm events, as well as routing calculations for the proposed stormwater management facilities. This software was also used to generate the stage- discharge rating curve for the proposed stormwater management facilities. ➢ Water quality sizing calculations for the proposed stormwater management facilities were performed in accordance with the N.C. Stormwater Best Management Practices manual (NCDENR July 2007). The facility surface areas were sized using the runoff volume computed using the Simple Method. A temporary storage pool for runoff resulting from the 1.0" storm is provided in all facilities, to be drawn down in 2 to 5 days using an inverted siphon. An additional storage volume was calculated for the difference between the pre - development and post - development discharge for the 2- year- 24hour storm. ➢ Using the SCS Curve Number Method and composite curve numbers for the pre - development and post - development onsite area only conditions, run -off volumes were calculated for the 2 -year / 24 -hour rainfall. The calculated difference in the pre- and post - development run -off volumes is captured and stored in the facilities and released slowly over a 2 -5 day period using a low flow orifice. ➢ For 100 -year storm routing calculations, a "worst case condition" was modeled in order to insure the proposed facilities would safely pass the 100 -year storm event. The assumptions used in this scenario are as follows: 1. The starting water surface elevation in each facility, just prior to the 100 -year storm event, is at the top of riser elevation. This scenario could occur as a result of a clogged siphon or a rainfall event that lingers for several days. This could also occur as a result of several rainfall events in a series, before the inverted siphon has an opportunity to draw down the storage pool between NWSE and the riser crest elevation. 2. A minimum of approximately 0.5 -ft of freeboard was provided between the peak elevation during the "worst case" scenario and the top of the dam for each facility. ➢ TN -Export and TP -Export calculations were computed using the Jordan Lake Accounting Tool prepared by NC State University for the NC Division of Water Quality. Discussion of Results Peak Runoff Control Requirements The proposed project will result in a significant increase in peak flow rates. To mitigate this impact, the proposed facilities have been sized such that post - development peak flow rates are no greater than pre - development levels in the 1 -, 2 -, and 25 -year storm events. Pollutant and Nutrient Control Requirements The stormwater facilities onsite are designed such that they achieve 90% TSS. Furthermore, each facility is designed with a level spreader / vegetated filter system to appropriately discharge the 1" water quality storm safely into the buffers onsite. Calculations are provided detailing the loading rates resulting from the proposed development. The anticipated development results in a nitrogen and phosphorous loading rate higher than that allowed; and therefore, an offset payment to a private mitigation bank and /or NCEEP is required. Conclusion If the development on this tract is built as proposed within this report then the requirements set forth in the Town of Chapel Hill regulations will be met with the proposed stormwater management facilities. However, modifications to the proposed development may require that this analysis be revised. Some modifications that would require this analysis to be revised include: M 1. The proposed site impervious surface exceeds the amount accounted for in this report. 2. The post - development watershed breaks change significantly from those used to prepare this report. The above modifications may result in the assumptions within this report becoming invalid. The computations within this report will need to be revisited if any of the above conditions become apparent as development of the proposed site moves forward. 1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS 2 MISCELLANEOUS SITE INFORMATION 3 WATERSHED SOILS INFORMATION 4 PRECIPITATION DATA 5 PRE - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS 6 POST - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS 7 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT `1' FACILITY DESIGN CALCULATIONS 8 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY `2' DESIGN CALCULATIONS 9 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY `3' DESIGN CALCULATIONS i O STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY `4' DESIGN CALCULATIONS 11 NUTRIENT LOADING CALCULATIONS SUMMARY OF RESULTS THE -EDGE RAV -13000 THE EDGE SUMMARY Or RESULTS RAV -13000 = => RELEASE RATE MANAGEMENT RESULTS POA #I Return Period x Pre - Development Post Development 1 -Year % Increase [cfs] 1 %] -8.9% [cfs] 39.29 _[ %] _ I -Year 27.21 25 Year 20.57 - 24.4% m� 2 -Year _ 50.17 _ 106.80 34.75 84.05 -30.7% 25 -Year 176.66 � - 137.22 -� - 22.3% POA #2 Return Period Pre - Development Post - Development Post- -increase 1 -Year [cfs] a. 21.37 19.47 1 %] -8.9% 2 -Year 39.29 15.40 j 16.2% _ 25 Year 135.27 _32.93 124.39_ 8.0% POA #3 '— Return Period —7T-Ti re - Development Post - Development -% Increase [cfs] [cfs] 1%] I -Year 17.57 15.40 -12.4% -Year g 32.01 25.52 - 2_0.3% _2 25 -Year _ 106.80 84.05 _21.3 %_____.__ POA #4 Return Period Pre - Development Post - Development % Increase [cfs] [cfs] [ %] _1 -Year 12.52 _12.52 0.0% 2- Year...__ -� .._ 20.68 � _._ ___.. 20.68 0.0% 25 -Year 58.54 _ _ J. EASON, EI 5/23/2014 THE EDGE RAV -13000 = => ROUTING RESULTS SWMF #1 (Subbasin #l): Top of Dam = Return Period I -Year .._u�._ 2 -Year 25-Year 100, Year_Worst Case _ Design Drainage Area = Design Impervious Area = % Impervious = Design TSS Removal = Top of Dam = NWSE _ Surface Area Required at NWSE _ Surface Area at NWSE _ Average Depth _ WQ Volume Elevation = Siphon Diameter = Riser Size = Riser Crest = Orifice Elevation = Orifice Diameter = Barrel Diameter = # of Barrels = Invert In = Invert Out = Length = Slope = SUMMARY OF RESULTS 472.00 ft Inflow Outflow Pvlax. WSE Freeboard [cfs] [cfs] [ft] [ft] 20.44 0.32 468.21 3.79 e u24.84 u _.- 0.38 - 468.79 3.21 39.34 8.88 470.09 1.91 47.92r 30.98 470.74 1.26 5.56 acres 3.94 acres 71.0% 90.0% 472.00 ft 466.00 ft 9,784 sf 10,949 sf 3.01 ft 467.06 ft 2.00 inches 4ftx4ft 469.80 ft 467.10 ft 2.50 inches 24 inches 1 465.00 feet 464.00 feet 95 feet 0.0105 ft/ft J. EASON, EI 5/23/2014 THE EDGE SUMMARY OF RESULTS J. EASON, El RAV -13000 5/23/2014 SWMF #2 (Subbasin #I): Top of Dam = 477.00 Return Period [cfs] Inflow .n _ 1m00 [cf's] 1 -Year - 1.25 92.19 2 -Year 22.05 77.55 25 -Year 35.63 V _ $� ^100�Year Worst Case _ � _ � _129.50 b 159.76 Design Drainage Area = 19.15 Design Impervious Area = 12.29 % Impervious = 64.2% Design TSS Removal = 90.0% Top of Dam = 477.00 NWSE = 469.00 Surface Area Required at NWSE = 30,879 Surface Area at NWSE = 33,542 Average Depth = 3.01 WQ Volume Elevation = 470.16 Siphon Diameter = 3.50 Riser Size = 4 ft x 4 ft Riser Crest = 473.20 Orifice Elevation = 470.20 Orifice Diameter = 4.50 Barrel Diameter = 24 # of Barrels = 1 Invert In = 468.60 Invert Out = 468.00 Length = 113 Slope = 0.0053 ft Outflow Max. WSE Freeboard [cfs] [ft] [ft] 1m00 471.37 5.63 - 1.25 472.06 4.94 22.05 473.80 3.20 35.63 475.78 1.22 acres acres ft ft sf sf ft ft inches ft ft inches inches feet feet feet ft/ft THE EDGE SUMMARY OF RESULTS J. EASON, El RAV -13000 5/23/2014 SWMF #3 (Subbasin #3): Top of Dam = 511.00 Return Period f Inflow [cfs] 2 -Year 63.16 25 -Year 103.57 _ 100 _ -Year Worst Case 127.20 Design Drainage Area = 15.07 Design Impervious Area = 10.72 % Impervious = 71.1% Design TSS Removal = 90.0% Top of Dam = 511.00 NWSE = 503.00 Surface Area Required at NWSE = 26,625 Surface Area at NWSE = 28,560 Average Depth = 3.01 WQ Volume Elevation = 504.10 Siphon Diameter = 3.25 Riser Size = 4 ft x 4 ft Riser Crest = 506.80 Orifice Elevation = 504.20 Orifice Diameter = 4.00 Barrel Diareter = 24 # of Barrels = 1 Invert Irr = 502.50 Invert Out = 502.00 Length = 59 Slope = 0.0085 T1 acres acres ft ft sf sf ft ft inches ft ft inches inches feet feet feet ft/ft Outflow Max. WSE Freeboard [cfs] [ft] [ft] 0.76.....,. 505.15 5.85 0.9_4 � 505.73 5.27 15.96 15.96 507.22_._._._ - • ~ --_-� -3.78 34.46 � � 508.62 -�� 2.78 � THE EDGE SUMMARY OF RESULTS J. EASON, EI RAV -13000 5/23/2014 SWMF #4 (Subbasin #3): Top of Dam = 509.00 Return Period � refs] Inflow FID 0.35 _[cfs] 1 -Year �^ 0.44 2_2.83 2 -Year 10.42 28.47 25 -Year 47.54 100-Year Worst' aseT y 58,65 Y� Design Drainage Area = 7.03 Design Impervious Area = 4.74 % Lnpervious = 67.4% Design TSS Removal = 90.0% Top of'Dam = 509.00 NWSE = 502.50 Surface Area Required at NWSE = 11,841 Surface Area at NWSE = 14,609 Average Depth = 3.01 WQ Volume Elevation = 503.49 Siphon Diameter = 2.25 Riser Size = 4 ft x 4 ft Riser Crest = 505.90 Orifice Elevation = 503.50 Orifice Diameter = 2.75 Barrel Diameter = 24 # of Barrels = I Invert In = 501.50 Invert Out = 501.00 Length = 77 Slope = 0.0065 ft Outflow Max. WSE Freebo: refs] [ft] [ft] 0.35 504.41 4.59 0.44 504.96 4.04 10.42 2.80 _506.20 507.03�������1.97 acres acres ft ft sf sf ft ft inches ft ft inches inches feet feet feet ft/ft MISCELLANEOUS SITE INFORMATION THE -EDGE RAV -13000 PRO, tDing - yar-j-p t'JC--JTb--*j kml�d a&pr)fj) 0 2-n-12 laj)lf) �1 MV � 1 L 1 \, ,;i •l USE 1Tl VA: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FIRM PANEL LOCATOR DIAGRAM I CASWELL ' 1 ((��O PE SON V - - -- - 03J- 6-- -- - - j- - l--- 1 --- -il I °b' I04 "1 DATUM INFORMATION The projection used in the preparation of this map was the North Carolina State Plane (FIPSZONE 3200)• The horizontal datum was the North American Datum of 1983, GRS80 ellipsoid. Differences in datum, ellipsoid, projection, or Universal Transverse Mercator zones used in the production of FIRMS for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight positional differences in map features across jurisdictional boundaries. These differences do not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. All coordinates on this map are in U.S. Survey Feet, where 1 U.S. Survey Foot = 1200/3937 Meters. Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), These flood elevations must be compared to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same vertical datum, An average offset between NAVD 88 and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) has been computed for each North Carolina county. This offset was then applied to the NGVD 29 flood elevations that were not revised during the creation of this statewide format FIRM. The offsets for each county shown on this FIRM panel are shown in the vertical datum offset table below. Where a county boundary and a flooding source with unrevised NGVD 29 flood elevations are coincident, an individual offset has been calculated and applied during the creation of this statewide format FIRM, See Section 6.1 of the accompanying Flood Insurance Study report to obtain further information on the conversion of elevations between NAVD 88 and NGVD 29. To obtain current elevation, description, and /or location information for bench marks shown on this map, please contact the North Carolina Geodetic Survey at the address shown below. You may also contact the Information Services Branch of the National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713 -3242, or visit its website at www.ngs.noaa.gov, North Carolina Geodetic Survey County Average Vertical Datum Offset Table 121 West Jones Street County Vertical Datum Offset Ift) Raleigh, NC 27601 Orange -0.79 (919) 733-3836 www, ncgs,state.nc.us Example: NAVD 88 - NGVD 29 + ( -0.79) All streams listed in the Flood Hazard Data Table below were studied by detailed methods using field survey. Other flood hazard data shown on this map may have been derived using either a coastal analysis or limited detailed riverine analysis. More information on the flooding sources studied by these analyses is contained in the Flood Insurance Study report. FLOOD HAZARD DATA TABLE Floodway Width (feet) Left/Right Distance From Stream to v- Center of S E ncroachment Boundary (Looking Downstream) or Tot8l Floodway width J c3`3 ao; e BOOKER CREEK 1 1 7 11,747 1 ,840 297.4 749 / 320 240 �C Qj L)�o �`bg� olip eta 24,505 b� ,�to ��a �� O`c5 , •�B; - l--- 1 --- -il I °b' I04 "1 DATUM INFORMATION The projection used in the preparation of this map was the North Carolina State Plane (FIPSZONE 3200)• The horizontal datum was the North American Datum of 1983, GRS80 ellipsoid. Differences in datum, ellipsoid, projection, or Universal Transverse Mercator zones used in the production of FIRMS for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight positional differences in map features across jurisdictional boundaries. These differences do not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. All coordinates on this map are in U.S. Survey Feet, where 1 U.S. Survey Foot = 1200/3937 Meters. Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), These flood elevations must be compared to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same vertical datum, An average offset between NAVD 88 and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) has been computed for each North Carolina county. This offset was then applied to the NGVD 29 flood elevations that were not revised during the creation of this statewide format FIRM. The offsets for each county shown on this FIRM panel are shown in the vertical datum offset table below. Where a county boundary and a flooding source with unrevised NGVD 29 flood elevations are coincident, an individual offset has been calculated and applied during the creation of this statewide format FIRM, See Section 6.1 of the accompanying Flood Insurance Study report to obtain further information on the conversion of elevations between NAVD 88 and NGVD 29. To obtain current elevation, description, and /or location information for bench marks shown on this map, please contact the North Carolina Geodetic Survey at the address shown below. You may also contact the Information Services Branch of the National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713 -3242, or visit its website at www.ngs.noaa.gov, North Carolina Geodetic Survey County Average Vertical Datum Offset Table 121 West Jones Street County Vertical Datum Offset Ift) Raleigh, NC 27601 Orange -0.79 (919) 733-3836 www, ncgs,state.nc.us Example: NAVD 88 - NGVD 29 + ( -0.79) All streams listed in the Flood Hazard Data Table below were studied by detailed methods using field survey. Other flood hazard data shown on this map may have been derived using either a coastal analysis or limited detailed riverine analysis. More information on the flooding sources studied by these analyses is contained in the Flood Insurance Study report. FLOOD HAZARD DATA TABLE Floodway Width (feet) Left/Right Distance From Stream to v- Center of S E ncroachment Boundary (Looking Downstream) or Tot8l Floodway width Cross Section Stream Statlon' -lood Discharge (cfs) °k 1 Annual Chance 000yrearl ✓Vater -Surface Elevation (feet NAVD 881 BOOKER CREEK 1 1 7 11,747 1 ,840 297.4 749 / 320 240 23,991 1 210 434.8 19 / 1 23 245 24,505 1 210 442.4 14 / 47 250 24,963 1 1,010 449.4 1 19 / 12 255 25,524 1 ,01 0 461.3 19 / 1 3 267 26,670 1 010 1 479.2 50 / 20 CEDAR FORK 007 668 1 ,11 0 297.4 19 / 80 013 1,315 1 J 1 0 298.3 33 / 16 022 2.215 1 ,1 1 0 311.4 17 / 1 5 024 2,412 1 ,1 1 0 314.3 19 / 1 2 026 2,576 1 ,11 0 319.4 22 / 13 028 2,839 1 ,11 0 328.4 14 / 17 031 3,050 940 333.6 20 / 45 033 3,252 940 337.8 18 / 20 034 3,434 940 341.4 9 / 16 036 3,631 940 353.2 9 / 30 039 3,897 940 367.6 28 / 17 041 4,143 940 379.3 24 / 12 044 4,365 940 383.7 16 / 24 046 4,595 940 393.0 34 / 15 048 4,762 940 398.9 33 / 51 049 4,944 940 405.1 28 / 28 052 5,190 940 415.3 35 / 39 055 5,482 940 425.2 12 / 12 057 5,732 940 435.5 18 / 41 061 6,061 940 441.2 16 / 25 063 6,308 940 445.5 11 / 16 068 6,796 940 458.3 16 / 24 073 7,325 731 467.5 17 / 26 079 7,865 1 731 477.2 18 / 25 082 8,152 1 731 484.3 65 / 30 085 8,509 1 731 1 484.3 21 / 25 ' Feet above mouth 2 E levation includes backwater effects from Booker Creek �d�s�o �,� ,vkr.t ✓� T. r: r 1 FEMNS COOPERATING TECHNICAL PARTNER awl' A7vD S� This digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) was produced through a unique cooperative partnership between the State of North Carolina and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The State of North Carolina has implemented a long term approach of floodplain management to decrease the costs associated with flooding. This is demonstrated by the State's com- mitment floodplain t th local level. A part of this effort the m tment to ma areas a e s a a , P P State of North Carolina has joined In a Cooperating Technical State agreement ment with FEMA to produce and maintain this digital FIRM. www.ncfloodmtaps.com 79° 04' 00 79.03' 30 79° 03' 00" 79° 02' 30" 1980 000 FEET 675 0O "^ 676 000 M 1 987 500 FEET 677 000 Ia 1 990 000 FEET JOINS PANEL 9881 810 000 FEET _ ._.. -- - --------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- -- -- - - - - -- - - - - --- -- -- ,, 810 000 FEET - 3983 ^" °58' 30' � t•' ' I ,, rua 35� 35.58'30' 000 • i . .o u. [!� Y , I-. t,, r . , OG >92A r LW AA D,: k A, :. _ �t ". � i �i a.• A15 lf!t.t 1 _•¢ Sc•I 4 1 t• �l�h' \�. � F x , i - 4 / n (f(lrL • 111 ,� nn - C � .: ';� I "it•1 �° .. /5� "" � :. �. \' 1 � - tl/ rt yl"` v�' � - ^. 1 . �i..�= �' �, >I::i ii ,rl] \•L I.., �, ® ' ~� +.. r ',r ply %� �K �' i r�l ��� - 4 �,.. r L� X': L '6E . i� �l 3981 000 1� • , •t� 0%, F7 -a a j r It T. ZONE X , ZONE AE, - <6i '.LILT CF , T,�,I ZONE X zf .,; s�� ! . `Af3Ny _ - EZ2 0 TI ,I, 35 °57' 00" ZONE X ZONE AE' 3980 Ow m i 1 91 J d p ZONE X 800 000 FEET - -- - - - - -- -.- -__ . _\ i'g-- 1980 000 FEET 165 -- 79'04'00" 79 °03' 30" 1982 500 FEET This map is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program. It does not necessarily identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local drainage sources of small size, The community map repository should be consulted for possible updated or additional flood hazard information. To obtain more detailed information in areas where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) and /or floodways have been determined, users are encouraged to consult the Flood Profiles, Floodway Data, Limited Detailed Flood Hazard Data, and /or Summary of Stillwater Elevations tables contained within the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report that accompanies this FIRM. Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent rounded whole -foot elevations. These BFEs are intended for flood insurance rating purposes only and should not be used as the sole source of flood elevation information. Accordingly, flood elevation data presented in the FIS report should be utilized in conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of construction and /or floodplain management. Boundaries of regulatory floodways shown on the FIRM for flooding sources studied by detailed methods were computed at cross sections and interpolated between cross sections. The floodways were based o n hydraulic considerations with regard to requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. Floodway widths and other pertinent floodway data for flooding sources studied by detailed methods as well as non - encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods are provided in the FIS report for this jurisdiction. The FIS report also provides instructions for determining a floodway using non -encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods. 37 ZONE X r Lis ZONE X IF r - D11 D <it 'ZONE X' ok'6`\� f "f'' a on, JOINS PANEL 9789 676 Ow M 79° 03' 00 " NOTES TO USERS Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood control This map reflects more detailed and up -to -date stream channel configurations than structures. Refer to Section 4.4 "Flood Protection Measures" of the Flood Insurance those shown on the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The floodplains and floodways Study report for information on flood control structures in this jurisdiction, that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have been adjusted to conform to these new stream channel configurations. As a result, the Flood Profiles and Floodway Base map information and geospatial data used to develop this FIRM were obtained from Data tables in the Flood Insurance Study report (which contains authoritative hydraulic various organizations, including the participating local community(ies), state and federal data) may reflect stream channel distances that differ from what is shown on this map. agencies, and /or other sources. The primary base for this FIRM is aerial imagery acquired by Orange County. The time period of collection for the imagery is 2003. Information and Please refer to the separately printed Map Index for an overview map of the county geospatial data supplied by the local community(ies) that met FEMA base map specifications showing the layout of map panels, community map repository addresses, and a Listing of were considered the preferred source for development of the base map. See geospatial Communities table containing National Flood Insurance Program dates for each community metadata for the associated digital FIRM for additional information about base map as well as a listing of the panels on which each community is located. preparation. If you have questions about this map, or questions concerning the National Flood Base map features shown on this map, such as corporate limits, are based on the Insurance Program in general, please call 1. 877 -FEMA MAP (1-877-336-2627) or visit the most up -to -date data available at the time of publication. Changes in the corporate FEMA website at www.fema.gov. limits may have occurred since this map was published. Map users should consuItthe appropriate community official or website to verify current conditions o f An accompanying F lood Insurance Study report, , L ett er of Ma p Revision ( L MR ) o r Le tt er jurisdictional boundaries and base map features: This map may contain roads that were of Map Amendment (LOMA) revising portions of this panel, and digital versions of this not considered in the hydraulic analysis of streams where no new hydraulic model was FIRM may be available. Visit the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program website created during the production of this statewide format FIRM. at www.ncfloodmaps.com, or contact the FEMA Map Service Center at 1,800 -358 -9616 for information on all related products associated with this FIRM. The FEMA Map Service Center may also be reached by Fax at 1- 800 - 358 -9620 and its website at www,msc.fema,gov, 35'57'00" FLOODING EFFECTS FROM CEDAR FORK ZONE AE as -; (EL 298) 3980 000 M 800 000 FEET Go 000 FEET N LAKESHORE DR MAP REPOSITORY Refer to listing of Map Repositories on Map Index or visit www.nefloodmaps.com. EFFECTIVE DATE OF FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL FEBRUARY 2, 2007 EFFECTIVE DATES) OF REVISIONS) TO THIS PANEL For community map revision history prior to statewide mapping, refer to the Community Map j History table located in the Flood Insurance Study report f or this jurisdiction. To determine if flood insurance is available in this community, your insuranc e agent, the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management or the National Flood Insurance Program at the following phone numbers or websites: NC Division of Emergency Management National Flood Insurance Program (919) 715 -8000 www.nccrimecontrol.org /nfi 1 -800- 638 -6620 www.fema.gov/nfip LEGEND SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFHAs) SUBJECT TO INUNDATION BY THE 1 0 � ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD The 1 % annual chance flood 000 -year flood), also known as the base flood, is the flood that has a 1 % chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The Special Flood Hazard Area is the area subject to flooding by the 1 % annual chance flood. Areas of Special Flood Hazard include Zones A, AE, AH, AO, AR, A99, V, and VE. The Base Flood Elevation is the water - surface elevation of the 1 °� annual chance flood. ZONE A No Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AE Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AH f=lood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually areas of ponding); Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain); average depths determined. For areas of alluvial fan flooding, velocities also determined. ZONE AR Special Flood Hazard Area formerly protected from the 1% annual chance flood by a flood control system that was subsequently decertified. Zone AR indicates that the former flood control system is being restored to provide protection from the 1% annual chance or greater flood. ZONE A99 Area to be protected from 1 % annual chance flood by a Federal flood protection system under construction; no Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE VE Coastal flood zone with velocity hazard (wave action); Base Flood Elevations determined. ® FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE The floodway is the channel of a stream plus any adjacent floodplain areas that must be kept free of encroachment so that the 1 % annual chance flood can be carried without substantial increases in flood heights. OTHER FLOOD AREAS ZONE X Areas of 0.2% annual chance flood; areas of 1% annual chance flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; and areas protected by levees from 1 % annual chance flood. OTHER AREAS ZONE X Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain. ZONE D Areas in which flood hazards are undetermined, but possible. COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS) AREAS \' \ OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS (OPAs) CBRS areas and OPAs are normally located within or adiacent to Special Flood Hazard Areas. - 1% annual chance floodplain boundary 0.2% annual chance floodplain boundary Floodway boundary Zone D Boundary• CBRS and OPA boundary Boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Area Zones and "- 4- boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Areas of different - Base Flood Elevations, flood depths or flood velocities. 