HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-06801_Well Construction - GW1_20220715 Jan.'29. 2018 10:58AM Env. Health No. 6711 P. 1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD LOW-1) F.or Internal Use Only: ! i 1.W 1 Cootracto IDtOrmatlo bziswdTB9:7U14SS -------------------- --- -- _ --- �.__�;.a:rm,_�_.x:_•Le..r_.e.,....x:_m..z.��.w "E.:z:;-:�'c�'er WdlContractorName Aim To DESCRIPTION NC ell Coatracof Cettifirauon Number y D it. Al.S ft' S� G ' OI11E1rCASIbiG:f6irinidtFeiiaid>"vvclls:Ok1;1NElt f- 'Iii5r0lE .:.et''�R:" FROM I TO DIAMETER I THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. 1 . k-d PVC; Co a .16INNERCAS1PIii`U1tTUDIIKC?"'1hiWnidl:do"iid=roc'.�+ +tst�r=i'' '_ 2.Well Construction permit#: FROM I To I 01AMRr'MR THICID1Et.9 MATEtWL /,{garlapplirnblewdltmumreNo7rpemrturya.WC,Cormry.Smre.Variance.etc)' h in. 3.Well Use(checklvell use): jAgricultural terSupplyWell: DIAMETER iaLOTSIZE Tn[CKNPSS MATERIAL QMunicipalftblic 0 ft. it,eothermal(HeatingfCooling Supply) sidenGal Water Supply(single) n ILdustrial/Commerciai [3Resideatial Water Supply(shared)ri lion FROM TO~ MATERIAL . UIPIACEMERTMEMOD&AMOUNT Non.Waier Supply Wall tr. Q rr. ,ni I' t.N r VA nt, Monitoring ❑Recavery D. ft. 1 i; ICG ection Well: h ft. quifer Recharge QGroundwater Remediation' quifer$torage and Recovery DSalinityBarrier 4'RO.'tt TO M IAL ATER EMPIACI±AWbUrHOD quiferTest [)StormwaterDrainagexperimental Technology Subsidence Control toC: l"a"ah'ecthermal(Closed Loop) C)Tmcer s zOrp IING3 b aiaddltic)—mi:ebieHT.�` FROM - TO oucawrloY taeathcmraI(Heating/C41i4gRethm other ex lainunder#21Remarks 4.Dart Well(s)Completed: °� Well IN Sa.Well Locations �QGFd llal-l-eZ J 7!�rol,?7 ,� Facl (iw We<Name Faeli(ylDlf(if 1pylicabls) 'i' a "t a im Physical Address,City,-aa p fa M " 0 r. 9 County Pntcel identificarian No.(PIN) cf3��s I}t�i'�( [Air, — ' � �1illlL"�i:9 �L7 Sh.Latitude and lougitude in degreeslminutestseconds or decimal degrees: c (irwell field,ON lad long is sufficient) 21 Certification. ���// 6.Is(are)The well(s)JOPermenent or OTemporary Sipanaeo enifiedWellCounctor Dato By rigdag this fart{I hereby eera)y thar the irell(s)um(mere)corutercred h)acconlonce 7.Is This a repair to oo a fisting well: E)Yes or ONo wid,11I NCAC 02C.0100 or l3A NCAC 02C.0200 WB11 CoArinwrion Markley&and that a ((this Is or repaM fNl out ltrown wdt eaatrrucrioa hfarmarion and erploDt the naatre afthe eepy ofrhrs eve id has beenpror9de4 ro;fhewell owner. repmr ursder 021 immrlr section or on the backofrhlsform.. 21 Site diagram or additional well details: 8.For,GeoprobdDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the some You maymso the beck of this page,to provide additional wsli site details or well construction,only I GW-1 is needed. hidicato TOTAL NUMBBR ofwelis consruction details.You may also'agach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SMfiTTALINSTRUCT ONS' 9,Total well depth below land surface: (Ct.} Farm,daplewerh60 all AwAs;140renr(er-Ple:3@21V'akd2&V) cons For All Wells; Submit this'form witoiH 30 days of completion of wall construction to the following: 10.Static hater level below top o[easiDg: (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit ffwarerlevel ttabaecaring use"+^ 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter.— _(In.) yob,For Inleellon Wells: In Addition to sending the fbnuio the address in z4a above,also submit one copy of ills ibml wilhin 30 days of completion of well 12.Well c ay.cable. .c method: �� _ N 1 construction to the following: (.a eager,mtary,cable,dues pu.:i�eta) � I Division of Wafer Resources,Underground Injeedon Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: %36 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 t. 13a.Yield(gym) G Method of test: 24e.For Water 9unnly&Iniceltori Wefis: In addition'to sending the form to ft address(es)obove, also submit one-copy of ibis form within 30 days of i3b.Disinfection type: Amount. completion of weft construction to the county health depamnent of the county where constructed. FormGW-1 Nesth C=fizmDq=tment ofFAvimmaearal Quality-Division of Water Rcsomeesi Revisod 2 22-201d: