HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181598_CP 4A Meeting Packet_20140806 US 70 Havelock Bypass Craven County TIP Project No. R-1015 Informational Packet for Concurrence Point 4a (Minimization) Section 404 / NEPA Interagency Team Meeting August 20, 2014 US 70 HAVELOCK BYPASS CONCURRENCE POINT 4A CRAVEN COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA SECTION 404/NEPA INTERAGENCY MERGER PROCESS TEAM MEETING TIP PROJECT NO.R-1015 August 20,2014 PAGE 1 OF 8 Agenda 1. Meeting Purpose and Agenda 2. Project Orientation 3. Merger Process Status 4. Actions from Previous Meetings 5. Preliminary Design Description 6. Summary of Avoidance & Minimization Measures to Date 7. Hydraulic Structure Recommendations (CP 2A) 8. Updated Wetland Impact Calculations 9. Stream &Wetland Impacts 10. Minimization (CP 4A) Discussion 11. Next Steps 12. Summary &Action Items Exhibits Exhibit 1 Vicinity Map Exhibit 2a-d LEDPA & Environmental Features on Aerial Mapping Merger Process A timeline of major project milestones and previous agency and merger team meetings is listed in Table 1. Table 1: Havelock Bypass (R-1015) Project Milestones May 14, 1993 1St Steering Committee Meeting (project approach & scoping) October 19, 1994 2nd Steering Committee Meeting (Improve Exist, Alt. 1, Alt 2) December 19, 1995 3 d Steering Committee Meeting (added Alt. 3) February 14, 1996 4th Steering Committee Meeting (Drop Imp. Exist, retain Alts 1-3) December 18, 1996 5th Steering Committee Meeting (LEDPA—Alt. 3) December 16, 1999 Merger Team Meeting (preliminary alignment approval) April 20, 2000 Merger Team Field Meeting (bridging decisions) January 18, 2001 Merger Team Meeting (CP 4 avoidance & minimization) June 20, 2002 Merger Team Meeting (CP 413 30% hydraulic plans) April 10, 2012 Merger Team Meeting (CP3 Re-affirmed) US 70 HAVELOCK BYPASS CONCURRENCE POINT 4A CRAVEN COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA SECTION 404/NEPA INTERAGENCY MERGER PROCESS TEAM MEETING TIP PROJECT NO.R-1015 August 20,2014 PAGE 2OF8 Action Items Identified at April 10, 2012 CP3 (revisited) Meeting Below is a summary of action items identified at the April 10, 2012 CP3(r) meeting. Resolution of these action items is described in detail in the CP3(r) meeting summary: • Traffic Forecasting & Capacity Analysis— Request for clarification of analysis. Status: Expanded description of analysis to be included in FEIS. • Red-cockaded Woodpecker- Request for clarification of effects. Status: Updated description of effects to be included in FEIS. • Hickman Hill Convenience Center - Request for continued coordination with local area. NCDOT has initiated continued coordination with Craven County. Status: Resolution will be addressed during right-of-way acquisition phase. • Stream Mitigation— Request for clarification on mitigation of stream impacts. Status: Question resolved via reference to "Croatan Mitigation Bank Addendum to the NCDOT UMBI (May 2009)." (Pages 9 and 10). • Bridge Lengths — Bridge length recommendations have been clarified and are described in this packet. • Corridor 2 Relocations — Requested review of Corridor 2 relocation to investigate possibility of minimizing. Status: Additional design review and coordination between NCDOT and USACE was conducted. It was determined that the Lake Road interchange configuration and location could not be altered sufficiently to avoid the relocations as reported. Alternative 3 (LEDPA) Preliminary Design The Preliminary Design for the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (LEDPA) is shown in Exhibit 2a-d overlain on aerial photography. The LEDPA is a four-lane highway that is divided by a 46-foot depressed median. The controlled-access facility extends from just south of Lewis Farm Road on existing US 70 to south of McCotter Boulevard on US 70, and is approximately 10.3 miles long. The preliminary design includes interchanges at the north and south termini with existing US 70 and at Lake Road (SR 1756). The horizontal alignment matches the preliminary design and corridor hearing map with the exception of the proposed railroad bridge clearances and the paved shoulder width. The preliminary design included 27-foot bridge clearances over existing railroads in three locations: two over the North Carolina Railroad, and one over the Camp Lejeune Railroad. In the design, all three of these crossings have been lowered to provide 23-feet of vertical clearance. The three railroad bridges are all adjacent to proposed interchanges. Thus, reducing the proposed clearance also reduces the footprint of the bridge approaches and the immediately adjacent segments of the interchange ramps and side roads. US 70 HAVELOCK BYPASS CONCURRENCE POINT 4A CRAVEN COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA SECTION 404/NEPA INTERAGENCY MERGER PROCESS TEAM MEETING TIP PROJECT NO.R-1015 August 20,2014 PAGE 3 OF 8 The currently proposed shoulders associated with the preliminary design are 12-feet wide with 10-feet of pavement. Avoidance & Minimization to Date The Detailed Study Alternative designated as Alternative 3 was selected as the LEDPA in December of 1996 and then reaffirmed by the Merger Team in April of 2012. The alignment of Alternative 3 was designed to avoid or minimize impacts to the human and natural environments to the extent possible including the City of Havelock, Marine Corps Air Station — Cherry Point, streams, wetlands, and RCW clusters on National Forest System lands. In January of 2001, an Interagency Merger Process Team meeting was held to discuss avoidance and minimization for the LEDPA. The horizontal alignment of the current preliminary design has not changed since the functional design alignment discussed in 2001. Thus, the current LEDPA includes the following minimization measures that were agreed upon by the Interagency Merger Process Team on 1/18/2001: • No ditching in wetlands • 46-foot median • Bridging over the Southwest Prong of Slocum Creek • Bridging over the East Prong of Slocum Creek After the LEDPA selection and following the publication of the 2011 DEIS, NCDOT has coordinated with USFWS and USFS in a continued evaluation of RCW impacts associated with the LEDPA and in accordance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. Based on this evaluation and coordination, which will be described in the FEIS, it was determined that an attempt should be made to reduce the cleared width of the proposed project for a specific section of highway to facilitate RCW activity. Information developed during this coordination directed that a cleared 200-foot width would be the goal in a specific segment of alignment. NCDOT Natural environment section conducted further RCW studies, and in coordination with them NCDOT Roadway Design and Hydraulics Units, revised the roadway cross section to result in a 200-foot cleared width from station 338+00 to station 393+00 (Exhibit 2b). The reduced width was accomplished by re-design of the slopes, but maintains the median and shoulder widths required by the design criteria for this facility. To date, the additional minimization of impacts due to the revised design includes impacts to wetlands (reduction of 9 acres), forested area (reduction of 5.5 acres), and the Southwest Prong Flatwoods Natural Heritage Area (reduction of 1.5 acres). Table 2 shows the updated impacts based on this design revision. US 70 HAVELOCK BYPASS CONCURRENCE POINT 4A CRAVEN COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA SECTION 404/NEPA INTERAGENCY MERGER PROCESS TEAM MEETING TIP PROJECT NO.R-1015 August 20,2014 PAGE 40F8 Table 2: LEDPA Impacts Summary ALTERNATIVE REFINED ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES 3 AT LEPPA PREFERRED DIFFERENCE SELECTION ALTERNATIVE Length (miles) 10.3 10.3 --- Relocations Residential 16 16 --- Businesses 2 2 --- Total Relocations 18 18 --- Minority/Low Income Populations - No No --- Disproportionate Impact Historic Properties (adverse effect) No No --- Community Facilities Impacted No No --- Section 4(f) Impacts No No --- Noise Receptor Impacts 43 43 ' --- Prime Farmlands (acres) 71 71 --- Forested Area (NFS lands)(acres)2 304 (211) 298(205) -6 (6) Wetlands (NFS lands)(acres)2 140 (102) 131 (93) -9(9) *Reflects corrected wetland impact measurements. Refinement at sta 338+00 to 393+00 reduces impact by 1.7 acres. Combined with on-going design changes since 2011,an approximate total of 9 acres of wetland impacts have been further avoided. Streams (NFS lands) (linear feet)2 1 2,505(1,387) 2,948 (1,232) 1 0** —Calculation reflects more defined channel measurement.Actual stream impacts are unchanged in refined alignment. Riparian Buffers (acres) Zone 1 3.1 2.9 Zone 2 1.8 2.0 Total Buffer Impacts 4.9 4.9 --- 100 Year Floodplain and Floodway Impacts (acres) 1.6 1.6 --- CAMA Resources No No --- Federally Protected Species May Affect Not Likely To Adversely Affect --- (1 species)3 Right of Way Cost $10,600,000 TBD Utilities Cost $2,800,000 TBD No substantial Construction Cost $160,000,000 TBD change anticipated Total Cost(in millions) ' TBD 1. The number of build-condition impacts is lower than the number of no-build condition impacts (49) because the proposed bypass will reduce sound levels in some locations and some residences will be taken for right of way. 2. Impact quantities are based on the construction limits of the Preferred Alternative plus an additional 25 feet buffer, in accordance with current NCDOT impact analysis guidelines. Direct impacts are projected to be less than those shown in the table. 3. The proposed project may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect, the red-cockaded woodpecker. USFWS concurrence with this biological conclusion is based,in part,on NCDOT's agreement to allow periodic closures of the Preferred Alternative in order for CNF staff to conduct prescribed burns as management for the RCW. Without this agreement, the USFS would be unable to conduct the necessary prescribed burns in the vicinity of the project thus causing an indirect adverse effect on the RCW US 70 HAVELOCK BYPASS CONCURRENCE POINT 4A CRAVEN COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA SECTION 404/NEPA INTERAGENCY MERGER PROCESS TEAM MEETING TIP PROJECT NO.R-1015 August 20,2014 PAGE 5 OF 8 Hydraulic Structure Recommendations (CP2A) The Detailed Study Alternative designated as Alternative 3 was selected as the LEDPA in Discrepancies in recommended bridge lengths, as listed in the September 6, 2011 DEIS and the June 20, 2002 Avoidance and Minimization (CP4B) meeting minutes, have been previously noted and discussed by the interagency team. Follow up analysis was conducted by NCDOT PDEA and NCDOT Hydraulics Units and documented in an email to the team on July 17, 2012. Details of this coordination are included in the April 10, 2012 Concurrence Point 2A meeting summary. Based on the analysis and verification described above, Table 3 lists the recommended major drainage structures for the LEDPA. Table 3: LEDPA Recommended Hydraulic Structures Stream Recommended Structure Tributary of Tucker Creek Double Box Culvert at 9 'x 7 ' x 384' Southwest Prong of Slocum Creek 925-foot Bridge East Prong of Slocum Creek 1,618-foot Bridge Updated Wetland Impact Calculations A systematic error in the calculation of wetland impacts was discovered subsequent to the publication of the DEIS. The error resulted from conversion/scaling issues in transferring data between GIS and Microstation. The miscalculation resulted in reporting the wetland impacts for each of the Preliminary Alternatives lower than actual measured areas. The conversion error only applied to wetland impacts. Table 4 below shows the difference. Table 4: Wetland Impact Updates After 2011 DEIS Publication Wetland Im acts Reported,in 2011 DEIS and 2012 CP 'Revisited Meeting (acres)', Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Wetland Impacts 109 78 115 Corrected Wetland Im °acts acres Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Wetland Impacts 135 109 140 Change in Reported Impacts,due to Update (acres)' Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Wetland Impacts 1 +26 +31 +25 Note: Impacts based on slope stakes plus 25 feet. Table 4 shows that the reported impacts for each of the alternatives increased from 25-31 acres based on the update. It should be noted that the LEDPA (Alternative 3) showed the highest wetland impacts when originally selected. This has not changed, and its corrected impacts also exhibited the lowest total increase of corrected acreages. For example: selection based on the US 70 HAVELOCK BYPASS CONCURRENCE POINT 4A CRAVEN COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA SECTION 404/NEPA INTERAGENCY MERGER PROCESS TEAM MEETING TIP PROJECT NO.R-1015 August 20,2014 PAGE 6 OF 8 original numbers included consideration that Alternative 3 impacted six acres more than Alternative 1 (a 6% difference). The updated numbers show that Alternative 3 impacts five acres more than Alternative 1 (a 4% difference). Therefore, the corrected wetland acreages (and their impact difference among alternatives) serve to further validate the selection of Alternative 3 as LEDPA. Documentation of this change will be included in the FEIS. Stream & Wetland Impacts Tables 5 and 6 show anticipated stream and wetland impacts associated with the LEDPA. The stream and wetland impact calculations are based on the preliminary design footprint (slope stakes) plus an additional 25 feet. The updated quantities are based on the latest design which incorporates the previously described reduced cross section from station 338+00 to 393+00. US 70 HAVELOCK BYPASS CONCURRENCE POINT 4A CRAVEN COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA SECTION 404/NEPA INTERAGENCY MERGER PROCESS TEAM MEETING TIP PROJECT NO.R-1015 August 20,2014 PAGE 7 OF 8 Table 5 Refined LEDPA Wetland Impacts(w/200-foot width in RCW habitat) WETLAND EXHIBIT DWG! RIPARIAN OR IMPACT WETLAND EXHIBIT QWQ , RIPARIAN©R IMPACT NUMBER # RATING NOWRIPARIAN (AC) NUMBER # RATING NON-RIPARIAN (AC) W1 2d 26 Non-riparian 6.56 W47 2b 66 Non-riparian 0.12 W2 2d 24 Non-riparian 34.41 W48 2b 51 Non-riparian 0.36 W3 2d 24 Non-riparian --- W49 2b 51 Non-riparian 0.14 W4 2d 24 Non-riparian --- W50 2b 51 Non-riparian 2.87 W5 2d 24 Non-riparian --- W51 2b 35 Non-riparian --- W6 2d 24 Non-riparian 6.21 W52 2b 15 Non-riparian --- W7 2c/2d 45 Non-riparian, 21.09 W53 2b 40 Non-riparian --- Riparian W8 2c 20 Non-riparian 2.89 W54 2b 85 Non-riparian --- W9 2c 20 Riparian --- W55 2b 40 Non-riparian --- W10 2c 19 Riparian 2.14 W56 2b 18 Non-riparian --- W11 2c 10 Non-riparian --- W57 2b 18 Non-riparian --- W12 2c 18 Riparian 0.12 W58 2b 41 Non-riparian --- W13 2c 78 Riparian 1.82 W59 2b 63 Non-riparian --- W14 2c 31 Non-riparian --- W60 2b 14 Non-riparian --- W15 2c 22 Non-riparian --- W61 2b 14 Non-riparian --- W16 2c 22 Non-riparian --- W62 2b 38 Non-riparian 1.10 W17 2c 12 Non-riparian --- W63 2b 21 Non-riparian --- W18 2c 40 Riparian --- W64 2b 21 Non-riparian --- W19 2c 26 Riparian --- W65 2b 26 Non-riparian 