5 13- Base Flood Elevation line and value; elevation in feet* (EL 987) Base Flood Elevation value where uniform within zone; elevation in feet* "Referenced to the No American Vertical Datum of 1988 n Cross section line 23 - - - - - - 23 Transect line 97 °07' 30" ° 32 °22' 30" Geographic coordinates referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) 4276 000m 1000 -meter Universal Transverse Mercator grid ticks, zone 18 t 477 500 FEET 2500 -foot grid values: North Carolina State Plane coordinate system (FIPSZONE 3200, State Plane NAD 83 feet) BM5510 North Carolina Geodetic Survey bench mark (see explanation X in the Datum Information section of this FIRM panel). BM5510 National Geodetic Survey bench mark (see explanation in ® the Datum Information section of this FIRM panel). • M1.5 River Mile 4 GRID NORTH MAP SCALE 1" = 500' (1 : 6,000) 250 0 500 1000 FEET EEa METERS 150 0 150 300 PANEL 9880J FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NORTH CAROLINA PANEL 9880 (SEE LOCATOR DIAGRAM OR MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) CONTAINS: COMMUNITY CID No. PANEL SUFFIX CHAPEL HILL, TOWN OF 370180 9880 1 ORANGE COUNTY 370342 9880 1 Notice to User: The Map Number shown below should be used when placing map orders: the Community Number shown above should be used on insurance applications for the subject community. EFFECTIVE DATE MAP NUMBER FEBRUARY 2, 2007 3710988000J IS �. State of North Carolina Federal Emergency Management Agency ED O St IN ri O am STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FIRM PANEL LOCATOR DIAGRAM —� -� ItloodwtDistah From Left/Right Distance From the Center of Stream to Encroachment Boundary (Looking Downstream) or Total Floodw ay Width Cross Sec:lon Stream Station' Flood Discharge (cfs) PE SON 350 34, 977 2,240 453.8 17/15 355 35,477 2,240 455 -1 17/15 360 35,977 2,240 457.0 17/15 365 36,477 1,890 459.1 35/35 370 36,977 1,890 460.7 30/60 375 37,541 1,890 463.3 35/.50 380 37,977 1,6W 466.5 25/70 385 38,477 • - -.._. 3� DATUM INFORMATION The projection used in the preparation of this map was the North Carolina State Plane (FIPSZONE 3200). The horizontal datum was the North American Datum of 1983, GRS80 ellipsoid. Differences in datum, ellipsoid, projection, or Universal Transverse Mercator zones used in the production of FIRMs for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight positional differences in map features across jurisdictional boundaries. These differences do not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. All coordinates on this map are in U.S. Survey Feet, where 1 U.S. Survey Foot = 1200/3937 Meters. Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), These flood elevations must be compared to structure and ground elevations referenced to the same vertical datum. An average offset between NAVD 88 and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) has been computed for each North Carolina county, This offset was then applied to the NGVD 29 flood elevations that were not revised during the creation of this statewide format FIRM. The offsets for each county shown on this FIRM panel are shown in the vertical datum offset table below. Where a county boundary and a flooding source with unrevised NGVD 29 flood elevations are coincident, an individual offset has been calculated and applied during the creation of this statewide format FIRM, See Section 6.1 of the accompanying Flood Insurance Study report to obtain further information on the conversion of elevations between NAVD 88 and NGVD 29. To obtain current elevation, description, and /or location information for bench marks shown on this map, please contact the North Carolina Geodetic Survey at the address shown below. You may also contact the Information Services Branch of the National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713 -3242, or visit its website at www,ngs.noaa.gov, North Carolina Geodetic Survey County Average Vertical Datum Offset Table 121 West Jones Street County Vertical Datum Offset (ft) Raleigh, NC 27601 Orange - 0.79 (919) 733 -3836 www, ncgs, state.nc, us I Example: NAVD 88 - NGVD 29 + ( -0.79) All streams listed in the Flood Hazard Data Table below were studied by detailed methods using field survey. Other flood hazard data shown on this map may have been derived using either a coastal analysis or limited detailed riverine analysis. More information on the flooding sources studied by these analyses is contained in the Flood Insurance Study report. FLOOD HAZARD DATA TABLE , tttd.v�:CX)PERATMCi 1tG11NICAL. ARINtH ,c• � �qND SE�� This digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) was produced through a unique cooperative partnership between the State of North Carolina and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The State of North Carolina has implemented a long term approach of floodplain management to decrease the costs associated with flooding. This is demonstrated by the State's com- mitment to map floodplain areas at the local level. As a part of this effort, the State of North Carolina has joined in a Cooperating Technical S late agreement reement with FEMA to produce and maintain this digital FIRM. www.ndloodmaps.com 79° 06' 00 " 1970 000 FEET 810 000 FEET F, - -- - - - - -- 35° 58' 30 " 3982 000 M 35° 58' Oi i 79 °05' 30" 672 000 ?,A MW JOINS PANEL 9871 FLOODING EFFECTS FROM 79* 05' 00" 79 °04. 30" 00o M 1 980 000 FEET OIL FIELD CREEK 673 0� "' 1 977 500 FEET �S� 674 ���� ___ -- -- —_ -- _ —.- 810 000 FEET A.: ZONE AE e IEL 452) I Orange County 35 58 30 Unincorporated Area ��; ZONE X' 370342 "`--`-Orange County ZONE AE ,o: _-ZONE X Unincorporated Areas 1'0Nv n of (:hapel Hill 370342 Extra.ter)'ltorial Jurisdiction 370180 ZONE Xi <l.,r /iwr, 0'w/ ( ZONE X C i CO- iY -- �� 0 Orange (01-trIty \ ,ZONE X Uiti.ncotporated Areas I ,, 3 %0342 Town of C1- apcl Hill ' \ZONE AE 370180 ' ., ZONE X T T F)FT .n T ' ZONE X 807 500 FEET ZONE AE 0 LLJ t O II 1C)1 "VIC- FIl1i'i.L ;'I�_ LT,: ZONE X L_ \_Z41 Town of Carrboro Extraterritorial Jurisdictio 370275 -ZONE AE *ZE a i T 4 8 oaa 3981 000 M 35.57' 30 ° � .. Town of Chapel Hill_ � LII:'IT l, I L, L.,,, A\ . EXLralCTrlltlrtctl Jll l'1ShcCllc Il i osi 170180 711 y •I ZONE X' TL T Tf t \ZONE AE ZONE AE ' t 1 l tt 802 500 1 1 I / I _ � � ` iZGivE n - ZONE X ZONE X Town of Carrboro \, - Extraterritorial l\ t "'r Jurlsdlctlon ZONE x — _ ` -' _ 370275 1'0�, n of Carrboro ZONE x X70275 _�%% \ �\� - -ZONE X F.'rr /rr C i:,,. /. 2• .. �.._ 3�0 ; ``' (J1� J i I - I - T- I f ZONE AE ZONE :x ZONE X ti `� X�` ZONE AE Hogan Lake ZONE X 35 °57' 00" a - 3980 000 M / / ff i i F\ N ( ') Iii N : ) aoo \ ZONE X- \1 1 :, r 0AN 0: CI i /\PEL .� ! ZONE :AE ZONE X R \\ B00 000 FEET F11 L INF - 1970 000 FEET 1672 o0o n JOINS PANFi Q779 79 °06'00•• 1972 500 FEET 79 °05'30" C',0 t9 °04'30" J This map is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program, It does not necessarily identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local drainage sources of small size. The community map repository should be consulted for possible updated or additional flood hazard information. To obtain more detailed information in areas where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) and /or floodways have been determined, users are encouraged to consult the Flood Profiles, Floodway Data, Limited Detailed Flood Hazard Data, and /or Summary of Stillwater Elevations tables contained within the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report that accompanies this FIRM. Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent rounded whole -foot elevations. These BFEs are intended for flood insurance rating purposes only and should not be used as the sole source of flood elevation information. Accordingly, flood elevation data presented in the FIS report should be utilized in conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of construction and /or floodplain management. Boundaries of regulatory floodways shown on the FIRM for flooding sources studied by detailed meth ods wer e computed d at cross sections and interpolated between cross sect ions. The flo od wa Y s we re based on hydraulic c consideration s with regard to requirements n is of the National Flood Insurance Program, Floodway widths and other pertinent floodway data for flooding sources studied by detailed methods as well as non - encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods are provided in the FIS report for this jurisdiction. The FIS report also provides instructions for determining a floodway using non - encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods. NOTES TO USERS Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood control This map reflects more detailed and up -to -date stream channel configurations than structures. Refer to Section 4,4 "Flood Protection Measures" of the Flood Insurance those shown on the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The floodplains and floodways Study report for information on flood control structures in this jurisdiction. that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have been adjusted to conform to these new stream channel configurations. As a result, the Flood Profiles and Floodway Base map information a n d geospatial data used to develop t hi s F I RM were obta i ned from Data tables in the Flood I nsura n ce Study report (which h contains authoritative h dr au lic various organizations, including the participating local community(ies), state and federal data) may reflect stream channel distances that differ from what is shown on this map. agencies, and /or other sources. The primary base for this FIRM is aerial imagery acquired by Orange County. The time period of collection for the imagery is 2003. Information and Please refer to the separately printed Map Index for an overview map of the county geospatial data supplied by the local community(ies) that met FEMA base map specifications showing the layout of map panels, community map repository addresses, and a Listing of were considered the preferred source for development of the base map. See geospatial Communities table containing National Flood Insurance Program dates for each community metadata for the associated digital FIRM for additional information about base map as well as a listing of the panels on which each community is located. preparation. If you have questions about this map, or questions concerning the National Flood Base map features shown on this map, such as corporate limits, are based on the Insurance Program in general, please call 1- 877 -FERA MAP (1-877 -336 -2627) or visit the most up -to -date data available at the time of publication. Changes in the corporate FEMA website at www.fema.gov, limits may have occurred since this map was published. Map users should consult the appropriate community official or website to verify current conditions of An accompanying Flood Insurance Study report, Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) or Letter jurisdictional boundar i es and base map f eatures Th i s map may contain roads that were of Ma p Amendment ( L O MA ) revising P ort i ons o f th i s panel, and digital vers i ons o f this not considered in the hydraulic analysis of streams where no new hydraulic model was FIRM may be available. Visit the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program website created during the production of this statewide format FIRM. at www.ncfloodmaps.com, or contact the FEMA Map Service Center at 1,800 -358 -9616 for information on all related products associated with this FIRM. The FEMA Map Service Center may also be reached by Fax at 1- 800 -358 -9620 and its website at www,msc,fema.gov, i °57' 00" 3980 0O m 310 000 FE_T MAP REPOSITORY Refer to listing of Map Repositories on Map Index or visit www.ncfloodmaps.com. INS CE ATE MAP F FLOOD IN E R PANEL EFFECTIVE DATE O LO FEBRUARY 2,2007 EFFECTIVE DATES) OF REVISIONS) TO THIS PANEL statewide in refer to the Community Ma For community map revision history prior to slat mapping, ty p History table located in the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. To determine if flood insurance Is available le in th i s community, contact your in sura n ce agent, the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management or the National Flood Insurance Program at the following phone numbers or websites: NC Division of Emergency Management National Flood Insurance Program (919) 715 -8000 www.nccrimecontrol.org /nfip 1- 800 - 638 -6620 www.fema.goy/nfip LEGEND SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFHAs) SUBJECT TO INUNDATION BY THE 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD The 1 % annual chance flood (100 -year flood), also known as the base flood, is the flood that has a 1 % chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The Special Flood Hazard Area is the area subject to flooding by the 1% annualchance flood. Areas of Special Flood Hazard include Zones A, AE, AH, AO, AR, A99, V, and VE. The Base Flood Elevation is the water - surface elevation of the 1% annual chance flood. ZONE A No Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AE Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AH Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually areas of ponding); Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain); average depths determined. For areas of alluvial fan flooding, velocities also determined. ZONE AR Special Flood Hazard Area formerly protected from the 1% annual chance flood by a flood control system that was subsequently decertified. Zone AR indicates that the former flood control system is being restored to provide protection from the 1% annual chance or greater flood. ZONE A99 Area to be protected from 1 % annual chance flood by a Federal flood protection system under construction; no Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE VE Coastal flood zone with velocity hazard (wave action); Base Flood Elevations determined. FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE The floodway is the channel of a stream plus any adjacent floodplain areas that must be kept free of encroachment so that the 1 % annual chance flood can be carried without substantial increases in flood heights. OTHER FLOOD AREAS ZONE X Areas of 0.2% annual chance flood; areas of 1% annual chance flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; and areas protected by levees from 1 % annual chance flood. OTHER AREAS ZONE X Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain. ZONE D Areas in which flood hazards are undetermined, but possible. ® COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS) AREAS OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS (OPAs) CBRS areas and OPAs are normally located within or adjacent to Special Flood Hazard Areas. 1% annual chance floodplain boundary 0.2% annual chance floodplain boundary — — — — Floodway boundary Zone D Boundary •������������������• CBRS and OPA boundary Boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Area Zones and boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Areas of different Base Flood Elevations, flood depths or flood velocities. _513— Base Flood Elevation line and value; elevation in feet* (EL 987) Base Flood Elevation value where uniform within zone; elevation in feet* *Referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 Cross section line 23 - - - - - - 23 Transect line 97° 07' 30" , 32° 22' 30 ^ Geographic coordinates referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) 4276 000m 1000 -meter Universal Transverse Mercator grid ticks, zone 18 1 477 500 FEET 2500 -foot rid values: North Carolina State Plane coordinate system (FIPSZONE 3200, State Plane NAD 83 feet) BM5510 North Carolina Geodetic Survey bench mark (see explanation X in the Datum information section of this FIRM panel). BM5510 National Geodetic Survey bench mark (see explanation in ® the Datum Information section of this FIRM panel). • M1.5 River Mile 4 GRID NORTH MAP SCALE 1" = 500' (1 6,000) 250 0 Soo 1000 FEET METERS 150 0 150 300 ItloodwtDistah From Left/Right Distance From the Center of Stream to Encroachment Boundary (Looking Downstream) or Total Floodw ay Width Cross Sec:lon Stream Station' Flood Discharge (cfs) 1% Annual Chance (100 -year) Water - Surface Elevation (feet NAVD 88) BOLIN CREEK 350 34, 977 2,240 453.8 17/15 355 35,477 2,240 455 -1 17/15 360 35,977 2,240 457.0 17/15 365 36,477 1,890 459.1 35/35 370 36,977 1,890 460.7 30/60 375 37,541 1,890 463.3 35/.50 380 37,977 1,6W 466.5 25/70 385 38,477 1,630 468.5 40/40 390 38,977 1,630 472.4 50/30 395 39,515 1,630 476.7 50/40 400 39,995 1,630 477.4 250/13 405 40, 514 1, 630 488.4 200/100 JONES CREEK 006 550 NA 466.2 100 021 2,130 NA 479.8 70 OLD FIELD CREEK 109 10,880 NA 462.2 50 130 13,000 NA 475.6 70 'Feet abo\e mouth , tttd.v�:CX)PERATMCi 1tG11NICAL. ARINtH ,c• � �qND SE�� This digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) was produced through a unique cooperative partnership between the State of North Carolina and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The State of North Carolina has implemented a long term approach of floodplain management to decrease the costs associated with flooding. This is demonstrated by the State's com- mitment to map floodplain areas at the local level. As a part of this effort, the State of North Carolina has joined in a Cooperating Technical S late agreement reement with FEMA to produce and maintain this digital FIRM. www.ndloodmaps.com 79° 06' 00 " 1970 000 FEET 810 000 FEET F, - -- - - - - -- 35° 58' 30 " 3982 000 M 35° 58' Oi i 79 °05' 30" 672 000 ?,A MW JOINS PANEL 9871 FLOODING EFFECTS FROM 79* 05' 00" 79 °04. 30" 00o M 1 980 000 FEET OIL FIELD CREEK 673 0� "' 1 977 500 FEET �S� 674 ���� ___ -- -- —_ -- _ —.- 810 000 FEET A.: ZONE AE e IEL 452) I Orange County 35 58 30 Unincorporated Area ��; ZONE X' 370342 "`--`-Orange County ZONE AE ,o: _-ZONE X Unincorporated Areas 1'0Nv n of (:hapel Hill 370342 Extra.ter)'ltorial Jurisdiction 370180 ZONE Xi <l.,r /iwr, 0'w/ ( ZONE X C i CO- iY -- �� 0 Orange (01-trIty \ ,ZONE X Uiti.ncotporated Areas I ,, 3 %0342 Town of C1- apcl Hill ' \ZONE AE 370180 ' ., ZONE X T T F)FT .n T ' ZONE X 807 500 FEET ZONE AE 0 LLJ t O II 1C)1 "VIC- FIl1i'i.L ;'I�_ LT,: ZONE X L_ \_Z41 Town of Carrboro Extraterritorial Jurisdictio 370275 -ZONE AE *ZE a i T 4 8 oaa 3981 000 M 35.57' 30 ° � .. Town of Chapel Hill_ � LII:'IT l, I L, L.,,, A\ . EXLralCTrlltlrtctl Jll l'1ShcCllc Il i osi 170180 711 y •I ZONE X' TL T Tf t \ZONE AE ZONE AE ' t 1 l tt 802 500 1 1 I / I _ � � ` iZGivE n - ZONE X ZONE X Town of Carrboro \, - Extraterritorial l\ t "'r Jurlsdlctlon ZONE x — _ ` -' _ 370275 1'0�, n of Carrboro ZONE x X70275 _�%% \ �\� - -ZONE X F.'rr /rr C i:,,. /. 2• .. �.._ 3�0 ; ``' (J1� J i I - I - T- I f ZONE AE ZONE :x ZONE X ti `� X�` ZONE AE Hogan Lake ZONE X 35 °57' 00" a - 3980 000 M / / ff i i F\ N ( ') Iii N : ) aoo \ ZONE X- \1 1 :, r 0AN 0: CI i /\PEL .� ! ZONE :AE ZONE X R \\ B00 000 FEET F11 L INF - 1970 000 FEET 1672 o0o n JOINS PANFi Q779 79 °06'00•• 1972 500 FEET 79 °05'30" C',0 t9 °04'30" J This map is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program, It does not necessarily identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local drainage sources of small size. The community map repository should be consulted for possible updated or additional flood hazard information. To obtain more detailed information in areas where Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) and /or floodways have been determined, users are encouraged to consult the Flood Profiles, Floodway Data, Limited Detailed Flood Hazard Data, and /or Summary of Stillwater Elevations tables contained within the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report that accompanies this FIRM. Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent rounded whole -foot elevations. These BFEs are intended for flood insurance rating purposes only and should not be used as the sole source of flood elevation information. Accordingly, flood elevation data presented in the FIS report should be utilized in conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of construction and /or floodplain management. Boundaries of regulatory floodways shown on the FIRM for flooding sources studied by detailed meth ods wer e computed d at cross sections and interpolated between cross sect ions. The flo od wa Y s we re based on hydraulic c consideration s with regard to requirements n is of the National Flood Insurance Program, Floodway widths and other pertinent floodway data for flooding sources studied by detailed methods as well as non - encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods are provided in the FIS report for this jurisdiction. The FIS report also provides instructions for determining a floodway using non - encroachment widths for flooding sources studied by limited detailed methods. NOTES TO USERS Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may be protected by flood control This map reflects more detailed and up -to -date stream channel configurations than structures. Refer to Section 4,4 "Flood Protection Measures" of the Flood Insurance those shown on the previous FIRM for this jurisdiction. The floodplains and floodways Study report for information on flood control structures in this jurisdiction. that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have been adjusted to conform to these new stream channel configurations. As a result, the Flood Profiles and Floodway Base map information a n d geospatial data used to develop t hi s F I RM were obta i ned from Data tables in the Flood I nsura n ce Study report (which h contains authoritative h dr au lic various organizations, including the participating local community(ies), state and federal data) may reflect stream channel distances that differ from what is shown on this map. agencies, and /or other sources. The primary base for this FIRM is aerial imagery acquired by Orange County. The time period of collection for the imagery is 2003. Information and Please refer to the separately printed Map Index for an overview map of the county geospatial data supplied by the local community(ies) that met FEMA base map specifications showing the layout of map panels, community map repository addresses, and a Listing of were considered the preferred source for development of the base map. See geospatial Communities table containing National Flood Insurance Program dates for each community metadata for the associated digital FIRM for additional information about base map as well as a listing of the panels on which each community is located. preparation. If you have questions about this map, or questions concerning the National Flood Base map features shown on this map, such as corporate limits, are based on the Insurance Program in general, please call 1- 877 -FERA MAP (1-877 -336 -2627) or visit the most up -to -date data available at the time of publication. Changes in the corporate FEMA website at www.fema.gov, limits may have occurred since this map was published. Map users should consult the appropriate community official or website to verify current conditions of An accompanying Flood Insurance Study report, Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) or Letter jurisdictional boundar i es and base map f eatures Th i s map may contain roads that were of Ma p Amendment ( L O MA ) revising P ort i ons o f th i s panel, and digital vers i ons o f this not considered in the hydraulic analysis of streams where no new hydraulic model was FIRM may be available. Visit the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program website created during the production of this statewide format FIRM. at www.ncfloodmaps.com, or contact the FEMA Map Service Center at 1,800 -358 -9616 for information on all related products associated with this FIRM. The FEMA Map Service Center may also be reached by Fax at 1- 800 -358 -9620 and its website at www,msc,fema.gov, i °57' 00" 3980 0O m 310 000 FE_T MAP REPOSITORY Refer to listing of Map Repositories on Map Index or visit www.ncfloodmaps.com. INS CE ATE MAP F FLOOD IN E R PANEL EFFECTIVE DATE O LO FEBRUARY 2,2007 EFFECTIVE DATES) OF REVISIONS) TO THIS PANEL statewide in refer to the Community Ma For community map revision history prior to slat mapping, ty p History table located in the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. To determine if flood insurance Is available le in th i s community, contact your in sura n ce agent, the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management or the National Flood Insurance Program at the following phone numbers or websites: NC Division of Emergency Management National Flood Insurance Program (919) 715 -8000 www.nccrimecontrol.org /nfip 1- 800 - 638 -6620 www.fema.goy/nfip LEGEND SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS (SFHAs) SUBJECT TO INUNDATION BY THE 1% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOOD The 1 % annual chance flood (100 -year flood), also known as the base flood, is the flood that has a 1 % chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The Special Flood Hazard Area is the area subject to flooding by the 1% annualchance flood. Areas of Special Flood Hazard include Zones A, AE, AH, AO, AR, A99, V, and VE. The Base Flood Elevation is the water - surface elevation of the 1% annual chance flood. ZONE A No Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AE Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AH Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually areas of ponding); Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain); average depths determined. For areas of alluvial fan flooding, velocities also determined. ZONE AR Special Flood Hazard Area formerly protected from the 1% annual chance flood by a flood control system that was subsequently decertified. Zone AR indicates that the former flood control system is being restored to provide protection from the 1% annual chance or greater flood. ZONE A99 Area to be protected from 1 % annual chance flood by a Federal flood protection system under construction; no Base Flood Elevations determined. ZONE VE Coastal flood zone with velocity hazard (wave action); Base Flood Elevations determined. FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE The floodway is the channel of a stream plus any adjacent floodplain areas that must be kept free of encroachment so that the 1 % annual chance flood can be carried without substantial increases in flood heights. OTHER FLOOD AREAS ZONE X Areas of 0.2% annual chance flood; areas of 1% annual chance flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; and areas protected by levees from 1 % annual chance flood. OTHER AREAS ZONE X Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual chance floodplain. ZONE D Areas in which flood hazards are undetermined, but possible. ® COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS) AREAS OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS (OPAs) CBRS areas and OPAs are normally located within or adjacent to Special Flood Hazard Areas. 1% annual chance floodplain boundary 0.2% annual chance floodplain boundary — — — — Floodway boundary Zone D Boundary •������������������• CBRS and OPA boundary Boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Area Zones and boundary dividing Special Flood Hazard Areas of different Base Flood Elevations, flood depths or flood velocities. _513— Base Flood Elevation line and value; elevation in feet* (EL 987) Base Flood Elevation value where uniform within zone; elevation in feet* *Referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 Cross section line 23 - - - - - - 23 Transect line 97° 07' 30" , 32° 22' 30 ^ Geographic coordinates referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) 4276 000m 1000 -meter Universal Transverse Mercator grid ticks, zone 18 1 477 500 FEET 2500 -foot rid values: North Carolina State Plane coordinate system (FIPSZONE 3200, State Plane NAD 83 feet) BM5510 North Carolina Geodetic Survey bench mark (see explanation X in the Datum information section of this FIRM panel). BM5510 National Geodetic Survey bench mark (see explanation in ® the Datum Information section of this FIRM panel). • M1.5 River Mile 4 GRID NORTH MAP SCALE 1" = 500' (1 6,000) 250 0 Soo 1000 FEET METERS 150 0 150 300 PANEL 9870J FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NORTH CAROLINA PANEL 9870 (SEE LOCATOR DIAGRAM OR MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) CONTAINS; COMMUNITY CID No. PANEL SUFFIX CARRBORO, TOWN OF 370275 9870 J CHAPEL MILL, TOWN OF 370180 9870 J ORANGE COUNTY 370342 9870 J Notice to User: The Map Number shown below should be used when placing map orders: the Community Number shown above should be used on insurance applications for the subject community. EFFECTIVE DATE MAP NUMBER FEBRUARY 2, 2007 3710987000J dsovEv e , ... . � o } State of North Carolina Federal Emergency Management Agency o ® O m O ai ® WA TERSHED SOILS INFORMA TION THE -EDGE RAV -13000 THE EDGE WATERSHED SOIL INFORMATION D. PERRY, EI RAV -13000 12/18/2013 Watershed soils from the Durham County Soil Survey Symbol A BBC _ EnB G _eB, BeC HrB, HrC HwB TaD, TaE Name Appling sandy loam __ Enon loam _ Georgevilie silt Ioam _Herndon silt loam _Hiwassee clay loam Tatum Gravelly silt loam References: 1 Soil Survey: Orange County, North Carolina United States Department of Agriculture: Soil Conservation Service (in cooperation with North Carolina Agriculture Experiment Station). 2 SCS TR -55 United States Department of Agriculture. Soil Conservation Service. 1986. COVER CONDITION SCS CN - HSG B Impervious Open _ 61 Wooded 55 Pond � � 100 COVER CONDITION SCS CN - HSG C Impervious 98 __- ______O_pen. 74 Wooded 70 � Pond 100 COVER CONDITION SCS CN - HSG D Impervious 98 Open _ro 80 _ Wooded 77 Pond 100 Soil Classification B C B _ B_ •l1 IRS NIi\: PRECIPITATION DATA THE -EDGE RAV -13000 From Town of Chapel Hill Design Manual (2005) RDU, N.C. RAINFALL FREQUENCY DATA TABLE 2 -A -2 APPENDIX 2 -A (P. 7 of 7) DEPTH - DURATION - FREQUENCY TABLE Duration Return Period 2 -Year (inches) 5 -Year (inches) 10 -Year (inches) 25 -Year (inches) 50 -Year (inches) 100 -Year (inches) 5 minutes 0.48 0.55 0.60 0.68 0.75 0.81 10 minutes 0.79 0.92 1.02 1.17 1.28 1.40 15 minutes 1.01 1.18 1.31 1.51 1.66 1.81 30 minutes 1.35 1.64 1.85 2.16 2.40 2.64 60 minutes 1.70 2.12 2.41 2.84 3.17 3.50 2 hours 1.91 2.40 2.74 3.23 3.61 4.00 3 hours 2.12 2.68 3.07 3.62 4.06 4.49 6 hours 2.65 3.38 3.90 4.62 5.19 5.75 12 hours 3.13 4.02 4.64 5.52 6.20 6.88 24 hours 3.60 4.65 5.38 6.41 7.21 8.00 TABLE 2 -A -3 INTENSITY - DURATION FREQUENCY DATA Duration Return Period 2 -Year (in -hr) 5 -Year (in -hr) 10 -Year (in/hr) 25 -Year ( in/hr) 50 -Year (in/hr) 100 -Year (in -hr) 5 minutes 5.76 6.58 7.22 8.19 8.96 9.72 10 minutes 4.76 5.54 6.13 7.01 7.71 8.40 15 minutes 4.04 4.74 5.25 6.03 6.64 7.24 30 minutes 2.70 3.28 3.71 4.32 4.80 5.28 60 minutes 1.70 2.12 2.41 2.84 3.17 3.50 2 hours 0.95 1.20 1.37 1.62 1.81 2.00 3 hours 0.71 0.89 1.02 1.21 1.35 1.50 6 hours 0.44 0.56 0.65 0.77 0.86 0.96 12 hours 0.26 0.33 0.39 0.46 0.52 0.57 24 hours 0.15 0.19 0.22 0.27 0.30 0.33 Design Manual 26 January 2004 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 1 of 3 e NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Location name: Robbins, North Carolina, US* , Coordinates: 35.5000, - 79.6000 Elevation: 468ft* j * source: Google Maps POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonnin, D. Martin, B. Lin, T. Parzybok, M.Yekta, and D. Riley NOAH, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabular I PF graphical I Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS -based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)' Average recurrence interval (years) Duration 1 2 5 10 25 50 ����� 100 200 500 1000 0.424 0.501 0.581 0.637 0.700 0.741 0.778 0.810 0.845 0.869 5 -min (0.386 - 0.466) (0.457 - 0.552) (0.529 - 0.640) (0.579 - 0.700) (0.632 - 0.768) (0.668 - 0.813) (0.698 - 0.854) (0.723 - 0.889) (0.747 - 0.927) (0.762- 0.955) 10 0.677 0.801 0.930 1.02 1.12 1.18 1.24 1.28 1.34 1.37 -min 1(0.617-0.745)1(0.730-0.883)1(0.847-103) (0.926 -112) 1 (1.01 -1.22) 1 (1.06 -1.30) 1 (1.11 -1.36) 1 (1.15 -1.41) 1 (118 -1.47) 0.846 1.01 1.18 1.29 1.41 1.50 1.56 1.62 1.68 1.72 15 -min 1(0.772-0.931)1(0,918-1.11) 1 (1.07 -1.30) 1 (117 -142) 1 (1.28 -1.55) 1 (1.35 -1.64) 1 (1.40 -1.72) 1 (1.45 -1.78) 1 (1.49 -1.85) 1 (151 -1.89) 1.16 1.39 1.67 1.87 2.09 2.25 2.39 2.52 2.68 2.78 30 -min (1.06 -1.28) (1.27 -1.53) (1.52 -1.84) (1.70 -2.05) (1.89 -2.30) 1 (2.03 -2.47) (2.15 -2.63) (2.25 -2.77) (2.37 -2.94) (2.44 -3.06) 1.45 1.75 2.14 2- 2.79 3.05 3.30 3.54 3.84 4.06 60 -min (1.32 -1.59) (1.59 -1.92) (195 -2.36) .43 (2.21 -2.67) (2.52 -3.06) (2.75 -3.35) (2.96 -3.62) (3.16 -3.88) (3.39 -4.22) (3.56 -4.46) 1.71 2.07 2.57 2.94 3.41 3.76 4.11 4.44 4.87 5.20 2 -hr (1.56 -1.90) 1 (1.88 -2.30) 1 (2.34 -2.85) (2.66 -3.25) (3.07 -3.76) (3.37 -4.15) (3.65 -4.53) (3.92 -4.90) (4.26 -5.38) (4.50 -5.75) 1.82 2.21 2.75 3.16 3.70 4.12 4.53 4.95 5.51 5.95 3 -hr (1.66 -2.01) (2.01 -2.44) 1 (2.50 -3.04) (2.87 -3.49) (3.33 -4.08) (3.69 -4.53) (4.03 -4.98) (4.37 -5.45) (4.80 -6.07) (5.12 -6.55) 2.18 2.64 3.30 3.80 4.47 5.00 5.53 6.08 6.81 7.39 6 -hr (2.00 -2.41) (2.42 -2.91) 1 (3.01 -3.62) (3.45 -4.17) (4.04 -4.89) (4.48 -5.46) (4.92 -6.04) (5.35 -6.63) (5.92 -7.44) (6.34 -8.07) 2.60 3.14 3.94-IF 4.58 5.43 6.12 6.83 7.56 8.58 9.40 12 -hr (2.38 -2.86) (2.88 -3.46) (3.59 -4.33) (4.16 -5.02) (4.90 -5.94) (5.47 -6.68) 1 (6.05 -7.43) (6.63 -8.23) (7.39 -9.34) (7.97 -10.2) 2.88 3.60 4.51 5.23 6.20 6.97 7.76 8.57 9.67 10.5 24 -hr (2.77 -3.22) (3.34 -3.89) (418 -4.88) (4.83 -5.65) (5.72 -6.70) (6.41 -7.53) (711 -8.39) (7.84 -9.26) (8.81 -10.5) (9.57 -11.4) 3.49 4.20 5.23 6.03 7.12 7.98 8.86 9.75 11.0 11.9 2 -day (3,25-3.76) 1 (3.92 -4.53) (4.87 -5.64) (5.60 -6.51) (6.59 -7.68) (7.37 -8.61) (8.16 -9.56) (8.96 -10.5) (10.0 -11.9) (10.9 -12.9) 3.71 4.45 5.52 6.35 7.49 8.39 9.30 10.2 11.5 12.5 3 -day (3.46 -3.98 ) (4.16 -4.79) (5.15 -5.93) (5.91 -6.82) (6.95 -8.04) (7.75 -9.01) (8.58 -10.0) (9.42 -11.0) (10.5 -12.4) (11.4 -13.5) 3.93 4.71 5.81 6.67 7.86 8.79 9.75 10.7 12.1 13.1 4 -day (3.67 -4.21) (4.41 -5.05) (5.43 -6.21) (6.22 -7.14) (730 -841) (8.14 -9.41) (9.00 -10.4 ) ( 9.88 -11.5 ) ( 11.1 -13.0 ) (12.0-14,1) 4.51 5.38 6.55 7.48 8.76 9.77 10.8 11.9 13.3 14.5 7 -day (4.23 -4.81) (5.04 -5.74) (6.13 -6.99) (6.99 -7.98 ) (8.15 -9.34) (9.07 -10.4) (9.99 -11.5) (10.9 -12.7) (12.2 -14.3 ) (13.2 -15.5) ----]F-6.12 7.35 8.32 9.62 10.6 11.7 12.7 14.1 15.2 10 -day (4.86 -5.47) (5.78 -6.50) (6.93 -7.80) (7.84 -8.83 ) (9.04 -10.2) (9.97 -11.3) (10.9 -12.4) (11.9 -13.5) (13.1 -15.1) (14.1 -16.3) 6.93 8.18 9.66 10.8 12.4 13.6 14.9 16.1 17.9 19.2 20 -day (6.56-7.33) (7.75 -8.65) (9.14 -10.2) (10.2 -114) (11.7 -13.1) (12.8 -14.4) (14.0 -15.8) (15.1 -17.1 ) ( 16.6 -19.0 ) ( 17.8 -20.4 ) 8.59 10.1 11.8 13.0 16.0 17.3 18.6 20.3 21.6 30 -day (8.17 -9.06) (9.61 -10.6) (11.2 -12.4) (12.4 -13.7) (13.9 -15.5) (151 -16.9) (16.3 -18.2 ) (17.5 -19.6) (19.0 -21.5) (20.2 -22.9) 10.9 12.8 14.6 16.0 17.8 19.2 20.6 21.9 23.7 25.0 45 -day (10.4 -11.5) (12.2 -13.4) (13.9 -15.3) (15.2 -16.8) (16.9 -18.7) (18.2 -20.2) (19.5 -21.7) (20.7 -23.1) (22.2 -25.0) (23.4 -26.4) 13.1 15.2 17.2 18.7 20.7 22.2 23.6 25.0 26.8 28.1 60 -day (12.5 -13.7) (14.5 -16.0) (16.4 -18.0) (17.9 -19.6) (19.7-21.7) (21.1-23.3) (22.4 -24.8) (23.7-26.3) (25.3 -28.2 ) (26.6 -29.7) t Pre:.n frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numrenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90 % confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5 %. Estimates at upper bounds are not checst probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Plea NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Back to Top PF graphical http:// hdsc. nws. noaa. gov /hdsc /pfds /pfds _printpage.html ?lat =3 5.5000 &lon =- 79.6000 &dat... 11/22/2013 N � N O y O o°A � Q O x G y w y� po .d � 3 ° v O G m E 5 O 0 c w O E O .•• U N U Oy N W J O 3 a 5 w° N O U U -O Z jo R O N O. ^O O U U � U � O Q q 0 V N 7 G ° w ° O c ' C4 0 U N o 0 0 m .0 W G g o 5 0 Q a ° to Q o Oz tl O q} O a U a 5 d U O N N n� .^-. IR C 0 O 7 7 O Q\ r` 10 O 00 N � C n O N D r T O 7 r a C` O C t-` : a\ v� O N i. 00 O .-. M dt r` a n b V � R 'D R � 9 V 0 N O— QO\ W f b 7 M d' vi 10 r r 00 0 a � l°O IR M i' N O V 10 M T 1N0 n G �. tV fV M M 7 Vi Vi .t O � a O O a O � O 17 T a n N O n o a r o o E M 10 00 V I V C ^ (V N N f 0 O M h b 00 \O C\ O ... N V fa` N 00 vt O 0 v1 n 0 0 O O O O O O C - INI- I °INIi1° IN N N y .5 e c n a M M � Q E 4 W W % O O W E W Q O L ° W ° O O o •E ° L ° O O o E O N cc O i C O N 0 i G O o � O L ° O cc O O O i C � � o O O ^O O >, E o O w � o 8 O C H E e o F � O ol0 b O O O O 0 0 O 0 f` O h O G O O 0 M O 0 O O 0 0 O 0 O O O V O N O 0 O 0 O O 0 0 O 0 M O 00 O O M O 0 00 O N 0 O O 0 0 O 0 b O N O n O, O I .N. C O O O O 0 0 O 0 N O a O M M n W m I .M. 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N N N N M M M V d; V; 7 V1 h H H li V1 V1 I Iq � IP IR Iq b !` n n n n ll n n OR 00 00 OR 00 In Vi of v� vi vi vi v� vi vi vi vi �n v� I Vi vi �n vi V� Vi Vi Vi Vi Vi vi vi vi Vi vi �n vi vt v1 vt vl �n vt vt vi vt vt vi v� N G V• n O y M b Ol N vt 00 1 7 O O NN. .M-� h M b b n n n 00 1± g V w vt 1O O N M 7 �n 1O n O, O N M V vl iD n 00 O, V' V; 7 V vt vt vt li In �O �D lO lC �D 1p �D n n n n n n h n n n 00 00 00 M 00 00 00 M 00 W O, v v v v v v v v a V. v O. O, 00 I. M N Ql 00 't N -+ O, 00 n 10 N 7 •O 00 O N V I n� M M� n O� N M 7 Vl , •O n 00 01 00 0 0 0 O � .M. .n. 00 Q\ O N M V V1 O n n h n 00 0? M 00 00 O� O� T O` O\ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --� N N N N N N N T M M M M M M M M M M M M M M I M 7 7 7 a a d• V d• 7 V 7 7 . V. . . �. C' N N N V' y v 't ^ V' OO M 00 M n N n --� �O •D O � N 00 v� N 00 v� N 00 v� N 00 vI ^ 00 � N 00 vl N 00 Vi N 00 � N 00 V1 y O M OO .N+ ^^ h V1 b .n-� W O± O N M M a Vl M n n 00 O. 0 O 01 Q\ Q\ Q• Q\ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0--� ..-• N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M •5 fJ N N N N (V N M (+f --- M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M N G i O O O O O O O O O O O O O I O O 100 M a h O� n M W� O �O N W y M V1 �O n 00 O� O-+ N M V• h 10 n W DO O� O� O O N N M M V' V1 �O 10 n n 00 W 8 v�aaaev �n �n �n �n �n �n �n �n �n vi �n v��o �o �o �o �o �c���o ��o .o �o��o •o�nnnnnnn O M n O ^ h M O M 0 ^ n O M M O O 0M 0 1n 0 VO w M 0 0M 1n 0 vO M M O O 0M •n D O v M M O O M 0 n 0 10 M y n DD O\ O O N M 7 �/t V1 �D n W O� O O N M V' V1 vt �O 1� W O: O O N M a} �n Vi •D n 00 O� O O N 70 M M M n V 7 7 4 n V n n eY V' :2 n vi 2 n vi vi vi n 2 Vi vi �D �O �O �O �O •O �O �O iD �O �O •D n n n n ^G, ONO W W o�0 0�0 00 DO 04 00 00 W W W U OOi O� Q+ Q` O\ T 0, T O\ T P O O O O O O O O F M 00 0 n 00 W 00 V M 00 M Ol N n n h O O Win am S! A oil Y '"Y oil ff m1f, o f I�� i i � 7! I� �( I t � ��� a o AlS 2 �2 WE I i i 1 liviall; oil K OT s s 1 Rio 7 00 OM A I 15 s ^ 101 N 6 VIA 4 1 E In S a 12 12 a i TFF,Tl ly i AIM .0 AIM 0 R Only I&IM rd K g to 4 a gin O�n PRE- DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS THE -EDGE RAV -13000 W � m h r-1 O O O O L L N O C O O O 7 �O O �O 0 0 a O � N � y d p VO` i. C, N N W O �. ti 1=1 e: M N N O1 M � �c U CL o rn o ^ d L O M O •--� � � N H �INIOIVI O a U a Q U C w � 01 Vl M y � C d e 0 y l� 01 [0 00 N DD AG t 1=1 r- oo a Q .b � II C N • N m '-, N M M id O � � H Ir .. m h r-1 O O O O L L N O C O O O 7 �O O �O 0 0 a O G4 y d p VO` i. C, N N M O �. O 1=1 e: O W CL o rn o ^ A �o •L > O 7 M [� O c W Q w O O N M O O [� V1 CL ti Ott7 r ON M 7 0 7 M 0 C F M N^ r- N 0 O 4 r N W 'fl WA a a 0 00000 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p h u ^O d y V N O N C D cO N O cV O O O r+ vi >O •L N O 7 O .�- � W b O N M � A w O a U a Q U C w � 01 Vl M y � C d e 0 y l� 01 [0 00 N DD AG t 1=1 r- oo a Q .b � II C N • N m '-, N M M id O � � H Ir .. m h r-1 z L L N O O d: - N Qty Q 6 6 0 0 0 O G4 3 O 1=1 c� L y x U THE EDGE PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV-13000 Sub-basin 1 1/27/2014 t[SGy���. Impervious � Open Wooded A 9 30 6 - 1 70 - C D 74 E L 98 Assume: FISGW 0% HSG'B'= 66% HSG'C'= 6% HSG'D'— 28% Cover Condition SCS CN omia_envs_ Impervious 98 Open _�f Assume good condition ' -- -t Wooded 62 Assume good c on-, d—i i—o n__ ll. PRE-DEVELOPMENT A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown -- Area — — Contrsbutin Area Isfl--r­x­re - _ __ A�eaj!c_A_" Building __'Farkin 5,E4 0.12 oads Sidewalk 0 0.00 0 0.00 Other 3,580 0.08 Totals 8,604 0.20 B. Watershed Breakdown Con rih.ti.g Area SC'S­`CNfT'_ Area [acres Onsite impervious Onsite open 98 8,604 67 1 106,502 2.44 Onsite wooded 62 1 815,664 18.73 Onsite pond 100 I 0.00 FfsIte_im_p`e_r_v_ions _9_8____ _0 ____ '0 Offsite open 67 45,953 1. afTS—Ite w­oo­de_d_"­_ 62 112,801 2.59 Offsite pond 1 106 0 0.00 Total area = 25.01 acres 0.0391 sq.ini. Composite SCS CN = 63 o/6 Impervious = 0.8% Assume good condition Assume stood condition Assume good condition Assurne good condition THE EDGE PRE - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, Et RAV -13000 Sub -basin 1 1/27/2014 C. Time of Concentration Information Tinge of concentration is calculated using the SCS Seginenial Approach ('1R -55) Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = Length = 100 ft Height = 2.5 ft Slope = 0.0250 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.40 wooded - light underbrush P (2- year /24 -hour) = 3.5 inches (Chapel Hill, NC) Segment Time = 18.78 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = Length = 715 ft Height - 23 ft Slope = 0.0322 ft /ft Manning's n = 0.045 natural channel Flow Area = 4.00 sf (assume 2' x 2' channel) Wetted Perimeter = 4.00 if (assume 2'x T channel) Channel Velocity = 5.94 ft /sec Segment Tinge = 2.01 minutes Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 913 ft Height = 46.5 ft Slope = 0.0509 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 3.64 ft /sec Segment Tinge = 4.18 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 320 ft Height = 9.5 ft Slope = 0.0297 ft/ft Manning's a = 0.045 natural channel Flow Area = 9.00 sf (assume 2'x 2' channel) Wetted Perimeter = 9.00 if (assume 2'x T channel) Channel Velocity = 5.71 ft /sec Segment Time = 0.93 minutes Time of Concentration = 24.97 minutes SCS Lag Time = 14.98 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 4.34 minutes (= 0.29 *SCS Lag) [it. 2 -YEAR RUN -OFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Pre development rmtoff volume calculations are based upon the SCSMethod. The equation .for this method is as follows: Q* = ((P- 0.2 *S)') / (P +0.8 *S) where, O* = Direct R:utoff /inches] S = Potential Abstraction => (1000: SCS Curve Number) -10 P = Accumulated Storm Rainfall [inches] Per Town ofChapel Hill ordinance requirements, the increase in volume between pre- and pos7- development for the 2-year 24 -hour storm shall be heated within the proposed stwomwater management facility. On -Site Area = 21.37 acres On -site SCS CN = 63 S = 5.88 P (2 -yr / 24 -hour) = 3.60 inches Q* = 0.71 inches On site Run -off Volume = 1.26 acre -feet 54871 of THE EDGE PRE- DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin 2 1/27/2014 I. SCS CURVE NUMBERS P HSGT Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 77 Assume: HSG'A'= 0% [ISG'B'= 74% HSG'C'= 0% HSG 'D' = 26% Cover Condition SCS CN ( Comments _Impervious 98 . m Open 66 Assume good condition su Wooded j 61 Asme good condition _. II. PRE' -DEVELOPMENT' A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown Contributing Area Area jsfJ Area acres Building „ 0 0.00 Parking/Roads 0 0.00 Sidewalk 0 0.00_ Other _ _ 246 0.01 b TotalsAO, �..a.,. ,.2466 0.01 B. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area Isf] Area jaci Onsite impervious 98 0 0.00 Onsite open 66 7,556 0.17 Onsite wooded 61 70,461 1.62 _._ Onsite pond _ 1.00_..__ 0_ _.._..0.00 Offsite impervious 98 14,869 0.34 _ Offsite open 66 83,450 _1.92 O_ffsite_wooded61_ 622,414 14.29 Offsite pond 100 _ _. - ._ - - -. 0.0 0 Total area = 18.34 acres 0.0287 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 62 Impervious = 1.9% wComments . Assume good condition Assume good condition Assume good condition Assume good condition THE EDGE PRE- DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, E1 RAV -13000 Sub -basin 2 1/27/2014 C. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach ('TR -55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = Height = Slope = Manning's n = P (2- year /24- hour)= Segment Time = Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = Height = Slope = Manning's n = Plow Area = Wetted Perimeter = Channel Velocity = Segment Time = 100 ft 3.5 ft 0.0350 ft/ft 0.40 wooded - light underbrush 3.6 inches (Chapel Hill, NC) 16.10 minutes 999 ft 17.5 ft 0.0175 ft /ft 0.045 natural channel 9.00 sf (assume 3' x 3' channel) 9.00 if (assume 3' x 3' channel) 4.38 ft/see 3.80 minutes Segment 2: Concentrated Flow 6.33 Length = 590 ft Height= 33 ft Slope = 0.0559 ft /ft Paved ? = No 4085 Velocity= 3.82 ft/sec Segment Time = 2.5E minutes Time of Concentration = 22.56 minutes SCS Lag Time = 13.54 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 3.93 minutes (= 0.29 *SCS Lag) III. 2 -YEAR RUN -OFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Pre - development runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method. The equation for this method is as follows: Q" = ((P- 0.2.S)2)/ (P +0.8*S) where, 0* = Direct Runoff[inches] S = Potential Abstraction => (1000 / SCS Curve Number) - 10 P = Accumulated Storm Rainfall [inches] Per Town of Chapel Hill ordinance requirements, the increase in volume between pre- and post- development for the 2-y ar 24 -hour storm shall be treated within the proposed stormwater management facility. On -Site Area = 1.79 acres On -site SCS CN = 61 S= 6.33 P (2 -yr / 24 -hour) = 160 inches Q* = 0.63 inches 1 On -site Run -off Volume = 0.09 acre -feet = 4085 cf THE EDGE PRE- DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin 3 1/27/2014 I. SCS CURVE NUMBERS HSG A Area [sfJ Area jacresl Impervious 98 Open Wooded 39 30_ B 6,874 98 _ 61 55 C 98 74 70 D Sidewalk 98:.._..�,a.. _ c_80 0.,.... 77�...m Assume: HSG'A' = 0% Other HSG'B'= 87% Totals HSG'C'= 13% 0.40 HSG'D'= 0% over Condition SCS CN Comments hnperv�ous � 98 �� Open 0.40 63 Assume good condition Wooded I 57 Assume good condition II. PRE - DEVELOPMENT 57 100 832,509 0 A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown Contributing Area F Area [sfJ Area jacresl Buildin 6,874 0.16 Parking /Roads 1,035 0.02 Sidewalk 0 0.00 Other 9,713 i_ 0.22 Totals 17,622, 0.40 B. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area �sf� Arca jac Onsite impervious 98 17,622 0.40 Onsite open 63 i i 39,886 0.92 Onsite wooded Onsite pond 57 100 832,509 0 19.11 0.00 Offsde impervious i 98 ____ . _ _ 88,148 2.02 Offsite Subdivision 68 45,456 104 Offsde open 63 274,603 t 6_30 Offsite wooded �0ffsite- 57 j 53 725 �j 1.23 pond 100 { 0 0.00 Total area = 31.04 acres 0.0485 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 62 Assume good condition Assume good condition TR 55 CN for I acre Residential lots Assume good condition Assume good condition % Impervious = 8.5% * *Includes 20% impervious from Subdivision area. THE EDGE PRE - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin 3 1/27/2014 C. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach (TR -55). Segment I: Overland Flow Length = Height = Slope = Manning's n = P (2- year /24 -hour) _ Segment Time = Segment 3: Channel Flow Length Height = Slope = Manning's n = Flow Area = Wetted Perimeter = Channel Velocity = Segment Time = 100 ft 2 ft 0.0200 ft /ft 0.40 wooded - light underbrush 3.6 inches (Chapel Hill, NC) 20.25 minutes 801 ft 12.5 ft 0.0156 ft /ft 0.045 natural channel 9.00 sf (assume 3' x 3' channel) 9.00 if (assume 3' x 3' channel) 4.14 ft /sec 3.23 minutes Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 1183 ft Height= 44.5 ft Slope = 0.0376 ft /ft Paved ? = No acre -feet Velocity = 3.13 ft /sec Segment Time = 0.30 minutes Time of Concentration = 29.77 minutes SCS Lag Time = 17.86 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 5.18 minutes (= 0.29 *SCS Lag) III. 2 -YEAR RUN -OFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Pre - development runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method. The equation for this method is as follows: Q* = ((P- 0.2 *S)2) / (P +0.8 *S) where, Q * = Direct Runoff [inches] S = Potential Abstraction => (1000 / SCS Curve Number) - 10 P = Accumulated Storm Rainfall [inches] Per Town of Chapel Hill ordinance requirements, the increase in volume between pre- and post- development for the 2-year 24-hour storm shall be treated within the proposed stornnmater nuanagernent facility. On -Site Area = 20.43 acres On -site SCS CN = 58 S= 7.17 P (2-yr / 24-hour) = 3.60 inches Q*_ 0.50 inches On -site Run -off Volume = 0.85 acre -feet = 37227 of THE EDGE PRE - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin 4 1/27/2014 1. SCS CURVE NUMBERS HSG Impervious Open Wooded _ A 98 39� 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 � 74 70 9ssume: HSG'A'= 0% HSG'B' = 92% HSG'C'= 8% HSG D' = 0% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious Open 62 Assume good condition Wooded 56 Assume good condition II. PRE - DEVELOPMENT A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown �ContributingAreaArea [sfJj Area nacres] Building 0 0.00 Parking/Roads 0 0.00 Sidewalk 0 0.00 Other ff 0 0.00 Totals 0 i 0.00 B. Watershed Breakdown mn. emu, ecmmm�+maomewnmxucwzm_s.atwvvr mss- awlv�ro�mcx +vsmu�wmnrumre- m�mvmesr�.� raormcemm rmvro. Contributing Area SCS CN ( Ai ea �sfl I Area nacres Comments Onsite impervious 98 0 0.00 Onsrte open 62 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 56 0 0.00 Assume good - ---- -- Onsite pond 100 1 0 _ 0.00 Offsite io impervus 98 0 00 Offsite Subdivision 68 690,852 15.86 mm TR 55 CN for 1 acre Residential lots Offsite wooded 56 58,852 03 2 30 Assume good condition Offsite open m 6?._._._._. 100_.. � 1 35 Assume good condition _ .. _ _ _ .. Total area = 21.13 acres 0.0330 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 69 % Impervious = 15.0% * *Includes 20% impervious from Subdivision area. THE EDGE PRE- DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin 4 1/27/2014 C. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach (TR -SS). Segment 1: Overland Flow Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 100 ft Length = 864 ft Height = 5.5 ft Height = 31.5 ft Slope = 0.0550 ft /ft Slope = 0.0365 ft /ft Manning's n = 0.40 wooded - light underbrush Paved ? = No P (2- year /24 -hour) = 3.6 inches (Chapel Hill, NC) Velocity = 3.08 ft /sec Segment Time = 13.51 minutes Segment Time = 4.67 minutes Time of Concentration = 18.18 minutes SCS Lag Time = 10.91 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6" Te) Time Increment = 3.16 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) THE EDGE PRE - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY RAV -13000 Sub -basin Unanalyzed I. SCS CURVE NUMBERS HSG Impervious Open Woode A 98 39 30 98 _ ... _ 55 C _._ C_._ __. 98 80 � 77_ Assume: HSG 'A' = 0% HSG 'B' = 74% HSG 'C' = 0% HSG'D'= 26% Cover Condition SCS CN CoInments __._.._ Impervious m _.w 98 Open 66 Assume good condition p�F ,Wooded 61 Assume good condition II. PRE- DEVELOPMENT A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown Contributing Area Area [sff i Area facresL L .M.. _ Building m . _ _ 0 ._ 0.00 Parkin Roads 0 0.00 Sidewalk 0 _0.00 Other 7,554 __. 0.17 Totals 7,554 0.17 B. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN s a jac Onsite impervious i 98 _7_554 0.17 Onsite op en _ 75,118_ �� 1 72 Onsite wooded 61 241,361 5.54 N_ _ .m Onsite pond v 100 0 0.00 Offsite impervious-,­­ 98 0 0.00 Offsite open �. ((" -. 0.00 Offsite wooded �61 0 0.00 Offsite pond .� 100 a ...