HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-06806_Well Construction - GW1_20220715 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far Imuna![lse ONLY: M&fom cmnbeusafarsmgkar=A*lc- v% 1.Well Contractor Informa t io n: lE4�WNAtSRTire Dt 7iON t Welt cowmactorName Iv R AW lk I *-t fe R R j NCWcUConaacOmrCcrdficafianNambv If'ODffiCGISIIVG far Iei eaweIIe OR311WEH FROM 7O I DIAMETER lw� MUM" CampanyNamc I&BOUMCA.SMORTUBIIVG ). FROM I DIAM UM A IKKNIUM IMATERIAL 2.welt Constraetion Permir(I: 3 7 VOZ -f R 6� R t�" .5 uc-ill a {0 VC LwaffoRII-M-ffp-n&re-a-*,,s�wolf=Igerraa�eta) . O 3.well use(dtedcwa am): 17.St BEPa1 watersop*wem "am TO I DIAnlsres I IWWsM I MH[CraOss MA'[M ML DAffieultmal 17munieipaVPnblie R d R " h 3,0 5 5 DGoodomal(SeatinWCooUggSupply) ORed-ventialWaterSLVpl9 R fc hL I. MdusftkMCbmmevcid 9I a dcudd WhWSuppty(sb,,,,l) MCMUr MtoM 10 liA'IFHW. EMeu MaM>:1soD&AMOMIF Non-WaterSapply Well:-_ Q R fL hYep' C�; DMonilcubg DRecovely IDjeetion Wdk R R OA4adbrRecge MmundvrrAcrRemedialion 19 SANDrGRAVELPACK d FROM IM MATEMML i, 17APLACEDIMWMF3HOD []Aquifer Storage and Recavay Dsal®ty Basler R 2— R D bt OAgwferTed OStorMwaberDMimge ILR DExpedmental Technology USubddatce Cmdrol -' �"ZDsDRII.LINGhOG addRiamisbeasif DGeothamal(Closed Loop) OTlacer FROM To D17C17oN CgIm son M* saGac. 13Gseot ennal(FIeatmd/Coolmg Relum) []O[her(ewlain tmdw#21 Remarks) v R Zd R --1'0 12 4.Date Wd1(s)Completed: -f 6-ZZWdl HW 20 R - 0 R �K24G. `lam M t2 R R �. Sa Wdl Location: ' " � �l tM a,.[ ►�n l� �s R R Czf FaeiGtylOwnff ��L�.tt- IQtLA++l/�C a�31 R R• ��Pd,qedAdd—,%01%-dTp 2LRENURMS CU-W PMCdU O ifiC8d=KCL(PRE Sb Latitndeandldeindegloes/minutes/setondsordeeimaldeghxs: 2y d� (dwenfald,aoelatlloagissuSeimt) ! i 71U)j pp(iC�. ii 1G li�i N 79'° 3o D w sigoaaneofCa6fiedwcIlCmtracmr Date 6.Is(are)thetvsll(sX GC ielthaanent Or []Temporary gysigtf g dgsjbm I hem by ca*tlxa ncc a d!(s)urn(ram cm r mmd w aaewdm w - - vt&ISR KCAC 02C.0I00 or ISA PCAC 62C-OZW Weff Canstraaron Stm nlv&and that a 7.Is thin a rep2h tome eaistmgwd@ Dyes or acpy ofdtirr morel h�bempmvfded m thewell oimer Ifther is a npalr,fell oat bm�m xe/I a�sarrMmn itfmmatlon mrd esp/aFn the rmaoe of the tepafrrmder�2l nemmirsemmtoran thebadrofthlsform 23.Site diagram oraddhfioual wetldetar7s You may use the back of this page to provide well site detahls or well 8.Number ofvte&eonstmcte: I conshuction detals You may alsv attach aWitkmi pages ifneoessmy- Form0pleAvkahwarnan-u%mrsippryadkOALYwandwsame a�Pmcan =hm tMx fOnM -I SUBMITYAL EMUCTIONS 9 Totalwell depth belowland surfer r/�i (fk) 24a For AN We1[v: Submit this fo m within 30 days of completion of well Fornmfapleuv&fin affdgAF#W u(--Wle-3@200'md2QIW) congnictiontothefollowiog: j i 10.Static water level belaw top ofeasDhg: 39 (R) DivtdonofWatwResouYce%h&rmad=Pmcessi gUnto Ifwaarfevel isobmeaadng roe^�^ 1617 Man Service Ce�Ral igh�NC27699-1617 1l.Borehole diameter. I` hn.) 24b.For Infection Wells ONLY: lit addition to sending the fomh to d o address in f 24aabove,also submit a copy of diiS#funn within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction memod: r&Lila cmukuction to the following: fh (Le--a-.rotary,calkdiradpasb,cte) Division of WaterResomees,Undagmand lujecfion Conhvl ProgrAin, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELTS ONLY: 1636 Mal Service Cer tt4 RddgL,NC27099-1636 On.Ydd(gpm) dS Math"oft+esh AOM% 24c.For Water Snpplg&lniecfion Wells: pll�� ' I Also submit one copy of this foam`within 30 daysofcompletionof 13b.Disinfection type. Amount to the county heaUhj depuimeat of the oo®ty wham coustnictedL EamsGW l NaAhCmofmal?gmemmtofEnvuanmrut=dN=aalRemm=-Diviw=arWarer ,I RevisedAoeosr2013