0.05 W20 2c 21 Riparian --- W66 2b 16 Non-riparian 0.19 W21 2c 21 Riparian --- W67 2b 23 Non-riparian 10.28 W22 2c 26 Riparian --- W68 2b 23 Non-riparian --- W23 2c 13 Non-riparian --- W69 2a/2b 23 Non-riparian 4.78 W24 2c 28 Riparian --- W70 2a 75 Non-riparian 0.88 W25 2c 50 Non-riparian --- W71 2a 75 Non-riparian --- W26 2c 8 Non-riparian --- W72 2a 75 Non-riparian --- W27 2c 89 Riparian --- W73 2a 75 Non-riparian --- W28 2c 10 Non-riparian --- W74 2a 75 Non-riparian --- W29 2c 26 Riparian --- W75 2a 75 Riparian --- W30 2c 26 Non-riparian --- W76 2a 75 Riparian 0.01 W31 2c 8 Non-riparian --- W77 2a 75 Riparian 3.34 W32 2c 60 Non-riparian --- W78 2a 75 Non-riparian --- W33 2c 49 Riparian --- W79 2a 75 Non-riparian --- W34 2c 58 Riparian --- W80 2a 75 Non-riparian --- W35 2c 45 Non-riparian --- W81 2a 75 Non-riparian --- W36 2c 90 Riparian 1.45 W82 2a 75 Non-riparian --- W37 2c 78 Riparian 0.05 W83 2a 75 Non-riparian 7.03 W38 2c 26 Riparian 0.11 W84 2a 45 Riparian --- W39 2c 26 Non-riparian --- W85 2a 45 Non-riparian --- W40 2c 26 Non-riparian --- W86 2a 6 Non-riparian --- W41 2c 26 Non-riparian --- W87 2a 53 Riparian --- W42 2b/2c 51 Non-riparian 3.20 W88 2a 49 Riparian --- W43 2b 51 Non-riparian --- W89 2a 33 Non-riparian --- W44 2b 51 Non-riparian 0.72 W90 2a 27 Non-riparian 1.56 W45 2b 51 Non-riparian 0.96 W91 2a 53 Riparian --- W46 2b 38 Non-riparian --- TOTAL WETLAND IMPACTS 130.93 US 70 HAVELOCK BYPASS CONCURRENCE POINT 4A CRAVEN COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA SECTION 404/NEPA INTERAGENCY MERGER PROCESS TEAM MEETING TIP PROJECT NO.R-1015 August 20,2014 PAGE 8OF8 Table 6 LEDPA Stream and Buffer Impacts STREAM EXHIBIT Bufferimpacts(acres) ISO. # STREAM NAME IMPACT(FEET) (zone 11 zone 2) S1 2d East Prong Slocum Creek --- S2 UT to East Prong Slocum Creek --- S3a UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek --- S3b UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek --- S3c UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek --- S3d UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek --- S4 UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek --- S5 UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek --- S6 2c UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek 575 0.80/0.53 S7 2c UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek 482 0.61 /0.48 S9 2c UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek 593 S10 2c Southwest Prong Slocum Creek --- S11 UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek --- S12 Southwest Prong Slocum Creek --- S13 Black Swam --- S14a UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek --- S14b UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek --- S15 Black Swam --- S16a UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek --- S16b UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek --- S17 Southwest Prong Slocum Creek --- S18a UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek --- S18b UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek --- S19a 2c UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek 212 0.27/0.18 S19b 2c UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek 129 0.17/0.10 S20a 2c UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek 34 0.04/0.03 S20b 2c UT to SW Prong Slocum Creek 32 S21 UT to Black Swam --- S22 2a Tucker Creek 662 0.75/0.50 S23 2a UT to Tucker Creek 229 0.26/0.18 S24 UT to Tucker Creek --- S25 UT to Tucker Creek --- S26 UT to Tucker Creek --- S27 UT to Tucker Creek --- S28 UT to Tucker Creek --- S29 UT to Goodwin Creek --- S30a Tucker Creek --- S30b Tucker Creek --- S30c Tucker Creek --- TOTAL IMPACTS 2,948 2.90/2.00 Calculated based on slope stake limits plus an additional 25 feet to each side. e v iv„m✓'✓!?vvM f, �� Nerase N�avar y yo r II P^� � IIIIU ui II� I m""u' r Cm�t�a 1�lia4i�rrral�ar�st �� ��' ua ��✓ �� ���' li/✓u)�'� „,P� dli Zj NVSN army 8aunt � � � � �r"✓� 1r��l r M �✓ i�� � MV ,� u'i �Illlllllllllllllllllllllp ;I� ,� r/r r 9 y Iluui i uIIViIP��m(huuuuuuuuuuuuu iu uuuuulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllullllll u i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIU`IIIIIIII IVu18Yl°�VI ����� �aaa��ta�,t � � ����uul I' °"�� .V�!