� 0.00 Total area = 7.44 acres 0.0116 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 63 % Impervious = 2.3% Comments- Assume good condition Assume good condition Assume good condition Assume good condition J. EASON, El 1/27/2014 THE EDGE PRE - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin Unanalyzed 1/27/2014 1II. 2 -YEAR RUN -OFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Pre - development runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method. The equation for this method is as follows: Q* = ((P-0.2 S)2)/ (P +0.8 -S) where, Q* = Direct Runoff [inches] S = Potential Abstraction —> (1000 /SCS Curve Number) - 10 P = Accumulated Storm Rainfall [inches] Per Town of Chapel Hill ordinance requirements, the increase in volume between pre- and post- development for the 2-year 24 -hour storm shall be treated within the proposed stormwater management facility. On -Site Area = - 7.44 acres On -site SCS CN = 63 S = 5.92 P (2 -yr / 24 -hour) = 3.60 inches Qx = 0.70 inches On -site Run -off Volume = 0.43 acre -feet = 18889 cf THE EDGE PRE- DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El PAV -13000 Reach Data 1/27/2014 lit. REACH DATA REACH #1 - POA 2 TO POA 1 Time of concentration is calculated etsing the SCS Segrental Approach (772 -55) .5'egment 1: Channel Flow Length = 62 ft Height= 1 ft Slope = 0.0161 Wilt Manning's n = 0.045 natural channel Flow Area = 9.00 sf (assume 3' x 3' channel) Wetted Perimeter = 9.00 if (assume 3' x 3' channel) Channel Velocity = 4.21 ft/sec 3egrnent Time = 0.25 minutes Segment 1: Channel Flow Length = 320 ft Height= 9.5 ft Slope = 0.0297 ft /ft Manning's n = 0.045 natural channel Flow Area = 9.00 sf (assume 3' x 3' channel) Wetted Perimeter= 9.00 If (assume 3' x 3' channel) Channel Velocity = 5.71 ft/sec Segment Time = 0193 minutes Time of Concentration = 1.18 minutes SCS Lag Time = 0.71 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.21 minutes (= 0.29 *SCS Lag) REACH 92 - POA 3 TO POA 2 Tune ofconcentration is calculated using the SCSSegmental Approach (17?-55). Segment 1: Channel Flow 17.5 It Length = 564 ft Height = 12.5 It Slope = 0.0222 ft /ft Manning's u = 0.045 natural channel Flow Area = 9.00 sf (assume 3' x 3' channel) Wetted Perimeter= 9.00 If (assume 3' x 3' channel) Channel Velocity = 4.93 ft /sec Segment Time = 1.91 minutes Segment 2: Channel Flow Length = 999 It Height = 17.5 It Slope = 0.0175 ft /ft Manning's n = 0.045 natural channel Flow Area = 9.00 sf (assume 3' x 3' channel) Wetted Perimeter = 9.00 If (assume 3' x 3' channel) Channel Velocity = 4.38 ft /sec Segment Tinte = 3.80 minates Time of Concentration = 5.71 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.42 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.99 minutes = 0.29 *SCS Lag) REACH #3 - POA 4 TO POA 3 Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach (TR -55). .5'egment 1: Channel Flow Height = 14.5 Length = 801 ft Height = 12.5 It Slope = 0.0156 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.045 natural channel Flow Area = 9.00 sf (assume 3' x 3' channel) Wetted Perimeter = 9.00 If (assume 3' x T channel) Channel Velocity = 4.14 ft/sec Segntertt Time = 3.23 minutes Time of Concentration = 3.23 minutes SCS Lag Time = 1.94 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.56 minutes = 0.29 *SCS La REACH #4 - SUB -BASIN 4 TO POA 4 Time ofconcentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach (77?-55). Segment 1: Pipe Flow Height = 14.5 Length = 67 ft Height= 2 ft Slope = 0.0299 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.013 Concrete Pipe P (2- year /24 -hour) = 3.6 inches (Chapel Hill, NC) Segment Time = A81 minutes .5'egntent 2: Channel Flow Length = 398 ft Height = 14.5 ft Slope = 0.0364 fVft Manning's n = 0.045 natural channel Flow Area = 4.00 sf (assume 3' x 3' channel) Wetted Perimeter = 4.00 If (assume 3' x 3' channel) Channel Velocity = 6.32 ft/sec Segment Tinte = 1.05 minutes Time of Concentration = 1.86 minutes SCS Lag Time = 1.11 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.32 minutes (= 0.29 *SCS Lag) 'J MCADAMS Scenario: Pre - Development THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. p pc 1/23/2014 9 M.C:11DAMS Subsection: Master Network Summary Catchments Summary Label Scenario Return Hydrograph Time to Peak Peak Flow Event Volume (min) (ft3 /s) (years) (ac -ft) Sub 1 Pre 1 Year 1 0.876 739.00 6.04 Sub 1 Pre 2 Year 2 1.464 736.00 12.02 Sub 1 Pre 25 Year 25 5.106 736.00 46.18 Sub 2 Pre 1 Year 1 0.591 737.00 4.03 Sub 2 Pre 2 Year 2 1.004 737.00 8.46 Sub 2 Pre 25 Year 25 3.607 734.00 34.41 Sub 3 Pre 1 Year 1 0.997 746.00 6.05 Sub 3 Pre 2 Year 2 1.696 742.00 12.22 Sub 3 Pre 25 Year 25 6.091 739.00 49.74 Sub 4 Pre 1 Year 1 1.153 732.00 12.52 Sub 4 Pre 2 Year 2 1.776 732.00 20.68 Sub 4 Pre 25 Year 1 25 1 5.321 730.00 58.54 Node Summary Label Scenario Return Hydrograph Time to Peak Peak Flow Event Volume (min) (ft3 /s) (years) (ac -ft) POA 1 Pre 1 Year 1 3.607 744.00 27.21 POA 1 Pre 2 Year 2 5.926 742.00 50.17 POA 1 Pre 25 Year 25 20.087 741.00 176.66 POA 2 Pre 1 Year 1 2.732 743.00 21.37 POA 2 Pre 2 Year 2 4.464 743.00 39.29 POA 2 Pre 25 Year 25 14.987 741.00 135.27 POA 3 Pre 1 Year 1 2.148 738.00 17.57 POA 3 Pre 2 Year 2 3.468 737.00 32.01 POA 3 Pre 25 Year 25 11.404 737.00 106.80 POA 4 Pre 1 Year 1 1.152 734.00 12.52 POA 4 Pre 2 Year 2 1.775 734.00 20.68 POA 4 Pre 25 Year 25 5.318 732.00 58.54 Sub -4o Pre 1 Year 1 1.153 732.00 12.52 Sub -4o Pre 2 Year 2 1.776 732.00 20.68 Sub -4o Pre 25 Year 1 25 1 5.321 1 730.00 1 58.54 THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV13000.ppc 1/27/2014 ` I V . o Q o UNANALYZED AREA = 5.72 —ac. (TOTAL AREA = 7.44 —ac.) o, u 0 0 0 r n u rt o+ 3 0 �i Y 1 I 7 Q 0 L m Q I 0 i x T TNT AWTAT V7Un AJ Vi7 L111J 11\ �'t AREA= 21.13 —ac. GRAPHIC SCALE 150 0 15 150 300 1 inch = 150 ft. PRELIMINARY DRAWING — NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION ch M v Cq o �o o ■ o 2z ti >n N W V I � A V 0 En 5 w Qa �o A � z;�A00 .!!4 Z A� 04D E-AWCF) z Co E— 0 Z w Z°'pq 0a. o a � w w A V1 M�1 w O A a A o �z � a w V 1 a PROJECT N0. RAV -13000 FILENAME: RAV13000 —PRE DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: JLE SCALE: 1"=150' DATE: 04-10-2014 SHEET NO. PRE �.J MCADAMS POST - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS THE -EDGE RAV -13000 W a 7- N N Q � �i Q V y U, m t� Q W 4 W w Q H 0.1 w O 0 w o C F Z u U � N F T4- O N M O O N O O�OIOIOOIOI�IO- �' Q y r� Wdd:ddo, 0 O�- O�OI OI OI OI OI MIO<t - C a 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 N v i vl nl ri of of ri ��olo 0 E ,� 0 z a 9 R j 0. c rii U O O C a 3 0 o N o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O a a E o v M o 0 0 00 0 E o rn o o M o p 0 ri O O O U d' O N V^ a a G ,? F N r%, F°, F°, c F r co r o a O O O O O N O o o O O O Z7 O C C R s o m O o °O �n �a rroro'-' � x M o0 00 0 00 4 w w w w 'F 3333 `" ro F F r7 r ON . . . . . . . . . . O l a4 CO G A" u oc� N O o 0 0 0 0 �7 �7 F7 1-7 V) - - - m M n C 0 i� s 0 . . . . . . . . . . O l a4 CO G A" u oc� N O o 0 0 0 0 �7 �7 F7 1-7 V) - - - m M n C 0 THE EDGE POST - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON. El RAV -13000 Sub -basin ]-Bypass 5/23/2014 1. SCS CURVE NUMBERS HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 .— C 98 74 70� 98 80 Assume: HSG'A'= 0% HSG'B'= 66% HSG'C'= 6% HSG'D'= 28% Cover Condition �� SCS CN �. � Comments _ Omen 67 Assume good condition mm � Wooded � �62 � Assume good condition A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown Com[ ibuting Area Neas Area jsfJ 0 Block G Dereloable 0 � 0.00 Nen.crund Ares 0 _• 0.00 % Imp Imp Area Im p Area sf acres 0.00 0 0 1 0. B. Onsite Open Space Breakdown Contributing Area Meas Area lsf� % Open Open Area Is Open Aren q e acres ROW Areas 0 10% 0 _0.00_ Connneroial Areas 0 _ _ 20% 0 Mama ed Pervious ._ 61,316__ 100% 61316 1.41_ �- st SQ093 100% - _ 50,093 1.15n Tool Measured Area 111.409 t11,409 2.56 C. Watershed Breakdown . F Contributing Area SCS CN Area [sfl Area lacres Comments Onsite i_mpercious 98 _ 0 _ 0.00�,�_ LL Onsite open__ _. w67 _ 61316 _ 1.41_ Assume good condition Onsite wooded 62 50.093 1.15 Assume og od condition n.1aenend _ ion — — - - -- o.00 il _ —. Offsite omen ilTsite wooded__ __62 OITsite�ond��w, ,, ,•V100 Total Sub -basin Area = Composite SCS CN = % Impervious = 13.594_ 0.31 7310 0.17 0 _ 000 3.04 acres 09047 sq.mi. 65 0.0% THE EDGE POST - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV-13000 Sub - basin 1- Bypass 5/23/2014 D. Time of Concentration iiifm,maton Tome ofconcena ation is calculated using the SC'S Sagmentol Approach (1R -55). Segment 1: Overland F1 Segment 2: Concentrated Moir Length = Length = 100 It Length == 263 ft Height= 1.5 ft Height= 26.5 ft Slope= 0.0150 fit/fit Slope= 0.1008 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.40 Wooded - light underbrush Paced'i = No P (2- pear /24 -hour) = 3.6 inches (Chapel Hill. NC) Velocilc = 5.12 n /sec .Segu+eut Time = 22.71 minutes Segment Time = 0.86 mluutes Seguneul 3: Channel Florw Length = 251 ft Height = 8.5 0 Slope= 0.0339 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.045 natural channel Flout Area= 9.00 sf (assume 3' x T charnel) Wetted Perimeter = 9.00 If (assume 3' s Y channel) Channel Velocih = 6.09 ft/sec .Segment 77 n+e= 0.69 suiuutea Time of Concentration = 24.26 minutes SCS Lag Time = 14.55 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 422 minutes (= 0.29 "SCS Lag) Ill. POST - DEVELOPMENT RUN-OFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Post - development iu f(volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method. The equanon for this method is as follows Q* = ((P- 0.2 *S)')/ (P +0.8 *S) NOiere. O" = Direct Runo(f[aiches] S = Potential Abstraction => (1000. SCS Curve Numbet) - 10 1' — Accumulated Storm Rainfall /inches) Per Town of(hapel Hill ordinance requirements- the increase in volume benveen pre- and post - development for the 2,vear 24 -hour storm shah be treated within the proposed stormwatcr management facility __> Post - development 2 -Year Runoff I olu ie Calculations On -Site Area = 2.56 acres On -site SCS CN = 65 S= 542 P (2 -pr / 24 -hour) = 3.60 inches Q. = 0.80 inches On -site Run -off Volume = 0.17 acre-feet 7398 cf THE EDGE POST - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin 1 -To SWMF 1 5/23/2014 HSG Impervious ' Opcn Wooded A 98 39 30 Onsite open 67 59,269 1.36 Assume_�ood condition 98 74 70 m.m D 98 _._. 80 77 Assume: HSG'A'= 0% HSG'B'= 66% HSG'C' = 6% HSG'D'= 28% , n Condition SCS CN� Comments _Cover Impervious Assume good condition _ Open 67 Assume food condition —_ Wooded 62 Assume good condition A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown Meas Area Contributing Area Meas Area [sfJ 'Yo Imp Imp Area [sfl Imp Area [acres] acres _ ROW Areas 0 0.00 90% 0 0.00 �Block ADevelopable 0 0.00� 80% _ 0 _ 0.00_ _.._yBloc_kB 0_._O.00w�80% 0 0.00 _.._.. _._ Block _C _ 0 _m 0.00 � 80 %� __.._..0 0.00 Block _Block D Developable 0 _ 0.00 80% 0 0.00 Block _E _ 0 .. _. 0.00 _80 %_ _ 0 0.00_ Block F _ 0 0.00 _80% 0 0.00 _ _ Block G Develo able 214,729 4.93 80% _ 171,7833 94 Total Measured Area 214,729 4.93 171,783 3.94 B. Onsite Open Space Breakdown Contributing Area Meas Area Isfl 'Yo Open Open Area jsfl Open Area acres ROW Areas 0 10% 0 0.00 Commercial Areas 214,729 20% 42,946 0.99 Managed Pervious 16,323 100% 16,323 0.37 __.. Forest __. 0 100% � O0.00 C. Watershed Breakdown Contributin Area SCS CN Area sf Area acres Comments Onsite impervious _ 98 Onsite open 67 59,269 1.36 Assume_�ood condition Onsite wooded 62 0 0.00 Assume food condition Onsite pond ___„ ._ 100 10_,949 0.25 0.00 _ Offsitee impervious 98 0� Offsite open 67 0 0.00 Assume good condition mm Offsite wooded 62 0 0.00 Assumeood condition Offsrte and 100m 0 _j 0.00 w Total Sub -basin Area = 5.56 acres 0.0087 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 91 Impervious = 71.0% THE EDGE POST- DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin I -To SWMF 1 5/23/2014 D. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is assumed to be 5 minutes. Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29 *SCS Lag) M. POST - DEVELOPMENT RUN OFF VOLUME CALC[s"LATIQNS _ Post -deve . lopmeru runoffvohnne calculations are based upon the SCSMetlaod. 1lze egzariion for this method is as follows: Q* = ((P- 0.2 *S)z) / (P +0.8 *S) where, Q* = Direct RunoffI inches I S = Potential Abstraction => (1000 -' SCS Curve Nwnber) - 10 P - Accumulated Storm Rainfall [inches) Per "Town of Chapel Hill ordinance requirements, the increase in volume between pre- and post - development for I 2 -year 24-hour storm shall be treated within the proposed stornzwater managenzent.facility. => Post - development 2 -Year Runoff Volume Calculations On -Site Area = 5.56 acres On -site SCS CN = 91 S = 1.05 P (2 -yr / 24 -hour) = 3.60 inches Q*_ 2.59 inches On -site Run -off Volume = 1.20 acre -feet 52245 of THE EDGE POST - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin 1 -To SWMF2 5/23/2014 L SCS CURVE NUMBERS Assume: HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 HSG'A'= 0% HSG'B'= 66% HSG'C'= 6% HSG'D'= 28% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Imp Area acres Open 67 Assume good condition Wooded 62 Assume good condition I1. POST - DEVELOPMENT A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown Contributing Area Meas Area [sf[ Meas Area acres % Imp Imp Area [sfl Imp Area acres ROW Areas 89,241 2.05 90% 80,317 1.84 Block A Develo able 0 0.00 80% 0 0.00 Block B 0 0.00 80% 0 0.00 Block C 0 0.00 80% 0 0.00 Block D Developable 0 1 0.00 80% 0 0.00 Block E 236,575 5.43 80% 189,260 4.34 Block F 265,690 6.10 80% 212,552 4.88 Block G Developable 60,915 1.40 80% 48,732 1.12 Total Measured Area 652,421 14.98 530,861 12.19 B. Onsite Open Space Breakdown Contributing Area Meas Area [sff % Open Open Area [sfJ Open Area acres ROW Areas 89,241 10% 8,924 0.20 Commercial Areas 563,180 20% 112,636 2.59 Managed Pervious 41,599 100% 41,599 0.95 Forest 0 100% 0 0.00 Total Measured Area 1 694,020 4,319 1 163,159 1 3.75 C. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area Isfl Area jacresl Comments Onsite impervious 98 530,861 12.19 Onsite open 67 163,159 3.75 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 62 0 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite pond 100 33,542 0.77 Offsite impervious 98 4,319 0.10 Offsite o en 67 4,579 0.11 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 66 97,578 2.24 Assume good condition Offsite pond 100 0 0.00 Total Sub -basin Area = 19.15 acres 0.0299 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 88 % Impervious = 64.2% THE EDGE POST - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin 1 -To SWMF2 5/23/2014 D. Time of Concentration Information Titre of concentration is assumed to be .i minutes. Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29 *SCS Lag) Ili. POSTLLDEirLLOPIVltE iT ;RUB- OPFVOLUIVtE,CALCULATIONS Post - development runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method. The equation for this method is as follows: Q* = ((P- 0.2 *S)2) / (P +0.8 *S) where, Q* = Direct Runglf(inchesJ S == Potential Abstraction => (1000! SCS Curve Number) -10 P = Accumulated Sto-m Rainfall /inches/ Per Town of Chapel Hill ordinance requirements, the increase in volume between pre - and post - development for the 2 -year 24-hour storm shall be treated within the proposed stormwater management facility. = => Post - development 2 -Year Runoff !Volume Calculations On -Site Area = 16.70 acres On -site SCS CN = 91 S_ 0.97 P (2 -yr / 24 -hour) = 3.60 inches Q*_ 2.65 inches On -site Run -off Volume= 3.69 acre -feet 160761 of THE EDGE POST - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, EI RAV -13000 Sub -basin 2- Bypass 5/23/2014 HSG B Impervious 98 Open Wooded 61 55 ..._._— .._.�.._D 98 Asaunre: HSG'A'= 0% HSG'B' = 74% HSG'C'= 0% HSG'D'= 26X. _Covet• Condition SCS CN Comments - _Ogeu (6 Assume oog d condition Assume good condition A. Onsite Impmrvious Breakdown Meas Aren Contributing Area Meas Area IsfJ ..e %Imp Imp Area jsTJ Block A Developable 0 0. )0 80% 0 _ 0.00 _Block B �_ _ ��- 0 O.OU 80 % (l 0.00 _Block C 0 0.00_ _80 %_ _ 0 _ 0.(10 _ - Block D Develo abler 0 _ 0.00 _ 80% _ 0 __ Block E _0_ 0.00 80% 0 0.00 Block F _ 0 0.00 _ 80% _ 000 . -.- Block G Developable 0 _ 0.00 RO % _ _0 _ 0.00 %'olnl Measured Aren �. 0.,,,...,.,»_. ......,.... 0.00 ._k.....0._- ..�.,.... .0.00. „,.,,._...,1 B. Onsite Open Space Breakdown Contributing Area s Meas Area jsf] % Open Open Area s Open Area _ _ _ m acres •, _ ROW Areas 0 mm 10 _ _ Commercial Areas _ 0� 20% 0 _0.00 Managed Pervious 4,481 100 % 4 481 _ 0.10 -Total Ale nsm.ed Aren 4,481 4,481 0.10 „ C. Watershed Breakdown �Contributin Area SCS CN Areas Aren ac •es Comments Onsite unpm ions 98 0 0.00 - _ Onsiteopen w G6 4-481 _0.10 _ Assume oos�con,dition_ _.__ Onsite wooded �61 0y 0_._00 �Assume�eood condition ..T - -F— .._ �........._._..._.__. __..__ Onsite op nd_ 100 0 _ 0.00 Offsile impen•ions 98 _ 14,869 0.34 - Offsite o en 6G 83,451 1.92 Assume 4a od condition Offsae wooded C+l 620. )71_ 14.26 good condition �Offsitond 100 0.00, Total Sub -basin Area = 16.62 acres 0.0260 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 62 % Impervious = 2,1% THE EDGE POST - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY I EASON. El RAV -13000 Sub - basin 2- Bypass 5/23/2014 D. Time of Concentration Information lime gfconcentra /ion is calculated using the SCS Segnenml Approach ( /72S5J_ .4egereut 1: Overlmnl Flow .Segment 2: Concentrated Flnro 1096 Length = 100 ft Length = 323 fl Height= 3 fl Height= 26 ft Slope= 0.0300 ft/fl Slope= 0.0805 ft/fl Manning's n = 0.40 wooded - light underbrush Paved? = No 4.47 P (2- year /24- hour) = 3,6 inches (Chapel Hill, NC) Velocity = 4.58 fl/sec Segment Tin, = I Z21 urimrtes Segment liar, = 1.18 oinntes Segurent 3: Chnrmel FImP Length = 1096 R Height = 20 fl Slope= 0.0182 Wit Manning's n = 0.045 natural channel Flory Area= 9.00 sf (assume 3' z 3' channel) Welted Perimeter = 9.00 If (assume Tx Y channel) Channel Velocity- 4.47 fl/sec .S'egmeut Tiure = 4.08 minutes Time of Cocenhmtior= 22.47 minutes SCS Lag Time = 13.48 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time I-rement= 3.91 minutes (= 0.29 *SCS Lag) Ill. l POST - DEVELOPMENT RUN -OFF VOLUME CALCULATIONS Post development runoff vohane calculations are based upon the SCS Method The equation for this method is as follows Q* = ((P -0.2* S)'') / (P +O.S *S) where, O* = Direct RunofQnches] S = Potential Abstraction => 0000: SCS Curve Number) - 10 P = Accumulated Siorm Rainfall [inches/ Per Town Q/ Hill ordinance requirements, the increase un volume beneeen pr- and po.sl- development for the 2 -year 24 -hour storm shall be treated within the proposed siormwater management facility. __> Pos[- derelnpuunt 2 -Yen. Rruuiff Vol C'nlculntions On -Site Area = 0.10 acres On -site SCS CN = 66 S= 5A7 P (2,r / 24 -hour) = 3.60 inches Q. = 0.85 inches On -site Run -off Volume = 0.01 acre -feet 318 cf THE EDGE POST - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, EI RAV -13000 Sub -basin 3- 13ypass 5/23/2014 T. SCS CttRVE NUMBERS HSG Impervious. Open Wooded A 98. .. 30 B 98 _39 61 55_ µ .. D 98 — 80 77 Assruue: HSG'A'= 0% HSG'B'= 87% HSG'C'= 13% HSG D' = 0% ver Condition . SCS CN Comments Co —_ tm e�rvious 98 .,..,,...._..,.,,.,., Olen 63�� @Assume _good condition_ _._ Wooded —57 Assume good condition It.. POST - DEVELOPMENT A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown P"Uo 90% s Arca Imp Arc Contributing Area Meas Area jsf % [nip Imp Area (sfJ acresL ,.� .m�a..�Ie.;,� ROW Areas 0 0 0.00 Block A Developable 0 0.00 0 0.0_0_ 80% _0_ _ Y 0.00 Block C 0 _ 0.00_ 80%� _ 0 m 0.00 Block D Developable 0 0.00 _ _ 80% 0 0.00_ _Block E .� 0 _ �m 0.00 - -- - v80 %- 0 0.00 Block F 0 _ -- 0.00 80 %_ Block G Developable 0 0.00 80% 0 0.00 —Block 0 0.00°' 0 0.00 B. Onsite Open Space Breakdown Contributing Area Meas Area (sn % Open Open Area jstl Open Area acres] _ ROW Areas 0 10% 0 _0.00 Commercial Areas _.._r0 .� 20%�_._. _- 0 _ -_ ._..v 0.00 -- Managed Pervious 41 101 _ -100% 41,101 0.9_4_ W Forest 85.363 100% 85363— 1.96 Tolal Measured Area 126,464 126,464 2.90 C. Watershed Breakdown Contributin Area SCS CN Area sfj Area acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0 0.00 _ Onsite open _ 63 41,101 _0.94 - Assume good condition Onsite wooded 57 85,363 1.96 Assumeood condition Onsrte pond 100 0 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 33,260 - _ Ofis�te open_ 63 131,325 3.01 Assume good condition OfTsite wooded ~57 8 777 0,20 Assume yzood condition — `Offsite and — 100 0 Total Sub -basin Area = 6.88 acres 0.0108 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 65 %Impervious= 11.1% THE EDGE POST- DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin 3- Bypass 5/23/2014 D. Time of Concentration Information Tirane of conceivtn•ation is calcudaled using the SCS Segtnenial Approach (7'R -S5) Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = 1474 Length = 100 ft Height = 3.5 ft Slope= 0.0350 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.40 wooded - light underbrush P (2- year /24 -hour) = 3.6 inches (Chapel Hill, NC) Segment Time = 16.19 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 1474 Height= 51.5 Slope = 0.0349 Manning's n = 0.045 Flow Area = 9.00 Wetted Perimeter = 9.00 Channel Velocity = 6.19 Segment Time = 3.97 Time of Concentration = 20.15 minutes SCS Lag Time = 12.09 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 3.51 minutes (= 0.29 *SCS Lag) IIL; POST- DEVELOPME�14T RUN -OFF VOLEJME CALCULATIONS Post developinew runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method. The equation for this method is as folloias: Q^ = ((P- 0.2•S)z)/ (P +o.VS) where, Q *= Direct Runofffinchesl S ° Potential Abstraction (1000 /SCS Crave Minnie)) - 10 P — Accmtralated Storm Rainfall finches/ Per Town of Chapel Hill ordinance requirements, the increase in voh[me between pre- and post - development for the 2 -year 24 -hour slornn shall be treated within the proposed storn in ester management facility. Post - development 2 -Year Runqff Volume Calculations On -Site Area = 2.90 acres On -site SCS CN = 59 S = 7.00 P (2 -yr / 24 -hour) = 3.60 inches Q` = 0.53 inches On -site Run -off Volume = 0.13 acre -feet 5541 cf ft ft ft/ft natural channel sf (assume 3' x 3' channel) If (assume Y x 3' channel) ft/sec minutes THE EDGE POST - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin 3 -To SWMF 3 5/23/2014 IiSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 _ C 98__._ _ ..74 70 D _ 98 80 -- 77 Assume: HSG 'A' = 0% HSG 'B' = 87% HSG'C'= 13% HSG 'D' = 0% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 . �_. _Open_ 63 _Assume good condition Wooded 57 Assume good condition II. POST-DEVELOPMENT": A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown Contributing Area� Meas Area Meas Area [sf[ '% Imp Imp Area jsfl Imp Area _ [acres acres] _ k A De_ ROW Areas _ 53,853 m 7.24 90% 48,468 1.11 • -. Blocvelopable_ 0 0.00 0.00 Block B 73,570 0. 1.69 _® 80% 58,856 1.35 _.�.. Block C 248,731 _.._ 5.71 80% 198,985 4.57 Block D Developable 195,071 4.48 80% 156,057 3.58 Block E 0 _0.00 80% 0 0.00 _Block F �-� 0 ._._ 0.00 J�m80 % f4 0 0.00 _ WBlock G Developable 0 0.00 _ 80 %m. ____ 0 _.� _ 0.00 TolalMeasuredArea 571,225 13.11 462,365 10.61 B. Onsite Open Space Breakdown Contributing Area Meas Area (st] °f Open Open Area (Open Area _ acres _ROW Areas 53,853_ 10% 5,385 0.12 Commercial Areas 517,372 20 %� 103,474 2.38 Managed Pervious 45,000 100% 45,000 1.03 _ Forest 0�� 100% Total Measured Areu 616,225 1 1 153,860 3.53 C. Watershed Breakdown � Contributin Area SCS CN Areas Area acres Comments Onsite im ervious 98 462,365 10.61 �_ - _. _..pe.�___..' Onsite oRep ��_ 63 w 153,860 3.53 q� p Assume good condition Onsite wooded 57 0 0.00 Assumeood condition Onsite pond 100 28,560 0.66 �wM� Offsite impervious 98 4,666 0.11 _ ._._._ _. _ . _. __. �. mm Offsite open T _ 6_3_ W 61989 0.16_ Assume good condition Offsite_wooded 57 0 0.00 100 0 -------,Assume good condition Offsite ondv � 0.00 _ �"'� ^_� Total Sub -basin Area = 15.07 acres 0.0235 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 89 % Impervious = 71.1% THE EDGE POST - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin 3 -To SWMF 3 5/23/2014 D. Time of Concentration Information Time (i concentration is assumed to be 5 minutes. Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) ItI. POST- DEVELoktvENT IiUN =OFF VOLUME CALC II A"fIO1NS Post - development runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method. The equation for this method is as follows: Q* = ((P- 0.2 *S)') / (P +0.8*S) where, Q" _= Direct Runoff (inchesil S = Potential Abstraction => (1000 "SCS Curve Nunzbet) - 10 P Accumulated Storm Rainfall [inches) Per Town ofChapel Hill ordinance requirements, the increase in volume between pre- and post- developmentfor the 2 -year 24 -hour .storm shall be treated within the proposed .slormwater management facility. => Post - development 2 -Year Runoff Volume Calculations On -Site Area = 14.80 acres On -site SCS CN = 90 S = 1.15 P (2 -yr / 24 -hour) = 3.60 inches Q-= 2.51 inches On -site Run -off Volume = 3.10 acre -feet 134891 cf THE EDGE POST - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin 3 -To SWMF 4 5/23/2014 HSG Impervious Open Wooded A_ 98 �39, �. 30 _B f--- 961 _ ___. 55 _ 90 %� 1 11,903_ 0 0.27 194,558 _ D. 80% - 155,646 W 3.57 Assume: HSG 'A' = 0% HSG 'B' = 87% O 0 HSG'C'= 13% HSG'D'= 0% Cover Condition SC_S CN Comments Impervious _ mm_ 98 80% 0 Open __ 63 Assume good condition Wooded 57_.___,.__.__ Asstune Good condition II. POST- DEVELONN,1(ENT A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown Contributing Area ROW Areas _ ��Block A Developable T Block B Block C_ w� Block D Developable Block E Block F _ Block G Developable Total Measured Area B. Onsite Open Space Breakdown Contributing Area ROW Areas Commercial Areas - Managed Pervious Forest Total Measured Arec C. Watershed Breakdown Contributin Area 291,587 5.78 202,592 4.65 Meas Area [sfJ % Open 13,2_26_ 109/. __.238,361 - 20 %_ 22,154 100% 6,992 —� 100% Onsite impervious 98 Onsite open _M_63_ — _ Onsite wooded _57 �Onsite pond 100_X Offsite impervious T98 Offsite open 63 mm 1 7 Total Sub -basin Area = Composite SCS CN = % Impervious = Open Area (sf] Open Area _ acres 1,323 0.03 _ 47,672 22,154 0.51 6,992 _._.._ 0.16 !02,592 I 71,149 6,992 ___ 14,609 _ 3,954 7,019 M 0 7.03 acres 0.0110 sq.mi. 88 67.4% a acres Comments 4.65 1.63 Assume good condition _0.16 Assume good condition 0.34 0.16 mAssume ood condition 0.00 Assume good condition Meas Area " Imp Area Meas Area (sf] M acres � "/o Imp I Imp Area [sfj I acres 13,226 0 0.30 9 90 %� 1 11,903_ 0 0.27 194,558 _ 80% - 155,646 W 3.57 —O - - -- � �--" -- 0 O 0 0.00 _ _80% — 0.00 800/. 0_.. 