�VVV! 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I M I ,r PI � I II Ir II �I ����/ �✓ //r� �, I ass 11 p r Y� �fYU���,I ii it ii IIIIh��J �/� I�,II 1�kVlUldlulil eta. 338+00 �o Sta. �����a 1 rr 1 r. WU a�fa�3 / Redesign to rnunNrnuze RCvV habitat y v a � 1 / r fragmentation effects. CAF 12-44R) � Reduced slopes from 3.1 to .1 and Reduced ROW from 250, to 200 feet / IF 11 -15 r I ,I r y �Isir v r/ �gIv,n " d 1�/r 0 � ✓ � Ir i � '� � JJ r�tw/�rnl I l / I Wetland �l I Streams r� �I r I Fu _. .d,:.�: Slope Stake Lines Transition / ... M,,,. Io�e take Line � I I Proposed ROW Ling Southwest Prong F�N, twcod (Significant Natural Heritage Area) Craatn National Fret N CW Foraging Areas (f vu Jurisdictional ''maters m�,um�wa p. US 70, Havelock Bypass LEI PA is Craven County, North Carolina Slope Stake Lines plus " � "IP Neu. �-141� Scale: 1'" 1000' Exhibit 2b ............... ...... "I........... AM// 06 igth of Bridges over So Dng of Slocum Creek ff Legend Wetlands Streams Cut ............ RH ..... . Slope Stake Lines Transition Slope Stake Lines Plus 25 feet Boundary Proposed ROW Line Southwest Prong Flatwoods (Significant Natural Heritage Area) Groatan National Forest RCW Foraging Areas Jurisdictional Waters US 70, Havelock Bypass LEDPA Craven County, North Carolina Slope Stake Lines plus 25' S�cale: 1 1000' STIP No. R-1015 Exhibit 2c .............. �v f a,r,. // .� n,,,, / /r, w✓ ` " ,i r- rl a ,r o„ t,/,/ r r / ' � u ,.,r,//„ /..,,,. ,,,,:" � r... YW r ?,W""', � „�✓I'/ r,,, �i ,. w�rv, ...,t,/ ,r o I, /;9i`.. rl V n r I I r i ! l I r � / r r s / I n4 ,. r, ,.r UW 'MI � ',� ✓, r '"`N'r ,. I ,,, /.. n' e N7 ,r � ,a''". am°^° ,,,.,rw'.., ',. 1 r ti l r / r / I r r r r / I F il ,. x x / , r � � y I r r r Y ri I r / ro / / d I r e I I� _k ,,.; ,,..,a ,, x�' ,i T/. 0� ,r.i::ln. , ., "..,r µ,,., 'rriry � r ,,,.,,,1 /,r,✓ / / dV ll I r r , r 1 l W,lr I w,�Wr ,,.„ h��ppll .,.. „9 .C%,, :, :.,r»✓W,� ;: :. r:' '� H d ,,, ,, r r , r 1 � r ! X zr ( Y >� r r I {IIII�FJId F. r� 1 ! / , ci P r �, Wwmm { �` � e ,//,,y 1 IOW,'''/,7I ,�” /. W y/. , n1,Urrp,, II iv✓ p I� "� I' Y I I r s a � r I G r Y r, I I J, r I r , OF„ I I I I Y �I I I Y , L I l I k r I / i Ir Y 6 d� I N I u III , 1 / d � sro y J r 1 l � y f / , � G r r , / I � / r / /,r,r r f,Len 9 thl efi ridges over �Prong Ie��m Creek I / / 1, / 1 >✓ r r 1 r I I Y / "/, ,�, � l 1 /r��S✓� 1 v t 1 r r / l w�r� r r 1 / I / r I / � I r / I f I L / J , I r, f v: 1 II 1 r � I I / p / 1 1 / r I r I I I I , r I P / 1 r ,.I � V / I t I i 1r 1 rfi„ r l / r � J , r l re r / 1 f 1 d , ,f r � , y , � 1 II / r r I I r r I r I 1 1 I , o r/ / r r. o r I c I J , I Legend r ! I r ( r I I J 1 1 / J � , r, l � / ! r r r r w✓ / 1 I I , ( / 1 I ' rr, / l / / Wetlands l � I � I � rr � 1 1 r r l � I l Streams / l r � r , I 1 I, , I r 1 f , Fu Slope Lines l r I r t l / i I � r l Transition Alta Make Ling; r f / r FEW r / 0 Plus feet Boundary y 1 y N Proposed ROW Line j } P Southwest Prong Flatrccd (Significant Natural Heritage Area) i r � / I i I' I Cra t�n National Forest � J � f r � / � 1 r l � J r I t / ( r I I I rI I � Jl I 1r I Foraging Areas I I I ( I I / r II f I I i I I ( I 1 I 1 I J 1 U: ,Jurisdictional Water's US 70, Havelock Bypass LEaP, *G Craven County, North Carolina ,Slope Stake Dines plus , STIP No. R-1015 Scale: 1°" = 1 000' Exhibit 2d