0 0.00 8 80% 0 0 0 0.00 m _.0 ._ — — 0.00_ 8 80% _ 0 0 w_ 0 0.00 -_ 0 0.00 8 80% 0 0 Meas Area [sfJ % Open 13,2_26_ 109/. __.238,361 - 20 %_ 22,154 100% 6,992 —� 100% Onsite impervious 98 Onsite open _M_63_ — _ Onsite wooded _57 �Onsite pond 100_X Offsite impervious T98 Offsite open 63 mm 1 7 Total Sub -basin Area = Composite SCS CN = % Impervious = Open Area (sf] Open Area _ acres 1,323 0.03 _ 47,672 22,154 0.51 6,992 _._.._ 0.16 !02,592 I 71,149 6,992 ___ 14,609 _ 3,954 7,019 M 0 7.03 acres 0.0110 sq.mi. 88 67.4% a acres Comments 4.65 1.63 Assume good condition _0.16 Assume good condition 0.34 0.16 mAssume ood condition 0.00 Assume good condition 1 7 Total Sub -basin Area = Composite SCS CN = % Impervious = Open Area (sf] Open Area _ acres 1,323 0.03 _ 47,672 22,154 0.51 6,992 _._.._ 0.16 !02,592 I 71,149 6,992 ___ 14,609 _ 3,954 7,019 M 0 7.03 acres 0.0110 sq.mi. 88 67.4% a acres Comments 4.65 1.63 Assume good condition _0.16 Assume good condition 0.34 0.16 mAssume ood condition 0.00 Assume good condition !02,592 I 71,149 6,992 ___ 14,609 _ 3,954 7,019 M 0 7.03 acres 0.0110 sq.mi. 88 67.4% a acres Comments 4.65 1.63 Assume good condition _0.16 Assume good condition 0.34 0.16 mAssume ood condition 0.00 Assume good condition THE EDGE POST - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin 3 -To SWMF 4 5/23/2014 D. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is assumed to be 5 minutes. Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29 *SCS Lag) III. POST - DEVELOPMENT RUN' -OI F, VOLUN'IE CALGIIL.4TIONS Post - development runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method. The equation for this method is as follows: Q* = ((P- 0.2 *S)2) / (P +0.8 *S) where, Q* = Direct Runoff [inches] S = Potential Abstraction => (1000 /SCS Curve Numbet) - 10 P = Accumulated Storm Rainfall [inches] Per Town of Chapel Hill ordinance requirements, the increase in volume behveen pre- and post-developmentfor the 2 -year 24 -hour storm shall be treated within the proposed stormwater management facility. = => Post - development 2 -Year Runoff Volume Calculations On -Site Area = 6.78 acres On -site SCS CN = 89 S= 1.28 P (2 -yr / 24 -hour) = 3.60 inches Q* = 2.42 inches On -site Run -off Volume = 1.36 acre -feet 59449 cf THE EDGE POST - DEVELOPMENT IIYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub- bclsin 4 5/23/2014 1. SCS CURVE NUMBERS HS_G Impervious Open Wooded a.. 98 30 _A B 98 _39 61 55 C 70 D �..®.._._. .._._._98 80 Assume: HSG'A' HSG'B' HSG'C' HSG'D' Cover Condition bnpervious__ ______qpen " _ `- _ Wooded 0% = 92% 0% 8% SCS CN Comments _G3 Assume_good condition 57 Assume good condition A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown Meas Area Imp Area � Contributing Area Meas Area [sf� % Imp Imp Area isff acres _ acres ROW Areas 0 _ 0.00 90% v_ 0 _ 0.00 Block A Developable 0 0.00 80% 0 0.00 u.�.._______ 0__._._........._._.. -._,._ . ��.__--._..._- _....._.....__.____.__..._._._. Block B_ 0 _ 0.00 _ 80% _0_ 0.00 _ 0.00 80% 0 _ 0.00 Block D Developable 0 0.00 _ 80 %- _ ___0 0.00 Block E O T _0.00 m 80%� 0 0.00 0.00 80% 0 0.00 Block G Develoable _TO 0.00 80% 0 0.00 'Total Measured Area 0 0.00 0 _ 0.00 B. Onsite Open Space Breakdown Contributing Area Meas Area (sfJ % Open Open Area (sQ Open Area __mROW Areas _ 0 U 10% 0 _ 0.0_0 C _ omercial Areas ._ 0 �20% mm 0 O.00�T Managed Pervious W Forest Omm 100 % 0 0.00 �. Total Measured Area 0. _ 0 0.00 C. Watershed Breakdown Contributin Area SCS CN ents .AW Onsite impervious _ 98 0 0.00 _ Onsite open _ 63 _ m 0 _ _0.00 _ _Assumeq condition �_ Onsite wooded -' 57 0 _ .___. 0.00 Assume food condition Onsrte pond 100 0 0.00 - _ Offsite impervious T _ ___2_8_ Offsite Subdivision w_ 68 __ _ 690 852 W15,86 TR -55 CN for 1 acre Residential Offsite open 63 _ 100403 2.30 some flood condition Le_ _.....-._.._ _....___._ - _ v..__ .._...._..._._____ Offsite wooded _ 57 58,852 _ 1.35 Assu.Uood condition Total Sub -basin Area = Total area = 21.13 acres 0.0330 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 69 % Impervious = 15.0% D. Time of Concentration Information Time ojconcenlralion is calculated using the SCS Segmemal Approach (T1?-SS). Begnuent 1: Overland Flow Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 100 ft Length = 864 ft Height = 5.5 ft Height = 31.5 ft Slope = 0.0550 ft/ft Slope = 0.0365 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.40 wooded - light underbrush Paved ? = No P (2- year /24 -hour) = 3.6 inches (Chapel Hill, NC) Velocity= 3.08 ft /sec Segment Time = 13.51 minntea .Vegment Tinte = 4.67 minutes Time of Concentration = 18.18 minutes SCS Lag Time = 10.91 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 116 minutes = 0.29 *SCS La THE EDGE POST - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin Unanalyzed 5/23/2014 HSG Impery en V1'ious Opooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 0.83 74 0 w D 34,855 Assume: HSG 'A' = 0% _ 0 FISG'B'= 76% HSG 'C' = 6% I -ISG 'D' = 18% _ 0.00 _ Cover Condition = SCS CN Comments �� Impervious 98 0.00 Open 65 _ Assume good condition Wooded 60 Assume good condition A. Onsite Impervious Breakdown Contributing Area Meas Area [sfj acres Meas Area % Imp Imp Area [sf] Imp Area acres ROW Areas 0 _0.00_ 90 %_ _ 0 0.00 Block A Developable _ 0 v 0.00_ 80% 0_ 0.00 v Block B 0� 0.00 _ 80% 0 0.00 _ Block_ C _ 0 0.00 80% 0 0.00 Block D Dever able 0 � _ 0.00 _._. 80% T �..0. 0.0_0 Block E v 0 _ 0.00 80% 0 0.00 Block F._.__ _ 0 0.00 80% 0 _ _. 0.00_tl Block G Developable _0 0.00 80% 0 = 0.00 Total Measured Area 0 0.00 0 0.00 B. Onsite Open Space Breakdown Contributing Area Meas Area [sf] % Open Open Area Is` Open Area _ acres __RO_W_A_reas_ 0 10% 0 0.00 Commercial Areas __ W 0 �20 %OLL 000 Managed Pervious 36,032 100% _ 36,032 _0.83 Forest 34,855 100% 34,855 0.80 Total 14ea.cured Area 70,887 70,887 1.63 C. Watershed Breakdown ontributing Area SCS CN Area sf Area acres Comments Onsite impervious 98 0 0.00 Onsite open 65 �._ _ P__ 36,032 0.83 Assume good condition _. _ Onsite wooded_ 60 34,855 0.80_ _Assume good condition Onsite pond 100 _ 0 0.00 _ Offsite open 65 0 _ 0.00 _ Assume good condition wooded 60� 0 0.00 Assume good condition _Of&ai Offsite pond 100~ 0 0.00 Total Sub -basin Area = 1.63 acres 0.0025 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 63 % Impervious = 0.0% THE EDGE POST- DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sub -basin Unanalyzed 5/23/2014 D. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is assumed to be 5 minutes. Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6M Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) IIi. kOST- DEVLLOT'IY[ES,'T RljN' -OVF VOLU E CAi.CIILA IONS Post - development runoff volume calculations are based upon the SCS Method. The equation for this method is as follows: Qx = ((P- 0.2 *S)2)/ (P +0.8 *S) where, QM = Direct Runoff [inches] S = Potential Abstraction => (1000 /SCS Curve Number) - 10 P = Accumulated Storm Rainfall [inches] Per Town ofChapel Hill ordinance requirements, the increase in volume between pre- and post - developmentfor the 2-year 24 -hour storm shall be treated within the proposed stormwater management facility. = => Post - development 2 -Year Runoff Volume Calculations On -Site Area = 1.63 acres On -site SCS CN = 63 S = 5.98 P (2 -yr / 24 -hour) = 3.60 inches Q* = 0.69 inches On -site Run -off Volume = 0.09 acre -feet 4069 cf THE EDGE POST - DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Reach Data 5/23/2014 IH. REACH DATA REACH #5 - POA 2 TO POA 1 Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach (71?-55) Segment 1: Channel Flow 251 Height = Length = 142 ft Height = 2 ft Slope = 0.0141 ft /ft Manning's n = 0.045 natural channel Flow Area = 9.00 sf (assume 3' x 3' channel) Wetted Perimeter = 9.00 ft (assume 3' x 3' channel) Channel Velocity = 3.93 ft/sec Segment Time = 0.60 minutes Segment 2: Channel Flow Length = 251 Height = 8.5 Slope = 0.0339 Manning's n = 0.045 Flow Area = 9.00 Wetted Perimeter = 9.00 Channel Velocity = 6.09 Segment Tinte = 0.69 Time of Concentration = 1.29 minutes SCS Lag Time = 0.77 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.22 minutes (= 0.29 *SCS Lag) REACrl 46 - POA 3 TO POA 2 Length = Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach (7777? -55). Segment 1: Channel Flow 0.0182 Manning's n = Length = 456 ft Height = 10 ft Slope = 0.0219 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.013 RCP Flow Area = 3.14 sf (assume 24" RCP) Wetted Perimeter = 6.28 ft (assume 24" RCP) Channel Velocity = 10.69 ft /sec Segment Time = 0.71 minutes Segment 2: Charnel Flow Length = 1096 Height = 20 Slope = 0.0182 Manning's n = 0.045 Flow Area = 9.00 Wetted Perimeter = 9.00 Channel Velocity = 4.47 Segment Time = 4.08 'rime of Concentration = 4.79 minutes SCS Lag Time = 2.88 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.83 minutes (= 0.29 *SCS Lag) REACH #7 - POA 4 TO POA 3 Length = Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach Segment 1: Channel Flow Segment 1: Pipe Flow ft Length = 716 ft Height = 10 ft Slope = 0.0140 ft /ft Manning's n = 0.045 natural channel Flow Area = 4.00 sf (assume 2' x 2' channel) Wetted Perimeter = 6.00 ft (assume 2'x 2' channel) Channel Velocity = 2.99 ft/sec Segment Time = 4.00 minutes Time of Concentration = 4.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 2.40 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.70 minutes (= 0.29 *SCS Lag) REACH 08 - SUB -BASIN 4 TO POA 4 Length = Time of concentration is calculated using the S( �S Segmental Approach (77?-55). Segment 1: Pipe Flow ft Slope = Length = 528 ft Height = 14 ft Slope = 0.0265 ft /ft Manning's n = 0.013 Concrete Pipe P (2- year /24 -hour) = 3.6 inches (Chapel Hill, NC) Segment Time = 4.42 minutes ft ft ft/ft natural channel sf (assume 4' x 4' channel) ft (assume Tx 4' channel) ft /sec minutes ft ft ft /ft natural channel sf (assume 3' x 3' channel) ft (assume 3' x 3' channel) ft /sec minutes Segment 1: Concentrated Flow Length = 53 ft Height = 3 ft Slope = 0.0566 JIM Paved ? = No Velocity= 3.84 ft /sec Segment Time = 0.23 minutes Time of Concentration = 4.65 minutes SCS Lag Time = 2.79 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.81 minutes (= 0.29 *SCS Lag) 'J MCADAMS Scenario: Post Development THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/23/2014 'J MCADAMS Subsection: Master Network Summary Pond Summary Label Scenario Return Hydrograph Time to Peak Peak Flow Event Volume (min) (ft3 /s) (years) (ac -ft) Maximum Maximum Water Pond Storage Surface (ac -ft) Elevation (N /A) (ft) Post 1 Year SWMF 1 (IN) Post 1 Year 1 0.950 721.00 20.44 (N /A) (N /A) SWMF 1 Post 1 Year 1 0.309 1,083.00 0.32 468.21 0.710 (OUT) SWMF 1 (IN) Post 2 Year 2 1.220 721.00 24.84 (N /A) (N /A) SWMF 1 Post 2 Year 2 0.374 1,082.00 0.38 468.79 0.924 (OUT) SWMF 1 (IN) Post 25 Year 25 2.481 721.00 39.34 (N /A) (N /A) SWMF 1 Post 25 Year 25 1.190 751.00 8.88 470.09 1.432 (OUT) SWMF 2 (IN) Post 1 Year 1 2.870 721.00 62.19 (N /A) (N /A) SWMF 2 Post 1 Year 1 0.953 1,083.00 1.00 471.37 2.121 (OUT) SWMF 2 (IN) Post 2 Year 2 3.763 721.00 77.55 (N /A) (N /A) SWMF 2 Post 2 Year 2 1.211 1,082.00 1.25 472.06 2.804 (OUT) SWMF 2 (IN) Post 25 Year 25 8.006 721.00 129.50 (N /A) (N /A) SWMF 2 Post 25 Year 25 4.062 753.00 22.05 473.80 4.665 (OUT) SWMF 3 (IN) Post 1 Year 1 2.361 721.00 51.10 (N /A) (N /A) SWMF 3 Post 1 Year 1 0.729 1,083.00 0.76 505.15 1.778 (OUT) SWMF 3 (IN) Post 2 Year 2 3.074 721.00 63.16 (N /A) (N /A) SWMF 3 Post 2 Year 2 0.913 1,083.00 0.94 505.73 2.334 (OUT) SWMF 3 (IN) Post 25 Year 25 6.441 721.00 103.57 (N /A) (N /A) SWMF 3 Post 25 Year 25 3.044 754.00 15.96 507.22 3.890 (OUT) SWMF 4 (IN) Post 1 Year 1 1.054 721.00 22.83 (N /A) (N /A) SWMF 4 Post 1 Year 1 0.338 1,083.00 0.35 504.41 0.785 (OUT) SWMF 4 (IN) Post 2 Year 2 1.381 721.00 28.47 (N /A) (N /A) SWMF 4 Post 2 Year 2 0.426 1,083.00 0.44 504.96 1.039 (OUT) SWMF 4 (IN) Post 25 Year 25 2.939 721.00 47.54 (N /A) (N /A) SWMF 4 Post 25 Year 25 1.446 752.00 10.42 506.20 1.662 (OUT) THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/23/2014 TUM-CADAMS Subsection: Master Network Summary Catchments Summary Label Scenario Return Hydrograph Time to Peak Peak Flow Event Volume (min) (ft3 /s) (years) (ac -ft) Sub 1 - Bypass Post 1 Year 1 0.125 738.00 0.97 Sub 1 - Bypass Post 2 Year 2 0.202 737.00 1.81 Sub 1 - Bypass Post 25 Year 25 0.668 734.00 6.22 Sub - 1 to SWMF 1 Post 1 Year 1 0.950 721.00 20.44 Sub - 1 to SWMF 1 Post 2 Year 2 1.220 721.00 24.84 Sub - 1 to SWMF 1 Post 25 Year 25 2.481 721.00 39.34 Sub - 1 to SWMF 2 Post 1 Year 1 2.870 721.00 62.19 Sub - 1 to SWMF 2 Post 2 Year 2 3.763 721.00 77.55 Sub - 1 to SWMF 2 Post 25 Year 25 8.006 721.00 129.50 Sub - 2 Bypass Post 1 Year 1 0.535 737.00 3.66 Sub - 2 Bypass Post 2 Year 2 0.910 737.00 7.68 Sub - 2 Bypass Post 25 Year 25 3.269 734.00 31.26 Sub - 3 Bypass Post 1 Year 1 0.283 734.00 2.44 Sub - 3 Bypass Post 2 Year 2 0.458 733.00 4.59 Sub - 3 Bypass Post 25 Year 25 1.513 731.00 15.51 Sub - 3 to SWMF 3 Post 1 Year 1 2.361 721.00 51.10 Sub - 3 to SWMF 3 Post 2 Year 2 3.074 721.00 63.16 Sub - 3 to SWMF 3 Post 25 Year 25 6.441 721.00 103.57 Sub - 3 to SWMF 4 Post 1 Year 1 1.054 721.00 22.83 Sub - 3 to SWMF 4 Post 2 Year 2 1.381 721.00 28.47 Sub - 3 to SWMF 4 Post 25 Year 25 2.939 721.00 47.54 Sub - 4 Post 1 Year 1 1.153 732.00 12.52 Sub - 4 Post 2 Year 2 1.776 732.00 20.68 Sub - 4 Post 25 Year 25 1 5.321 1 730.00 1 58.54 Node Summary Label Scenario Return Hydrograph Time to Peak Peak Flow Event Volume (min) (ft3 /s) (years) (ac -ft) POA 1 Post 1 Year 1 4.405 747.00 20.57 POA 1 Post 2 Year 2 6.246 745.00 34.75 POA 1 Post 25 Year 25 20.467 747.00 137.22 POA 2 Post 1 Year 1 3.976 746.00 19.47 POA 2 Post 2 Year 2 5.674 744.00 32.93 POA 2 Post 25 Year 25 18.617 746.00 124.39 POA 3 Post 1 Year 1 2.498 741.00 15.40 POA 3 Post 2 Year 2 3.567 739.00 25.52 POA 3 Post 25 Year 25 11.309 741.00 84.05 POA 4 Post 1 Year 1 1.151 737.00 12.52 POA 4 Post 2 Year 2 1.772 737.00 20.68 POA 4 Post 25 Year 25 5.313 735.00 58.54 Sub -4o Post 1 Year 1 1.153 732.00 12.52 Sub -4o Post 2 Year 2 1.776 732.00 20.68 Sub -4o Post 25 Year 25 1 5.321 1 730.00 58.54 'ond Summary THE EDGE J. EASON, EI RAV 13000. ppc 5/23/2014 POA #: SUB —BASIN A 41 d E C 0 W Q N 00 V) 0 a I 0 0 O M a / 07 C O r C N L L 7 / Q N E O O M i Q i a / fA U 0 0 a / x CCTTTi Tl A CITAT 114 "%T" A CICI IJ V L `— LL11.711'l �'Y AREA = 21.13 —ac. _OCK AREA PERVIOUS AREA PERVIOUS GRAPHIC S C AIE 150 0 75 150 300 1 inch = 150 ft. PRELIMINARY DRAWING — NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION M p •"� CQQJ y, N U Co N O � VU� OO c 8M +U eq . Co VJ � A V 0 w ax ca �o Z C A Co �aZC) orxx`�� Arn �WA�rn xa H z caF'o w ZV-4w0 co a � w A W C3 W O A� A a� o W a 1� a 04 �C w A PROJECT N0. RAV -13000 FILENAME: R AV13000- P OS DESIGNED BY: — DRAWN BY: JLE SCALE: 1 "-150, DATE: 05-23-2014 SHEET NO. POST 'J MCADAMS STORMWA TER MANA GEMENT FA CILITY `I ' DESIGN CAL CULA TIONS THE -EDGE RAV -13000 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 1 LEASON, EI RAV -13000 SSFxn Above NP 1/27/2014 STAGE- STORAGE FUNCTION - ABOVE NORMAL POOL Ks= 13014 h = 1.1289 Storage vs. Stage Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S -S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) 466.00 0.00 10,949 466.50 0.50 13,306 12128 6064_ 6064 0.51 468.00 2.00 15,560 14433 21650 27713 1.95 470.00 4.00 17,636 16598 33196 60909 3.92 _ 472.00 6.00 19,806 18721 37442 98351 6.00 , 474.00 8.00 22,086 20946 41892 140243 8.21 Ks= 13014 h = 1.1289 Storage vs. Stage 160000 140000 y = 13014x1.1289 120000 R'= 0.9996 V 100000 rn 80000 A 60000 40000 20000 0 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 Stage (feet) Ks= 13014 h = 1.1289 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 1 RAV -13000 Surface Area Calculation WET DETENTION BASIN SUMMARY Enter the drainage area characteristics =_> Total drainage area to pond = 5.56 acres Total impervious area to pond = 394 acres Note The basin must be sized to treat all impervious surface runoff draining into the pond, not just the impervious surface from on -site development. Drainage area = 5.56 acres 71.0% impervious Estimate the surface area required at pond normal pool elevation =_> Wet Detention Basins are based on an minimum average depth of = 3.01 feet (Calculated) From the DWQ BMP Handbook, the required SAIDA ratio for 90% TSS Removal =_> 3.0 3.01 3.5 Lower Boundary => 70.0 4.00 3.70 Site % impervious => 71.0 4.05 4.04 3.74 Upper Boundary => 80.0 4.50 4.10 Therefore, SA /DA required = 4.04 Surface area required at normal pool = 9,784 ft2 = 0.22 acres Surface area provided at normal pool = 10,949 ft2 J.EASON, EI 1/27/2014 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 1 RAV -13000 WQV Calculation DETERMINATION OF WATER QUALITY VOLUME T'Q v = (P) (R v)(A) /I2 where, WQv = water quality volume (in acre -ft) Rv= 0.05 +0.009(I) where I is percent impervious cover A = area in acres P = rainfall (in inches) Input data: 13892 cf. Total area, A = 5.56 acres Impervious area = 3.94 acres Percent impervious cover, I = 71.0 % Rainfall, P = 1.00 inches Calculated values: Rv = 0.69 WQv= 0.32 acre -ft 13892 cf. ASSOCIATED DEPTH IN POND WQv= 13892 cf. Stage/ Storage Data: Ks = 13014 b = 1.129 Zo = 466.00 Volume in 1" rainfall = 13892 cf. Calculated values: Depth of WQv in Basin = 1.06 ft 12.71 inches Elevation = 467.06 ft J.EASON, EI 1/27/2014 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 1 RAV -13000 WQV Calculation DETERMINATION OF 2- YEAR/24 -HR VOLUME 2 -Year Volume = 54043 cf. 1.24 acre -ft AssocIATED 2 -YEAR VOLUME DEPTH IN POND 2 -Year Volume= 54043 cf. WQv= 13892 cf. Volume Difference = 40151 cf. Stage /Storage Data: Ks= 13014 b = 1.129 Zo = 467.06 Volume of additional detention = 40151 cf. Calculated values: Depth of WQv in Basin = 2.71 ft = 32.55 inches Elevation = 469.77 ft J.EASON, EI 1/27/2014 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 1 RAV -13000 WQV Drawdown Calculation D orifice = 2 inch # orifices = 1 Ks = 13014 b = 1.1289 Cd siphon = 0.60 Normal Pool Elevation = 466.00 feet Volume a Normal Pool = 0 of Orifice Invert = 466.00 feet WSEL a I" Runoff Volume = 467.06 feet WSEL feet Vol. Stored (C f) Siphon Flow cfs Avg. Flow (cfs ) Incr. Vol. ef) Incr. Time sec 467.06 13892 0.104 466.97 12536 0.099 0.101 1356 13415 466.88 11196 0.093 0.096 1340 13961 466.78 9874 0.088 0.091 1322 14601 466.69 8572 0.082 0.085 1302 15363 466.60 7293 0.075 0.079 1280 16296 466.51 6038 0.068 0.072 1254 17480 466.41 4813 0.060 0.064 1225 19058 466.32 3623 0.051 0.056 1190 21331 466.23 2477 0.040 0.046 1147 25083 466.14 1389 0.023 0.032 1087 34516 Drawdown Time = 2.21 days By comparison, if calculated by the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is half the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.325 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 Cross - sectional area of siphon = 0.022 sf Q = 0.0599 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec /day) Drawdown Time = 2.68 da s J.EASON, EI 5/22/2014 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 1 RAV -13000 2 -Year Drawdown Calculation DRAt�DOWN S,II')fiflt�i,I))ESIGI�I D orifice = 2.5 inch # orifices = 1 Ks= 13014 b = 1.1289 Cd siphon = 0.60 WSEL a V Runoff Volume = 467.06 feet Orifice Invert = 467.10 feet WSEL a 2- year /24 -hr Runoff Volume = 469.77 feet WSEL feet Vol. Stored c Siphon Flow (cfs ) Avg. Flow (cfs ) Incr. Vol. (cf) Ina•. Time sec 469.77 39475 0.265 469.54 35629 0.253 0.259 3846 14868 469.31 31830 0.240 0.246 3799 15423 469.08 28083 0.227 0.233 3748 16063 468.84 24391 0.212 0.220 3691 16813 468.61 20763 0.197 0.205 3628 17712 468.38 17206 0.181 0.189 3557 18819 468.15 13731 0.163 0.172 3475 20235 467.92 10355 0.142 0.152 3376 22150 467.68 7102 0.118 0.130 3253 24976 467.45 4015 0.088 0.103 3087 29909 Drawdown Time = 2.28 days By comparison, if calculated by the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is half the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.856 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 Cross - sectional area of siphon = 0.034 sf Q = 0.1519 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec /day) Drawdown Time = 3.01 days J.EASON, EI 5/22/2014 M11 McADAMS Subsection: Elevation -Area Volume Curve Label: SWMF 1 Elevation Planimeter Area Al +A2 +sqr Volume (ft) (ftz) (acres) (Al *A2) (ac -ft) (acres) Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year Volume (Total) (ac -ft) 466.00 0.0 0.25 0.00 0.000 0.000 466.50 0.0 0.31 0.83 0.139 0.139 468.00 0.0 0.36 0.99 0.496 0.635 470.00 0.0 0.40 1.14 0.762 1.397 472.00 0.0 0.45 1.29 0.859 2.256 474.001 0.01 0.51 1 1.441 0.961 1 3.217 THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 TJ MCADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 1 Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations Minimum (Headwater) 466.00 ft Increment (Headwater) 0.50 ft Maximum (Headwater) 474.00 ft Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year Outlet Connectivity Structure Type Outlet ID Direction Outfall El E2 (ft) (ft) Inlet Box RI Forward BA 469.80 474.00 Orifice - Circular OR -2YR Forward BA 467.10 474.00 Culvert- Circular BA Forward TW 465.00 474.00 Orifice - Circular SI Forward TW 466.00 474.00 Tailwater Settings Tailwater (N /A) (N /A) THE EDGE J. EASON. El RAV13000.ppc 1/27/2014 'J MCADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 1 Structure ID: BA Structure Type: Culvert- Circular Number of Barrels 1 Diameter 24.0 in Length 95.00 ft Length (Computed Barrel) 95.01 ft Slope (Computed) 0.011 ft /ft Outlet Control Data Manning's n 0.013 Ke 1 Kb 0 Kr 0 Convergence Tolerance 0.00 ft Inlet Control Data Equation Form Form 1 K 0.0098 M 2.0000 C 0.0398 Y 0.6700 T1 ratio (HW /D) 1 T2 ratio (HW /D) 1 Slope Correction Factor -1 Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year TI Elevation 467.31 ft Ti Flow 15.55 ft3 /s T2 Elevation 467.60 ft T2 Flow 17.77 ft3 /s THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV13000.ppc 1/27/2014 TJ MCADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 1 Structure ID: RI Structure Type: Inlet Box Number of Openings 1 Elevation 469.80 ft Orifice Area 16.0 ft2 Orifice Coefficient 1 Weir Length 16.00 ft Weir Coefficient 3.00 (ft ^0.5) /s K Reverse 1 Manning's n 0 Kev, Charged Riser 0 Weir Submergence False Orifice H to crest False Structure ID: SI Structure Type: Orifice - Circular Number of Openings 1 Elevation 466.00 ft Orifice Diameter 2.0 in Orifice Coefficient 1 Structure ID: OR -2YR Structure Type: Orifice- Circular Number of Openings 1 Elevation 467.10 ft Orifice Diameter 2.5 in Orifice Coefficient 1 Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Tailwater Type Free Outfall Convergence Tolerances Maximum Iterations 30 Tailwater Tolerance 0.01 ft (Minimum) Tailwater Tolerance 0.50 ft (Maximum) Headwater Tolerance 0.01 ft (Minimum) Headwater Tolerance 0.50 ft (Maximum) Flow Tolerance (Minimum) 0.001 ft3 /s Flow Tolerance (Maximum) 10.000 ft3 /s Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 'J MCADAMS Subsection: Composite Rating Curve Label: SWMF 1 Composite Outflow Summary Water Surface Flow Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Elevation (ft3 /s) (ft) (ft) (ft) Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year Contributing Structures 466.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,OR- 2YR,BA,SI) 466.50 0.07 (N /A) 0.00 SI (no Q: RI,OR- 2YR,BA) 467.00 0.10 (N /A) 0.00 SI (no Q: RI,OR- 2YR,BA) 467.10 0.11 (N /A) 0.00 SI (no Q: RI,OR- 2YR,BA) 467.50 0.22 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 468.00 0.29 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 468.50 0.35 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 469.00 0.40 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 469.50 0.45 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 469.80 0.47 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 470.00 4.77 (N /A) 0.00 RI,OR- 2YR,BA,SI 470.50 28.47 (N /A) 0.00 RI,OR- 2YR,BA,SI 471.00 34.27 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 471.50 36.05 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 472.00 37.75 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 472.50 39.38 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 473.00 40.95 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 473.50 42.46 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 474.00 43.88 (N /A) 1 0.001 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) THE EDGE RAV 13000. ppc J. EASON, El 1/27/2014 'J MCADAMS Subsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Label: SWMF 1 (IN) Infiltration 468.21 ft Infiltration Method No Infiltration (Computed) 0.710 ac -ft Initial Conditions Elevation (Water Surface, 466.00 ft Initial) 0.950 ac -ft Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Flow (Initial Outlet) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial Infiltration) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial, Total) 0.00 ft3 /s Time Increment 1.00 min Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year Inflow /Outflow Hydrograph Summary Flow (Peak In) 20.44 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, In) 721.00 min Flow (Peak Outlet) 0.32 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 1,083.00 min Elevation (Water Surface, 468.21 ft Peak) Volume (Peak) 0.710 ac -ft Mass Balance (ac -ft) Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Inflow) 0.950 ac -ft Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet 0.309 ac -ft Outflow) Volume (Retained) 0.641 ac -ft Volume (Unrouted) -0.001 ac -ft Error (Mass Balance) 0.1 % THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 'J MCADAMS Subsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Label: SWMF 1 (IN) Infiltration 468.79 ft Infiltration Method No Infiltration (Computed) 0.924 ac -ft Initial Conditions Elevation (Water Surface, 466.00 ft Initial) 1.220 ac -ft Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Flow (Initial Outlet) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial Infiltration) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial, Total) 0.00 ft3 /s Time Increment 1.00 min Inflow /Outflow Hydrograph Summary Return Event: 2 years Storm Event: 2 -Year Flow (Peak In) 24.84 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, In) 721.00 min Flow (Peak Outlet) 0.38 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 1,082.00 min Elevation (Water Surface, 468.79 ft Pea k) Volume (Peak) 0.924 ac -ft Mass Balance (ac -ft) Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Inflow) 1.220 ac -ft Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet 0.374 ac -ft Outflow) Volume (Retained) 0.845 ac -ft Volume (Unrouted) -0.001 ac -ft Error (Mass Balance) 0.1 % THE EDGE J. EASON. El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 TJ MCADAMS Subsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Return Event: 25 years Label: SWMF 1 (IN) Storm Event: 25 -Year Infiltration Infiltration Method No Infiltration (Computed) Initial Conditions Elevation (Water Surface, 466.00 ft Initial) Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Flow (Initial Outlet) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial Infiltration) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial, Total) 0.00 ft3 /s Time Increment 1.00 min Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Inflow /Outflow Hydrograph Summary Flow (Peak In) 39.34 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, In) 721.00 min Flow (Peak Outlet) 8.88 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 751.00 min Elevation (Water Surface, 470.09 ft Peak) Volume (Peak) 1.432 ac -ft Mass Balance (ac -ft) Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Inflow) 2.481 ac -ft Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet 1.190 ac -ft Outflow) Volume (Retained) 1.290 ac -ft Volume (Unrouted) -0.001 ac -ft Error (Mass Balance) 0.0% THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 TY McADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Return Event: 100 years Label: SWMF 1 - WC Storm Event: 100 -Year Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations Minimum (Headwater) 466.00 ft Increment (Headwater) 0.50 ft Maximum (Headwater) 474.00 ft Outlet Connectivity Structure Type Outlet ID Direction Outfall E1 E2 (ft) (ft) THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 Inlet Box RI Forward BA 469.80 474.00 Culvert- Circular BA Forward TW 465.00 474.00 Tailwater Settings Tailwater (N /A) (N /A) THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 'JMcADaMs Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 1 - WC Structure ID: BA Form 1 Structure Type: Culvert- Circular 0.0098 Number of Barrels 1 Diameter 24.0 in Length 95.00 ft Length (Computed Barrel) 95.01 ft Slope (Computed) 0.011 ft /ft Slope Correction Factor -1 Outlet Control Data Manning's n 0.013 Ke 1 Kb 0 Kr 0 Convergence Tolerance 0.00 ft Inlet Control Data Equation Form Form 1 K 0.0098 M 2.0000 C 0.0398 Y 0.6700 T1 ratio (HW /D) 1 T2 ratio (HW /D) 1 Slope Correction Factor -1 Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100 -Year T1 Elevation 467.31 ft T1 Flow 15.55 ft3 /s T2 Elevation 467.60 ft T2 Flow 17.77 ft3 /s THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 'J McADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 1 - WC Structure ID: RI Structure Type: Inlet Box Number of Openings 1 Elevation 469.80 ft Orifice Area 16.0 ftz Orifice Coefficient 1 Weir Length 16.00 ft Weir Coefficient 3.00 (ft ^0.5) /s K Reverse 1 Manning's n 0 Kev, Charged Riser 0 Weir Submergence False Orifice H to crest False Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Tailwater Type Free Outfall Convergence Tolerances Maximum Iterations 30 Tailwater Tolerance 0.01 ft (Minimum) Tailwater Tolerance 0.50 ft (Maximum) Headwater Tolerance 0.01 ft (Minimum) Headwater Tolerance 0.50 ft (Maximum) Flow Tolerance (Minimum) 0.001 ft3 /s Flow Tolerance (Maximum) 10.000 ft3 /s Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100 -Year THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 'J MCADAMS Subsection: Composite Rating Curve Label: SWMF 1 - WC Composite Outflow Summary Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100 -Year Water Surface Flow Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Contributing Structures Elevation (ft3 /s) (ft) (ft) (ft) 466.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 466.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 467.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 467.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 468.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 468.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RIBA) 469.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 469.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RIBA) 469.80 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 470.00 4.29 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 470.50 28.11 (N /A) 0.00 RIBA 471.00 34.03 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 471.50 35.81 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 472.00 37.50 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 472.50 39.12 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 473.00 40.67 (N /A) 0.00 RIBA 473.50 42.17 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 474.00 43.58 (N /A) 1 0.001 RIBA THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 9 MCADAMS Subsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Return Event: 100 years Label: SWMF 1 (IN) Storm Event: 100 -Year Infiltration Infiltration Method No Infiltration (Computed) Initial Conditions Elevation (Water Surface, 469.80 ft Initial) Volume (Initial) 1.317 ac -ft Flow (Initial Outlet) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial Infiltration) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial, Total) 0.00 ft3 /s Time Increment 1.00 min Inflow /Outflow Hydrograph Summary Flow (Peak In) 47.92 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, In) 721.00 min Flow (Peak Outlet) 30.98 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 727.00 min Elevation (Water Surface, 470.74 ft Peak) Volume (Peak) 1.704 ac -ft Mass Balance (ac -ft) Volume (Initial) 1.317 ac -ft Volume (Total Inflow) 3.205 ac -ft Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet 3.196 ac -ft Outflow) Volume (Retained) 1.325 ac -ft Volume (Unrouted) -0.001 ac -ft Error (Mass Balance) 0.0% THE EDGE J. EASON. El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 STORMWA TER MANA GEMENT FA CILI T Y `T DESIGN CAL CULA TIONS THE -EDGE RAV -13000 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 2 J. EASON, EI RAV -13000 SSFxn Above NP 1/27/2014 STAGE - STORAGE FUNCTION - ABOVE NORMAL POOL Ks= 37220 b = 1.0951 Storage vs. Stage Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S -S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) 469.00 0.00 33,542 469.50 0.50 37,612 35577 17789 17789 0.51 470.00 1.00 38,864 38238 19119 36908 0.99 472.00 3.00 44,013 41439 82877 119785 2.91 _ 474.00 5.00 49,388 46701 93401 213186 4.92 476.00 7.00 54,628 52008 104016 317202 7.07__ 477.00 8.00 _ 57,010 55819 55819 373021 8.20 Ks= 37220 b = 1.0951 Storage vs. Stage 400000 350000 y = 37220x 1 0951 300000 R'= 0.9996 V 250000 p 200000 150000 H 100000 50000 0 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 Stage (feet) Ks= 37220 b = 1.0951 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 2 J. EASON, El RAV -13000 Sutface Area Calculation 1/27/2014 WET DETENTION BASIN SUitIMARY Enter the drainage area characteristics = => Total drainage area to pond = 19.15 acres Total impervious area to pond = 12.29 acres Note The basin must be sized to treat all impervious surface runoff draining into the pond, not just the impervious surface from on -site development. Drainage area = 19.15 acres a 64.2% impervious Estimate the surface area required at pond normal pool elevation = => Wet Detention Basins are based on an minimum average depth of = 3.01 feet (Calculated) From the DWQ BMP Handbook, the required SAIDA ratio for 90% TSS Removal = => 3.0 3.01 3.5 Lower Boundary => 60.0 3.50 3.20 Site % impervious => 64.2 3.71 3.70 3.41 Upper Boundary — 70.0 4.00 3.70 Therefore, SA/DA required = 3.70 Surface area required at normal pool = 30,879 ft2 = 0.71 acres Surface area provided at normal pool = 33,542 ft2 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 2 RAV -13000 WQV Calculation DETERMINATION OF WATER QUALI'T`Y VOLUME WQ v = (P) (R v) (A) /12 where, WQv = water quality volume (in acre -ft) Rv = 0.05 +0.009(I) where I is percent impervious cover A = area in acres P = rainfall (in inches) Input data: 43614 cf. "total area, A = 19.15 acres Impervious area = 12.29 acres Percent impervious cover, I = 64.2 % Rainfall, P = 1.00 inches Calculated values: Rv = 0.63 WQv= 1.00 acre -ft 43614 cf. ASSOCIATED DEPTH IN POND WQv= 43614 cf. Stage /Storage Data: Ks= 37220 b = 1.095 Zo = 469.00 Volume in V rainfall = 43614 cu. ft Calculated values: Depth of WQv in Basin = 1.16 ft = 13.87 inches Elevation = 470.16 ft J. EASON, El 1/27/2014 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 2 RAV -13000 WQV Calculation 2 -Year Volume = 166291 cf. 3.82 acre -ft 2 -Year Volume= 166291 cf. WQv= 43614 cf. Volume Difference = 122678 cf. Stage / Storage Data: Ks= 37220 b = 1.095 Zo = 470.16 Volume of additional detention = 122678 cf. Calculated values: Depth of 2 -yr in Basin = 2.97 ft = 35.66 inches Elevation = 473.13 It J. EASON, EI 5/22/2014 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 2 RAV -13000 WQV Drawdown Calculation I3R4W.D(}WN SIl'FI©N;DESJ N' D orifice = # orifices = Ks = b= Cd siphon = Normal Pool Elevation = Volume @ Normal Pool = Orifice Invert = WSEL n 1" Runoff Volume 3.5 inch 1 37220 1.0951 0.60 469.00 feet 0 of 469.00 feet 470.16 feet WSEL feet Vol. Stored c f) Siphon Flow (cfs ) Avg. Flow (cfs) Iner. Vol. c Iner. Time sec 470.16 43614 0.323 470.05 39439 0.306 0.314 4175 13276 469.95 35302 0.289 0.297 4137 13913 469.85 31207 0.270 0.279 4095 14669 469.75 27158 0.250 0.260 4049 15589 469.65 23161 0.228 0.239 3997 16746 469.55 19224 0.203 0.216 3938 18265 469.45 15355 0.176 0.190 3868 20398 469.34 11571 0.143 0.159 3785 23739 469.24 7892 0.093 0.118 3679 31124 469.14 4361 0.041 0.067 3531 52386 Drawdown Time = 2.55 days By comparison, if calculated by the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is half the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.337 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 Cross- sectional area of siphon = 0.067 sf Q = 0.1867 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec /day) Drawdown Time = 2.70 da s J. EASON, El 5/22/2014 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 2 RAV -13000 2-Year Drawdown Calculation D orifice = 4.5 inch # orifices = 1 Ks= 37220 b = 1.0951 Cd siphon = 0.60 WSEL a 1" Runoff Volume= 470.16 feet Orifice Invert = 470.20 feet WSEL a 2- year /24 -hr Runoff Volume = 473.13 feet WSEL (feet) Vol. Stored cf) Siphon Flow cfs Avg. Flow (cfs) Iner. Vol. c Iner. Time sec 473.13 120679 0.886 472.87 109151 0.844 0.865 11528 13326 472.61 97728 0.800 0.822 11423 13894 472.36 86420 0.754 0.777 11308 14555 472.10 75240 0.704 0.729 11180 15340 471.85 64203 0.651 0.677 11037 16294 471.59 53328 0.593 0.622 10874 17493 471.33 42644 0.528 0.560 10684 19069 471.08 32190 0.454 0.491 10454 21281 470.82 22027 0.366 0.410 10163 24763 470.56 12268 0.249 0.308 9759 31725 Drawdown Time = 2.17 days By comparison, if calculated by the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is half the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.913 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 Cross - sectional area of siphon = 0.110 sf Q = 0.5082 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec /day) Drawdown Time = 2.75 da s J. EASON, EI 5/22/2014 T"il McADAMS Subsection: Elevation -Area Volume Curve Label: SWMF 2 Elevation Planimeter Area Al +A2 +sqr (ft) (ftz) (ftz) (Al *A2) (ft2) Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year Volume Volume (Total) (ac -ft) (ac-ft) 469.00 0.0 33,542.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 469.50 0.0 37,612.00 106,672.75 0.408 0.408 470.00 0.0 38,864.00 114,708.88 0.439 0.847 472.00 0.0 44,013.00 124,235.45 1.901 2.748 474.00 0.0 49,388.00 140,024.11 2.143 4.891 476.00 0.0 54,628.00 155,957.96 2.387 7.278 477.001 0.01 57,010.00 1 167,444.29 1 1.281 1 8.560 THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/23/2014 TJ MCADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Return Event: 1 years Label: SWMF 2 Storm Event: 1 -Year Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations Minimum (Headwater) 469.00 ft Increment (Headwater) 0.50 ft Maximum (Headwater) 477.00 ft Outlet Connectivity Structure Type Outlet ID Direction Outfall El E2 (ft) (ft) THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/23/2014 Inlet Box RI Forward BA 473.20 477.00 Orifice - Circular OR -2YR Forward BA 470.20 477.00 Culvert- Circular BA Forward TW 468.60 477.00 Orifice - Circular SI Forward Tw 469.00 477.00 Tailwater Settings Tailwater (N /A) (N /A) THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/23/2014 TJ MCADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 2 Structure ID: BA Structure Type: Culvert- Circular Number of Barrels 1 Diameter 24.0 in Length 113.00 ft Length (Computed Barrel) 113.00 ft Slope (Computed) 0.005 ft /ft Outlet Control Data Manning's n 0.013 Ke 1 Kb 0 Kr 0 Convergence Tolerance 0.00 ft Inlet Control Data Equation Form Form 1 K 0.0098 M 2.0000 C 0.0398 Y 0.6700 T1 ratio (HW /D) 1 T2 ratio (HW /D) 1 Slope Correction Factor -1 Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... Ti Elevation 470.92 ft Ti Flow 15.55 ft3 /s T2 Elevation 471.21 ft T2 Flow 17.77 ft3 /s THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/23/2014 'J McADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 2 Structure ID: RI Structure Type: Inlet Box Number of Openings . 1 Elevation 473.20 ft Orifice Area 16.0 ftz Orifice Coefficient 1 Weir Length 16.00 ft Weir Coefficient 3.00 (ft"0.5) /s K Reverse 1 Manning's n 0 Kev, Charged Riser 0 Weir Submergence False Orifice H to crest False Structure ID: SI Structure Type: Orifice- Circular Number of Openings 1 Elevation 469.00 ft Orifice Diameter 3.5 in Orifice Coefficient 1 Structure ID: OR -2YR Structure Type: Orifice - Circular Number of Openings 1 Elevation 470.20 ft Orifice Diameter 4.5 in Orifice Coefficient 1 Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Tailwater Type Free Outfall Convergence Tolerances Maximum Iterations 30 Tailwater Tolerance 0.01 ft (Minimum) Tailwater Tolerance 0.50 ft (Maximum) Headwater Tolerance 0.01 ft (Minimum) Headwater Tolerance 0.50 ft (Maximum) Flow Tolerance (Minimum) 0.001 ft3 /s Flow Tolerance (Maximum) 10.000 ft3 /s Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/23/2014 91 MCADAMS Subsection: Composite Rating Curve Label: SWMF 2 Composite Outflow Summary Water Surface Flow Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Elevation (ft3 /s) (ft) (ft) (ft) Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year Contributing Structures 469.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,OR- 2YR,BA,SI) 469.50 0.19 (N /A) 0.00 SI (no Q: RI,OR- 2YR,BA) 470.00 0.30 (N /A) 0.00 SI (no Q: RI,OR- 2YR,BA) 470.20 0.33 (N /A) 0.00 SI (no Q: RI,OR- 2YR,BA) 470.50 0.53 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 471.00 0.85 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 471.50 1.06 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 472.00 1.23 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 472.50 1.37 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 473.00 1.49 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 473.20 1.54 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 473.50 9.49 (N /A) 0.00 RI,OR- 2YR,BA,SI 474.00 30.50 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 474.50 32.28 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 475.00 33.97 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 475.50 35.58 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 476.00 37.15 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 476.50 38.64 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 477.00 40.09 (N /A) 1 0.001 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) THE EDGE RAV13000.ppc J. EASON. El 5/23/2014 9 MCADAMS Subsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Label: SWMF 2 (IN) Infiltration 471.37 ft Infiltration Method No Infiltration (Computed) 2.121 ac -ft Initial Conditions Elevation (Water Surface, 469.00 ft Initial) 2.870 ac -ft Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Flow (Initial Outlet) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial Infiltration) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial, Total) 0.00 ft3 /s Time Increment 1.00 min Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year Inflow /Outflow Hydrograph Summary Flow (Peak In) 62.19 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, In) 721.00 min Flow (Peak Outlet) 1.00 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 1,083.00 min Elevation (Water Surface, 471.37 ft Peak) Volume (Peak) 2.121 ac -ft Mass Balance (ac -ft) Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Inflow) 2.870 ac -ft Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet 0.953 ac -ft Outflow) Volume (Retained) 1.915 ac -ft Volume (Unrouted) -0.003 ac -ft Error (Mass Balance) 0.1 % THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/23/2014 'JI MCADAMS Subsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Label: SWMF 2 (IN) Infiltration 472.06 ft Infiltration Method No Infiltration (Computed) 2.805 ac -ft Initial Conditions Elevation (Water Surface, 469.00 ft Initial) 3.763 ac -ft Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Flow (Initial Outlet) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial Infiltration) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial, Total) 0.00 ft3 /s Time Increment 1.00 min Inflow /Outflow Hydrograph Summary Return Event: 2 years Storm Event: 2 -Year Flow (Peak In) 77.55 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, In) 721.00 min Flow (Peak Outlet) 1.25 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 1,082.00 min Elevation (Water Surface, 472.06 ft Pea k) Volume (Peak) 2.805 ac -ft Mass Balance (ac -ft) Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Inflow) 3.763 ac -ft Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet 1.211 ac -ft Outflow) Volume (Retained) 2.548 ac -ft Volume (Unrouted) -0.003 ac -ft Error (Mass Balance) 0.1 % THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/23/2014 J MCADAMS Subsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Label: SWMF 2 (IN) Infiltration 473.80 ft Infiltration Method No Infiltration (Computed) 4.665 ac -ft Initial Conditions Elevation (Water Surface, 469.00 ft Initial) 8.006 ac -ft Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Flow (Initial Outlet) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial Infiltration) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial, Total) 0.00 ft3 /s Time Increment 1.00 min Inflow /Outflow Hydrograph Summary Return Event: 25 years Storm Event: 25 -Year Flow (Peak In) 129.50 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, In) 721.00 min Flow (Peak Outlet) 22.05 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 753.00 min Elevation (Water Surface, 473.80 ft Pea k) Volume (Peak) 4.665 ac -ft Mass Balance (ac -ft) Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Inflow) 8.006 ac -ft Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet 4.062 ac -ft Outflow) Volume (Retained) 3.941 ac -ft Volume (Unrouted) -0.002 ac -ft Error (Mass Balance) 0.0% THE EDGE J. EASON. El RAV 13000. ppc 5/23/2014 'J1 MCADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Return Event: 100 years Label: SWMF 2 - WC Storm Event: 100 -Year Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations Minimum (Headwater) 469.00 ft Increment (Headwater) 0.50 ft Maximum (Headwater) 477.00 ft Outlet Connectivity Structure Type Outlet ID Direction Outfall E1 E2 (ft) (ft) THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/23/2014 Inlet Box RI Forward BA 473.20 477.00 Culvert- Circular BA Forward TW 468.60 477.00 Tailwater Settings Tailwater (N /A) (N /A) THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/23/2014 J MCADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Return Event: 100 years Label: SWMF 2 - WC Storm Event: 100 -Year Structure ID: BA Structure Type: Culvert- Circular 0.013 Number of Barrels 1 Diameter 24.0 in Length 113.00 ft Length (Computed Barrel) 113.00 ft Slope (Computed) 0.005 ft /ft Outlet Control Data Manning's n 0.013 Ke 1 Kb 0 Kr 0 Convergence Tolerance 0.00 ft Inlet Control Data Equation Form Form 1 K 0.0098 M 2.0000 C 0.0398 Y 0.6700 TI ratio (HW /D) 1 T2 ratio (HW /D) 1 Slope Correction Factor -1 Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... TI Elevation 470.92 ft T1 Flow 15.55 ft3 /s T2 Elevation 471.21 ft T2 Flow 17.77 ft3 /s THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/23/2014 'J MCADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 2 - WC Structure ID: RI Structure Type: Inlet Box Number of Openings 1 Elevation 473.20 ft Orifice Area 16.0 ftz Orifice Coefficient 1 Weir Length 16.00 ft Weir Coefficient 3.00 (ft^0.5) /s K Reverse 1 Manning's n 0 Kev, Charged Riser 0 Weir Submergence False Orifice H to crest False Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Tailwater Type Free Outfall Convergence Tolerances Maximum Iterations 30 Tailwater Tolerance 0.01 ft (Minimum) Tailwater Tolerance 0.50 ft (Maximum) Headwater Tolerance 0.01 ft (Minimum) Headwater Tolerance 0.50 ft (Maximum) Flow Tolerance (Minimum) 0.001 ft3 /s Flow Tolerance (Maximum) 10.000 ft3 /s Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100 -Year THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/23/2014 'J MCADAMS Subsection: Composite Rating Curve Label: SWMF 2 - WC Composite Outflow Summary Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100 -Year Water Surface Flow Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Contributing Structures Elevation (ft3 /s) (ft) (ft) (ft) 469.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 469.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RIBA) 470.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 470.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 471.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 471.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RIBA) 472.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 472.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 473.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 473.20 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 473.50 7.88 (N /A) 0.00 RIBA 474.00 29.79 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 474.50 31.54 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 475.00 33.20 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 475.50 34.77 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 476.00 36.30 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 476.50 3737 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 477.00 1 39.19 (N /A) 1 0.001 RIBA THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/23/2014 'J MCADAMS Subsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Label: SWMF 2 (IN) Infiltration 475.78 ft Infiltration Method No Infiltration (Computed) 7.007 ac -ft Initial Conditions Elevation (Water Surface, 473.20 ft Initial) 10.472 ac -ft Volume (Initial) 4.005 ac -ft Flow (Initial Outlet) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial Infiltration) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial, Total) 0.00 ft3 /s Time Increment 1.00 min Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100 -Year Inflow /Outflow Hydrograph Summary Flow (Peak In) 159.76 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, In) 721.00 min Flow (Peak Outlet) 35.63 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 752.00 min Elevation (Water Surface, 475.78 ft Pea k) Volume (Peak) 7.007 ac -ft Mass Balance (ac -ft) Volume (Initial) 4.005 ac -ft Volume (Total Inflow) 10.472 ac -ft Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet 10.399 ac -ft Outflow) Volume (Retained) 4.075 ac -ft Volume (Unrouted) -0.003 ac -ft Error (Mass Balance) 0.0% THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/23/2014 STORMWA TER MANAGEMENT FACILITY `3' DESIGN CAL CULA TIONS THE -EDGE RAV -13000 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 3 J. EASON, EI RAV -13000 SSFxn Above NP 1/27/2014 STAGE - STORAGE FUNCTION - ABOVE NORMAL POOL Ks= 33845 b = 1.1442 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S -S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) 503.00 0.00 28,560 503.50 0.50 34,485 31523 15761 15761 — 0.51 504.00 1.00 36,293 35389 17695 33456 0.99 506.00 3.00 43,666 39980 79959 113415 2.88 _ 508.00 5.0_0 51,268 47467 94934 208349 4.90 510.00 7.00 59.094 55181 110362 318711 7.10 511.00 8.00 63,092 61093 61093 379804 8.27 Ks= 33845 b = 1.1442 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 3 RAV -13000 Surface Area Calculation WE°I`'1}MNTION BASIN SUVINIAR' Enter the drainage area characteristics =_> "Total drainage area to pond = 15.07 acres Total impervious area to pond = 10.72 acres Note The basin must be sized to treat all impervious surface runoff draining into the pond, not just the impervious surface from on -site development. Drainage area = 15.07 acres a 71.1% impervious Estimate the surface area required at pond normal pool elevation = => Wet Detention Basins are based on an minimum average depth of = 3.01 feet (Calculated) From the DWQ BMP Handbook, the required SAIDA ratio for 90% TSS Removal => 3.0 3.01 3.5 Lower Boundary => 70.0 4.00 3.70 Site % impervious => 71.1 4.06 4.05 3.75 Upper Boundary => 80.0 4.50 4.10 Therefore, SA /DA required = 4.05 Surface area required at normal pool = 26,593 ft2 = 0.61 acres Surface area provided at normal pool = 28,560 ft2 .l. EASON, EI 5/23/2014 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 3 RAV -13000 WQV Calculation DETERNU ATION OT -WATER QUALITY VOLUME TVQ v = (P) (R v)(A) /I2 where, WQv= water quality volume (in acre -ft) Rv = 0.05 +0.009(I) where I is percent impervious cover A = area in acres P = rainfall (in inches) Input data: 37763 cf. Stage/ Storage Data: "total area, A = 15.07 acres hnpervious area = 10.72 acres Percent impervious cover, I = 71.1 % Rainfall, P = 1.00 inches Calculated values: Rv = 0.69 WQv= 0.87 acre -ft 37763 cf. ASSOCIATED DEPTH IV POND . WQv= 37763 cf. Stage/ Storage Data: Ks= 33845 b = 1.144 Zo = 503.00 Volume in 1" rainfall = 37763 cu. ft Calculated values: Depth of WQv in Basin = 1.10 ft 13.21 inches Elevation = 504.10 ft J. EASON, El 5/23/2014 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 3 RAV -13000 WQV Calculation 2 -Year Volume = 138737 cf. 3.18 acre -ft 2 -Year Volume= 138737 cf. WQv = 37763 cf. Volume Difference = 100975 cf. Stage /Storage Data: Ks= 33845 b = 1.144 Zo = 504.10 Volume of additional detention = 100975 cf. Calculated values: Depth of 2 -yr in Basin = 2.60 ft 31.19 inches Elevation = 506.70 ft J. EASON, El 5/23/2014 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 3 RAV -13000 WQV Drawdown Calculation DRAWDOWN SIPHON DESIGN 0 Vol. Stored c f) D orifice = 3.25 inch # orifices = 1 Ks= 33845 b = 1.1442 Cd siphon = 0.60 Normal Pool Elevation = 503.00 feet Volume @ Normal Pool= 0 cf Orifice Invert = 503.00 feet WSEL @ I" Runoff Volume = 504.10 feet WSEL feet Vol. Stored c f) Siphon Flow (cfs ) Avg. Flow (cfs) Incr. Vol. (c Incr. Time sec 504.10 37763 0.272 504.01 34043 0.258 0.265 3719 14026 503.91 30375 0.244 0.251 3669 14617 503.81 26761 0.228 0.236 3614 15314 503.72 23208 0.212 0.220 3553 16157 503.62 19723 0.194 0.203 3485 17207 503.53 16313 0.174 0.184 3409 18571 503.43 12992 0.151 0.162 3321 20455 503.34 9775 0.125 0.138 3217 23336 503.24 6689 0.087 0.106 3087 29235 503.15 3776 0.041 0.064 2912 45679 Drawdown Time = 2.48 days By comparison, if calculated by the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is half the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.322 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 Cross - sectional area of siphon = 0.058 sf Q= 0.1573 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec /day) Drawdown Time = 2.78 days J. EASON, EI 5/23/2014 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 3 RAV -13000 2- Year Drawdown Calculation D orifice = 4 inch # orifices = 1 Ks = 33845 b = 1.1442 Cd siphon = 0.60 WSEL a 1" Runoff Volume = 504.10 feet Orifice Invert = 504.20 feet WSEL @ 2- year /24 -hr Runoff Volume = 506.70 feet WSEL (feet) Vol. Stored c Siphon Flow (cfs) Avg. Flow (cfs) Incr. Vol. W) Incr. Time (see) 506.70 96563 0.654 506.48 87111 0.625 0.640 9453 14780 506.27 77786 0.594 0.609 9325 15307 506.05 68600 0.561 0.577 9186 15914 505.84 59567 0.526 0.543 9033 16623 505.62 50704 0.489 0.507 8863 17471 505.41 42033 0.448 0.468 8671 18512 505.19 33582 0.404 0.426 8450 19838 504.98 25394 0.354 0.379 8188 21622 504.76 17530 0.295 0.325 7864 24233 504.55 10097 0.222 0.259 7432 28726 Drawdown Time = 2.23 days By comparison, if calculated by the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is half the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.778 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 Cross - sectional area of siphon = 0.087 sf Q = 0.3706 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec /day) Drawdown Time = 3.02 da s J. EASON, El 5/23/2014 U11 McADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 3 Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year Structure ID: BA Structure Type: Culvert- Circular Number of Barrels 1 Diameter 24.0 in Length 59.00 ft Length (Computed Barrel) 59.00 ft Slope (Computed) 0.008 ft /ft Outlet Control Data Manning's n 0.013 Ke 1 Kb 0 Kr 0 Convergence Tolerance 0.00 ft Inlet Control Data Equation Form Form 1 K 0.0098 M 2.0000 C 0.0398 Y 0.6700 T1 ratio (HW /D) 1 T2 ratio (HW /D) 1 Slope Correction Factor -1 Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... T1 Elevation 504.81 ft T1 Flow 15.55 ft3 /s T2 Elevation 505.11 ft T2 Flow 17.77 ft3 /s THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 '-'_1J McADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 3 Structure ID: RI Structure Type: Inlet Box Number of Openings 1 Elevation 506.80 ft Orifice Area 16.0 ft2 Orifice Coefficient 1 Weir Length 16.00 ft Weir Coefficient 3.00 (ft ^0.5) /s K Reverse 1 Manning's n 0 Kev, Charged Riser 0 Weir Submergence False Orifice H to crest False Structure ID: SI Structure Type: Orifice- Circular Number of Openings 1 Elevation 503.00 ft Orifice Diameter 3.3 in Orifice Coefficient 1 Structure ID: OR -2YR Structure Type: Orifice- Circular Number of Openings 1 Elevation 504.20 ft Orifice Diameter 4.0 in Orifice Coefficient 1 Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Tailwater Type Free Outfall Convergence Tolerances Maximum Iterations 30 Tailwater Tolerance 0.01 ft (Minimum) Tailwater Tolerance 0.50 ft (Maximum) Headwater Tolerance 0.01 ft (Minimum) Headwater Tolerance 0.50 ft (Maximum) Flow Tolerance (Minimum) 0.001 ft3 /s Flow Tolerance (Maximum) 10.000 ft3 /s Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 'J MCADAMS Subsection: Composite Rating Curve Label: SWMF 3 Composite Outflow Summary Water Surface Flow Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Elevation (ft3 /s) (ft) (ft) (ft) Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year Contributing Structures 503.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,OR- 2YR,BA,SI) 503.50 0.17 (N /A) 0.00 SI (no Q: RI,OR- 2YR,BA) 504.00 0.26 (N /A) 0.00 SI (no Q: RI,OR- 2YR,BA) 504.20 0.29 (N /A) 0.00 SI (no Q: RI,OR- 2YR,BA) 504.50 0.46 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 505.00 0.71 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 505.50 0.87 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 506.00 1.01 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 506.50 1.12 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 506.80 1.19 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 507.00 5.52 (N /A) 0.00 RI,OR- 2YR,BA,SI 507.50 28.95 (N /A) 0.00 RI,OR- 2YR,BA,SI 508.00 32.76 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 508.50 34.66 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 509.00 36.47 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 509.50 38.19 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 510.00 39.84 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 510.50 41.41 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 511.001 42.94 (N /A) 1 0.001 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) THE EDGE RAV13000.ppc J. EASON, El 1/27/2014 !U1 MCADAMS Subsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Label: SWMF 3 (IN) Infiltration 505.15 ft Infiltration Method No Infiltration (Computed) 1.778 ac -ft Initial Conditions Elevation (Water Surface, 503.00 ft Initial) 2.361 ac -ft Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Flow (Initial Outlet) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial Infiltration) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial, Total) 0.00 ft3 /s Time Increment 1.00 min Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year Inflow /Outflow Hydrograph Summary Flow (Peak In) 51.10 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, In) 721.00 min Flow (Peak Outlet) 0.76 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 1,083.00 min Elevation (Water Surface, 505.15 ft Peak) Volume (Peak) 1.778 ac -ft Mass Balance (ac -ft) Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Inflow) 2.361 ac -ft Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet 0.729 ac -ft Outflow) Volume (Retained) 1.631 ac -ft Volume (Unrouted) -0.001 ac -ft Error (Mass Balance) 0.1% THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 U' MCADAMS Subsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Label: SWMF 3 (IN) Infiltration 505.73 ft Infiltration Method No Infiltration (Computed) 2.334 ac -ft Initial Conditions Elevation (Water Surface, 503.00 ft Initial) 3.074 ac -ft Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Flow (Initial Outlet) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial Infiltration) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial, Total) 0.00 ft3 /s Time Increment 1.00 min Return Event: 2 years Storm Event: 2 -Year Inflow /Outflow Hydrograph Summary Flow (Peak In) 63.16 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, In) 721.00 min Flow (Peak Outlet) 0.94 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 1,083.00 min Elevation (Water Surface, 505.73 ft Pea k) Volume (Peak) 2.334 ac -ft Mass Balance (ac -ft) Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Inflow) 3.074 ac -ft Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet 0.913 ac -ft Outflow) Volume (Retained) 2.158 ac -ft Volume (Unrouted) -0.002 ac -ft Error (Mass Balance) 0.1% THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 'J MCADAMS Subsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Return Event: 25 years Label: SWMF 3 (IN) Storm Event: 25 -Year Infiltration Infiltration Method No Infiltration (Computed) Initial Conditions Elevation (Water Surface, 503.00 ft Initial) Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Flow (Initial Outlet) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial Infiltration) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial, Total) 0.00 ft3 /s Time Increment 1.00 min Inflow /Outflow Hydrograph Summary Flow (Peak In) 103.57 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, In) 721.00 min Flow (Peak Outlet) 15.96 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 754.00 min Elevation (Water Surface, 507.22 ft Peak) Volume (Peak) 3.890 ac -ft Mass Balance (ac -ft) Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Inflow) 6.441 ac -ft Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet 3.044 ac -ft Outflow) Volume (Retained) 3.394 ac -ft Volume (Unrouted) -0.002 ac -ft Error (Mass Balance) 0.0% THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 'J MCADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 3 - WC Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations Minimum (Headwater) 503.00 ft Increment (Headwater) 0.50 ft Maximum (Headwater) 511.00 ft Outlet Connectivity Structure Type Outlet ID Direction Outfall Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100 -Year E1 E2 (ft) (ft) Inlet Box RI Forward BA 506.80 511.00 Culvert- Circular BA Forward TW 502.50 511.00 Tailwater Settings Tailwater (N /A) (N /A) THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 Tj MCADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 3 - WC Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100 -Year Structure ID: BA Structure Type: Culvert- Circular Number of Barrels 1 Diameter 24.0 in Length 59.00 ft Length (Computed Barrel) 59.00 ft Slope (Computed) 0.008 ft /ft Outlet Control Data Manning's n 0.013 Ke 1 Kb 0 Kr 0 Convergence Tolerance 0.00 ft Inlet Control Data Equation Form Form 1 K 0.0098 M 2.0000 C 0.0398 Y 0.6700 T1 ratio (HW /D) 1 T2 ratio (HW /D) 1 Slope Correction Factor -1 Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... T1 Elevation 504.81 ft TI Flow 15.55 ft3 /s T2 Elevation 505.11 ft T2 Flow 17.77 ft3 /s THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 M11 McADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 3 - WC Structure ID: RI Structure Type: Inlet Box Number of Openings 1 Elevation 506.80 ft Orifice Area 16.0 ftz Orifice Coefficient 1 Weir Length 16.00 ft Weir Coefficient 3.00 (ft ^o.5) /s K Reverse 1 Manning's n 0 Kev, Charged Riser 0 Weir Submergence False Orifice H to crest False Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Tailwater Type Free Outfall Convergence Tolerances Maximum Iterations 30 Tailwater Tolerance 0.01 ft (Minimum) Tailwater Tolerance 0.50 ft (Maximum) Headwater Tolerance 0.01 ft (Minimum) Headwater Tolerance 0.50 ft (Maximum) Flow Tolerance (Minimum) 0.001 ft3 /s Flow Tolerance (Maximum) 10.000 ft3 /s Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100 -Year THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 T 1 MCADAMS Subsection: Composite Rating Curve Label: SWMF 3 - WC Composite Outflow Summary Water Surface Flow Elevation (ft3 /s) (ft) Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100 -Year Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Contributing Structures (ft) (ft) 503.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI, BA) 503.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI, BA) 504.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 504.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RIBA) 505.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 505.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 506.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 506.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 506.80 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 507.00 4.29 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 507.50 28.11 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 508.00 32.15 (N /A) 0.00 RI, BA 508.50 34.02 (N /A) 0.00 RIBA 509.00 35.80 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 509.50 37.49 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 510.00 39.11 (N /A) 0.00 RIBA 510.50 40.66 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 511.001 42.16 (N /A) 1 0.00 1 RI,BA THE EDGE RAV13000.ppc J. EASON, El 1/27/2014 'J MCADAMS Subsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Label: SWMF 3 (IN) Infiltration 3.429 ac -ft Infiltration Method No Infiltration (Computed) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet 8.320 ac -ft Initial Conditions Elevation (Water Surface, 506.80 ft Initial) -0.002 ac -ft Volume (Initial) 3.429 ac -ft Flow (Initial Outlet) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial Infiltration) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial, Total) 0.00 ft3 /s Time Increment 1.00 min Inflow /Outflow Hydrograph Summary Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100 -Year Flow (Peak In) 127.20 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, In) 721.00 min Flow (Peak Outlet) 34.46 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 734.00 min Elevation (Water Surface, 508.62 ft Peak) Volume (Peak) 5.529 ac -ft Mass Balance (ac -ft) Volume (Initial) 3.429 ac -ft Volume (Total Inflow) 8.390 ac -ft Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet 8.320 ac -ft Outflow) Volume (Retained) 3.497 ac -ft Volume (Unrouted) -0.002 ac -ft Error (Mass Balance) 0.0% THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 1/27/2014 ST®RMWA TER MANA GEMENT EA CILITY `4' DESIGN CAL CULATI ®NS THE -EDGE RAV -13000 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 4 J.EASON, EI RAV -13000 SSFxn Above NP 5/22/2014 STAGE - STORAGE FUNCTION - ABOVE NORMAL POOL Contour (feet) Stage (feet) Contour Area (SF) Average Contour Area (SF) Incremental Contour Volume (CF) Accumulated Contour Volume (CF) Estimated Stage w/ S -S Fxn (feet) 502.50 0.00 14,609 503.00 0.50 17,370 15990 7995 7995 0.51 504.00 1.50 19,102 18236 18236 26231 1.47 505.00 2.50 20,890 19996 19996 46227 2.45 506.00 3.50 22,383 21637 21637 67863 3.45 508.00 5.50 25,419 23901 47802 115665 5.55 509.00 6.50 26,972 26196 26196 141861 6.66 Ks= 16974 b = 1.1198 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 4 RAV -13000 Surface Area Calculation Enter the drainage area characteristics = => Total drainage area to pond = 7.03 acres Total impervious area to pond = 4.74 acres Note The basin inust be sized to treat all impervious sui face runoff draining into the pond, not just the impervious surface from on -site development. Drainage area = 7.03 acres @ 67.4% impervious Estimate the surface area required at pond normal pool elevation = => Wet Detention Basins are based on an minimum average depth of = 3.01 feet (Calculated) From the DWQ BMP Handbook, the required SA /DA ratio for 90% TSS Removal => 3.0 3.01 3.5 Lower Boundary => 60.0 3.50 3.20 Site % impervious — 67.4 3.87 3.87 3.57 Upper Boundary => 70.0 4.00 3.70 Therefore, SA /DA required = 3.87 Surface area required at normal pool = 11,841 ftz = 0.27 acres Surface area provided at normal pool = 14,609 ftz J.EASON, El 5/23/2014 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 4 RAV -13000 WQV Calculation WQ v = (P) (R v)(A) /12 where, WQv = water quality volume (in acre -ft) Rv = 0.05 +0.009(I) where I is percent impervious cover A = area in acres P = rainfall (in inches) Input data: Total area, A = 7.03 acres Impervious area = 4.74 acres Percent impervious cover, I = 67.4 % Rainfall, P = 1.00 inches Calculated values: Rv = 0.66 WQv= 0.38 acre -ft 16767 cf. WQv= 16767 cf. Stage/ Storage Data: Ks = 16974 b = 1.120 Zo = 502.50 Volume in 1" rainfall = 1 6767 cu. ft Calculated values: Depth of WQv in Basin = 099 ft 11.87 inches Elevation = 503.49 ft J.EASON, EI 5/23/2014 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 4 RAV -13000 WQV Calculation DE'TERI **IINA [`tON OF 2- t'EAR/24 -HR VOLt�MG 2 -Year Volume = 61144 cf. 1.40 acre -ft ASSOCIATED 2- YEAR,VOLt�14IE DEPTIL IN POND 2 -Year Volume= 61144 cf. WQv= 16767 cf. Volume Difference = 44377 cf. Stage /Storage Data: Ks= 16974 b = 1.120 Zo = 503.49 Volume of additional detention = 44377 cf. Calculated values: Depth of 2 -yr in Basin = 2.36 ft 28.31 inches Elevation = 505.85 ft J.EASON, EI 5/23/2014 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 4 RAV -13000 WQV Drawdown Calculation DRA"t''DOWN SIPH ©N 4E,S[GN,' D orifice = # orifices = Ks = b= Cd siphon = Normal Pool Elevation = Volume a Normal Pool = Orifice Invert = WSEL a 1" Runoff Volume = 2.25 inch 1 16974 1.1198 0.60 502.50 feet 0 of 502.50 feet 503.49 feet WSEL (feet) Vol. Stored W) Siphon Flow (efs) Avg. Flow (efs) Iner. Vol. (cf) Iner. Time sec 503.49 16767 0.126 503.40 15139 0.119 0.122 1629 13295 503.32 13529 0.113 0.116 1610 13865 503.23 11939 0.106 0.109 1590 14535 503.14 10371 0.098 0.102 1567 15338 503.06 8829 0.090 0.094 1542 16330 502.97 7315 0.082 0.086 1514 17603 502.89 5834 0.072 0.077 1481 19325 502.80 4393 0.060 0.066 1441 21870 502.71 3001 0.046 0.053 1392 26274 502.63 1677 0.023 0.034 1324 38710 Drawdown Time = 2.28 days By comparison, if calculated by the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is half the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.298 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 Cross- sectional area of siphon = 0.028 sf Q = 0.0726 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec /day) Drawdown Time = 2.67 days J.EASON, EI 5/23/2014 the EDGE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY 4 RAV -13000 2 -Year Drawdown Calculation DRAWDOWN SIPHON DESIGN D orifice = 2.75 inch # orifices = 1 Ks = 16974 b = 1.1198 Cd siphon = 0.60 WSEL @ V Runoff Volume = 503.49 feet Orifice Invert = 503.50 feet WSEL @ 2- year /24 -hr Runoff Volume = 505.85 feet WSEL feet Vol. Stored c Siphon Flow cfs Avg. Flow (cfs ) Incr. Vol. (c Incr. Time sec 505.85 44147 0.297 505.64 39862 0.283 0.290 4285 14771 505.44 35626 0.269 0.276 4236 15355 505.23 31442 0.253 0.261 4183 16033 505.03 27318 0.237 0.245 4124 16835 504.82 23260 0.219 0.228 4058 17804 504.62 19276 0.200 0.210 3984 19013 504.42 15379 0.179 0.189 3897 20587 504.21 11586 0.155 0.167 3793 22768 504.01 7923 0.126 0.140 3663 26130 503.80 4438 0.088 0.107 3485 32557 Drawdown Time = 2.34 days By comparison, if calculated by the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is half the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.744 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient= 0.600 Cross - sectional area of siphon = 0.041 sf Q = 0.1714 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec /day) Drawdown Time = 2.98 days J.EASON, EI 5/23/2014 Subsection: Elevation -Area Volume Curve Label: SWMF 4 Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year Elevation Planimeter Area Al +A2 +sqr Volume Volume (Total) (ft) (ftz) (ftz) (Ai *A2) (ac -ft) (ac -ft) (ft2) 502.50 0.0 14,609.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 503.00 0.0 17,370.00 47,908.79 0.183 0.183 504.00 0.0 19,102.00 54,687.43 0.41.8 0.602 505.00 0.0 20,890.00 59,968.01 0.459 1.061 506.00 0.0 22,383.00 64,896.62 0.497 1.557 508.00 0.0 25,419.00 71,654.75 1.097 2.654 509.00 1 0.01 26,972.00 1 78,574.99 1 0.601 1 3.255 THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/22/2014 22i'MCADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Return Event: 1 years Label: SWMF 4 Storm Event: 1 -Year Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations Minimum (Headwater) 502.50 ft Increment (Headwater) 0.50 ft Maximum (Headwater) 509.00 ft Outlet Connectivity Structure Type Outlet ID Direction Outfall E1 E2 (ft) (ft) THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/22/2014 Inlet Box RI Forward BA 505.90 509.00 Orifice - Circular OR -2YR Forward BA 503.50 509.00 Culvert- Circular BA Forward TW 501.50 509.00 Orifice - Circular SI Forward TW 502.50 509.00 Tailwater Settings Tailwater (N /A) (N /A) THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/22/2014 Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 4 Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year Structure ID: BA Structure Type: Culvert- Circular Number of Barrels 1 Diameter 24.0 in Length 77.00 ft Length (Computed Barrel) 77.00 ft Slope (Computed) 0.006 ft /ft Outlet Control Data Manning's n 0.013 Ke 1 Kb 0 Kr 0 Convergence Tolerance 0.00 ft Inlet Control Data Equation Form Form 1 K 0.0098 M 2.0000 C 0.0398 Y 0.6700 T1 ratio (HW /D) 1 T2 ratio (HW /D) 1 Slope Correction Factor -1 Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... T1 Elevation 503.81 ft T1 Flow 15.55 ft3 /s T2 Elevation 504.11 ft T2 Flow 17.77 ft3 /s THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/22/2014 MI MCADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 4 Structure ID: RI Structure Type: Inlet Box Number of Openings 1 Elevation 505.90 ft Orifice Area 16.0 ft2 Orifice Coefficient 1 Weir Length 16.00 ft Weir Coefficient 3.00 (ft ^0.5) /s K Reverse 1 Manning's n 0 Kev, Charged Riser 0 Weir Submergence False Orifice H to crest False Structure ID: SI Structure Type: Orifice - Circular Number of Openings 1 Elevation 502.50 ft Orifice Diameter 2.3 in Orifice Coefficient 1 Structure ID: OR -2YR Structure Type: Orifice - Circular Number of Openings 1 Elevation 503.50 ft Orifice Diameter 2.8 in Orifice Coefficient 1 Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Tailwater Type Free Outfall Convergence Tolerances Maximum Iterations 30 Tailwater Tolerance (Minimum) 0.01 ft Tailwater Tolerance (Maximum) 0.50 ft Headwater Tolerance (Minimum) 0.01 ft Headwater Tolerance (Maximum) 0.50 ft Flow Tolerance (Minimum) 0.001 ft3 /s Flow Tolerance (Maximum) 10.000 ft3 /s Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV13000.ppc 5/22/2014 1 CADAS Subsection: Composite Rating Curve Label: SWMF 4 Composite Outflow Summary Water Surface Flow Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Elevation (ft3 /s) (ft) (ft) (ft) Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year Contributing Structures 502.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,OR- 2YR,BA,SI) 503.00 0.08 (N /A) 0.00 SI (no Q: RI,OR- 2YR,BA) 503.50 0.13 (N /A) 0.00 SI (no Q: RI,OR- 2YR,BA) 504.00 0.28 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 504.50 0.37 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 505.00 0.45 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 505.50 0.50 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 505.90 0.54 (N /A) 0.00 OR- 2YR,BA,SI (no Q: RI) 506.00 2.07 (N /A) 0.00 RI,OR- 2YR,BA,SI 506.50 22.81 (N /A) 0.00 RI,OR- 2YR,BA,SI 507.00 32.42 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 507.50 34.31 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 508.00 36.10 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 508.50 37.81 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) 509.00 1 39.44 (N /A) 1 0.00 1 RI,BA,SI (no Q: OR -2YR) THE EDGE RAV13000.ppc J. EASON, El 5/22/2014 x 1 L Subsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Label: SWMF 4 (IN) Infiltration 504.41 ft Infiltration Method No Infiltration (Computed) 0.785 ac -ft Initial Conditions Elevation (Water Surface, 502.50 ft Initial) 1.054 ac -ft Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Flow (Initial Outlet) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial Infiltration) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial, Total) 0.00 ft3 /s Time Increment 1.00 min Inflow /Outflow Hydrograph Summary Return Event: 1 years Storm Event: 1 -Year Flow (Peak In) 22.83 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, In) 721.00 min Flow (Peak Outlet) 0.35 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 1,083.00 min Elevation (Water Surface, 504.41 ft Peak) Volume (Peak) 0.785 ac -ft Mass Balance (ac -ft) Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Inflow) 1.054 ac -ft Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet 0.338 ac -ft Outflow) Volume (Retained) 0.714 ac -ft Volume (Unrouted) -0.002 ac -ft Error (Mass Balance) 0.2% THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/22/2014 1 McADAMS Subsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Label: SWMF 4 (IN) Infiltration Infiltration Method No Infiltration (Computed) Initial Conditions Elevation (Water Surface, 502.50 ft Initial) 504.96 ft Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Flow (Initial Outlet) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial Infiltration) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial, Total) 0.00 ft3 /s Time Increment 1.00 min Inflow /Outflow Hydrograph Summary Return Event: 2 years Storm Event: 2 -Year Flow (Peak In) 28.47 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, In) 721.00 min Flow (Peak Outlet) 0.44 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 1,083.00 min Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) 504.96 ft Volume (Peak) 1.039 ac -ft Mass Balance (ac -ft) Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Inflow) 1.381 ac -ft Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) 0.426 ac -ft Volume (Retained) 0.954 ac -ft Volume (Unrouted) -0.002 ac -ft Error (Mass Balance) 0.1 % THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV13000.ppc 5/22/2014 �I' 1 Subsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Label: SWMF 4 (IN) Infiltration 47.54 ft3 /s Infiltration Method No Infiltration (Computed) 10.42 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 752.00 min Initial Conditions 1.446 ac -ft Elevation (Water Surface, 1.492 ac -ft Initial) 502.50 ft Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Flow (Initial Outlet) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial Infiltration) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial, Total) 0.00 ft3 /s Time Increment 1.00 min Inflow /Outflow Hydrograph Summary Return Event: 25 years Storm Event: 25 -Year Flow (Peak In) 47.54 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, In) 721.00 min Flow (Peak Outlet) 10.42 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 752.00 min Outflow) 1.446 ac -ft Volume (Retained) 1.492 ac -ft Elevation (Water Surface, 506.20 ft Peak) Volume (Peak) 1.661 ac -ft Mass Balance (ac -ft) Volume (Initial) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Inflow) 2.939 ac -ft Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) 1.446 ac -ft Volume (Retained) 1.492 ac -ft Volume (Unrouted) -0.001 ac -ft Error (Mass Balance) 0.0% THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/22/2014 �1 McADAMS Subsection: Outlet Input Data Return Event: 100 years Label: SWMF 4 - WC Storm Event: 100 -Year Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations Minimum (Headwater) 502.50 ft Increment (Headwater) 0.50 ft Maximum (Headwater) 509.00 ft Outlet Connectivity Structure Type Outlet ID Direction Outfall El E2 (ft) (ft) THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/22/2014 Inlet Box RI Forward BA 505.90 509.00 Culvert- Circular BA Forward TW 501.50 509.00 Tailwater Settings Tailwater (N /A) (N /A) THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV 13000. ppc 5/22/2014 r Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 4 - WC Structure ID: BA Structure Type: Culvert- Circular Number of Barrels 1 Diameter 24.0 in Length 77.00 ft Length (Computed Barrel) 77.00 ft Slope (Computed) 0.006 ft /ft Outlet Control Data Manning's n 0.013 Ke 1 Kb 0 Kr 0 Convergence Tolerance 0.00 ft Inlet Control Data Equation Form Form 1 K 0.0098 M 2.0000 C 0.0398 Y 0.6700 Ti ratio (HW /D) 1 T2 ratio (HW /D) 1 Slope Correction Factor -1 Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100 -Year Ti Elevation 503.81 ft T1 Flow 15.55 ft3 /s T2 Elevation 504.11 ft T2 Flow 17.77 ft3 /s THE EDGE J. EASON, El RAV13000.ppc 5/22/2014 �.J Subsection: Outlet Input Data Label: SWMF 4 - WC Structure ID: RI Structure Type: Inlet Box Number of Openings 1 Elevation 505.90 ft Orifice Area 16.0 ft2 Orifice Coefficient 1 Weir Length 16.00 ft Weir Coefficient 3.00 (ft ^0.5) /s K Reverse 1 Manning's n 0 Kev, Charged Riser 0 Weir Submergence False Orifice H to crest False Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Tailwater Type Free Outfall Convergence Tolerances Maximum Iterations 30 Tailwater Tolerance (Minimum) 0.01 ft Tailwater Tolerance (Maximum) 0.50 ft Headwater Tolerance (Minimum) 0.01 ft Headwater Tolerance (Maximum) 0.50 ft Flow Tolerance (Minimum) 0.001 ft3 /s Flow Tolerance (Maximum) 10.000 ft3 /s Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100 -Year THE EDGE RAV13000,ppc J. EASON, El 5/22(2014 McADAMS Subsection: Composite Rating Curve Label: SWMF 4 - WC Composite Outflow Summary Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100 -Year Water Surface Flow Tailwater Elevation Convergence Error Contributing Structures Elevation (ft3 /s) (ft) (ft) (ft) 502.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 503.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 503.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 504.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 504.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RIBA) 505.00 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RIBA) 505.50 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RIBA) 505.90 0.00 (N /A) 0.00 (no Q: RI,BA) 506.00 1.52 (N /A) 0.00 RIBA 506.50 22.30 (N /A) 0.00 RIBA 507.00 32.14 (N /A) 0.00 RIBA 507.50 34.02 (N /A) 0.00 RIBA 508.00 35.79 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 508.50 37.49 (N /A) 0.00 RI,BA 509.00 1 39.11 (N /A) 1 0.00 1 RI,BA THE EDGE J. EASON. El RAV13000.ppc 5/22/2014 x , h Subsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Label: SWMF 4 (IN) Infiltration Infiltration Method No Infiltration (Computed) 2.104 ac -ft Initial Conditions Elevation (Water Surface, 1.506 ac -ft Initial) 505.90 ft Volume (Initial) 1.506 ac -ft Flow (Initial Outlet) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial Infiltration) 0.00 ft3 /s Flow (Initial, Total) 0.00 W/s Time Increment 1.00 min Inflow /Outflow Hydrograph Summary Return Event: 100 years Storm Event: 100 -Year Flow (Peak In) 58.65 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, In) 721.00 min Flow (Peak Outlet) 32.25 ft3 /s Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) 728.00 min Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) 507.03 ft Volume (Peak) 2.104 ac -ft Mass Balance (ac -ft) Volume (Initial) 1.506 ac -ft Volume (Total Inflow) 3.844 ac -ft Volume (Total Infiltration) 0.000 ac -ft Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) 3.822 ac -ft Volume (Retained) 1.527 ac -ft Volume (Unrouted) -0.001 ac -ft Error (Mass Balance) 0.0% THE EDGE RAV13000.ppc J. EASON, El 5/22/2014 NUTRIENT L OADING CAL C ULA TIONS THE -EDGE RAV -13000 Jordan Lake Developer Nutrient Reporting Form (Note: A separate form is available for Neuse, Tar - Pamlico, and Falls Lake reporting.) Please complete and submit the following information to the local government permitting your development project to characterize it and assess the need to purchase nutrient offsets. Contact and rule implementation information can be found online at http: / /Dortal.ncdenr.org/ web /wa /ps /nps /nutrientoffsetintro. _............__._ ------------------ _............--_.................................. ............_..._.._.__...._.__ _ -------- _... --- ...............__.._.._ ... _ ..... ........ _ ......... ................................... ... _ ............ __..........._.__._.........__. ...._..__._. -------------- .__.. PROJECT INFORMATION (for Jordan Lake) i ......... ......... ...._. ....... .. _.....__......_ ...... _...-... ... .................. __._............__..__.. ......................... _.. ... ..... ..... ................................... .......... ....................... ........ -..._............._......................_..-.......... .......... .................__...-. --------- _......_....._........ ..... ...... . ........._....................I Applicant Name: Northwood Ravin (Developer) ................. _ ........... _._ ...... _ ........... _.__ ..... _ .......... _ ............................................. .._._-__. .............. _ ............... . ........ _._...__ ................................ _. ......................... ......... _ ................................ __.........__ ..... ---_ ............... ._.__ ............ _ .......................... . ........ _._ ...... ._-------- .._ ..................... _ i Project Name: the EDGE t........... ........._......_ .............. __..-..._ ................................... ......_...._....------.........._...................._.... ........_.............__._..... _ ........ ._. .... ............. �.._._._........._..--........_.._._......__........_._..._................_............---- ------------- _ ---- ......................... _ .... ....._... - _......_ Project Address (if available): Street: City/Town: County: _ .. ........... __.._._..................Chapel Hill Orange ......... _--- .............._.._.......... _............... ..........._................... .-------._.. ................_.._ ......... . - .......... ... ..............._ ............ _ .... ._ ........ _._..........._........... ..........._..._..__...___-._..._........._.......__..............-.__...._..._..----.................._- Date: (mo /d/yr) Project Lat: (decimal degrees) Long: (decimal degrees) 05/23/2014 ;Location : 35.581406 - 79.066583 ....... `_ ................. . ............ __ ....... ._ ............... _ .... __._...._.._.... ........._.._ ........ ..... _ --------- ......... _ .......... - ........ ...................... ................_. ... _ ............. ------- ............. -.-_---_ ............................... _. ... .-._. ........... _.--- ........ --- ......... ........... - ....__ ............... ......_ : i Is this Redevelopment? ❑ -Yes Development Type (Please check all that apply) ® -No .... . .................. ....._...........- ....... _ _ ._.._ - - ...._.......,_....._.................._._._.............., .......... . ........... �...._.._. ................... . ........ . ............ .__... ...... ..... _. ........................ . ........... . .. _ . ............ ... . ........... . ... .... ...... ...... . ...... ....................... _ . .............. . ............ . .. . ........ . .... ......._ _ Impervious Cover % : 1.53% Commercial Mixed -Use Single Fam. Residential j (Pre- Construction) i._._ ..............._.._ ........ ._ _ .... _.................. ....._.._. Industrial __............... . Multi -Fam. Residential D p l Impervious Cover 61.61 i ; ❑ � Institutional (Post- Construction) � JORDAN WATERSHED INFORMATION . .... ............_ ......... ...................._ ........................ _ ........ .... ._-.._._ ----------------------- ._-_. ........ .......................... ._...._.._........_--........................ _ .... ._. ........... .-_.___.... ..... _ ........ __. .... .- ............... _ ............ _ .................................... --- ......... __.. .............. ..._.. - __-........... ... ....._... 1 Small Watershed ID (6 digits): (See next page or online map.) New Development Load Requirements (See individual rules 1 060110 for a full description of nutrient requirements.) j ._...___._............_ .............._....__._.._......_....._......__._.................._._.._._..__........_..............-_...._-_...---....._......_....__... _.._...._...__�.........._..___ ._..........._......__.._... ............._.._._.._.. _._........_...._..--- ....................... _.._ ........ ....__ _.__.._......................_, Jordan Subwatershed Please check one) Loading Rate Targets Offsite Thresholds ( I_ ......................._.......,_ ............. _-__ ......................... _..__ ........... _.._ ....... __.._ ..... ___ .............._ ...... ___ ........... Nitro N&_.hosphorus (P) . i .... _ ....... .. I f__ ......._......_........__........___-...._.._......._ ........_.....................i I ❑ E Haw River i 3.8 N Ib /ac/yr 1.43 P Ib /ac /yr ._.._._.- _._ .... ... _......__..____...____....__._-_....__ ..... _ ......... .._ ....... _ .... _.__.._...._.___..._.__ ..................___ _..._.... ... . _ _ ._.__......_..--.... ....._........._._....._....... 6 N Ibs /ac Residential; I ® Upper New Hope 2.2 N Ib /ac/yr 10 N Ibs /ac Commercial ! 0.82 P Ib /ac /yr (must meet all onsite treatment ` ... .... __............_- _...__ .......... __._. _........ _.........._.._. __. _ .. ............................... __. _....................._ -. ,_.._._ ..... ........ _ _................._.._._.... ...__........... _ .__ ......... requirements) c I I 0 8 Plbb /ac/ rr ❑ Lower New Hope y ... ...... - ----- -- -._. --. �...._.--_...._ ........................._..._......._...__._....._...._.._........_.......-......._....._....................._.............................. ....._...._......_..._.._'............ ......._............._......... ...__.._....__.._._ .... ...... - ................ _ ... _ ...... _ .... ...__..._. ..... _. ._ ............. _...._ ......... . NUTRIENT OFFSET REQUEST(Must meet the offsite thresholds - see above) ......... . ................. -_ .... __.._ ....................... _...__ ................. ..__ ............. _ ................ _._ .... _ ................ _....... _ ............................ _.._.._ ............... .... ._....................... _.. _..._..._....-_. ......... _ ............ _..._._.. ................. _............... - ... __ ...................... .__ .............. _! Nitrogen Loading / Offset Needs _..._..__.._ ....... ....__..._.........;._.__._..__._..._........_ ............. ........... ......_._. ................. _ ............ ,._ .......... _ ... _ .................. ......_.__._:........................ _ .... __ ... .................._... _ ............... _... ... ._ -:- ......... ................ __. ....._... _.._._...._........._..__...._. ............_. .. I (A) I (B) j (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (1) (Where Applicable) Untreated i Treated i Loading Rate j Reduction Need Project Offset Delivery State Buy Down Local Gov't Buy Down I Loading Rate Loading Rate i Target I (Ibs /ac/yr) Size (ac) Duration (yrs) Factor ( %) Amount (Ibs) i Amount (Ibs) (Ibs /aGyr) I (Ibs /ac/yr) (Ibs /ac /yr) B - C € D' E * F' G _...._._....._..._.........._..... .... _..........._......_ .................. _....._.......__.._................._............................_... ......_......_._............... _ ............._ .__.._...............__.._.._..,......_.__............_..................................._.._.._.........................._......... e._........................._..... ........__..._......_.__.._.... 8.85 6.26 2.20 I 4.06 51.03 30 69 4288.66 , I Phosphorus Loading / Offset Needs [ ....._.. ._._.._......_._.____..._......................... _.._.....i... _........._-._., ..... ..._..._._ ..................... (A) (B) (C) I (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (i) (Where Applicable) [ Untreated Treated Loading Rate i Reduction Need i Project Offset Delivery State Buy Down Local Gov't Buy Down i Load Rate Load Rate Target (Ibs /aGyr) Size (ac) Duration (yrs) Factor ( %) Amount (Ibs) Amount (Ibs) i (Ibs /ac /yr) (Ibs /ac /yr) (Ibs /acJyr) i i— ........... _ ................_................. _......._...................... ............... ....._....._........._.._ ........�..................8... _C.._................,......... _ -..__...._._ ....._..._................._.._ _. ....i......._..—_............._ �._ . E . F � C?....... .................................. __._..._.__ .... ............. _ --- ....._�_:6 . :78 _L .. - ....._0 82 N/A . _ ..__._. 51.03 ._...... _ 3....— ._......I..... _ 63 .. ............_..1..........._... _ N/A ..._. _.:_....__....._._...... .................._....._...._i .. _..._... � ...... _..._. Authorizing Local Government Name: Chapel Hill, NC .............._.................._..._......... r .........._....._.___.___....._ _ _._......__..._..._.._.._..._. _._...__......................_ -__ .............. --- ............. __.- ........ __ ... _.._ ...................... _.._ ............ _. ... _ ...... _ ..... _.._..._ ................................... --_ ... - .__ ................... _ ... 1 Staff Name: Chris Jensen _........... ...._ ........ . ......... _ ........... ..............._..... __ ............................ _.--.............. __ ... _ ....... _ ...... ............ __._ ................... _ .... -__.__ ............ ---__ ........ _.._ .......... ------ ........ -.._......._.._ ... ....... .................. .... .... _ ............ _..- ................... _._.. ................... .... Staff Email: { cjensen @townofchapelhill.org Phone: 1 919-969-7233 —_. ............ ... __ ................. _. ......... _!. .......... _ ... __ .............. _.._......._ ................ .._ ............ _ ...... - ....... ...... .__. .... _ .......... _._ ........ __`_ ............. ____ .............. . —. ........ —__._. l._._.._......................... .............................. .._ .......... __ ........... _ ____-...._. ........ _......._... Jordan Nutrient Load Reporting Form. September 12, 2012 A E E O N C a i _o � a I o I O 3 n H m - m w N W cn N � N � W V L w 6 " d m 3 d �Ni y U d o Z d - O V $ a c a - _ m E « - - v E m c c E c - Q Z '>3 E E E d O c v E E E v o z - o cL a °_ c a o m > W N p N N I c W d ~ - ` o 0 o m v O d m r y Y V 9 v . °_ o- d o « ° d oc E � 0 o a « c 9 0 n > a s 2 O E a- a v d - 1° E E E w n °° m a E a a o _ ; o o m > w a `w L $ _ - L R C c S oo a O d O m d a e33o °° V o E a `O n an d d v E Q N ; J- .12 5 > c o. E _ o- o ° O \ m n 2 o o ° 3 a- c0 - y o o > a> L '° nu m cd -a a an d 'm a° `d E o c U o m L. a y « O u N o f fn w `w 9 '«� c E .c y v N 'o u O - 2 d N d d \ V a a m 9 a n d •+ u ep m `m o E a= a L a« o m a m a E '3 o - u O. q Q "O m6 c N d •� •. u o y 2 Y Cl O sr L d � N =- r m t v 2 o a - �- ` - w z d o 3 « �m�i�I Q E d o I I v N � mnni N 7 � U --. m iW y 0l I J I ro o o 0 0 c E - i N W - Z W F � K I o i I 11 i t li N -.00 I I l E o 0 0 o n o of Fa J O V V � H ! i � N O ° • c y m Er z 0 z Q� o J O Q u' W .�- z z zoo a d v o mnni � D I ro c E - i N W - a 0 a -.00 I I l E o 0 0 o n o of Fa V H ! � z z z J O E W .�- ll � ? E � � z �s viN - v eo3 d0 = E wp add ul �_. g., BMP CharacteristicsVer2.0 Retwrntowatershed Proceed to Development Clear All Values Return to Instructions - Characteristics Summary Instructions 1. Select the type of BMP for each catchment. 2. Enter the area of each land use type in the contributing drainage area for each BMP. 3. Continue to "Development Summary " tab. Additional Guidelines This spreadsheet allows the development to be divided into as many as 6 smaller catchments. BMPS 1, 2, and 3 for a given catchment are assumed to operate in series, with the outflow from 1 serving as the inflow to 2, etc. If the outflow from an entire catchment (including outflow from selected BMPS) drains to another BMP, indicate this in the drop down menu below the BMP type and leave all cells for individual land uses blank. - Not all BMP or catchments must be utilized. Simply leave fields blank in the columns not needed. - Leave cells blank or insert zeroes if a land use is not present in the area draining to the BMP. - For water harvesting BMPS, be sure to enter the percent volume reduction that will be achieved by your system. Volume detention (catch- and - release mechanisms) will not be considered - only proven volume reductions are valid inputs. - The BMP ur dersaing option should only be used for existing development or retrofit sites. - Volume reduction efficiencies for undersized BMPS are calculated based an a 1:1 ratio (a BMP that is 60% smaller than the required design size is assigned a removal efficiency equal to 6D% of the standard efficiency value). Effluent concentrations remain the same as full -sized BMP,. - IMPORTANT: for the land area calculation checks to occur, you MUST press enter after entering a value for area to be treated by a BMP (not just click on the rent cell). See User's Manual for instructions on modeling oversized BMPS. Type of BMP: If BMP Is wid p Wd, irtdio . ttre BMP's sba relative to the design si a required to aPtum the dasiVWW water quality depth P.a. 0.75 = amp Is 75% of required design site): •For water harvesting BMP, enter percent volume reduction In dedmal form. Catchment 1: Catchment 2: Catchment 3: Catchment 4: Catchment S: Catchment 6: Drainage Area Land Use COMMERCIAL Parking lot Roof Open /Landscaped INDUSTRIAL Parking lot. Roof Open /Landsc p d TRANSPORTATION High Density (interstate, main) Low Density (secondary, feeder) Rural Sidewalk .SC. PERVIOUS Managed pery ous Unmanaged_( pasture) Forest RESIDENTIAL 2 - 2 -ac lots:New) ac lots (Built after 1995) 2 c lots (Built before 1995) 1 ac lots (New) 1 -ac lots (euil[ after 1995) 1 -ac lots (Built before 1995) % -ac lots New) /. -ac ,t,: Built after 1995) ,A-.c lots feu in before 1995) A -ac lots (New) '' /. -ac lots (Built after 1995) V.-ac lots ( Built before 1995) aclots(New) ac lots (Built after 1995) ' /roc lots (Built before 1995) Townhomes(New) Townhomes (Built after 1995) Townhomes (Built before 1995) Multi - family (New) Multi tam'ly (BU It after 1995) Mul[ fam ly (BU It before 1995) Custom Lo[ 'ze (New) C tom LotS5ze ( BUlt after 1995) C tom Lot Size (Built before 1995) R adway Driveway Parking lot Roof Sid-11, Lawn Managed pe Forest LAND TAKEN UP BY BMP TOTAL AREA TREATED BY BMP (ft') TOTAL AREA TREATED BY SERIES (ft'): --------------------------- LAIL. —I 1 ______________________ amp #1 BMP #2 8MP#3 Wet Detention Pond no no no no no do no no no no no no no do Area treated Area treated Area Treated by BMP #2 that is by BMP #3 that is by BMP nottreatedby BMP nottreated by BMP, (ft'I #1 #1 or #2 (ft') Ift'1 lR'1 103,0]0 (ft') (ft') 51,535 #1 or #2 59,269 (ft') (ft') _ -- -- -_- 57,207 Green Roof 50% 1.08 amp #1 BMP #2 BMP#3 Wet Detention Pond no Does BMP accept the outflow no no no no no no no no no no__.. _.no. Area treated Area treated Area Treated by BMP #2 that Is by BMP 93 that is by BMP not treated by BMP not treated by BMP, (ft') #1 #1 or #2 treated by BMPS (ft') (ft') 342,612 135,163 163,159 ..II BMP 42 8MP83 wet netertinn on another CitcFinaM7 lfw, Indicate which no no no no one(s). (land use a no no no no no no Area treated no no Area treated Area Treated by BMP #2 that is by BMP #3 that is by BMP not treated by BMP not treated by BMPS (k') 91 #1 or #2 (ft'1 (ft') (ft') ___________________________ CATCHMENT4 ---------------------- amp #1 BMP 82 BMP#3 Wet Detention Pond ms entered below are in addition to the watershed areas tre no do no no do no no no no no no no no Area treated no no Area treated Area Treated by BMP #2 that is by BMP #3 that i! by BMP —treated by BMP not treated by BM (ft') #1 #1 or #2 Cry Detention Pond (ft'1 Ift'1 125,126- _ -- -- -_- 57,207 Green Roof 50% 1.08 71,149 Level Spreader, Finer Strip 1 40% 1 1.20 20,259 BMP DETAILS BMP Volume Reduction ( %) TN Effluent COncen. (mg/LI TP Effluent Conceit. (mg/L) Bloretention with lWS 50% 0.95 0.12 Biaretentian without PAS 35% 1.00 0.12 Cry Detention Pond 0% 1420 0.20 Grassed Swale 0% 1.21 0.26 Green Roof 50% 1.08 0.15 Level Spreader, Finer Strip 1 40% 1 1.20 0.15 Permeable Pavement' 0% 144 0.39 Sand Filter 5% 0.92 0.14 Water Harvesting us er defined 1.08 0.15 Wet Detention Pond 10% 1.01 0.11 WetlaM 20% 1.08 0.12 it creating commercial paromg lo, t P eItl,,nt concentration=U.lb mg/L amp #1 amp #2 BMP#3 I bycordrBwtiplicatchment(s).) no no no no no no no no no no Area treated no no Area treated Area Treated by BMP #2 that is by BMP #3 that is by BMP not treated by BMP not treated by BMPS (ft') #1 #1 or 42 (ft') (ftz) I t _ _.' — I 10,949 242,001 0 0 242,001 33,542 727,562 0 0 727,562 644,785 _ -- - 0 0 644,785 i=IF! 0 ------------- - - - - -- CATCHMENT6 amp 91 BMP 02 BMP#3 Area treated Area treated Area Treated by BMP #2 that Is by BMP 93 that is by BMP not treated by BMP not treated by BMP, (ft') #1 #1.r #2 (ft) (ft:) Total Land Use Area Treated By All BMPS Ift'1 862,76] 368,0]4 447,436 0 0 136,]60 _ 0 6,992 - _.. 0.. _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 —__ 0 _.. .. _ 0 0 0 — . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 — - -4 - _. 0 0 0 87,660 0 0 0 0 Allowable Total Land use Area to be Treated Based on Post -Dev. Areas (ft') 862,]67 368,0]4 590.366 p0 0 0 0 ,ETgM 0 177,303 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.... _.. _ 00- _. 0 0 0 0 0 0 8],660 WATERSHED SUMMARY Ver2.0 - REGION: TOTAL DEVELOPMENT AREA (ft`): Percent Impervious ( %) Annual Runoff Volume (c.f.) Total Nitrogen EMC (mg /L) Total Nitrogen Loading (lb /ac /yr) Total Phosphorus EMC (mg /L) Total Phosphorus Loading (lb /ac /yr) Percent Difference Between: 3. Development Summary Development: the EDGE Prepared By: 1.E., El Date: Mav 23. 2014 Piedmont 2,222,931 Pre - Development Conditions Post - Development Conditions 1.5% 65.5% 536,481 5,376,854 1.56 1.34 1.02 8.84 0.31 0.25 0.20 1.68 BMP SUMMARY Ver2.0 BMP1 Pre -Dev. & Pre - Development & Volume Reduction TN Pond Post -Dev. without BMPs Post - Development with BMPs Percent Impervious ( %) 5.56 - 64% 64% Annual Runoff Volume (c.f.) 670,200 902% 806% Total Nitrogen EMC (mg /L) 10% -14% -32% Total Nitrogen Loading (lb /ac /yr) (mg /L) 765% 513% Total Phosphorus EMC (mg /L) 1.00 -18% -58% Total Phosphorus Loading (lb /ac /yr) 10.00 725% 283% 'Negative percent difference values indicate a decrease in runoff volume, pollutant concentration or pollutant loading. Positive values indicate an increase. BMP SUMMARY Ver2.0 Catchment Outflow Nitrogen EMC (mg /L) Catchment Outflow 6I6 Total Nitrogen (lb /ac /yr) S Percent Reduction in Nitrogen Load ( %) i Catchment Outflow Phosphorus EMC (mg /L) Catchment Outflow Total Phosphorus(Ib /ac /yr) Percent Reduction in Phosphorus Load (% CATCHMENT 1 CATCHMENT 2 BMP2 BMP3 BMP1 BMP2 BMP3 BMP1 CATCH MENT 6 BMP1 BMP2 BMP3 I° Wet Deten Volume Reduction TN Pond Total Area Treated Post - Development w/ BMPs (ac) i. 5.56 - Total Inflow Volume (mg /L) (c.f.) 670,200 Percent Volume Reduced 0.95 ( %) 10% Inflow Nitrogen EMC (mg /L) 4,860,023 1.33 Total Inflow Nitrogen 1.00 0.12 1 (lb /ac /yr) 1111} without IWS 10.00 Inflow Phosphorus EMC 1.06 I (mg /L) 0% 0.253 Total Inflow Phosphorus 6.26 Grassed Swale • (lb /ac /yr) 1.21 1.91 d BMP Outflow Green Roof v, Nitrogen (Ibs /ac /yr) 7.07 p BMP Outflow Phosphorus(lbs /ac /yr) 0.87 j Catchment Outflow Nitrogen EMC (mg /L) Catchment Outflow 6I6 Total Nitrogen (lb /ac /yr) S Percent Reduction in Nitrogen Load ( %) i Catchment Outflow Phosphorus EMC (mg /L) Catchment Outflow Total Phosphorus(Ib /ac /yr) Percent Reduction in Phosphorus Load (% CATCHMENT 1 CATCHMENT 2 BMP2 BMP3 BMP1 BMP2 BMP3 CATCHMENT 3 BMP1 BMP2 BMP3 ention Pond L4.80 99,371 f, 10% 1.34 L0.16 ).254 -- -- 1.93 - - 7.13 0.88 - - -- ! -- 7.26 -- -- -- 0.89 -- -- BMPI Wet Deter Pond 6.78 798,37£ 10% 1.33 9.80 0.253 1.86 6.90 0.85 I Return to Instructions Return to Watershed Characteristics Return to BMP Characteristics Print Summary LA I t.H M EN 1 4 BMP2 ion ---- ---- -I BMP VOLUME REDUCTIONS /EFFLUENT CONCENTRATIONS CATCH MENT 6 BMP1 BMP2 BMP3 I° Volume Reduction TN Effluent Concen.: TP Effluent Concen. Post - Development w/ BMPs N (mg /L) (mg /L) 65.5% BWSetention with 50% 0.95 0.12 4,860,023 Bioretention 35% 1.00 0.12 without IWS 1.06 Dry Detention Pond 0% 1.20 0.20 6.26 Grassed Swale 0% 1.21 0.26 0.13 Green Roof 50% 1.08 0.15 Level Spdr, Filter 0.78 Strip 40% 1.20 0.15 Permeable Pavement* 0% 1.44 0.39 Post -Dev without BMPs & Post -Dev with BMPs Sand Filter 5% 0.92 0.14 0% Water Harvesting user defined 1.08 0.15 -10% -21% -- Wet Detention Pond 10% 1.01 0.11 -29% -49 Wetland 20% 1.08 0.12 -54% 'if treating commercial parking lot, TP effluent concentration = 0.16 mg /L CATCHMENT 3 BMP1 BMP2 BMP3 ention Pond L4.80 99,371 f, 10% 1.34 L0.16 ).254 -- -- 1.93 - - 7.13 0.88 - - -- ! -- 7.26 -- -- -- 0.89 -- -- BMPI Wet Deter Pond 6.78 798,37£ 10% 1.33 9.80 0.253 1.86 6.90 0.85 I Return to Instructions Return to Watershed Characteristics Return to BMP Characteristics Print Summary LA I t.H M EN 1 4 BMP2 ion ---- ---- -I ! CATCHM ENT 5 BMP3 _ BMP1 BMP2 8MP3 - I CATCH MENT 6 BMP1 BMP2 BMP3 I° \\ § � u \ \ ) \ § § 0 k 0 u j \\ ±/ $ $ \ $ / / 7 7 7 7 f f f / aj \ 0 \ \ \ \ / / / / J J J 3 ƒ \ ) ) 3 3 2 § ® § \ ( 2 a Q 4 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , » \ \ \ \ \ \ \J a » 5 5 ) — \ \ & c $ Gw> 5 e u§G . f \ \ - /$& ® [ &